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## How many % of online magazines are using Cloudflare?
The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/magazines/index.shtml) of online magazines.
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## Agriculture & Gardening
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Agriweek | https://www.agriweek.com/ | No |
| Agronomy | https://www.ejpau.media.pl/ | No |
| Australian Grapegrower & Winemaker | https://winetitles.com.au/ | Yes |
| Balochi | https://www.balochi.org/ | No |
| Farm Machinery Locator | https://www.farmmachinerylocator.co.uk/ | Yes |
| Gazeta de Agricultura | https://www.gazetadeagricultura.info/ | No |
| Haus & Garten | https://www.haus.de/ | Yes |
| Koneviesti | https://www.viestilehdet.fi/ | No |
| Krestyanskiye Vedomosti | https://kvedomosti.ru/ | Yes |
| Maaseudun Tulevaisuus | https://www.maaseuduntulevaisuus.fi/ | No |
| Metsälehti | https://www.metsalehti.fi/ | No |
| Mundo Agropecuario | https://mundoagropecuario.com/ | No |
| Pellervo | https://pellervo.fi/ | No |
| Successful Farming | https://www.agriculture.com/ | No |
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## Animals
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| All Animals Magazine | https://www.humanesociety.org/ | Yes |
| Animal Fair | https://www.animalfair.com/ | No |
| Animal Wellness | https://www.animalwellnessmagazine.com/ | No |
| Aquarium Hobbyist | https://www.aquariumhobbyistmagazine.com/ | No |
| Australian Birdkeeper | https://www.birdkeeper.com.au/ | Yes |
| Australian Dog Lover | https://www.australiandoglover.com/ | No |
| Bird Watching | https://www.birdwatchingdaily.com/ | Yes |
| Catster | https://www.catster.com/ | No |
| City Dog | https://www.citydogmagazine.com/ | Yes |
| Coastal Angler | https://coastalanglermag.com/ | Yes |
| Discover Wildlife | https://www.discoverwildlife.com/ | No |
| Dogs Life | https://www.dogslife.com.au/ | No |
| iFish | https://www.ifishmagazine.com/ | No |
| Modern Dog | https://moderndogmagazine.com/ | No |
| National Wildlife | https://www.nwf.org/ | No |
| Pet Publishing | https://www.petpublishing.com/ | No |
| Reptiles Magazine | https://www.reptilesmagazine.com/ | No |
| The Total Rottweiler Magazine | https://www.totalrottweilermagazine.com/ | No |
| Wildlife Control Technology | https://www.wctech.com/ | No |
| World Wildlife | https://www.worldwildlife.org/ | Yes |
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## Architecture, Construction & Design
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Archeyes | https://www.archeyes.com/ | Yes |
| ArchiNed | https://www.archined.nl/ | No |
| ArchiNet | https://www.archinet.de/ | No |
| Archis Magazine | https://www.archis.org/ | No |
| Architects Journal | https://www.architectsjournal.co.uk/ | No |
| Architectual Record | https://www.architecturalrecord.com/ | No |
| Architecture + Interiors | https://www.archpresspk.com/ | No |
| Architecture Today | https://www.architecturetoday.co.uk/ | No |
| Architect | https://www.architectmagazine.com/ | No |
| Architonic | https://www.architonic.com/ | No |
| Australian Building News | https://hia.com.au/ | No |
| BauArt | https://www.bauart.ch/ | No |
| Canadian Architect | https://www.canadianarchitect.com/ | Yes |
| Casa Lux | https://www.casalux.ro/ | Yes |
| Construction & Maintenance | https://nestor.minsk.by/ | No |
| Contract Design | https://www.contractdesign.com/ | Yes |
| Design Build Magazine | https://www.designbuildmagazine.com/ | No |
| Design Intelligence | https://www.di-mediagroup.com/ | No |
| Dodge Data & Analytics | https://www.construction.com/ | No |
| Earthmoving Equipment Magazine | https://www.earthmovers-magazine.com.au/ | Yes |
| Engineering News Record | https://www.enr.com/ | No |
| Face Flavor | https://www.faceflavor.com/ | No |
| Fine Homebuilding | https://www.finehomebuilding.com/ | Yes |
| Frame | https://www.frameweb.com/ | No |
| Hinge | https://www.hinge.hk/ | No |
| Icon | https://www.iconeye.com/ | Yes |
| Interiors + Sources | https://www.isdesignet.com/ | No |
| Metropolis | https://www.metropolismag.com/ | Yes |
| Modern Building Services | https://www.modbs.co.uk/ | No |
| New Hampshire Home | https://www.nhhomemagazine.com/ | No |
| Nordic Journal of Architectural Research | https://arkitekturforskning.nu/ | No |
| Ontario Construction News | https://ontarioconstructionnews.com/ | No |
| Rakennuslehti | https://www.rakennuslehti.fi/ | No |
| The Architectual Review | https://www.architectural-review.com/ | No |
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## Arts, Literature & Music
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Academy of Special Dreams | https://www.specialacademy.org/ | No |
| Achyae | https://www.achyae.com/ | Yes |
| Airplay 360 | https://www.airplay360.com/ | No |
| Architecture Design Art | https://adapk.com/ | No |
| Art Chowder | https://artchowder.com/ | No |
| Art Monaco Magazine | https://www.artmonacomagazine.com/ | No |
| ArtVoice | https://artvoice.com/ | No |
| Audiation Magazine | https://www.audiationmagazine.com/ | Yes |
| Backstage | https://www.backstage.com/ | Yes |
| Beat | https://beat.com.au/ | No |
| Berlin Art Link | https://www.berlinartlink.com/ | No |
| Blackstar | https://www.blackstar.com/ | Yes |
| Blesok | https://blesok.mk/ | No |
| Books | https://www.books.fr/ | No |
| CAP&Design | https://capdesign.se/ | No |
| City Code | https://www.citycodemag.com/ | No |
| Comparative Literature & Culture | https://clcwebjournal.lib.purdue.edu/ | No |
| Contemporary Literary Review India | https://www.literaryjournal.in/ | No |
| Creative India Mag | https://www.creativeindiamag.com/ | No |
| CultureCult | https://culturecult.co.in/ | No |
| DC Metro Theater Arts | https://www.dcmetrotheaterarts.com/ | No |
| Differentemente | https://www.differentemente.info/ | No |
| Diseñoy Decoracion | https://dyd.com.ar/ | No |
| Dodging The Rain | https://dodgingtherain.wordpress.com/ | No |
| Estonian Art | https://estinst.ee/ | No |
| FanFaire | https://www.ffaire.com/ | No |
| Florence is You! | https://www.florenceisyou.com/ | No |
| Folkerie | https://www.folkerie.com/ | No |
| Freenepal | https://www.freenepal.com/ | Yes |
| Gramophone | https://www.gramophone.co.uk/ | No |
| Guwahatian | https://guwahatian.guwahaticity.in/ | No |
| Hatpakha | https://hatpakha.com/ | Yes |
| Hayden's Magazine | https://haydensm.com/ | No |
| Hipermedula.org | https://hipermedula.org/ | No |
| Humo | https://www.humo.be/ | No |
| Jamaican View | https://www.jamaicanview.com/ | No |
| Jammerzine | https://www.jammerzine.com/ | Yes |
| Jankriti International Magazine | https://www.jankriti.com/ | No |
| Jazz-square | https://jazzquad.ru/ | No |
| Kinema | https://kinema.com/ | No |
| Kuya Magazine | https://kuya.cbjamaica.com/ | No |
| Litera 13 | https://www.litera13.ro/ | No |
| Miss Babs | https://www.babswinn.com/ | No |
| Modern Tango World | https://www.moderntangoworld.com/ | No |
| Mount Dela | https://mountdela.com/ | No |
| Murder Dog Magazine | https://www.murderdoginternational.com/ | No |
| Musitrature | https://www.musitrature.com/ | No |
| Neo Soul Cafe | https://www.neosoulcafe.com/ | No |
| New Jersey Stage | https://www.newjerseystage.com/ | No |
| Novos Livros | https://www.novoslivros.pt/ | No |
| Observatorul | https://www.observatorul.com/ | No |
| Opera | https://www.opera.co.uk/ | No |
| Photo | https://www.photo.fr/ | No |
| Playbill | https://www.playbill.com/ | No |
| Pressenet | https://www.pressenet.info/ | No |
| Puerto Rico Art News | https://www.puertoricoartnews.com/ | No |
| Rhythm Passport | https://www.rhythmpassport.com/ | Yes |
| Rolling Stone | https://www.rollingstone.com/ | Yes |
| Sequenza21 | https://www.sequenza21.com/ | No |
| Show Business | https://www.showbusinessweekly.com/ | No |
| SMBHmag | https://smbhmag.com/ | No |
| The 411 Online | https://the411online.com/ | No |
| The Art Bin | https://art-bin.com/ | No |
| The Dogwood Journal | https://dogwoodjournal.com/ | No |
| The Inflectionist Review | https://www.inflectionism.com/ | No |
| The L Magazine | https://www.thelmagazine.com/ | No |
| The New York Optimist | https://www.thenewyorkoptimist.com/ | No |
| The Times Literary Supplement | https://www.the-tls.co.uk/ | No |
| Universal Colours | https://www.eu-man.org/ | No |
| Voir | https://voir.ca/ | Yes |
| Ward 6 Review | https://www.ward6review.com/ | Yes |
| Writersbrew | https://writersbrew.com/ | No |
| Yeni Tiyatro Dergisi | https://www.yenitiyatrodergisi.com/ | Yes |
| Youth Correspondent | https://youthcorrespondent.com/ | No |
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## Aviation
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Airline News | https://www.executivetraveller.com/ | Yes |
| Australian Aviation | https://www.australianaviation.com.au/ | Yes |
| Aviation Consumer | https://www.aviationconsumer.com/ | No |
| Aviation International News | https://www.ainonline.com/ | Yes |
| Aviation Pros | https://www.aviationpros.com/ | No |
| Flight Training Magazine | https://www.aopa.org/ | Yes |
| Prairie Planes | https://saskaviationcouncil.ca/ | No |
| Room Space Journal | https://room.eu.com/ | No |
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## Business & Finance
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Africa Integrity | https://africanintegritymagazine.com/ | No |
| CFO Studio Magazine | https://www.cfostudio.com/ | No |
| Global Banking & Finance | https://www.globalbankingandfinance.com/ | Yes |
| Investo Press | https://www.investopress.com/ | No |
| Journal du Token | https://www.journaldutoken.com/ | No |
| Lioness Magazine | https://thelionessgroup.com/ | No |
| Romanian Business Journal | https://www.ucoz.ro/ | No |
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## Cars & Motorbikes
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 4x4 | https://www.whichcar.com.au/ | No |
| Adventure Bike Rider | https://www.adventurebikerider.com/ | Yes |
| Arabsturbo | https://www.arabsturbo.com/ | Yes |
| Auto Bild | https://www.autobild.de/ | No |
| AutoSpeed | https://www.autospeed.com/ | No |
| Bilmagasinet | https://www.bilmagasinet.dk/ | Yes |
| Car & Driver | https://www.caranddriver.com/ | No |
| Car Carrozzeria | https://www.carrozzeria.it/ | No |
| Cycle Torque | https://www.cycletorque.com.au/ | No |
| Japanese Nostalgic Car | https://japanesenostalgiccar.com/ | No |
| Kia-World | https://www.thekeea.com/ | Yes |
| KM77 | https://www.km77.com/ | No |
| La Guía del Motor | https://www.laguiadelmotor.net/ | Yes |
| Mobile World | https://www.mobileworld.com.pk/ | No |
| Motorcycle Consumer News | https://www.mcnews.com/ | No |
| MotorSport.com | https://www.motorsport.com/ | No |
| MotorSport | https://www.motorsportmagazine.com/ | Yes |
| Motor Trend | https://www.motortrend.com/ | No |
| ObozRevatel | https://www.obozrevatel.com/ | Yes |
| Otomotýv Magazýn | https://www.otomotivmagazin.com/ | No |
| Owner Driver | https://www.ownerdriver.com.au/ | No |
| Parts | https://www.partsweb.it/ | No |
| RalliDergisi.Com | https://www.rallidergisi.com/ | No |
| RPM Magazine | https://www.rpm-mag.com/ | No |
| Trade Unique Cars | https://www.tradeuniquecars.com.au/ | No |
| Truck World | https://www.truckworld.com/ | No |
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## Computer, Games & Internet
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Bug On Line | https://www.bug.hr/ | No |
| C4kurd | https://www.c4kurd.com/ | No |
| Chip Online | https://www.chip.com.tr/ | No |
| Chip | https://www.chip.cz/ | No |
| Clickx | https://www.clickx.be/ | Yes |
| Computer Bild | https://www.computerbild.de/ | No |
| Computer Jagat | https://www.computerjagat.com.bd/ | Yes |
| Computer Mediated Communication | https://www.december.com/ | No |
| Computerra | https://www.computerra.ru/ | No |
| Computer Video | https://www.computervideo.net/ | No |
| Computer World | https://www.computerworld.com/ | No |
| Computing News | https://home.nestor.minsk.by/ | No |
| Corel Magazine, The Graphics Resource | https://www.corelmag.com/ | No |
| Diagramm | https://www.diagramm.net/ | No |
| Digital Producer | https://www.digitalproducer.com/ | Yes |
| Enterprise Networking | https://www.enterprisenetworkingmag.com/ | No |
| Gamasutra Online Magazine | https://www.gamasutra.com/ | Yes |
| Game Industry News | https://www.gameindustry.com/ | No |
| Game Informer | https://www.gameinformer.com/ | No |
| Game Revolution | https://www.gamerevolution.com/ | Yes |
| GamesFirst | https://gamesfirst.com/ | No |
| Game Spot | https://www.gamespot.com/ | Yes |
| Games Radar | https://www.gamesradar.com/ | No |
| Heise Online | https://www.heise.de/ | No |
| Hosting Journalist | https://www.hostingjournalist.com/ | Yes |
| IDG Magazine | https://www.idg.se/ | No |
| Information Week | https://www.informationweek.com/ | Yes |
| InfoWorld | https://www.infoworld.com/ | No |
| Inside Mac Games | https://www.insidemacgames.com/ | No |
| ITE.hu | https://www.ite.hu/ | No |
| IT MAG | https://www.itmag-dz.com/ | No |
| IT News | https://www.itnews.com.au/ | No |
| MacWorld | https://www.macworld.com/ | No |
| Mappa.Mundi | https://mappa.mundi.net/ | No |
| Neuigkeiten Und Trends | https://www.stern.de/ | Yes |
| Nintendo Power | https://www.nintendo.com/ | Yes |
| PC Chip | https://www.pcchip.hr/ | Yes |
| PC Gamer | https://www.pcgamer.com/ | No |
| PC Week | https://www.itmedia.co.jp/ | No |
| PC World | https://www.pcworld.idg.com.au/ | No |
| PC Zone | https://www.pczone.co.uk/ | No |
| Quandary | https://www.quandaryland.com/ | No |
| SEOTalk | https://www.seotalk.biz/ | No |
| Siliconindia | https://www.siliconindia.com/ | No |
| System | https://system-magazine.com/ | No |
| Technology Times | https://www.techtimesnews.net/ | No |
| Tech Radar | https://www.techradar.com/ | No |
| TidBITS | https://www.tidbits.com/ | Yes |
| WCM Online | https://www.wcm.at/ | No |
| Web Deveopments Journal | https://webdevelopersjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Wired | https://www.wired.com/ | No |
| ZD Net | https://www.zdnet.com/ | No |
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## Consumer Affairs
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Choice | https://www.choice.com.au/ | Yes |
| Consumer Affairs | https://www.consumeraffairs.com/ | Yes |
| Consumer Checkpoint | https://www.consumercheckpoint.co.uk/ | No |
| Consumer Law | https://consumerlawmagazine.com/ | No |
| Consumers' Research | https://www.consumersresearch.org/ | No |
| Consumers International | https://www.consumersinternational.org/ | No |
| Consumer | https://revista.consumer.es/ | No |
| CR Consumer Reports | https://www.consumerreports.org/ | Yes |
| Customer Experience Magazine | https://www.cxm.co.uk/ | No |
| Gazette Verbrauchermagazin | https://www.gazette-berlin.de/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Craft
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| A Needle Pulling Thread | https://www.aneedlepullingthread.com/ | Yes |
| Australian Wood Review | https://www.woodreview.com.au/ | Yes |
| Clay Times | https://www.claytimes.com/ | No |
| Crafts Beautiful | https://www.crafts-beautiful.com/ | Yes |
| Dolls | https://www.dollsmagazine.com/ | No |
| Frankie Craft | https://www.frankie.com.au/ | No |
| KnitMuch | https://knitmuch.com/ | Yes |
| Knitting | https://thebrooklynrefinery.com/ | No |
| Quilt Social | https://quiltsocial.com/ | Yes |
| The Needlework Pages | https://theneedleworkpages.com/ | Yes |
| Woodworker West | https://www.woodwest.com/ | No |
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## Current Affairs, Culture & Politics
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Digital Development Debates | https://www.digital-development-debates.org/ | No |
| Orient | https://www.orient-online.com/ | No |
| Panorama Cultural | https://www.panoramacultural.com.co/ | No |
| Yoanoke Online | https://www.yoanoke.com/ | No |
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## Defence
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Air Force IOQ | https://www.airforce.gov.au/ | No |
| Airforce Times | https://www.airforcetimes.com/ | No |
| Analisi Difesa | https://www.analisidifesa.it/ | Yes |
| Armada International | https://www.armadainternational.com/ | Yes |
| Armi e Tiro | https://www.armietiro.it/ | No |
| Armi Magazine | https://www.armimagazine.it/ | No |
| ARMY Magazine | https://www.ausa.org/ | Yes |
| ARMY Times | https://www.armytimes.com/ | No |
| Asian Military Review | https://www.asianmilitaryreview.com/ | Yes |
| Australian Defence Magazine | https://www.australiandefence.com.au/ | Yes |
| Bruxelles2 | https://www.bruxelles2.eu/ | No |
| Caliber | https://www.caliber.de/ | No |
| Canadian Military Journal | https://www.journal.forces.gc.ca/ | No |
| Defence News | https://www.defencenews.in/ | Yes |
| Defense Aerospace | https://www.defense-aerospace.com/ | No |
| Defense Daily | https://www.defensedaily.com/ | No |
| DTIC | https://discover.dtic.mil/ | No |
| EyeSpyMag | https://eyespymag.com/ | No |
| Force | https://forceindia.net/ | No |
| Frontline Canadian Security | https://www.frontlinecd.ca/ | No |
| FrontLine Defence | https://defence.frontline.online/ | Yes |
| G2Mil Quarterly | https://www.g2mil.com/ | No |
| Jane's Defence News | https://www.janes.com/ | Yes |
| Leatherneck Magazine | https://mca-marines.org/ | No |
| Marine Times | https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/ | No |
| Military-Political Review | https://www.belvpo.com/ | No |
| Navy Times | https://www.navytimes.com/ | No |
| POGO | https://www.pogo.org/ | Yes |
| Rivista Italiana Difesa | https://www.rid.it/ | No |
| SDArabia | https://sdarabia.com/ | No |
| Soldier Magazine | https://www.soldiermagazine.co.uk/ | No |
| Soldier of Fortune Magazine | https://www.sofmag.com/ | Yes |
| Sri Lanka Ministry of Defence | https://www.defence.lk/ | No |
| The Defence Journal | https://defencejournal.com/ | No |
| US Air Force | https://www.af.mil/ | No |
| US Army War College Quarterly | https://press.armywarcollege.edu/ | No |
| US Army | https://www.army.mil/ | No |
| US Department of Defense: News | https://www.defense.gov/ | No |
| War Times Journal | https://www.wtj.com/ | No |
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## Education
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| American School & University | https://www.asumag.com/ | No |
| Australian Council of Education Research | https://research.acer.edu.au/ | No |
| Australian Journal of Teacher Education | https://ro.ecu.edu.au/ | No |
| Australian Teacher Magazine | https://educationhq.com/ | No |
| Biotech Express | https://www.biotechexpressmag.com/ | No |
| Canada's Private School Guide: Our Kids | https://www.ourkids.net/ | Yes |
| Career Intelligence | https://www.careerintelligencebd.com/ | Yes |
| Contexto Educativo | https://www.contexto-educativo.com.ar/ | No |
| Current Issues in Education | https://cie.asu.edu/ | Yes |
| Education Matters | https://www.educationmattersmag.com.au/ | No |
| Education Next | https://www.educationnext.org/ | No |
| Education Today | https://www.education.govt.nz/ | Yes |
| Education Week | https://www.edweek.org/ | Yes |
| EFL Magazine | https://eflmagazine.com/ | Yes |
| El Digital | https://eldigital.ulpgc.es/ | No |
| English Gratis | https://www.englishgratis.com/ | No |
| eSchool News | https://www.eschoolnews.com/ | No |
| Fecha Decobro | https://www.fechadecobro.com.ar/ | Yes |
| FE News.co.uk | https://www.fenews.co.uk/ | Yes |
| Global Education Magazine | https://www.globaleducationmagazine.com/ | Yes |
| Global Education Times | https://www.globaleducationtimes.org/ | No |
| Globe Today | https://www.globetoday.net/ | No |
| Home Education Magazine | https://www.home-ed-magazine.com/ | No |
| Itllala Byblos | https://www.etlala-byblos.com/ | No |
| Jebo | https://www.jebo.ro/ | No |
| Kidsfreesouls | https://www.kidsfreesouls.com/ | No |
| Learners Online | https://www.learnersonline.com/ | No |
| Media & Methods | https://www.media-methods.com/ | No |
| Newsy Arena | https://www.newsyarena.com/ | Yes |
| Rethinking Schools | https://rethinkingschools.org/ | No |
| Schnews | https://www.schnews.org.uk/ | No |
| Schooldays Magazine | https://schooldaysmagazine.com/ | No |
| Student Leader Magazine | https://www.asgaonline.com/ | No |
| Student UK | https://www.studentuk.com/ | Yes |
| TCRecord | https://www.tcrecord.org/ | No |
| Teacher Librarian | https://teacherlibrarian.com/ | No |
| Teachers of Color Magazine | https://imdiversity.com/ | No |
| Teacher | https://www.teachermagazine.com/ | No |
| Tech & Learning | https://www.techlearning.com/ | No |
| The Chronicle of Higher Education | https://www.chronicle.com/ | Yes |
| The Educator | https://www.theeducatoronline.com/ | Yes |
| The Journal | https://thejournal.com/ | Yes |
| The Right of Aesthetic Realism to Be Known | https://elisiegel.net/ | Yes |
| The Times Educational Supplement | https://www.tes.co.uk/ | No |
| The Times Higher Education Supplement | https://www.timeshighereducation.com/ | No |
| UN Periódico | https://unperiodico.unal.edu.co/ | No |
| Vocation Degrees | https://www.vocationdegrees.com/ | Yes |
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## Entertainment
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 24 Oranges | https://www.24oranges.nl/ | No |
| Afaqs! | https://www.afaqs.com/ | Yes |
| Alqiyady | https://www.alqiyady.com/ | Yes |
| Alrededor del Mundo | https://alrededordelmundo.com/ | No |
| Artechck | https://www.artechock.de/ | No |
| Bangla Insider | https://www.banglainsider.com/ | Yes |
| Beat Magazine | https://beat.com.au/ | No |
| BiGG Pages | https://www.biggpagesnews.com/ | No |
| Binodon News | https://www.binodonnews24.com/ | Yes |
| Biography Room | https://www.biographyroom.com/ | No |
| Boom! | https://www.boomonline.com/ | No |
| Britain Uncovered | https://www.britainuncovered.co.uk/ | No |
| Buzz Magazine | https://buzzmagazine.com.au/ | No |
| Cahiers du Cinema | https://www.cahiersducinema.com/ | No |
| Caribbean Entertainment Magazine | https://www.caribbeanemagazine.com/ | No |
| Casual Game Revolution | https://casualgamerevolution.com/ | No |
| Celebrity & Community Amebo | https://celebrityandcommunityamebo.blogspot.com/ | No |
| Christian Activities | https://www.christianactivities.com/ | No |
| Cine Coffee | https://www.cinecoffee.com/ | Yes |
| Cinema Online | https://www.cinemaonline.com.my/ | No |
| Cinema | https://www.msn.com/ | No |
| CineZone | https://cinezone.com/ | No |
| CodeWit | https://www.accessnollywood.net/ | No |
| ConcertoNet.com | https://www.concertonet.com/ | No |
| DailyStar | https://dailypost.ng/ | Yes |
| Dorf an der Pram | https://www.dorf.at/ | No |
| EBuzzToday | https://www.ebuzztoday.com/ | Yes |
| Empire | https://www.empireonline.com/ | No |
| Entertainment Ave! | https://www.entertainmentavenue.com/ | No |
| Entertainment News | https://entertainmentnews.com/ | No |
| Entertainment Weekly | https://ew.com/ | No |
| eTalk20 | https://www.etalk.ca/ | No |
| Evolver | https://www.evolver.at/ | No |
| Excentric World | https://www.excentricworld.com/ | No |
| Express NG | https://expressng.com/ | No |
| Fama | https://magazine.famaweb.com/ | No |
| Focus.it | https://www.focus.it/ | No |
| Fortitude Magazine | https://www.fortitudemagazine.co.uk/ | No |
| German Films | https://www.german-films.de/ | No |
| Ghana Music.com | https://www.ghanamusic.com/ | No |
| Ghidul Romanilor | https://www.ghidul-romanilor.ch/ | No |
| Giornale | https://www.giornale.it/ | No |
| GistMeToday | https://www.gistmetoday.com/ | No |
| Hello! | https://www.hellomagazine.com/ | No |
| Hollywood Weekly | https://hollywoodweeklymagazine.com/ | No |
| HustleAire Magazine | https://hustleairemag.com/ | No |
| Ipswich24 | https://www.ipswich24.co.uk/ | No |
| Joyce Ramgatie Country Music Chart | https://www.joyce-ramgatie.com/ | No |
| Jump Cut Magazin | https://www.jump-cut.de/ | No |
| Kino | https://www.dw.com/ | No |
| Klik | https://www.klik.hr/ | No |
| Kosovarja | https://www.kosovarja-ks.com/ | Yes |
| L'Obs | https://www.nouvelobs.com/ | No |
| La Costa | https://www.lacostamag.com/ | No |
| Layalina | https://www.layalina.com/ | Yes |
| Live Magazine | https://www.livemag.it/ | No |
| Maalaimalar | https://www.maalaimalar.com/ | No |
| Majalati.com | https://majalati.com/ | Yes |
| Malakao | https://www.malakao.es/ | No |
| McStreamy.com | https://www.mcstreamy.com/ | No |
| Mediabiz | https://www.mediabiz.de/ | No |
| Mika Magazine | https://mikamagazine.com/ | No |
| MovieHole | https://moviehole.net/ | No |
| Music Wiki | https://music.fandom.com/ | No |
| News World Inside | https://newsworldinside.com/ | No |
| NigeriaFilms | https://www.nigeriafilms.com/ | Yes |
| NoakhaliTV.com | https://www.noakhalitv.com/ | No |
| No Strings Attached E News | https://www.nsaen.com/ | No |
| Oh My Gossip | https://ohmygossip.nordenbladet.ee/ | No |
| Pakistan Film Magazine | https://pakmag.net/ | No |
| Paste | https://www.pastemagazine.com/ | No |
| People | https://people.com/ | No |
| Play4Movie | https://play4movie.it/ | No |
| PopMatters | https://www.popmatters.com/ | Yes |
| Qatar Actu | https://qataractu.com/ | No |
| Queveuxtu | https://queveuxtu.com/ | No |
| Radio Antena | https://radioantena.si/ | No |
| Rock Cellar Magazine | https://www.rockcellarmagazine.com/ | No |
| RockShot | https://rockshotmagazine.com/ | No |
| Ruoaa Magazine | https://www.ruoaa.com/ | No |
| Salon | https://www.salon.com/ | Yes |
| Santa | https://www.santa.lv/ | No |
| Sarasaviya | https://www.sarasaviya.lk/ | Yes |
| Satellite DIRECT | https://www.directmagazine.com/ | No |
| Schnitt | https://www.schnitt.de/ | No |
| Shadhin Kantha | https://www.shadhinkantha.com/ | Yes |
| Singlelink Magazine | https://www.singlelinkmagonline.com/ | No |
| Smooth | https://www.smoothmag.com/ | No |
| Son Famosos | https://www.sonfamosos.com/ | No |
| SpielFilm.de | https://www.spielfilm.de/ | No |
| Star Naija | https://www.starnaija.com/ | Yes |
| Sunday Plus | https://nation.com.pk/ | No |
| Talent Show Site | https://www.talentshowsite.com/ | No |
| Tentaran | https://www.tentaran.com/ | No |
| The Arizona Bilingual Magazine | https://azbilingual.news/ | No |
| The Celebrity Cafe | https://www.thecelebritycafe.com/ | Yes |
| The Marshalltown | https://themarshalltown.com/ | No |
| The Stage | https://www.thestage.co.uk/ | Yes |
| Treats! | https://treatsmagazine.com/ | Yes |
| Triple J | https://www.abc.net.au/ | Yes |
| TV Guide | https://www.tvguide.com/ | Yes |
| TV Net | https://www.tvnet.lv/ | Yes |
| TV Week | https://www.tvweek.com/ | Yes |
| Two Louies | https://www.twolouiesmagazine.com/ | No |
| Umeed-e-jahan | https://www.umeed-e-jahan.com/ | Yes |
| Young Adult Mag | https://youngentertainmentmag.com/ | Yes |
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## Environment
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Asia Energy Journal | https://asiaenergyjournal.com/ | No |
| Audubon | https://www.audubon.org/ | No |
| Awareness Magazine | https://www.awarenessmag.com/ | No |
| BDEnvironment.com | https://www.bdenvironment.com/ | Yes |
| Bellona Magasin | https://bellona.no/ | No |
| California Wild | https://www.calacademy.org/ | No |
| Canarias Sostenible | https://www.canariassostenible.eu/ | Yes |
| Down To Earth | https://www.downtoearth.org.in/ | No |
| EcoAction | https://www.eco-action.org/ | No |
| Eco Aruba | https://www.ecoaruba.com/ | No |
| Electricity 911 | https://www.electricity911.com/ | Yes |
| Electronic Green Journal | https://escholarship.org/ | No |
| Elements Online | https://elementsmagazine.org/ | No |
| Energy & Power | https://www.ep-bd.com/ | Yes |
| Energy Mix Report | https://www.energymixreport.com/ | No |
| Environmental News Network | https://www.enn.com/ | No |
| Environmental Protection | https://eponline.com/ | No |
| Environmental Science & Engineering | https://esemag.com/ | No |
| Environment Matters | https://www.ipswich.qld.gov.au/ | No |
| environmentmove.com | https://environmentmove.com/ | No |
| EPA / Environmental Publications | https://www.ehso.com/ | Yes |
| EPE News | https://epenews.com/ | No |
| Geography & You | https://geographyandyou.com/ | No |
| Geotimes | https://www.geotimes.org/ | No |
| Green Left Weekly | https://www.greenleft.org.au/ | No |
| Green Magazine | https://greenmagazine.info/ | No |
| La Gazzetta di Santa | https://www.gazzettadisanta.eu/ | No |
| Matters Journal | https://mattersjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Mother Earth News | https://www.motherearthnews.com/ | No |
| National Geographic | https://www.nationalgeographic.com/ | No |
| People & Planet | https://peopleandplanet.org/ | No |
| Planet Ark | https://www.planetark.org/ | No |
| Power Engineering Magazine | https://www.power-eng.com/ | Yes |
| ReNew | https://renew.org.au/ | No |
| Resource | https://resource.co/ | Yes |
| Resurgence & Ecologist | https://www.resurgence.org/ | No |
| Revue Scientifique et Technique Forêt et Environnement du Bassin du Congo | https://revue.riffeac.org/ | No |
| Sanctuary Nature Foundation | https://sanctuarynaturefoundation.org/ | No |
| TerraGreen | https://terragreen.teriin.org/ | Yes |
| The Environmental Magazine | https://emagazine.com/ | No |
| Wildfire Today | https://wildfiretoday.com/ | No |
| WildHope | https://wildhope.org/ | No |
| Wildlife Conservation | https://www.wildlifeconservation.org/ | No |
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## Family Issues
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Autism File | https://www.autismfile.com/ | No |
| Baby | https://www.parenting.com/ | No |
| Chicago Parent | https://www.chicagoparent.com/ | Yes |
| Colorado Parent | https://www.coloradoparent.com/ | No |
| Denver Parent | https://denverparent.net/ | No |
| EcoParent | https://www.ecoparent.ca/ | No |
| Familie.de | https://www.familie.de/ | No |
| Family Fun | https://www.parents.com/ | No |
| Family North Carolina | https://www.ncfamily.org/ | Yes |
| Family Times | https://www.familytimes.co.nz/ | No |
| Forsyth Family Magazine | https://www.forsythfamilymagazine.com/ | No |
| Mother & Baby | https://www.motherandbaby.co.uk/ | Yes |
| Nawa-E-Tokyo | https://www.nawaetokyo.com/ | No |
| Parenting Special Needs | https://www.parentingspecialneeds.org/ | Yes |
| Parents World | https://parentsworld.com.sg/ | No |
| Working Mother | https://www.workingmother.com/ | No |
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## Fashion
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Allure | https://www.allure.com/ | No |
| Annabelle | https://www.annabelle.ch/ | Yes |
| Arabella Magazine | https://www.arabellalondon.co.uk/ | Yes |
| BelleBeirut | https://www.bellebeirut.com/ | No |
| Brides | https://www.brides.com/ | No |
| Carolina | https://www.revistacarolina.ro/ | No |
| Cosmopolitan | https://www.cosmopolitan.com/ | No |
| E-TrendsMagazine | https://www.e-trendsmagazine.com/ | No |
| Elle | https://www.elle.com.au/ | No |
| Ethical Fashion Guide | https://ethicalfashionguide.com/ | No |
| Fashion Star | https://www.fashionstar.tv/ | No |
| Fashion Statement | https://www.fashionstatement.asia/ | No |
| Femina | https://www.femina.cz/ | No |
| Freundin | https://www.freundin.de/ | Yes |
| G.A.Z | https://www.gazmagazine.net/ | No |
| Glamour | https://www.glamourmagazine.co.uk/ | No |
| GQ | https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/ | No |
| Images: Business of Fashion | https://www.indiaretailing.com/ | Yes |
| Italian Food & Style | https://www.italianfoodandstyle.it/ | No |
| Kid Magazine | https://www.kidmagazine.com.au/ | No |
| London Fashion Week | https://londonfashionweek.co.uk/ | Yes |
| Lucire | https://jyanet.com/ | No |
| MAG The Weekly | https://magtheweekly.com/ | Yes |
| Marie Claire | https://www.marieclaire.com/ | No |
| Metro.Mode | https://metromode.se/ | Yes |
| Mojeh | https://mojeh.com/ | Yes |
| Mr Iconique | https://www.iconique.com/ | No |
| Outfit Trends | https://www.outfittrends.com/ | No |
| Over | https://overmagazines.com/ | No |
| Panorama | https://www.panorama.it/ | No |
| Street Pulse | https://www.honolulustreetpulse.com/ | No |
| Style Afrique | https://www.styleafrique.com/ | No |
| Stylezza | https://www.stylezza.com/ | No |
| T-Shirt Magazine | https://t-shirtmagazineonline.com/ | No |
| Trend Privé Magazine | https://trendprivemagazine.com/ | No |
| Vogue | https://www.vogue.com.au/ | No |
| W Magazine | https://www.wmagazine.com/ | No |
| You | https://www.you.co.uk/ | No |
| YVE | https://yve.ro/ | Yes |
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## Food & Drink
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Better Baking | https://www.betterbaking.com/ | No |
| Bon Appetit | https://www.bonappetit.com/ | No |
| Catering in Scotland Magazine | https://www.cateringscotland.com/ | No |
| Cooks Illustrated Magazine | https://www.cooksillustrated.com/ | No |
| Decanter: Wine News | https://www.decanter.com/ | No |
| Delicious Magazine | https://www.deliciousmagazine.co.uk/ | Yes |
| Epicurious | https://www.epicurious.com/ | No |
| Fiery Foods Magazine | https://www.fieryfoodscentral.com/ | No |
| Food Loves Beer | https://foodlovesbeermagazine.com/ | No |
| Food Manufacture | https://www.foodmanufacture.co.uk/ | No |
| Gourmet Project | https://www.gourmetproject.net/ | No |
| Gram | https://grammagazine.com.au/ | Yes |
| Hostelería en Valencia | https://www.hosteleriaenvalencia.com/ | No |
| Hvino News | https://news.hvino.com/ | No |
| Il Pasticcere | https://www.ilpasticcere.it/ | No |
| Italian Food & Style | https://www.italianfoodandstyle.it/ | No |
| Italian Gourmet | https://www.italiangourmet.it/ | No |
| Market Watch | https://www.marketwatchmag.com/ | No |
| Mobile Cuisine Magazine | https://mobile-cuisine.com/ | Yes |
| On The Vine | https://www.onthevinecarolina.com/ | No |
| Sommeliers International | https://www.sommeliers-international.com/ | No |
| The Gourmet Connection Magazine | https://tgcmagazine.com/ | No |
| Whisky Advocate | https://www.whiskyadvocate.com/ | No |
| Wine Business | https://www.winebusiness.com/ | No |
| Wine Spectator | https://www.winespectator.com/ | No |
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## Health & Medical
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Ability Magazine | https://abilitymagazine.com/ | No |
| ADC Review | https://www.adcreview.com/ | Yes |
| Attajdid | https://www.attajdid.ma/ | No |
| CyberMed | https://www.cybermed.it/ | No |
| Diabetes Digest | https://diabetesdigest.com/ | Yes |
| Diabetes Self-Manafement | https://www.diabetesselfmanagement.com/ | Yes |
| Eating Well | https://www.eatingwell.com/ | No |
| Electroneurobiology | https://electroneubio.secyt.gov.ar/ | No |
| Formare Medicale | https://www.formaremedicala.ro/ | No |
| Health: US News | https://health.usnews.com/ | No |
| Health Magazine | https://www.healthmagazine.ae/ | No |
| Health | https://www.health.com/ | No |
| Hospital News | https://hospitalnews.com/ | Yes |
| Iator | https://www.iator.gr/ | No |
| Lecturio Medical Magazine | https://www.lecturio.com/ | No |
| Medgate Today | https://www.medgatetoday.com/ | No |
| Medical News Bulletin | https://www.medicalnewsbulletin.com/ | Yes |
| Medpravda | https://medpravda.ua/ | No |
| MedScape India | https://medscapeindia.com/ | No |
| Men's Health Magazine | https://www.menshealth.com/ | No |
| Médecins Sans Frontières | https://www.msf.org/ | Yes |
| National Library of Medicine | https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ | Yes |
| New England Journal of Medicine | https://www.nejm.org/ | Yes |
| Our Health Matters | https://kcourhealthmatters.com/ | Yes |
| Pollen B Gone | https://www.pollenbgone.com/ | Yes |
| Prevention Magazine | https://www.prevention.com/ | No |
| Public Health Perspective | https://www.phpnepal.org.np/ | No |
| Remedy Health Media | https://www.remedyhealthmedia.com/ | No |
| Shape Magazine | https://www.shape.com/ | No |
| The Health Journal | https://www.thehealthjournals.com/ | Yes |
| TheMedGuru | https://themedguru.com/ | No |
| The Munich Eye | https://themunicheye.com/ | No |
| Thrive | https://thrive-magazine.co.uk/ | No |
| Total Health Magazine | https://totalhealthmagazine.com/ | Yes |
| Trupi Dhe Shendeti | https://www.trupidheshendeti.com/ | No |
| Weight Crafters News | https://www.weightcrafters.com/ | No |
| Women's Health | https://www.womenshealthmag.com/ | No |
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## Humour Satire
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Charlie Hebdo | https://www.charliehebdo.fr/ | Yes |
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## Law
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Albania Law Journal | https://www.lawjournal.al/ | Yes |
| Altalex | https://www.altalex.com/ | No |
| Bigger Law Firm Magazine | https://www.biggerlawfirm.com/ | Yes |
| Crime News | https://www.indiatoday.in/ | No |
| Democrazia e Legalità | https://www.democrazialegalita.it/ | No |
| Diritto | https://www.diritto.net/ | No |
| Falce e Martello | https://www.marxismo.net/ | No |
| Filodiritto | https://www.filodiritto.com/ | No |
| Foroeuropa | https://www.foroeuropa.it/ | No |
| Giustamm | https://www.giustamm.it/ | No |
| Lawyers Weekly | https://www.lawyersweekly.com.au/ | Yes |
| Monitorul Oficial | https://www.monitoruloficial.ro/ | No |
| The NewJurist | https://www.newjurist.com/ | No |
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## Lifestyle
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 5election | https://www.5election.com/ | No |
| Bellesprit Magazine | https://www.bellesprit.com/ | No |
| Hey Portugal | https://www.heyportugal.com/ | No |
| Mika Magazine | https://mikamagazine.com/ | No |
| No Majesty | https://www.nomajesty.com/ | No |
| Revista Amar | https://www.revistamar.com/ | Yes |
| The 961 Magazine | https://www.the961.com/ | Yes |
| The Mindful Word | https://www.themindfulword.org/ | No |
| Togozine | https://togozine.com/ | No |
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## Paranormal & UFO's
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Alternative Perceptions | https://www.apmagazine.info/ | No |
| Bachelors Grove Cemetery Tribute | https://flipboard.com/ | No |
| EdgeScience | https://www.scientificexploration.org/ | Yes |
| Flying Saucer Review | https://www.fsr.org.uk/ | No |
| It's A Strange World | https://www.itsastrangeworld.com/ | No |
| Lobster | https://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/ | Yes |
| Merlian News | https://www.merliannews.com/ | No |
| Paranormal Magazine | https://paranormal-magazine.com/ | No |
| Soul Searchers | https://magazine.soulsearchers.spheresoflight.com.au/ | No |
| Strange Magazine | https://www.strangemag.com/ | No |
| Supernatural Magazine | https://supernaturalmagazine.com/ | No |
| The Anomolist | https://www.anomalist.com/ | No |
| The New Republic | https://www.tnr.com/ | Yes |
| The Skeptic | https://www.skeptic.org.uk/ | Yes |
| UFO Digest | https://www.ufodigest.com/ | Yes |
| UFO Magazine | https://www.ufomag.com/ | No |
| Xproject Magazine | https://www.xprojectmagazine.com/ | No |
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## Professional
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Corriere Termo Idro Sanitario | https://www.infoimpianti.it/ | No |
| Crimeoff24 | https://crimeoff24.com/ | No |
| Deutsche Jagdzeitung | https://djz.de/ | No |
| Euro Democracy | https://eurodemocracy.net/ | No |
| Il Bagno Oggi e Domani | https://www.ilbagnonews.it/ | No |
| Il Giornale dell'Installatore Elettrico | https://nt24.it/ | No |
| Le Matin d'Algérie | https://www.lematindz.net/ | Yes |
| Le Process Industriel | https://www.france-industrie.pro/ | No |
| Matsäsanomat | https://www.metsasanomat.net/ | No |
| Nuova Finestra | https://www.guidafinestra.it/ | No |
| Plast | https://www.plastmagazine.it/ | No |
| Property Express | https://www.propertyexpress.org/ | No |
| Rivista del Vetro | https://www.letsglass.it/ | No |
| SRM Psicologia | https://www.srmpsicologia.com/ | No |
| SXMINFO | https://www.sxminfo.fr/ | Yes |
| Tecnologie Meccaniche | https://www.techmec.it/ | No |
| Thailand Property Report | https://www.property-report.com/ | Yes |
| The Actuary | https://www.theactuary.com/ | Yes |
| The Tribal Tribune | https://www.etribaltribune.com/ | No |
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## Publishing, Printing & Media
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| InfoEST | https://www.infoest.ro/ | No |
| Journal of Middle East Broadcasters | https://www.mebjournal.com/ | No |
| Print2Pack | https://www.print2pack.com/ | No |
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## Religion
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Christianity Today | https://www.christianitytoday.com/ | No |
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## Safety Security
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 2600 : The Hacker Quarterly | https://www.2600.com/ | Yes |
| AIHA | https://www.aiha.org/ | No |
| American Society Of Professional Safety | https://www.assp.org/ | No |
| BAPCO Journal | https://www.bapcojournal.com/ | No |
| CBRNE-Terrorism Newsletter | https://www.cbrne-terrorism-newsletter.com/ | Yes |
| Cipher | https://www.ieee-security.org/ | No |
| DALoop | https://www.oodaloop.com/ | No |
| Disaster Recovery Journal | https://drj.com/ | Yes |
| EHS Today | https://www.ehstoday.com/ | Yes |
| Emergency | https://www.emergency.com/ | No |
| Fire Engineering | https://www.fireengineering.com/ | Yes |
| HR.BLR | https://hr.blr.com/ | No |
| Industrial Safety & Hygene News | https://www.ishn.com/ | No |
| NIDM Disaster & Development Journal | https://nidm.gov.in/ | No |
| Occupational Health & Safety | https://www.ohsonline.com/ | Yes |
| Safety & Health | https://www.safetyandhealthmagazine.com/ | No |
| SC Media | https://www.scmagazine.com/ | Yes |
| Search Security | https://searchsecurity.techtarget.com/ | Yes |
| Security | https://www.securitymagazine.com/ | No |
| The Filter | https://www.aioh.org.au/ | No |
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## Science, Geography & History
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Australian Geographic | https://www.australiangeographic.com.au/ | No |
| Bild der Wissenschaft | https://www.wissenschaft.de/ | No |
| Canadian Geographic | https://www.canadiangeographic.ca/ | Yes |
| Chemical & Engineering News | https://cen.acs.org/ | Yes |
| Cosmos | https://cosmosmagazine.com/ | Yes |
| Current History | https://online.ucpress.edu/ | Yes |
| Geo.de | https://www.geo.de/ | No |
| Geography & You | https://geographyandyou.com/ | No |
| Historia | https://www.historia.fr/ | No |
| History Today | https://www.historytoday.com/ | No |
| Indian Science Journal | https://indiansciencejournal.in/ | No |
| InStoria | https://www.instoria.it/ | No |
| Ispectrum Magazine | https://www.magzter.com/ | No |
| Italian Renaissance Learning Resources | https://www.italianrenaissanceresources.com/ | No |
| Knowridge Science Report | https://knowridge.com/ | No |
| Le Scienze | https://www.lescienze.it/ | No |
| New Scientist | https://www.newscientist.com/ | Yes |
| P.M. | https://www.pm-wissen.com/ | No |
| Rock Seeker | https://www.rockseeker.com/ | No |
| Science & Life | https://nauka.relis.ru/ | No |
| Science Daily | https://www.sciencedaily.com/ | No |
| Science Direct | https://www.sciencedirect.com/ | Yes |
| Sciences et Avenir | https://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/ | No |
| Science | https://www.science.org/ | Yes |
| Scientific American | https://www.scientificamerican.com/ | No |
| Spacial Source | https://www.spatialsource.com.au/ | Yes |
| The British Museum | https://www.britishmuseum.org/ | No |
| The Nature Conservancy | https://www.natureaustralia.org.au/ | No |
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## Sports & Hobbies
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Ahlelkora | https://ahlelkora.com/ | No |
| Aplausos | https://www.aplausos.es/ | Yes |
| Athletics Africa | https://www.athletics.africa/ | No |
| Australian Tennis Magazine | https://www.tennismag.com.au/ | Yes |
| Beach Carolina Magazine | https://beachcarolina.com/ | Yes |
| Boards | https://boards.co.uk/ | Yes |
| Camerfoot-Infos | https://www.camerfoot-infos.com/ | No |
| Camer Sport | https://www.camer-sport.be/ | No |
| Chicago Golf Report | https://www.chicagogolfreport.com/ | No |
| Cricket.com.au | https://www.cricket.com.au/ | Yes |
| Darioi AS | https://as.com/ | No |
| Divers Digest | https://www.uw360.asia/ | No |
| Doha Stadium Plus | https://staddoha.com/ | Yes |
| Down The Stretch | https://www.downthestretchnewspaper.com/ | No |
| ElahlyNews | https://www.el-ahly.com/ | Yes |
| Federatia Romania de Fotbal | https://www.frf.ro/ | No |
| FilGoal | https://www.filgoal.com/ | Yes |
| Fishing & Outdoors | https://fishingoutdoors.co.nz/ | No |
| FootballClub.ro | https://footballclub.ro/ | No |
| Football Direct News | https://www.footballdirectnews.com/ | No |
| Footballnus | https://www.footballnus.com/ | No |
| Football Sierra Leone | https://footballsierraleone.net/ | No |
| Gardening News | https://www.acs.edu.au/ | Yes |
| Giroveloce - Formula Uno | https://www.giroveloce.it/ | No |
| Gulfootball | https://www.gulfootball.com/ | No |
| Il Corriere Delle Province-Alessandria Sport | https://www.dialessandria.it/ | Yes |
| Island Cricket | https://www.islandcricket.lk/ | No |
| Kicker | https://www.kicker.de/ | Yes |
| Korabia.com | https://www.korabia.com/ | Yes |
| Le Buteur | https://www.lebuteur.com/ | Yes |
| Make | https://makezine.com/ | Yes |
| Muscle & Fitness | https://ifbbaustralia.com.au/ | No |
| Nile Sports | https://www.nilesports.com/ | No |
| OCR Europe Sports Magazine | https://ocreurope.com/ | No |
| Perfect Fit Magazine | https://www.perfectfitmagazine.com/ | Yes |
| RalliDergisi.Com | https://www.rallidergisi.com/ | No |
| Rollerblading.com.au | https://www.rollerblading.com.au/ | No |
| Romanian Soccer | https://www.romaniansoccer.ro/ | No |
| Rugby News | https://www.rugbynews.com.uy/ | Yes |
| Scuba Diving | https://www.scubadiving.com/ | No |
| SEEN Sport Magazine | https://seensportmagazine.com/ | No |
| Shoot & Goal | https://shootandgoal.cyprustimes.com/ | Yes |
| Soccer America | https://www.socceramerica.com/ | No |
| SoccerNet | https://soccernet.ng/ | Yes |
| Sport360 | https://sport360.com/ | Yes |
| Sport Bild | https://sportbild.bild.de/ | No |
| Sport Mediaset | https://www.sportmediaset.mediaset.it/ | Yes |
| SportsCy | https://www.sportscy.net/ | No |
| Sports Illustrated | https://www.si.com/ | No |
| SportsKeeda | https://www.sportskeeda.com/ | No |
| Sportstar | https://sportstar.thehindu.com/ | Yes |
| Sports Write Up | https://www.sportswriteup.com/ | No |
| Sport Total | https://sptfm.ro/ | No |
| Sri Lanka Sports | https://www.srilankasports.com/ | No |
| Stade de Reims VDT | https://www.reimsvdt.com/ | No |
| Stadia / Turf | https://www.stadia-magazine.com/ | No |
| Surfer | https://www.surfer.com/ | Yes |
| Surfing World Magazine | https://surfingworld.com.au/ | Yes |
| Tae Kwon Do Life Magazine | https://tkdlifemagazine.com/ | No |
| Team Talk | https://teamtalkmag.com/ | No |
| Texas Fish & Game | https://fishgame.com/ | Yes |
| The Cricketer | https://www.thecricketer.com/ | No |
| The Knitting Universe | https://www.knittinguniverse.com/ | Yes |
| The Sportsman | https://www.thesportsman.com/ | No |
| Vogue Knitting | https://www.vogueknitting.com/ | Yes |
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## Technology
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| ARN | https://www.arnnet.com.au/ | No |
| Battery Power Online | https://www.batterypoweronline.com/ | No |
| CBR | https://www.cbronline.com/ | No |
| Industry Week | https://www.industryweek.com/ | Yes |
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## Travel
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| All Travels | https://www.alltravels.com.ua/ | Yes |
| Bonjour Siam | https://www.thaiwave.com/ | No |
| Denmark.net | https://www.denmark.net/ | Yes |
| In2town Travel | https://www.in2town.co.uk/ | Yes |
| Leisure Magazine | https://www.saleisure.com/ | No |
| Les Nouvelles Dunord | https://www.lesnouvellesdunord.com/ | No |
| The Montreal Review | https://www.montreal-city.info/ | No |
| Travelers Digest | https://www.travelersdigest.com/ | No |
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## Youth Issues
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Breakaway Magazine | https://breakawaydaily.com/ | No |
| exposure | https://exposure.org.uk/ | No |
| Faze Teen | https://www.fazeteen.com/ | No |
| Girl Zone | https://www.girlzone.com/ | Yes |
| Jet | https://www.jetmag.co.nz/ | No |
| Lucid | https://www.lucidmag.co.uk/ | No |
| Rant Online | https://twitter.com/ | No |
| Seventeen | https://www.seventeen.com/ | No |
| Shameless | https://shamelessmag.com/ | No |
| Simply You Magazine | https://www.simplyyoumagazine.com/ | No |
| Tearaway | https://www.tearaway.co.nz/ | Yes |
| Youth Correspondent | https://youthcorrespondent.com/ | No |
| Youth Time | https://youth-time.eu/ | No |
### By Category
| Name | Cloudflared | Normal | CF % |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Agriculture & Gardening | 4 | 10 | 28.57% |
| Animals | 6 | 14 | 30% |
| Architecture, Construction & Design | 8 | 26 | 23.53% |
| Arts, Literature & Music | 12 | 62 | 16.22% |
| Aviation | 4 | 4 | 50% |
| Business & Finance | 1 | 6 | 14.29% |
| Cars & Motorbikes | 7 | 19 | 26.92% |
| Computer, Games & Internet | 13 | 39 | 25% |
| Consumer Affairs | 3 | 7 | 30% |
| Craft | 6 | 5 | 54.55% |
| Current Affairs, Culture & Politics | 0 | 4 | 0% |
| Defence | 10 | 29 | 25.64% |
| Education | 16 | 31 | 34.04% |
| Entertainment | 25 | 81 | 23.58% |
| Environment | 9 | 34 | 20.93% |
| Family Issues | 4 | 12 | 25% |
| Fashion | 9 | 30 | 23.08% |
| Food & Drink | 3 | 22 | 12% |
| Health & Medical | 12 | 25 | 32.43% |
| Humour Satire | 1 | 0 | 100% |
| Law | 3 | 10 | 23.08% |
| Lifestyle | 2 | 7 | 22.22% |
| Paranormal & UFO's | 5 | 12 | 29.41% |
| Professional | 4 | 15 | 21.05% |
| Publishing, Printing & Media | 0 | 3 | 0% |
| Religion | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Safety Security | 8 | 12 | 40% |
| Science, Geography & History | 8 | 20 | 28.57% |
| Sports & Hobbies | 26 | 39 | 40% |
| Technology | 1 | 3 | 25% |
| Travel | 3 | 5 | 37.5% |
| Youth Issues | 2 | 11 | 15.38% |
### Total
| Type | Site Count | Owner Count |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Cloudflare | 215 | 215 |
| Normal | 598 | 591 |
| Total | 813 | 806 |
### 26.45% of online magazines sites are using Cloudflare.
### 26.67% of online magazine corporations are using Cloudflare.