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How many % of online magazines are using Cloudflare?
The following is a list of online magazines.
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Agriculture & Gardening
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Agriweek | https://www.agriweek.com/ | No |
Agronomy | https://www.ejpau.media.pl/ | No |
Australian Grapegrower & Winemaker | https://winetitles.com.au/ | Yes |
Balochi | https://www.balochi.org/ | No |
Farm Machinery Locator | https://www.farmmachinerylocator.co.uk/ | Yes |
Gazeta de Agricultura | https://www.gazetadeagricultura.info/ | No |
Haus & Garten | https://www.haus.de/ | Yes |
Koneviesti | https://www.viestilehdet.fi/ | No |
Krestyanskiye Vedomosti | https://kvedomosti.ru/ | Yes |
Maaseudun Tulevaisuus | https://www.maaseuduntulevaisuus.fi/ | No |
Metsälehti | https://www.metsalehti.fi/ | No |
Mundo Agropecuario | https://mundoagropecuario.com/ | No |
Pellervo | https://pellervo.fi/ | No |
Successful Farming | https://www.agriculture.com/ | No |
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Architecture, Construction & Design
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Arts, Literature & Music
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Airline News | https://www.executivetraveller.com/ | Yes |
Australian Aviation | https://www.australianaviation.com.au/ | Yes |
Aviation Consumer | https://www.aviationconsumer.com/ | No |
Aviation International News | https://www.ainonline.com/ | Yes |
Aviation Pros | https://www.aviationpros.com/ | No |
Flight Training Magazine | https://www.aopa.org/ | Yes |
Prairie Planes | https://saskaviationcouncil.ca/ | No |
Room Space Journal | https://room.eu.com/ | No |
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Business & Finance
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Africa Integrity | https://africanintegritymagazine.com/ | No |
CFO Studio Magazine | https://www.cfostudio.com/ | No |
Global Banking & Finance | https://www.globalbankingandfinance.com/ | Yes |
Investo Press | https://www.investopress.com/ | No |
Journal du Token | https://www.journaldutoken.com/ | No |
Lioness Magazine | https://thelionessgroup.com/ | No |
Romanian Business Journal | https://www.ucoz.ro/ | No |
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Cars & Motorbikes
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Computer, Games & Internet
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Consumer Affairs
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Choice | https://www.choice.com.au/ | Yes |
Consumer Affairs | https://www.consumeraffairs.com/ | Yes |
Consumer Checkpoint | https://www.consumercheckpoint.co.uk/ | No |
Consumer Law | https://consumerlawmagazine.com/ | No |
Consumers' Research | https://www.consumersresearch.org/ | No |
Consumers International | https://www.consumersinternational.org/ | No |
Consumer | https://revista.consumer.es/ | No |
CR Consumer Reports | https://www.consumerreports.org/ | Yes |
Customer Experience Magazine | https://www.cxm.co.uk/ | No |
Gazette Verbrauchermagazin | https://www.gazette-berlin.de/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
A Needle Pulling Thread | https://www.aneedlepullingthread.com/ | Yes |
Australian Wood Review | https://www.woodreview.com.au/ | Yes |
Clay Times | https://www.claytimes.com/ | No |
Crafts Beautiful | https://www.crafts-beautiful.com/ | Yes |
Dolls | https://www.dollsmagazine.com/ | No |
Frankie Craft | https://www.frankie.com.au/ | No |
KnitMuch | https://knitmuch.com/ | Yes |
Knitting | https://thebrooklynrefinery.com/ | No |
Quilt Social | https://quiltsocial.com/ | Yes |
The Needlework Pages | https://theneedleworkpages.com/ | Yes |
Woodworker West | https://www.woodwest.com/ | No |
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Current Affairs, Culture & Politics
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Digital Development Debates | https://www.digital-development-debates.org/ | No |
Orient | https://www.orient-online.com/ | No |
Panorama Cultural | https://www.panoramacultural.com.co/ | No |
Yoanoke Online | https://www.yoanoke.com/ | No |
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Family Issues
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Autism File | https://www.autismfile.com/ | No |
Baby | https://www.parenting.com/ | No |
Chicago Parent | https://www.chicagoparent.com/ | Yes |
Colorado Parent | https://www.coloradoparent.com/ | No |
Denver Parent | https://denverparent.net/ | No |
EcoParent | https://www.ecoparent.ca/ | No |
Familie.de | https://www.familie.de/ | No |
Family Fun | https://www.parents.com/ | No |
Family North Carolina | https://www.ncfamily.org/ | Yes |
Family Times | https://www.familytimes.co.nz/ | No |
Forsyth Family Magazine | https://www.forsythfamilymagazine.com/ | No |
Mother & Baby | https://www.motherandbaby.co.uk/ | Yes |
Nawa-E-Tokyo | https://www.nawaetokyo.com/ | No |
Parenting Special Needs | https://www.parentingspecialneeds.org/ | Yes |
Parents World | https://parentsworld.com.sg/ | No |
Working Mother | https://www.workingmother.com/ | No |
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Food & Drink
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Health & Medical
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Humour Satire
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Charlie Hebdo | https://www.charliehebdo.fr/ | Yes |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Albania Law Journal | https://www.lawjournal.al/ | Yes |
Altalex | https://www.altalex.com/ | No |
Bigger Law Firm Magazine | https://www.biggerlawfirm.com/ | Yes |
Crime News | https://www.indiatoday.in/ | No |
Democrazia e Legalità | https://www.democrazialegalita.it/ | No |
Diritto | https://www.diritto.net/ | No |
Falce e Martello | https://www.marxismo.net/ | No |
Filodiritto | https://www.filodiritto.com/ | No |
Foroeuropa | https://www.foroeuropa.it/ | No |
Giustamm | https://www.giustamm.it/ | No |
Lawyers Weekly | https://www.lawyersweekly.com.au/ | Yes |
Monitorul Oficial | https://www.monitoruloficial.ro/ | No |
The NewJurist | https://www.newjurist.com/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
5election | https://www.5election.com/ | No |
Bellesprit Magazine | https://www.bellesprit.com/ | No |
Hey Portugal | https://www.heyportugal.com/ | No |
Mika Magazine | https://mikamagazine.com/ | No |
No Majesty | https://www.nomajesty.com/ | No |
Revista Amar | https://www.revistamar.com/ | Yes |
The 961 Magazine | https://www.the961.com/ | Yes |
The Mindful Word | https://www.themindfulword.org/ | No |
Togozine | https://togozine.com/ | No |
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Paranormal & UFO's
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Alternative Perceptions | https://www.apmagazine.info/ | No |
Bachelors Grove Cemetery Tribute | https://flipboard.com/ | No |
EdgeScience | https://www.scientificexploration.org/ | Yes |
Flying Saucer Review | https://www.fsr.org.uk/ | No |
It's A Strange World | https://www.itsastrangeworld.com/ | No |
Lobster | https://www.lobster-magazine.co.uk/ | Yes |
Merlian News | https://www.merliannews.com/ | No |
Paranormal Magazine | https://paranormal-magazine.com/ | No |
Soul Searchers | https://magazine.soulsearchers.spheresoflight.com.au/ | No |
Strange Magazine | https://www.strangemag.com/ | No |
Supernatural Magazine | https://supernaturalmagazine.com/ | No |
The Anomolist | https://www.anomalist.com/ | No |
The New Republic | https://www.tnr.com/ | Yes |
The Skeptic | https://www.skeptic.org.uk/ | Yes |
UFO Digest | https://www.ufodigest.com/ | Yes |
UFO Magazine | https://www.ufomag.com/ | No |
Xproject Magazine | https://www.xprojectmagazine.com/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Corriere Termo Idro Sanitario | https://www.infoimpianti.it/ | No |
Crimeoff24 | https://crimeoff24.com/ | No |
Deutsche Jagdzeitung | https://djz.de/ | No |
Euro Democracy | https://eurodemocracy.net/ | No |
Il Bagno Oggi e Domani | https://www.ilbagnonews.it/ | No |
Il Giornale dell'Installatore Elettrico | https://nt24.it/ | No |
Le Matin d'Algérie | https://www.lematindz.net/ | Yes |
Le Process Industriel | https://www.france-industrie.pro/ | No |
Matsäsanomat | https://www.metsasanomat.net/ | No |
Nuova Finestra | https://www.guidafinestra.it/ | No |
Plast | https://www.plastmagazine.it/ | No |
Property Express | https://www.propertyexpress.org/ | No |
Rivista del Vetro | https://www.letsglass.it/ | No |
SRM Psicologia | https://www.srmpsicologia.com/ | No |
SXMINFO | https://www.sxminfo.fr/ | Yes |
Tecnologie Meccaniche | https://www.techmec.it/ | No |
Thailand Property Report | https://www.property-report.com/ | Yes |
The Actuary | https://www.theactuary.com/ | Yes |
The Tribal Tribune | https://www.etribaltribune.com/ | No |
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Publishing, Printing & Media
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
InfoEST | https://www.infoest.ro/ | No |
Journal of Middle East Broadcasters | https://www.mebjournal.com/ | No |
Print2Pack | https://www.print2pack.com/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Christianity Today | https://www.christianitytoday.com/ | No |
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Safety Security
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Science, Geography & History
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Sports & Hobbies
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
ARN | https://www.arnnet.com.au/ | No |
Battery Power Online | https://www.batterypoweronline.com/ | No |
CBR | https://www.cbronline.com/ | No |
Industry Week | https://www.industryweek.com/ | Yes |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
All Travels | https://www.alltravels.com.ua/ | Yes |
Bonjour Siam | https://www.thaiwave.com/ | No |
Denmark.net | https://www.denmark.net/ | Yes |
In2town Travel | https://www.in2town.co.uk/ | Yes |
Leisure Magazine | https://www.saleisure.com/ | No |
Les Nouvelles Dunord | https://www.lesnouvellesdunord.com/ | No |
The Montreal Review | https://www.montreal-city.info/ | No |
Travelers Digest | https://www.travelersdigest.com/ | No |
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Youth Issues
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Breakaway Magazine | https://breakawaydaily.com/ | No |
exposure | https://exposure.org.uk/ | No |
Faze Teen | https://www.fazeteen.com/ | No |
Girl Zone | https://www.girlzone.com/ | Yes |
Jet | https://www.jetmag.co.nz/ | No |
Lucid | https://www.lucidmag.co.uk/ | No |
Rant Online | https://twitter.com/ | No |
Seventeen | https://www.seventeen.com/ | No |
Shameless | https://shamelessmag.com/ | No |
Simply You Magazine | https://www.simplyyoumagazine.com/ | No |
Tearaway | https://www.tearaway.co.nz/ | Yes |
Youth Correspondent | https://youthcorrespondent.com/ | No |
Youth Time | https://youth-time.eu/ | No |
By Category
Name | Cloudflared | Normal | CF % |
Agriculture & Gardening | 4 | 10 | 28.57% |
Animals | 6 | 14 | 30% |
Architecture, Construction & Design | 8 | 26 | 23.53% |
Arts, Literature & Music | 12 | 62 | 16.22% |
Aviation | 4 | 4 | 50% |
Business & Finance | 1 | 6 | 14.29% |
Cars & Motorbikes | 7 | 19 | 26.92% |
Computer, Games & Internet | 13 | 39 | 25% |
Consumer Affairs | 3 | 7 | 30% |
Craft | 6 | 5 | 54.55% |
Current Affairs, Culture & Politics | 0 | 4 | 0% |
Defence | 10 | 29 | 25.64% |
Education | 16 | 31 | 34.04% |
Entertainment | 25 | 81 | 23.58% |
Environment | 9 | 34 | 20.93% |
Family Issues | 4 | 12 | 25% |
Fashion | 9 | 30 | 23.08% |
Food & Drink | 3 | 22 | 12% |
Health & Medical | 12 | 25 | 32.43% |
Humour Satire | 1 | 0 | 100% |
Law | 3 | 10 | 23.08% |
Lifestyle | 2 | 7 | 22.22% |
Paranormal & UFO's | 5 | 12 | 29.41% |
Professional | 4 | 15 | 21.05% |
Publishing, Printing & Media | 0 | 3 | 0% |
Religion | 0 | 1 | 0% |
Safety Security | 8 | 12 | 40% |
Science, Geography & History | 8 | 20 | 28.57% |
Sports & Hobbies | 26 | 39 | 40% |
Technology | 1 | 3 | 25% |
Travel | 3 | 5 | 37.5% |
Youth Issues | 2 | 11 | 15.38% |
Type | Site Count | Owner Count |
Cloudflare | 215 | 215 |
Normal | 598 | 591 |
Total | 813 | 806 |