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## How many % of online newspapers in America are using Cloudflare?
The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in America.
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## Antigua
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Antigua Chronicle | https://www.antiguachronicle.net/ | No |
| CANA Caribbean News | https://www.cananews.com/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily Observer | https://www.antiguaobserver.com/ | Yes |
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## Argentina
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 4 Semanas | https://www.4semanas.com/ | No |
| 8300 | https://www.8300.com.ar/ | Yes |
| Adnmundo | https://www.adnmundo.com/ | No |
| Alto Uruguay Web | https://www.altouruguayweb.com.ar/ | No |
| Ambito Financiero | https://www.ambitoweb.com.ar/ | No |
| Analisis Litoral | https://www.analisislitoral.com.ar/ | No |
| Arg-Diario | https://www.arg-diario.com.ar/ | No |
| Argentina Star | https://www.argentinastar.com/ | No |
| Argentinisches Tageblatt | https://www.tageblatt.com.ar/ | No |
| Asteriscos | https://www.asteriscos.tv/ | No |
| BHI Bahia Blanca | https://www.bhi.com.ar/ | No |
| Buenos Aires Herald Online | https://www.buenosairesherald.com/ | No |
| Buenos Aires Times | https://www.buenosairestimes.com/ | No |
| Business News Americas | https://www.bnamericas.com/ | No |
| Catamarca Actual | https://www.catamarcactual.com.ar/ | Yes |
| Cataratas Hoy Noticias | https://www.cataratashoy.com.ar/ | No |
| Cataratas Noticias | https://www.cataratasnoticias.com.ar/ | No |
| Chaco Vision | https://www.chacovision.com.ar/ | No |
| Clarin Digital | https://www.clarin.com/ | Yes |
| Comercio y Justicia | https://www.comercioyjusticia.com.ar/ | No |
| Crónica | https://www.cronica.com.ar/ | Yes |
| Cuyo Noticias | https://www.cuyonoticias.com.ar/ | Yes |
| Daily Journal Online | https://www.dailyjournalonline.com/ | No |
| Del Norte Noticias | https://www.delnortenoticias.com/ | No |
| Diario 5 Días | https://www.diario5dias.com.ar/ | Yes |
| Diario Accion | https://www.diarioaccion.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario Armenia | https://www.diarioarmenia.org.ar/ | No |
| Diario Cafayate | https://www.diariocafayate.com/ | No |
| Diario Castellano | https://www.castellanos.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario de Cuyo | https://www.diariodecuyo.com.ar/ | Yes |
| Diario del Bicentenario | https://www.elbicentenarioweb.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario de los Andes | https://www.losandes.com.ar/ | Yes |
| Diario Democracia de Junín | https://www.diariodemocracia.com/ | No |
| Diario Democracia | https://www.democracia-diario.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario Digital Notife | https://www.notife.com/ | Yes |
| Diario digital RosarioNet | https://www.rosarionet.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario El Chubut On Line | https://www.eldiariotdf.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario El Ciudadano | https://elciudadano.net/ | No |
| Diario El Debate | https://www.eldebate.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario El Libertador | https://www.diarioellibertador.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario El Norte | https://www.diarioelnorte.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario El Oeste | https://www.diarioeloeste.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario El Patagónico On Line | https://www.diarioelpatagonico.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario El Pueblo | https://www.elpueblo.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario Epoca | https://www.diarioepoca.com/ | Yes |
| Diario Hoy | https://www.diariohoy.net/ | Yes |
| Diario Junin | https://www.diariojunin.com/ | No |
| Diario La Mañana | https://www.lmsur.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario La Nueva Provincia | https://www.lanueva.com/ | No |
| Diario La Union | https://www.launion.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario La U | https://www.lauweb.com/ | No |
| Diario Necochea | https://www.diarionecochea.com/ | No |
| Diario Norte | https://www.diarionorte.com/ | Yes |
| Diario Pagina 12 | https://www.pagina12web.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario Pregon | https://www.pregon.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario Rio Negro | https://www.rionegro.com.ar/ | No |
| Diario Salta | https://www.diariosalta.com/ | No |
| DiarioShow.com | https://www.diarioshow.com/ | Yes |
| Diario Sumario | https://www.diariosumario.com/ | No |
| DiarioTAG | https://www.diariotag.com/ | Yes |
| Ecos Diarios | https://www.ecosdiarios.com/ | No |
| El Ancasti | https://www.elancasti.com.ar/ | Yes |
| El Argentino | https://www.elargentino.com/ | No |
| El Chubut | https://www.diarioelchubut.com.ar/ | No |
| El Clorindense | https://www.elclorindense.com/ | No |
| El Comahue Online | https://www.elcomahueonline.com.ar/ | No |
| El Comercial | https://www.elcomercial.com.ar/ | Yes |
| El Corunio | https://www.elcorunio.com.ar/ | No |
| El Cronista Regional | https://www.elcronistaregional.com.ar/ | No |
| El Cronista | https://www.cronista.com/ | No |
| El Diario del Fin del Mundo | https://www.eldiariodelfindelmundo.com/ | Yes |
| El Diario de Paraná | https://www.eldiario.com.ar/ | Yes |
| El diario de Rojas | https://www.eldiario-rojas.com.ar/ | No |
| El Diario | https://www.eldiariocba.com.ar/ | Yes |
| El Día | https://www.eldia.com/ | No |
| El Economista | https://www.eleconomista.com.ar/ | Yes |
| El Eco | https://www.eleco.com.ar/ | Yes |
| El Elesquiú | https://www.elesquiu.com/ | Yes |
| El Independiente | https://www.elindependiente.com.ar/ | No |
| El Intransigente | https://www.elintransigente.com/ | No |
| El Liberal | https://www.elliberal.com.ar/ | Yes |
| El Libertario | https://www.ellibertario.com/ | No |
| El Litoral | https://www.el-litoral.com.ar/ | No |
| El Ojo Digital | https://www.elojodigital.com/ | No |
| El Opositor | https://www.elopositor.com.ar/ | No |
| El Redondel | https://www.elredondel.com.ar/ | No |
| El Siglo | https://www.el-siglo.com.ar/ | No |
| El Suplente | https://www.elsuplente.com/ | No |
| El Sureño | https://www.surenio.com.ar/ | Yes |
| El Territorio | https://www.elterritorio.com.ar/ | Yes |
| El Tribuno | https://www.eltribuno.com.ar/ | No |
| El Tucumano Digital.com | https://www.eltucumanodigital.com/ | No |
| El Zonda | https://www.diarioelzonda.com.ar/ | No |
| Info341 | https://www.info341.com.ar/ | No |
| Infobae | https://www.infobae.com/ | No |
| Info Canuelas | https://www.infocanuelas.com/ | No |
| Infochubut.com | https://www.infochubut.com/ | Yes |
| Info Rauch | https://www.inforauch.com.ar/ | No |
| Inventario 22 | https://inventario22.com.ar/ | No |
| Jujuy Al Día | https://www.jujuyaldia.com.ar/ | Yes |
| La Arena | https://www.laarena.com.ar/ | No |
| La Buena Esperanza | https://www.labuenaesperanza.com/ | No |
| La Capital | https://www.diariolacapital.com/ | No |
| La Gaceta | https://www.gacenet.com.ar/ | No |
| La Izquierda Diario | https://www.laizquierdadiario.com/ | Yes |
| La Mañana de Córdoba | https://www.lmcba.com.ar/ | No |
| La Nacion | https://www.lanacion.com.ar/ | Yes |
| La Opinión Austral | https://www.laopinionaustral.net/ | Yes |
| La Opinión | https://www.diariolaopinion.com.ar/ | Yes |
| La Razón | https://www.larazon.com/ | No |
| La Reforma | https://www.lareformaonline.com.ar/ | Yes |
| La Rioja News | https://www.lariojanews.com.ar/ | No |
| La Verdad | https://www.laverdadonline.com/ | No |
| La Voz de Jujuy | https://www.lavozdejujuy.com.ar/ | No |
| La Voz De La Provincia | https://www.lavozdelaprovincia.com.ar/ | No |
| La Voz del Interior | https://www.lavozdelinterior.com.ar/ | Yes |
| La Voz del Pueblo | https://www.lavozdelpueblo.com.ar/ | No |
| La Voz Urbana | https://www.lavozurbana.com/ | No |
| La Voz | https://www.digivoz.com.ar/ | No |
| Le Petit Journal | https://www.lepetitjournal.com/ | No |
| Linea Capital | https://www.lineacapital.com.ar/ | No |
| Los Polifuncionales | https://www.lospolifuncionales.com/ | No |
| M 24 Digital | https://www.m24digital.com/ | No |
| Mercamerica.es | https://www.mercamerica.es/ | No |
| MercedesYA | https://www.mercedesya.com.ar/ | No |
| MercoPress | https://en.mercopress.com/ | No |
| Merlo Actualidad | https://merloactualidad.com.ar/ | No |
| Neuquen 24 Horas | https://www.neuquen24hs.com.ar/ | No |
| Noticias Y Protagonistas | https://www.noticiasyprotagonistas.com/ | No |
| Notiexpress | https://www.notiexpress.com.ar/ | No |
| Nuevo Diario de Santiago del Estero | https://www.nuevodiarioweb.com.ar/ | Yes |
| Olé | https://www.ole.com.ar/ | Yes |
| Pachakutiq | https://pachakutiq.com.ar/ | No |
| Pagina/12 | https://www.pagina12.com.ar/ | Yes |
| Perfil.com | https://www.perfil.com/ | Yes |
| Periodismo En Red Diario Digital | https://www.periodismoenred.com.ar/ | No |
| Popular | https://www.diariopopular.com.ar/ | No |
| Provincia 23 | https://www.p23.com.ar/ | No |
| Puntal Villa María | https://www.puntalvm.com.ar/ | No |
| Puntal | https://www.puntal.com.ar/ | No |
| Punto a Punto Online | https://www.pap.com.ar/ | No |
| Rafaela.com | https://www.rafaela.com/ | No |
| Redaccion Rosario | https://www.redaccionrosario.com/ | No |
| RegiónNet | https://www.regionnet.com.ar/ | No |
| Roca Digital | https://www.rocadigital.com.ar/ | Yes |
| Rosario3.com | https://www.rosario3.com/ | Yes |
| San Cristóbal | https://sancris.com.ar/ | No |
| San Jorge Noticias | https://www.sanjorgenoticias.com.ar/ | No |
| San Jorge Virtual | https://www.sanjorgevirtual.com.ar/ | No |
| Se Despierta | https://www.sedespierta.com.ar/ | No |
| Semanario Pilar de Todos | https://www.pilardetodos.com.ar/ | No |
| Semanarrio Extra | https://www.semanarioextra.com.ar/ | Yes |
| Tiempo Fueguino | https://www.tiemponet.com.ar/ | No |
| Tiempos del Mundo | https://www.tdm.com/ | No |
| Tiempo Sur | https://www.tiemposur.com.ar/ | Yes |
| Trait-d'Union | https://www.traitdunion.com.ar/ | No |
| UNO Paraná | https://www.unoentrerios.com.ar/ | No |
| Uno | https://www.unosantafe.com.ar/ | No |
| Ushuaia-Info | https://www.ushuaia-info.com.ar/ | No |
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## Aruba
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Awe24 | https://www.awemainta.com/ | No |
| Awe Mainta | https://www.awe24.com/ | No |
| BoletinExtra.com | https://www.boletinextra.com/ | Yes |
| Bon Dia | https://www.bondia.com/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Diario Online | https://www.diarioaruba.com/ | No |
| News of Aruba | https://www.newsofaruba.com/ | No |
| Solo di Pueblo | https://www.solodipueblo.com/ | No |
| The Morning News | https://www.themorningnewsaruba.com/ | No |
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## Bahamas
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| The Abaconian | https://www.abaconian.com/ | No |
| The Bahama Journal | https://www.jonesbahamas.com/ | No |
| The Bahama Times | https://www.thebahamatimes.com/ | No |
| The Nassau Guardian | https://www.thenassauguardian.net/ | No |
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## Barbados
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| BajanNetwork.org | https://www.bajannetwork.org/ | No |
| Bajan Sun Online | https://www.bajansunonline.com/ | No |
| Barbados Today | https://www.barbadostoday.bb/ | Yes |
| Barbados Underground | https://www.barbadosunderground.net/ | No |
| CanaNewsOnline | https://www.cananewsonline.com/ | No |
| Caribbean360 | https://www.caribbean360.com/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Daily Nation | https://www.nationnews.com/ | Yes |
| News784 | https://www.news784.com/ | Yes |
| The Barbados Advocate | https://www.barbadosadvocate.com/ | No |
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## Belize
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Amandala | https://www.amandala.com.bz/ | Yes |
| Ambergris Today | https://www.ambergristoday.com/ | Yes |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| The Belize Times | https://www.belizetimes.bz/ | No |
| The Guardian | https://www.guardian.bz/ | No |
| The Placencia Breeze | https://www.placenciabreeze.com/ | No |
| The Reporter | https://www.reporter.bz/ | No |
| The San Pedro Sun | https://www.sanpedrosun.com/ | Yes |
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## Bermuda
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Bermuda Network News | https://www.bermudanetworknews.com/ | No |
| Bermuda Sun | https://www.bermudasun.org/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| News784 | https://www.news784.com/ | Yes |
| The Royal Gazette | https://www.royalgazette.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Bolivia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Bolivia En Tus Manos | https://www.boliviaentusmanos.com/ | No |
| Bolivia Exterior | https://www.boliviaexterior.com/ | No |
| Bolivia Prensa | https://boliviaprensa.com/ | No |
| Bolivia Weekly | https://www.boliviaweekly.com/ | No |
| Bol Press | https://bolpress.com/ | No |
| Business News Americas | https://www.bnamericas.com/ | No |
| De Bolivia | https://www.de-bolivia.com/ | No |
| Diario Correo del Sur | https://www.correodelsur.com/ | No |
| Diez | https://www.diez.bo/ | No |
| El Boliviano En Vivo | https://www.elbolivianoenvivo.com/ | No |
| El Deber | https://www.eldeber.com.bo/ | Yes |
| El Diario | https://www.eldiario.net/ | No |
| El Dìa | https://www.eldia.com.bo/ | No |
| El Mundo | https://www.elmundo.com.bo/ | Yes |
| El Nacional | https://www.elnacionaltarija.com/ | No |
| El Nuevo Dia | https://www.el-nuevodia.com/ | No |
| El Pais | https://www.elpaisonline.com/ | No |
| El Potosi | https://www.elpotosi.net/ | No |
| El Sol | https://www.elsol.com.bo/ | No |
| El Tunari | https://www.eltunari.com/ | No |
| Erbol | https://www.erbol.com.bo/ | Yes |
| Hidrocarburos Bolivia | https://www.hidrocarburosbolivia.com/ | No |
| Hoy Bolivia | https://www.hoybolivia.com/ | Yes |
| Jornada | https://www.jornadanet.com/ | No |
| La Patria | https://www.lapatriaenlinea.com/ | No |
| La Prensa | https://www.laprensa.com.bo/ | No |
| La Razón | https://www.la-razon.com/ | Yes |
| Los Tiempos | https://www.lostiempos.com/ | No |
| Notibol | https://notibol.com/ | Yes |
| Noticias de Bolivia | https://www.enlacesbolivia.net/ | No |
| Noticias | https://www.noticias.com.bo/ | No |
| Nueva Economia | https://www.elmundo.es/ | Yes |
| Opinión | https://www.opinion.com.bo/ | Yes |
| Oruro Web | https://www.oruroweb.com/ | No |
| Pagina 7 | https://www.paginasiete.bo/ | Yes |
| RedBolivia Internacional | https://www.redbolivia.com/ | No |
| Sol De Pando | https://www.soldepando.com/ | Yes |
| Tarija Bolivia | https://www.tarijabolivia.net/ | No |
| Ultimas Noticias Bolivia | https://www.ultimasnoticiasbolivia.com/ | Yes |
| Urgente Bolivia | https://www.urgentebo.com/ | Yes |
| Videos Bolivia | https://www.videobolivia.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Brazil
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| AC 24 Horas | https://www.ac24horas.com/ | Yes |
| A Critica | https://www.acritica.com.br/ | No |
| A Gazeta De Joinville | https://www.gazetadejoinville.com.br/ | Yes |
| A Gazeta | https://www.agazetadoacre.com/ | Yes |
| Agora São Paulo | https://agora.folha.uol.com.br/ | Yes |
| A Liberdade | https://www.aliberdade.com/ | No |
| A Notícia | https://www.an.com.br/ | No |
| A Nova Democratcia | https://www.anovademocracia.com.br/ | Yes |
| A Plateia | https://www.aplateia.com.br/ | No |
| A Razao | https://www.arazao.com.br/ | Yes |
| A Região | https://www.aregiao.com.br/ | No |
| A Tarde | https://www.atarde.com.br/ | No |
| A Tribuna | https://www.jornalatribuna.com.br/ | No |
| A Voz da Serra | https://www.avozdaserra.com.br/ | No |
| Bahia em Foco | https://www.bahiaemfoco.com/ | No |
| Bastidores do Poder | https://www.bastidoresdopoder.com.br/ | No |
| Brazil Sun | https://www.brazilsun.com/ | No |
| Business News Americas | https://www.bnamericas.com/ | No |
| Campinas Cafe | https://www.campinascafe.com.br/ | Yes |
| Campo Grande News | https://www.campograndenews.com/ | No |
| Capitalnews.com | https://www.capitalnews.com.br/ | Yes |
| Click Notícia | https://www.clicknoticia.com.br/ | No |
| ContilNet | https://www.contilnetnoticias.com.br/ | Yes |
| Correio Braziliense | https://www.correioweb.com.br/ | No |
| Correio de Bahia | https://www.correiodabahia.com.br/ | No |
| Correio do Povo | https://www.correiodopovo.com.br/ | Yes |
| Correio Popular | https://www.cpopular.com.br/ | No |
| Cruzeiro do Sul | https://www.cruzeironet.com.br/ | No |
| Diária | https://www.convoy.com.br/ | No |
| Diário Catarinense | https://www.clicrbs.com.br/ | No |
| Diário da Amazônia | https://www.diariodaamazonia.com.br/ | Yes |
| Diário da Araxá | https://www.diariodearaxa.com.br/ | Yes |
| Diário da Manhã | https://www.dm.com.br/ | Yes |
| Diário da Região | https://www.diarioweb.com.br/ | No |
| Diário de Canoas | https://www.diariodecanoas.com.br/ | No |
| Diário de Iguape | https://diariodeiguape.com/ | Yes |
| Diário de Natal | https://www.diariodenatal.com.br/ | Yes |
| Diário de Pernambuco | https://www.dpnet.com.br/ | No |
| Diário de Sorocaba | https://www.diariodesorocaba.com.br/ | No |
| Diário do Grande ABC | https://www.dgabc.com.br/ | No |
| Diário do Nordeste | https://www.diariodonordeste.com.br/ | No |
| Diário do Norte | https://www.jornaldiariodonorte.com.br/ | No |
| Diário do Pará | https://www.diariodopara.com.br/ | No |
| Diário do Povo | https://www.diariodopovo.com.br/ | No |
| Diário do Rio Doce | https://drd.com.br/ | Yes |
| Diário Popular | https://www.diariopopular.com.br/ | Yes |
| Diário Vermelho | https://vermelho.org.br/ | Yes |
| Ecos da Noticia | https://www.ecosdanoticia.com.br/ | Yes |
| Esquerda Diário | https://www.esquerdadiario.com.br/ | Yes |
| Estado de Minas | https://www.estaminas.com.br/ | No |
| Estadão | https://www.estadao.com.br/ | No |
| Expresso da Notícia | https://www.expressodanoticia.com.br/ | No |
| Expresso | https://www.expresso.pt/ | Yes |
| Feira Hoje | https://www.feirahoje.com.br/ | No |
| Folha da Manhã | https://www.folhadamanha.com.br/ | No |
| Folha de Londrina | https://www.folhadelondrina.com.br/ | Yes |
| Folha de Niterói | https://www.folhanit.com.br/ | Yes |
| Folha de Ponte Nova | https://www.folhadepontenova.com.br/ | Yes |
| Folha de Rio Preto | https://www.frp.com.br/ | No |
| Folha de São Pedro | https://www.folhadesaopedro.com.br/ | No |
| Folha Dirigida | https://www.folhadirigida.com.br/ | Yes |
| Folha do Norte | https://folhadonortepr.com.br/ | No |
| Gazeta de Toledo | https://www.gazetatoledo.com.br/ | No |
| Gazeta do Parana | https://www.gazetadoparana.com.br/ | No |
| Gazeta do Povo | https://www.gazetadopovo.com.br/ | No |
| Gazeta Esportiva.Net | https://www.gazetaesportiva.net/ | Yes |
| Gazeta Mercantil | https://www.gazeta.com.br/ | No |
| Gazeta Online | https://www.gazetaonline.com.br/ | Yes |
| Globo | https://www.globo.com/ | No |
| Hoje em Dia | https://www.hojeemdia.com.br/ | No |
| Imprensa Jacarei | https://www.imprensajacarei.com.br/ | No |
| Imprensa Livre | https://www.imprensalivre.com/ | No |
| Indústria & Comércio | https://www.induscom.com.br/ | No |
| JCNET | https://www.jcnet.com.br/ | Yes |
| Jornal 24 Horas | https://www.jornal24horas.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal Agazeta | https://www.gazetadigital.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal Agora | https://www.jornalagora.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal Atual | https://www.jornalatual.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal Bahia Negócios | https://www.bahianegocios.com.br/ | Yes |
| Jornal Capixaba | https://www.jornalcapixaba.com/ | No |
| Jornal Cidade | https://www.jornalcidade.net/ | Yes |
| Jornal Correido Paraíba | https://www.correiodaparaiba.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal Cruzeiro do Sul | https://www.jcruzeiro.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal da Cidade | https://www.cidadesn.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal da Manhã | https://www.jmonline.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal da Metrópole | https://www.jornaldametropole.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal das Missões | https://www.jornaldasmissoes.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal de Brasilia | https://www.jornaldebrasilia.com.br/ | Yes |
| Jornal de Piracicaba | https://www.jpjornal.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal de Santa Catarina | https://www.santa.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal de Uberaba | https://www.jornaldeuberaba.com.br/ | Yes |
| Jornal do Brasil | https://www.jb.com.br/ | Yes |
| Jornal do Commercio | https://www.jornaldocommercio.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal do Comércio | https://www.jornaldocomercio.com.br/ | Yes |
| Jornal do Dia | https://www.jdia.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal dos Sports | https://www.jsports.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal Evolucao | https://www.jornalevolucao.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal Gazeta do Sul | https://www.gazetadosul.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal Goyaz | https://www.jornalgoyaz.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal Grapiuna | https://www.grapiuna.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal Informativo | https://www.informativo.com.br/ | Yes |
| Jornal Integração | https://www.jornalintegracao.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal NH | https://www.jornalnh.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal O Maringá | https://www.omaringa.com.br/ | Yes |
| Jornal O Povo | https://www.opovo.com.br/ | Yes |
| Jornal Pequeno | https://www.jornalpequeno.com.br/ | Yes |
| Jornal Vale Do Aco | https://www.jornalvaledoaco.com.br/ | No |
| Jornal VS | https://www.jornalvs.com.br/ | No |
| JorNow | https://www.jornow.com.br/ | No |
| Latin Correspondent | https://www.latincorrespondent.com/ | Yes |
| Maranhão Esportes | https://www.maranhaoesportes.com/ | No |
| Meio Norte | https://www.meionorte.com.br/ | Yes |
| MercoPress | https://en.mercopress.com/ | No |
| Mundo Optico | https://www.mundooptico.com/ | No |
| Niterói Urgente | https://www.niteroiurgente.com/ | No |
| Notícias da Hora | https://www.noticiasdahora.com.br/ | No |
| Notícias de Botucatu | https://www.entrelinhas.com/ | No |
| O Alto Acre | https://www.oaltoacre.com/ | Yes |
| O Atibaiense | https://www.oatibaiense.com.br/ | No |
| O Dia | https://www.odia.com.br/ | Yes |
| O Estado Online | https://www.oestadoonline.com.br/ | Yes |
| Oeste Notícias | https://www.oestenoticias.com.br/ | Yes |
| O Imparcial | https://www.oimparcial.com.br/ | Yes |
| O Jornal de Hoje | https://www.jornaldehoje.com.br/ | No |
| O Lance | https://www.lancenet.com.br/ | No |
| O Liberal | https://www.oliberal.com.br/ | No |
| O Maranhense | https://www.omaranhense.com/ | No |
| O Movimento | https://www.omovimento.com.br/ | Yes |
| O Norte | https://www.onorte.net/ | No |
| O Popular | https://www.opopular.com.br/ | No |
| O Progresso | https://www.progresso.com.br/ | Yes |
| O Sul | https://www.osul.com.br/ | No |
| O Tempo | https://www.otempo.com.br/ | No |
| Pantanal News | https://www.pantanalnews.com.br/ | No |
| Paraná Online | https://www.paranaonline.com.br/ | No |
| Plus55 | https://www.plus55.com/ | No |
| Popular | https://www.popular.inf.br/ | No |
| Radar Noticias | https://www.radarnoticias.com/ | No |
| República | https://www.republica.com.br/ | No |
| SBNoticias | https://www.sbnoticias.com.br/ | No |
| Solonopole | https://www.solonopole.com/ | No |
| Sonoticias | https://www.sonoticias.com.br/ | Yes |
| Sorocaba Em Foco | https://www.sorocabaemfoco.com/ | Yes |
| Tamoios News | https://www.tamoiosnews.com.br/ | No |
| The Brazilian | https://www.thebrazilian.com/ | No |
| The Rio Times | https://www.riotimesonline.com/ | Yes |
| Tribuna da Bahia | https://www.tribunadabahia.com.br/ | No |
| Tribuna da Dia | https://www.tribunadodia.com.br/ | Yes |
| Tribuna da Imprensa | https://tribuna.inf.br/ | Yes |
| Tribuna de Minas | https://www.tribunademinas.com.br/ | Yes |
| Tribuna de Petropólis | https://www.e-tribuna.com.br/ | No |
| Tribuna de São Pedro | https://www.tribunatp.com.br/ | No |
| Tribuna do Norte | https://www.tribunadonorte.com.br/ | No |
| Tribuna Impressa | https://www.tribunaimpressa.com.br/ | No |
| Trivela | https://www.trivela.com/ | No |
| Vale Paraibano | https://www.valeparaibano.com.br/ | No |
| Valor Econômico | https://www.valoronline.com.br/ | No |
| Visão Oeste | https://www.visaooeste.com.br/ | Yes |
| Vossa Senhoria | https://www.vossasenhoria.com.br/ | No |
| Voz do Acre | https://vozdoacre.com/ | No |
| Zero Hora | https://www.zerohora.com.br/ | No |
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## British virgin islands
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| BVI News | https://www.bvinews.com/ | Yes |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Platinum News Online | https://www.bviplatinum.com/ | No |
| The BVI Beacon | https://www.bvibeacon.com/ | No |
| The BVI Standpoint | https://bvistandpoint.net/ | No |
| The Island Sun | https://www.islandsun.com/ | No |
| Virgin Islands News Online | https://www.virginislandsnewsonline.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Canada
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 100 Mile House Freepress | https://www.100milefreepress.net/ | No |
| Accès | https://www.journalacces.ca/ | No |
| Actualités d'Asbestos | https://www.letincelle.qc.ca/ | No |
| Agassiz Observer (British Columbia) | https://www.agassizharrisonobserver.com/ | No |
| Age Dispatch | https://www.strathroyagedispatch.com/ | No |
| Airdrie City View | https://airdriecityview.com/ | Yes |
| Airdrie Echo | https://www.airdrieecho.com/ | No |
| Airdrie Today | https://www.airdrietoday.com/ | Yes |
| Ajax Pickering News Advertiser | https://www.durhamregion.com/ | No |
| Ajit Weekly | https://www.ajitweekly.com/ | Yes |
| Al Ahdath | https://www.al-ahdath.net/ | No |
| Alaska Highway News | https://www.alaskahighwaynews.ca/ | No |
| Alberni Valley News | https://www.albernivalleynews.com/ | No |
| Alberta Farmer | https://www.albertafarmer.com/ | No |
| Alliston Herald | https://www.allistonherald.com/ | No |
| Alliston News | https://www.simcoe.com/ | No |
| allNewfoundlandLabrador | https://www.allnewfoundlandlabrador.com/ | No |
| allNovaScotia | https://www.allnovascotia.com/ | No |
| Almaguin News | https://www.almaguinnews.com/ | No |
| Almughtarib Arabic Newspaper | https://www.almughtarib.com/ | No |
| Altona Red River Valley Echo | https://www.redrivervalleyecho.com/ | No |
| Amherstburg Echo | https://www.amherstburgecho.com/ | No |
| Amherst Daily News | https://www.amherstdaily.com/ | No |
| Ancaster News | https://www.hamiltonnews.com/ | No |
| Arab 2000 | https://www.arab2000.net/ | No |
| Arab News Int'l | https://www.arabnews.ca/ | Yes |
| Arab Ottawa Newspaper | https://www.assaha.com/ | Yes |
| Arrow Lakes News | https://www.arrowlakesnews.com/ | No |
| Arthur Enterprise News | https://www.wellingtonnorth.com/ | No |
| Arthur News | https://www.southwesternontario.ca/ | No |
| Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal | https://www.ashcroftcachecreekjournal.com/ | No |
| Assiniboia Times | https://www.assiniboiatimes.ca/ | No |
| Athabasca Advocate | https://www.athabascaadvocate.com/ | Yes |
| Atlantic Business Times | https://atlanticbusinesstimes.com/ | No |
| Atlantic Post Calls | https://www.peicanada.com/ | No |
| Aurora News | https://www.yorkregion.com/ | No |
| Balita | https://www.balita.ca/ | No |
| Bancroft This Week | https://www.bancroftthisweek.com/ | No |
| Barriere Star Journal | https://www.barrierestarjournal.com/ | No |
| Bashaw Star | https://www.bashawstar.com/ | No |
| Battlefords Daily News | https://www.battlefordsdailynews.com/ | No |
| Baytoday.ca | https://www.baytoday.ca/ | No |
| BC Interior News | https://www.bcinteriornews.ca/ | No |
| Beauce Média | https://www.beaucemedia.ca/ | Yes |
| Beausejour Review | https://www.beausejourreview.com/ | No |
| Belleville News | https://www.insidebelleville.com/ | No |
| Bengali Times | https://www.thebengalitimes.com/ | Yes |
| Black Ottawa Scene | https://www.blackottawascene.com/ | No |
| Bonnyville Nouvelle | https://www.bonnyvillenouvelle.ca/ | Yes |
| Boundary Creek Times | https://www.boundarycreektimes.com/ | No |
| Bradford Times | https://www.bradfordtimes.ca/ | No |
| Bradford Today | https://www.bradfordtoday.ca/ | No |
| Brampton Guardian | https://www.bramptonguardian.com/ | No |
| Brandon Sun | https://www.brandonsun.com/ | No |
| Brant News | https://www.brantnews.com/ | No |
| Brasil News | https://www.brasilnews.ca/ | No |
| Brooklin Town Crier | https://www.brooklintowncrier.com/ | No |
| Bugle Observer | https://www.tj.news/ | No |
| Bulgarian Forum | https://www.forumbulgare.ca/ | No |
| Burlington News | https://www.insidehalton.com/ | No |
| Burnaby News Leader | https://www.burnabynewsleader.com/ | No |
| Burnaby Now | https://www.burnabynow.com/ | No |
| Burns Lake Lakes District News | https://www.burnslakelakesdistrictnews.com/ | No |
| Business in Vancouver | https://www.biv.com/ | No |
| Business Trends Magazine | https://www.sarniabusinesstrends.com/ | No |
| Cabbagetown Neighbourhood Review | https://cabbagetownreview.blogspot.com/ | No |
| Caledon Citizen | https://www.caledoncitizen.com/ | No |
| Caledon Enterprise | https://www.caledonenterprise.com/ | No |
| Caledonia Courier | https://www.caledoniacourier.com/ | No |
| Calgary Country | https://www.calgarycountry.com/ | No |
| Calgary Herald | https://www.calgaryherald.com/ | No |
| Calgary Prime Times | https://www.calgaryprimetimes.com/ | Yes |
| Cambell River Mirror | https://www.campbellrivermirror.com/ | No |
| Cambridge Reporter | https://www.cambridgereporter.com/ | No |
| Cambridge Times | https://www.cambridgetimes.ca/ | No |
| Camrose Canadian | https://www.camrosecanadian.com/ | No |
| Camrose Morning News | https://www.camrosemorningnews.com/ | No |
| Canadian Asian News | https://www.canadianasiannews.com/ | No |
| Canadian Free Press | https://www.canadafreepress.com/ | Yes |
| Canadian Latino Newspaper | https://www.canadianlatinonewspaper.com/ | No |
| Canmore Leader | https://www.canmoreleader.com/ | No |
| Capital News | https://www.kelownacapnews.com/ | No |
| Capreolonline | https://www.capreolonline.com/ | No |
| Carib Weekly | https://www.caribweekly.com/ | No |
| Carman Valley Leader | https://www.carmanvalleyleader.com/ | No |
| Castlegar News | https://www.castlegarnews.com/ | No |
| Castor Advance | https://www.castoradvance.com/ | No |
| CBC British Columbia | https://www.cbc.ca/ | Yes |
| Chaleurs Nouvelles | https://www.chaleursnouvelles.com/ | No |
| Chatham Daily News | https://www.chathamdailynews.ca/ | No |
| Chatham This Week | https://www.chathamthisweek.com/ | No |
| Chemainus Valley Courier | https://www.chemainusvalleycourier.ca/ | No |
| Chetwynd News | https://www.dawsoncreekmirror.ca/ | No |
| Chilliwack News | https://www.theprogress.com/ | No |
| Citoyen Rouyn-Noranda | https://www.lecitoyenrouynlasarre.com/ | No |
| Clearwater Times | https://www.clearwatertimes.com/ | No |
| Clinton News-Recorder | https://www.clintonnewsrecord.com/ | No |
| Cloverdale Reporter | https://www.cloverdalereporter.com/ | No |
| Coast Mountain News | https://www.coastmountainnews.com/ | Yes |
| Cochrane Eagle | https://www.cochraneeagle.com/ | Yes |
| Cochrane Times Post | https://www.cochranetimespost.com/ | No |
| Cochrane Times | https://www.cochranetimes.com/ | No |
| Collingwood Today | https://www.collingwoodtoday.ca/ | No |
| Comox Valley Record | https://www.comoxvalleyrecord.com/ | No |
| Contacto Directo | https://www.elcontactolatino.com/ | No |
| Cornwall Free News | https://www.cornwallfreenews.com/ | No |
| Corriere Canadese | https://www.corriere.com/ | No |
| Corriere Canadiense | https://www.elcorreo.ca/ | No |
| Courrier de Saint-Hyacinthe | https://www.lecourrier.qc.ca/ | No |
| Courrier du Sud | https://www.lecourriersud.com/ | Yes |
| Cowichan News Leader | https://www.cowichannewsleader.com/ | No |
| Cowichan Valley Citizen | https://www.cowichanvalleycitizen.com/ | No |
| Cranbrook Townsman | https://www.cranbrooktownsman.com/ | No |
| Creston Valley Advance | https://www.crestonvalleyadvance.ca/ | No |
| Crowsnest Pass Herald | https://www.passherald.ca/ | No |
| Crowsnest Pass Promoter | https://www.crowsnestpasspromoter.com/ | No |
| Daily Herald-Tribune | https://www.dailyheraldtribune.com/ | No |
| Daily News | https://www.kamloopsnews.ca/ | No |
| Dawson Trail Dispatch | https://www.dawsontrail.ca/ | No |
| Dictatorship Watch | https://www.dictatorshipwatch.com/ | Yes |
| Duncan Journal | https://www.duncanjournal.ca/ | No |
| Dundas Star News | https://www.dundasstarnews.com/ | No |
| Eagle Valley News | https://www.eaglevalleynews.com/ | No |
| East Central Albreta Review | https://www.ecareview.com/ | No |
| East Central Recorder | https://www.humboldtjournal.ca/ | No |
| Eastern Ontario AgriNews | https://www.agrinewsinteractive.com/ | No |
| Eastern Ontario Network | https://www.easternontarionetwork.com/ | No |
| East Kootenay News Online Weekly (e-KNOW) | https://www.e-know.ca/ | Yes |
| Eckville Echo | https://www.eckvilleecho.com/ | No |
| Edmonton's Best News | https://edmontonsbestnews.com/ | No |
| Edmonton Journal | https://www.edmontonjournal.com/ | No |
| Edmonton Prime Times | https://www.edmontonprimetimes.com/ | Yes |
| Edson Leader | https://www.edsonleader.com/ | No |
| El Independiente | https://www.elindependiente.ca/ | No |
| Elliot Lake Standard | https://www.elliotlakestandard.ca/ | No |
| Elmira Independent | https://www.elmiraindependent.com/ | No |
| El Popular | https://www.diarioelpopular.com/ | No |
| EnBeauce.com | https://www.enbeauce.com/ | Yes |
| En Direct | https://www.endirect.qc.ca/ | No |
| Erie Media | https://www.eriemedia.ca/ | No |
| EstriePlus.com | https://www.estrieplus.com/ | No |
| European Times | https://www.e-times.ca/ | No |
| Fairview Post | https://www.fairviewpost.com/ | No |
| Flamborough Review | https://www.flamboroughreview.com/ | No |
| Focus News Magazine | https://www.focusnewsmagazine.com/ | No |
| Fort Erie Observer | https://www.forterieobserver.ca/ | No |
| Fort Francis Times | https://www.fftimes.com/ | No |
| Fort Times | https://grasslandsnews.ca/ | No |
| Friday AM | https://www.friam.ca/ | Yes |
| Gabriola Sounder | https://www.soundernews.com/ | No |
| Gaspésie Nouvelles | https://www.gaspesienouvelles.com/ | No |
| Georgia Straight | https://www.straight.com/ | No |
| Glanbrook Gazette | https://www.sachem.ca/ | No |
| Global News | https://globalnews.ca/ | No |
| Global Review | https://www.globalreview.ca/ | No |
| Gnome Opinion | https://www.greekgnomi.com/ | No |
| Goldstream News Gazette | https://www.goldstreamgazette.com/ | No |
| Grand Bend Strip | https://grandbendstrip.com/ | Yes |
| Grand Forks Gazette | https://www.grandforksgazette.ca/ | No |
| Grimsby News | https://www.niagarathisweek.com/ | No |
| Guelph Mercury | https://www.guelphmercury.com/ | No |
| Guelph Tribune | https://www.guelphtribune.ca/ | No |
| Gujarat Weekly | https://www.gujaratweekly.ca/ | No |
| Gulf Islands Driftwood | https://www.gulfislandsdriftwood.com/ | No |
| Gulf Islands Online | https://www.gulfislands.net/ | No |
| Haida Gwaii Observer | https://www.haidagwaiiobserver.com/ | No |
| HalifaxToday | https://www.halifaxtoday.ca/ | No |
| Hamilton Mountain News | https://www.hamiltonmountainnews.com/ | No |
| Hamilton Spectator | https://www.hamiltonspectator.com/ | No |
| Hanna Herald | https://www.hannaherald.com/ | No |
| Hay River Hub | https://www.nnsl.com/ | No |
| Here's The Scoop | https://www.heresthescoop.com/ | Yes |
| High River Times | https://www.highrivertimes.com/ | No |
| Hindi Abroad | https://www.hindiabroad.com/ | No |
| Hindi Times | https://www.thehinditimes.com/ | No |
| Hinton Parklander | https://www.hintonparklander.com/ | No |
| Hope Standard | https://www.hopestandard.com/ | No |
| Houston Today | https://www.houston-today.com/ | No |
| Hudson Gazette | https://www.hudsongazette.com/ | No |
| India Abroad | https://www.indiaabroad.com/ | No |
| Indo Canadian Times | https://www.indo-canadiantimes.com/ | Yes |
| Ingersoll Times | https://www.ingersolltimes.com/ | No |
| Innisfail Province | https://www.innisfailprovince.ca/ | Yes |
| InQuinte.ca | https://www.inquinte.ca/ | No |
| Interlake Spectator | https://www.interlakespectator.com/ | No |
| Invermere Valley Echo | https://www.invermerevalleyecho.com/ | No |
| Island Tides | https://www.islandtides.com/ | No |
| Island Word | https://www.islandword.com/ | No |
| Jasper Booster | https://www.jasperbooster.com/ | No |
| Journal de Montréal | https://www.journaldemontreal.com/ | No |
| Journal Haute Côte-Nord | https://www.journalhcn.com/ | No |
| Journal PAMH | https://www.journalpamh.com/ | No |
| Kamloops This Week | https://www.kamloopsthisweek.com/ | No |
| Kamsack Times | https://www.kamsacktimes.com/ | No |
| Kanada Világa | https://www.kanadavilaga.com/ | No |
| Kelowna.com | https://www.kelowna.com/ | No |
| Kemptville Advance | https://www.insideottawavalley.com/ | No |
| Kenora Daily Miner & News | https://www.kenoradailyminerandnews.com/ | No |
| Keremeos Review | https://www.keremeosreview.com/ | No |
| Kimberley Bulletin | https://www.kimberleybulletin.com/ | No |
| Kincardine Times | https://www.kincardinetimes.com/ | No |
| Kingsville Times | https://www.kingsvilletimes.ca/ | No |
| King Weekly Sentinel | https://www.kingsentinel.com/ | No |
| King Weekly | https://www.kingweekly.com/ | No |
| Kitimat Northern Sentinel | https://www.northernsentinel.com/ | No |
| L'Acadie Nouvelle | https://www.acadienouvelle.com/ | No |
| L'Action | https://www.laction.com/ | No |
| L'Actualité | https://www.lactualite.com/ | Yes |
| L'Aquilon | https://www.aquilon.nt.ca/ | No |
| L'Aurure Boréale | https://auroreboreale.ca/ | Yes |
| L'Avant-Poste | https://www.lavantposte.ca/ | No |
| L'Avantage Gaspésien | https://www.lavantagegaspesien.com/ | No |
| L'Avantage Votre Journal | https://www.lavantage.qc.ca/ | No |
| L'Express | https://www.lexpress.to/ | No |
| L'Hebdo Journal | https://www.lhebdojournal.com/ | Yes |
| L'information du Nord | https://linformationdunordmonttremblant.ca/ | No |
| L'Éclat | https://www.cyberpresse.ca/ | Yes |
| Lac La Biche Post | https://www.laclabichepost.com/ | Yes |
| Lacombe Express | https://www.lacombeexpress.com/ | No |
| Ladysmith Chronicle | https://www.ladysmithchronicle.com/ | No |
| La Gazette de al Mauricie | https://www.gazettemauricie.com/ | No |
| Lake Country Calendar | https://www.lakecountrycalendar.com/ | No |
| Lake Cowichan Gazette | https://www.lakecowichangazette.com/ | No |
| Lake of the Woods Enterprise | https://www.lotwenterprise.com/ | No |
| Langley Advance | https://www.langleyadvance.com/ | No |
| Langley Times | https://www.langleytimes.com/ | No |
| La Petite-Nation | https://www.lapetitenation.com/ | No |
| La Presse | https://www.lapresse.ca/ | Yes |
| La Revue | https://www.larevue.qc.ca/ | No |
| La Sentinelle | https://www.lasentinelle.ca/ | No |
| La Tribune | https://www.latribune.ca/ | No |
| La Voix du Sud | https://www.lavoixdusud.com/ | Yes |
| Leader-Post | https://www.leaderpost.com/ | No |
| Leamington Post | https://www.leamingtonpostandshopper.com/ | No |
| Le Bulletin Regional | https://www.lebulletinregional.com/ | No |
| Le Bulletin | https://www.lebulletin.net/ | No |
| Le Canada Francais | https://www.canadafrancais.com/ | Yes |
| Le Charlevoisien | https://www.lecharlevoisien.com/ | No |
| Le Citoyen de la Vallée d'Or | https://www.lecitoyenvaldoramos.com/ | No |
| Le Courrier de la Nouvelle-Écosse | https://www.lecourrier.com/ | No |
| Le Devoir | https://www.ledevoir.com/ | No |
| Le Droit | https://www.ledroit.com/ | No |
| Leduc Representative | https://www.leducrep.com/ | No |
| Le Gaboteur | https://www.gaboteur.ca/ | Yes |
| Le Journal d'Outremont | https://www.journaloutremont.com/ | No |
| Le Journal de Lévis | https://www.journaldelevis.com/ | No |
| Le Journal de Québec | https://www.journaldequebec.com/ | No |
| Le Manic | https://www.lemanic.ca/ | No |
| Le Nord-Côtier | https://lenord-cotier.com/ | No |
| Le Nord | https://www.journallenord.com/ | No |
| Le Nouvelles Hebdo | https://www.nouvelleshebdo.com/ | No |
| Le Nouvelliste | https://www.lenouvelliste.ca/ | No |
| Le Quotidien | https://www.lequotidien.com/ | No |
| Les Affaires | https://www.lesaffaires.com/ | Yes |
| Les Hebdos Regionaux de Quebecor | https://www.hebdosquebecor.com/ | No |
| Le Soleil | https://www.lesoleil.com/ | No |
| Lethbridge Herald | https://www.lethbridgeherald.com/ | No |
| Lifestyles | https://www.sasklifestyles.com/ | No |
| LighthouseNow | https://www.lighthousenow.ca/ | No |
| Lillooet News | https://www.lillooetnews.net/ | No |
| Lindsay This Week | https://www.mykawartha.com/ | No |
| Listowel Banner | https://www.northperth.com/ | No |
| Logberg | https://www.lh-inc.ca/ | No |
| LondonTopic.ca | https://www.londontopic.ca/ | No |
| Lookout | https://www.lookoutnewspaper.com/ | No |
| LTVnews.com | https://www.ltvnews.com/ | No |
| Lucknow Sentinel | https://www.lucknowsentinel.com/ | No |
| Lusitânia | https://www.lusitania.ca/ | No |
| Maghreb Observateur | https://www.maghreb-observateur.qc.ca/ | No |
| Maple Creek News | https://www.maplecreeknews.com/ | No |
| Maple Ridge & Pitt Meadow News | https://www.mapleridgenews.com/ | No |
| Mayerthorpe Freelancer | https://www.mayerthorpefreelancer.com/ | No |
| Mboaconnect | https://www.mboaconnect.com/ | No |
| Meadow Lake Progress | https://www.meadowlakeprogress.com/ | No |
| Medicine Hat News | https://www.medicinehatnews.com/ | No |
| Melville Advance | https://www.melvilleadvance.com/ | No |
| Merritt Herald | https://www.merrittherald.com/ | No |
| Midland Mirror | https://www.midlandmirror.com/ | No |
| Milenio Stadium | https://www.mileniostadium.com/ | Yes |
| Mission News | https://www.missioncityrecord.com/ | No |
| Mitchell Advocate | https://www.mitchelladvocate.com/ | No |
| Monday Magazine | https://www.mondaymag.com/ | No |
| Montréal Times | https://www.mtltimes.ca/ | No |
| Moose Jaw Express | https://www.moosejawexpress.com/ | No |
| Morden Times | https://www.mordentimes.com/ | No |
| Mountain View Gazette | https://www.mountainviewgazette.ca/ | Yes |
| Multinews | https://www.multinews.ca/ | No |
| Muskoka News | https://www.muskokaregion.com/ | No |
| Muskoka Today | https://www.muskokatoday.com/ | No |
| Muzhakkam | https://www.muzhakkam.com/ | No |
| My Brockville News | https://www.mybrockvillenews.com/ | No |
| My Campbell River Now | https://www.mycampbellrivernow.com/ | Yes |
| My West Island | https://www.mywestisland.info/ | No |
| Nanaimo News Bulletin | https://www.nanaimobulletin.com/ | No |
| Nanaimo News Now | https://www.nanaimonewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Nanton News | https://www.nantonnews.com/ | No |
| Nasha Canada | https://www.nashacanada.com/ | No |
| National Post Online | https://www.nationalpost.com/ | No |
| Neepawa Banner | https://www.neepawabanner.com/ | No |
| NetNewsLedger.com | https://www.netnewsledger.com/ | No |
| New Canadian | https://www.newca.com/ | No |
| New Hamburg Independent | https://www.newhamburgindependent.ca/ | No |
| News784 | https://www.news784.com/ | Yes |
| New Tecumseth Free Press | https://www.madhunt.com/ | No |
| New Westminster Newsleader | https://www.newwestnewsleader.com/ | No |
| New Westminster Record | https://www.newwestrecord.ca/ | No |
| New Winnipeg | https://www.newwinnipeg.com/ | No |
| Niagara Herald | https://www.niagaraherald.com/ | No |
| Niagara News | https://www.niagara-news.com/ | Yes |
| Norfolk News | https://www.norfolknews.ca/ | No |
| North Delta Reporter | https://www.northdeltareporter.com/ | No |
| Northeast Weekly | https://www.northeastweekly.ca/ | No |
| Northern Journal | https://www.norj.ca/ | No |
| Northern Life | https://www.northernlife.ca/ | Yes |
| North Island Gazette | https://www.northislandgazette.com/ | No |
| North Shore News | https://www.nsnews.com/ | No |
| North Thompson Star Journal | https://www.starjournal.net/ | No |
| Northumberland News | https://www.northumberlandnews.com/ | No |
| Northumberland Today | https://www.northumberlandtoday.com/ | No |
| NorthumberlandView.ca | https://www.northumberlandview.ca/ | No |
| Northwest Weekly | https://www.northwestweekly.ca/ | No |
| Nova News Now | https://www.novanewsnow.com/ | No |
| Nunatsiaq News | https://www.nunatsiaq.com/ | No |
| Oak Bay News | https://www.oakbaynews.com/ | No |
| Oakville News | https://www.oakvillenews.org/ | Yes |
| Oasis News | https://www.oasislife.ca/ | No |
| Ob-Zine News Community | https://www.ob-zine.com/ | No |
| Observer | https://www.observerxtra.com/ | Yes |
| Olds Albertan | https://www.oldsalbertan.ca/ | Yes |
| Old Strathcona Times | https://www.oldstrathconatimes.com/ | Yes |
| Oliver Chronicle | https://www.oliverchronicle.com/ | No |
| Opinion 250 | https://www.opinion250.com/ | No |
| Orangeville Citizen | https://www.citizen.on.ca/ | No |
| Orillia Packet & Times | https://www.orilliapacket.com/ | No |
| Orillia Today | https://www.orilliatoday.com/ | No |
| Orléans Online | https://www.orleansonline.ca/ | No |
| Oru Paper | https://www.orupaper.com/ | Yes |
| Osoyoos Today | https://www.osoyoostoday.ca/ | Yes |
| Ottawaarab | https://www.ottawaarab.com/ | No |
| Ottawa Business Journal | https://www.ottawabusinessjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Ottawa Citizen | https://www.ottawacitizen.com/ | No |
| Ottawa X Press | https://www.ottawaxpress.ca/ | No |
| Owen Sound Sun Times | https://www.owensoundsuntimes.com/ | No |
| Oxford Review | https://www.oxfordreview.com/ | No |
| Pakistan Post West | https://www.pakpostwest.com/ | No |
| Pakistan Post | https://www.pakistanpost.com.pk/ | No |
| Paris Star | https://www.parisstaronline.com/ | No |
| Parksville Qualicum Beach News | https://www.pqbnews.com/ | No |
| Parry Sound North Star | https://www.parrysound.com/ | No |
| Peace Country Farmer | https://www.peacecountryfarmer.com/ | No |
| Peace Country Sun | https://www.peacecountrysun.com/ | No |
| Peninsula News Review | https://www.peninsulanewsreview.com/ | No |
| Penticton Herald | https://www.pentictonherald.ca/ | No |
| Peuple Lotbinière | https://www.lepeuplelotbiniere.ca/ | No |
| Philippine Canadian Inquirer | https://www.canadianinquirer.net/ | Yes |
| Phoenicia News | https://www.phoenicianews.com/ | No |
| Pincher Creek Echo | https://www.pinchercreekecho.com/ | No |
| Pipeline News North | https://www.pipelinenewsnorth.ca/ | No |
| Pipeline News | https://www.pipelinenews.ca/ | No |
| Pipestone Flyer | https://www.pipestoneflyer.com/ | No |
| Pique News Magazine | https://www.piquenewsmagazine.com/ | No |
| Ponoka News | https://www.ponokanews.com/ | No |
| Port Perry Star | https://www.portperrystar.com/ | No |
| Port Stanley News | https://www.portstanleynews.com/ | No |
| Portuguese Sun | https://www.solnet.com/ | Yes |
| Powell River Peak | https://www.prpeak.com/ | No |
| Prensa Latina of London | https://www.prensalatina.ca/ | No |
| Prince Albert Daily Herald | https://www.paherald.sk.ca/ | No |
| Progress & The Sturgis Review | https://www.preecevilleprogress.com/ | No |
| Provost News | https://www.provostnews.ca/ | No |
| Queens County Times | https://www.queenscountytimes.ca/ | No |
| Quesnel Cariboo Observer | https://www.quesnelobserver.com/ | No |
| Question | https://www.whistlerquestion.com/ | No |
| Québec Chronicle Telegraph | https://www.qctonline.com/ | Yes |
| Québec Mercury | https://www.quebecmercury.com/ | No |
| Radio Gaspésie | https://www.radiogaspesie.ca/ | No |
| Record-Gazette | https://www.prrecordgazette.com/ | No |
| Red Deer Advocate | https://www.reddeeradvocate.com/ | No |
| Red Deer Express | https://www.reddeerexpress.com/ | No |
| Revelstoke Review | https://www.revelstokereview.com/ | No |
| Revelstoke Times Review | https://www.revelstoketimesreview.com/ | No |
| Rimbey Review | https://www.rimbeyreview.com/ | No |
| Rocky Mountain Outlook | https://www.rmoutlook.com/ | Yes |
| Rossland News | https://www.rosslandnews.com/ | No |
| Rossland Telegraph | https://www.rosslandtelegraph.com/ | No |
| Russian Week | https://www.russianweek.ca/ | No |
| Russkoe Obozrevie | https://www.russian-review.com/ | No |
| Saanich News | https://www.saanichnews.com/ | No |
| Saint City News | https://www.stalberttoday.ca/ | Yes |
| Salmon Arm Observer | https://www.saobserver.net/ | No |
| Sarnia This Week | https://www.sarniathisweek.com/ | No |
| Saskatchewan Herald | https://www.saskatchewanherald.com/ | No |
| Saskatchewan News Hub | https://www.showcasesaskatchewan.com/ | Yes |
| Saskatchewan Sage | https://ammsa.com/ | No |
| SaskatoonScanner.com | https://www.saskatoonscanner.com/ | No |
| Saugeen Shores Hub | https://www.saugeenshoreshub.ca/ | No |
| Saugeen Times | https://www.saugeentimes.com/ | No |
| Sault This Week | https://www.saultthisweek.com/ | No |
| Selkirk Journal | https://www.selkirkjournal.com/ | No |
| Shelburne Free Press | https://www.shelburnefreepress.ca/ | No |
| Sherwood Park News | https://www.sherwoodparknews.com/ | No |
| Shoreline Beacon | https://www.shorelinebeacon.com/ | No |
| Similkameen News Leader | https://www.thenewsleader.ca/ | No |
| Similkameen Spotlight | https://www.similkameenspotlight.com/ | No |
| Sooke News Mirror | https://www.sookenewsmirror.com/ | No |
| SooToday.com | https://www.sootoday.com/ | No |
| South Asian Post | https://www.southasianpost.com/ | Yes |
| South Delta Leader | https://www.southdeltaleader.com/ | No |
| Southeast Journal | https://www.southeastjournal.ca/ | No |
| South Shore Breaker | https://www.southshorebreaker.ca/ | No |
| SouthshoreNow News | https://www.southshorenow.ca/ | No |
| South Stormont News | https://www.southstormontnews.com/ | No |
| St Albert Gazette | https://www.stalbertgazette.com/ | Yes |
| Star Phoenix | https://www.thestarphoenix.com/ | No |
| St Catharines Standard | https://www.scstandard.com/ | No |
| Stettler Independent | https://www.stettlerindependent.com/ | No |
| St Lawrence News | https://www.insidebrockville.com/ | No |
| St Marys Journal Argus | https://www.stmarys.com/ | No |
| Stonewall Argus & Teulon Times | https://www.stonewallargusteulontimes.com/ | No |
| Stoney Creek News | https://www.stoneycreeknews.com/ | No |
| St Paul Journal | https://www.spjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Strathcona County This Week | https://www.strathconathisweek.com/ | No |
| Strathmore Standard | https://www.strathmorestandard.com/ | No |
| St Thomas Times Journal | https://www.stthomastimesjournal.com/ | No |
| Summerland Review | https://www.summerlandreview.com/ | No |
| Sundre Roundup | https://www.sundreroundup.ca/ | Yes |
| Sun Peaks Independent News | https://www.sunpeaksnews.com/ | Yes |
| Surrey Now-Leader | https://surreynowleader.com/ | No |
| Sylvan Lake News | https://www.sylvanlakenews.com/ | No |
| Tandem News | https://www.tandemnews.com/ | No |
| Ta Nea | https://www.tanea.ca/ | Yes |
| Terrace Standard | https://www.terracestandard.com/ | No |
| The Abbotsford Bugel | https://www.bugelonline.com/ | No |
| The Abbotsford News | https://www.abbynews.com/ | No |
| The Aldergrove Star | https://www.aldergrovestar.com/ | No |
| The Algoma News | https://www.thealgomanews.ca/ | No |
| The Arnprior Chronicle Guide | https://www.yourottawaregion.com/ | No |
| The Asian Pacific Post | https://www.asianpacificpost.com/ | No |
| The Asian Star | https://www.theasianstar.com/ | No |
| The Auroran | https://www.newspapers-online.com/ | No |
| The Awaaz | https://www.voiceonline.com/ | Yes |
| The Barrhaven Independent | https://www.barrhavenindependent.on.ca/ | No |
| The Barrhead Leader | https://www.barrheadleader.com/ | Yes |
| The Barrie Advance | https://www.barrieadvance.com/ | No |
| The Barrie Examiner | https://www.thebarrieexaminer.com/ | No |
| The Battlefords News-Optimist | https://www.newsoptimist.ca/ | No |
| The Beacon Herald | https://www.stratfordbeaconherald.com/ | No |
| The Bow Valley Crag & Canyon | https://www.thecragandcanyon.ca/ | No |
| The Bracebridge Examiner | https://www.bracebridgeexaminer.com/ | No |
| The Brunswickan | https://www.thebruns.ca/ | No |
| The Bulletin : Journal of Downtown Toronto | https://www.thebulletin.ca/ | No |
| The Bulletin | https://brooksbulletin.com/ | No |
| The Calgary Sun | https://www.calgarysun.com/ | No |
| The Canadian Jewish News | https://www.cjnews.com/ | Yes |
| The Canadian | https://www.agoracosmopolitan.com/ | No |
| The Canora Courier | https://www.canoracourier.com/ | No |
| The Capreol Press | https://www.capreol.info/ | No |
| The Cariboo Sentinel | https://www.barkerville.com/ | No |
| The Carillon | https://www.thecarillon.com/ | No |
| The Castlegar Source | https://www.castlegarsource.com/ | No |
| The Celtic Connection | https://www.celtic-connection.com/ | No |
| The Central Voice | https://nl-news.pressreader.com/ | Yes |
| The Chestermere Anchor | https://www.theanchor.ca/ | No |
| The Chief | https://www.squamishchief.com/ | No |
| The Chomedey News | https://www.chomedeynews.ca/ | No |
| The Chronicle Herald | https://www.thechronicleherald.ca/ | Yes |
| The Chronicle Journal | https://www.chroniclejournal.com/ | No |
| The Chronicle | https://www.thechronicle-online.com/ | No |
| The Citizen | https://www.kiplingcitizen.ca/ | No |
| The Claresholm Local Press | https://www.claresholmlocalpress.ca/ | No |
| The Clipper Weekly | https://www.clipper.mb.ca/ | No |
| The Coast Reporter | https://www.coastreporter.net/ | No |
| The Coast | https://www.thecoast.ca/ | No |
| The Cold Lake Sun | https://www.coldlakesun.com/ | No |
| The Community Press | https://www.communitypress-online.com/ | No |
| The Connection Newspaper | https://www.connectionnewspaper.com/ | No |
| The Daily Courier | https://www.kelownadailycourier.ca/ | No |
| The Daily Graphic | https://www.portagedailygraphic.com/ | No |
| The Daily News | https://www.hfxnews.com/ | No |
| The Daily Observer | https://www.thedailyobserver.ca/ | No |
| The Daily Press | https://www.timminspress.com/ | No |
| The Daily Townsman | https://www.dailytownsman.com/ | No |
| The Delhi News-Record | https://www.delhinewsrecord.com/ | No |
| The Delta Free Press | https://www.deltafreepress.ca/ | No |
| The Drayton Valley Western Review | https://www.draytonvalleywesternreview.com/ | No |
| The Drumheller Mail | https://www.drumhellermail.com/ | No |
| The Drumheller Valley Times | https://www.valleytimes.ca/ | No |
| The Dryden Observer | https://www.drydenobserver.ca/ | No |
| The Edmonton Examiner | https://www.edmontonexaminer.com/ | No |
| The Edmonton Sun | https://www.edmontonsun.com/ | No |
| The Enterprise Bulletin | https://www.theenterprisebulletin.com/ | No |
| The Equity | https://www.theequity.ca/ | No |
| The Estevan Mercury | https://www.estevanmercury.ca/ | No |
| The European American National News | https://www.eannews.com/ | No |
| The Filipino Post | https://www.thefilipinopost.com/ | Yes |
| The Fort Macleod Gazette | https://www.fortmacleodgazette.com/ | No |
| The Fort McMurray Today | https://www.fortmcmurraytoday.com/ | No |
| The Fountain Pen | https://www.thefountainpen.com/ | No |
| The Four-Town Journal | https://www.fourtownjournal.com/ | No |
| The Free Press | https://www.thefreepress.ca/ | No |
| The Frontenac News | https://www.newsweb.ca/ | No |
| The Gazette | https://www.montrealgazette.com/ | No |
| The Georgian | https://thegeorgian.newspaperdirect.com/ | No |
| The Glengarry News | https://www.glengarrynews.ca/ | No |
| The Global Intelligence | https://www.theglobalintelligence.com/ | No |
| The Globe & Mail | https://www.globeandmail.ca/ | No |
| The Goderich Signal-Star | https://www.goderichsignalstar.com/ | No |
| The Golden Star | https://www.thegoldenstar.net/ | No |
| The Golden Vanguard | https://www.thegoldenvanguard.ca/ | No |
| The Great Ontario Getaway | https://www.greatcitygetaways.com/ | No |
| The Grove Examiner | https://www.sprucegroveexaminer.com/ | No |
| The Guardian | https://issuu.com/ | Yes |
| The Guysborough Journal | https://www.guysboroughjournal.com/ | No |
| The Haliburton County Echo | https://www.haliburtonecho.on.ca/ | No |
| The Hanover Post | https://www.hanoverpost.ca/ | No |
| The Headliner | https://www.winnipegfreepress.com/ | No |
| The Herald | https://www.herald.ns.ca/ | No |
| The Hill Times | https://www.thehilltimes.ca/ | No |
| The Hindustan Times | https://www.hindustantimes.com/ | No |
| The Huntsville Forester | https://www.huntsvilleforester.com/ | No |
| The Huron Expositor | https://www.seaforthhuronexpositor.com/ | No |
| The Independent & Free Press | https://www.independentfreepress.com/ | No |
| The Independent | https://www.theindependent.ca/ | Yes |
| The Intelligencer | https://www.intelligencer.ca/ | No |
| The Interior News | https://www.interior-news.com/ | No |
| The Inverness Oran | https://www.invernessoran.ca/ | Yes |
| The Journal-Pioneer | https://www.journalpioneer.com/ | Yes |
| The Journal | https://www.stanstead-journal.com/ | No |
| The Kincardine Independent | https://www.independent.on.ca/ | No |
| The Kincardine News | https://www.kincardinenews.com/ | No |
| The Kingston Whig Standard | https://www.thewhig.com/ | No |
| The Klondike Sun | https://www.klondikesun.com/ | No |
| The Labrador Voice | https://www.thelabradorvoice.ca/ | No |
| The Lacombe Globe | https://www.lacombeglobe.com/ | No |
| The Lakeshore Advance | https://www.lakeshoreadvance.com/ | No |
| The Lambton Shield | https://www.lambtonshield.com/ | No |
| The Laval News | https://www.lavalnews.ca/ | No |
| The Leader | https://www.surreyleader.com/ | No |
| The Local Weekly | https://www.thelocalweekly.ca/ | No |
| The London Free Press | https://www.lfpress.com/ | No |
| The Manitoulin Expositor | https://www.manitoulin.ca/ | No |
| The Manotick Messenger | https://www.manotickmessenger.on.ca/ | No |
| The Meaford Independent | https://www.themeafordindependent.ca/ | No |
| The Melfort Journal | https://www.melfortjournal.com/ | No |
| The Meridian Booster | https://www.meridianbooster.com/ | No |
| The Mid-North Monitor | https://www.midnorthmonitor.com/ | No |
| The Minnedosa Tribune | https://www.minnedosatribune.com/ | No |
| The Mississauga News | https://www.mississauganews.com/ | No |
| The Montréal Greek Times | https://www.greektimes.ca/ | No |
| The Morning Star | https://www.vernonmorningstar.com/ | No |
| The Muskokan | https://www.muskokan.com/ | No |
| The Muslim News | https://www.themuslimnews.ca/ | No |
| The Napanee Beaver | https://www.napaneebeaver.com/ | No |
| The Nelson Daily | https://www.thenelsondaily.com/ | No |
| The Nelson Star | https://www.nelsonstar.com/ | No |
| The News Media | https://www.thenewsmedia.org/ | No |
| The News | https://www.ngnews.ca/ | No |
| The Nipawin Journal | https://www.nipawinjournal.com/ | No |
| The North Bay Nugget | https://www.nugget.ca/ | No |
| The Northern Daily News | https://www.northernnews.ca/ | No |
| The Northerner | https://www.thenortherner.ca/ | No |
| The Northern Miner | https://www.northernminer.com/ | No |
| The Northern Times | https://www.kapuskasingtimes.com/ | No |
| The Northern View | https://www.thenorthernview.com/ | No |
| The North Shore Outlook | https://www.northshoreoutlook.com/ | No |
| The Norwich Gazette | https://www.norwichgazette.com/ | No |
| The Now | https://www.thenownews.com/ | No |
| The Observer | https://www.theobserver.ca/ | No |
| The Ontario Farmer Daily | https://www.ontariofarmer.com/ | No |
| The Orangeville Banner | https://www.orangevillebanner.com/ | No |
| The Oshawa Express | https://www.oshawaexpress.ca/ | No |
| The Osoyoos Times | https://www.osoyoostimes.com/ | No |
| The Ottawa Sun | https://www.ottawasun.com/ | No |
| The Outlook | https://www.theoutlook.ca/ | No |
| The Oyen Echo | https://www.oyenecho.ca/ | No |
| The Patrika | https://www.patrika.ca/ | No |
| The Patriotic Vanguard | https://www.thepatrioticvanguard.com/ | No |
| The Peace Arch News | https://www.peacearchnews.com/ | No |
| The Penticton Western | https://www.pentictonwesternnews.com/ | No |
| The Peterborough Examiner | https://www.thepeterboroughexaminer.com/ | No |
| The Philippine Reporter | https://www.philreporter.com/ | No |
| The Picton Gazette | https://www.pictongazette.com/ | No |
| The Portuguese Post | https://www.theportuguesepost.ca/ | No |
| The Prescott Journal | https://www.prescottjournal.com/ | No |
| The Prince George Free Press | https://www.pgfreepress.com/ | No |
| The Province | https://www.vancouverprovince.com/ | No |
| The Quoddy Tides | https://www.quoddytides.com/ | No |
| The Recorder & Times | https://www.recorder.ca/ | No |
| The Recorder | https://www.therecorder.ca/ | No |
| The Record | https://www.sherbrookerecord.com/ | No |
| The Reporter | https://www.porthawkesburyreporter.com/ | No |
| The Republic | https://www.republic-news.org/ | No |
| The Revelstoke Current | https://www.revelstokecurrent.com/ | No |
| The Review Mirror | https://www.review-mirror.com/ | No |
| The Review Online | https://www.thereview.on.ca/ | Yes |
| The Review | https://www.niagarafallsreview.ca/ | No |
| The Richmond Review | https://www.richmondreview.com/ | No |
| The Sackville Tribune-Post | https://www.sackvilletribunepost.com/ | No |
| The Sault Star | https://www.saultstar.com/ | No |
| The Seeker | https://www.theseeker.ca/ | No |
| The Sentinel-Review | https://www.woodstocksentinelreview.com/ | No |
| The Shield | https://www.shieldmedia.ca/ | No |
| The Simcoe Reformer | https://www.simcoereformer.ca/ | No |
| The Spirit of Bothwell | https://www.spiritofbothwell.com/ | No |
| The Standard Freeholder | https://www.standard-freeholder.com/ | No |
| The Stony Plain Reporter | https://www.stonyplainreporter.com/ | No |
| The Sturgeon Creek Post | https://www.sturgeoncreek.ca/ | No |
| The Suburban | https://www.thesuburban.com/ | No |
| The Sudbury Star | https://www.thesudburystar.com/ | No |
| The Temiskaming Speaker | https://speaker.northernontario.ca/ | No |
| The Terrace Daily News | https://www.mwpr.ca/ | No |
| The Thorold News | https://www.thoroldtoday.ca/ | No |
| The Tillsonburg News | https://www.tillsonburgnews.com/ | No |
| The Times | https://www.newtectimes.com/ | No |
| The Toronto Star | https://www.thestar.com/ | No |
| The Toronto Sun | https://www.torontosun.com/ | No |
| The Trail Champion | https://www.trailchampion.com/ | No |
| The Tweed News | https://www.thetweednews.ca/ | No |
| The Tyee | https://www.thetyee.ca/ | No |
| The Valley Sentinel | https://www.thevalleysentinel.com/ | No |
| The Valley Voice News | https://www.thevalleyvoice.ca/ | No |
| The Vermilion Voice | https://www.vermilionvoice.com/ | No |
| The Victoria Standard | https://www.victoriastandard.ca/ | Yes |
| The Voice | https://www.jamesbayvoice.com/ | No |
| The Vulcan Advocate | https://www.vulcanadvocate.com/ | No |
| The Walkerton Herald Times | https://www.walkerton.com/ | No |
| The Weekly Anchor | https://www.weeklyanchor.com/ | No |
| The Wellington Advertiser | https://www.wellingtonadvertiser.com/ | No |
| The West End Times | https://www.westendtimes.ca/ | No |
| The Western Producer | https://www.producer.com/ | Yes |
| The Westlock News | https://www.westlocknews.com/ | Yes |
| The Whitecourt Star | https://www.whitecourtstar.com/ | No |
| The Williams Lake Tribune | https://www.wltribune.com/ | No |
| The Winchester Press | https://winchesterpress.on.ca/ | No |
| The Windsor Star | https://www.windsorstar.com/ | No |
| The World Spectator Online | https://www.world-spectator.com/ | No |
| The Yorkton News | https://www.yorktonnews.com/ | No |
| Times Colonist | https://www.timescolonist.com/ | No |
| Timmins Times | https://www.timminstimes.com/ | No |
| Timmins Today | https://www.timminstoday.com/ | No |
| Titan Herald | https://www.titanherald.com/ | No |
| Tofino-Ucluelet Westerly News | https://www.westerlynews.ca/ | No |
| Toronto.com | https://www.toronto.com/ | No |
| Toronto Free Press | https://www.torontofreepress.com/ | No |
| Toronto Standard | https://www.torontostandard.com/ | No |
| Toronto Telegraph | https://www.torontotelegraph.com/ | No |
| Toronto Today | https://www.torontotoday.org/ | No |
| Trail Daily Times | https://www.trailtimes.ca/ | No |
| Tremblant Express | https://tremblantexpress.com/ | No |
| Tri-city News | https://www.tricitynews.com/ | No |
| Trois-Rivieres Métro | https://www.trmetro.com/ | No |
| Truro Daily News | https://www.trurodaily.com/ | No |
| Tumbler Ridge News | https://www.tumblerridgenews.com/ | Yes |
| TVA Nouvelles | https://www.tvanouvelles.ca/ | No |
| Two Row Times | https://www.tworowtimes.com/ | No |
| UrduPower | https://www.urdupower.com/ | Yes |
| Valley East Today | https://www.valleyeasttoday.ca/ | No |
| Vancouver Courier | https://www.vancourier.com/ | No |
| Vancouver Island Free Daily | https://www.vancouverislandfreedaily.com/ | No |
| Vancouver Star | https://www.vancouverstar.com/ | No |
| Vancouver Sun | https://www.vancouversun.com/ | No |
| Vanderhoof Omineca Express | https://www.ominecaexpress.com/ | No |
| Vaughan Today | https://www.vaughantoday.ca/ | Yes |
| Vermilion Standard | https://www.vermilionstandard.com/ | No |
| Victoria News | https://www.vicnews.com/ | No |
| Vigile | https://www.vigile.net/ | No |
| Vision Newspaper Canada | https://www.vision-newspaper.ca/ | No |
| Voix du de l'Est | https://www.lavoixdelest.ca/ | No |
| Wallaceburg Courier Press | https://www.wallaceburgcourierpress.com/ | No |
| Wawa News | https://wawa-news.com/ | Yes |
| Wawatay News | https://www.wawataynews.ca/ | No |
| Westender | https://www.westender.com/ | No |
| Western Dairy Farmer | https://www.westerndairyfarmer.com/ | No |
| Western Wheel | https://www.westernwheel.com/ | Yes |
| West Nipissing E-News | https://www.timestoppers.ca/ | No |
| West Shore Voice News | https://www.westshorevoicenews.com/ | No |
| Wetaskiwin Times Advertiser | https://www.wetaskiwintimes.com/ | No |
| Weyburn Review | https://www.weyburnreview.com/ | No |
| Whitecourt Press | https://www.whitecourtpress.com/ | Yes |
| White Rock Sun | https://www.whiterocksun.com/ | No |
| Wiarton Echo | https://www.wiartonecho.com/ | No |
| Wingham Advance-Times | https://www.wingham.com/ | No |
| Winkler Times | https://www.winklertimes.com/ | No |
| Winnipeg Sun | https://www.winnipegsun.com/ | No |
| Xaverian Weekly | https://www.xaverianweekly.ca/ | No |
| Yalla | https://www.yallamagazine.com/ | No |
| Yorkton This Week | https://www.yorktonthisweek.com/ | No |
| Yukon Free Press | https://www.yukonfreepress.ca/ | No |
| Yukon News | https://www.yukon-news.com/ | No |
| Écho de la Rive-Nord | https://www.lechodelarivenord.ca/ | Yes |
| Écho du Nord | https://echosdunord.com/ | No |
| Éclaireur Progrès | https://www.leclaireurprogres.ca/ | Yes |
<summary>_click me_
## Cayman islands
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Caymanian Compass | https://www.caymancompass.com/ | Yes |
| Cayman Net News | https://caymannetnews.com/ | Yes |
| Cayman News Service | https://www.caymannewsservice.com/ | No |
| iNews Cayman | https://www.ieyenews.com/ | Yes |
| MyVue News | https://www.myvuenews.com/ | No |
| The Cayman Reporter | https://www.caymanreporter.com/ | Yes |
<summary>_click me_
## Chile
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Business News Americas | https://www.bnamericas.com/ | No |
| Canal De Noticias Malleco | https://www.canaldenoticias.cl/ | No |
| Cavancha Diario Digital de Iquique | https://www.cavancha.cl/ | No |
| Chile Noticias | https://www.chilenoticias.cl/ | No |
| Clarin | https://www.elclarin.cl/ | No |
| Condor | https://www.condor.cl/ | No |
| Cooperativa | https://www.cooperativa.cl/ | No |
| Cronica | https://www.cronica.cl/ | No |
| Crónica Chillán | https://www.cronicachillan.cl/ | No |
| Diario Atacama | https://www.diarioatacama.cl/ | No |
| Diario Austral de Osorno | https://www.australosorno.cl/ | No |
| Diario Chañarcillo | https://www.chanarcillo.cl/ | No |
| Diario de Aysen | https://www.diarioaysen.co.cl/ | No |
| Diario el Centro | https://www.diarioelcentro.cl/ | No |
| Diario el Dia | https://www.diarioeldia.cl/ | Yes |
| Diario el Expresso | https://www.expreso.cl/ | No |
| Diario el Heraldo | https://www.diarioelheraldo.cl/ | No |
| Diario el Sur | https://www.elsur.cl/ | No |
| Diario Estrategia | https://www.estrategia.cl/ | No |
| Diario la Discusion | https://www.diarioladiscusion.cl/ | No |
| Diario Las Ultimas Noticias | https://www.lun.com/ | No |
| Diario La Tercera | https://www.tercera.cl/ | No |
| Diario Oficial | https://www.diariooficial.cl/ | No |
| Diario Renacer de Arauco | https://www.renacerdearauco.cl/ | No |
| El Area | https://www.elarea.com/ | No |
| El Diario Austral de Temuco | https://www.australtemuco.cl/ | No |
| El Diario Austral de Valdivia | https://www.australvaldivia.cl/ | No |
| El Diario de Aysen | https://www.diarioaysen.cl/ | No |
| El Diario | https://www.eldiario.cl/ | No |
| El Divisadero | https://www.eldivisadero.cl/ | No |
| El Llanquihue de Puerto Montt | https://www.diariollanquihue.cl/ | No |
| El Líder de San Antonio | https://www.lidersanantonio.cl/ | No |
| El Marino | https://www.diarioelmarino.cl/ | No |
| El Martutino | https://www.elmartutino.cl/ | Yes |
| El Mercurio de Antofagasta | https://www.mercurioantofagasta.cl/ | No |
| El Mercurio de Calama | https://www.mercuriocalama.cl/ | No |
| El Mercurio de Valparaíso | https://www.mercuriovalpo.cl/ | No |
| El Mercurio | https://www.elmercurio.com/ | No |
| El Mostrador | https://www.elmostrador.cl/ | No |
| El Rastro | https://www.elrastro.cl/ | No |
| El Siglo | https://www.elsiglo.cl/ | No |
| EMOL | https://www.emol.com/ | No |
| Estrategia | https://www.diarioestrategia.cl/ | No |
| Gran Valparaiso | https://www.granvalparaiso.cl/ | No |
| Huiscapi | https://www.huiscapi.cl/ | No |
| Impacto Economico | https://www.impactoeconomico.com/ | No |
| Infoweek | https://www.infoweek.cl/ | No |
| La Cuarta | https://www.lacuarta.cl/ | No |
| La Estrella de Arica | https://www.estrellaarica.cl/ | No |
| La Estrella de Iquique | https://www.estrellaiquique.cl/ | No |
| La Estrella del Loa | https://www.estrellaloa.cl/ | No |
| La Estrella del Norte | https://www.estrellanorte.cl/ | No |
| La Estrella de Valparaíso | https://www.estrellavalpo.cl/ | No |
| La Hora | https://www.lahora.cl/ | No |
| La Izquierda Diario | https://www.laizquierdadiario.cl/ | Yes |
| La Nación | https://www.lanacion.cl/ | No |
| La Prensa de Austral | https://www.laprensaaustral.cl/ | No |
| La Prensa de Tocopilla | https://www.prensatocopilla.cl/ | No |
| La Prensa | https://www.diariolaprensa.cl/ | No |
| La Segunda | https://www.lasegunda.com/ | No |
| La Tercera | https://www.latercera.com/ | No |
| Mejores Datos | https://www.mejoresdatos.cl/ | No |
| MercoPress | https://en.mercopress.com/ | No |
| Mideporte | https://www.educarchile.cl/ | No |
| Paralelo 45 | https://www.paralelo45.cl/ | No |
| Primera Línea | https://www.primeralinea.cl/ | No |
| Renacer de Angol | https://www.renacerdeangol.cl/ | No |
| Tercertiempo | https://www.tercertiempo.cl/ | No |
| The Clinic | https://www.theclinic.cl/ | Yes |
| The Patagon | https://www.thepatagon.cl/ | No |
| The Santiago Times | https://santiagotimes.cl/ | No |
| Valpariso Times | https://www.valparaisotimes.cl/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Colombia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Bogotá Free Planet | https://www.bogotafreeplanet.com/ | Yes |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Colombia Reports | https://www.colombiareports.com/ | Yes |
| Desde Abajo | https://desdeabajo.info/ | Yes |
| Diario del Magdalena | https://www.hoydiariodelmagdalena.com.co/ | Yes |
| Diario del Otún | https://www.eldiario.com.co/ | Yes |
| Diario del Sur | https://diariodelsur.com.co/ | No |
| Diario Deportes | https://www.diario-deportes.com/ | No |
| Diario Occidente | https://www.diariooccidente.com.co/ | No |
| El Catolicismo | https://elcatolicismo.com.co/ | Yes |
| El Clavo | https://www.elclavo.com/ | No |
| El Colombiano | https://www.elcolombiano.net/ | No |
| El Espacio | https://www.elespacio.co/ | No |
| El Espectador | https://www.elespectador.com/ | Yes |
| EL Frente | https://www.elfrente.com.co/ | Yes |
| El Heraldo | https://www.elheraldo.com.co/ | No |
| El Informador | https://www.el-informador.com/ | No |
| El Liberal | https://www.elliberal.com.co/ | Yes |
| El Meridiano de Cordoba | https://www.elmeridianodecordoba.com.co/ | No |
| El Meridiano de Sucre | https://www.elmeridianodesucre.com.co/ | Yes |
| El Mundo | https://www.elmundo.com/ | No |
| El Nuevo Día | https://www.elnuevodia.com.co/ | No |
| El Nuevo Siglo | https://www.elnuevosiglo.com.co/ | Yes |
| El Pais | https://www.elpais.com.co/ | No |
| El Tiempo | https://www.eltiempo.com/ | No |
| El Universo | https://www.eluniverso.com.co/ | No |
| Excelsio | https://www.excelsio.net/ | No |
| Expresión Stereo | https://www.expresionstereo.com/ | No |
| La Crónica | https://www.cronicadelquindio.com/ | Yes |
| La Guajira | https://www.periodicolaguajira.com/ | Yes |
| La Libertad | https://www.lalibertad.com.co/ | Yes |
| La Nación | https://www.lanacion.com.co/ | No |
| La Opinión | https://www.laopinion.com.co/ | No |
| La Patria | https://www.lapatria.com/ | No |
| La Republica | https://www.larepublica.co/ | No |
| La Tarde | https://www.latarde.com/ | No |
| Latin American Post | https://www.latinamericanpost.com/ | No |
| Latin Correspondent | https://www.latincorrespondent.com/ | Yes |
| La Vanguardia Liberal | https://www.vanguardia.com/ | No |
| Medellin Herald | https://www.medellinherald.com/ | No |
| Mi Región de Córdoba | https://www.miregiondecordoba.com/ | No |
| Opinión Colombia | https://opinioncolombia.net/ | No |
| Periodico Ecos del Tequendama | https://www.ecosdeltequendama.com/ | No |
| Periódico El Diario | https://www.periodicoeldiario.com/ | Yes |
| Primera Plana | https://www.primeraplana.com.co/ | No |
| Radiodifusora Nacional | https://www.radiodifusoranacional.co/ | Yes |
| Seguimiento | https://www.seguimiento.co/ | Yes |
| Semana | https://www.semana.com/ | No |
| The Bogotá Post | https://www.thebogotapost.com/ | No |
| The Cartagena Herald | https://www.cartagenaherald.com/ | No |
| The City Paper Bogotá | https://thecitypaperbogota.com/ | No |
| Today Colombia | https://www.todaycolombia.com/ | No |
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## Costa rica
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| A.M. Costa Rica | https://www.amcostarica.com/ | No |
| Al Dia | https://www.aldia.co.cr/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now! | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Central America Panorama | https://www.elpanorama.net/ | No |
| Costa Rican Times | https://www.costaricantimes.com/ | Yes |
| CR Hoy | https://www.crhoy.com/ | Yes |
| Cyberprensa | https://www.cyberprensa.com/ | Yes |
| Diario Extra | https://www.diarioextra.com/ | Yes |
| Diario La República | https://www.larepublica.net/ | Yes |
| El Financiero | https://www.elfinancierocr.com/ | No |
| El Heraldo | https://www.elheraldo.net/ | No |
| El Siglo | https://www.elsiglo.info/ | No |
| Escazu news | https://www.escazunews.com/ | No |
| Fijatevos | https://www.fijatevos.com/ | No |
| Informa-Tico | https://www.informa-tico.com/ | No |
| Inside Costa Rica | https://www.insidecostarica.com/ | Yes |
| La Provincia | https://www.guanacastehoy.com/ | No |
| Nacion | https://www.nacion.com/ | No |
| Navegalo.com | https://www.navegalo.com/ | Yes |
| NC4 Sucesos | https://www.nc4sucesos.co.cr/ | No |
| No.Ticiero.Com | https://no.ticiero.com/ | No |
| Prensa Libre | https://www.prensalibre.co.cr/ | No |
| Qcostarica | https://qcostarica.com/ | Yes |
| The Beach Times | https://www.thebeachtimes.com/ | No |
| The Costa Rica News | https://www.thecostaricanews.com/ | Yes |
| The Costa Rica Star | https://www.news.co.cr/ | Yes |
| The Tico Times | https://www.ticotimes.net/ | Yes |
| Ticolook.com | https://www.ticolook.com/ | No |
| Today Panama | https://www.todaypanama.com/ | No |
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## Cuba
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 5 de Septiembre | https://www.5septiembre.cu/ | No |
| Adelante | https://www.adelante.cu/ | No |
| Ahora | https://www.ahora.cu/ | No |
| Bohemia | https://www.bohemia.cu/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| El Economista | https://www.eleconomista.cubaweb.cu/ | No |
| Escambray | https://www.escambray.cu/ | No |
| Girón | https://www.giron.co.cu/ | No |
| Granma Internet | https://www.granma.cu/ | No |
| Invasor | https://www.invasor.cu/ | No |
| Juventud Rebelde | https://www.juventudrebelde.cu/ | No |
| NetforCuba | https://www.netforcuba.org/ | No |
| Notinet de Cuba | https://www.notinet.icrt.cu/ | No |
| Nueva Prensa Cubana | https://www.nuevaprensa.com/ | No |
| Opciones | https://www.opciones.cu/ | No |
| Periódico 26 | https://www.periodico26.cu/ | No |
| Pionero | https://www.pionero.cu/ | No |
| Prensa Latina | https://www.prensa-latina.org/ | No |
| Sierra Maestra | https://www.sierramaestra.cu/ | No |
| Trabajadores | https://www.trabajadores.cu/ | No |
| Tribuna de La Habana | https://www.tribuna.cu/ | No |
| Venceremos | https://www.venceremos.cu/ | No |
| Victoria | https://www.periodicovictoria.cu/ | No |
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## Dominica
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Dominica News Online | https://www.dominicanewsonline.com/ | Yes |
| Dominica Vibes | https://www.dominicavibes.dm/ | No |
| The Chronicle | https://www.news-dominica.com/ | Yes |
| The Dominican.net | https://thedominican.net/ | Yes |
| The Times | https://www.thetimes.dm/ | No |
| Times of Dominica | https://www.timesdominica.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Dominican republic
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Acento | https://www.acento.com.do/ | Yes |
| Al Momento | https://www.almomento.net/ | No |
| Bajo Techo Digital | https://www.bajotecho.com.do/ | No |
| Barriga Verde | https://www.barrigaverde.net/ | Yes |
| CabareteDR | https://www.cabaretedr.com/ | No |
| Cadena de Noticias | https://www.cdn.com.do/ | Yes |
| Cafe Bambu | https://www.cafebambu.com/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Clave Digital | https://www.clavedigital.com/ | Yes |
| Costa Verde DR | https://www.costaverdedr.com/ | No |
| DepuertoPlata | https://www.serie37.com/ | No |
| Diario@Diario | https://www.diarioadiario.com/ | No |
| Diario Digital RD | https://www.diariodigitalrd.com/ | Yes |
| Diario Horizonte | https://www.diariohorizonte.com/ | No |
| Diario Libre | https://www.diariolibre.com/ | No |
| Diario Noticia | https://www.diarionoticia.com/ | No |
| Dominican Central | https://www.dominicancentral.com/ | No |
| Dominican News Live | https://www.news-live.com/ | No |
| Dominicano Ahora | https://www.dominicanoahora.com/ | No |
| Dominicano Digital | https://www.dominicanodigital.com/ | No |
| Dominican Republic Online | https://www.dominicanrepubliconline.net/ | No |
| Dominican Today | https://www.dominicantoday.com/ | No |
| DomRepHeute | https://www.domrepheute.com/ | Yes |
| DR One Daily News Service | https://dr1.com/ | Yes |
| Eco Hispano | https://www.ecohispano.com/ | No |
| El Barahonero | https://elbarahonero.blogspot.com/ | No |
| El Caribe | https://www.elcaribe.com.do/ | Yes |
| El Dia | https://www.eldia.com.do/ | Yes |
| Elecciones Dominicanas | https://eleccionesdominicanas.com/ | No |
| El Masacre Online | https://www.elmasacre.com/ | No |
| El Nacional.com | https://www.el-nacional.com/ | Yes |
| El Nacional | https://www.elnacional.com.do/ | Yes |
| El Noticiario | https://www.elnoticiario.net/ | No |
| El Nuevo Diario | https://www.elnuevodiario.com.do/ | No |
| El Viajero Digital | https://www.elviajero.com.do/ | No |
| Enel Punto | https://www.enel.net/ | No |
| Gringo Times | https://www.gringo-times.com/ | No |
| Higuey Online | https://www.higueyonline.com/ | No |
| Hoy | https://www.hoy.com.do/ | Yes |
| La Nacion Dominicana | https://www.lanaciondominicana.com/ | No |
| La Opcion Digital | https://laopciondigital.com/ | No |
| La Plana | https://www.laplana.com.do/ | No |
| Listin Digital | https://www.listin.com.do/ | Yes |
| Noticias Punta Cana | https://www.noticiaspuntacana.com/ | No |
| Noticias SIN | https://www.noticiassin.com/ | Yes |
| Periodico Muy a Tiempo | https://www.muyatiempo.com/ | No |
| Periodico Primicias | https://www.primicias.com.do/ | No |
| Periódico 7 Días | https://www.7dias.com.do/ | No |
| Proceso | https://www.proceso.com.do/ | Yes |
| Puerto Plata News | https://www.puertoplatanews.com/ | No |
| RD Noticias | https://www.rdnoticias.com/ | No |
| SantoDomingoVIP | https://www.santodomingovip.com/ | No |
| The Dominican Sun | https://www.drsol.info/ | No |
| The POP Report | https://www.popreport.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Ecuador
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Business News Americas | https://www.bnamericas.com/ | No |
| Correo | https://www.orenses.com/ | No |
| Cosas | https://www.cosas.com.ec/ | No |
| Cuenca Gazette | https://www.cuencagazette.com/ | No |
| Cuenca High Life | https://www.cuencahighlife.com/ | No |
| Cuenca News Digest | https://www.cuencanewsdigest.com/ | No |
| Diario Cronica | https://www.cronica.com.ec/ | Yes |
| Diario El Extra | https://www.diario-extra.com/ | No |
| Diario Hoy | https://www.hoy.com.ec/ | No |
| Ecuador Mundo | https://www.ecuadormundo.com/ | No |
| Ecuador Reporter | https://www.ecuadorreporter.com/ | No |
| Ecuador Universal | https://www.ecuadoruniversal.com/ | No |
| El Comercio | https://www.elcomercio.com/ | Yes |
| El Diario | https://www.eldiario.com.ec/ | Yes |
| El Ecuatoriano | https://www.elecuatoriano.com.ec/ | No |
| El Financiero | https://www.elfinanciero.com/ | No |
| El Heraldo | https://www.elheraldo.com.ec/ | No |
| El Mercurio | https://www.elmercurio.com.ec/ | Yes |
| El Metro de Guayaquil | https://www.elmetrodeguayaquil.com/ | No |
| El Migrante Ecuatoriano | https://www.elmigrante.com.ec/ | No |
| El Nuevo Empresario | https://www.elnuevoempresario.com/ | Yes |
| El Nuevo Globo | https://www.elnuevoglobo.com/ | No |
| El Porteño | https://www.elporteno.net/ | No |
| El Telégrafo | https://www.eltelegrafo.com.ec/ | Yes |
| El Tiempo | https://www.eltiempo.com.ec/ | Yes |
| El Universo | https://www.eluniverso.com/ | No |
| Expreso | https://www.diario-expreso.com/ | No |
| La Hora | https://www.lahora.com.ec/ | Yes |
| Minoticieromatinal.com | https://www.minoticieromatinal.com/ | No |
| Noticias De Ecuador | https://www.noticias-de-ecuador.com/ | No |
| Quito Weekly | https://www.quitoweekly.com/ | No |
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## El salvador
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| ContraPunto | https://www.contrapunto.com.sv/ | Yes |
| Diario Colatino | https://www.diariocolatino.com/ | Yes |
| Diario Latino | https://www.diariolatino.net/ | No |
| El Diario de Hoy | https://www.elsalvador.com/ | No |
| El Diario El Mundo | https://www.elmundo.com.sv/ | No |
| El Faro | https://www.elfaro.net/ | Yes |
| El Grafico | https://www.elgrafico.com/ | Yes |
| El Pais | https://www.elpais.com.sv/ | No |
| El Salvador Times | https://www.elsalvadortimes.com/ | Yes |
| La Pagina | https://www.lapagina.com.sv/ | Yes |
| La Prensa Grafica | https://www.laprensagrafica.com/ | Yes |
| Raíces | https://www.desdeelsalvador.com.sv/ | No |
| Solo Noticias | https://www.solonoticias.com/ | Yes |
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## Falklands
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Falkland Islands News Network | https://www.falklandnews.com/ | No |
| Falklands-Malvinas & South Atlantic News | https://www.mercopress.com/ | No |
| Penguin News | https://www.penguin-news.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Grenada
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| NOW Grenada | https://www.nowgrenada.com/ | Yes |
| Spice Grenada | https://www.spicegrenada.com/ | No |
| The Grenada Informer | https://www.thegrenadainformer.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Guadeloupe
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Carib Creole One | https://www.caribcreole1.com/ | No |
| Journal de St Barth | https://www.st-barths.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Guatemala
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now! | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| El Periódico | https://www.elperiodico.com.gt/ | Yes |
| El Quetzalteco | https://www.elquetzalteco.com.gt/ | No |
| La Hora | https://www.lahora.com.gt/ | No |
| Moneda | https://www.monedaenlinea.com/ | No |
| Nuestro Diario | https://www.nuestrodiario.com/ | No |
| Prensa Libre | https://www.prensalibre.com/ | No |
| Publinews | https://www.publinews.gt/ | Yes |
| Siglo XXI | https://www.sigloxxi.com/ | No |
| The Guatemala Times | https://www.guatemala-times.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Guyana
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now! | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Demerara Waves | https://www.demerarawaves.com/ | Yes |
| Guyana Chronicle | https://www.guyanachronicle.com/ | No |
| Guyana Graphic | https://www.guyanagraphic.com/ | No |
| Guyana Guardian | https://www.guyanaguardian.com/ | No |
| Guyana Infoline | https://www.guyanainfoline.net/ | No |
| Guyana Observer News | https://www.guyanaobservernews.org/ | No |
| Guyana Press | https://www.guyanapress.com/ | No |
| Kaieteur News | https://www.kaieteurnewsonline.com/ | Yes |
| Stabroek News | https://www.stabroeknews.com/ | Yes |
| The Guyana Times | https://www.guyanatimesgy.com/ | Yes |
| The Mirror | https://www.mirrornewsonline.com/ | No |
| Trinity Reporter | https://www.trinityreporter.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Haiti
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Alter Presse | https://www.alterpresse.org/ | No |
| Brief Synopsis | https://www.briefsynopsis.com/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Haitian Times | https://www.haitiantimes.com/ | Yes |
| Haiti En Marche | https://www.haitienmarche.com/ | Yes |
| Haiti Globe | https://www.haitiglobe.com/ | No |
| Haiti Info | https://www.haiti-info.com/ | No |
| Haiti Liberté | https://www.haitiliberte.com/ | No |
| Haiti Press Network | https://www.haitipressnetwork.com/ | No |
| Haiti Sun | https://www.haitisun.com/ | No |
| Haïti Progrès | https://www.haitiprogres.com/ | No |
| Le Nouvelliste | https://www.lenouvelliste.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Honduras
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aficionado.hn | https://www.aficionado.hn/ | No |
| Bay Islands Voice | https://www.bayislandsvoice.com/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now! | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Diario Diez | https://www.diez.hn/ | No |
| Diario La Prensa | https://www.laprensa.hn/ | No |
| Diario Tiempo | https://tiempo.hn/ | No |
| El Articulista | https://www.diarioelarticulista.com/ | No |
| El Escamoso | https://www.elescamoso.es.tl/ | No |
| El Heraldo | https://www.elheraldo.hn/ | No |
| El Libertador | https://www.ellibertador.hn/ | No |
| El Progreseño | https://www.elprogreseno.hn/ | No |
| Hondudiario | https://www.hondudiario.com/ | No |
| Honduras News | https://www.hondurasnews.com/ | Yes |
| La Tribuna | https://www.latribuna.hn/ | No |
| Proceso | https://www.proceso.hn/ | No |
| Puerto Cortes HN | https://www.puertocorteshn.com/ | No |
| Puerto Cortés News | https://www.puertocortesnews.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Jamaica
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Jamaica Daily Gleaner | https://www.jamaica-gleaner.com/ | No |
| Jamaica News Bulletin | https://www.jamaicanewsbulletin.com/ | No |
| Jamaican Times | https://www.jamaicantimes.com/ | No |
| Jamaica Patriot | https://jamaicapatriot.com/ | No |
| Mandeville Weekly | https://www.mandevilleweekly.com/ | No |
| News784 | https://www.news784.com/ | Yes |
| The Commentator | https://www.thecommentatorjm.com/ | No |
| The Jamaica Observer | https://www.jamaicaobserver.com/ | No |
| The Jamaica Star | https://www.jamaica-star.com/ | No |
| The Kingston Chronicle Ltd | https://www.kingstonchronicle.com/ | No |
| Western Mirror | https://www.westernmirror.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Martinique
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Journal France-Antilles Martinique | https://www.martinique.franceantilles.fr/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Mexico
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| A.M. | https://www.am.com.mx/ | Yes |
| AGP Noticias Mexico | https://www.agpnoticias.com/ | Yes |
| Aristegui Noticias | https://www.aristeguinoticias.com/ | Yes |
| Banderas News | https://www.banderasnews.com/ | No |
| Barloventeando Veracruz | https://www.barloventeando.com/ | No |
| Bionero | https://www.bionero.org/ | No |
| Biznews North Mexico | https://www.biznews.com.mx/ | No |
| Business News Americas | https://www.bnamericas.com/ | No |
| Cambio de Michoacan | https://www.cambiodemichoacan.com.mx/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Ciudadano Informa | https://www.ciudadanoinforma.com/ | No |
| Correo | https://correo-gto.com.mx/ | No |
| Criterios | https://www.criterios.com/ | No |
| Critica | https://www.critica.com.mx/ | Yes |
| Cuarto Poder | https://www.cuarto-poder.com.mx/ | No |
| Despertar del Sur | https://www.despertardelsur.com/ | No |
| Diario 21 | https://www.diario21.com/ | Yes |
| Diario Aguas | https://www.aguasdigital.com/ | No |
| Diario Cambio | https://www.diariocambio.com.mx/ | Yes |
| Diario de Colima | https://www.diariodecolima.com/ | No |
| Diario de Estado de México | https://www.milenio.com/ | No |
| Diario de Morelia | https://diariodemorelia.mx/ | No |
| Diario de Morelos | https://www.diariodemorelos.com/ | Yes |
| Diario de Xalapa | https://www.diariodexalapa.com.mx/ | No |
| Diario Monitor | https://www.diariomonitor.com.mx/ | No |
| Diario Noticias Portado | https://www.diarionoticias.info/ | No |
| Dia Siete | https://www.dia7.com/ | No |
| Dossier Politico | https://www.dossierpolitico.com/ | Yes |
| Economista | https://www.economista.com.mx/ | No |
| ECOS de Rosarito | https://ecosderosarito.com/ | No |
| El Asesor | https://www.elasesor.com.mx/ | Yes |
| El Bravo | https://www.elbravo.com.mx/ | No |
| El Correo de Manzanillo | https://www.correodemanzanillo.com/ | No |
| El Debate | https://www.debate.com.mx/ | Yes |
| El Diario de Coahuila | https://www.eldiariodecoahuila.com.mx/ | Yes |
| El Diario de Juárez | https://diario.mx/ | Yes |
| El Diario de Yucatan | https://www.yucatan.com.mx/ | Yes |
| El Diario en Linea | https://www.eldiariodechihuahua.com/ | Yes |
| El Diario | https://www.eldiariodechihuahua.mx/ | Yes |
| El Dictamen | https://www.eldictamen.com.mx/ | Yes |
| El Digital de Parral | https://www.eldigitaldeparral.com/ | No |
| El Día | https://www.eldia.com.mx/ | No |
| El Financiero | https://www.elfinanciero.com.mx/ | No |
| El Heraldo de Chihuahua | https://www.elheraldodechihuahua.com.mx/ | No |
| El Heraldo de León | https://heraldodelbajio.com/ | Yes |
| El Imparcial | https://www.elimparcial.com/ | Yes |
| El Informador | https://www.informador.com.mx/ | No |
| El Manana | https://www.elmanana.com.mx/ | Yes |
| El Mañana de Valles | https://www.elmananadevalles.com.mx/ | No |
| El Mercurio | https://www.elmercurio.com.mx/ | No |
| El Mexicano | https://www.el-mexicano.com.mx/ | No |
| El Norte | https://www.elnorte.com/ | No |
| El Observador Diario | https://www.portada.elobservadordiario.com/ | Yes |
| El Observador | https://elobservadorenlinea.com.mx/ | No |
| El Portal De La Noticia | https://www.elportaldelanoticia.com/ | No |
| El Porvenir | https://www.elporvenir.com.mx/ | No |
| El Pulso | https://www.pulsoslp.com.mx/ | Yes |
| El Regional Buen Día | https://www.elregionalbuendia.com.mx/ | No |
| El Siglo de Torreon | https://www.elsiglodetorreon.com.mx/ | Yes |
| El Sol del Centro | https://www.elsoldelcentro.com.mx/ | No |
| El Sol de Mazatlan | https://www.elsoldemazatlan.com.mx/ | No |
| El Sol de Mexico | https://www.elsoldemexico.com.mx/ | No |
| El Sol de Puebla | https://www.elsoldepuebla.com.mx/ | No |
| El Sol de Tehuacán | https://www.elsoldetehuacan.com.mx/ | No |
| El Sol de Zacatecas | https://www.elsoldezacatecas.com.mx/ | No |
| El Sur de Campeche | https://www.elsur.com.mx/ | No |
| El Sur | https://www.suracapulco.com.mx/ | Yes |
| El Telegrafo | https://www.eltelegrafo.info/ | No |
| El Tiempo | https://www.tiempo.com.mx/ | No |
| El Universal | https://www.el-universal.com.mx/ | No |
| El Ágora | https://www.elagora.com.mx/ | Yes |
| Enfoque | https://www.enfoqueinformativo.com/ | No |
| Ensenada | https://www.ensenada.net/ | No |
| Entorno a Tamaulipas | https://www.entornoatamaulipas.com/ | No |
| Entre Lineas | https://www.entrelineas.com.mx/ | No |
| ESTO | https://www.esto.com.mx/ | No |
| E Times | https://www.etimes.com.mx/ | No |
| Excélsior | https://www.excelsior.com.mx/ | No |
| Expreso | https://www.expreso.com.mx/ | No |
| Frontera | https://www.frontera.info/ | No |
| Gringo Gazette | https://www.gringogazette.com/ | Yes |
| Guadalajara Reporter | https://guadalajarareporter.com/ | Yes |
| Hermosillo Sun Times | https://www.hermosillosuntimes.com/ | No |
| Hidrocálido | https://www.hidrocalidodigital.com/ | No |
| Hispanically Speaking News | https://www.hispanicallyspeakingnews.com/ | Yes |
| Hora Cero | https://www.horacero.com.mx/ | Yes |
| Imagen de Veracruz | https://www.imagendeveracruz.mx/ | No |
| Intolerancia Diario | https://www.intoleranciadiario.com/ | Yes |
| La Cronica de Baja California | https://www.lacronicabc.com/ | No |
| La Crónica de Hoy | https://www.cronica.com.mx/ | Yes |
| La Crónica | https://www.lacronica.com/ | No |
| La Extra | https://www.laextra.mx/ | Yes |
| La Izquierda Diario | https://www.laizquierdadiario.mx/ | Yes |
| La Jerga | https://www.lajerga.com/ | No |
| La Jornada | https://www.jornada.unam.mx/ | Yes |
| La Opinión | https://www.laopinion.com.mx/ | No |
| La Polaka | https://www.lapolaka.com/ | Yes |
| La Prensa | https://www.la-prensa.com.mx/ | No |
| La Razón | https://www.razon.com.mx/ | No |
| La Red | https://www.grupolareddealtamira.com/ | No |
| La Región | https://www.laregion.com.mx/ | Yes |
| La Tribuna | https://www.tribuna.com.mx/ | Yes |
| La Unión de Morelos | https://www.launion.com.mx/ | No |
| La Voz de la Frontera | https://www.lavozdelafrontera.com.mx/ | No |
| La Voz | https://www.voznet.com.mx/ | No |
| Lea County Tribune | https://www.leacountytribuneonline.com/ | No |
| Le Monde Diplomatique | https://www.lemondediplomatique.com.mx/ | Yes |
| Mariano Valdez | https://www.nuevoexcelsior.com.mx/ | No |
| Masnoticias | https://www.masnoticias.net/ | No |
| Meganoticias | https://meganoticias.mx/ | No |
| Mexico News Daily | https://www.mexiconewsdaily.com/ | Yes |
| Mexico Star | https://www.mexicostar.com/ | No |
| Miled Baja California | https://www.miledbcs.com.mx/ | No |
| Miled CD MX | https://mileddf.com.mx/ | No |
| Miled Chihuahua | https://www.miledchihuahua.com.mx/ | No |
| Miled Estado De México | https://www.milededomex.com.mx/ | No |
| Miled Hidalgo | https://www.miledhidalgo.com.mx/ | No |
| Miled Jalisco | https://www.miledjalisco.com.mx/ | No |
| Miled Morelos | https://www.miledmorelos.com.mx/ | No |
| Miled México | https://www.miled.com/ | No |
| Miled Nuevo Leon | https://www.milednl.com.mx/ | No |
| Miled Oaxaca | https://www.miledoaxaca.com.mx/ | No |
| Miled Puebla | https://www.miledpuebla.com.mx/ | No |
| Miled Quintana Roo | https://www.miledqroo.com.mx/ | No |
| Milenio Diario | https://www.mileniodiario.com.mx/ | No |
| Mural | https://www.mural.com/ | No |
| MX Daily News | https://www.mxdailynews.com/ | No |
| Noroeste | https://www.noroeste.com.mx/ | Yes |
| Norte Digital | https://nortedigital.mx/ | No |
| Noticias de Chiapas | https://www.noticiasdechiapas.com.mx/ | No |
| Noticias | https://www.noticias-oax.com.mx/ | No |
| Notiver | https://www.notiver.com.mx/ | No |
| Novedades de Quintana Roo | https://www.novenet.com.mx/ | No |
| Ocho Columnas | https://www.ochocolumnas.com.mx/ | No |
| Pagina 8 | https://www.pagina8.com/ | No |
| Peninsular Digital | https://www.peninsulardigital.com/ | No |
| Periodico Express | https://www.periodicoexpress.com/ | No |
| Periódico | https://www.periodico.com/ | No |
| Peñasco Digital | https://www.penascodigital.com/ | No |
| Politica | https://www.lapolitica.com.mx/ | No |
| Por Esto | https://www.poresto.net/ | Yes |
| Presente | https://presente.com.mx/ | No |
| Proceso | https://www.proceso.com.mx/ | Yes |
| Provincia | https://www.provincia.com.mx/ | Yes |
| Quequi | https://www.quequi.com.mx/ | No |
| Reforma | https://www.reforma.com/ | No |
| Riviera Maya News | https://www.riviera-maya-news.com/ | No |
| Rotative de Queretaro | https://www.rotativo.com.mx/ | Yes |
| San Miguel Chronicles | https://www.thesanmiguelchronicles.com/ | No |
| Sayula.mx | https://www.sayula.mx/ | No |
| SD7 Noticias | https://www.sd7noticias.com/ | No |
| Segundo a Segundo | https://www.segundoasegundo.com/ | Yes |
| Semanario Cultural Bitacora | https://www.bitacoracultural.com/ | No |
| Semanario Zeta | https://www.zetatijuana.com/ | Yes |
| Sexenio | https://www.sexenio.com.mx/ | No |
| Sipse.com | https://www.sipse.com/ | Yes |
| Sol Mexico News | https://www.solmexiconews.com/ | No |
| Suceso 24/7 | https://www.suceso247.com/ | No |
| Sudcalifornia Hoy | https://www.sudcaliforniahoy.com/ | No |
| Tamaulipas en Linea | https://www.tamaulipasenlinea.com/ | No |
| The Acapulco Times | https://www.acapulcotimes.mx/ | No |
| The Mazatlan Messenger | https://www.mazmessenger.com/ | No |
| The News | https://thenews.com.mx/ | No |
| The Yucatan Times | https://www.theyucatantimes.com/ | No |
| Tiempos del Mundos | https://www.tdm.com/ | No |
| Tribuna | https://www.tribunacampeche.com/ | Yes |
| Tu Decides Tu Portal De Negocios | https://www.tudecides.com.mx/ | No |
| Uno Más Uno | https://unomasuno.com.mx/ | No |
| Vallarta Daily | https://www.vallartadaily.com/ | Yes |
| Vallarta Today | https://www.vallartatoday.com/ | Yes |
| Vangardia | https://www.vanguardia.com.mx/ | No |
| VivirAqui | https://www.viviraqui.com.mx/ | No |
| Zócalo | https://www.zocalo.com.mx/ | Yes |
<summary>_click me_
## Montserrat
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Montserrat Reporter | https://www.themontserratreporter.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Netherlands antilles
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 24ora | https://www.24ora.com/ | Yes |
| Amigoe | https://www.amigoe.com/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Curacao Guardian | https://www.curacaoguardian.com/ | No |
| Extra | https://www.extra.an/ | No |
| The Daily Herald | https://www.thedailyherald.com/ | No |
| Today | https://www.todaysxm.com/ | Yes |
<summary>_click me_
## Nicaragua
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Bolsa de Noticias | https://www.bolsadenoticias.com.ni/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now! | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Confidencial | https://www.confidencial.com.ni/ | Yes |
| Del Sur News | https://www.delsurnewsonline.com/ | No |
| El Nuevo Diario | https://www.elnuevodiario.com.ni/ | No |
| La Prensa | https://www.laprensa.com.ni/ | Yes |
| La Voz De Nicaragua | https://www.lavozdenicaragua.com/ | No |
| Nica Gazette | https://www.nicagazette.com/ | Yes |
| The Nicaragua Dispatch | https://www.nicaraguadispatch.com/ | No |
| The Nica Times | https://www.ticotimes.net/ | Yes |
| Today Nicaragua | https://www.todaynicaragua.com/ | No |
| Voice Of Nicaragua | https://www.voiceofnicaragua.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Panama
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Afirmacion | https://www.afirmacion.net/ | No |
| Boquete Times | https://www.theboquetetimes.com/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now! | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Critica en Linea | https://www.critica.com.pa/ | Yes |
| Dia a Dia | https://www.diaadia.com.pa/ | Yes |
| El Capital | https://elcapitalfinanciero.com/ | Yes |
| El Panama America | https://www.panamaamerica.com.pa/ | Yes |
| El Siglo Digital | https://www.elsiglo.com/ | No |
| English News Panama | https://englishnewspanama.com/ | No |
| La Estrella de Panama | https://www.estrelladepanama.com/ | Yes |
| La Prensa | https://www.prensa.com/ | Yes |
| Newsroom Panama | https://www.newsroompanama.com/ | No |
| Noriegaville News | https://www.noriegaville.com/ | No |
| Panama English News | https://www.panamaenglishnews.com/ | No |
| Playa Community News | https://www.playacommunity.com/ | No |
| The Bocas Breeze | https://www.thebocasbreeze.com/ | No |
| The Bulletin | https://thebulletinpanama.com/ | No |
| The Panama News | https://www.thepanamanews.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Paraguay
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 1870 Digital | https://www.1870digital.com/ | No |
| Aktuelle Rundschau | https://www.rundschau.com.py/ | No |
| Diario ABC Color | https://www.diarioabc.com.py/ | No |
| Diario Noticias | https://www.diarionoticias.com.py/ | No |
| La Hoja Online | https://www.lahojaonline.com/ | No |
| La Nación | https://www.lanacion.com.py/ | No |
| MercoPress | https://en.mercopress.com/ | No |
| Neike | https://www.neike.com.py/ | Yes |
| Tiempos del Mundo | https://www.tdm.com.py/ | No |
| Viva Paraguay | https://www.vivaparaguay.com/ | No |
| Wochenblatt | https://www.wochenblatt-online.com/ | No |
| Última Hora | https://www.ultimahora.com.py/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Peru
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Arequipa al Dia | https://rpp.pe/ | No |
| Business News Americas | https://www.bnamericas.com/ | No |
| Business Peru | https://www.businessperu.com.pe/ | No |
| Caretas | https://www.caretas.com.pe/ | No |
| Correo | https://www.correoperu.com.au/ | No |
| Del Pais | https://www.delpais.com.pe/ | No |
| Diario Altavoz | https://altavoz.pe/ | Yes |
| Diario Correo | https://diariocorreo.pe/ | Yes |
| Diario Gestión | https://www.gestion.com.pe/ | No |
| El Bocón | https://www.elbocon.com.pe/ | No |
| El Chino | https://www.elchino.pe/ | Yes |
| El Comercio | https://www.elcomercio.pe/ | No |
| El Diario de Cusco | https://www.diariodelcusco.com/ | No |
| El Peruano | https://www.elperuano.pe/ | No |
| El Popular | https://www.elpopular.pe/ | No |
| El Tiempo | https://www.eltiempo.com.pe/ | No |
| Epensa | https://www.epensa.com.pe/ | Yes |
| Expreso | https://www.expreso.com.pe/ | Yes |
| Gestión | https://www.gestion.pe/ | No |
| Informalisimo | https://www.informalisimo.com/ | Yes |
| La Razón | https://www.larazon.pe/ | Yes |
| La Republica | https://www.larepublica.pe/ | Yes |
| Libero | https://www.libero.com.pe/ | No |
| Ojo | https://www.ojo.pe/ | No |
| Peru Reports | https://www.perureports.com/ | No |
| Peruvian Times | https://www.peruviantimes.com/ | Yes |
| Perú 21 | https://peru21.pe/ | No |
| Perú Al Dia.pe | https://www.perualdia.pe/ | No |
| Piura Virtual | https://www.piuravirtual.com/ | No |
| Síntesis | https://www.sintesis.com.pe/ | No |
| The Lima Bean | https://perunews.wordpress.com/ | No |
| Top Perú News | https://www.topperunews.com/ | No |
| Trome | https://www.trome.pe/ | No |
| Tu Diario | https://www.tudiario.com.pe/ | No |
| Últimas Noticias | https://peru.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Puerto rico
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Claridad | https://www.claridadpuertorico.com/ | No |
| Diario de Puerto Rico | https://www.diariodepuertorico.com/ | No |
| Diario Noticuba International | https://www.diarionoticubainternacional.com/ | No |
| Diálogo | https://www.dialogoupr.com/ | No |
| El Expresso | https://www.periodicoelexpresso.com/ | No |
| El Faro Del Suroeste | https://www.periodicoelfaropr.com/ | No |
| El Impacto | https://www.elimpacto.com/ | No |
| El Nuevo Día | https://www.endi.com/ | Yes |
| El Periódico Expresso de Puerto Rico | https://www.elexpresso.com/ | No |
| El Regional Digital.com | https://www.elregionaldigital.com/ | No |
| El Veraz | https://www.elveraz.com/ | No |
| El Visitante | https://www.elvisitante.biz/ | No |
| El Vocero | https://www.vocero.com/ | No |
| Impresiones Online | https://www.periodicoimpresiones.com/ | No |
| La Esquina | https://laesquina.com/ | No |
| La Estrella | https://www.periodicolaestrella.com/ | Yes |
| La Perla del Sur | https://www.periodicolaperla.com/ | Yes |
| Pasquines | https://pasquines.us/ | No |
| Presencia | https://www.presenciapr.com/ | No |
| Primera Hora | https://www.primerahora.com/ | Yes |
| Puerto Rico Herald | https://www.puertorico-herald.org/ | No |
| Puerto Rico Report | https://www.puertoricoreport.org/ | No |
| San Juan Daily Star | https://www.thesanjuandailystar.com/ | No |
| The Caribbean Business | https://www.caribbeanbusinesspr.com/ | No |
| The Cuban Nation | https://www.thecubannation.com/ | No |
| The Puerto Rico Monitor | https://puertoricomonitor.blogspot.com/ | No |
| The Vieques Times | https://www.viequestimes.com/ | No |
| Villalba Online | https://villalbaonlinepr.com/ | No |
| Yastá | https://www.yasta.pr/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Saint kitts nevis
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| The Labour Spokesman | https://www.labourspokesman.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Saint lucia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| OneLucian News | https://www.onelucian.com/ | No |
| St Lucia News Online | https://www.stlucianewsonline.com/ | Yes |
| St Lucia Times | https://www.stluciatimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Star | https://www.stluciastar.com/ | Yes |
| The St Lucia Mirror | https://www.stluciamirroronline.org/ | No |
| The Voice | https://www.thevoiceslu.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Saint vincent grenadines
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean360 | https://caribbean360.net/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| I-Witness News | https://www.iwnsvg.com/ | Yes |
| News 784 | https://www.news784.com/ | Yes |
| Prensa Caribe | https://www.prensacaribe.org/ | No |
| Searchlight | https://www.searchlight.vc/ | Yes |
| SVG Express | https://www.svg-express.com/ | No |
| The Herald | https://www.heraldsvg.com/ | No |
| The Vincentian | https://www.thevincentian.com/ | Yes |
| The VincyView | https://vincyview.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Suriname
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now! | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Culturu.com | https://www.culturu.com/ | No |
| Dagblad Suriname | https://www.dbsuriname.com/ | Yes |
| De Ware Tijd | https://www.dwtonline.com/ | No |
| De West | https://www.dagbladdewest.com/ | Yes |
| Suriname Nieuws | https://www.srnieuws.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Trinidad tobago
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Catholic News | https://www.catholicnews-tt.net/ | No |
| News Day | https://newsday.co.tt/ | No |
| The Express | https://www.trinidadexpress.com/ | No |
| Tobago News | https://www.thetobagonews.com/ | Yes |
| Trinidad Guardian | https://www.guardian.co.tt/ | Yes |
| Trinidad Times | https://www.trinidadtimes.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Turks caicos islands
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| TCI Enews | https://www.enews.tc/ | No |
| The Sun | https://www.suntci.com/ | Yes |
| Weekly News | https://www.tcweeklynews.com/ | Yes |
<summary>_click me_
## United states
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 6 News | https://www.wowt.com/ | No |
| 13 WGME | https://www.wgme.com/ | No |
| 16KMTR | https://www.nbc16.com/ | No |
| 24 Horas | https://www.24horasinc.com/ | No |
| 411 Sports & Entertainment | https://www.411sportsnews.com/ | No |
| Abbeville Meridional | https://www.vermiliontoday.com/ | No |
| Abbeville News | https://www.wctel.net/ | No |
| ABCNews4 | https://www.abcnews4.com/ | No |
| Aberdeen American News | https://www.aberdeennews.com/ | No |
| Abilene Reporter News | https://www.reporternews.com/ | No |
| Abington Mariner | https://abington.wickedlocal.com/ | No |
| Access North Georgia | https://www.accessnorthga.com/ | No |
| AcheiUSA | https://www.acheiusa.com/ | Yes |
| A Cheyenne Voice | https://www.acheyennevoice.com/ | No |
| Ackley World Journal | https://www.ackleyworldjournal.com/ | No |
| Action News 2 | https://www.wbay.com/ | No |
| Acushnet Community News | https://www.southcoasttoday.com/ | No |
| Ada Icon | https://www.adaicon.com/ | Yes |
| AdairCountyToday.com | https://www.adaircountytoday.com/ | No |
| Adams County Record | https://www.adamscountyextra.com/ | No |
| Addison County Independent | https://www.addisonindependent.com/ | Yes |
| Addison News | https://theindependentnewspapers.com/ | No |
| Addison Press | https://www.mysuburbanlife.com/ | No |
| Adirondack Daily Enterprise | https://www.adirondackdailyenterprise.com/ | No |
| Advance Leader | https://www.kpcnews.com/ | No |
| Advertiser Democrat | https://www.advertiserdemocrat.com/ | No |
| Advertising Age | https://www.adage.com/ | Yes |
| Advocate Tribune | https://www.granitefallsnews.com/ | No |
| Advocate | https://www.spooneradvocate.com/ | No |
| African American | https://www.aframnews.com/ | No |
| African Examiner | https://www.africanexaminer.com/ | No |
| African Outlook Online | https://www.africanoutlookonline.com/ | No |
| African Path | https://www.africanpath.com/ | No |
| Afro American Newspaper | https://www.afro.com/ | Yes |
| Agri News | https://www.agrinews-pubs.com/ | No |
| Ahora News | https://www.ahoranews.com/ | No |
| Aiken Standard | https://www.aikenstandard.com/ | No |
| Airforce Times | https://www.airforcetimes.com/ | No |
| Air Pulse | https://www.offuttairpulse.com/ | No |
| Aitkin Independent Age | https://www.aitkinage.com/ | No |
| Ajit Weekly | https://www.ajitweekly.com/ | Yes |
| Ajo Copper News | https://www.cunews.info/ | No |
| Akron Beacon Journal | https://www.ohio.com/ | No |
| Al.com | https://www.al.com/ | Yes |
| Alabaster News | https://patch.com/ | Yes |
| Alabaster Reporter | https://www.alabasterreporter.com/ | No |
| Alachua Post | https://alachuapost.com/ | No |
| Alameda Daily News | https://www.eastbaytimes.com/ | No |
| Alameda Sun | https://www.alamedasun.com/ | No |
| Alameda Times-Star Online | https://www.timesstar.com/ | No |
| Alamogordo Daily News | https://www.alamogordonews.com/ | No |
| Alamosa Valley Courier | https://www.alamosanews.com/ | Yes |
| Alaska Journal of Commerce | https://www.alaskajournal.com/ | Yes |
| Alaska Native News | https://www.alaska-native-news.com/ | No |
| Albany Democrat-Herald | https://www.democratherald.com/ | No |
| Albert Lea Tribune | https://www.albertleatribune.com/ | No |
| Albia News | https://www.albianews.com/ | No |
| Albion News | https://www.albionnewsonline.com/ | No |
| Albuquerque Express | https://www.albuquerqueexpress.com/ | No |
| Albuquerque Journal | https://www.abqjournal.com/ | No |
| Alcester Union & Hudsonite | https://www.ahenews.com/ | No |
| Al Día | https://www.aldianews.com/ | Yes |
| Al Dia | https://www.aldiatx.com/ | No |
| Alexandria Gazette Packet | https://www.alexandriagazette.com/ | No |
| Alexandria News | https://www.alexandrianews.org/ | No |
| Alice Echo-News Journal | https://www.aliceechonews.com/ | No |
| All Around Alachua | https://www.allaroundalachua.com/ | No |
| Allegheny News | https://www.triblive.com/ | Yes |
| Allen American | https://www.starlocalmedia.com/ | No |
| Allentown News | https://www.lehighvalleylive.com/ | Yes |
| Alliance Times-Herald | https://www.alliancetimes.com/ | No |
| All Marine Matters | https://www.allmainematters.com/ | No |
| All Peoples Communication | https://www.apctimes.com/ | No |
| Almaden Times Weekly | https://www.almadentimes.com/ | No |
| Alpine Avalanche | https://www.alpineavalanche.com/ | No |
| Alpine Sun | https://www.thealpinesun.com/ | No |
| Alternative Views | https://www.alternativee.org/ | No |
| Altoona Mirror | https://www.altoonamirror.com/ | No |
| Altoona News | https://www.altoona-iowa.com/ | No |
| Altus Times | https://www.altustimes.com/ | No |
| Amador Ledger-Dispatch | https://www.ledger-dispatch.com/ | No |
| Amarillo Globe News | https://www.amarillo.com/ | No |
| American Banker | https://www.americanbanker.com/ | No |
| American Daily Herald | https://www.heraldextra.com/ | No |
| American Press | https://www.americanpress.com/ | No |
| American River Messenger | https://www.americanrivermessenger.com/ | No |
| American Telegraph | https://www.americantelegraph.org/ | No |
| America Oggi | https://www.americaoggi.info/ | Yes |
| Americus Times-Recorder | https://www.americusumterobserver.com/ | No |
| AmericUSumter Observer Newspaper | https://www.americustimesrecorder.com/ | No |
| Ames Tribune | https://www.amestrib.com/ | No |
| Amherst Bulletin | https://www.amherstbulletin.com/ | No |
| Amigo Newspaper | https://www.amigonews.com/ | No |
| Amityville Record | https://www.amityvillerecord.com/ | No |
| AM New York | https://www.amny.com/ | Yes |
| Amsterdam News | https://www.amsterdamnews.org/ | No |
| Anacortes Now | https://www.anacortesnow.com/ | No |
| Anchorage Daily News | https://www.adn.com/ | No |
| Anchorage Daily Planet | https://www.anchoragedailyplanet.com/ | No |
| Anchor | https://www.theanchor.news/ | No |
| Anderson County News | https://www.wate.com/ | No |
| Anderson Graphic | https://www.press-info.com/ | No |
| Anderson Independent-Mail News | https://www.andersonindependentmail.com/ | No |
| Anderson Observer | https://www.andersonobserver.com/ | No |
| Anderson Valley Post | https://www.andersonvalleypost.com/ | No |
| Andover American | https://www.andoveramerican.com/ | No |
| Andover News | https://www.hometownsource.com/ | Yes |
| Andover Townsman | https://www.andovertownsman.com/ | No |
| Ankeny News | https://www.desmoinesregister.com/ | No |
| AnnArbor.com | https://www.annarbor.com/ | No |
| Anoka County Record | https://www.anokacountyrecord.com/ | No |
| Antelope Valley Press | https://www.avpress.com/ | No |
| Antena 305 | https://www.antena305.com/ | No |
| Antigo Daily Journal | https://www.antigodailyjournal.com/ | No |
| Antigo Times | https://www.antigotimes.com/ | No |
| Antrim County News | https://www.antrimcountynews.com/ | No |
| Apache Junction Independent | https://www.apachejunctionindependent.com/ | No |
| Appalachian News-Express | https://www.news-expressky.com/ | No |
| Aptos Community Newst | https://www.aptoscommunitynews.org/ | No |
| Arab American News | https://www.arabamericannews.com/ | No |
| Arcade Herald | https://www.arcadeherald.com/ | No |
| Arcata Eye | https://www.arcataeye.com/ | No |
| Archdale-Trinity News | https://www.hpe.com/ | Yes |
| Arden Advocate | https://www.ardenadvocate.com/ | No |
| Ardmoreite | https://www.ardmoreite.com/ | No |
| Area-Info.net | https://www.area-info.net/ | Yes |
| Argus Leader | https://www.argusleader.com/ | No |
| Argus Observer Online | https://www.argusobserver.com/ | No |
| Arizona Business Gazette | https://www.azcentral.com/ | No |
| Arizona Capitol Times | https://www.azcapitoltimes.com/ | Yes |
| Arizona City Independent | https://www.pinalcentral.com/ | No |
| Arizona Daily Star | https://www.azstarnet.com/ | No |
| Arizona Daily Sun | https://www.azdailysun.com/ | No |
| Arizona Daily Wildcat | https://www.wildcat.arizona.edu/ | Yes |
| Arizona Herald | https://www.arizonaherald.com/ | No |
| Arizona Range News | https://www.willcoxrangenews.com/ | No |
| Arizona Reporter | https://www.azreporter.com/ | No |
| Arizona Republic | https://www.arizonarepublic.com/ | No |
| Arkansas Business | https://www.arkansasbusiness.com/ | No |
| Arkansas Democrat-Gazette | https://www.nwanews.com/ | No |
| Arkansas Times | https://www.arktimes.com/ | No |
| Arkansas Weekly | https://www.arkansasweekly.com/ | No |
| Ark News | https://www.arkvalleynews.com/ | No |
| Arlington Voice | https://www.arlingtonvoice.com/ | No |
| Armenian Weekly | https://www.armenianweekly.com/ | Yes |
| Armonk Daily Voice | https://www.dailyvoice.com/ | No |
| Army Times | https://www.armytimes.com/ | No |
| AroundPtown.com | https://www.aroundptown.com/ | No |
| Artesia Daily News | https://www.artesianews.com/ | Yes |
| Asbarez Armenian | https://www.asbarez.com/ | Yes |
| Asbury Park City Times News | https://www.asburyparkcitytimesnews.com/ | No |
| Asbury Park Press | https://www.app.com/ | No |
| Ashland Daily Press | https://www.apg-wi.com/ | No |
| Ashland Daily Tidings | https://www.dailytidings.com/ | Yes |
| Ashland Times-Gazette | https://www.times-gazette.com/ | No |
| Ashley County Ledger | https://www.ashleycountyledger.com/ | No |
| Ashley News Observer | https://www.ashleynewsobserver.com/ | No |
| Ashley Tribune | https://www.mcintosh-star-tribune.com/ | No |
| Ashtabula Star-Beacon | https://www.starbeacon.com/ | No |
| Asian Beat News | https://www.asianbeatnews.com/ | No |
| Asian Journal | https://www.asianjournalusa.com/ | No |
| Asia Today Arizona | https://www.asiatodayaz.com/ | No |
| Aspen Daily News | https://www.aspendailynews.com/ | No |
| Astoria South Fulton Argus | https://www.kkspc.com/ | No |
| Atchison Daily Globe | https://www.atchisondailyglobe.com/ | No |
| Atchison GlobeNow | https://www.atchisonglobenow.com/ | No |
| Athens Daily Review | https://www.athensreview.com/ | No |
| Athens Messenger | https://www.athensmessenger.com/ | No |
| Athens Town Crier | https://www.athenstowncrier.com/ | No |
| Athol Daily News | https://www.atholdailynews.com/ | No |
| Atlanta Business Chronicle | https://atlanta.bizjournals.com/ | Yes |
| Atlanta Intown | https://www.atlantaintownpaper.com/ | No |
| Atlantic Highlands Herald | https://www.ahherald.com/ | Yes |
| Atlantic Hub | https://www.centraljersey.com/ | No |
| Auburndale News | https://www.onfocus.news/ | Yes |
| Auburn Journal | https://www.auburnjournal.com/ | No |
| Auburn Reporter | https://www.auburn-reporter.com/ | No |
| Auburn Sentinel | https://www.auburnsentinel.com/ | No |
| Auburn Today | https://www.auburntoday.com/ | No |
| Augusta Daily Gazette | https://www.augustagazette.com/ | No |
| Aurora Advocate | https://www.auroraadvocate.com/ | No |
| Aurora News Register | https://www.auroranewsregister.com/ | No |
| Aurora Sentinel | https://www.aurorasentinel.com/ | Yes |
| Austin Chronicle | https://www.auschron.com/ | No |
| Austin Daily Herald | https://www.austindailyherald.com/ | No |
| Austin Globe | https://www.austinglobe.com/ | No |
| Austin Weekly News | https://www.austinweeklynews.com/ | Yes |
| Autauga County | https://www.autaugaco.org/ | No |
| Autogram-Sentinel | https://www.autogram-sentinel.biz/ | No |
| Avon Lake Ledger | https://www.avonlakeledger.com/ | No |
| AzeriAmerica News | https://www.azeriamericanews.com/ | No |
| Azteca21 | https://www.azteca21.com/ | No |
| B103 | https://www.ncn21.com/ | No |
| Babylon Beacon | https://www.babylonbeacon.com/ | No |
| Bainbridge Island Review | https://www.bainbridgereview.com/ | No |
| Bajo El Sol | https://www.bajoelsol.com/ | No |
| Baker City Herald | https://www.bakercityherald.com/ | No |
| Bakersfield Californian | https://www.bakersfield.com/ | No |
| Baldwin County News | https://www.wkrg.com/ | No |
| Baldwin County Non Stop News Now | https://www.nonstopnewsnowbc.com/ | No |
| Baldwin County Press | https://www.balcopress.com/ | No |
| Baldwin Hills News | https://www.ktla.com/ | No |
| Ballard News Tribune | https://www.ballardnewstribune.com/ | No |
| Baltimore City Paper | https://www.citypaper.com/ | No |
| Baltimore Jewish Times | https://www.jewishtimes.com/ | Yes |
| Baltimore News | https://www.baltimoremd.com/ | No |
| Baltimore Star | https://www.baltimorestar.com/ | No |
| Baltimore Sun | https://www.baltimoresun.com/ | No |
| Bandera County Courier | https://www.banderacountycourier.com/ | Yes |
| Bangla Nagar | https://www.banglanagar.com/ | No |
| Bangor Daily News | https://www.bangordailynews.com/ | No |
| Banner Graphic Online | https://www.bannergraphic.com/ | No |
| Banner News | https://www.banner-news.com/ | No |
| Baraboo News Republic | https://www.wiscnews.com/ | No |
| BarbertonCityNews.com | https://www.barbertoncitynews.com/ | No |
| Barren County Progress | https://www.jpinews.com/ | No |
| Barren News | https://www.barrennews.com/ | No |
| Barrington News | https://www.eastbayri.com/ | No |
| Barron News-Shield | https://www.news-shield.com/ | No |
| Bartlesville Examiner-Enterprise | https://www.examiner-enterprise.com/ | No |
| BasinNow | https://www.basinnow.com/ | No |
| Basin Republican Rustler | https://www.basinrepublican-rustler.com/ | No |
| Bastrop Daily Enterprise | https://www.bastropenterprise.com/ | No |
| Bates County Live | https://www.batescountylive.com/ | No |
| Baton Rouge Business Report | https://www.businessreport.com/ | Yes |
| Baton Rouge Post | https://www.batonrougepost.com/ | No |
| Baton Rouge Weekly Press | https://www.theweeklypress.com/ | No |
| Battle Creek Enquirer | https://www.battlecreekenquirer.com/ | No |
| Bay & Beach Press | https://www.sdnews.com/ | Yes |
| Bay Area Reporter | https://www.ebar.com/ | No |
| Bay Community News | https://baycommunitynews.com/ | No |
| Bay Mills News | https://www.baymillsnews.com/ | No |
| Bayonne Observer | https://www.insidebayonne.com/ | No |
| Bay Point Press | https://www.baypointpress.com/ | No |
| Bay Times | https://www.myeasternshoremd.com/ | No |
| Bay Weekly | https://www.bayweekly.com/ | Yes |
| Bay Windows | https://www.baywindows.com/ | No |
| Beach Comber News | https://www.longbeachcomber.com/ | No |
| Beach News | https://www.tbnweekly.com/ | No |
| Beatrice News | https://www.beatricenews.com/ | No |
| Beaufort Observer | https://www.beaufortobserver.net/ | No |
| Beaumont Enterprise | https://www.beaumontenterprise.com/ | No |
| Beauregard Daily News | https://www.beauregarddailynews.net/ | No |
| Beaver Countian | https://www.beavercountian.com/ | No |
| Beaver County Times | https://www.timesonline.com/ | No |
| Beavercreek News-Current | https://www.beavercreeknewscurrent.com/ | No |
| Beaver Valley Star | https://www.beavervalleystar.com/ | No |
| Becker County Record | https://www.dl-online.com/ | No |
| Bedford Times-Mail | https://www.tmnews.com/ | No |
| Bedford Times-Press | https://www.bedfordtimespress.com/ | No |
| Bedford Times Register | https://www.bedfordtimesregister.com/ | No |
| Bedford Town Taxi | https://www.bedfordtowntaxi.com/ | No |
| Beirut Times | https://www.beiruttimes.com/ | Yes |
| Belgrade News | https://www.belgrade-news.com/ | No |
| Bell-Times Courier | https://www.belltimescourier.com/ | Yes |
| Belle Plaine News | https://www.belleplainenews.com/ | No |
| Belleville News-Democrat | https://www.bnd.com/ | No |
| Bellevue Leader | https://www.bellevueleader.com/ | No |
| Bellevue Reporter | https://www.bellevuereporter.com/ | No |
| Bellport News | https://www.newsday.com/ | No |
| Beloit Daily News | https://www.beloitdailynews.com/ | No |
| Bemidji Pioneer | https://www.bemidjipioneer.com/ | No |
| Bend Weekly | https://www.bendweekly.com/ | No |
| Benewah News | https://www.ruralnorthwest.com/ | No |
| Benson County Farmers Press | https://www.bensoncountynews.com/ | Yes |
| Benton Courier | https://www.bentoncourier.com/ | No |
| Benton Spirit Community Newspaper | https://www.bentonspiritnews.com/ | Yes |
| Berkeley Daily Planet | https://www.berkeleydailyplanet.com/ | No |
| Berkeley News | https://news.berkeley.edu/ | Yes |
| Berne Tri Weekly News | https://www.bernetriweekly.com/ | No |
| Bethany Republican-Clipper | https://www.bethanyclipper.com/ | No |
| Bethel Bulletin | https://www.bethelbulletin.com/ | No |
| Bethel Buzz News | https://bethelbuzznews.com/ | No |
| BethWood Community News | https://www.qvtimes.net/ | Yes |
| Beulah Beacon | https://www.bhgnews.com/ | No |
| Beverly Hills Courier | https://bhcourier.com/ | No |
| BeverlyHillsView.org | https://www.beverlyhillsview.org/ | No |
| Beverly Hills Weekly | https://www.bhweekly.com/ | No |
| BG Voice | https://www.bg-voice.com/ | Yes |
| Biddeford Courier | https://www.biddefordsacooobcourier.com/ | No |
| Bigfork Eagle | https://www.bigforkeagle.com/ | No |
| Big Horn County News | https://www.bighorncountynews.com/ | No |
| Big Island News | https://www.bigislandnow.com/ | Yes |
| Big Spring Herald | https://www.bigspringherald.com/ | No |
| Big Valley News | https://bigvalleynews.net/ | No |
| Bilingual Weekly | https://bilingualweekly.wordpress.com/ | No |
| Billerica News | https://www.billericanews.com/ | No |
| Billings Gazette | https://www.billingsgazette.com/ | No |
| Billings Outpost | https://www.billingsnews.com/ | No |
| Binghamton News | https://www.binghamtonpress.com/ | No |
| Bird City Times | https://www.nwkansas.com/ | No |
| Birmingham Eccentric | https://mocux.hometownlife.com/ | No |
| Birmingham Star | https://www.birminghamstar.com/ | No |
| Biscayne Times | https://www.biscaynetimes.com/ | No |
| Bitterroot Star | https://www.bitterrootstar.com/ | Yes |
| Bixby Breeze | https://www.gtrnews.com/ | No |
| Biz India | https://www.bizindia.net/ | Yes |
| BizWest | https://www.bizwest.com/ | No |
| BJ Penn Hawaii News | https://www.bjpennhawaiinews.com/ | No |
| Bklyner | https://www.bklyner.com/ | Yes |
| Black El Paso News & Information | https://www.blackelpaso.com/ | No |
| Blackfoot Valley Dispatch | https://www.blackfootvalleydispatch.com/ | Yes |
| Black Hills Pioneer | https://www.bhpioneer.com/ | No |
| Blackhills Portal | https://www.blackhillsportal.com/ | No |
| Black Mountain News | https://www.blackmountainnews.com/ | No |
| Blackwell Journal Tribune | https://www.blackwelljournaltribune.net/ | No |
| Bladen Online | https://www.bladenonline.com/ | No |
| Blanco County News | https://www.blancocountynews.com/ | No |
| Bland County Messenger | https://www.swvatoday.com/ | No |
| Bloomer Advance | https://www.bloomeradvance.com/ | No |
| Bloomfield Life | https://www.bloomfieldlifeonline.com/ | No |
| BloomUtoday | https://www.bloomutoday.com/ | No |
| Bluefield Daily Telegraph | https://www.bdtonline.com/ | No |
| Blue Mountain Eagle | https://www.bluemountaineagle.com/ | No |
| Bluff Country Reader | https://www.bluffcountrynews.com/ | No |
| Bluffton Icon | https://www.blufftonicon.com/ | Yes |
| Bluffton News Banner | https://www.news-banner.com/ | No |
| Bluffton Today | https://www.blufftontoday.com/ | No |
| Boca Raton News | https://www.bocaratonnews.com/ | Yes |
| Boise Weekly | https://www.boiseweekly.com/ | No |
| Bolivar Bulletin Times | https://www.bulletintimesnews.com/ | No |
| Bolivar Herald - Free Press | https://www.bolivarmonews.com/ | No |
| Bolton Community News | https://www.boltonnews.org/ | No |
| Bonner County Daily Bee | https://www.bonnercountydailybee.com/ | No |
| Bonners Ferry Herald | https://www.bonnersferryherald.com/ | No |
| Boomerang! | https://www.boomerang-online.com/ | No |
| Boone County Journal | https://www.bocojo.com/ | No |
| Boone News Republican | https://www.newsrepublican.com/ | No |
| Boonville Daily News | https://www.boonvilledailynews.com/ | No |
| Boothbay Register | https://www.boothbayregister.com/ | No |
| Borger News-Herald | https://www.borgernews-herald.com/ | No |
| Bossier Press-Tribune | https://www.bossierpress.com/ | No |
| Boston Herald | https://www.bostonherald.com/ | No |
| Boston Irish Reporter | https://www.bostonirish.com/ | No |
| Boston Now | https://www.bostonnow.com/ | No |
| Boston Online | https://www.boston.com/ | Yes |
| Boston Star | https://www.bostonstar.com/ | No |
| Bothell-Kenmore Reporter | https://www.bothell-reporter.com/ | No |
| Boulder City News | https://lasvegassun.com/ | Yes |
| Boulder City Review | https://www.bouldercityreview.com/ | No |
| Boulder Weekly | https://www.boulderweekly.com/ | No |
| Bowie News | https://www.bowienews.com/ | No |
| Bowling Green Daily News | https://www.bgdailynews.com/ | No |
| Bowling Green Times | https://www.bowlinggreentimes.com/ | No |
| Bowman County Pioneer | https://www.bowmanextra.com/ | No |
| Box Elder News Journal | https://www.benewsjournal.com/ | No |
| BoyneNews.com | https://www.boynenews.com/ | No |
| Bozeman Daily Chronicle | https://www.bozemandailychronicle.com/ | No |
| Bradenton Herald | https://www.bradenton.com/ | No |
| Bradford County Telegraph | https://www.bctelegraph.com/ | Yes |
| Bradford Today | https://www.bradfordtoday.com/ | Yes |
| Brady Standard-Herald | https://www.bradystandard.com/ | No |
| Breeze Courier | https://www.breeze-courier.com/ | No |
| Breitbart | https://www.breitbart.com/ | Yes |
| Bremerton Patriot | https://www.kitsapdailynews.com/ | No |
| Brenham Banner Press | https://www.brenhambanner.com/ | No |
| Brentwood Press | https://www.brentwoodpress.com/ | No |
| Brevard Times | https://www.brevardtimes.com/ | Yes |
| Bridgeville News Star | https://www.bridgevillestar.com/ | Yes |
| Brighton-Pittsford Post | https://www.brightonpittsfordpost.com/ | No |
| Bringing Home Community News | https://www.bringinghomecommunitynews.com/ | No |
| Bristol Herald Courier | https://www.heraldcourier.com/ | No |
| Bristol Phoenix Online | https://www.bristolri.com/ | No |
| Bristol Virginia-Tennessean | https://www.bristolnews.com/ | No |
| Bristow News | https://www.bristownews.com/ | No |
| Bronx Times | https://www.bxtimes.com/ | Yes |
| Brookfield Citizen | https://www.brookfieldcitizen.org/ | No |
| Brooklyn Daily | https://www.brooklyndaily.com/ | No |
| Broomfield News | https://www.broomfieldnews.com/ | No |
| Brown County Democrat | https://www.browncountyindiana.com/ | No |
| Brown County News | https://www.dailyreporter.com/ | Yes |
| Brownwood Bulletin | https://www.brownwoodbulletin.com/ | No |
| Brownwood News | https://www.brownwoodnews.com/ | No |
| Brunswick Sun | https://www.cleveland.com/ | Yes |
| Brush News-Tribune | https://www.brushnewstribune.com/ | No |
| Bryant Daily | https://www.bryantdaily.com/ | No |
| Buchanan County Review | https://www.thewinthropnews.com/ | No |
| Buckrail | https://www.buckrail.com/ | Yes |
| Bucks County Courier Times | https://www.buckscountycouriertimes.com/ | No |
| Buda News | https://www.haysfreepress.com/ | No |
| Buffalo Breeze | https://www.buffalobreeze.com/ | No |
| Buffalo Reflex | https://www.buffaloreflex.com/ | No |
| Buffalo River Review | https://www.buffaloriverreview.com/ | No |
| Buffalo Weekly News | https://www.buffaloweeklynews.com/ | No |
| Bulgaria Sega | https://www.bulgariasega.com/ | Yes |
| Bureau County Republican | https://www.bcrnews.com/ | No |
| Burleson-Crowley Connection | https://www.burlesoncrowley.com/ | No |
| Burlington County Times | https://www.phillyburbs.com/ | No |
| Burlington TWP Sun | https://www.thesunpapers.com/ | No |
| Burnet Bulletin | https://www.burnetbulletin.com/ | No |
| Burnett County Sentinel | https://www.burnettcountysentinel.com/ | No |
| Burns Times Herald | https://www.burnstimesherald.info/ | No |
| Busco Voice | https://www.buscovoice.com/ | No |
| Business Lexington | https://www.bizlex.com/ | No |
| Business North | https://www.businessnorth.com/ | No |
| Business Observer | https://www.businessobserverfl.com/ | Yes |
| Business Pros Newspaper | https://www.businesspros4u.com/ | No |
| Business Pulse | https://www.businesspulse.com/ | No |
| Business Weekly | https://www.fwbusiness.com/ | No |
| Butler County Tribune Journal | https://www.butlercountytribune.com/ | No |
| Butler Eagle | https://www.butlereagle.com/ | No |
| Butte News | https://www.buttenews.net/ | Yes |
| By The Sea Times | https://www.bytheseatimes.com/ | No |
| Cache Valley Daily | https://www.cachevalleydaily.com/ | No |
| Cadillac News | https://www.cadillacnews.com/ | No |
| Cal Coast News | https://calcoastnews.com/ | No |
| Caldwell County News | https://www.caldwell-countynews.com/ | No |
| Caldwell Perspective | https://www.caldwellperspective.com/ | No |
| Calexico Chronicle | https://www.calexicochronicle.com/ | No |
| Calhoun Community Press | https://www.calhouncommunitypress.com/ | No |
| Calhoun County News | https://www.calhouncounty.org/ | No |
| Calhoun Falls Today | https://www.calhounfallstoday.com/ | No |
| Calhoun Times | https://www.calhountimes.com/ | No |
| California Examiner | https://www.californiaexaminer.net/ | Yes |
| California Telegraph | https://www.californiatelegraph.com/ | No |
| Caloosa Belle | https://www.caloosabelle.com/ | No |
| Camas-Washougal Post-Record | https://www.camaspostrecord.com/ | No |
| Cambridge News | https://www.hngnews.com/ | No |
| Camden Chronicle | https://www.magicvalleypublishing.com/ | No |
| Camden News | https://www.camdenews.org/ | No |
| Campbell County News | https://www.rcnky.com/ | Yes |
| Camp Verde Bugle | https://campverdebugleonline.com/ | No |
| Canarsie Courier Online | https://www.canarsiecourier.com/ | Yes |
| Canby Herald | https://www.canbyherald.com/ | No |
| Cannon Beach Gazette | https://www.cannonbeachgazette.com/ | No |
| Cannon Courier | https://www.cannoncourier.com/ | No |
| Cannon News | https://www.cannonnews.com/ | No |
| Cannon Wire | https://www.cannonwire.com/ | No |
| Canton Herald | https://www.thecantonherald.com/ | No |
| Canyon Courier | https://www.canyoncourier.com/ | No |
| Canyon News | https://www.canyon-news.com/ | No |
| Cape Cod Online | https://www.capecodonline.com/ | No |
| Cape Cod Times | https://www.capecodtimes.com/ | No |
| Cape Cod Today | https://capecodtoday.com/ | Yes |
| CapeCoral.com | https://www.capecoral.com/ | No |
| Cape Coral Barometer | https://www.capecoralnews.net/ | No |
| Cape Gazette | https://www.capegazette.com/ | No |
| Cape May County Herald | https://www.capemaycountyherald.com/ | No |
| Cape May Star & Wave | https://www.starandwave.com/ | No |
| Capital City Weekly | https://www.capweek.com/ | No |
| Capital Gazette | https://www.capitalgazette.com/ | No |
| Capital Journal | https://www.capjournal.com/ | No |
| Capitol Hill Times | https://www.capitolhilltimes.com/ | No |
| Caravan News | https://www.caravannews.com/ | Yes |
| Carbon County News | https://www.carboncountynews.com/ | No |
| Carlsbad Current-Argus | https://www.currentargus.com/ | No |
| Carmichael Times | https://www.carmichaeltimes.com/ | No |
| Carolina Morning News | https://www.lowcountrynow.com/ | No |
| Caroll County Comet | https://www.carrollcountycomet.com/ | No |
| Carroll County Independent | https://www.carrollcountyindependent.com/ | No |
| Carroll County News | https://www.carrollconews.com/ | No |
| Carroll County Times | https://www.carrollcountytimes.com/ | No |
| Carroll Standard | https://www.carrollstandard.com/ | No |
| CarrolltonGeorgia.com | https://www.carrolltongeorgia.com/ | No |
| Carson City News | https://www.carsonnow.org/ | No |
| Carthage Courier | https://www.carthagecourier.com/ | No |
| Cary News | https://www.dailyherald.com/ | No |
| Cascadia Times | https://www.times.org/ | No |
| Cashmere Valley Record | https://www.cashmerevalleyrecord.com/ | No |
| Casper Star-Tribune | https://www.trib.com/ | No |
| Cass County Reporter | https://www.ccreporter.com/ | No |
| Cassville Democrat | https://www.cassville-democrat.com/ | No |
| Castinep Patriot | https://www.castinepatriot.com/ | No |
| Castle County News | https://www.castlecountryradio.com/ | No |
| Castle Rock News | https://www.castlerockcolorado.org/ | No |
| Cavalier County Republican | https://www.cavaliercountyextra.com/ | No |
| Cecil Whig | https://www.cecildaily.com/ | No |
| Cedar City Daily News | https://www.thespectrum.com/ | No |
| Cedar City News | https://www.cedarcityutah.com/ | Yes |
| Cedar City Review | https://www.cedarcityreview.com/ | Yes |
| Cedar Hill BubbleLife | https://cedarhill.bubblelife.com/ | No |
| Cedar Key News | https://www.cedarkeynews.com/ | No |
| Cedar News | https://www.cedarnews.net/ | Yes |
| Celebrating News | https://www.celebratingnews.com/ | No |
| Cenla Focus | https://www.cenlafocus.com/ | No |
| Central Florida Future | https://www.ucfnews.com/ | No |
| Central Kentucky News Journal | https://www.cknj.com/ | No |
| Central Valley Voice | https://www.centralvalleyvoicenews.com/ | No |
| Centre Daily Times | https://www.centredaily.com/ | No |
| Centre View | https://www.centre-view.com/ | No |
| Centro Mi Diario | https://www.centrotampa.com/ | Yes |
| Century City News | https://www.centurycitynews.com/ | No |
| Century City View | https://www.centurycityview.org/ | No |
| Chadron Record | https://www.chadronnews.com/ | No |
| Challis Messenger | https://www.challismessenger.com/ | No |
| Change Links Progressive Newspaper and Calendar | https://www.change-links.org/ | No |
| Chanhassen Village | https://www.chanvillager.com/ | No |
| Channel 3000 | https://www.channel3000.com/ | No |
| Chanute Tribune | https://www.chanute.com/ | No |
| Chapel Hill News | https://www.chapelhillnews.com/ | No |
| Char-Koosta News | https://www.charkoosta.com/ | No |
| Chariho Times | https://www.ricentral.com/ | No |
| Charles County News | https://wtop.com/ | No |
| Charles News | https://www.charlesnews.com/ | No |
| Charleston City Paper | https://www.charlestoncitypaper.com/ | No |
| Charleston County News | https://www.counton2.com/ | No |
| Charleston Gazette-Mail | https://www.wvgazettemail.com/ | No |
| Charleston Regional Business Journal | https://www.crbj.com/ | No |
| Charlotte Star | https://www.charlottestar.com/ | No |
| Charlotte Sun Herald | https://www.sun-herald.com/ | No |
| Chattanooga Free Press | https://www.timesfreepress.com/ | No |
| Cheatham News | https://www.cheathamnews.com/ | No |
| Cheboygan Daily Tribune | https://www.cheboygannews.com/ | No |
| Cheddar-Whitefield News | https://thejournalonline.com/ | No |
| Cheektowaga Times | https://www.cheektowagatimes.com/ | No |
| Chelsea Independent | https://www.chelsearecord.com/ | Yes |
| Cheney Free Press | https://www.cheneyfreepress.com/ | No |
| Cherokee County Herald | https://www.northwestgeorgianews.com/ | No |
| Cherokee County News-Advocate | https://www.sekvoice.com/ | No |
| Cherokee One Feather | https://www.theonefeather.com/ | No |
| Cherokee Tribune | https://www.cherokeetribune.com/ | No |
| Chester County Independent | https://www.chestercountyindependent.com/ | No |
| Chester County Press | https://www.chestercounty.com/ | Yes |
| Chester News & Reporter | https://www.onlinechester.com/ | No |
| Chesterton Tribune | https://www.chestertontribune.com/ | No |
| Chestnut Hill Local | https://www.chestnuthilllocal.com/ | No |
| Cheyenne Network | https://www.cheyennenetwork.com/ | No |
| Chi-Town Daily News | https://www.chitowndailynews.org/ | No |
| Chicago 3 Media | https://www.chicago3media.com/ | No |
| Chicago Chronicle | https://www.chicagochronicle.com/ | No |
| Chicago Defender | https://www.chicagodefender.com/ | No |
| Chicago Informer | https://chicagoinformer.com/ | No |
| Chicago Inquirer | https://www.chicagoinquirer.com/ | No |
| Chicago Journal | https://www.chicagojournal.com/ | Yes |
| Chicago News | https://www.mychinews.com/ | No |
| Chicago Reader | https://www.chireader.com/ | No |
| Chicago Sun-Times | https://www.suntimes.com/ | Yes |
| Chicago Tribune | https://www.chicagotribune.com/ | Yes |
| Chickasha News | https://www.chickashanews.com/ | No |
| Chico Enterprise-Record | https://www.chicoer.com/ | No |
| Chiefland Citizen | https://www.chieflandcitizen.com/ | No |
| Chillicothe Gazette | https://www.chillicothegazette.com/ | No |
| Chillicothe Times-Bulletin | https://www.chillicothetimesbulletin.com/ | No |
| Chilton County News | https://www.chiltoncountynews.com/ | No |
| Chilton Times Journal | https://www.chiltontimesjournal.com/ | No |
| Chino Champion & Chino Hills Champion | https://www.championnewspapers.com/ | No |
| Chinook Observer | https://www.chinookobserver.com/ | No |
| Choctaw Times | https://www.choctawtimes.com/ | No |
| Choteau Acantha | https://www.choteauacantha.com/ | No |
| Christian County Headliner News | https://www.christiancountyheadliner.com/ | No |
| Christian News North West | https://www.cnnw.com/ | No |
| Chronicle-Independent | https://www.chronicle-independent.com/ | No |
| Chronicle Online | https://www.chronicle-online.com/ | No |
| Chronicle Tribune | https://www.chronicle-tribune.com/ | No |
| Chronicle | https://www.omakchronicle.com/ | No |
| Chron | https://www.chron.com/ | Yes |
| Cibola County Beacon | https://www.cibolabeacon.com/ | No |
| Cincinnati Post | https://www.cincypost.com/ | No |
| Cincinnati Sun | https://www.cincinnatisun.com/ | No |
| Citizen-Times | https://www.citizen-times.com/ | No |
| Citizen Telegram | https://www.postindependent.com/ | No |
| Citrus County Chronical | https://www.chronicleonline.com/ | No |
| Citrus Daily | https://www.citrusdaily.com/ | No |
| Citrus Heights Messenger | https://www.citrusheightsmessenger.com/ | No |
| City Journals | https://www.valleyjournals.com/ | Yes |
| City Suburban News | https://www.issuu.com/ | Yes |
| Civil Beat | https://www.civilbeat.com/ | No |
| Clackamas Review | https://www.clackamasreview.com/ | No |
| Claiborne Progress | https://www.claiborneprogress.net/ | No |
| Clare County Review | https://www.clarecountyreview.com/ | No |
| Claremore Progress | https://www.claremoreprogress.com/ | No |
| Clarendon Citizen | https://www.clarendoncitizen.com/ | No |
| Clarendon News | https://www.abccolumbia.com/ | No |
| Clarion News Online | https://www.theclarionnews.com/ | No |
| Clarion News | https://www.clarionnews.net/ | No |
| Clarke County Democrat | https://www.clarkecountydemocrat.com/ | No |
| Clarke Daily News | https://www.clarkedailynews.com/ | No |
| Clark Fork Valley Press | https://www.vp-mi.com/ | No |
| Clarkston Eccentric | https://www.clarkstonnews.com/ | No |
| Clarksville Now | https://www.clarksvillenow.com/ | No |
| Clarksville Online | https://www.clarksvilleonline.com/ | No |
| Clay Center Dispatch | https://www.ccenterdispatch.com/ | No |
| Clay County Leader | https://www.thepasadenacitizen.com/ | No |
| Clay County Times-Democrat | https://www.cctimesdemocrat.com/ | No |
| Clay Today | https://www.claytodayonline.com/ | No |
| Clearwater Progress | https://www.clearwaterprogress.com/ | No |
| Cleburne Times-Review | https://www.cleburnetimesreview.com/ | No |
| Cleveland Daily Banner | https://www.clevelandbanner.com/ | No |
| Cleveland Free Times | https://www.freetimes.com/ | No |
| Cleveland News | https://www.clevelandtnnews.com/ | No |
| Cleveland Star | https://www.clevelandstar.com/ | No |
| Clinch Valley Times | https://www.clinchvalleytimes.net/ | No |
| Clinton Couirer | https://www.clintoncourier.com/ | No |
| Clinton County News | https://www.clintonnews.net/ | No |
| Clinton Daily Journal | https://www.clintondailyjournal.com/ | No |
| Clinton Daily News | https://www.clintondailynews.com/ | No |
| Clinton News | https://www.clintonnews.com/ | No |
| CLJNews.com | https://www.cljnews.com/ | No |
| Cloverdale Reveille | https://www.sonomawest.com/ | No |
| CNN | https://edition.cnn.com/ | Yes |
| CNS News | https://www.cnsnews.com/ | No |
| Coalfield Progress | https://www.thecoalfieldprogress.com/ | No |
| Coastal Courier | https://www.coastalcourier.com/ | No |
| Coastal Journal | https://www.theforecaster.net/ | Yes |
| Coastal Post | https://www.coastalpost.com/ | No |
| Cody Enterprise | https://www.codyenterprise.com/ | No |
| Coeur d'Alene Press | https://www.cdapress.com/ | No |
| Coffee County News | https://www.douglasga.com/ | No |
| Cola Daily | https://www.coladaily.com/ | No |
| Cold Spring Record | https://www.csrecord.net/ | No |
| Coleman News | https://www.colemannews.com/ | No |
| ColemanNOW.com | https://www.colemannow.com/ | No |
| College Heights Herald | https://www.wkuherald.com/ | Yes |
| Colorado County Citizen | https://www.coloradocountycitizen.com/ | No |
| Colorado Springs Gazette | https://www.gazette.com/ | Yes |
| Columbia Basin Herald | https://www.columbiabasinherald.com/ | No |
| Columbia County Observer | https://www.columbiacountyobserver.com/ | No |
| Columbia Daily Tribune | https://www.showmenews.com/ | No |
| Columbia Flier | https://www.columbiaflier.com/ | No |
| ColumbiaMagazine.com | https://www.columbiamagazine.com/ | No |
| Columbia Missourian | https://www.columbiamissourian.com/ | No |
| Columbus Messenger | https://www.columbusmessenger.com/ | No |
| Columbus Telegram | https://www.columbustelegram.com/ | No |
| Comanche Times | https://www.comancheok.net/ | No |
| Commercial News | https://commercial-news.com/ | No |
| Community Advocate | https://www.communityadvocate.com/ | Yes |
| Community Common | https://www.communitycommon.com/ | No |
| Community Free Press | https://www.cfpmidweek.com/ | No |
| Community Impact Newspaper | https://www.impactnews.com/ | Yes |
| Community Newspapers | https://www.communitynewspapers.com/ | No |
| Community Times Dispatch | https://www.ctdispatch.com/ | No |
| Community Times | https://www.communitytimes.com/ | No |
| Compass A&E | https://tricornernews.com/ | No |
| Concordia Blade Empire | https://www.bladeempire.com/ | No |
| Concord Monitor | https://www.concordmonitor.com/ | No |
| Condo News Online | https://www.condonewsonline.com/ | No |
| Conejo Valley News | https://www.vcstar.com/ | No |
| Connecticut Post | https://www.connpost.com/ | No |
| Connecticut Valley Spectator | https://www.cvspectator.com/ | No |
| Connection Sports | https://www.connection-sports.com/ | No |
| Connersville News-Examiner | https://www.connersvillein.com/ | No |
| Conroe Courier | https://www.thecourier-online.com/ | No |
| Constitution Tribune | https://www.chillicothenews.com/ | No |
| Construction News | https://www.constructionnews.net/ | No |
| Conway Daily Sun | https://www.conwaydailysun.com/ | No |
| CooperArea.com | https://www.copperarea.com/ | No |
| Coos News | https://www.newscoos.com/ | Yes |
| Coperras Cove Leader Press | https://www.coveleaderpress.com/ | No |
| Copiah County Courier | https://www.copiahcountycourier.com/ | Yes |
| Coquille Community News | https://www.coquillecommunitynews.com/ | No |
| Corbin/Whitley News Journal | https://www.corbinnewsjournal.com/ | No |
| Cordele Dispatch | https://www.cordeledispatch.com/ | No |
| Cornell Daily Sun | https://www.cornelldailysun.com/ | No |
| Corpus Christi Caller Times | https://www.caller.com/ | No |
| Corsicana Daily Sun | https://www.corsicanadailysun.com/ | No |
| Cortez Journal | https://www.cortezjournal.com/ | No |
| Cortland Standard | https://www.cortlandstandard.net/ | No |
| Corvallis Gazette-Times | https://www.gazettetimes.com/ | No |
| Coshocton Tribune | https://www.coshoctontribune.com/ | No |
| Cottonwood Heights Journal | https://www.cottonwoodheightsjournal.com/ | Yes |
| County10 | https://www.county10.com/ | Yes |
| County Ledger Press | https://www.pc-ledger.com/ | No |
| CountyNewsLive.com | https://www.countynewslive.com/ | No |
| County News | https://www.jeffcountynews.com/ | No |
| Countywide & Sun | https://www.countywidenews.com/ | Yes |
| Courier & Press | https://www.courierpress.com/ | No |
| Courier News | https://www.crestlinecourier-news.com/ | No |
| Courier Post | https://www.courierpost.com/ | No |
| Courier Press | https://www.guttenbergpress.com/ | No |
| Courier | https://www.freemansd.com/ | No |
| Covington News | https://www.covingtonusa.com/ | No |
| Cowboyron News | https://www.cowboyronnews.com/ | No |
| Coyote Press | https://www.coyotepressonline.com/ | No |
| Craig Daily Press | https://www.craigdailypress.com/ | No |
| Crain's Cleveland Business | https://www.crainscleveland.com/ | Yes |
| Cranston Herald | https://www.cranstonherald.com/ | No |
| Crescent Online | https://www.uecrescent.org/ | No |
| Crofton Online | https://www.croftononline.com/ | No |
| Crookston Daily Times | https://www.crookstontimes.com/ | No |
| Crosscut | https://www.crosscut.com/ | No |
| Crossfire Gazette | https://www.crossfiregazette.com/ | No |
| CrossRoadsNews | https://www.crossroadsnews.com/ | No |
| Crossville Chronicle | https://www.crossville-chronicle.com/ | No |
| Crosswinds Weekly | https://www.crosswindsweekly.com/ | No |
| CTLatinoNews.com | https://www.ctlatinonews.com/ | No |
| CTPost | https://www.ctpost.com/ | No |
| Cuba Free Press | https://www.cubafreepress.com/ | No |
| Cullman Sense | https://www.cullmansense.com/ | No |
| Culver city Observer | https://www.culvercityobserver.com/ | No |
| Cumberland County News | https://www.cumberlandcountynewspaper.com/ | No |
| Cumberland Times-News | https://www.times-news.com/ | No |
| CummingHome.com | https://www.cumminghome.com/ | No |
| Current News Magazine | https://www.currentnewsmagazine.com/ | No |
| Current | https://www.keepmecurrent.com/ | Yes |
| Curry Coastal Pilot | https://www.currypilot.com/ | No |
| Curry Country Reporter | https://www.currycountyreporter.com/ | No |
| Custer County Chief | https://www.custercountychief.com/ | No |
| Custer County Chronicle | https://www.custercountychronicle.com/ | Yes |
| Cut Bank Pioneer Press | https://www.cutbankpioneerpress.com/ | No |
| Cuyahoga Falls News Press | https://www.fallsnewspress.com/ | No |
| Daily-Jeff | https://www.daily-jeff.com/ | No |
| Daily American Republic | https://www.darnews.com/ | No |
| Daily Breeze | https://www.dailybreeze.com/ | No |
| Daily Bruin | https://www.dailybruin.com/ | Yes |
| Daily Bulletin | https://www.dailybulletin.com/ | No |
| Daily Business Review | https://www.dailybusinessreview.com/ | Yes |
| Daily Chronicle | https://www.daily-chronicle.com/ | No |
| Daily Citizen | https://www.northwestgeorgia.com/ | No |
| Daily Comet | https://www.dailycomet.com/ | No |
| Daily Corinthian | https://www.dailycorinthian.com/ | No |
| Daily Courier | https://www.dailycourier.com/ | No |
| Daily Democrat | https://www.durantdemocrat.com/ | No |
| Daily Dodge | https://www.dailydodge.com/ | Yes |
| Daily Dunklin Democrat | https://www.dddnews.com/ | No |
| Daily Egyptian | https://www.dailyegyptian.com/ | Yes |
| Daily Evening Item | https://www.thedailyitemoflynn.com/ | No |
| Daily Gate City | https://www.dailygate.com/ | No |
| Daily Globe | https://www.ironwooddailyglobe.com/ | No |
| Daily Hampshire Gazette | https://www.gazettenet.com/ | No |
| Daily Helmsman | https://www.dailyhelmsman.com/ | No |
| Daily Herald | https://www.rrdailyherald.com/ | No |
| Daily Iowan | https://www.dailyiowan.com/ | Yes |
| Daily Jefferson County Union | https://www.dailyunion.com/ | No |
| Daily Journal | https://www.thejournalnet.com/ | No |
| Daily Leader | https://www.pontiacdailyleader.com/ | No |
| Daily Lobo | https://www.dailylobo.com/ | No |
| Daily Messenger | https://www.mpnnow.com/ | No |
| Daily Mountain Eagle | https://www.mountaineagle.com/ | No |
| Daily Nebraskan | https://www.dailynebraskan.com/ | No |
| Daily News-Sun | https://yourvalley.net/ | No |
| Daily News East Texas | https://www.dailynewsandmore.com/ | No |
| Daily News Media | https://www.wahpetondailynews.com/ | No |
| Daily News Online | https://www.robdailynews.com/ | No |
| Daily News Record | https://www.dnronline.com/ | No |
| Daily News | https://www.dailynews.com/ | No |
| DailyNews | https://www.memphisdailynews.com/ | No |
| Daily Post | https://www.dailypost.com/ | No |
| Daily Press & Argus | https://www.livingstondaily.com/ | No |
| Daily Press | https://www.dailypress.com/ | No |
| Daily Ravi International | https://www.dailyravi.com/ | No |
| Daily Record | https://www.canoncitydailyrecord.com/ | No |
| Daily Report | https://www.dailyreportonline.com/ | Yes |
| Daily Republican Register | https://www.mtcarmelregister.com/ | No |
| Daily Review | https://www.dailyreviewonline.com/ | No |
| Daily Sentinel | https://www.lemarssentinel.com/ | No |
| Daily Source | https://www.dailysource.org/ | No |
| Daily Southtown | https://www.dailysouthtown.com/ | No |
| Daily Sun News | https://www.dailysunnews.com/ | No |
| Daily Times Chronicle | https://www.woburnonline.com/ | No |
| Daily Times Herald | https://www.carrollspaper.com/ | No |
| Daily Times Leader | https://www.dailytimesleader.com/ | No |
| Daily Times | https://www.pekintimes.com/ | No |
| Daily Tribune | https://www.dailytribune.net/ | No |
| Daily Trojan | https://www.dailytrojan.com/ | No |
| Daily Union | https://www.dailyu.com/ | No |
| Daily Vanguard | https://www.dailyvanguard.com/ | Yes |
| Daily Washington Law Reporter | https://www.dwlr.com/ | No |
| Daily World | https://www.helena-arkansas.com/ | No |
| Dakota Free Press | https://www.dakotafreepress.com/ | Yes |
| Dallas County News | https://www.adelnews.com/ | No |
| Dallas News | https://www.dallasnews.com/ | Yes |
| Dallas Observer | https://www.dallasobserver.com/ | Yes |
| Dallas South News | https://www.dallassouthnews.org/ | No |
| Dallas Sun | https://www.dallassun.com/ | No |
| Dallas Voice | https://www.dallasvoice.com/ | Yes |
| Dansville-Genesee Country Express | https://www.dansvilleonline.com/ | No |
| Daphne News | https://www.daphneal.com/ | No |
| Darlington News & Press | https://www.newsandpress.com/ | No |
| Dassel-Cokato Enterprise Dispatch | https://www.dasselcokato.com/ | No |
| Davison Index | https://davisonindex.mihomepaper.com/ | No |
| Dawson & Gosper County News | https://www.lexch.com/ | No |
| DawsonTimes.com | https://www.dawsontimes.com/ | No |
| Daytona Beach News-Journal | https://www.news-journalonline.com/ | No |
| Daytona Post | https://www.daytonapost.com/ | No |
| Dayton Daily News | https://www.daytondailynews.com/ | No |
| DB Digitalburg | https://www.digitalburg.com/ | No |
| DC Black | https://www.dcblack.com/ | No |
| DChieftain.com | https://www.dchieftain.com/ | No |
| DC Spotlight Newspaper | https://www.dcspotlight.com/ | No |
| Dearborn Press & Guide | https://www.pressandguide.com/ | No |
| Decatur Daily Democrat | https://www.decaturdailydemocrat.com/ | No |
| Decatur Daily | https://www.decaturdaily.com/ | No |
| Decorah Newspapers | https://www.decorahnewspapers.com/ | No |
| Deep End News | https://deependnews.com/ | No |
| Deep South Jewish Voice | https://www.deepsouthjewishvoice.com/ | No |
| Deer Lodge News | https://mtstandard.com/ | No |
| Deer Park Tribune | https://www.dptribune.com/ | No |
| Dekalb County News | https://www.ajc.com/ | No |
| Delaware Black | https://www.delawareblack.com/ | No |
| Delaware Gazette | https://www.delgazette.com/ | No |
| Delaware Ohio News | https://www.delawareohionews.com/ | No |
| DelcoTimes.com | https://www.delcotimes.com/ | No |
| Dell Rapids Tribune | https://www.dellrapidsinfo.com/ | No |
| Delmarva Now | https://www.delmarvanow.com/ | No |
| Del Rio News Herald | https://www.delrionewsherald.com/ | No |
| Delta-Waverly Community News | https://www.lansingstatejournal.com/ | No |
| Delta County Independent | https://www.deltacountyindependent.com/ | No |
| Delta Democrat Times | https://www.ddtonline.com/ | Yes |
| Delta Wind | https://www.deltawindonline.com/ | No |
| Democrat & Chronicle | https://www.democratandchronicle.com/ | Yes |
| Democrat-Gazette | https://www.nwaonline.com/ | Yes |
| Demopolis Times | https://www.demopolistimes.com/ | No |
| Denton Orator | https://www.dentonorator.com/ | No |
| Denton Record-Chronicle | https://www.dentonrc.com/ | No |
| Denver Post | https://www.denverpost.com/ | No |
| Denver Rocky Mountain News | https://www.rockymountainnews.com/ | No |
| Denver Sun | https://www.denversun.com/ | No |
| De Queen Bee-Citizen | https://www.dequeen.com/ | No |
| DeQuincy News | https://www.dequincynews.com/ | No |
| Derby Informer | https://www.derbyinformer.com/ | No |
| Derry-News | https://www.derrynews.com/ | No |
| Deseret Morning News | https://deseretnews.com/ | Yes |
| Deseret News | https://www.desnews.com/ | No |
| Desert Dispatch | https://www.desertdispatch.com/ | No |
| Desert Local News | https://desertlocalnews.com/ | No |
| Desert Sun Online | https://www.thedesertsun.com/ | No |
| Desert Valley Star | https://www.desertvalleystar.com/ | Yes |
| Desert Valley Times | https://www.desertvalleytimes.com/ | No |
| Desert Vortex News | https://www.desertvortex.com/ | No |
| Desoto Times-Tribune | https://www.desototimes.com/ | No |
| Desplaines Valley News | https://www.desplainesvalleynews.com/ | No |
| Detroit Free Press | https://www.freep.com/ | No |
| Detroit Native Sun | https://www.detroitnativesun.com/ | No |
| Detroit News | https://www.detnews.com/ | No |
| Detroit Star | https://www.detroitstar.com/ | No |
| Devils Lake Journal | https://www.devilslakejournal.com/ | No |
| DeWitt Clinton Express | https://www.dewittclintonexpress.com/ | No |
| Dexter Statesman | https://www.dexterstatesman.com/ | No |
| Dia A Dia News | https://www.diaadianews.com/ | Yes |
| Diario de México Edición USA | https://www.diariodemexicousa.com/ | Yes |
| Diario Digital USA | https://www.diario-digital.com/ | No |
| Diario las Americas | https://www.diariolasamericas.com/ | No |
| Diario Noticias Portado | https://www.diarionoticias.info/ | No |
| Diario Palm Beach | https://www.diariopalmbeach.com/ | No |
| Diario Patria | https://www.diariopatria.com/ | No |
| Dickinson County News | https://www.dickinsoncountynews.com/ | No |
| Dickson Post | https://www.dicksonpost.com/ | No |
| Dillon Tribune | https://www.dillontribune.com/ | No |
| Dodge City Daily Globe | https://www.dodgeglobe.com/ | No |
| Dodge County Independent | https://www.bloomingprairieonline.com/ | No |
| Dodge County Insider | https://www.washingtoncountyinsider.com/ | Yes |
| Dodge County Plainsman News | https://www.plainsmannews.com/ | No |
| Dominican Times News | https://www.dominicantimesnews.com/ | No |
| Door County Advocate | https://www.greenbaypressgazette.com/ | No |
| Door County Pulse | https://www.doorcountypulse.com/ | Yes |
| Dorchester Banner | https://www.dorchesterbanner.com/ | No |
| Dorchester Reporter | https://www.dotnews.com/ | No |
| Douglas Budget | https://www.douglas-budget.com/ | No |
| Douglas County News Press | https://www.dcnewspress.com/ | No |
| Douglas County Post-Gazette | https://www.dcpostgazette.com/ | No |
| Douglas County Sentinel | https://www.douglascountysentinel.com/ | No |
| Dover Post | https://www.doverpost.com/ | No |
| Dowagiac Daily News | https://www.dowagiacnews.com/ | No |
| Downtown Birmingham/Bloomfield | https://www.downtownpublications.com/ | No |
| Down Town Express | https://www.downtownexpress.com/ | No |
| Downtown News | https://sandiegodowntownnews.com/ | No |
| Draper Journal | https://www.draperjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Dresden Enterprise | https://www.dresdenenterprise.com/ | No |
| Drugoe Vremya | https://www.drugoe.us/ | No |
| Dryden Wire | https://www.drydenwire.com/ | No |
| Dubuque News | https://www.telegraphherald.com/ | No |
| Duluth Budgeteer News | https://www.duluthbudgeteer.com/ | No |
| Duluth News-Tribune | https://www.duluthnewstribune.com/ | No |
| Dunn County Herald | https://www.dunncountyextra.com/ | No |
| Dunwoody Crier | https://www.thecrier.net/ | No |
| Du Quoin Evening Call | https://www.duquoin.com/ | No |
| Durango Downtown | https://www.durangodowntown.com/ | Yes |
| Durocher's Oklahoma City Business Report | https://www.okcbusiness.com/ | No |
| Duxbury Clipper | https://www.duxburyclipper.com/ | No |
| Eagle News Online | https://www.eaglenewsonline.com/ | Yes |
| Eagle Pass Daily News | https://www.eaglepassdaily.com/ | No |
| East Bernard Express | https://www.journal-spectator.com/ | No |
| East County Magazine | https://www.eastcountymagazine.org/ | No |
| East County Times | https://www.eastcountytimesonline.com/ | Yes |
| Eastern Arizona Courier | https://www.eacourier.com/ | No |
| Eastern New Mexico News | https://www.easternnewmexiconews.com/ | Yes |
| Eastern Shore Post | https://www.easternshorepost.com/ | No |
| East Idaho Flame | https://eastidahoflame.com/ | No |
| East Of The River | https://www.eastoftheriverdcnews.com/ | No |
| East Oregonian | https://www.eastoregonian.com/ | No |
| East Peoria Times-Courier | https://www.eastpeoriatimescourier.com/ | No |
| East Ridge News Online | https://www.eastridgenewsonline.com/ | Yes |
| Eastside Online | https://www.eastside-online.org/ | Yes |
| East Tennessee Business Journal | https://www.etbj.com/ | No |
| East Tennessee Times | https://www.easttntimes.com/ | No |
| East Texas News | https://www.easttexasnews.com/ | Yes |
| East Valley Tribune | https://www.aztrib.com/ | No |
| Echo Press | https://www.echopress.com/ | No |
| Edgefield Daily | https://www.edgefielddaily.com/ | No |
| Edgeley Mail | https://www.edgeleynd.com/ | No |
| Edmonds Beacon | https://edmondsbeacon.villagesoup.com/ | Yes |
| Edmonson News | https://www.edmonsonnews.com/ | No |
| Edmonton Sun | https://edmontonsun.com/ | No |
| Edwardsville Intelligencer | https://www.goedwardsville.com/ | No |
| Effingham Daily News | https://www.effinghamdailynews.com/ | No |
| EH Extra | https://www.ehextra.com/ | No |
| El Argentino Mercosur | https://www.elargentinomercosur.com/ | No |
| El Argentino | https://www.elargentino.com/ | No |
| Elbert County News | https://www.elbertcountynews.net/ | No |
| El Bohemio | https://www.bohemionews.com/ | No |
| El Colombiano | https://www.elcolombiano.net/ | No |
| El Comercio Newspaper | https://www.elcomercionewspaper.com/ | No |
| El Conquistador | https://www.conquistadornews.com/ | No |
| El Continental | https://www.elcontinental.com/ | No |
| El Crucero | https://www.elcruceronews.com/ | No |
| El Dia Newspaper | https://www.eldianet.com/ | No |
| El Diario / La Prensa | https://www.eldiariony.com/ | No |
| Eldon Advertiser | https://www.eldonadvertiser.biz/ | No |
| El Dorado News-Times | https://www.eldoradonews.com/ | Yes |
| El Dorado Springs Sun | https://www.eldoradospringsmo.com/ | No |
| El Dorado Times | https://www.eldoradotimes.com/ | No |
| El Extra | https://www.elextranewspaper.com/ | No |
| El Heraldo News | https://www.elheraldonews.com/ | No |
| El Hispano News | https://www.elhispanonews.com/ | No |
| El Imparcial News | https://www.elimparcialnews.com/ | No |
| Elizabethton Star | https://www.elizabethton.com/ | No |
| Elko Daily Free Press | https://www.elkodaily.com/ | No |
| Elk River Star News | https://www.erstarnews.com/ | No |
| El Latino | https://www.ellatinoonline.com/ | No |
| Ellicottville Special E Fects | https://www.ellicottvillenews.com/ | No |
| Ellis County Press | https://www.elliscountypress.com/ | No |
| Ellsworth American | https://www.ellsworthamerican.com/ | Yes |
| Ellwood City Ledger | https://www.ellwoodcityledger.com/ | No |
| El Mensajero | https://www.elmensajero.com/ | No |
| El Mundo Boston | https://www.elmundoboston.com/ | Yes |
| El Mundo | https://www.elmundo.net/ | No |
| El Nacional De Oklahoma | https://www.noticiasoklahoma.com/ | No |
| El Nuevo Georgia | https://www.elnuevogeorgia.com/ | No |
| El Nuevo Heraldo | https://www.elnuevoheraldo.com/ | No |
| El Nuevo Herald | https://www.elnuevoherald.com/ | No |
| El Observador | https://www.el-observador.com/ | No |
| El Paso, Inc | https://www.elpasoinc.com/ | No |
| El Paso County News | https://www.epcan.com/ | Yes |
| El Paso Times | https://www.elpasotimes.com/ | No |
| El Planeta | https://www.elplaneta.com/ | Yes |
| El Popular | https://www.elpopularnews.com/ | No |
| El Puente | https://www.webelpuente.com/ | No |
| El Reno Tribune | https://www.elrenotribune.com/ | No |
| El Semanario de Nuevo Mexico | https://www.elsemanarionews.com/ | No |
| El Semanario | https://www.elsemanarioonline.com/ | No |
| El Sol de la Florida | https://www.elsoldelaflorida.com/ | No |
| El Sol de Texas | https://www.elsoldetexas.com/ | Yes |
| El Sol Latino | https://www.elsoln1.com/ | No |
| El Sol News | https://www.elsolnews.com/ | Yes |
| El Tiempo Hispano | https://www.eltiempohispano.com/ | No |
| El Tiempo Latino | https://www.eltiempolatino.com/ | Yes |
| El Tiempo | https://eltiempolv.com/ | No |
| Elton Gallegly News | https://www.politico.com/ | Yes |
| El Valle Hispanic News | https://www.elvallehispanicnews.com/ | No |
| El Venezolano Newspaper | https://www.elvenezolanonews.com/ | Yes |
| El Vocero Hispano | https://www.elvocerohispano.com/ | No |
| El Vocero | https://www.elvoceromi.com/ | No |
| Ely Daily Times | https://www.elynews.com/ | No |
| Ely Echo | https://www.elyecho.com/ | No |
| Emmitsburg News-Journal | https://www.emmitsburg.com/ | No |
| Emmons County Record | https://www.emmonscountyrecord.com/ | No |
| Empire State News | https://www.empirestatenews.net/ | No |
| Empresarios en Accion | https://empresariosenaccion.us/ | No |
| Endeavor News | https://www.endeavornews.com/ | No |
| eNews Courier | https://www.enewscourier.com/ | No |
| eNews Park Forest | https://www.enewspf.com/ | Yes |
| Englewood Independent | https://www.englewoodindependent.com/ | No |
| Enid News & Eagle | https://www.enidnews.com/ | No |
| Enon Eagle | https://www.enoneagle.net/ | No |
| Enterprise & Pilot-Tribune | https://www.enterprisepub.com/ | No |
| Enterprise Journal | https://www.enterprise-journal.com/ | Yes |
| eParis Extra | https://www.eparisextra.com/ | No |
| Erie Times News | https://www.goerie.com/ | No |
| Estacada News | https://www.estacadanews.com/ | No |
| Estes Park News | https://www.estesparknews.com/ | No |
| Estes Park Trail-Gazette | https://www.eptrail.com/ | No |
| Estherville News | https://www.esthervilledailynews.com/ | No |
| Ethio News Direct | https://www.ethionewsdirect.com/ | Yes |
| Eugene Weekly | https://www.eugeneweekly.com/ | No |
| EUP News | https://eupnews.com/ | No |
| Eureka Herald | https://www.eurekaherald.com/ | No |
| Evanston Review | https://www.evanstonreview.com/ | No |
| Evening Times | https://www.theeveningtimes.com/ | Yes |
| Everett Independent | https://www.everettindependent.com/ | Yes |
| Evergreen Times Weekly | https://www.evergreentimes.com/ | No |
| Exeter News-Letter | https://www.seacoastonline.com/ | No |
| Explore Clarion | https://www.exploreclarion.com/ | Yes |
| Explorer Newspapers | https://www.explorernews.com/ | No |
| Explore Venango | https://www.explorevenango.com/ | No |
| Extra | https://www.extranews.net/ | No |
| Facts Matter Addison | https://www.factsmatteraddison.com/ | No |
| Fairbanks Daily News-Miner | https://www.news-miner.com/ | No |
| Fairbanks North Star Borough | https://co.fairbanks.ak.us/ | No |
| Fairbault Daily News | https://www.faribault.com/ | No |
| Fairborn Daily Herald | https://www.fairborndailyherald.com/ | No |
| Fairfax Connection | https://www.fairfaxconnection.com/ | No |
| Fairfax County Times | https://www.fairfaxtimes.com/ | No |
| Fairfax Station Connection | https://www.fairfaxstationconnection.com/ | No |
| Fairfield County Weekly | https://fairfieldweekly.com/ | No |
| Fairfield Ledger | https://www.ffledger.com/ | No |
| Fair Lawn News | https://www.fairlawnnews.com/ | No |
| Fairplay Flume | https://theflume.com/ | No |
| Fairport-East Rochester Post | https://www.fairport-erpost.com/ | No |
| Falkirk Farmers Elevator | https://www.falkirkelevator.com/ | No |
| Fallon County Times | https://www.falloncountytimes.com/ | No |
| Falls Church News-Press | https://www.fcnp.com/ | Yes |
| Fama | https://www.famaweb.com/ | No |
| Fannin Focus | https://www.fanninfocus.com/ | No |
| Fannin Sentinel | https://fanninsentinel.com/ | No |
| Far Corner | https://www.farcorner-online.com/ | No |
| Faribault County Register | https://www.faribaultcountyregister.com/ | No |
| Farmers Independent | https://www.bagleymnnews.com/ | Yes |
| Farmingdale Observer | https://www.farmingdale-observer.com/ | No |
| Farmington Daily Times | https://www.daily-times.com/ | No |
| Farmington Independent | https://www.farmingtonindependent.com/ | No |
| Faulk County Record | https://www.faulkcountyrecord.com/ | No |
| Fauquier Now | https://www.fauquiernow.com/ | No |
| Fauquier Times | https://www.fauquier.com/ | No |
| Fayette Advertiser | https://www.fayettenewspapers.com/ | No |
| Fayette County Newspapers | https://www.fayettecountynewspapers.com/ | No |
| Fayette County News | https://www.kentucky.com/ | No |
| Fayette Daily News / Today In Peachtree City / E Coweta Journal | https://www.fayettedailynews.com/ | No |
| Fayette Front Page | https://www.fayettefrontpage.com/ | No |
| Federal Way Mirror | https://www.federalwaymirror.com/ | No |
| Fentress Courier | https://www.fentresscouriernews.com/ | Yes |
| Ferndale Record | https://www.ferndalerecord.com/ | Yes |
| Fernley News | https://www.fernleynews.com/ | No |
| FetchYourNews.com | https://www.fetchyournews.com/ | Yes |
| Fiddlehead Focus | https://www.fiddleheadfocus.com/ | No |
| Fil-Am Voice | https://www.filamvoicemaui.com/ | No |
| Filipino Reporter | https://www.filipinoreporter.us/ | Yes |
| Fillmore County Journal | https://www.fillmorecountyjournal.com/ | No |
| Financial Times | https://www.ft.com/ | Yes |
| Finger Lakes Times | https://www.fltimes.com/ | No |
| Fire This Time | https://www.firethistime.net/ | No |
| Fitchburg Star | https://www.unifiednewsgroup.com/ | No |
| Flanders-NJ.com | https://www.flanders-nj.com/ | No |
| Flathead Beacon | https://www.flatheadbeacon.com/ | No |
| Floral Park Dispatch | https://www.floralparkdispatch.com/ | No |
| Florence News Journal | https://www.florencenewsjournal.com/ | No |
| Florida Jewish News | https://www.floridajewishnews.com/ | No |
| Florida Keys Keynoter | https://www.keynoter.com/ | No |
| Florida Statesman | https://www.floridastatesman.com/ | No |
| Florida Today | https://www.floridatoday.com/ | No |
| Florida Weekly | https://www.florida-weekly.com/ | No |
| Floyd County Chronicle | https://www.floydct.com/ | No |
| Fluda Free Press | https://www.fuldafreepress.net/ | No |
| Flushing Post | https://www.flushingpost.com/ | Yes |
| Folsom & El Dorado Hills Today | https://www.folsomtoday.com/ | No |
| Fond du Lac Reporter | https://www.fdlreporter.com/ | No |
| Forest Hills/Rego Park Times | https://www.foresthillstimes.com/ | No |
| Forest Hills Post | https://www.foresthillspost.com/ | Yes |
| Forest Lake Times | https://www.forestlaketimes.com/ | No |
| Forest Leaves | https://www.forestleaves.com/ | No |
| Forest Park Review | https://www.forestparkreview.com/ | Yes |
| Forks Forum | https://www.forksforum.com/ | Yes |
| Fort Dodge Messenger | https://www.messengernews.net/ | No |
| Fort Madison Daily Democrat | https://www.dailydem.com/ | No |
| Fort Mill Times | https://www.fortmilltimes.com/ | No |
| Fort Wayne & NE Indiana News | https://fort-wayne-news.com/ | No |
| Fort Wayne Reader | https://www.fortwaynereader.com/ | No |
| Fort Worth Star-Telegram | https://www.star-telegram.com/ | No |
| Foster's Daily Democrat | https://www.fosters.com/ | No |
| Foster County Independent | https://www.fostercountyindependent.com/ | Yes |
| Fostoria Review Times | https://www.reviewtimes.com/ | No |
| Fowler Tribune | https://www.fowlertribune.com/ | No |
| Fox 13 | https://www.fox13now.com/ | No |
| Foxboro Reporter | https://www.foxbororeporter.com/ | No |
| Fox Carolina | https://www.foxcarolina.com/ | No |
| Fox News | https://www.foxnews.com/ | Yes |
| Franklin Favorite | https://www.franklinfavorite.com/ | No |
| Franklin Life | https://www.franklinlife.net/ | No |
| Franklin Park Herald-Journal | https://www.franklinparkheraldjournal.com/ | No |
| Frankston Citizen | https://www.frankstoncitizen.com/ | No |
| Frederick News-Post | https://www.fredericknewspost.com/ | No |
| Free Press International | https://www.freepressinternational.com/ | No |
| Free Press Standard | https://www.freepressstandard.com/ | No |
| Free Press | https://www.monroefreepress.com/ | No |
| Freestone County Times | https://www.freestonecountytimes.com/ | No |
| Free Times | https://www.free-times.com/ | No |
| Freetown Express | https://www.freetownexpress.com/ | No |
| Free Trader | https://www.freetraderonline.com/ | No |
| Fremont Tribune | https://www.fremonttribune.com/ | No |
| Fresh Meadows Times | https://www.freshmeadowstimes.com/ | No |
| Friday | https://www.okcfriday.com/ | Yes |
| Frontdoors News | https://www.frontdoorsnews.com/ | No |
| Frontiersman | https://www.frontiersman.com/ | No |
| Fullerton Observer | https://www.fullertonobserver.com/ | No |
| Fulton County News | https://www.fultoncountynews.com/ | No |
| Fulton Daily News | https://www.fultondailynews.com/ | Yes |
| Fulton Kentucky News | https://www.fultonkynews.com/ | No |
| Fulton Sun | https://www.fultonsun.com/ | Yes |
| Fulton Valley News | https://www.valleynewsonline.com/ | No |
| GAB News | https://www.gabnewsonline.com/ | Yes |
| Gaceta de Cuba | https://www.gacetadecuba.com/ | No |
| Gadsden Times | https://www.gadsdentimes.com/ | No |
| Gaffney Ledger | https://www.gaffneyledger.com/ | No |
| Gainesville Daily Register | https://www.gainesvilleregister.com/ | No |
| Gainesville Times | https://www.gainesvilletimes.com/ | No |
| Gallatin News | https://www.gallatinnews.com/ | No |
| Gallatin North Missourian | https://www.gallatinnorthmissourian.com/ | Yes |
| Gallery Row Art Walk News | https://thegrawn.com/ | No |
| Gallup Independent | https://www.gallupindependent.com/ | No |
| Gallup Sun | https://www.gallupsun.com/ | No |
| GantNews | https://www.gantdaily.com/ | No |
| Gaoxi Ong News | https://www.gaoxiongnews.com/ | No |
| Garden City Life | https://www.gardencity-life.com/ | No |
| Garden City News | https://www.gcnews.com/ | No |
| Garden City Telegram | https://www.gctelegram.com/ | No |
| Garden Grove News | https://www.getgardengrove.com/ | No |
| Garretson Weekly | https://www.garretsoninfo.com/ | No |
| Garrett County Gazette | https://www.garrettcountygazette.com/ | Yes |
| Gaston Gazette | https://www.gastongazette.com/ | No |
| Gates-Chili Post | https://www.gateschilipost.com/ | No |
| Gatlingburg Daily Post | https://www.gatlinburgdailypost.com/ | No |
| Gaylord Herald-Times | https://www.heraldtimes.com/ | No |
| Gazeta Brazilian News | https://www.gazetanews.com/ | Yes |
| Gazeta de Nord-Vest | https://www.gazetanord-vest.ro/ | No |
| Gazette-Tribune | https://www.gazette-tribune.com/ | No |
| Gazette Newspapers | https://www.gazettes.com/ | No |
| Gazette Van Detroit | https://www.gazettevandetroit.com/ | No |
| GazetteXtra | https://www.gazettextra.com/ | No |
| Georgia Front Page | https://www.georgiafrontpage.com/ | No |
| Georgia Mountain Beacon | https://www.georgiamountainbeacon.com/ | No |
| Gephardt Daily | https://www.gephardtdaily.com/ | Yes |
| Gettysburg Times | https://www.gettysburgtimes.com/ | No |
| Gibson County News | https://www.milanmirrorexchange.com/ | No |
| Gila Herald | https://www.gilaherald.com/ | No |
| Giles News | https://www.gilesnews.com/ | No |
| Gillette News Record | https://www.gillettenewsrecord.com/ | No |
| Girard Press | https://www.girardpress.com/ | No |
| Glacier City Gazette | https://www.glaciercitygazette.net/ | No |
| Gladwin County Record | https://www.gladwinmi.com/ | No |
| Glasgow Daily Times | https://www.glasgowdailytimes.com/ | No |
| Glen Cove Record-Pilot | https://www.glencoverecordpilot.com/ | No |
| Glendale News Press | https://www.glendalenewspress.com/ | No |
| Glendive Range-Review | https://www.rangerreview.com/ | No |
| Glen Oaks Ledger | https://www.glenoaksledger.com/ | No |
| Glenrock Independent | https://www.glenrockind.com/ | No |
| Glenwood Herald | https://www.swarkansasnews.com/ | No |
| Global Jewish News | https://www.jta.org/ | No |
| Globe Gazette Online | https://www.globegazette.com/ | No |
| GMToday | https://www.gmtoday.com/ | No |
| God's Telegraph | https://www.jesus.com/ | No |
| GoDanRiver.com | https://www.godanriver.com/ | No |
| GoLaurens.com | https://www.golaurens.com/ | No |
| Gold River Messenger | https://www.goldrivermessenger.com/ | No |
| Goldsboro News Argus | https://www.newsargus.com/ | No |
| GoLocalProv | https://www.golocalprov.com/ | Yes |
| GoLocalWorcester.com | https://www.golocalworcester.com/ | Yes |
| Gorizont | https://www.gorizont.com/ | No |
| Go Simpsonville | https://www.gosimpsonville.com/ | No |
| Gotham Gazette | https://www.gothamgazette.com/ | Yes |
| GoUpstate | https://www.goupstate.com/ | No |
| Graffiti | https://www.grafwv.com/ | No |
| Grainger Today | https://www.graingertoday.com/ | No |
| Grand Canyon News | https://www.grandcanyonnews.com/ | No |
| Grand Forks Herald | https://www.grandforksherald.com/ | No |
| Grand Haven Tribune | https://www.grandhaventribune.com/ | Yes |
| Grand Lake Business Journal | https://www.grandlakebusinessjournal.com/ | No |
| Grand Lake Independent | https://www.grandlakeindependent.com/ | No |
| Grand Lake Journal | https://www.grandlakejournal.com/ | No |
| Grand Prairie Reporter | https://www.grandprairiereporter.com/ | Yes |
| Grand Rapids Business Journal Express | https://www.grbj.com/ | No |
| Grand Saline Sun | https://www.grandsalinesun.com/ | No |
| Granite State Sentinel | https://www.granitestatesentinel.com/ | No |
| Grant County Herald | https://www.grantherald.com/ | No |
| Grant County News & Carson Press | https://www.gspublishing.net/ | No |
| Grant County Press | https://www.grantcountypress.com/ | No |
| Grapevine Independent | https://ranchocordovaindependent.com/ | No |
| Gray News | https://www.graynews.com/ | No |
| Grayson County News-Gazette | https://www.gcnewsgazette.com/ | No |
| Grayson Journal-Enquirer | https://www.journal-times.com/ | No |
| Great Falls Tribune | https://www.greatfallstribune.com/ | No |
| Great Neck Record | https://www.greatneckrecord.com/ | No |
| Great Nothwoods Journal | https://www.greatnorthwoodsjournal.com/ | No |
| Greece Post | https://www.greecepost.com/ | No |
| Greeley Gazette | https://www.greeleygazette.com/ | No |
| Greenbelt News Review | https://www.greenbeltnewsreview.com/ | No |
| Green County Daily World | https://gcdailyworld.com/ | No |
| Greenfield Recorder | https://www.recorder.com/ | No |
| Green Fire Times | https://www.greenfiretimes.com/ | No |
| Green Heritage News | https://www.greenheritagenews.com/ | No |
| Greenpoint Post | https://www.greenpointpost.com/ | Yes |
| Greensburg Daily News | https://www.greensburgdailynews.com/ | No |
| Greensburg Record Herald | https://www.record-herald.com/ | Yes |
| Greenup Beacon | https://www.greenupbeacon.com/ | No |
| Greenville News | https://www.greenvilleonline.com/ | No |
| Greenwich Time | https://www.greenwichtime.com/ | No |
| Greenwood Today | https://www.gwdtoday.com/ | Yes |
| Grenada Star | https://www.grenadastar.com/ | Yes |
| Gretna Breeze | https://www.gretnabreeze.com/ | No |
| Gretna Guide & News | https://www.gretnaguide.com/ | No |
| GreyBull Standard | https://www.greybullstandard.com/ | No |
| Griffin Daily News | https://www.griffindailynews.com/ | No |
| Grimes Today | https://www.grimestoday.com/ | No |
| Grosse Pointe News | https://www.grossepointenews.com/ | No |
| Groton Independent | https://www.grotonindependent.com/ | No |
| Grove Sun Daily | https://www.grovesun.com/ | No |
| Guardian Express | https://www.guardianlv.com/ | Yes |
| Guard Online | https://www.guardonline.com/ | No |
| Guernsey Gazette | https://www.guernseygazette.com/ | Yes |
| Guilford Gazette | https://www.guilfordgazette.com/ | No |
| Gulf Breeze News | https://www.gulfbreezenews.com/ | No |
| GulfLive | https://www.gulflive.com/ | Yes |
| Gunnison Country Times | https://www.gunnisontimes.com/ | No |
| Guthrie County Times Vedette | https://www.guthriecountynewspapers.com/ | No |
| Guthrie News Leader | https://www.guthrienewsleader.net/ | No |
| Guthrie News | https://guthrienewspage.com/ | No |
| Guymon Daily Herald | https://www.guymondailyherald.com/ | No |
| Gwinnett Citizen | https://www.gwinnettcitizen.com/ | No |
| Gwinnett Daily Post | https://www.gwinnettdailypost.com/ | No |
| Hairenik Weekly | https://www.hairenikweekly.com/ | No |
| Half Moon Bay Review | https://www.hmbreview.com/ | No |
| Hamburg Reporter | https://www.hamburgreporter.com/ | No |
| Hampshire Review | https://www.hampshirereview.com/ | No |
| Hampton Chronicle | https://www.hamptonchronicle.com/ | No |
| Hampton Roads Messenger | https://www.hamptonroadsmessenger.com/ | No |
| Hamsayegan | https://www.hamsayegan.com/ | No |
| Hancock Clarion | https://www.hancockclarion.com/ | Yes |
| Hancock County Journal Pilot | https://www.journalpilot.com/ | No |
| Hancock News | https://www.hancocknews.com/ | No |
| Hanford Sentinel | https://hanfordsentinel.com/ | No |
| Hannibal Courier-Post | https://www.hannibal.net/ | No |
| Hansford County Reporter Statesman | https://www.spearmanreporter.com/ | No |
| Happy Camp News | https://www.happycampnews.com/ | No |
| Happy Herald | https://www.happyherald.com/ | No |
| Hark The Herald | https://www.harktheherald.com/ | No |
| Harlan Newspapers | https://www.harlanonline.com/ | No |
| Harpswell Anchor | https://www.harpswellanchor.com/ | Yes |
| Harrison Daily Times | https://www.harrisondaily.com/ | No |
| Harrison News Herald | https://www.harrisonnewsherald.com/ | No |
| Hartford Advocate | https://hartfordadvocate.com/ | No |
| Hartsville Messenger | https://www.scnow.com/ | No |
| Hartsville News Journal | https://www.hartsvillenewsjournal.com/ | No |
| Hastings Tribune | https://www.hastingstribune.com/ | No |
| Hattiesburg American | https://www.hattiesburgamerican.com/ | No |
| Havasu News | https://www.havasunews.com/ | No |
| Havelock News | https://www.havenews.com/ | No |
| Havre Daily News | https://www.havredailynews.com/ | Yes |
| Hawaii Free Press | https://www.hawaiifreepress.com/ | No |
| Hawaii Reporter | https://www.hawaiireporter.com/ | No |
| Hawaii Telegraph | https://www.hawaiitelegraph.com/ | No |
| Haxtun-Fleming Herald | https://www.hfherald.com/ | Yes |
| Hays Daily News | https://www.hdnews.net/ | No |
| Hays News | https://www.haysnews.com/ | No |
| Headlight Herald | https://www.headlightherald.com/ | No |
| Headline Surfer | https://www.headlinesurfer.com/ | No |
| Health City Sun | https://www.healthcitysun.com/ | Yes |
| Heavener Ledger | https://www.heavenerledger.com/ | Yes |
| Hebron Herald | https://www.hebronherald.com/ | No |
| Hemet News | https://www.hemetnews.com/ | No |
| Henderson Daily News | https://www.hendersondailynews.com/ | No |
| Henrico Citizen | https://www.henricocitizen.com/ | No |
| Henrietta Post | https://www.henriettapost.com/ | No |
| Henry County Online | https://www.henrycountyonline.com/ | Yes |
| Henry County Times | https://www.henrycountytimes.com/ | Yes |
| Henry Herald | https://www.henryherald.com/ | No |
| Herald & News Online | https://www.heraldandnews.com/ | No |
| Herald & Review Online | https://www.herald-review.com/ | No |
| Herald & Tribune | https://www.heraldandtribune.com/ | Yes |
| Herald-Index | https://www.altoonaherald.com/ | No |
| Herald-Press | https://www.h-ponline.com/ | No |
| Herald Banner | https://www.heraldbanner.com/ | No |
| Herald Democrat | https://www.leadvilleherald.com/ | No |
| HeraldNet | https://www.heraldnet.com/ | No |
| Herald Review | https://www.grandrapidsmn.com/ | No |
| Herald Standard | https://www.heraldstandard.com/ | No |
| Herald Tribune | https://www.heraldtribune.com/ | No |
| Hermann News Online | https://www.ngnn.com/ | No |
| Hermiston Herald | https://www.hermistonherald.com/ | No |
| Hernando Today | https://www.hernandotoday.com/ | Yes |
| Hesperia Star | https://www.hesperiastar.com/ | No |
| Hi-Desert Star | https://www.hidesertstar.com/ | No |
| Hickman County News | https://www.hickmancountytimes.net/ | No |
| Hickory Daily Record | https://www.hickoryrecord.com/ | No |
| Hicksville News | https://www.hicksvillenews.com/ | No |
| High Country News | https://www.hcn.org/ | Yes |
| High Plains Observer | https://www.highplainsobserver.com/ | No |
| High Point Enterprises | https://hpenews.com/ | No |
| Highway Five Beacon | https://www.highwayfivebeacon.biz/ | No |
| Hill County News | https://www.hillcountynews.com/ | No |
| Hillsboro Banner | https://www.hillsborobanner.com/ | No |
| Hillsboro Free Press | https://www.hillsborofreepress.com/ | No |
| Hillsboro Star Journal | https://starj.com/ | No |
| Hilltop Express | https://www.hilltopexpress.net/ | No |
| Hilltop Times | https://hilltoptimes.com/ | No |
| Hilton Head Monthly | https://www.hiltonheadmonthly.com/ | No |
| Hispania News | https://www.hispanianews.com/ | No |
| Hobbs News-Sun | https://www.hobbsnews.com/ | No |
| Hola News | https://www.holanews.com/ | Yes |
| Holladay Journal | https://www.holladayjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Holmes County Herald | https://www.holmescountyherald.com/ | No |
| Holtville Tribune | https://www.holtvilletribune.com/ | No |
| Home News & Tribune | https://www.thnt.com/ | No |
| Hometown Annapolis | https://www.capitalonline.com/ | No |
| Hometown Cherokee | https://www.hometowncherokee.com/ | No |
| Hometown Pickens | https://www.hometownpickens.com/ | No |
| Hometown Sevier | https://www.hometownsevier.com/ | No |
| Hondo Anvil Herald | https://www.hondoanvilherald.com/ | No |
| Honolulu Weekly | https://www.honoluluweekly.com/ | No |
| Hood County News | https://www.hcnews.com/ | No |
| Hoosier Gazette | https://www.hoosiergazette.com/ | No |
| Hope Star | https://www.hopestar.com/ | No |
| Horseshoe Bay Beacon | https://www.hsbbeacon.com/ | No |
| Hot Springs Village Voice | https://www.hsvvoice.com/ | No |
| Hougton Lake Resorter | https://www.houghtonlakeresorter.com/ | No |
| Houston Chronicle | https://www.houstonchronicle.com/ | No |
| Houston Mirror | https://www.houstonmirror.com/ | No |
| Houston Press | https://www.houston-press.com/ | No |
| Houston Style Magazine | https://www.stylemagazine.com/ | No |
| Howard Lake-Waverly Herald | https://www.herald-journal.com/ | No |
| Howe Enterprise | https://www.howeenterprise.com/ | No |
| Hoy en Delaware | https://www.hoyendelaware.com/ | No |
| HS-News.com | https://www.hs-news.com/ | No |
| Huber Heights Courier | https://www.hhcourier.com/ | No |
| Hudson Hub Times | https://www.hudsonhubtimes.com/ | No |
| Hudson Post Gazette | https://www.hudsonpg.net/ | No |
| Hudson Valley Almanac Weekly | https://www.hudsonvalleyalmanacweekly.com/ | Yes |
| Hudson Valley Press | https://www.hvpress.net/ | No |
| Hudson Valley Times | https://www.ulsterpublishing.com/ | No |
| Hughes County Tribune | https://www.hughescountytribune.com/ | No |
| Hugo News | https://www.hugonews.com/ | No |
| Humboldt Independent | https://humboldtnews.com/ | No |
| Hungry Horse News | https://www.hungryhorsenews.com/ | No |
| Huntington Beach News | https://www.hbnews.us/ | No |
| Huntington County TAB | https://www.huntingtoncountytab.com/ | No |
| HuntingtonFreePress | https://www.huntingtonfreepress.com/ | No |
| HuntingtonNews.Net | https://www.huntingtonnews.net/ | No |
| Huntsville Madison News | https://www.waff.com/ | No |
| Huntsville Voice | https://www.huntsvillevoice.com/ | No |
| Hur Herald | https://www.hurherald.com/ | No |
| Huron Daily Tribune | https://www.michigansthumb.com/ | No |
| Hutchinson Herald | https://mennohutchinsonherald.blogspot.com/ | No |
| Hutchinson Leader | https://www.hutchinsonleader.com/ | No |
| Hyattsville Wire | https://www.hyattsvillewire.com/ | No |
| Hyde Park Daily Newspaper | https://www.hydeparkdaily.com/ | No |
| Hyde Park Herald | https://www.hpherald.com/ | No |
| iChagrin.com | https://www.ichagrin.com/ | No |
| Idaho Business Review | https://www.idahobusiness.net/ | No |
| Idaho County FreePress | https://www.idahocountyfreepress.com/ | No |
| Idaho Falls Today | https://www.idahofallstoday.com/ | Yes |
| Idaho Mountain Express and Guide | https://www.mtexpress.com/ | No |
| Idaho Press-Tribune | https://www.idahopress.com/ | No |
| Idaho State Journal | https://www.journalnet.com/ | No |
| Idaho Unido | https://www.unido.com/ | No |
| Identidad Latina | https://identidadlatina.com/ | No |
| Idyllwild Town Crier | https://www.towncrier.com/ | No |
| Illinois Business Journal | https://www.ibjonline.com/ | Yes |
| Illinois Times | https://www.illinoistimes.com/ | No |
| Illinois Town News | https://www.illinoistownnews.com/ | No |
| Imagen Semanal | https://www.imagensemanal.com/ | No |
| Impacto Latino | https://www.impactolatino.com/ | Yes |
| Impactousa | https://www.impactousa.com/ | No |
| Independence Bulletin Journal | https://www.communitynewspapergroup.com/ | No |
| Independent Coast Observer | https://icoonline.mendonoma.com/ | No |
| Independent Herald | https://www.ihoneida.com/ | No |
| Independent News Herald | https://www.inhnews.com/ | No |
| Independent News | https://www.inweekly.net/ | No |
| Independent Record | https://www.helenair.com/ | No |
| Independent Tribune | https://www.independenttribune.com/ | No |
| Independent Voice | https://www.independentvoice.com/ | No |
| India-West | https://www.indiawest.com/ | No |
| India Bulletin | https://www.indiabulletinusa.com/ | No |
| Indiana Daily Student | https://www.idsnews.com/ | No |
| Indianapolis Post | https://www.indianapolispost.com/ | No |
| Indian Country Today | https://www.indiancountry.com/ | No |
| IndyStar | https://www.indystar.com/ | No |
| iNewslocal | https://www.inewslocal.com/ | No |
| Infowars.com | https://www.infowars.com/ | Yes |
| Ink Link | https://www.manchesterinklink.com/ | No |
| In Maricopa | https://www.inmaricopa.com/ | No |
| Inside Anderson County | https://www.insideandersoncounty.com/ | No |
| Inside Tucson Business / Daily Territorial | https://www.azbiz.com/ | No |
| Inter County Leader | https://www.leaderregister.com/ | Yes |
| International Business Times | https://www.ibtimes.com/ | No |
| International New York Times | https://international.nytimes.com/ | Yes |
| Internet Newspaper | https://www.hsnp.com/ | No |
| Investor's Business Daily | https://www.investors.com/ | Yes |
| IN Whitley County | https://www.inwhitleycounty.com/ | No |
| Inyo Register | https://www.inyoregister.com/ | No |
| Iola Register | https://www.iolaregister.com/ | No |
| IonMesquite.com | https://www.ionmesquite.com/ | No |
| Iosco County News-Herald | https://www.iosconews.com/ | No |
| Iowa City Press-Citizen | https://www.press-citizen.com/ | No |
| Iowa State Daily | https://www.iowastatedaily.com/ | No |
| Iran News Watch | https://www.irannewswatch.com/ | Yes |
| Iranshahr Weekly | https://www.iranshahrweekly.com/ | No |
| Irish America | https://www.irishamerica.com/ | Yes |
| Irish Echo | https://www.irishecho.com/ | Yes |
| Irish Voice | https://www.irishvoice.com/ | No |
| Irondequiot Post | https://www.irondequoitpost.com/ | No |
| Ironton Tribune | https://www.irontontribune.com/ | No |
| Ironwood Daily Globe | https://www.ironwoodglobe.com/ | No |
| IronwoodInfo | https://www.ironwoodinfo.com/ | No |
| Irregular | https://www.theirregular.com/ | No |
| Irvine World News | https://www.irvineworldnews.com/ | No |
| Isanti County News | https://www.isanticountynews.com/ | Yes |
| Island Ad-Vantages | https://www.islandadvantages.com/ | No |
| Island Free Press | https://www.islandfreepress.org/ | Yes |
| Island Gazette | https://www.islandgazette.net/ | No |
| Island Packet | https://www.islandpacket.com/ | No |
| Island Park News | https://www.islandparknews.com/ | No |
| Island Sun News | https://www.islandsunnews.com/ | No |
| Issaquah Highlands News | https://www.issaquahhighlands.com/ | No |
| Isthmus | https://www.isthmus.com/ | No |
| Itemizer Observer | https://www.itemizerobserver.com/ | No |
| Jackson County News | https://www.tribtown.com/ | Yes |
| Jackson County Pilot | https://www.jacksoncountypilot.com/ | No |
| Jackson County Times | https://www.jacksoncountytimes.net/ | Yes |
| Jackson Heights Post | https://www.jacksonheightspost.com/ | Yes |
| Jackson Herald | https://www.jacksonnewspapers.com/ | No |
| Jackson Hole News & Guide | https://www.jhnewsandguide.com/ | Yes |
| Jackson Township NJ News | https://www.jacksonnjonline.com/ | No |
| Jacksonville Compass | https://www.jaxcomp.org/ | No |
| Jacksonville Daily Progress | https://www.jacksonvilleprogress.com/ | No |
| Jacksonville Daily Record | https://www.jaxdailyrecord.com/ | Yes |
| Jamaica Plain Gazette | https://www.jamaicaplaingazette.com/ | Yes |
| Jamestown Press | https://www.jamestownpress.com/ | No |
| Jasper County Tribune | https://jaspercountytribune.shawcms.com/ | No |
| Jasper Herald | https://www.dcherald.com/ | No |
| JC Post | https://www.jcpost.com/ | Yes |
| Jefferson City News Tribune | https://www.newstribune.com/ | Yes |
| Jersey Shore Today | https://www.jerseyshoretoday.com/ | No |
| Jesup Citzen Herald | https://www.jesupcitizenherald.com/ | No |
| Jewish Bulletin of Northern California | https://jewish.com/ | No |
| Jewish Ledger | https://www.jewishledger.com/ | Yes |
| Jewish Link | https://www.nmjewishlink.com/ | No |
| Jewish News of Greater Phoenix | https://www.jewishaz.com/ | No |
| Jewish News | https://www.jewishnews.com/ | Yes |
| Johnson City Press | https://www.johnsoncitypress.com/ | Yes |
| Johnson County Living | https://www.jocoliving.com/ | No |
| Johnstonian News | https://www.johnstoniannews.com/ | No |
| Johnston Sun Rise | https://www.johnstonsunrise.net/ | No |
| Joplin Independent | https://www.joplinindependent.com/ | No |
| Journal & Courier Online | https://www.jconline.com/ | No |
| Journal & Topics | https://www.journal-topics.com/ | No |
| Journal-Eureka | https://www.journal-eureka.com/ | No |
| Journal Enterprise | https://www.journalenterprise.com/ | No |
| Journal Express | https://www.journalexpress.net/ | No |
| Journal Gazette & Times Courier | https://www.jg-tc.com/ | No |
| Journal Inquirer | https://www.journalinquirer.com/ | No |
| Journal News | https://www.journal-news.com/ | No |
| Journal Opinion | https://www.jonews.com/ | No |
| Journal Sentinal | https://www.jsonline.com/ | No |
| Journal Star | https://www.pjstar.com/ | No |
| Journal Tribune | https://www.journaltribune.com/ | Yes |
| Judith Basin Press | https://www.judithbasinpress.net/ | No |
| Julian Journal | https://www.julianjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Juneau Empire | https://www.juneauempire.com/ | No |
| Jupiter Courier Newsweekly | https://www.tcpalm.com/ | No |
| Just Sports in Miami | https://www.justsportsmiami.com/ | No |
| K5 News | https://www.king5.com/ | No |
| KAKE.com | https://www.kake.com/ | No |
| Kalami | https://www.kalami.net/ | No |
| Kaleidoscope | https://www.uabkscope.com/ | No |
| Kalispell News | https://www.abcfoxmontana.com/ | No |
| Kanabec County Times Online | https://www.moraminn.com/ | No |
| Kane County Chronicle | https://www.kcchronicle.com/ | No |
| Kansas City Jewish Chronical | https://www.kcjc.com/ | No |
| Kansas City Kansan | https://www.kansascitykansan.com/ | No |
| Kansas City Post | https://www.kansascitypost.com/ | No |
| Kansas State Collegian | https://www.kstatecollegian.com/ | Yes |
| Katy Trail Weekly | https://www.katytrailweekly.com/ | Yes |
| KBur | https://www.kbur.com/ | No |
| KBZK | https://www.kbzk.com/ | No |
| Kearney Hub | https://www.kearneyhub.com/ | No |
| Kearns Times | https://www.kearnstimes.com/ | Yes |
| Keizer Times | https://www.keizertimes.com/ | Yes |
| Keloland News | https://www.keloland.com/ | No |
| Kenai Peninsula Clarion | https://www.peninsulaclarion.com/ | No |
| Kenly News | https://www.kenlynews.com/ | No |
| Kennebec Journal | https://www.kjonline.com/ | Yes |
| Kenosha News | https://www.kenoshanews.com/ | No |
| Kent Reporter | https://www.kentreporter.com/ | No |
| Kentucky Lake Times | https://www.kentuckylaketimes.com/ | Yes |
| Kentucky New Era | https://www.kentuckynewera.com/ | No |
| Kentucky News Journal | https://www.kynewsjournal.com/ | No |
| Kentucky Weekly Transcript | https://www.kentuckyweeklytranscript.com/ | No |
| Keota Eagle | https://keotaeagle.com/ | No |
| Keowee Courier | https://www.laserbuddy.com/ | No |
| Kern Valley Sun | https://www.kvsun.com/ | No |
| Kerrville Daily Times | https://www.dailytimes.com/ | No |
| Ketchikan Daily News | https://www.ketchikandailynews.com/ | No |
| KEVN | https://www.blackhillsfox.com/ | No |
| Key West Register | https://www.floridakeys.us/ | No |
| Kilgore News Herald | https://www.kilgorenewsherald.com/ | No |
| Killeen Daily Herald | https://www.kdhnews.com/ | No |
| Kingfisher Times & Free Press | https://www.kingfisherpress.net/ | No |
| Kingman Daily Miner | https://www.kingmandailyminer.com/ | No |
| King Of Prussia Courier | https://www.mainlinemedianews.com/ | No |
| Kingsport Daily News | https://www.kingsportdailynews.com/ | No |
| Kingsport News | https://www.kingsportnews.com/ | No |
| Kingsport Times-News | https://www.timesnews.net/ | Yes |
| Kingston Journal | https://www.kingstonjournal.com/ | No |
| KingstonSprings.org | https://www.kingstonsprings.org/ | Yes |
| Kingston Times | https://www.kingstonx.com/ | No |
| Kinston.com | https://www.kinston.com/ | No |
| Kiowa County Press | https://kiowacountypress.net/ | No |
| Kirkland Reporter | https://www.kirklandreporter.com/ | No |
| Kirksville Daily Express | https://www.kirksvilledailyexpress.com/ | No |
| Kitsap Sun | https://www.kitsapsun.com/ | No |
| KLDT | https://www.kdlt.com/ | No |
| Knoxville Daily Sun | https://www.knoxvilledailysun.com/ | No |
| Knoxville Times | https://www.knoxvilletimes.com/ | No |
| Koco News 5 | https://www.koco.com/ | No |
| Kohler Villager | https://www.kohlervillager.com/ | Yes |
| Kokomo Tribune | https://www.ktonline.com/ | No |
| KomoNews | https://komonews.com/ | No |
| Kootenai Valley Times | https://www.kvt.news/ | No |
| Kossuth County Advance | https://www.algona.com/ | No |
| KPax.com | https://www.kpax.com/ | No |
| KREM2 | https://www.krem.com/ | No |
| KRQE | https://www.krqe.com/ | No |
| KSL | https://www.ksl.com/ | No |
| Kstati | https://kstati.net/ | No |
| Kuna Melba News | https://www.kunamelba.com/ | No |
| KUTV | https://www.kutv.com/ | No |
| KXII News 12 | https://www.kxii.com/ | No |
| KX Net | https://www.kxnet.com/ | No |
| KyForward.com | https://www.kyforward.com/ | No |
| L'Observateur | https://www.lobservateur.com/ | No |
| L.A. Watts Times | https://www.lawattstimes.com/ | No |
| La Cañada Valley Sun | https://www.lacanadaonline.com/ | No |
| La Campana del Sur | https://www.lacampana.us/ | No |
| La Comunidad News | https://www.wisclatinonews.com/ | No |
| La Conexion | https://www.laconexionusa.com/ | No |
| La Crosse Tribune | https://www.lacrossetribune.com/ | No |
| LA Down Town News | https://www.ladowntownnews.com/ | No |
| Ladysmith News | https://www.ladysmithnews.com/ | No |
| Lafayette County Press | https://www.lafayettecountypress.com/ | No |
| La Follette Press | https://www.lafollettepress.com/ | No |
| La Gazzetta Italiana | https://www.lagazzettaitaliana.com/ | No |
| LaGrange News | https://www.lagrangepublishing.com/ | No |
| Laguna Journal | https://www.lagunajournal.com/ | No |
| Lahontan Valley News | https://www.lahontanvalleynews.com/ | No |
| La Junta Tribune-Democrat | https://www.lajuntatribunedemocrat.com/ | No |
| Lake Benton Valley Journal | https://clarkprinting.dreamhosters.com/ | No |
| Lake Champlain Islander | https://www.lakechamplainislander.com/ | No |
| Lake Chelan Mirror | https://www.lakechelanmirror.com/ | No |
| Lake Chelan Online News | https://www.lakechelanonlinenews.com/ | No |
| Lake City Journal | https://www.lakecityjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Lake City Reporter | https://www.lakecityreporter.com/ | No |
| Lake Country Examiner | https://www.lakecountyexam.com/ | No |
| Lake County Leader | https://www.leaderadvertiser.com/ | No |
| Lake County News | https://www.lakeconews.com/ | Yes |
| Lake County Record Bee | https://www.record-bee.com/ | No |
| Lake Elmo Leader | https://www.lakeelmoleader.com/ | No |
| Lake Front Hartwell | https://www.lakefronthartwell.com/ | Yes |
| Lake Geneva Regional News | https://www.lakegenevanews.net/ | No |
| Lakeland News | https://www.seehafernews.com/ | No |
| Lakeland Times | https://www.lakelandtimes.com/ | No |
| Lake Mills Graphic | https://www.lmgraphic.com/ | No |
| Lake Oconee Legend | https://www.lakeoconeelegend.com/ | No |
| Lakeshore Weekly News | https://www.weeklynews.com/ | No |
| Lakeview Times | https://www.lakeviewtimes.com/ | No |
| Lake Wales News | https://www.lakewalesnews.com/ | No |
| Lamar Times | https://www.lamar-times.com/ | No |
| La Mesa Courier | https://lamesacourier.com/ | No |
| Lamorinda Weekly | https://www.lamorindaweekly.com/ | No |
| Lampasas Dispatch Record | https://www.lampasasdispatchrecord.com/ | No |
| La Nacion USA | https://www.lanacionusa.com/ | Yes |
| Lancaster Eagle Gazette | https://www.lancastereaglegazette.com/ | No |
| Langlade County News | https://www.langladecountyedc.org/ | No |
| Lanka Post | https://www.lankapostusa.com/ | No |
| Lansing Daily | https://www.lansingdaily.com/ | Yes |
| La Oferta Review | https://www.laoferta.com/ | Yes |
| La Opinión | https://www.laopinion.com/ | No |
| La Prensa Colombiana | https://www.laprensacolombiana.com/ | No |
| La Prensa de Colorado | https://www.laprensadecolorado.com/ | No |
| La Prensa de Los Angeles | https://www.laprensadelosangeles.com/ | No |
| La Prensa Hispana | https://www.laprensahispananewspaper.com/ | No |
| La Prensa Latina | https://www.laprensalatina.com/ | Yes |
| La Prensa Libre | https://www.laprensanwa.com/ | No |
| La Prensa Popular | https://www.laprensapopular.com/ | No |
| La Prensa San Diego | https://www.laprensa-sandiego.org/ | No |
| La Prensa | https://www.laprensaenlinea.com/ | No |
| Laramie Boomerang | https://www.laramieboomerang.com/ | No |
| La Razón | https://www.larazonusa.com/ | No |
| La Raza | https://www.laraza.com/ | No |
| Larchmont Chronicle | https://www.larchmontchronicle.com/ | No |
| Larchmont Gazette | https://www.larchmontgazette.com/ | No |
| Laredo Daily News | https://www.laredodaily.com/ | No |
| Laredo Morning Times | https://www.lmtonline.com/ | No |
| Larue County Herald | https://www.laruecountyherald.com/ | No |
| Las Americas Newspaper | https://www.lasamericasnews.com/ | No |
| Las Cruces Bulletin | https://www.lascrucesbulletin.com/ | No |
| Las Cruces News | https://www.ktsm.com/ | No |
| La Semana del Sur | https://www.lasemanadelsur.com/ | No |
| Lassen County Times | https://www.lassennews.com/ | Yes |
| Las Vagas Weekly | https://www.lasvegasweekly.com/ | Yes |
| Las Vegas Business Press | https://www.businesspress.vegas/ | No |
| Las Vegas Herald | https://www.lasvegasherald.com/ | No |
| Las Vegas News | https://www.ktnv.com/ | No |
| Las Vegas Review-Journal | https://www.reviewjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Las Vegas Tribune | https://www.lasvegastribune.com/ | No |
| Latino Lubbock Magazine | https://www.latinolubbock.net/ | No |
| Latino News | https://www.latino-news.com/ | Yes |
| Latinos Unidos de Nueva Jersey | https://www.lunj.net/ | No |
| Latino Times | https://latinotimes.com/ | No |
| Laughlin Times | https://www.laughlintimes.com/ | No |
| Laurel Leader Call | https://www.leadercall.com/ | No |
| Laurelton Times | https://www.laureltontimes.com/ | No |
| Laurinburg Exchange | https://www.laurinburgexchange.com/ | Yes |
| La Visión | https://www.lavisionnewspaper.com/ | No |
| La Vista Sun | https://www.lavistasun.com/ | No |
| La Voz de La Calle | https://www.lavozdelacalle.net/ | No |
| La Voz Hispana | https://www.lavozhispanact.com/ | No |
| La Voz Independiente | https://www.lavozindependiente.com/ | Yes |
| La Voz | https://lancasteronline.com/ | No |
| LA Weekly | https://www.laweekly.com/ | Yes |
| Lawrenceburg News | https://www.theandersonnews.com/ | No |
| Lawrence County Advocate | https://www.lawrencecountyadvocate.net/ | Yes |
| Lawton Constitution | https://www.lawton-constitution.com/ | No |
| Leader-Telegram | https://www.leadertelegram.com/ | No |
| Leader Courier News | https://www.rgj.com/ | No |
| Leader Herald | https://www.leaderherald.com/ | No |
| Leader News | https://www.ky-leadernews.com/ | No |
| Leader Online | https://www.akron.com/ | No |
| Leader Times | https://www.leadertimes.com/ | No |
| League City News Online | https://www.lcnews.us/ | No |
| Leavenworth Online News | https://www.leavenworthonlinenews.com/ | Yes |
| Leavenworth Times | https://www.leavenworthtimes.com/ | No |
| Lebanese American News | https://www.lebaneseamericannews.com/ | No |
| Lebanon Daily News | https://www.ldnews.com/ | No |
| Lebanon Daily Record | https://www.lebanondailyrecord.com/ | No |
| Lebanon Express | https://www.lebanon-express.com/ | No |
| Le Courrier de Floride | https://www.courrierdefloride.com/ | No |
| Ledger-Enquirer | https://www.ledger-enquirer.com/ | No |
| Ledger-Transcript | https://www.ledgertranscript.com/ | No |
| Ledger | https://www.tnledger.com/ | No |
| Lee's Summit Journal | https://www.lsjournal.com/ | No |
| Leesburg & Loudoun County News | https://www.loudountimes.com/ | No |
| Leesburg Today | https://www.leesburg2day.com/ | Yes |
| Leesville Daily Leader | https://www.leesvilledailyleader.com/ | No |
| Left Hand Valley Courier | https://www.lhvc.com/ | Yes |
| Left Voice | https://www.leftvoice.org/ | Yes |
| Legislative Gazette | https://www.legislativegazette.com/ | No |
| Lehi Free Press | https://www.lehifreepress.com/ | No |
| Lehigh Acres Gazette | https://www.lehighacresgazette.info/ | No |
| LeRoy Pennysaver & News | https://www.leroypennysavernews.com/ | No |
| Le Soleil de la Floride | https://www.lesoleildelafloride.com/ | Yes |
| Levittown Tribune | https://www.levittown-tribune.com/ | No |
| Lewis County Press-News Journal | https://www.lewispnj.com/ | No |
| Lewis County Tribune | https://www.lewiscountytribune.com/ | No |
| Lewis County Watch | https://lewiscountywatch.com/ | No |
| Lewiston Morning Tribune | https://www.lmtribune.com/ | No |
| Lewistown News-Argus | https://www.lewistownnews.com/ | No |
| Lexington County Chronicle | https://www.lexingtonchronicle.com/ | No |
| Lexington Post | https://www.lexingtonpost.com/ | No |
| Liberal First | https://www.liberalfirst.com/ | No |
| LIC Post | https://www.licpost.com/ | Yes |
| Like The Dew | https://www.likethedew.com/ | Yes |
| Lincoln County Journal | https://www.lincolncountyjournal.com/ | No |
| Lincoln Daily News | https://www.lincolndailynews.com/ | No |
| Lincoln Herald.net | https://www.lincolnherald.net/ | No |
| Lincoln Journal Star | https://www.journalstar.com/ | No |
| Lincoln Times-News | https://www.lincolntimesnews.com/ | No |
| Lincolnwood Review | https://www.lincolnwoodreview.com/ | No |
| Lindale News & Times | https://www.lindalenews-times.com/ | No |
| Linn County Leader | https://www.linncountyleader.com/ | No |
| Linn County News | https://www.linncountynews.net/ | No |
| Linton Daily Citizen | https://www.dailycitizen.com/ | No |
| Little Falls Times | https://www.littlefallstimes.com/ | No |
| Little Rock News | https://www.katv.com/ | No |
| Littleton Independent | https://www.littletonindependent.net/ | No |
| Livingston Enterprise | https://www.livingstonenterprise.net/ | Yes |
| Local 4 | https://www.ksnblocal4.com/ | No |
| Local Kicks | https://www.localkicks.com/ | No |
| Lockport Union-Sun & Journal | https://www.lockportjournal.com/ | No |
| Lodi News-Sentinel | https://www.lodinews.com/ | No |
| Logan Daily News | https://www.logandaily.com/ | No |
| Londonderry News | https://www.londonderrynh.net/ | No |
| Londonderry Times | https://www.londonderrytimes.net/ | Yes |
| Lone Peak Lookout | https://www.lonepeaklookout.com/ | No |
| Lone Star Eagle News | https://www.lonestareaglenews.com/ | No |
| Lone Star Power Pages | https://www.lonestarpowerpages.com/ | No |
| Lone Tree Leader | https://www.lonetreeleader.net/ | Yes |
| Long Beach Business Journal | https://www.lbbj.com/ | No |
| LongBeachReport.com | https://www.lbreport.com/ | No |
| Longboat Key News | https://www.lbknews.com/ | No |
| Long Island Business News | https://www.libn.com/ | Yes |
| Long Island Exchange | https://www.longislandexchange.com/ | No |
| Long Island Press | https://www.longislandpress.com/ | Yes |
| Long Prairie Leader | https://www.lpleader.com/ | No |
| Longview News-Journal | https://www.news-journal.com/ | No |
| Los Alamos Daily Post | https://www.ladailypost.com/ | No |
| Los Alamos Monitor Online | https://www.lamonitor.com/ | No |
| Los Alamos Reporter | https://www.losalamosreporter.com/ | No |
| Los Altos Town Crier | https://www.losaltosonline.com/ | Yes |
| Los Angeles Herald | https://www.losangelesherald.com/ | No |
| Los Angeles Sentinel | https://www.lasentinel.net/ | Yes |
| Los Angeles Times | https://www.latimes.com/ | Yes |
| Los Banos Enterprise | https://www.losbanosenterprise.com/ | No |
| Los Gatos News | https://www.mercurynews.com/ | No |
| Loudoun Tribune | https://www.loudountribune.com/ | No |
| Loveland Magazine | https://www.lovelandmagazine.com/ | No |
| Lovell Chronicle | https://www.lovellchronicle.com/ | No |
| Lovely County Citizen | https://www.lovelycitizen.com/ | No |
| Low Country Today | https://www.lowcountrytoday.com/ | No |
| Lubbock Avalanche-Journal | https://www.lubbockonline.com/ | No |
| Ludington Daily News | https://www.ludingtondailynews.com/ | No |
| Lufkin Daily News | https://www.lufkindailynews.com/ | No |
| Lumina News | https://www.luminanews.com/ | Yes |
| Luso Americano | https://www.lusoamericano.com/ | No |
| Lyman County Herald | https://www.lcherald.com/ | No |
| Lynden Tribune | https://www.lyndentribune.com/ | No |
| Lynnfield Weekly News | https://www.weeklynews.net/ | No |
| Lynnwood Today | https://www.lynnwoodtoday.com/ | Yes |
| Lyon County Daily News | https://www.lyoncountydailynews.com/ | No |
| Lyon County Reporter | https://www.lyoncountyreporter.com/ | No |
| Lyon News | https://www.getlyonnews.com/ | No |
| Machias Valley News Observer | https://www.machiasnews.com/ | Yes |
| Mackinac Island Town Crier | https://www.mackinacislandtowncrier.com/ | No |
| Mackinac Journal | https://www.mackinacjournal.com/ | No |
| Macomb Daily | https://www.macombdaily.com/ | No |
| Macon Area Online | https://www.maconareaonline.com/ | Yes |
| Macon Chronicle Herald | https://www.maconch.com/ | No |
| Macon County News | https://www.maconnews.com/ | Yes |
| Macon County Times | https://www.maconcountytimes.com/ | No |
| Madera Tribune | https://www.maderatribune.com/ | No |
| Madison County Courier | https://www.madisoncountycourier.com/ | No |
| Madison County Journal | https://www.onlinemadison.com/ | No |
| Madison Park Times | https://www.madisonparktimes.com/ | No |
| Madison Pike | https://www.madisonpike.com/ | No |
| MageeNews.com | https://www.mageenews.com/ | No |
| Magic City Morning Star | https://www.magic-city-news.com/ | Yes |
| MagicValley.com | https://magicvalley.com/ | No |
| Magnolia News | https://www.magnolianews.net/ | No |
| Magnolia Reporter | https://www.magnoliareporter.com/ | No |
| Mail Tribune | https://www.mailtribune.com/ | Yes |
| Maine Coast Now | https://www.mainecoastnow.com/ | No |
| Maine Mirror | https://www.mainemirror.com/ | No |
| Main Street Journal | https://www.msjnews.com/ | Yes |
| Main Street News | https://www.mainstreetnews.com/ | No |
| Malvern Daily Record | https://www.malvern-online.com/ | No |
| Mammoth Times | https://www.mammothtimes.com/ | No |
| Manchester Enterprise | https://www.manchesterenterprise.com/ | No |
| Manchitro News | https://www.manchitronews.com/ | No |
| Mandan News | https://www.mandan-news.com/ | No |
| Manhasset Press | https://www.manhassetpress.com/ | No |
| Manning Live | https://www.manninglive.com/ | No |
| Maple Heights Press | https://www.mapleheightspress.com/ | No |
| Marco Eagle | https://www.marconews.com/ | No |
| Marietta Daily Journal | https://www.mdjonline.com/ | No |
| Marietta Leader | https://www.mariettaleader.com/ | No |
| Marietta News | https://www.cobbonline.com/ | No |
| Marietta Times | https://www.mariettatimes.com/ | No |
| Marine Corps Times | https://www.marinecorpstimes.com/ | No |
| Marin Indepedent Journal | https://www.marinij.com/ | No |
| Marion County Record | https://www.marionrecord.com/ | No |
| Marion County Tribune | https://marioncountytribune.com/ | No |
| Marion Daily Republican | https://www.mariondaily.com/ | No |
| Marlette Leader | https://www.marletteleader.com/ | No |
| Marocpost | https://www.marocpost.net/ | No |
| Marquette County Tribune | https://www.marquettecountytribune.com/ | No |
| Marshall County Journal | https://www.marshallcountyjournal.com/ | No |
| Marshall News Messenger | https://www.marshallnewsmessenger.com/ | No |
| Marshfield News-Herald | https://www.marshfieldnewsherald.com/ | No |
| Martha's Vineyard Times | https://www.mvtimes.com/ | No |
| Martin Ferry Times Leader | https://www.timesleaderonline.com/ | No |
| Martin News | https://www.newsbreakapp.com/ | No |
| Martinsville Bulletin | https://www.martinsvillebulletin.com/ | No |
| Martinsville Daily | https://www.martinsvilledaily.com/ | No |
| Maryland Coast Dispatch | https://www.mdcoastdispatch.com/ | No |
| Maryland Daily Examiner | https://marylanddailyexaminer.com/ | No |
| Maryland Independent | https://www.somdnews.com/ | No |
| Maryland Leader | https://www.marylandleader.com/ | No |
| MarylandReporter.com | https://www.marylandreporter.com/ | No |
| Marysville Advocate | https://www.mvleadvocate.com/ | No |
| Marysville Journal-Tribune | https://www.marysvillejt.com/ | No |
| Massachusetts Sun | https://www.massachusettssun.com/ | No |
| Massapequan Observer | https://www.massapequaobserver.com/ | No |
| Massapequa Post | https://www.massapequapost.com/ | No |
| Mass Appeal News | https://www.massappealnews.com/ | Yes |
| Mass High Tech | https://www.masshightech.com/ | No |
| Massillonweb | https://www.massillonweb.com/ | No |
| Mass Live | https://www.masslive.com/ | Yes |
| Mat-Su Valley News | https://www.matsuvalleynews.com/ | Yes |
| Mattawa Area News | https://www.mattawaareanews.com/ | No |
| Maui News | https://www.mauinews.com/ | No |
| Maui Now | https://www.mauinow.com/ | Yes |
| Mayberry News | https://www.mayberrynews.com/ | No |
| Mayfield Messenger | https://www.mayfield-messenger.com/ | No |
| Maysville Live | https://www.maysvillelive.com/ | No |
| McAlester News-Capital | https://www.mcalesternews.com/ | No |
| Mcclain News | https://www.mcclainnews.com/ | No |
| McCook Daily Gazette | https://www.mccookgazette.com/ | No |
| McDowell News | https://www.mcdowellnews.com/ | No |
| McHenry County Business Journal | https://www.biz-journal.com/ | No |
| Mcintosh County Democrat | https://www.mcintoshdemocrat.com/ | No |
| McKenzie County Farmer | https://www.watfordcitynd.com/ | No |
| McKenzie River Reflections | https://www.mckenzieriverreflectionsnewspaper.com/ | Yes |
| McPherson Sentinel | https://www.mcphersonsentinel.com/ | No |
| Meade County News | https://spotonsouthdakota.com/ | No |
| Mebane Enterprise | https://www.mebaneenterprise.com/ | No |
| Melrose Beacon | https://star-pub.com/ | No |
| Memphis Sun | https://www.memphissun.com/ | No |
| Merced Sun-Star | https://www.mercedsun-star.com/ | No |
| Mercer Island Reporter | https://www.mi-reporter.com/ | No |
| Merchants Marketer.com | https://www.merchantsmarketer.com/ | No |
| MercoPress | https://en.mercopress.com/ | No |
| Meredith News | https://www.meredithnhnews.com/ | No |
| Merrill Foto News | https://www.merrillfotonews.com/ | No |
| Merrimack Valley Voice | https://www.merrimackvalleyvoice.com/ | No |
| Mesabi Daily News | https://www.virginiamn.com/ | No |
| Mesquite Local News | https://www.mesquitelocalnews.com/ | No |
| Messenger-Inquirer | https://www.messenger-inquirer.com/ | No |
| Metamora Herald | https://www.metamoraherald.com/ | No |
| Methow Valley News | https://www.methowvalleynews.com/ | No |
| Metro Monthly | https://www.metromonthly.net/ | No |
| MetroNews | https://www.wvmetronews.com/ | No |
| Metronoticia | https://www.metronoticia.com/ | No |
| Metro Source | https://www.metrowny.com/ | Yes |
| Metro Spirit | https://www.metrospirit.com/ | No |
| Metro Times | https://www.metrotimes.com/ | Yes |
| Metro Weekly | https://www.metroweekly.com/ | No |
| MetroWest Daily News | https://www.metrowestdailynews.com/ | No |
| Mia Kulpa News | https://www.miakulpa.com/ | No |
| Miami County Republic | https://www.republic-online.com/ | No |
| Miami Mirror | https://www.miamimirror.com/ | No |
| Miami News-Record | https://www.miaminewsrecord.com/ | No |
| Miami Press | https://www.miamipress.net/ | No |
| Miami Today | https://www.miamitodaynews.com/ | No |
| MiBizWest / MiBizSouthwest | https://www.mibiz.com/ | Yes |
| Michigan Chronicle | https://www.michronicle.com/ | No |
| Michigan Echo News | https://www.michiganechonews.com/ | No |
| Michigan Sun | https://www.michigansun.com/ | No |
| Mid-Hudson News | https://www.midhudsonnews.com/ | Yes |
| Mid-Hudson Times | https://www.timeshudsonvalley.com/ | No |
| Middleburg Eccentric | https://middleburgeccentric.com/ | No |
| Middlesboro News Daily | https://www.middlesborodailynews.com/ | No |
| Middleton / Cross Plains Times Tribune | https://www.middletontimes.com/ | No |
| Middletown Journal | https://www.middletownjournal.com/ | No |
| Midland Daily News | https://www.ourmidland.com/ | No |
| Midland Reporter-Telegram | https://www.mrt.com/ | No |
| Midlands Business Journal | https://www.mbj.com/ | No |
| Midtown News | https://www.midtownnews.com/ | No |
| Midvale Journal | https://www.midvalejournal.com/ | Yes |
| MidWeek | https://www.midweek.com/ | No |
| MidWest City Beacon | https://www.mustangpaper.com/ | No |
| Midwest News | https://www.mwnews.net/ | No |
| Milan News | https://spotontennessee.com/ | No |
| Mile High News | https://www.milehighnews.com/ | No |
| Miles City Star | https://www.milescitystar.com/ | No |
| Milford-Orange Bulletin | https://www.ctbulletin.com/ | No |
| Milford Beacon | https://www.milfordbeacon.com/ | No |
| Millard County Chronicle Progress | https://www.millardccp.com/ | No |
| Millcreek Journal | https://www.mymillcreekjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Mille Lacs Messenger | https://www.millelacsmessenger.com/ | No |
| Miller Press | https://www.themillerpress.com/ | No |
| Milpitas Post | https://www.themilpitaspost.com/ | No |
| Milton Times | https://www.miltontimes.com/ | No |
| Milwaukee Sun | https://www.milwaukeesun.com/ | No |
| Minden Press-Herald | https://www.press-herald.com/ | No |
| Mineola American | https://www.mineolaamerican.com/ | No |
| Mineral County Independent-News | https://www.mcindependentnews.com/ | No |
| Mineral Daily News-Tribune | https://www.newstribune.info/ | No |
| Minnesota Spokesman-Record | https://www.spokesman-recorder.com/ | No |
| Minnesota Sun | https://www.mnsun.com/ | No |
| Minnesota Women's Press | https://www.womenspress.com/ | No |
| Minnpost.com | https://www.minnpost.com/ | No |
| Minot Air Force Base News | https://www.minot.af.mil/ | No |
| Minot Daily News | https://www.minotdailynews.com/ | No |
| Mission Times Courier | https://missiontimescourier.com/ | No |
| Mission Valley News | https://missionvalleynews.com/ | No |
| Mississippi Business Journal | https://www.msbusiness.com/ | No |
| Mississippi Today | https://www.mississippitoday.org/ | Yes |
| Missoula Current | https://www.missoulacurrent.com/ | Yes |
| Missoula Independent | https://www.missoulanews.com/ | Yes |
| Missouri Valley Times | https://www.missourivalleytimes.com/ | No |
| Mitchell News-Journal | https://www.mitchellnews.com/ | No |
| Mitchell News | https://www.getmitchell.com/ | No |
| MLT News | https://www.mltnews.com/ | Yes |
| Moapa Valley Progress | https://www.mvprogress.com/ | No |
| Moberly Mirror and County Observer | https://www.moberlymirror.com/ | No |
| Moberly Monitor-Index | https://www.moberlymonitor.com/ | No |
| MobileNews.org | https://www.mobilenews.org/ | No |
| Modern Vertebrate | https://www.modernvertebrate.com/ | No |
| Modoc County Record | https://www.modocrecord.com/ | No |
| Mogollon Connecction | https://www.mogollonconnection.com/ | No |
| Mojave Desert News | https://desertnews.com/ | No |
| Mojave Valley Daily News | https://www.mohavedailynews.com/ | No |
| Molalla Pioneer News | https://www.molallapioneer.com/ | No |
| Moline Dispatch | https://www.qconline.com/ | No |
| Molokai Advertiser-News | https://www.molokaiadvertiser-news.com/ | No |
| Molorak Weekly | https://www.molorak.com/ | No |
| Monmouth Daily Review Atlas | https://www.reviewatlas.com/ | No |
| Monroe County Appeal | https://www.monroecountyappeal.com/ | No |
| Monroe County Beacon | https://www.monroecountybeacononline.com/ | No |
| Montana News | https://www.montanasnews.com/ | No |
| Montgomery Advertiser | https://www.montgomeryadvertiser.com/ | No |
| Montgomery County News | https://www.montgomerycountynews.net/ | Yes |
| Montgomery County Police Report | https://www.montgomerycountypolicereporter.com/ | Yes |
| Montgomery Herald | https://www.montgomeryherald.com/ | No |
| Monticello Live | https://www.monticellolive.com/ | No |
| Monticello Times | https://www.monticellotimes.com/ | No |
| Montmorency County Tribune | https://www.montmorencytribune.com/ | No |
| Montrose Daily Press | https://www.montrosepress.com/ | No |
| Montrose Mirror | https://www.montrosemirror.com/ | No |
| Moody County Enterprise | https://www.moodycountyenterprise.com/ | Yes |
| Moorefield Examiner | https://www.hardylive.com/ | No |
| Moore Monthly | https://www.mooremonthly.com/ | No |
| Mooresville-Decatur Times | https://www.md-times.com/ | No |
| Moosehead Messenger | https://www.moosemessenger.com/ | No |
| Morgan County News | https://www.morgannews.us/ | No |
| Morgan Hill Times | https://www.morganhilltimes.com/ | Yes |
| Morning Journal | https://www.morningjournalnews.com/ | No |
| Morning Sentinel | https://www.morningsentinel.com/ | No |
| Morocco Post | https://www.moroccopost.net/ | No |
| Morris Daily Herald | https://www.morrisdailyherald.com/ | No |
| Morrison County Record | https://www.mcrecord.com/ | No |
| Morris Sun Tribune | https://www.morrissuntribune.com/ | No |
| Morton Grove Champion | https://www.mortongrovechampion.com/ | No |
| Morton Times-News | https://www.mortontimesnews.com/ | No |
| Moscow-Pullman Daily News | https://www.dnews.com/ | No |
| Moulton Advertiser | https://moultonadvertiser.com/ | No |
| Moultrie News | https://www.moultrienews.com/ | No |
| Mound City News | https://www.moundcitynews.com/ | No |
| Mountain Democrat | https://www.mtdemocrat.com/ | Yes |
| Mountain Home News | https://mountainhomenews.com/ | No |
| Mountain Loop exPress | https://www.mountainloopexpress.com/ | No |
| Mountain Mail News | https://www.mymountainmail.com/ | No |
| Mountain Mail | https://www.mountainmailcountry.com/ | No |
| Mountain Messenger | https://www.mountainmessenger.com/ | No |
| Mountain Monthly | https://www.mountainmonthly.com/ | No |
| Mountain News | https://www.mountain-news.com/ | No |
| Mountain Times | https://www.mountaintimes.info/ | Yes |
| Mountain Views-Observer | https://www.mvobserver.com/ | No |
| Mountain View Telegraph | https://www.mvtelegraph.com/ | No |
| Mount Airy News | https://www.mtairynews.com/ | No |
| Mount Olive Tribune | https://www.mountolivetribune.com/ | No |
| Mount Vernon Gazette | https://www.mountvernongazette.com/ | No |
| Mount Vernon News | https://www.mountvernonnews.com/ | No |
| Mount Vernon Optic Herald | https://www.mt-vernon.com/ | No |
| Mt Juliet News | https://www.mtjulietnews.com/ | Yes |
| Mt Juliet Rover | https://www.mjrover.com/ | No |
| Mt Pleasant News | https://www.mpnews.net/ | No |
| Mt Shasta News | https://mtshastanews.com/ | No |
| Mt Vernon Register-News | https://mtvernonregister-news.com/ | No |
| Muhlenberg County News | https://www.mykynews.com/ | No |
| Mukilteo Beacon | https://www.mukilteobeacon.com/ | Yes |
| Muleshoe Journal | https://www.muleshoejournal.com/ | No |
| Muncie Free Press | https://www.munciefreepress.com/ | No |
| Muncie Voice | https://muncievoice.com/ | No |
| Mundo Hispano | https://www.mundohispanotn.com/ | No |
| Munjoy Hill Observer | https://www.munjoyhillobserver.org/ | No |
| Murfreesboro Post | https://www.murfreesboropost.com/ | No |
| Murphy Messenger | https://www.murphymessenger.com/ | No |
| Murray County News | https://www.murraycountynews.net/ | No |
| Murray Journal | https://www.murrayjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Murray Ledger & Times | https://www.murrayledger.com/ | No |
| Muskogee Phoenix | https://www.muskogeephoenix.com/ | No |
| Mustang News | https://www.theyukonreview.com/ | Yes |
| MyClallamCounty.com | https://www.myclallamcounty.com/ | No |
| My Edmonds News | https://www.myedmondsnews.com/ | Yes |
| MyhometownBronxville.com | https://www.myhometownbronxville.com/ | No |
| MyHorryNews.com | https://www.myhorrynews.com/ | No |
| Myrtle Beach Online | https://www.myrtlebeachonline.com/ | No |
| Mystic River Press | https://www.thewesterlysun.com/ | No |
| My Texas News | https://www.mytexasnews.com/ | No |
| MyWalworthCounty | https://www.mywalworthcounty.com/ | No |
| Napa Valley Register | https://www.napavalleyregister.com/ | No |
| Naples Net News | https://www.naplesnetnews.com/ | No |
| Naples Sun Times | https://www.naplessuntimes.com/ | No |
| Nashville Herald | https://www.nashvilleherald.com/ | No |
| Nashville Leader | https://www.nashvilleleader.com/ | No |
| Nashville Scene | https://www.nashscene.com/ | No |
| National Catholic Register | https://www.ncregister.com/ | Yes |
| Navajo Hopi Observer | https://www.nhonews.com/ | No |
| Navarro County Times | https://www.navarrocountytimes.com/ | No |
| Navy Times | https://www.navytimes.com/ | No |
| NBC 2 | https://www.knopnews2.com/ | No |
| NC Online News | https://www.nconlinenews.com/ | No |
| NCTechNews | https://www.nctechnews.com/ | Yes |
| NCW Life Channel | https://www.ncwlife.com/ | No |
| NEA Town Courier | https://www.neatowncourier.com/ | No |
| Negocios Newspaper | https://www.negocioslv.com/ | No |
| Neighbor News | https://www.neighbornewsinc.com/ | No |
| Nelson County Gazette | https://www.nelsoncountygazette.com/ | No |
| NEPA Daily | https://www.nepadaily.com/ | No |
| Neshoba Democrat | https://www.neshobademocrat.com/ | No |
| Nevada Appeal | https://www.nevadaappeal.com/ | No |
| Nevada County Picayune-Times | https://www.picayune-times.com/ | No |
| Nevada Daily Mail & Hearld-Tribune | https://www.nevadadailymail.com/ | No |
| Nevada Legal Press | https://www.nevadalegalpress.com/ | No |
| Nevada Preps | https://www.nevadapreps.com/ | No |
| Nevada Rancher | https://nevadarancher.com/ | No |
| New-Bulletin.com | https://www.news-bulletin.com/ | No |
| New Alibi | https://www.alibi.com/ | No |
| Newark Post | https://www.newarkpostonline.com/ | No |
| New Britain Herald | https://www.newbritainherald.com/ | No |
| New Canaan Advertiser | https://ncadvertiser.com/ | Yes |
| New Castle Business Ledger | https://www.ncbl.com/ | No |
| New Castle News | https://www.ncnewsonline.com/ | No |
| Newcastle News | https://www.newcastle-news.com/ | Yes |
| New Hampshire Gazette | https://www.nhgazette.com/ | No |
| Newhampshire News | https://www.wmur.com/ | No |
| New Haven Independent | https://www.newhavenindependent.org/ | Yes |
| New Haven Leader | https://www.newhavenleader.com/ | No |
| New Haven Register | https://www.nhregister.com/ | No |
| New Hyde Park Illustrated | https://www.newhydeparkillustrated.com/ | No |
| Newington Town Crier | https://www.newingtontowncrier.com/ | No |
| New Jersey Telegraph | https://www.newjerseytelegraph.com/ | No |
| New Milford News | https://www.wnep.com/ | No |
| New Orleans Sun | https://www.neworleanssun.com/ | No |
| New Paltz Times | https://www.newpaltzx.com/ | Yes |
| New Pittsburgh Courier | https://www.newpittsburghcourier.com/ | No |
| Newport Daily Independent | https://www.newportindependent.com/ | No |
| Newport This Week | https://www.newportthisweek.com/ | No |
| New Prague Times | https://www.newpraguetimes.com/ | No |
| News & Citizen | https://www.newsandcitizen.com/ | No |
| News & Journal | https://www.shinnstonnews.com/ | No |
| News & Press | https://www.newsandpress.net/ | No |
| News & Record | https://www.greensboro.com/ | No |
| News & Weather | https://www.yellowstone.net/ | No |
| News-Democrat & Leader | https://www.newsdemocratleader.com/ | No |
| News-Graphic | https://www.news-graphic.com/ | No |
| News-Herald | https://www.news-herald.net/ | No |
| News-Journal | https://www.wnewsj.com/ | No |
| News-Leader | https://www.news-leader.com/ | No |
| News-Press | https://www.ncnewspress.com/ | No |
| News-Record | https://www.zumbrota.com/ | No |
| News-Register | https://www.newsregister.com/ | No |
| News-Review | https://www.oregonnews.com/ | No |
| News-Sun | https://www.newssun.com/ | No |
| News-Telegram | https://www.ssnewstelegram.com/ | No |
| News-Times | https://www.newportnewstimes.com/ | Yes |
| News-Topic | https://www.newstopic.net/ | No |
| News 4 Nevada | https://insidenorthernnevada.com/ | No |
| News 9 | https://www.news9.com/ | No |
| News784 | https://www.news784.com/ | Yes |
| News8000 | https://www.news8000.com/ | No |
| News@Norman | https://www.newsatnorman.com/ | No |
| News Banner | https://www.newsbanner.com/ | No |
| News Blaze | https://www.newsblaze.com/ | Yes |
| News Bonners Ferry | https://www.newsbf.com/ | No |
| News Caroline | https://www.newscaroline.com/ | No |
| News Channel 9 | https://www.newschannel9.com/ | No |
| News Channel 21 | https://www.ktvz.com/ | No |
| News Channel Nebraska | https://www.newschannelnebraska.com/ | No |
| NewsCow | https://www.newscow.net/ | No |
| News Daily | https://www.news-daily.com/ | No |
| News Dakota | https://www.newsdakota.com/ | No |
| News for Chinese | https://www.newsforchinese.com/ | No |
| NewsHopper | https://www.newshopper.net/ | No |
| News In Maine | https://www.newsinmaine.com/ | No |
| News Journal | https://www.newsjournals.com/ | No |
| News Leader | https://www.fbnewsleader.com/ | No |
| News Maine | https://www.newgloucester.com/ | No |
| News Matsu | https://www.newsmatsu.com/ | No |
| NewsMax | https://newsmax.com/ | No |
| NewsMinute | https://www.newsminute.com/ | No |
| News Mississippi | https://www.newsms.fm/ | No |
| News Now Omaha | https://www.3newsnow.com/ | No |
| NewsOK | https://www.newsok.com/ | Yes |
| News On 6 | https://www.newson6.com/ | No |
| NewsPress.com | https://www.newspress.com/ | No |
| News Press | https://www.news-press.com/ | No |
| News Review | https://www.newsreview.info/ | No |
| News Seymour | https://www.newsseymour.com/ | No |
| News Talk 550KFYI | https://kfyi.iheart.com/ | Yes |
| News Tennessee | https://www.newstennessee.com/ | No |
| News Times Live | https://www.newstimeslive.com/ | No |
| Newstime | https://www.itsnewstime.net/ | No |
| News Tribune | https://www.newstrib.com/ | No |
| NewsZap! | https://www.newszap.com/ | No |
| Newton Daily News | https://www.newtondailynews.com/ | No |
| New Voice of New York | https://newvoiceofnewyork.dostweb.com/ | No |
| New York Beacon | https://newyorkbeacon.net/ | No |
| New York Post | https://www.nypost.com/ | Yes |
| New York Press | https://www.nypress.com/ | No |
| New York Statesman | https://www.newyorkstatesman.com/ | No |
| New York Telegraph | https://www.newyorktelegraph.com/ | No |
| Niagara Falls Reporter | https://www.niagarafallsreporter.com/ | No |
| Nicholas Chronicle | https://www.nicholaschronicle.com/ | No |
| Nigerian Family | https://www.nigerianfm.com/ | No |
| Niles Daily Star | https://www.nilesstar.com/ | No |
| Niles Herald-Spectator | https://www.nilesheraldspectator.com/ | No |
| Nisqually Valley News | https://www.yelmonline.com/ | No |
| NKyTribune | https://www.nkytribune.com/ | No |
| Nodaway News Leader | https://www.nodawaynews.com/ | No |
| Nogales International | https://www.nogalesinternational.com/ | No |
| Noozhawk | https://www.noozhawk.com/ | Yes |
| Nordamerikanische Wochenpost | https://www.wochenpostusa.com/ | No |
| Nordstjernan | https://www.nordstjernan.com/ | No |
| Norfolk Daily News | https://www.norfolkdailynews.com/ | No |
| Norridge-Harwood Heights News | https://www.norridgeharwoodheightsnews.com/ | No |
| NorthcentralPa.com | https://www.northcentralpa.com/ | No |
| North Charlotte Weekly | https://www.northcharlotteweekly.com/ | No |
| North Country Now | https://www.northcountrynow.com/ | Yes |
| North County Messenger | https://www.northcountymessenger.com/ | No |
| North County Press | https://www.northcountypress.com/ | No |
| North County Times | https://www.nctimes.com/ | No |
| North Dakota News | https://www.kvrr.com/ | No |
| North East Independent | https://www.neindependent.com/ | No |
| Northeast Times | https://www.northeasttimes.com/ | No |
| Northern Kittitas County Tribune | https://www.nkctribune.com/ | No |
| Northern Virgina Daily | https://www.nvdaily.com/ | No |
| Northern Wyoming Daily News | https://www.wyodaily.com/ | Yes |
| Northfield News | https://www.northfieldnews.com/ | No |
| North Florida News Daily.com | https://www.northfloridanewsdaily.com/ | No |
| NorthFulton.Com | https://www.northfultontimes.com/ | No |
| North Hills Star | https://www.northhillsstar.com/ | No |
| North Lake Tahoe Bonanza | https://www.tahoebonanza.com/ | No |
| North Liberty Leader | https://www.northlibertyleader.com/ | No |
| North Mississippi Herald | https://www.iclassifiedsnetwork.com/ | Yes |
| North Myrtle Beach Times | https://www.nmbtimes.com/ | No |
| North of 60 Mining News | https://www.miningnewsnorth.com/ | Yes |
| North Scott Press | https://www.northscottpress.com/ | No |
| Northside Sun | https://www.northsidesun.com/ | Yes |
| North State Journal | https://www.nsjonline.com/ | Yes |
| North Syracuse News | https://www.syracuse.com/ | Yes |
| North Texas e-News | https://www.ntxe-news.com/ | No |
| North Texas Journal | https://www.northtexasjournal.com/ | No |
| Northwest Asian Weekly | https://www.nwasianweekly.com/ | No |
| Northwest Florida Daily News | https://www.nwfdailynews.com/ | Yes |
| Northwest Herald | https://www.nwherald.com/ | No |
| Northwood Sporting Journal | https://www.sportingjournal.com/ | Yes |
| NortonCityNews.com | https://www.nortoncitynews.com/ | No |
| Norwalk News | https://www.norwalknews.com/ | No |
| Norwalk Reflector | https://www.norwalkreflector.com/ | Yes |
| Norwich Bulletin | https://www.norwichbulletin.com/ | No |
| Norwood News | https://www.norwoodnews.org/ | No |
| Noticia | https://www.noticiali.com/ | Yes |
| Nowy Dziennik Polish Daily News | https://www.dziennik.com/ | Yes |
| Nuestra Comunidad | https://www.okspanishnews.com/ | No |
| Nuevo Siglo Newspaper | https://www.nuevosiglo.com/ | Yes |
| Nuevo Siglo | https://www.nuevosiglotampa.com/ | No |
| Nutfield News | https://www.nutfieldnews.net/ | Yes |
| Nuvo Newsweekly | https://www.nuvo.net/ | No |
| NYCaribNews | https://www.nycaribnews.com/ | No |
| O'Colly | https://www.ocolly.com/ | No |
| Oak Park Journal | https://oakparkjournal.com/ | No |
| Oak Ridge Today | https://oakridgetoday.com/ | Yes |
| Oberlin News-Tribune | https://www.theoberlinnewstribune.com/ | No |
| OB Rag | https://obrag.org/ | No |
| Observer-Reporter | https://www.observer-reporter.com/ | No |
| Observer Dispatch | https://www.uticaod.com/ | No |
| Oceana's Herald-Journal | https://www.oceanaheraldjournal.com/ | No |
| Ocean City Today | https://www.oceancitytoday.net/ | No |
| Oconto County Reporter | https://www.ocontocountyreporter.com/ | No |
| Oconto County Times Herald | https://www.octimesherald.com/ | Yes |
| Odessa American | https://www.oaoa.com/ | Yes |
| Ogden Standard-Examiner | https://www.standard.net/ | No |
| Ohio County Monitor | https://www.ocmonitor.com/ | Yes |
| Ohio Standard | https://www.ohiostandard.com/ | No |
| Ojai Valley News | https://www.ojaivalleynews.com/ | No |
| Okemah News Leader | https://www.okemahnewsleader.com/ | Yes |
| Oklahoma City Sun | https://www.oklahomacitysun.com/ | No |
| Oklahoma County News | https://www.oklahomacountynews.com/ | No |
| Oklahoma Senior Life News | https://www.okwomanmag.com/ | No |
| Oklahoma Star | https://www.oklahomastar.com/ | No |
| Okmulgee County News | https://www.okmulgeecountynews.com/ | No |
| Okmulgee Times | https://www.yourokmulgee.com/ | No |
| Olean Times Herald | https://www.oleantimesherald.com/ | No |
| Olney Daily Mail | https://www.olneydailymail.com/ | No |
| Omaha News | https://www.omahanews.com/ | No |
| Omaha World-Herald | https://www.omaha.com/ | No |
| Oneida Daily Dispatch | https://www.oneidadispatch.com/ | No |
| Oneida Nation News | https://www.oneidaindiannation.com/ | No |
| One Tammany: North Shore News | https://www.nola.com/ | Yes |
| Only Katy | https://www.onlykaty.com/ | Yes |
| OpEdNews | https://www.opednews.com/ | No |
| Opelika-Auburn News | https://www.oanow.com/ | No |
| Optimist Online | https://www.acuoptimist.com/ | No |
| Orange County Weekly | https://www.ocweekly.com/ | No |
| Orangevale Sun | https://www.orangevalesun.com/ | No |
| Oregon Live | https://www.oregonlive.com/ | Yes |
| Oregon Telegraph | https://www.oregontelegraph.com/ | No |
| Orlando Echo | https://www.orlandoecho.com/ | No |
| Orlando Florida Online | https://www.orlandofloridaonline.net/ | No |
| Orlando Sentinel Online | https://www.orlandosentinel.com/ | Yes |
| Orlando Weekly | https://www.orlandoweekly.com/ | Yes |
| Ortonville Independent | https://www.ortonvilleindependent.com/ | No |
| Orwell News | https://www.suncommunitynews.com/ | No |
| Osage County Herald-Chronicle | https://www.och-c.com/ | No |
| OsageCountyOnline | https://www.osagecountyonline.com/ | Yes |
| Osceola News-Gazette | https://www.oscnewsgazette.com/ | No |
| Osceola Sentinel-Tribune | https://www.osceolaiowa.com/ | No |
| Oscoda Press | https://www.oscodapress.com/ | No |
| Osgood Journal | https://www.ripleynews.com/ | No |
| Oskaloosa Herald | https://www.oskaloosa.com/ | No |
| Oskaloosa News | https://www.oskynews.org/ | No |
| Oswego Daily News | https://www.oswegodailynews.com/ | Yes |
| Otero News | https://www.oteronews.com/ | No |
| Ottumwa Courier | https://www.ottumwacourier.com/ | No |
| Ouray Plaindealer | https://www.ouraynews.com/ | No |
| Our Town News | https://www.otnewsonline.com/ | No |
| Our Town | https://www.aboutourtown.com/ | No |
| Outcome | https://www.outcomebuffalo.com/ | No |
| Outdoors | https://www.outdoorsllc.com/ | Yes |
| Outer Banks Newspaper | https://www.obxsun.com/ | No |
| Outer Banks Sentinel | https://www.obsentinel.com/ | Yes |
| Overton County News | https://www.overtoncountynews.com/ | No |
| Owassoisms | https://www.owassoisms.com/ | Yes |
| Owasso Reporter | https://www.tulsaworld.com/ | No |
| Owatonna People's Press | https://www.owatonna.com/ | No |
| Oxford Hills Observer | https://www.turnerpublishing.net/ | No |
| Oyster Bay Enterprise-Pilot | https://www.oysterbayenterprisepilot.com/ | No |
| Ozark County Times | https://www.ozarkcountytimes.com/ | No |
| Ozaukee Press | https://www.ozaukeepress.com/ | No |
| PA Farm News | https://www.pafarmnews.com/ | No |
| Pagosa Daily Post | https://www.pagosadailypost.com/ | No |
| Pagosa Springs Sun | https://www.pagosasun.com/ | No |
| Pahrump Valley Times | https://pvtimes.com/ | No |
| Paintsville Herald | https://www.paintsvilleherald.com/ | No |
| Pakistan Times USA | https://www.pakistantimesusa.net/ | No |
| Palacios Beacon | https://www.palaciosbeacon.com/ | No |
| Palatka Daily News | https://www.palatkadailynews.com/ | No |
| Palestine Herald-Press | https://www.palestineherald.com/ | No |
| Palisadian-Post | https://www.palisadespost.com/ | No |
| Palladium Item | https://pal-item.com/ | No |
| Palm Beach Daily News | https://www.palmbeachdailynews.com/ | No |
| Palm Beach Post | https://www.palmbeachpost.com/ | Yes |
| Palm Beach Times | https://www.thepalmbeachtimes.com/ | No |
| Palms West Monthly | https://www.palmswestmonthly.com/ | No |
| Palo Alto Daily News | https://www.paloaltodailynews.com/ | No |
| Palo Alto Free Press | https://paloaltofreepress.com/ | Yes |
| Palo Alto Weekly | https://www.paloaltoonline.com/ | Yes |
| Palo Verde Valley Times | https://www.paloverdevalleytimes.com/ | No |
| Panorama Online | https://www.panoramaaz.com/ | No |
| Paoli News Republican Online Edition | https://www.paolinewsrepublican.com/ | No |
| Papillion Times | https://www.papilliontimes.com/ | No |
| Paradise Valley Independent | https://www.paradisevalleyindependent.com/ | No |
| Paragould Daily Press | https://www.paragoulddailypress.com/ | No |
| Paris Beacon-News | https://www.parisbeacon.com/ | Yes |
| Paris Express | https://www.paris-express.com/ | No |
| Park Cities People | https://www.parkcitiespeople.com/ | Yes |
| ParklandNews.com | https://www.parklandnews.com/ | No |
| Park Rapid Enterprise | https://www.parkrapidsenterprise.com/ | No |
| Parkston Advance | https://www.parkstonadvance.com/ | No |
| Parsons Sun | https://www.parsonssun.com/ | No |
| Pasco News | https://www.pasconews.com/ | Yes |
| Pauls Valley Daily Democrat | https://www.paulsvalleydailydemocrat.com/ | No |
| Pawhuska Journal-Capital | https://www.pawhuskajournalcapital.com/ | No |
| Paynesville Press | https://www.paynesvillearea.com/ | No |
| Payson Roundup | https://www.paysonroundup.com/ | No |
| PebbleCreek Post | https://www.pebblecreekpost.com/ | Yes |
| Pecos Enterprise | https://www.pecos.net/ | No |
| Pee Dee News | https://www.wbtw.com/ | No |
| Pelham Reporter | https://www.pelhamreporter.com/ | No |
| Pen City Current | https://www.pencitycurrent.com/ | No |
| Penfield Post | https://www.penfieldpost.com/ | No |
| Peninsula Daily News | https://www.peninsuladailynews.com/ | Yes |
| Penn-Franklin News | https://www.penn-franklin.com/ | No |
| Penn Points | https://www.pennpoints.net/ | Yes |
| Pennsylvania Sun | https://www.pennsylvaniasun.com/ | No |
| Pennyrile Plus | https://www.pennyrileplus.com/ | No |
| Penobscot Bay Press | https://www.penobscotbaypress.com/ | No |
| Pensacola News Journal | https://www.pensacolanewsjournal.com/ | No |
| Pepperell Free Press | https://www.pepperellfreepress.com/ | No |
| Perry County News | https://www.perrycountynews.com/ | No |
| Perry County Times | https://www.perrycountytimes.com/ | No |
| Perry Daily Journal | https://www.reidnewspapers.com/ | No |
| Peru Tribune | https://www.perutribune.com/ | No |
| Petoskey News-Review | https://www.petoskeynews.com/ | No |
| Petroleum News | https://www.petroleumnews.com/ | Yes |
| Phelps County Independent | https://www.phelpscountyindependent.com/ | No |
| Philadelphia City Paper | https://www.citypaper.net/ | No |
| Philadelphia Daily News | https://phillydailynews.newspaperdirect.com/ | No |
| Philadelphia Herald | https://www.philadelphiaherald.com/ | No |
| Philadelphia Inquirer | https://www.philly.com/ | No |
| Philadelphia Public Record | https://www.phillyrecord.com/ | No |
| Philippine Fiesta | https://www.philippinefiesta.net/ | No |
| Phillips County News | https://www.phillipscountynews.com/ | Yes |
| Phoenix Herald | https://www.phoenixherald.com/ | No |
| Phoenix New Times Daily | https://www.phoenixnewtimes.com/ | Yes |
| Picayune Item | https://www.picayuneitem.com/ | No |
| Pickens Counry Herald | https://www.pcherald.com/ | No |
| Picket News | https://www.picketnews.com/ | No |
| Pierce County Herald | https://www.piercecountyherald.com/ | No |
| Pierce County News | https://www.newrichmond-news.com/ | No |
| Pike County Dispatch | https://www.pikedispatch.com/ | No |
| Pike County Journal-Reporter | https://www.pikecountygeorgia.com/ | No |
| Pike County Times.com | https://www.pikecountytimes.com/ | No |
| Pine Bluff Commercial | https://www.pbcommercial.com/ | No |
| Pine River Times | https://www.pinerivertimes.com/ | No |
| Piney Bluff Gazette | https://www.pineybluffnews.com/ | No |
| Pioneer Press | https://www.twincities.com/ | No |
| Pioneer Times | https://www.pioneertimes.com/ | No |
| Pipe Dream | https://www.bupipedream.com/ | No |
| Pipestone Star | https://www.pipestonestar.com/ | No |
| Pittsburgh City Paper | https://www.pghcitypaper.com/ | No |
| Pittsburgh Post-Gazette | https://www.post-gazette.com/ | Yes |
| Pittsburgh Star | https://www.pittsburghstar.com/ | No |
| Pittsfield Gazette | https://www.pittsfieldgazette.com/ | Yes |
| Placer Sentinel | https://www.placersentinel.com/ | No |
| Plainsman | https://www.plainsman.com/ | Yes |
| Plainview-Old Bethpage Herald | https://www.plainviewoldbethpageherald.com/ | No |
| Plainview Daily Record | https://www.myplainview.com/ | No |
| Planeta News | https://www.planetanews.com/ | No |
| Planet Jackson Hole | https://www.planetjh.com/ | Yes |
| Plano Insider | https://www.planoinsider.net/ | Yes |
| Platte News | https://www.plattesd.org/ | No |
| Plattsmouth Journal | https://www.cass-news.com/ | No |
| Pleasants County Leader | https://www.oracleandleader.com/ | No |
| Plumas News | https://www.plumasnews.com/ | Yes |
| Pocono Record | https://www.poconorecord.com/ | No |
| Poinsett County Democrat Tribune | https://www.democrattribune.com/ | No |
| Point Reyes Light | https://www.ptreyeslight.com/ | No |
| Polish News | https://www.polishnews.com/ | Yes |
| Polish Times | https://www.mypolishtimes.com/ | No |
| Polk County Democrat | https://www.polkcountydemocrat.com/ | No |
| Pomeroy Iowa Newspaper | https://www.pomeroypaper.com/ | No |
| Ponca City News | https://www.poncacitynews.com/ | No |
| Poole News | https://www.poolenews.com/ | No |
| Pope County Tribune | https://www.pctribune.com/ | No |
| Portage County Gazette | https://www.stevenspoint.news/ | No |
| Portage Daily Register | https://www.portagedailyregister.com/ | No |
| Portales News-Tribune | https://www.pntonline.com/ | No |
| Port Arthur News | https://www.panews.com/ | No |
| Port Clinton News Herald | https://www.portclintonnewsherald.com/ | No |
| Portland Phoenix | https://www.portlandphoenix.me/ | Yes |
| Portland Press Herald | https://www.pressherald.com/ | Yes |
| Portland Tribune | https://www.portlandtribune.com/ | Yes |
| Port Orford News | https://www.portorfordnews.net/ | No |
| Portsmouth Daily Times | https://www.portsmouth-dailytimes.com/ | No |
| Port Townsend Leader | https://www.ptleader.com/ | No |
| Portuguese Times | https://www.portuguesetimes.com/ | No |
| Port Washington News | https://portwashington-news.com/ | No |
| Post-Bulletin | https://www.postbulletin.com/ | No |
| Post Register | https://www.postregister.com/ | No |
| Poteau Daily Sun & News | https://www.poteaudailynews.com/ | No |
| Pottstown Herald Newspaper | https://www.pottstownherald.com/ | No |
| Pottsville Republican | https://www.pottsville.com/ | No |
| Powder Springs Messenger Newspaper | https://www.powderspringsmessenger.net/ | No |
| Prairie Village Post | https://www.pvpost.com/ | No |
| Prescott eNews | https://www.prescottenews.com/ | No |
| Prescott Herald | https://www.onelocalnews.com/ | No |
| PresidioSports.com | https://www.presidiosports.com/ | No |
| Press & Journal | https://www.pressandjournal.com/ | No |
| Press & Sun Bulletin | https://www.pressconnects.com/ | No |
| Press-Republican | https://www.pressrepublican.com/ | No |
| Priest River Times | https://www.priestrivertimes.com/ | No |
| Princeton Daily Clarion | https://www.pdclarion.com/ | No |
| Princeton News Leader | https://www.princetonleadernow.com/ | No |
| Princeton Times | https://www.ptonline.net/ | No |
| Prince William Times | https://www.princewilliamtimes.com/ | No |
| Prior Lake American | https://www.swnewsmedia.com/ | No |
| PrisonPlanet.com | https://www.prisonplanet.com/ | Yes |
| Proctor Journal | https://www.proctorjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Progress TIMES | https://www.progresstimes.net/ | Yes |
| Promenade News | https://www.ftlauderdalenews.com/ | Yes |
| Providence Business News | https://www.pbn.com/ | No |
| Providence Journal | https://www.providencejournal.com/ | No |
| Providence Monthly | https://www.providenceonline.com/ | No |
| Public Opinion | https://www.publicopiniononline.com/ | No |
| Pulaski Citizen | https://www.pulaskicitizen.com/ | No |
| Pulse Of Conroe | https://www.pulseofconroe.com/ | No |
| Pulse Weekly | https://www.pulseweekly.com/ | No |
| Punjab Star News | https://www.punjabstarnews.com/ | No |
| Pure News USA | https://www.pure-news-usa.com/ | No |
| Putnam County Courier | https://www.putnamcountycourier.com/ | No |
| Putnam County News & Recorder | https://www.pcnr.com/ | No |
| Putnam County Sentinel | https://www.putnamsentinel.com/ | No |
| Putnam Town Crier & Northeast Ledger | https://www.putnamtowncrier.com/ | No |
| Puyallup Herald | https://www.puyallupherald.com/ | No |
| Qcitymetro | https://www.qcitymetro.com/ | No |
| QNS | https://www.qns.com/ | Yes |
| Quad City Herld | https://www.qcherald.com/ | No |
| Quad City Times | https://www.qctimes.com/ | No |
| Quail Creek Crossing | https://www.quailcreekcrossing.com/ | Yes |
| Quartsite Times | https://www.blythecanews.com/ | No |
| Quay County Sun | https://www.qcsunonline.com/ | Yes |
| Queen Anne & Magnolia News | https://queenannenews.com/ | No |
| Queen Creek Independent | https://www.queencreekindependent.com/ | No |
| Queens Chronicle | https://www.queenschronicle.com/ | No |
| Queens Courier | https://www.queenscourier.com/ | No |
| Queens Gazette | https://www.qgazette.com/ | No |
| Queens Tribune | https://queenstribune.com/ | No |
| Queens Village Times | https://www.queensvillagetimes.com/ | No |
| Que Pasa | https://www.quepasamedia.com/ | No |
| Quick News | https://www.quicknewhavennews.com/ | No |
| Quincy Herald-Whig | https://www.whig.com/ | No |
| Rabbit Creek Journal | https://www.rcj.net/ | No |
| Racine County Eye | https://www.racinecountyeye.com/ | Yes |
| Racine News | https://www.racinenews.org/ | No |
| Rains County Leader | https://rainscountyleader.com/ | No |
| Rains County Today | https://www.rainscountytoday.com/ | No |
| Raleigh Chronicle | https://www.raleighchronicle.com/ | No |
| Raleigh Telegram | https://www.raleightelegram.com/ | No |
| Raleigh Times | https://www.raleightimes.com/ | No |
| Ralston Recorder | https://www.ralstonrecorder.com/ | No |
| Ramapo Times | https://www.ramapotimes.com/ | No |
| Ramona Home Journal | https://www.ramonajournal.com/ | Yes |
| Ramona Sentinel | https://www.ramonasentinel.com/ | No |
| Random Lengths News | https://www.randomlengthsnews.com/ | No |
| Rankin County News | https://www.rankincn.com/ | Yes |
| Rapid City Journal | https://www.rapidcityjournal.com/ | No |
| Ravalli Republic | https://www.ravallirepublic.com/ | No |
| Rawlins Daily Times | https://www.rawlinstimes.com/ | No |
| Rawlins Network | https://www.rawlinsnetwork.com/ | No |
| Raymond Area News | https://www.raymondareanews.com/ | No |
| Raytown-Brooking Eagle | https://www.raytowneagle.com/ | No |
| Reading Eagle | https://www.readingeagle.com/ | No |
| Real Wisconsin News | https://www.realwisconsinnews.com/ | No |
| Record-Journal | https://www.record-journal.com/ | No |
| Recorder | https://www.recordernews.com/ | No |
| Record Searchlight | https://www.redding.com/ | No |
| Red Bluff Daily News | https://www.redbluffdailynews.com/ | No |
| Redding Pilot | https://www.theridgefieldpress.com/ | Yes |
| Redlands Daily Facts | https://www.redlandsdailyfacts.com/ | No |
| Redmond Reporter | https://www.redmond-reporter.com/ | No |
| Red Stick Now | https://www.redsticknow.com/ | No |
| Red Wing Republican Eagle | https://www.republican-eagle.com/ | No |
| Redwood Falls Gazette | https://www.redwoodfallsgazette.com/ | No |
| Regina News | https://www.reginanews.com/ | No |
| Register-Herald | https://www.registerherald.com/ | No |
| Register-Star | https://www.registerstar.com/ | No |
| Rehoboth Now | https://www.rehobothnow.com/ | No |
| Renton Reporter | https://www.rentonreporter.com/ | No |
| Reporter-Herald | https://www.reporterherald.com/ | No |
| Reporter Interactive | https://www.reporterinteractive.org/ | No |
| Report News Today | https://www.reportnewstoday.com/ | No |
| Resident Community News | https://www.residentnews.net/ | Yes |
| Reston Now | https://www.restonnow.com/ | Yes |
| Rexburg Standard Journal | https://www.rexburgstandardjournal.com/ | No |
| Rhea County Newspaper | https://www.rheacountynewspaper.com/ | No |
| Rhea Review | https://www.rheareview.com/ | No |
| RI Catholic | https://www.thericatholic.com/ | No |
| Richardson Echo | https://www.richardsonecho.com/ | No |
| Richmond Hill Times | https://www.richmondhilltimes.com/ | No |
| Richmond Times-Dispatch | https://www.inrich.com/ | No |
| Ridgewood Times | https://www.timesnewsweekly.com/ | No |
| Ridgway Record | https://www.ridgwayrecord.com/ | No |
| Ridgwood Post | https://www.ridgewoodpost.com/ | Yes |
| Rio Grande Sun | https://www.riograndesun.com/ | No |
| River City Weekly | https://www.rivercityweekly.com/ | No |
| River Falls Journal | https://www.riverfallsjournal.com/ | No |
| Riverfront Times | https://www.rftstl.com/ | No |
| Riverhead News-Review | https://riverheadnewsreview.timesreview.com/ | Yes |
| Riverland News | https://www.riverlandnews.com/ | No |
| Riverside-Brookfield Landmark | https://www.rblandmark.com/ | Yes |
| River Valley Leader | https://www.rivervalleyleader.com/ | No |
| Roane County News | https://www.roanecounty.com/ | No |
| Roanoke-Chowan News Herald | https://www.roanoke-chowannewsherald.com/ | No |
| Roanoke Times | https://www.roanoke.com/ | No |
| Robertson County News | https://www.robconews.com/ | No |
| Robson Ranch Pioneer Press | https://www.robsonranchpioneerpress.com/ | Yes |
| Robson Ranch Views | https://www.robsonranchviews.com/ | Yes |
| Rochester Business Journal | https://www.rbj.net/ | Yes |
| Rochester News | https://www.rochesterfirst.com/ | No |
| Rochester Sentinel | https://www.rochsent.com/ | No |
| Rockdale Citizen | https://www.rockdalecitizen.com/ | No |
| Rockford Register-Star | https://www.rrstar.com/ | No |
| Rockingham Update | https://www.rockinghamupdate.com/ | No |
| Rocklin & Roseville Today | https://www.rocklintoday.com/ | No |
| Rockwall County Herald Banner | https://rockwallheraldbanner.com/ | No |
| RockWall County News | https://www.rockwallcountynews.com/ | No |
| Rocky Mount Telegram | https://www.rockymounttelegram.com/ | No |
| Rogue River Press | https://www.rogueriverpress.com/ | No |
| Rolla Daily News | https://www.therolladailynews.com/ | No |
| Romanian Tribune Newspaper | https://www.romaniantribune.net/ | No |
| Rome GA Review | https://www.romegareview.com/ | No |
| Rome News-Tribune | https://www.romenews-tribune.com/ | No |
| Rome Newswire.com | https://www.romenewswire.com/ | No |
| Rome Sentinel Online | https://romesentinel.com/ | No |
| Roosevelt Review | https://www.therooseveltreview.com/ | No |
| Roscommon County Voice | https://www.roscovoice.com/ | No |
| Roseau Times-Region | https://www.roseautimes.com/ | No |
| Roswell Daily Record | https://www.rdrnews.com/ | No |
| Round Rock Leader | https://www.rrleader.com/ | No |
| Royal Examiner | https://www.royalexaminer.com/ | No |
| Royal Oak Review | https://www.candgnews.com/ | No |
| Royal Oak Tribune | https://www.dailytribune.com/ | No |
| Royse City Herald | https://www.roysecityheraldbanner.com/ | No |
| RRSpin | https://www.rrspin.com/ | Yes |
| Ruidoso News | https://www.ruidosonews.com/ | No |
| Rumford Falls Times | https://www.rumfordfallstimes.com/ | No |
| Rushville Republican | https://www.rushvillerepublican.com/ | No |
| Russell Springs News | https://www.russellspringsnews.com/ | No |
| Russkie Novosti | https://www.ru-news.us/ | No |
| Rutherford Source | https://www.rutherfordsource.com/ | Yes |
| Rutland News | https://www.downtownrutland.com/ | No |
| Sabawoon Online | https://www.sabawoon.com/ | No |
| Sabine County Reporter | https://www.sabinecountyreporter.com/ | No |
| Sac County News | https://www.saccountynews.com/ | No |
| Sacramento Oracle | https://www.sacramentooracle.com/ | No |
| Sacramento Sun | https://www.sacramentosun.com/ | No |
| SaddleBrooke Progress | https://www.saddlebrookeprogress.com/ | Yes |
| Salem Leader | https://www.salemleader.com/ | No |
| Salem News | https://www.salem-news.com/ | No |
| Salem Times Commoner | https://www.salem-tc.com/ | Yes |
| Saline Post | https://www.salinapost.com/ | Yes |
| Saline River Chronicle | https://www.salineriverchronicle.com/ | No |
| Salisbury Independen | https://salisburyindependent.net/ | No |
| Salisbury Post | https://www.salisburypost.com/ | No |
| Salone Monitor | https://www.salonemonitor.com/ | No |
| Salt Lake City Sun | https://www.saltlakecitysun.com/ | No |
| Salt Lake City Weekly | https://www.slweekly.com/ | No |
| Salt Lake Tribune | https://www.sltrib.com/ | No |
| Saluda Standard-Sentinel | https://www.saludastandard-sentinel.com/ | No |
| Salyersville Independent | https://www.salyersvilleindependent.com/ | No |
| Sammamish Review | https://www.sammamishreview.com/ | No |
| San Antonio Informer | https://sanantonioinformer.com/ | No |
| San Antonio Post | https://www.sanantoniopost.com/ | No |
| San Benito.com | https://www.sanbenito.com/ | Yes |
| Sanborn Weekly Journal | https://www.sanbornjournal.com/ | No |
| Sandhills Express | https://www.sandhillsexpress.com/ | No |
| San Diego Headline News | https://www.primenews.com/ | No |
| San Diego Informer | https://sandiegoinformer.com/ | Yes |
| San Diego Sun | https://www.sandiegosun.com/ | No |
| Sandusky Register | https://www.sanduskyregister.com/ | Yes |
| Sandy Journal | https://www.sandyjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Sandy Post | https://www.sandypost.com/ | No |
| San Francisco Bay Guardian | https://www.sfbayguardian.com/ | No |
| San Francisco Chronicle | https://www.sfchronicle.com/ | No |
| San Francisco Informer | https://sanfranciscoinformer.com/ | No |
| San Francisco Observer | https://www.sfobserver.com/ | No |
| San Francisco Star | https://www.sanfranciscostar.com/ | No |
| San Francisco Weekly | https://www.sfweekly.com/ | No |
| San Gabriel Valley Tribune | https://www.sgvtribune.com/ | No |
| Sangre de Cristo Chronicle | https://www.sangrechronicle.com/ | No |
| San Jose Sun | https://www.sanjosesun.com/ | No |
| San Juan Islander | https://www.sanjuanislander.com/ | No |
| San Marcos Daily Record | https://www.sanmarcosrecord.com/ | No |
| San Mateo County Times | https://www.sanmateocountytimes.com/ | No |
| San Mateo Daily Journal | https://www.smdailyjournal.com/ | No |
| San Pedro Valley News Sun | https://www.bensonnews-sun.com/ | No |
| Sanpete Messenger | https://www.sanpetemessenger.com/ | No |
| Santa Barbara Independent | https://www.independent.com/ | No |
| Santa Cruz Sentinel | https://www.santacruzsentinel.com/ | No |
| Santa Fe New Mexican | https://www.santafenewmexican.com/ | No |
| Santa Fe Reporter | https://www.sfreporter.com/ | No |
| Santa Fe Times | https://www.santafetimes.com/ | Yes |
| Santa Maria Sun | https://www.santamariasun.com/ | No |
| Santa Maria Times | https://www.santamariatimes.com/ | No |
| Santa Monica Daily Press | https://www.smdp.com/ | No |
| San Tan Sun News | https://www.ocotillonews.com/ | No |
| Santa Paula Times | https://www.santapaulatimes.com/ | No |
| Santa Ynez Valley News | https://www.syvnews.com/ | No |
| Sapulpa Daily Herald | https://www.sapulpadailyherald.com/ | No |
| Sapulpa Times | https://www.sapulpatimes.com/ | No |
| Sarasota Observer | https://www.yourobserver.com/ | Yes |
| Saratoga News | https://www.saratoganews.com/ | No |
| Saratoga Today Newspaper | https://www.saratogatodayonline.com/ | No |
| Saratoga Wire | https://www.saratogawire.com/ | No |
| Saugerties Post Star | https://www.poststarnews.com/ | No |
| Saugerties Times | https://www.saugertiesx.com/ | Yes |
| Sauk Herald | https://www.saukherald.com/ | No |
| SaukValley.com | https://www.saukvalley.com/ | No |
| Savage Pacer | https://www.savagepacer.com/ | No |
| SavannahNow | https://www.savannahnow.com/ | No |
| Scarborough Leader | https://www.scarboroughleader.com/ | No |
| Scoop San Diego | https://www.scoopsandiego.com/ | No |
| Scotland Journal | https://www.scotlandsdnews.com/ | No |
| Scott City News | https://www.westernkansasnews.com/ | No |
| Scott County News | https://www.scnoneida.net/ | No |
| Scott County Times | https://www.sctonline.net/ | Yes |
| Scottsdale Independent | https://www.scottsdaleindependent.com/ | No |
| Scotts Valley Banner | https://www.pressbanner.com/ | Yes |
| Scroll Online | https://www.byuiscroll.org/ | No |
| Seagoville Gazette | https://www.seagovillegazette.com/ | No |
| Seaside Signal | https://www.seasidesignal.com/ | No |
| Seattle Bulletin | https://www.seattlebulletin.com/ | No |
| Seattle Daily Journal of Commerce | https://www.djc.com/ | No |
| Seattle Gay News | https://www.sgn.org/ | No |
| Seattle Post Intelligencer | https://www.seattlepi.com/ | No |
| Seattle Weekly | https://www.seattleweekly.com/ | No |
| Sebree Banner | https://www.cpcnewspapers.com/ | Yes |
| Sedalia News-Journal | https://www.sedalianewsjournal.com/ | No |
| Sedona.biz | https://www.sedona.biz/ | No |
| Sedona Red Rock News | https://www.redrocknews.com/ | No |
| Sedona Times | https://www.sedonatimes.com/ | No |
| Sedona Verde Valley Times | https://www.sedonaverdevalleytimes.com/ | No |
| Seguin Gazette-Enterprise | https://www.seguingazette.com/ | No |
| Seldovia Gazette | https://www.seldoviagazette.com/ | No |
| Selma Times Journal | https://www.selmatimesjournal.com/ | No |
| Semana News | https://www.semananews.com/ | No |
| Seminole Chronicle | https://www.seminolechronicle.com/ | No |
| Seminole Voice | https://www.seminolevoice.com/ | No |
| Senior Advocate News | https://www.senioradvocatenews.com/ | No |
| Senior Life Newspaper | https://www.myseniorlife.com/ | No |
| Sentinel-Standard | https://www.sentinel-standard.com/ | No |
| Sentinel Tribune | https://www.ncppub.com/ | No |
| Sequoyah County Times | https://www.sequoyahcountytimes.com/ | No |
| Serious Shopper Nugget | https://www.seriousshopper.net/ | No |
| Serve Daily | https://www.servedaily.com/ | Yes |
| Seven Days | https://www.sevendaysvt.com/ | No |
| Sevier County News | https://www.seviercountynews.com/ | No |
| Sevierville News | https://www.seviervillenews.com/ | No |
| Seward County Independent | https://www.sewardindependent.com/ | No |
| SF News & Views | https://www.sfnewsandviews.com/ | No |
| Shakopee Valley News | https://www.shakopeenews.com/ | No |
| Shannon County Current Wave | https://www.shannoncountycurrentwave.com/ | No |
| Shawangunk Journal | https://www.shawangunkjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Shawnee Mission Post | https://shawneemissionpost.com/ | Yes |
| Shelby County News | https://www.getshelby.com/ | No |
| Shelby County Reporter | https://www.shelbycountyreporter.com/ | No |
| Shelbyville Daily Union | https://www.shelbyvilledailyunion.com/ | No |
| Shelbyville News | https://www.shelbynews.com/ | No |
| Shelton-Mason County Journal | https://www.masoncounty.com/ | Yes |
| Shepherd Express | https://www.shepherd-express.com/ | No |
| Sheridan County Journal Star | https://www.sheridancountyjournalstar.net/ | No |
| Sheridan Media | https://www.sheridanmedia.com/ | Yes |
| Sherwood Voice | https://www.sherwoodvoice.com/ | No |
| Shirley Oracle | https://www.shirleyoracle.com/ | No |
| Shoals Insider | https://www.shoalsinsider.com/ | No |
| Shore Daily News | https://www.shoredailynews.com/ | No |
| Shore Line Times | https://www.shorelinetimes.com/ | No |
| ShortGo | https://www.shortgo.co/ | No |
| Shreveport News | https://www.shreveportnews.com/ | No |
| Sidney Daily News | https://www.sidneydailynews.com/ | No |
| Sidney Herald | https://www.sidneyherald.com/ | No |
| Sidney Sun Telegraph | https://www.suntelegraph.com/ | Yes |
| Sierra County Sentinel | https://www.gpkmedia.com/ | No |
| Sierra News Online | https://sierranewsonline.com/ | No |
| Sierra Sage | https://www.thesierrasage.com/ | No |
| Sierra Sun Times | https://www.goldrushcam.com/ | No |
| Sierra Sun | https://www.sierrasun.com/ | No |
| Sierra Vista Herald | https://www.svherald.com/ | No |
| Siete Dias | https://www.7dias.us/ | No |
| Silver City Sun News | https://www.scsun-news.com/ | No |
| Silver Spring Penguin | https://www.silverspringpenguin.com/ | No |
| Silver State Post | https://www.sspmt.com/ | No |
| Simi Valley Acorn | https://www.simivalleyacorn.com/ | No |
| Sioux City Journal | https://siouxcityjournal.com/ | No |
| Sioux County Index Reporter | https://www.siouxcountyindex.com/ | No |
| Sioux Falls Shopping News | https://www.sfshoppingnews.com/ | No |
| Siouxland News | https://www.siouxlandnews.com/ | No |
| Siskiyou Daily News | https://www.siskiyoudaily.com/ | No |
| Sisseton Courier | https://www.sissetoncourier.com/ | No |
| SitNews | https://www.sitnews.com/ | No |
| Skagit Breaking Community News | https://www.skagitbreaking.com/ | No |
| Skagit Valley Herald | https://www.skagitvalleyherald.com/ | No |
| Ski & Snowboard News | https://www.skinewsutah.com/ | No |
| Ski-High News | https://www.skyhinews.com/ | No |
| Sky Valley Chronicle | https://www.skyvalleychronicle.com/ | No |
| Slavic Sacramento | https://www.slavicsac.com/ | Yes |
| Sleepy Eye Herald Dispatch | https://www.sleepyeyenews.com/ | No |
| Smith County Insider | https://www.smithcountyinsider.com/ | No |
| Smokey Barn News | https://www.smokeybarn.com/ | Yes |
| Snoqualmie Valley Record | https://www.valleyrecord.com/ | No |
| Snyder Daily News | https://www.snyderdailynews.com/ | Yes |
| Socorro News | https://www.socorronews.com/ | No |
| SolancoNews.com | https://www.solanconews.com/ | No |
| Solon Economist | https://www.soloneconomist.com/ | No |
| Sonoran News | https://www.sonorannews.com/ | No |
| South Asian Insider | https://www.sainsider.com/ | No |
| South Beach News | https://southbeachnews.tv/ | No |
| South Bend Tribune | https://www.southbendtribune.com/ | No |
| South Boston Online | https://www.southbostononline.com/ | No |
| South Boston Tribune | https://www.southbostoninfo.com/ | No |
| South Charlotte Weekly | https://www.southcharlotteweekly.com/ | No |
| South Congress Times | https://www.socotimes.com/ | No |
| South County Independent | https://www.scindependent.com/ | No |
| South County Times | https://www.southcountytimes.com/ | No |
| South Dade News Leader | https://www.southdadenewsleader.com/ | No |
| Southern Chester County Weeklies | https://www.southernchestercountyweeklies.com/ | No |
| Southern Maryland News | https://smnewsnet.com/ | Yes |
| Southern Oregon Post | https://www.southernoregonpost.com/ | No |
| Southern Standard | https://www.southernstandard.com/ | No |
| Southern Torch | https://www.southerntorch.com/ | No |
| Southern Utah News | https://www.sunews.net/ | No |
| South Florida Journal | https://www.southfloridajournal.com/ | No |
| South Florida Sun | https://www.southfloridasun.net/ | No |
| South Hill Enterprise | https://www.southhillenterprise.com/ | No |
| South Jordan Journal | https://www.southjordanjournal.com/ | Yes |
| South Marion Citizen | https://www.smcitizen.com/ | No |
| South Portland-Cape Elizabeth Sentry | https://www.southportlandsentry.com/ | No |
| South Salt Lake Journal | https://www.southsaltlakejournal.com/ | Yes |
| Southside Times | https://www.ss-times.com/ | No |
| South Strand News | https://www.southstrandnews.com/ | No |
| South Valley Journal | https://www.southvalleyjournal.com/ | Yes |
| South Washington County Bulletin | https://www.swcbulletin.com/ | No |
| Southwest Daily News | https://www.sulphurdailynews.com/ | No |
| Southwest Daily Times | https://www.swdtimes.com/ | No |
| Southwest Nebraska News | https://www.swnebr.net/ | No |
| Southwest News-Herald | https://www.swnewsherald.com/ | No |
| Southwest Observer | https://www.southwestobserver.com/ | Yes |
| Southwest Orlando Bulletin | https://www.southwestorlandobulletin.com/ | No |
| South Whidbey Record | https://www.southwhidbeyrecord.com/ | No |
| Sowega Online | https://www.sowegaonline.com/ | No |
| Sparks Tribune | https://sparkstrib.com/ | No |
| Spartanburg & Upstate News | https://www.spartanburg.com/ | Yes |
| Speakin' Out News Online | https://www.speakinoutweeklynews.com/ | No |
| Special Edition Monthly | https://www.specialeditionmonthly.com/ | No |
| Spencer County Journal | https://www.spencercountyjournal.com/ | No |
| Spencer News | https://www.thetimesrecord.net/ | No |
| Spinal Column NewsWeekly | https://www.spinalcolumnonline.com/ | No |
| Spirit of Jefferson | https://www.spiritofjefferson.com/ | No |
| Spokesman Review | https://www.spokesmanreview.com/ | No |
| Springfield Business Journal | https://www.sbj.net/ | No |
| Springfield News-Sun | https://www.springfieldnewssun.com/ | No |
| Springfield Times | https://www.springfieldtimes.net/ | No |
| Spring Hope Enterprise | https://www.springhopeenterprise.com/ | No |
| Springs Valley Hearld | https://www.springsvalleyherald.com/ | No |
| Stacey Page Online | https://www.staceypageonline.com/ | No |
| Standard-Speaker | https://www.standardspeaker.com/ | No |
| Standard-Times | https://www.sanangelostandardtimes.com/ | No |
| Standard Democrat | https://www.standard-democrat.com/ | No |
| Stanley Republican | https://www.stanleyboydnow.com/ | No |
| Stanwood Comano News | https://www.scnews.com/ | No |
| Star-Herald | https://www.star-herald.com/ | No |
| Star Advertiser | https://www.staradvertiser.com/ | No |
| Star Courier | https://www.starcourier.com/ | No |
| Star Journal | https://www.starjournalnow.com/ | No |
| Star News Online | https://www.starnewsonline.com/ | No |
| Stars & Stripes | https://www.stripes.com/ | No |
| Star Tribune | https://www.startribune.com/ | Yes |
| State Gazette | https://www.stategazette.com/ | No |
| Stateline News | https://www.stateline.org/ | No |
| Staten Island Advance | https://www.silive.com/ | Yes |
| Statesman | https://www.statesman.com/ | No |
| Statesville Record & Landmark | https://www.statesville.com/ | No |
| St Augustine Record | https://www.staugustine.com/ | No |
| St Augustine Shores Observer | https://observer.vpweb.com/ | Yes |
| St Charles Herald Guide | https://www.heraldguide.com/ | No |
| Stearns-Morrison Enterprise | https://www.albanyenterprise.com/ | No |
| Steele Ozone & Kidder County Press | https://www.steeleozone.com/ | No |
| Stephenville Empire-Tribune | https://www.empiretribune.com/ | No |
| Steuben Courier | https://www.steubencourier.com/ | No |
| Stevens Point Journal | https://www.stevenspointjournal.com/ | No |
| St George News | https://www.stgeorgeutah.com/ | Yes |
| Stigler News-Sentinel | https://www.stiglernews.com/ | No |
| Stillwater County News | https://www.stillwatercountynews.com/ | No |
| Stillwater Gazette | https://www.stillwatergazette.com/ | No |
| St James Plaindealer | https://www.stjamesnews.com/ | No |
| St Johns Independent | https://stjindy.com/ | No |
| St John Valley News | https://www.sjvnews.com/ | No |
| St Joseph News-Press | https://www.newspressnow.com/ | No |
| St Louis Chinese News | https://www.scanews.com/ | No |
| St Louis Post-Dispatch | https://home.post-dispatch.com/ | No |
| St Louis Star | https://www.stlouisstar.com/ | No |
| St Louis Women's Journal | https://www.stlwomensjournal.com/ | No |
| St Maries Gazette Record | https://www.gazetterecord.com/ | No |
| St Mary's Today | https://www.stmarystoday.com/ | Yes |
| Stone County Enterprise | https://www.stonecountyenterprise.com/ | No |
| Stone County Leader | https://www.stonecountyleader.com/ | No |
| Stone County News | https://www.sunherald.com/ | No |
| Stony Creek Lifestyle | https://www.stonycreeklifestyle.com/ | No |
| Stoughton Courier-Hub | https://www.connectstoughton.com/ | No |
| Stow Sentry | https://www.stowsentry.com/ | No |
| St Paul Legal Ledger | https://www.legal-ledger.com/ | No |
| Straitsland Resorter | https://www.resorter.com/ | No |
| Stuttgart Daily Leader | https://www.stuttgartdailyleader.com/ | No |
| Style Weekly | https://www.styleweekly.com/ | No |
| Sugar House Journal | https://www.mysugarhousejournal.com/ | Yes |
| Sulphur Times Democrat | https://www.sulphurtimes.com/ | No |
| Summit Daily News | https://www.summitdaily.com/ | No |
| SumteR-News | https://www.sumter-news.com/ | No |
| Sumter County Record Journal | https://www.recordjournal.net/ | No |
| Sumter County Times | https://www.sumtercountytimes.com/ | No |
| Sun-Journal | https://www.sunjournal.com/ | Yes |
| Sun Advocate | https://www.sunad.com/ | No |
| SunBird News | https://www.sunbirdnews.com/ | Yes |
| Sun Chronicle | https://www.thesunchronicle.com/ | No |
| Suncoast Journal | https://www.suncoastjournal.com/ | No |
| Sun Coast News | https://www.suncoastnews.com/ | No |
| Sun Gazette | https://www.sungazette.com/ | No |
| Sun Lakes Splash | https://www.sunlakessplash.com/ | Yes |
| Sunnyside Post | https://www.sunnysidepost.com/ | Yes |
| Sunnyside Sun | https://www.sunnysidesun.com/ | No |
| Sun Sentinel | https://www.sun-sentinel.com/ | No |
| Sunshine State News | https://www.sunshinestatenews.com/ | No |
| Sun Times | https://www.scsuntimes.com/ | No |
| Sun Tribune | https://www.suntribunenews.com/ | No |
| Superior Chronicle | https://www.superiorchronicle.com/ | No |
| Superior Express | https://www.superiorne.com/ | Yes |
| Superior Telegram | https://www.superiortelegram.com/ | No |
| SurfKY News | https://www.surfky.com/ | Yes |
| Susquehanna County News | https://www.thetimes-tribune.com/ | No |
| Susquehanna Independent | https://www.susqcoindy.com/ | No |
| Sussex Countian | https://www.sussexcountian.com/ | No |
| Sussex County News | https://www.wgmd.com/ | Yes |
| Sussex County Online | https://www.sussexcountyonline.com/ | No |
| SweetwaterNOW | https://www.sweetwaternow.com/ | Yes |
| Sweetwater Post | https://www.sweetwaterpost.com/ | Yes |
| Sweetwater Reporter | https://www.sweetwaterreporter.com/ | No |
| Syndicated News NET | https://www.syndicatednews.net/ | No |
| Syosset-Jericho Tribune | https://www.syossetjerichotribune.com/ | No |
| Syracuse Journal Democrat | https://www.journaldemocrat.com/ | No |
| Syracuse New Times | https://www.syracusenewtimes.com/ | Yes |
| Tacoma Daily Index | https://www.tacomadailyindex.com/ | No |
| Taft Midway Driller | https://www.taftmidwaydriller.com/ | No |
| Tahoe Daily Tribune | https://www.tahoedailytribune.com/ | No |
| Tahoe Mountain News | https://www.mountainnews.net/ | No |
| Takoma Voice | https://www.takoma.com/ | No |
| Talbot Spy | https://www.talbotspy.org/ | No |
| TalkArkCity | https://www.talkarkcity.com/ | No |
| TalkBranson | https://www.talkbranson.com/ | No |
| TalkCoffeyville | https://www.talkcoffeyville.com/ | No |
| TalkDallas | https://www.talkdallas.net/ | No |
| TalkGranbury | https://www.talkgranbury.com/ | No |
| TalkIndependence | https://www.talkindependence.com/ | No |
| TalkNewOrleans | https://www.talkneworleans.net/ | No |
| Talk Of Semmes | https://talkofsemmes.com/ | No |
| TalkOKC | https://www.talkokc.com/ | No |
| TalkPittsburg | https://www.talkpittsburg.com/ | No |
| TalkTopeka | https://www.talktopeka.net/ | No |
| TalkTulsa | https://www.talktulsa.com/ | No |
| TalkVegas | https://www.talkvegas.net/ | No |
| TalkWichita | https://www.talkwichita.net/ | No |
| Tallahassee Democrat | https://www.tallahassee.com/ | No |
| Tallahassee News | https://www.thetallahasseenews.com/ | No |
| Tallmadge Express | https://www.tallmadgeexpress.com/ | No |
| Tampa Bay Informer | https://www.tampabayinformer.com/ | No |
| Tampa Bay Times | https://www.tampabay.com/ | Yes |
| Tampa Review | https://www.review.net/ | No |
| Tampa Star | https://www.tampastar.com/ | No |
| Tampa Tribune | https://www.tampatrib.com/ | Yes |
| TAP into Roxbury | https://www.tapintoroxbury.com/ | No |
| Taunton Daily Gazette | https://www.tauntongazette.com/ | No |
| Taylorsville Journal | https://www.taylorsvillecityjournal.com/ | Yes |
| TBINewsroom | https://www.tbinewsroom.com/ | No |
| TC Chronicle | https://www.tcchronicle.com/ | No |
| Teche News | https://www.techetoday.com/ | No |
| Technician | https://www.technicianonline.com/ | No |
| Telegram & Gazette | https://www.telegram.com/ | No |
| TeleRevista | https://www.telerevista.com/ | No |
| Temple Daily Telegram | https://www.temple-telegram.com/ | No |
| Tennessee Daily | https://www.tennesseedaily.com/ | No |
| Tennessee Star | https://www.tennesseestar.com/ | Yes |
| Tennessee Times | https://www.tenntimes.org/ | No |
| Tennessee Watchman | https://www.tennesseewatchman.com/ | No |
| Terrell County News Leader | https://www.tcnewsleader.com/ | No |
| Texarkana Gazette | https://www.texarkanagazette.com/ | Yes |
| Texas en Linea | https://www.texasenlinea.com/ | No |
| Texas Guardian | https://www.texasguardian.com/ | No |
| Texas Sun Leader | https://www.texassunleader.com/ | No |
| Texelse Courant | https://www.texelsecourant.nl/ | No |
| The Aberdeen Times | https://www.press-times.com/ | No |
| The Abilene Reflector-Chronicle | https://www.abilene-rc.com/ | No |
| The Ada Evening News | https://www.adaeveningnews.com/ | No |
| The Ada Herald | https://www.adaherald.com/ | No |
| The Adair Progress | https://www.adairprogress.com/ | No |
| The Adams County Record | https://www.theadamscountyrecord.com/ | No |
| The Ada News | https://www.theadanews.com/ | No |
| The Advertiser-News (North) | https://www.advertisernewsnorth.com/ | No |
| The Advertiser-News (South) | https://www.advertisernewssouth.com/ | No |
| The Advertiser-Tribune | https://www.advertiser-tribune.com/ | No |
| The Advertiser Gleam | https://www.advertisergleam.com/ | No |
| The Advertiser Online | https://www.vernonpublishing.com/ | No |
| The Advertiser | https://www.acadiananow.com/ | No |
| The Advocate & Democrat | https://www.advocateanddemocrat.com/ | No |
| The Advocate Messenger | https://www.amnews.com/ | No |
| The Advocate | https://www.stamfordadvocate.com/ | No |
| The Aegis | https://www.theaegis.com/ | No |
| The Akron Hometowner | https://www.akronhometowner.com/ | No |
| The Alabama Gazette | https://www.alabamagazette.com/ | No |
| The Albany Herald | https://www.albanyherald.com/ | No |
| The Albuquerque Tribune | https://www.abqtrib.com/ | No |
| The Alexander City Outlook | https://www.alexcityoutlook.com/ | No |
| The Alexandria Times | https://www.alextimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Allegan County News | https://www.allegannews.com/ | No |
| The Almanac | https://www.thealmanac.net/ | No |
| The Alpena News | https://www.thealpenanews.com/ | No |
| The American Reporter | https://www.american-reporter.com/ | Yes |
| The Amherst Advocate | https://amherstadvocate.com/ | No |
| The Amherst Citizen | https://www.amherstcitizen.com/ | No |
| The Anchorage Press | https://www.anchoragepress.com/ | No |
| The Anchor | https://www.anchornews.org/ | No |
| The Andalusia Star News | https://www.andalusiastarnews.com/ | No |
| The Annandale Advocate | https://www.annandalearea.com/ | No |
| The Anniston Star | https://www.annistonstar.com/ | No |
| The Antlers American | https://www.theantlersamerican.com/ | No |
| The Appeal-Democrat | https://www.appeal-democrat.com/ | No |
| The Arab World newspaper | https://www.awnews.net/ | No |
| The Arbiter Online | https://www.arbiteronline.com/ | Yes |
| The Arco Advertiser | https://www.arcoadvertiser.com/ | No |
| The Argonaut | https://www.argonautnewspaper.com/ | Yes |
| The Argus | https://www.theargusonline.com/ | No |
| The Arkansas City Traveler | https://www.arkcity.net/ | Yes |
| The Arlington Connection | https://www.arlingtonconnection.com/ | No |
| The Arlington Times | https://www.arlingtontimes.com/ | No |
| The Armenian Reporter | https://www.armenianreporter.com/ | No |
| The Arthur Graphic Clarion | https://www.arthurgraphic.com/ | Yes |
| The Arvada Sentinel | https://www.jeffconews.com/ | No |
| The Ashland Gazette | https://www.ashland-gazette.com/ | No |
| The Asian Reporter | https://www.asianreporter.com/ | No |
| The Aspen Times | https://www.aspentimes.com/ | No |
| The Athens Banner-Herald | https://www.onlineathens.com/ | No |
| The Athens News | https://www.athensnews.com/ | No |
| The Atlantic City Press | https://www.pressofatlanticcity.com/ | No |
| The Atlantic City Weekly | https://www.acweekly.com/ | No |
| The Auburn Plainsman | https://www.theplainsman.com/ | No |
| The Augusta Chronicle | https://www.augustachronicle.com/ | No |
| The Augusta Free Press | https://www.augustafreepress.com/ | No |
| The Aztec Local News | https://www.aztecnews.com/ | Yes |
| The Bachelor's Beat | https://www.bachelorsbeat.com/ | No |
| The Badger Herald | https://badgerherald.com/ | Yes |
| The Baker County Standard | https://www.bcstandard.com/ | No |
| The Baldwin Bulletin | https://www.thebaldwinbulletin.com/ | No |
| The Ball State Daily News | https://www.bsudailynews.com/ | No |
| The Baltimore Chronicle & The Sentinal | https://www.baltimorechronicle.com/ | No |
| The Baltimore Guide | https://www.baltimoreguide.com/ | No |
| The Bandera Bulletin | https://www.banderabulletin.com/ | No |
| The Bandera Review | https://www.banderareview.com/ | No |
| The Banner Tribune | https://www.banner-tribune.com/ | No |
| The Banner | https://www.thebanner.com/ | No |
| The Barberton Herald | https://www.barbertonherald.com/ | No |
| The Barbourville Mountain Advocate | https://www.barbourvilleadvocate.com/ | No |
| The Barnstable Patriot | https://www.barnstablepatriot.com/ | No |
| The Bates Student | https://www.batesstudent.com/ | No |
| The Batesville Herald Tribune | https://www.batesvilleheraldtribune.com/ | No |
| The Bath County Bulletin | https://www.bathcountynews.com/ | No |
| The Baxley News-Banner | https://www.baxleynewsbanner.com/ | No |
| The Baxter Bulletin | https://www.baxterbulletin.com/ | No |
| The Bay Area Observer | https://www.bayareaobserver.com/ | Yes |
| The Bay Net | https://www.thebaynet.com/ | No |
| The Baytown Sun | https://www.baytownsun.com/ | No |
| The Beacher | https://www.thebeacher.com/ | No |
| The Beaches Leader | https://www.beachesleader.com/ | No |
| The Beachside Resident | https://www.thebeachsideresident.com/ | Yes |
| The Beach Times | https://www.thebeachtimes.info/ | No |
| The Beacon Hill Times | https://www.beaconhilltimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Beacon News | https://www.aurorabeaconnews.com/ | No |
| The Beacon | https://www.thebeacon.net/ | No |
| The Beast | https://www.buffalobeast.com/ | No |
| The Beatrice Daily Sun | https://www.beatricedailysun.com/ | No |
| The Beattyville Enterprise | https://www.nolangroupmedia.com/ | No |
| The Beaufort Gazette | https://www.beaufortgazette.com/ | No |
| The Beaverton Valley Times | https://www.beavertonvalleytimes.com/ | No |
| The Bee | https://pamplinmedia.com/ | Yes |
| The Bellingham Business Journal | https://www.thebellinghambusinessjournal.com/ | No |
| The Bellingham Herald | https://www.bellinghamherald.com/ | No |
| The Belmond Independent | https://www.belmondnews.com/ | No |
| The Belzoni Banner | https://www.thebelzonibanner.com/ | No |
| The Benton Evening News | https://www.bentoneveningnews.com/ | No |
| The Bergen Record | https://www.bergen.com/ | No |
| The Berkeley Independent | https://www.berkeleyind.com/ | No |
| The Berkeley Observer | https://www.berkeleyobserver.com/ | Yes |
| The Berkeley Times | https://www.jerseyshoreonline.com/ | No |
| The Berkshire Eagle Online | https://www.berkshireeagle.com/ | No |
| The Berlin Sun | https://www.berlindailysun.com/ | No |
| The Bernardsville News | https://www.newjerseyhills.com/ | No |
| The Berrien Press | https://www.theberrienpress.com/ | Yes |
| The BG News | https://www.bgnews.com/ | No |
| The Big Bug News | https://www.bigbugnews.com/ | No |
| The Big Sandy Mountaineer | https://www.bigsandymountaineer.com/ | No |
| The Big Sandy News | https://www.bigsandynews.com/ | Yes |
| The Big Timber Pioneer | https://www.bigtimberpioneer.net/ | No |
| The Bilingual News | https://www.thebilingualnews.com/ | No |
| The Bismarck Tribune | https://www.bismarcktribune.com/ | No |
| The Bladen Journal | https://www.bladenjournal.com/ | No |
| The Blade | https://www.toledoblade.com/ | No |
| The Block Island Times | https://www.blockislandtimes.com/ | No |
| The Bloomfield Democrat | https://www.bdemo.com/ | No |
| The Blount Countian | https://www.blountcountian.com/ | No |
| The Boerne Star | https://www.boernestar.com/ | No |
| The Bolivar Commercial | https://www.bolivarcom.com/ | No |
| The Border Line Times | https://www.theborderlinetimes.com/ | No |
| The Boston Globe | https://www.bostonglobe.com/ | Yes |
| The Boston Mail | https://www.bostonmail.net/ | No |
| The Bow Times | https://www.thebowtimes.com/ | No |
| The Bradenton Times | https://www.thebradentontimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Bradford Era | https://www.bradfordera.com/ | No |
| The Brainerd Daily Dispatch | https://www.brainerddispatch.com/ | No |
| The Branson Courier | https://www.bransoncourier.com/ | Yes |
| The Branson Daily News | https://www.bransontrilakesnews.com/ | No |
| The Branson Edge | https://www.bransonedge.com/ | No |
| The Brantley Enterprise | https://www.brantleyenterprise.com/ | No |
| The Braxton Citizen's News | https://www.bcn-news.com/ | No |
| The Brazil Times | https://www.thebraziltimes.com/ | No |
| The Briarcliff Bulletin | https://www.briarcliffbulletin.com/ | No |
| The Bridge Weekly Sho-Case | https://www.thebridgeweekly.com/ | No |
| The Bridgton News | https://www.bridgton.com/ | No |
| The Brillion News | https://www.thebrillionnews.com/ | No |
| The Bristol Press | https://www.bristolpress.com/ | No |
| The Bronx Times | https://www.bronx.com/ | No |
| The Brookings Register | https://www.brookingsregister.com/ | Yes |
| The Brownsville Herald | https://www.brownsvilleherald.com/ | No |
| The Brunswick Beacon | https://www.brunswickbeacon.com/ | No |
| The Brunswick News | https://www.thebrunswicknews.com/ | No |
| The Bryan Times | https://www.bryantimes.com/ | No |
| The Buchtelite | https://www.buchtelite.com/ | Yes |
| The Buffalo News | https://www.buffalonews.com/ | No |
| The Bugle | https://www.buglenewspapers.com/ | Yes |
| The Bulletin | https://www.bendbulletin.com/ | No |
| The Burke Connection | https://www.burkeconnection.com/ | No |
| The Butterfield Advocate | https://www.mtlakenews.com/ | No |
| The Cabinet Press | https://www.cabinet.com/ | No |
| The Cadiz Record | https://www.cadizrecord.com/ | No |
| The Cairo Citizen | https://www.cairocitizen.com/ | No |
| The Calaveras Enterprise | https://www.calaverasenterprise.com/ | No |
| The Caledonia Argus | https://www.hometownargus.com/ | Yes |
| The Caledonian Record | https://www.caledonianrecord.com/ | No |
| The California Aggie | https://theaggie.org/ | No |
| The Californian | https://www.thecalifornian.com/ | No |
| The Call News | https://www.thecallnews.com/ | No |
| The Call | https://www.kccall.com/ | No |
| The Cameron Herald | https://www.cameronherald.com/ | No |
| The Campus Chronicle | https://www.thecampuschronicleasu.com/ | No |
| The Cannon Falls Beacon | https://www.cannonfalls.com/ | No |
| The Canyon Country Zephyr | https://www.canyoncountryzephyr.com/ | No |
| The Canyon Lake Times Guardian | https://www.timesguardian.com/ | No |
| The Canyon News | https://www.canyonnews.com/ | No |
| The Cape Cod Chronicle | https://www.capecodchronicle.com/ | No |
| The Cape Courier | https://www.capecourier.com/ | No |
| The Capital | https://www.hometownannapolis.com/ | No |
| The Cap Times | https://www.madison.com/ | No |
| The Carbondale News | https://www.thecarbondalenews.com/ | No |
| The Caribbean American News | https://www.thecanews.com/ | No |
| The Carlisle Mercury | https://www.thecarlislemercury.com/ | No |
| The Carlisle Mosquito | https://www.carlislemosquito.org/ | No |
| The Carmel Pine Cone | https://www.carmelpinecone.com/ | No |
| The Carmi Times | https://www.carmitimes.com/ | No |
| The Carolina Scoop | https://www.thecarolinascoop.com/ | No |
| The Carteret County News-Times | https://www.carteretnewstimes.com/ | No |
| The Carthage Press | https://www.carthagepress.com/ | No |
| The Carthaginian | https://www.eclassifiedsnetwork.com/ | Yes |
| The Cash-Book Journal | https://www.thecash-book.com/ | No |
| The Castle Pines Connection | https://www.castlepinesconnection.com/ | No |
| The Caswell Messenger | https://www.caswellmessenger.com/ | No |
| The Catalina Islander | https://www.thecatalinaislander.com/ | No |
| The Catoctin Banner | https://www.thecatoctinbanner.com/ | No |
| The Catoosa Times-Herald | https://www.catoosatimes.com/ | No |
| The Cavalier Chronicle | https://www.cavalierchronicle.com/ | Yes |
| The Cayce-West Columbia News | https://www.thecaycewestcolumbianews.com/ | Yes |
| The Cedar Key Beacon | https://www.cedarkeybeacon.com/ | No |
| The Cedar Mill News | https://www.cedarmillnews.com/ | No |
| The Cedar Springs Post | https://www.cedarspringspost.com/ | No |
| The Central Kansas Rocket | https://www.midksnews.com/ | No |
| The Champion | https://www.thechampiononline.com/ | No |
| The Charlotte News | https://www.charlottenewsvt.org/ | Yes |
| The Charlotte Observer | https://www.charlotteobserver.com/ | No |
| The Charlotte Post | https://www.thecharlottepost.com/ | Yes |
| The Charlotte Weekly | https://www.thecharlotteweekly.com/ | No |
| The Chart | https://www.thechartonline.com/ | No |
| The Chaska Herald | https://www.chaskaherald.com/ | No |
| The Chattahoohcee Voice | https://www.chattvoice.com/ | Yes |
| The Chattanoogan | https://www.chattanoogan.com/ | No |
| The Chelsea Standard | https://www.chelseastandard.com/ | No |
| The Cheraw Chronicle | https://www.thecherawchronicle.com/ | Yes |
| The Cherokeean Herald | https://www.thecherokeean.com/ | No |
| The Cherokee Connection | https://www.thecherokeeconnection.com/ | No |
| The Cherokee Ledger-News | https://www.ledgernews.com/ | No |
| The Cherokee Observer | https://www.cherokeeobserver.org/ | No |
| The Cherokee Scout | https://www.thecherokeescout.com/ | No |
| The Cherry Creek News | https://www.thecherrycreeknews.com/ | Yes |
| The Chesapeake Today | https://www.the-chesapeake.com/ | No |
| The Chester Telegraph | https://www.chestertelegraph.org/ | No |
| The Chetek Alert | https://www.chetekalert.com/ | No |
| The Chicago Communicator News Media | https://www.ccnewsmedia.org/ | No |
| The Chief | https://www.thechiefleader.com/ | No |
| The Chino Valley Review | https://www.chinovalleyreview.com/ | No |
| The Chippewa Herald | https://www.chippewa.com/ | No |
| The Choctaw Plaindealer | https://www.choctawplaindealer.com/ | No |
| The Choctaw Sun | https://www.choctawsun.com/ | No |
| The Christian Science Monitor | https://www.csmonitor.com/ | No |
| The Chronicle Express | https://www.chronicle-express.com/ | No |
| The Chronicle Telegram | https://www.chronicletelegram.com/ | No |
| The Chronicle | https://www.thechronicle.com/ | No |
| The Chronotype | https://www.chronotype.com/ | No |
| The Citizen's Voice | https://www.citizensvoice.com/ | No |
| The Citizen-Times | https://www.thecitizen-times.com/ | Yes |
| The Citizen News | https://www.thecitizen.biz/ | No |
| The Citizen Online | https://www.windomnews.com/ | No |
| The Citizen Tribune | https://www.citizentribune.com/ | No |
| The Citizen Voice & Times | https://www.cvt-news.com/ | No |
| The Citizen | https://www.citizen.com/ | No |
| The City 1 | https://www.thecity1.com/ | No |
| The City Paper | https://www.nashvillecitypaper.com/ | No |
| The Clairemont Times | https://www.clairemonttimes.com/ | No |
| The Clanton Advertiser | https://www.clantonadvertiser.com/ | No |
| The Clarendon Enterprise | https://www.clarendonlive.com/ | No |
| The Clarion-Ledger | https://www.clarionledger.com/ | No |
| The Clarion Herald | https://www.clarionherald.org/ | No |
| The Clarkdale Press Register | https://www.pressregister.com/ | Yes |
| The Clay County Daily Advocate-Press | https://www.advocatepress.com/ | No |
| The Clayton News Star | https://www.claytonnews-star.com/ | No |
| The Clearwater Tribune | https://www.clearwatertribune.com/ | No |
| The Cleveland American | https://www.theclevelandamerican.com/ | Yes |
| The Cleveland News Leader | https://www.clevelandnewsleader.com/ | No |
| The Clinch County News | https://www.theclinchcountynews.com/ | Yes |
| The Clinton Chronicle | https://www.clintonchronicle.com/ | No |
| The Cluster | https://www.mercercluster.com/ | Yes |
| The Coal Valley News | https://www.coalvalleynews.com/ | No |
| The Coastland Times | https://www.thecoastlandtimes.com/ | No |
| The Coast News | https://www.thecoastnews.com/ | Yes |
| The Coast Star | https://www.thecoaststar.com/ | No |
| The Colebrook Chronicle | https://colebrookchronicle.weebly.com/ | Yes |
| The College Voice Online | https://voice.conncoll.edu/ | No |
| The Collegian | https://www.sdsucollegian.com/ | Yes |
| The Colletonian | https://www.thecolletonian.com/ | No |
| The Collierville Herald | https://www.colliervilleherald.net/ | No |
| The Collierville Independent | https://collierville-news.com/ | Yes |
| The Colonial Post | https://www.colonialpost.com/ | No |
| The Coloradoan | https://www.coloradoan.com/ | No |
| The Colorado Daily | https://www.coloradodaily.com/ | No |
| The Colorado Independent | https://www.coloradoindependent.com/ | No |
| The Colorado Springs Independent | https://www.csindy.com/ | No |
| The Columbia Daily Herald | https://www.columbiadailyherald.com/ | No |
| The Columbian Progress | https://www.columbiams.info/ | No |
| The Columbian | https://www.columbian.com/ | Yes |
| The Columbus Dispatch | https://www.dispatch.com/ | No |
| The Columbus Packet | https://columbuspacket.com/ | No |
| The Columbus Times | https://www.columbustimes.com/ | No |
| The Comanche Chief | https://www.thecomanchechief.com/ | No |
| The Commerce Journal | https://www.thecommercejournal.com/ | No |
| The Commercial Appeal | https://www.commercialappeal.com/ | No |
| The Commercial Dispatch | https://www.cdispatch.com/ | Yes |
| The Commercial Review | https://www.thecr.com/ | No |
| The Common Denominator | https://www.thecommondenominator.com/ | No |
| The Commons | https://www.commonsnews.org/ | No |
| The Commonwealth Journal | https://www.somerset-kentucky.com/ | No |
| The Community News | https://www.hockessincommunitynews.com/ | No |
| The Community Paper | https://www.yourcommunitypaper.com/ | No |
| The Community Reporter | https://www.communityreporter.com/ | No |
| The Community Voice | https://www.voiceitwichita.com/ | No |
| The Concordian | https://www.theconcordianonline.com/ | No |
| The Concord Insider | https://www.theconcordinsider.com/ | No |
| The Connection | https://www.tellicovillageconnection.com/ | No |
| The Coopers Town Crier | https://www.coopercrier.com/ | No |
| The Coral Gables Gazette | https://www.cggazette.com/ | No |
| The Corbin Times-Tribune | https://www.corbintimes.com/ | No |
| The Cordell Beacon | https://www.cordellbeacon.com/ | No |
| The Cortland News | https://www.thecortlandnews.com/ | No |
| The Corydon Democrat | https://www.corydondemocrat.com/ | No |
| The Country Today | https://www.thecountrytoday.com/ | No |
| The County Journal | https://www.county-journal.com/ | No |
| The County Press | https://www.thecountypress.com/ | No |
| The County Record | https://www.thecountyrecord.net/ | No |
| The Courier-Express | https://www.thecourierexpress.com/ | No |
| The Courier-Herald | https://www.courier-herald.com/ | No |
| The Courier-Journal | https://www.courier-journal.com/ | No |
| The Courier-News | https://www.c-n.com/ | No |
| The Courier-Tribune | https://www.courier-tribune.com/ | No |
| The Courier Herald | https://www.courierherald.com/ | No |
| The Courier News | https://www.elgincouriernews.com/ | No |
| The Courier Times | https://www.newcastlein.com/ | No |
| The Courier | https://www.couriernews.com/ | No |
| The Covington Leader | https://www.covingtonleader.com/ | No |
| The Covington News | https://www.covnews.com/ | No |
| The Cowley Courier Traveler | https://www.ctnewsonline.com/ | No |
| The Creole | https://www.thecreole.com/ | No |
| The Crescent-News | https://www.crescent-news.com/ | No |
| The Crested Butte News | https://www.crestedbuttenews.com/ | No |
| The Crestone Eagle | https://www.crestoneeagle.com/ | No |
| The Crete News | https://www.thecretenews.net/ | No |
| The Crittenden Press | https://www.the-press.com/ | No |
| The Cross Timbers Gazette | https://www.crosstimbersgazette.com/ | Yes |
| The Crowley Post-Signal | https://www.crowleytoday.com/ | No |
| The Crystal City Chronicle | https://www.crystalcitychronicle.com/ | No |
| The Cuban Nation | https://www.thecubannation.com/ | No |
| The Cuero Record | https://www.cuerorecord.com/ | No |
| The Cullman Times | https://www.cullmantimes.com/ | No |
| The Culpeper Star-Exponent | https://www.starexponent.com/ | No |
| The Cynthiana Democrat | https://www.cynthianademocrat.com/ | No |
| The Dail Advertiser | https://www.theadvertiser.com/ | No |
| The Daily & Sunday Star | https://www.hammondstar.com/ | No |
| The Daily Advance | https://www.dailyadvance.com/ | No |
| The Daily Advocate | https://www.dailyadvocate.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily American | https://www.dailyamericannews.com/ | No |
| The Daily Astorian | https://www.dailyastorian.com/ | No |
| The Daily Auburn | https://www.thedailyauburn.com/ | No |
| The Daily Beacon | https://www.utdailybeacon.com/ | No |
| The Daily Californian | https://www.dailycal.org/ | Yes |
| The Daily Camera | https://www.dailycamera.com/ | No |
| The Daily Campus | https://www.dailycampus.com/ | No |
| The Daily Cardinal | https://www.dailycardinal.com/ | No |
| The Daily Citizen | https://www.thedailycitizen.com/ | No |
| The Daily Commercial | https://www.dailycommercial.com/ | No |
| The Daily Courier | https://www.prescottaz.com/ | No |
| The Daily Democrat | https://www.dailydemocrat.com/ | No |
| The Daily Dispatch | https://www.douglasdispatch.com/ | No |
| The Daily Evergreen News | https://www.dailyevergreen.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily Forty-Niner | https://www.daily49er.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily Freeman Journal | https://www.freemanjournal.net/ | No |
| The Daily Freeman | https://www.dailyfreeman.com/ | No |
| The Daily Gazette | https://www.dailygazette.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily Grafton | https://www.thedailygrafton.com/ | No |
| The Daily Guide | https://www.waynesvilledailyguide.com/ | No |
| The Daily Holden | https://www.thedailyholden.com/ | No |
| The Daily Iberian | https://www.iberianet.com/ | No |
| The Daily Illini | https://www.dailyillini.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily Independent | https://www.ridgecrestca.com/ | No |
| The Daily Inter Lake | https://www.dailyinterlake.com/ | No |
| The Daily Item | https://www.dailyitem.com/ | No |
| The Daily Journal | https://www.daily-journal.com/ | No |
| The Daily Leader | https://www.dailyleader.com/ | No |
| The Daily Ledger | https://www.cantondailyledger.com/ | No |
| The Daily Leicester | https://www.thedailyleicester.com/ | No |
| The Daily Local News | https://www.dailylocal.com/ | No |
| The Daily Maryland | https://www.dailymaryland.com/ | No |
| The Daily Me | https://www.thedailyme.com/ | No |
| The Daily Millbury | https://www.thedailymillbury.com/ | No |
| The Daily Mining Gazette | https://www.mininggazette.com/ | No |
| The Daily Mirror | https://www.kodiakdailymirror.com/ | No |
| The Daily Mississippian | https://www.thedmonline.com/ | No |
| The Daily News Express | https://www.dailynewsexpress.net/ | No |
| The Daily News Journal | https://www.dnj.com/ | No |
| The Daily News Leader | https://www.newsleader.com/ | No |
| The Daily News Transcript | https://www.dailynewstranscript.com/ | No |
| The Daily News | https://www.edailynews.info/ | Yes |
| The Daily Nonpariel | https://www.nonpareilonline.com/ | No |
| The Daily Northborough | https://www.thedailynorthborough.com/ | No |
| The Daily Northbridge | https://www.northbridgetimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily Pennsylvanian | https://www.thedp.com/ | No |
| The Daily Pilot | https://www.dailypilot.com/ | No |
| The Daily Post-Athenian | https://www.dailypostathenian.com/ | No |
| The Daily Press | https://www.vvdailypress.com/ | No |
| The Daily Progress | https://www.dailyprogress.com/ | No |
| The Daily Record | https://www.mddailyrecord.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily Reflector | https://www.reflector.com/ | No |
| The Daily Register | https://www.dailyregister.com/ | No |
| The Daily Reporter | https://www.greenfieldreporter.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily Report | https://www.thedailyreport.com/ | No |
| The Daily Republican | https://www.dailyrepublican.com/ | No |
| The Daily Republic | https://www.dailyrepublic.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily Reveille | https://www.lsureveille.com/ | No |
| The Daily Review & Sunday Review | https://www.thedailyreview.com/ | No |
| The Daily Review | https://www.daily-review.com/ | No |
| The Daily Ridge | https://www.dailyridge.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily Sentinal | https://www.thedailysentinel.com/ | No |
| The Daily Sentinel | https://www.gjsentinel.com/ | No |
| The Daily Shrewbury | https://www.thedailyshrewsbury.com/ | No |
| The Daily Siftings Herald | https://www.siftingsherald.com/ | No |
| The Daily Standard | https://www.dailystandard.com/ | No |
| The Daily Star | https://www.thedailystar.com/ | No |
| The Daily Sun | https://www.thevillagesdailysun.com/ | No |
| The Daily Targum | https://www.dailytargum.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily Tar Heel | https://www.dailytarheel.com/ | No |
| The Daily Telegram | https://www.lenconnect.com/ | No |
| The Daily Times Call | https://www.longmontfyi.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily Times | https://www.ottawadailytimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily Transcript | https://www.sddt.com/ | No |
| The Daily Tribune News | https://www.daily-tribune.com/ | No |
| The Daily Tribune | https://www.hibbingmn.com/ | No |
| The Daily Triplicate | https://www.triplicate.com/ | No |
| The Daily Utah Chronicle | https://www.dailyutahchronicle.com/ | Yes |
| The Daily Westbrough | https://www.thedailywestborough.com/ | No |
| The Daily World | https://www.thedailyworld.com/ | No |
| The Daily | https://www.dailyuw.com/ | No |
| The Dakota Day | https://www.dakotaday.com/ | No |
| The Dalhart Texan | https://www.thedalharttexan.com/ | No |
| The Dalles Chronicle | https://www.thedalleschronicle.com/ | No |
| The Danville News | https://www.danvillenews.net/ | Yes |
| The Darien News-Review | https://www.dariennews-review.com/ | No |
| The Darien Times | https://www.darientimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Dartmouth | https://www.thedartmouth.com/ | No |
| The Davis Clipper | https://www.davisclipper.com/ | Yes |
| The Davis Enterprise | https://www.davisenterprise.com/ | Yes |
| The Dawson Springs Progress | https://www.dawsonspringsprogress.com/ | No |
| The Day | https://www.theday.com/ | No |
| The DC Voice | https://www.thedcvoice.com/ | No |
| The Decatur County Chronicle | https://www.decaturcountyonline.com/ | No |
| The Deerfield Valley News | https://www.dvalnews.com/ | No |
| The DeFuniak Herald | https://www.defuniakherald.com/ | No |
| The Delta Discovery | https://www.deltadiscovery.com/ | Yes |
| The Demming Headlight | https://www.demingheadlight.com/ | No |
| The Democrat Missourian | https://www.democratmissourian.com/ | No |
| The Democrat | https://www.thedemocrat.com/ | No |
| The DePauw | https://www.thedepauw.com/ | No |
| The Derrick | https://www.thederrick.com/ | No |
| The Desert Independent | https://www.thedesertinde.com/ | No |
| The Desert Review | https://www.thedesertreview.com/ | No |
| The Desi Times | https://www.thedesitimes.com/ | No |
| The DeSoto County Tribune | https://www.dctribune.com/ | No |
| The Diamondback | https://www.diamondbackonline.com/ | No |
| The Dickinson Press | https://www.thedickinsonpress.com/ | No |
| The Dickson Herald | https://www.tennessean.com/ | Yes |
| The Digital Courier | https://www.thedigitalcourier.com/ | No |
| The Digital News | https://www.thedigitalnews.com/ | No |
| The Dillon Herald | https://www.thedillonherald.com/ | No |
| The Dispatch News | https://www.thevalleydispatch.com/ | No |
| The Dispatch | https://www.the-dispatch.com/ | No |
| The Dodge County Independent News | https://www.dcindependent.net/ | No |
| The Dodge County News | https://www.dodgecountynews.com/ | No |
| The Dominican Journal USA | https://www.dominicanjournalusa.com/ | No |
| The Dominion Post | https://www.dominionpost.com/ | No |
| The Donaldsonville Chief | https://www.donaldsonvillechief.com/ | No |
| The Dothan Eagle | https://www.dothaneagle.com/ | No |
| The Downey Patriot | https://www.thedowneypatriot.com/ | No |
| The Downriver Chronicle | https://www.downriverchronicle.com/ | No |
| The Downtown Journal | https://www.downtownjournal.com/ | Yes |
| The Drummer | https://www.thedrummer.com/ | No |
| The Drury Mirror | https://www.drurymirror.com/ | No |
| The Duncan Banner | https://www.duncanbanner.com/ | No |
| The Dundalk Eagle | https://dundalkeagle.com/ | No |
| The Durango Herald | https://www.durangoherald.com/ | Yes |
| The Durham Skywriter | https://www.durhamskywriter.com/ | No |
| The Eagle-Tribune | https://www.eagletribune.com/ | No |
| The Eagle Press | https://www.eglprs.com/ | No |
| The Eagle Times | https://www.eagletimes.com/ | No |
| The Eagleville News | https://www.eaglevillenews.com/ | No |
| The Eagle | https://www.theeagle.com/ | No |
| The Easley Progress | https://www.easleypublications.com/ | No |
| The East Hampton Press | https://www.easthamptonpress.com/ | No |
| The East Hampton Star | https://www.easthamptonstar.com/ | Yes |
| The East Pennsboro Courier | https://www.eastpenncourier.com/ | No |
| The Eatonton Messenger | https://www.msgr.com/ | No |
| The Echo | https://www.echoads.com/ | No |
| The Edgefield Advertiser | https://www.edgefieldadvertiser.com/ | No |
| The Edmond Sun | https://www.edmondsun.com/ | No |
| The Edmonson Voice | https://www.edmonsonvoice.com/ | No |
| The Elberton Star | https://www.elberton.com/ | No |
| The El Campo Leader-News | https://www.leader-news.com/ | No |
| The Elk Grove Citizen | https://www.egcitizen.com/ | No |
| The Elkhart Truth | https://www.elkharttruth.com/ | No |
| The Elk Valley Tmes | https://www.elkvalleytimes.com/ | No |
| The Elsberry Democrate | https://www.elsberrydemocrat.com/ | No |
| The Emery County Progress | https://www.ecprogress.com/ | No |
| The Emporia Gazette | https://www.emporiagazette.com/ | No |
| The Enderline Independent | https://www.enderlinindependent.com/ | No |
| The Englewood Review | https://www.englewoodreview.com/ | No |
| The Enquirer Herald | https://www.carolinanewspapers.com/ | No |
| The Enquirer | https://www.cincinnati.com/ | No |
| The Enterprise Ledger | https://www.eprisenow.com/ | No |
| The Enterprise | https://www.enterprisenews.com/ | No |
| The Entertainment Journal | https://www.theentertainmentjournal.com/ | No |
| The Epoch Times | https://www.theepochtimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Erwin Record | https://www.erwinrecordonline.com/ | No |
| The EscaRosa Press | https://www.escarosapress.com/ | No |
| The Eufaula Indian Journal | https://www.eufaulaindianjournal.com/ | No |
| The Eufaula Tribune | https://www.eufaulatribune.com/ | No |
| The Evening Leader | https://www.theeveningleader.com/ | No |
| The Evening News | https://www.sooeveningnews.com/ | No |
| The Evening Sun | https://www.evesun.com/ | No |
| The Evening Times | https://www.eveningtimes.com/ | No |
| The Evening Tribune | https://www.eveningtribune.com/ | No |
| The Examiner | https://www.sfexaminer.com/ | No |
| The Excelsior Springs Standard | https://www.excelsiorspringsstandard.com/ | No |
| The Exchange | https://www.cheathamcountyexchange.com/ | No |
| The Exponenet Online | https://www.purdueexponent.org/ | No |
| The Exponent-Telegram | https://www.theet.com/ | No |
| The Exponent | https://www.theexponent.com/ | No |
| The Express Newspaper | https://www.theexpressnewspaper.com/ | No |
| The Express | https://www.lockhaven.com/ | No |
| The Facts | https://www.thefacts.com/ | No |
| The Fairborn Paper | https://www.thefairbornpaper.com/ | Yes |
| The Fairfax News | https://www.thefairfaxnews.com/ | No |
| The Fairfield Citizen-News | https://www.fairfieldcitizen-news.com/ | No |
| The Fairfield Recorder | https://www.thefairfieldrecorder.com/ | No |
| The Fairmount Sentinel | https://www.fairmontsentinel.com/ | No |
| The Fairview Observer | https://www.fairviewobserver.com/ | No |
| The Falmouth Outlook | https://www.falmouthoutlook.com/ | No |
| The Farmersville Times | https://www.farmersvilletimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Farmville Herald | https://www.farmvilleherald.com/ | No |
| The Fayetteville Observer | https://www.fayettevillenc.com/ | No |
| The Feather Online | https://www.thefeather.com/ | No |
| The Federal Hill Gazette | https://www.thefederalhillgazette.com/ | No |
| The Ferris State Torch | https://fsutorch.com/ | No |
| The Filipino Express | https://www.filipinoexpress.com/ | No |
| The Fillmore Gazette | https://www.fillmoregazette.com/ | No |
| The Flint Journal | https://www.mlive.com/ | Yes |
| The Flora Harvester | https://www.floraharvester.com/ | No |
| The Flora News | https://thefloranews.webs.com/ | Yes |
| The Florence Morning News | https://www.apnews.com/ | No |
| The Florida Citizen | https://www.thefloridacitizen.com/ | No |
| The Florida Times-Union | https://www.jacksonville.com/ | No |
| The Florida Voice Times | https://www.floridavoicetimes.com/ | No |
| The FM Extra | https://www.thefmextra.com/ | No |
| The Focus News | https://www.thefocusnews.com/ | No |
| The Forest-Blade | https://www.forest-blade.com/ | No |
| The Forney Post | https://www.forneypost.net/ | No |
| The Forsyth County News | https://www.forsythnews.com/ | No |
| The Fort Bend / Southwest Star | https://www.fortbendstar.com/ | No |
| The Fort Morgan Times | https://www.fortmorgantimes.com/ | No |
| The Fort Scott Tribune | https://www.fstribune.com/ | No |
| The Forum | https://www.forumhome.org/ | Yes |
| The Fostoria Focus | https://www.fostoriafocus.com/ | No |
| The Fountain Hills Times | https://www.fhtimes.com/ | No |
| The Franklin County Citizen | https://www.franklincountycitizen.com/ | No |
| The Franklin News Post | https://www.thefranklinnewspost.com/ | No |
| The Franklin Press | https://www.thefranklinpress.com/ | No |
| The Free Lance-Star | https://www.fredericksburg.com/ | No |
| The Free Press | https://www.freepressonline.com/ | No |
| The Free Weekly | https://www.freeweekly.com/ | No |
| The Fresno Bee | https://www.fresnobee.com/ | No |
| The Friday Flyer | https://www.fridayflyer.com/ | No |
| The Frontier & Holt County Independent | https://www.holtindependent.com/ | No |
| The Gainesville Sun | https://www.sunone.com/ | No |
| The Gallup Herald | https://www.thegallupherald.com/ | No |
| The Galt Herald | https://www.galtheraldonline.com/ | No |
| The Galveston County Daily News | https://www.galvnews.com/ | No |
| The Gambit Weekly | https://www.bestofneworleans.com/ | No |
| The Garden Island | https://www.thegardenisland.com/ | No |
| The Gardner News | https://www.thegardnernews.com/ | No |
| The Garvin County News Star | https://gcns.flywheelsites.com/ | No |
| The Gatesville Messenger | https://www.gatesvillemessenger.com/ | Yes |
| The Gateway News | https://www.thegatewaynews.com/ | No |
| The Gazette | https://www.thegazette.com/ | No |
| The Gilmer Mirror | https://www.gilmermirror.com/ | No |
| The Gilroy Dispatch | https://www.gilroydispatch.com/ | Yes |
| The Gleaner | https://www.thegleaner.com/ | No |
| The Glenville Democrat / Pathfinder | https://www.glenvillenews.com/ | Yes |
| The Gloucester Times Daily | https://www.gloucestertimes.com/ | No |
| The Glouchester County News | https://www.nj.com/ | Yes |
| The Goldendale Sentinel | https://www.goldendalesentinel.com/ | No |
| The Good News Today | https://www.thegoodnewstoday.org/ | No |
| The Gorham Times | https://www.gorhamtimes.com/ | No |
| The Goshen News | https://www.goshennews.com/ | No |
| The Grafton News | https://www.thegraftonnews.com/ | No |
| The Grand Island Daily Independent | https://www.theindependent.com/ | No |
| The Granite Bay Mirror | https://www.granitebaymirror.com/ | No |
| The Granite State News | https://www.granitestatenews.com/ | No |
| The Grant County Beat | https://www.grantcountybeat.com/ | No |
| The Great Bend Tribune | https://www.gbtribune.com/ | No |
| The Greater Ashland Beacon | https://www.ashlandbeacon.com/ | No |
| The Greater New Milford Spectrum | https://www.newmilfordspectrum.com/ | No |
| The Great Falls Connection | https://www.greatfallsconnection.com/ | No |
| The Greek Chronicle | https://www.greekchronicle.com/ | No |
| The Greeley Tribune | https://www.greeleytrib.com/ | No |
| The Green River Star | https://www.greenriverstar.com/ | No |
| The Greenville Advocate | https://www.greenvilleadvocate.com/ | No |
| The Greenville Standard | https://www.thegreenvillestandard.com/ | Yes |
| The Greenville Sun | https://www.greenevillesun.com/ | No |
| The Greenwood Commonwealth | https://www.gwcommonwealth.com/ | Yes |
| The Greer Citizen | https://www.greercitizen.com/ | No |
| The Grey Area | https://www.greyareanews.com/ | No |
| The Gridley Herald | https://www.gridleyherald.com/ | No |
| The Grizzly Detail newspaper | https://www.grizzlydetail.com/ | No |
| The Groesbeck Journal | https://www.groesbeckjournal.com/ | No |
| The Groton Landmark | https://www.grotonlandmark.com/ | No |
| The Grundy County Herald | https://www.grundycountyherald.com/ | No |
| The Grundy Register | https://www.thegrundyregister.com/ | No |
| The Guardian | https://www.theguardian.com/ | No |
| The Guardsman Online | https://www.theguardsman.com/ | No |
| The Gulf Coast News | https://www.gulfcoastnews.com/ | No |
| The Gulf Herald | https://www.gulfherald.com/ | No |
| The Gurdon Times | https://www.thegurdontimes.com/ | No |
| The Hammonton Gazette | https://www.hammontongazette.com/ | No |
| The Hammonton News | https://www.thehammontonnews.com/ | No |
| The Hanska Herald | https://www.prairiepublishingmn.com/ | Yes |
| The Harbinger | https://www.theharbinger.org/ | No |
| The Hardin Enterprise | https://www.harlanenterprise.net/ | No |
| The Harris County Journal | https://www.tribpubs.com/ | No |
| The Harrodsburg Herald | https://www.harrodsburgherald.com/ | Yes |
| The Hartford Courant | https://www.courant.com/ | No |
| The Hartford Guardian | https://www.thehartfordguardian.com/ | No |
| The Hartselle Enquirer | https://www.hartselleenquirer.com/ | No |
| The Hartwell Sun | https://www.thehartwellsun.com/ | No |
| The Harvard Crimson | https://www.thecrimson.com/ | No |
| The Harvard Hillside | https://www.harvardhillside.com/ | No |
| The Haverhill Gazette | https://www.hgazette.com/ | No |
| The Hawk Eye | https://www.thehawkeye.com/ | No |
| The Heard Citizen | https://www.heardcitizen.com/ | No |
| The Hebron Journal-Register | https://www.hebronjournalregister.com/ | No |
| The Hendricks County/Westside Flyer | https://www.flyergroup.com/ | No |
| The Hendricks Pioneer | https://www.thehendrickspioneer.com/ | No |
| The Herald-Citizen | https://www.herald-citizen.com/ | No |
| The Herald-Coaster | https://www.herald-coaster.com/ | No |
| The Herald-Gazette | https://www.barnesville.com/ | Yes |
| The Herald-News | https://www.rheaheraldnews.com/ | No |
| The Herald-Star | https://www.hsconnect.com/ | No |
| The Herald-Sun | https://www.heraldsun.com/ | No |
| The Herald Bulletin | https://www.theheraldbulletin.com/ | No |
| The Herald Chronicle | https://www.heraldchronicle.com/ | No |
| The Herald Democrat | https://www.herald-democrat.com/ | No |
| The Herald Dispatch | https://www.herald-dispatch.com/ | No |
| The Herald Journal | https://www.hjnews.com/ | No |
| The Herald Leader | https://www.herald-leader.net/ | Yes |
| The Herald Ledger | https://www.kentuckybarkleynews.com/ | Yes |
| The Herald Mail | https://www.herald-mail.com/ | No |
| The Herald Newspaper | https://heraldnewstn.com/ | Yes |
| The Herald News | https://www.theherald-news.com/ | No |
| The Herald Palladium | https://www.heraldpalladium.com/ | No |
| The Herald Press | https://www.heraldpressnd.com/ | No |
| The Herald Times Reporter | https://www.htrnews.com/ | No |
| The Herald Times | https://www.heraldtimesonline.com/ | No |
| The Herald | https://www.montereyherald.com/ | No |
| The Heritage Sunday | https://www.thenewsherald.com/ | No |
| The Herkimer Telegram | https://www.herkimertelegram.com/ | No |
| The Hermann Advertiser Courier | https://www.hermannadvertisercourier.com/ | No |
| The Herndon Connection | https://www.herndonconnection.com/ | No |
| The Highlander | https://www.highlandsnews.com/ | No |
| The High Springs Herald | https://www.highspringsherald.com/ | No |
| The Hill Rag | https://www.hillrag.com/ | Yes |
| The Hills Herald | https://www.hillsherald.com/ | No |
| The Hill | https://www.thehill.com/ | No |
| The Hippo | https://www.hippopress.com/ | No |
| The Holland Sentinel | https://www.thehollandsentinel.net/ | No |
| The Holly Express | https://www.thehollyexpress.com/ | No |
| The Home & Garden Guide | https://www.mainehomeandgardenguide.com/ | No |
| The Homer News | https://www.homernews.com/ | No |
| The Homer Tribune | https://www.homertribune.com/ | No |
| The Homewood Star | https://thehomewoodstar.com/ | No |
| The Houma Courier | https://www.houmatoday.com/ | No |
| The Hour Online | https://www.thehour.com/ | No |
| The Houston Herald | https://www.houstonherald.com/ | No |
| The Houston Home Journal | https://www.hhjnews.com/ | No |
| The Howard County Times | https://www.howardcountytimes.com/ | No |
| The Hudson Reporter | https://www.hudsonreporter.com/ | No |
| The Hull Times | https://www.hulltimes.com/ | No |
| The Hunterdon County Democrat | https://www.hunterdon-online.com/ | No |
| The Huntsville Item | https://www.itemonline.com/ | No |
| The Hurricane Times | https://www.hurricanetimes.com/ | No |
| The Hutchinson News | https://www.hutchnews.com/ | No |
| The Idaho Statesman | https://www.idahostatesman.com/ | No |
| The Imperial Valley Press | https://www.ivpressonline.com/ | No |
| The Independent Daily | https://www.theindependentdaily.com/ | No |
| The Independent Florida Alligator | https://www.alligator.org/ | Yes |
| The Independent News | https://www.theindnews.com/ | Yes |
| The Independent Register | https://www.indreg.com/ | No |
| The Independent Weekly | https://www.theind.com/ | No |
| The Independent | https://www.floridakeysnews.info/ | No |
| The Index Journal | https://www.indexjournal.com/ | No |
| The Index | https://www.mineralwellsindex.com/ | No |
| The Indiana Gazette | https://www.indianagazette.com/ | No |
| The Indianapolis Recorder | https://www.indianapolisrecorder.com/ | No |
| The Indiana Statesman | https://www.indianastatesman.com/ | No |
| The Indy | https://www.lagunabeachindy.com/ | Yes |
| The Inquirer & Mirror | https://www.ack.net/ | No |
| The Inquisitor | https://www.theinquisitor.com/ | No |
| The Intelligencer | https://www.theintell.com/ | No |
| The Inter-Mountain | https://www.theintermountain.com/ | No |
| The Interior Journal | https://www.theinteriorjournal.com/ | No |
| The International | https://www.theinternational.org/ | No |
| The InTowner | https://www.intowner.com/ | Yes |
| The Islander | https://www.islander.org/ | No |
| The Island Guardian | https://www.islandguardian.com/ | No |
| The Islands' Sounder | https://www.islandssounder.com/ | No |
| The Islands' Weekly | https://www.islandsweekly.com/ | No |
| The Issaquah Press | https://www.issaquahpress.com/ | No |
| The Issaquah Reporter | https://www.issaquahreporter.com/ | No |
| The Item | https://www.theitem.com/ | No |
| The Ithaca Journal | https://www.theithacajournal.com/ | No |
| The Ithacan | https://www.theithacan.org/ | No |
| The Jackson Sun | https://www.jacksonsun.com/ | No |
| The Jacksonville Review | https://www.jacksonvillereview.com/ | No |
| The Jamestown Sun | https://www.jamestownsun.com/ | No |
| The Janesville Gazette | https://www.gazetteextra.com/ | No |
| The Jasper Newsboy | https://www.jaspernewsboy.com/ | No |
| The JCFloridan | https://www.jcfloridan.com/ | No |
| The Jefferson County Post | https://www.jeffersoncountypost.com/ | No |
| The Jeffersonville Evening News & The New Albany Tribune | https://www.news-tribune.net/ | No |
| The Jeffison Post & Ashe Mountain Times | https://www.ashevilletribune.com/ | No |
| The Jena Times | https://www.thejenatimes.net/ | No |
| The Jessamine Journal | https://www.jessaminejournal.com/ | No |
| The Jewish Advocate | https://www.thejewishadvocate.com/ | No |
| The Jewish Daily Forward | https://www.forward.com/ | No |
| The Jewish Post | https://www.jewishpost.com/ | No |
| The Jewish Press | https://www.jewishpress.com/ | Yes |
| The Jewish Week | https://www.thejewishweek.com/ | No |
| The Jewish World | https://www.jewishworldnews.org/ | No |
| The Johnson City News & Neighbor | https://www.newsandneighboronline.com/ | No |
| The Johnson County Graphic | https://www.thegraphic.org/ | Yes |
| The Johnstown Breeze | https://www.johnstownbreeze.com/ | No |
| The Jonesboro Sun | https://www.jonesborosun.com/ | No |
| The Jones County News | https://www.jcnews.com/ | No |
| The Joplin Globe | https://www.joplinglobe.com/ | No |
| The Journal-Standard | https://www.journalstandard.com/ | No |
| The Journal-World | https://www.ljworld.com/ | No |
| The Journal Advocate | https://www.journal-advocate.com/ | No |
| The Journal Gazette | https://www.journalgazette.net/ | No |
| The Journal News | https://www.lohud.com/ | Yes |
| The Journal Press & The Register | https://www.thedcregister.com/ | No |
| The Journal Press | https://www.thejournal-press.com/ | No |
| The Journal Record | https://www.journalrecord.com/ | Yes |
| The Journal Review | https://www.journalreview.com/ | No |
| The Journal Times | https://www.journaltimes.com/ | No |
| The Journal | https://the-journal.com/ | Yes |
| The Julian News | https://www.juliannews.com/ | No |
| The Junction Eagle | https://www.junctioneagle.com/ | No |
| The Kansan | https://www.thekansan.com/ | No |
| The Kansas City Star | https://www.kansascity.com/ | No |
| The Katy Times | https://www.katytimes.com/ | No |
| The Kaweah Commonwealth | https://www.kaweahcommonwealth.com/ | No |
| The Keene Sentinel | https://www.sentinelsource.com/ | No |
| The Kemmerer Gazette | https://www.kemmerergazette.com/ | Yes |
| The Kenmare News | https://www.kenmarend.com/ | No |
| The Kennett Times | https://www.kennetttimes.com/ | No |
| The Kentucky Post | https://www.kypost.com/ | No |
| The Kentucky Standard | https://www.kystandard.com/ | No |
| The Kenyon Leader | https://www.southernminn.com/ | No |
| The Kewaunee County Comet | https://kewauneecomet.com/ | No |
| The Kittanning Paper | https://www.kittanningpaper.com/ | No |
| The Knoxville Focus | https://www.knoxfocus.com/ | No |
| The Knoxville Journal | https://www.theknoxvillejournal.com/ | No |
| The Knoxville News-Sentinel | https://www.knoxnews.com/ | No |
| The Kudzu Gazette | https://www.kudzugazette.com/ | No |
| The Laconia Daily Sun | https://www.laconiadailysun.com/ | No |
| The LaGrange Daily News | https://www.lagrangenews.com/ | No |
| The Lake Andes Wave | https://www.thelakeandeswave.com/ | No |
| The Lakelander | https://www.lakelander.com/ | No |
| The Lake News | https://www.thelakenews.net/ | No |
| The Lakeside Leader | https://www.lakesideleader.com/ | Yes |
| The Lake Sun Leader | https://www.lakesunleader.com/ | No |
| The Lakewood Sentinel | https://www.lakewoodsentinel.com/ | No |
| The Lamar Democrat | https://www.lamardemocratnews.com/ | Yes |
| The Lamar Ledger | https://www.lamardaily.com/ | No |
| The Lancaster News | https://www.thelancasternews.com/ | No |
| The Landmark | https://www.thelandmark.com/ | No |
| The Lansing Star | https://www.lansingstar.com/ | No |
| The LaPorte Herald-Argus | https://www.heraldargus.com/ | No |
| The Laredo Chameleon | https://www.thelaredochameleon.com/ | No |
| The Lasco Press | https://www.thelascopress.com/ | No |
| The Las Cruces Sun-News | https://www.lcsun-news.com/ | No |
| The Last American Newspaper | https://www.thelastamericannewspaper.com/ | No |
| The Laurel Outlook | https://www.laureloutlook.com/ | No |
| The Laurens County Advertiser | https://www.laurenscountyadvertiser.net/ | Yes |
| The Leader & Kalkaskian | https://www.leaderandkalkaskian.com/ | No |
| The Leader Union | https://www.leaderunion.com/ | Yes |
| The Leader | https://www.arkansasleader.com/ | No |
| The Leaf-Chronicle | https://www.theleafchronicle.com/ | No |
| The Leavenworth Echo | https://www.leavenworthecho.com/ | No |
| The Lebanon Democrat | https://www.lebanondemocrat.com/ | Yes |
| The Lebanon News | https://www.thelebanonnews.com/ | No |
| The Lebanon Reporter | https://www.reporter.net/ | No |
| The Ledger-Independent | https://www.maysville-online.com/ | Yes |
| The Ledger | https://www.theledger.com/ | No |
| The Leelanau Enterprise | https://www.leelanaunews.com/ | No |
| The Lemmon Leader | https://www.lemmonleader.com/ | No |
| The Lennox Independent | https://www.lennoxnews.com/ | No |
| The Levisa Lazer | https://www.thelevisalazer.com/ | No |
| The Lewis County Herald | https://www.lewiscountyherald.com/ | No |
| The Lexinton Leader | https://www.lexingtonleader.com/ | No |
| The Liberian Dialogue | https://www.theliberiandialogue.org/ | No |
| The Liberian Journal | https://www.theliberianjournal.com/ | No |
| The Liberty County Times | https://libertycountytimes.net/ | No |
| The Lima News | https://www.limanews.com/ | No |
| The Lincoln County News | https://www.lcnme.com/ | No |
| The Lincoln Journal | https://www.lincolnjournalonline.com/ | No |
| The Lindenwald Ledger | https://www.lindenwaldledger.com/ | No |
| The Lingle Guide | https://www.lingleguide.com/ | Yes |
| The Link | https://www.thelinkpaper.com/ | Yes |
| The Lisbon Reporter | https://www.lisbonreporter.com/ | No |
| The Litchfield County Times | https://www.countytimes.com/ | No |
| The Little Rock Sun | https://www.lrsuntimes.com/ | No |
| The Livingston Enterprise | https://www.livingstonenterprise.com/ | No |
| The Livingston Parish News | https://www.livingstonparishnews.com/ | No |
| The Logan Banner | https://www.loganbanner.com/ | No |
| The Logansport Pharos-Tribune | https://www.pharostribune.com/ | No |
| The Log Cabin Democrat | https://thecabin.net/ | No |
| The Log | https://www.destin.com/ | No |
| The Lompoc Record | https://www.lompocrecord.com/ | No |
| The Longboat Observer | https://www.longboatobserver.com/ | No |
| The Long County News | https://www.thelongcountynews.com/ | No |
| The Loudoun Easterner | https://www.easterner.com/ | No |
| The Louisville Herald | https://www.louisvilleherald.com/ | Yes |
| The Lowell Sun | https://www.lowellsun.com/ | No |
| The Lusk Herald | https://www.luskherald.com/ | Yes |
| The Lyons Recorder | https://lyonsrecorder.com/ | No |
| The Macomb Journal | https://www.macombjournal.com/ | No |
| The Macon Telegraph | https://www.macon.com/ | No |
| The Madison County Herald | https://www.mcherald.com/ | No |
| The Madison County Record | https://mcrecordonline.com/ | No |
| The Madison Courier | https://www.madisoncourier.com/ | No |
| The Madison Press | https://www.madison-press.com/ | No |
| The Madras Pioneer | https://www.madraspioneer.com/ | No |
| The Magna Times | https://www.magnatimes.com/ | No |
| The Mail | https://www.marshfieldmail.com/ | No |
| The Malibu Times | https://www.malibutimes.com/ | No |
| The Manchester Times | https://www.manchestertimes.com/ | No |
| The Manila Mail | https://www.manilamaildc.net/ | No |
| The Marceline Press | https://www.marcelinepress.com/ | Yes |
| The Marion Star | https://www.marionstar.com/ | No |
| The Marlin Democrat | https://www.marlindemocrat.com/ | No |
| The Marshall Democrat-News | https://www.marshallnews.com/ | No |
| The Marysville Globe | https://www.marysvilleglobe.com/ | No |
| The Maryville Daily Forum | https://www.maryvilleforum.com/ | No |
| The McCreary Voice | https://www.themccrearyvoice.com/ | No |
| The McLean Connection | https://www.mcleanconnection.com/ | No |
| The McLeod County Chronicle | https://www.glencoenews.com/ | No |
| The Meade County Times-Tribune | https://www.meadecountytimes.com/ | No |
| The Meadville Tribune | https://www.meadvilletribune.com/ | No |
| The Memphis Flyer | https://www.memphisflyer.com/ | No |
| The Mena Star | https://www.menastar.com/ | No |
| The Mendocino Beacon | https://www.mendocinobeacon.com/ | No |
| The Mercer news | https://www.themercernews.com/ | No |
| The Mercury | https://www.placermercury.com/ | No |
| The Meridian star | https://www.meridianstar.com/ | No |
| The Message For The Week | https://www.themessage.news/ | No |
| The Messenger | https://www.troymessenger.com/ | No |
| The Mexia News | https://www.themexianews.com/ | No |
| The Mexico Ledger | https://www.mexicoledger.com/ | No |
| The Miami Herald | https://www.miamiherald.com/ | No |
| The Michigan Daily | https://www.michigandaily.com/ | No |
| The Middleton Gazette | https://www.middletongazetteonline.com/ | No |
| The Middletown Press | https://www.middletownpress.com/ | No |
| The Middletown Transcript | https://www.middletowntranscript.com/ | No |
| The Milford Daily News | https://www.milforddailynews.com/ | No |
| The Millington Star | https://www.millington-news.com/ | No |
| The Miner Online | https://www.pendoreillerivervalley.com/ | Yes |
| The Mining Journal | https://www.miningjournal.net/ | No |
| The Minneapolis Messenger | https://www.minneapolismessenger.net/ | No |
| The Mira Mesa News | https://www.miramesanews.com/ | No |
| The Missoulian | https://www.missoulian.com/ | No |
| The Missourian | https://www.emissourian.com/ | No |
| The Modesto Bee | https://www.modbee.com/ | No |
| The Molokai Dispatch | https://themolokaidispatch.com/ | No |
| The Molokai News | https://www.themolokainews.com/ | No |
| The Monett Times | https://www.monett-times.com/ | No |
| The Monitor | https://www.themonitor.com/ | No |
| The Monmouth Journal | https://www.themonmouthjournal.com/ | Yes |
| The Monroe County Buzz | https://www.monroebuzz.com/ | No |
| The Monroe County Reporter | https://mymcr.net/ | No |
| The Monroe Evening News | https://www.monroenews.com/ | No |
| The Monroe Journal | https://www.monroejournal.com/ | No |
| The Montclair Times | https://www.montclairtimes.com/ | No |
| The Monthly View | https://themonthlyview.home.mindspring.com/ | Yes |
| The Monticello Express | https://www.monticelloexpress.com/ | No |
| The Monticello News | https://www.themonticellonews.com/ | Yes |
| The Morehead News | https://www.themoreheadnews.com/ | No |
| The Morgan County News | https://morgannews.com/ | No |
| The Morgan Messenger | https://www.morganmessenger.com/ | No |
| The Morgan Town News | https://www.wvnews.com/ | No |
| The Morning Call | https://www.mcall.com/ | Yes |
| The Morning Journal | https://www.morningjournal.com/ | No |
| The Morning News | https://www.nwaonline.net/ | No |
| The Morning Sun | https://www.morningsun.net/ | Yes |
| The Moultrie Observer | https://www.moultrieobserver.com/ | No |
| The Mountain-Ear | https://www.themountainear.com/ | No |
| The Mountain Echo News | https://www.mountainecho.com/ | No |
| The Mountaineer Echo | https://www.flippinonline.com/ | No |
| The Mountaineer | https://www.themountaineer.com/ | No |
| The Mountain Enterprise | https://www.mountainenterprise.com/ | No |
| The Mountain Jackpot | https://www.mountainjackpot.com/ | No |
| The Mountain Mail | https://www.themountainmail.com/ | No |
| The Mountain Neighbor | https://www.mtnneighbor.com/ | No |
| The Mountain Press | https://themountainpress.com/ | No |
| The Mountain Times | https://www.wataugademocrat.com/ | No |
| The Mountain Wolf | https://www.tmwolf.com/ | No |
| The Mount Desert Islander | https://www.mdislander.com/ | Yes |
| The Mucastine Journal | https://www.muscatinejournal.com/ | No |
| The Mud Pile | https://www.themudpile.com/ | No |
| The Muslim Link | https://www.muslimlinkpaper.com/ | No |
| The Naperville Sun | https://www.napervillesun.com/ | No |
| The Naples Daily News | https://www.naplesnews.com/ | No |
| The Napoleon Homestead | https://centraldakotanews.com/ | No |
| The Nashville Graphic | https://www.nashvillegraphic.com/ | No |
| The Natchez Democrat | https://www.natchezdemocrat.com/ | No |
| The Natchez Sun | https://www.natchezsun.com/ | Yes |
| The National Herald | https://www.thenationalherald.com/ | Yes |
| The Natomas Messenger | https://www.natomasmessenger.com/ | No |
| The Navajo Times | https://www.navajotimes.com/ | No |
| The Nemaha County Herald | https://www.anewspaper.net/ | No |
| The Neosho Daily News | https://www.neoshodailynews.com/ | Yes |
| The Neport Daily Express | https://www.newportvermontdailyexpress.com/ | No |
| The Newberry Observer | https://www.newberryobserver.com/ | No |
| The New Braunfels Herald-Zeitung | https://www.herald-zeitung.com/ | No |
| The Newcastle Pacer | https://www.newcastlepacer.com/ | No |
| The New England Business Bulletin | https://www.nebulletin.com/ | No |
| The New England Informer | https://www.neinformer.net/ | No |
| The New Era | https://www.thenewera-online.com/ | No |
| The New Hampshire Business Review | https://www.nhbr.com/ | No |
| The New Irmo News | https://www.newirmonews.com/ | Yes |
| The New Jersey Herald | https://www.njherald.com/ | No |
| The Newkirk Herald Journal | https://www.newkirkherald.com/ | Yes |
| The New Milford Times | https://www.newstimes.com/ | No |
| The Newport Daily News | https://www.newportri.com/ | No |
| The Newport Plain Talk | https://www.newportplaintalk.com/ | No |
| The New Rising Sun | https://www.thenewrisingsun.net/ | No |
| The New Rockford Transcript | https://www.newrockfordtranscript.com/ | Yes |
| The News & Advance | https://www.newsadvance.com/ | No |
| The News & Farmer | https://www.thenewsandfarmer.com/ | No |
| The News & Observer | https://www.newsobserver.com/ | No |
| The News & Sentinel | https://www.colbsent.com/ | No |
| The News-Dispatch | https://www.michigancityin.com/ | No |
| The News-Enterprise | https://www.thenewsenterprise.com/ | No |
| The News-Era | https://www.kershawnewsera.com/ | Yes |
| The News-Gazette | https://www.news-gazette.com/ | No |
| The News-Item | https://www.newsitem.com/ | No |
| The News-Journal | https://www.thenews-journal.com/ | No |
| The News-Messenger | https://www.thenews-messenger.com/ | No |
| The News-Reporter | https://www.news-reporter.com/ | No |
| The News-Review | https://www.sigourneynewsreview.com/ | No |
| The News-Star | https://www.thenewsstar.com/ | No |
| The News-Virginian | https://www.newsvirginian.com/ | No |
| The News Bulletin of McDowell County | https://www.oldfortnewsbulletin.com/ | No |
| The Newscaster | https://www.thenewscaster.com/ | No |
| The News Connecton | https://www.thenewsconnection.com/ | No |
| The News Democrat | https://www.mycarrollnews.com/ | No |
| The News Guard | https://www.thenewsguard.com/ | No |
| The News Herald | https://www.newsherald.com/ | No |
| The News Journal | https://www.delawareonline.com/ | No |
| The News Leader | https://newsleader.recordpub.com/ | No |
| The News Leaf | https://www.thenewsleaf.com/ | No |
| The News Observer | https://www.thenewsobserver.com/ | No |
| The News Press | https://www.stwnewspress.com/ | No |
| The News Record | https://www.newsrecord.org/ | No |
| The News Reporter | https://www.whiteville.com/ | No |
| The News Sentinel | https://www.news-sentinel.com/ | No |
| The News Tribune | https://www.thenewstribune.com/ | No |
| The News | https://www.ajnews.com/ | No |
| The New Times | https://www.newtimesslo.com/ | No |
| The Newton Record | https://www.thenewtonrecord.com/ | Yes |
| The Newtown Bee | https://www.newtownbee.com/ | No |
| The New Yorker | https://www.newyorker.com/ | No |
| The New York Inquirer | https://www.nyinquirer.com/ | No |
| The New York Observer | https://www.observer.com/ | No |
| The New York Sun | https://www.nysun.com/ | Yes |
| The NH Weekly Contender | https://www.nhcontender.com/ | No |
| The Noblesville Daily Times | https://www.noblesvilledailytimes.com/ | No |
| The Noblesville Times | https://www.thenoblesvilletimes.com/ | No |
| The Noe Valley Voice | https://www.noevalleyvoice.com/ | No |
| The Nome Nugget | https://www.nomenugget.com/ | No |
| The Norman Transcript | https://www.normantranscript.com/ | No |
| The North Central Reporter | https://www.ncreporter.com/ | No |
| The Northcountry News Independent | https://www.northcountrynewsnh.com/ | No |
| The Northeast Georgian | https://www.thenortheastgeorgian.com/ | No |
| The Northerner | https://www.thenortherner.com/ | No |
| The Northern Light | https://www.thenorthernlightonline.com/ | No |
| The Northern Star | https://www.star.niu.edu/ | No |
| The Northfield News | https://www.thenorthfieldnews.com/ | No |
| The North Jefferson News | https://www.njeffersonnews.com/ | No |
| The Northlake News | https://www.nwnews.com/ | No |
| The North Platte Bulletin | https://www.northplattebulletin.com/ | No |
| The North Platte Telegraph | https://www.nptelegraph.com/ | No |
| The Northside Journal | https://www.northsidejournal.com/ | No |
| The Northwestern | https://www.thenorthwestern.com/ | No |
| The Northwest Missourian | https://www.nwmissourinews.com/ | No |
| The Northwest Sun | https://www.thenwsun.com/ | No |
| The Northwoods River News | https://www.rivernewsonline.com/ | No |
| The Norwood Post | https://www.telluridenews.com/ | No |
| The Nugget Newspaper | https://www.nuggetnews.com/ | No |
| The Oakdale Leader | https://www.oakdaleleader.com/ | No |
| The Oakland Press | https://www.theoaklandpress.com/ | No |
| The Oakland Tribune | https://www.oaklandtribune.com/ | No |
| The Oak Ridge Observer | https://www.oakridgeobserver.com/ | No |
| The Oak Ridger | https://www.oakridger.com/ | No |
| The Observer News Enterprise | https://www.observernewsonline.com/ | No |
| The Observer | https://www.wpmobserver.com/ | No |
| The Ocean Star | https://www.theoceanstar.com/ | No |
| The Oconee Enterprise | https://www.oconeeenterprise.com/ | No |
| The Oconto Leader | https://www.theoconeeleader.com/ | No |
| The Odessa File | https://www.odessafile.com/ | No |
| The Odessan | https://www.theodessan.net/ | No |
| The Ogden Reporter | https://www.ogdenreporter.com/ | No |
| The Ohio County Times-News | https://www.octimesnews.com/ | No |
| The Olathe Daily News | https://www.joconews.com/ | No |
| The Oldham Era | https://www.oldhamera.com/ | No |
| The Olympian | https://www.theolympian.com/ | No |
| The Onion | https://www.theonion.com/ | Yes |
| The Ontonagon Herald | https://www.ontonagonherald.com/ | Yes |
| The Opinion-Tribune | https://www.opinion-tribune.com/ | No |
| The Oquirrh Observer | https://www.oquirrhobserver.com/ | No |
| The Orange Beach Community Website | https://www.orangebeach.ws/ | No |
| The Orange County Register | https://www.ocregister.com/ | Yes |
| The Orange Leader | https://www.orangeleader.com/ | No |
| The Ord Quiz | https://www.ordquiz.com/ | No |
| The Oregon Herald | https://www.oregonherald.com/ | Yes |
| The Orion | https://www.theorion.com/ | Yes |
| The Orlando Times | https://www.orlando-times.com/ | No |
| The Oroville Mercury-Register | https://www.orovillemr.com/ | No |
| The Other Paper | https://www.otherpapersbvt.com/ | No |
| The Ottawa Herald | https://www.ottawaherald.com/ | No |
| The Ouachita Citizen | https://www.ouachitacitizen.com/ | No |
| The Outlook | https://www.outlooknewspaper.com/ | No |
| The Oxford Eagle | https://www.oxfordeagle.com/ | No |
| The Oxford Independent | https://www.oxfordi.com/ | No |
| The Oxford Press | https://www.oxfordpress.com/ | No |
| The Ozarks Sentinel | https://www.ozarksentinel.com/ | No |
| The Pacific Index | https://www.pacindex.com/ | Yes |
| The Paducah Sun | https://www.paducahsun.com/ | No |
| The Paisano | https://www.paisano-online.com/ | Yes |
| The Pakistani Newspaper | https://www.pn.com.pk/ | No |
| The Palava Hut | https://www.thepalavahut.com/ | No |
| The Palladium Times | https://www.pall-times.com/ | No |
| The Pampa News | https://www.thepampanews.com/ | No |
| The Panola Watchman | https://www.panolawatchman.com/ | No |
| The Panolian | https://www.panolian.com/ | No |
| The Pantagraph | https://www.pantagraph.com/ | No |
| The Paper Of Montgomery County | https://www.thepaper24-7.com/ | No |
| The Paper Of Wabash County | https://www.thepaperofwabash.com/ | No |
| The Paper | https://www.dutraspaper.com/ | No |
| The Paradise Post | https://www.paradisepost.com/ | No |
| The Paris News | https://www.theparisnews.com/ | No |
| The Park Cities News | https://www.parkcitiesnews.com/ | No |
| The Parkersburg News & Sentinel | https://www.newsandsentinel.com/ | No |
| The Park Record | https://www.parkrecord.com/ | No |
| The Pasadena Star-News | https://www.pasadenastarnews.com/ | No |
| The Patriot Ledger | https://www.patriotledger.com/ | No |
| The Patriot Newspaper | https://www.patriotnews.com/ | No |
| The Patriot News | https://www.pennlive.com/ | Yes |
| The Paxton Record | https://www.paxtonrecord.net/ | No |
| The Pella Chronicle | https://www.pellachronicle.com/ | No |
| The Pender-Topsail Post & Voice | https://www.post-voice.com/ | No |
| The Pender Times | https://www.penderthurston.com/ | No |
| The Pendleton Record | https://www.thependletonrecord.com/ | No |
| The Pendulum | https://www.eastgreenwichpendulum.com/ | No |
| The Pennsboro News | https://www.ritchiecountynews.com/ | No |
| The People's Defender | https://www.peoplesdefender.com/ | No |
| The People's Paper | https://www.thepeoplespaper.info/ | No |
| The People News | https://www.thepeoplenews.com/ | No |
| The People Sentinel | https://www.thepeoplesentinel.com/ | No |
| The Perry County Republic Monitor | https://www.perryvillenews.com/ | No |
| The Perryville Buzz | https://www.pvillebuzz.com/ | No |
| The Philadelphia Tribune | https://www.phila-tribune.com/ | No |
| The Philadelphia Weekly | https://www.phillyweekly.com/ | No |
| The Phoenix Spirit | https://www.thephoenixspirit.com/ | No |
| The Phoenixville Reporter & Item | https://www.phoenixvillenews.com/ | No |
| The Phoenix | https://www.phx.com/ | No |
| The Photo News | https://www.thephoto-news.com/ | No |
| The Pickens County Courier | https://www.pickenscountycourier.com/ | No |
| The Pickens County Progress | https://www.pickensprogress.com/ | No |
| The Pickens Sentinel | https://www.pickenssentinel.com/ | No |
| The Piedmont - Surrey Gazette | https://www.piedmontsurreygazette.com/ | No |
| The Pike County Courier | https://www.pikecountycourier.com/ | No |
| The Pilot News | https://www.thepilotnews.com/ | No |
| The Pilot | https://www.thepilot.com/ | No |
| The Pine Journal | https://www.pinejournal.com/ | No |
| The Pioneer News | https://www.pioneernews.net/ | No |
| The Pioneer | https://piercepioneernews.com/ | No |
| The Pitch | https://www.pitch.com/ | Yes |
| The Plain Dealer | https://www.wabashplaindealer.com/ | No |
| The Platte County Citizen | https://www.plattecountycitizen.com/ | No |
| The Platte County Record Times | https://www.pcrecordtimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Pleasanton Express | https://www.pleasantonexpress.com/ | No |
| The Plymouth Review | https://www.plymouth-review.com/ | No |
| The Pocahontas Times | https://www.pocahontastimes.com/ | No |
| The Point Pleasant Register | https://www.mydailyregister.com/ | No |
| The Point | https://www.scpronet.com/ | No |
| The Ponchatoula Times | https://www.ponchatoula.com/ | No |
| The Pontiac News | https://www.thepontiacnews.com/ | No |
| The Porterville Post | https://www.portervillepost.com/ | No |
| The Porterville Recorder | https://www.portervillerecorder.com/ | No |
| The Portland Alliance | https://www.theportlandalliance.org/ | No |
| The Port Lavaca Wave | https://www.portlavacawave.com/ | No |
| The Port Orford News | https://portorfordnews.com/ | No |
| The Port Planet | https://www.theportplanet.com/ | No |
| The Port Times Record | https://www.tbrnewsmedia.com/ | Yes |
| The Posey County News | https://www.poseycountynews.com/ | No |
| The Post & Courier | https://www.postandcourier.com/ | No |
| The Post & Mail | https://www.thepostandmail.com/ | No |
| The Post-Journal | https://www.post-journal.com/ | No |
| The Post-Star | https://www.poststar.com/ | No |
| The Post-Tribune | https://www.post-trib.com/ | No |
| The Post Crescent | https://www.postcrescent.com/ | No |
| The Post Eagle | https://www.posteaglenewspaper.com/ | No |
| The Post Searchlight | https://www.thepostsearchlight.com/ | No |
| The Post | https://www.thesedgwickcountypost.com/ | Yes |
| The Potomac Almanac | https://www.potomacalmanac.com/ | No |
| The Poughkeepsie Journal | https://www.poughkeepsiejournal.com/ | No |
| The Powell Tribune | https://www.powelltribune.com/ | No |
| The Pratt Tribune | https://www.pratttribune.com/ | No |
| The Prescott Journal | https://www.prescottjournal.net/ | No |
| The Prescott Valley Tribune | https://www.prescottvalleytribune.com/ | No |
| The Press & Dakotan Online | https://www.yankton.net/ | No |
| The Press Democrat | https://www.pressdemocrat.com/ | No |
| The Press Enterprise | https://www.pe.com/ | No |
| The Press Sentinel | https://www.thepress-sentinel.com/ | No |
| The Press Telegram | https://www.presstelegram.com/ | No |
| The Press Times | https://www.gopresstimes.com/ | No |
| The Press | https://www.presspublications.com/ | No |
| The Princeton Herald | https://www.princetonherald.com/ | Yes |
| The Progress Index | https://www.progress-index.com/ | No |
| The Progress | https://www.theprogressnews.com/ | No |
| The Prowers Journal | https://www.theprowersjournal.com/ | No |
| The Public Spirit | https://www.ayerpublicspirit.com/ | No |
| The Pueblo Chieftian Online | https://www.chieftain.com/ | No |
| The Purcell Register | https://www.purcellregister.com/ | No |
| The Putnam Pit | https://www.putnampit.com/ | No |
| The Quincy Vally Post-Register | https://www.qvpr.com/ | No |
| The Quoddy Tides | https://www.quoddytides.com/ | No |
| The Ramah Pines | https://lindaburson15.wixsite.com/ | No |
| The Rampage Online | https://www.rockvillerampage.com/ | Yes |
| The Randolph Leader | https://www.therandolphleader.com/ | No |
| The Ranger | https://www.dailyranger.com/ | No |
| The Ransom County Gazette | https://www.rcgazette.com/ | No |
| The Raton Range | https://www.ratonrange.com/ | No |
| The Reader | https://www.thereader.com/ | No |
| The Real Views | https://www.therealviews.com/ | No |
| The Record-Courier | https://www.recordcourier.com/ | No |
| The Record-Delta | https://www.therecorddelta.com/ | Yes |
| The Record Herald | https://www.recordherald.com/ | No |
| The Record Online | https://www.rrecord.com/ | No |
| The Record Review | https://www.centralwinews.com/ | Yes |
| The Record | https://www.recordnet.com/ | No |
| The Red and Black | https://www.redandblack.com/ | No |
| The Redfield Press | https://www.redfieldpress.com/ | Yes |
| The Red Mountain Post | https://www.theredmountainpost.com/ | No |
| The Reflector Online | https://www.reflector-online.com/ | No |
| The Reflector | https://www.thereflector.com/ | No |
| The Register-Herald | https://www.register-herald.com/ | No |
| The Register-Mail | https://www.register-mail.com/ | No |
| The Register Citizen | https://www.registercitizen.com/ | No |
| The Register Guard | https://www.registerguard.com/ | No |
| The Reidsville Review | https://www.reidsvillereview.com/ | No |
| The Reminder | https://www.thereminder.com/ | No |
| The Renegade Rip | https://www.therip.com/ | Yes |
| The Rensselaer Republican | https://www.rensselaerrepublican.com/ | No |
| The Reporter-Times | https://www.reporter-times.com/ | No |
| The Reporter Newspapers | https://www.reporternewspapers.net/ | No |
| The Reporter | https://www.thereporter.com/ | No |
| The Repository | https://www.cantonrep.com/ | No |
| The Republican-American | https://www.rep-am.com/ | No |
| The Republican | https://www.therepublicannews.com/ | No |
| The Republic Monitor | https://www.republic-monitor.com/ | No |
| The Republic Times | https://www.republictimes.net/ | No |
| The Republic | https://www.therepublic.com/ | Yes |
| The Resident | https://www.theresident.com/ | No |
| The Reston Connection | https://www.reston-connection.com/ | No |
| The Review Appeal | https://www.reviewappeal.com/ | No |
| The ReView Newspapers | https://www.thereviewnewspapers.com/ | No |
| The Review | https://www.the-review.com/ | No |
| The Rhino Times | https://www.rhinotimes.com/ | No |
| The Richfield Reaper | https://www.richfieldreaper.com/ | No |
| The Richland Mirror | https://www.richlandmirror.com/ | Yes |
| The Richmond Register | https://www.richmondregister.com/ | No |
| The Ritzville Adams County Journal | https://www.ritzvillejournal.com/ | Yes |
| The River Cities' Reader | https://www.rcreader.com/ | No |
| The River Cities Daily Tribune | https://www.dailytrib.com/ | No |
| The River Journal | https://www.riverjournal.com/ | Yes |
| The River News | https://www.therivernews.com/ | No |
| The River Reporter | https://www.riverreporter.com/ | No |
| The River View Observer | https://www.riverviewobserver.com/ | No |
| The Roane Reader | https://www.roanereader.com/ | No |
| The Robesonian | https://www.robesonian.com/ | Yes |
| The Rockdale Reporter | https://www.rockdalereporter.com/ | No |
| The Rocket-Miner | https://www.rocketminer.com/ | No |
| The Rocket | https://www.theonlinerocket.com/ | No |
| The Rogersville Review | https://www.therogersvillereview.com/ | No |
| The Roll Call News | https://www.rollcall.com/ | No |
| The Rolling Thunder Express | https://www.rollingthunderexpress.com/ | No |
| The Rosebud News | https://www.rosebudnews.net/ | No |
| The Roslyn News | https://www.theroslynnews.com/ | No |
| The Round Up | https://www.roundupnews.com/ | No |
| The Russell Register | https://www.russellregister.com/ | No |
| The Ruston Daily Leader | https://www.rustonleader.com/ | No |
| The Rustorian | https://www.rustorian.com/ | Yes |
| The Rutland Herald | https://www.rutlandherald.com/ | No |
| The Sacramento Bee | https://www.sacbee.com/ | No |
| The Sacramento Gazette | https://www.sacgazette.com/ | No |
| The Sacramento Miner | https://sacminer.com/ | No |
| The Sacramento Observer | https://www.sacobserver.com/ | No |
| The Saint Ignace News | https://www.stignacenews.com/ | No |
| The Saint Joseph Telegraph | https://www.stjtelegraph.com/ | No |
| The Salamanca Press | https://www.salamancapress.com/ | No |
| The Salam News | https://www.thesalemnewsonline.com/ | No |
| The Salem News | https://www.salemnews.com/ | No |
| The Salina Journal | https://www.saljournal.com/ | Yes |
| The Saline Reporter | https://www.salinereporter.com/ | No |
| The Sampson Independent | https://www.clintonnc.com/ | Yes |
| The San Antonio Express-News | https://www.mysanantonio.com/ | No |
| The San Diego Union-Tribune | https://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/ | No |
| The Sand Mountain Reporter | https://www.sandmountainreporter.com/ | No |
| The Sanford Herald Online | https://www.sanfordherald.com/ | No |
| The San Francisco Post | https://ww.sf-post.com/ | No |
| The Saratogian | https://www.saratogian.com/ | No |
| The Saturday Independent | https://www.thesaturdayindependent.com/ | No |
| The Sault Tribe News | https://www.saulttribe.com/ | No |
| The Scene | https://www.scenenewspaper.com/ | No |
| The Schulenburg Sticker | https://www.schulenburgsticker.com/ | No |
| The Seacoast Echo | https://www.seacoastecho.com/ | No |
| The Sealy News | https://www.sealynews.com/ | No |
| The Seattle Medium | https://www.seattlemedium.com/ | No |
| The Seattle Times | https://www.seattletimes.com/ | No |
| The Sebastian Daily | https://www.sebastiandaily.com/ | Yes |
| The Sedalia Democrat | https://www.sedaliademocrat.com/ | No |
| The Seeley Swan | https://www.seeleylake.com/ | No |
| The Sellersburg Reporter | https://www.thesellersburgreporter.com/ | No |
| The Selma News | https://www.theselmanews.com/ | No |
| The Seminole Producer | https://www.seminoleproducer.com/ | No |
| The Senior News | https://www.theseniornews.com/ | No |
| The Sentinel & Enterprise | https://www.sentinelandenterprise.com/ | No |
| The Sentinel-News | https://www.sentinelnews.com/ | No |
| The Sentinel-Record | https://www.hotsr.com/ | Yes |
| The Sentinel Echo | https://www.sentinel-echo.com/ | No |
| The Sentinel Progress | https://www.sentinelprogress.com/ | No |
| The Sentinel | https://www.nicsentinel.com/ | No |
| The Sequim Gazette | https://www.sequimgazette.com/ | No |
| The Seymour Herald | https://www.seymourherald.com/ | No |
| The Shawano Leader | https://www.shawanoleader.com/ | No |
| The Shawnee News-Star | https://www.news-star.com/ | No |
| The Sheboygan Press | https://www.sheboyganpress.com/ | No |
| The Sheboygan Sun | https://www.sheboygansun.com/ | No |
| The Shelby Star | https://www.shelbystar.com/ | No |
| The Sheridan Press | https://www.thesheridanpress.com/ | No |
| TheSidell Reporter | https://www.thesidellreporter.com/ | No |
| The Sierra Star | https://www.sierrastar.com/ | No |
| The Signal Enterpise | https://www.signal-enterprise.com/ | No |
| The Signal | https://www.the-signal.com/ | No |
| The Signpost | https://www.wsusignpost.com/ | No |
| The Silver City Daily Press | https://www.scdailypress.com/ | Yes |
| The Silver Times | https://sivertimes.com/ | No |
| The Simpsonville Banner | https://www.simpsonvillebanner.com/ | No |
| The Simpsonville Sentinel | https://sentinelinternet.com/ | No |
| The Skanner | https://www.theskanner.com/ | Yes |
| The Slaughter Creek Reporter | https://www.slaughtercreekreporter.com/ | No |
| The Slidell Independent | https://www.slidell-independent.com/ | No |
| The Smoky Mountain News | https://www.smokymountainnews.com/ | No |
| The Smoky Mountain Times | https://www.thesmokymountaintimes.com/ | No |
| The Snellville NetGazette | https://www.snellville.com/ | No |
| The Snohomish Times | https://www.snohomishtimes.com/ | No |
| The Somali Press | https://www.thesomalipress.com/ | No |
| The Somerville News | https://www.thesomervillenews.com/ | No |
| The Sounder | https://www.thesounder.com/ | No |
| The Source Weekly | https://www.tsweekly.com/ | No |
| The Southampton Press | https://www.southamptonpress.com/ | No |
| The Southbridge Evening News | https://www.southbridgeeveningnews.com/ | No |
| The South Cheatham Advocate Newspaper | https://www.scadvocate.com/ | No |
| The Southeast Missourian | https://www.semissourian.com/ | No |
| The SouthEast Sun | https://www.southeastsun.com/ | No |
| The Southern Illinoisan | https://www.southernillinoisan.com/ | No |
| The South Georgia Journal | https://www.thesouthgeorgiajournal.com/ | No |
| The South Reporter | https://www.southreporter.com/ | No |
| The South Side Business News | https://www.southsidebusiness.com/ | No |
| The Southside Messenger | https://www.southsidemessenger.com/ | No |
| The Southwest Times | https://www.southwesttimes.com/ | No |
| The Sparta Expositor | https://www.spartaexpositor.com/ | No |
| The Sparta Independent | https://www.spartaindependent.com/ | No |
| The Spectator | https://www.seattlespectator.com/ | Yes |
| The Splash | https://www.libertylakesplash.com/ | No |
| The Spotlight | https://www.spotlightnews.com/ | Yes |
| The Springfield Connection | https://www.springfieldconnection.com/ | No |
| The Springfield News-Leader | https://www.springfieldnews-leader.com/ | No |
| The Springfield Paper | https://www.thespringfieldpaper.com/ | No |
| The Standard-Journal | https://www.standard-journal.com/ | No |
| The Standard-Times | https://www.standardtimes.com/ | No |
| The Standard Banner | https://www.standardbanner.com/ | No |
| The Standard Times | https://www.nkstandardtimes.com/ | No |
| The Standard | https://www.thenewsstandard.com/ | No |
| The Stanford Daily | https://www.stanforddaily.com/ | Yes |
| The Star-News | https://www.mccallstarnews.com/ | No |
| The Star Banner | https://www.starbanner.com/ | No |
| The Star Democrat | https://www.stardem.com/ | No |
| The Star Gazette | https://www.stargazette.com/ | No |
| The Star Herald | https://www.starherald.net/ | Yes |
| The Stark County News | https://www.countyenews.com/ | Yes |
| The Starkville Daily News | https://www.starkvilledailynews.com/ | No |
| The Star Press | https://www.thestarpress.com/ | No |
| The Star | https://www.northaugustastar.com/ | No |
| The State Journal-Register | https://www.sj-r.com/ | No |
| The State News | https://www.statenews.com/ | No |
| The State Port Pilot | https://www.stateportpilot.com/ | No |
| The State Press | https://www.statepress.com/ | No |
| The Statesboro Herald | https://www.statesboroherald.net/ | No |
| The Statesman Examiner | https://www.statesmanexaminer.com/ | No |
| The Statesman Journal | https://www.statesmanjournal.com/ | No |
| The Statesman | https://www.utahstatesman.com/ | No |
| The State | https://www.thestate.com/ | No |
| The St Cloud Times Online | https://www.sctimes.com/ | No |
| The Steamboat Pilot | https://www.steamboatpilot.com/ | No |
| The Stokes News | https://www.thestokesnews.com/ | No |
| The Stoneham Independent | https://www.stonehamonline.com/ | No |
| The Storm Lake Times | https://www.stormlake.com/ | Yes |
| The Story | https://www.thestorygroup.com/ | No |
| The Stowe Reporter | https://www.stowetoday.com/ | No |
| The Stranger | https://www.thestranger.com/ | No |
| The Stratford Times | https://www.mystratfordtimes.com/ | No |
| The Student Printz | https://www.printz.usm.edu/ | No |
| The Sturgis Journal | https://www.sturgisjournal.com/ | No |
| The Suburbanite | https://www.thesuburbanite.com/ | No |
| The Suburban Times | https://www.thesubtimes.com/ | No |
| The Suffolk-News Herald | https://www.suffolknewsherald.com/ | No |
| The Sullivan County Democrat | https://www.sc-democrat.com/ | No |
| The Summerville Journal Scene | https://www.journalscene.com/ | No |
| The Sumner Press | https://www.sumnerpress.com/ | No |
| The Sun-Times | https://www.thesuntimes.com/ | No |
| The Sundance Times | https://www.sundancetimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Sunflower | https://sunflower.wichita.edu/ | No |
| The Sun Gazette | https://www.thesungazette.com/ | Yes |
| The Sun Journal | https://www.newbernsunjournal.com/ | No |
| The Sun Leader News | https://www.thesunleader.com/ | No |
| The Sunshine Express | https://westernslopenews.com/ | No |
| The SunState Post | https://sunstatepost.com/ | No |
| The Sun | https://www.sbsun.com/ | No |
| The Swift County Monitor | https://www.swiftcountymonitor.com/ | No |
| The Sylva Herald & Rualite | https://www.thesylvaherald.com/ | No |
| The Syracuse Journal | https://www.thesyracusejournal.com/ | No |
| The Tahlequah Daily Press | https://www.tahlequahdailypress.com/ | No |
| The Tama News-Herald | https://www.tamatoledonews.com/ | No |
| The Tanktown Chronicle | https://www.tanktownchronicle.com/ | No |
| The Taos News | https://www.taosnews.com/ | No |
| The Taunton Post | https://www.thetauntonpost.com/ | No |
| The Taylorsville Times | https://www.taylorsvilletimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Telegram | https://www.torringtontelegram.com/ | Yes |
| The Telegraph Forum | https://www.bucyrustelegraphforum.com/ | No |
| The Telegraph | https://www.thetelegraph.com/ | No |
| The Telfair Enterprise | https://www.thetelfairenterprise.com/ | No |
| The Telluride Watch | https://www.telluridewatch.com/ | No |
| The Tennessee Tribune | https://www.tntribune.com/ | Yes |
| The Terrell Tribune | https://www.terrelltribune.com/ | No |
| The Texas City Sun | https://www.texascitysun.com/ | No |
| The Texas Free Press | https://www.thetexasfreepress.com/ | No |
| The Texas Observer | https://www.texasobserver.org/ | Yes |
| The Texas Tribune | https://www.texastribune.org/ | Yes |
| The Thomas Tribune | https://www.thomastribune.com/ | No |
| The Tidewater News | https://www.tidewaternews.com/ | No |
| The Tifton Gazette | https://www.tiftongazette.com/ | No |
| The Timberjay | https://www.timberjay.com/ | No |
| The Times & Democrat | https://www.thetandd.com/ | No |
| The Times-Bulletin | https://www.timesbulletin.com/ | No |
| The Times-Herald | https://times-herald.com/ | No |
| The Times-Independent | https://www.moabtimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Times-Journal | https://www.times-journal.com/ | No |
| The Times-Press | https://www.times-press.com/ | No |
| The Times-Reporter | https://www.timesreporter.com/ | No |
| The Times Argus | https://www.timesargus.com/ | No |
| The Times Beacon Newspaper | https://www.southernocean.com/ | No |
| The Times Beacon Record | https://www.northshoreoflongisland.com/ | No |
| The Times Examiner | https://www.timesexaminer.com/ | No |
| The Times Herald Record | https://www.recordonline.com/ | No |
| The Times Herald | https://www.thetimesherald.com/ | No |
| The Times Journal | https://www.thetimesjournal.net/ | No |
| The Times Leader | https://www.timesleader.net/ | No |
| The Times News | https://www.thetimesnews.com/ | Yes |
| The Times of Chester County | https://www.chescotimes.com/ | No |
| The Times of Earth | https://www.timesofearth.com/ | No |
| The Times of Southwest Louisiana | https://www.timessw.com/ | No |
| The Times of Wayne County | https://www.waynetimes.com/ | No |
| The Times Online | https://nwitimes.com/ | No |
| The Times Record | https://www.swtimes.com/ | No |
| The Times Tribune | https://www.thetimestribune.com/ | No |
| The Times West Virginian | https://www.timeswv.com/ | No |
| The Times | https://www.ftimes.com/ | No |
| The Toccoa Record | https://www.thetoccoarecord.com/ | No |
| The Topeka Capital-Journal | https://www.cjonline.com/ | No |
| The Towerlight | https://www.thetowerlight.com/ | No |
| The Town Common | https://www.thetowncommon.com/ | No |
| The Town Crier | https://www.gotowncrier.com/ | No |
| The Towne Crier | https://www.crierwired.com/ | No |
| The Town Meeting | https://www.thetownmeeting.com/ | No |
| The Townsend Star | https://www.townsendstar.net/ | No |
| The Township Journal | https://www.townshipjournal.com/ | No |
| The Town Talk | https://www.thetowntalk.com/ | No |
| The Travelers Rest Monitor | https://www.travelersrestmonitor.net/ | No |
| The Travelers Rest Tribune | https://www.trtribune.com/ | No |
| The Trentonian | https://www.trentonian.com/ | No |
| The Tri-Valley Herald | https://www.trivalleyherald.com/ | No |
| The Triangle Tribune | https://www.triangletribune.com/ | Yes |
| The Tribune-Chronicle | https://www.tribune-chronicle.com/ | No |
| The Tribune-Courier | https://www.tribunecourier.com/ | No |
| The Tribune-Democrat | https://www.tribune-democrat.com/ | No |
| The Tribune | https://www.sanluisobispo.com/ | No |
| The Trinity Journal | https://www.trinityjournal.com/ | No |
| The Tryon Daily Bulletin | https://www.tryondailybulletin.com/ | No |
| The Tunica Times | https://www.tunicatimes.com/ | No |
| The Turlock Journal | https://www.turlockjournal.com/ | No |
| The Twin City News | https://www.twin-citynews.com/ | Yes |
| The Uintah Basin Standard | https://www.ubstandard.com/ | No |
| The Union-Recorder | https://www.unionrecorder.com/ | No |
| The Union Daily Times | https://www.uniondailytimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Union Democrat | https://www.uniondemocrat.com/ | No |
| The Union Leader | https://www.unionleader.com/ | No |
| The Unionville Times | https://www.unionvilletimes.com/ | No |
| The Union | https://www.theunion.com/ | No |
| The University News | https://www.unewsonline.com/ | Yes |
| The US News | https://www.theusnews.com/ | No |
| The Utah Statesman | https://www.usustatesman.com/ | No |
| The Valdosta Daily Times | https://www.valdostadailytimes.com/ | No |
| The Valley Breeze | https://www.valleybreeze.com/ | No |
| The Valley Chronicle | https://www.thevalleychronicle.com/ | No |
| The Valley Journal | https://www.valley-journal.com/ | No |
| The Valley News | https://www.myvalleynews.com/ | Yes |
| The Valley Reporter | https://www.valleyreporter.com/ | No |
| The Valley Roadrunner | https://www.valleycenter.com/ | No |
| The Valley Springs News | https://www.valleyspringsnews.com/ | No |
| The Valley Times-News | https://www.valleytimes-news.com/ | No |
| The Valley Voice | https://www.valleyvoicenews.com/ | Yes |
| The Vandalia Leader | https://www.vandalialeader.com/ | No |
| The Van Wert Independent | https://www.vwindependent.com/ | No |
| The Vicksburg Post | https://www.vicksburgpost.com/ | No |
| The Victoria Advocate | https://www.thevictoriaadvocate.com/ | No |
| The Vidette | https://www.thevidette.com/ | No |
| The Vienna/Oakton Connection | https://www.viennaconnection.com/ | No |
| The Villadom Times | https://www.villadom.com/ | No |
| The Village Advocate | https://thevillageadvocate.com/ | No |
| The Village News | https://www.villagenews.com/ | Yes |
| The Villager | https://www.thevillager.com/ | Yes |
| The Villages Sun Times | https://www.thevillagessuntimes.com/ | No |
| The Village Voice | https://www.villagevoice.com/ | No |
| The Vindicator | https://www.vindy.com/ | No |
| The Virginia Gazette | https://www.vagazette.com/ | No |
| The Virginian-Pilot | https://www.pilotonline.com/ | No |
| The Voice Newspaper | https://www.voicenewspaper.com/ | No |
| The Voice News | https://www.thevoicenews.com/ | No |
| The Voice | https://www.cabrillovoice.net/ | No |
| The Wagner Post | https://www.thewagnerpost.com/ | No |
| The Wake Forest Gazette | https://www.wakeforestgazette.com/ | Yes |
| The Wake Weekly | https://www.wakeweekly.com/ | No |
| The Walton Sun | https://www.waltonsun.com/ | No |
| The Walton Tribune | https://www.waltontribune.com/ | No |
| The Wanderer | https://www.wanderer.com/ | No |
| The Warrick County Standard | https://www.warricknews.com/ | No |
| The Warwick Advertiser | https://www.warwickadvertiser.com/ | No |
| The Wasatch Wave | https://www.wasatchwave.com/ | No |
| The Washington Diplomat | https://www.washdiplomat.com/ | Yes |
| The Washington Informer | https://www.washingtoninformer.com/ | No |
| The Washington Newsday | https://www.washingtonnewsday.com/ | Yes |
| The Washington Outsider | https://www.washingtonoutsider.org/ | No |
| The Washington Post | https://www.washingtonpost.com/ | Yes |
| The Washington Star-News | https://www.washingtonstarnews.com/ | No |
| The Washington Sun | https://www.thewashingtonsun.com/ | No |
| The Washington Times | https://www.washingtontimes.com/ | Yes |
| The Wave of Long Island | https://www.rockawave.com/ | No |
| The Waynedale News | https://www.thewaynedalenews.com/ | No |
| The Wayne Independent | https://www.wayneindependent.com/ | No |
| The Weekly Bangalee | https://www.weeklybangalee.com/ | No |
| The Weekly Issue El Semanario | https://www.elsemanario.us/ | No |
| The Weekly Newspapers | https://www.keysweekly.com/ | Yes |
| The Weekly Packet | https://www.weeklypacket.com/ | No |
| The Weekly Post | https://www.theweeklypost.com/ | No |
| The Weekly Sentinel | https://www.theweeklysentinel.com/ | No |
| The Weekly View | https://weeklyview.net/ | No |
| The Weekly | https://www.theweekly.com/ | No |
| The Weirs Times | https://www.weirs.com/ | No |
| The Weirton Daily Times | https://www.weirtondailytimes.com/ | No |
| The Wesleyan Argus | https://www.wesleyanargus.com/ | No |
| The Westbury Times | https://www.thewestburytimes.com/ | No |
| The West End News | https://www.thewestendnews.com/ | No |
| The Western News | https://www.thewesternnews.com/ | No |
| The Westfield Leader | https://www.goleader.com/ | No |
| The West Milford Messenger | https://www.westmilfordmessenger.com/ | No |
| The Westmoreland News | https://www.westmorelandnews.net/ | No |
| The Weston Democrat | https://www.westondemocrat.com/ | No |
| The Westport News | https://www.westport-news.com/ | No |
| The Wet Mountain Tribune | https://www.wetmountaintribune.com/ | No |
| The Wetumpka Herald | https://www.thewetumpkaherald.com/ | No |
| The White Hall Journal | https://www.whitehalljournal.com/ | No |
| The Whitmire News | https://www.whitmirenews.com/ | No |
| The Whittier Daily-News Online | https://www.whittierdailynews.com/ | No |
| The Wichita Eagle | https://www.kansas.com/ | No |
| The Wickenburg News | https://www.wickenburgnews.com/ | No |
| The Wickenburg Sun | https://www.wickenburgsun.com/ | No |
| The Wildwoods Reporter | https://www.thewildwoodsreporter.com/ | No |
| The Williamson County Fress Press | https://www.williamsoncountyfreepress.com/ | No |
| The Willits News | https://www.willitsnews.com/ | No |
| The Wilson Post | https://www.wilsonpost.com/ | No |
| The Wilton Bulletin | https://www.wiltonbulletin.com/ | Yes |
| The Winchester Star | https://www.winchesterstar.com/ | No |
| The Winter Texan Times | https://www.wintertexantimes.com/ | No |
| The Witmarsum | https://www.blufftonwit.com/ | No |
| The Woodstock View | https://www.thewoodstockview.com/ | No |
| The World | https://www.theworldlink.com/ | No |
| The Wright County Monitor | https://www.clarionnewsonline.com/ | No |
| The Wylie News | https://www.wylienews.com/ | Yes |
| The Yadkin Ripple | https://www.yadkinripple.com/ | No |
| The Yapper | https://www.yapperonline.com/ | No |
| The Yellow Scene | https://www.theyellowscene.com/ | No |
| The York Daily Record | https://www.ydr.com/ | No |
| The York Independent | https://www.yorkindependent.net/ | No |
| The York Weekly | https://www.yorkweekly.com/ | No |
| The Zephyr | https://www.thezephyr.com/ | No |
| The Zionsville Times-Sentinel | https://www.timessentinel.com/ | No |
| Thief River Times | https://www.trftimes.com/ | No |
| Think and Ask | https://www.thinkandask.com/ | No |
| This Week in Raymond | https://www.thisweekinraymond.com/ | No |
| This Week | https://www.thisweeknews.com/ | No |
| Thomasville Times Enterprise | https://www.timesenterprise.com/ | No |
| Thousand Oaks Acorn | https://www.toacorn.com/ | No |
| Tidbits of Western Arkansas | https://www.tidbitsarok.com/ | Yes |
| Tideland News | https://www.carolinacoastonline.com/ | No |
| Tilde Noticias | https://www.tildenoticias.com/ | No |
| Tillamook Headlight Herald | https://tillamookheadlightherald.com/ | No |
| Times-Advertiser | https://www.chipleypaper.com/ | No |
| Times-Call | https://www.timescall.com/ | No |
| Times-Citizen | https://www.timescitizen.com/ | No |
| Times-Courier | https://www.timescourier.com/ | No |
| Times-Gazette | https://www.t-g.com/ | No |
| Times-Herald | https://thnews.com/ | No |
| Times-News | https://www.hendersonvillenews.com/ | No |
| Times-Union | https://www.timeswrsw.com/ | No |
| Times-Villager | https://www.timesvillager.com/ | No |
| Times Community Newspaper | https://www.tcnewsnet.com/ | No |
| Times Daily | https://www.timesdaily.com/ | No |
| Times Georgian | https://www.times-georgian.com/ | No |
| Times Herald Online | https://www.timesheraldonline.com/ | No |
| Times Herald | https://www.washtimesherald.com/ | No |
| Times Indicator | https://www.timesindicator.com/ | No |
| Times Ledger | https://www.timesledger.com/ | No |
| Times News | https://www.tnonline.com/ | No |
| Times Observer | https://www.timesobserver.com/ | No |
| Times Recorder | https://www.zanesvilletimesrecorder.com/ | No |
| Times Record | https://www.aledotimesrecord.com/ | No |
| Times Standard | https://www.times-standard.com/ | No |
| Times Union | https://www.timesunion.com/ | No |
| Tioga Tribune | https://www.journaltrib.com/ | No |
| Tipp Canoe Gazette | https://www.tippgazette.com/ | Yes |
| TippNews Daily | https://www.tippnews.com/ | Yes |
| Tipton County News | https://wreg.com/ | No |
| Titus County Times | https://www.tituscountytimes.com/ | No |
| Titusville Herald | https://www.titusvilleherald.com/ | No |
| Tobacco Valley News | https://www.tobaccovalleynews.com/ | No |
| Today.com | https://www.clarkcountytoday.com/ | Yes |
| Today In Mississsippi | https://www.todayinmississippi.com/ | No |
| Todd Country Courier | https://www.tccourier.com/ | Yes |
| Todd Country Standard | https://www.tcstandard.com/ | No |
| Todd County News | https://www.whopam.com/ | No |
| Tomahawk Leader | https://www.tomahawkleader.com/ | No |
| Tooele Transcript Bulletin | https://www.tooeleonline.com/ | No |
| Topbuzz News | https://www.topbuzz.info/ | No |
| Topsail Island Info | https://www.topsail-island.info/ | No |
| TownBroadcast | https://www.townbroadcast.com/ | No |
| Town Online | https://www.townonline.com/ | No |
| Townsend Times | https://www.townsendtimes.com/ | No |
| Town Times | https://www.towntimes.com/ | No |
| Tracy Press | https://www.tracypress.com/ | No |
| Traill County Tribune | https://www.tctribune.net/ | No |
| Traverse City Record-Eagle | https://www.record-eagle.com/ | No |
| Treasure Coast News | https://www.treasurecoast.com/ | No |
| Trempealeau County Times | https://www.arrow-times.com/ | No |
| Trenton Sun | https://www.trentonsun.net/ | No |
| Tri-City Herald | https://www.tri-cityherald.com/ | No |
| Tri-County News | https://tricountynews.mn/ | No |
| Tri-County Press | https://www.tri-countypress.com/ | No |
| Tri-County Times | https://www.tctimes.com/ | No |
| Tri-Lakes Tribune | https://www.tri-lakestribune.com/ | No |
| Tribune & Georgian | https://www.tribune-georgian.com/ | No |
| Tribune-Herald | https://www.hawaiitribune-herald.com/ | No |
| Tribune-Star | https://www.tribstar.com/ | No |
| Tribune | https://www.snoho.com/ | No |
| Tri Corner Extra | https://www.tcextra.com/ | No |
| Tri County Weekly | https://www.jamesporttricountyweekly.com/ | Yes |
| Tri State News | https://www.tristate-media.com/ | No |
| Tri Town Times | https://www.tritowntimes.net/ | No |
| Troy Daily News | https://www.tdn-net.com/ | No |
| Troy Record | https://www.troyrecord.com/ | No |
| True Dakotan | https://www.truedakotan.com/ | No |
| Trumbull Times | https://www.trumbulltimes.com/ | Yes |
| Tubman City News | https://www.tubmancitynews.com/ | No |
| TucsonHomeTimes.com | https://www.hometowntimes.com/ | No |
| Tucson Post | https://www.tucsonpost.com/ | No |
| Tucson Weekly | https://www.tucsonweekly.com/ | No |
| Tukwila Reporter | https://www.tukwilareporter.com/ | No |
| Tulane Hullabaloo | https://www.thehullabaloo.com/ | Yes |
| Tulare Advance Register | https://www.tulareadvanceregister.com/ | No |
| Tullahoma Online | https://www.tullahoma.net/ | No |
| Tulsa's Star News | https://www.tulsasstar.com/ | No |
| Tulsa News | https://www.ktul.com/ | No |
| Tulsa Today | https://www.tulsatoday.com/ | No |
| Turkish Journal | https://www.turkishjournal.com/ | No |
| Turn To 10 | https://www.turnto10.com/ | No |
| Turtle Mountain Star | https://www.tmstarnews.com/ | No |
| Tuscaloosa News | https://www.tuscaloosanews.com/ | No |
| Tuscaloosa Times | https://www.tuscaloosatimes.com/ | No |
| Tuscola County Advertiser | https://www.tuscolatoday.com/ | Yes |
| Twinsburg Bulletin | https://www.twinsburgbulletin.com/ | No |
| Tyler Morning Telegraph | https://www.tylerpaper.com/ | No |
| Tyler Tribute | https://www.tylertribute.com/ | No |
| Uinta County Herald | https://www.uintacountyherald.com/ | Yes |
| Ukiah Daily Journal | https://www.ukiahdailyjournal.com/ | No |
| Union Bulletin | https://www.union-bulletin.com/ | No |
| Union County Advocate | https://www.ucadvocate.com/ | No |
| Union County Dispatch | https://www.unioncountydispatch.com/ | No |
| Universal Republic | https://www.urnews.tv/ | No |
| University Daily Kansan | https://www.kansan.com/ | No |
| UpBeat News | https://www.myupbeatnews.com/ | No |
| Upper Bucks Free Press | https://www.ubfp.org/ | No |
| Upper Cumberland Reporter | https://www.uppercumberlandreporter.com/ | No |
| Upstate Today | https://www.upstatetoday.com/ | Yes |
| Urbana Daily Citizen | https://www.urbanacitizen.com/ | No |
| Urban Sentinel | https://www.urbansentinel.com/ | No |
| URDU Times | https://www.urdutimes.com/ | Yes |
| USA Hispanic | https://www.usahispanicpress.com/ | No |
| USA News | https://www.dailynewsen.com/ | No |
| USA Today | https://www.usatoday.com/ | No |
| USA Weekend | https://www.usaweekend.com/ | No |
| US Bangla News | https://www.usbanglanews.com/ | No |
| US Nepali News | https://www.usnepalinews.com/ | No |
| US News | https://www.usnews.com/ | No |
| USSPost | https://www.usspost.com/ | No |
| US Urdu News | https://www.usurdunews.com/ | Yes |
| Uvalde Leader News | https://www.uvaldeleadernews.com/ | No |
| UWeekly | https://www.uweekly.com/ | Yes |
| UWM Post | https://www.uwmpost.com/ | No |
| Vail Daily News | https://www.vaildaily.com/ | No |
| Valley Advocate | https://valleyadvocate.com/ | No |
| Valley City Times-Record | https://www.times-online.com/ | No |
| Valley Journal | https://www.valleyjournal.net/ | No |
| Valley Morning Star | https://www.valleymorningstar.com/ | No |
| ValleyNewsNow | https://www.valleynewsnow.com/ | No |
| Valley News | https://www.vnews.com/ | No |
| Valley Ranger | https://www.wvdailynews.net/ | No |
| Vandalia Drummer News | https://www.vandaliadrummernews.com/ | No |
| Van Horn Advocate | https://www.vanhornadvocate.com/ | No |
| Van Zandt News | https://www.vanzandtnews.com/ | No |
| Vashon-Maury Island Beachcomber | https://www.vashonbeachcomber.com/ | No |
| Venezuela Al Dia | https://www.venezuelaaldia.com/ | Yes |
| Venice Gondolier | https://www.venicegondolier.com/ | No |
| Verde Independent | https://www.verdenews.com/ | No |
| Vermont Post | https://www.vermontpost.com/ | No |
| Vermont Standard | https://www.thevermontstandard.com/ | No |
| Vernal Express | https://www.vernal.com/ | No |
| Vernon County Broadcaster | https://www.vernonbroadcaster.com/ | No |
| Vernon Hills Review | https://www.vernonhillsreview.com/ | No |
| VeroNews.com | https://www.veronews.com/ | No |
| Versailles Leader-Statesman | https://www.leader-statesman.biz/ | No |
| Vestavia Voice | https://vestaviavoice.com/ | No |
| Via Florida | https://www.revistalavia.com/ | No |
| Victoria Advocate | https://www.victoriaadvocate.com/ | No |
| Victor Post | https://www.victorpost.com/ | No |
| Vida Latina | https://vidalatinasd.com/ | No |
| Viera Voice | https://www.vieravoice.com/ | No |
| Vilas County News Review | https://www.vilascountynewsreview.com/ | No |
| Village Connector Community News | https://www.villageconnector.com/ | Yes |
| Village Living | https://www.villagelivingonline.com/ | No |
| Ville Platte Gazette | https://www.villeplattetoday.com/ | No |
| Vincennes Sun-Commercial | https://www.suncommercial.com/ | No |
| Vineyard Gazette | https://www.mvgazette.com/ | No |
| Vinton Today | https://www.vintontoday.com/ | No |
| Virginia City News | https://www.virginiacitynews.com/ | No |
| Virginian Review | https://www.thevirginianreview.com/ | No |
| Visalia Times-Delta | https://www.visaliatimesdelta.com/ | No |
| Vision Hispana | https://www.visionhispanausa.com/ | No |
| Vital Voice | https://www.thevitalvoice.com/ | No |
| Vocero Hispano Newspaper | https://www.vocerohispano.com/ | No |
| Voice of America Urdu | https://www.urduvoa.com/ | No |
| Voice of the Ozarks | https://www.voiceoftheozarks.net/ | No |
| Wabash Valley Journal of Business | https://www.thjournal.com/ | No |
| WACHFox57 | https://www.wach.com/ | No |
| Waco Tribune-Herald | https://www.wacotrib.com/ | No |
| Wahoo Newspaper | https://www.wahoo-ashland-waverly.com/ | No |
| Wallowa County Chieftain | https://www.wallowa.com/ | No |
| Wall Street Journal | https://www.wsj.com/ | No |
| Walpole Times | https://www.walpoletimes.com/ | No |
| Walsh County Record | https://www.wcrecord.com/ | No |
| Walterboro Live | https://www.walterborolive.com/ | No |
| Walworth County Today | https://www.walworthcountytoday.com/ | No |
| Wapakoneta Daily News | https://www.wapakdailynews.com/ | No |
| Wardheer News | https://www.wardheernews.com/ | Yes |
| Wareham Week | https://wareham.theweektoday.com/ | No |
| Warren County Report | https://warrencountyreport.com/ | No |
| Warren Online | https://www.warrenri.com/ | No |
| Warren Weekly | https://www.warrenweeklyindiana.com/ | No |
| Warroad Pioneer | https://www.warroadmnnews.com/ | No |
| Warwick Beacon | https://www.warwickonline.com/ | No |
| Warwick Post | https://www.warwickpost.com/ | No |
| Wasatch News | https://www.wasatchnews.com/ | No |
| Washington's Voz | https://www.washingtonvoz.com/ | No |
| Washington Blade | https://www.washingtonblade.com/ | Yes |
| Washington City Paper | https://www.washingtoncitypaper.com/ | No |
| Washington County Enterprise-Leader | https://www.eagleobserver.com/ | Yes |
| Washington Daily News | https://washingtondailynews-nc.com/ | No |
| Washington DC News | https://www.nbcwashington.com/ | No |
| Washington Free Press | https://www.wafreepress.org/ | No |
| Washington Hispanic | https://www.washingtonhispanic.com/ | Yes |
| Washingtonian Magazine | https://www.washingtonian.com/ | Yes |
| Washington Park Profile | https://www.washparkprofile.com/ | No |
| Washington Times-Reporter | https://www.washingtontimesreporter.com/ | No |
| WashMo.com | https://www.washmo.com/ | No |
| Watan | https://www.watan.com/ | Yes |
| Waterbury Record | https://www.waterburyrecord.com/ | No |
| Waterfront News | https://waterfront-news.com/ | No |
| Waterloo/Cedar Falls Courier | https://www.wcfcourier.com/ | No |
| Waterloo News | https://www.kwwl.com/ | No |
| Watertown Daily Times | https://www.wdt.net/ | No |
| Watertown Public Opinion | https://www.thepublicopinion.com/ | No |
| Waukesha Freeman | https://www.freemanol.com/ | No |
| Waukon Standard | https://waukonstandard.com/ | No |
| Wausau Daily Herald | https://www.wausaudailyherald.com/ | No |
| Wausau Pilot & Review | https://www.wausaupilotandreview.com/ | No |
| Waushara Argus | https://www.wausharaargus.com/ | No |
| Waxahachie Daily Light | https://www.thedailylight.com/ | No |
| Waycross Journal-Herald | https://www.wjhnews.com/ | No |
| Wayne-Wilson News Leader | https://www.newsleadernow.com/ | Yes |
| Wayne County Journal-Banner | https://www.waynecojournalbanner.com/ | Yes |
| Wayne County News | https://www.waynecountytoday.com/ | No |
| Wayne Post | https://www.waynepost.com/ | No |
| WBOY | https://www.wboy.com/ | No |
| WCAX.com | https://www.wcax.com/ | No |
| Weakley County Press | https://www.wcpnews.com/ | No |
| Weatherford Democrat | https://www.weatherforddemocrat.com/ | No |
| Weau13 News | https://www.weau.com/ | No |
| Webb Weekly | https://www.webbweekly.com/ | No |
| Webster-Kirkwood Times | https://www.websterkirkwoodtimes.com/ | No |
| Webster County Citizen | https://www.webstercountycitizen.com/ | No |
| Webster Post | https://www.websterpost.com/ | No |
| Webster Progress Times | https://www.websterprogresstimes.com/ | No |
| Wednesday Journal | https://www.wednesdayjournalonline.com/ | Yes |
| Weekly Ajkal | https://www.weeklyajkal.com/ | No |
| Weekly Choice | https://www.weeklychoice.com/ | Yes |
| Weekly Dig | https://www.weeklydig.com/ | No |
| Weekly Journals | https://www.weeklyjournals.com/ | No |
| Weekly Record | https://www.weeklyrecordherald.com/ | No |
| Weekly Transcript | https://www.kansasweeklytranscript.com/ | No |
| Weiser Signal American | https://www.signalamerican.com/ | No |
| Wellington Daily News | https://www.wgtndailynews.com/ | No |
| Wellsboro Gazette | https://www.tiogapublishing.com/ | No |
| Wellsville Daily Reporter | https://www.wellsvilledaily.com/ | No |
| Wenatchee Business Journal | https://www.ncwbusiness.com/ | No |
| Wenatchee World | https://www.wenatcheeworld.com/ | No |
| West Bend News | https://www.westbendnews.net/ | No |
| West Central Tribune | https://www.wctrib.com/ | No |
| Westchester Guardian | https://www.westchesterguardian.com/ | No |
| Westchester Hispano | https://www.westchesterhispano.net/ | No |
| Westchester | https://www.westchester.com/ | No |
| West Curr Current | https://www.wkcurrent.com/ | Yes |
| West End Happenings | https://www.westendhappenings.com/ | No |
| Westend | https://www.westendmonthly.com/ | No |
| Western Courier | https://www.westerncourier.com/ | No |
| Western Nebraskia Observer | https://www.westernnebraskaobserver.net/ | Yes |
| West Fargo Pioneer | https://www.westfargopioneer.com/ | No |
| West Hartford News | https://www.westhartfordnews.com/ | No |
| West Haven Voice | https://www.westhavenvoice.com/ | No |
| West Hawaii Today | https://www.westhawaiitoday.com/ | No |
| West Jordan Journal | https://www.westjordanjournal.com/ | Yes |
| West Kentucky Star | https://www.westkentuckystar.com/ | No |
| West Liberty Index | https://www.westlibertyindex.com/ | No |
| WestMetroNews | https://www.westmetronews.net/ | No |
| West Newsmagazine | https://www.westnewsmagazine.com/ | No |
| Weston County Gazette | https://www.westoncountygazette.com/ | No |
| West Plains Daily Quill | https://www.westplainsdailyquill.net/ | No |
| Westplex Today | https://www.westplextoday.com/ | No |
| West Point News | https://www.wpnews.com/ | No |
| WestportNow.com | https://www.westportnow.com/ | Yes |
| West Sacramento Sun | https://www.westsacramentosun.com/ | No |
| West Seattle Herald | https://www.westseattleherald.com/ | No |
| West Sherburne Tribune | https://www.westsherburnetribune.com/ | No |
| West Valley City Journal | https://www.wvcjournal.com/ | Yes |
| West Valley View | https://www.westvalleyview.com/ | No |
| Westword.com | https://www.westword.com/ | Yes |
| West Yellowstone Star | https://www.wyellowstonestar.com/ | No |
| Wetzel Chronicle | https://www.wetzelchronicle.com/ | No |
| Whatcom Watch | https://www.whatcomwatch.org/ | No |
| Wheeling News-Register | https://www.theintelligencer.net/ | No |
| Whidbey Examiner | https://www.whidbeyexaminer.com/ | Yes |
| Whidbey News-Times | https://www.whidbeynewstimes.com/ | No |
| Whitefish Pilot | https://www.whitefishpilot.com/ | No |
| White Lake Beacon | https://www.whitelakebeacon.com/ | No |
| White Mountain Independent | https://www.wmicentral.com/ | No |
| White Plains CitizeNetReporter | https://www.whiteplainscnr.com/ | No |
| White Rock Lake Weekly | https://www.whiterocklakeweekly.com/ | No |
| Whitewater Banner | https://www.whitewaterbanner.com/ | No |
| WHNT News 19 | https://www.whnt.com/ | No |
| Whole Hog Sports | https://www.wholehogsports.com/ | Yes |
| Wichita Falls Times Record News | https://www.timesrecordnews.com/ | No |
| Wilber Nebraska News | https://wilbernebraska.tripod.com/ | No |
| Wilkes Journal-Patriot | https://www.journalpatriot.com/ | No |
| Willamette Week | https://www.wweek.com/ | No |
| Willapa Harbor Herald / Town Crier | https://www.hometowndebate.com/ | No |
| Williams News | https://www.williamsnews.com/ | No |
| Williamson Daily News | https://www.williamsondailynews.com/ | No |
| Williamson Herald | https://www.williamsonherald.com/ | No |
| Williamson Source | https://www.williamsonsource.com/ | Yes |
| Williston Herald | https://www.willistonherald.com/ | No |
| Williston Observer | https://www.willistonobserver.com/ | No |
| Williston Pioneer Sun News | https://www.willistonpioneer.com/ | No |
| Wills Point Chronicle | https://www.willspointchronicle.com/ | No |
| Wilmington Journal | https://www.wilmingtonjournal.com/ | No |
| Wilmington Morning Star | https://www.wilmingtonstar.com/ | No |
| Wilson County News | https://www.wilsoncountynews.com/ | No |
| Wilson Daily Times | https://www.wilsondaily.com/ | No |
| Winchester Sun | https://www.winchestersun.com/ | No |
| Windham News | https://www.windhamnews.com/ | No |
| Window on the Clearwater | https://www.windowontheclearwater.com/ | No |
| Windsor Journal | https://www.thewindsorjournal.com/ | No |
| Windsor Locks Journal | https://thewindsorlocksjournal.com/ | No |
| Windy City Times | https://windycitymediagroup.com/ | No |
| Winn News | https://www.winnnews.com/ | No |
| Winona Daily News | https://www.winonadailynews.com/ | No |
| Winona Post | https://www.winonapost.com/ | No |
| Winston-Salem Journal | https://www.journalnow.com/ | No |
| Winston County Journal | https://www.winstoncountyjournal.com/ | No |
| Winter Haven News Chief | https://www.newschief.com/ | No |
| Winterset Madisonian | https://www.wintersetmadisonian.com/ | No |
| Wirt County Journal | https://www.wirtjournal.com/ | No |
| Wiscasset Newspaper | https://www.wiscassetnewspaper.com/ | No |
| Wisconsin Public Radio | https://www.wpr.org/ | No |
| Wisconsin Rapids City Times | https://www.wrcitytimes.com/ | No |
| Wisconsin Rapids Tribune | https://www.wisconsinrapidstribune.com/ | No |
| Wisconsin Report | https://www.wisconsinreport.com/ | No |
| Wisconsin Star | https://www.wisconsinstar.com/ | No |
| Wise County Messenger | https://www.wcmessenger.com/ | No |
| WJHL 11 | https://www.wjhl.com/ | No |
| WJLA | https://www.wjla.com/ | No |
| WLFI.com | https://www.wlfi.com/ | No |
| WLTX19 | https://www.wltx.com/ | No |
| Woodburn Independent | https://www.woodburnindependent.com/ | No |
| Woodbury Bulletin | https://www.woodburybulletin.com/ | No |
| Woodbury County News | https://www.woodburycountyiowa.gov/ | No |
| Woodford Sun | https://www.woodfordsun.com/ | No |
| Woodford Times | https://www.woodfordtimes.com/ | No |
| Wood River Journal | https://www.wrjournal.com/ | No |
| Woodsboro-Walkersville Times | https://www.woodsborotimes.com/ | No |
| Woodstock Times | https://www.woodstockx.com/ | Yes |
| Woodward News | https://www.woodwardnews.net/ | No |
| Worcester Business Journal | https://www.wbjournal.com/ | No |
| Worcester Magazine | https://www.worcestermag.com/ | No |
| World Net Daily | https://www.worldnetdaily.com/ | Yes |
| World Reporter | https://www.worldreporter.org/ | No |
| Wrangler News | https://www.wranglernews.com/ | No |
| WRDW | https://www.wrdw.com/ | No |
| WRPI | https://www.wpri.com/ | No |
| WSPA | https://www.wspa.com/ | No |
| WTAP | https://www.wtap.com/ | No |
| WVNSTV | https://www.wvnstv.com/ | No |
| WVVA | https://wvva.com/ | No |
| Wyandotte Daily | https://wyandottedaily.com/ | No |
| WYFF | https://www.wyff4.com/ | No |
| Wyo4News | https://www.wyo4news.com/ | Yes |
| WyoFile | https://www.wyofile.com/ | Yes |
| Wyoming Business Report | https://www.wyomingbusinessreport.com/ | No |
| Wyoming Livestock Roundup | https://www.wylr.net/ | No |
| Wyoming Public Media | https://www.wyomingpublicmedia.org/ | No |
| Wyoming Tribune Eagle | https://www.wyomingnews.com/ | No |
| Yakima Herald | https://www.yakimaherald.com/ | No |
| YakTriNews | https://www.yaktrinews.com/ | No |
| Yale Daily News | https://www.yaledailynews.com/ | No |
| Yavapai Silent Witness | https://www.yavapaisw.com/ | No |
| Yazoo Herald | https://www.yazooherald.net/ | Yes |
| Yellowstone County News | https://www.yellowstonecountynews.com/ | No |
| Yellowstone News | https://www.yellowstonenews.com/ | No |
| Yes! Weekly | https://www.yesweekly.com/ | No |
| Yonkers Tribune | https://www.yonkerstribune.com/ | No |
| York Dispatch Online | https://www.yorkdispatch.com/ | No |
| York News-Times | https://www.yorknewstimes.com/ | No |
| York Sunday News Online | https://www.yorksundaynews.com/ | No |
| YourArlington.com | https://www.yourarlington.com/ | Yes |
| Ypsilanti Courier | https://www.ypsilanticourier.com/ | No |
| Yukon News | https://www.yukon-news.com/ | No |
| Yukon Progress | https://yukonprogressnews.com/ | No |
| Yuma Sun | https://www.yumasun.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Uruguay
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Afirmacion | https://www.afirmacion.net/ | No |
| Bpp-Color | https://www.bppcolor.info/ | Yes |
| Brecha | https://www.brecha.com.uy/ | No |
| Diario Atlas | https://www.diarioatlas.com/ | No |
| Diario Cambio | https://www.diariocambiodigital.com/ | No |
| Diario Correo de Punta del Este | https://www.diariocorreo.com/ | No |
| Diario de Punta del Este | https://www.diariodepunta.com/ | No |
| Diario El Corresponsal | https://diarioelcorresponsal.blogia.com/ | No |
| Diario El Este | https://www.diarioeleste.com/ | No |
| Diario El Observador | https://www.elobservador.com.uy/ | No |
| Diario El Pueblo | https://www.diarioelpueblo.com.uy/ | No |
| Diario La República | https://www.republica.com.uy/ | No |
| Diario Norte | https://www.diarionorte.com.uy/ | Yes |
| Diario Tiempo | https://www.diariotiempo.com.uy/ | No |
| Durazno Digital | https://www.duraznodigital.com.uy/ | Yes |
| Ecos Regionales | https://www.ecosregionales.com/ | No |
| Editorial Turistica | https://www.editorialturistica.com.uy/ | No |
| El Avisador | https://www.avisador.com.uy/ | No |
| El Guichonense | https://www.elguichonense.com/ | No |
| El Heraldo | https://www.elheraldo.com.uy/ | Yes |
| El Telegrafo | https://www.paysandu.com/ | No |
| Fútbol | https://www.futbol.com.uy/ | No |
| Hoy Canelones | https://www.hoycanelones.com.uy/ | No |
| La Buena Esperanza | https://www.labuenaesperanza.com/ | No |
| La Colonia | https://www.lacolonia.com.uy/ | No |
| La Fraybentina Digital | https://www.lafraybentina.com/ | No |
| La Juventud | https://www.diariolajuventud.com/ | No |
| La Red 21 | https://www.lr21.com.uy/ | No |
| La Republica | https://www.larepublica.com.uy/ | No |
| MercoPress | https://en.mercopress.com/ | No |
| Noticias de Punta del Este | https://www.elpais.com.uy/ | Yes |
| Observa | https://www.observa.com.uy/ | No |
| Primera Hora | https://www.primerahora.com.uy/ | No |
| Realidad | https://www.realidad.com.uy/ | No |
| San José Noticias | https://www.sanjosenoticias.com.uy/ | No |
| Scrum 5 | https://www.scrum5.com/ | No |
| Surmedia | https://www.surmedia.com/ | No |
| Tenfiel Digital | https://www.tenfieldigital.com.uy/ | No |
| Tres Puntos | https://www.trespuntos.com/ | No |
| Ultimas Noticias | https://www.ultimasnoticias.com.uy/ | No |
| Uruguay en la Coyuntura | https://www.uc.org.uy/ | No |
| Uruguay News | https://www.uruguaydailynews.com/ | No |
| UruguayPress | https://www.uruguaypress.com/ | Yes |
<summary>_click me_
## Us virgin islands
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caribbean News Now | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| St Croix Source | https://stcroixsource.com/ | Yes |
| St Thomas Source | https://stthomassource.com/ | Yes |
| The Virgin Island Daily News | https://www.virginislandsdailynews.com/ | No |
| Tradewinds | https://www.tradewinds.vi/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Venezuela
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 2001 | https://www.2001.com.ve/ | Yes |
| Abril | https://www.abril.com.ve/ | No |
| Analitica | https://www.analitica.com/ | Yes |
| Aporrea | https://www.aporrea.org/ | Yes |
| Avance | https://diarioavance.com/ | No |
| Business News Americas | https://www.bnamericas.com/ | No |
| Caribbean News Now! | https://www.caribbeannewsnow.com/ | Yes |
| Ciudad CCS | https://www.ciudadccs.info/ | No |
| Ciudad MCY | https://ciudadmcy.info.ve/ | No |
| Ciudad Trujillo | https://ciudadtrujillo.info.ve/ | No |
| Ciudad VLC | https://ciudadvalencia.com.ve/ | No |
| Correo del Caroni | https://www.correodelcaroni.com/ | Yes |
| Correo del Orinoco | https://www.correodelorinoco.gob.ve/ | No |
| Descifrado | https://www.descifrado.com/ | Yes |
| Diario Caribazo | https://www.diariocaribazo.net/ | No |
| Diario El Aragueño | https://www.el-aragueno.com/ | No |
| Diario El Caroreño | https://diarioelcaroreno.com.ve/ | Yes |
| Diario El Luchador | https://www.diarioelluchador.com.ve/ | No |
| Diario El Tiempo | https://www.diarioeltiempo.com.ve/ | No |
| Diario Frontera | https://www.diariofrontera.com/ | Yes |
| Diario Impacto | https://www.diarioimpacto.com.ve/ | Yes |
| Diario La Nacion | https://www.lanacion.com.ve/ | Yes |
| Diario Los Andes | https://www.diariodelosandes.com/ | No |
| Diario Meridiano | https://www.meridiano.com.ve/ | Yes |
| Diario Panaroma de Maracaibo | https://www.panodi.com/ | Yes |
| Diario Pico Bolivar | https://www.picobolivar.com.ve/ | No |
| Dolar Today | https://dolartoday.com/ | Yes |
| Economía Hoy | https://www.economiahoy.com/ | No |
| El Aragüeño | https://elaragueno.com.ve/ | No |
| El Bolivarense | https://www.elbolivarense.com/ | No |
| El Carabobeño | https://www.el-carabobeno.com/ | Yes |
| El Caroreño | https://www.diarioelcaroreno.com/ | No |
| El Clarín | https://elclarinweb.com/ | Yes |
| El Diario de Guayana | https://www.eldiariodeguayana.com.ve/ | No |
| El Expreso | https://www.diarioelexpreso.com.ve/ | Yes |
| El Falconiano | https://elfalconiano.net/ | No |
| El Globo | https://www.el-globo.com/ | No |
| El Impulso | https://www.elimpulso.com/ | Yes |
| El Informe | https://www.informe.net.ve/ | No |
| El Luchador | https://elluchador.info/ | No |
| El Mercurio Web | https://www.elmercurioweb.com/ | No |
| El Mundo | https://www.elmundo.com.ve/ | No |
| El Nacional | https://www.el-nacional.com/ | Yes |
| El Norte | https://www.elnorte.com.ve/ | Yes |
| El Oriental | https://elorientaldemonagas.com/ | No |
| El Periodiquito | https://www.elperiodiquito.com/ | Yes |
| El Periódico de Managas | https://www.elperiodicodemonagas.com.ve/ | Yes |
| El Periódico de Occidente | https://elperiodicodeoccidente.com/ | No |
| El Regional del Zulia | https://www.elregionaldelzulia.com/ | No |
| El Regional de Portuguesa | https://www.elregional.net.ve/ | No |
| El Siglo | https://www.elsiglo.com.ve/ | Yes |
| El Tiempo | https://www.eltiempo.com.ve/ | No |
| El Universal | https://www.eluniversal.com/ | No |
| El Venezolano | https://www.el-venezolano.net/ | No |
| Espacio Autogestionario | https://espacioautogestionario.com/ | No |
| Frontera | https://www.fronteradigital.com.ve/ | No |
| Globovision | https://www.globovision.com/ | Yes |
| Hora Sero | https://www.horasero.com.ve/ | No |
| La Cadena Global | https://www.lacadenaglobal.com/ | No |
| La Calle | https://lacalle.com.ve/ | Yes |
| La Hora | https://www.lahora.com/ | No |
| La Lupa | https://lalupa.com.ve/ | No |
| La Mañana | https://www.lamanana.com.ve/ | No |
| La Nación | https://lanacionweb.com/ | Yes |
| La Patilla | https://www.lapatilla.com/ | Yes |
| La Prensa | https://www.laprensalara.com.ve/ | No |
| La Región | https://diariolaregion.net/ | Yes |
| Las Noticias de Cojedes | https://lasnoticiasdecojedes.com/ | No |
| Las Verdades de Miguel | https://www.lasverdadesdemiguel.net/ | No |
| La Verdad de Monagas | https://laverdaddemonagas.com/ | Yes |
| La Verdad | https://www.laverdad.com/ | Yes |
| La Voz | https://www.diariolavoz.net/ | Yes |
| Líder | https://www.liderendeportes.com/ | Yes |
| Medio a Medio | https://www.medioamedio.com/ | No |
| MercoPress | https://en.mercopress.com/ | No |
| Metropolitano | https://www.diariometropolitano.com.ve/ | No |
| Mundo Oriental | https://www.mundo-oriental.com.ve/ | No |
| Mérida en la Mira | https://meridaenlamira.blogspot.com/ | No |
| Neuva Prensa de Oriente | https://www.nprensa.com/ | No |
| Noticia al Día | https://noticiaaldia.com/ | Yes |
| Noticias24 | https://www.noticias24.com/ | No |
| Noticias al Día y a la Hora | https://www.noticiasaldiayalahora.co/ | Yes |
| Noticiero Digital | https://www.noticierodigital.com/ | Yes |
| Noticiero Venevision | https://www.noticierovenevision.net/ | No |
| Notitarde | https://www.notitarde.com/ | Yes |
| Nueva Prensa | https://soynuevaprensadigital.com/ | Yes |
| Nuevo Día | https://nuevodia.com.ve/ | Yes |
| Panorama | https://www.panorama.com.ve/ | Yes |
| Primicia | https://primicia.com.ve/ | No |
| Provincia | https://www.diarioprovincia.net.ve/ | No |
| Quinto Dia | https://www.quintodia.com/ | No |
| Sol De Margarita | https://www.elsoldemargarita.com.ve/ | No |
| Su Noticiero | https://www.sunoticiero.com/ | Yes |
| Tal Cual | https://www.talcualdigital.com/ | Yes |
| Today Venezuela | https://www.todayvenezuela.com/ | No |
| Unión Radio | https://www.unionradio.net/ | Yes |
| Venezuela al Dia | https://www.venezuelaaldia.com/ | Yes |
| Venezuela Analysis | https://venezuelanalysis.com/ | Yes |
| Venezuela Star | https://www.venezuelastar.com/ | No |
| Version Final | https://www.versionfinal.com.ve/ | Yes |
| Visión Liberal | https://www.visionliberal.com.ar/ | No |
| Últimas Noticias | https://www.ultimasnoticias.com.ve/ | Yes |
### By Country
| Name | Cloudflared | Normal | CF % |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Antigua | 2 | 2 | 50% |
| Argentina | 41 | 118 | 25.79% |
| Aruba | 2 | 7 | 22.22% |
| Bahamas | 1 | 4 | 20% |
| Barbados | 4 | 6 | 40% |
| Belize | 4 | 4 | 50% |
| Bermuda | 2 | 3 | 40% |
| Bolivia | 12 | 29 | 29.27% |
| Brazil | 54 | 107 | 33.54% |
| British virgin islands | 2 | 5 | 28.57% |
| Canada | 82 | 610 | 11.85% |
| Cayman islands | 5 | 2 | 71.43% |
| Chile | 4 | 68 | 5.56% |
| Colombia | 19 | 33 | 36.54% |
| Costa rica | 12 | 17 | 41.38% |
| Cuba | 1 | 22 | 4.35% |
| Dominica | 4 | 3 | 57.14% |
| Dominican republic | 16 | 38 | 29.63% |
| Ecuador | 8 | 23 | 25.81% |
| El salvador | 8 | 5 | 61.54% |
| Falklands | 0 | 3 | 0% |
| Grenada | 2 | 2 | 50% |
| Guadeloupe | 1 | 2 | 33.33% |
| Guatemala | 3 | 7 | 30% |
| Guyana | 5 | 8 | 38.46% |
| Haiti | 3 | 9 | 25% |
| Honduras | 2 | 15 | 11.76% |
| Jamaica | 2 | 10 | 16.67% |
| Martinique | 1 | 1 | 50% |
| Mexico | 51 | 122 | 29.48% |
| Montserrat | 1 | 1 | 50% |
| Netherlands antilles | 3 | 4 | 42.86% |
| Nicaragua | 5 | 7 | 41.67% |
| Panama | 7 | 11 | 38.89% |
| Paraguay | 1 | 11 | 8.33% |
| Peru | 9 | 26 | 25.71% |
| Puerto rico | 5 | 25 | 16.67% |
| Saint kitts nevis | 1 | 1 | 50% |
| Saint lucia | 4 | 3 | 57.14% |
| Saint vincent grenadines | 5 | 5 | 50% |
| Suriname | 3 | 3 | 50% |
| Trinidad tobago | 3 | 4 | 42.86% |
| Turks caicos islands | 3 | 1 | 75% |
| United states | 642 | 4029 | 13.74% |
| Uruguay | 6 | 37 | 13.95% |
| Us virgin islands | 3 | 2 | 60% |
| Venezuela | 45 | 57 | 44.12% |
### Total
| Type | Site Count | Owner Count |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Cloudflare | 1099 | 1054 |
| Normal | 5512 | 5482 |
| Total | 6611 | 6536 |
### 16.62% of online newspapers sites are using Cloudflare.
### 16.13% of online newspaper corporations in America are using Cloudflare.