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## How many % of University and College websites in Asia are using Cloudflare?
The following is a list of University and College websites in Asia.
<summary>_click me_
## Afghanistan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Afghanistan Institute of Higher Education | https://dis.af/ | No |
| Afghanistan National Institute of Music | https://www.anim-music.org/ | No |
| Afghanistan Technical Vocational Institute | https://atvi.edu.af/ | No |
| Afghan University | https://www.afghanuniversity.edu.af/ | No |
| Al-Beroni University | https://www.au.edu.af/ | No |
| Alfalah University | https://alfalahuni.edu.af/ | No |
| American University of Afghanistan | https://www.auaf.edu.af/ | No |
| Ariana University | https://www.ariana.edu.af/ | No |
| Badakhshan University | https://badakhshan.edu.af/ | No |
| Badghis University | https://www.mohe.gov.af/ | Yes |
| Bakhtar Institute of Higher Education | https://www.bakhtar.edu.af/ | No |
| Balkh University | https://ba.edu.af/ | No |
| Bamyan University | https://bu.edu.af/ | No |
| Bost University | https://www.bost.edu.af/ | No |
| Dawat University | https://www.dawat.edu.af/ | No |
| Gawharshad University | https://gawharshad.edu.af/ | No |
| Ghazni University | https://gu.edu.af/ | No |
| Herat University | https://hu.edu.af/ | No |
| Kaboora Institute of Higher Education | https://www.kaboora.edu.af/ | No |
| Kabul Education University of Rabbani | https://keu.edu.af/ | No |
| Kabul Health Sciences Institute | https://www.kabuli.edu.af/ | No |
| Kabul Medical University | https://www.kmu.edu.af/ | No |
| Kabul Polytechnic University | https://kpu.edu.af/ | No |
| Kabul University | https://www.ku.edu.af/ | No |
| Kandahar University | https://kdru.edu.af/ | No |
| Kardan University | https://www.kardan.edu.af/ | Yes |
| Karwan University | https://karwan.edu.af/ | No |
| Kateb University | https://kateb.edu.af/ | Yes |
| Khatam Al-Nabieen University | https://khu.edu.af/ | No |
| Khurasan University | https://www.khurasan.org/ | No |
| Kunduz University | https://kundoz.edu.af/ | No |
| Laghman University | https://lu.edu.af/ | No |
| Malalay University | https://www.malalay.edu.af/ | No |
| Maryam University | https://www.maryam.edu.af/ | No |
| Mashal University | https://mashal.edu.af/ | No |
| Mirwais Neeka University | https://www.mnu.edu.af/ | No |
| Nangarhar University | https://nu.edu.af/ | No |
| National Military Academy of Afghanistan | https://www.nmaa.edu.af/ | No |
| Paktia University | https://www.pu.edu.af/ | No |
| Qalam Institute of Higher Education | https://www.qalam.edu.af/ | No |
| Rana Institute of Higher Studies | https://ru.edu.af/ | No |
| Rifah Afghanistan Institute | https://www.rifahaf.ml/ | No |
| Salam University | https://www.salam.edu.af/ | No |
| Shaikh Zayed University | https://szu.edu.af/ | No |
| Spinghar Higher Education Centre | https://www.spingharuniversity.edu.af/ | Yes |
| Syed Jamaluddin Afghan University | https://sjau.edu.af/ | No |
| Takhar University | https://www.tu.edu.af/ | No |
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## Armenia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| American University of Armenia | https://aua.am/ | Yes |
| Armenian National Academy of Sciences | https://www.sci.am/ | No |
| Armenian National Agrarian University | https://www.anau.am/ | No |
| Armenian State Institute of Physical Culture and Sport | https://www.asipc.am/ | No |
| Armenian State Pedagogical University | https://aspu.am/ | No |
| Armenian State University of Economics | https://asue.am/ | No |
| Crisis Management State Academy | https://cmsa.am/ | No |
| Eurasia International University | https://www.eiu.am/ | No |
| Fondation Université Française en Arménie | https://www.ufar.am/ | No |
| Gavar State University | https://www.gsu.am/ | No |
| Gevorgian Seminary | https://gevorgianseminary.am/ | No |
| Goris State University | https://www.gorsu.am/ | No |
| Haybusak University of Yerevan | https://www.haybusak.am/ | No |
| Komitas State Conservatory of Yerevan | https://conservatory.am/ | No |
| National Defense Research University | https://razmavaraget.wordpress.com/ | No |
| National Polytechnic University of Armenia | https://polytech.am/ | Yes |
| National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia | https://nuaca.am/ | No |
| Russian-Armenian University | https://www.rau.am/ | Yes |
| Shirak State University | https://shsu.am/ | No |
| State Academy of Fine Arts of Armenia | https://www.yafa.am/ | No |
| Vanadzor State University | https://www.vsu.am/ | No |
| Vazgen Sargsyan Military University | https://www.mil.am/ | No |
| Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences | https://www.brusov.am/ | No |
| Yerevan State Institute of Theatre and Cinematography | https://ysitc.am/ | No |
| Yerevan State Medical University | https://www.ysmu.am/ | No |
| Yerevan State University | https://ysu.am/ | No |
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## Azerbaijan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| ADA University | https://ada.edu.az/ | No |
| Azerbaijan Medical University | https://amu.edu.az/ | Yes |
| Azerbaijan State Agricultural University | https://adau.edu.az/ | No |
| Azerbaijan State Marine Academy | https://adda.edu.az/ | No |
| Azerbaijan State Oil and Industry University | https://asoiu.edu.az/ | No |
| Azerbaijan State Pedagogical University | https://adpu.edu.az/ | Yes |
| Azerbaijan State Physical Culture and Sports Academy | https://www.sport.edu.az/ | No |
| Azerbaijan State University of Culture and Arts | https://www.admiu.edu.az/ | No |
| Azerbaijan State University of Economics | https://www.unec.edu.az/ | Yes |
| Azerbaijan Technical University | https://www.aztu.edu.az/ | No |
| Azerbaijan University of Architecture and Construction | https://www.azmiu.edu.az/ | No |
| Azerbaijan University of Languages | https://adu.edu.az/ | Yes |
| Azerbaijan University | https://www.au.edu.az/ | No |
| Baku Academy of Music | https://musicacademy.edu.az/ | No |
| Baku Engineering University | https://beu.edu.az/ | No |
| Baku Eurasian University | https://www.baau.edu.az/ | No |
| Baku Higher Oil School | https://www.bhos.edu.az/ | Yes |
| Baku Slavic University | https://bsu-uni.edu.az/ | No |
| Baku State University | https://www.bsu.edu.az/ | No |
| Ganja State University | https://www.gsu.az/ | No |
| Khazar University | https://www.khazar.org/ | No |
| Lankaran State University | https://www.lsu.edu.az/ | No |
| Nakhchivan State University | https://www.ndu.edu.az/ | No |
| Odlar Yurdu University | https://www.oyu.edu.az/ | Yes |
| Sumqayit State University | https://www.sdu.edu.az/ | No |
| Western Caspian University | https://www.wu.edu.az/ | No |
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## Bahrain
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Ahlia University | https://www.ahlia.edu.bh/ | No |
| AMA International University | https://www.utb.edu.bh/ | No |
| American University of Bahrain | https://www.aubh.edu.bh/ | No |
| Applied Science University (Bahrain) | https://www.asu.edu.bh/ | No |
| Arabian Gulf University | https://www.agu.edu.bh/ | No |
| Arab Open University | https://www.aou.org.bh/ | No |
| Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance | https://www.bibf.com/ | No |
| Bahrain Polytechnic | https://www.polytechnic.bh/ | No |
| British University of Bahrain | https://www.bub.bh/ | Yes |
| College of Health and Sport Sciences | https://www.uob.edu.bh/ | No |
| Gulf University | https://www.gulfuniversity.edu.bh/ | No |
| RCSI-Bahrain | https://www.rcsi-mub.com/ | No |
| Royal University for Women | https://www.ruw.edu.bh/ | No |
| Talal Abu Ghazaleh University College of Business | https://www.tagucb.edu.bh/ | No |
| The Kingdom University | https://www.ku.edu.bh/ | No |
| University College of Bahrain | https://www.ucb.edu.bh/ | Yes |
| West Virginia University Bahrain Campus | https://bahrain.wvu.edu/ | No |
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## Bangladesh
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology | https://www.aust.edu/ | No |
| American International University-Bangladesh | https://www.aiub.edu/ | No |
| ASA University Bangladesh | https://www.asaub.edu.bd/ | No |
| Asian University for Women | https://asian-university.org/ | No |
| Asian University of Bangladesh | https://www.aub.edu.bd/ | No |
| Atish Dipankar University of Science and Technology | https://www.adust.edu.bd/ | No |
| Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University | https://bsmmu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Agricultural University | https://bsmrau.edu.bd/ | No |
| Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Aviation and Aerospace University | https://bsmraau.edu.bd/ | No |
| Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Maritime University | https://bsmrmu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University | https://www.bsmrstu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman University | https://bsmru.ac.bd/ | No |
| Bangamata Sheikh Fojilatunnesa Mujib Science and Technology University | https://bsfmstu.ac.bd/ | No |
| Bangladesh Agricultural University | https://bau.edu.bd/ | No |
| Bangladesh Army International University of Science & Technology | https://www.baiust.edu.bd/ | Yes |
| Bangladesh Army University of Engineering & Technology | https://bauet.ac.bd/ | No |
| Bangladesh Army University of Science and Technology | https://baust.edu.bd/ | No |
| Bangladesh Islami University | https://www.biu.ac.bd/ | No |
| Bangladesh Open University | https://bou.ac.bd/ | No |
| Bangladesh University of Business and Technology | https://www.bubt.edu.bd/ | No |
| Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology | https://www.buet.ac.bd/ | No |
| Bangladesh University of Health Sciences | https://buhs.ac.bd/ | No |
| Bangladesh University of Professionals | https://bup.edu.bd/ | No |
| Bangladesh University of Textiles | https://butex.edu.bd/ | No |
| Bangladesh University | https://bu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Begum Rokeya University | https://brur.ac.bd/ | No |
| BGC Trust University Bangladesh | https://bgctub.ac.bd/ | No |
| BGMEA University of Fashion & Technology | https://buft.edu.bd/ | No |
| Bogura Science and Technology University | https://www.ugc.gov.bd/ | No |
| BRAC University | https://www.bracu.ac.bd/ | No |
| Britannia University | https://britannia.edu.bd/ | No |
| Canadian University of Bangladesh | https://cub.edu.bd/ | No |
| CCN University of Science & Technology | https://admissionccnust.org/ | No |
| Central University of Science and Technology | https://cust.edu.bd/ | No |
| Central Women's University | https://www.cwu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Chandpur Science and Technology University | https://cstu.ac.bd/ | No |
| Chittagong Independent University | https://ciu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Chittagong Medical University | https://cmu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Chittagong University of Engineering & Technology | https://www.cuet.ac.bd/ | Yes |
| Chittagong Veterinary and Animal Sciences University | https://cvasu.ac.bd/ | No |
| City University, Bangladesh | https://cityuniversity.edu.bd/ | No |
| Comilla University | https://cou.ac.bd/ | No |
| Daffodil International University | https://daffodilvarsity.edu.bd/ | No |
| Dhaka International University | https://diu.ac/ | Yes |
| Dhaka University of Engineering & Technology, Gazipur | https://duet.ac.bd/ | No |
| East Delta University | https://www.eastdelta.edu.bd/ | No |
| Eastern University (Bangladesh) | https://www.easternuni.edu.bd/ | No |
| East West University | https://www.ewubd.edu/ | No |
| European University of Bangladesh | https://eub.edu.bd/ | Yes |
| Exim Bank Agricultural University Bangladesh | https://www.ebaub.edu.bd/ | No |
| Fareast International University | https://www.fiu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Feni University | https://feniuniversity.edu.bd/ | No |
| First Capital University Of Bangladesh | https://fcub.edu.bd/ | No |
| German University Bangladesh | https://gub.edu.bd/ | No |
| Global University Bangladesh | https://globaluniversity.edu.bd/ | No |
| Gono University | https://www.gonouniversity.edu.bd/ | No |
| Green University of Bangladesh | https://green.edu.bd/ | No |
| Hajee Mohammad Danesh Science & Technology University | https://hstu.ac.bd/ | No |
| Hamdard University Bangladesh | https://hamdarduniversity.edu.bd/ | No |
| IBAIS University | https://ibaisuniversity.org/ | No |
| Independent University, Bangladesh | https://www.iub.edu.bd/ | No |
| International Islamic University, Chittagong | https://www.iiuc.ac.bd/ | No |
| International University of Business Agriculture and Technology | https://www.iubat.edu/ | No |
| Ishakha International University, Bangladesh | https://www.ishakha.edu.bd/ | No |
| Islamic Arabic University | https://iau.edu.bd/ | No |
| Islamic University, Bangladesh | https://iu.ac.bd/ | No |
| Islamic University of Technology | https://www.iutoic-dhaka.edu/ | No |
| Jagannath University | https://jnu.ac.bd/ | No |
| Jahangirnagar University | https://www.juniv.edu/ | No |
| Jashore University of Science and Technology | https://just.edu.bd/ | No |
| Jatiya Kabi Kazi Nazrul Islam University | https://jkkniu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Khulna Agricultural University | https://kau.edu.bd/ | No |
| Khulna University of Engineering & Technology | https://kuet.ac.bd/ | No |
| Khulna University | https://ku.ac.bd/ | No |
| Khwaja Yunus Ali University | https://www.kyau.edu.bd/ | No |
| Leading University | https://lus.ac.bd/ | No |
| Manarat International University | https://www.manarat.ac.bd/ | No |
| Mawlana Bhashani Science and Technology University | https://mbstu.ac.bd/ | No |
| Metropolitan University, Sylhet | https://metrouni.edu.bd/ | No |
| National University, Bangladesh | https://www.nu.ac.bd/ | No |
| Noakhali Science and Technology University | https://nstu.edu.bd/ | No |
| North Bengal International University | https://www.nbiu.edu.bd/ | No |
| North East University | https://neub.edu.bd/ | Yes |
| Northern University, Bangladesh | https://nub.ac.bd/ | Yes |
| Northern University of Business and Technology Khulna | https://nubtkhulna.ac.bd/ | Yes |
| North South University | https://www.northsouth.edu/ | No |
| North Western University, Bangladesh | https://nwu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Notre Dame University Bangladesh | https://ndub.edu.bd/ | No |
| Pabna University of Science And Technology | https://www.pust.ac.bd/ | Yes |
| Patuakhali Science and Technology University | https://pstu.ac.bd/ | No |
| People's University of Bangladesh | https://pub.ac.bd/ | No |
| Port City International University | https://www.portcity.edu.bd/ | No |
| Premier University | https://puc.ac.bd/ | No |
| Presidency University, Bangladesh | https://presidency.edu.bd/ | No |
| Primeasia University | https://primeasia.edu.bd/ | No |
| Prime University | https://www.primeuniversity.edu.bd/ | No |
| Pundra University of Science and Technology | https://www.pundrouniversity.edu.bd/ | No |
| Queens University (Bangladesh) | https://queensuniversity.edu.bd/ | Yes |
| Rabindra University, Bangladesh | https://www.rub.ac.bd/ | No |
| Rajshahi Medical University | https://www.rmu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Rajshahi Science & Technology University | https://rstu.edu.bd/ | Yes |
| Rajshahi University of Engineering & Technology | https://www.ruet.ac.bd/ | No |
| Ranada Prasad Shaha University | https://www.rpsu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Rangamati Science and Technology University | https://rmstu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Royal University of Dhaka | https://www.royal.edu.bd/ | No |
| Shahjalal University of Science and Technology | https://www.sust.edu/ | Yes |
| Shanto-Mariam University of Creative Technology | https://smuct.edu.bd/ | Yes |
| Sheikh Hasina University | https://shu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Sher-e-Bangla Agricultural University | https://sau.edu.bd/ | No |
| Sonargaon University | https://su.edu.bd/ | No |
| Southeast University (Bangladesh) | https://www.seu.edu.bd/ | Yes |
| Southern University, Bangladesh | https://www.southern.edu.bd/ | No |
| Stamford University Bangladesh | https://stamforduniversity.edu.bd/ | No |
| State University of Bangladesh | https://sub.edu.bd/ | Yes |
| Sylhet Agricultural University | https://sau.ac.bd/ | Yes |
| Sylhet International University | https://siu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Sylhet Medical University | https://smu.edu.bd/ | Yes |
| Times University Bangladesh | https://timesuniversitybd.com/ | No |
| United International University | https://uiu.ac.bd/ | No |
| University of Asia Pacific | https://www.uap-bd.edu/ | No |
| University of Barisal | https://bu.ac.bd/ | No |
| University of Chittagong | https://cu.ac.bd/ | Yes |
| University of Creative Technology Chittagong | https://www.uctc.edu.bd/ | No |
| University of Development Alternative | https://uoda.edu.bd/ | No |
| University of Dhaka | https://www.du.ac.bd/ | No |
| University of Global Village | https://ugv.edu.bd/ | No |
| University of Information Technology and Sciences | https://uits.edu.bd/ | Yes |
| University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh | https://ulab.edu.bd/ | Yes |
| University of Rajshahi | https://ru.ac.bd/ | No |
| University of Science and Technology Chittagong | https://ustc.ac.bd/ | No |
| University of South Asia, Bangladesh | https://unisouthasia.com/ | No |
| Uttara University | https://uttarauniversity.edu.bd/ | No |
| Varendra University | https://vu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Victoria University of Bangladesh | https://vub.edu.bd/ | No |
| World University of Bangladesh | https://www.wub.edu.bd/ | No |
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## Bhutan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| College of Natural Resources (Bhutan) | https://www.cnr.edu.bt/ | No |
| College of Science and Technology (Bhutan) | https://cst.edu.bt/ | No |
| Jigme Namgyel Engineering College | https://www.jnec.edu.bt/ | No |
| Paro College of Education | https://www.pce.edu.bt/ | No |
| Royal Institution | https://www.rigb.org/ | No |
| Royal Thimphu College | https://www.rtc.bt/ | No |
| Royal University of Bhutan | https://www.rub.edu.bt/ | No |
| Sherubtse College | https://www.sherubtse.edu.bt/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Brunei
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Brunei Polytechnic | https://www.pb.edu.bn/ | No |
| Institute of Brunei Technical Education | https://ibte.edu.bn/ | No |
| Kemuda Institute | https://kemudainstitute.com/ | No |
| Laksamana College of Business | https://www.lcb.edu.bn/ | No |
| Seri Begawan Religious Teachers University College | https://www.kupu-sb.edu.bn/ | No |
| Sultan Sharif Ali Islamic University | https://www.unissa.edu.bn/ | No |
| Universiti Brunei Darussalam | https://www.ubd.edu.bn/ | No |
| University of Technology Brunei | https://www.utb.edu.bn/ | No |
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## Cambodia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| American University of Phnom Penh | https://aupp.edu.kh/ | No |
| Angkor University | https://www.angkor.edu.kh/ | Yes |
| Asia Euro University | https://www.aeu.edu.kh/ | No |
| Cambodian Mekong University | https://www.mekong.edu.kh/ | Yes |
| CamEd Business School | https://cam-ed.com/ | Yes |
| City University, Cambodia | https://cityuniversity.education/ | No |
| IIC University of Technology | https://www.iic.edu.kh/ | No |
| Institut de Technologie du Cambodge | https://itc.edu.kh/ | No |
| International University, Cambodia | https://www.iu.edu.kh/ | No |
| National University of Management | https://num.edu.kh/ | No |
| Norton University | https://www.norton-u.com/ | Yes |
| Paragon International University | https://paragoniu.edu.kh/ | No |
| Paññāsāstra University of Cambodia | https://www.puc.edu.kh/ | No |
| Royal Academy of Cambodia | https://rac.gov.kh/ | No |
| Royal University of Agriculture | https://rua.edu.kh/ | No |
| Royal University of Fine Arts | https://rufa.edu.kh/ | No |
| Royal University of Law and Economics | https://www.rule.edu.kh/ | No |
| Royal University of Phnom Penh | https://www.rupp.edu.kh/ | No |
| University of Cambodia | https://www.uc.edu.kh/ | No |
| University of Health Sciences (Cambodia) | https://uhs.edu.kh/ | No |
| University of Puthisastra | https://www.puthisastra.edu.kh/ | No |
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## China
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Agricultural University of Hebei | https://www.hebau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Air Force Engineering University | https://www.afeu.cn/ | No |
| Air Force Medical University | https://www.fmmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Anhui Agricultural University | https://eng.ahau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Anhui Jianzhu University | https://www.ahjzu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Anhui Medical University | https://www.ahmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Anhui Normal University | https://www.ahnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Anhui Polytechnic University | https://www.ahpu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Anhui Science and Technology University | https://www.ahstu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Anhui University of Chinese Medicine | https://www.ahtcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Anhui University of Finance and Economics | https://www.aufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Anhui University of Science and Technology | https://www.aust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Anhui University of Technology | https://www.ahut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Anhui University | https://www.ahu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Ankang University | https://www.aku.edu.cn/ | No |
| Anqing Normal University | https://www.aqnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Anshan Normal University | https://www.asnc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Anyang Normal University | https://www.aynu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Baoji University of Arts and Sciences | https://www.bjwlxy.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beihua University | https://www.beihua.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing City University | https://www.bcu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Dance Academy | https://www.bda.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Electronic Science and Technology Institute | https://www.besti.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Film Academy | https://www.bfa.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Foreign Studies University | https://global.bfsu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Forestry University | https://www.bjfu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Information Science & Technology University | https://www.bistu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology | https://www.bift.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication | https://www.bigc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology | https://www.bipt.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Institute of Technology | https://english.bit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing International Studies University | https://www.bisu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Jiaotong University | https://www.bjtu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Language and Culture University | https://english.blcu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Normal University | https://www.bnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing People's Police College | https://www.bppc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Sport University | https://en.bsu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Technology and Business University | https://english.btbu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Union University | https://www.buu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing University of Chemical Technology | https://english.buct.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing University of Chinese Medicine | https://www.bucm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture | https://www.bucea.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications | https://www.bupt.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing University of Technology | https://www.bjut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Wuzi University | https://www.bwu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Bengbu Medical College | https://www.bbmc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Binzhou Medical University | https://wwwe.bzmc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Binzhou University | https://english.bzu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Bohai University | https://www.bhu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Boustead Singapore | https://www.boustead.sg/ | No |
| Business college of Shanxi University | https://www.sdsy.sxu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Capital Normal University | https://www.cnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Capital University of Economics and Business | https://english.cueb.edu.cn/ | No |
| Capital University of Medical Sciences | https://www.ccmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Capital University of Physical Education and Sports | https://www.cupes.edu.cn/ | No |
| Caritas Bianchi College of Careers | https://www.cbcc.edu.hk/ | No |
| Caritas Institute of Higher Education | https://www.cihe.edu.hk/ | No |
| Central Academy of Drama | https://www.zhongxi.cn/ | No |
| Central Academy of Fine Arts | https://www.cafa.edu.cn/ | No |
| Central China Normal University | https://english.ccnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Central Conservatory of Music | https://www.ccom.edu.cn/ | No |
| Central Institute for Correctional Police | https://www.cicp.edu.cn/ | No |
| Central South University of Forestry and Technology | https://english.csuft.edu.cn/ | No |
| Central South University | https://en.csu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Central University of Finance and Economics | https://www.cufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chang'an University | https://en.chd.edu.cn/ | No |
| Changchun Institute of Technology | https://www.ccit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Changchun Normal University | https://www.cncnc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Changchun University of Science and Technology | https://ieec.cust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Changchun University | https://www.ccu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Changsha Medical University | https://www.csmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Changsha Normal University | https://www.cssf.cn/ | No |
| Changsha University of Science and Technology | https://www.csust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Changsha University | https://www.ccsu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Changshu Institute of Technology | https://www.cslg.edu.cn/ | No |
| Changzhi Medical College | https://www.czmc.com/ | No |
| Changzhou University | https://eng.cczu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chaohu University | https://www.chu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chengdu Neusoft University | https://en.nsu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chengdu University of Information Technology | https://www.cuit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chengdu University of Technology | https://www.cdut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | https://www.cdutcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chifeng University | https://www.cfxy.cn/ | No |
| China Academy of Art | https://www.caa.edu.cn/ | No |
| China Agricultural University | https://www.cau.edu.cn/ | No |
| China Conservatory of Music | https://www.ccmusic.edu.cn/ | No |
| China Europe International Business School | https://www.ceibs.edu/ | No |
| China Executive Leadership Academy in Pudong | https://www.celap.org.cn/ | No |
| China Foreign Affairs University | https://www.cfau.edu.cn/ | No |
| China Jiliang University | https://www.cjlu.edu.cn/ | No |
| China Medical University (PRC) | https://www.cmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| China Pharmaceutical University | https://www.cpu.edu.cn/ | No |
| China Three Gorges University | https://www.ctgu.edu.cn/ | No |
| China University of Geosciences (Beijing) | https://www.cugb.edu.cn/ | No |
| China University of Geosciences (Wuhan) | https://www.cug.edu.cn/ | No |
| China University of Labor Relations | https://www.culr.edu.cn/ | No |
| China University of Mining and Technology | https://www.cumt.edu.cn/ | No |
| China University of Petroleum | https://www.cup.edu.cn/ | No |
| China University of Petroleum – Huadong | https://www.upc.edu.cn/ | No |
| China University of Political Science and Law | https://www.cupl.edu.cn/ | No |
| China West Normal University | https://www.cwnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| China Women's University | https://www.cwu.edu.cn/ | No |
| China Youth University of Political Studies | https://www.cyu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chinese People's Police University | https://www.cppu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen | https://www.cuhk.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chinese University of Hong Kong | https://cuhk.edu.hk/ | No |
| Chongqing Jiaotong University | https://www.cqjtu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chongqing Medical University | https://www.cqmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chongqing Normal University | https://www.cqnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chongqing Technology and Business University | https://www.ctbu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chongqing Three Gorges University | https://www.sanxiau.net/ | No |
| Chongqing University of Posts and Telecommunications | https://www.cqupt.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chongqing University of Science and Technology | https://www.cqust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chongqing University of Technology | https://www.cqut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chongqing University | https://www.cqu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Chu Hai College of Higher Education | https://www.chuhai.edu.hk/ | No |
| City University of Hong Kong | https://www.cityu.edu.hk/ | No |
| City University of Macau | https://www.cityu.edu.mo/ | No |
| Civil Aviation Flight University of China | https://www.cafuc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Civil Aviation University of China | https://www.cauc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Communication University of China, Nanjing | https://en.cucn.edu.cn/ | No |
| Communication University of China | https://en.cuc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Communication University of Zhejiang | https://eng.zjicm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Criminal Investigation Police University of China | https://www.npuc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Dalian Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.dist.edu.cn/ | No |
| Dalian Jiaotong University | https://www.djtu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Dalian Maritime University | https://www.dlmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Dalian Medical University | https://www.dlmedu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Dalian Minzu University | https://www.dlnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Dalian Neusoft University of Information | https://english.neusoft.edu.cn/ | No |
| Dalian Ocean University | https://www.dlfu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Dalian Polytechnic University | https://www.dlili.edu.cn/ | No |
| Dalian University of Foreign Languages | https://www.dlufl.edu.cn/ | No |
| Dalian University of Technology | https://www.dlut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Dalian University | https://www.dlu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Dali University | https://www.dali.edu.cn/ | No |
| Dongbei University of Finance and Economics | https://www.dufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Dongguan University of Technology | https://www.dgut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Donghua University | https://www.dhu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Duke Kunshan University | https://dukekunshan.edu.cn/ | No |
| East China Jiaotong University | https://www.ecjtu.jx.cn/ | No |
| East China Normal University | https://www.ecnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| East China University of Political Science and Law | https://www.ecupl.edu.cn/ | No |
| East China University of Science and Technology | https://www.ecust.edu.cn/ | No |
| East China University of Technology | https://www.ecut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Eastern Liaoning University | https://www.ldxy.cn/ | No |
| Florida International University | https://www.fiu.edu/ | No |
| Foshan University | https://www.fosu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Fudan University | https://www.fudan.edu.cn/ | No |
| Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University | https://www.fafu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Fujian Medical University | https://www.fjmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Fujian Normal University | https://www.fjnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Fujian University of Technology | https://www.fjut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | https://www.fjtcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Fuyang Normal University | https://www.fync.edu.cn/ | No |
| Fuzhou University | https://www.fzu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Gansu Agricultural University | https://www.gsau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Gansu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | https://lcyxy.gszy.edu.cn/ | No |
| Geely University of China | https://www.guc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Gratia Christian College | https://www.gcc.edu.hk/ | No |
| Guangdong Institute of Arts and Sciences | https://www.gdwlxy.cn/ | No |
| Guangdong Medical University | https://www.gdmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangdong Nanhua Vocational College of Industry and Commerce | https://www.nhic.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangdong Ocean University | https://www.gdou.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangdong Pharmaceutical University | https://www.gdpu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangdong University of Foreign Studies | https://www.gdufs.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangdong University of Science and Technology | https://gdst.cc/ | No |
| Guangdong University of Technology | https://www.gdut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangxi Arts Institute | https://www.gxau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangxi Medical University | https://www.gxmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangxi Normal University | https://www.gxnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangxi University for Nationalities | https://www.gxun.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangxi University of Finance and Economics | https://www.at0086.com/ | No |
| Guangxi University of Science and Technology | https://www.gxust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangxi University | https://www.gxu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts | https://www.gzarts.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangzhou Medical University | https://www.gzhmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangzhou Sport University | https://www.gipe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangzhou University of Chinese Medicine | https://www.gzhtcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guangzhou University | https://english.gzhu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guilin Medical University | https://www.glmc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guilin University of Aerospace Technology | https://www.guat.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guilin University of Electronic Technology | https://www.guet.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guiyang College of Traditional Chinese Medicine | https://www.gyctcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guizhou Medical University | https://www.gmc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guizhou Minzu University | https://www.gzmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guizhou Normal University | https://e.gznu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guizhou University of Finance and Economics | https://www.gufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Guizhou University | https://www.gzu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Haikou University of Economics | https://www.hkc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hainan Medical University | https://www.hainmc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hainan Normal University | https://www.hainnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hainan Tropical Ocean University | https://en.hntou.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hainan University | https://www.hainanu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Handan College | https://www.hdc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hang Seng University of Hong Kong | https://www.hsu.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hangzhou Dianzi University | https://www.hdu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hangzhou Normal University | https://www.hznu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Harbin Engineering University | https://www.hrbeu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Harbin Institute of Technology | https://www.hit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Harbin Medical University | https://www.hrbmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Harbin Normal University | https://www.hrbnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Harbin Sport University | https://www.hrbipe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Harbin University of Commerce | https://english.hrbcu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Harbin University of Science and Technology | https://www.hrbust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Harbin University | https://www.hrbu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hebei Finance University | https://www.hbcf.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hebei GEO University | https://www.hgu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hebei Institute of Physical Education | https://www.hepec.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hebei Medical University | https://www.hebmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hebei Normal University | https://www.hebtu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hebei North University | https://www.hebeinu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hebei University of Architecture | https://www.hebiace.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hebei University of Economics and Business | https://www.csc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hebei University of Engineering | https://www.hebeu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hebei University of Science and Technology | https://www.hebust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hebei University of Technology | https://www.hebut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hebei University | https://www.hbu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hefei Normal University | https://www.hfnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hefei University of Technology | https://www.hfut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hefei University | https://www.hfuu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Heilongjiang International University | https://www.hiu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Heilongjiang University of Chinese Medicine | https://www.hljucm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Heilongjiang University of Science and Technology | https://www.usth.edu.cn/ | No |
| Heilongjiang University of Technology | https://jxdx.edu.cn/ | No |
| Heilongjiang University | https://www.hlju.edu.cn/ | No |
| Henan Agricultural University | https://www.henau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Henan Normal University | https://www.htu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Henan Polytechnic University | https://www2.hpu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Henan University of Chinese Medicine | https://en.hactcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Henan University of Finance and Economics | https://www.huel.edu.cn/ | No |
| Henan University of Science and Technology | https://www.haust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Henan University of Technology | https://www.haut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Henan University | https://www.henu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hengshui University | https://www.hsnc.cn/ | No |
| Hengyang Normal University | https://www.hynu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hohai University | https://www.hhu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts | https://www.hkapa.edu/ | No |
| Hong Kong Baptist University | https://www.hkbu.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong College of Technology | https://hkct.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Community College | https://www.hkcc-polyu.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Institute of Technology | https://www.hkit.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education | https://ive.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Metropolitan University | https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education | https://www.ny.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Polytechnic University | https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Shue Yan University | https://www.hksyu.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | https://hkust.edu.hk/ | No |
| Huaibei Normal University | https://www.chnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Huaihua University | https://www.hhtc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Huanggang Normal University | https://www.hgnc.net/ | No |
| Huanghe Science and Technology College | https://www.hhstu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Huangshan University | https://www.hsu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Huaqiao University | https://www.hqu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Huazhong Agricultural University | https://www.hzau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Huazhong University of Science and Technology | https://www.hust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hubei Institute of Fine Arts | https://www.hifa.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hubei University of Arts and Science | https://www.hbuas.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hubei University of Chinese Medicine | https://www.hbtcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hubei University of Medicine | https://en.hbmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hubei University of Technology | https://www.hbut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hubei University | https://www.hubu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Huizhou University | https://www.hzu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hunan Agricultural University | https://www.hunau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hunan City University | https://www.hncu.net/ | No |
| Hunan First Normal University | https://www.hnfnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hunan Institute of Engineering | https://www.hnie.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hunan Institute of Science and Technology | https://en.hnist.cn/ | No |
| Hunan Institute of Technology | https://www.hnit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hunan International Economics University | https://www.hieu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hunan Normal University | https://www.hunnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hunan Police Academy | https://www.hnpolice.com/ | No |
| Hunan University of Arts and Science | https://english.huas.cn/ | No |
| Hunan University of Chinese Medicine | https://www.hutcm.com/ | No |
| Hunan University of Finance and Economics | https://www.hufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hunan University of Humanities, Science and Technology | https://www.huhst.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hunan University of Science and Engineering | https://www.huse.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hunan University of Science and Technology | https://english.hnust.cn/ | No |
| Hunan University of Technology and Commerce | https://ev.hutb.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hunan University of Technology | https://www.hut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hunan University | https://www-en.hnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Hunan Women's University | https://www.hnnd.com.cn/ | No |
| Inner Mongolia Agricultural University | https://www.imau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Inner Mongolia Medical University | https://www.immu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Inner Mongolia Normal University | https://www.imnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities | https://www.imun.edu.cn/ | No |
| Inner Mongolia University of Finance and Economics | https://www.imufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Inner Mongolia University of Science and Technology | https://www.imust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Inner Mongolia University of Technology | https://www.imut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Inner Mongolia University | https://www.imu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Institute for Tourism Studies | https://www.ift.edu.mo/ | No |
| Jiamusi University | https://en.jmsu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jianghan University | https://www.jhun.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jiangnan University | https://www.jiangnan.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jiangsu Normal University | https://www.xznu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jiangsu Ocean University | https://www.hhit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jiangsu Second Normal University | https://zs.jsie.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jiangsu University | https://eng.ujs.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jiangxi Agricultural University | https://www.jxau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jiangxi Normal University | https://www.jxnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University | https://www.jxstnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics | https://www.jxufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jiangxi University of Science and Technology | https://www.jxust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jiangxi University of Technology | https://www.jxut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | https://www.jxutcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jiaying University | https://www.jyu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jilin Normal University | https://www.jlnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jilin University of Arts | https://www.jlart.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jilin University | https://www.jlu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jimei University | https://www.jmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jinan University | https://english.jnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jingdezhen Ceramic Institute | https://www.jci.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jinggangshan University | https://english.jgsu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jining Medical University | https://www.jnmc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jinzhou Medical University | https://www.jzmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jishou University | https://www.jsu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Jiujiang University | https://www.jju.edu.cn/ | No |
| Kashgar University | https://www.ksu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Kiang Wu Hospital | https://www.kwh.org.mo/ | No |
| Kunming Medical University | https://www.kmmc.cn/ | No |
| Kunming University of Science and Technology | https://www.kmust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Kunming University | https://www.kmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Lanzhou Jiaotong University | https://www.lzjtu.cn/ | No |
| Lanzhou University of Technology | https://www.lut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Lanzhou University | https://www.lzu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Liaocheng University | https://www.lcu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Liaoning Finance and Trade College | https://www.lncmxy.cn/ | No |
| Liaoning Normal University | https://www.lnnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Liaoning Technical University | https://www.lntu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Liaoning University of Petroleum and Chemical Technology | https://www.lnpu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Liaoning University of Technology | https://www.lnit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | https://www.lnutcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Liaoning University | https://www.lnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Lingnan Normal University | https://www.lingnan.edu.cn/ | No |
| Lingnan University | https://www.ln.edu.hk/ | No |
| Linyi University | https://www.lyu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Lishui University | https://www.lsu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Longdong University | https://www.ldxy.edu.cn/ | No |
| Longyan University | https://www.lyun.edu.cn/ | No |
| Ludong University | https://www.ytnc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Luoyang Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.lit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts | https://www.lumei.edu.cn/ | No |
| Macao Polytechnic Institute | https://www.ipm.edu.mo/ | No |
| Macau Security Force | https://www.fsm.gov.mo/ | No |
| Macau University of Science and Technology | https://www.must.edu.mo/ | No |
| Minjiang University | https://www.mju.edu.cn/ | No |
| Minnan Normal University | https://www.mnnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Minzu University of China | https://www.muc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Moutai University | https://www.mtxy.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanchang Hangkong University | https://www.nchu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanchang Institute of Technology | https://www.nit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanchang University | https://www.ncu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing Agricultural University | https://www.njau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing Audit University | https://www.nau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing Forestry University | https://www.njfu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing Institute of Technology | https://www.njit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing Medical University | https://www.njmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing Normal University | https://www.njnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing Sport Institute | https://www.nipes.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing Tech University | https://www.njtech.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics | https://www.nuaa.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing University of Chinese Medicine | https://english.njucm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing University of Finance and Economics | https://www.nufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology | https://www.nuist.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing University of Posts and Telecommunications | https://www.njupt.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing University of Science and Technology | https://www.njust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing University of the Arts | https://www.nua.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanjing University | https://www.nju.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nankai University | https://en.nankai.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nantong University | https://en.ntu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanyang Institute of Technology | https://www.nyist.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanyang Medical College | https://www.nymc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Nanyang Normal University | https://www.nynu.edu.cn/ | No |
| National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts | https://www.nacta.edu.cn/ | No |
| National University of Defense Technology | https://www.nudt.edu.cn/ | No |
| New York University Shanghai | https://shanghai.nyu.edu/ | No |
| Ningbo University of Technology | https://www.nbut.cn/ | No |
| Ningbo University | https://www.nbu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Ningxia Medical University | https://www.nxmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Ningxia University | https://www.nxu.edu.cn/ | No |
| North China Electric Power University | https://www.ncepu.edu.cn/ | No |
| North China Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.ncist.edu.cn/ | No |
| North China University of Science and Technology | https://www.ncst.edu.cn/ | No |
| North China University of Technology | https://en.ncut.edu.cn/ | No |
| North China University of Water Conservancy and Electric Power | https://www.ncwu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Northeast Agricultural University | https://www.neau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Northeast Electric Power University | https://en.neepu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Northeastern University (China) | https://english.neu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Northeast Forestry University | https://www.nefu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Northeast Normal University | https://www.nenu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Northeast Petroleum University | https://www.nepu.edu.cn/ | No |
| North Minzu University | https://www.nmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| North Sichuan Medical University | https://www.nsmc.edu.cn/ | No |
| North University of China | https://www.nuc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Northwest A&F University | https://www.nwafu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Northwestern Polytechnical University | https://www.nwpu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Northwest Minzu University | https://www.xbmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Northwest Normal University | https://www.nwnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Northwest University of Politics and Law | https://www.nwupl.edu.cn/ | No |
| Northwest University | https://www.nwu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Ocean University of China | https://www.ouc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Peking Union Medical College | https://www.pumc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Peking University Health Science Center | https://www1.bjmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Peking University | https://english.pku.edu.cn/ | No |
| People's Public Security University of China | https://www.ppsuc.edu.cn/ | No |
| PLA Rocket Force University of Engineering | https://www.jseea.cn/ | No |
| Putian University | https://www.ptu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Qilu University of Technology | https://www.qlu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Qingdao Agricultural University | https://www.qau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Qingdao Binhai University | https://www.qdbhu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Qingdao Technical College | https://www.qtc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Qingdao University of Science and Technology | https://www.qust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Qingdao University of Technology | https://www.qtech.edu.cn/ | No |
| Qingdao University | https://www.qdu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Qinghai Normal University | https://www.qhnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Qinghai University for Nationalities | https://www.qhmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Qinghai University | https://www.qhu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Qiqihar Medical University | https://www.qmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Qiqihar University | https://www.qqhru.edu.cn/ | No |
| Quanzhou Normal University | https://www.qztc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Qufu Normal University | https://www.qfnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Raffles Design Institute | https://studyatraffles.com/ | No |
| Renmin University of China | https://www.ruc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Rizhao Polytechnic | https://www.rzpt.cn/ | No |
| Sanda University | https://www.sandau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Sanjiang University | https://sju.js.cn/ | No |
| Sanming University | https://yw.smxy.cn/ | No |
| Savannah College of Art and Design | https://www.scad.edu/ | Yes |
| Second Military Medical University | https://www.smmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shaanxi Normal University | https://english.snnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shaanxi Railway Institute | https://www.sxri.net/ | No |
| Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine | https://www.sntcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shaanxi University of Science & Technology | https://www.sust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shaanxi University of Technology | https://www.snut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shandong Agricultural University | https://www.sdau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shandong Foreign Languages Vocational College | https://www.sdflc.com/ | No |
| Shandong Jianzhu University | https://www.sdjzu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shandong Normal University | https://www.sdnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shandong Technology and Business University | https://www.sdtbu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shandong University of Finance and Economics | https://www.sdufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shandong University of Science and Technology | https://www.sdust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shandong University of Technology | https://www.sdut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | https://www.sdutcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shandong University | https://www.sdu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shandong Women's University | https://www.sdwu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Business School | https://www.sbs.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Conservatory of Music | https://www.shcmusic.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Dianji University | https://www.sdju.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Institute of Technology | https://www.sit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai International Studies University | https://en.shisu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Jiao Tong University | https://www.sjtu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Lixin University of Accounting and Finance | https://www.lixin.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Maritime University | https://www.shmtu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Normal University | https://www.shnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Ocean University | https://www.shou.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Polytechnic University | https://www.sspu.edu.cn/ | No |
| ShanghaiTech University | https://www.shanghaitech.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Theatre Academy | https://www.sta.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai University of Engineering Science | https://www.sues.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai University of Finance and Economics | https://www.sufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai University of International Business and Economics | https://www.suibe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai University of Political Science and Law | https://www.shupl.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai University of Sport | https://www.sus.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai University | https://www.shu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shangluo University | https://www.slxy.cn/ | No |
| Shangqiu Normal University | https://www.sqnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shangrao Normal University | https://www.sru.jx.cn/ | No |
| Shantou University | https://www.stu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanxi Agricultural University | https://www.sxau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanxi Datong University | https://www.sxdtdx.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanxi Medical University | https://www.sxmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanxi Normal University | https://www.sxnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanxi University of Finance and Economics | https://www.sxufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | https://www.shanxitcm.com/ | No |
| Shaoguan University | https://www.sgu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shaoxing University | https://english.usx.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shaoyang University | https://www.hnsyu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shengda Economics, Trade and Management College of Zhengzhou | https://www.shengda.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenyang Aerospace University | https://www.sau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenyang Agricultural University | https://www.syau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenyang Conservatory of Music | https://www.sycm.com.cn/ | No |
| Shenyang Institute of Engineering | https://www.sie.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenyang Jianzhu University | https://english.sjzu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenyang Ligong University | https://www.sylu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenyang Medical College | https://www.symc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenyang Normal University | https://www.synu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenyang Pharmaceutical University | https://www.syphu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenyang University of Chemical Technology | https://guojijl.syuct.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenyang University of Technology | https://gjxy.sut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenyang University | https://www.syu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenzhen Institute of Information Technology | https://www.sziit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenzhen MSU-BIT University | https://en.smbu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenzhen Polytechnic | https://www.szpt.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenzhen Technology University | https://www.sztu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shenzhen University | https://www.szu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shihezi University | https://www.shzu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shijiazhuang Tiedao University | https://english.stdu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shijiazhuang University | https://www.sjzc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shougang Institute of Technology | https://www.sgit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Sias University | https://en.sias.edu.cn/ | No |
| Sichuan Agricultural University | https://english.sicau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Sichuan Fine Arts Institute | https://www.scfai.edu.cn/ | No |
| Sichuan International Studies University | https://www.sisu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Sichuan Normal University | https://www.sicnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Sichuan University | https://en.scu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Soochow University (Suzhou) | https://eng.suda.edu.cn/ | No |
| South Central University for Nationalities | https://www.scuec.edu.cn/ | No |
| South China Agricultural University | https://english.scau.edu.cn/ | No |
| South China Normal University | https://www.scnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| South China University of Technology | https://www.scut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Southeast University | https://www.seu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Southern Medical University | https://www.fimmu.com/ | No |
| Southern University of Science and Technology | https://www.sustech.edu.cn/ | No |
| Southwestern University of Finance and Economics | https://e.swufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Southwest Forestry University | https://www.swfu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Southwest Jiaotong University | https://en.swjtu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Southwest Medical University | https://www.scmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Southwest Minzu University | https://english.swun.edu.cn/ | No |
| Southwest Petroleum University | https://www.swpu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Southwest University of Political Science & Law | https://www.swupl.edu.cn/ | No |
| Southwest University | https://www.swu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Sun Yat-sen University | https://www.sysu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Suqian College | https://ice.sqc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Suzhou University of Science and Technology | https://www.usts.edu.cn/ | No |
| Taiyuan Normal University | https://www.tynu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Taiyuan University of Science and Technology | https://www.tyust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Taiyuan University of Technology | https://www.tyut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Taizhou University | https://www.tzc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tarim University | https://www.taru.edu.cn/ | No |
| Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong | https://www.thei.edu.hk/ | No |
| The Education University of Hong Kong | https://www.eduhk.hk/ | No |
| Tiangong University | https://www.tiangong.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts | https://www.tjarts.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin Agricultural University | https://www.tjac.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin Chengjian University | https://www.tcu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin Conservatory of Music | https://www.tjcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin Crafts and Arts Professional College | https://www.gmtj.com/ | No |
| Tianjin Foreign Studies University | https://www.tjfsu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin Medical University | https://www.tmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin Normal University | https://www.tjnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin University of Commerce | https://www.tjcu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin University of Finance and Economics | https://www.tjufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin University of Science and Technology | https://www.tust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin University of Sport | https://www.tjus.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin University of Technology and Education | https://en.tute.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin University of Technology | https://www.tjut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | https://www.tjutcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin University | https://www.tju.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tibet University | https://www.utibet.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tongji University | https://www.tongji.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tsinghua University | https://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/ | No |
| Tung Wah College | https://www.twc.edu.hk/ | No |
| United International College | https://uic.edu.cn/ | No |
| United Nations University International Institute for Software Technology | https://www.iist.unu.edu/ | No |
| University of Chicago | https://www.uchicago.edu/ | Yes |
| University of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences | https://www.ucass.edu.cn/ | No |
| University of Electronic Science and Technology of China | https://en.uestc.edu.cn/ | No |
| University of Hong Kong | https://hku.hk/ | Yes |
| University of International Business and Economics (Beijing) | https://www.uibe.edu.cn/ | No |
| University of International Relations | https://www.uir.edu.cn/ | No |
| University of Jinan | https://www.ujn.edu.cn/ | No |
| University of Macau | https://www.um.edu.mo/ | No |
| University of Michigan | https://www.umich.edu/ | No |
| University of Nottingham Ningbo China | https://www.nottingham.edu.cn/ | No |
| University of Saint Joseph | https://www.usj.edu.mo/ | No |
| University of Sanya | https://www.sanyau.edu.cn/ | No |
| University of Science and Technology, Liaoning | https://www.ustl.edu.cn/ | No |
| University of Science and Technology Beijing | https://www.ustb.edu.cn/ | No |
| University of Science and Technology of China | https://en.ustc.edu.cn/ | No |
| University of Shanghai for Science and Technology | https://en.usst.edu.cn/ | No |
| University of South China | https://english.usc.edu.cn/ | No |
| University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences | https://english.ucas.ac.cn/ | No |
| UOW College Hong Kong | https://www.uowchk.edu.hk/ | No |
| Wannan Medical College | https://www1.wnmc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Weifang Medical University | https://www.wfmc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Weifang University | https://www.wfu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Weinan Normal University | https://www.wntc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Wenzhou-Kean University | https://www.wku.edu.cn/ | No |
| Wenzhou Medical University | https://www.wmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Wenzhou University | https://www.wzu.edu.cn/ | No |
| West Anhui University | https://www.wxc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Wuhan Conservatory of Music | https://www.whcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Wuhan Institute of Technology | https://www.wit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Wuhan Polytechnic University | https://www.whpu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Wuhan Sports University | https://www.whsu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Wuhan University of Science and Technology | https://www.wust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Wuhan University of Technology | https://www.whut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Wuhan University | https://www.whu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Wuhan Vocational College of Software and Engineering | https://www.whvcse.com/ | No |
| Wuyi University | https://www.wuyiu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts | https://www.xafa.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an Conservatory of Music | https://www.xacom.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an Eurasia University | https://www.eurasia.edu/ | No |
| Xi'an Fanyi University | https://www.xfuedu.org/ | No |
| Xi'an Institute of Arts and Science | https://www.xawl.org/ | No |
| Xi'an International Studies University | https://www.xisu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an International University | https://www.xaiu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University | https://www.xjtlu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an Jiaotong University | https://en.xjtu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an Medical University | https://www.xiyi.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an Peihua University | https://www.peihua.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an Physical Education University | https://www.xaipe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an Polytechnic University | https://www.xaist.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an Shiyou University | https://www.xapi.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an Siyuan University | https://www.xasyu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an Technological University | https://www.xatu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology | https://www.xauat.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an University of Finance and Economics | https://www.xaufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an University of Posts & Telecommunications | https://www.xiyou.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an University of Science and Technology | https://www.xust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xi'an University of Technology | https://www.xaut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xiamen University of Technology | https://www.xmut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xiamen University | https://www.xmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xiangnan University | https://www.xnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xiangtan University | https://en.xtu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xianyang Normal University | https://www.xysfxy.cn/ | No |
| Xidian University | https://www.xidian.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xihua University | https://www.xhu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xijing University | https://www.xijing.com.cn/ | No |
| Xinghai Conservatory of Music | https://www.xhcom.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xingtai University | https://www.xttc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xinjiang Agricultural University | https://www.xjau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xinjiang Arts Institute | https://www.xjart.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xinjiang Medical University | https://www.xjmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xinjiang Normal University | https://xjnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics | https://www.xjufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xinjiang University | https://www.xju.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xinyang Agricultural College | https://www.xyac.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xinyang Normal University | https://www.xytc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xinyu University | https://www.xyc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xinzhou Teachers University | https://www.xztc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xizang Minzu University | https://www.xzmy.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xuzhou Medical University | https://www.xzmc.edu.cn/ | No |
| Xuzhou University of Technology | https://www.xzit.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yan'an University | https://www.yau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yanbian University | https://www.ybu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yang-En University | https://www.yeu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yangtze Normal University | https://www.yznu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yangtze University | https://english.yangtzeu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yangzhou University | https://www.yzu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yanshan University | https://www.ysu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yantai University | https://www.ytu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yichun University | https://www.ycu.jx.cn/ | No |
| Yili Normal University | https://www.ylsy.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yulin Normal University | https://ylu.admissions.cn/ | No |
| Yulin University | https://www.yulinu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yuncheng University | https://www.ycu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yunnan Agricultural University | https://www.ynau.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yunnan Arts University | https://www.ynart.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yunnan Minzu University | https://www.ynni.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yunnan Normal University | https://www.ynnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yunnan University of Finance and Economics | https://www.ynufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yunnan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine | https://www.ynutcm.edu.cn/ | No |
| Yunnan University | https://www.ynu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhaoqing University | https://www.zqu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhejiang A & F University | https://www.zafu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhejiang Chinese Medical University | https://www.zcmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhejiang Gongshang University | https://www.zjgsu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhejiang International Studies University | https://www.zisu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhejiang Normal University | https://www.zjnu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhejiang Ocean University | https://www.zjou.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhejiang Sci-Tech University | https://www.zstu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhejiang University of Finance and Economics | https://www.zufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhejiang University of Science and Technology | https://www.zust.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhejiang University of Technology | https://www.zjut.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhejiang University | https://www.zju.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhejiang Wanli University | https://en.zwu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhengzhou University of Light Industry | https://www.zzuli.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhengzhou University | https://english.zzu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering | https://www.zhku.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhongnan University of Economics and Law | https://www.znufe.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zhongyuan University of Technology | https://depart.zzti.edu.cn/ | No |
| Zibo Vocational Institute | https://www.zbvc.cn/ | No |
| Zunyi Medical College | https://www.zmc.edu.cn/ | No |
| École centrale de Pékin | https://ecpkn.buaa.edu.cn/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## East Timor
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Dili Institute of Technology | https://dit.tl/ | No |
| National University of East Timor | https://www.untl.edu.tl/ | No |
| Universidade da Paz | https://unpaztoday.wordpress.com/ | No |
| Universidade Dili | https://undil.tl/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Georgia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Agricultural University of Georgia | https://agruni.edu.ge/ | No |
| Akaki Tsereteli State University | https://www.atsu.edu.ge/ | No |
| Alterbridge | https://alterbridge.edu.ge/ | Yes |
| Batumi State Maritime Academy | https://bsma.edu.ge/ | No |
| Caucasus University | https://www.cu.edu.ge/ | No |
| David Agmashenebeli University of Georgia | https://sdasu.edu.ge/ | No |
| Free University of Tbilisi | https://freeuni.edu.ge/ | No |
| Georgian Aviation University | https://www.ssu.edu.ge/ | No |
| Georgian Institute of Public Affairs | https://www.gipa.ge/ | No |
| Georgian Technical University | https://www.gtu.ge/ | No |
| Gori State Teaching University | https://www.gu.edu.ge/ | No |
| Grigol Robakidze University | https://www.gruni.edu.ge/ | No |
| Ilia State University | https://www.iliauni.edu.ge/ | Yes |
| International Black Sea University | https://www.ibsu.edu.ge/ | No |
| Kutaisi University | https://www.unik.edu.ge/ | Yes |
| Shota Rustaveli State University | https://www.bsu.edu.ge/ | No |
| Shota Rustaveli Theatre and Film University | https://tafu.edu.ge/ | No |
| Sukhishvili University | https://www.sukhishvilebi.edu.ge/ | No |
| Sukhumi State University | https://sou.edu.ge/ | No |
| Tbilisi Medical Academy | https://tma.edu.ge/ | No |
| Tbilisi State Academy of Arts | https://www.art.edu.ge/ | Yes |
| Tbilisi State Conservatoire | https://www.conservatoire.edu.ge/ | No |
| Tbilisi State Medical University | https://www.tsmu.edu/ | No |
| Tbilisi State University | https://www.tsu.ge/ | No |
| Teaching University Geomedi | https://geomedi.edu.ge/ | No |
| Telavi Iakob Gogebashvili State University | https://tesau.edu.ge/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Hong Kong
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caritas Bianchi College of Careers | https://www.cbcc.edu.hk/ | No |
| Caritas Institute of Higher Education | https://www.cihe.edu.hk/ | No |
| Chinese University of Hong Kong | https://cuhk.edu.hk/ | No |
| Chu Hai College of Higher Education | https://www.chuhai.edu.hk/ | No |
| City University of Hong Kong | https://www.cityu.edu.hk/ | No |
| Gratia Christian College | https://www.gcc.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hang Seng University of Hong Kong | https://www.hsu.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts | https://www.hkapa.edu/ | No |
| Hong Kong Arts Centre | https://www.hkac.org.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Baptist University | https://www.hkbu.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong College of Technology | https://hkct.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Community College | https://www.hkcc-polyu.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Institute of Technology | https://www.hkit.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Institute of Vocational Education | https://ive.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Metropolitan University | https://www.hkmu.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Nang Yan College of Higher Education | https://www.ny.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Polytechnic University | https://www.polyu.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Shue Yan University | https://www.hksyu.edu.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong University of Science and Technology | https://hkust.edu.hk/ | No |
| Lingnan University | https://www.ln.edu.hk/ | No |
| Savannah College of Art and Design | https://www.scad.edu/ | Yes |
| Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong | https://www.thei.edu.hk/ | No |
| The Education University of Hong Kong | https://www.ied.edu.hk/ | No |
| Tung Wah College | https://www.twc.edu.hk/ | No |
| University of Hong Kong | https://hku.hk/ | Yes |
| UOW College Hong Kong | https://www.uowchk.edu.hk/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## India
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| A. D. Patel Institute of Technology | https://adit.ac.in/ | No |
| Abhayapuri College | https://www.abhayapuricollege.in/ | No |
| Abhilashi University | https://www.abhilashiuniversity.com/ | No |
| Academy of Business Administration | https://www.abaindia.com/ | No |
| Academy of Maritime Education and Training | https://www.ametuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Acharya Brojendra Nath Seal College | https://abnscollege.org/ | No |
| Acharya Harihar Post Graduate Institute of Cancer | https://www.ahrcc.in/ | Yes |
| Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose College | https://www.ajcbosecollege.org/ | No |
| Acharya N. G. Ranga Agricultural University | https://angrau.ac.in/ | No |
| Acharya Nagarjuna University | https://www.anu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology | https://www.nduat.org/ | Yes |
| Acharya Prafulla Chandra College | https://www.apccollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Acharya Prafulla Chandra Roy Government College | https://apcrgc.org/ | No |
| Adamas Institute of Technology | https://www.adamas.co.in/ | No |
| Adamas University | https://adamasuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Adani Institute of Infrastructure Management | https://www.aii.ac.in/ | No |
| Adesh University | https://adeshuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Adichunchanagiri University | https://acu.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Adikavi Nannaya University | https://www.aknu.edu.in/ | No |
| Aditya Institute of Technology and Management | https://www.adityatekkali.edu.in/ | No |
| Adoni Arts and Science College | https://www.adonicollege.com/ | No |
| Agartala Government Medical College | https://agmc.nic.in/ | No |
| Agnel Institute of Technology and Design | https://aitdgoa.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Agriculture University, Jodhpur | https://aujodhpur.ac.in/ | No |
| Agriculture University, Kota | https://aukota.org/ | No |
| Ahmedabad Textile Industry's Research Association | https://www.atira.in/ | No |
| Ahmedabad University | https://ahduni.edu.in/ | Yes |
| AIIMS Jodhpur | https://aiimsjodhpur.edu.in/ | No |
| AIPH University | https://www.aiph.ac.in/ | Yes |
| AISECT University, Jharkhand | https://aisectuniversityjharkhand.ac.in/ | No |
| Ajay Binay Institute of Technology | https://www.abit-pmca.com/ | No |
| Akal University | https://akaluniversity.in/ | No |
| AKS University | https://aksuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Al-Falah University | https://alfalahuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Al-Karim University | https://www.alkarimuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Alagappa Chettiar College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.accetedu.in/ | No |
| Alagappa University | https://alagappauniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Alder College | https://www.aldercollege.com/ | No |
| Aliah University | https://www.aliah.ac.in/ | No |
| Aligarh Muslim University | https://www.amu.ac.in/ | No |
| Alipurduar University | https://alipurduaruniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Al Kabir Polytechnic | https://www.alkabir.in/ | No |
| Alliance University | https://alliance.edu.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Hygiene and Public Health | https://www.aiihph.gov.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bathinda | https://aiimsbathinda.edu.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar | https://aiimsbhubaneswar.nic.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Deoghar | https://aiimsdeoghar.edu.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Gorakhpur | https://aiimsgorakhpur.edu.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Guwahati | https://aiimsguwahati.ac.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Kalyani | https://aiimskalyani.edu.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Mangalagiri | https://www.aiimsmangalagiri.edu.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur | https://aiimsnagpur.edu.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Patna | https://aiimspatna.org/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raebareli | https://www.aiimsrbl.edu.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Raipur | https://www.aiimsraipur.edu.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rajkot | https://www.aiimsrajkot.edu.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Vijaypur | https://www.aiimsjammu.edu.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences Rishikesh | https://aiimsrishikesh.edu.in/ | No |
| Ambedkar College | https://www.ambedkarcollege.org/ | Yes |
| Ambedkar University Delhi | https://www.aud.ac.in/ | No |
| AMC MET Medical College | https://www.metmedical.edu.in/ | No |
| American College, Madurai | https://www.americancollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Amguri College | https://www.amguricollege.com/ | No |
| Amity University, Patna | https://amity.edu/ | No |
| Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham | https://www.amrita.edu/ | No |
| Anand Agricultural University | https://www.aau.in/ | No |
| Anandamohan College | https://www.anandamohancollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Anandaram Dhekial Phookan College | https://adpcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| A N College | https://www.ancpatna.ac.in/ | No |
| Andhra Loyola College | https://www.andhraloyolacollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Andhra Pradesh Open University | https://braou.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Andhra Pradesh Residential Degree College | https://www.aprdcnagarjunasagar.ac.in/ | No |
| Andhra University | https://andhrauniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Anil Neerukonda Institute of Technology and Sciences | https://www.anits.edu.in/ | No |
| Annamalai University | https://www.annamalaiuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Anna University | https://www.annauniv.edu/ | No |
| Ansal Institute of Technology | https://sushantuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College and Hospital | https://anmmc.ac.in/ | No |
| Anurag University | https://anurag.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Apex Professional University | https://www.apexuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| APG Shimla University | https://agu.edu.in/ | Yes |
| A P J Abdul Kalam Technological University | https://ktu.edu.in/ | No |
| Arid Forest Research Institute | https://afri.res.in/ | No |
| Arka Jain University | https://www.arkajainuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Armed Forces Medical College India | https://afmc.nic.in/ | No |
| Army Institute of Technology | https://www.aitpune.com/ | No |
| Arni University | https://arni.in/ | No |
| Arunachala College Of Engineering For Women | https://www.arunachalacollege.com/ | No |
| Arunachal Law Academy | https://arunachallawacademy.org/ | No |
| Arunachal University of Studies | https://www.arunachaluniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Aryabhatta College | https://www.aryabhattacollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Aryabhatta Knowledge University | https://akubihar.ac.in/ | No |
| Arya Institute of Engineering and Technology | https://www.aryacollege.org/ | Yes |
| Arya Vidyapeeth College | https://avcollege.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Asannagar Madan Mohan Tarkalankar College | https://www.ammtcollege.in/ | No |
| Asansol Engineering College | https://www.aecwb.edu.in/ | No |
| Asansol Girls' College | https://www.agc.ac.in/ | No |
| ASBM University | https://www.asbm.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Ashoka University | https://www.ashoka.edu.in/ | No |
| Asian School of Business | https://www.asb.ac.in/ | No |
| Asian Workers Development Institute, Rourkela | https://www.awdibmt.net/ | Yes |
| Assam Agricultural University | https://www.aau.ac.in/ | No |
| Assam Don Bosco University | https://www.dbuniversity.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Assam Down Town University | https://adtu.in/ | Yes |
| Assam Institute of Management | https://www.aimguwahati.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Assam Medical College | https://amch.edu.in/ | No |
| Assam Rajiv Gandhi University of Cooperative Management | https://argucom.assam.gov.in/ | No |
| Assam Science and Technology University | https://astu.ac.in/ | No |
| Assam University | https://www.aus.ac.in/ | No |
| Assam Women's University | https://www.awu.ac.in/ | No |
| Asutosh College | https://www.asutoshcollege.in/ | No |
| Atal Bihari Vajpayee Hindi Vishwavidyalaya | https://www.abvhv.edu.in/ | No |
| Atal Bihari Vajpayee Medical University | https://abvmuup.edu.in/ | No |
| Atal Bihari Vajpayee Vishwavidyalaya | https://www.bilaspuruniversity.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Auro University | https://www.aurouniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Avantika University | https://www.avantikauniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women | https://www.avinuty.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Awadhesh Pratap Singh University | https://apsurewa.ac.in/ | No |
| Ayya Nadar Janaki Ammal College | https://anjaconline.org/ | Yes |
| Azim Premji University | https://azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/ | Yes |
| B. Borooah College | https://www.bborooahcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| B.E.S.T Innovation University | https://bestiu.edu.in/ | No |
| B.J. Medical College, Ahmedabad | https://www.bjmcabd.edu.in/ | No |
| B. J. Medical College | https://www.bjmcpune.org/ | No |
| B.K. School of Business Management | https://bkschool.org.in/ | No |
| B. P. Poddar Institute of Management & Technology | https://www.bppimt.ac.in/ | No |
| B.S. Abdur Rahman Crescent Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.crescent.education/ | Yes |
| Baba Banda Singh Bahadur Engineering College | https://www.bbsbec.edu.in/ | No |
| Baba Farid University of Health Sciences | https://www.bfuhs.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Baba Ghulam Shah Badhshah University | https://www.bgsbu.ac.in/ | No |
| Baba Hira Singh Bhattal Institute of Engineering and Technology | https://www.bhsbiet.ac.in/ | No |
| Baba Mast Nath University | https://bmu.ac.in/ | No |
| Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar Bihar University | https://brabu.edu.in/ | No |
| Babasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University | https://www.bbau.ac.in/ | No |
| Babu Banarasi Das University | https://www.bbdu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Baddi University of Emerging Sciences and Technologies | https://www.baddiuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Bahona College | https://www.bahonacollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Bahra University | https://www.bahrauniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Bajali College | https://www.bhattadevuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Bajkul Milani Mahavidyalaya | https://bajkulcollege.org/ | No |
| Bakhtiyarpur College of Engineering | https://bcebakhtiyarpur.org/ | Yes |
| Balasore College of Engineering & Technology | https://www.bcetodisha.ac.in/ | No |
| Baldev Ram Mirdha Institute of Technology | https://bmitjaipur.org/ | No |
| Banaras Hindu University | https://bhu.ac.in/ | No |
| Banarhat Kartik Oraon Hindi Government College | https://hindigovernmentcollegebanarhat.in/ | No |
| Banasthali Vidyapith | https://www.banasthali.org/ | No |
| Banda University of Agriculture and Technology | https://buat.edu.in/ | No |
| Bangabasi College | https://bangabasi.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Bangalore University | https://bangaloreuniversity.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Bankura Christian College | https://www.bankurachristiancollege.in/ | No |
| Bankura Sammilani College | https://www.bankurasammilanicollege.net/ | No |
| Bankura Sammilani Medical College and Hospital | https://bsmedicalcollege.org.in/ | No |
| Bankura University | https://www.bankurauniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Bankura Zilla Saradamani Mahila Mahavidyapith | https://www.bzsmmahavidyapith.org/ | No |
| Bannari Amman Institute of Technology | https://www.bitsathy.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Banwarilal Bhalotia College | https://www.bbcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Bapatla Engineering College | https://becbapatla.ac.in/ | No |
| Baptist College, Kohima | https://www.baptistcollege.in/ | No |
| Bapujee College, Sarukshetri | https://bapujeecollege.org/ | No |
| Barasat Government College | https://www.bgc.org.in/ | No |
| Bardhaman Raj College | https://burdwanrajcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Bareilly International University | https://www.biu.edu.in/ | No |
| Baring Union Christian College | https://www.buccbatala.org/ | No |
| Barjora College | https://www.barjoracollege.org/ | No |
| Barkatullah University | https://www.bubhopal.ac.in/ | No |
| Baroda Medical College | https://www.medicalcollegebaroda.edu.in/ | No |
| Barpeta Girls' College | https://barpetagirlscollege.org/ | No |
| Barrackpore Rastraguru Surendranath College | https://www.brsnc.org/ | No |
| Barrister Ranjit Mohanty Group of Institution | https://brm.edu.in/ | No |
| Baruipur College | https://www.baruipurcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Basanti Devi College | https://www.basantidevicollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Basirhat College | https://www.basirhatcollege.org/ | No |
| Bastar University | https://www.bvvjdp.ac.in/ | No |
| Belda College | https://www.beldacollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Bengal College of Engineering & Technology | https://www.bcetdgp.ac.in/ | No |
| Bengal Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital | https://bhmch.org/ | No |
| Bengal Institute of Technology & Management | https://www.bitm.org.in/ | No |
| Bengal Institute of Technology, Kolkata | https://www.bitcollege.in/ | No |
| Bengaluru Central University | https://bcu.ac.in/ | No |
| Bengaluru North University | https://bnu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Bennett University | https://www.bennett.edu.in/ | No |
| Berhampore College | https://www.berhamporecollege.in/ | No |
| Berhampore Girls' College | https://berhamporegirlscollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Berhampur University | https://www.bamu.nic.in/ | No |
| Bethuadahari College | https://bethuadaharicollege.com/ | No |
| Bethune College | https://www.bethunecollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Bhadrak Institute of Engineering & Technology | https://www.bietbhadrak.ac.in/ | No |
| Bhagalpur College of Engineering | https://www.bcebhagalpur.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Bhagat Phool Singh Mahila Vishwavidyalaya | https://www.bpswomenuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Bhagwant Global University | https://bgukotdwar.ac.in/ | No |
| Bhagwant University | https://bhagwantuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Bhai Gurdas Institute of Engineering & Technology | https://www.bgiet.ac.in/ | No |
| Bhakta Kavi Narsinh Mehta University | https://www.bknmu.edu.in/ | No |
| Bharath English High School | https://www.behs.in/ | No |
| Bharathiar University | https://www.b-u.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Bharathidasan Government College for Women | https://bgcw.py.gov.in/ | No |
| Bharathidasan Institute of Management | https://www.bim.edu/ | No |
| Bharathidasan University | https://www.bdu.ac.in/ | No |
| Bharath Institute of Higher Education and Research | https://www.bharathuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Bharathiyar College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.bcetedu.in/ | No |
| Bharati Vidyapeeth | https://www.bharatividyapeeth.edu/ | No |
| Bhatkhande Music Institute | https://bhatkhandemusic.edu.in/ | No |
| Bhavan’s Tripura College of Science and Technology | https://www.btcstagartala.org/ | No |
| Bhima Bhoi Medical College and Hospital | https://bbmchbalangir.nic.in/ | No |
| Bhim Rao Ambedkar College | https://drbrambedkarcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Bhishma Narain Singh Law College | https://www.bnslawcollege.com/ | No |
| Bholaram Shibal Kharkia College, Maithon | https://www.bskcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Bhupendra Narayan Mandal University | https://bnmu.ac.in/ | No |
| Bhutta College of Engineering & Technology | https://www.bcetldh.org/ | No |
| Bidhan Chandra College, Asansol | https://www.bccollegeasansol.ac.in/ | No |
| Bidhan Chandra Krishi Viswavidyalaya | https://www.bckv.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Bidhannagar College | https://www.bidhannagarcollege.org/ | No |
| Bihar Agricultural University | https://www.bausabour.ac.in/ | No |
| Bihar Animal Sciences University | https://www.basu.org.in/ | Yes |
| Bihar Institute of Law | https://www.bilpatna.in/ | Yes |
| Bihar Yoga Bharati | https://www.biharyoga.net/ | No |
| Biju Patnaik University of Technology | https://www.bput.ac.in/ | No |
| Bikaner Technical University | https://www.btu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Bilasipara College | https://bilasiparacollege.org/ | No |
| Binod Bihari Mahto Koylanchal University | https://bbmku.ac.in/ | No |
| Birbal Sahni Institute of Palaeobotany | https://www.bsip.res.in/ | No |
| Birbhum Mahavidyalaya | https://www.bmsiuri.org/ | No |
| Birbhum Vivekananda Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital | https://www.bvhmch.com/ | No |
| Bir Bikram Memorial College | https://www.bbmc.nic.in/ | No |
| Birjhora Kanya Mahavidyalaya, Bongaigaon | https://www.birjhoramahavidyalaya.org/ | No |
| Birjhora Mahavidyalaya | https://www.birjhoramahavidyalaya.in/ | No |
| Birla Global University | https://www.bgu.ac.in/ | No |
| Birla Institute of Technology, Patna | https://bitmesra.ac.in/ | No |
| Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani – Goa Campus | https://universe.bits-pilani.ac.in/ | No |
| Birla Vishwakarma Mahavidyalaya | https://www.bvmengineering.ac.in/ | No |
| Birsa Agricultural University | https://www.bauranchi.org/ | No |
| Birsa Munda Tribal University | https://bmtu.ac.in/ | No |
| Bir Tikendrajit University | https://www.birtikendrajituniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Bishop Jerome Institute | https://www.bjgi.in/ | No |
| Biswa Bangla Biswabidyalay | https://biswabanglabiswabidyalay.org/ | No |
| Biswanath College | https://www.biswanathcollege.in/ | No |
| BJB College | https://www.bjbcollege.in/ | No |
| BML Munjal University | https://www.bmu.edu.in/ | No |
| Bodoland University | https://bodolanduniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Bokaro Steel City College | https://www.bscitycollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Bolpur College | https://bolpurcollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Bongaigaon College | https://www.bongaigaoncollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Bongaigaon Law College | https://bongaigaonlawcollege.in/ | No |
| Borholla College | https://www.borhollacollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Bose Institute | https://www.jcbose.ac.in/ | No |
| Botanical Survey of India | https://www.bsi.gov.in/ | No |
| BP Mandal College of Engineering | https://www.bpmcemadhepura.org/ | Yes |
| Brainware University | https://www.brainwareuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| BRM Government Law College | https://www.brmgovtlawcollege.org.in/ | No |
| Buddha Institute of Technology, Gaya | https://bodhgayabit.net/ | No |
| Budge Budge College | https://wbbudgebudgecollege.org/ | No |
| Bundelkhand University | https://www.bujhansi.ac.in/ | No |
| Burdwan Medical College and Hospital | https://www.burmed.org/ | No |
| C-Edge College | https://cedgecollege.org/ | Yes |
| C.M. Dubey Postgraduate College, Bilaspur | https://www.cmdpgcollege.in/ | No |
| C. V. Raman Global University | https://cgu-odisha.ac.in/ | No |
| Cachar College | https://www.cacharcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Calcutta Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital | https://www.chmch.in.net/ | No |
| Calcutta Institute of Engineering and Management | https://ciem.ac.in/ | No |
| Calcutta National Medical College | https://www.cnmckolkata.com/ | No |
| Calcutta School of Tropical Medicine | https://www.stmkolkata.org/ | No |
| Calcutta Unani Medical College and Hospital | https://www.calumch.org/ | No |
| Cambridge Institute of Technology | https://www.citranchi.ac.in/ | No |
| Capital University, Koderma | https://www.capitaluniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Career Point University, Hamirpur | https://www.cpuh.in/ | No |
| Career Point University, Kota | https://www.cpur.in/ | No |
| Catalyst Institute of Management and Advance Global Excellence | https://www.cimage.in/ | No |
| Central Agricultural University | https://www.cau.ac.in/ | No |
| Central Citrus Research Institute, Nagpur | https://nrccitrus.nic.in/ | No |
| Central Drug Research Institute | https://www.cdri.res.in/ | No |
| Central Electro Chemical Research Institute | https://www.cecri.res.in/ | No |
| Central Glass and Ceramic Research Institute | https://www.cgcri.res.in/ | No |
| Central Inland Fisheries Research Institute | https://www.cifri.res.in/ | No |
| Central Institute for Cotton Research | https://cicr.org.in/ | No |
| Central Institute of Brackish Water Aquaculture | https://ciba.res.in/ | No |
| Central Institute of Buddhist Studies | https://cibs.ac.in/ | No |
| Central Institute of Fisheries Education | https://www.cife.edu.in/ | No |
| Central Institute of Fisheries Technology | https://www.cift.res.in/ | No |
| Central Institute of Higher Tibetan Studies | https://www.cihts.ac.in/ | No |
| Central Institute of Himalayan Cultural Studies | https://www.cihcs.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Central Institute of Mining and Fuel Research | https://cimfr.nic.in/ | No |
| Central Institute of Petrochemicals Engineering and Technology | https://cipet.gov.in/ | No |
| Central Institute of Psychiatry | https://cipranchi.nic.in/ | No |
| Central Institute of Technology, Kokrajhar | https://cit.ac.in/ | No |
| Central Institute of Tool Design | https://www.citdindia.org/ | No |
| Central Leather Research Institute | https://www.clri.org/ | No |
| Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute | https://cmfri.org.in/ | No |
| Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute | https://www.cmeri.res.in/ | No |
| Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture | https://crida.ernet.in/ | No |
| Central Research Institute for Jute and Allied Fibers | https://www.crijaf.org.in/ | No |
| Central Salt and Marine Chemicals Research Institute | https://csirhrdg.nic.in/ | No |
| Central Sanskrit University | https://www.sanskrit.nic.in/ | No |
| Central Sericultural Research and Training Institute | https://www.csrtiber.res.in/ | No |
| Central Tobacco Research Institute | https://ctri.icar.gov.in/ | No |
| Central Tribal University of Andhra Pradesh | https://ctuap.in/ | No |
| Central University of Andhra Pradesh | https://cuap.ac.in/ | No |
| Central University of Gujarat | https://www.cug.ac.in/ | No |
| Central University of Haryana | https://www.cuh.ac.in/ | No |
| Central University of Himachal Pradesh | https://cuhimachal.ac.in/ | No |
| Central University of Jammu | https://www.cujammu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Central University of Jharkhand | https://www.cuj.ac.in/ | No |
| Central University of Karnataka | https://www.cuk.ac.in/ | No |
| Central University of Kashmir | https://www.cukashmir.ac.in/ | No |
| Central University of Kerala | https://www.cukerala.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Central University of Odisha | https://cuo.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Central University of Punjab | https://www.cup.ac.in/ | No |
| Central University of Rajasthan | https://www.curaj.ac.in/ | No |
| Central University of South Bihar | https://cusb.ac.in/ | No |
| Central University of Tamil Nadu | https://cutn.ac.in/ | No |
| Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology | https://www.ccmb.res.in/ | No |
| Centre for Development Studies | https://www.cds.edu/ | No |
| Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics | https://www.cdfd.org.in/ | No |
| Centre for IT Education, Bhubaneswar | https://cime.ac.in/ | No |
| Centurion University of Technology & Management | https://www.cutm.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Centurion University of Technology and Management, Andhra Pradesh | https://cutmap.ac.in/ | Yes |
| CEPT University | https://www.cept.ac.in/ | No |
| Chaibasa Engineering College | https://chaibasaengg.edu.in/ | No |
| Chakdaha College | https://www.chakdahacollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Chanakya National Law University | https://www.cnlu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Chandernagore Government College | https://www.chandernagorecollege.org/ | No |
| Chandigarh College of Architecture | https://cca.edu.in/ | No |
| Chandigarh College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.ccet.ac.in/ | No |
| Chandigarh University | https://www.cuchd.in/ | No |
| Chandragupt Institute of Management | https://www.cimp.ac.in/ | No |
| Chandra Kamal Bezbaruah College | https://www.ckbcollegeteok.com/ | No |
| Chandra Shekhar Azad University of Agriculture & Technology | https://www.csauk.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Chandulal Chandrakar Patrakarita Avam Jansanchar Vishwavidyalaya | https://www.ktujm.ac.in/ | No |
| Chapra Bangaljhi Mahavidyalaya | https://www.chapracollege.org/ | No |
| Charotar University of Science and Technology | https://www.charusat.ac.in/ | No |
| Chaudhary Bansi Lal University | https://cblu.ac.in/ | No |
| Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University | https://www.hau.ac.in/ | No |
| Chaudhary Charan Singh University | https://www.ccsuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Chaudhary Devi Lal University | https://www.cdlu.ac.in/ | No |
| Chaudhary Ranbir Singh University | https://www.crsu.ac.in/ | No |
| Chaudhary Sarwan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Krishi Vishvavidyalaya | https://www.hillagric.ac.in/ | No |
| Chennai Mathematical Institute | https://www.cmi.ac.in/ | No |
| Chettinad University | https://www.chettinadhealthcity.com/ | No |
| Chhatrapati Shahu Ji Maharaj University | https://csjmu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Chhattisgarh Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.cimsbilaspur.ac.in/ | No |
| Chhattisgarh Kamdhenu Vishwavidyalaya | https://cgkv.ac.in/ | No |
| Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University | https://www.csvtu.ac.in/ | No |
| Children's University | https://www.cugujarat.ac.in/ | No |
| Chinmaya Mission | https://www.chinmayamission.com/ | No |
| Chinmaya Vishwavidyapeeth | https://www.cvv.ac.in/ | No |
| Chitkara University, Himachal Pradesh | https://www.chitkarauniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Chitkara University, Punjab | https://www.chitkara.edu.in/ | No |
| Chotanagpur Law College | https://www.cnlawcollege.org/ | No |
| Christ College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.christcet.edu.in/ | No |
| Christian Medical College, Ludhiana | https://cmcludhiana.in/ | No |
| Christ Institute of Technology CIT | https://www.cit-edu.in/ | No |
| Christ University | https://christuniversity.in/ | No |
| CKB Commerce College | https://www.ckbcc.org/ | No |
| C K Pithawala College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.ckpcet.ac.in/ | No |
| Cluster University of Jammu | https://www.clujammu.in/ | No |
| Cluster University of Srinagar | https://www.cusrinagar.edu.in/ | No |
| CMR University | https://cmr.edu.in/ | No |
| Cochin University of Science and Technology | https://www.cusat.ac.in/ | No |
| Coimbatore Institute of Technology | https://www.cit.edu.in/ | No |
| College of Agricultural Technology | https://www.cattheni.edu.in/ | No |
| College of Agriculture, Tripura | https://coatripura.ac.in/ | No |
| College of Commerce, Arts and Science, Patna | https://cocaspatna.ac.in/ | Yes |
| College of Engineering, Pune | https://www.coep.org.in/ | No |
| College of Engineering and Management, Kapurthala | https://www.cemkpt.org/ | No |
| College of Engineering and Management, Kolaghat | https://www.cemkolaghat.org/ | No |
| College Of Engineering Bhubaneswar | https://www.ceb.ac.in/ | No |
| College of Medicine & JNM Hospital | https://comjnmh.ac.in/ | No |
| College of Medicine & Sagore Dutta Hospital | https://www.cmsdh.edu.in/ | No |
| College of Military Engineering, Pune | https://indianarmy.nic.in/ | No |
| College of Teachers Education, Aizawl | https://iasemz.net/ | No |
| College of Veterinary Sciences and Animal Husbandry, Selesih | https://www.cvsccauaizawl.edu.in/ | No |
| College of Vocational Studies | https://www.cvs.edu.in/ | No |
| Compucom Institute of Information Technology and Management | https://www.ciitm.org/ | No |
| Coochbehar Government Medical College and Hospital | https://www.mjnmch.ac.in/ | No |
| Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University | https://cbpbu.ac.in/ | No |
| Cotton University | https://cottonuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Council of Scientific and Industrial Research | https://www.csir.res.in/ | No |
| CT University | https://ctuniversity.in/ | No |
| D.A.V. College, Jalandhar | https://www.davjalandhar.com/ | No |
| D.A.V. College, Koraput | https://davcollegekoraput.org.in/ | No |
| D.N. De Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital | https://www.dndeofficial.org/ | No |
| Dakshin Dinajpur University | https://www.dduniversity.in/ | No |
| Dakshin Kamrup College | https://dkcollegeonline.in/ | No |
| Dakshin Kamrup Girls' College | https://dkgirlscollege.in/ | No |
| Damodaram Sanjivayya National Law University | https://dsnlu.ac.in/ | No |
| Darbhanga College of Engineering | https://www.dce-darbhanga.org/ | Yes |
| Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital | https://www.darbhangamedicalcollege.com/ | No |
| Darjeeling Government College | https://www.darjeelinggovernmentcollege.com/ | No |
| Darjeeling Hills University | https://www.dhuniv.in/ | No |
| Darrang College | https://www.darrangcollege.in/ | No |
| Dasaratha Deb Memorial College | https://ddmctripura.in/ | No |
| Davangere University | https://davangereuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| DAV College, Chandigarh | https://www.davchd.ac.in/ | No |
| DAV College | https://www.davcmc.net.in/ | No |
| DAV Institute of Engineering & Technology | https://davietjal.org/ | No |
| DAV University | https://www.davuniversity.org/ | No |
| Dayalbagh Educational Institute | https://www.dei.ac.in/ | No |
| Dayananda Sagar University | https://dsu.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Dayanand Medical College | https://www.dmch.edu/ | No |
| DCSMAT Business School | https://dcsmat.com/ | No |
| Deba Ray College, Bhubaneswar | https://dheorissa.in/ | No |
| Debraj Roy College | https://www.drcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Deccan College Post-Graduate and Research Institute | https://www.deccancollegepune.ac.in/ | No |
| Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology | https://dcrust.edu.in/ | No |
| Deen Dayal Upadhyaya College | https://dducollegedu.ac.in/ | No |
| Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University | https://ddugu.ac.in/ | No |
| Defence Institute of Advanced Technology | https://www.diat.ac.in/ | No |
| Defence Research Development Organization | https://drdo.gov.in/ | No |
| Delhi Institute of Technology & Management | https://www.ditmcollege.com/ | No |
| Delhi Music Academy | https://delhimusicacademy.com/ | No |
| Delhi Pharmaceutical Science and Research University | https://dpsru.edu.in/ | No |
| Delhi School of Music | https://www.delhimusicsociety.net/ | No |
| Delhi Skill and Entrepreneurship University | https://dseu.ac.in/ | No |
| Delhi Technological University | https://www.dtu.ac.in/ | No |
| Deoghar College | https://deogharcollegedeoghar.com/ | No |
| Dergaon Kamal Dowerah College | https://www.dkdcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Deshbandhu Mahavidyalaya | https://dbmcrj.ac.in/ | No |
| Desh Bhagat University | https://deshbhagatuniversity.in/ | No |
| Devi Ahilya University | https://www.dauniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Devicharan Barua Girls' College | https://dcbgirlscollegejorhat.org/ | No |
| Dev Sanskriti Vishwavidyalaya | https://dsvv.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Dhakuakhana College | https://dhakuakhanacollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Dhanamanjuri University | https://dmu.ac.in/ | No |
| Dhanekula Institute of Engineering and Technology | https://diet.ac.in/ | No |
| Dhaneswar Rath Institute of Engineering and Management Studies | https://www.driems.ac.in/ | No |
| Dharamsinh Desai University | https://www.ddu.ac.in/ | No |
| Dharanidhar College | https://www.ddcollege.nic.in/ | No |
| Dhemaji College | https://www.dhemajicollege.in/ | No |
| Dhemaji Commerce College | https://www.dhemajicommercecollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Dhenkanal College | https://www.dhenkanalcollege.nic.in/ | No |
| Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information and Communication Technology | https://www.daiict.ac.in/ | No |
| Dhruba Chand Halder College | https://www.dchcollege.in/ | No |
| Dhubri Law College | https://dhubrilawcollege.in/ | No |
| Diamond Harbour Government Medical College and Hospital | https://dhgmc.edu.in/ | No |
| Diamond Harbour Women's University | https://dhwu.ac.in/ | No |
| Dibru College | https://dibrucollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Dibrugarh Hanumanbax Surajmall Kanoi College | https://www.dhsk.org/ | Yes |
| Dibrugarh Hanumanbux Surajmal Kanoi Commerce College | https://www.dhskcommercecollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Dibrugarh University | https://www.dibru.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Digboi College | https://www.digboicollege.com/ | No |
| Dignity College of Architecture | https://www.dignitycollege.com/ | No |
| Dimapur Government College | https://dimapurgovtcollege.in/ | No |
| Dimoria College | https://dimoriacollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Dinabandhu Andrews College | https://www.dacollege.org/ | No |
| Diphu Government College | https://diphugovernmentcollege.com/ | No |
| Diphu Medical College and Hospital | https://dmcassam.in/ | No |
| Directorate of Rice Research | https://www.drricar.org/ | No |
| Dispur College | https://dispurcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Dispur Law College | https://dispurlawcollege.org/ | No |
| DIT University | https://www.dituniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Dnyanprassarak Mandal’s College, Assagao, Goa | https://dmscollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Doaba College | https://doabacollege.net/ | No |
| Domkal Girls' College | https://domkalgirlscollege.org/ | No |
| Don Bosco College of Engineering | https://dbcegoa.ac.in/ | No |
| Don Bosco College | https://www.dbcitanagar.com/ | No |
| Don Bosco Technical School, Shillong | https://dbtsshillong.in/ | No |
| DoomDooma College | https://doomdoomacollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Doon University | https://www.doonuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Doranda College | https://www.dorandacollege.com/ | No |
| Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University | https://aktu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Dr. Abdul Haq Urdu University | https://www.ahuuk.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. B.C. Roy Engineering College, Durgapur | https://www.bcrec.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. B.R. Ambedkar College | https://brambedkarcollegebetai.in/ | No |
| Dr. B. R. Ambedkar National Institute of Technology Jalandhar | https://www.nitj.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. B.R. Ambedkar University, Srikakulam | https://www.brau.edu.in/ | No |
| Dr. B. R. Ambedkar University | https://www.dbrau.org.in/ | No |
| Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Marathwada University | https://www.bamu.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Open University | https://www.baou.edu.in/ | No |
| Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar Technological University | https://www.dbatu.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth | https://www.dbskkv.org/ | No |
| Dr. B C Roy Post Graduate Institute of Paediatric Sciences | https://drbcroypgips.org/ | No |
| Dr. Bhimrao Ambedkar Law University | https://www.alujaipur.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. C.V. Raman University, Bihar | https://www.cvrubihar.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. C. V. Raman University | https://www.cvru.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. Hari Singh Gour University | https://www.dhsgsu.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. Jivraj Mehta Institute of Technology, Anand | https://www.djmit.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. K.N.Modi University | https://www.dknmu.org/ | No |
| Dr. M.G.R. Educational and Research Institute | https://www.drmgrdu.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr.MGR Janaki College of Arts and Science for Women | https://www.mgrjanaki.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. Nobin Bordoloi College | https://www.drnabinbordoloicollege.org/ | No |
| Dr. NTR University of Health Sciences | https://ntruhs.ap.nic.in/ | No |
| Dr. Panjabrao Deshmukh Krishi Vidyapeeth | https://www.pdkv.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. R. Ahmed Dental College and Hospital | https://radch.net/ | No |
| Dr. Radhakrishnan Government Medical College, Hamirpur | https://www.rgmchamirpur.org/ | No |
| Dr. Rajendra Prasad Central Agriculture University | https://www.rpcau.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College Kangra | https://www.rpgmc.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Avadh University | https://www.rmlau.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Institute of Medical Sciences | https://drrmlims.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. Ram Manohar Lohiya National Law University | https://www.rmlnlu.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan Rajasthan Ayurved University | https://www.education.rajasthan.gov.in/ | No |
| Dr. Shakuntala Misra National Rehabilitation University | https://dsmru.up.nic.in/ | No |
| Dr. Shankarrao Chavan Government Medical College | https://www.scgmc.org/ | No |
| Dr. Shyama Prasad Mukherjee University | https://www.dspmuranchi.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College of Engineering | https://www.drsacoe.org/ | No |
| Dr. V. M. Government Medical College | https://www.vmgmc-hsolapur.org/ | No |
| Dr. Y.S.R. Horticultural University | https://www.drysrhu.edu.in/ | No |
| Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar Government Medical College Nahan | https://www.yspgmc.org/ | No |
| Dr. Yashwant Singh Parmar University of Horticulture and Forestry | https://www.yspuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Dravidian University | https://dravidianuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Dudhnoi College | https://dudhnoicollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Dukhulal Nibaran Chandra College | https://dnccollege.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Duliajan College | https://www.duliajancollege.in/ | No |
| Duliajan Girls' College | https://duliajangirlscollege.org/ | No |
| Dum Dum Motijheel College | https://www.dumdummotijheelcollege.in/ | No |
| Dumkal College | https://dumkalcollege.org/ | No |
| Dumka Medical College | https://phulojhanomurmumedicalcollegehospital.org/ | No |
| Durga Mahavidyalaya, Raipur | https://www.durgacollege.in/ | No |
| Durgapur Government College | https://www.durgapurgovtcollege.org/ | No |
| Durgapur Women's College | https://www.dwcollege.org/ | No |
| Durg University | https://www.durguniversity.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Dwijendralal College | https://www.dwijendralalcollege.org/ | No |
| Eastern Academy of Science and Technology | https://www.eastodissa.ac.in/ | No |
| Eastern Christian College, Dimapur | https://eccnagaland.edu.in/ | No |
| Electronics Corporation of India Limited | https://www.ecil.co.in/ | No |
| Eliezer Joldan Memorial College Leh, Ladakh | https://gdckargil.in/ | No |
| Era University | https://erauniversity.in/ | No |
| ESIC Medical College, Kolkata | https://www.esic.nic.in/ | No |
| Eternal University | https://www.eternaluniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Ethiraj College for Women | https://www.ethirajcollege.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Euro Tech Maritime Academy | https://www.eurotechmaritime.org/ | Yes |
| Faculty of Management Studies – Institute of Rural Management, Jaipur (FMS-IRM) | https://www.iirm.ac.in/ | No |
| Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College and Hospital | https://www.faamcassam.co.in/ | No |
| Fakir Chand College | https://fccollege.net/ | No |
| Fakir Mohan Medical College and Hospital | https://blsmch.nic.in/ | No |
| Fakir Mohan University | https://www.fmuniversity.nic.in/ | No |
| Fazl Ali College | https://www.fac.ac.in/ | No |
| Fishery Survey of India | https://www.fsi.gov.in/ | No |
| Footwear Design and Development Institute | https://fddiindia.com/ | No |
| Forest Research Centre for Eco-Rehabilitation | https://frcer.icfre.org/ | No |
| Forest Research Institute India | https://www.fri.res.in/ | No |
| Future Institute of Engineering and Management | https://www.futureengineering.in/ | No |
| G. B. Pant Engineering College, New Delhi | https://www.gbpec.edu.in/ | No |
| G.B. Pant University of Agriculture and Technology | https://gbpuat.ac.in/ | No |
| G.H. Raisoni University | https://ghru.edu.in/ | No |
| Galgotias University | https://galgotiasuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Galsi Mahavidyalaya | https://www.galsimahavidyalaya.com/ | No |
| Gandhigram Rural Institute | https://www.ruraluniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Gandhi Institute For Technology | https://college.gift.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Gandhi Institute of Advanced Computer & Research, Rayagada | https://www.giacr.ac.in/ | No |
| Gandhi Institute of Technology and Management | https://www.gitam.edu/ | No |
| Gandhi Medical College | https://www.gandhihospital.in/ | No |
| Ganesh Lal Agrawal College | https://www.glanpu.org.in/ | No |
| Gangadhar Meher University | https://www.gmuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Ganjam Law College | https://ganjam.nic.in/ | No |
| Ganpat University | https://www.ganpatuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Garden City University | https://www.gardencity.university/ | No |
| Gargaon College | https://gargaoncollege.org/ | No |
| Gauhati Commerce College | https://www.gauhaticommercecollege.in/ | No |
| Gauhati Medical College and Hospital | https://gmchassam.gov.in/ | No |
| Gauhati University | https://www.gauhati.ac.in/ | No |
| Gautam Buddha University | https://www.gbu.ac.in/ | No |
| Gaya College of Engineering | https://www.gcegaya.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Gaya College | https://www.gayacollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Gayatri Vidya Parishad College of Engineering | https://gvpce.ac.in/ | No |
| GD Goenka University | https://gdgoenkauniversity.com/ | No |
| GEC Jaffarpur | https://www.gecdelhi.ac.in/ | No |
| Geetanjali University | https://geetanjaliuniversity.com/ | No |
| Ghanashyama Hemalata Institute of Technology and Management | https://www.ghitmpuri.org/ | No |
| Ghani Khan Choudhury Institute of Engineering & Technology | https://gkciet.ac.in/ | No |
| Ghatal Rabindra Satabarsiki Mahavidyalaya | https://www.grsm.org.in/ | No |
| G H Patel College Of Engineering & Technology | https://www.gcet.ac.in/ | No |
| GIET University, Gunupur | https://www.giet.edu/ | Yes |
| GLA University | https://gla.ac.in/ | No |
| GLS University | https://www.glsuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| GMCH Chandigarh | https://gmch.gov.in/ | No |
| GNA University | https://gnauniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Goa Dental College | https://www.gdch.goa.gov.in/ | No |
| Goa Engineering College | https://www.gec.ac.in/ | No |
| Goa Institute of Management | https://www.gim.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Goalpara College | https://www.goalparacollege.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Goa University | https://www.unigoa.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Gobardanga Hindu College | https://www.ghcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Godda College | https://goddacollege.org/ | No |
| Goenka College of Commerce and Business Administration | https://www.goenkacollege.net/ | No |
| Gogamukh College | https://gogamukhcollege.net/ | No |
| Gokhale Institute of Politics and Economics | https://www.gipe.ac.in/ | No |
| Golaghat Commerce College | https://www.golaghatcommercecollege.org/ | No |
| Gondwana University | https://www.gondwanauniversity.org/ | No |
| Gopal Krushna College of Engineering & Technology | https://gkcet.org/ | Yes |
| Gopal Narayan Singh University | https://www.gnsu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Goreswar College | https://goreswarcollege.co.in/ | Yes |
| Gossner College | https://www.gcran.org/ | No |
| Goswami Ganesh Dutta Sanatan Dharma College | https://ggdsd.ac.in/ | No |
| Gouri Devi Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital | https://gimsh.in/ | No |
| Government Aizawl College | https://gac.ac.in/ | No |
| Government Aizawl North College | https://ganc.mizoram.gov.in/ | No |
| Government Arts College, Karur | https://gackarur.ac.in/ | No |
| Government Autonomous College, Angul | https://gaca.nic.in/ | No |
| Government Autonomous College, Rourkela | https://www.gacrkl.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Government Champhai College | https://www.champhaicollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Government College, Dipka | https://www.governmentcollegedipka.com/ | No |
| Government College of Art & Craft | https://www.gcac.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Government College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Khandola | https://www.khandolacollege.org/ | No |
| Government College of Commerce and Business Administration | https://www.gccbachd.org/ | No |
| Government College of Engineering & Textile Technology, Berhampore | https://www.gcettb.ac.in/ | No |
| Government College of Engineering & Textile Technology Serampore | https://www.gcetts.org/ | No |
| Government College of Engineering, Amravati | https://www.gcoea.ac.in/ | No |
| Government College of Engineering, Aurangabad | https://geca.ac.in/ | No |
| Government College of Engineering, Chandrapur | https://www.gcoec.ac.in/ | No |
| Government College of Engineering, Kalahandi | https://www.gcekbpatna.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Government College of Engineering, Karad | https://www.gcekarad.ac.in/ | No |
| Government College of Engineering, Keonjhar | https://www.gcekjr.ac.in/ | No |
| Government College of Engineering, Nagpur | https://www.gcoen.ac.in/ | No |
| Government College of Engineering, Salem | https://www.gcesalem.edu.in/ | No |
| Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli | https://www.gcetly.ac.in/ | No |
| Government College of Engineering and Ceramic Technology | https://gcect.ac.in/ | No |
| Government College Of Engineering And Research, Avasari Khurd | https://www.gcoeara.ac.in/ | No |
| Government College of Engineering and Technology, Jammu | https://www.gcetjammu.org.in/ | No |
| Government College of Teacher Education Dharamsala | https://www.gcte.in/ | No |
| Government College of Technology, Coimbatore | https://www.gct.ac.in/ | No |
| Government Degree College, Dharmanagar | https://www.gdcdharmanagar.in/ | No |
| Government Degree College, Gandacharra | https://www.gdcgnc.edu.in/ | No |
| Government Degree College, Kamalpur | https://gdcktripura.nic.in/ | No |
| Government Degree College, Kanchanpur | https://www.gdck.ac.in/ | No |
| Government Degree College, Longtharai Valley | https://gdcltv.ac.in/ | No |
| Government Degree College, Teliamura | https://www.gdcteliamura.in/ | No |
| Government Engineering College, Arwal | https://www.gecarwal.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Government Engineering College, Aurangabad | https://www.gecaurangabad.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Government Engineering College, Banka | https://www.gecbanka.org/ | Yes |
| Government Engineering College, Bhavnagar | https://www.gecbh.cteguj.in/ | No |
| Government Engineering College, Buxar | https://www.gecbuxar.org/ | Yes |
| Government Engineering College, Dahod | https://www.gecdahod.ac.in/ | No |
| Government Engineering College, Gopalganj | https://www.gecgopalganj.org/ | Yes |
| Government Engineering College, Jamui | https://www.gecjamui.org/ | Yes |
| Government Engineering College, Jehanabad | https://www.gecjehanabad.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Government Engineering College, Kaimur | https://www.geckaimur.org/ | Yes |
| Government Engineering College, Khagaria | https://www.geckhagaria.org.in/ | Yes |
| Government Engineering College, Lakhisarai | https://bceceboard.bihar.gov.in/ | No |
| Government Engineering College, Madhubani | https://www.gecmadhubani.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Government Engineering College, Munger | https://gecmunger.in/ | No |
| Government Engineering College, Nawada | https://www.gecnawada.org.in/ | Yes |
| Government Engineering College, Samastipur | https://www.gecsamastipur.org.in/ | Yes |
| Government Engineering College, Sheikhpura | https://www.gecsheikhpura.org.in/ | Yes |
| Government Engineering College, Vaishali | https://www.gecvaishali.org/ | Yes |
| Government Engineering College, West Champaran | https://www.gecwc.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Government Engineer Vishwesarraiya Post Graduate College | https://www.gevpgkrb.ac.in/ | No |
| Government General Degree College, Dantan-II | https://www.dantan2govtcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Government General Degree College, Gopiballavpur-II | https://ggdcgopi2.ac.in/ | No |
| Government General Degree College, Gorubathan | https://www.gorubathanggdc.co.in/ | No |
| Government General Degree College, Kalna | https://ggdckalna1.in/ | No |
| Government General Degree College, Kharagpur-II | https://www.ambigeriagovtcollege.org/ | No |
| Government General Degree College, Khumulwng | https://khumulwngcollege.in/ | No |
| Government General Degree College, Manbazar II | https://www.ggdcm.ac.in/ | No |
| Government General Degree College, Mangalkote | https://mangalkotegovtcollege.org/ | No |
| Government General Degree College, Mohanpur | https://ggdcmohanpur.ac.in/ | No |
| Government General Degree College, Pedong | https://pedongcollege.in/ | No |
| Government General Degree College, Singur | https://singurgovtcollege.org/ | No |
| Government Girls General Degree College, Ekbalpur | https://www.govtgirlsekbalpur.com/ | No |
| Government Girls Polytechnic, Bilaspur | https://www.cg.nic.in/ | No |
| Government Hnahthial College | https://www.hnahthialcollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Government Hrangbana College | https://ghbc.edu.in/ | No |
| Government J. Buana College | https://www.jbc.ac.in/ | No |
| Government J. Thankima College | https://jtc.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Government Khawzawl College | https://www.gkzc.edu.in/ | No |
| Government Law College, Ernakulam | https://www.glcekm.com/ | No |
| Government Law College, Kozhikode | https://www.glckozhikode.ac.in/ | No |
| Government Law College, Thrissur | https://www.glcthrissur.com/ | No |
| Government Law College, Trivandrum | https://glctvm.ac.in/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Amritsar | https://www.gmc.edu.in/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Anantnag | https://www.gmcanantnag.net/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Baramulla | https://gmcbaramulla.com/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Bettiah | https://www.gmcbettiah.org/ | Yes |
| Government Medical College, Chandrapur | https://gmcchandrapur.org/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Doda | https://gmcdoda.in/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Jammu | https://gmcjammu.nic.in/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Kathua | https://gmckathua.in/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Mahbubnagar | https://www.gmcmbnr-ts.org/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Miraj | https://www.gmcmiraj.edu.in/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Nizamabad | https://www.gmcnzb.org/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Patiala | https://www.gmcpatiala.com/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Raigarh | https://gmcraigarh.edu.in/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Rajnandgaon | https://www.abvmgmcrajnandgaon.ac.in/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Rajouri | https://www.gmcrajouri.in/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Siddipet | https://gmcsiddipet.org/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Srinagar | https://www.gmcs.edu.in/ | No |
| Government Medical College Akola | https://www.gmcakola.in/ | No |
| Government Medical College Aurangabad | https://www.gmcaurangabad.com/ | No |
| Government Medical College Nagpur | https://gmcnagpur.org/ | No |
| Government Minimata Girls College | https://www.mmggckorba.in/ | No |
| Government Mizoram Law College | https://www.mlc.ac.in/ | No |
| Government Model College Deithor | https://govtmodelcollegedeithor.in/ | No |
| Government Polytechnic, Ambikapur | https://www.polyambikapur.in/ | No |
| Government Rajindra College, Bathinda | https://grcb.ac.in/ | No |
| Government Saiha College | https://www.governmentsaihacollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Government Saitual College | https://www.saitualcollege.in/ | No |
| Government Science College, Jabalpur | https://sciencecollegejabalpur.org/ | No |
| Government Serchhip College | https://www.serchhipcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Government T. Romana College | https://www.trcollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Government Zawlnuam College | https://gznc.in/ | No |
| Government Zirtiri Residential Science College | https://www.gzrsc.edu.in/ | No |
| Govind Ballabh Pant Engineering College | https://www.gbpec.ac.in/ | No |
| Govind Guru Tribal University | https://www.ggtu.ac.in/ | No |
| Govind Ramnath Kare College of Law | https://www.grkarelaw.edu.in/ | No |
| Govt. Bilasa Girls P.G. College, Bilaspur | https://www.bilasagirlscollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Govt. E. Raghvendra Rao P.G. Science College | https://sciencecollegebilaspur.in/ | No |
| Govt. Jamuna Prasad Verma P.G. Arts and Commerce College, Bilaspur | https://www.gjpvpgc.in/ | No |
| Govt. Polytechnic Nilokheri | https://www.gpnilokheri.ac.in/ | No |
| G Pulla Reddy College of Engineering & Technology | https://www.gprec.ac.in/ | No |
| Grant Medical College and Sir Jamshedjee Jeejeebhoy Group of Hospitals | https://www.ggmcjjh.com/ | No |
| Graphic Era Hill University | https://www.gehu.ac.in/ | No |
| Graphic Era | https://www.geu.ac.in/ | No |
| Green Hills Engineering College | https://www.ghec.co.in/ | No |
| Grizzly College of Education | https://grizzlycollege.org/ | No |
| Gujarat Ayurved University | https://www.ayurveduniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Gujarat Technological University | https://www.gtu.ac.in/ | No |
| Gujarat University | https://www.gujaratuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Gujarat Vidyapith | https://www.gujaratvidyapith.org/ | No |
| Gulbarga University | https://gug.ac.in/ | No |
| Guntur Medical College | https://gunturmedicalcollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Gunupur College | https://gunupurcollege.org/ | Yes |
| Guru Angad Dev Veterinary and Animal Sciences University | https://www.gadvasu.in/ | No |
| Guru Ghasidas University | https://www.ggu.ac.in/ | No |
| Guru Gobind Singh College of Modern Technology | https://www.ggssachdeva.com/ | No |
| Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University | https://ggsipu.ac.in/ | No |
| Guru Gobind Singh Medical College | https://www.ggsmch.org/ | No |
| Gurugram University | https://gurugramuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Guru Jambheshwar University of Science and Technology | https://www.gjust.ac.in/ | No |
| Guru Kashi University | https://gurukashiuniversity.in/ | No |
| Gurukul Kangri Vishwavidyalaya | https://www.gkv.ac.in/ | No |
| Guru Nanak College, Budhlada | https://gncbudhlada.org/ | No |
| Guru Nanak College, Dhanbad | https://www.gncollege.org/ | No |
| Guru Nanak Dev Engineering College, Ludhiana | https://www.gndec.ac.in/ | No |
| Guru Nanak Dev University | https://gndu.ac.in/ | No |
| Guru Nanak Institute of Dental Sciences and Research | https://gnidsr.ac.in/ | No |
| Guru Ravidas Ayurved University | https://www.graupunjab.org/ | No |
| Gushkara Mahavidyalaya | https://www.guskaramahavidyalaya.org/ | No |
| Guwahati College | https://guwahaticollege.org.in/ | No |
| Gyan Vihar University | https://gyanvihar.org/ | No |
| H.N.B. Garhwal University | https://hnbgu.ac.in/ | No |
| H.N.B. Uttarakhand Medical Education University | https://www.hnbumu.ac.in/ | No |
| Haflong Government College | https://www.haflonggovtcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Haldia Government College | https://haldiagovtcollege.org.in/ | No |
| Haldia Institute of Dental Sciences and Research | https://hidsar.in/ | No |
| Haldia Institute of Technology | https://www.hithaldia.ac.in/ | No |
| Handique Girls College | https://www.hgcollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Hans College | https://hanscollege.org/ | No |
| Hans Raj Mahila Maha Vidyalaya | https://hrmmv.org/ | No |
| Harcourt Butler Technical University | https://www.hbtu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Harichand Guruchand University | https://harichandguruchanduniversity.com/ | Yes |
| Haridev Joshi University of Journalism and Mass Communication | https://www.hju.ac.in/ | No |
| Harish-Chandra Research Institute | https://www.hri.res.in/ | No |
| Haryana Vishwakarma Skill University | https://www.svsu.ac.in/ | No |
| Hatsingimari College | https://hatsingimaricollege.in/ | No |
| Helen Lowry College of Arts & Commerce | https://www.helenlowrycollege.in/ | No |
| Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University | https://www.ngu.ac.in/ | No |
| Hemo Prova Borbora Girls' College | https://hpbgirlscollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Heritage Institute of Technology, Kolkata | https://www.heritageit.edu/ | No |
| Hi-Tech Medical College & Hospital, Bhubaneswar | https://hi-techmedical.org/ | No |
| Hidayatullah National Law University | https://www.hnlu.ac.in/ | No |
| Higher and Technical Institute of Mizoram | https://www.hatim.ac.in/ | No |
| Hills College of Teacher Education | https://www.hcte.org/ | No |
| Himachal Pradesh Technical University | https://www.himtu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Himachal Pradesh University | https://www.hpuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Himalayan Garhwal University | https://hgu.ac.in/ | No |
| Himalayan Institute of Technology | https://hitdoon.com/ | Yes |
| Himalayan University | https://www.himalayanuniversity.com/ | No |
| Himgiri Zee University | https://himgirizeeuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Hindi University | https://www.hindiuniv.org.in/ | No |
| Hindustan Institute of Technology and Science | https://www.hindustanuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Hojai College | https://www.rtuassam.ac.in/ | No |
| Holy Cross College, Agartala | https://www.holycrosscollege.in/ | Yes |
| Homi Bhabha National Institute | https://www.hbni.ac.in/ | No |
| Hooghly Engineering and Technology College | https://www.hetc.ac.in/ | No |
| Hooghly Mohsin College | https://www.hooghlymohsincollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Hooghly Women's College | https://www.hooghlywomenscollege.org/ | No |
| ICARE Institute of Medical Sciences and Research | https://icaremedicalcollege.in/ | No |
| ICAT Design & Media College | https://www.icat.ac.in/ | No |
| ICFAI Foundation for Higher Education | https://ifheindia.org/ | No |
| ICFAI University, Dehradun | https://www.iudehradun.edu.in/ | No |
| ICFAI University, Meghalaya | https://www.iumeghalaya.edu.in/ | No |
| ICFAI University, Mizoram | https://www.iumizoram.edu.in/ | No |
| ICFAI University, Nagaland | https://www.iunagaland.edu.in/ | No |
| ICFAI University, Raipur | https://www.iuraipur.edu.in/ | No |
| ICFAI University, Sikkim | https://www.iusikkim.edu.in/ | No |
| ICFAI University, Tripura | https://www.iutripura.edu.in/ | No |
| ICFAI University Jharkhand, Ranchi | https://www.iujharkhand.edu.in/ | No |
| Icon Commerce College | https://iconcommercecollege.in/ | No |
| IEC University | https://www.iecuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| IFTM University | https://www.iftmuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| IHM Delhi | https://www.ihmpusa.net/ | Yes |
| IILM Institute for Higher Education | https://www.iilm.edu/ | No |
| IIMT University | https://iimtu.com/ | No |
| IIPM School of Management | https://www.iipm.ac.in/ | No |
| IISER Berhampur | https://www.iiserbpr.ac.in/ | No |
| IISER Bhopal | https://www.iiserb.ac.in/ | No |
| IISER Kolkata | https://www.iiserkol.ac.in/ | No |
| IISER Mohali | https://www.iisermohali.ac.in/ | No |
| IISER Pune | https://www.iiserpune.ac.in/ | No |
| IISER Thiruvananthapuram | https://www.iisertvm.ac.in/ | No |
| IIS University | https://www.iisuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| IIT Goa | https://www.iitgoa.ac.in/ | No |
| IIT Guwahati | https://www.iitg.ac.in/ | No |
| IIT Tirupati | https://www.iittp.ac.in/ | No |
| IMI Bhubaneswar | https://imibh.edu.in/ | Yes |
| IMI Kolkata | https://www.imi-k.edu.in/ | Yes |
| IMPS College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.impscet.net/ | No |
| IMS Unison University | https://www.iuu.ac/ | No |
| Indian Agricultural Research Institute | https://www.iari.res.in/ | No |
| Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science | https://www.iacs.res.in/ | No |
| Indian Council of Medical Research | https://www.icmr.gov.in/ | No |
| Indian Culinary Institute, Tirupati | https://www.icitirupati.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Astrophysics | https://www.iiap.res.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Chemical Biology | https://www.iicb.res.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Chemical Technology | https://www.iict.res.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Engineering Science and Technology, Shibpur | https://www.iiests.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Food Processing Technology | https://www.iifpt.edu.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Foreign Trade | https://tedu.iift.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Forest Management | https://www.iifm.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Geomagnetism | https://www.iigm.res.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad | https://iiita.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Bhagalpur | https://iiitbh.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Jabalpur | https://www.iiitdmj.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Design and Manufacturing, Kurnool | https://www.iiitk.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Guwahati | https://www.iiitg.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kalyani | https://iiitkalyani.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Kottayam | https://www.iiitkottayam.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Lucknow | https://www.iiitl.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Manipur | https://iiitmanipur.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Nagpur | https://iiitn.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Pune | https://www.iiitp.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Ranchi | https://www.iiitranchi.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sonepat | https://www.iiitsonepat.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Sri City | https://www.iiits.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology, Vadodara | https://www.iiitvadodara.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology and Management, Gwalior | https://www.iiitm.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology Design & Manufacturing Kancheepuram | https://www.iiitdm.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology Tiruchirappalli | https://www.iiitt.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Indian Institute of Information Technology Una | https://www.iiitu.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine | https://www.iiim.res.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad | https://www.iima.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management, Kozhikode | https://www.iimk.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management, Sambalpur | https://iimsambalpur.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Indian Institute of Management Amritsar | https://www.iimamritsar.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Bangalore | https://www.iimb.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Bodh Gaya | https://www.iimbg.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Calcutta | https://www.iimcal.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Indore | https://www.iimidr.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Jammu | https://www.iimj.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Kashipur | https://www.iimkashipur.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Lucknow | https://www.iiml.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Raipur | https://www.iimraipur.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Ranchi | https://iimranchi.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Rohtak | https://www.iimrohtak.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Shillong | https://www.iimshillong.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Sirmaur | https://www.iimsirmaur.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Tiruchirappalli | https://www.iimtrichy.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Udaipur | https://www.iimu.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Management Visakhapatnam | https://www.iimv.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Mass Communication, Dhenkanal | https://www.iimc.gov.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Mass Communication | https://www.iimc.nic.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Millets Research | https://millets.res.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Packaging | https://iip-in.com/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy | https://iipe.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Planning and Management | https://www.iipm.edu/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Public Health | https://iiphg.edu.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Rice Research | https://icar-iirr.org/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Science Education and Research, Tirupati | https://www.iisertirupati.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Science | https://www.iisc.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology | https://www.iist.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Spices Research | https://www.spices.res.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Sugarcane Research | https://www.iisr.nic.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology, Bhubaneswar | https://www.iitbbs.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay | https://www.iitb.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi | https://home.iitd.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar | https://www.iitgn.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology BHU Varanasi | https://www.iitbhu.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology Dharwad | https://iitdh.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad | https://www.iith.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology Indian School of Mines , Dhanbad | https://www.iitism.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology Indore | https://www.iiti.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology Jammu | https://www.iitjammu.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur | https://www.iitj.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur | https://www.iitk.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur | https://www.iitkgp.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology Madras | https://www.iitm.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology Mandi | https://www.iitmandi.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology Palakkad | https://iitpkd.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology Patna | https://www.iitp.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee | https://www.iitr.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Technology Ropar | https://www.iitrpr.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Tourism and Travel Management | https://www.iittm.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Institute of Toxicology Research | https://iitrindia.org/ | No |
| Indian Institutes of Handloom Technology | https://www.iihtjodhpur.com/ | No |
| Indian Law Institute | https://ili.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Maritime University | https://imu.edu.in/ | No |
| Indian School of Business | https://www.isb.edu/ | No |
| Indian Statistical Institute | https://www.isical.ac.in/ | No |
| Indian Veterinary Research Institute | https://www.ivri.nic.in/ | No |
| Indira Gandhi Delhi Technical University for Women | https://www.igdtuw.ac.in/ | No |
| Indira Gandhi Government Medical College, Nagpur | https://www.iggmc.org/ | No |
| Indira Gandhi Govt. College | https://iggctezu.org/ | No |
| Indira Gandhi Institute of Development Research | https://www.igidr.ac.in/ | No |
| Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences | https://igims.org/ | No |
| Indira Gandhi Institute of Technology, Sarang | https://www.igitsarang.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Indira Gandhi Krishi Vishwavidyalaya | https://www.igau.edu.in/ | No |
| Indira Gandhi Medical College | https://www.igmcshimla.edu.in/ | No |
| Indira Gandhi National Forest Academy | https://www.ignfa.gov.in/ | No |
| Indira Gandhi National Open University | https://www.ignou.ac.in/ | No |
| Indira Gandhi National Tribal University | https://igntu.ac.in/ | No |
| Indira Gandhi Technological and Medical Sciences University | https://www.igtamsu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Indira Gandhi University Meerpur, Rewari | https://www.igu.ac.in/ | No |
| Indira Kala Sangeet Vishwavidyalaya | https://www.iksv.ac.in/ | No |
| Indira Priyadarshini Law College | https://iplawcollegeongole.in/ | No |
| Indo Global Colleges | https://www.igef.net/ | No |
| Indra Ganesan College of Engineering | https://www.igceng.in/ | No |
| Indraprastha Institute of Information Technology | https://www.iiitd.ac.in/ | No |
| Indus College of Engineering | https://www.indus.ac.in/ | No |
| Indus International University | https://www.iiuedu.in/ | No |
| Indus University Gujarat | https://www.indusuni.ac.in/ | No |
| Institute for Plasma Research | https://www.ipr.res.in/ | No |
| Institute of Advanced Studies in Education | https://www.iaseuniversity.org.in/ | No |
| Institute of Chartered Financial Analysts of India | https://www.icfai.org/ | No |
| Institute of Chemical Technology | https://www.ictmumbai.edu.in/ | No |
| Institute of Child Health, Kolkata | https://www.ichcalcutta.org/ | No |
| Institute of Engineering and Management | https://www.iem.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Institute of Hotel Management, Guwahati | https://www.ihmctanghy.org.in/ | No |
| Institute of Hotel Management, Hajipur | https://ihmhajipur.net/ | No |
| Institute of Infrastructure Technology Research and Management | https://www.iitram.ac.in/ | No |
| Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences | https://www.ilbs.in/ | No |
| Institute of Management & Information Science, Bhubaneswar | https://www.imis.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Institute of Management and Information Technology, Cuttack | https://www.imit.ac.in/ | No |
| Institute of Management Studies, Ranchi | https://www.ranchiuniversitymba.in/ | Yes |
| Institute of Mathematical Sciences, Chennai | https://www.imsc.res.in/ | No |
| Institute of Mathematics and Applications, Bhubaneswar | https://www.iomaorissa.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Institute of Minerals and Materials Technology | https://www.immt.res.in/ | No |
| Institute of Nano Science and Technology INST , Mohali | https://www.inst.ac.in/ | No |
| Institute of Physics, Bhubaneswar | https://www.iopb.res.in/ | No |
| Institute of Road and Transport Technology | https://www.irttech.ac.in/ | No |
| Institute of Rural Management, Anand | https://www.irma.ac.in/ | No |
| Institute of Science and Technology, West Bengal | https://istonline.org.in/ | No |
| Institute of Technology and Marine Engineering | https://nitmas.edu.in/ | No |
| Institute of Trans-Disciplinary Health Sciences and Technology | https://tdu.edu.in/ | No |
| Integral University Lucknow | https://iul.ac.in/ | No |
| International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics | https://www.icrisat.org/ | No |
| International Institute for Population Sciences | https://www.iipsindia.ac.in/ | No |
| International Institute of Information Technology, Bangalore | https://www.iiitb.ac.in/ | No |
| International Institute of Information Technology, Bhubaneswar | https://www.iiit-bh.ac.in/ | No |
| International Institute of Information Technology, Hyderabad | https://www.iiit.ac.in/ | No |
| International Institute of Management and Technical Studies | https://iimtstudies.edu.in/ | Yes |
| International Institute of Rehabilitation Sciences and Research | https://www.iirs.ac.in/ | No |
| International Rice Research Institute | https://www.irri.org/ | No |
| Invertis University | https://www.invertisuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| IPGMER and SSKM Hospital | https://www.ipgmer.gov.in/ | No |
| IPS Business School | https://www.ipsedu.in/ | No |
| IQ City Medical College | https://www.iqcitymedicalcollege.in/ | No |
| ISBM University | https://www.isbmuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Islamic University of Science and Technology | https://www.iust.ac.in/ | No |
| Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar College | https://www.beloniacollege.nic.in/ | No |
| ITM University, Raipur | https://www.itmuniversity.org/ | No |
| ITM University Gwalior | https://www.itmuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| J.D. Women's College | https://www.jdwcpatna.com/ | No |
| J.K.K. Nattraja College of Arts & Science | https://jkkn.ac.in/ | No |
| J. K. S. College, Jamshedpur | https://www.jkscollegejamshedpur.com/ | No |
| J.S. University | https://jsu.ac.in/ | No |
| Jabalpur Engineering College | https://www.jecjabalpur.ac.in/ | No |
| Jadavpur University | https://www.jaduniv.edu.in/ | No |
| Jagadguru Ramanandacharya Rajasthan Sanskrit University | https://www.jrrsanskrituniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Jagadguru Rambhadracharya Handicapped University | https://www.jrhu.com/ | No |
| Jagadguru Sri Shivarathreeshwara University | https://www.jssuni.edu.in/ | No |
| Jagannath Barooah College | https://www.jbcollege.org.in/ | No |
| Jagannath Gupta Institute of Medical Sciences and Hospital | https://jimsh.org/ | No |
| Jagannath University | https://jnu.ac.bd/ | No |
| Jagat Guru Nanak Dev Punjab State Open University | https://psou.ac.in/ | No |
| Jagiroad College | https://www.jagiroadcollege.co.in/ | No |
| Jagran Lakecity University | https://jlu.edu.in/ | No |
| Jai Narain Vyas University | https://www.jnvu.co.in/ | No |
| Jain University | https://www.jainuniversity.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Jain Vishva Bharati University | https://jvbi.ac.in/ | No |
| Jai Prakash University | https://jpv.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Jaipur National University | https://jnujaipurde.com/ | No |
| Jalpaiguri Government Engineering College | https://www.jgec.ac.in/ | No |
| Jamia Hamdard | https://www.jamiahamdard.edu/ | No |
| Jamia Millia Islamia | https://jmi.ac.in/ | No |
| Jamshedpur Co-operative College | https://www.cooperativecollegejsr.ac.in/ | No |
| Jamshedpur Women’s College | https://www.jsrwomenscollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Jamshedpur Worker’s College | https://www.jwcmango.ac.in/ | No |
| Jamtara College | https://www.jamtaracollege.com/ | No |
| Jananayak Chandrashekhar University | https://jncu.ac.in/ | No |
| Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth University | https://jrnrvu.edu.in/ | No |
| Japfü Christian College | https://www.japfuchristiancollege.org/ | No |
| Jarbom Gamlin Govt Law College | https://jgglc.ac.in/ | No |
| Jatiya Kabi Bira Kishore Government and Junior College, Cuttack | https://www.jkbkgovtcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education & Research | https://www.jipmer.edu.in/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Nehru Agricultural University | https://jnkvv.org/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Nehru Architecture and Fine Arts University | https://www.jnafau.ac.in/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research | https://www.jncasr.ac.in/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Nehru College | https://jncpasighat.org/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Nehru Government Engineering College | https://www.jngec.ac.in/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Nehru Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.jnims.edu.in/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Bhagalpur | https://www.jlnmcbgp.org/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Anantapur | https://www.jntua.ac.in/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad | https://www.jntuh.ac.in/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Kakinada | https://www.jntuk.edu.in/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Nehru University | https://www.jnu.ac.in/ | No |
| Jaya Group of Colleges | https://www.jayagc.org/ | No |
| Jaypee Institute of Information Technology | https://www.jiit.ac.in/ | No |
| Jaypee University, Anoopshahr | https://jaypeeu.ac.in/ | No |
| Jaypee University of Engineering and Technology | https://www.juet.ac.in/ | No |
| Jaypee University of Information Technology | https://www.juit.ac.in/ | Yes |
| JB Law College | https://www.jblawcollegeguwahati.com/ | No |
| JECRC University | https://www.jecrcuniversity.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Jeppiaar Engineering College | https://www.jeppiaarcollege.org/ | No |
| Jerusalem College of Engineering, Chennai | https://www.jerusalemengg.ac.in/ | No |
| Jhalawar Medical College, Jhalawar | https://jmcjhalawar.org/ | No |
| Jhanji Hemnath Sarma College | https://www.jhanjihnscollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Jhargram Raj College Girls Wing | https://www.jhargramrajgirlscollege.org/ | No |
| Jhargram Raj College | https://www.jrc.ac.in/ | No |
| Jharkhand Rai University, Ranchi | https://www.jru.edu.in/ | No |
| Jharkhand Raksha Shakti University | https://www.jrsuranchi.com/ | No |
| Jharkhand University of Technology | https://www.jutranchi.com/ | No |
| JIS University | https://www.jisuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Jiwaji University | https://www.jiwaji.edu/ | No |
| JK Lakshmipat University | https://www.jklu.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Jodhpur Institute of Engineering & Technology | https://jietjodhpur.ac.in/ | No |
| Jodhpur National University | https://jodhpurnationaluniversity.com/ | No |
| Jogamaya Devi College | https://jogamayadevicollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Jorhat College | https://www.jorhatcollege.org.in/ | Yes |
| Jorhat Kendriya Mahavidyalaya | https://www.jorhatkendriyamahavidyalaya.in/ | No |
| Jorhat Law College | https://www.jorhatlawcollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Jorhat Medical College and Hospital | https://www.jorhatmedicalcollege.in/ | No |
| Junagadh Agricultural University | https://www.jau.in/ | No |
| Jyoti Bhushan Pratap Singh Law College, Korba | https://www.jbpslawcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| K.C. Das Commerce College | https://www.kcdccollege.ac.in/ | No |
| K. K. College of Engineering and Management | https://www.kkcemdhanbad.ac.in/ | No |
| K. R. Narayanan National Institute of Visual Science and Arts | https://www.krnnivsa.com/ | No |
| Kabi Nazrul Mahavidyalaya | https://knmsonamura.ac.in/ | No |
| Kadi Sarva Vishwavidyalaya | https://ksvuniversity.org.in/ | No |
| Kakatiya Medical College | https://www.kmcwgl.com/ | No |
| Kakatiya University | https://www.kakatiya.ac.in/ | No |
| Kakojan College | https://kakojancollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Kalahandi University | https://kalahandiuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Kalam Institute of Technology | https://www.kit.edu.in/ | No |
| Kalasalingam Academy of Research and Education | https://kalasalingam.ac.in/ | No |
| Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology | https://kiit.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Kalinga Institute of Social Sciences | https://kiss.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Kalinga University | https://kalingauniversity.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Kalna College | https://kalnacollege.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Kaloji Narayana Rao University of Health Sciences | https://www.knruhs.telangana.gov.in/ | No |
| Kalyani Government Engineering College | https://www.kgec.edu.in/ | No |
| Kalyani Mahavidyalaya | https://kalyanimahavidyalaya.net.in/ | No |
| Kamalanagar College | https://www.gknc.in/ | No |
| Kamdhenu University | https://www.kamdhenuuni.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Kameshwar Singh Darbhanga Sanskrit University | https://www.ksdsu.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Kamineni Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.kimsmedicalcollege.org/ | No |
| Kamla Nehru College, Korba | https://www.knc-ac.in/ | No |
| Kanak Manjari Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences | https://www.kmips.com/ | No |
| Kannada University | https://kannadauniversity.org/ | No |
| Kannur University | https://www.kannuruniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Kanya Maha Vidyalaya | https://kmvjalandhar.ac.in/ | No |
| Kanyashree University | https://kanyashreeuniversity.in/ | No |
| Karim City College, Jamshedpur | https://www.karimcitycollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Karimganj College | https://www.karimganjcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Karmashree Hiteswar Saikia College | https://www.khscollege.com/ | No |
| Karnataka Folklore University | https://www.janapadauniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Karnataka Samskrit University | https://www.ksu.ac.in/ | No |
| Karnataka State Dr. Gangubhai Hangal Music and Performing Arts University | https://musicuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Karnataka State Law University | https://www.kslu.karnataka.gov.in/ | No |
| Karnataka State Rural Development and Panchayat Raj University | https://ksrdpru.ac.in/ | No |
| Karnataka State Women's University | https://www.kswu.ac.in/ | No |
| Karnataka Veterinary, Animal and Fisheries Sciences University | https://kvafsu.edu.in/ | No |
| Karnatak Lingayat Education Society | https://www.klesociety.org/ | Yes |
| Karnatak University | https://www.kud.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Karpagam Academy of Higher Education | https://www.kahedu.edu.in/ | No |
| Karpagam College of Engineering | https://www.kce.ac.in/ | No |
| Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences | https://karunya.edu/ | Yes |
| Katihar Engineering College | https://keck.ac.in/ | No |
| Katihar Medical College and Hospital | https://www.kmckatihar.org/ | No |
| Katwa College | https://katwacollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Kavikulguru Kalidas Sanskrit University | https://kksanskrituni.digitaluniversity.ac/ | No |
| Kazi Nazrul Islam Mahavidyalaya | https://www.knimchurulia.in/ | No |
| Kazi Nazrul University | https://www.knu.ac.in/ | No |
| Kaziranga University | https://www.kazirangauniversity.in/ | No |
| Kendrapara Autonomous College, Kendrapara | https://www.kac.edu.in/ | No |
| Kerala Agricultural University | https://www.kau.in/ | No |
| Kerala Kalamandalam | https://kalamandalam.org/ | No |
| Kerala Law Academy Law College | https://www.keralalawacademy.in/ | No |
| Kerala Press Academy | https://keralamediaacademy.org/ | Yes |
| Kerala State Institute of Design | https://www.ksid.ac.in/ | No |
| Kerala University of Digital Sciences, Innovation and Technology | https://duk.ac.in/ | No |
| Kerala University of Fisheries and Ocean Studies | https://www.kufos.ac.in/ | No |
| Kerala University of Health Sciences | https://kuhs.ac.in/ | No |
| Kerala Veterinary and Animal Sciences University | https://www.kvasu.ac.in/ | No |
| Khaja Bandanawaz University | https://www.kbn.university/ | No |
| Khallikote University | https://www.kub.ac.in/ | No |
| Khalsa College, Amritsar | https://khalsacollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Khandra College | https://www.khandracollege.org/ | No |
| Kharagpur College | https://www.kharagpurcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Kharagpur Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital | https://kharagpurhomoeopathicmedicalcollege.com/ | No |
| Khariar Autonomous College, Khariar | https://khariarautocollege.in/ | No |
| Khwaja Moinuddin Chishti Language University | https://www.uafulucknow.ac.in/ | No |
| KIIT School of Law | https://kls.ac.in/ | Yes |
| King Edward Memorial Hospital and Seth Gordhandas Sunderdas Medical College | https://www.kem.edu/ | No |
| King George's Medical University | https://kgmu.org/ | No |
| Kirodimal Government Arts and Science College | https://kgcollegeraigarh.ac.in/ | No |
| Kirodimal Govt. Polytechnic, Raigarh | https://www.kgpraigarh.ac.in/ | No |
| Kirori Mal College | https://www.kmcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| KLE Technological University | https://www.kletech.ac.in/ | No |
| K L N College of Engineering | https://www.klnce.edu/ | No |
| KLN College of Information Technology | https://klncit.edu.in/ | No |
| KL University | https://klef.edu.in/ | No |
| Kohima Science College | https://kscj.ac.in/ | No |
| Kokrajhar Government College | https://kgc.edu.in/ | No |
| Kolhan University | https://www.kolhanuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Konark Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.kist.ac.in/ | No |
| Kongu Engineering College | https://www.kongu.ac.in/ | No |
| Kozhikode Medical College | https://govtmedicalcollegekozhikode.ac.in/ | No |
| KPC Medical College and Hospital | https://www.kpcmedicalcollege.in/ | No |
| KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology | https://www.kpriet.ac.in/ | No |
| Krantiguru Shyamji Krishna Verma Kachchh University | https://www.kskvku.ac.in/ | No |
| Krishnagar Government College | https://www.krishnagargovtcollege.org/ | No |
| Krishnaguru Adhyatmik Vishvavidyalaya | https://www.kav.org.in/ | No |
| Krishna Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.kimskarad.in/ | No |
| Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University | https://www.kkhsou.in/ | No |
| Krishna University | https://www.kru.ac.in/ | No |
| KR Mangalam University | https://krmangalam.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Kros College, Kohima | https://www.kroscollegekohima.com/ | No |
| Krupajal Engineering College, Bhubaneswar | https://www.krupajalgroup.org/ | No |
| KSGM College Nirsa | https://www.ksgmcollege.in/ | No |
| KSRM College of Engineering | https://www.ksrmce.ac.in/ | No |
| Kulti College | https://www.kulticollege.org/ | No |
| Kumaon Engineering College | https://www.kecua.ac.in/ | No |
| Kumaraguru College of Technology | https://www.kct.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Kumar Bhaskar Varma Sanskrit and Ancient Studies University | https://www.kbvsasun.ac.in/ | No |
| Kumaun University | https://www.kunainital.ac.in/ | No |
| Kurnool Medical College | https://www.kurnoolmedicalcollege.in/ | No |
| Kurukshetra University | https://www.kuk.ac.in/ | No |
| Kusum Devi Sunderlal Dugar Jain Dental College and Hospital | https://ksdjaindentalcollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Kuvempu University | https://www.kuvempu.ac.in/ | No |
| L.J.D. College, Falta | https://ljdcolleges.org/ | No |
| L.J. Institute of Engineering & Technology | https://www.ljinstitutes.org/ | No |
| L.R. Institute of Engineering & Technology, Solan-173223 | https://www.lrinstitutes.com/ | No |
| Lady Brabourne College | https://www.ladybrabourne.com/ | No |
| Lakhimpur Girls' College | https://lgcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Lakhimpur Kendriya Mahavidyalaya | https://lkmahavidyalaya.edu.in/ | No |
| Lakhimpur Medical College and Hospital | https://www.lmchassam.org/ | No |
| Lakshmibai National University of Physical Education | https://www.lnipe.edu.in/ | No |
| Lala Lajpat Rai University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences | https://www.luvas.edu.in/ | No |
| Lal Bahadur Shastri Memorial College | https://www.lbsmcollegejsr.com/ | No |
| Lal Bahadur Shastri National Academy of Administration | https://www.lbsnaa.gov.in/ | No |
| Lalbhai Dalpatbhai College of Engineering | https://www.ldce.ac.in/ | No |
| Lalit Chandra Bharali College | https://lcbcollege.co.in/ | No |
| Lalit Narayan Mithila University | https://lnmu.ac.in/ | No |
| Late Baliram Kashyap Memorial Government Medical College | https://gmcjagdalpur.ac.in/ | No |
| Law College Dhanbad | https://www.lawcollegedhanbad.ac.in/ | No |
| Laxmi Devi Institute of Engineering and Technology | https://liet.org/ | No |
| Laxminarayan Institute of Technology | https://litnagpur.in/ | No |
| LDRP Institute of Technology and Research | https://www.ldrp.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Lingaya's University | https://lingayasvidyapeeth.edu.in/ | No |
| LNCT University | https://www.lnctu.ac.in/ | No |
| LNM Institute of Information Technology | https://www.lnmiit.ac.in/ | No |
| Lokanayak Omeo Kumar Das College | https://www.lokdcollege.in/ | No |
| Lokmanya Tilak Municipal General Hospital | https://www.ltmgh.com/ | No |
| Loknayak Jai Prakash Institute of Technology | https://www.lnjpitchapra.in/ | Yes |
| Lokopriya Gopinath Bordoloi Regional Institute of Mental Health | https://www.lgbrimh.gov.in/ | No |
| Lord Buddha Koshi Medical College and Hospital | https://lbkmch.org/ | Yes |
| Lovely Professional University | https://www.lpu.in/ | Yes |
| Loyola College, Chennai | https://loyolacollege.edu/ | No |
| Loyola College of Education, Jamshedpur | https://www.loyolacollege.in/ | No |
| Loyola Institute of Business Administration | https://www.liba.edu/ | No |
| Lumding College | https://www.lumdingcollege.org/ | No |
| Lunglei Government College | https://lgc.ac.in/ | No |
| Lycée français de Pondichéry | https://www.lfpondichery.net/ | No |
| M.Kumarasamy College of Engineering | https://mkce.ac.in/ | No |
| M. P. Shah Medical College | https://www.mpsmc.in/ | No |
| Madan Mohan Malaviya University of Technology | https://www.mmmut.ac.in/ | No |
| Madhab Chandra Das College | https://www.mcdcollege.org.in/ | No |
| Madhabdev University | https://www.madhabdevuniversity.org.in/ | No |
| Madhubani Medical College and Hospital | https://mmcworld.org/ | No |
| Madhupur College, Jharkhand | https://madhupurcollege.com/ | No |
| Madhusudan Law University | https://mlu.ac.in/ | No |
| Madhya Pradesh Bhoj Open University | https://mpbou.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Madhya Pradesh Medical Science University | https://www.mpmsu.edu.in/ | No |
| Madras Christian College | https://mcc.edu.in/ | No |
| Madras Institute of Development Studies | https://www.mids.ac.in/ | No |
| Madras Institute of Technology | https://www.mitindia.edu/ | No |
| Madras School of Economics | https://www.mse.ac.in/ | No |
| Madurai Kamaraj University | https://www.mkuniversity.org/ | No |
| Magadh University | https://www.magadhuniversity.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Mahapurusha Srimanta Sankaradeva Viswavidyalaya | https://www.mssv.co.in/ | No |
| Maharaja Agrasen University | https://www.mau.ac.in/ | No |
| Maharaja Bir Bikram College | https://mbbcollege.nic.in/ | No |
| MAHARAJA BIR BIKRAM UNIVERSITY | https://www.mbbuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Maharaja Chhatrasal Bundelkhand University | https://www.mchhatrasaluniversity.com/ | No |
| Maharajadhiraj Uday Chand Women's College | https://www.mucwcburdwan.org/ | No |
| Maharaja Ganga Singh University | https://www.mgsubikaner.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Maharaja Krishnakumarsinhji Bhavnagar University | https://www.mkbhavuni.edu.in/ | No |
| Maharaja Ranjit Singh State Technical University | https://www.mrsptu.ac.in/ | No |
| Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda | https://www.msubaroda.ac.in/ | No |
| Maharaja Surajmal Brij University, Bharatpur | https://msbrijuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Maharaja Surajmal Institute of Technology | https://msit.in/ | Yes |
| Maharana Pratap Horticultural University, Karnal | https://www.mhu.ac.in/ | No |
| Maharana Pratap University of Agriculture and Technology | https://www.mpuat.ac.in/ | No |
| Maharashtra Animal and Fishery Sciences University | https://www.mafsu.in/ | No |
| Maharashtra National Law University, Aurangabad | https://www.mnlua.ac.in/ | No |
| Maharashtra National Law University, Mumbai | https://mnlumumbai.edu.in/ | No |
| Maharashtra National Law University, Nagpur | https://nlunagpur.ac.in/ | No |
| Maharashtra University of Health Sciences | https://www.muhs.ac.in/ | No |
| Maharishi Arvind Institute of Engineering and Technology | https://www.maietindia.org/ | No |
| Maharishi Balmiki Sanskrit University, Kaithal | https://mvsu.ac.in/ | No |
| Maharishi Mahesh Yogi Vedic Vishwavidyalaya | https://www.mmyvv.com/ | No |
| Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Mullana | https://www.mmumullana.org/ | Yes |
| Maharishi Markandeshwar University, Solan | https://www.mmusolan.org/ | Yes |
| Maharishi Panini Sanskrit Evam Vedic Vishwavidyalaya | https://mpsvv.ac.in/ | No |
| Maharishi University of Management and Technology | https://www.mumt.com/ | No |
| Maharshi Dayanand Saraswati University | https://www.mdsuajmer.ac.in/ | No |
| Maharshi Dayanand University | https://www.mdu.ac.in/ | No |
| Maharshtra University of Health Sciences | https://www.muhsnashik.com/ | No |
| Mahatma Gandhi Antarrashtriya Hindi Vishwavidyalaya | https://hindivishwa.org/ | No |
| Mahatma Gandhi Central University | https://www.mgcub.ac.in/ | No |
| Mahatma Gandhi Chitrakoot Gramoday University | https://gramodayachitrakoot.ac.in/ | No |
| Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth | https://www.mgkvp.ac.in/ | No |
| Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute | https://www.mgmcri.ac.in/ | No |
| Mahatma Gandhi Memorial Medical College, Jamshedpur | https://mgmmedicalcollege.org/ | No |
| Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala | https://www.mgu.ac.in/ | No |
| Mahatma Gandhi University, Meghalaya | https://mgu.edu.in/ | No |
| Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda | https://www.mguniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Mahatma Gandhi University, West Bengal | https://www.mguwb.org.in/ | No |
| Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University | https://www.mjpru.ac.in/ | No |
| Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth | https://www.mpkv.ac.in/ | No |
| Mahavir Institute of Engineering and Technology | https://www.miet.edu.in/ | No |
| Mahayogi Gorakhnath University | https://mgug.ac.in/ | No |
| Mahendra Engineering College | https://www.mahendra.info/ | No |
| Mahesh Bhattacharya Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital | https://mbhmch.org/ | No |
| Maheshtala College | https://www.maheshtalacollege.org/ | No |
| Mahishadal Girls College | https://www.mahishadalgirlscollege.in/ | No |
| Mailam Engineering College | https://www.mailamengg.com/ | No |
| Majhighariani Institute of Technology and Science | https://mits.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Majuli College | https://majulicollege.in/ | No |
| Makhanlal Chaturvedi National University of Journalism and Communication | https://www.mcu.ac.in/ | No |
| Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur | https://www.mnit.ac.in/ | No |
| Malda Medical College and Hospital | https://www.maldamedicalcollege.in/ | No |
| Mallabhum Institute of Technology | https://www.mitbishnupur.ac.in/ | No |
| Malwa College of Nursing | https://www.malwacollege.com/ | No |
| MAM College of Engineering and Technology | https://mamce.org/ | No |
| Manakula Vinayagar Institute of Technology | https://mvit.edu.in/ | No |
| Manav Bharti University | https://www.manavbhartiuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Manav Rachna International University | https://manavrachna.edu.in/ | No |
| Manav Rachna University | https://mru.edu.in/ | No |
| Mandsaur University | https://www.mandsauruniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Mangalayatan University | https://www.mangalayatan.in/ | No |
| Mangalore University | https://www.mangaloreuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Manipal Academy of Higher Education | https://www.manipal.edu/ | No |
| Manipur Institute of Technology Website | https://www.manit.ernet.in/ | No |
| Manipur International University | https://www.miu.ac/ | No |
| Manipur Technical University | https://mtu.ac.in/ | No |
| Manipur University of Culture | https://www.muc.ac.in/ | No |
| Manipur University | https://www.manipuruniv.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Mankachar College | https://mankacharcollege.in/ | No |
| Mankar College | https://www.mankarcollege.org/ | No |
| Manonmaniam Sundaranar University | https://www.msuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Margherita College | https://margheritacollege.in/ | No |
| Mariani College | https://www.marianicollege.org.in/ | Yes |
| Marine Engineering and Research Institute | https://www.merical.ac.in/ | No |
| Markaz Law College | https://www.markazlawcollege.com/ | No |
| Markham College of Commerce | https://www.markhamcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Marthandam College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.macet.edu.in/ | No |
| Marwadi University, Rajkot | https://www.marwadiuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Marwari College, Ranchi | https://marwaricollegeranchi.com/ | No |
| Mata Gujri College | https://matagujricollege.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Mata Gujri University | https://www.matagujriuniversity.com/ | No |
| MATS University | https://www.matsuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology | https://makautwb.ac.in/ | No |
| Maulana Azad College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.macet.net.in/ | No |
| Maulana Azad College | https://maulanaazadcollegekolkata.ac.in/ | No |
| Maulana Azad Medical College | https://mamc.ac.in/ | No |
| Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology | https://www.manit.ac.in/ | No |
| Maulana Azad National Urdu University | https://manuu.edu.in/ | No |
| Maulana Mazharul Haque Arabic and Persian University | https://mmhapu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Medical College, Thiruvananthapuram | https://www.tmc.kerala.gov.in/ | No |
| Medical College and Hospital, Kolkata | https://www.medicalcollegekolkata.in/ | No |
| Meenakshi Academy of Higher Education and Research | https://www.maher.ac.in/ | No |
| Meghnad Saha Institute of Technology | https://www.msit.edu.in/ | No |
| Memari College | https://www.memaricollege.com/ | No |
| Mepco Schlenk Engineering College | https://www.mepcoeng.ac.in/ | No |
| Metropolitan Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital | https://metropolitanhmch.in/ | No |
| Mewar University | https://mewaruniversity.org/ | No |
| MGM Institute of Health Sciences | https://www.mgmuhs.com/ | No |
| MICA | https://www.mica.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Michael Madhusudan Dutta College | https://www.mmdcollege.in/ | No |
| Michael Madhusudan Memorial College | https://www.madhusudancollege.in/ | No |
| Midnapore College | https://www.midnaporecollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Midnapore Homoeopathic Medical College and Hospital | https://www.mhmch.org/ | No |
| Midnapore Medical College and Hospital | https://www.midnaporemmc.ac.in/ | No |
| Millia Institute of Technology | https://www.mitpurnia.org/ | Yes |
| Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers' Welfare | https://agricoop.gov.in/ | No |
| Miranda House | https://www.mirandahouse.ac.in/ | No |
| Mithila Minority Dental College and Hospital | https://www.mmdch.org/ | No |
| Mizoram College of Nursing | https://mizoramcon.org/ | No |
| Mizoram University | https://www.mzu.edu.in/ | No |
| MKCG Medical College and Hospital | https://www.mkcgmch.org/ | No |
| Model Institute of Engineering and Technology, Jammu | https://www.mietjammu.in/ | No |
| Modern College of Management and Information Technology | https://www.mcmit.ac.in/ | No |
| Modern Institute of Technology and Management, Bhubaneswar | https://www.mitm.edu.in/ | No |
| Mody University | https://www.modyuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Mohammad Ali Jauhar University | https://jauharuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Mohanlal Sukhadia University | https://www.mlsu.ac.in/ | No |
| Mohindra College | https://govtmohindracollege.in/ | No |
| Monad University | https://www.monad.edu.in/ | No |
| Moran College | https://www.morancollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Moridhal College | https://www.moridhalcollege.in/ | No |
| Morigaon Law College | https://morigaonlawcollege.in/ | No |
| Motherhood University | https://www.motherhooduniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Mother Teresa Women's University | https://www.motherteresawomenuniv.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Moti Babu Institute of Technology | https://www.mbit.in/ | No |
| Motihari College of Engineering | https://www.mcemotihari.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Motilal Nehru National Institute of Technology Allahabad | https://www.mnnit.ac.in/ | No |
| Mount Mary College, Dimapur | https://mountmarycollege.org/ | No |
| Mrs. A.V.N. College | https://www.avncollege.ac.in/ | No |
| M S Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences | https://www.msruas.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Multani Mal Modi College | https://www.modicollege.com/ | Yes |
| Munger University | https://www.mungeruniversity.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Murshidabad College of Engineering & Technology | https://mcetbhb.net/ | No |
| Murshidabad Medical College and Hospital | https://msdmch.org/ | No |
| Murshidabad University | https://murshidabaduniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Muzaffarpur Institute of Technology | https://www.mitmuzaffarpur.org/ | Yes |
| MVGR College of Engineering | https://www.mvgrce.edu.in/ | No |
| MVN University | https://mvn.edu.in/ | No |
| N.B.K.R. Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.nbkrist.co.in/ | No |
| N.C. Autonomous College, Jajpur | https://ncac.in/ | No |
| Nabakrushna Choudhury Centre for Development Studies | https://ncds.nic.in/ | No |
| Nagaland University | https://nagalanduniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Nagaon GNDG Commerce College | https://ngndgccollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Nalanda College of Engineering | https://www.ncechandi.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Nalanda Medical College and Hospital | https://nmchpatna.org/ | No |
| Nalanda Open University | https://www.nou.ac.in/ | No |
| Nalanda University | https://nalandauniv.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Nalbari College | https://nalbaricollege.org/ | No |
| Nalsar University of Law | https://www.nalsar.ac.in/ | No |
| Namrup College | https://namrupcollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Nanaji Deshmukh Veterinary Science University | https://www.ndvsu.org/ | No |
| Nanda Nath Saikia College | https://www.nnsaikiacollege.org/ | No |
| Narangi Anchalik Mahavidyalaya | https://www.narangian.org/ | No |
| Narasaraopeta Engineering College | https://www.nrtec.in/ | No |
| Narayan Medical College and Hospital | https://www.nmch.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Narnarayan Shastri Institute of Technology | https://www.nsitgurukul.com/ | No |
| Narula Institute of Technology | https://www.nit.ac.in/ | No |
| National Academy of Agricultural Research Management | https://naarm.org.in/ | No |
| National Academy of Customs Indirect Taxes and Narcotics | https://nacin.gov.in/ | No |
| National Academy of Sciences, India | https://nasi.nic.in/ | No |
| National Brain Research Centre | https://www.nbrc.ac.in/ | No |
| National Centre for Polar and Ocean Research | https://www.ncaor.gov.in/ | No |
| National Dairy Research Institute | https://www.ndri.res.in/ | No |
| National Defence Academy India | https://nda.nic.in/ | No |
| National Geophysical Research Institute | https://www.ngri.org.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Agricultural Extension Management | https://www.manage.gov.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Agricultural Marketing | https://www.ccsniam.gov.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Ayurveda | https://www.nia.nic.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Biomedical Genomics | https://www.nibmg.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases | https://www.niced.org.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Design, Andhra Pradesh | https://nid.ac.in/ | Yes |
| National Institute of Design, Assam | https://nidj.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Design, Kurukshetra | https://www.nidh.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Disaster Management | https://nidm.gov.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Electronics & Information Technology | https://www.nielit.gov.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Fashion Technology | https://nift.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Food Technology Entrepreneurship and Management | https://www.niftem.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Foundry and Forge Technology | https://www.nifft.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Homoeopathy | https://www.nih.nic.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Industrial Engineering | https://www.nitie.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Malaria Research | https://www.nimr.org.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Mass Communication and Journalism | https://www.nimcj.org/ | No |
| National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences | https://nimhans.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Nutrition | https://www.nin.res.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Oceanography, India | https://www.nio.org/ | No |
| National Institute of Ocean Technology | https://www.niot.res.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Ahmedabad | https://www.niperahm.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Hajipur | https://niperhajipur.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Hyderabad | https://www.niperhyd.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Kolkata | https://www.niperkolkata.edu.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research, Raebareli | https://niperraebareli.edu.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Research on Jute and Allied Fibre Technology | https://www.nirjaft.res.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Rural Development | https://nirdpr.org.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.nist.edu/ | No |
| National Institute of Science Education and Research, Bhubaneswar | https://www.niser.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Siddha | https://www.nischennai.org/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology, Andhra Pradesh | https://nitandhra.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology, Arunachal Pradesh | https://www.nitap.in/ | Yes |
| National Institute of Technology, Delhi | https://www.nitdelhi.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology, Durgapur | https://www.nitdgp.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology, Hamirpur | https://www.nith.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology, Jamshedpur | https://www.nitjsr.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra | https://www.nitkkr.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology, Manipur | https://www.nitmanipur.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology, Patna | https://www.nitp.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology, Puducherry | https://www.nitpy.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology, Rourkela | https://www.nitrkl.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology, Silchar | https://www.nits.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology, Warangal | https://nitw.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology Calicut | https://www.nitc.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology Goa | https://www.nitgoa.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology Meghalaya | https://nitm.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology Mizoram | https://www.nitmz.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology Sikkim | https://www.nitsikkim.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology Surathkal | https://www.nitk.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology Tiruchirappalli | https://www.nitt.edu/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology Uttarakhand | https://www.nituk.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology | https://www.nitcouncil.org.in/ | No |
| National Institutes of Pharmaceutical Education and Research | https://niperguwahati.ac.in/ | No |
| National Law Institute University | https://www.nliu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| National Law School of India University | https://www.nls.ac.in/ | No |
| National Law University, Delhi | https://www.nludelhi.ac.in/ | No |
| National Law University, Jodhpur | https://www.nlujodhpur.ac.in/ | No |
| National Law University, Sonipat | https://www.dbranlu.ac.in/ | No |
| National Law University and Judicial Academy, Assam | https://www.nluassam.ac.in/ | No |
| National Law University Odisha | https://www.nluo.ac.in/ | Yes |
| National Museum Institute of the History of Art, Conservation and Museology | https://nmi.gov.in/ | No |
| National Power Training Institute | https://npti.gov.in/ | No |
| National Rail and Transportation Institute | https://nrti.edu.in/ | No |
| National Sanskrit University | https://www.nsktu.ac.in/ | No |
| National School of Drama | https://www.nsd.gov.in/ | No |
| National School of Leadership | https://www.nsl.ac.in/ | No |
| National Sports University | https://www.nsu.ac.in/ | No |
| National Sugar Institute | https://nsi.gov.in/ | No |
| National University of Advanced Legal Studies | https://www.nuals.ac.in/ | No |
| National University of Educational Planning and Administration | https://www.niepa.ac.in/ | No |
| National University of Study and Research in Law | https://www.nusrlranchi.ac.in/ | No |
| Nava Nalanda Mahavihara | https://www.nnm.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Navsari Agricultural University | https://www.nau.in/ | No |
| Nayagram Pandit Raghunath Murmu Government College | https://nayagramprmgovtcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| NEF College | https://www.nefcollege.com/ | No |
| NEF Law College | https://www.nefcollege.org/ | No |
| Nehru Gram Bharati | https://ngbv.ac.in/ | No |
| Neotia University | https://www.tnu.in/ | No |
| Netai Charan Chakravarty Homoeopathic Medical College & Hospital | https://www.ncchmchospital.com/ | No |
| Netaji Nagar College for Women | https://www.netajinagarcollegeforwomen.in/ | No |
| Netaji Nagar College | https://www.netajinagarcollege.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Netaji Nagar Day College | https://www.nndaycollege.com/ | No |
| Netaji Subhash Engineering College | https://www.nsec.ac.in/ | No |
| Netaji Subhash Mahavidyalaya, Udaipur | https://www.nsmahavidyalaya.nic.in/ | No |
| Netaji Subhash University of Technology | https://www.nsut.ac.in/ | No |
| Netaji Subhas Institute of Technology, Bihta | https://nsit.in/ | Yes |
| Netaji Subhas National Institute of Sports | https://www.nsnis.org/ | No |
| Netaji Subhas Open University | https://www.wbnsou.ac.in/ | No |
| Netaji Subhas University of Technology (East Campus) | https://www.ait.delhigovt.nic.in/ | No |
| Netaji Subhas University | https://www.nsuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| New Delhi Institute of Management | https://www.ndimdelhi.org/ | Yes |
| New Horizon Dental College and Research Institute | https://www.nhdcri.in/ | No |
| NIILM University | https://niilmuniversity.in/ | No |
| NIIT University | https://niituniversity.in/ | No |
| Nilakantheswar Mahavidyalaya | https://www.nkdegreemahavidyalaya.org/ | No |
| Nilambazar College | https://www.nilambazarcollege.com/ | Yes |
| Nilamber-Pitamber University | https://www.npu.ac.in/ | No |
| Nil Ratan Sarkar Medical College and Hospital | https://nrsmc.edu.in/ | No |
| NIMS Bibinagar | https://nims.edu.in/ | No |
| NIMS University | https://nimsuniversity.org/ | No |
| Nirmala College, Ranchi | https://www.nirmalacollegeranchi.com/ | No |
| Nirma University of Science and Technology | https://nirmauni.ac.in/ | No |
| NIT Srinagar | https://nitsri.ac.in/ | No |
| Nitte University | https://nitte.edu.in/ | No |
| NM Institute of Engineering and Technology | https://www.nmiet.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Noida International University | https://www.niu.edu.in/ | No |
| Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education | https://www.niuniv.com/ | No |
| North Bank College | https://www.northbankcollege.in/ | No |
| North Bengal Dental College and Hospital | https://www.nbdch.in/ | No |
| North Bengal Medical College and Hospital | https://www.nbmch.ac.in/ | No |
| North Eastern Hill University | https://www.nehu.ac.in/ | No |
| North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences | https://www.neigrihms.gov.in/ | No |
| North Eastern Institute of Ayurveda and Homeopathy | https://neiah.nic.in/ | No |
| North Eastern Regional Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.nerist.ac.in/ | No |
| North East Frontier Technical University (NEFTU) | https://www.neftu.edu.in/ | No |
| North East Institute of Management Science | https://www.neimscollege.com/ | No |
| North East Institute of Science and Technology, Jorhat | https://neist.res.in/ | No |
| North Lakhimpur College | https://www.nlc.ac.in/ | No |
| North Maharashtra University | https://www.nmu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| North Orissa University | https://www.nou.nic.in/ | No |
| Nowgong College | https://www.nowgongcollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Nowgong Girls' College | https://nowgonggirlscollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Nowgong Law College | https://nowgonglawcollege.co.in/ | No |
| Nuclear Fuel Complex | https://www.nfc.gov.in/ | No |
| O. P. Jindal Global University | https://www.jgu.edu.in/ | No |
| O.P. Jindal University | https://www.opju.ac.in/ | No |
| Odisha State Open University | https://www.osou.ac.in/ | No |
| Odisha University of Agriculture and Technology | https://ouat.nic.in/ | No |
| Odisha University of Technology and Research | https://www.cet.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Omeo Kumar Das Institute of Social Change and Development | https://okd.in/ | No |
| Om Sterling Global University | https://www.osgu.ac.in/ | No |
| OPJS University | https://www.opjsuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Oriental University | https://orientaluniversity.in/ | No |
| Orissa Engineering College | https://www.oec.ac.in/ | No |
| Orissa School of Mining Engineering, Keonjhar | https://www.osme.net.in/ | No |
| Osmania Medical College | https://osmaniamedicalcollege.org/ | No |
| Osmania University | https://www.osmania.ac.in/ | No |
| P. K. Roy Memorial College | https://pkrmc.ac.in/ | No |
| P. R. Thakur Government College | https://www.prtgc.ac.in/ | No |
| P. V. Narasimha Rao Telangana Veterinary University | https://tsvu.nic.in/ | No |
| Paavai Engineering College | https://pec.paavai.edu.in/ | No |
| Pachhunga University College | https://www.pucollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Pacific Academy of Higher Education and Research Udaipur | https://www.pacific-university.ac.in/ | No |
| Pacific Medical College and Hospital, Udaipur | https://www.pacificmedical.ac.in/ | No |
| Padmanava College of Engineering, Rourkela | https://pcerkl.ac.in/ | No |
| Padre Conceição College of Engineering | https://www.pccegoa.edu.in/ | No |
| Palamuru University | https://www.palamuruuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Panchayat College, Bargarh | https://panchayatcollege.in/ | No |
| Pandit Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences | https://uhsr.ac.in/ | No |
| Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University | https://www.pdpu.ac.in/ | No |
| Pandit Deendayal Upadhyaya Shekhawati University | https://www.shekhauni.ac.in/ | No |
| Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Medical College | https://www.pdumcrajkot.org/ | No |
| Pandit Lakhmi Chand State University of Performing and Visual Arts | https://plcsupva.ac.in/ | No |
| Pandit Raghunath Murmu Medical College and Hospital | https://prmmch.nic.in/ | No |
| Pandit Ravishankar Shukla University | https://www.prsu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Pandit Sundarlal Sharma (Open) University | https://www.pssou.ac.in/ | No |
| Pandu College | https://www.panducollege.org/ | No |
| Panjab University | https://www.puchd.ac.in/ | No |
| Panskura Banamali College | https://www.panskurabanamalicollege.org/ | No |
| Parala Maharaja Engineering College | https://www.pmec.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Parisutham Institute of Technology & Science | https://www.parisuthamtech.com/ | No |
| Parul University | https://www.paruluniversity.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Parvatibai Chowgule College | https://www.chowgules.ac.in/ | No |
| Patel College of Science & Technology | https://www.patelcollege.com/ | No |
| Patkai Christian College | https://www.patkaicollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Patliputra University | https://ppup.ac.in/ | No |
| Patna Dental College | https://www.patnadentalcollege.org/ | No |
| Patna Medical College and Hospital | https://patnamedicalcollege.com/ | No |
| Patna Sahib College of Engineering & Technology, Vaishali | https://www.psgc.org/ | No |
| Patna University | https://www.patnauniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| PCTE Group of Institutes | https://pcte.edu.in/ | No |
| PDM College of Commerce | https://www.pdmcc.org/ | Yes |
| PDM University | https://www.pdm.ac.in/ | No |
| People's University Bhopal | https://www.peoplesuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Periyar Maniammai Institute of Science & Technology | https://www.pmu.edu/ | No |
| Periyar University | https://www.periyaruniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| PES University | https://www.pes.edu/ | No |
| Petit Seminaire Higher Secondary School | https://www.petitseminaire.org.in/ | No |
| PGC Punjab College of Engineering and Technology PCET | https://www.pgc.edu.in/ | No |
| PGDAV College | https://pgdavcollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Physical Research Laboratory | https://www.prl.res.in/ | Yes |
| Pithubar Girls' Degree College | https://pithubarcollege.org/ | No |
| Pondicherry Engineering College | https://www.pec.edu/ | No |
| Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.pimsmmm.com/ | No |
| Ponnaiyah Ramajayam Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.prist.ac.in/ | No |
| Poornima College Of Engineering, Jaipur | https://www.poornima.org/ | No |
| Poornima University | https://poornima.edu.in/ | No |
| Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education and Research | https://pgimer.nic.in/ | No |
| Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University | https://www.teluguuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| P P Savani University | https://www.ppsuni.ac.in/ | No |
| Prabhat Kumar College | https://pkcollegecontai.ac.in/ | No |
| Pragjyotish College | https://www.pragjyotishcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Pragyan International University | https://pragyanuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Prajnanananda Institute of Technology & Management | https://pitmkol.in/ | No |
| Prananath College | https://pnautonomouscollege.in/ | Yes |
| Pratap Chandra Memorial Homoeopathic Hospital & College | https://www.pcmhhc.org/ | No |
| Pravara Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.pravara.com/ | No |
| Presidency College, Chennai | https://presidencycollegechennai.ac.in/ | No |
| Presidency University, Bangalore | https://presidencyuniversity.in/ | Yes |
| Presidency University, Kolkata | https://www.presiuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Prof. Rajendra Singh University | https://prsuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Professor Jayashankar Telangana State Agricultural University | https://www.pjtsau.edu.in/ | No |
| PSG College of Arts and Science | https://www.psgcas.ac.in/ | No |
| PSG College of Technology | https://www.psgtech.edu/ | No |
| Pt. Deendayal Upadhyay Memorial Health Sciences and Ayush University of Chhattisgarh | https://www.ayushandhealthsciencesuniversity.org/ | No |
| Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Memorial Medical College | https://www.ptjnmcraipur.in/ | No |
| Pub Kamrup College | https://www.pubkamrupcollege.co.in/ | No |
| Puducherry University | https://www.pondiuni.edu.in/ | No |
| Punjab Agricultural University | https://www.pau.edu/ | No |
| Punjab Engineering College | https://www.pec.ac.in/ | No |
| Punjab Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.pimsj.com/ | No |
| Punjabi University | https://www.punjabiuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Punjab Sports University | https://mbspsu.ac.in/ | No |
| Punjab Technical University | https://www.ptu.ac.in/ | No |
| Purnea College of Engineering | https://www.pcepurnia.org/ | Yes |
| Purnea University | https://www.purneauniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Purulia Government Medical College and Hospital | https://www.pgmch.edu.in/ | No |
| Purushottam Institute of Engineering and Technology | https://www.piet.ac.in/ | No |
| QIS College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.qiscet.edu.in/ | No |
| Quantum University | https://www.quantumuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| R.C.S.M. Govt Medical College and CPR Hospital, Kolhapur | https://rcsmgmc.ac.in/ | No |
| R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospital | https://www.rgkarmch.org/ | No |
| R.P. Sharma Institute of Technology | https://rpsit.org.in/ | No |
| Raak College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.raakengg.com/ | No |
| Rabindra Bharati University | https://www.rbu.ac.in/ | No |
| Rabindranath Tagore University | https://rntu.ac.in/ | No |
| Rabindranath Thakur Mahavidyalaya | https://rtmbishalgarh.ac.in/ | No |
| Rabindra Sadan Girls' College | https://rabindrasadangirlscollege.in/ | No |
| Radha Govinda Baruah College | https://www.rgbaruahcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Radha Govind University | https://rguniversity.org/ | No |
| Raiganj Government Medical College and Hospital | https://www.raiganjgmch.org/ | No |
| Raiganj University | https://raiganjuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Rain Forest Research Institute | https://rfri.icfre.gov.in/ | No |
| Raipur Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.rimsindia.ac.in/ | No |
| Rai Technology University | https://www.raitechuniversity.in/ | No |
| Rai University | https://www.raiuniversity.edu/ | No |
| Rajagiri Centre for Business Studies | https://rcss.rajagiri.edu/ | No |
| Rajalakshmi Engineering College | https://www.rajalakshmi.org/ | No |
| Raja Mansingh Tomar Music & Arts University | https://rmtmusicandartsuniversity.com/ | No |
| Raja Shiva Prasad College | https://www.rspcollege.org/ | No |
| Rajasthan Technical University | https://www.rtu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Rajasthan University of Health Sciences | https://www.ruhsraj.org/ | Yes |
| Rajasthan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences | https://rajuvas.org/ | Yes |
| Rajdhani College, Bhubaneswar | https://www.rajdhanicollege.org.in/ | No |
| Rajendra Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.rimsranchi.org/ | No |
| Rajendra Memorial Research Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.rmrims.org.in/ | No |
| Rajendra Narayan University | https://rajendracollege.nic.in/ | No |
| Rajiv Gandhi Centre for Biotechnology | https://rgcb.res.in/ | No |
| Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.rgcetpdy.ac.in/ | No |
| Rajiv Gandhi College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences | https://www.ragacovas.com/ | Yes |
| Rajiv Gandhi Government Engineering College Kangra | https://www.rggec.ac.in/ | No |
| Rajiv Gandhi Government Polytechnic | https://www.rggp.ac.in/ | No |
| Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences, Kadapa | https://rimskadapa.in/ | No |
| Rajiv Gandhi Institute of Petroleum Technology | https://www.rgipt.ac.in/ | No |
| Rajiv Gandhi Medical College | https://rgmc.thanecity.gov.in/ | No |
| Rajiv Gandhi National Aviation University | https://rgnau.ac.in/ | No |
| Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law | https://rgnul.ac.in/ | No |
| Rajiv Gandhi Technical University | https://www.rgpv.ac.in/ | No |
| Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences | https://www.rguhs.ac.in/ | No |
| Rajiv Gandhi University of Knowledge Technologies | https://www.rgukt.ac.in/ | No |
| Rajiv Gandhi University | https://www.rgu.ac.in/ | No |
| Rajmata Vijayaraje Scindia Krishi Vishwavidyalaya | https://www.rvskvv.net/ | No |
| Raj Rishi Bhartrihari Matsya University | https://www.rrbmuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Rama Devi Women's University | https://www.rdwuniversity.nic.in/ | No |
| Ramakrishna Mission Residential College, Narendrapur | https://www.rkmrc.in/ | No |
| Ramakrishna Mission Seva Pratishthan and VIMS | https://www.vimsrkmsp.org/ | No |
| Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya, Coimbatore | https://www.srkv.org/ | Yes |
| Ramakrishna Mission Vidyamandira | https://www.vidyamandira.ac.in/ | No |
| Ramakrishna Mission Vivekananda Educational and Research Institute | https://www.rkmvu.ac.in/ | No |
| Ramakrishna Sarada Mission Vivekananda Vidyabhavan | https://www.rksmvv.ac.in/ | No |
| Ramananda College | https://www.ramanandacollege.org/ | No |
| Rama University | https://www.ramauniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Ramchandra Chandravansi University | https://www.rcu.edu.in/ | No |
| Ramgarhia Institute of Engineering and Technology | https://www.riet.ac.in/ | No |
| Ramkrishna Mahavidyalaya | https://rkmkls.ac.in/ | No |
| Ram Lakhan Singh Yadav College | https://www.rlsycollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Ram Lal Anand College | https://rlacollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Rampurhat Government Medical College and Hospital | https://www.rampurhatgmch.edu.in/ | No |
| Ramthakur College | https://www.ramthakurcollege.nic.in/ | No |
| Ranchi University | https://ranchiuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Ranchi Women's College | https://www.ranchiwomenscollege.org/ | No |
| Rangia College | https://www.rangiacollege.org/ | No |
| Rani Channamma University, Belgaum | https://rcub.ac.in/ | No |
| Rani Durgavati University | https://www.rdunijbpin.org/ | No |
| Raniganj Girls' College | https://www.raniganjgirlscollege.com/ | No |
| Rani Lakshmi Bai Central Agricultural University | https://www.rlbcau.ac.in/ | No |
| Rani Rashmoni Green University | https://rrgu.org/ | No |
| Rashtrakavi Ramdhari Singh Dinkar College of Engineering | https://www.rrsdcebgs.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Rashtrasant Tukadoji Maharaj Nagpur University | https://www.nagpuruniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Rathinam College of Arts and Science | https://www.rathinamcollege.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Ravenshaw University | https://www.ravenshawuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Rayagada Autonomous College, Rayagada | https://www.rayagadacollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Rayalaseema University | https://www.ruk.ac.in/ | No |
| Rayat Bahra University | https://www.rayatbahrauniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Regional College of Management | https://www.rcm.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Regional Institute of Medical Sciences, Lamphelpat | https://www.rims.edu.in/ | No |
| Regional Institute of Paramedical and Nursing Aizawl | https://ripans.ac.in/ | No |
| Regional Medical Research Centre, Dibrugarh | https://rmrcne.org.in/ | No |
| REVA University | https://reva.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Rishihood University | https://rishihood.edu.in/ | No |
| RKDF University | https://www.rkdf.ac.in/ | No |
| RK University | https://www.rku.ac.in/ | No |
| RMD Engineering College | https://www.rmd.ac.in/ | No |
| RMK College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.rmkcet.ac.in/ | No |
| RMK Engineering College | https://www.rmkec.ac.in/ | No |
| RNB Global University | https://www.rnbglobal.edu.in/ | No |
| Roland Institute of Technology | https://www.roland.ac.in/ | No |
| Rourkela Institute of Management Studies | https://www.rims-edu.com/ | No |
| Royal Global University | https://www.rgu.ac/ | No |
| Rungta College of Dental Sciences & Research | https://www.rungtacolleges.com/ | No |
| Rungta College of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research | https://www.rungta.ac.in/ | Yes |
| RVR & JC College of Engineering | https://www.rvrjcce.ac.in/ | Yes |
| RVS College of Engineering & Technology | https://www.rvscollege.ac.in/ | Yes |
| S.A. Engineering College | https://www.saec.ac.in/ | No |
| S.I.P.E. Law College | https://sipe.in/ | No |
| S.K.J. Law College | https://www.skjlawcollege.org/ | No |
| S. N. Bose National Centre for Basic Sciences | https://www.bose.res.in/ | No |
| Sacred Heart College, Thirupattur | https://www.shctpt.edu/ | No |
| Sacred Heart of Jesus High School | https://www.shjhs.org/ | No |
| Sadhu Goureswar College | https://www.sgckanikapada.in/ | No |
| Sadhu Ram Chand Murmu University | https://srcmuj.org/ | No |
| Sadiya College | https://sadiyacollege.org.in/ | No |
| SAGE University | https://sageuniversity.in/ | No |
| Sagi Ramakrishnam Raju Engineering College | https://www.srkrec.ac.in/ | No |
| Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics | https://www.saha.ac.in/ | No |
| Saharsa College of Engineering | https://www.scesaharsa.org/ | Yes |
| Saheed Laxman Nayak Medical College and Hospital | https://www.slnmch.nic.in/ | No |
| Sahibganj College | https://www.sahibganjcollege.in/ | Yes |
| Sai Nath University | https://www.sainathuniversity.com/ | No |
| Sainik School, Satara | https://sainiksatara.org/ | No |
| Sambalpur University Institute of Information Technology | https://www.suiit.ac.in/ | No |
| Sambalpur University | https://www.suniv.ac.in/ | No |
| SAM Global University | https://www.samglobaluniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Sam Higginbottom Institute of Agriculture, Technology and Sciences | https://shuats.edu.in/ | No |
| Sampurnanand Sanskrit University | https://www.ssvv.ac.in/ | No |
| Sandip University, Sijoul | https://www.sandipuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Sangai International University | https://sangaiinternationaluniversity.com/ | No |
| Sanjay Gandhi Memorial College | https://www.sgmcollegeranchi.org/ | Yes |
| Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.sgpgi.ac.in/ | No |
| Sanjay Memorial Institute of Technology | https://www.smitdiploma.org/ | No |
| Sanskriti University | https://sanskriti.edu.in/ | No |
| Sant Baba Bhag Singh University | https://sbbsuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Sant Gadge Baba Amravati University | https://www.sgbau.ac.in/ | No |
| Santiniketan Medical College | https://www.smcbangla.com/ | No |
| Santipur College | https://www.santipurcollege.in/ | No |
| Sant Longowal Institute of Engineering and Technology | https://sliet.ac.in/ | No |
| Santosh Deemed to be University | https://www.santosh.ac.in/ | No |
| Saradha Gangadharan College | https://sgc.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Sarala Birla University, Ranchi | https://sbu.ac.in/ | No |
| Sardar Beant Singh State University | https://www.bcetgsp.ac.in/ | No |
| Sardarkrushinagar Dantiwada Agricultural University | https://www.sdau.edu.in/ | No |
| Sardar Patel College of Engineering | https://www.spce.ac.in/ | No |
| Sardar Patel Medical College, Bikaner | https://www.spmcbkn.com/ | No |
| Sardar Patel University of Police, Security and Criminal Justice | https://www.policeuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Sardar Patel University | https://www.spuvvn.edu/ | No |
| Sardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat | https://www.svnit.ac.in/ | No |
| Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel Institute of Technology | https://www.svitvasad.ac.in/ | No |
| Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International School of Textiles & Management | https://www.svpistm.ac.in/ | No |
| Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel University of Agriculture and Technology | https://www.svbpmeerut.ac.in/ | No |
| Sarguja University | https://www.sargujauniversity.in/ | No |
| Sarvajanik College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.scet.ac.in/ | No |
| Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan University | https://www.srku.edu.in/ | No |
| Satavahana University | https://www.satavahana.ac.in/ | No |
| Sathyabama Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.sathyabama.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Saurashtra University | https://www.saurashtrauniversity.edu/ | Yes |
| Saveetha Institute of Medical And Technical Sciences | https://www.saveetha.com/ | No |
| Savitribai Phule Pune University | https://www.unipune.ac.in/ | No |
| School of Communication and Management Studies | https://www.scms.edu.in/ | Yes |
| School of Planning and Architecture, Bhopal | https://www.spabhopal.ac.in/ | No |
| School of Planning and Architecture, Delhi | https://www.spa.ac.in/ | No |
| School of Planning and Architecture, Vijayawada | https://www.spav.ac.in/ | No |
| Science College, Kokrajhar | https://www.sciencecollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Scottish Church College | https://www.scottishchurch.ac.in/ | No |
| Seacom Skills University | https://www.seacomskillsuniversity.org/ | Yes |
| Seemanta Engineering College | https://www.seemantaengg.ac.in/ | No |
| Seemant Institute of Technology | https://www.sitp.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Senate of Serampore College University | https://senateofseramporecollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Serampore College | https://www.seramporecollege.org/ | No |
| Seva Bharati Mahavidyalaya | https://www.sbmahavidyalaya.com/ | No |
| Shaheed Bhagat Singh State University | https://www.sbsstc.ac.in/ | No |
| Shaheed Nirmal Mahto Medical College, Dhanbad | https://www.pmchdhanbad.in/ | No |
| Shaheed Sukhdev College of Business Studies | https://sscbsdu.ac.in/ | No |
| Shahid Matangini Hazra Government College for Women | https://www.matanginicollege.org/ | No |
| Shanmugha Arts, Science, Technology & Research Academy | https://www.sastra.edu/ | No |
| Shantilal Shah Engineering College | https://www.ssgec.ac.in/ | No |
| Sharda University | https://www.sharda.ac.in/ | No |
| Sharnbasva University | https://www.sharnbasvauniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Sheikh Bhikhari Medical College | https://hazaribagmedicalcollege.org/ | No |
| Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Jammu | https://www.skuast.org/ | No |
| Sher-e-Kashmir University of Agricultural Sciences and Technology of Kashmir | https://www.skuastkashmir.ac.in/ | No |
| Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences | https://skims.ac.in/ | No |
| Shershah College of Engineering | https://www.scesasaram.in/ | Yes |
| Shiva Institute of Engineering and Technology, Bilaspur | https://www.siethp.in/ | No |
| Shivaji University | https://www.unishivaji.ac.in/ | No |
| Shivalik Institute of Management Education and Research | https://www.simer.in/ | No |
| Shiv Nadar University | https://www.snu.edu.in/ | No |
| Shobhit Institute of Engineering & Technology | https://www.shobhitmeerut.ac.in/ | No |
| Shobhit University Gangoh | https://sug.ac.in/ | No |
| Shoolini University | https://www.shooliniuniversity.com/ | No |
| Shree Guru Gobind Singh Tricentenary University | https://sgtuniversity.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Shreemati Nathibai Damodar Thackersey Women's University | https://sndt.ac.in/ | No |
| Shree Rayeshwar Institute of Engineering and Information Technology | https://www.ritgoa.ac.in/ | No |
| Shree Somnath Sanskrit University | https://www.sssu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Shree Venkateshwara Hi-Tech Engineering College | https://www.svhec.com/ | No |
| Shri B. M. Patil Medical College | https://bldedu.ac.in/ | No |
| Shri Bhausaheb Hire Government Medical College, Dhule | https://www.sbhgmcdhule.org/ | No |
| Shri Govind Guru University | https://sggu.ac.in/ | No |
| Shri Govindram Seksaria Institute of Technology and Science | https://www.sgsits.ac.in/ | No |
| Shri Guru Gobind Singhji Institute of Engineering and Technology | https://www.sggs.ac.in/ | No |
| Shri Guru Ram Rai University | https://sgrru.ac.in/ | No |
| Shri Jagannath Sanskrit University | https://www.sjsv.nic.in/ | No |
| Shri Krishna AYUSH University | https://skau.in/ | No |
| Shri Labhubhai Trivedi Institute of Engineering & Technology, Rajkot | https://www.ltiet.com/ | No |
| Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri National Sanskrit University | https://www.slbsrsv.ac.in/ | No |
| Shri Mata Vaishno Devi University | https://www.smvdu.ac.in/ | No |
| Shri Ramachandra Bhanj Medical College | https://www.scbmch.in/ | No |
| Shri Ramkrishna Institute of Medical Sciences and Sanaka Hospital | https://srims.setgoi.ac.in/ | No |
| Shri Ramswaroop Memorial University | https://srmu.ac.in/ | No |
| Shri Rawatpura Sarkar University | https://sruraipur.ac.in/ | No |
| Shri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya | https://www.svvv.edu.in/ | No |
| Shri Vasantrao Naik Government Medical College | https://www.vngmcytl.org/ | No |
| Shri Venkateshwara University | https://www.svu.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Siang Royal Academy | https://www.siangroyalacademy.com/ | No |
| Sibsagar College | https://www.sibsagarcollege.in/ | No |
| Sibsagar Girls' College | https://www.sibsagargirlscollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Siddharth University | https://suksn.edu.in/ | No |
| Sidho Kanho Birsha University | https://www.skbu.ac.in/ | No |
| Sido Kanhu Murmu University | https://www.skmu.ac.in/ | No |
| Sikkim Manipal University | https://smu.edu.in/ | No |
| Sikkim Professional University | https://www.spu.ac/ | No |
| Sikkim University | https://www.cus.ac.in/ | No |
| Siksha 'O' Anusandhan | https://www.soa.ac.in/ | No |
| Silapathar College | https://www.silapatharcollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Silapathar Town College | https://www.silapathartc.in/ | No |
| Silchar Medical College and Hospital | https://smcassam.gov.in/ | No |
| Silicon Institute of Technology | https://www.silicon.ac.in/ | No |
| Siliguri Institute of Technology | https://www.sittechno.org/ | No |
| Silver Oak College of Engineering and Technology | https://socet.in/ | No |
| Simdega College | https://simdegacollegesimdega.com/ | No |
| Singhania University | https://www.singhaniauniversity.co.in/ | No |
| Sir C.R. Reddy Educational Institutions | https://sircrreddycollege.in/ | No |
| Sister Nibedita Government General Degree College for Girls | https://www.snggdcg.ac.in/ | No |
| Sister Nivedita University | https://snuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Sitamarhi Institute of Technology | https://www.sitsitamarhi.ac.in/ | Yes |
| SMCET - Engineering College in Jaipur | https://www.smcet.in/ | No |
| Smt. NHL Municipal Medical College | https://www.nhlmmc.edu.in/ | No |
| Soban Singh Jeena University | https://ssju.ac.in/ | No |
| Sona College of Technology, Salem | https://www.sonatech.ac.in/ | No |
| Sonamukhi College | https://www.sonamukhicollegebankura.com/ | No |
| Sonapur College | https://www.sonapurcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Sonari College | https://www.sonaricollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Sonarpur Mahavidyalaya | https://www.sonarpurmahavidyalaya.com/ | No |
| Sonepur College | https://www.sonepurcollege.org.in/ | No |
| South Asian University | https://sau.int/ | No |
| Sree Chitra Tirunal Institute for Medical Sciences and Technology | https://www.sctimst.ac.in/ | No |
| Sree Narayana Guru College of Legal Studies | https://www.sntrusts.org/ | No |
| Sree Narayana Guru Open University | https://sreenarayanaguruou.edu.in/ | No |
| Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit | https://ssus.ac.in/ | No |
| Sree Vidyanikethan Educational Trust | https://www.vidyanikethan.edu/ | No |
| Sri Aurobindo International Centre of Education | https://www.sriaurobindoashram.org/ | Yes |
| Sri Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi Viswa Mahavidyalaya | https://www.kanchiuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Sri Devaraj Urs Medical College | https://www.sduu.ac.in/ | No |
| Sri Dev Suman Uttarakhand University | https://www.sdsuv.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Sri Guru Granth Sahib World University | https://sggswu.edu.in/ | No |
| Sri Guru Ram Das University of Health Sciences, Sri Amritsar | https://www.sgrduhs.in/ | No |
| Sri Guru Teg Bahadur State University of Law | https://www.sgtbulawadmissions.org/ | No |
| Sri Jayadev College of pharmaceutical sciences | https://sjcpsodisha.org/ | No |
| Sri Karan Narendra Agriculture University | https://www.sknau.ac.in/ | No |
| Sri Konda Laxman Telangana State Horticultural University | https://skltshu.ac.in/ | No |
| Sri Krishnadevaraya University | https://www.skuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Sri Krishna Medical College and Hospital | https://www.skmedicalcollege.org/ | No |
| Sri Manakula Vinayagar Engineering College | https://smvec.ac.in/ | No |
| Srimanta Sankaradeva University of Health Sciences | https://ssuhs.in/ | No |
| Srinivas University | https://srinivasuniversity.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Sri Padmavati Mahila Visvavidyalayam | https://www.spmvv.ac.in/ | No |
| Sri Parasakthi College for Women | https://www.sriparasakthicollege.com/ | No |
| Sri Pratap College | https://www.spcollege.edu.in/ | No |
| Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute | https://www.sriramachandra.edu.in/ | No |
| Sri Ramakrishna Engineering College | https://www.srec.ac.in/ | No |
| Sri Sai Ram Engineering College | https://www.sairam.edu.in/ | No |
| Sri Sai University | https://www.srisaiuniversity.org/ | No |
| Sri Sathya Sai Institute of Higher Learning | https://sssihl.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Sri Siddhartha Academy of Higher Education | https://www.sahe.in/ | No |
| Sri Sri Aniruddhadeva Sports University | https://www.sasu.ac.in/ | No |
| Sri Sri University | https://www.srisriuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre | https://www.svmchrc.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering | https://www.svce.ac.in/ | No |
| Sri Venkateswara College | https://www.svc.ac.in/ | No |
| Sri Venkateswara University | https://www.svuniversity.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Sri Venkateswara Vedic University | https://www.svvedicuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Sri Venkateswara Veterinary University | https://svvu.edu.in/ | No |
| SRM Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.srmist.edu.in/ | No |
| SRM University, Andhra Pradesh | https://srmap.edu.in/ | No |
| SRM University, Haryana | https://www.srmuniversity.ac.in/ | Yes |
| SRM University, Sikkim | https://www.srmus.ac.in/ | No |
| SR University | https://sru.edu.in/ | No |
| SSLNT Women's College | https://www.sslnt.in/ | No |
| SSN College of Engineering | https://www.ssn.edu.in/ | No |
| St. Columba's College, Hazaribagh | https://stcchzb.ac.in/ | No |
| St. Joseph's College, Jakhama | https://stjosephjakhama.ac.in/ | No |
| St. Joseph's College of Engineering | https://stjosephs.ac.in/ | No |
| St. Joseph College of Education | https://www.stjosephcedu.org/ | No |
| St. Joseph University, Nagaland | https://www.stjosephuniv.edu.in/ | No |
| St. Kabir Institute | https://www.skips.in/ | No |
| St. Paul's College, Ranchi | https://www.stpaulscollege.co.in/ | No |
| St. Peter's Institute of Higher Education and Research | https://spiher.ac.in/ | No |
| St. Thomas' College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.stcet.ac.in/ | No |
| St. Thomas College, Bhilai | https://www.stthomascollegebhilai.in/ | No |
| St. Thomas College, Chennai | https://www.saintthomascollege.com/ | No |
| St. Xavier's College, Asansol | https://sxcasansol.org/ | No |
| St. Xavier's College, Dumka | https://www.sxcd.edu.in/ | No |
| St. Xavier's College, Kolkata | https://www.sxccal.edu/ | No |
| St. Xavier's College, Mapusa, Goa | https://www.xavierscollege-goa.com/ | No |
| St. Xavier's College, Ranchi | https://www.sxcran.org/ | No |
| St. Xavier's College, Simdega | https://www.sxcsimdega.edu.in/ | No |
| St. Xavier's University, Kolkata | https://www.sxuk.edu.in/ | No |
| Starex University | https://starexuniversity.com/ | No |
| St Claret College | https://www.sccz.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Sumandeep Vidyapeeth | https://sumandeepuniversity.org/ | No |
| Sunrise University | https://www.sunriseuniversity.in/ | No |
| Supaul College of Engineering | https://scesupaul.org/ | Yes |
| Suraj Singh Memorial College | https://www.ssmcranchi.org/ | No |
| Surat Municipal Institute of Medical Education and Research | https://smimer.suratmunicipal.gov.in/ | No |
| Suren Das College | https://surendascollege.co.in/ | No |
| SVKM's NMIMS | https://www.nmims.edu/ | No |
| Swami Keshwanand Rajasthan Agricultural University | https://www.raubikaner.org/ | No |
| Swami Rama Himalayan University | https://srhu.edu.in/ | No |
| Swami Ramanand Teerth Marathwada University | https://www.srtmun.ac.in/ | No |
| Swami Ramanand Teerth Rural Medical College | https://www.srtrmca.org/ | No |
| Swami Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya | https://svmmohanpur.nic.in/ | No |
| Swami Vivekananda University, Barrackpore | https://swamivivekanandauniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Swami Vivekanand Subharti University | https://www.subharti.org/ | No |
| Swami Vivekanand University, Madhya Pradesh | https://www.svnuniversity.co.in/ | No |
| Swarnim Gujarat Sports University | https://sgsu.gujarat.gov.in/ | No |
| Syamsundar College | https://www.syamsundarcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Symbiosis International Deemed University | https://www.siu.edu.in/ | No |
| Synergy Institute of Engineering & Technology | https://www.synergyinstitute.net/ | Yes |
| T. R. Abhilashi Memorial Institute of Engineering and Technology | https://www.tramiet.in/ | No |
| Taki Government College | https://www.tgc.ac.in/ | No |
| Talcher Autonomous College | https://www.tac.ac.in/ | No |
| Tamil Nadu Agricultural University | https://www.tnau.ac.in/ | No |
| Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Fisheries University | https://tnjfu.ac.in/ | No |
| Tamil Nadu National Law School | https://www.tnnlu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Tamil Nadu Open University | https://www.tnou.ac.in/ | No |
| Tamil Nadu Physical Education and Sports University | https://www.tnpesu.org/ | No |
| Tamil Nadu Teachers Education University | https://www.tnteu.ac.in/ | No |
| Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University | https://www.tanuvas.ac.in/ | No |
| Tamil University | https://www.tamiluniversity.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Tamil Virtual Academy | https://www.tamilvu.org/ | Yes |
| Tamralipta Mahavidyalaya | https://www.tamraliptamahavidyalaya.org/ | No |
| Tangla College | https://tanglacollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Tarakeswar Degree College | https://www.tarakeswardegreecollege.org/ | No |
| Tata College, Chaibasa | https://tata.college/ | No |
| Tata Institute of Fundamental Research Hyderabad | https://www.tifrh.res.in/ | No |
| Tata Institute of Fundamental Research | https://www.tifr.res.in/ | No |
| Tata Institute of Social Sciences | https://www.tiss.edu/ | No |
| Tata Memorial Centre | https://tmc.gov.in/ | No |
| Technique Polytechnic Institute | https://www.techniqueedu.com/ | No |
| Techno India College of Technology | https://tint.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Techno India University | https://technoindiauniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Techno India | https://technoindiagroup.com/ | No |
| Technological Institute of Textile & Sciences | https://www.titsbhiwani.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Teerthanker Mahaveer University | https://www.tmu.ac.in/ | No |
| Telangana University | https://www.telanganauniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| TERI University | https://www.terisas.ac.in/ | No |
| Tetso College | https://www.tetsocollege.org/ | No |
| Tezpur Medical College and Hospital | https://www.tmcassam.org/ | No |
| Tezpur University | https://www.tezu.ernet.in/ | No |
| Thapar University | https://www.thapar.edu/ | No |
| The English and Foreign Languages University | https://www.efluniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| The Glocal University | https://www.glocaluniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| The New College, Chennai | https://thenewcollege.edu.in/ | Yes |
| The NorthCap University | https://www.ncuindia.edu/ | No |
| The Sanskrit College and University | https://sansuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| The Tamil Nadu Dr. Ambedkar Law University | https://www.tndalu.ac.in/ | No |
| The Tamil Nadu Dr. J. Jayalalithaa Music and Fine Arts University | https://tnmfau.ac.in/ | No |
| The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University | https://tamilnadumedicaluniversity.com/ | No |
| Thiagarajar College of Engineering | https://www.tce.edu/ | No |
| Thiagarajar School of Management | https://www.tsm.ac.in/ | No |
| Thiruthangal Nadar College | https://www.thiruthangalnadarcollege.org/ | No |
| Thiruvalluvar University | https://www.tvu.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Thomas Stephens Konknni Kendr | https://tskk.org/ | No |
| Thunchath Ezhuthachan Malayalam University | https://malayalamuniversity.edu.in/ | No |
| Tilak Maharashtra University | https://www.tmv.edu.in/ | No |
| Tilka Manjhi Bhagalpur University | https://tmbuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Tinsukia College | https://tinsukiacollege.org/ | No |
| TKM Institute of Management | https://www.tkmim.ac.in/ | No |
| Tomo Riba Institute of Health and Medical Sciences | https://www.trihms.org/ | No |
| Topiwala National Medical College and B.Y.L. Nair Charitable Hospital, Mumbai | https://www.tnmcnair.com/ | Yes |
| Traum Academy for German & French languages | https://www.traumacademy.org/ | No |
| Tripura Institute of Technology | https://titagartala.ac.in/ | No |
| Tripura Medical College | https://www.tmc.nic.in/ | No |
| Tripura University | https://tripurauniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Triveni Devi Bhalotia College | https://www.tdbcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Tuli College | https://tulicollege.com/ | No |
| Tumkur University | https://tumkuruniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Tyagbir Hem Baruah College | https://www.thbcollege.org/ | No |
| U.P. Pt. Deen Dayal Upadhyay Pashu Chikitsa Vigyan Vishwavidyalaya Evam Go-Ansundhan Sansthan | https://www.upvetuniv.edu.in/ | No |
| U. V. Patel College of Engineering | https://www.uvpce.ac.in/ | No |
| Udayanath College of Science and Technology | https://udayanathcollege.org.in/ | Yes |
| Uka Tarsadia University | https://utu.ac.in/ | No |
| Unitedworld School of Business | https://www.karnavatiuniversity.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Unity College, Dimapur | https://unitycollegedimapur.com/ | No |
| Universal Law College | https://www.ugi.ac.in/ | No |
| University Institute of Information Technology, Himachal Pradesh University | https://www.uiit.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Agricultural and Horticultural Sciences, Shivamogga | https://uahs.edu.in/ | No |
| University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore | https://www.uasbangalore.edu.in/ | No |
| University of Agricultural Sciences, Dharwad | https://www.uasd.edu/ | No |
| University of Agricultural Sciences, Raichur | https://www.uasraichur.edu.in/ | No |
| University of Allahabad | https://www.allduniv.ac.in/ | Yes |
| University of Burdwan | https://www.buruniv.ac.in/ | Yes |
| University of Calcutta | https://www.caluniv.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Calicut | https://uoc.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Delhi | https://www.du.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Engineering & Management UEM , Jaipur | https://uem.edu.in/ | Yes |
| University of Gour Banga | https://www.ugb.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Horticultural Sciences, Bagalkot | https://uhsbagalkot.edu.in/ | No |
| University of Hyderabad | https://www.uohyd.ac.in/ | Yes |
| University of Jammu | https://jammuuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Kalyani | https://www.klyuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Kashmir | https://www.uok.edu.in/ | No |
| University of Kerala | https://www.keralauniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Kota | https://www.uok.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Ladakh | https://www.universityofladakh.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Lucknow | https://www.lkouniv.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Madras | https://unom.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Mumbai | https://mu.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Mysore | https://www.uni-mysore.ac.in/ | No |
| University of North Bengal | https://www.nbu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| University of Patanjali | https://www.universityofpatanjali.com/ | No |
| University of Petroleum and Energy Studies | https://www.upes.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Rajasthan | https://www.uniraj.ac.in/ | No |
| University of Science and Technology Meghalaya | https://www.ustm.ac.in/ | Yes |
| University of Technology and Management | https://www.utm.ac.in/ | No |
| University School of Biotechnology | https://ipu.ac.in/ | No |
| University School of Management Studies | https://usms.co.in/ | No |
| Usha Martin University | https://www.ushamartinuniversity.com/ | No |
| Usha Mittal Institute of Technology | https://www.umit.ac.in/ | No |
| Utkalmani Gopabandhu Institute of Engineering | https://www.ugierkl.ac.in/ | No |
| Utkal University of Culture | https://uuc.ac.in/ | No |
| Utkal University | https://www.utkaluniversity.nic.in/ | No |
| Uttarakhand Ayurveda University | https://www.uau.ac.in/ | No |
| Uttarakhand Open University | https://uou.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Uttarakhand Residential University | https://uru.ac.in/ | No |
| Uttarakhand Sanskrit University | https://usvv.org/ | No |
| Uttarakhand Technical University | https://www.uktech.ac.in/ | No |
| Uttarakhand University of Horticulture and Forestry | https://uuhf.ac.in/ | No |
| Uttaranchal University | https://uttaranchaluniversity.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Uttar Banga Krishi Vishwavidyalaya | https://www.ubkv.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Uttar Pradesh Rajarshi Tandon Open University | https://www.uprtou.ac.in/ | No |
| Uttar Pradesh Textile Technology Institute | https://www.uptti.ac.in/ | No |
| Uttar Pradesh University of Medical Sciences | https://www.upums.ac.in/ | No |
| Valliammai Engineering College | https://www.srmvalliammai.ac.in/ | No |
| Vardhaman Mahaveer Open University | https://www.vmou.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Vardhman Institute of Medical Sciences | https://vimspawapuri.org/ | No |
| Vardhman Mahavir Medical College | https://www.vmmc-sjh.nic.in/ | No |
| Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre | https://www.vecc.gov.in/ | No |
| Vasantrao Naik Marathwada Agricultural University | https://vnmkv.ac.in/ | No |
| Vasireddy Venkatadri Institute of Technology | https://www.vvitguntur.com/ | No |
| Veeravalli College of Law | https://www.veeravallicollegeoflaw.com/ | No |
| Veer Bahadur Singh Purvanchal University | https://www.vbspu.ac.in/ | No |
| Veer Kunwar Singh University | https://www.vksu.ac.in/ | No |
| Veermata Jijabai Technological Institute | https://www.vjti.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Veer Narmad South Gujarat University | https://www.vnsgu.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Veer Surendra Sai Institute of Medical Sciences and Research | https://www.vimsar.ac.in/ | No |
| Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology | https://www.vssut.ac.in/ | No |
| Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College | https://vrsiddhartha.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Velalar College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.velalarengg.ac.in/ | No |
| Velammal College of Engineering and Technology | https://www.vcet.ac.in/ | No |
| Velammal Engineering College | https://velammal.edu.in/ | No |
| Vellore Institute of Technology | https://www.vit.ac.in/ | No |
| Vels Institute of Science, Technology & Advanced Studies | https://www.velsuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R&D Institute of Science and Technology | https://veltech.edu.in/ | No |
| Venkateshwara Open University | https://www.vou.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Vickram College of Engineering | https://www.vickramce.org/ | No |
| Vidyadaan Institute of Technology and Management | https://www.vidyadaan.org/ | No |
| Vidyasagar College for Women | https://www.vcfw.org/ | No |
| Vidyasagar University | https://www.vidyasagar.ac.in/ | No |
| Vidya Vihar Institute of Technology | https://www.vvit.org/ | Yes |
| Vignan's Foundation for Science, Technology & Research | https://www.vignan.ac.in/ | No |
| Vignan's Institute of Information Technology | https://vignaniit.edu.in/ | No |
| Vijayanagara Sri Krishnadevaraya University | https://vskub.ac.in/ | No |
| Vijaygarh Jyotish Ray College | https://www.vijaygarhjrcollege.com/ | No |
| Vikrama Simhapuri University | https://www.simhapuriuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Vikram Dev College, Jeypore | https://www.vikramdebcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Vikram University | https://www.vikramuniv.ac.in/ | No |
| Vinayaka Mission's Research Foundation | https://www.vinayakamission.com/ | No |
| Vinoba Bhave University | https://vbu.ac.in/ | No |
| V Institute | https://www.vinstitute1941.com/ | No |
| Visakha Law College | https://www.visakhalawcollege.com/ | No |
| Vishwakarma Government Engineering College | https://www.vgecg.ac.in/ | No |
| Visva-Bharati University | https://www.visva-bharati.ac.in/ | No |
| Visvesvaraya National Institute of Technology | https://www.vnit.ac.in/ | No |
| Visvesvaraya Technological University | https://vtu.ac.in/ | No |
| Vivekananda Global University | https://www.vgu.ac.in/ | No |
| Vivekananda Mahavidyalaya | https://www.vmbdn.in/ | No |
| Vyasanagar College | https://www.vnautocollege.org/ | Yes |
| Walchand College of Engineering | https://www.walchandsangli.ac.in/ | No |
| West Bengal National University of Juridical Sciences | https://www.nujs.edu/ | No |
| West Bengal State University | https://www.wbsu.ac.in/ | No |
| West Bengal University of Animal and Fishery Sciences | https://wbuafscl.ac.in/ | No |
| West Bengal University of Health Sciences | https://wbuhs.ac.in/ | No |
| West Bengal University of Teachers' Training, Education Planning and Administration | https://www.wbuttepa.ac.in/ | No |
| William Carey University, Meghalaya | https://www.williamcareyuniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Wisdom High School | https://schools.houstonisd.org/ | No |
| Women's Christian College, Chennai | https://www.wcc.edu.in/ | No |
| Women's College, Agartala | https://www.womenscollege.nic.in/ | No |
| Women's Institute of Technology | https://www.witlnmu.ac.in/ | No |
| World University of Design | https://worlduniversityofdesign.ac.in/ | No |
| Woxsen University | https://www.woxsen.edu.in/ | No |
| Xavier Centre of Historical Research | https://www.xchr.in/ | No |
| Xavier Institute of Development Action and Studies | https://xidas.in/ | No |
| Xavier Institute of Management, Bhubaneswar | https://www.ximb.edu.in/ | No |
| Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship | https://www.xime.org/ | No |
| Xavier University, Bhubaneswar | https://www.xim.edu.in/ | No |
| Yagyavalkya Institute of Technology | https://yitjaipur.com/ | No |
| Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University | https://ycmou.ac.in/ | No |
| YBN University | https://www.ybnuniversity.in/ | No |
| Yenepoya University | https://www.yenepoya.edu.in/ | No |
| YMCA University of Science and Technology | https://jcboseust.ac.in/ | No |
| Yogi Vemana University | https://www.yogivemanauniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Zoram Medical College | https://zmc.edu.in/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Indonesia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Airlangga University | https://www.unair.ac.id/ | No |
| Alauddin Islamic State University | https://www.uin-alauddin.ac.id/ | No |
| Ar-Raniry State Islamic University | https://www.ar-raniry.ac.id/ | No |
| Artha Wacana Christian University | https://www.ukaw.ac.id/ | No |
| Astra Manufacturing Polytechnic | https://www.polman.astra.ac.id/ | No |
| Atma Jaya Catholic University of Indonesia | https://www.atmajaya.ac.id/ | No |
| Atma Jaya University, Yogyakarta | https://www.uajy.ac.id/ | No |
| Bakrie University | https://www.bakrie.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Bandung Institute of Technology | https://www.itb.ac.id/ | No |
| Bandung Islamic University | https://www.unisba.ac.id/ | No |
| Binus University | https://www.binus.ac.id/ | No |
| Bogor Agricultural University | https://www.ipb.ac.id/ | No |
| Borneo Tarakan University | https://www.borneo.ac.id/ | No |
| Budi Luhur University | https://www.budiluhur.ac.id/ | No |
| Cenderawasih University | https://www.uncen.ac.id/ | No |
| De La Salle University Indonesia | https://unikadelasalle.ac.id/ | No |
| Diponegoro University | https://www.undip.ac.id/ | No |
| Duta Wacana Christian University | https://www.ukdw.ac.id/ | No |
| Electronic Engineering Polytechnic Institute of Surabaya | https://www.pens.ac.id/ | No |
| Esa Unggul University | https://www.esaunggul.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Gadjah Mada University | https://www.ugm.ac.id/ | No |
| Ganesha University of Education | https://www.undiksha.ac.id/ | No |
| Haluoleo University | https://www.uho.ac.id/ | No |
| Harapan Bangsa Institute of Technology | https://www.ithb.ac.id/ | Yes |
| HKBP Nommensen University | https://www.uhn.ac.id/ | No |
| Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Denpasar | https://isi-dps.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Indonesian Institute of the Arts, Yogyakarta | https://www.isi.ac.id/ | No |
| Indonesian State College of Accountancy | https://pknstan.ac.id/ | No |
| Indonesia University of Education | https://www.upi.edu/ | No |
| Indraprasta PGRI University | https://unindra.ac.id/ | No |
| International University Liaison Indonesia | https://iuli.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Islamic University of Indonesia | https://www.uii.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Jakarta State Polytechnic | https://www.pnj.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Jenderal Soedirman University | https://www.unsoed.ac.id/ | No |
| Kalimantan Institute of Technology | https://www.itk.ac.id/ | No |
| Khairun University | https://unkhair.ac.id/ | No |
| Klabat University | https://www.unklab.ac.id/ | No |
| Krida Wacana Christian University | https://www.ukrida.ac.id/ | No |
| Lambung Mangkurat University | https://www.ulm.ac.id/ | No |
| Lampung University | https://www.unila.ac.id/ | No |
| Malikussaleh University | https://unimal.ac.id/ | No |
| Maranatha Christian University | https://www.maranatha.edu/ | Yes |
| Maulana Malik Ibrahim State Islamic University Malang | https://uin-malang.ac.id/ | No |
| Mercu Buana University | https://www.mercubuana.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Methodist University of Indonesia | https://www.umi-mdn.ac.id/ | No |
| Muhammadiyah University of Magelang | https://unimma.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta | https://ums.ac.id/ | No |
| Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta | https://www.umy.ac.id/ | No |
| Mulawarman University | https://www.unmul.ac.id/ | No |
| Multimedia Nusantara University | https://www.umn.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Musamus Merauke University | https://unmus.ac.id/ | No |
| Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic Institute | https://www.iainu-kebumen.ac.id/ | No |
| Nahdlatul Ulama Islamic University | https://www.unisnu.ac.id/ | No |
| National Institute of Technology | https://www.nitcouncil.org.in/ | No |
| Nusa Cendana University | https://www.undana.ac.id/ | No |
| Padang State Polytechnic | https://www.polinpdg.ac.id/ | No |
| Padjadjaran University | https://www.unpad.ac.id/ | No |
| Palangkaraya University | https://www.upr.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Pattimura University | https://www.unpatti.ac.id/ | No |
| Pelita Harapan University | https://www.uph.edu/ | Yes |
| Petra Christian University | https://petra.ac.id/ | No |
| President University | https://www.president.ac.id/ | No |
| Raden Fatah State Islamic University | https://radenfatah.ac.id/ | No |
| Sam Ratulangi University | https://www.unsrat.ac.id/ | No |
| Samudra University | https://unsam.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Sanata Dharma University | https://www.usd.ac.id/ | No |
| Satya Wacana Christian University | https://www.uksw.edu/ | No |
| Sebelas Maret University | https://www.uns.ac.id/ | No |
| Semarang State University | https://www.unnes.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Sepuluh Nopember Institute of Technology | https://its.ac.id/ | No |
| Singaperbangsa University | https://www.unsika.ac.id/ | No |
| Soegijapranata Catholic University | https://www.unika.ac.id/ | No |
| Sriwijaya University | https://www.unsri.ac.id/ | No |
| State Islamic University of North Sumatra | https://uinsu.ac.id/ | No |
| State University of Gorontalo | https://www.ung.ac.id/ | No |
| State University of Jakarta | https://unj.ac.id/ | No |
| State University of Makassar | https://www.unm.ac.id/ | Yes |
| State University of Malang | https://www.um.ac.id/ | No |
| State University of Medan | https://www.unimed.ac.id/ | No |
| State University of Padang | https://www.unp.ac.id/ | No |
| State University of Surabaya | https://www.unesa.ac.id/ | No |
| Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa University | https://untirta.ac.id/ | No |
| Sultan Syarif Kasim II State Islamic University | https://www.uin-suska.ac.id/ | No |
| Sumatera Institute of Technology | https://www.itera.ac.id/ | No |
| Sunan Ampel State Islamic University Surabaya | https://www.uinsby.ac.id/ | No |
| Sunan Gunung Djati State Islamic University Bandung | https://www.uinsgd.ac.id/ | No |
| Sunan Kalijaga State Islamic University | https://www.uin-suka.ac.id/ | No |
| Surabaya Shipbuilding State Polytechnic | https://ships.ppns.ac.id/ | No |
| Surya University | https://www.surya.ac.id/ | No |
| Swiss German University | https://www.sgu.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Syarif Hidayatullah State Islamic University Jakarta | https://www.uinjkt.ac.id/ | No |
| Syiah Kuala University | https://www.unsyiah.ac.id/ | No |
| Tadulako University | https://www.untad.ac.id/ | No |
| Tanjungpura University | https://www.untan.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Tarumanagara University | https://untar.ac.id/ | No |
| Telkom University | https://www.telkomuniversity.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Teuku Umar University | https://utu.ac.id/ | No |
| Timor University | https://unimor.ac.id/ | No |
| Trisakti University | https://trisakti.ac.id/ | No |
| Trunojoyo University | https://www.trunojoyo.ac.id/ | No |
| Udayana University | https://www.unud.ac.id/ | No |
| Universitas Andalas | https://unand.ac.id/ | No |
| Universitas Jember | https://unej.ac.id/ | No |
| Universitas Katolik Parahyangan | https://unpar.ac.id/ | No |
| Universitas Kristen Indonesia | https://www.uki.ac.id/ | No |
| Universitas Terbuka | https://www.ut.ac.id/ | No |
| University of Amikom Yogyakarta | https://www.amikom.ac.id/ | No |
| University of Bangka Belitung | https://ubb.ac.id/ | No |
| University of Bengkulu | https://www.unib.ac.id/ | No |
| University of Brawijaya | https://www.ub.ac.id/ | No |
| University of Bunda Mulia | https://www.ubm.ac.id/ | No |
| University of Hasanuddin | https://www.unhas.ac.id/ | No |
| University of Indonesia | https://www.ui.ac.id/ | No |
| University of Jambi | https://www.unja.ac.id/ | No |
| University of Mataram | https://www.unram.ac.id/ | Yes |
| University of National Education | https://www.undiknas.ac.id/ | No |
| University of North Sumatra | https://usu.ac.id/ | No |
| University of Papua | https://www.unipa.ac.id/ | No |
| University of Pembangunan Nasional Veteran | https://www.upnjatim.ac.id/ | No |
| University of Riau | https://www.unri.ac.id/ | No |
| University of Surabaya | https://www.ubaya.ac.id/ | No |
| Walisongo State Islamic University | https://walisongo.ac.id/ | No |
| Warmadewa University | https://www.warmadewa.ac.id/ | No |
| Widya Mandala Catholic University | https://www.ukwms.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Wijaya Kusuma University, Surabaya | https://uwks.ac.id/ | Yes |
| Wijaya Putra University | https://uwp.ac.id/ | No |
| YARSI University | https://www.yarsi.ac.id/ | No |
| Yogyakarta State University | https://www.uny.ac.id/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Iran
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Abadan University of Medical Sciences | https://abadanums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Ahvaz Jundishapur University of Medical Sciences | https://ajums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Al-Mustafa International University | https://en.miu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Alborz University of Medical Sciences | https://www.abzums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Allameh Tabatabaii University | https://en.atu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Alzahra University | https://en.alzahra.ac.ir/ | No |
| Amirkabir University of Technology | https://aut.ac.ir/ | No |
| Arak University of Medical Sciences | https://www.arakmu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Arak University | https://www.araku.ac.ir/ | No |
| Ardabil University of Medical Sciences | https://www.arums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Azarbaijan University of Tarbiat Moallem | https://en2.azaruniv.ac.ir/ | No |
| Babol Noshirvani University of Technology | https://en.nit.ac.ir/ | No |
| Babol University of Medical Sciences | https://www.mubabol.ac.ir/ | No |
| Baqiyatallah Medical Sciences University | https://www.bmsu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Besat Institute of Higher Education of Kerman | https://besat.ac.ir/ | No |
| Birjand University of Medical Sciences | https://www.bums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Bu-Ali Sina University | https://www.basu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Bushehr University of Medical Sciences | https://www.bpums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Damghan University | https://du.ac.ir/ | No |
| Farhangian University | https://cfu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Fasa University | https://fasau.ac.ir/ | No |
| Gilan University of Medical Sciences | https://www.gums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Golestan University | https://www.gu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Golpayegan University of Engineering | https://www.gut.ac.ir/ | No |
| Gonbad Kavous University | https://gonbad.ac.ir/ | No |
| Gorgan University | https://www.gau.ac.ir/ | No |
| Hamedan University of Medical Sciences | https://www.umsha.ac.ir/ | No |
| Hatef Higher Education Institute | https://hatef.ac.ir/ | No |
| Imam Hossein University | https://www.ihu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Imam Khomeini International University | https://www.ikiu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Imam Sadeq University | https://www.isu.ac.ir/ | Yes |
| Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences | https://www.iasbs.ac.ir/ | No |
| Institute for Studies in Theoretical Physics and Mathematics | https://www.ipm.ac.ir/ | No |
| International University of Chabahar | https://www.iuc.ac.ir/ | No |
| Iran University of Medical Sciences | https://en.iums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Iran University of Science and Technology | https://www.iust.ac.ir/ | No |
| Isfahan University of Art | https://aui.ac.ir/ | No |
| Isfahan University of Medical Sciences | https://www.mui.ac.ir/ | No |
| Isfahan University of Technology | https://www.iut.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Ahar Branch | https://www.iau-ahar.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz Branch | https://ahvaz.iau.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Arak Branch | https://iau-arak.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Astara Branch | https://www.iau-astara.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Bandar Anzali Branch | https://www.iaubanz.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Bojnourd Branch | https://www.bojnourdiau.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch | https://www.iauctb.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Damavand Branch | https://www.damavandiau.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Farahan Branch | https://www.iau-farahan.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Garmsar Branch | https://www.iau-garmsar.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Gorgan Branch | https://www.gorganiau.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Isfahan Khorasgan Branch | https://www.khuisf.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Jahrom Branch | https://www.jia.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Karaj Branch | https://www.kiau.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Khomeyni Shahr Branch | https://www.iaukhsh.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Mahshahr Branch | https://www.mhriau.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Majlesi Branch | https://www.iaumajlesi.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Mashhad Branch | https://www.mshdiau.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Najafabad Branch | https://www.iaun.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Nishabur Branch | https://iau-neyshabur.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, North Tehran Branch | https://www.iau-tnb.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Parand Branch | https://www.piau.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Rasht Branch | https://iaurasht.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Sabzevar Branch | https://www.iaus.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Science and Research Branch, Tehran | https://www.srbiau.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Shahinshahr Branch | https://www.iaushsh.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Shahr-e-Qods Branch | https://qodsiau.ac.ir/ | Yes |
| Islamic Azad University, Shahr-e-Rey Branch | https://www.iausr.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Shahrekord Branch | https://iaushk.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Shiraz Branch | https://www.iaushiraz.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, South Tehran Branch | https://azad.ac.ir/ | Yes |
| Islamic Azad University, Tabriz Branch | https://www.iaut.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Tafresh Branch | https://www.iautb.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Tehran Medical Branch | https://www.iautmu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, Zanjan Branch | https://www.iauz.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University Roudehen Branch | https://riau.ac.ir/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University | https://www.iau.ac.ir/ | No |
| Jahrom University of Medical Sciences | https://www.jums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Jahrom University | https://jahromu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Jami Institute of Technology | https://jami.ac.ir/ | No |
| Jiroft University | https://ujiroft.ac.ir/ | No |
| K.N. Toosi University of Technology | https://www.kntu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Kashan University of Medical Sciences | https://www.kaums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences | https://gsia.kums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Kerman University of Medical Sciences | https://www.kmu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Kharazmi University | https://khu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Khayyam Institute of Higher Education, Mashhad | https://www.khayyam.ac.ir/ | No |
| Lamei Gorgani Institute of Higher Education | https://lameigorgani.ac.ir/ | No |
| Malek-Ashtar University of Technology | https://www.mut.ac.ir/ | No |
| Mashhad University of Medical Sciences | https://www.mums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Mashhad University | https://en.um.ac.ir/ | No |
| Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences | https://www.mazums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Mazandaran University of Science and Technology | https://www.ustmb.ac.ir/ | No |
| Medical University of Ilam | https://www.medilam.ac.ir/ | No |
| Mofid University | https://www.mofidu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Mohaghegh Ardabili University | https://www.uma.ac.ir/ | No |
| Mohajer Technical And Vocational College of Isfahan | https://www.mohajertc.ir/ | No |
| Montazeri Technical College of Mashhad | https://montazeri.tvu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Payame Noor University | https://www.pnu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Persian Gulf International Education Center | https://www.iaupg.ac.ir/ | No |
| Persian Gulf University | https://en.pgu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Petroleum University of Technology | https://www.put.ac.ir/ | No |
| Power and Water University of Technology | https://en.sbu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Qazvin Islamic Azad University | https://www.qiau.ac.ir/ | No |
| Qazvin University of Medical Sciences | https://www.qums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Qeshm Institute of Higher Education | https://www.qeshm.ac.ir/ | No |
| Qom University of Medical Sciences | https://www.muq.ac.ir/ | No |
| Quchan University of Advanced Technologies Engineering | https://www.qiet.ac.ir/ | No |
| Rafsanjan University of Medical Sciences | https://www.rums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Raja University | https://www.raja.ac.ir/ | No |
| Razi University | https://www.razi.ac.ir/ | No |
| Sabzevar Teacher Training University | https://www.hsu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Sahand University of Technology | https://www.sut.ac.ir/ | No |
| Shahed University, Tehran | https://www.shahed.ac.ir/ | No |
| Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman | https://www.uk.ac.ir/ | No |
| Shahid Beheshti Teacher Training College | https://www.tbm.ir/ | No |
| Shahid Beheshti University of Medical Sciences | https://www.sbmu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Shahid Chamran University of Ahvaz | https://www.scu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Shahid Rajaee University | https://www.sru.ac.ir/ | No |
| Shahid Sadoughi University of Medical Sciences and Health Services | https://web.ssu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences | https://www.skums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Shahrekord University | https://sku.ac.ir/ | No |
| Shahrood University of Technology | https://www.shahroodut.ac.ir/ | No |
| Shahroud University of Medical Sciences | https://shmu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Shariaty Technical College | https://www.shariaty.ac.ir/ | No |
| Sharif University of Technology | https://www.en.sharif.edu/ | No |
| Shiraz University of Medical Sciences | https://www.gsia.sums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Shiraz University of Technology | https://en.sutech.ac.ir/ | No |
| Shiraz University | https://shirazu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Shomal University | https://www.shomal.ac.ir/ | No |
| Soore University | https://en.soore.ac.ir/ | No |
| Tabarestan University | https://tabarestan.ac.ir/ | No |
| Tabriz University of Medical Sciences | https://www.tbzmed.ac.ir/ | No |
| Tarbiat Modares University | https://www.modares.ac.ir/ | No |
| Tehran University of Art | https://www.art.ac.ir/ | No |
| Tehran University of Medical Sciences | https://en.tums.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Bojnord | https://www.ub.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Bonab | https://www.bonabu.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Guilan | https://www.guilan.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Isfahan | https://www.ui.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Judicial Sciences and Administrative Services | https://www.ujsas.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Kashan | https://kashanu.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Kordestan | https://www.uok.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Maragheh | https://www.maragheh.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Mazandaran | https://www.umz.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Neyshabur | https://neyshabur.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Qom | https://qom.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Religions and Denominations | https://www.urd.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Science and Culture | https://usc.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Semnan | https://english.semnan.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Sistan and Baluchestan | https://www.usb.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Tabriz | https://tabrizu.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Tehran | https://ut.ac.ir/ | No |
| University of Yazd | https://www.yazd.ac.ir/ | No |
| Urmia University of Medical Sciences | https://www.umsu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Urmia University of Technology | https://www.uut.ac.ir/ | No |
| Urmia University | https://www.urmia.ac.ir/ | No |
| Yasuj University of Medical Sciences | https://en.yums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Zabol University of Medical Sciences | https://www.zbmu.ac.ir/ | No |
| Zabol University | https://www.uoz.ac.ir/ | No |
| Zand Institute of Higher Education | https://www.zand.ac.ir/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Iraq
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Ahlulbait University College | https://abu.edu.iq/ | No |
| Al-Hadba'a University College | https://alhadba-university.net/ | No |
| Al-Mustansiriya University | https://www.uomustansiriyah.edu.iq/ | No |
| Al Maamoon University College | https://almamonuc.edu.iq/ | No |
| Al Mansour University College | https://www.muc.edu.iq/ | No |
| Al Muthana University | https://mu.edu.iq/ | No |
| Al Nahrain University | https://nahrainuniv.edu.iq/ | No |
| Al Rafidain University College | https://www.coalrafidain.edu.iq/ | No |
| Al Rasheed University College | https://www.alrasheedcol.edu.iq/ | No |
| Alsalam University College | https://alsalam.edu.iq/ | No |
| Al Turath University College | https://turath.edu.iq/ | No |
| Al Yarmouk University College | https://al-yarmok.com/ | No |
| American University of Iraq - Baghdad | https://auib.edu.iq/ | Yes |
| Babylon University | https://www.uobabylon.edu.iq/ | No |
| Baghdad College of Economic Sciences University | https://baghdadcollege.edu.iq/ | Yes |
| Baghdad College Of Medical Sciences | https://www.bpc.edu.iq/ | No |
| Basrah University College of Science and Technology | https://basrah-college.edu.iq/ | No |
| Dijlah University College | https://www.duc.edu.iq/ | No |
| Diyala University | https://www.uodiyala.edu.iq/ | No |
| Hawler Medical University | https://hmu.edu.krd/ | Yes |
| Humanitarian Studies University College | https://alkafeel.edu.iq/ | No |
| Iraqi University | https://www.aliraqia.edu.iq/ | No |
| Kirkuk University | https://www.uokirkuk.edu.iq/ | No |
| Knowledge University | https://knu.edu.iq/ | Yes |
| Kufa University | https://www.uokufa.edu.iq/ | Yes |
| Madenat Alelem University College | https://www.madenatalelem.com/ | Yes |
| Misan University | https://www.uomisan.edu.iq/ | Yes |
| St. Clements University | https://www.stclements.edu/ | No |
| Tikrit University | https://www.tu.edu.iq/ | No |
| University of Al-Qadisiyah | https://qu.edu.iq/ | No |
| University of Anbar | https://www.uoanbar.edu.iq/ | No |
| University of Baghdad | https://www.uobaghdad.edu.iq/ | Yes |
| University of Basrah | https://www.uobasrah.edu.iq/ | No |
| University of Dhi Qar | https://utq.edu.iq/ | No |
| University of Duhok | https://www.uod.ac/ | No |
| University of Halabja | https://uoh.edu.iq/ | No |
| University of Karbala | https://www.uokerbala.edu.iq/ | No |
| University of Mosul | https://www.uomosul.edu.iq/ | Yes |
| University of Technology, Iraq | https://www.uotechnology.edu.iq/ | Yes |
| University of Wasit | https://www.uowasit.edu.iq/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Israel
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Afeka College of Engineering | https://english.afeka.ac.il/ | No |
| Al-Qasemi Academic College of Education | https://www.qsm.ac.il/ | No |
| Alon Shvut | https://www.alonshvut.org.il/ | No |
| Ariel University | https://www.ariel.ac.il/ | No |
| Ashkelon Academic College | https://www.ash-college.ac.il/ | No |
| Asia Theological Association | https://www.ataasia.com/ | No |
| Bar-Ilan University | https://www1.biu.ac.il/ | No |
| Beit Zvi School for the Performing Arts | https://www.beit-zvi.com/ | No |
| Ben-Gurion University of the Negev | https://in.bgu.ac.il/ | No |
| Bethlehem Bible College | https://www.umcmission.org/ | No |
| Bezalel Academy of Art and Design | https://www.bezalel.ac.il/ | No |
| College of Law and Business | https://clb.ac.il/ | No |
| College of Management Academic Studies | https://www.colman.ac.il/ | No |
| Dan Academic Center | https://www.dan.ac.il/ | No |
| David Yellin College of Education | https://www.dyellin.ac.il/ | No |
| Gordon College of Education | https://www.gordon.ac.il/ | No |
| Hadassah Academic College | https://hac.ac.il/ | No |
| Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion | https://www.huc.edu/ | No |
| Hebrew University of Jerusalem | https://en.huji.ac.il/ | No |
| Herzog College | https://www.herzog.ac.il/ | No |
| Holon Institute of Technology | https://www.hit.ac.il/ | No |
| IAF Technological College, Beersheba | https://techni-bs.iscool.co.il/ | No |
| Israel Air Force | https://www.iaf.org.il/ | No |
| Israel College of the Bible | https://college.oneforisrael.org/ | Yes |
| Jerusalem Academy of Music and Dance | https://www.jamd.ac.il/ | Yes |
| Jerusalem College of Engineering | https://jce-en.mipo.co.il/ | No |
| Jerusalem College of Technology | https://www.jct.ac.il/ | No |
| Jerusalem University College | https://www.juc.edu/ | No |
| Kaye Academic College of Education | https://kaye7.school.org.il/ | No |
| Kibbutzim College | https://en.smkb.ac.il/ | No |
| Kinneret Academic College | https://www.kinneret.ac.il/ | No |
| Kiryat Arba | https://www.kiryat4.org.il/ | No |
| Lifshitz College of Education | https://www.lif.ac.il/ | No |
| Max Stern Academic College of Emek Yezreel | https://www.yvc.ac.il/ | No |
| Ministry of Education Israel | https://edu.gov.il/ | No |
| Mofet Institute | https://www.mofet.macam.ac.il/ | No |
| Nazareth Evangelical College | https://www.nazcol.org/ | No |
| Netanya Academic College | https://www.netanya.ac.il/ | Yes |
| Ohalo College | https://www.ohalo.ac.il/ | No |
| Ono Academic College | https://www.ono.ac.il/ | Yes |
| Open University of Israel | https://www.openu.ac.il/ | No |
| Oranim Academic College | https://www.oranim.ac.il/ | No |
| Or Yehuda | https://www.oryehuda.muni.il/ | No |
| Peres Academic Center | https://www.pac.ac.il/ | No |
| Petah Tikva | https://www.petah-tikva.muni.il/ | No |
| Reichman University | https://www.idc.ac.il/ | No |
| Reidman College | https://www.reidman.co.il/ | No |
| Ruppin Academic Center | https://www.ruppin.ac.il/ | No |
| Sami Shamoon College of Engineering | https://en.sce.ac.il/ | Yes |
| Sam Spiegel Film and Television School | https://www.jsfs.co.il/ | No |
| Sapir Academic College | https://www.sapir.ac.il/ | No |
| Sha'arei Mishpat College | https://www.mishpat.ac.il/ | No |
| Shalem College | https://www.shalem.ac.il/ | No |
| Shenkar College of Engineering and Design | https://www.shenkar.ac.il/ | No |
| Talpiot College of Education | https://www.talpiot.ac.il/ | No |
| Technion - Israel Institute of Technology | https://www.technion.ac.il/ | No |
| Tel-Hai Academic College | https://english.telhai.ac.il/ | No |
| Tel Aviv University | https://english.tau.ac.il/ | No |
| The NB Haifa School of Design | https://www.wizodzn.ac.il/ | No |
| University of Haifa | https://www.haifa.ac.il/ | No |
| Weizmann Institute of Science | https://www.weizmann.ac.il/ | No |
| Western Galilee College | https://www.wgalil.ac.il/ | No |
| WIZO Haifa Academy of Design and Education | https://www.wizoex.co.il/ | No |
| Zhejiang Chinese Medical University | https://www.zcmu.edu.cn/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Japan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aichi Bunkyo University | https://www.abu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aichi Bunkyo Women's College | https://www.ai-bunkyo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aichi Gakuin University | https://www.agu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aichi Institute of Technology | https://www.ait.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aichi Kiwami College of Nursing | https://ns.aichi-kiwami.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aichi Konan College | https://www.konan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aichi Medical University | https://www.aichi-med-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aichi Mizuho Junior College | https://www.mizuho-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aichi Prefectural College of Nursing & Health | https://www.nrs.aichi-pu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aichi Prefectural University of Fine Arts and Music | https://www.aichi-fam-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aichi Shinshiro Otani University | https://www.owari.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aichi Toho University | https://www.aichi-toho.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aichi University of Education | https://www.aichi-edu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aichi University | https://www.aichi-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aikoku Gakuen Junior College | https://www.aikoku-jc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aikoku Gakuen University | https://www.aikoku-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aino University | https://www.aino.ac.jp/ | No |
| Akikusa Gakuen Junior College | https://www.akikusa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Akita International University | https://www.aiu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Akita Prefectural University | https://www.akita-pu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Akita University of Nursing and Welfare | https://www.well.ac.jp/ | No |
| Akita University | https://www.akita-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aomori Akenohoshi Junior College | https://www.aomori-akenohoshi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aomori Chuo Gakuin University | https://www.aomoricgu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aomori Public University | https://www.nebuta.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aomori University of Health and Welfare | https://www.auhw.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aomori University | https://www.aomori-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Aoyama Gakuin University | https://www.aoyama.ac.jp/ | No |
| Asahikawa Medical University | https://www.asahikawa-med.ac.jp/ | No |
| Asahikawa University | https://www.asahikawa-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Asahi University | https://www.asahi-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ashikaga Institute of Technology | https://www.ashitech.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ashikaga Junior College | https://www.ashikaga.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ashiya University | https://www.ashiya-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ashiya Women's College | https://www.ashiya-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Asia University Japan | https://www.asia-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Baika Women's University | https://www.baika.ac.jp/ | No |
| Baiko Gakuin University | https://www.baiko.ac.jp/ | No |
| Beppu Mizobe Gakuen College | https://www.mizobe.ac.jp/ | No |
| Beppu University | https://www.beppu-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Bukkyo University | https://www.bukkyo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Bunka Gakuen University | https://bwu.bunka.ac.jp/ | No |
| Bunkyo Gakuin University | https://www.u-bunkyo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Bunkyo University Women's College | https://www.bunkyo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Bunri University of Hospitality | https://www.bunri-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Bunsei University of Art | https://www.bunsei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Caritas Woman's Junior College | https://www.caritas.ac.jp/ | No |
| Chiba Institute of Technology | https://www.it-chiba.ac.jp/ | No |
| Chiba Keiai Junior College | https://www.chibakeiai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Chiba Keizai University | https://www.cku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Chiba Meitoku College | https://www.chibameitoku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Chiba Prefectural University of Health Sciences | https://www.pref.chiba.lg.jp/ | No |
| Chiba University | https://www.chiba-u.jp/ | No |
| Chikushi Jogakuen University | https://www.chikushi-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Chitose Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.chitose.ac.jp/ | No |
| Chofu Gakuen Junior College | https://www.dcu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Chubu Gakuin University | https://www.chubu-gu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Chugoku Gakuen University | https://www.cjc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Chukyo Junior College | https://www.chukyogakuin-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Chukyo University | https://www.chukyo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Chuo University | https://www.chuo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Chūbu University | https://www.chubu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Chūōgakuin University | https://www.cgu.ac.jp/ | No |
| College of Foreign Studies Yokohama | https://www.pref.kanagawa.jp/ | No |
| College of Healthcare Management | https://www.healthcare-m.ac.jp/ | No |
| College of Nursing Art and Science, Hyōgo | https://www.u-hyogo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Daido Institute of Technology | https://www.daido-it.ac.jp/ | No |
| Daiichi Institute of Technology | https://www.daiichi-koudai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Daiichi Junior College of Infant Education | https://jc.tsuzuki-edu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Daiichi University, College of Pharmaceutical Sciences | https://www.daiichi-cps.ac.jp/ | No |
| Daito Bunka University | https://www.daito.ac.jp/ | No |
| Doho University | https://www.doho.ac.jp/ | No |
| Dokkyo University | https://www.dokkyo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Doshisha University | https://www.doshisha.ac.jp/ | No |
| Doto University Junior College | https://www.seisadohto.ac.jp/ | No |
| Edogawa University | https://www.edogawa-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ehime University | https://www.ehime-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ehime Women's College | https://www.aitan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Elisabeth University of Music | https://www.eum.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ferris University | https://www.ferris.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fujita Health University | https://www.fujita-hu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fuji Tokoha University | https://www.fuji-tokoha-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fuji University | https://www.fuji-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukui Prefectural University | https://www.fpu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukui University of Technology | https://www.fukui-ut.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukui University | https://www.u-fukui.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukuoka College of Health Sciences | https://www.fdcnet.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukuoka Institute of Technology | https://www.fit.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukuoka International University | https://www.fukuoka-int-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukuoka Jo Gakuin University | https://www.fukujo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukuoka Junior College for Kindergarten Teachers | https://www.fukuoka-ue.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukuoka Social Medical Welfare University | https://www.dfu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukuoka University of Economics | https://www.jue.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukuoka University | https://www.fukuoka-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukuoka Women's Junior College | https://www.fukuoka-wjc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukuoka Women's University | https://www.fwu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukushima College | https://www.fukushima-college.com/ | No |
| Fukushima Medical University | https://www.fmu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukushima University | https://www.fukushima-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukuyama City Junior College for Women | https://www.fukuyama-jc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukuyama City University | https://www.fcu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukuyama Heisei University | https://www.heisei-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Fukuyama University | https://www.fukuyama-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Future University Hakodate | https://www.fun.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gakushuin University | https://www.univ.gakushuin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gifu City Women's College | https://www.gifu-cwc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gifu College of Nursing | https://www.gifu-cn.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gifu Junior College of Health Science | https://www.gifuhoken.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gifu Kyoritsu University | https://www.gifu-keizai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gifu Pharmaceutical University | https://www.gifu-pu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University | https://www.shotoku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gifu University of Medical Science | https://www.u-gifu-ms.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gifu University | https://www.gifu-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gifu Women's University | https://www.gijodai.jp/ | No |
| Globis University Graduate School of Management | https://www.globis.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gunma Paz College | https://www.paz.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gunma Prefectural College of Health Sciences | https://www.gchs.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gunma Prefectural Women's University | https://www.gpwu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gunma Shorei Junior College of Welfare | https://www.tkw.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gunma University of Social Welfare | https://www.shoken-gakuen.ac.jp/ | No |
| Gunma University | https://www.gunma-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hachinohe Institute of Technology | https://www.hi-tech.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hachinohe University | https://www.hachinohe-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hagoromo International University | https://www.hagoromo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hakodate Otani College | https://www.hakodate-otani.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hakuho College | https://www.hakuho.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hakuoh University | https://hakuoh.jp/ | No |
| Hamamatsu University | https://www.hamamatsu-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hanazono University | https://www.hanazono.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hannan University | https://www.hannan-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Health Science University | https://www.kenkoudai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Heian Jogakuin University | https://www.heian.ac.jp/ | No |
| Heisei College of Music | https://www.heisei-music.ac.jp/ | No |
| Heisei International University | https://www.hiu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Higashi Chikushi Junior College | https://www.hcc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Higashikyushu Junior College | https://www.higashikyusyu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Higashi Nippon International University | https://www.shk-ac.jp/ | No |
| Higashiosaka College | https://www.higashiosaka.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hijiyama University | https://www.hijiyama-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Himeji Dokkyo University | https://www.himeji-du.ac.jp/ | No |
| Himeji Hinomoto College | https://www.himeji-hc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hirosaki Gakuin University | https://www.hirogaku-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hirosaki University | https://www.hirosaki-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hirosaki Welfare Junior College | https://www.hirosakiuhw.jp/ | No |
| Hiroshima Bunka Two-year College | https://www.h-bunka.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hiroshima Bunkyo University | https://www.h-bunkyo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hiroshima City University | https://www.hiroshima-cu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hiroshima Institute of Technology | https://hirokoudai.jp/ | No |
| Hiroshima Jogakuin University | https://www.hju.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hiroshima Kokusai Gakuin University | https://www.hkg.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hiroshima Shudo University | https://www.shudo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hiroshima University of Economics | https://www.hue.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hiroshima University | https://www.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hiroshima Women's University | https://www.pu-hiroshima.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hitotsubashi University | https://www.hit-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hokkaido Automotive Engineering College | https://www.haec.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hokkaido Bunkyo University | https://www.do-bunkyodai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hokkaido College, Senshu University | https://www.senshu-hc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hokkaido College of Pharmacy | https://www.hokuyakudai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hokkaido Information University | https://www.do-johodai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hokkaido Institute of Technology | https://www.hus.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hokkaido Musashi Women's Junior College | https://www.musashi-jc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hokkaido University of Education | https://www.hokkyodai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hokkaido University | https://www.global.hokudai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hokkai Gakuen University | https://www.hgu.jp/ | No |
| Hokuriku University | https://www.hokuriku-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hokusei Gakuen University | https://www.hokusei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hosei University | https://www.hosei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hoshi University | https://www.hoshi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hyogo College of Medicine | https://www.hyo-med.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hyogo University of Teacher Education | https://www.office.hyogo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Hyogo University | https://www.hyogo-dai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ibaraki Christian University | https://www.icc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ibaraki Prefectural University of Health Sciences | https://www.ipu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ibaraki University | https://www.ibaraki.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ibaraki Women's Junior college | https://www.taisei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ichinomiya Women's Junior College | https://www.tandai.ichinomiya.ac.jp/ | No |
| Iida Women's Junior College | https://www.iidawjc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ikenobo College | https://www.ikenobo-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ikuei Junior College | https://www.ikuei-g.ac.jp/ | No |
| Imabari Meitoku Junior College | https://www.meitan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Institute of Advanced Media Arts and Sciences | https://www.iamas.ac.jp/ | No |
| Institute of Technologists | https://www.iot.ac.jp/ | No |
| International Budo University | https://www.budo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| International Christian University | https://www.icu.ac.jp/ | No |
| International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies | https://www.icabs.ac.jp/ | No |
| International University of Health and Welfare | https://www.iuhw.ac.jp/ | No |
| International University of Japan | https://www.iuj.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ishikawa Prefectural Nursing University | https://www.ishikawa-nu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Iwaki Junior College | https://www.tonichi-kokusai-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Iwaki Meisei University | https://www.iwakimu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Iwakuni Junior College | https://www.iwakuni.ac.jp/ | No |
| Iwate College of Nursing | https://www.iwate-nurse.ac.jp/ | No |
| Iwate Medical University | https://www.iwate-med.ac.jp/ | No |
| Iwate Prefectural University | https://www.iwate-pu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Iwate University | https://www.iwate-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Izumi Junior College | https://www.izumi-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.jaist.ac.jp/ | No |
| Japan Christian Junior College | https://www.jcjc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Japanese Red Cross College of Nursing | https://www.redcross.ac.jp/ | No |
| Japan Lutheran College | https://www.luther.ac.jp/ | No |
| Japan Red Cross Aichi Junior College of Nursing | https://www.rctoyota.ac.jp/ | No |
| Japan Women's College of Physical Education | https://www.jwcpe.ac.jp/ | No |
| Japan Women's University | https://www.jwu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Jichi Medical University | https://www.jichi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Jin-ai University | https://www.jindai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Jin-ai Women's College | https://www.jin-ai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Jobu University | https://www.jobu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Joetsu University of Education | https://www.juen.ac.jp/ | No |
| Josai International University | https://www.jiu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Josai University | https://www.josai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Joshibi University of Art and Design | https://www.joshibi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Jumonji University | https://www.jumonji-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Junshin Junior College | https://www.junshin-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kacho College | https://www.kacho-college.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kagawa Junior College | https://www.kjc.ac.jp/ | Yes |
| Kagawa Prefectural College of Health Sciences | https://www.pref.kagawa.jp/ | No |
| Kagawa University | https://www.kagawa-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kagoshima Immaculate Heart University | https://www.k-junshin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kagoshima Prefectural College | https://www.k-kentan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kagoshima University | https://www.kagoshima-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kagoshima Women's Junior College | https://www.jkajyo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kaichi International University | https://www.kaichi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kanagawa Institute of Technology | https://www.kait.jp/ | No |
| Kanagawa University of Human Services | https://www.kuhs.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kanagawa University | https://www.kanagawa-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kanazawa College of Art | https://www.kanazawa-bidai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kanazawa Gakuin College | https://www.kanazawa-gu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kanazawa Institute of Technology | https://www.kanazawa-it.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kanazawa Medical University | https://www.kanazawa-med.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kanazawa Seiryo University | https://www.seiryo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kanazawa University | https://www.kanazawa-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kanda University of International Studies | https://www.kuis.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kansai College of Oriental Medicine | https://www.kansai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kansai Gaidai University | https://www.kansaigaidai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kansai Medical University | https://www.kmu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kansai University of International Studies | https://www.kuins.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kansai University of Nursing and Health Sciences | https://www.kki.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kansai University of Social Welfare | https://www.kusw.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kansai University of Welfare Sciences | https://www.fuksi-kagk-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kansai University | https://www.kansai-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kansai Women's College | https://www.kwc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kanto Gakuen University | https://www.kanto-gakuen.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kanto Gakuin University | https://univ.kanto-gakuin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kawaguchi Junior College | https://www.kawaguchi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kawamura Gakuen Women's University | https://www.kgwu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kawasaki City College of Nursing | https://www.kawasaki-nursing-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kawasaki College of Allied Health Professions | https://www.kawasaki-m.ac.jp/ | No |
| Keiai University | https://www.u-keiai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Keio University | https://www.keio.ac.jp/ | No |
| Keisen University | https://www.keisen.ac.jp/ | No |
| Keiwa College | https://www.keiwa-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kibi International University Junior College | https://junsei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kibi International University | https://kiui.jp/ | No |
| Kindai University | https://www.kindai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kinjo Gakuin University | https://www.kinjo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kinjo University | https://www.kinjo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kinki Welfare University | https://www.kinwu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kio University | https://www.kio.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kiryu University | https://www.kiryu-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kitakyushu Junior College | https://www.kitakyu-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kitami Institute of Technology | https://www.kitami-it.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kitasato University School of Veterinary Medicine & Animal Sciences | https://www.kitasato-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe City College of Nursing | https://www.kobe-ccn.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe City University of Foreign Studies | https://www.kobe-cufs.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe College of Liberal Arts | https://www.kobe-bunka.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe College | https://www.kobe-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe Design University | https://www.kobe-du.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe Gakuin University | https://www.kobegakuin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe Institute of Computing | https://www.kic.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe Kaisei College | https://www.kaisei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe Pharmaceutical University | https://www.kobepharma-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe Shinwa Women's University | https://www.kobe-shinwa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe Shoin Women's University | https://www.shoin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe Tokiwa University | https://www.kobe-tokiwa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe University | https://www.kobe-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe Women's Junior College | https://www.yg.kobe-wu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kobe Yamate University | https://www.kobe-yamate.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kochi Gakuen College | https://www.kochi-gc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kochi University of Technology | https://www.kochi-tech.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kochi Women's University | https://www.u-kochi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Koen Gakuen Women's Junior College | https://tandai.koen.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kogakkan University | https://www.kogakkan-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kogakuin University | https://www.kogakuin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kokugakuin Tochigi Junior College | https://www.kokugakuintochigi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kokugakuin University Hokkaido Junior College | https://www.kokugakuin-jc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kokugakuin University | https://www.kokugakuin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kokusai Gakuin Saitama Junior College | https://www.kgef.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kokusai Junior College | https://www.kokutan.net/ | No |
| Kokushikan University | https://www.kokushikan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Komatsu College | https://www.komatsu-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Komatsu University | https://www.komatsu-u.jp/ | No |
| Komazawa University | https://www.komazawa-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Komazawa Women's Junior College | https://www.komajo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Konan University | https://www.konan-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Konan Women's University | https://www.konan-wu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Koran Women's Junior College | https://www.koran.ac.jp/ | No |
| Koriyama Women's University | https://www.koriyama-kgc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Koshien Junior College | https://www.koshien-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Koshien University | https://www.koshien.ac.jp/ | No |
| Koyasan University | https://www.koyasan-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kumamoto Gakuen University | https://www.kumagaku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kumamoto Health Science University | https://www.kumamoto-hsu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kumamoto University | https://ewww.kumamoto-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kunitachi College of Music | https://www.kunitachi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kurashiki City College | https://www.kurashiki-cu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kurashiki Sakuyo University | https://www.ksu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kurashiki University of Science and the Arts | https://www.kusa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kure University | https://www.kure-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kurume Institute of Technology | https://www.kurume-it.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kurume Shin-Ai Women's College | https://www.kurume-shinai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kurume University | https://www.kurume-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kushiro Junior College | https://www.midorigaoka.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kushiro Public University of Economics | https://www.kushiro-pu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kwansei Gakuin University | https://global.kwansei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kwassui Women's University | https://www.kwassui.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoei Gakuen Junior College | https://www.kyoei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyorin University | https://www.kyorin-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto Bunkyo University | https://www.kbu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto City University of Arts | https://www.kcua.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto College of Economics | https://www.kyoto-econ.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto College of Graduate Studies for Informatics | https://www.kcg.edu/ | No |
| Kyoto Institute of Technology | https://www.kit.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto Junior College of Foreign Languages | https://www.kufs.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto Koka Women's University | https://www.koka.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto Notre Dame University | https://www.notredame.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto Pharmaceutical University | https://www.kyoto-phu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine | https://www.kpu-m.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto Prefectural University | https://www.kpu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto Saga University of Arts | https://www.kyoto-saga.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto Sangyo University | https://www.kyoto-su.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto Seika University | https://www.kyoto-seika.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto Seizan College | https://www.seizan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto Tachibana University | https://www.tachibana-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto University of Advanced Science | https://www.kuas.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto University of Education | https://www.kyokyo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto University of the Arts | https://www.kyoto-art.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto University | https://www.kyoto-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyoto Women's University | https://www.kyoto-wu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu Dental University | https://www.kyu-dent.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu Institute of Design | https://www.kyushu-id.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu Institute of Information Sciences | https://www.kiis.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu International University | https://www.kiu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu Kyoritsu University | https://www.kyukyo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu Lutheran College | https://www.klc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu Nutrition Welfare University | https://www.knwu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu Otani Junior College | https://www.kyushuotani.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu Ryukoku Junior College | https://www.k-ryukoku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu Sangyo University | https://www.ip.kyusan-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu Tokai University | https://www.ktokai-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu University of Health and Welfare | https://www.phoenix.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu University of Nursing and Social Welfare | https://www.kyushu-ns.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu University | https://www.kyushu-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kyushu Women's Junior College | https://www.kwuc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kōchi University | https://www.kochi-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Lakeland University Japan and VWU Global | https://luj.lakeland.edu/ | No |
| Maebashi Institute of Technology | https://www.maebashi-it.ac.jp/ | No |
| Maebashi Kyoai Gakuen College | https://www.kyoai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Matsumoto Dental University | https://www.mdu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Matsumoto Junior College | https://www.matsutan.jp/ | No |
| Matsumoto University | https://www.matsumoto-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Matsuyama Shinonome College | https://www.shinonome.ac.jp/ | No |
| Matsuyama University | https://www.matsuyama-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Meiji Gakuin University | https://www.meijigakuin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Meiji University of Integrative Medicine | https://www.meiji-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Meiji University | https://www.meiji.ac.jp/ | No |
| Meijo University | https://www.meijo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Meikai University | https://www.meikai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Meio University | https://www.meio-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Meirin College | https://www.meirin-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Meisei University | https://www.meisei-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Meiwa Gakuen Junior College | https://www.hirakatagakuen.ac.jp/ | No |
| Mejiro University | https://mejiro.ac.jp/ | No |
| Meteorological College | https://www.mc-jma.go.jp/ | No |
| Mie Chukyo University | https://www.mie-chukyo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Mie Prefectural College of Nursing | https://www.mcn.ac.jp/ | No |
| Mie University | https://www.mie-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Mimasaka University | https://mimasaka.jp/ | No |
| Minami Kyushu Junior College | https://www.mkjc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Minatogawa College | https://www.minatogawa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Minobusan University | https://www.min.ac.jp/ | No |
| Misono Gakuen Junior College | https://www.misono-jc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Mito Junior College | https://www.mitotandai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Miyagi Gakuin Women's College | https://www.mgu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Miyagi Seishin Junior College | https://miyagi-seishin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Miyagi University of Education | https://www1.miyakyo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Miyagi University | https://www.myu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Miyazaki Gakuen Junior College | https://www.mwjc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Miyazaki International College | https://www.mic.ac.jp/ | No |
| Miyazaki Municipal University | https://www.miyazaki-mu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Miyazaki Prefectural Nursing University | https://www.mpu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Miyazaki Sangyo-keiei University | https://www.miyasankei-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Momoyama Gakuin University | https://www.andrew.ac.jp/ | No |
| Morinomiya University of Medical Sciences | https://www.morinomiya-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Morioka University | https://www.morioka-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Mukogawa Women's University | https://www.mukogawa-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Muroran Institute of Technology | https://muroran-it.ac.jp/ | No |
| Musashigaoka College | https://www.musashigaoka.ac.jp/ | No |
| Musashi Institute of Technology | https://www.tcu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Musashino Academia Musicae | https://www.musashino-music.ac.jp/ | No |
| Musashino Art University | https://www.musabi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Musashino Gakuin University | https://www.musa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Musashino Junior College | https://www.musashino.ac.jp/ | No |
| Musashino University | https://www.musashino-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Musashi University | https://www.musashi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagahama Institute of Bio-Science and Technology | https://www.nagahama-i-bio.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagano College of Economics | https://www.keitan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagano College of Nursing | https://www.nagano-nurs.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagano University | https://www.nagano.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagano Women's Junior College | https://www.nagajo-junior-college.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagaoka Institute of Design | https://www.nagaoka-id.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagaoka University of Technology | https://www.nagaokaut.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagaoka University | https://www.nagaokauniv.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagasaki Gyokusei Junior College | https://www.tamaki.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagasaki Institute of Applied Science | https://www.nias.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagasaki International University | https://www.niu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagasaki Junior College | https://www.njc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagasaki Junshin Catholic University | https://www.n-junshin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagasaki Prefectural University | https://www.nagasakipu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagasaki University of Foreign Studies | https://www.nagasaki-gaigo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagasaki University | https://www.nagasaki-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagasaki Wesleyan University | https://www.wesleyan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagasaki Women's Junior College | https://www.nagasaki-joshi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya Bunri College | https://www.nagoya-bunri.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya City University | https://www.nagoya-cu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya College of Music | https://www.meion.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya College | https://www.nagoyacollege.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya Future Culture College | https://www.yamadagakuen.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya Gakuin University | https://www.ngu.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya Institute of Technology | https://www.nitech.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya Keizai University | https://www.nagoya-ku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya Management Junior College | https://www.jc.nagoya-su.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya University of Arts and Sciences | https://www.nuas.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya University of Arts | https://www.nua.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya University of Commerce & Business | https://www.nucba.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya University of Foreign Studies | https://www-e.nufs.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya University | https://www.nagoya-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya Women's University | https://www.nagoya-wu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya Zokei University of Art & Design | https://www.nzu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nakakyushu Junior College | https://www.nkjc.jp/ | No |
| Nakamura Gakuen University | https://www.nakamura-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nakanihon Automotive College | https://www.nakanihon.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nanzan Junior College | https://www.nanzan-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Narabunka Women's College | https://www.narabunka.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nara College of Arts | https://www.naragei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nara Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.naist.jp/ | No |
| Nara Medical University | https://www.naramed-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nara Prefectural University | https://www.narapu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nara Saho College | https://www.narasaho-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nara Sangyo University | https://www.naragakuen-u.jp/ | No |
| Nara University of Education | https://www.nara-edu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nara University | https://www.nara-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nara Women's University | https://www.nara-wu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Naruto University of Education | https://www.naruto-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| National Graduate Institute for Policy Studies | https://www.grips.ac.jp/ | No |
| National Institute of Fitness and Sports in Kanoya | https://www.nifs-k.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nayoro City University | https://www.nayoro.ac.jp/ | No |
| Newton College (Japan) | https://www.newton.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nihon Bunka College | https://www.nihonbunka-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nihon Fukushi University | https://www.n-fukushi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nihon Institute of Medical Science | https://www.nims.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nihon Pharmaceutical University | https://www.nihonyakka.jp/ | No |
| Nihon University College of Engineering | https://www.nihon-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Niigata Chuoh Junior College | https://www.niigatachuoh-jc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Niigata College of Nursing | https://www.niigata-cn.ac.jp/ | No |
| Niigata College of Technology | https://www.niigata-ct.ac.jp/ | No |
| Niigata Institute of Technology | https://www.niit.ac.jp/ | No |
| Niigata Sangyo University | https://www.nsu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Niigata Seiryo University | https://www.n-seiryo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Niigata University of Health and Welfare | https://www.nuhw.ac.jp/ | No |
| Niigata University of International and Information Studies | https://www.nuis.ac.jp/ | No |
| Niigata University of Management | https://www.niigataum.ac.jp/ | No |
| Niigata University of Pharmacy and Applied Life Sciences | https://www.nupals.ac.jp/ | No |
| Niigata University | https://www.niigata-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Niigata Woman's College | https://www.nicol.ac.jp/ | No |
| Niijima Gakuen Junior College | https://ns.niitan.jp/ | No |
| Nippon Bunri University | https://www.nbu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nippon Institute of Technology | https://www.nit.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nippon Medical School | https://www.nms.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nippon Sport Science University | https://www.nittai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nippon Veterinary and Life Science University | https://www.nvlu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nishi-nippon Junior College | https://www.nishitan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nishikyushu University | https://www.nisikyu-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nishinippon Institute of Technology | https://www.nishitech.ac.jp/ | No |
| Nishogakusha University | https://www.nishogakusha-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| North Asia University | https://www.nau.ac.jp/ | No |
| Notre Dame Seishin University | https://www.ndsu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Obihiro Otani Junior College | https://www.oojc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine | https://www.obihiro.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ochanomizu University | https://www.ocha.ac.jp/ | No |
| Odawara Women's Junior College | https://www.odawara.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ogaki Women's College | https://www.ogaki-tandai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ohkagakuen College | https://www.ohkagakuen-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ohu University | https://www.ohu-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Oita Junior College | https://www.oitatandai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Oita Prefectural College of Arts and Culture | https://www.oita-pjc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Oita University of Nursing and Health Sciences | https://www.oita-nhs.ac.jp/ | No |
| Oita University | https://www.oita-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Okayama College | https://www.owc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Okayama Prefectural University | https://www.oka-pu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Okayama Shoka University | https://www.osu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Okayama University of Science | https://www.ous.ac.jp/ | No |
| Okayama University | https://www.okayama-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Okazaki Women's Junior College | https://www.okazaki-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Okinawa Christian Junior College | https://www.ocjc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.oist.jp/ | No |
| Okinawa International University | https://www.okiu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing | https://www.okinawa-nurs.ac.jp/ | No |
| Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts | https://www.okigei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Okinawa University | https://www.okinawa-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Okinawa Women's Junior College | https://www.owjc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Onomichi City University | https://www.onomichi-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Orio Aishin Junior College | https://www.orioaishin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Aoyama Junior College | https://www.osaka-aoyama.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Chiyoda Junior College | https://www.chiyoda.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Christian College | https://www.occ.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka City University | https://www.osaka-cu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka College of Music | https://www.daion.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Dental University | https://www.osaka-dent.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Electro Communication University | https://www.osakac.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Gakuin Junior College | https://www.osaka-gu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Institute of Technology | https://www.oit.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka International University | https://www.oiu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Jogakuin University | https://www.wilmina.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Jonan Women's Junior College | https://www.jonan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Junior College of Social Health and Welfare | https://www.kenko-fukushi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Kawasaki Rehabilitation University | https://www.kawasakigakuen.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Kun-ei Women's College | https://www.kun-ei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Kyoiku University | https://osaka-kyoiku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Medical College | https://www.osaka-med.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Ohtani College | https://www.osaka-ohtani.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Prefecture University | https://www.osakafu-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Sangyo University & Junior College | https://www.osaka-sandai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Seikei College | https://www.osaka-seikei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Shin-ai College | https://www.osaka-shinai.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Shoin Women's University | https://www.osaka-shoin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka University of Arts | https://www.osaka-geidai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka University of Commerce | https://ouc.daishodai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka University of Economics & Law | https://www.keiho-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka University of Economics | https://www.osaka-ue.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka University of Health and Sport Sciences | https://www.ouhs.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka University of Human Sciences | https://www.ohs.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka University of Pharmaceutical Sciences | https://www.oups.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka University of Tourism | https://www.tourism.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka University | https://www.osaka-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Women's Junior College | https://www.owjc.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Yuhigaoka Gakuen Junior College | https://www.oyg.ac.jp/ | No |
| Otaru University of Commerce | https://www.otaru-uc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Otemae University | https://www.otemae.ac.jp/ | No |
| Otsuma Women's University | https://www.otsuma.ac.jp/ | No |
| Poole Gakuin University | https://www.poole.ac.jp/ | No |
| Prefectural University of Kumamoto | https://www.pu-kumamoto.ac.jp/ | No |
| Rakuno Gakuen University | https://www.rakuno.ac.jp/ | No |
| Reitaku University | https://www.reitaku-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Rikkyo University | https://www.rikkyo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Rissho University | https://www.ris.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University | https://www.apu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ritsumeikan University | https://en.ritsumei.ac.jp/ | Yes |
| Ryukoku University | https://www.ryukoku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ryutsu Keizai University | https://www.rku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sagami Women's University | https://www.sagami-wu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Saga University | https://www.saga-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Saga Women's Junior College | https://www.asahigakuen.ac.jp/ | No |
| Saitama Gakuen University | https://www.saigaku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Saitama Institute of Technology | https://www.sit.ac.jp/ | No |
| Saitama Junshin Junior College | https://www.sai-junshin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Saitama Medical University | https://www.saitama-med.ac.jp/ | No |
| Saitama Prefectural University | https://www.spu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Saitama University | https://www.saitama-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Saitama Women's Junior College | https://www.saijo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sakai Women's Junior College | https://www.sakai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sakura no Seibo Junior College | https://www.sakuranoseibo.jp/ | No |
| Sakushin Gakuin University | https://www.sakushin-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Saku University | https://www.saku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sanno University | https://www.mi.sanno.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sano College | https://sanotan.jp/ | No |
| Sanyo Gakuen College | https://www.sguc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sanyo Women's College | https://www.sanyo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sapporo City University | https://www.scu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sapporo Gakuin University | https://www.sgu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sapporo International University | https://www.siu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sapporo Otani Junior College | https://www.sapporo-otani.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sapporo University | https://www.sapporo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Science University of Tokyo | https://www.tus.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seian University of Art and Design | https://www.seian.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seibi Gakuen College | https://www.seibi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seigakuin University | https://www.seigakuin.jp/ | No |
| Seijo University | https://www.seijo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seika Women's Junior College | https://www2.seika.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seikei University | https://www.seikei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seinan Gakuin University | https://www.seinan-gu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seinan Jo Gakuin University | https://www.seinan-jo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seirei Christopher University | https://www.seirei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seisa University | https://www.seisa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seisen Jogakuin College | https://www.seisen-jc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seisen University (Shiga) | https://www.seisen.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seisen University Tokyo | https://www.seisen-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seitoku University | https://www.seitoku.jp/ | No |
| Seiwa College | https://www.seiwa-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seiwa Gakuen College | https://www.seiwa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Seiwa University | https://www.seiwa-univ.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sendai College | https://www.sendaidaigaku.jp/ | No |
| Sendai Shirayuri Women's College | https://www.sendai-shirayuri.ac.jp/ | No |
| Senri Kinran University | https://www.kinran.ac.jp/ | No |
| Senshu University | https://www.senshu-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Senzoku Gakuen College | https://www.senzoku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Setouchi Junior College | https://www.setouchi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Setsunan University | https://www.setsunan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shibaura Institute of Technology | https://www.shibaura-it.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shiga Bunkyo Junior College | https://www.s-bunkyo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shiga Junior College | https://www.sumire.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shigakukan University | https://www.shigakukan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shiga University of Medical Science | https://www.shiga-med.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shiga University | https://www.shiga-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shijonawate Gakuen Junior College | https://www.shijonawate-gakuen.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shikoku Gakuin University | https://www.sg-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shikoku University | https://www.shikoku-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shimane University | https://www.shimane-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shimonoseki City University | https://www.shimonoseki-cu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shimonoseki Junior College | https://www.shimonoseki-jc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shinshu Honan Junior College | https://www.honan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shinsyu University | https://www.shinshu-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shiraume Gakuen University | https://daigaku.shiraume.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shirayuri Women's University | https://www.shirayuri.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shitennoji University | https://www.shitennoji.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shizuoka Eiwa Gakuin University | https://www.shizuoka-eiwa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shizuoka Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.sist.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shizuoka Sangyo University | https://www.ssu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shizuoka University of Art and Culture | https://www.suac.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shizuoka University of Welfare | https://www.suw.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shizuoka University | https://www.shizuoka.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shobi University | https://www.shobi-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shoei Junior College | https://www.glory-shoei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shogen Junior College | https://www.shogen.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shohoku College | https://www.shohoku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shoinhigashi Women's Junior College | https://shoinhigashi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shoin University | https://www.shoin-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shokei College | https://www.shokei-gakuen.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shokei Gakuin University | https://www.shokei.jp/ | No |
| Shonan Junior College | https://www.shonan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Showagakuin Junior College | https://www.showagakuin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Showa University of Music | https://www.tosei-showa-music.ac.jp/ | No |
| Showa Women's University | https://swu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shubun University | https://www.shubun.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shuchiin University | https://www.shuchiin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shujitsu University | https://www.shujitsu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shuko Junior College | https://www.shuko.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shukugawa Gakuin College | https://www.shukugawa-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shukugawa Gakuin Junior College | https://www.kobeshukugawa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shukutoku University | https://www.shukutoku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Shumei University | https://www.shumei-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Soai University | https://www.soai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sojo University | https://www.sojo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sonoda Women's University | https://www.sonoda-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sophia University | https://www.sophia.ac.jp/ | No |
| St. Catherine University Japan | https://www.catherine.ac.jp/ | No |
| St. Cecilia Women's Junior College | https://www.cecilia-wjc.ac.jp/ | No |
| St. Luke's International University | https://university.luke.ac.jp/ | No |
| St. Margaret's Junior College | https://jc.rikkyojogakuin.ac.jp/ | No |
| St. Marianna University School of Medicine | https://www.marianna-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| St. Mary's College (Japan) | https://www.st-mary.ac.jp/ | No |
| St. Mary's College, Nagoya | https://www.ryujo.ac.jp/ | No |
| St. Thomas University, Japan | https://www.st.thomas.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sugino Fashion College | https://www.sugino-fc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sugiyama Jogakuen University, Junior College | https://www.sugiyama-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Surugadai University | https://www.surugadai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Suzugamine Women's College | https://www.suzugamine.ac.jp/ | No |
| Suzuka International University | https://www.suzuka-iu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Suzuka University of Medical Science | https://www.suzuka-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Sōka University | https://www.soka.ac.jp/ | No |
| Taisei Gakuin University | https://www.tgu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Taisho University | https://www.tais.ac.jp/ | No |
| Takachiho University | https://www.takachiho.jp/ | No |
| Takamatsu Junior College | https://www.takamatsu-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Takaoka University of Law | https://www.takaoka.ac.jp/ | No |
| Takarazuka University | https://www.takara-univ.ac.jp/ | No |
| Takasaki City University of Economics | https://www.tcue.ac.jp/ | No |
| Takasaki University of Commerce | https://www.tuc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Takasaki University of Health and Welfare | https://www.takasaki-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Takayama College of Car Technology | https://www.takayamacollege.ac.jp/ | No |
| Takushoku University | https://www.takushoku-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tama Art University | https://www.tamabi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tama University | https://www.tama.ac.jp/ | No |
| Teikyo-Gakuen Junior College | https://www.teikyo-gjc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Teikyo Heisei Nursing Junior College | https://www.thjc.jp/ | No |
| Teikyo Heisei University | https://www.thu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Teikyo University of Science | https://www.ntu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Teikyo University | https://www.teikyo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Temple University, Japan Campus | https://www.tuj.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tenri University | https://www.tenri-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tenshi College | https://www.tenshi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tezukayama Gakuin University | https://www.tezuka-gu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tezukayama University | https://www.tezukayama-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| The International University of Kagoshima | https://www.iuk.ac.jp/ | No |
| The Japanese Red Cross Kyushu International College of Nursing | https://www.jrckicn.ac.jp/ | No |
| The Nippon Dental University College at Niigata | https://www2.ndu.ac.jp/ | No |
| The University of Shiga Prefecture | https://www.usp.ac.jp/ | No |
| Toho College of Music | https://www.toho-music.ac.jp/ | No |
| Toho Gakuen School of Music | https://www.tohomusic.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tohoku Bunka Gakuen University | https://www.tbgu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tohoku Fukushi University | https://www.tfu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tohoku Gakuin University | https://www.tohoku-gakuin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tohoku Institute of Technology | https://www.tohtech.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tohoku Pharmaceutical University | https://www.tohoku-mpu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tohoku Seikatsu Bunka College | https://www.mishima.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tohoku University of Art and Design | https://www.tuad.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tohoku University of Community Service and Science | https://www.koeki-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tohoku University | https://www.tohoku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tohoku Women's College | https://www.tojo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Toho University | https://www.toho-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tohwa University | https://www.junshin.org/ | No |
| Toin University of Yokohama | https://toin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Toita Women's College | https://www.toita.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokai Gakuin University | https://www.tokaigakuin-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokiwakai College | https://www.tokiwakai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokiwakai Gakuen University | https://www.sftokiwakai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokiwa University | https://www.tokiwa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokoha Gakuen Junior College | https://www.tokoha-jc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokoha University | https://www.tokoha-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokushima Bunri University Kagawa Campus | https://www.bunri-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokushima College of Technology | https://www.tokuco.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokuyama University | https://www.tokuyama-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Bunka Junior College | https://www.nitobebunka.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Christian University | https://acts.tci.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo College of Music | https://www.tokyo-ondai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo College of Transport Studies | https://toko.hosho.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Denki University | https://www.dendai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Dental College | https://www.tdc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Fuji University | https://www.fuji.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Future University | https://www.tokyomirai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Institute of Polytechnics | https://www.t-kougei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Institute of Technology | https://www.titech.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo International University | https://www.tiu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Jogakkan College | https://www.tjk.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Junshin Women's College | https://www.t-junshin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Kasei-Gakuin Junior College | https://www.kasei-gakuin.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Kasei Gakuin Tsukuba Women's University | https://www.tsukuba-g.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Kasei University | https://tokyo-kasei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Keizai University | https://www.tku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Management College | https://www.tmc-ipd.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Medical and Dental University | https://www.tmd.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Medical University | https://www.tokyo-med.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Metropolitan University | https://www.tmu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music | https://geidai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Rissho Junior College | https://www.tokyorissho.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Seitoku College | https://www.tsc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Seitoku University | https://www.tsu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology | https://www.tuat.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo University of Agriculture | https://www.nodai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo University of Foreign Studies | https://www.tufs.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo University of Information Sciences | https://www.tuis.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo University of Marine Science & Technology | https://www.kaiyodai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences | https://www.toyaku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo University of Social Welfare | https://www.tokyo-fukushi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo University of Technology | https://www.teu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Woman's Christian University | https://www.twcu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Women's Junior College of Physical Education | https://www.twcpe.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Zokei University | https://www.zokei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tomakomai Komazawa University | https://www.t-komazawa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tottori College | https://www.cygnus.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tottori University of Environmental Studies | https://www.kankyo-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tottori University | https://www.tottori-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Toyama College of Business and Information Technology | https://www.bit.urayama.ac.jp/ | No |
| Toyama College | https://www.toyama-c.ac.jp/ | No |
| Toyama Prefectural University | https://www.pu-toyama.ac.jp/ | No |
| Toyama University of International Studies | https://www.tuins.ac.jp/ | No |
| Toyo College of Food Technology | https://www.toshoku.ac.jp/ | No |
| Toyo Eiwa University | https://www.toyoeiwa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Toyo Gakuen University | https://www.tyg.jp/ | No |
| Toyohashi University of Technology | https://www.tut.ac.jp/ | No |
| Toyota Technological Institute | https://www.toyota-ti.ac.jp/ | No |
| Toyo University | https://www.toyo.ac.jp/ | Yes |
| Tsuda University | https://www.tsuda.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tsukuba International Junior College | https://www.ktt.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tsuruga College | https://www.tsuruga.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tsurukawa Women's Junior College | https://www.tsurukawatandai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tsurumi University | https://www.tsurumi-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tsuru University | https://www.tsuru.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tōkaigakuen Women's College | https://www.tokaigakuen-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tōkai University | https://www.u-tokai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ube Frontier University | https://www.frontier-u.jp/ | No |
| Ueda Women's Junior College | https://www.uedawjc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Uekusa Gakuen Junior College | https://www.uekusa.ac.jp/ | No |
| United Nations University | https://www.unu.edu/ | No |
| University of Aizu | https://www.u-aizu.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Creation; Art, Music & Social Work | https://souzou.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of East Asia | https://www.toua-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Electro-Communications | https://www.uec.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Fukuchiyama | https://fukuchiyama.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Human Arts and Sciences | https://www.human.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Marketing and Distribution Sciences | https://www.umds.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Miyazaki | https://www.miyazaki-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Nagano | https://www.u-nagano.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Niigata Prefecture | https://www.unii.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Occupational and Environmental Health Japan | https://www.uoeh-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Shimane | https://www.u-shimane.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Shizuoka | https://www.u-shizuoka-ken.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of the Ryukyus | https://www.u-ryukyu.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of the Sacred Heart Japan | https://www.u-sacred-heart.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Tokushima | https://www.tokushima-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Tokyo | https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Toyama | https://www.u-toyama.ac.jp/ | No |
| University of Tsukuba | https://www.tsukuba.ac.jp/ | No |
| Urawa University | https://www.urawa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Utsunomiya Junior College | https://www.ujc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Utsunomiya Kyowa University | https://www.kyowa-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Utsunomiya University | https://www.utsunomiya-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Uyō-Gakuen College | https://www.uyo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Wakayama Medical University | https://www.wakayama-med.ac.jp/ | No |
| Wakayama Shin-Ai Women's Junior College | https://www.shinai-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Wakayama University | https://www.wakayama-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Wakkanai Hokusei Gakuen University | https://www.wakhok.ac.jp/ | No |
| Waseda University | https://www.waseda.jp/ | Yes |
| Wayo Women's University | https://www.wayo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamagata Junior College | https://www.t-bunkyo.jp/ | No |
| Yamagata Prefectural University of Health Sciences | https://www.yachts.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamagata University | https://www.yamagata-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamaguchi College of Arts | https://www.yamaguchi-jca.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamaguchi Gakugei College | https://www.y-gakugei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamaguchi Junior College | https://www.yamaguchi-jc.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamaguchi Prefectural University | https://www.yamaguchi-pu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamaguchi University of Human Welfare and Culture | https://www.hagi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamaguchi University | https://www.yamaguchi-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamamura Gakuen College | https://www.yamamura-tandai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamanashi Eiwa University | https://www.yamanashi-eiwa.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamanashi Gakuin University | https://www.ygu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamanashi Prefectural University | https://www.yamanashi-ken.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamanashi University | https://www.yamanashi.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamano College of Aesthetics | https://www.yamano.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yamazaki College of Animal Health Technology | https://jc.yamazaki.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yashima Gakuen University | https://study.jp/ | No |
| Yasuda Women's University | https://www.yasuda-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yokkaichi University | https://www.yokkaichi-u.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yokohama City University | https://www.yokohama-cu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yokohama College of Art and Design | https://www.yokohama-art.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yokohama College of Commerce | https://www.shodai.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yokohama National University | https://www.ynu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yokohama Soei Junior College | https://www.soei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yokohama Women's Junior College | https://www.yokotan.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yonezawa Women's Junior College | https://www.yone.ac.jp/ | No |
| Ōtani University | https://www.otani.ac.jp/ | No |
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## Jordan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Al-Ahliyya Amman University | https://ammanu.edu.jo/ | No |
| Al-Hussein Bin Talal University | https://www.ahu.edu.jo/ | No |
| Al-Isra University | https://iu.edu.jo/ | No |
| Al-Zaytoonah University of Jordan | https://www.zuj.edu.jo/ | No |
| Al al-Bayt University | https://www.aabu.edu.jo/ | No |
| American University of Madaba AUM | https://aum.edu.jo/ | No |
| Amman Arab University | https://www.aau.edu.jo/ | No |
| Applied Science Private University | https://www.asu.edu.jo/ | No |
| Arab Academy for Banking and Financial Sciences | https://www.aambfs.org/ | No |
| Arab Open University | https://www.arabou.edu.kw/ | Yes |
| Balqa Applied University | https://www.bau.edu.jo/ | No |
| Columbia University | https://www.columbia.edu/ | Yes |
| German-Jordanian University | https://www.gju.edu.jo/ | No |
| Irbid National University | https://www.inu.edu.jo/ | No |
| Jadara University | https://www.jadara.edu.jo/ | No |
| Jerash Private University | https://www.jpu.edu.jo/ | No |
| Jordan Academy for Maritime Studies | https://www.jams.edu.jo/ | No |
| Jordan Academy of Music | https://jam.edu.jo/ | No |
| Jordan Institute of Banking Studies | https://www.ibs.edu.jo/ | Yes |
| Jordan Media Institute | https://www.jmi.edu.jo/ | Yes |
| Middle East University Jordan | https://www.meu.edu.jo/ | Yes |
| Mutah University | https://www.mutah.edu.jo/ | No |
| National University College of Technology | https://www.nuct.edu.jo/ | No |
| New York Institute of Technology | https://www.nyit.edu/ | No |
| Petra University | https://www.uop.edu.jo/ | No |
| Philadelphia University Jordan | https://www.philadelphia.edu.jo/ | No |
| Princess Sumaya University for Technology | https://www.psut.edu.jo/ | No |
| Queen Noor Civil Aviation Technical College | https://www.qnac.edu.jo/ | No |
| Tafila Technical University | https://www.ttu.edu.jo/ | No |
| The World Islamic Science & Education University W.I.S.E | https://www.wise.edu.jo/ | No |
| Zarqa Private University | https://zu.edu.jo/ | No |
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## Kazakhstan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University | https://www.kaznpu.kz/ | No |
| Adilet Law Academy | https://www.adilet.kz/ | No |
| Ahmet Yesevi Üniversitesi | https://ayu.edu.kz/ | No |
| Al-Farabi Kazakh National University | https://www.kaznu.kz/ | No |
| Almaty Management University | https://www.almau.edu.kz/ | No |
| Almaty University of Power Engineering and Telecommunications | https://www.aipet.kz/ | Yes |
| Auezov South Kazakhstan State University | https://www.ukgu.kz/ | No |
| D. Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University | https://www.ektu.kz/ | No |
| International Information Technology University | https://www.iitu.kz/ | No |
| Karaganda State Medical University | https://www.kgmu.kz/ | No |
| Karagandy State University | https://ksu.kz/ | No |
| Kazakh-British Technical University | https://www.kbtu.kz/ | No |
| Kazakh Ablai Khan University of International Relations and World Languages | https://ablaikhan.kz/ | No |
| Kazakh Leading Academy of Architecture and Civil Engineering | https://www.kazgasa.kz/ | No |
| Kazakh National Academy of Arts | https://kaznai.kz/ | No |
| Kazakh National Agrarian University | https://www.kaznau.kz/ | No |
| Kazakh National Conservatory | https://www.conservatoire.kz/ | No |
| Kazakh National Medical University | https://www.kaznmu.kz/ | Yes |
| Kazakh University of Economics, Finance and International Trade | https://kuef.kz/ | No |
| KIMEP University | https://www.kimep.kz/ | No |
| L.N.Gumilyov Eurasian National University | https://enu.kz/ | No |
| Narxoz University | https://www.narxoz.kz/ | No |
| Nazarbayev University | https://nu.edu.kz/ | No |
| North Kazakhstan State University | https://nkzu.kz/ | No |
| Sarsen Amanzholov East Kazakhstan State University | https://www.vkgu.kz/ | No |
| Satbayev Kazakh National Technical University | https://satbayev.university/ | No |
| Shymkent University | https://univershu.kz/ | No |
| Suleyman Demirel University | https://www.sdu.edu.kz/ | No |
| Turan University | https://turan-edu.kz/ | No |
| University of Central Asia | https://www.ucentralasia.org/ | No |
| West Kazakhstan State University | https://wksu.kz/ | No |
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## Kuwait
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Algonquin College - Kuwait | https://www.ac-kuwait.edu.kw/ | No |
| American University of Kuwait | https://www.auk.edu.kw/ | No |
| American University of the Middle East | https://www.aum.edu.kw/ | No |
| Arab Open University | https://www.aou.edu.kw/ | No |
| Australian College of Kuwait | https://www.ack.edu.kw/ | No |
| Gulf University for Science and Technology | https://www.gust.edu.kw/ | Yes |
| Kuwait College of Science and Technology | https://www.kcst.edu.kw/ | No |
| Kuwait Maastricht Business School | https://www.kmbs.edu.kw/ | No |
| Kuwait University | https://www.kuniv.edu/ | No |
| The Public Authority for Applied Education and Training | https://www.paaet.edu.kw/ | No |
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## Kyrgyzstan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Academy of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic | https://academy-mvd.kg/ | No |
| Ala-Too International University | https://www.alatoo.edu.kg/ | No |
| American University of Central Asia | https://www.auca.kg/ | No |
| Bishkek Humanities University | https://www.bhu.kg/ | Yes |
| International University of Kyrgyzstan | https://iuk.kg/ | No |
| Jalal-Abad State University | https://jasu.kg/ | No |
| Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University | https://kyrgyzstatemedicalacademy.net/ | Yes |
| Kyrgyz National Agrarian University | https://www.knau.kg/ | No |
| Kyrgyz National University | https://www.knu.kg/ | No |
| Kyrgyz Technical University | https://kstu.kg/ | No |
| Osh State University | https://oshstateofmedicaluniversity.com/ | Yes |
| University of Central Asia | https://www.ucentralasia.org/ | No |
| University of Economy and Enterprise | https://uep.kg/ | No |
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## Laos
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| National University of Laos | https://www.nuol.edu.la/ | No |
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## Lebanon
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Académie Libanaise des Beaux-Arts1 | https://alba.edu/ | No |
| Al-Kafaàt University | https://aku.edu.lb/ | No |
| Al Maaref University | https://mu.edu.lb/ | No |
| American University of Beirut | https://aub.edu.lb/ | Yes |
| American University of Culture & Education | https://auce.edu.lb/ | No |
| American University of Science and Technology | https://aust.edu.lb/ | No |
| American University of Technology | https://aut.edu/ | Yes |
| Antonine University | https://ua.edu.lb/ | No |
| Arab Open University | https://aou.edu.lb/ | No |
| Arts, Sciences and Technology University in Lebanon | https://aul.edu.lb/ | No |
| Azm University | https://azmuniversity.edu.lb/ | No |
| Beirut Arab University | https://bau.edu.lb/ | No |
| Beirut Islamic University | https://biu.edu.lb/ | No |
| City University Formerly (Manar University of Tripoli - MUT) | https://cityu.edu.lb/ | No |
| Conservatoire National des arts et métiers | https://cnam-liban.fr/ | No |
| Ecole Superieure des Affaires | https://esa.edu.lb/ | No |
| Global University | https://gu.edu.lb/ | No |
| Haigazian University | https://haigazian.edu.lb/ | No |
| Islamic University of Lebanon | https://iul.edu.lb/ | Yes |
| Jinan University (Lebanon) | https://jinan.edu.lb/ | No |
| Joya University Institute of Technology | https://employment.edu/ | No |
| Lebanese American University | https://lau.edu.lb/ | Yes |
| Lebanese Canadian University | https://lcu.edu.lb/ | No |
| Lebanese French University of Technology and Applied Sciences | https://ulf.edu.lb/ | No |
| Lebanese German University | https://lgu.edu.lb/ | No |
| Lebanese International University | https://liu.edu.lb/ | No |
| Lebanese National Higher Conservatory of Music | https://conservatory.gov.lb/ | No |
| Lebanese University | https://ul.edu.lb/ | No |
| Matn University College of Technology | https://muc.edu.lb/ | Yes |
| Middle East University | https://meu.edu.lb/ | No |
| Modern University for Business and Science | https://mubs.edu.lb/ | No |
| Near East School of Theology | https://www.theonest.edu.lb/ | No |
| Notre Dame University - Louaize | https://ndu.edu.lb/ | No |
| Ouzai University College | https://ouzai.org/ | No |
| Phoenicia University | https://pu.edu.lb/ | Yes |
| Rafik Hariri University | https://rhu.edu.lb/ | No |
| Sidoon University College | https://sidoon-suc.edu.lb/ | No |
| University of Balamand | https://balamand.edu.lb/ | No |
| University of Sciences & Arts in Lebanon | https://usal.edu.lb/ | No |
| University Of Tripoli | https://ut.edu.lb/ | No |
| Université La Sagesse | https://uls.edu.lb/ | No |
| Université Saint-Esprit de Kaslik | https://usek.edu.lb/ | No |
| Université Saint-Joseph | https://usj.edu.lb/ | No |
| Université Sainte Famille | https://usf.edu.lb/ | No |
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## Macau
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| City University of Macau | https://www.cityu.edu.mo/ | No |
| Institute for Tourism Studies | https://www.ift.edu.mo/ | No |
| Macao Polytechnic Institute | https://www.ipm.edu.mo/ | No |
| Macau University of Science and Technology | https://www.must.edu.mo/ | No |
| United Nations University International Institute for Software Technology | https://www.iist.unu.edu/ | No |
| University of Saint Joseph | https://www.usj.edu.mo/ | No |
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## Malaysia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Al-Madinah International University | https://www.mediu.edu.my/ | No |
| Asia e University | https://aeu.edu.my/ | No |
| Asia Pacific University of Technology & Innovation | https://www.apu.edu.my/ | No |
| Berjaya University College | https://www.berjaya.edu.my/ | No |
| City University, Malaysia | https://www.city.edu.my/ | Yes |
| Curtin University, Malaysia | https://www.curtin.edu.my/ | No |
| Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences | https://www.cyberjaya.edu.my/ | No |
| First City University College | https://firstcity.edu.my/ | No |
| GlobalNxt University | https://www.globalnxt.edu.my/ | No |
| Han Chiang University College of Communication | https://hcu.edu.my/ | No |
| Ibrahim Sultan Polytechnic | https://www.pis.edu.my/ | No |
| Infrastructure University Kuala Lumpur | https://www.iukl.edu.my/ | Yes |
| International Islamic University Malaysia | https://www.iium.edu.my/ | Yes |
| International Medical University | https://www.imu.edu.my/ | Yes |
| INTI International University | https://newinti.edu.my/ | No |
| Kolej Universiti Islam Antarabangsa Selangor | https://www.kuis.edu.my/ | No |
| Kuala Lumpur Metropolitan University College | https://klmuc.edu.my/ | No |
| Limkokwing University of Creative Technology | https://www.limkokwing.net/ | No |
| Lincoln University College, Malaysia | https://www.lincoln.edu.my/ | No |
| MAHSA University | https://mahsa.edu.my/ | No |
| Malaysia University of Science & Technology | https://www.must.edu.my/ | No |
| Management and Science University | https://www.msu.edu.my/ | Yes |
| Manipal International University | https://manipal.edu/ | No |
| Monash University Malaysia Campus | https://www.monash.edu.my/ | No |
| Multimedia University | https://mmu.edu.my/ | No |
| National Defence University of Malaysia | https://www.upnm.edu.my/ | No |
| National University of Malaysia | https://www.ukm.my/ | No |
| New Era University College | https://www.newera.edu.my/ | No |
| Nilai University | https://www.nilai.edu.my/ | No |
| Open University Malaysia | https://www.oum.edu.my/ | No |
| Perdana University | https://www.perdanauniversity.edu.my/ | Yes |
| Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland and University College Dublin Malaysia Campus | https://www.rcsiucd.edu.my/ | No |
| SEGi University | https://segi.edu.my/ | Yes |
| Southern University College | https://www.southern.edu.my/ | No |
| Sultan Abdul Halim Mu'adzam Shah International Islamic University | https://www.unishams.edu.my/ | No |
| Sultan Idris Education University | https://www.upsi.edu.my/ | No |
| Sunway University | https://university.sunway.edu.my/ | No |
| Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus | https://swinburne.edu.my/ | No |
| TATI University College | https://www.tatiuc.edu.my/ | No |
| Taylor's University | https://university.taylors.edu.my/ | No |
| Tun Abdul Razak University | https://www.unirazak.edu.my/ | No |
| Tun Hussein Onn University of Malaysia | https://www.uthm.edu.my/ | No |
| Tunku Abdul Rahman University College | https://tarc.edu.my/ | No |
| Twintech International University College of Technology | https://www.twintech.edu.my/ | Yes |
| Ungku Omar Polytechnic | https://www.puo.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Islam Malaysia | https://www.uim.edu.my/ | Yes |
| Universiti Malaysia Kelantan | https://www.umk.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Malaysia Pahang | https://ump.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Malaysia Perlis | https://www.unimap.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Malaysia Sabah | https://www.ums.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Malaysia Sarawak | https://www.unimas.my/ | No |
| Universiti Malaysia Terengganu | https://umt.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Putra Malaysia | https://upm.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia | https://www.usim.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Sultan Azlan Shah | https://www.usas.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin | https://www.unisza.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka | https://www.utem.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Teknologi MARA | https://www.uitm.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Teknologi Petronas | https://www.utp.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Tenaga Nasional | https://www.uniten.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman | https://utar.edu.my/ | No |
| Universiti Utara Malaysia | https://uum.edu.my/ | No |
| University College of Technology Sarawak | https://www.ucts.edu.my/ | No |
| University of Kuala Lumpur | https://www.unikl.edu.my/ | No |
| University of Malaya | https://www.um.edu.my/ | No |
| University of Nottingham Malaysia Campus | https://nottingham.edu.my/ | No |
| University of Science, Malaysia | https://www.usm.my/ | No |
| University of Selangor | https://unisel.edu.my/ | No |
| University of Technology, Malaysia | https://utm.my/ | Yes |
| UOW Malaysia KDU | https://uowmkdu.edu.my/ | Yes |
| Wawasan Open University | https://www.wou.edu.my/ | No |
| Widad University College | https://www.widad.edu.my/ | No |
| Xiamen University Malaysia | https://www.xmu.edu.my/ | No |
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## Mongolia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| German-Mongolian Institute for Resources and Technology | https://gmit.edu.mn/ | No |
| Ider University | https://www.ider.edu.mn/ | No |
| Mongolia International University | https://www.miu.edu.mn/ | No |
| Mongolian National University established 1998 | https://www.mnun.edu.mn/ | No |
| Mongolian National University of Medical Sciences | https://mnums.edu.mn/ | No |
| Mongolian State University of Education | https://www.msue.edu.mn/ | No |
| Mongolian University of Life Sciences | https://muls.edu.mn/ | No |
| Mongolian University of Science and Technology | https://www.must.edu.mn/ | No |
| National Defense University (Mongolia) | https://mndu.gov.mn/ | No |
| National University of Mongolia | https://www.num.edu.mn/ | No |
| Orkhon University | https://www.orkhon.edu.mn/ | No |
| University of Finance and Economics Mongolia | https://www.ufe.edu.mn/ | No |
| University of Internal Affairs of Mongolia | https://english.leu.gov.mn/ | No |
| University of the Humanities | https://www.humanities.mn/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Myanmar
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Chin Christian College | https://ccu.edu.mm/ | No |
| Chin Christian Institute of Theology | https://www.theology-ccit.org/ | No |
| Co-operative University, Sagaing | https://www.cus.edu.mm/ | No |
| Co-operative University, Thanlyin | https://www.tcu.edu.mm/ | No |
| Computer University, Pyay | https://ucspyay.edu.mm/ | No |
| Computer University, Thaton | https://www.ucsthaton.com/ | Yes |
| Dagon University | https://dagonuniversity.edu.mm/ | Yes |
| Government Technical Institute Mawlamyine | https://gtimlm.ml/ | No |
| Info Myanmar University | https://imu.edu.mm/ | No |
| International Theravada Buddhist Missionary University | https://www.itbmu.org.mm/ | No |
| Kachin Theological College | https://www.ktcsnn.com/ | No |
| Karen Baptist Theological Seminary | https://kbts.info/ | Yes |
| Mandalay Institute of Nursing | https://www.uonmdy.gov.mm/ | No |
| Mandalay Technological University | https://mtu.edu.mm/ | No |
| Mawlamyine University | https://burma.irrawaddy.com/ | Yes |
| Meiktila Institute of Economics | https://www.mtlaeco.edu.mm/ | No |
| Myanmar Aerospace Engineering University | https://maeu.edu.mm/ | No |
| Myanmar Institute of Information Technology | https://miit.edu.mm/ | No |
| Myanmar Institute of Theology | https://www.mit.edu.mm/ | Yes |
| Myanmar Maritime University | https://www.mmu.edu.mm/ | No |
| Myanmar Union Adventist Seminary | https://muas.edu.mm/ | No |
| Myeik University | https://www.myeikuniversity.edu.mm/ | No |
| Myitkyina University | https://www.kachinnews.com/ | Yes |
| Panglong University | https://www.upanglong.edu.mm/ | No |
| Pyay Technological University | https://www.ptu.edu.mm/ | No |
| Pyay University | https://www.pyayuniversity.edu.mm/ | No |
| Shwebo University | https://shwebouni.moe-st.edu.mm/ | No |
| State Pariyatti Sasana University, Mandalay | https://www.spsumdy.org/ | No |
| State Pariyatti Sasana University, Yangon | https://spsuygn.edu.mm/ | No |
| Taungoo University | https://taungoouniversity.moe.edu.mm/ | No |
| Technological University, Hinthada | https://tuhinthata.moe-st.gov.mm/ | No |
| Technological University, Kyaukse | https://kyauksetu.edu.mm/ | Yes |
| Technological University, Loikaw | https://tuloikaw.edu.mm/ | No |
| Technological University, Mandalay | https://www.tum-mandalay.edu.mm/ | No |
| Technological University, Mawlamyaing | https://tumawlamyine.edu.mm/ | No |
| Technological University, Meiktila | https://www.tumeiktila.edu.mm/ | No |
| Technological University, Monywa | https://www.tumonywa.edu.mm/ | No |
| Technological University, Pakokku | https://tupku.edu.mm/ | Yes |
| Technological University, Pathein | https://patheintu.edu.mm/ | No |
| Technological University, Thanlyin | https://www.ttu.edu.mm/ | No |
| University of Community Health, Magway | https://www.uch.gov.mm/ | No |
| University of Computer Studies, Mandalay | https://www.ucsm.edu.mm/ | No |
| University of Computer Studies, Yangon | https://www.ucsy.edu.mm/ | No |
| University of Computer Studies Maubin | https://ucsmub.edu.mm/ | Yes |
| University of Computer Studies Pakokku | https://www.ucspkku.edu.mm/ | No |
| University of Culture, Mandalay | https://www.nuacmdy.com/ | No |
| University of Culture, Yangon | https://www.culture.gov.mm/ | No |
| University of Dental Medicine, Mandalay | https://udmm.webs.com/ | Yes |
| University of Dental Medicine, Yangon | https://www.udmyangon-edu.com/ | No |
| University of Distance Education, Mandalay | https://www.mude.edu.mm/ | No |
| University of Distance Education, Yangon | https://www.yude.edu.mm/ | No |
| University of East Yangon | https://www.eyu.edu.mm/ | No |
| University of Foreign Languages, Mandalay | https://www.mufl.edu.mm/ | No |
| University of Foreign Languages, Yangon | https://www.yufl.edu.mm/ | Yes |
| University of Forestry, Yezin | https://www.ufes.edu.mm/ | No |
| University of Mandalay | https://www.mu.edu.mm/ | No |
| University of Medical Technology, Mandalay | https://www.umtmandalay.gov.mm/ | No |
| University of Medical Technology, Yangon | https://www.umty.gov.mm/ | No |
| University of Medicine, Magway | https://www.ummg.gov.mm/ | No |
| University of Medicine, Mandalay | https://www.ummdy.gov.mm/ | No |
| University of Medicine, Taunggyi | https://umtgi.edu.mm/ | No |
| University of Medicine 1, Yangon | https://www.um1yangon.edu.mm/ | No |
| University of Medicine 2, Yangon | https://www.um2ygn.edu.mm/ | No |
| University of Pharmacy, Mandalay | https://www.uopmdy.gov.mm/ | No |
| University of Pharmacy, Yangon | https://www.uopygn.gov.mm/ | No |
| University of Public Health, Yangon | https://uph-myanmar.gov.mm/ | No |
| University of Technology, Yadanabon Cyber City | https://utycc.edu.mm/ | No |
| University of Veterinary Science, Yezin | https://www.uvsyezin.edu.mm/ | Yes |
| University of West Yangon | https://www.wyu.edu.mm/ | No |
| West Yangon Technological University | https://wytu.edu.mm/ | Yes |
| Yadanabon University | https://www.ydnbuc.org/ | No |
| Yangon Institute of Economics | https://yueco.edu.mm/ | No |
| Yangon Institute of Education | https://yuoe.edu.mm/ | No |
| Yangon Institute of Marine Technology | https://www.mot.gov.mm/ | No |
| Yangon Institute of Nursing | https://www.uonygn.gov.mm/ | No |
| Yangon Technological University | https://ytu.edu.mm/ | No |
| Yangon University | https://uy.edu.mm/ | No |
| Yezin Agricultural University | https://www.yau.edu.mm/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Nepal
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Agriculture and Forestry University | https://afu.edu.np/ | No |
| Amrit Science College | https://amritcampus.edu.np/ | No |
| B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences | https://bpkihs.edu/ | Yes |
| Budhanilkantha School | https://bnks.edu.np/ | No |
| Chelsea International Academy | https://www.chelseainternational.com.np/ | No |
| Chitwan Medical College | https://www.cmc.edu.np/ | No |
| College of Applied Food and Dairy Technology | https://cafodat.edu.np/ | No |
| Damak Multiple Campus | https://damakcampus.edu.np/ | No |
| Everest Engineering and Management College | https://www.eemc.edu.np/ | No |
| Far-western University | https://fwu.edu.np/ | No |
| Gandaki College of Engineering and Science | https://gces.edu.np/ | No |
| Himalaya College of Engineering | https://www.hcoe.edu.np/ | No |
| Institute of Medicine, Nepal | https://www.iom.edu.np/ | No |
| Islington College | https://islington.edu.np/ | Yes |
| Janaki medical college | https://www.janakimedicalcollege.edu.np/ | No |
| Kantipur City College | https://www.kcc.edu.np/ | No |
| Kantipur Engineering College | https://www.kec.edu.np/ | No |
| Kathmandu College of Management | https://www.kcm.edu.np/ | No |
| Kathmandu Engineering College | https://www.kecktm.edu.np/ | No |
| Kathmandu Medical College | https://www.kmc.edu.np/ | Yes |
| Kathmandu University High School | https://kuhs.edu.np/ | No |
| Kathmandu University | https://ku.edu.np/ | No |
| Khwopa Engineering College | https://www.khec.edu.np/ | Yes |
| Lumbini Bouddha University | https://lbu.edu.np/ | Yes |
| Lumbini Engineering College | https://www.lumbini.edu.np/ | No |
| Makwanpur Multiple Campus | https://www.mmchetauda.org/ | No |
| Manipal College of Medical Sciences | https://www.manipal.edu.np/ | No |
| Mechi Multiple Campus | https://mechicampus.edu.np/ | Yes |
| Mid Western University | https://www.mwu.edu.np/ | No |
| Naaya Aayam Multi-Disciplinary Institute | https://www.nami.edu.np/ | No |
| National College of Computer Studies | https://nccs.edu.np/ | No |
| National College of Engineering (Nepal) | https://nce.edu.np/ | No |
| National Integrated College | https://www.nic.edu.np/ | No |
| National School of Sciences NIST , Lainchour | https://nss.nist.edu.np/ | Yes |
| Nepal Academy of Science and Technology | https://www.nast.gov.np/ | No |
| Nepal College of Information Technology | https://www.ncit.edu.np/ | Yes |
| Nepal Engineering College | https://www.nec.edu.np/ | No |
| Nepal Medical College | https://www.nmcth.edu/ | No |
| Nepal Open University | https://nou.edu.np/ | No |
| Nepal Sanskrit University | https://nsu.edu.np/ | No |
| Nobel Academy | https://www.nobel.edu.np/ | No |
| Orchid International College | https://www.oic.edu.np/ | Yes |
| Oxford college of engineering and management | https://oxfordcollege.edu.np/ | No |
| Pashchimanchal Campus | https://www.ioepas.edu.np/ | Yes |
| Pokhara Engineering College | https://www.pec.edu.np/ | No |
| Pokhara University | https://www.pu.edu.np/ | No |
| Prime College | https://prime.edu.np/ | Yes |
| Pulchowk campus | https://pcampus.edu.np/ | No |
| Purbanchal University | https://purbanchaluniversity.edu.np/ | No |
| Purwanchal Campus | https://ioepc.edu.np/ | Yes |
| Rajarshi Janak University | https://www.rju.edu.np/ | Yes |
| St. Xavier's College, Maitighar | https://sxc.edu.np/ | No |
| St. Xavier's School, Jawalakhel | https://www.stx.edu.np/ | Yes |
| Sukuna Multiple Campus | https://www.sukuna.edu.np/ | No |
| The British College | https://www.thebritishcollege.edu.np/ | No |
| Tribhuvan University | https://www.tribhuvan-university.edu.np/ | No |
| Xavier Academy | https://xa.edu.np/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## North Korea
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Institute of Natural Science | https://www.nktech.net/ | No |
| Kim Chaek University of Technology | https://www.kut.edu.kp/ | No |
| Kim Il-sung University | https://www.ryongnamsan.edu.kp/ | No |
| Pyongyang University of Science and Technology | https://pust.co/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Oman
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Arab Open University | https://www.aou.edu.om/ | No |
| German University of Technology in Oman | https://www.gutech.edu.om/ | No |
| Majan College (University College) | https://www.majancollege.edu.om/ | No |
| Middle East College | https://mec.edu.om/ | No |
| National University of Science and Technology Oman | https://www.nu.edu.om/ | No |
| Oman Medical College | https://www.omc.edu.om/ | No |
| Sohar University | https://www.su.edu.om/ | No |
| Sultan Qaboos University | https://www.squ.edu.om/ | No |
| University of Buraimi | https://www.uob.edu.om/ | No |
| University of Nizwa | https://www.unizwa.edu.om/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Pakistan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Abasyn University | https://abasyn.edu.pk/ | No |
| Abbottabad University of Science and Technology | https://aust.edu.pk/ | No |
| Abdul Wali Khan University Mardan | https://awkum.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Aga Khan University | https://www.aku.edu/ | No |
| Air University, Islamabad | https://au.edu.pk/ | No |
| Al-Hamd Islamic University | https://www.aiu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Al-Qadir University | https://alqadir.edu.pk/ | No |
| Allama Iqbal Open University | https://www.aiou.edu.pk/ | No |
| Bacha Khan University | https://bkuc.edu.pk/ | No |
| Bahauddin Zakariya University | https://www.bzu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Bahria University | https://www.bahria.edu.pk/ | No |
| Balochistan University of Engineering and Technology | https://buetk.edu.pk/ | No |
| Balochistan University of Information Technology, Engineering and Management Sciences | https://www.buitms.edu.pk/ | No |
| Baltistan University | https://www.uobs.edu.pk/ | No |
| Baqai Medical University | https://www.baqai.edu.pk/ | No |
| Beaconhouse National University | https://www.bnu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Begum Nusrat Bhutto Women University | https://bnbwu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Benazir Bhutto Shaheed University | https://www.bbsul.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Capital University of Science & Technology | https://cust.edu.pk/ | No |
| CECOS University of Information Technology and Emerging Sciences | https://www.cecos.edu.pk/ | No |
| Cholistan University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences | https://cuvas.edu.pk/ | No |
| City University of Science and Information Technology, Peshawar | https://cityuniversity.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Commecs institute of business and emerging sciences | https://commecscollege.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| COMSATS University | https://comsats.edu.pk/ | No |
| Dadabhoy Institute of Higher Education | https://www.dadabhoy.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Dawood University of Engineering and Technology | https://duet.edu.pk/ | No |
| DHA Suffa University | https://www.dsu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Dow University of Health Sciences | https://www.duhs.edu.pk/ | No |
| Faisalabad Medical University | https://www.pmc.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| FATA University | https://www.fu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Fatima Jinnah Medical University | https://www.fjmu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Fatima Jinnah Women University | https://fjwu.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Federal Urdu University of Arts, Science and Technology | https://fuuastisb.edu.pk/ | No |
| Forman Christian College | https://www.fccollege.edu.pk/ | No |
| Foundation University, Islamabad | https://fui.edu.pk/ | No |
| Gandhara University | https://gandhara.edu.pk/ | No |
| Ghazi University | https://www.gudgk.edu.pk/ | No |
| Ghulam Ishaq Khan Institute of Engineering Sciences and Technology | https://www.giki.edu.pk/ | No |
| GIFT University | https://gift.edu.pk/ | No |
| Gomal University | https://gu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Government College University, Faisalabad | https://gcuf.edu.pk/ | No |
| Government College University, Lahore | https://gcu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Government College University Hyderabad | https://gcuh.edu.pk/ | No |
| Government College Women University, Sialkot | https://gcwus.edu.pk/ | No |
| Government College Women University Faisalabad | https://gcwuf.edu.pk/ | No |
| Government Sadiq College Women University | https://gscwu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Greenwich University, Karachi | https://greenwich.edu.pk/ | No |
| Habib University | https://habib.edu.pk/ | No |
| Hajvery University | https://hup.edu.pk/ | No |
| Hamdard University | https://www.hamdard.edu.pk/ | No |
| Hazara University | https://hu.edu.pk/ | No |
| HITEC University | https://www.hitecuni.edu.pk/ | No |
| Hyderabad Institute of Arts, Science and Technology | https://www.hiast.edu.pk/ | No |
| Ilma University | https://www.ilmauniversity.edu.pk/ | No |
| Indus University | https://www.indus.edu.pk/ | No |
| Indus Valley School of Art and Architecture | https://www.indusvalley.edu.pk/ | No |
| Information Technology University Lahore | https://itu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Institute of Business Administration, Karachi | https://www.iba.edu.pk/ | No |
| Institute of Business Management | https://www.iobm.edu.pk/ | No |
| Institute of Management Sciences, Lahore | https://www.pakaims.edu.pk/ | No |
| Institute of Management Sciences Peshawar | https://www.imsciences.edu.pk/ | No |
| Institute of Southern Punjab | https://isp.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Institute of Space Technology | https://ist.edu.pk/ | No |
| International Islamic University, Islamabad | https://iiu.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| IQRA National University | https://www.inu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Iqra University | https://www.iqra.edu.pk/ | No |
| Islamia College University | https://www.icp.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Islamia University | https://iub.edu.pk/ | No |
| Isra University | https://www.iu.isra.edu.pk/ | No |
| Jinnah Sindh Medical University | https://jsmu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Jinnah University for Women | https://juw.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Karachi Institute of Economics and Technology | https://www.pafkiet.edu.pk/ | No |
| Karachi School for Business and Leadership | https://www.ksbl.edu.pk/ | No |
| Karakoram International University | https://www.kiu.edu.pk/ | No |
| KASB Institute of Technology | https://www.kasbit.edu.pk/ | No |
| Khawaja Fareed University of Engineering and Information Technology | https://www.kfueit.edu.pk/ | No |
| Khushal Khan Khattak University | https://www.kkkuk.edu.pk/ | No |
| Khyber Medical University | https://www.kmu.edu.pk/ | No |
| King Edward Medical University | https://kemu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Kinnaird College for Women University | https://kinnaird.edu.pk/ | No |
| Kohat University of Science and Technology | https://kust.edu.pk/ | No |
| Kohsar University Murree | https://kum.edu.pk/ | No |
| Lahore College for Women University | https://lcwu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Lahore Garrison University | https://lgu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Lahore School of Economics | https://www.lahoreschoolofeconomics.edu.pk/ | No |
| Lahore University of Management Sciences | https://lums.edu.pk/ | No |
| Lasbela University of Agriculture, Water and Marine Sciences | https://www.luawms.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Liaquat University of Medical and Health Sciences | https://lumhs.edu.pk/ | No |
| Mehran University of Engineering and Technology | https://muet.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Minhaj University, Lahore | https://mul.edu.pk/ | No |
| Mir Chakar Khan Rind University of Technology | https://mcut.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Mirpur University of Science and Technology | https://www.must.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Mohi-ud-Din Islamic University | https://www.miu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Muhammad Ali Jinnah University | https://jinnah.edu/ | No |
| Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Agriculture | https://mnsuam.edu.pk/ | No |
| Muhammad Nawaz Sharif University of Engineering and Technology | https://mnsuet.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Muslim Youth University | https://myu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Namal Institute | https://namal.edu.pk/ | No |
| National College of Arts | https://nca.edu.pk/ | No |
| National College of Business Administration and Economics | https://ncbae.edu.pk/ | No |
| National Defence University, Pakistan | https://www.ndu.edu.pk/ | No |
| National Skills University | https://nsu.edu.pk/ | No |
| National Textile University | https://ntu.edu.pk/ | No |
| National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences | https://www.nu.edu.pk/ | No |
| National University of Medical Sciences | https://numspak.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| National University of Modern Languages | https://numl.edu.pk/ | No |
| National University of Sciences and Technology, Pakistan | https://nust.edu.pk/ | No |
| National University of Technology | https://nutech.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Nazeer Hussain University | https://www.nhu.edu.pk/ | No |
| NED University of Engineering and Technology | https://www.neduet.edu.pk/ | No |
| Newports Institute of Communications and Economics | https://www.newports.edu.pk/ | No |
| NFC Institute of Engineering and Technology | https://nfciet.edu.pk/ | No |
| Nishtar Medical University | https://www.nmu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Northern University, Nowshera | https://northern.edu.pk/ | No |
| NUR International University | https://niu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Pakistan Air Force Academy | https://www.paffalcons.com/ | Yes |
| Pakistan Institute of Development Economics | https://pide.org.pk/ | No |
| Pakistan Institute of Engineering and Applied Sciences | https://www.pieas.edu.pk/ | No |
| Pakistan Institute of Fashion and Design | https://www.pifd.edu.pk/ | No |
| Pakistan Military Academy | https://www.pma.edu.pk/ | No |
| Pakistan Naval Academy | https://www.paknavy.gov.pk/ | No |
| Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women | https://pumhs.edu.pk/ | No |
| Pir Mehr Ali Shah Arid Agriculture University | https://uaar.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Preston University Pakistan | https://www.preston.edu.pk/ | No |
| Punjab Tianjin University of Technology | https://ptut.edu.pk/ | No |
| Qarshi University | https://www.qu.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Quaid-e-Awam University of Engineering, Science and Technology | https://quest.edu.pk/ | No |
| Quaid-i-Azam University | https://www.qau.edu.pk/ | No |
| Qurtuba University | https://www.qurtuba.edu.pk/ | No |
| Rawalpindi Medical University | https://www.rmur.edu.pk/ | No |
| Rawalpindi Women University | https://rwu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Riphah International University | https://www.riphah.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Sardar Bahadur Khan Women's University | https://www.sbkwu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Sarhad University of Science and Information Technology | https://suit.edu.pk/ | No |
| Shah Abdul Latif University | https://www.salu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Shaheed Benazir Bhutto City University | https://www.sbbcu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Dewan University | https://sbbdewanuniversity.edu.pk/ | No |
| Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Nawabshah | https://www.sbbusba.edu.pk/ | No |
| Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University, Sheringal | https://www.sbbu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences | https://www.sbbuvas.edu.pk/ | No |
| Shaheed Benazir Bhutto Women University | https://www.sbbwu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Shaheed Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto Medical University | https://www.smbbmu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology | https://szabist.edu.pk/ | No |
| Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto Medical University | https://szabmu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Shaheed Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto University of Law | https://szabul.edu.pk/ | No |
| Shifa Tameer-e-Millat University | https://www.stmu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Sindh Agriculture University | https://sau.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Sindh Madressatul Islam University | https://smiu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Sir Syed CASE Institute of Technology | https://case.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Sir Syed University of Engineering and Technology | https://www.ssuet.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Sukkur IBA University | https://iba-suk.edu.pk/ | No |
| Superior University | https://superior.edu.pk/ | No |
| Textile Institute of Pakistan | https://tip.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Agriculture, Dera Ismail Khan | https://www.uad.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Agriculture, Faisalabad | https://www.uaf.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Agriculture, Peshawar | https://www.aup.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir | https://www.ajku.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Balochistan | https://www.uob.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Buner | https://ubuner.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Central Punjab | https://ucp.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Chakwal | https://uoc.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| University of Chitral | https://www.uoch.pk/ | No |
| University of EAST | https://uoe.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Education | https://ue.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Engineering and Technology, Lahore | https://uet.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| University of Engineering and Technology, Mardan | https://uetmardan.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Engineering and Technology, Peshawar | https://uetpeshawar.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila | https://uettaxila.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| University of Faisalabad | https://tuf.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| University of Gujrat | https://uog.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| University of Haripur | https://uoh.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Health Sciences, Lahore | https://uhs.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| University of Home Economics | https://che.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Jhang | https://uoj.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Karachi | https://uok.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Kotli | https://www.uokajk.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Lahore | https://uol.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| University of Lakki Marwat | https://www.ulm.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Loralai | https://www.uoli.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| University of Malakand | https://uom.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| University of Management and Technology, Lahore | https://umt.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| University of Narowal | https://uon.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Okara | https://uo.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Peshawar | https://www.uop.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Poonch | https://upr.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Sahiwal | https://uosahiwal.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Sargodha | https://su.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| University of Science and Technology Bannu | https://www.ustb.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Sialkot | https://uskt.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Sindh | https://www.usindh.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| University of South Asia Pakistan | https://www.usa.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| University of Sufism and Modern Sciences | https://www.usms.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Swabi | https://uoswabi.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Swat | https://www.uswat.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Technology, Nowshera | https://uotnowshera.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of the Punjab | https://pu.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Turbat | https://uot.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Veterinary and Animal Sciences | https://uvas.edu.pk/ | No |
| University of Wah | https://uow.edu.pk/ | No |
| Virtual University of Pakistan | https://www.vu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Women University Mardan | https://www.wumardan.edu.pk/ | No |
| Women University Multan | https://wum.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Women University of Azad Jammu and Kashmir Bagh | https://www.wuajk.edu.pk/ | No |
| Women University Swabi | https://www.wus.edu.pk/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Palestine
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Al-Aqsa University | https://www.alaqsa.edu.ps/ | No |
| Al-Azhar University - Gaza | https://www.alazhar.edu.ps/ | No |
| Al-Quds Open University | https://www.qou.edu/ | Yes |
| Al-Quds University | https://www.alquds.edu/ | No |
| An-Najah National University | https://www.najah.edu/ | Yes |
| Applied Research Institute–Jerusalem | https://www.arij.org/ | No |
| Arab American University (Palestine) | https://www.aaup.edu/ | No |
| Bethlehem University | https://www.bethlehem.edu/ | No |
| Birzeit University | https://www.birzeit.edu/ | Yes |
| Durham Palestine Educational Trust | https://www.dpet.org.uk/ | No |
| Health, Development, Information and Policy Institute | https://www.hdip.org/ | No |
| Hebron University | https://www.hebron.edu/ | No |
| Ibrahimieh College | https://www.ibrahimieh.edu/ | No |
| Institute for Middle East Understanding | https://imeu.org/ | Yes |
| Institute for Palestine Studies | https://www.palestine-studies.org/ | Yes |
| Islamic University of Gaza | https://www.iugaza.edu.ps/ | No |
| Khodori Institute, Tulkarm | https://ptuk.edu.ps/ | No |
| Palestine Polytechnic University | https://www.ppu.edu/ | No |
| Palestine Technical College | https://www.ptcdb.edu.ps/ | No |
| Palestinian Academic Society for the Study of International Affairs | https://www.passia.org/ | No |
| University College of Applied Sciences | https://www.ucas.edu.ps/ | No |
| University of Palestine | https://up.edu.ps/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Philippines
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Abra Valley Colleges | https://www.avc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Adamson University | https://www.adamson.edu.ph/ | No |
| Adventist International Institute of Advanced Studies | https://www.aiias.edu/ | No |
| Adventist University of the Philippines | https://web1.aup.edu.ph/ | No |
| Agusan del Sur College | https://agusandelsurcollege.com/ | No |
| Airlink International Aviation School | https://aliac.edu.ph/ | No |
| Aklan Catholic College | https://acc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Aklan State University | https://www.asu.edu.ph/ | No |
| AMA Computer University | https://www.ama.edu.ph/ | No |
| Andres Bonifacio College | https://abcollege.edu.ph/ | No |
| Angeles University Foundation | https://www.auf.edu.ph/ | No |
| Araullo University | https://www.au.phinma.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Arellano University | https://www.arellano.edu.ph/ | No |
| Asian College of Technology | https://www.act.edu.ph/ | No |
| Asian Institute for Distance Education | https://aidefoun.info.com.ph/ | No |
| Asian Institute of Computer Studies | https://www.aics.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Asian Institute of Journalism and Communication | https://www.aijc.com.ph/ | No |
| Asian Institute of Management | https://aim.edu/ | No |
| Asian Social Institute | https://www.asinet-online.org/ | No |
| Asia Pacific College | https://www.apc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Assumption Antipolo | https://assumptionantipolo.edu.ph/ | No |
| Assumption College of Davao | https://www.assumptiondavao.edu.ph/ | No |
| Assumption College San Lorenzo | https://www.assumption.edu.ph/ | No |
| Assumption Iloilo | https://assumptioniloilo.edu.ph/ | No |
| Ateneo de Davao University | https://www.addu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Ateneo de Manila University | https://ateneo.edu/ | No |
| Ateneo de Naga University | https://www.adnu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Ateneo de Zamboanga University | https://www.adzu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Baguio Central University | https://www.bcu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Baliuag University | https://baliuagu.com.ph/ | No |
| Basilan State College | https://bassc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Bataan Peninsula State University | https://www.bpsu.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Batanes State College | https://www.bscbatanes.edu.ph/ | No |
| Batangas State University | https://www.batstate-u.edu.ph/ | No |
| Benguet State University | https://www.bsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Bicol State College of Applied Sciences and Technology | https://biscast.edu.ph/ | No |
| Bicol University | https://www.bicol-u.edu.ph/ | No |
| Bohol Institute of Technology | https://www.bit-icschools.com/ | Yes |
| Bohol Island State University | https://www.bisu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Brokenshire College | https://www.brokenshire.edu.ph/ | No |
| Bukidnon State University | https://buksu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Bulacan State University | https://bulsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Cagayan State University | https://www.csu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Camarines Norte State College | https://www.cnsc.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| CAP College Foundation | https://elearning.capcollege.com.ph/ | No |
| Capitol University | https://www.cu.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Capiz State University | https://www.capsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Caraga State University | https://www.carsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Catanduanes State University | https://www.catanduanesstateu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Cavite State University | https://www.cvsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Cebu Doctors' University | https://www.cebudoctorsuniversity.edu/ | No |
| Cebu Institute of Medicine | https://www.cim.edu.ph/ | No |
| Cebu Institute of Technology – University | https://www.cit.edu/ | No |
| Cebu Normal University | https://www.cnu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Cebu Technological University | https://www.ctu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Central Bicol State University of Agriculture | https://www.cbsua.edu.ph/ | No |
| Central Colleges of the Philippines | https://www.ccp.edu.ph/ | No |
| Central Luzon State University | https://www.clsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Central Mindanao University | https://www.cmu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Central Philippine Adventist College | https://www.cpac.edu.ph/ | No |
| Central Philippines State University | https://www.cpsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Central Philippine University | https://www.cpu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Centro Escolar Las Piñas | https://www.celp.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Centro Escolar University | https://www.ceu.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Chiang Kai Shek College | https://cksc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Chinese General Hospital Colleges | https://www.cghc.edu.ph/ | No |
| CIIT College of Arts and Technology | https://www.ciit.edu.ph/ | No |
| City College of Calamba | https://ccc.edu.ph/ | No |
| City University of Pasay | https://cupplp.page.tl/ | No |
| Colegio de Dagupan | https://www.cdd.edu.ph/ | No |
| Colegio del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus | https://www.cscj.edu.ph/ | No |
| Colegio de San Jose | https://www.csj.edu.ph/ | No |
| Colegio de San Juan de Letran | https://www.letran.edu.ph/ | No |
| Colegio de San Lorenzo | https://sanlo.edu.ph/ | No |
| Colegio de Santo Tomas - Recoletos | https://www.cstr.edu.ph/ | No |
| Colegio San Agustin-Bacolod | https://www.csab.edu.ph/ | No |
| Colegio San Agustin-Biñan | https://csabin.edu-ph.net/ | No |
| Colegio San Agustin-Makati | https://www.csa.edu.ph/ | No |
| College of Arts & Sciences of Asia & the Pacific | https://www.casap.edu.ph/ | No |
| College of St. John - Roxas | https://www.collegeofstjohnroxas.com/ | No |
| College of Technological Sciences | https://www.cts.edu.ph/ | No |
| College of the Holy Spirit | https://holyspirit.edu.ph/ | No |
| Columban College | https://columban.edu.ph/ | No |
| Columbus College | https://www.columbusstate.edu/ | No |
| Comteq Computer and Business College | https://www.comteq.edu.ph/ | No |
| Core Gateway College | https://coregateway.tripod.com/ | No |
| Cor Jesu College | https://www.cjc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Cotabato Foundation College of Science and Technology | https://www.cfcst.edu.ph/ | No |
| Davao del Norte State College | https://www.dnsc.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Davao Doctors' College | https://www.davaodoctors.edu.ph/ | No |
| Davao Oriental State College of Science and Technology | https://www.doscst.edu.ph/ | No |
| De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde | https://www.benilde.edu.ph/ | No |
| De La Salle Araneta University | https://www.dlsau.edu.ph/ | No |
| De La Salle John Bosco College | https://www.dlsjbc.edu.ph/ | No |
| De La Salle Lipa | https://www.dlsl.edu.ph/ | No |
| De La Salle Medical and Health Sciences Institute | https://www.dlshsi.edu.ph/ | No |
| De La Salle Philippines | https://www.delasalle.ph/ | No |
| De La Salle University-Dasmariñas | https://www.dlsud.edu.ph/ | No |
| De La Salle University | https://dlsu.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Dipolog Medical Center College Foundation | https://www.dmc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Divine Word College of Bangued | https://dwcb.tk/ | No |
| Divine Word College of Calapan | https://www.dwcc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Divine Word College of Laoag | https://www.dwcl.edu.ph/ | No |
| Divine Word College of Legazpi | https://www.dwc-legazpi.edu/ | No |
| Divine Word College of San Jose | https://www.dwcsj.edu.ph/ | No |
| Divine Word College of Urdaneta | https://dwcu.wordpress.com/ | No |
| Divine Word College of Vigan | https://theimmaculate.info.tm/ | Yes |
| Divine Word College Seminary | https://www.divinewordseminary.blogspot.com/ | No |
| Dominican College of Tarlac | https://www.dct.edu.ph/ | No |
| Don Bosco College, Canlubang | https://donboscocanlubang.edu.ph/ | No |
| Don Bosco Technical College | https://dbmanda.one-bosco.org/ | No |
| Don Bosco Technical Institute, Tarlac | https://www.dbtarlac.edu.ph/ | No |
| Don Bosco Technical Institute, Victorias | https://donboscotarlac.com/ | No |
| Don Bosco Technical Institute | https://boscotech.edu/ | Yes |
| Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University | https://www.dhvsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University | https://www.dmmmsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Dr. Emilio B. Espinosa Sr. Memorial State College of Agriculture and Technology | https://debesmscat.edu.ph/ | No |
| Eastern Samar State University | https://www.essu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Eastern Visayas State University | https://www.evsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Emilio Aguinaldo College | https://www.eac.edu.ph/ | No |
| Enderun Colleges | https://www.enderuncolleges.com/ | No |
| Escuela de Nuestra Señora de La Salette | https://www.lasalette.edu.ph/ | No |
| Eulogio "Amang" Rodriguez Institute of Science and Technology EARIST | https://earist.edu.ph/ | No |
| Far Eastern College – Silang | https://www.feucavite.edu.ph/ | No |
| Far Eastern University Alabang | https://feualabang.edu.ph/ | No |
| Far Eastern University | https://www.feu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Far Eastern University – FERN College | https://www.feudiliman.edu.ph/ | No |
| Far Eastern University – Nicanor Reyes Medical Foundation | https://www.feu-nrmf.ph/ | Yes |
| FEATI University | https://www.featiu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Fellowship Baptist College | https://www.fbc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Fernandez College of Arts and Technology | https://www.fcat.com.ph/ | No |
| FEU Institute of Technology | https://feutech.edu.ph/ | No |
| Filamer Christian University | https://www.filamer.edu.ph/ | No |
| First Asia Institute of Technology and Humanities | https://www.firstasia.edu.ph/ | No |
| Foundation University Philippines | https://www.foundationu.com/ | No |
| Fr. Saturnino Urios University | https://www.urios.edu.ph/ | No |
| Franciscan College of the Immaculate Conception | https://fcic.edu.ph/ | No |
| General de Jesus College | https://gendejesus.edu.ph/ | No |
| Global City Innovative College | https://www.global.edu.ph/ | No |
| Guagua National Colleges | https://gnc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Guimaras State College | https://www1.gsc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Guzman College of Science and Technology | https://www.guzmancollege.edu.ph/ | No |
| Holy Angel University | https://www.hau.edu.ph/ | No |
| Holy Cross College of Calinan | https://hccc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Holy Cross of Davao College | https://www.hcdc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Holy Name University | https://www.hnu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Holy Trinity University | https://www.htu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Hua Siong College of Iloilo | https://www.huasiong.edu.ph/ | No |
| ICCT Colleges | https://www.icct.edu.ph/ | No |
| Ifugao State University | https://www.ifsu.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Iligan Medical Center College | https://www.imcc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Iloilo Doctors' College | https://www.idc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Iloilo Science and Technology University | https://www.isat-u.edu.ph/ | No |
| Information and Communications Technology Academy | https://www.iacademy.edu.ph/ | No |
| International Academy of Film and Television | https://www.iaft.net/ | No |
| International Academy of Management and Economics | https://www.iame.edu.ph/ | No |
| International School of Asia and the Pacific | https://isap.edu.ph/ | No |
| Isabela State University | https://www.isu.edu.ph/ | No |
| J.H. Cerilles State College | https://jhcsc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Jamiatu Muslim Mindanao | https://www.jmm.edu.ph/ | No |
| John B. Lacson Foundation Maritime University | https://www.jblfmu.edu.ph/ | No |
| John Wesley College | https://www.emmu.org.za/ | No |
| Joji Ilagan International Schools | https://jib.edu.ph/ | No |
| Jose Abad Santos Memorial School Quezon City | https://www.pwu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Jose Rizal Memorial State University | https://www.jrmsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Jose Rizal University | https://www.jru.edu/ | No |
| Kalayaan College | https://www.kalayaan.edu.ph/ | No |
| La Consolacion College - Novaliches | https://www.lccn.edu.ph/ | No |
| La Consolacion College – Bacolod | https://www.lcc.edu.ph/ | No |
| La Consolacion College – Daet | https://officiallccd.wixsite.com/ | No |
| La Consolacion College – Manila | https://www.lccm.edu.ph/ | No |
| La Consolacion University Philippines | https://www.lcup.edu.ph/ | No |
| La Fortuna College | https://www.lafortunacollege.net/ | No |
| Laguna College of Business and Arts | https://www.lcba.edu.ph/ | No |
| Laguna College | https://www.lagunacollege.edu.ph/ | No |
| Laguna Northwestern College | https://lagunanorthwesterncollege.edu.ph/ | No |
| Laguna State Polytechnic University | https://www.lspu.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| La Salle College Antipolo | https://www.lsca.edu.ph/ | No |
| La Salle University-Ozamiz | https://www.lsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| La Verdad Christian College | https://www.laverdad.edu.ph/ | No |
| Leyte Normal University | https://www.lnu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Liceo de Cagayan University | https://www.liceo.edu.ph/ | No |
| Loyola College of Culion | https://loyolacollege-culion.simplesite.com/ | No |
| Lyceum-Northwestern University | https://www.lyceum.edu.ph/ | No |
| Lyceum of Subic Bay | https://www.lsb.edu.ph/ | No |
| Lyceum of the Philippines University, Batangas | https://www.lpubatangas.edu.ph/ | No |
| Lyceum of the Philippines University-Laguna | https://www.lpulaguna.edu.ph/ | No |
| Lyceum of the Philippines University | https://www.lpu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Malayan Colleges Laguna | https://www.mcl.edu.ph/ | No |
| Manila Adventist Medical Center and Colleges | https://mac.edu.ph/ | No |
| Manila Business College | https://www.mbc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Manila Central University | https://www.mcu.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Manila Christian Computer Institute for the Deaf | https://www.mccid.edu.ph/ | No |
| Manila Tytana Colleges | https://www.mtc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Manuel L. Quezon University | https://mlqu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Manuel S. Enverga University Foundation - Lucena City, Quezon | https://www.mseuf.edu.ph/ | No |
| Mapúa University | https://www.mapua.edu.ph/ | No |
| Mariano Marcos State University | https://www.mmsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Marikina Polytechnic College | https://mpc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Marinduque State University | https://www.mscmarinduque.edu.ph/ | No |
| Medical Colleges of Northern Philippines | https://mcnp.edu.ph/ | No |
| Meralco Foundation, Inc. | https://www.mfi.org.ph/ | No |
| Mindanao Medical Foundation College | https://www.mmfcdavao.com/ | No |
| Mindanao Polytechnic College | https://www.mpcgensan.edu.ph/ | No |
| Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology | https://www.msuiit.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Mindanao State University - Naawan | https://www.msunaawan.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Mindanao State University | https://www.msumain.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Mindanao State University–Buug | https://www.msugensan.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Mindanao University of Science and Technology | https://www.ustp.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Mindoro State College of Agriculture and Technology | https://www.minscat.edu.ph/ | No |
| MINT College | https://mintcollege.com/ | No |
| Miriam College | https://www.mc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Misamis University | https://www.mu.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Mountain View College Philippines | https://www.mvc.edu.ph/ | No |
| National Christian Life College | https://nationalchristianlifecollege.weebly.com/ | Yes |
| National College of Business and Arts | https://www.ncba.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| National College of Science and Technology | https://ncst.edu.ph/ | No |
| National Teachers College | https://www.ntc.edu.ph/ | No |
| National University Philippines | https://www.national-u.edu.ph/ | No |
| Naval State University | https://www.bipsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Navotas Polytechnic College | https://www.npc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Negros Oriental State University | https://www.norsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| New Era University | https://www.neu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Northeastern College | https://www.northeasterncollege.edu.ph/ | No |
| Northern Luzon Adventist College | https://www.nadadventist.org/ | No |
| Northern Negros State College of Science and Technology | https://www.nonescost.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Northwestern University Philippines | https://www.nwu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Northwestern Visayan Colleges | https://www.nvc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Northwest Samar State University | https://www.nwssu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Notre Dame of Dadiangas University | https://www.nddu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Notre Dame of Jolo College | https://ndjc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Notre Dame of Kidapawan College | https://www.ndkc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Notre Dame of Marbel University | https://www.ndmu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Notre Dame of Midsayap College | https://www.ndmc.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Notre Dame of Tacurong College | https://www.ndtc.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Notre Dame University, Cotabato City | https://www.ndu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Nueva Ecija University of Science and Technology | https://www.neust.edu.ph/ | No |
| Nueva Vizcaya State University | https://www.nvsu.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Occidental Mindoro State College | https://omsc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Olivarez College | https://www.olivarezcollege.edu.ph/ | No |
| Our Lady of Assumption College | https://www.ourladyofassumptioncollege.com/ | No |
| Our Lady of Fatima University | https://www.fatima.edu.ph/ | No |
| Our Lady of Perpetual Succor College | https://www.olopsc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Palawan State University | https://psu.palawan.edu.ph/ | No |
| Palompon Institute of Technology | https://pit.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Pamantasan ng Cabuyao | https://pnc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila | https://www.plm.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa | https://www.plmun.edu.ph/ | No |
| Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Pasig | https://www.plpasig.edu.ph/ | No |
| Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Valenzuela | https://www.plv.edu.ph/ | No |
| Pamantasan ng Montalban | https://www.pnmconnection.multiply.com/ | No |
| Pangasinan State University | https://www.psu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Partido State University | https://www.parsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Pasig Catholic College | https://www.pasigcatholic.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| PATTS College of Aeronautics | https://www.patts.edu.ph/ | No |
| Philippine Christian University | https://www.pcu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Philippine College of Criminology | https://www.pccr.edu.ph/ | No |
| Philippine College of Health Sciences, Inc. | https://pchsmanila.edu.ph/ | No |
| Philippine College of Technology | https://www.pctdavao.edu.ph/ | No |
| Philippine Merchant Marine Academy | https://www.pmma.edu.ph/ | No |
| Philippine Military Academy | https://www.pma.edu.ph/ | No |
| Philippine Nazarene College | https://philnazcollege.edu.ph/ | No |
| Philippine Normal University | https://www.pnu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Philippine School of Business Administration | https://psba.edu/ | Yes |
| Philippine State College of Aeronautics | https://philsca.edu.ph/ | No |
| Pilar College | https://www.pczc.edu.ph/ | No |
| PMI Colleges | https://www.pmicolleges.edu.ph/ | No |
| Polytechnic State University of Bicol | https://www.cspc.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Polytechnic University of the Philippines System | https://www.pup.edu.ph/ | No |
| Quezon City Polytechnic University | https://www.qcu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Quirino State University | https://www.qsu.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Ramon Magsaysay Technological University | https://www.prmsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Riverside College, Inc. | https://www.riverside.edu.ph/ | No |
| Rizal Technological University | https://www.rtu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Rogationist College, Cavite | https://www.rog.edu.ph/ | No |
| Romblon State University | https://www.rsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Roosevelt College Quirino | https://www.rooseveltcollege.edu.ph/ | No |
| Roosevelt College | https://feuroosevelt.edu.ph/ | No |
| Sacred Heart College, Lucena City | https://shc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Saint Bridget College | https://sbcbatangas.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Saint Columban College | https://www.sccpag.edu.ph/ | No |
| Saint Ferdinand College | https://www.sfc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Saint Francis of Assisi College System | https://www.stfrancis.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Saint Joseph's College of Quezon City | https://www.sjcqc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Saint Joseph College Maasin City | https://www.sjc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Saint Louis University, Baguio City | https://www.slu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Saint Mary's College of Quezon City | https://smcqc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Saint Mary's University of Bayombong, Nueva Vizcaya | https://smu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Saint Mary’s College of Catbalogan | https://www.rvmonline.org/ | No |
| Saint Michael College of Caraga | https://www.smccnasipit.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Saint Pedro Poveda College | https://www.poveda.edu.ph/ | No |
| Saint Theresa's College of Cebu City | https://www.stccebu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Saint Theresa's College of Quezon City | https://stcqc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Saint Vincent's College | https://svc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Samar State University | https://www.ssu.edu.ph/ | No |
| San Beda College Alabang | https://www.sanbeda-alabang.edu.ph/ | No |
| San Beda University | https://www.sanbeda.edu.ph/ | No |
| Sangguniang Kabataan Open University | https://www.skacademy.neoversity.com.ph/ | No |
| San Pedro College of Business Administration | https://www.spcba.edu.ph/ | No |
| San Pedro College | https://www.spcdavao.edu.ph/ | No |
| San Sebastian College - Recoletos de Cavite | https://www.sscr.edu/ | No |
| San Sebastian College - Recoletos de Manila | https://www.sscrmnl.edu.ph/ | No |
| Santa Isabel College Manila | https://www.santaisabel.edu.ph/ | No |
| Siargao Island Institute of Technology | https://www.siit.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Siargao National College of Science and Technology | https://www.sncst.com/ | Yes |
| Siena College of Quezon City | https://www.scqc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Siena College of Taytay | https://www.sct.edu.ph/ | No |
| Silliman University | https://www.su.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Siquijor State College | https://www.siquijorstate.edu.ph/ | No |
| Sorsogon State University | https://sorsu.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Southeast Asia Interdisciplinary Development Institute | https://www.saidi.edu.ph/ | No |
| Southeast Asian College | https://saci.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Southern Leyte State University | https://www.soulsu.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Southern Luzon State University | https://www.slsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Southland College | https://www.southlandcollege.edu.ph/ | No |
| South Philippine Adventist College | https://www.spaconline.org/ | No |
| South SEED LPDH College | https://www.sslc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Southville Foreign University | https://www.sisfu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Southville International School and Colleges | https://www.southville.edu.ph/ | No |
| St. Anthony College | https://www.sachri.edu.ph/ | No |
| St. Dominic College of Asia | https://stdominiccollege.edu.ph/ | No |
| St. Joseph College Cavite City | https://www.sjccavite.org/ | No |
| St. Mary's College of Meycauayan | https://smcm.edu.ph/ | No |
| St. Paul College of Ilocos Sur | https://www.spcis.edu.ph/ | No |
| St. Peter's College, Iligan City | https://www.spc.edu.ph/ | No |
| St. Pius X Seminary | https://spxs.com.ph/ | No |
| St. Scholastica's College Manila | https://www.ssc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Sta. Teresa College | https://www.stc-bauan.edu.ph/ | No |
| STI College | https://www.sti.edu/ | No |
| Stonyhurst Southville International School | https://www.stonyhurst.edu.ph/ | No |
| Sultan Kudarat Polytechnic State College | https://sksu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Surigao del Sur Polytechnic State College | https://www.sdssu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Systems Plus College Foundation | https://www.spcf.edu.ph/ | No |
| Tarlac Agricultural University | https://www.tca.edu.ph/ | No |
| Tarlac State University | https://www.tsu.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Technological Institute of the Philippines | https://tip.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Technological University of the Philippines | https://www.tup.edu.ph/ | No |
| Technological University of the Philippines – Visayas | https://www.tupvisayas.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| The Fisher Valley College | https://tfvc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Tomas del Rosario College | https://www.trc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Trinity University of Asia | https://www.tua.edu.ph/ | No |
| Union College of Laguna | https://www.uclaguna.com/ | No |
| Universidad de Manila | https://www.udm.edu.ph/ | No |
| Universidad de Sta. Isabel | https://www.usi.edu.ph/ | No |
| Universidad de Zamboanga | https://www.uz.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Antique | https://antiquespride.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Asia and the Pacific | https://www.uap.asia/ | Yes |
| University of Baguio | https://ubaguio.edu/ | No |
| University of Batangas | https://www.ub.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Bohol | https://universityofbohol.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Caloocan City | https://ucc-caloocan.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Cebu | https://www.uc.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Eastern Philippines | https://www.uep.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of La Salette | https://www.uls.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Luzon | https://www.ul.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Makati | https://www.umak.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| University of Manila | https://www.um.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Mindanao | https://umindanao.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Negros Occidental - Recoletos | https://www.uno-r.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Northeastern Philippines | https://inet.unep.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Northern Philippines | https://www.unp.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Nueva Caceres | https://www.unc.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| University of Perpetual Help System DALTA | https://www.perpetualdalta.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Perpetual Help System | https://www.uphsl.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Rizal System | https://www.urs.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Saint La Salle | https://www.usls.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Saint Louis Tuguegarao | https://www.usl.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of San Agustin | https://www.usa.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of San Carlos | https://www.usc.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of San Jose - Recoletos | https://www.usjr.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| University of Santo Tomas | https://www.ust.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Santo Tomas–Legazpi | https://www.ust-legazpi.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Southeastern Philippines | https://www.usep.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Southern Mindanao | https://www.usm.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of Southern Philippines Foundation | https://www.uspf.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of the Assumption | https://www.ua.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of the Cordilleras | https://www.uc-bcf.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| University of the East | https://www.ue.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of the Immaculate Conception | https://www.uic.edu.ph/ | No |
| University of the Philippines | https://www.up.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| University of the Visayas | https://uv.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| Urdaneta City University | https://ucu.edu.ph/ | No |
| UST Angelicum College | https://www.ustangelicum.edu.ph/ | No |
| Velez College | https://www.velezcollege.com/ | No |
| Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation | https://www.vmuf.edu.ph/ | No |
| Visayas State University | https://www.vsu.edu.ph/ | Yes |
| West Bay College | https://wbc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Western Mindanao State University | https://www.wmsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| West Negros University | https://www.stiwnu.com/ | No |
| West Visayas State University | https://www.wvsu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Xavier University - Ateneo de Cagayan | https://www.xu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Zamboanga Peninsula Polytechnic State University | https://www.zcspc.edu.ph/ | No |
| Zamboanga State College of Marine Sciences and Technology | https://www.zscmst.edu.ph/ | No |
| Zamora Memorial College | https://zamoramemorialcollege.blogspot.sg/ | No |
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## Qatar
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Carnegie Mellon University in Qatar | https://www.qatar.cmu.edu/ | Yes |
| Doha Institute for Graduate Studies | https://www.dohainstitute.edu.qa/ | No |
| Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar | https://www.qatar.georgetown.edu/ | Yes |
| Hamad Bin Khalifa University | https://hbku.edu.qa/ | Yes |
| HEC Paris in Qatar | https://www.hec.edu/ | No |
| Lusail University | https://www.lu.edu.qa/ | No |
| Northumbria University | https://www.northumbria.ac.uk/ | No |
| Northwestern University in Qatar | https://www.qatar.northwestern.edu/ | Yes |
| Qatar University | https://www.qu.edu.qa/ | No |
| Stenden University Qatar | https://stenden.edu.qa/ | No |
| Technical University of Munich | https://www.tum.de/ | No |
| Texas A&M University at Qatar | https://www.qatar.tamu.edu/ | Yes |
| University of Aberdeen | https://www.abdn.ac.uk/ | No |
| Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar | https://qatar-weill.cornell.edu/ | No |
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## Saudi Arabia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Al-Kharj University | https://www.ku.edu.sa/ | No |
| Al Ahsa College of Technology | https://www.act.edu.sa/ | Yes |
| Al Baha University | https://www.bu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Alfaisal University | https://www.alfaisal.edu/ | No |
| Al Farabi College of Dentistry and Nursing | https://www.alfarabi.edu.sa/ | No |
| Al Jawf University | https://www.ju.edu.sa/ | No |
| Almaarefa University | https://www.um.edu.sa/ | Yes |
| Al Yamamah University | https://www.alyamamah.edu.sa/ | No |
| Arab East Colleges | https://www.arabeast.edu.sa/ | No |
| Arab Open University | https://www.arabou.org.sa/ | No |
| Batterjee Medical College | https://www.bmc.edu.sa/ | No |
| College of Business Administration (CBA) | https://www.cba.edu.sa/ | No |
| College of Telecom & Information | https://www.cti.edu.sa/ | Yes |
| Dammam College of Technology | https://www.dct.gotevot.edu.sa/ | No |
| Dammam Community College | https://www.dcc.edu.sa/ | No |
| Dar Al-Hekma College | https://www.daralhekma.edu.sa/ | No |
| Dar Al Uloom University | https://www.dau.edu.sa/ | No |
| Effat University | https://www.effatuniversity.edu.sa/ | No |
| Fahd bin Sultan University | https://www.fbsu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Hafr Al-Batin Community College | https://www.hbcc.edu.sa/ | No |
| IBN Rushd College for Management Sciences | https://www.ibnrushd.edu.sa/ | No |
| Ibn Sina National College for Medical Studies | https://www.ibnsina.edu.sa/ | No |
| Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University | https://www.iau.edu.sa/ | No |
| Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University | https://www.imamu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Institute of Public Administration | https://www.ipa.edu.sa/ | Yes |
| Islamic University of Medina | https://www.iu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Jazan University | https://www.jazanu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Jeddah College of Technology | https://www.jct.edu.sa/ | No |
| Jeddah International College | https://www.jic-edu.sa/ | No |
| Jeddah Teacher's College | https://www.jtc.edu.sa/ | No |
| Jubail Industrial College | https://www.jic.edu.sa/ | No |
| Jubail Technical Institute | https://www.jti.edu.sa/ | No |
| King Abdulaziz University | https://www.kau.edu.sa/ | No |
| King Abdullah University of Science and Technology | https://www.kaust.edu.sa/ | No |
| King Fahd University for Petroleum and Minerals | https://www.kfupm.edu.sa/ | No |
| King Faisal University | https://www.kfu.edu.sa/ | No |
| King Khalid University | https://www.kku.edu.sa/ | No |
| King Saud bin Abdulaziz University for Health Sciences (Riyadh Campus) | https://www.ksau-hs.edu.sa/ | No |
| King Saud University | https://www.ksu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Madinah College of Technology | https://www.mct.edu.sa/ | No |
| Madinah Institute for Leadership and Entrepreneurship (MILE) | https://www.mile.org/ | Yes |
| Majmaah University | https://www.mu.edu.sa/ | Yes |
| Mohammed Almana college of Medical sciences | https://www.machs.edu.sa/ | No |
| Najran University | https://www.nu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Prince Mohammad bin Salman College of Business and Entrepreneurship | https://www.mbsc.edu.sa/ | No |
| Prince Mohammad University | https://www.pmu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Prince Mugrin University | https://www.upm.edu.sa/ | No |
| Prince Sattam Bin Abdulaziz University | https://www.psau.edu.sa/ | No |
| Princess Nora bint Abdul Rahman University | https://www.pnu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Prince Sultan Aviation Academy | https://www.fo.sv.net/ | No |
| Prince Sultan College For Tourism and Business | https://www.pscj.edu.sa/ | No |
| Prince Sultan Military College of Health Sciences | https://www.psmchs.edu.sa/ | No |
| Prince Sultan University | https://www.psu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Qassim University | https://www.qu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Riyadh College of Dentistry and Pharmacy | https://www.riyadh.edu.sa/ | No |
| Saudi Electronic University | https://www.seu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Shaqra University | https://www.su.edu.sa/ | No |
| Sulaiman Al Rajhi University | https://www.sr.edu.sa/ | No |
| Tabuk University | https://www.ut.edu.sa/ | No |
| Taibah University | https://www.taibahu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Taif College of Technology | https://www.tvtc.gov.sa/ | No |
| Taif University | https://www.tu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Technical Trainers College | https://www.ttcollege.edu.sa/ | No |
| Umm Al-Qura University | https://www.uqu.edu.sa/ | Yes |
| University College of Jubail | https://www.ucj.edu.sa/ | No |
| University of Hafr al Batin | https://www.uohb.edu.sa/ | No |
| University of Hail | https://www.uoh.edu.sa/ | No |
| University of Jeddah | https://uj.edu.sa/ | No |
| Yanbu Industrial College | https://www.yic.edu.sa/ | No |
| Yanbu University College | https://www.yuc.edu.sa/ | No |
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## Singapore
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Kaplan Singapore | https://www.kaplan.com.sg/ | Yes |
| Management Development Institute of Singapore | https://www.mdis.edu.sg/ | No |
| Nanyang Technological University | https://www.ntu.edu.sg/ | No |
| National University of Singapore | https://www.nus.edu.sg/ | No |
| PSB Academy | https://www.psb-academy.edu.sg/ | No |
| Raffles Design Institute | https://studyatraffles.com/ | No |
| SDH Institute | https://www.sdh.edu.sg/ | No |
| Singapore Institute of Management | https://www.sim.edu.sg/ | No |
| Singapore Institute of Technology | https://www.singaporetech.edu.sg/ | No |
| Singapore Management University | https://www.smu.edu.sg/ | No |
| Singapore Raffles Music College | https://www.srmc.edu.sg/ | No |
| Singapore University of Social Sciences | https://suss.edu.sg/ | No |
| Singapore University of Technology and Design | https://www.sutd.edu.sg/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## South Korea
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Agricultural Cooperative College | https://www.nonghyup.ac.kr/ | No |
| Ajou Motor College | https://motor.ac.kr/ | No |
| Ajou University | https://www.ajou.ac.kr/ | No |
| Andong Institute of Information Technology | https://www.kundong.ac.kr/ | No |
| Andong National University | https://eng.andong.ac.kr/ | No |
| Andong Science College | https://www.andong-c.ac.kr/ | No |
| Ansan University | https://www.ansan.ac.kr/ | No |
| Anyang University | https://www.anyang.ac.kr/ | No |
| Asan Information and Technology Polytechnic College | https://www.asan.ac.kr/ | No |
| Asia LIFE University | https://www.alu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Asia United Theological University | https://english.acts.ac.kr/ | No |
| Baekseok Arts University | https://www.bau.ac.kr/ | No |
| Baekseok Culture University | https://www.bscu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Baekseok University | https://www.bu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Baewha Women's University | https://www.ewha.ac.kr/ | No |
| Berea University of Graduate Studies | https://www.berea.ac.kr/ | No |
| Bucheon University | https://www.bc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Busan Arts College | https://www.pia.ac.kr/ | No |
| Busan College of Information Technology | https://www.bist.ac.kr/ | No |
| Busan Kyungsang College | https://www.psks.ac.kr/ | No |
| Busan National University of Education | https://eng.bnue.ac.kr/ | No |
| Busan Polytechnic College | https://www.bpc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Busan Presbyterian University | https://www.bjc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Byuksung College | https://www.byuksung.ac.kr/ | No |
| Calvin University South Korea | https://www.calvin.ac.kr/ | No |
| Catholic Kwandong University | https://www.cku.ac.kr/ | No |
| Catholic Sangji College | https://www.csangji.ac.kr/ | No |
| Catholic University of Daegu | https://www.cu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Catholic University of Korea | https://www.catholic.ac.kr/ | No |
| Catholic University of Pusan | https://www.cup.ac.kr/ | No |
| Changshin University | https://www.cs.ac.kr/ | No |
| Changwon National University | https://changwon.ac.kr/ | No |
| Changwon Polytechnic College | https://www.cpc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Cha University | https://www.cha.ac.kr/ | No |
| Cheju Halla University | https://www.chu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Cheju Tourism College | https://www.cjtour.ac.kr/ | No |
| Cheonan National Technical College | https://www.cntc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Cheonan Yonam College | https://www.yonam.ac.kr/ | No |
| Cheongju National University of Education | https://www.chongju-e.ac.kr/ | No |
| Cheongju University | https://www.cju.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chinju National University of Education | https://www.cue.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chodang University | https://www.chodang.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chonbuk National University | https://jbnu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chongju National College of Science and Technology | https://www.cjnc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chongshin University | https://www.chongshin.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chonnam National University | https://www.jnu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Choonhae College of Health Sciences | https://eng.ch.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chosun University | https://eng.chosun.ac.kr/ | No |
| Christian College of Nursing | https://www.ccn.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chugye University for the Arts | https://www.chugye.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chuncheon National University of Education | https://cnue.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chung-Ang University | https://www.cau.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chungbuk National University | https://www.cbnu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chungbuk Provincial College | https://www.cpu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chung Cheong University | https://ok.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chungju National University | https://www.ut.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chungkang College of Cultural Industries | https://www.chungkang.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chungnam National University | https://cnu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chungnam Provincial College | https://www.cheongyang.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chungwoon University | https://home.chungwoon.ac.kr/ | No |
| Chunnam Techno University | https://www.chunnam-c.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daedong College | https://eng.daedong.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daeduk College | https://www.ddc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daegu Arts University | https://www.dgau.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daegu Cyber University | https://dcu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daegu Future College | https://www.dmc.ac.kr/ | Yes |
| Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.dgist.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daegu Haany University | https://www.dhu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daegu Health College | https://www.dhc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daegu National University of Education | https://www.dnue.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daegu Technical University | https://www.ttc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daegu University of Foreign Studies | https://www.dufs.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daegu University | https://eng.daegu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daehan Theological University | https://www.dtu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daejeon Health Sciences College | https://www.hit.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daejeon University | https://www.dju.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daejin University | https://daejin.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daelim University College | https://eng.daelim.ac.kr/ | No |
| Daewon University College | https://wiz.daewon.ac.kr/ | No |
| Dankook University | https://dankook.ac.kr/ | No |
| Dong-Ah Broadcasting College | https://eng.dima.ac.kr/ | No |
| Dong-A University | https://www.donga.ac.kr/ | No |
| Dong-eui University | https://eng.deu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Donga College of Health | https://www.dongac.ac.kr/ | No |
| Dongduk Women's University | https://www.dongduk.ac.kr/ | No |
| Dongguk University | https://www.dongguk.edu/ | No |
| Dongju College | https://www.dongju.ac.kr/ | No |
| Dongkang College | https://www.dkc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Dongnam Health College | https://www.dongnam.ac.kr/ | No |
| Dong Seoul College | https://www.dsc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Dongseo University | https://www.dongseo.ac.kr/ | No |
| Dongshin University | https://www.dsu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Dongwon Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.dist.ac.kr/ | No |
| Dongyang Mirae University | https://www.dongyang.ac.kr/ | No |
| Doowon Technical College | https://www.doowon.ac.kr/ | No |
| Duksung Women's University | https://www.duksung.ac.kr/ | No |
| Eulji University | https://www.eulji.ac.kr/ | No |
| Far East University Korea | https://www.kdu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gachon Medical School | https://www.gachon.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gangdong College | https://www.gangdong.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gangneung-Wonju National University | https://www.gwnu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gangneung Yeongdong College | https://www.gyc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gangwon Provincial College | https://www.gw.ac.kr/ | No |
| Geochang Polytechnic College | https://www.kcpc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Geumgang University | https://www.ggu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Ghent University | https://www.ugent.be/ | No |
| Gimcheon University | https://www.gimcheon.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gongju National University of Education | https://eng.gjue.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gukje Cyber University | https://eng.gjcu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gumi University | https://www.gumi.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gwangju Catholic University | https://www.gjcatholic.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gwangju Health University | https://ghueng.ivyro.net/ | No |
| Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.gist.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gwangju National University of Education | https://eng.gnue.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gwangju University | https://www.gwangju.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gyeongbuk College of Health | https://www.gch.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gyeongbuk Provincial College | https://www.gpc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gyeongin National University of Education | https://www.ginue.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gyeongju University | https://www.gju.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gyeongnam National University of Science and Technology | https://www.gntech.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gyeongnam Provincial Geochang College | https://www.gc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gyeongnam Provincial Namhae College | https://www.namhae.ac.kr/ | No |
| Gyeongsang National University | https://eng.gnu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Halla University | https://www.halla.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hallym College of Information and Industry | https://www.hsc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hallym University | https://english.hallym.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hanbat National University | https://www.hanbat.ac.kr/ | No |
| Handong Global University | https://www.handong.edu/ | No |
| Hanil University | https://www.hanil.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hankuk Aviation University | https://www.kau.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hankuk University of Foreign Studies | https://www.hufs.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hankyong National University | https://www.hknu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hanlyo University | https://www.hanlyo.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hanmin University | https://www.hanmin.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hannam University | https://www.hannam.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hansei University | https://www.hansei.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hanseo University | https://www.hanseo.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hanshin University | https://www.hs.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hansung University | https://www.hansung.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hanyang University | https://www.hanyang.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hanyang Women's University | https://www.hywoman.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hanyeong College | https://www.hanyeong.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hanzhung University | https://www.hanzhong.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hapdong Theological Seminary | https://www.hapdong.ac.kr/ | No |
| Honam Theological University and Seminary | https://www2.htus.ac.kr/ | No |
| Honam University | https://www.honam.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hongik University | https://en.hongik.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hoseo University | https://www.hoseo.ac.kr/ | No |
| Howon University | https://www.howon.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hyejeon College | https://www.hj.ac.kr/ | No |
| Hyupsung University | https://www.uhs.ac.kr/ | No |
| Incheon Catholic University | https://www.iccu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Incheon National University | https://www.inu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Induk University | https://induk.ac.kr/ | No |
| Information and Communications University | https://www.icu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Inha University | https://www.inha.ac.kr/ | No |
| Inje University | https://www.inje.ac.kr/ | No |
| International University of Korea | https://global.iuk.ac.kr/ | No |
| JEI University | https://www.jeiu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Jeju International University | https://www.jeju.ac.kr/ | No |
| Jeju National University | https://www.jejunu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Jeonbuk Science College | https://www.jbsc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Jeonju National University of Education | https://www.jnue.ac.kr/ | No |
| Jeonju University | https://www.jj.ac.kr/ | No |
| Joongbu University | https://www.joongbu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Kangnam University | https://www.kangnam.ac.kr/ | No |
| Kangwon National University | https://www.kangwon.ac.kr/ | No |
| KDI School of Public Policy and Management | https://www.kdischool.ac.kr/ | No |
| Keimyung University | https://www.kmu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Koguryeo College | https://www.kgrc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Kongju National University | https://english.kongju.ac.kr/ | No |
| Konkuk University | https://www.konkuk.ac.kr/ | No |
| Konyang University | https://www.konyang.ac.kr/ | No |
| Kookmin University | https://english.kookmin.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea Air Force Academy | https://www.afa.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea Baptist Theological University | https://www.kbtus.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea Maritime University | https://www.kmou.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea Military Academy | https://www.kma.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea National College of Rehabilitation and Welfare | https://eng.knuw.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea National Defense University | https://www.kndu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea National Open University | https://www.knou.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea National Police University | https://www.police.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea National Railroad College | https://english.krc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea National Sport University | https://www.knsu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea National University of Arts | https://www.karts.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea National University of Cultural Heritage | https://www.nuch.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea National University of Education | https://knue.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea Nazarene University | https://www.kornu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea Polytechnics | https://www.kopo.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea Polytechnic University | https://www.kpu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea Polytechnic VI Daegu | https://www.dgpc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea Tourism College | https://www.ktc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea University of Science and Technology | https://www.ust.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea University of Technology and Education | https://www.koreatech.ac.kr/ | No |
| Korea University | https://www.korea.edu/ | No |
| Korea Women's Polytechnic | https://www.ans.ac.kr/ | No |
| Kosin University | https://www.kosin.edu/ | No |
| Kumoh National Institute of Technology | https://www.kumoh.ac.kr/ | No |
| Kunsan National University | https://www.kunsan.ac.kr/ | No |
| Kwangwoon University | https://www.kw.ac.kr/ | No |
| Kyonggi University | https://www.kyonggi.ac.kr/ | No |
| Kyungdong University | https://global.kduniv.ac.kr/ | No |
| Kyung Hee Cyber University | https://www.khcu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Kyunghee University | https://www.khu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Kyungnam University | https://en.kyungnam.ac.kr/ | No |
| Kyungpook National University | https://www.knu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Kyungsung University | https://ks.ac.kr/ | No |
| Luther University | https://www.ltu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Mokpo Catholic University | https://www.mcu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Mokpo National Maritime University | https://www.mmu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Mokpo National University | https://www.mokpo.ac.kr/ | No |
| Mokwon University | https://www.mokwon.ac.kr/ | No |
| Mun Kyung College | https://www.mkc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Myongji University | https://www.mju.ac.kr/ | No |
| Myungshin University | https://www.myungshin.ac.kr/ | No |
| Namseoul University | https://www.nsu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Open Cyber University of Korea | https://www.ocu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Pai Chai University | https://www.pcu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Pukyong National University | https://www.pknu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Pusan National University | https://www.pusan.ac.kr/ | No |
| Pusan University of Foreign Studies | https://www.bufs.ac.kr/ | No |
| Pyeongtaek University | https://www.ptu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Sahmyook University | https://www.syu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Sangji University | https://www.sangji.ac.kr/ | No |
| Sangmyung University | https://www.smu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Sehan University | https://www.sehan.ac.kr/ | No |
| Sejong University | https://www.sejong.ac.kr/ | No |
| Seokyeong University | https://seokyeong.ac.kr/ | No |
| Seoul Cyber University | https://www.iscu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Seoul Institute of the Arts | https://www.seoularts.ac.kr/ | No |
| Seoul National University of Education | https://www.snue.ac.kr/ | No |
| Seoul National University of Science and Technology | https://www.seoultech.ac.kr/ | No |
| Seoul National University | https://en.snu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Seoul Theological University | https://www.stu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Seoul Women's University | https://www.swu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Seowon University | https://www.seowon.ac.kr/ | No |
| Shin Ansan University | https://www.ansantc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Shingyeong University | https://www.sgu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Silla University | https://www.silla.ac.kr/ | No |
| Sogang University | https://wwwe.sogang.ac.kr/ | No |
| Sookmyung Women's University | https://www.sookmyung.ac.kr/ | No |
| Soonchunhyang University | https://sch.ac.kr/ | No |
| Soongsil University | https://eng.ssu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Sunchon National University | https://www.sunchon.ac.kr/ | No |
| Sunghwa College | https://www.sunghwa.ac.kr/ | No |
| Sungkonghoe University | https://www.skhu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Sungkyunkwan University | https://www.skku.edu/ | No |
| Sungshin Women's University | https://www.sungshin.ac.kr/ | No |
| Sunmoon University | https://tulip.sunmoon.ac.kr/ | No |
| Suwon Science College | https://www.ssc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Taekyeung University | https://www.tk.ac.kr/ | No |
| Tongwon University | https://www.tw.ac.kr/ | No |
| Torch Trinity Graduate University | https://www.ttgu.ac.kr/ | No |
| U1 University | https://www.u1.ac.kr/ | No |
| Uiduk University | https://www.uu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Ulsan College | https://eng.uc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.unist.ac.kr/ | No |
| University of Seoul | https://www.uos.ac.kr/ | No |
| University of Suwon | https://www.suwon.ac.kr/ | No |
| University of Ulsan | https://www.ulsan.ac.kr/ | No |
| University of Utah | https://www.utah.edu/ | Yes |
| Wonkwang University | https://www.wonkwang.ac.kr/ | No |
| Woosong Technical College | https://www.wst.ac.kr/ | No |
| Woosong University | https://english.wsu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Woosuk University | https://www.woosuk.ac.kr/ | No |
| Yaeil Seminary | https://www.yaeil.ac.kr/ | No |
| Yeojoo Institute of Technology | https://eng.yit.ac.kr/ | No |
| Yeonsung University | https://www.ianyang.ac.kr/ | No |
| Yeungjin College | https://www.yju.ac.kr/ | No |
| Yeungnam University College | https://www.ync.ac.kr/ | No |
| Yeungnam University | https://www.yu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Yewon Arts University | https://yewon.ac.kr/ | No |
| Yonam Institute of Digital Technology | https://ycc8.yc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Yong-in Songdam College | https://www.ysc.ac.kr/ | No |
| Yong-In University | https://int.yongin.ac.kr/ | No |
| Yonsei University | https://www.yonsei.ac.kr/ | No |
| Yosu National University | https://www.chonnam.ac.kr/ | No |
| Youngnam Theological University and Seminary | https://www.yntcs.ac.kr/ | No |
| Youngsan University of Son Studies | https://www.youngsan.ac.kr/ | No |
| Youngsan University | https://www.ysu.ac.kr/ | No |
| Yuhan College | https://www.yuhan.ac.kr/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Sri Lanka
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Buddhasravaka Bhiksu University | https://busl.ac.lk/ | No |
| Buddhist and Pali University of Sri Lanka | https://www.bpu.ac.lk/ | No |
| Colombo International Nautical and Engineering College | https://www.cinec.edu/ | No |
| Eastern University, Sri Lanka | https://www.esn.ac.lk/ | No |
| Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute | https://gwu.ac.lk/ | Yes |
| General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University | https://www.kdu.ac.lk/ | No |
| Horizon Campus | https://www.horizoncampus.edu.lk/ | No |
| Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka | https://www.casrilanka.com/ | No |
| Institute of Technological Studies | https://www.itsuniversity.lk/ | No |
| International College of Business and Technology | https://www.icbt.lk/ | No |
| National School of Business Management | https://www.nsbm.ac.lk/ | No |
| Ocean University of Sri Lanka | https://ocu.ac.lk/ | No |
| Open University of Sri Lanka | https://www.ou.ac.lk/ | No |
| Rajarata University | https://www.rjt.ac.lk/ | No |
| Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka | https://www.sab.ac.lk/ | No |
| South Asian Institute of Technology and Medicine | https://www.saitm.edu.lk/ | No |
| South Eastern University of Sri Lanka | https://www.seu.ac.lk/ | No |
| Sri Lanka Institute of Advanced Technological Education | https://sliate.ac.lk/ | No |
| Sri Lanka Institute of Development Administration | https://slida.lk/ | No |
| Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology | https://sliit.lk/ | Yes |
| Sri Lanka Institute of Nanotechnology | https://www.slintec.lk/ | No |
| Sri Lanka Technological Campus | https://www.sltc.ac.lk/ | No |
| University of Colombo | https://www.cmb.ac.lk/ | No |
| University of Jaffna | https://www.jfn.ac.lk/ | No |
| University of Kelaniya | https://www.kln.ac.lk/ | Yes |
| University of Moratuwa | https://uom.lk/ | No |
| University of Peradeniya | https://www.pdn.ac.lk/ | No |
| University of Ruhuna | https://www.ruh.ac.lk/ | No |
| University of Sri Jayewardenepura | https://www.sjp.ac.lk/ | No |
| University of the Visual and Performing Arts | https://www.vpa.ac.lk/ | No |
| University of Vavuniya | https://vau.ac.lk/ | No |
| University of Vocational Technology | https://www.univotec.ac.lk/ | No |
| Uva Wellassa University | https://www.uwu.ac.lk/ | No |
| Wayamba University of Sri Lanka | https://www.wyb.ac.lk/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Syria
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Al-Andalus University for Medical Sciences | https://au.edu.sy/ | No |
| Al-Baath University | https://albaath-univ.edu.sy/ | No |
| Al-Furat University | https://alfuratuniv.edu.sy/ | No |
| Al-Jazeera Private University | https://jude.edu.sy/ | No |
| Al-Rasheed International University for Science and Technology | https://ru.edu.sy/ | No |
| Al-Shahba University | https://su-aleppo.com/ | No |
| Al-Sham Private University | https://aspu.edu.sy/ | No |
| Al-Wataniya Private University | https://wpu.edu.sy/ | No |
| Antioch Syrian University | https://asu.edu.sy/ | No |
| Arab Academy for E-Businesses | https://araeb.org.sy/ | No |
| Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport, Latakia Branch | https://aast.edu/ | No |
| Arab International University | https://aiu.edu.sy/ | No |
| Arab University for Science and Technology | https://aust.edu.sy/ | No |
| Bilad Al-Sham University | https://shamkuftaro.org/ | No |
| Cordoba Private University | https://cpu.edu.sy/ | No |
| Damascus University | https://damascusuniversity.edu.sy/ | No |
| Ebla Private University | https://ebla-uni.edu.sy/ | No |
| Hawash Private University | https://hpu.sy/ | No |
| Higher Institute for Applied Sciences and Technology | https://hiast.edu.sy/ | No |
| Higher Institute for Demographic Studies and Researches | https://hidsr.edu.sy/ | No |
| Higher Institute of Business Administration | https://hiba.edu.sy/ | No |
| High Institute of Music | https://him-damascus.com/ | No |
| Institut National d'Administration | https://ina.edu.sy/ | No |
| International University for Science and Technology | https://iust.edu.sy/ | No |
| Ittihad Private University | https://ipu.edu.sy/ | No |
| Manara University | https://manara.edu.sy/ | No |
| Omdurman Islamic University, Damascus Branch | https://oiu.edu.sd/ | No |
| Qasyoun Private University | https://qpu.edu.sy/ | No |
| Syrian Private University | https://spu.edu.sy/ | Yes |
| Syrian Virtual University | https://svuonline.org/ | No |
| Tishreen University | https://tishreen.edu.sy/ | No |
| University of Aleppo | https://alepuniv.edu.sy/ | No |
| University of Hama | https://hama-univ.edu.sy/ | No |
| University of Kalamoon | https://uok.edu.sy/ | No |
| University of Tartous | https://tartous-univ.edu.sy/ | No |
| Wadi International University | https://wiu.edu.sy/ | No |
| Yarmouk Private University | https://ypu.edu.sy/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Taiwan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aletheia University | https://www.au.edu.tw/ | No |
| Asia Eastern University of Science and Technology | https://eng-rp.oit.edu.tw/ | No |
| Asia University Taiwan | https://asia.edu.tw/ | No |
| Cardinal Tien College of Healthcare and Management | https://en.ctcn.edu.tw/ | No |
| Central Police University | https://epage-en.cpu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Central Taiwan University of Science and Technology | https://www.ctust.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chang Gung University of Science and Technology | https://english.cgust.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chang Gung University | https://www.cgu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chang Jung Christian University | https://www2.cjcu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chaoyang University of Technology | https://www.cyut.edu.tw/ | No |
| Cheng Shiu University | https://www.csu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chia Nan University of Pharmacy and Science | https://www.cnu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chien Hsin University of Science and Technology | https://aps2.uch.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chienkuo Technology University | https://www.ctu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chihlee University of Technology | https://englishweb.chihlee.edu.tw/ | No |
| China Medical University Taiwan | https://english.cmu.edu.tw/ | No |
| China University of Science and Technology | https://www.cust.edu.tw/ | No |
| China University of Technology | https://www.cute.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chinese Culture University | https://www.pccu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Ching Kuo Institute of Management and Health | https://english.cku.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chung Chou University of Science and Technology | https://www.cie.ccut.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chung Hua University | https://www.chu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chung Hwa University of Medical Technology | https://www.hwai.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chung Shan Medical University | https://english.csmu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chung Yuan Christian University | https://www.cycu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Chungyu University of Film and Arts | https://www.cufa.edu.tw/ | No |
| CTBC Business School | https://www.ctbc.edu.tw/ | No |
| Dahan Institute of Technology | https://www.dahan.edu.tw/ | No |
| Dayeh University | https://www.dyu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Far East University Taiwan | https://www.feu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Feng Chia University | https://www.fcu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Fo Guang University | https://www.fgu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Fooyin University | https://english.fy.edu.tw/ | No |
| Fu Jen Catholic University | https://www.fju.edu.tw/ | No |
| Hsin Sheng College of Medical Care and Management | https://www.hsc.edu.tw/ | No |
| Hsiuping University of Science and Technology | https://www.hust.edu.tw/ | No |
| Hsuan Chuang University | https://www.hcu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Huafan University | https://www.hfu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Hungkuang University | https://www.hk.edu.tw/ | No |
| HungKuo Delin University of Technology | https://www.hdut.edu.tw/ | No |
| Hwa Hsia University of Technology | https://english.hwh.edu.tw/ | No |
| I-Shou University | https://www.isu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Jinwen University of Science and Technology | https://www.just.edu.tw/ | No |
| Kainan University | https://eng.knu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Kaohsiung Medical University | https://www.kmu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Kao Yuan University | https://www.kyu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Kun Shan University | https://eng-www.ksu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Lan Yang Institute of Technology | https://eng.fit.edu.tw/ | No |
| Lee-Ming Institute of Technology | https://english.lit.edu.tw/ | No |
| Ling Tung University | https://newwebov.ltu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Lunghwa University of Science and Technology | https://www.lhu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Mackay Medical College | https://www.mmc.edu.tw/ | No |
| Meiho University | https://www.meiho.edu.tw/ | No |
| Ming Chi University of Technology | https://www.mcut.edu.tw/ | No |
| Ming Chuan University | https://www.mcu.edu.tw/ | No |
| MingDao University | https://eng.mdu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Minghsin University of Science and Technology | https://fg.must.edu.tw/ | No |
| Nanhua University | https://en.nhu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Nan Jeon University of Science and Technology | https://www.nju.edu.tw/ | No |
| Nan Kai University of Technology | https://englishbk.nkut.edu.tw/ | No |
| Nanya Institute of Technology | https://web.nanya.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Central University | https://www.ncu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Changhua University of Education | https://en.ncue.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Chengchi University | https://www.nccu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Cheng Kung University | https://web.ncku.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Chiayi University | https://www.ncyu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Chin-Yi University of Technology | https://web2.ncut.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Chi Nan University | https://en.ncnu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Chung Cheng University | https://www.ccu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Chung Hsing University | https://www.nchu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Defense Medical Center | https://wwwndmc.ndmctsgh.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Defense University Republic of China | https://www.ndu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Dong Hwa University | https://epage.ndhu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Formosa University | https://www.nfu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Ilan University | https://niu-en.niu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Kaohsiung Normal University | https://w3.nknu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Kaohsiung University of Hospitality and Tourism | https://www.nkuht.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology | https://eng.nkust.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Open University | https://www106.nou.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Penghu University of Science and Technology | https://english.npu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Pingtung University of Science and Technology | https://www.npust.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Pingtung University | https://eng.nptu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Sun Yat-sen University | https://www.nsysu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taichung University of Education | https://www.ntcu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taichung University of Science and Technology | https://www.nutc.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Tainan Junior College of Nursing | https://www2.ntin.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taipei University of Business | https://www.ntub.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taipei University of Education | https://www.ntue.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Science | https://www.ntunhs.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taipei University of Technology | https://www-en.ntut.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taipei University | https://english.ntpu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taitung Junior College | https://www.ntc.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taitung University | https://english.nttu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taiwan College of Performing Arts | https://www.tcpa.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taiwan Normal University | https://en.ntnu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taiwan Ocean University | https://english.ntou.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taiwan Sport University | https://www.ntsu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taiwan University of Arts | https://www.ntua.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taiwan University of Physical Education and Sport | https://eng.ntus.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taiwan University of Science and Technology | https://www.ntust.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Taiwan University | https://www.ntu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Tsing Hua University | https://www.nthu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National United University | https://www.nuu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National University of Kaohsiung | https://www.nuk.edu.tw/ | No |
| National University of Tainan | https://web.nutn.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University | https://www.nycu.edu.tw/ | No |
| National Yunlin University of Science and Technology | https://www.yuntech.edu.tw/ | No |
| Open University of Kaohsiung | https://www.ouk.edu.tw/ | No |
| Overseas Chinese University | https://www.ocu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Providence University | https://enpu.pu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Republic of China Air Force Academy | https://www.cafa.edu.tw/ | No |
| Republic of China Military Academy | https://www.cma.edu.tw/ | No |
| Republic of China Naval Academy | https://www.cna.edu.tw/ | No |
| Shih Chien University | https://www.usc.edu.tw/ | No |
| Shih Hsin University | https://shu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Shu-Te University | https://en.stu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Soochow University Taiwan | https://www-en.scu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Southern Taiwan University of Science and Technology | https://www.stust.edu.tw/ | No |
| St. John's University Taiwan | https://www.sju.edu.tw/ | No |
| Ta Hwa University of Science and Technology | https://www.tust.edu.tw/ | No |
| Tainan National University of the Arts | https://www.tnnua.edu.tw/ | No |
| Tainan University of Technology | https://www.tut.edu.tw/ | No |
| Taipei City University of Science and Technology | https://www.tpcu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Taipei Medical University | https://www.tmu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Taipei National University of the Arts | https://1www.tnua.edu.tw/ | No |
| Taipei University of Marine Technology | https://www.tumt.edu.tw/ | No |
| Taiwan Hospitality and Tourism University | https://ibook.tht.edu.tw/ | No |
| Taiwan Police College | https://www.tpa.edu.tw/ | No |
| Taiwan Shoufu University | https://www.tsu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Tajen University | https://www.tajen.edu.tw/ | No |
| Takming University of Science and Technology | https://www.takming.edu.tw/ | No |
| Tamkang University | https://www.tku.edu.tw/ | No |
| Tatung Institute of Commerce and Technology | https://main.ttc.edu.tw/ | No |
| Tatung University | https://ao.ttu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Toko University | https://w2.toko.edu.tw/ | No |
| TransWorld University | https://international.twu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Tung Fang Design University | https://www.tf.edu.tw/ | No |
| Tunghai University | https://www.thu.edu.tw/ | Yes |
| Tungnan University | https://www.tnu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Tzu Chi University of Science and Technology | https://www.tcust.edu.tw/ | No |
| Tzu Chi University | https://tcueng.tcu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Tzu Hui Institute of Technology | https://www.tzuhui.edu.tw/ | No |
| University of Kang Ning | https://secretary.ukn.edu.tw/ | No |
| University of Taipei | https://www.utaipei.edu.tw/ | No |
| Vanung University | https://en.vnu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages | https://english.wenzao.tw/ | No |
| WuFeng University | https://www.wfu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Yuanpei University of Medical Technology | https://eng.ypu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Yuan Ze University | https://www.yzu.edu.tw/ | No |
| Yu Da University of Science and Technology | https://www1.ydu.edu.tw/ | No |
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## Tajikistan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Agricultural University of Tajikistan | https://www.tajagroun.tj/ | No |
| Khujand State University | https://www.hgu.tj/ | No |
| Lomonosov Moscow State University | https://www.msu.ru/ | No |
| Russian-Tajik Slavonic University | https://www.russiantajikslavonic.tj/ | No |
| Tajikistan State University of Law, Business & Politics | https://www.tsulbp.tj/ | No |
| Tajik State Medical University | https://tajmedun.tj/ | No |
| Tajik State National University | https://www.tnu.tj/ | No |
| Technological University of Tajikistan | https://tut.tj/ | No |
| University of Central Asia | https://www.ucentralasia.org/ | No |
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## Thailand
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Asia-Pacific International University | https://www.apiu.edu/ | No |
| Asian Institute of Technology | https://www.ait.ac.th/ | No |
| Asian University | https://www.asianu.ac.th/ | No |
| Assumption University of Thailand | https://www.au.edu/ | No |
| Bangkok School of Management | https://www.bsm.ac.th/ | Yes |
| Bangkokthonburi University | https://www.bkkthon.ac.th/ | Yes |
| Bangkok University | https://www.bu.ac.th/ | No |
| Burapha University | https://buu.ac.th/ | No |
| Chandrakasem Rajabhat University | https://reg.chandra.ac.th/ | No |
| Chaopraya University | https://www.cpu.ac.th/ | No |
| Chiang Mai Rajabhat University | https://www.cmru.ac.th/ | No |
| Chiang Mai University | https://www.cmu.ac.th/ | No |
| Chulabhorn Graduate Institute | https://www.cgi.ac.th/ | Yes |
| Chulachomklao Royal Military Academy | https://www.crma.ac.th/ | No |
| Chulalongkorn University | https://www.chula.ac.th/ | No |
| Dhurakij Pundit University | https://www.dpu.ac.th/ | No |
| Dusit Thani College | https://www.dtc.ac.th/ | No |
| Fatoni University | https://www.ftu.ac.th/ | No |
| Greater Mekong Sub-region Academic and Research Network | https://www.gmsarn.com/ | No |
| Hatyai University | https://www.hu.ac.th/ | No |
| HRH Princess Chulabhorn College of Medical Science | https://www.pccms.ac.th/ | Yes |
| Huachiew Chalermprakiet University | https://www.hcu.ac.th/ | No |
| International Buddhist College | https://www.ibc.ac.th/ | No |
| Kalasin University | https://www.new.ksu.ac.th/ | No |
| Kanchanaburi Rajabhat University | https://www.kru.ac.th/ | No |
| Kasem Bundit University | https://www.kbu.ac.th/ | No |
| Kasetsart University | https://ku.ac.th/ | No |
| Khon Kaen University | https://www.kku.ac.th/ | No |
| King Mongkut's Institute of Technology Ladkrabang | https://www.kmitl.ac.th/ | No |
| King Mongkut's University of Technology North Bangkok | https://www.kmutnb.ac.th/ | No |
| King Mongkut's University of Technology Thonburi | https://www2.kmutt.ac.th/ | Yes |
| Krirk University | https://www.krirk.ac.th/ | No |
| Lumnamping College | https://www.lpc.th.edu/ | No |
| Mae Fah Luang University | https://www.mfu.ac.th/ | No |
| Maejo University | https://www.mju.ac.th/ | No |
| Mahachulalongkornrajavidyalaya University | https://www.mcu.ac.th/ | No |
| Mahamakut Buddhist University | https://www.mbu.ac.th/ | No |
| Mahanakorn University of Technology | https://www.mut.ac.th/ | No |
| Mahasarakham University | https://inter.msu.ac.th/ | No |
| Mahidol University | https://www.mahidol.ac.th/ | No |
| Nakhon Phanom University | https://www.npu.ac.th/ | No |
| Naresuan University | https://www.nu.ac.th/ | No |
| National Defence College of Thailand | https://www.thaindc.org/ | No |
| National Institute of Development Administration | https://www.nida.ac.th/ | Yes |
| Navamindradhiraj University | https://www.nmu.ac.th/ | No |
| North Chiang Mai University | https://www.northcm.ac.th/ | No |
| Pathumthani University | https://www.ptu.ac.th/ | Yes |
| Pathumwan Institute of Technology | https://www.pit.ac.th/ | Yes |
| Payap University | https://www.payap.ac.th/ | No |
| Phramongkutklao College of Medicine | https://www.pcm.ac.th/ | No |
| Phuket Rajabhat University | https://www.pkru.ac.th/ | Yes |
| Pibulsongkram Rajabhat University | https://www.psru.ac.th/ | No |
| Praboromarajchanok Institute | https://www.pi.ac.th/ | Yes |
| Prince of Songkla University | https://www.psu.ac.th/ | No |
| Princess of Naradhiwas University | https://www.pnu.ac.th/ | No |
| Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna | https://www.rmutl.ac.th/ | No |
| Rajamangala University of Technology Srivijaya | https://www.rmutsv.ac.th/ | No |
| Rajamangala University of Technology Thanyaburi | https://www.rmutt.ac.th/ | No |
| Ramkhamhaeng University | https://www.ru.ac.th/ | No |
| Rangsit University | https://www2.rsu.ac.th/ | No |
| Royal Thai Navy Academy | https://www.rtna.ac.th/ | No |
| SAE Institute | https://www.sae.edu/ | Yes |
| Shinawatra University | https://www.siu.ac.th/ | No |
| Siam University | https://www.siam.edu/ | No |
| Silpakorn University | https://www.su.ac.th/ | No |
| Srinakharinwirot University | https://www.swu.ac.th/ | No |
| Sripatum University | https://www.spu.ac.th/ | No |
| Stamford International University | https://stamford.edu/ | No |
| Sukhothai Thammathirat Open University | https://www.stou.ac.th/ | No |
| Suranaree University of Technology | https://www.sut.ac.th/ | No |
| Thai-Nichi Institute of Technology | https://www.tni.ac.th/ | No |
| Thailand Graduate Institute of Science and Technology | https://www.nstda.or.th/ | Yes |
| Thaksin University | https://www.tsu.ac.th/ | No |
| Thammasat University | https://www.tu.ac.th/ | No |
| The Far Eastern University | https://www.feu.edu.ph/ | No |
| Thonburi University | https://www.thonburi-u.ac.th/ | No |
| Thongsuk College | https://www.thongsook.ac.th/ | No |
| Ubon Ratchathani University | https://www.english.ubu.ac.th/ | No |
| Udon Thani Rajabhat University | https://www.udru.ac.th/ | No |
| University of Phayao | https://www.up.ac.th/ | No |
| University of the Thai Chamber of Commerce | https://www.utcc.ac.th/ | Yes |
| Uttaradit Rajabhat University | https://www.uru.ac.th/ | No |
| Vongchavalitkul University | https://www.vu.ac.th/ | No |
| Walailak University | https://www.wu.ac.th/ | No |
| Webster University Thailand | https://www.webster.ac.th/ | No |
| Yonok University | https://www.nation.ac.th/ | No |
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## Turkmenistan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Institute of International Relations Turkmenistan | https://www.mfa.gov.tm/ | No |
| International Oil and Gas University | https://iogu.edu.tm/ | No |
| International University of Humanities and Development | https://iuhd.edu.tm/ | No |
| Turkmen National Conservatory | https://tmk.edu.tm/ | No |
| Turkmen State Medical University | https://www.tdlu.edu.tm/ | No |
| Turkmen State University | https://tdu.edu.tm/ | No |
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## United Arab Emirates
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Abasyn University | https://abasyn.edu.pk/ | No |
| Abu Dhabi University | https://www.adu.ac.ae/ | No |
| Ajman University AU | https://www.ajman.ac.ae/ | No |
| Al Ain University | https://www.aau.ac.ae/ | No |
| Al Ghurair University | https://agu.ac.ae/ | No |
| Al Qasimia University | https://www.alqasimia.ac.ae/ | No |
| American University in Dubai | https://www.aud.edu/ | No |
| American University in the Emirates | https://www.aue.ae/ | Yes |
| American University of Sharjah | https://www.aus.edu/ | Yes |
| Amity University Dubai | https://www.amity.edu/ | No |
| Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani – Dubai Campus | https://www.bits-pilani.ac.in/ | No |
| British University in Dubai | https://www.buid.ac.ae/ | Yes |
| Canadian University Dubai | https://cud.ac.ae/ | No |
| City University College of Ajman | https://cuca.ae/ | No |
| Curtin University | https://www.curtin.edu.au/ | No |
| Dubai Medical College | https://www.dmcg.edu/ | No |
| Emirates Institute for Banking and Financial Studies | https://www.eibfs.ae/ | No |
| Gulf Medical University | https://www.gmu.ac.ae/ | No |
| Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University | https://www.hbmsu.ac.ae/ | Yes |
| Heriot-Watt University Dubai | https://www.hw.ac.uk/ | No |
| Higher Colleges of Technology | https://www.hct.ac.ae/ | No |
| Hult International Business School | https://www.hult.edu/ | No |
| Institute of Management Technology, Dubai | https://www.imt.ac.ae/ | No |
| Islamic Azad University, UAE Branch | https://www.iau.ae/ | No |
| Khalifa University | https://www.ku.ac.ae/ | No |
| London Business School | https://www.london.edu/ | No |
| Manipal University Dubai | https://www.manipaldubai.com/ | No |
| Middlesex University Dubai | https://www.mdx.ac.ae/ | No |
| MODUL University Dubai | https://www.modul.ac.ae/ | Yes |
| Mohammed bin Rashid School of Government | https://www.mbrsg.ae/ | No |
| Murdoch University Dubai | https://murdochuniversitydubai.com/ | No |
| National Defense College of the United Arab Emirates | https://www.ndc.ac.ae/ | No |
| New York University Abu Dhabi | https://nyuad.nyu.edu/ | No |
| Rabdan Academy | https://ra.ac.ae/ | No |
| Ras al-Khaimah Medical and Health Sciences University | https://www.rakmhsu.ac.ae/ | No |
| Rochester Institute of Technology - Dubai | https://rit.edu/ | No |
| Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland | https://www.rcsi.com/ | No |
| SAE Institute | https://www.sae.edu/ | Yes |
| Saint-Petersburg State Economic University Dubai branch | https://www.unecon.ae/ | No |
| Saint Joseph University - Dubai | https://www.usj.edu.lb/ | No |
| Shaheed Zulfikar Ali Bhutto Institute of Science and Technology | https://szabist.edu.pk/ | No |
| Skyline University College Sharjah | https://www.skylineuniversity.ac.ae/ | No |
| S P Jain School of Global Management | https://www.spjain.org/ | Yes |
| The Emirates Academy of Hospitality Management | https://emiratesacademy.edu/ | No |
| United Arab Emirates University | https://uaeu.ac.ae/ | No |
| University of Balamand | https://www.balamand.edu.lb/ | No |
| University of Birmingham | https://www.birmingham.ac.uk/ | No |
| University of Dubai | https://www.ud.ac.ae/ | No |
| University of Sharjah | https://www.sharjah.ac.ae/ | No |
| University of Wollongong in Dubai | https://www.uowdubai.ac.ae/ | Yes |
| Zayed University | https://www.zu.ac.ae/ | No |
| École Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne | https://www.epfl.ch/ | Yes |
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## Uzbekistan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Andijan State Medical Institute | https://www.andmi.uz/ | Yes |
| Andijan State University | https://www.adu.uz/ | No |
| Bukhara State University | https://bsmi.uz/ | No |
| Inha University in Tashkent | https://www.inha.uz/ | No |
| Management Development Institute of Singapore in Tashkent | https://mdis.uz/ | No |
| Moscow State University in Tashkent named for M. V. Lomonosov | https://msu.uz/ | No |
| Samarkand State Medical Institute | https://www.sammi.uz/ | No |
| Samarkand State University | https://www.samdu.uz/ | No |
| Tashkent Architectural Building Institute | https://www.taqi.uz/ | No |
| Tashkent Automobile and Road Construction Institute | https://www.tayi.uz/ | No |
| Tashkent Financial Institute | https://tfi.uz/ | No |
| Tashkent Institute of Irrigation and Melioration | https://tiiame.uz/ | No |
| Tashkent Medical Academy | https://tma.uz/ | No |
| Tashkent State Agrarian University | https://tdau.uz/ | No |
| Tashkent State Institute of Oriental Studies | https://tsuos.uz/ | No |
| Tashkent State Technical University | https://tdtu.uz/ | No |
| Tashkent State University of Economics | https://tsue.uz/ | No |
| Tashkent State University of Law | https://mytsul.uz/ | No |
| Tashkent University of Information Technologies | https://www.tuit.uz/ | No |
| TEAM University Tashkent | https://www.teamuni.uz/ | No |
| University of World Economy and Diplomacy | https://www.uwed.uz/ | No |
| Urgench branch of Tashkent Medical Academy | https://www.abt.uz/ | Yes |
| Urgench State University | https://www.urdu.uz/ | No |
| Uzbekistan State University of World Languages | https://uzswlu.uz/ | No |
| Westminster International University in Tashkent | https://www.wiut.uz/ | Yes |
<summary>_click me_
## Vietnam
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| An Giang University | https://www.agu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Bac Ha International University | https://www.bhiu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City | https://buh.edu.vn/ | No |
| Can Tho University | https://www.ctu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Conservatory of Ho Chi Minh City | https://www.hcmcons.vn/ | No |
| Dalat University | https://www.dlu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Diplomatic Academy of Vietnam | https://www.dav.edu.vn/ | No |
| Dong Nai University | https://www.dnpu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Dong Thap University | https://www.dthu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Duy Tan University | https://www.duytan.edu.vn/ | No |
| Electric Power University | https://www.epu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Foreign Trade University | https://www.ftu.edu.vn/ | No |
| FPT University | https://www.fpt.edu.vn/ | No |
| Fulbright University Vietnam | https://www.fulbright.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hai Phong Medical University | https://www.hpmu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hai Phong University | https://www.dhhp.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hanoi Architectural University | https://hau.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hanoi Medical University | https://hmu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hanoi National University of Education | https://english.hnue.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hanoi University of Agriculture | https://www.vnua.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hanoi University of Civil Engineering | https://nuce.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hanoi University of Industry | https://www.haui.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hanoi University of Mining and Geology | https://www.humg.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hanoi University of Natural Resources and Environment | https://en.hunre.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hanoi University of Science and Technology | https://www.hust.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hanoi University | https://www.hanu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hoa Sen University | https://www.hoasen.edu.vn/ | No |
| Ho Chi Minh City International University | https://www.hcmiu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Ho Chi Minh City Medicine and Pharmacy University | https://yds.edu.vn/ | No |
| Ho Chi Minh City Open University | https://www.ou.edu.vn/ | No |
| Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry | https://www.hcmuaf.edu.vn/ | No |
| Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture | https://uah.edu.vn/ | No |
| Ho Chi Minh City University of Economics and Finance UEF | https://www.uef.edu.vn/ | No |
| Ho Chi Minh City University of Foreign Languages and Information Technology | https://www.huflit.edu.vn/ | No |
| Ho Chi Minh City University of Industry | https://www.iuh.edu.vn/ | No |
| Ho Chi Minh City University of Information Technology | https://www.uit.edu.vn/ | No |
| Ho Chi Minh City University of Science | https://www.hcmus.edu.vn/ | No |
| Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities | https://www.hcmussh.edu.vn/ | No |
| Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology and Education | https://www.hcmute.edu.vn/ | No |
| Ho Chi Minh City University of Technology | https://www.hcmut.edu.vn/ | No |
| Ho Chi Minh City University of Transport | https://ut.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hong Duc University | https://eng.hdu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hue University of Medicine and Pharmacy | https://www.huemed-univ.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hue University | https://hueuni.edu.vn/ | No |
| Hung Vuong University | https://hvu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Lac Hong University | https://en.lhu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Le Quy Don Technical University | https://www.lqdtu.edu.vn/ | No |
| National Academy of Public Administration Vietnam | https://napa.vn/ | No |
| National Economics University | https://en.neu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Nha Trang University | https://www.ntu.edu.vn/ | No |
| PACE Institute of Leadership and Management | https://www.pace.edu.vn/ | No |
| Pham Ngoc Thach University of Medicine | https://pnt.edu.vn/ | No |
| Saigon Technology University | https://www.stu.edu.vn/ | No |
| The Saigon International University | https://www.siu.edu.vn/ | No |
| The University of Da Nang | https://www.udn.vn/ | No |
| Ton Duc Thang University | https://www.tdtu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Tra Vinh University | https://en.tvu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Tân Tạo University | https://ttu.edu.vn/ | No |
| University of Economics, Ho Chi Minh City | https://www.ueh.edu.vn/ | No |
| University of Economics and Law | https://www.uel.edu.vn/ | No |
| University of Transport and Communications | https://www.utc.edu.vn/ | No |
| Van Hien University | https://www.vhu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Van Lang University | https://www.vanlanguni.edu.vn/ | No |
| Van Xuan University of Technology | https://www.vxut.edu.vn/ | No |
| Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology | https://www.vast.ac.vn/ | No |
| Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences | https://www.vass.gov.vn/ | No |
| Vietnam Aviation Academy | https://vaa.edu.vn/ | No |
| Vietnamese-German University | https://www.vgu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Vietnam Maritime University | https://www.vimaru.edu.vn/ | No |
| Vietnam National Academy of Music | https://www.vnam.edu.vn/ | No |
| Vietnam National University, Hanoi | https://www.vnu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City | https://www.vnuhcm.edu.vn/ | No |
| Vinh University | https://eng.vinhuni.edu.vn/ | No |
| VinUniversity | https://vinuni.edu.vn/ | No |
| Đại học Quản lý và Công nghệ Hải Phòng | https://www.hpu.edu.vn/ | No |
| Đông Á University | https://donga.edu.vn/ | No |
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## Yemen
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aden University | https://www.aden-univ.net/ | No |
| Al-Ahgaff University | https://www.ahgaff.edu/ | Yes |
| Al Saeed University | https://alsaeeduni.com/ | No |
| Hadhramout University | https://www.hu.edu.ye/ | No |
| Hodeidah University | https://hoduniv.net.ye/ | No |
| Lebanese International University Yemen | https://www.liuyemen.com/ | No |
| Yemen University | https://yemenuniversity.com/ | No |
### By Country
| Name | Cloudflared | Normal | CF % |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Afghanistan | 4 | 43 | 8.51% |
| Armenia | 3 | 23 | 11.54% |
| Azerbaijan | 6 | 20 | 23.08% |
| Bahrain | 2 | 15 | 11.76% |
| Bangladesh | 19 | 116 | 14.07% |
| Bhutan | 0 | 8 | 0% |
| Brunei | 0 | 8 | 0% |
| Cambodia | 4 | 17 | 19.05% |
| China | 3 | 672 | 0.44% |
| East Timor | 0 | 4 | 0% |
| Georgia | 4 | 22 | 15.38% |
| Hong Kong | 2 | 24 | 7.69% |
| India | 232 | 1834 | 11.23% |
| Indonesia | 22 | 106 | 17.19% |
| Iran | 3 | 157 | 1.88% |
| Iraq | 10 | 30 | 25% |
| Israel | 5 | 59 | 7.81% |
| Japan | 4 | 837 | 0.48% |
| Jordan | 5 | 26 | 16.13% |
| Kazakhstan | 2 | 29 | 6.45% |
| Kuwait | 1 | 9 | 10% |
| Kyrgyzstan | 3 | 10 | 23.08% |
| Laos | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Lebanon | 6 | 38 | 13.64% |
| Macau | 0 | 6 | 0% |
| Malaysia | 11 | 62 | 15.07% |
| Mongolia | 0 | 14 | 0% |
| Myanmar | 13 | 65 | 16.67% |
| Nepal | 14 | 43 | 24.56% |
| North Korea | 0 | 4 | 0% |
| Oman | 0 | 10 | 0% |
| Pakistan | 39 | 165 | 19.12% |
| Palestine | 5 | 17 | 22.73% |
| Philippines | 54 | 340 | 13.71% |
| Qatar | 5 | 9 | 35.71% |
| Saudi Arabia | 7 | 63 | 10% |
| Singapore | 1 | 12 | 7.69% |
| South Korea | 2 | 279 | 0.71% |
| Sri Lanka | 3 | 31 | 8.82% |
| Syria | 1 | 36 | 2.7% |
| Taiwan | 1 | 149 | 0.67% |
| Tajikistan | 0 | 9 | 0% |
| Thailand | 13 | 73 | 15.12% |
| Turkmenistan | 0 | 6 | 0% |
| United Arab Emirates | 9 | 43 | 17.31% |
| Uzbekistan | 3 | 22 | 12% |
| Vietnam | 0 | 76 | 0% |
| Yemen | 1 | 6 | 14.29% |
### Total
| Type | Site Count | Owner Count |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Cloudflare | 522 | 519 |
| Normal | 5648 | 5602 |
| Total | 6170 | 6121 |
### 8.46% of University and College websites are using Cloudflare.
### 8.48% of University and College in Asia are using Cloudflare.