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synced 2025-03-12 13:53:27 -04:00
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- now deep dive into / cloudflare wtf is that nazi crap One .com? over to joker .com from 1994 no less.. down to ' nidder? or nitter? crazy thing.. some clone of twitter.. where some' accts still exist odd" . careful artists.. no bueno w. crypto piracy up the wazoo wow (GladesYouth)
- Built a campaign site engine for Sneakersnstuff back in 2017. When they used it for limited sneaker releases the load went from 0 to 2M within the first minute.. 😅 And that was after multiple gates like CAPTCHA, mandatory credit card input, Cloudflare's DDOS protection etc. (peralmq)
- that specific error is coming from the cloudflare api! when developing/publishing, we upload a form that contains the whole worker definition - modules, bindings, all that. something about node 18 is ruining that formdata upload. (threepointone)
- That was fascinating, thank you. 2) Sticking Cloudflare's free plan in front of the webserver to provide a caching layer is probably the easiest way to stop this happening again if you have a couple of hours to spare. (shadowcat_mst)
- Cloudflare es una empresa de seguridad, no puede atacar servidores, de hecho yo la uso para encriptar mis comunicaciones, es algo parecido a una vpn. Seguramente el servidor de esa web haya tenido un error cuando el webmaster ha actualizado la web, o ha sufrido un ataque ddos (IbzClubbers)
- Confirmo, me mandó a pantalla de error de Cloudflare (reloadedemi)
- ini kabar manis 3 tahun lalu, tp kini telkomsel jg gunakan firewall utk blokir - bukan hanya dns. jadi solusinya pakai vpn, mnrt saya yg aman dan murah adlh cloudflare warp atau icloud private relay. (Ariyadi)
- Huge industry to try and stop it. Apple has whole teams dedicated to the problem and cloudflare has a team that’s trying to work on handling it at their layer. (JFK_but_lamer)
- Cloudflare My site is under attack - Your security it's not working well - A paid plan is better ? infosec security cloud (HackersOIHEC)
- You can stop at any point in this list, but for maximal improvement: 1. Check the Automatic Signed Exchanges checkbox in Cloudflare. 2. Ensure HTML is cacheable and doesn't Vary by UA or Cookie. (We're removing these requirements soon.) (twifkak)
- real, their cloudflare service blocked my ip, easy to fix but makes one realize there is only one web-app, at least I only know one.. (PSchlutermann)
- Cloudflare - can you please help me with getting access to an account with a username (email) that doesnt exist anymore? (WhitworthSEO)
- im in uae and keep getting cloudflare too long error (zain11127351308)
- So when you report a phishing page to Cloudflare, you also are by default telling the website owner but is that also the cloudflare customer? (DrWhax)
- I've been looking everywhere for some support with Cloudflared tunnels and I can't seem to find anything with my issue. Is there any chance I can get a hand with this? (bloodshotpico)
- rata rata vpn yg koneksinya cepet (at least kalo mau streaming lancar) harus bayar sih. yg free ada limit speed nya. tergantung buat apa. klo cuma mau akses website yg diblokir, mending pake dns cloudflare, gratis, tinggal setup sendiri (gulingkotak)
- Cloudflare Filled out your partnership form to be a technical partner 3 business days ago, when should we expect a reply? (jkowall)
- Hey Cloudflare Matthew, I know this will fall on deaf ears again since you have already blocked one grieving mom but do the right thing and stop hosting Sanctioned Suicide. Teenagers and young adults are being taught and influenced on how to take their lives every day. (PBsMom19)
- Why doesn't it verify your password before you have to fill out the stupid captcha?! I'm looking at you Cloudflare (stuartleech)
- My point, you we be hitting cloudflare ip addresses or get blocked (Hunnccho)
- Must be Cloudflare acting up. Let us know if you still see this error after some time. (VideoCardz)
- Anyone know what the 1001: Going Away Cloudflare restarting socket error is about? New one for me when the beeps are booping (WallStreetCorgi)
- Hello wildcard team, aren't you embarrassed that we still have the halloween event?? and now for 3 days the cloudflare problem?? can't you really turn on the event? I have to start ark via a vpn because of the cloudflare problem and travel to the NA server to enjoy the event/ (Morgunja)
- masama mas, tapi ga tau apa di app store gratis apa ndak... itu app vpn masih sekeluarga sama DNS cloudflare 😁 (lestarism_)
- Vind dit een beetje hetzelfde als covidbeheersing: soms is politiek maken niet handig en zijn deskundigen hard nodig. Tiep dit trouwens vanaf een geheel LUKS-versleuteld Manjaro OS via betaalde VPN, https DNS via cloudflare dus breek me de muil niet open. Meer later op wepside. (VeryMetalDev)
- JP publishers only post a warning once or twice to remind you all, but they take the longer route. They already made someone get arrested for operating an illegal site 😂 & - Kodansha, Kadokawa, Shogakukan, Sueisha are suing Cloudflare for allowing shroom sites to proliferate. (RegM0613)
- There seems to be some kind of outage, I don't know if it's on my end or not: Bad gateway The web server reported a bad gateway error. Ray ID: 6fe8235b5ff515af Your IP address: Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: Newark (rht341)
- 关于翻墙软件,建议选cloudflare加密软件,这个高速软件技术极其先进 极其私密安全高速,不要买什么看似宣传很接地气VPN了,有各方面的风险,进一步国际联网建议V2Ray机场 (SolidWorks5432)
- Anyone else having a problem with Cloudflare blocking access to dot com ? Anyone know of a way around such censorship? Thanks. (LegerPhoenix)
- I think Cloudflare communicates the page has been blocked, because of the region, although it doesn't provide an explanation as to why. (GosoraProject)
- sorry i don't know why i tweeted that, but the autism won't let me delete it now lmao (also, i should've said DOMAINS is using nameservers from months ago and i realized i just have to stop using cloudflare on it lol) (kimmykyle)
- also an error came up that I didn't screenshot, but it said your Cert wasn't compatible with cloudflare (saccvan)
- Hey Cloudflare what does it take to get you to honour unsubscribes from your newsletters? I've quit 3 times and even deleted my account. Stop spamming. (wherefishsing)
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