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## How many % of Open Data sites are using Cloudflare?
- [Open Government](https://www.data.gov/open-gov/)
Opening government data increases citizen participation in government, creates opportunities
for economic development, and informs decision making in both the private and public sectors.
The following is a list of Open Data sites.
| Name | URL | Type | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Aarhus | http://www.odaa.dk/ | International Regional | No |
| Alabama | http://open.alabama.gov/ | US State | No |
| Alaska | http://dggs.alaska.gov/pubs/series/dggs/digital-data-series | US State | No |
| Alberta | https://open.alberta.ca/opendata | International Regional | Yes |
| Albuquerque | http://www.cabq.gov/abq-data/ | US City or County | Yes |
| Alkmaar | http://www.alkmaar.nl/opendata | International Regional | No |
| Allerdale | http://datacatalogs.org/catalog/allerdale | International Regional | Yes |
| Amsterdam O+S | http://www.os.amsterdam.nl/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Angers | http://data.angers.fr/ | International Regional | No |
| Ann Arbor | https://www.a2gov.org/services/data/Pages/default.aspx | US City or County | Yes |
| Antwerp | http://opendata.antwerpen.be/ | International Regional | No |
| Aquitaine and Gironde | http://datalocale.fr/ | International Regional | No |
| Aragon | http://opendata.aragon.es/ | International Regional | No |
| Argentina | https://datos.gob.ar | International Country | Yes |
| Arizona Goelogical Survey | https://azgs.arizona.edu/index.php | Other State Related | Yes |
| Arizona | http://openbooks.az.gov/app/transparency/index.html | US State | Yes |
| Arkansas | https://transparency.arkansas.gov/ | US State | No |
| Arkansas Geographic Information Office | http://gis.arkansas.gov/ | Other State Related | No |
| Arvada | http://arvada.org/opendata/ | US City or County | Yes |
| Asheville | http://data.ashevillenc.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| Asturias | https://www.asturias.es/portal/site/webasturias/menuitem.7b2ff7592927f53571a70084ec12b2a0/?vgnextoid=2cab7cd61f918510VgnVCM100000ce212b0aRCRD&i18n.http.lang=es | International Regional | No |
| Atlanta | http://gis.atlantaga.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| Austin | http://data.austintexas.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| Australia | http://data.gov.au/ | International Country | Yes |
| Australian Capital Territory | https://www.data.act.gov.au/ | International Regional | No |
| Austria | http://data.gv.at/ | International Country | No |
| Badalona | http://badalona.cat/portalWeb/badalona.portal?_nfpb=true&_pageLabel=opendata | International Regional | No |
| Baden-WŸrttemberg | http://opendata.service-bw.de/Seiten/default.aspx | International Regional | No |
| Bahrain | http://www.bahrain.bh/wps/portal/data/ | International Country | No |
| Bah’a Blanca | http://datos.bahiablanca.gob.ar/home | International Regional | No |
| Balearic Islands | http://www.caib.es/caibdatafront/ | International Regional | No |
| Baltimore | http://data.baltimorecity.gov/ | US City or County | Yes |
| Barcelona | https://opendata-ajuntament.barcelona.cat/en/ | International Regional | No |
| Bari | http://opendata.comune.bari.it/ | International Regional | No |
| Belgium | http://data.gov.be/ | International Country | No |
| Belleville | https://www.belleville.net/541/Open-Government | US City or County | No |
| Berlin | http://daten.berlin.de/ | International Regional | No |
| Birmingham | http://www.birmingham.gov.uk/open-data | International Regional | No |
| Bloomington; Indiana | https://data.bloomington.in.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| Bologna | http://dati.comune.bologna.it/ | International Regional | No |
| Boston Enterprise GIS | http://www.cityofboston.gov/maps/ | US City or County | No |
| Boston | https://data.cityofboston.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| Brazil | http://dados.gov.br/ | International Country | No |
| Bremen | http://www.daten.bremen.de/ | International Regional | No |
| Brisbane | https://www.data.brisbane.qld.gov.au/ | International Regional | Yes |
| British Columbia Local Government | http://www.civicinfo.bc.ca/ | International Regional | Yes |
| British Columbia | http://www.data.gov.bc.ca/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Buenos Aires; Argentina | http://data.buenosaires.gob.ar/ | International Regional | No |
| Burlington GIS | https://data-burlingtonvt.opendata.arcgis.com/ | US City or County | No |
| Burlington | https://navburl-burlington.opendata.arcgis.com/pages/data | International Regional | No |
| CSIRO | https://data.csiro.au/dap/home?execution=e1s1 | International Regional | No |
| California | http://data.ca.gov/ | US State | Yes |
| Canada | http://open.canada.ca/en | International Country | Yes |
| Castilla-La Mancha | https://datosabiertos.castillalamancha.es/ | International Regional | No |
| Catalonya | http://dadesobertes.gencat.cat/ | International Regional | No |
| Chamber of Deputies | http://dati.camera.it/it/ | International Regional | No |
| Champaign | https://gis-cityofchampaign.opendata.arcgis.com/ | US City or County | No |
| Chicago | http://data.cityofchicago.org/ | US City or County | No |
| Chile | http://datos.gob.cl/ | International Country | No |
| Colombia | https://www.datos.gov.co | International Country | Yes |
| Colorado | https://data.colorado.gov/ | US State | No |
| Connecticut | http://transparency.ct.gov/html/main.asp | US State | No |
| Cook County | http://data.cookcountyil.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| Costa Rica | http://datosabiertos.presidencia.go.cr/home | International Country | Yes |
| County of Grand Prairie No. 1 | http://www.countygp.ab.ca/EN/main/community/maps-gis/open-data/data.html | International Regional | No |
| Delaware | http://www.delaware.gov/data/ | US State | No |
| Denmark | http://digitaliser.dk/ | International Country | No |
| Denver Regional Council | https://drcog.org/ | Other State Related | No |
| Denver | http://data.denvergov.org/ | US City or County | No |
| District of Columbia | http://data.dc.gov/ | US State | No |
| District of North Vancouver | http://geoweb.dnv.org/data/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Edmonton | http://data.edmonton.ca/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Emilia-Romagna Open Data | http://dati.emilia-romagna.it/ | International Regional | No |
| Enschede | http://opendata.enschede.nl/ | International Regional | No |
| Estonia | https://www.europeandataportal.eu/en/news/open-data-portal-estonia | International Country | No |
| European Union | http://open-data.europa.eu/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Euskadi (Basque Country) | http://opendata.euskadi.net/ | International Regional | No |
| Fingal | http://data.fingal.ie/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Finland | http://www.suomi.fi/suomifi/tyohuone/yhteiset_palvelut/avoin_data/ | International Country | No |
| Florida | http://www.floridahasarighttoknow.com/ | US State | No |
| France | http://data.gouv.fr/ | International Country | No |
| Fredericton | http://www.fredericton.ca/en/citygovernment/DataMain.asp | International Regional | No |
| Galicia | http://abertos.xunta.es/portada/ | International Regional | No |
| Georgia | http://www.open.georgia.gov/ | US State | No |
| Germany | https://www.govdata.de/ | International Country | No |
| Ghana | http://data.gov.gh | International Country | No |
| Gilpin County | http://www.gilpincounty.org/departments/community_development/gis_maps | US City or County | No |
| Graz | http://data.graz.gv.at/ | International Regional | No |
| Great Manchester | http://open.manchester.gov.uk/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Greece | http://geodata.gov.gr/geodata/ | International Country | No |
| Guelph | https://guelph.ca/city-hall/open-government/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Halifax | https://www.halifax.ca/home/open-data | International Regional | No |
| Hamburg | http://daten.hamburg.de/ | International Regional | No |
| Hamilton | http://www.hamilton.ca/ProjectsInitiatives/OpenData/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Hauts-de-Seine | https://opendata.hauts-de-seine.fr/pages/accueil/ | International Regional | No |
| Hawaii GIS | http://gis.hicentral.com/ | Other State Related | Yes |
| Hawaii | http://data.hawaii.gov/ | US State | No |
| Helsinki Region Infoshare | https://hri.fi/en_gb/ | International Regional | No |
| Hong Kong | https://www.opendatahk.com/ | International Country | No |
| Honolulu | https://data.honolulu.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| Houston | http://data.houstontx.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| Idaho | http://data.gis.idaho.gov/ | US State | No |
| Illinois | http://data.illinois.gov/ | US State | No |
| India | http://data.gov.in/ | International Country | No |
| Indiana | http://www.stats.indiana.edu/ | US State | No |
| Indianapolis/Marion County | http://data.indy.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| Indonesia | https://data.go.id/ | International Country | No |
| Iowa | http://data.iowa.gov/ | US State | No |
| Ireland | http://www.statcentral.ie/ | International Country | No |
| Italy Senate | http://dati.senato.it/ | International Regional | No |
| Italy | http://www.dati.gov.it/ | International Country | No |
| Japan | https://www.data.go.jp/?lang=english | International Country | No |
| Junta de Castilla y Le—n | http://www.datosabiertos.jcyl.es/ | International Regional | Yes |
| JyvŠskylŠ | http://data.jyvaskyla.fi/ | International Regional | No |
| Kansas City | https://data.kcmo.org/ | US City or County | No |
| Kansas | http://www.kansas.gov/KanView/ | US State | No |
| Kent | https://www.kent.gov.uk/about-the-council/information-and-data/data-about-the-council | International Regional | No |
| Kentucky | https://transparency.ky.gov/Pages/default.aspx | US State | No |
| Kenya | http://opendata.go.ke/ | International Country | No |
| King County | https://data.kingcounty.gov/ | US City or County | Yes |
| La Rochelle | http://www.opendata.larochelle.fr/ | International Regional | No |
| Langley | https://data-tol.opendata.arcgis.com/ | International Regional | No |
| Las Vegas | https://www.lasvegasnevada.gov/Government/Transparency | US City or County | No |
| Le Mans | http://www.lemans.fr/citoyen/la-collectivite/lopen-data/ | International Regional | No |
| Leipzig | https://opendata.leipzig.de/ | International Regional | No |
| Lexington | https://data.lexingtonky.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| Library of the National Congress | http://datos.bcn.cl/es/ | International Regional | No |
| Lichfield | http://lichfielddc.gov.uk/ | International Regional | No |
| Linz | http://data.linz.gv.at/ | International Regional | No |
| Lleida | http://cartolleida.paeria.es/lleidaoberta/inici.aspx | International Regional | No |
| Loire-Atlantique | http://data.loire-atlantique.fr/ | International Regional | No |
| Lombardy | https://dati.lombardia.it/ | International Regional | No |
| London | http://www.london.ca/city-hall/open-data/Pages/default.aspx | International Regional | No |
| London | https://data.london.gov.uk/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Los Angeles | https://controllerdata.lacity.org/browse | US City or County | No |
| Louisiana | https://wwwcfprd.doa.louisiana.gov/latrac/portal.cfm | US State | No |
| Louisville | https://data.louisvilleky.gov/ | US City or County | Yes |
| Lucca | http://opendata.provincia.lucca.it/ | International Regional | No |
| METI | https://www.meti.go.jp/english/statistics/ | International Regional | No |
| Madison | https://data.cityofmadison.com/ | US City or County | No |
| Maine | https://www.maine.gov/megis/catalog/ | US State | No |
| Maryland | https://opendata.maryland.gov/ | US State | No |
| Massachusetts | https://opendata.digital.mass.gov/#/ | US State | No |
| Medicine Hat | https://www.medicinehat.ca/government/departments/information-and-computer-services/gis-mapping | International Regional | No |
| Merton Council | http://www.merton.gov.uk/council/dp-foi/opendata.htm | International Regional | No |
| Mexico | http://datos.gob.mx/ | International Country | No |
| Michigan | http://www.michigan.gov/data/ | US State | No |
| Milan | http://dati.comune.milano.it/ | International Regional | No |
| Ministry of Finances | http://government.ru/en/department/69/ | International Regional | No |
| Minnesota | http://www.state.mn.us/opendata/data.html | US State | Yes |
| Misiones Province; Argentina | http://www.datos.misiones.gov.ar/ | International Regional | No |
| Mississauga | http://www.mississauga.ca/portal/residents/publicationsopendatacatalogue | International Regional | No |
| Mississippi | http://opendata.gis.ms.gov/ | US State | No |
| Missouri Accountability Portal | http://mapyourtaxes.mo.gov/MAP/Portal/Default.aspx | Other State Related | No |
| Missouri | http://data.mo.gov/ | US State | No |
| Moers | http://www.offenedaten.moers.de/ | International Regional | No |
| Moldova | http://data.gov.md/ | International Country | No |
| Montana | https://data.mt.gov/ | US State | No |
| Montevideo | http://montevideo.gub.uy/institucional/montevideo-abierto | International Regional | No |
| Montgomery County | https://data.montgomerycountymd.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| Montpellier | http://opendata.montpelliernumerique.fr/ | International Regional | No |
| Montreal | http://donnees.ville.montreal.qc.ca/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Morocco | http://data.gov.ma/ | International Country | No |
| Moscow | http://data.mos.ru/ | International Regional | No |
| Mosman Council | https://www.mosman.nsw.gov.au/ | International Regional | No |
| NC OpenBook | https://www.nc.gov/services/open-book | US City or County | No |
| NY Department of Health | https://health.data.ny.gov/ | Other State Related | No |
| NY State Senate | https://www.nysenate.gov/ | Other State Related | No |
| Nanaimo | http://www.nanaimo.ca/datafeeds | International Regional | No |
| Nantes | https://data.nantesmetropole.fr/pages/home/ | International Regional | No |
| Navarre | http://www.navarra.es/home_es/Open-Data/ | International Regional | No |
| Nebraska | https://www.nebraska.gov/government/open-data/ | US State | No |
| Netherlands | http://data.overheid.nl/ | International Country | No |
| New Hampshire | https://www.nh.gov/doit/open-source/index.htm | US State | No |
| New Jersey | https://data.nj.gov/ | US State | No |
| New Mexico | http://www.sunshineportalnm.com/ | US State | No |
| New Orleans | http://data.nola.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| New South Wales | http://data.nsw.gov.au/ | International Regional | No |
| New York City | http://www.nyc.gov/data/ | US City or County | No |
| New York State Data Center | http://esd.ny.gov/NYSDataCenter.html | Other State Related | Yes |
| New York | https://data.ny.gov/ | US State | No |
| New Zealand | http://www.data.govt.nz/ | International Country | No |
| Niagara Falls | http://www.niagarafalls.ca/services/open/data | International Regional | Yes |
| Niagara Region | http://www.niagararegion.ca/government/opendata/default.aspx | International Regional | No |
| North Dakota GIS Hub | https://www.gis.nd.gov/ | US State | No |
| North Devon Council | https://www.northdevon.gov.uk/open-data/ | International Regional | No |
| North Okanagan | http://www.rdno.ca/index.php/maps/digital-data | International Regional | Yes |
| Norway | http://data.norge.no/ | International Country | No |
| Ohio | http://transparency.ohio.gov/ | US State | No |
| Oklahoma | https://data.ok.gov/ | US State | Yes |
| Oman | http://www.oman.om/opendata | International Country | No |
| Ontario | http://www.ontario.ca/government/government-ontario-open-data | International Regional | No |
| Open GEO-Data (Amsterdam) | http://maps.amsterdam.nl/open_geodata/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Open UN-Habitat Transparency Initiative | http://open.unhabitat.org/ | International Regional | No |
| Oregon | http://data.oregon.gov/ | US State | No |
| Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) | http://stats.oecd.org/ | International Regional | No |
| Ottawa | http://data.ottawa.ca/ | International Regional | No |
| Palo Alto | http://data.cityofpaloalto.org/ | US City or County | No |
| Pamplona | https://opendata.pamplona.es/ | International Regional | No |
| Paris | https://opendata.paris.fr/explore/?sort=modified | International Regional | Yes |
| Pennsylvania | https://data.pa.gov/ | US State | No |
| Peru | https://odpe.org/ | International Country | No |
| Philadelphia | http://www.opendataphilly.org/ | US City or County | No |
| PhilippinesÊ | http://data.gov.ph/ | International Country | No |
| Piedmont | http://www.dati.piemonte.it/ | International Regional | No |
| Portland | http://civicapps.org/datasets/ | US City or County | No |
| Portugal | http://www.dados.gov.pt/pt/inicio/inicio.aspx | International Country | No |
| Prince George | https://data-cityofpg.opendata.arcgis.com/ | International Regional | No |
| Providence | https://data.providenceri.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| Puglia | http://www.dati.puglia.it/ | International Regional | No |
| Quebec (City) | http://donnees.ville.quebec.qc.ca/ | International Regional | No |
| Quebec (Province) | https://www.donneesquebec.ca/fr/ | International Regional | No |
| Queensland | https://data.qld.gov.au/ | International Regional | No |
| Raleigh | http://www.raleighnc.gov/open/ | US City or County | No |
| Red Deer | https://data.reddeer.ca/datasets | International Regional | No |
| Redbridge | http://data.redbridge.gov.uk/ | International Regional | No |
| Regina | http://open.regina.ca/ | International Regional | No |
| Region of Peel | http://opendata.peelregion.ca/ | International Regional | No |
| Rennes | https://data.rennesmetropole.fr/explore/ | International Regional | No |
| Republic of Korea | http://www.data.go.kr/ | International Country | No |
| Research Data Australia | http://researchdata.ands.org.au/ | International Regional | No |
| Rheinland Pfalz | http://www.daten.rlp.de/ | International Regional | No |
| Rhode Island | http://www.ri.gov/data/ | US State | No |
| Romania | http://data.gov.ro/ | International Country | Yes |
| Rome (Province) | http://www.opendata.provincia.roma.it/ | International Regional | No |
| Rostock | https://www.opendata-hro.de/ | International Regional | No |
| Rotterdam | http://rotterdamopendata.nl | International Regional | No |
| Russia | http://opengovdata.ru/ | International Country | No |
| Russian Open Budget | http://budget.gov.ru/data/opendata | International Regional | No |
| Russian Open Police | http://data.openpolice.ru/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Saanich | http://www.saanich.ca/data/catalogue/index.php | International Regional | No |
| Salford City Council | https://salforddataquay.uk/ | International Regional | No |
| San Francisco | http://www.datasf.org/ | US City or County | Yes |
| San Mateo County | https://data.smcgov.org/ | US City or County | No |
| Santa Cruz | http://data-cruzgis.opendata.arcgis.com/ | US City or County | No |
| Sao Paulo | http://www.governoaberto.sp.gov.br/view/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Sardinia | http://www.sardegnageoportale.it/index.html | International Regional | No |
| Saskatoon | https://www.saskatoon.ca/moving-around/transit/open-data-saskatoon-transit | International Regional | No |
| Sa™ne-et-Loire | http://www.opendata71.fr/ | International Regional | No |
| Scottsdale | http://data.scottsdaleaz.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| Seattle | http://data.seattle.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| Seoul | http://data.seoul.go.kr/ | International Regional | No |
| Shizuoka Prefecture(Shizuoka) | http://open-data.pref.shizuoka.jp/htdocs/ | International Regional | No |
| Sierra Leone | https://opendatasl.gov.sl/ | International Country | No |
| Singapore | http://data.gov.sg/ | International Country | Yes |
| Slovak Republic | http://data.gov.sk/ | International Country | No |
| Somerville | http://data.somervillema.gov/ | US City or County | Yes |
| South Africa | http://southafrica.opendataforafrica.org/ | International Country | No |
| South Australia Spatial Planning | https://www.saplanningportal.sa.gov.au/ | International Regional | No |
| South Australia | http://data.sa.gov.au | International Regional | No |
| South Bend | https://data.southbendin.gov/ | US City or County | No |
| South Carolina GIS | http://www.gis.sc.gov/data.html | Other State Related | No |
| South Dakota | http://open.sd.gov/ | US State | No |
| Spain | http://datos.gob.es/ | International Country | No |
| Stockholm | https://dataportalen.stockholm.se/dataportalen/ | International Regional | No |
| Surrey | http://www.surrey.ca/city-services/658.aspx | International Regional | No |
| Sutton | https://www.sutton.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=15338 | International Regional | No |
| Sweden | http://xn--ppnadata-m4a.se/ | International Country | No |
| Tampere | http://tampere.fi/avoindata | International Regional | Yes |
| Tanzania | http://opendata.go.tz/ | International Country | No |
| Tasmania Ð Spatial Data Work | https://dpipwe.tas.gov.au/land-tasmania/location-data-products-and-services/tasmanian-spatial-data | International Regional | No |
| Tennessee | https://www.tn.gov/finance/sts-gis/gis/data.html | US State | No |
| Terrassa | http://opendata.terrassa.cat/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Texas Transparency | http://www.texastransparency.org/opendata/index.php | Other State Related | No |
| Texas | https://data.texas.gov/ | US State | No |
| Timor Leste | http://www.transparency.gov.tl/ | International Country | No |
| Toronto | http://www.toronto.ca/open | International Regional | No |
| Toulouse | https://data.toulouse-metropole.fr/pages/accueil/ | International Regional | No |
| Trafford Council | http://www.trafford.gov.uk/opendata/ | International Regional | No |
| Trentino | http://dati.trentino.it/ | International Regional | No |
| Trento | http://www.territorio.provincia.tn.it/portal/server.pt?open=512&objID=862&PageID=32157&mode=2&in_hi_userid=18720&cached=true | International Regional | No |
| Trinidad and Tobago | http://data.gov.tt/ | International Country | No |
| Tunisia | http://www.data.gov.tn/ | International Country | No |
| Turin | http://www.comune.torino.it/aperto | International Regional | No |
| Tuscany | http://dati.toscana.it/ | International Regional | No |
| Tyrol | http://www.tirol.gv.at/applikationen/e-government/data/ | International Regional | No |
| Udine | http://opendata.comune.udine.gov.it/ | International Regional | No |
| Ukraine | http://data.gov.ua/ | International Country | No |
| United Arab Emirates | https://bayanat.ae/ | International Country | No |
| United Kingdom | http://data.gov.uk/ | International Country | No |
| United Nations | http://data.un.org/ | International Regional | No |
| Uruguay | https://data.org.uy/ | International Country | No |
| Utah | http://www.utah.gov/data/ | US State | No |
| Vancouver | http://data.vancouver.ca/ | International Regional | No |
| Veneto | http://dati.veneto.it/ | International Regional | No |
| Venice | http://dati.venezia.it/ | International Regional | No |
| Vermont | https://data.vermont.gov/ | US State | No |
| Vicenza Geodata | http://geoportale.provincia.vicenza.it/home.asp?sezione=1&cat=8 | International Regional | No |
| Victoria | http://www.data.vic.gov.au/ | International Regional | No |
| Vienna | http://data.wien.gv.at/ | International Regional | No |
| Virginia | http://data.virginia.gov | US State | No |
| Vorarlberg | http://data.vorarlberg.gv.at/ | International Regional | No |
| Wake County | http://www.wakegov.com/data/Pages/default.aspx | US City or County | Yes |
| Warwickshire | https://apps.warwickshire.gov.uk/OpenData | International Regional | Yes |
| Washington | http://data.wa.gov/ | US State | No |
| Waterloo | http://opendata.waterloo.ca/ | International Regional | No |
| Weatherford GIS | http://ci.weatherford.tx.us/117/GISMapping | US City or County | No |
| Wellington GIS | https://www.wellingtonfl.gov/288/Geographic-Information-System-GIS | US City or County | No |
| West Virginia GIS | http://mapwv.gov/gis_services.html | Other State Related | No |
| Western Australia Ð NewSLIP | https://www2.landgate.wa.gov.au/web/guest/slipstream-e-news | International Regional | No |
| Windsor | http://www.citywindsor.ca/opendata/pages/open-data-catalogue.aspx | International Regional | No |
| Wisconsin GIS | http://data-wi-dnr.opendata.arcgis.com/ | Other State Related | No |
| World Bank | http://data.worldbank.org/ | International Regional | Yes |
| Wyoming GIS | https://www.geospatialhub.org/ | Other State Related | No |
| Wyre Council | http://www.wyre.gov.uk/opendata | International Regional | No |
| Zaragoza | http://www.zaragoza.es/ciudad/risp/ | International Regional | No |
| Zurich | https://data.stadt-zuerich.ch/ | International Regional | No |
| Type | Count |
| --- | --- |
| Cloudflare | 49 |
| Normal | 258 |
### 16% of Open Data sites are using Cloudflare.