Michael Vigil 7ec6c3a5c3 .
2023-12-28 06:22:24 +00:00

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Alternative Link (AltLink; MitiGator)

🖼 🖼

This is opt-in service.

MitiGator can help you preventing sharing inaccessible links.

A little history

Once upon a time there was a bot named "CloudflareLink" which was created by Anonymous. It replied to many users who shared CF links publicly.

Not many people reacted it positively. Here is some of them.

To the owner of this bot
You should be ashamed.
Quit drive by bro'ing our statuses.
Please fornicate with a pointy stick.
Pointing to a copy rather than the original document if it's still online is bad practice too. Also, you are a very annoying bot.

They got annoyed and Mastodon server owner was pressured by their "spam" reports.

One of Mastodon server owner once said, "your little protest bot is making people upset, and i'm worried it might cause people to defederate from the instance, please tone it down."

For the record "CloudflareLink" was moved to other Mastodon servers 3 times and banned 2 times by 2 Mastodon services until the Anonymous decided to given up for good.

The main difference of AltLink is opt-in. Those people who share Cloudflare links casually never receive notification until they have a good heart and follow AL.

Initially this bot's name was AltLink. It was changed to MitiGator.

How to Subscribe

Below steps is for MitiGator and not MGLite.

  1. Follow the MitiGator Account. (if you do not have Mastodon account)
  1. Send any text as direct ("Mentioned people only") message to above account.
  • e.g. @mg follow
  • And it will follow back you instantly with introduction message.
    • If you're locking your account, please accept it's follow request otherwise it can't read your toots.
  • If you didn't got any reply make sure you are following it.
  1. You're all set!
  • When you share Cloudflared link, it will send direct message to you with information.
  • If you want to tune your preference, visit Settings (explained below)

How to Unsubscribe

  1. Just unfollow it's account.
  • it should unfollow you within an hour.
    • it do not attempt to re-follow you.
  • If you've changed your mind and want to subscribe(opt-in) again simply follow again.

Suggest clean alternatives

Just ask (send direct message to) it and he will provide some suggestions.

  • This is related to Settings' Suggest other non-Cloudflare alternative sites when available.
    • It is on by default; you can disable it from Settings website (below).

Syntax: @mg ?URL or URL

Put Cloudflared URL like this.

@mg ?

1 question per toot. Below does not work.


And you will receive something like below within 1 minute if there are alternatives.

@mygoodperson 🤔



  • The "🚨" icon means the website is known Anti-Tor website. Tor users better avoid this result.

Report a problem / Create an Issue

You can create an Issue without git account. Just send a direct message. And don't worry

  • Multiple mentions (e.g. @randomUser @mg @otherUser blah blah blah)
  • Public message (e.g. there's a bot called @mg)

will be ignored to prevent spam. Your username part (before @) will be masked to protect your privacy.


You can configure it from this website.

  • Easier way: From your Mastodon, send a Direct Message with keyword below.
    • one of: help set settings conf config cfg
    • e.g. @mg set

For your poster/meme needs.

MitiGator's profile image shows an orange shield and a cartoon of the mascot character, 𝙈𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙂𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧, who stands proud as the MITM Prevention Alligator. The mascot wears a referee top and red sash across chest. Above the shield is 'MitiGator' in arching, bold, small caps, serif lettering.

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The Difference between MitiGator and MGLite

MGLite is a lite version of MitiGator. It provides one basic feature - notify you about Cloudflare.

It also have following difference:

? MitiGator MGLite
Subscribe Users All Local server only
How to Subscribe
Require send DM after follow
Reply Message as Direct Unlisted
Boosted post: Mention original poster ✔️
Customisable Options ✔️
  • 📣 If you are Mastodon admin and want to serve MGLite to your instant users contact us!