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# Other Voices

"_You shouldn't use it if you value visitor's privacy._" -- [Searxes](https://searxes.danwin1210.me/)
Not Twitter, Toot
> "[TITLE](https://full.link/blog.html)" by [Who](Link)
Twitter, Toot
> "[SHORT TEXT]" by @[Who](Link)
Recent article: top
- Cloudflared website
- Cloudflare employee
- Twitter/Mastodon: too short text
###### Can't find your URL? Don't be shy, notify us.
###### News
"[Internet security CEO explained why his company exposed people to harassment, and suggested they should've used fake names](https://web.archive.org/web/20171024040313/http://www.businessinsider.com/cloudflare-ceo-suggests-people-who-report-online-abuse-use-fake-names-2017-5)" by [Julie Bort](http://www.businessinsider.com/author/julie-bort)
"[Cloudflare CEO Terminates Neo-Nazi Site After 'Waking Up in a Bad Mood'](https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-08-17/cloudflare-ceo-terminates-neo-nazi-site-after-waking-bad-mood)" by [The_Real_Fly](https://www.zerohedge.com/users/therealfly)
"[Cloudflare CEO on Terminating Service to Neo-Nazi Site: 'The Daily Stormer Are Assholes'](https://gizmodo.com/cloudflare-ceo-on-terminating-service-to-neo-nazi-site-1797915295)" by [Kate Conger](https://kinja.com/conger)
"[How One Major Internet Company Helps Serve Up Hate on the Web](https://web.archive.org/web/20190512152916/https://www.propublica.org/article/how-cloudflare-helps-serve-up-hate-on-the-web)" by [Ken Schwencke](https://web.archive.org/web/20190512152916/https://www.propublica.org/people/ken-schwencke)
"[Zaradi hrošča iz Cloudflara več mesecev curljalo](https://slo-tech.com/novice/t694836/p5445996)" by [Slo-Tech](https://slo-tech.com/)
"[Everything You Need to Know About Cloudbleed, the Latest Internet Security Disaster](https://gizmodo.com/everything-you-need-to-know-about-cloudbleed-the-lates-1792710616)" by [Adam Clark Estes](https://kinja.com/ace)
"[Why Cloudflare Let an Extremist Stronghold Burn](https://www.wired.com/story/free-speech-issue-cloudflare/)" by [Steven Johnson](https://www.wired.com/author/steven-johnson/)
###### Blog
(Just don't add Medium.com articles. It's cloudflared. It doesn't matter he/she write great article)
"[I don’t trust Cloudflare’s App and Warp VPN](https://blog.kareldonk.com/i-dont-trust-cloudflares-1-1-1-1-app-and-warp-vpn/)" by [Karel Donk](https://blog.kareldonk.com/)
"[Don’t Use Cloudflare Because You Impose This on People Who Least Want It](http://techrights.org/2019/02/17/the-cloudflare-trap/)" by [Dr. Roy Schestowitz](http://techrights.org/)
"[Cloudflare: The bad, the worse and the ugly?](http://webschauder.de/cloudflare-the-bad-the-worse-and-the-ugly/)" by [Alle Beiträge](http://webschauder.de/author/jw/)
"[I don’t trust Cloudflare with IPFS](https://blog.kareldonk.com/i-dont-trust-cloudflare-with-ipfs/)" by [Karel Donk](https://blog.kareldonk.com/)
"[Cloudflare IPFS experiment](https://js.ipfs.io/ipns/QmZJBQBXX98AuTcoR1HBGdbe5Gph74ZBWSgNemBcqPNv1W/cloudflare-IPFS-experiment.html)" by [Joe](https://js.ipfs.io/ipns/QmZJBQBXX98AuTcoR1HBGdbe5Gph74ZBWSgNemBcqPNv1W/index.html) [[mirror](http://archive.fo/139z1)]
"[Don't Trust CloudFlare](https://write.lain.haus/thufie/dont-trust-cloudflare)" by [@lunaterra@cyberia.social](https://cyberia.social/@lunaterra)
"[Stay away from CloudFlare](http://www.unixsheikh.com/articles/stay-away-from-cloudflare.html)" by [Unix Sheikh](http://www.unixsheikh.com/)
"[Support End-to-End Encryption on the Web](https://www.wordfence.com/blog/2017/03/support-end-to-end-encryption/)" by [Mark Maunder](https://www.wordfence.com/)
"[Cloudflare发布针对IPFS的Gateway](https://www.jianshu.com/p/8a9cb8065f4a)" by [幸运排骨虾](https://www.jianshu.com/u/c3c0e9748845)
"[MITM-as-a-Service: The Threat Surface We Didn’t Know We Had](http://daveshackleford.com/?p=1134)" by [Shack](twitter.com/daveshackleford/)
"[Journal CloudFlare au milieu](https://linuxfr.org/users/thibg/journaux/cloudflare-au-milieu)" by [ThibG](https://linuxfr.org/)
"[why you shouldn’t use Cloudflare](https://tech.tiq.cc/2016/01/why-you-shouldnt-use-cloudflare/)" by [tiq](https://tech.tiq.cc/)
"[The CloudFlare MITM](https://web.archive.org/web/20160311163431/https://blog.paymium.com/2014/02/19/the-cloudflare-mitm/)" by [David FRANCOIS](https://blog.paymium.com/)
"[Allergique à Cloudflare ? Voici comment vous soigner…](https://korben.info/cloudflare-mitm.html)" by [KORBEN](https://korben.info/)
"[CloudFlare, We Have A Problem](http://cryto.net/~joepie91/blog/2016/07/14/cloudflare-we-have-a-problem/)" by [joepie91](http://cryto.net/~joepie91/)
"[On Cloudflare](https://www.tyil.nl/post/2017/12/17/on-cloudflare/)" by [tyil](https://www.tyil.nl/)
"[Why CloudFlare Is Probably A Honeypot](https://cypherpunk.is/2015/04/02/why-cloudflare-is-probably-a-honeypot/)" by [cypherpunk](https://cypherpunk.is/)
"[iSucker: Big Brother Internet Culture](https://exiledonline.com/isucker-big-brother-internet-culture/)" by [The Exiled](https://exiledonline.com/)
"[Growing Cloudflare Menace](http://imhhge4lijqv7jzf.onion/warning.html)"
###### Forum / Wiki
"[Cloudflare Is Not An Option!](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/bhag8s/cloudflare_is_not_an_option/)" by [FVz7Ftt83m](https://www.reddit.com/user/FVz7Ftt83m)
"[I'm not sure if I can ELI5 this but I'll try my best to explain.](https://www.reddit.com/r/india/comments/bg3lxh/was_casually_checking_my_logs_this_is_what_is/elk77k3/)" by [Waphire](https://www.reddit.com/user/Waphire)
"[Anonym im Internet - Inhaltsverzeichnis](https://wiki.kairaven.de/open/anon/netzwerk/anet)" by [Kairaven](https://hp.kairaven.de)
"[Issues with corporate censorship and mass surveillance](https://www.torproject.org/projects/tor/ticket/18361)" by [Jacob Appelbaum](https://twitter.com/ioerror)
"[Be careful with CloudFlare](https://www.reddit.com/r/privacy/comments/41cb4k/be_careful_with_cloudflare/)" by [no-idea-for-username](https://www.reddit.com/user/no-idea-for-username)
"[Ditch Cloudflare - Broken HTTPS/MiTM](https://greysec.net/showthread.php?tid=1256)" by [NO-OP](https://greysec.net/member.php?action=profile&uid=47)
"[Cloudflare as a Security Risk - Support - Whonix Forum](http://forums.whonix.org/t/cloudflare-as-a-security-risk/2162)" by [entr0py](https://forums.whonix.org/u/entr0py)
"[The catch you're missing](https://www.reddit.com/r/Wordpress/comments/2zpq2g/cloudflare_free_plan_too_good_to_be_true/cpldjc6/)" by [cqwww](https://www.reddit.com/user/cqwww)
"[How likely is it that CloudFlare is an NSA operation?](https://www.quora.com/How-likely-is-it-that-CloudFlare-is-an-NSA-operation/answer/Hamid-Sarfraz)" by quora
"[cloudflare 是如何转发 HTTPS 流量的?](https://www.v2ex.com/t/406759)" by [feast](https://www.v2ex.com/member/feast)
"[Cloudflare – The Asocial](http://asocialfz7ncw5ui.onion/articles/internet/cloudflare.html)" by [ASocial](https://theasocial.github.io/) [[mirror](https://theasocial.github.io/articles/internet/cloudflare.html)]
"[CloudFlare – Sipuliwiki 3](http://nla423n3gyyunhci.onion/index.php?title=CloudFlare)"
###### Twitter (aka "Birdsite")
"Javascript is off by default because of trust issues with a website Meanwhile Cloudflare demands I turn on Javascript because of trust issues" by @[steelhoof](https://twitter.com/steelhoof/status/1128105553299775488)
"a lot of people are getting capcha and challenge on every sites with Cloudflare since sunday without proper reason." by @[Ahks_u](https://twitter.com/Ahks_u/status/1127828742947180544)
"Why don’t you explain blocking domains? You’re pretty good at blocking access to websites." by @[JimInHeaven](https://twitter.com/JimInHeaven/status/1127598018197430278)
"half the sites i visit require me to do a captcha, and then half the resources fail to load even after i'm successful." by @[adamjogrady](https://twitter.com/adamjogrady/status/1127766600428343297)
"Cloudflare can fuck right off with this sudden "Confirm you're not a robot" page that's popping up everyfuckingwhere. Sort your malconfigured shit out." by @[anarchic_teapot](https://twitter.com/anarchic_teapot/status/1127677511838707713)
"Resulta que la web m'ha bloquejat per activitat sospitosa Quin ensurt!" by @[bartomeumiro](https://twitter.com/bartomeumiro/status/1127517268152287233)
"They block anyone who challenges them on their lack of morals or ethics. All while claiming transparency and protection of free speech." by @[phyzonloop](https://twitter.com/phyzonloop/status/1126950283580456960)
"How about actually focus on protecting your website and not rely on free cloudflare to cover your ass" by @[organise](https://twitter.com/organise/status/1127363885282017280)
"Use #1dot1dot1dot1, and you WILL be spied on." by @[brettglass](https://twitter.com/brettglass/status/1126521626768609281)
"Cloudflare has been crippling our web site speed and has been removed. Things should be noticeably better from today." by @[ModSquadAU](https://twitter.com/ModSquadAU/status/1126617699591737345)
"If you are actually deleting all of the information you have on me then how are you able to prevent me from signing up with the same email?" by @[real_ate](https://twitter.com/real_ate/status/1126415124095471617)
"Cloudflare keeps banning me temporarily... just from browser activity. Is there anything I can do to prevent this?" by @[marcgoujon](https://twitter.com/marcgoujon/status/1120726019407638528)
"Your firewall rules prevent our office IP to visit (Cloudflare 1020, Access denied). Can you help us out?" by @[WietseWind](https://twitter.com/WietseWind/status/1115176560204627969)
"Cloudflare deleted my domain config I lost all my DNS settings no wonder why my emails were not working." by @[stefan_eady](https://twitter.com/stefan_eady/status/1126033791267426304)
"We're about to find out if #Cloudflare keeps your #IPAddress anywhere." by @[shadesmaclean](https://twitter.com/shadesmaclean/status/1125516351966027776)
"Cloudflare, if you don't know this; we have seriously misplaced our trust in you." by @[ADoug](https://twitter.com/ADoug/status/1125266988966739968)
"If you truly care about your users & you are so concerned about privacy and having a decentralized Internet, then you will do what’s right" by @[larrybeck_](https://twitter.com/larrybeck_/status/1121412414115917826)
"A lot of us VPN users don't enjoy helping google train computer vision and fingerprinting bots. Or spending 20 minutes being told we don't know what crosswalks are." by @[digiwombat](https://twitter.com/digiwombat/status/1108480942417436672)
"We are trusting one secretive, private company with censoring the web. We’re essentially centralising a decentralised system once again." by @[steve228uk](https://twitter.com/steve228uk/status/1061949645113511939)
"Chiming in here, of course, but Cloudflare ARE censoring people." by @[misslolahunt](https://twitter.com/misslolahunt/status/1106745032722137088)
" I do not appreciate "Cloud flare" unilaterally censoring conservative sites I choose to visit and comment on" by @[Suchindranath](https://twitter.com/Suchindranath/status/1086253299064438784)
"Cloudflare's CEO and abuse head block me over arguing about their support of abusive websites. Trolls fear transparency." by @[dxgl_org](https://twitter.com/dxgl_org/status/1123622959124549632)
"Defenders are screwed. Plus users are screwed as they lose all control of privacy to companies like cloudflare." by @[hrbrmstr](https://twitter.com/hrbrmstr/status/1121180307091271680)
"CloudFlare is breaking everything." by @[sukarodo](https://twitter.com/sukarodo/status/1124283685304512512)
"Thought my Website was a Phishing Suspect, Cloudflare decided to force a Nasty Don't Enter notice on my E-store domain. No notifications to me at all!" by @[modaitalysuits](https://twitter.com/modaitalysuits/status/1122986421109682176)
"RSS Feed is behind the Cloudflare DDoS protection. My RSS Reader is self hosted, so it is impossible for it to retrieve any feeds" by @[GarcaMan2](https://twitter.com/GarcaMan2/status/1121234101657321474)
"Mais comment osez-vous parler de "respect des données personnelles"? Votre site est bourré de traceur en tout genre! Pire vous routez vos utilisateurs via cloudflare aux USA!" by @[Armdias](https://twitter.com/Armdias/status/1120957817693847557)
"Avoid and ask any website you use why they are using them and to stop ASAP." by @[larrybeck_](https://twitter.com/larrybeck_/status/1120840099112026112)
"Zero Cloudflare, our site scores a 98% on pagespeed.. Really cant see any benefit to using cloudflare at all" by @[WESHUK](https://twitter.com/WESHUK/status/1120817837499650048)
"I read a description of CloudFlare as a "man-in-the-middle attack on the entire internet" and now I'm just a LIIIIIITLE bit conflicted." by @[ianbeck](https://twitter.com/ianbeck/status/1120814430239907840)
"Cloud flare you overdoing everything. Now i need to do a CAPTCHA for every page i visit. It surely changes how we use the web." by @[Kemboidickson](https://twitter.com/Kemboidickson/status/1115317470078930951)
"IP's are being blacklisted and denied access to any site using Cloudflare." by @[purplepopoto](https://twitter.com/purplepopoto/status/1118415845296762880)
"My IP got flagged for spam cause I tried logging into VRChat when they were having issues. Now I keep getting captchas for everything" by @[Fleurfurr](https://twitter.com/Fleurfurr/status/1118385992938020867)
"the equivalent of a Flash-required splash page 20 years ago. It makes you look stupid." by @[skry](https://twitter.com/skry/status/1096832011631681537)
"You say you're in IT but don't acknowledge the SPOF issue in cloudflare (right after privacy issues and Tor users problems to access your content)?" by @[Idfollowher](https://twitter.com/Idfollowher/status/1094339678516449282)
"I can't even reach the "contact us' without cloudflare banning my IP because of 'rate limit'." by @[SirIsaacIn1905](https://twitter.com/SirIsaacIn1905/status/1091368707484311552)
"Mind telling me why everything your apart of thinks im a Robot?" by @[BrewManChew_](https://twitter.com/BrewManChew_/status/1118618347174858753)
"I've always referred to CloudFlare as the 'global passive adversary ya momma warned you about'." by @[NetworkString](https://twitter.com/NetworkString/status/1120073249189179392)
"They'll have to monetize data eventually, likely with an unnoticed tweak to their ToS." by @[phyzonloop](https://twitter.com/phyzonloop/status/1119703561087148032)
"#Cloudflare increases its MITM'ing of the web with a free #VPN for mobile. Best to avoid IMO." by @[sweepthenet](https://twitter.com/sweepthenet/status/1113086245159256066)
"Not playing the game is the best thing for anyone who wants to use the internet without being blocked." by @[Ares_CVR](https://twitter.com/Ares_CVR/status/1118429720515891200)
"VRChatのようなゲームはCAPTCHAフォームを受け取ることができないので、ブラックリストに捕まった人々は事実上ゲームをプレイすることができません。" by @[Meowkyway222](https://twitter.com/Meowkyway222/status/1118427292676476929)
"今日からなんか各地のサイトでCloudflareとかいうページが表示されてcaptchaのチェックをやたら求められるようになった" by @[yagamo54](https://twitter.com/yagamo54/status/1118115780984311809)
"クライアントがバグって意図せず攻撃者のような大量アクセスしてCloudflare大激怒でVRCユーザーのIPアドレスがブラックリスト入りってことかね" by @[bironist](https://twitter.com/bironist/status/1118474120960757760)
"バグが原因でCloudflare使ってるWebサービス全体にIPブロックされてる" by @[JO2PEG](https://twitter.com/JO2PEG/status/1118506271651401728)
"What’s going on with this cloud flare thing it’s locked me out of all website" by @[Xiverta](https://twitter.com/Xiverta/status/1118417249222529024)
"Cloudflare run DoH and do Man-In-the-middle of the century" by @[FernandoGont](https://twitter.com/FernandoGont/status/1106469002807779330)
"It's not a fully-encrypted experience. In fact, Cloudflare becomes, by definition, a Man In The Middle (MITM) -- and at mass scale!" by @[FernandoGont](https://twitter.com/FernandoGont/status/1077984986144354304)
"I guess #cloudflare's business model is #spam (and man-in-the-middle attacks on #tls)" by @[christophe0o](https://twitter.com/christophe0o/status/1069295953478336517)
"journalist was murdered in #Kiev. His home address was doxxed by the Ukrainian website, protected by Cloudflare" by @[RusEmbUSA](https://twitter.com/RusEmbUSA/status/1118235522168758272)
"Everybody remain silent about US-based extremist website 'Peacekeeper’ protected by Cloudflare with ‘high moral standards'" by @[RusEmbUSApress](https://twitter.com/RusEmbUSApress/status/1045882620289196032)
"They've doxxed someone who reported pedoporn in the past so I'm not expecting miracles" by @[jpetazzo](https://twitter.com/jpetazzo/status/897554355368456193)
"I reported a website for hosting illegal content. CloudFlare doxxed me to Brennan. Brennan doxxed me to 8chan" by @[petercoffin](https://twitter.com/petercoffin/status/554728016480182272)
"Cloudflare who are free speech to the point of doing nothing. You can't safely report valid abuse to them without it being forwarded to the hosts and you getting doxxed. Then cloudflare wash hands." by @[plambrechtsen](https://twitter.com/plambrechtsen/status/1125980039814606849)
"Our users are actually customers, and we look out for them and strive to satisfy them. Unlike the lying #Clownflare, which wants to be an MITM." by @[brettglass](https://twitter.com/brettglass/status/1118543682385399809)
"You buy the "free" service with your sites traffic.a.k.a mitm the heck out of you." by @[cireumayn1](https://twitter.com/cireumayn1/status/1114673721355251712)
"Who the hell is cloudflare and why do they block access" by @[TheCubanEdge](https://twitter.com/TheCubanEdge/status/1120513042704404480)
"Why should we trust cloudflare to MITM all our traffic as a VPN when there are such bad security practices in place with existing products?" by @[GvilleComputer](https://twitter.com/GvilleComputer/status/1113046802566131713)
"So, you are actually putting the trust in a commercial provider that is already in a position to find out very private details about you?" by @[h3artbl33d](https://twitter.com/h3artbl33d/status/1112763751353200642)
"Cloudflare seems to be protecting it a bit too much" by @[spitf1r3](https://twitter.com/spitf1r3/status/1104908643017940992)
"all web traffic is routed through CloudFlare - which is an adversary to privacy (MitM by design)" by @[h3artbl33d](https://twitter.com/h3artbl33d/status/1111982937707298816)
"Aren't Cloudflare themselves the biggest MITM around?" by @[auspicacious](https://twitter.com/auspicacious/status/1111500313259724803)
"This Cloudflare error is popping up on a ton of sites all of a sudden. It doesn't seem to be malware or anything..." by @[Eltalite](https://twitter.com/Eltalite/status/1118011155509682176)
"When #Cloudflare and #Google prevent you from watching a government's parliamentary debates. Does that count as interfering with democratic processes?" by @[STP_KITT](https://twitter.com/STP_KITT/status/1113442207619358720)
"I MADE A BILL PAYMENT BUGGING IT OUT AND IT DOUBLE CHARGED ME CAUSE OF IT." by @[The_FoxGod](https://twitter.com/The_FoxGod/status/1118579858437578752)
"People find themselves met with a brick wall of endless captcha requests any time they try to go to a cloudflare-protected website, and they can't even submit a ticket to Cloudflare about it because they're protected, obviously. " by @[RiDakuYazumi](https://twitter.com/RiDakuYazumi/status/1118512842959929344)
"Blind people simply can't pass them. Your test is failing at telling humans & computers apart." by @[axelsimon](https://twitter.com/axelsimon/status/1094303636350529536)
"My IP was blocked by Cloudflare because I can't access a variety of websites without the CAPTCHA page showing up. I also can't play RuneLiteClient anymore." by @[MohamedMounib3](https://twitter.com/MohamedMounib3/status/1119654593867075586)
"Hey ProtonVPN some of your servers in PT are blocked by cloudflare" by @[brecke](https://twitter.com/brecke/status/1118896499121897474)
"Your support of Cloudflare's spyware and lies demonstrates that, again, you're either misguided or malevolent." by @[brettglass](https://twitter.com/brettglass/status/1119720600363261953)
"It wants to be a 'man in the middle' between you and the Internet, and between Web sites and the Internet." by @[brettglass](https://twitter.com/brettglass/status/1119721137263534081)
"I don't know why I was banned from access government website." by @[abidavid1199](https://twitter.com/abidavid1199/status/1119734124821057536)
"You've officially banned my country via CloudFlare's firewall. I honestly, sincerely hope your company goes bankrupt because this is pure bs." by @[ii0wii](https://twitter.com/ii0wii/status/1119520320703143941)
"I had a friend who got banned by cloudflare" by @[WhisperMute](https://twitter.com/WhisperMute/status/1118946685324070914)
"Hey guess what! i got ip banned by Cloudflare Woohoo!" by @[cearealkillas](https://twitter.com/cearealkillas/status/1118626896143511552)
"vrchat fucked up and ended up having bunch people banned from cloudflare so no one could login i cant even watch anime" by @[LoliGoddess_VR](https://twitter.com/LoliGoddess_VR/status/1118424623392202752)
"Imagine being so incompetent at networking that you get your users flagged for spam from cloudflare, you guys are a joke" by @[SilverTheFlat](https://twitter.com/SilverTheFlat/status/1118203335973244934)
"Cloudflare is trash, has always been trash, and will continue to be trash." by @[justkelly_ok](https://twitter.com/justkelly_ok/status/897519768323768320)
"You probably got blacklisted by Cloudflare like a good amount of people" by @[Mertvyi_](https://twitter.com/Mertvyi_/status/1118550942394109957)
"Only started today. I am definitely not a robot!" by @[TheReal_blue166](https://twitter.com/TheReal_blue166/status/1087778908324458496)
"Ridiculous CAPTCHA usage, Cloudflare Edition; 'not a robot' to refresh the API key for an account that's already locked behind credentials + MFA, and requiring the password." by @[sindarina](https://twitter.com/sindarina/status/1042085625032257536)
"I spent my day telling Cloudflare every 5 min on every site that i'm not a robot." by @[morhac](https://twitter.com/morhac/status/1017409748482719744)
"People are being blacklisted by cloudflare, and the fact that it's literally all down to the vrc devs, this will end with a lawsuit" by @[Retr0Fighter](https://twitter.com/Retr0Fighter/status/1118487667094765569)
"This little VRChat bug is banning people from actual millions of websites with very few convenient fixes." by @[RiDakuYazumi](https://twitter.com/RiDakuYazumi/status/1118514780652879872)
"DO NOT GO ON THE VRCHAT WEBSITE THEY WILL ALSO BLOCK YOUR IP" by @[ECW117](https://twitter.com/ECW117/status/1118477598202507265)
"Im so damn annoyed with this Cloudflare stuff" by @[styloVR](https://twitter.com/styloVR/status/1118545393158119425)
"Gonna quit VRChat for a bit to avoid a cloudflare ban. This isn't gonna end pretty for the dev team at all." by @[iamblssm](https://twitter.com/iamblssm/status/1118621746326675457)
"Cloudflare like to act as champions of free speech, but as soon as protections for free speech disappear, they all but rolled over and censored that speech." by @[ThisIsMissEm](https://twitter.com/ThisIsMissEm/status/1118390074557775872)
"I am stuck at an infinite loading screen trying to load the game. This has also caused my IP to be flagged by Cloudflare" by @[Etna_AD](https://twitter.com/Etna_AD/status/1118393520077901824)
"GOT FLAGGED FROM CLOUDFLARE FOR PLAYING/STREAMING VRChat SO NO STREAM TODAY" by @[odomfire](https://twitter.com/odomfire/status/1118263523002519553)
"How do I fix the cloudfare from popping up. This has made it Impossible for me to even stream." by @[RealTypey](https://twitter.com/RealTypey/status/1118272161607749632)
"ISPs don't sell customer DNS data. Cloudflare is fearmongering in an effort to garner DNS traffic to spy on and sell its VPN" by @[brettglass](https://twitter.com/brettglass/status/1118202225715752960)
"You're lying about your paid product, too. VPNs don't protect privacy, because their exit nodes are easy for governments to monitor." by @[brettglass](https://twitter.com/brettglass/status/1118271101665255432)
"can you unflag my ip please. its actually stoping me from doing anything" by @[churchillvr](https://twitter.com/churchillvr/status/1118164231860432896)
"So much for transparency. If they have nothing to hide, why block me?" by @[phyzonloop](https://twitter.com/phyzonloop/status/1118229040777826305)
"Seems like your Cloudflare waf rule is blocking me!" by @[JobinNixHive](https://twitter.com/JobinNixHive/status/1118242827731914754)
"Tu veux nous informer d'un problème? Ok, mais donne tes données personnelles avant." by @[fladna9](https://twitter.com/fladna9/status/1037585196802101249)
"Your Cloudflare config is being screwy & blocking my wife’s IP (which has been the same IP for over a year) which is screwing up her stream." by @[alexanderhanff](https://twitter.com/alexanderhanff/status/1115660493669191680)
"Cloudflare's WAF blocking Googlebot. Is this accurate? Even this morning I woke up and noticed another page dropped" by @[madhacks](https://twitter.com/madhacks/status/1114577907114856448)
"I'm super tired of websites deciding what I want, or indeed who I am, based on my current geolocation." by @[storyneedle](https://twitter.com/storyneedle/status/1084821216597135360)
"I’m fucking tired of cloudflare and their nonsense grandstanding about DoH." by @[JumpyBirdBird](https://twitter.com/JumpyBirdBird/status/1065536618667270145)
"i’m getting tired of cloud flare’s captcha on every single site" by @[riyadhalnur](https://twitter.com/riyadhalnur/status/729191160917319680)
"Hate captcha. Hate Cloud Flare." by @[EconomicMayhem](https://twitter.com/EconomicMayhem/status/723348151181164544)
"So nice of cloud flare to use a captcha provider that doesn’t appear to work inside China, thus completely blocking sites." by @[albertren](https://twitter.com/albertren/status/716233184833196032)
"eww I got cloudflarecaptcha'd again… too lazy to search for a good pic tho, so I'll just pretend I didn't click link for once" by @[yuki_the_maven](https://twitter.com/yuki_the_maven/status/708468683430039552)
"I'm having trouble getting to your site, everytime i try to get to it, cloud flare seems to block me" by @[slurpeerun](https://twitter.com/slurpeerun/status/1067652451270967296)
"You have Cloudflare on your website and you're blocking access from entire countries?" by @[dec23k](https://twitter.com/dec23k/status/1111961153742213121)
"hey Cloudflare, why do you suck so much? you've blocked my ability to use streamlabs while streaming." by @[Sam41gaming](https://twitter.com/Sam41gaming/status/1101413577796153344)
"#Cloudflare Owns the encryption keys to the servers that collected the data from the 2018 voting machines." by @[MaggieMaeMooCow](https://twitter.com/MaggieMaeMooCow/status/1062775200192770048)
"What about stop using stupid Cloudflare!" by @[x61sh](https://twitter.com/x61sh/status/1116808798897868800)
"I don’t want to select pictures with a car plate to read a fuckin article on web" by @[umurgdk](https://twitter.com/umurgdk/status/1116649566416162818)
"クラウドフレアっていうやつにアクセス拒否くらってる模様" by @[notmoneybutrust](https://twitter.com/notmoneybutrust/status/1114273590944210944)
"If you use, cloudflare will be able to snoop on what you do on the Internet." by @[neirbowj](https://twitter.com/neirbowj/status/1116545712668516352)
" Cloudflare blocks a bunch of people without giving you any choice in the matter. If you're using cloudflare you are allowing them to censor who hits your site." by @[jeffcliff1](https://twitter.com/jeffcliff1/status/1108142374776176640)
"It breaks a lot of things for me, like images stop loading on Twitter or some apps straight up don’t work." by @[ScottishBakery](https://twitter.com/ScottishBakery/status/1116673794855272449)
"Not just you. CloudFlare got interrupted a few times today." by @[guyothersome](https://twitter.com/guyothersome/status/1116471262132436994)
" prevents some apps from working, in particular I have problems connecting with the app" by @[SCRWD](https://twitter.com/SCRWD/status/1116291854759354371)
"First, you create a problem. Then, you pretend to solve that problem." by @[switch_d](https://twitter.com/switch_d/status/1116039082977533952)
"Why are you blocking listeners in Thailand? You’re blocking countries at the CloudFlare level. I’ve tried multiple IPs from multiple providers here. It’s discriminatory to block based on country of origin." by @[smacintyre](https://twitter.com/smacintyre/status/1087543097574154240)
"Cloudflare DNS is flaking out ugh" by @[sleepingkyoto](https://twitter.com/sleepingkyoto/status/1115014195286646784)
"Tell eastdakota it's not nice to block me. He said in his YouTube interviews that #censorship is bad." by @[phyzonloop](https://twitter.com/phyzonloop/status/1067177577519898626)
"They want to be a single point of failure once again and they've already failed once" by @[wombatush](https://twitter.com/wombatush/status/1114464442794643461)
"This special treatment is inexcusable" by @[saleemrash1d](https://twitter.com/saleemrash1d/status/1114289465760075776)
"You are KILLING the #internet and aiding #surveillance agenda of #GAFAM and others" by @[Dr. Roy](https://twitter.com/schestowitz/status/1067299259593175040)
"The log file from your iOS app shows that you do track personal information" by @[holydevil](https://twitter.com/holydevil/status/1112769739045158912)
"Which part of the privacy policy allows you to share data with marketing crap" by @[thexpaw](https://twitter.com/thexpaw/status/1108424723233419264)
"Can you explain why I am blocked from accessing your site?" by @[Susan_Larson_TN](https://twitter.com/Susan_Larson_TN/status/1110207775311912966)
"Did my questions and comments hit a little too close to home so you BLOCKED ME?" by @[phyzonloop](https://twitter.com/phyzonloop/status/1109133085336047617)
"Why is your site blocking me?" by @[flarn2006](https://twitter.com/flarn2006/status/1107837140359094273)
"It's pretty bad as half the internet is behind Cloudflare." by @[Skyfusion89](https://twitter.com/Skyfusion89/status/1101600562355859456)
"Cloudflare has me blocked." by @[JacobyDave](https://twitter.com/JacobyDave/status/1095411772851474434)
"People really ought to stop using/trusting cloudflare. it's a disgusting centralized morally compromised CDN." by @[drwdal](https://twitter.com/drwdal/status/1113171715234902018)
"anyone who uses cloudflare as an authority is promoting corporatization and effectively introducing an opportunity for MITM" by @[drwdal](https://twitter.com/drwdal/status/1113172243981496320)
"Please stop using Cloudflare's CDN. They blocked my IP" by @[actual_mishaor](https://twitter.com/actual_mishaor/status/1112285872311934976)
"Cloudflare is a threat to the internet, and makes it harder for visitors of your website to protect their right to privacy." by @[Mr. Jeff](https://twitter.com/jeffcliff1/status/1105832648096862208)
"WTF! Just stop! Patreon Cloudflare and many others..." by @[umurgdk](https://twitter.com/umurgdk/status/1113323739221962752)
"I could not access the email because of cloudflare." by @[DouglasLindquis](https://twitter.com/DouglasLindquis/status/1115990146011344896)
"I have tried but API cannot be used because of Cloudflare" by @[miningpoolstats](https://twitter.com/miningpoolstats/status/1113810320710098944)
"Akamai states that 0.2% of Tor exit nodes had malicious requests, yet CloudFlare claims 94%" by @[musalbas](https://twitter.com/musalbas/status/717316725973389313)
"I'm starting to think that #CloudFlare is post-irony with their non-functional or just broken captchas" by @[ioerror](https://twitter.com/ioerror/status/715168927639343109)
"Why trust Cloudflare so much? I'm very wary of them handling so much Internet traffic." by @[ampajaro](https://twitter.com/ampajaro/status/1113508899397734401)
"You do not pay them anything. If you are not the customer, you are the product." by @[brettglass](https://twitter.com/brettglass/status/1119661919265116160)
"I don't trust a CDN provider that much. Simple as that. It's too big of an ask. This is why I will not use cloudflare." by @[Otto42](https://twitter.com/Otto42/status/1099863930640449536)
"There is no reason why people should trust you more than their ISP of choice." by @[pchapuis](https://twitter.com/pchapuis/status/1065601554131107840)
"It gets even better. SOLVE ALL THE CAPTCHAS" by @[metabubble](https://twitter.com/metabubble/status/715206027793338368)
"CloudFlare is gathering the web and centralizes it, I don't see any good aspect in this" by @[fuolpit](https://twitter.com/fuolpit/status/715942023564550144)
"At work, a very large client had major issues due to cloudflare misconfig. Don't use CloudFlare." by @[Dr. Roy](https://twitter.com/schestowitz/status/1036861493155962881)
"Fuck me CloudFlare Captchas are just impossibly difficult. Yet to succeed tonight … are you trying to block people as well" by @[badlydrawnrob](https://twitter.com/badlydrawnrob/status/602964063308636160)
"So you intermittently block me from viewing sites on your platform, and refuse to even address my questions about it." by @[2012_04_28](https://twitter.com/2012_04_28/status/314180120518750209)
"Go away cloudflare, don't block me from my own website!" by @[liamgooding](https://twitter.com/liamgooding/status/115736397645746176)
"You successful manage to block me, and fail to display why" by @[kaareal](https://twitter.com/kaareal/status/42885552793595904)
"Requested a refund. You guys refuse to do so. Trying to call goes to voice mail and support by email give me lame excuses." by @[thenitai](https://twitter.com/thenitai/status/1116433441598451712)
"genau von denen bin ich wenig begeistert..." by @[r00tthebox](https://twitter.com/r00tthebox/status/1115627988924751873)
"Ist übrigens die IP-Adresse von Cloudflare für die Homepage der JusoSchweiz, die ihr das blockiert." by @[sacovo](https://twitter.com/sacovo/status/1093541275326910464)
"Dass CloudFlare selbst TOR blockiert, ist denen wohl nicht aufgefallen." by @[kamikazow](https://twitter.com/kamikazow/status/570943630539689984)
"Cloudflare blockiert TOR-Exit-Nodes." by @[schild202](https://twitter.com/schild202/status/557770010450726912)
"Sites on Cloudflare blocked me upon browsing. Please fix." by @[lino_almojuela](https://twitter.com/lino_almojuela/status/742721270861553665)
"Achievement Unlocked! Cloudflare has blocked me. Oh, whatever shall I do???" by @[thisisgab2](https://twitter.com/thisisgab2/status/1062518618087481345)
"It's blocked by Cloudflare for me" by @[motters](https://twitter.com/motters/status/723902453939339264)
"My access to all cloudflare websites seem to be blocked." by @[MrDHat](https://twitter.com/MrDHat/status/980777153116569600)
"CloudFlare doesn’t like me… I have been ‘blocked’ by CloudFlare…" by @[bryanbrake](https://twitter.com/bryanbrake/status/706958626154393601)
"CloudFlare would not and won’t let me connect to & open that link." by @[ZEPHYoRUS](https://twitter.com/ZEPHYoRUS/status/1085240244872597504)
"Torをホワイトリストに追加していてもブロックしてくるCloudflare" by @[CheenaBlog](https://twitter.com/CheenaBlog/status/1042413641449005056)
"CloudFlareのCDNをウイルスバスターがブロックしちゃって見れない" by @[_iro](https://twitter.com/_iro/status/734991531724017664)
"Error 520と表示されてページが見れない。" by @[halpas_blog](https://twitter.com/halpas_blog/status/843401976280829953)
"ここ数日ずっとCloudFlareのerror 522で見れない。" by @[usunekoserv_pub](https://twitter.com/usunekoserv_pub/status/689752546991181824)
"IT Cell found a way to secure their website: they banned French IPs" by @[fs0c131y](https://twitter.com/fs0c131y/status/1110989388295467008)
"Cloudflare thinks I'm a robot and is blocking the most annoying preflight requests without letting me do a captcha." by @[enjalot](https://twitter.com/enjalot/status/1107085704591347712)
"Solving captcha puzzles for Google every single time due to your Cloudflare protection just ruins the whole experience." by @[chowdhuryrahul](https://twitter.com/chowdhuryrahul/status/1115132766603972609)
"I am unable to login to android app, tried using credentials, reinstalling app, nothing worked." by @[prasadthombre](https://twitter.com/prasadthombre/status/1112950318537625600)
"Cloudflare has traditionally thrown CAPTCHAs aggressively enough at VPN users to degrade the browsing experience." by @[mbarnath](https://twitter.com/mbarnath/status/1112969137389617152)
"Very few websites aren't using it meaning the majority of warp traffic is easily decrypted." by @[nathanielrsuchy](https://twitter.com/nathanielrsuchy/status/1113120866672525314)
"Cloudflare captcha is annoying af" by @[YourAnonNews](https://twitter.com/YourAnonNews/status/762340768845598720)
"What’s up with the forced #CloudFlare captcha page today?" by @[Aybara](https://twitter.com/Aybara/status/1113462534172946432)
"CAPTCHA protest outside CloudFlare rightscon party!" by @[ageis](https://twitter.com/ageis/status/715353166666027008)
"The truth behind Google Captcha, Analytics, CloudFlare is Covert Espionage and Mass Surveillance." by @[Casey_Comendant](https://twitter.com/Casey_Comendant/status/1116417797007921152)
"#Cloudflare is always the most frustrating part of my day. #dontblocktor" by @[jbrooks_](https://twitter.com/jbrooks_/status/715185447886938112)
"C'mon CloudFlare... I really don't feel like training your AI today" by @[trevorpaglen](https://twitter.com/trevorpaglen/status/728330578781712384)
"Tor CloudFlare Captcha #TellASadStoryin3Words" by @[YrB1rd](https://twitter.com/YrB1rd/status/834539628791209984)
"CloudFlare is such trash, is there anything comparable that DOESN'T suck???" by @[radix42](https://twitter.com/radix42/status/834543824047190016)
"Your blog post wasn't worth the cloudflare captcha i solved to read it" by @[agentdero](https://twitter.com/agentdero/status/707293903418822656)
"Cloudflare's aggressive use of google captcha basically means the trade-off of using a vpn is training google's self-driving cars." by @[frnsys](https://twitter.com/frnsys/status/1072504815152959488)
"cfc;dr = cloudflare captcha; didn't read." by @[mrphs](https://twitter.com/mrphs/status/710867596959227904)
"Each time I fill out a Cloudflare captcha I grow slightly more suspicious that I may in fact be a robot..." by @[projectgus](https://twitter.com/projectgus/status/979152953297715202)
"Select grass, copy-paste text, click "not a robot", select storefronts. Not getting better." by @[shiromarieke](https://twitter.com/shiromarieke/status/785557109962317825)
"Getting the Cloudflare captcha for everything today!" by @[TheHodge](https://twitter.com/TheHodge/status/1009091924639322114)
"Tor user in Iran can't read content behind CloudFlare" by @[attractr](https://twitter.com/attractr/status/717790178786586625)
"I gave up after the text captcha step." by @[jordansissel](https://twitter.com/jordansissel/status/692508531455582209)
"Why don't you just commit to only using Tor Browser for all of next week and see what it's like for yourself?" by @[hdevalence](https://twitter.com/hdevalence/status/698967506057347072)
"Every time I have to do an image Captcha it's a dead giveaway that Cloudflare services are used." by @[StateExempt](https://twitter.com/StateExempt/status/1111613302914908160)
"I just encountered a site with a fake #Cloudfail #CAPTCHA dialog to trick people reflexively clicking on it." by @[Nin_99](https://twitter.com/Nin_99/status/1112174288323383299)
"You're making the use of your site pretty difficult for #TOR users." by @[Sebastian Bürgel](https://twitter.com/SCBuergel/status/1114492792875700225)
"I dislike Cloudflare they always block my VPN which I use to keep ads and trackers at bay" by @[nonesuchzach](https://twitter.com/nonesuchzach/status/782238922009042948)
"Ugh, anoying services. You block me because i use a VPN, WHY?" by @[_ruis_](https://twitter.com/_ruis_/status/827105441264054272)
"You now seemingly have every single IP block for PIA's VPN service in the US at least temporarily blocked via Cloudflare" by @[theonlymattlach](https://twitter.com/theonlymattlach/status/892201755035013121)
"Plz stop using Cloudflare.They block VPN and proxies ment to enhance our privacy." by @[claw137](https://twitter.com/claw137/status/892397825245536257)
"threatening to harass and dox my partners because I told them to remove our address" by @[ZJemptv](https://twitter.com/ZJemptv/status/898299709634248704)
"Your cloudflare-hosted site blocks my VPN so I can't even buy your VPN while using a competitor." by @[focusaurus](https://twitter.com/focusaurus/status/942968457909456898)
"Most use Cloudflare+CAPTCHAs to filter." by @[r0h1n](https://twitter.com/r0h1n/status/778788564519845888)
"TorGuard uses CloudFlare They are #antiprivacy and block #VPN users!" by @[SPC_Bitcoin](https://twitter.com/SPC_Bitcoin/status/702699563342106625)
"One large company (CloudFlare) deciding who can visit what." by @[OhNoItsFusl](https://twitter.com/OhNoItsFusl/status/680144362773319681)
"So CloudFlare you block my surf because I'm behind a vpn protection?" by @[manuzful](https://twitter.com/manuzful/status/677474770867351553)
"In hindsight, I'm an idiot for not taking the decrypt/recrypt into account" by @[Firesphere](https://twitter.com/Firesphere/status/756693331762184192)
"any dev: to see how obscene they are, imagine getting captchas going onto github, twitter, Facebook" by @[thomaskerin](https://twitter.com/thomaskerin/status/753911221091434496)
"You send every HTTPS request from my browser to Cloudflare. They decrypt that HTTPS traffic." by @[jamesconroyfinn](https://twitter.com/jamesconroyfinn/status/811276047085957120)
"Never heard of cloudflare until network connectivity denied me" by @[1nzimande](https://twitter.com/1nzimande/status/690223994038030337)
"Access denied. What have you done, the CloudFlare cyberpolice are now out to get me!" by @[nyarth](https://twitter.com/nyarth/status/287603063668228096)
"You differentiate humans from bots." "Well fuck that." by @[magi093](https://twitter.com/magi093/status/1097480616050860032)
"Does anyone know if Saudi Arabia likes to filter Cloudflare?" by @[ralphholz](https://twitter.com/ralphholz/status/859565090395144192)
"Really wish you didn't block my IP with Cloud Flare. I'd join and support if I could." by @[DeborahPeasley](https://twitter.com/DeborahPeasley/status/801186753746903041)
"Get your shit together. Stop treating all Tor users like criminals." by @[slashdashdot](https://twitter.com/slashdashdot/status/715639099130908674)
"Link uses Cloud Flare to block IPs of those of us who browse anonymously" by @[DeborahPeasley](https://twitter.com/DeborahPeasley/status/568445705020420096)
"Someone tell me how to bypass cloud flare so I can add..." by @[Shh_Its_Raghav](https://twitter.com/Shh_Its_Raghav/status/967888191201185793)
"Today I learned that Cloudflare is doing more to censor the internet than the Great Firewall of China" by @[pabloduboue](https://twitter.com/pabloduboue/status/682394633641549829)
"If you're a daily Tor user like me, you should get used to contacting the services you use and ask them to #DontBlockTor" by @[yawnbox](https://twitter.com/yawnbox/status/847182068853428225)
"Uses Cloudflare as MITM, blocks torproject, uses Google Adsense and Analytics to track you. This service is bullshit lies!" by @[MacLemon](https://twitter.com/MacLemon/status/793935353568694272)
"Please unblock my IP address. I’m having to enter CAPTCHA for every website I visit" by @[itixx](https://twitter.com/itixx/status/974463968269033472)
"Receiving a blocked ip error from cloudflare, why is that happening, can you unblock this ip? We never entered any wrong data" by @[entequak](https://twitter.com/entequak/status/906125031599722496)
"Please, unblock me on x. My ip is: x. It's because i'm using proxy." by @[S60Team](https://twitter.com/S60Team/status/789740374810095616)
"You aren't making anything any easier. Unblock direct IP access for a day, will you?" by @[simAlity](https://twitter.com/simAlity/status/789544967261736960)
"It seems your site is behind Cloudflare and is blocking Tor. Could you unblock it?" by @[qbi](https://twitter.com/qbi/status/761688391075434497)
"Please unblock your site, and don't use Cloudflare #dontblocktor" by @[motters](https://twitter.com/motters/status/747523232039866368)
"One more stepというのが出た Cloudflareってなんやねん" by @[zofeee](https://twitter.com/zofeee/status/1114998054770302976)
"I've had a issue for a while now where I get a box on OBS which says "One more step. Please complete the security check to access http://streamlabs.com " I went to your website and completed it with 2 different browsers but still the same thing." by @[NemeZiLive](https://twitter.com/NemeZiLive/status/1101399417024843777)
"Is it normal for attempts to open your site, to be met with One more step +capcha test? or a BS speedbump?" by @[TotsTeeter](https://twitter.com/TotsTeeter/status/1061732565185261568)
"One more step Please complete the security check to access... I’m gonna blow my brains" by @[ahmMohs](https://twitter.com/ahmMohs/status/1045282363805249536)
"uh thats gonna b a cmd+w for me" by @[reifitaputs](https://twitter.com/reifitaputs/status/1036555891829403648)
"最近、「One more step」という画面がよく出てくるようになって、まともにネットが使えないんだけど、それはカンボジアまたはこの辺の地域の中国人ハッカー共が仕事してるってことでいいのかな" by @[sanchoku_iruma](https://twitter.com/sanchoku_iruma/status/1031794606692691968)
"How to have me leave your site. "One more step" Forcing users that us vpns to jump through hoops is lousy customer service." by @[nomadcat](https://twitter.com/nomadcat/status/1023585890512371712)
"A chaque fois que je veux consulter un site il y'a ça : Remplir un captcha" by @[B_Maroc](https://twitter.com/B_Maroc/status/1015990908565819392)
"I’m sure these makes your site very secure but they’re an absolute pain. Could you please turn them off? Three rounds of CAPTCHAS to read a blog is a bit disproportionate." by @[Aeyoun](https://twitter.com/Aeyoun/status/1012399198124347392)
"This is clearly indicate, these websites track us." by @[muththukrishna](https://twitter.com/muththukrishna/status/982786376235126786)
"The stupidest thing now a days #cloudflare asking #captcha everytime. #cloudflare i use Mac please dont give shitty explanation of #malware" by @[_danielchris](https://twitter.com/_danielchris/status/725628300253515776)
"Cloudflare is shit, dont use it" by @[raz_c](https://twitter.com/raz_c/status/436534703873884160)
"Oh shit guys, the Internet's here. CloudFlare #dontblocktor" by @[abditum](https://twitter.com/abditum/status/715353710780489728)
""protecting" your exchange with CloudFlare = permanent #MITM" by @[Bitcoin_Central](https://twitter.com/Bitcoin_Central/status/398741889681084416)
"You can't contact the host. Cloudflare proxy servers hide the IP of the website making it impossible to determine who's hosting. You can report to their abuse, but I reported 100s of scammers sites and they did nothing" by @[phyzonloop](https://twitter.com/phyzonloop/status/1071901410307031040)
"cloudflare has shared information from abuse form to site owner. They have retaliated and doxxed filer." by @[3bagsfull](https://twitter.com/3bagsfull/status/896985805817876480)
"Fuck CloudFlare. They chose to pass on people's contact details to 8chan when those people report" by @[ChrisWarcraft](https://twitter.com/ChrisWarcraft/status/886297432493092864)
"Cloudflare won't help future me dox and harass complainants! Whatever will I do?!" by @[yaelwrites](https://twitter.com/yaelwrites/status/860518424144887809)
###### Mastodon
"How pathetic is life when becoming absolutely enraged after solving a #captcha 3 times but not being permitted to move forward." by @[hrthu](https://fosstodon.org/@hrthu/101987545210858236)
"You definitely put yourself in big danger by using it. Cloudflare has an own CA that is able to issue certificates for ANY website." by @[sheogorath](https://microblog.shivering-isles.com/@sheogorath/102056520473398252)
"Cloudflare is among the worst organisations I've seen from a privacy and security standpoint, same as Google, Facebook, et al." by @[amolith](https://masto.nixnet.xyz/@amolith/101919558389894089)
"sometimes it feels like I'm the only one pushing against the #greatcloudwall" by @[jeffcliff](https://niu.moe/@jeffcliff/101117752770134814)
"I liked them until I saw #Cloudflare." by @[amolith](https://masto.nixnet.xyz/@amolith/101588202702599511)
"#Cloudflare #surveillance marketed as "fast"" by @[Dr. Roy](https://pleroma.site/objects/a24125f1-c3c3-4138-ad22-1fb9327b80c8)
"I wonder if the implied subtext is that YOU ARE THE FOOL for using these services. :-) " by @[MateJ](https://social.matej-lach.me/@MatejLach/101851464970639410)
"I dream of blocking #Cloudflare and #ReCaptcha" by @[Chuculate](https://niu.moe/@Chuculate/101834414084670347) |