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## How many % of Hospitals are using Cloudflare?
The following is a list of Hospital websites.
<summary>_click me_
## Afghanistan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| CURE International | https://cure.org/ | No |
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## Albania
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| ABC Health Center | https://abchealth.org/ | No |
| Acibadem Health Services | https://acibadem.al/ | No |
| Amavita Hospital | https://spitaliamavita.com/ | No |
| American Hospital | https://spitaliamerikan.com/ | Yes |
| Central Military Hospital | https://mod.gov.al/ | No |
| Continental Hospital | https://spitalicontinental.com/ | No |
| Devoll Hospital | https://spitalidevoll.gov.al/ | No |
| Durrës Regional Mental Hospital | https://srd.gov.al/ | No |
| Elbasan Psychiatric Hospital | https://spe.gov.al/ | No |
| Elbasan Regional Hospital | https://sre.gov.al/ | No |
| Endoscopy Clinic "La vita" | https://lavita.al/ | No |
| Fier Regional Mental Hospital | https://srf.gov.al/ | No |
| German Hospital | https://spitaligjerman.com/ | Yes |
| Hygeia Hospital | https://hygeia.al/ | No |
| Korçë Regional Hospital | https://srk.gov.al/ | No |
| Maternity Hospital "Koço Gliozheni" | https://suogj-kgliozheni.gov.al/ | No |
| Maternity Hospital "Mbretëresha Gjeraldinë" | https://sougjgeraldine.gov.al/ | No |
| Pogradec Hospital | https://spitalipogradec.gov.al/ | No |
| Poliambulanca "At Luigji Monti" | https://fzkm.org/ | Yes |
| Salus Hospital | https://salus.al/ | No |
| San Luca Medical Clinic | https://sanluca.al/ | Yes |
| Shkodër Regional Mental Hospital | https://srsh.gov.al/ | No |
| Tropojë Hospital | https://spitalitropoje.gov.al/ | No |
| University Hospital "Shefqet Ndroqi" | https://sushefqetndroqi.gov.al/ | No |
| University Medical Center of Tirana "Mother Teresa" | https://qsut.gov.al/ | No |
| Villa Maria Hospital | https://spitalivillamaria.al/ | No |
| Vlorë Psychiatric Hospital | https://spvlore.gov.al/ | No |
| Vlorë Regional Mental Hospital | https://spitalirajonalvlore.gov.al/ | No |
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## Algeria
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Batna 2 University | https://www.univ-batna2.dz/ | No |
| Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire Béjaïa | https://www.dsp-bejaia.dz/ | No |
| EPH Sisters Bedj | https://www.eph-soeursbedj-chlef.dz/ | No |
| Mustapha Pacha hospital | https://www.chu-mustapha.dz/ | No |
| Oran 1 University | https://www.univ-oran1.dz/ | No |
| University Hospital of Oran | https://www.dsp-oran.dz/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Argentina
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Austral University Hospital | https://www.hospitalaustral.edu.ar/ | No |
| Hospital Británico de Buenos Aires | https://www.hospitalbritanico.org.ar/ | No |
| Hospital de Clínicas "José de San Martín" | https://www.hospitaldeclinicas.uba.ar/ | No |
| Hospital Garrahan | https://www.garrahan.gov.ar/ | No |
| Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires | https://www.hospitalitaliano.org.ar/ | No |
| Hospital Udaondo | https://hospitaludaondo.org/ | No |
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## Armenia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Armenian Relief Society | https://ars1910.org/ | Yes |
| Izmirlian Medical Center | https://izmirlianmedicalcenter.com/ | Yes |
| Nork-Marash Medical Center | https://www.nmmc.am/ | No |
| Shengavit Medical Center | https://www.mcshengavit.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Australia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Angliss Hospital | https://www.easternhealth.org.au/ | No |
| Ashford Hospital, Adelaide | https://www.ashfordhospital.org.au/ | No |
| Auburn Hospital | https://www.wslhd.health.nsw.gov.au/ | Yes |
| Austin Hospital | https://www.austin.org.au/ | No |
| Baillie Henderson Hospital | https://www.health.qld.gov.au/ | No |
| Bendigo Base Hospital | https://bendigohealth.org.au/ | Yes |
| Bowral and District Hospital | https://www.swslhd.nsw.gov.au/ | No |
| Calvary Adelaide Hospital | https://www.calvaryadelaide.org.au/ | No |
| Calvary Hospital, Canberra | https://www.calvary-act.com.au/ | No |
| Calvary Hospital, Hobart | https://www.calvarycare.org.au/ | No |
| Calvary Hospital, Wagga Wagga | https://www.calvary-wagga.com.au/ | No |
| Calvary North Adelaide Hospital | https://www.calvarynorthadelaide.org.au/ | No |
| Canberra Hospital | https://www.health.act.gov.au/ | No |
| Canterbury Hospital | https://www.slhd.nsw.gov.au/ | No |
| Ceduna, South Australia | https://www.ceduna.sa.gov.au/ | No |
| Frankston Hospital | https://www.peninsulahealth.org.au/ | No |
| Gold Coast Private Hospital | https://www.goldcoastprivate.com.au/ | No |
| Gosford Hospital | https://www.myhospitals.gov.au/ | Yes |
| Greenslopes Private Hospital | https://www.greenslopesprivate.com.au/ | No |
| Hobart Private Hospital | https://www.hobartprivatehospital.com.au/ | No |
| Jessie McPherson Private Hospital | https://jessiemcpherson.org/ | No |
| John Hunter Hospital | https://www.hnehealth.nsw.gov.au/ | No |
| Launceston General Hospital | https://webarchive.loc.gov/ | Yes |
| Liverpool, New South Wales | https://www.stlukesliverpool.org.au/ | No |
| Macquarie University, New South Wales | https://www.mq.edu.au/ | No |
| Mater Health Services | https://mater.org.au/ | No |
| Modbury Hospital | https://www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/ | No |
| Monash Children's Hospital | https://www.monashchildrenshospital.org/ | No |
| Monash Medical Centre | https://monashhealth.org/ | No |
| Northern Beaches Hospital | https://www.northernbeacheshospital.com.au/ | No |
| North West Regional Hospital | https://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/ | No |
| Perth Children's Hospital | https://pch.health.wa.gov.au/ | No |
| Royal Children's Hospital | https://www.rch.org.au/ | No |
| Royal Darwin Hospital | https://www.royaldarwinhospital.nt.gov.au/ | No |
| Royal Melbourne Hospital | https://www.thermh.org.au/ | Yes |
| Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital | https://www.eyeandear.org.au/ | No |
| Royal Women's Hospital | https://www.thewomens.org.au/ | No |
| St John of God Bunbury Hospital | https://www.sjog.org.au/ | Yes |
| St Lukes Private Hospital | https://www.chctasmania.com/ | Yes |
| St Vincent's Hospital, Melbourne | https://www.svhm.org.au/ | No |
| St Vincent's Hospital, Sydney | https://svhs.org.au/ | No |
| St Vincent's Hospital Brisbane | https://www.svphb.org.au/ | No |
| Sydney Adventist Hospital | https://www.sah.org.au/ | No |
| Sydney Children's Hospital | https://www.sch.edu.au/ | No |
| The Alfred Hospital | https://www.alfred.org.au/ | No |
| The Northern Hospital | https://www.nh.org.au/ | No |
| Wesley Hospital Brisbane | https://wesley.com.au/ | No |
| Women's and Children's Hospital | https://www.wch.sa.gov.au/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Azerbaijan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Bona Dea International Hospital | https://www.bonadea.org/ | No |
| Ganja International Hospital | https://gbx.az/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Bahrain
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| American Mission Hospital | https://www.amh.org.bh/ | No |
| Bahrain Royal Medical Services | https://www.bdfmedical.org/ | No |
| Bahrain Specialist Hospital | https://www.bsh.com.bh/ | No |
| Gulf Diabetes Specialist Center | https://www.gulfdiabetes.com/ | No |
| Isa Town | https://pakistanschool.org/ | No |
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## Bangladesh
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Ad-din Womens Medical College | https://ad-din.org/ | No |
| Anwer Khan Modern Medical College | https://akmmc.edu.bd/ | No |
| Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University | https://bsmmu.edu.bd/ | No |
| Bangladesh Medical College | https://bmc-bd.org/ | No |
| Chittagong Medical College | https://cmc.gov.bd/ | No |
| Combined Military Hospital Dhaka | https://www.army.mil.bd/ | No |
| Comilla Medical College | https://www.cumc.edu.bd/ | No |
| Dhaka Central International Medical College | https://dcimch.com/ | No |
| Dhaka Dental College and Hospital | https://www.dhakadental.gov.bd/ | No |
| Dhaka Medical College | https://dmc.gov.bd/ | No |
| Dhaka Shishu Hospital | https://dhakashishuhospital.org.bd/ | No |
| Dinajpur Medical College | https://marmcd.edu.bd/ | No |
| Gazi Medical College | https://www.gmc.edu.bd/ | No |
| Institute of Child and Mother Health | https://www.icmh.org.bd/ | No |
| Ispahani Islamia Eye Institute and Hospital | https://www.islamia.org.bd/ | No |
| Khulna Medical College | https://www.khulnamedicalcollege.org/ | No |
| Mymensingh Medical College | https://mmc.gov.bd/ | No |
| National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Bangladesh | https://nicvd.gov.bd/ | No |
| National Institute of Neuroscience | https://www.nins.gov.bd/ | No |
| North East Medical College | https://www.nemc.edu.bd/ | No |
| Osmani Medical College | https://magosmanimedical.com/ | No |
| Rajshahi Medical College | https://rmc.gov.bd/ | No |
| Rangpur Medical College | https://rpmc.edu.bd/ | No |
| Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College & Hospital | https://www.shsmc.gov.bd/ | No |
| Shaheed Ziaur Rahman Medical College | https://szmc.gov.bd/ | Yes |
| Sher-e-Bangla Medical College | https://sbmc.edu.bd/ | No |
| Sir Salimullah Medical College | https://ssmcbd.net/ | No |
| Sylhet Women's Medical College | https://swmc.edu.bd/ | No |
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## Barbados
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Queen Elizabeth Hospital | https://www.qehconnect.com/ | No |
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## Belarus
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 2-я городская клиническая больница | https://2gkb.by/ | No |
| 4-я городская клиническая больница имени Н. Е. Савченко | https://4gkb.by/ | No |
| 11-я гарадская клінічная бальніца | https://www.11gkb.by/ | No |
| Мар’інагорская цэнтральная раённая бальніца | https://mgorka-crb.by/ | No |
| Баранавіцкая дзіцячая гарадзкая бальніца | https://pediatr.brest.by/ | No |
| Гомельскі абласны клінічны шпіталь інвалідаў Вялікай Айчыннай вайны | https://gospital.by/ | No |
| Докшыцкая раённая цэнтральная бальніца | https://dokcbr.by/ | No |
| Дубровенская раённая цэнтральная бальніца | https://dubrtmo.by/ | No |
| Ушацкая цэнтральная раённая бальніца | https://ushzrb.by/ | No |
| Шумілінская цэнтральная раённая бальніца | https://shumcrb.vitebsk.by/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Belgium
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| AZ Groeninge | https://www.azgroeninge.be/ | No |
| Belgian Armed Forces | https://www.mil.be/ | Yes |
| CHU UCLouvain Namur | https://www.chuuclnamur.be/ | No |
| Cliniques universitaires Saint-Luc | https://www.saintluc.be/ | No |
| Erasmus Hospital | https://www.erasme.ulb.ac.be/ | No |
| Ghent University Hospital | https://www.uzgent.be/ | No |
| Ghent University | https://www.ugent.be/ | No |
| Institut Jules Bordet | https://www.bordet.be/ | No |
| Joint Commission | https://www.jointcommission.org/ | Yes |
| KU Leuven | https://www.kuleuven.be/ | No |
| Saint-Francis Hospital | https://www.sfz.be/ | No |
| University of Antwerp | https://www.uantwerpen.be/ | No |
| University of Liège | https://www.uliege.be/ | No |
| Université catholique de Louvain | https://uclouvain.be/ | No |
| Université libre de Bruxelles | https://www.ulb.be/ | No |
| UZ Leuven | https://uzleuven.be/ | No |
| Vrije Universiteit Brussel | https://www.vub.ac.be/ | No |
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## Belize
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Karl Heusner Memorial Hospital | https://www.khmh.bz/ | No |
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## Bosnia and Herzegovina
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Fra Mihovil Sučić Hospital | https://www.bolnica-livno.com/ | No |
| Sveti Vračevi Hospital | https://jzu.bolnicabijeljina.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Brazil
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Hospital Daher | https://www.hospitaldaher.com.br/ | No |
| Hospital das Clínicas da Universidade de São Paulo | https://www.hc.fm.usp.br/ | No |
| Hospital de Clínicas de Porto Alegre | https://www.hcpa.ufrgs.br/ | No |
| Hospital Israelita Albert Einstein | https://www.einstein.br/ | No |
| Hospital Sírio-Libanês | https://www.hospitalsiriolibanes.org.br/ | No |
| Instituto de Assistência Médica ao Servidor Público Estadual | https://www.iamspe.sp.gov.br/ | Yes |
| Santa Casa de Misericordia Hospital | https://www.santacasa.org.br/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Brunei
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Jerudong Park Medical Centre | https://www.jpmc.com.bn/ | No |
| Pantai Jerudong Specialist Centre | https://www.pjscbrunei.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Bulgaria
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Acibadem City Clinic Tokuda Hospital | https://www.tokudabolnica.bg/ | Yes |
| Aleksandrovska University Hospital | https://www.alexandrovska.com/ | No |
| Department of General and Operative Surgery | https://gisurgery.bg/ | No |
| Dr. Georgi Stranski University Hospital | https://umbalpleven.com/ | No |
| Lozenetz Hospital | https://www.lozenetz-hospital.bg/ | No |
| National Oncology Centre | https://www.onco-bg.com/ | No |
| Pirogov Hospital | https://www.pirogov.bg/ | No |
| Queen Giovanna Hospital | https://www.giovanna-hospital.com/ | No |
| St. Ekaterina Hospital | https://www.uhsek.com/ | No |
| University Hospital St. Marina – Varna | https://www.svetamarina.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Cambodia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Angkor Hospital for Children | https://angkorhospital.org/ | Yes |
| Children's Surgical Centre | https://csc.org/ | No |
| Khmer–Soviet Friendship Hospital | https://www.khmersoviethospital.org.kh/ | No |
| National Pediatric Hospital, Cambodia | https://www.nphkh.org/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Cameroon
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Central Hospital of Yaoundé | https://www.hopitalcentral.org/ | Yes |
| Centre Hospitalier et Universitaire de Yaoundé | https://kreativ.ca/ | Yes |
| Protestant Hospital of Ngaoundéré | https://www.oseelc.org/ | No |
| Yaoundé Gynaecology, Obstetrics and Pediatrics Hospital | https://hgopy.cm/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Canada
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Abbotsford Regional Hospital and Cancer Centre | https://fraserhealth.ca/ | No |
| Alberta Children's Hospital | https://www.childrenshospital.ab.ca/ | No |
| B.C. Women's Hospital & Health Centre | https://www.bcwomens.ca/ | No |
| Banff – Mineral Springs Hospital | https://www.covenanthealth.ca/ | No |
| Bassano Health Centre | https://www.albertahealthservices.ca/ | No |
| Baycrest Health Sciences | https://www.baycrest.org/ | No |
| BC Cancer Agency | https://www.bccancer.bc.ca/ | No |
| Bethesda Hospital Steinbach, Manitoba | https://www.southernhealth.ca/ | No |
| Bluewater Health | https://www.bluewaterhealth.ca/ | No |
| Brampton Civic Hospital | https://www.williamoslerhs.ca/ | No |
| Bridgepoint Active Healthcare | https://www.bridgepointhealth.ca/ | Yes |
| British Columbia's Children's Hospital | https://www.bcchildrens.ca/ | No |
| Campbellford Memorial Hospital | https://www.cmh.ca/ | No |
| Centracare hospital | https://www.ahsc.health.nb.ca/ | No |
| Centre for Addiction and Mental Health | https://www.camh.ca/ | No |
| Centre hospitalier de l'Université de Montréal | https://www.chumontreal.qc.ca/ | No |
| Centre hospitalier universitaire de Québec | https://www.chuq.qc.ca/ | No |
| Centre hospitalier universitaire Sainte-Justine | https://www.chusj.org/ | No |
| Children's Hospital of Eastern Ontario | https://www.cheo.on.ca/ | No |
| Concordia Hospital | https://www.concordiahospital.mb.ca/ | No |
| Cortellucci Vaughan Hospital | https://mackenziehealth.ca/ | No |
| Credit Valley Hospital | https://trilliumhealthpartners.ca/ | No |
| Cross Cancer Institute | https://www.albertacancer.ca/ | No |
| Deer Lodge Centre | https://www.deerlodge.mb.ca/ | No |
| Douglas Mental Health University Institute | https://www.douglas.qc.ca/ | No |
| Dr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital | https://en.horizonnb.ca/ | No |
| Eagle Ridge Hospital | https://www.erhf.ca/ | No |
| Georgetown Hospital | https://www.haltonhealthcare.com/ | No |
| Grace Hospital Winnipeg | https://www.gracehospital.ca/ | No |
| Grand River Hospital | https://www.grhosp.on.ca/ | No |
| Grey Bruce Health Services | https://www.gbhs.on.ca/ | No |
| Hamilton Health Sciences | https://researchinfosource.com/ | No |
| Health First Strathcona | https://www.capitalhealth.ca/ | No |
| Health Sciences Centre Winnipeg | https://www.hsc.mb.ca/ | No |
| Health Sciences North | https://www.hsnsudbury.ca/ | No |
| Hillsborough Hospital | https://www.gov.pe.ca/ | No |
| Hopital Notre-Dame | https://www.ciusss-centresudmtl.gouv.qc.ca/ | Yes |
| Hospital for Sick Children Toronto | https://www.sickkids.ca/ | Yes |
| Hotel Dieu Hospital Kingston, Ontario | https://www.hoteldieu.com/ | No |
| Humber River Regional Hospital | https://www.hrh.ca/ | No |
| Humboldt District Hospital | https://hdhfoundation.ca/ | Yes |
| Hôpital Charles-LeMoyne | https://www.santemonteregie.qc.ca/ | No |
| Hôpital du Sacré-Coeur de Montréal | https://www.hscm.ca/ | No |
| Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont | https://www.maisonneuve-rosemont.org/ | No |
| Institut de cardiologie de Montréal | https://www.icm-mhi.org/ | No |
| Institut Philippe-Pinel de Montréal | https://www.pinel.qc.ca/ | Yes |
| Janeway Children's Health and Rehabilitation Centre | https://www.janewayfoundation.nf.ca/ | No |
| Jewish General Hospital | https://www.jgh.ca/ | No |
| Jewish Rehabilitation Hospital | https://www.hjr-jrh.qc.ca/ | No |
| Jim Pattison Children's Hospital | https://momsandkidssask.saskhealthauthority.ca/ | No |
| Joseph Brant Hospital | https://www.josephbranthospital.ca/ | No |
| Kingston General Hospital | https://www.kgh.on.ca/ | No |
| Kirkland and District Hospital | https://www.kdhospital.com/ | No |
| Lakeshore General Hospital | https://lakeshorefoundation.ca/ | No |
| London Health Sciences Centre | https://lhsc.on.ca/ | No |
| McGill University Health Centre | https://muhc.ca/ | Yes |
| McMaster Children's Hospital | https://www.mcmasterchildrenshospital.ca/ | No |
| Michael Garron Hospital | https://www.tehn.ca/ | No |
| Mills Memorial Hospital | https://www.rdks.bc.ca/ | No |
| Misericordia Health Centre | https://www.misericordia.mb.ca/ | No |
| Montfort Hospital | https://www.hopitalmontfort.com/ | No |
| Montreal Chest Institute | https://www.royalvic.com/ | No |
| Montreal Children's Hospital | https://www.thechildren.com/ | Yes |
| Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital | https://www.mcgill.ca/ | No |
| Mount Saint Joseph Hospital | https://www.providencehealthcare.org/ | No |
| Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto | https://www.mountsinai.on.ca/ | Yes |
| National Defence Medical Centre | https://www.forces.gc.ca/ | No |
| Northeast Community Health Centre | https://www.ahs.ca/ | No |
| Northern Regional Health Authority | https://northernhealthregion.com/ | No |
| North York General Hospital | https://www.nygh.on.ca/ | No |
| Oakville-Trafalgar Memorial Hospital | https://www.haltonhealthcare.on.ca/ | No |
| Ottawa Civic Hospital | https://www.chnaottawa.ca/ | No |
| Ottawa General Hospital | https://www.ohri.ca/ | No |
| Pasqua Hospital | https://rqhealth.ca/ | No |
| Peterborough Regional Health Centre | https://www.prhc.on.ca/ | No |
| Powerview-Pine Falls | https://www.powerview-pinefalls.com/ | No |
| Prince County Hospital | https://www.princeedwardisland.ca/ | Yes |
| Providence Continuing Care Centre | https://www.providencecare.ca/ | No |
| Qikiqtani General Hospital | https://www.gov.nu.ca/ | No |
| Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Prince Edward Island | https://www.healthpei.ca/ | No |
| Queen Elizabeth II Health Sciences Centre | https://www.cdha.nshealth.ca/ | No |
| Queensway Carleton Hospital | https://www.qch.on.ca/ | No |
| Riverview Health Centre | https://www.riverviewhealthcentre.com/ | No |
| Rouge Valley Ajax and Pickering | https://www.lakeridgehealth.on.ca/ | No |
| Royal Alexandra Hospital, Edmonton | https://www.royalalex.org/ | Yes |
| Royal Inland Hospital | https://www.interiorhealth.ca/ | No |
| Royal Jubilee Hospital | https://www.viha.ca/ | No |
| Royal Ottawa Mental Health Centre | https://www.theroyal.ca/ | No |
| Royal University Hospital | https://www.saskatoonhealthregion.ca/ | No |
| Royal Victoria Regional Health Centre | https://www.rvh.on.ca/ | No |
| Saint Boniface General Hospital | https://www.sbgh.mb.ca/ | No |
| Saskatchewan Hospital | https://www.pnrha.ca/ | No |
| Sault Area Hospital | https://www.sah.on.ca/ | No |
| Scarborough Health Network | https://www.shn.ca/ | No |
| Seven Oaks General Hospital | https://www.sogh.ca/ | No |
| Shouldice Hernia Centre | https://shouldice.com/ | No |
| Shriners Hospital for Children – Canada | https://www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org/ | No |
| Sinai Health System | https://www.sinaihealthsystem.ca/ | Yes |
| Souris Valley Mental Health Hospital | https://www.museevirtuel-virtualmuseum.ca/ | No |
| Southlake Regional Health Centre | https://southlake.ca/ | No |
| South Okanagan General Hospital | https://find.healthlinkbc.ca/ | No |
| St. John's Rehab Hospital | https://www.sunnybrook.ca/ | No |
| St. Joseph's Healthcare Hamilton | https://www.stjoes.ca/ | No |
| St. Joseph's Health Centre | https://www.stjoestoronto.ca/ | No |
| St. Mary's General Hospital | https://www.smgh.ca/ | No |
| St. Mary's Hospital Montreal | https://www.smhc.qc.ca/ | No |
| St. Michael's Hospital Toronto | https://www.stmichaelshospital.com/ | No |
| St. Peter's Hospital, Hamilton | https://www.hhsc.ca/ | No |
| Stanton Territorial Hospital | https://www.nthssa.ca/ | No |
| Stevenson Memorial Hospital | https://www.stevensonhospital.ca/ | No |
| Stollery Children's Hospital | https://www.stollerykids.com/ | No |
| The Children's Hospital of Winnipeg | https://www.wch.ca/ | No |
| The Ottawa Hospital | https://www.ottawahospital.on.ca/ | No |
| Thunder Bay Regional Health Sciences Centre | https://www.tbrhsc.net/ | No |
| Tom Baker Cancer Centre | https://www.calgaryhealthregion.ca/ | No |
| Toronto General Hospital | https://www.uhn.ca/ | No |
| Toronto Grace Health Centre | https://www.torontograce.org/ | No |
| University of Ottawa Heart Institute | https://www.ottawaheart.ca/ | No |
| Uxbridge Cottage Hospital | https://www.msh.on.ca/ | No |
| Vancouver General Hospital | https://www.vch.ca/ | No |
| Victoria General Hospital Winnipeg | https://www.vgh.mb.ca/ | No |
| Vitalité Health Network | https://www.vitalitenb.ca/ | No |
| Western Regional Health Authority | https://assiniboine-rha.ca/ | No |
| Whitehorse General Hospital | https://yukonhospitals.ca/ | No |
| Winnipeg Regional Health Authority | https://www.wrha.mb.ca/ | No |
| Women's College Hospital | https://www.womenscollegehospital.ca/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Chile
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Hospital del Salvador | https://www.hsalvador.cl/ | No |
| Hospital Naval Almirante Nef | https://www.hospitalnaval.cl/ | No |
| Hospital Roberto del Río | https://www.hrrio.cl/ | No |
| San Juan de Dios Hospital Santiago | https://www.hospitalsanjuandedios.cl/ | No |
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## China
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 301 Hospital | https://www.301hospital.com.cn/ | No |
| 307 Hospital | https://www.307hospital.com/ | No |
| Beijing Jishuitan Hospital | https://www.jst-hosp.com.cn/ | No |
| Beijing New Century International Hospital for Children | https://www.ncich.com.cn/ | No |
| Beijing Tongren Hospital | https://www.trhos.com/ | No |
| Beijing United Family Hospital | https://www.unitedfamilyhospitals.com/ | No |
| Beijing University International Hospital | https://www.pkucare.com/ | No |
| Capital Medical University | https://www.ccmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Children's Hospital of Fudan University | https://ch.shmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| China-Japan Friendship Hospital | https://www.zryhyy.com.cn/ | No |
| China Rehabilitation Research Center | https://www.crrc.com.cn/ | No |
| Chinese Academy of Sciences | https://english.cas.cn/ | No |
| Church of the Nazarene | https://www.nazarene.org/ | No |
| Clifford Hospital | https://www.cliffordhospital.com/ | No |
| Conde S. Januário Hospital | https://www.ssm.gov.mo/ | No |
| Eye and ENT Hospital of Fudan University | https://www.fdeent.org/ | No |
| Haikou City People's Hospital | https://www.haikoumh.com.cn/ | No |
| Huadong Hospital | https://www.huadonghospital.com/ | No |
| Huashan Hospital | https://huashan.org.cn/ | No |
| Kwang-Chi Hospital | https://www.z2hospital.com/ | No |
| Lester Chinese Hospital | https://www.renji.com/ | No |
| Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military | https://www.njzy666.com/ | No |
| OASIS International Hospital | https://www.oasishealth.cn/ | No |
| Peking Union Medical College Hospital | https://www.pumch.cn/ | No |
| People's Hospital of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region | https://www.gxhospital.com/ | No |
| PKU 3rd People's Hospital | https://www.puh3.net.cn/ | No |
| Ruijin Hospital | https://www.rjh.com.cn/ | No |
| Second Affiliated Hospital of Xinjiang Medical University | https://www1.xjmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Second Military Medical University | https://www.smmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Sekwa Eye Hospital | https://www.sekwa.org/ | No |
| Shanghai Cancer Center | https://www.shca.org.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Chest Hospital | https://www.shxkyy.com/ | No |
| Shanghai Children's Hospital | https://www.shchildren.com.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Children's Medical Center | https://www.xinhuamed.com.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai East Hospital | https://www.easthospital.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine | https://en.sjtu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Medical College | https://shmc.fudan.edu.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Mental Health Center | https://www.smhc.org.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Sixth People's Hospital | https://english.pudong.gov.cn/ | No |
| Shanghai Tongji University School of Medicine | https://med.tongji.edu.cn/ | No |
| Sixth Affiliated Hospital of XMU | https://www.xjmu.org/ | No |
| Sun Yat-sen University Cancer Center | https://www.sysucc.org.cn/ | No |
| TEDA Hospital | https://www.tedahospital.com.cn/ | No |
| TEDA International Cardiovascular Hospital | https://en.tedaich.com/ | No |
| The 1st Affiliated Hospital | https://wzhospital.com/ | No |
| The 2nd Affiliated Hospital & Yuying Children's Hospital | https://www.wzhealth.com/ | No |
| The Affiliated Eye Hospital | https://www.wzeye.cn/ | No |
| Tianjin First Central Hospital | https://www.tj-fch.com/ | No |
| Tianjin Medical University General Hospital | https://www.tjmugh.com.cn/ | No |
| Tongji Medical College | https://www.tjmu.edu.cn/ | No |
| West China Medical Center of Sichuan University | https://wcums.scu.edu.cn/ | No |
| Wuhan Central Hospital | https://www.zxhospital.com/ | No |
| Wuhan Jinyintan Hospital | https://www.whyljz.com.cn/ | No |
| Wuhan Union Hospital | https://www.whuh.com/ | No |
| Wuhan University Stomatological Hospital | https://www.whuss.com/ | No |
| Xinhui People's Hospital | https://www.xhph.com/ | No |
| Zhejiang Cancer Hospital | https://www.zjcc.org.cn/ | No |
| Zhongshan Hospital | https://www.zs-hospital.sh.cn/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Colombia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Hospital Naval | https://www.hnpm.mil.ar/ | No |
| Hospital Universitario San Ignacio HUSI | https://www.husi.org.co/ | No |
| Pablo Tobón Uribe Hospital | https://www.hptu.org.co/ | No |
| Universidad de La Sabana | https://www.unisabana.edu.co/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Costa Rica
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Hospital CIMA | https://www.hospitalcima.com/ | No |
| Hospital Clínica Bíblica | https://www.clinicabiblica.com/ | No |
| Hospital México | https://www.ccss.sa.cr/ | No |
| Hospital Nacional de Niños | https://www.hnn.sa.cr/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Croatia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb | https://www.kbc-zagreb.hr/ | No |
| Clinical Hospital Dubrava | https://www.kbd.hr/ | No |
| Klinički bolnički centar Rijeka | https://www.kbc-rijeka.hr/ | No |
| Sisters of Charity Hospital Zagreb | https://www.kbcsm.hr/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Cyprus
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Nicosia New General Hospital | https://www.moh.gov.cy/ | No |
| The American Heart Institute | https://www.ahi.com.cy/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Czech Republic
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Bílina Hospital | https://www.hnsp.cz/ | No |
| Canadian Medical | https://www.canadian.cz/ | No |
| Charles University Teaching Hospital | https://www.fnhk.cz/ | No |
| General Hospital | https://www.nemjbc.cz/ | No |
| Jindřichův Hradec Hospital | https://www.hospitaljh.cz/ | No |
| Karlovy Vary Regional Hospital | https://www.kkn.cz/ | No |
| Kolín Hospital | https://www.nemocnicekolin.cz/ | No |
| Kutná Hora Hospital | https://www.nemocnicekutnahora.cz/ | No |
| Masaryk Regional Hospital | https://www.kzcr.eu/ | No |
| Městec Králové Hospital | https://www.nemmk.cz/ | No |
| Nymburk Hospital | https://www.nemnbk.cz/ | No |
| Písek Hospital | https://www.nemopisek.cz/ | No |
| Regional Hospital Liberec | https://www.nemlib.cz/ | No |
| Slaný Hospital | https://www.nemocniceslany.cz/ | No |
| Strakonice Hospital | https://www.nemocnice-st.cz/ | No |
| Tábor Hospital | https://www.nemta.cz/ | No |
| University Hospital Bohunice | https://www.fnbrno.cz/ | No |
| České Budějovice Regional Hospital | https://www.nemcb.cz/ | No |
| Český Krumlov Hospital | https://www.nemck.cz/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Denmark
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aalborg Sygehus | https://www.aalborguh.rn.dk/ | No |
| Amager Hospital | https://www.amagerhospital.dk/ | No |
| Bispebjerg Hospital | https://www.bispebjerghospital.dk/ | No |
| Bornholms Hospital | https://www.bornholmshospital.dk/ | No |
| Frederiksberg Hospital | https://www.frederiksberghospital.dk/ | No |
| Gentofte Hospital | https://www.gentoftehospital.dk/ | No |
| Glostrup Hospital | https://www.rigshospitalet.dk/ | No |
| Herlev Hospital | https://www.herlevhospital.dk/ | No |
| Hvidovre Hospital | https://www.hvidovrehospital.dk/ | No |
| Odense University Hospital | https://www.ouh.dk/ | No |
| Skejby Sygehus | https://www.auh.dk/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Egypt
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Dar Al Fouad | https://daralfouad.org/ | No |
| International Medical Center Egypt | https://www.imceg.com/ | No |
| National Cancer Institute Egypt | https://www.nci.cu.edu.eg/ | No |
| Nile Badrawi Hospital | https://www.nilebadrawi.com/ | No |
| Qasr El Eyni Hospital | https://www.newkasrelaini.org/ | No |
| Red Crescent | https://www.icrc.org/ | No |
| South Sinai Hospital | https://southsinaihospital.com/ | No |
| Theodor Bilharz Research Institute | https://www.tbri.sci.eg/ | No |
| Zagazig University | https://www.zu.edu.eg/ | No |
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## Estonia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| East Tallinn Central Hospital | https://www.itk.ee/ | No |
| North Estonia Medical Centre | https://www.regionaalhaigla.ee/ | No |
| Tartu University Hospital | https://www.kliinikum.ee/ | No |
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## Ethiopia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital | https://www.hamlinfistula.org/ | No |
| ALERT medical facility | https://www.alertethiopia.org/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Finland
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Children's Castle | https://www.hus.fi/ | No |
| Docrates Cancer Center | https://www.docrates.com/ | No |
| Eira Hospital | https://www.eiransairaala.fi/ | No |
| Oulu University Hospital | https://www.ppshp.fi/ | No |
| Tampere University Hospital | https://www.tays.fi/ | No |
| Turku University Hospital | https://www.tyks.fi/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## France
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| American Hospital of Paris | https://www.american-hospital.org/ | No |
| Bicêtre Hospital | https://hopital-bicetre.aphp.fr/ | No |
| Centre hospitalier universitaire de Bordeaux | https://www.chu-bordeaux.fr/ | No |
| Foch Hospital | https://www.hopital-foch.org/ | No |
| Groupe hospitalier Diaconesses Croix Saint-Simon | https://www.hopital-dcss.org/ | No |
| Hospices Civils de Lyon | https://www.chu-lyon.fr/ | No |
| Hôpital d'instruction des armées Percy | https://www.defense.gouv.fr/ | No |
| Institution Nationale des Invalides | https://www.musee-armee.fr/ | No |
| Jean Minjoz Hospital | https://www.chu-besancon.fr/ | No |
| Rennes University Hospital | https://www.chu-rennes.fr/ | No |
| University of Tours | https://www.univ-tours.fr/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Germany
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Augsburg Hospital | https://www.uk-augsburg.de/ | No |
| Hannover Medical School | https://www.mhh.de/ | No |
| Johannes-Wesling-Klinikum | https://www.muehlenkreiskliniken.de/ | No |
| University Hospital Heidelberg | https://www.klinikum.uni-heidelberg.de/ | No |
| University Hospital Mannheim | https://www.umm.de/ | No |
| University Medical Center Freiburg | https://www.uniklinik-freiburg.de/ | No |
| University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf | https://www.uke.de/ | No |
| University Medical Center Schleswig Holstein | https://www.uksh.de/ | No |
| University of Cologne | https://www.portal.uni-koeln.de/ | No |
| University of Erlangen–Nuremberg | https://fau.eu/ | No |
| University of Göttingen | https://www.uni-goettingen.de/ | No |
| University of Regensburg | https://www.uni-regensburg.de/ | No |
| Vivantes Hospital Group | https://www.vivantes.de/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Ghana
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Accra Psychiatric Hospital | https://accrapsychiatrichospital.org/ | No |
| Airport Women's Hospital | https://airportwomenshospital.com/ | No |
| Asafo-Boakye Specialist Hospital | https://http/ | No |
| Bemuah Royal Hospital | https://bemuah hospitals.com/ | No |
| Catholic Hospital | https://apamhospital.com/ | No |
| Del International Hospital | https://delinternationalhospital.org/ | No |
| Doctors-In-Service Clinic | https://www.doctorsinservice.com/ | No |
| Finney Hospital and Fertility Centre | https://finneyhospital.com/ | No |
| Frimpong-Boateng Medical Center | https://www.frimpongboatengmedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Government Hospital | https://atuagovernmenthospital.com/ | No |
| Habana Medical Service | https://www.habanaclinic.com/ | No |
| Hill Top Surgical Hospital | https://hilltopsurgicalhospital.ga/ | Yes |
| Hope Christian Hospital | https://www.hope-christian-hospital.webnode.com/ | No |
| Impact Medical and Diagnostic Centre | https://www.impactclinic.com.gh/ | No |
| Lapaz Community Hospital | https://lapazcommunityhospital.org/ | No |
| Medifem Hospital | https://medifemhospital.com/ | No |
| Provita Specialist Hospital | https://provitaspecialisthospital.com/ | No |
| Richard Novati Catholic Hospital (Comboni Centre) | https://rnch.org/ | No |
| Saboba Medical Centre | https://sabobamedicalcentre.net/ | No |
| Saint Martin de Porres Hospital | https://eikwe-hospital.org/ | No |
| SDA Hosepital-Wiamoase | https://www.sdahospitalwiamoasegh.com/ | No |
| St John's Hospital & Fertility Centre | https://stjohnsgh.com/ | No |
| Tamale Teaching Hospital | https://www.tamaleteachinghospital.org/ | No |
| The Community Hospital | https://the community hospitals.org/ | No |
| Tophill Hospital | https://https/ | No |
| Wesley Clinic | https://www.wesleyclinicgh.com/ | No |
| West End Hospital | https://westend-hospital.com/ | No |
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## Greece
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Agios Andreas Hospital | https://www.agandreashosp.gr/ | No |
| Aigio general hospital | https://www.gnaigio.gr/ | No |
| Alexandra Hospital Athens | https://hosp-alexandra.gr/ | No |
| General University Hospital of Patras | https://www.pgnp.gr/ | No |
| Haydari, Yunanistan | https://www.haidari.gr/ | No |
| Hellenic Red Cross | https://www.redcross.gr/ | No |
| Interbalkan Medical Center | https://www.iatriko.gr/ | No |
| KAT Hospital | https://www.kat-hosp.gr/ | No |
| Pirgos, Yunanistan | https://www.dimospyrgou.gr/ | No |
| University of Patras | https://www.upatras.gr/ | No |
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## Guyana
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| St. Joseph Mercy Hospital | https://mercyhospital.gy/ | No |
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## Haiti
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti | https://www.hashaiti.org/ | No |
| Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais | https://www.pih.org/ | No |
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## Hong Kong
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Canossa Hospital Caritas | https://www.canossahospital.org.hk/ | Yes |
| CUHK Medical Centre | https://www.cuhkmc.hk/ | No |
| Evangel Hospital | https://www.evangel.org.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Adventist Hospital – Stubbs Road | https://www.hkah.org.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Adventist Hospital – Tsuen Wan | https://www.twah.org.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Baptist Hospital | https://www.hkbh.org.hk/ | No |
| Hong Kong Sanatorium & Hospital | https://www.hksh.com/ | No |
| Hospital Authority | https://www.ha.org.hk/ | No |
| Matilda International Hospital | https://www.matilda.org/ | No |
| Our Lady of Maryknoll Hospital | https://www.olmh-hk.com/ | No |
| Precious Blood Hospital Caritas | https://www.pbh.hk/ | Yes |
| Prince Philip Dental Hospital | https://ppdh.org.hk/ | No |
| St. Paul's Hospital Hong Kong | https://www.stpaul.org.hk/ | No |
| St. Teresa's Hospital | https://www.sth.org.hk/ | No |
| Union Hospital Hong Kong | https://www.union.org/ | No |
| United Christian Hospital | https://www.uch.org.hk/ | No |
| Yan Chai Hospital | https://www.yanchai.org.hk/ | No |
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## India
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aarupadai Veedu Medical College | https://www.vinayakamission.com/ | No |
| Acharya Harihar Post Graduate Institute of Cancer | https://www.ahrcc.in/ | Yes |
| Aditya Birla Memorial Hospital | https://www.adityabirlahospital.com/ | No |
| Adyar Cancer Institute | https://cancerinstitutewia.in/ | No |
| Agartala Government Medical College | https://agmc.nic.in/ | No |
| Ahmedabad Civil Hospital | https://civilhospitalahd.gujarat.gov.in/ | No |
| AIIMS Jodhpur | https://aiimsjodhpur.edu.in/ | No |
| A J Institute of Medical Science | https://www.ajhospital.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar | https://aiimsbhubaneswar.nic.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Nagpur | https://aiimsnagpur.edu.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Rajkot | https://www.aiimsrajkot.edu.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences Bhopal | https://www.aiimsbhopal.edu.in/ | No |
| All India Institute of Medical Sciences Delhi | https://www.aiims.edu/ | No |
| All India Institute of Speech and Hearing | https://www.aiishmysore.com/ | No |
| Amala Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.amalaims.org/ | No |
| AMRI Hospital | https://www.amrihospitals.in/ | No |
| Amrita Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.amritahospitals.org/ | No |
| Anugrah Narayan Magadh Medical College and Hospital | https://anmmc.ac.in/ | No |
| Apollo Hospitals, Visakhapatnam | https://www.apollovizag.com/ | No |
| Apollo Hospitals | https://www.apollohospitals.com/ | No |
| Aravind Eye Hospital | https://www.aravind.org/ | No |
| Arignar Anna Memorial Cancer Hospital & Research Institute | https://www.aamci.ac.in/ | No |
| Asian Heart Institute | https://www.asianheartinstitute.org/ | No |
| Asian Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.aimsindia.com/ | No |
| Assam Medical College | https://amch.edu.in/ | No |
| Aster Medcity | https://astermedcity.com/ | Yes |
| Aster MIMS | https://astermims.com/ | Yes |
| Azeezia Medical College | https://www.azeezia.com/ | No |
| B.J. Medical College | https://www.bjmcabd.edu.in/ | No |
| Balaji Dental and Craniofacial Hospital | https://www.smbalaji.com/ | Yes |
| Bangalore Medical College | https://www.bmcri.org/ | No |
| Baroda Medical College | https://www.medicalcollegebaroda.edu.in/ | No |
| Basaveshwara Teaching and General Hospital, Gulbarga | https://bh.hkes.edu.in/ | No |
| Bhagwan Mahaveer Cancer Hospital and Research Centre | https://bmchrc.org/ | No |
| Bhaktivedanta Hospital | https://www.bhaktivedantahospital.com/ | No |
| Bhubaneswar Borooah Cancer Institute | https://www.bbcionline.org/ | No |
| Billroth Hospitals | https://www.billrothhospitals.com/ | No |
| Bombay Hospital | https://www.bombayhospital.com/ | No |
| Bowring & Lady Curzon Hospitals | https://www.bowringandladycurzonmedicalcollege.org/ | No |
| Breach Candy Hospital | https://www.breachcandyhospital.org/ | No |
| Burdwan Medical College | https://www.burmed.org/ | No |
| Calcutta National Medical College | https://www.cnmckolkata.com/ | No |
| Cancer Hospital & Research Centre, Gwalior | https://cancerhospitalgwalior.com/ | No |
| Care Hospitals | https://www.carehospitals.com/ | No |
| CBM Serango Christian Hospital | https://www.cbmin.org/ | No |
| Central Institute of Psychiatry | https://cipranchi.nic.in/ | No |
| Chhatrapati Shahuji Maharaj Medical University | https://kgmu.org/ | No |
| Chittaranjan National Cancer Institute | https://cnci.ac.in/ | No |
| Christian Hospital, Bissam Cuttack | https://chbmck.org/ | No |
| Christian Medical College & Hospital | https://www.cmch-vellore.edu/ | No |
| Civil Hospital, Aizawl | https://civilhospitalaizawl.org/ | Yes |
| Cloudnine Hospitals | https://cloudninecare.com/ | Yes |
| Command Hospital | https://www.chaf-b.org/ | No |
| Cooper Hospital | https://hbtmc.edu.in/ | No |
| Credence Hospital | https://www.credencehospital.com/ | No |
| Darbhanga Medical College and Hospital | https://www.darbhangamedicalcollege.com/ | No |
| Deenanath Mangeshkar Hospital | https://www.dmhospital.org/ | No |
| Desun Hospital & Heart Institute | https://www.desunhospital.com/ | No |
| Dharamshila Cancer Hospital and Research Centre | https://www.dhrc.in/ | No |
| Diphu Medical College and Hospital | https://dmcassam.in/ | No |
| Divisional Railway Hospital, Golden Rock | https://www.indianrailways.gov.in/ | No |
| Divya Prabha Eye Hospital | https://www.divyaprabha.in/ | No |
| Dr. Agarwal's Eye Hospital | https://www.dragarwal.com/ | Yes |
| Dr. B.R. Ambedkar State Institute of Medical Sciences | https://aimsmohali.punjab.gov.in/ | No |
| Dr. Jeyasekharan Hospital & Nursing Home | https://www.jeyasekharanmedicaltrust.com/ | No |
| Dr. Mohan’s Diabetes Specialities Centre | https://drmohans.com/ | Yes |
| Dr. Rajendra Prasad Government Medical College Kangra | https://www.rpgmc.ac.in/ | No |
| Dr. Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health | https://www.imhamritsar.org/ | No |
| Durgabai Deshmukh Hospital | https://amsdd.org.in/ | No |
| D Y Patil Hospital | https://dypatilhospitals.com/ | No |
| Eden Hospital | https://www.mcc.ac.in/ | No |
| Employee's State Insurance Hospital & Medical College | https://www.gmckollam.edu.in/ | No |
| Fakhruddin Ali Ahmed Medical College and Hospital | https://www.faamcassam.co.in/ | No |
| Fernandez Hospital | https://www.fernandezhospital.com/ | No |
| Ford Hospital and Research Centre | https://www.fordhospital.org/ | No |
| Fortis Healthcare | https://www.fortishealthcare.com/ | No |
| Gandhi Medical College, Bhopal | https://gmcbhopal.net/ | No |
| Ganesh Shankar Vidyarthi Memorial Medical College | https://www.gsvmmedicalcollege.com/ | No |
| Gauhati Medical College and Hospital | https://gmchassam.gov.in/ | No |
| General Hospital, Ernakulam | https://www.generalhospitalernakulam.com/ | No |
| Global Hospitals Group | https://www.gleneaglesglobalhospitals.com/ | No |
| GMERS Medical College and Hospital, Junagadh | https://gmersmcjunagadh.org/ | No |
| Government Dental Hospital and College, Chennai | https://www.tamilnadudentalcollege.com/ | No |
| Government General Hospital, Nizamabad | https://www.gmcnzb.org/ | No |
| Government General Hospital | https://www.mmc.tn.gov.in/ | No |
| Government Medical College, Bettiah | https://www.gmcbettiah.org/ | Yes |
| Government Medical College, Bhavnagar | https://gmcbhavnagar.edu.in/ | Yes |
| Government Medical College, Kozhikode | https://govtmedicalcollegekozhikode.ac.in/ | No |
| Government Medical College and Hospital, Nagpur | https://gmcnagpur.org/ | No |
| Government Royapettah Hospital | https://royapettahhospital.com/ | No |
| Government Stanley Hospital | https://www.stanleymedicalcollege.ac.in/ | No |
| Government T D Medical College, Alappuzha | https://tdmcalappuzha.org/ | No |
| Government Vellore Medical College Hospital | https://gvmc.in/ | No |
| Gujarat Cancer Research Institute | https://www.gcriindia.org/ | No |
| Guru Teg Bahadur Hospital | https://www.gtbhospital-gnctd.com/ | No |
| Hardikar Hospital | https://deccanhospital.in/ | No |
| Hedgewar Hospital | https://www.hedgewar.org/ | No |
| Hi-Tech Medical College & Hospital | https://hi-techmedical.org/ | No |
| Hinduja Healthcare Limited | https://www.hindujagroup.com/ | No |
| Hinduja Healthcare Surgical | https://www.hindujahospital.com/ | No |
| Hindu Mission Hospital, Chennai | https://www.hindumissionhospital.org/ | No |
| Holy Family Hospital, Mumbai | https://www.holyfamilyhospital.in/ | No |
| Holy Family Hospital New Delhi | https://www.hfhdelhi.org/ | No |
| Hurkisondas Hospital | https://www.rfhospital.org/ | No |
| Indian Naval Academy | https://ina.gov.in/ | No |
| Indira Gandhi Government Medical College, Nagpur | https://www.iggmc.org/ | No |
| Indira Gandhi Institute of Child Health, Bangalore | https://igich.in/ | Yes |
| Indira Gandhi Institute of Medical Sciences | https://igims.org/ | No |
| Indira Gandhi Medical College | https://www.igmcshimla.edu.in/ | No |
| INHS Sanjivani | https://www.indiannavy.nic.in/ | No |
| Inlaks & Budhrani Hospital | https://www.inlaksbudhranihospital.com/ | No |
| Institute of Medical Sciences and Sum Hospital | https://www.soa.ac.in/ | No |
| Institute of Psychiatry and Human Behaviour | https://iphb.goa.gov.in/ | No |
| IPGMER and SSKM Hospital | https://www.ipgmer.gov.in/ | No |
| Jai Prakash Narayan All India Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.aiimspatna.org/ | No |
| Jaslok Hospital | https://jaslokhospital.net/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research | https://www.jipmer.edu.in/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College, Aligarh | https://amu.ac.in/ | No |
| Jawaharlal Nehru Medical College and Hospital | https://www.jlnmcbgp.org/ | No |
| Jehangir Hospital | https://www.jehangirhospital.com/ | No |
| J L Rohatgi Memorial Eye Hospital | https://www.jlrohatgihospital.org/ | No |
| Jorhat Medical College and Hospital | https://www.jorhatmedicalcollege.in/ | No |
| Kalinga Institute of Dental Sciences | https://kiit.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Kamla Nehru Memorial Hospital | https://knmh.in/ | No |
| Kasturba Hospital | https://www.mgims.ac.in/ | No |
| Kasturba Medical College | https://manipal.edu/ | No |
| Katihar Medical College | https://www.kmckatihar.org/ | No |
| KEM Hospital | https://www.kem.edu/ | No |
| Kidwai Memorial Institute of Oncology | https://kmio.karnataka.gov.in/ | No |
| Kilpauk Medical College Hospital | https://www.gkmc.in/ | No |
| King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam | https://kghvisakhapatnam.org/ | No |
| KK Hospital | https://www.kkh.com.sg/ | No |
| Kolkata Medical College Hospital | https://www.medicalcollegekolkata.in/ | No |
| KPC Medical College and Hospital | https://www.kpcmedicalcollege.in/ | No |
| Krishna Hospital, Cuddalore | https://krishnahospitalcuddalore.com/ | No |
| L. V. Prasad Eye Institute | https://www.lvpei.org/ | No |
| Lady Hardinge Medical College | https://lhmc-hosp.gov.in/ | No |
| Lakeshore Hospital | https://www.vpslakeshorehospital.com/ | No |
| LifeSpring Hospitals | https://www.lifespring.in/ | No |
| Lilavati Hospital | https://lilavatihospital.com/ | No |
| Lisie Hospital, Kochi | https://www.lisiehospital.org/ | Yes |
| Little Flower Hospital | https://lfhospital.org/ | Yes |
| Lokmanya Tilak Hospital | https://www.ltmgh.com/ | No |
| Lok Nayak Hospital | https://tte.delhigovt.nic.in/ | No |
| Lokopriya Gopinath Bordoloi Regional Institute of Mental Health | https://www.lgbrimh.gov.in/ | No |
| M. P. Shah Medical College | https://www.mpsmc.in/ | No |
| Madras Medical Mission | https://www.madrasmedicalmission.org/ | No |
| Maharaja Agrasen Hospital | https://www.mahdelhi.com/ | No |
| Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute | https://www.mgmcri.ac.in/ | No |
| Mahavir Cancer Institute and Research Centre | https://www.mahavircancersansthan.com/ | No |
| Maulana Azad Medical College | https://mamc.ac.in/ | No |
| Max Healthcare | https://www.maxhealthcare.in/ | No |
| Mayo Hospital | https://www.mayohospital.gop.pk/ | No |
| Medanta The Medicity | https://www.medanta.org/ | No |
| Medical College Hospital | https://www.tmc.kerala.gov.in/ | No |
| Medical Trust Hospital | https://www.medicaltrusthospital.com/ | No |
| Medica Superspecialty Hospital, Kolkata | https://www.medicahospitals.in/ | No |
| Meditrina Hospital | https://www.meditrinahospitals.com/ | No |
| MGM Medical College and Hospital, Aurangabad | https://www.mgmmcha.org/ | No |
| Military Hospital, Hisar | https://echs.gov.in/ | No |
| MIOT Hospital | https://www.miotinternational.com/ | No |
| Mithila Minority Dental College and Hospital | https://www.mmdch.org/ | No |
| MKCG Medical College and Hospital | https://www.mkcgmch.org/ | No |
| Muljibhai Patel Urological Hospital | https://www.mpuh.org/ | No |
| N.K.P. Salve Institute of Medical Sciences | https://nkpsims.in/ | No |
| N. S. Memorial Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.nshospital.org/ | No |
| Nalanda Medical College Hospital | https://nmchpatna.org/ | No |
| Nanavati Hospital | https://www.nanavatihospital.org/ | No |
| Narayana Health | https://www.narayanahealth.org/ | No |
| Narayan Medical College and Hospital | https://www.nmch.ac.in/ | Yes |
| National Heart Institute | https://www.nhlbi.nih.gov/ | Yes |
| National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences | https://nimhans.ac.in/ | No |
| National Institute of Ophthalmology | https://www.nioeyes.com/ | No |
| National Institute of Siddha | https://www.nischennai.org/ | No |
| Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose Medical College | https://www.nscbmc.ac.in/ | No |
| Nethradhama Superspeciality Eye Hospital | https://nethradhama.org/ | No |
| Nil Ratan Sarkar Medical College and Hospital | https://nrsmc.edu.in/ | No |
| Nizam's Institute of Medical Sciences | https://nims.edu.in/ | No |
| North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institute of Health and Medical Sciences | https://www.neigrihms.gov.in/ | No |
| Osmania General Hospital | https://osmaniageneralhospital.org/ | No |
| Pandit Deendayal Upadhyay Medical College | https://www.pdumcrajkot.org/ | No |
| Patna Medical College Hospital | https://patnamedicalcollege.com/ | No |
| Peerless Hospital | https://www.peerless.co.in/ | No |
| Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.pimsmmm.com/ | No |
| Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research | https://www.pgimer.edu.in/ | No |
| Prince Aly Khan Hospital | https://www.agakhanhospitals.org/ | No |
| PSG Institute of Medical Sciences & Research | https://psgimsr.ac.in/ | No |
| Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS Rohtak | https://www.pgimsrohtak.ac.in/ | No |
| Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru Memorial Medical College, Raipur | https://www.ptjnmcraipur.in/ | No |
| R. G. Kar Medical College and Hospital | https://www.rgkarmch.org/ | No |
| Rainbow Hospitals | https://www.rainbowhospitals.in/ | Yes |
| Rajagiri Hospital | https://www.rajagirihospital.com/ | No |
| Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital | https://www.rrmch.org/ | No |
| Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre | https://www.rgcirc.org/ | No |
| Rama Medical College | https://www.ramauniversity.ac.in/ | No |
| Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital | https://rmlh.nic.in/ | No |
| Rashtra Sant Tukdoji Regional Cancer Hospital & Research Centre | https://rstrch.com/ | No |
| Regency Hospital, Kanpur | https://regencyhealthcare.in/ | No |
| Regional Cancer Centre, Thiruvananthapuram | https://rcctvm.gov.in/ | No |
| Regional Institute of Ophthalmology and Government Ophthalmic Hospital, Chennai | https://riogohchennai.in/ | No |
| Ruby Hall Clinic | https://rubyhall.com/ | No |
| Safdarjang Hospital | https://vmmc-sjh.nic.in/ | No |
| Sahara Hospital | https://www.saharahospitals.com/ | No |
| Sahyadri Hospital | https://sahyadrihospital.com/ | No |
| Saifee Hospital | https://www.saifeehospital.com/ | No |
| Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust | https://www.srft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Sanjay Gandhi Post Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.sgpgi.ac.in/ | No |
| Sanjeevan Hospitals | https://www.sanjeevanhospital.in/ | No |
| Sankara Eye Foundation | https://www.giftofvision.org/ | Yes |
| Sankara Nethralaya | https://www.sankaranethralaya.org/ | Yes |
| Sassoon Hospital | https://bjmcpune.org/ | No |
| Sawai Man Singh Hospital | https://www.jaipursearch.com/ | No |
| SDS Tuberculosis Sanatorium | https://www.sdstrcrgicd.org/ | No |
| SevenHills Hospital | https://www.sevenhillshospital.com/ | No |
| Seventh-day Adventist Hospital | https://osdah.org/ | No |
| Shalby Hospital | https://www.shalby.org/ | No |
| Shantabaa Medical College, Amreli | https://smcgh.edu.in/ | No |
| Sher-i-Kashmir Institute of Medical Sciences | https://skims.ac.in/ | No |
| Shree Saibaba Heart Institute And Research Centre | https://www.shreesaibabaheartinstitute.com/ | No |
| Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri Government Medical College | https://www.slbsgmchmandi.com/ | No |
| Shri Vasantrao Naik Government Medical College | https://www.vngmcytl.org/ | No |
| Shushrusha Citizens' Co-operative Hospital | https://www.shushrushahospital.org/ | No |
| Siddhartha Medical College | https://smcvja.in/ | No |
| Silchar Medical College and Hospital | https://smcassam.gov.in/ | No |
| Sir Ganga Ram Hospital | https://sgrh.com/ | Yes |
| Sir Ivan Stedeford Hospital | https://www.stedefordhospital.org/ | No |
| Sir Jamshetjee Jeejebhoy Group of Hospitals | https://www.ggmcjjh.com/ | No |
| Smimer Hospital | https://smimer.suratmunicipal.gov.in/ | No |
| Sree Chitra Thirunal Institute of Medical Sciences and Technology | https://www.sctimst.ac.in/ | No |
| Sri Jayadeva Institute of Cardiology | https://www.jayadevacardiology.com/ | No |
| Sri Krishna Medical College | https://www.skmedicalcollege.org/ | No |
| Sri Narayani Hospital & Research Centre | https://www.narayanihospital.org/ | No |
| Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute | https://www.sriramachandra.edu.in/ | No |
| Sri Ramakrishna Hospital | https://sriramakrishnahospital.com/ | No |
| Sri Venkateshwaraa Medical College Hospital and Research Centre | https://www.svmchrc.ac.in/ | Yes |
| Sri Venkateswara Institute of Medical Sciences | https://svimstpt.ap.nic.in/ | No |
| St. Johns Medical College | https://www.stjohns.in/ | No |
| St. Stephen's Church, Delhi | https://www.ststephenshospital.org/ | No |
| Sterling Hospitals | https://www.sterlinghospitals.com/ | No |
| Sundaram Medical Foundation | https://www.smfhospital.org/ | No |
| Sunrise Hospital Kochi | https://sunrisehospitalcochin.com/ | No |
| Sunrise Hospital | https://sunrisehospital.com/ | No |
| Suri Sadar Hospital | https://www.birbhum.gov.in/ | No |
| Tata Memorial Centre | https://tmc.gov.in/ | No |
| Teerthanker Mahaveer Medical College & Research Centre | https://www.tmu.ac.in/ | No |
| Tezpur Medical College and Hospital | https://www.tmcassam.org/ | No |
| The Banyan NGO | https://thebanyan.org/ | No |
| The Cradle Hospital Calicut | https://thecradlecalicut.com/ | No |
| The Mission Hospital, Durgapur | https://themissionhospital.com/ | No |
| Travancore Medical College Hospital | https://tmc.ac.in/ | No |
| Tripura Medical College & Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Memorial Teaching Hospital | https://www.tmc.nic.in/ | No |
| Vasan Healthcare | https://www.vasanhealthcare.lk/ | No |
| Veer Surendra Sai Medical College | https://www.vimsar.ac.in/ | No |
| Vidyasagar Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences | https://vimhans.com/ | No |
| Visakha Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.vimsvskp.com/ | No |
| Voluntary Health Services | https://vhschennai.org/ | No |
| Vydehi Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Centre | https://www.vims.ac.in/ | No |
| Wockhardt Hospitals | https://www.wockhardthospitals.com/ | No |
| Yashoda Hospitals | https://www.yashodahospitals.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Indonesia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aloei Saboe Hospital | https://rsudaloeisaboe.com/ | No |
| Bethesda Hospital, Yogyakarta | https://www.bethesda.or.id/ | No |
| Cikini Hospital | https://www.rscikini.com/ | No |
| Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo Hospital | https://rscm.co.id/ | No |
| Dr. Kariadi Hospital | https://www.rskariadi.co.id/ | Yes |
| Gatot Soebroto Army Hospital | https://www.rspadgs.net/ | Yes |
| Panti Rapih Hospital | https://www.pantirapih.or.id/ | No |
| Sanglah Hospital | https://sanglahhospitalbali.com/ | No |
| Siloam Hospitals | https://www.siloamhospitals.com/ | Yes |
<summary>_click me_
## Iran
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Alejalil Hospital | https://www.goums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Arad General Hospital | https://en.arad-hospital.com/ | No |
| Milad Hospital | https://www.miladhospital.com/ | No |
| Namazi Hospital | https://namazi.sums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Noor Eye Hospital | https://noorvision.com/ | No |
| Ruin Tan Arash Hospital, Tehran | https://medicine.tums.ac.ir/ | No |
| Sarem Women Hospital | https://saremhospital.org/ | No |
| Sina Hospital | https://sinahosp.ir/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Ireland
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aut Even Hospital | https://autevenhospital.ie/ | No |
| Beaumont Hospital, Dublin | https://www.beaumont.ie/ | No |
| Blackrock Clinic | https://www.blackrock-clinic.ie/ | No |
| Bon Secours Hospital, Cork | https://www.bonsecourscork.ie/ | No |
| Bon Secours Hospital, Dublin | https://www.bonsecoursireland.org/ | No |
| Bon Secours Hospital, Galway | https://www.bonsecours.ie/ | Yes |
| Clane General Hospital | https://www.upmc.ie/ | No |
| Connolly Hospital | https://www.connollyhospital.ie/ | No |
| Coombe Women & Infants University Hospital | https://www.coombe.ie/ | No |
| Dublin Dental University Hospital | https://www.dentalhospital.ie/ | No |
| Galway Clinic | https://www.galwayclinic.com/ | No |
| Kingsbridge Private Hospital, Sligo | https://www.kingsbridgeprivatehospital.ie/ | No |
| Leopardstown Park Hospital | https://www.lph.ie/ | No |
| Mater Misericordiae University Hospital | https://www.mater.ie/ | No |
| Mater Private Hospital | https://www.materprivate.ie/ | No |
| Mercy University Hospital | https://www.muh.ie/ | No |
| Merlin Park University Hospital | https://saolta.ie/ | No |
| Midland Regional Hospital, Mullingar | https://www.iehg.ie/ | No |
| Mount Carmel Community Hospital | https://mowlamhealthcare.com/ | No |
| Naas General Hospital | https://www.naashospital.ie/ | No |
| National Maternity Hospital, Dublin | https://www.nmh.ie/ | No |
| National Orthopaedic Hospital Cappagh | https://www.cappagh.ie/ | No |
| National Rehabilitation Hospital Dublin | https://www.nrh.ie/ | No |
| Our Lady's Children's Hospital, Crumlin | https://www.olchc.ie/ | No |
| Phoenix Park | https://phoenixpark.ie/ | No |
| Rotunda Hospital | https://rotunda.ie/ | No |
| Royal Hospital, Donnybrook | https://rhd.ie/ | Yes |
| Royal Victoria Eye and Ear Hospital | https://www.rveeh.ie/ | No |
| Sacred Heart Hospital Roscommon | https://www.hiqa.ie/ | No |
| Simpson's Hospital, Dublin | https://simpsonshospital.org/ | No |
| Sports Surgery Clinic, Dublin | https://sportssurgeryclinic.com/ | No |
| St. Dympna's Hospital | https://www.hse.ie/ | No |
| St. James's Hospital | https://www.stjames.ie/ | No |
| St. John of God Hospital, Stillorgan | https://www.stjohnofgodhospital.ie/ | No |
| St. Luke's Hospital, Rathgar | https://www.slh.ie/ | No |
| St. Michael's Hospital Dún Laoghaire | https://stmichaels.ie/ | No |
| St. Vincent's Hospital, Fairview | https://www.stvincentshospital.ie/ | No |
| St. Vincent's University Hospital | https://www.stvincents.ie/ | No |
| Tallaght University Hospital | https://www.tuh.ie/ | No |
| Temple Street Children's University Hospital | https://www.templestreet.ie/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Israel
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Al-Makassed Islamic Charitable Hospital | https://almakassed.org/ | Yes |
| ALYN Hospital | https://www.alyn.org/ | No |
| Assuta Ashdod Medical Center | https://www.assutaashdod.co.il/ | No |
| Assuta Medical Center | https://en.assuta.co.il/ | No |
| Augusta Victoria Hospital | https://www.avh.org/ | No |
| Barzilai Medical Center | https://bmc.gov.il/ | No |
| Bikur Cholim Hospital | https://www.bikurholim.org.il/ | No |
| Bnai Zion Medical Center | https://www.b-zion.org.il/ | No |
| Elisha Medical Center | https://www.elishahospital.com/ | No |
| EMMS Nazareth Hospital | https://www.nazarethtrust.org/ | No |
| Galilee Medical Center | https://www.gmc.org.il/ | No |
| Herzliya Medical Center | https://www.hmcisrael.com/ | No |
| Herzog Hospital | https://www.herzoghospital.org/ | No |
| Hillel Yaffe Medical Center | https://hy.health.gov.il/ | No |
| Kaplan Medical Center | https://www.kmc.org.il/ | No |
| Laniado Hospital | https://www.laniado.org.il/ | No |
| Meir Hospital | https://www.mmc.org.il/ | No |
| Rabin Medical Center | https://hospitals.clalit.co.il/ | No |
| Rambam Health Care Campus | https://www.rambam.org.il/ | Yes |
| Saint John Eye Hospital Group | https://www.stjohneyehospital.org/ | Yes |
| Schneider Children's Medical Center of Israel | https://www.schneider.org.il/ | No |
| Shaare Zedek Medical Center | https://www.szmc.org.il/ | No |
| Sheba Medical Center | https://eng.sheba.co.il/ | No |
| Soroka Medical Center | https://www.soroka.org/ | No |
| Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center | https://www.tasmc.org.il/ | No |
| Wolfson Medical Center | https://www.wolfson.org.il/ | No |
| Yitzhak Shamir Medical Center | https://www.shamir.org/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Italy
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Agostino Gemelli University Polyclinic | https://www.policlinicogemelli.it/ | No |
| Bambino Gesù Hospital | https://ospedalebambinogesu.it/ | No |
| Burlo Garofolo Pediatric Institute | https://www.burlo.trieste.it/ | No |
| Cardinale Giovanni Panico General Hospital | https://www.piafondazionepanico.it/ | No |
| Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza | https://www.operapadrepio.it/ | No |
| Concordia Hospital | https://www.concordiahospital.mb.ca/ | No |
| European Institute of Oncology | https://www.ieo.it/ | No |
| Fatebenefratelli Hospital | https://www.fatebenefratelli-isolatiberina.it/ | No |
| Hospital of Santa Maria Nuova | https://www.asf.toscana.it/ | No |
| Istituto Giannina Gaslini | https://www.gaslini.org/ | No |
| John Paul II Foundation for Research and Treatment | https://www.fgps.it/ | No |
| Lazzaro Spallanzani National Institute for Infectious Diseases | https://www.inmi.it/ | No |
| Meyer Pediatric Hospital | https://www.meyer.it/ | No |
| Misericordia Hospital Grosseto | https://www.usl9.grosseto.it/ | No |
| Ospedale degli Incurabili | https://www.museoartisanitarie.it/ | No |
| Ospedale di Circolo e Fondazione Macchi | https://www.ospedalivarese.net/ | No |
| Ospedale di Santo Spirito | https://www.aslroma1.it/ | No |
| Ospedale Maggiore di Bologna | https://ausl.bologna.it/ | No |
| Ospedale Niguarda Ca' Granda | https://www.ospedaleniguarda.it/ | No |
| Pio Albergo Trivulzio | https://www.iltrivulzio.it/ | No |
| Policlinico of Milan | https://www.policlinico.mi.it/ | No |
| Policlinico San Matteo | https://www.sanmatteo.org%20www.sanmatteo.org/ | No |
| Policlinico Sant'Orsola-Malpighi | https://www.aosp.bo.it/ | No |
| Policlinico Umberto I | https://www.policlinicoumberto1.it/ | No |
| San Giovanni Addolorata Hospital | https://hsangiovanni.roma.it/ | No |
| San Raffaele Hospital | https://www.sanraffaele.org/ | No |
| Whiston Hospital | https://www.sthk.nhs.uk/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Jamaica
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Bustamante Hospital for Children | https://www.serha.gov.jm/ | No |
| Cornwall Regional Hospital | https://cornwallregionalhospital.com/ | No |
| University Hospital of the West Indies | https://www.uwi.edu/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Japan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| BON BON CLINIC GINZA | https://bonbonclinic.com/ | No |
| Ebara Hospital | https://www.ebara-hp.ota.tokyo.jp/ | No |
| Fujisawa City Hospital | https://www.city.fujisawa.kanagawa.jp/ | No |
| Gif Midori Hospital | https://gifu-min.jp/ | No |
| Gif Sawada Hospital | https://www.sawada-hp.or.jp/ | No |
| Hakuaikai | https://www.hakuaikai.jp/ | No |
| Hino Hospital Kanagawa | https://hino-hospital.com/ | No |
| Hino Hospital Sakai | https://www.syo.or.jp/ | No |
| Hokuto Obihiro Hospital | https://www.hokuto7.or.jp/ | No |
| Hyogo Tokiwa Hospital | https://tokiwa-hospital.or.jp/ | No |
| Japanese Red Cross Medical Center | https://www.med.jrc.or.jp/ | No |
| Jikei University School of Medicine | https://www.jikei.ac.jp/ | No |
| Kanagawa Children's Medical Center | https://kcmc.kanagawa-pho.jp/ | No |
| Kawamura Medical Hospital | https://kawamuramedical.or.jp/ | No |
| Kawasaki Hospital Kobe | https://kawasaki-hospital-kobe.or.jp/ | No |
| Keiai Nankai Hospital Tokushima | https://www.i-keiai.org/ | No |
| Keiyukai Yoshida | https://www.keiyukai-group.com/ | No |
| Kenyukai Honma Hospital | https://www.kenyukai-sakata.jp/ | No |
| Kizawa Memorial Hospital | https://kizawa-memorial-hospital.jp/ | No |
| Koyama Fukusei Hospital | https://www.fukusei.jp/ | No |
| Maki Hospital | https://www.maki-group.jp/ | No |
| Matsumoto Hospital Osaka | https://matsumoto-hp.or.jp/ | No |
| Nagano Kenwakai Hospital | https://www.kenwakai.or.jp/ | No |
| Nagasaki Hospital Hiroshima | https://www.nagasaki-hp.jp/ | No |
| Nagoya City West Medical Center | https://www.west-medical-center.city.nagoya.jp/ | No |
| National Cancer Center | https://nationalcancercenter.org/ | No |
| National Hospital Organization Nagara Medical Center | https://www.hosp.go.jp/ | No |
| National Institute of Radiological Sciences | https://www.nirs.qst.go.jp/ | No |
| Nigata Midori Hospital | https://www.midori-gr.jp/ | No |
| Niigata Kuwana Hospital | https://www.ngt-kuwana.or.jp/ | No |
| NTT Medical Center Tokyo | https://www.ntt-east.co.jp/ | No |
| Oota Hospital | https://ohta-hp.net/ | No |
| Osaka City University Hospital | https://www.hosp.med.osaka-cu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Sakamoto Hospital | https://www.smhc.or.jp/ | No |
| Osaka Showa Hospital | https://syowa.wakabakai-hp.com/ | No |
| Saijo Central Hospital | https://www.saijo-c-hp.com/ | No |
| Seiwakai Kyoritsu Hospital | https://www.kyoritsuhp.or.jp/ | No |
| Shima Hospital | https://www.shimagekanaika.jp/ | No |
| Shirakawa Hospital | https://www.shirakawahp.com/ | No |
| Soma General Hospital | https://www.bb.soma.or.jp/ | No |
| St. Luke's International Hospital | https://hospital.luke.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokushima Kawajima Hospital | https://khg.or.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Medical University | https://www.tokyo-med.ac.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Metropolitan Bokutoh Hospital | https://bokutoh-hp.metro.tokyo.jp/ | No |
| Tokyo Metropolitan Hiroo Hospital | https://www.byouin.metro.tokyo.lg.jp/ | No |
| University of Tokyo | https://www.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yabuki Hospital Yamagata | https://www.seieig.or.jp/ | No |
| Yokohama City University | https://www.yokohama-cu.ac.jp/ | No |
| Yokohama Nyusen Ichou | https://www.yokohama-nyusen-ichou.com/ | No |
| Yoshida Hospital Nara | https://heiwakai.or.jp/ | No |
| Yoshida Hospital Osaka | https://www.yoshida-hp.net/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Jordan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Akilah Hospital | https://akilahhospital.business.site/ | No |
| Al Khalidi Medical Center | https://khmc.jo/ | No |
| Arab Medical Center | https://www.amc-hospital.com/ | No |
| Jordan Hospital Jordan | https://www.jordan-hospital.com/ | No |
| Jordan University Hospital | https://ju.edu.jo/ | No |
| King Abdullah University Hospital | https://www.kauh.jo/ | No |
| King Hussein Cancer Center | https://www.khcc.jo/ | No |
| King Hussein Medical Center | https://www.jrms.gov.jo/ | No |
| Specialty Hospital, Jordan | https://specialty-hospital.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Kazakhstan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Almaty Emergency Hospital | https://gbsnp.kz/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Kenya
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aga Khan Hospital, Kisumu | https://www.agakhanhospitals.org/ | No |
| Karen Hospital | https://www.karenhospital.org/ | No |
| Kenyatta National Hospital | https://knh.or.ke/ | No |
| Kenyatta University Hospital | https://kutrrh.go.ke/ | No |
| Kisii Teaching and Referral Hospital | https://www.ktrh.or.ke/ | No |
| Mathari Hospital | https://matharihospital.go.ke/ | No |
| MEWA Hospital | https://www.mewahospital.org/ | No |
| Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital | https://www.mtrh.go.ke/ | No |
| Mombasa Hospital | https://www.mombasahospital.com/ | No |
| Nairobi Women's Hospital | https://www.nwch.co.ke/ | No |
| Nanyuki Cottage Hospital | https://nanyukicotthosp.org/ | No |
| Shoe4Africa Childrens Hospital | https://www.africachildrens.org/ | No |
| The Nairobi Hospital | https://thenairobihosp.org/ | No |
| Wamba Hospital | https://wambahospital.org/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Kuwait
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Adan Hospital | https://www.adan-hospital.com/ | No |
| Amiri Hospital | https://amrh-pp.moh.gov.kw/ | No |
| Kuwait Cancer Control Center | https://kuwaitcancercenter.net/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Latvia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Bērnu Klīniskā Universitātes Slimnīca | https://www.bkus.lv/ | No |
| Pauls Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital | https://www.stradini.lv/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Lebanon
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Al-Salam Hospital | https://www.hopitaldelapaix.com/ | No |
| American University of Beirut Medical Center | https://www.aub.edu.lb/ | Yes |
| Bellevue Medical Center | https://www.bmc.com.lb/ | No |
| Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Notre Dame des Secours | https://www.chu-nds.org/ | No |
| Clemenceau Medical Center | https://www.cmc.com.lb/ | No |
| Hôpital Saint Joseph des Soeurs de la Croix | https://www.hopital-stjoseph.com/ | No |
| Hôtel-Dieu de France | https://www.hdf.usj.edu.lb/ | No |
| LAU Medical Center-Rizk Hospital | https://www.laumcrh.com/ | No |
| Rafik Hariri University Hospital | https://www.bguh.gov.lb/ | No |
| Saint George Hospital | https://www.stgeorgehospital.org/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Lithuania
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Kaunas Red Cross Hospital | https://www.kkligonine.lt/ | No |
| Kaunas University of Medicine Hospital | https://www.kaunoklinikos.lt/ | No |
| Kėdainiai Hospital | https://www.kedainiuligonine.lt/ | No |
| Vilnius University Hospital Santaros Klinikos | https://www.santa.lt/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Luxembourg
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Grand Duchess Charlotte Maternity Hospital | https://www.chl.lu/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Malaysia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Assunta Hospital | https://www.assunta.com.my/ | No |
| Gleneagles Kota Kinabalu Hospital | https://gleneagleskk.com.my/ | Yes |
| Gleneagles Kuala Lumpur | https://www.gleneagles.com.my/ | No |
| Hospital Canselor Tuanku Muhriz UKM | https://hctm.ukm.my/ | No |
| Island Hospital | https://www.islandhospital.com/ | Yes |
| KPJ Sabah Specialist Hospital | https://kpjsabah.com/ | No |
| Kuala Lumpur Hospital | https://www.hkl.gov.my/ | No |
| Lam Wah Ee Hospital | https://www.hlwe.com.my/ | Yes |
| Loh Guan Lye Specialists Centre | https://lohguanlye.com/ | No |
| Manipal Hospitals Klang | https://www.manipalhospitals.com.my/ | No |
| Mount Miriam Cancer Hospital | https://mountmiriam.com/ | No |
| Pantai Hospital Penang | https://pantai.com.my/ | No |
| Penang Adventist Hospital | https://www.pah.com.my/ | No |
| Putrajaya Hospital | https://www.hpj.gov.my/ | No |
| Sultanah Fatimah Specialist Hospital | https://hpsf.moh.gov.my/ | Yes |
| Tung Shin Hospital | https://www.tungshin.com.my/ | Yes |
| University Malaya Medical Centre | https://www.ummc.edu.my/ | No |
| University Malaya Specialist Centre | https://umsc.my/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Malta
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Mater Dei Hospital | https://health.gov.mt/ | No |
| St James Capua Hospital | https://www.stjameshospital.com/ | No |
| St Philip's Hospital | https://www.stphilips.com.mt/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Mexico
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| General Hospital of Mexico | https://www.hospitalgeneral.salud.gob.mx/ | No |
| Grupo Empresarial Ángeles | https://grupoempresarialangeles.com/ | No |
| Hospital Ángeles del Pedregal | https://hospitalesangeles.com/ | No |
| Instituto Nacional de Neurología y Neurocirugía | https://www.gob.mx/ | No |
| Mexican Social Security Institute | https://www.imss.gob.mx/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Monaco
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Cardiothoracic Center of Monaco | https://www.ccm.mc/ | No |
| Princess Grace Hospital Centre | https://www.chpg.mc/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Mongolia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Intermed Hospital | https://www.intermed.mn/ | No |
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## Mozambique
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Maputo Private Hospital | https://www.maputohospital.com/ | No |
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## Myanmar
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Asia Royal Cardiac & Medical Care Centre | https://asiaroyalmedical.com/ | No |
| East Yangon General Hospital | https://www.um1ygn.edu.mm/ | No |
| Yangon General Hospital | https://yghhealthcare.org/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Namibia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Roman Catholic Hospital | https://www.rcchurch.na/ | No |
| Windhoek Central Hospital | https://www.wch.gov.na/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Nepal
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| B.P. Koirala Institute of Health Sciences | https://bpkihs.edu/ | Yes |
| B.P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital | https://www.bpkmch.org.np/ | No |
| Biratnagar Eye Hospital | https://www.erec-p.org/ | No |
| Birendra Hospital | https://www.birendrahospital.mil.np/ | No |
| Bir Hospital | https://nams.org.np/ | No |
| Chitwan Medical College | https://www.cmc.edu.np/ | No |
| Hospital and Rehabilitation Centre for Disabled Children | https://hrdcnepal.org/ | No |
| Janaki Medical College | https://www.janakimedicalcollege.edu.np/ | No |
| Kanti Children's Hospital | https://www.kantichildrenhospital.gov.np/ | No |
| Karnali Academy of Health Sciences | https://kahs.edu.np/ | No |
| Nepal Medical College | https://www.nmcth.edu/ | No |
| Paropakar Maternity and Women's Hospital | https://www.pmwh.gov.np/ | No |
| Patan Hospital | https://www.patanhospital.org.np/ | No |
| Siddhartha Children and Women Hospital | https://www.amda.org.np/ | No |
| Sukraraj Tropical and Infectious Disease Hospital | https://stidh.gov.np/ | No |
| Tilganga Institute of Ophthalmology | https://www.tilganga.org/ | Yes |
| Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital | https://tuth.org.np/ | No |
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## Netherlands
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Academic Medical Center Amsterdam | https://www.amc.nl/ | No |
| Antoni van Leeuwenhoekziekenhuis | https://www.avl.nl/ | No |
| Catharina Ziekenhuis | https://www.catharinaziekenhuis.nl/ | No |
| Erasmus MC | https://www.erasmusmc.nl/ | No |
| Gelre Hospitals | https://www.gelreziekenhuizen.nl/ | No |
| Jeroen Bosch Hospital | https://www.jeroenboschziekenhuis.nl/ | No |
| Leiden University Medical Center | https://www.lumc.nl/ | No |
| Maastricht UMC+ | https://www.mumc.nl/ | No |
| Maxima Medisch Centrum | https://www.mmc.nl/ | No |
| Medical Center Leeuwarden | https://www.mcl.nl/ | No |
| Medisch Spectrum Twente | https://www.mst.nl/ | No |
| Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre | https://www.radboudumc.nl/ | No |
| University Medical Center Groningen | https://www.umcg.nl/ | No |
| University Medical Center Utrecht | https://www.umcutrecht.nl/ | No |
| VU University Medical Center | https://www.vumc.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## New Zealand
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Alexandra Hospital, New Zealand | https://www.nmdhb.govt.nz/ | Yes |
| Anglesea Hospital | https://www.waikatodhb.health.nz/ | No |
| Arohanui Hospice | https://www.midcentraldhb.govt.nz/ | No |
| Ascot Integrated Hospital | https://www.adhb.health.nz/ | No |
| Ashburn Clinic | https://www.southernhealth.nz/ | No |
| Ashburton Hospital | https://www.cdhb.health.nz/ | No |
| Auckland Spinal Rehabilitation | https://www.countiesmanukau.health.nz/ | No |
| Bay of Islands Hospital | https://www.northlanddhb.org.nz/ | No |
| Belverdale Hospital | https://www.wdhb.org.nz/ | No |
| Bethlehem Birthing Centre | https://www.bopdhb.govt.nz/ | No |
| Bidwill Trust Hospital | https://www.scdhb.health.nz/ | No |
| Boulcott Hospital | https://www.huttvalleydhb.org.nz/ | No |
| Bowen Hospital | https://www.ccdhb.org.nz/ | No |
| Braemar Hospital | https://www.braemarhospital.co.nz/ | No |
| Buller Health | https://www.wcdhb.health.nz/ | No |
| Central Hawkes Bay Health Centre | https://hawkesbay.health.nz/ | No |
| Chelsea Hospital, New Zealand | https://www.hauoratairawhiti.org.nz/ | No |
| Elective Surgery Centre | https://www.waitematadhb.govt.nz/ | No |
| Hawera Hospital | https://www.tdhb.org.nz/ | No |
| Lake Alice Hospital | https://www.lakealicehospital.com/ | No |
| Naval Health Unit | https://www.navyhospital.mil.nz/ | No |
| Porirua Lunatic Asylum | https://poriruahospitalmuseum.flh.nz/ | No |
| Pukeora Sanatorium | https://www.pukeora.com/ | No |
| Rotorua Hospital | https://www.lakesdhb.govt.nz/ | No |
| Selina Sutherland Hospital | https://www.wairarapa.dhb.org.nz/ | No |
| Southern Cross Auckland Surgical Centre | https://hospitals.southerncross.co.nz/ | No |
| Starship Hospital | https://www.starship.org.nz/ | No |
| Wakari Hospital | https://www.southerndhb.govt.nz/ | No |
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## Niger
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| CURE International | https://cure.org/ | No |
| Galmi Hospital | https://galmi.org/ | No |
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## Nigeria
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital | https://akth.gov.ng/ | No |
| Braithwaite Memorial Specialist Hospital | https://www.bmsh.org.ng/ | No |
| ECWA Hospital Egbe | https://www.egbehospital.org/ | No |
| Federal Medical Centre Ebute Metta | https://fmceb.org/ | No |
| Federal Neuro Psychiatric Hospital, Yaba | https://neuropsychiatrichospitalyaba.gov.ng/ | No |
| First Consultant Hospital | https://www.fcmcng.com/ | No |
| Imo State University Teaching Hospital | https://www.imsu.edu.ng/ | Yes |
| Infectious Disease Hospital | https://www.health.gov.lk/ | No |
| Lagoon Hospitals | https://www.hygeiagroup.com/ | No |
| Lagos Island General Hospital | https://www.ghlagos.org.ng/ | No |
| Lagos State University Teaching Hospital | https://www.lasuth.org.ng/ | No |
| Lagos University Teaching Hospital | https://www.luth.gov.ng/ | No |
| Meridian Hospitals | https://meridianhospitals.net/ | Yes |
| National Hospital, Abuja | https://www.nationalhospitalabuja.net/ | No |
| National Orthopaedic Hospital | https://www.nohlagos.org.ng/ | No |
| Olabisi Onabanjo University Teaching Hospital | https://oouth.com/ | No |
| Reddington Hospital | https://www.reddingtonhospital.com/ | No |
| Sir Yahaya Memorial Hospital | https://siryahayahospital.com/ | No |
| St. Nicholas Hospital, Lagos | https://www.saintnicholashospital.com/ | No |
| University College Hospital, Ibadan | https://www.uch-ibadan.org.ng/ | No |
| University of Benin Teaching Hospital | https://www.ubth.org/ | No |
| University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital | https://www.upthng.com/ | No |
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## North Macedonia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Filip II Hospital, Skopje | https://zmc.mk/ | No |
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## Norway
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Akershus University Hospital | https://www.ahus.no/ | No |
| Aker University Hospital | https://www.akersykehus.no/ | No |
| Bergen Hospital Trust | https://www.helse-bergen.no/ | No |
| Central Norway Pharmaceutical Trust | https://www.sykehusapoteket.no/ | No |
| Central Norway Regional Health Authority | https://www.helse-midt.no/ | No |
| Elverum Hospital | https://www.sykehuset-innlandet.no/ | No |
| Fonna Hospital Trust | https://www.helse-fonna.no/ | No |
| Førde Hospital Trust | https://www.helse-forde.no/ | No |
| Helgeland Hospital Trust | https://helgelandssykehuset.no/ | No |
| Hospital of Southern Norway | https://www.sshf.no/ | No |
| Møre og Romsdal Hospital Trust | https://www.helse-mr.no/ | No |
| Nord-Trøndelag Hospital Trust | https://www.hnt.no/ | No |
| Nordland Hospital Trust | https://www.nlsh.no/ | No |
| Northern Norway Pharmaceutical Trust | https://www.sykehusapotek-nord.no/ | No |
| Northern Norway Regional Health Authority | https://www.helse-nord.no/ | No |
| Oslo University Hospital | https://www.oslo-universitetssykehus.no/ | No |
| Privatsykehuset Haugesund | https://www.privatsykehuset.no/ | No |
| Ringerike Hospital | https://www.ringerike-sykehus.no/ | No |
| Southern and Eastern Norway Pharmaceutical Trust | https://www.sykehusapotekene.no/ | No |
| Southern and Eastern Norway Regional Health Authority | https://www.helse-sorost.no/ | No |
| St. Olavs Hospital Trust | https://www.stolav.no/ | No |
| Stavanger Hospital Trust | https://www.helse-stavanger.no/ | No |
| Telemark Hospital Trust | https://www.sthf.no/ | No |
| Ullevål University Hospital | https://www.ulleval.no/ | No |
| University Hospital of North Norway | https://www.unn.no/ | No |
| Vestfold Hospital Trust | https://www.siv.no/ | No |
| Vestre Viken Hospital Trust | https://www.vestreviken.no/ | No |
| Western Norway Pharmaceutical Trust | https://www.apotekene-vest.no/ | No |
| Western Norway Regional Health Authority | https://www.helse-vest.no/ | No |
| Østfold Hospital Trust | https://www.sykehuset-ostfold.no/ | No |
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## Pakistan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Abbasi Shaheed Hospital | https://kmdc.edu.pk/ | No |
| Aga Khan Hospital for Women | https://www.agakhanhospitals.org/ | No |
| Aga Khan University Hospital, Karachi | https://hospitals.aku.edu/ | No |
| Al Noor Hospital | https://www.alnoorhospital.com/ | No |
| Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology | https://afic.gov.pk/ | Yes |
| Ayub Teaching Hospital | https://www.ayubmed.edu.pk/ | No |
| Bethania Hospital Sialkot | https://www.bethania-hospital.org/ | No |
| Burhani Hospital | https://burhanihospital.org.pk/ | Yes |
| Chandka Medical College | https://www.cmc.edu.pk/ | No |
| Chiniot General Hospital | https://www.cgh-k.com/ | No |
| Civil Hospital, Larkana | https://www.paec.gov.pk/ | No |
| Doctors Hospital, Lahore | https://www.doctorshospital.com.pk/ | Yes |
| Dr. Ruth K. M. Pfau Civil Hospital Karachi | https://chk.gov.pk/ | No |
| Dr. Ziauddin Hospitals | https://www.ziauddinhospital.com/ | Yes |
| Farooq Hospital | https://www.amdc.edu.pk/ | No |
| Fatima Memorial Hospital | https://www.fmsystem.org/ | No |
| Fauji Foundation | https://www.fauji.org.pk/ | No |
| Gambat Liver Transplant Center | https://www.gambatlivertransplant.com/ | Yes |
| Ghulam Muhammad Mahar Medical College Sukkur | https://www.gmc-suk.edu.pk/ | No |
| Gulab Devi Chest Hospital | https://www.gulabdevi.org/ | No |
| Hayatabad Medical Complex | https://www.hmckp.gov.pk/ | No |
| Health Oriented Preventive Education | https://www.hope-ngo.com/ | No |
| Indus Hospital | https://www.indushospital.in/ | No |
| Isra University | https://www.iu.isra.edu.pk/ | No |
| Ittefaq Hospital | https://www.ittefaqhospital.com/ | No |
| Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre | https://www.jpmc.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Khairpur Medical College Khairpur Mir's | https://www.khprkmc.edu.pk/ | No |
| Khyber Teaching Hospital | https://www.kth.gov.pk/ | No |
| Kiran Hospital | https://www.kiranhospital.com/ | No |
| Lady Dufferin Hospital | https://www.ladydufferinhospital.org/ | No |
| Lady Reading Hospital | https://lrh.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Lady Willingdon Hospital | https://kemu.edu.pk/ | No |
| Lahore General Hospital | https://lgh.punjab.gov.pk/ | No |
| Lahore Medical and Dental College | https://www.lmdc.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Liaquat National Hospital | https://www.lnh.edu.pk/ | No |
| Liaquat University Hospital | https://lumhs.edu.pk/ | No |
| Marie Adelaide Leprosy Centre | https://www.malc.org.pk/ | No |
| Mayo Hospital | https://www.mayohospital.gop.pk/ | No |
| Multan Institute of Cardiology | https://www.cpeic.gop.pk/ | Yes |
| National Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases | https://nicvd.org/ | No |
| National Institute of Health Pakistan | https://nih.org.pk/ | Yes |
| Nishtar Hospital | https://www.nmch-edu.pk/ | No |
| Nuclear Medicine, Oncology and Radiotherapy Institute | https://www.noripaec.pk/ | No |
| PAF Hospitals | https://pafhospital.pk/ | No |
| Pakistan Air Force | https://www.paf.gov.pk/ | No |
| Pakistan Army | https://www.pakistanarmy.gov.pk/ | Yes |
| Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.pims.gov.pk/ | No |
| Pakistan Kidney and Liver Institute and Research Center | https://pkli.org.pk/ | No |
| Peoples University of Medical and Health Sciences for Women | https://pumhs.edu.pk/ | No |
| PNS Rahat Hospital | https://www.paknavy.gov.pk/ | No |
| Punjab Social Security Hospital | https://www.pessi.gop.pk/ | No |
| Quaid-e-Azam International Hospital | https://www.qih.com.pk/ | No |
| Rawalpindi Institute of Cardiology | https://www.ric.gop.pk/ | No |
| Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Hospital, Muzaffargarh | https://indushospital.org.pk/ | No |
| Saidu Teaching Hospital | https://sth.org.pk/ | No |
| Saifee Hospital, Karachi | https://www.karachicity.gov.pk/ | No |
| Services Institute of Medical Sciences | https://www.sims.edu.pk/ | No |
| Shaikh Zayed Hospital | https://szmc.org.pk/ | No |
| Shaikh Zayed Medical College and Hospital | https://www.szmc.edu.pk/ | No |
| Shalamar Institute of Health Sciences | https://www.sihs.org.pk/ | No |
| Sharif Medical and Dental College | https://sharifmedicalcity.org/ | No |
| Shaukat Khanum Memorial Cancer Hospital and Research Centre | https://www.shaukatkhanum.org.pk/ | No |
| Sindh Institute of Urology and Transplantation | https://www.siut.org/ | No |
| Sir Ganga Ram Hospital | https://www.fjmc.edu.pk/ | No |
| The Aga Khan Maternal and Child Care Centre, Hyderabad | https://www.akdn.org/ | No |
| The Children's Hospital, Lahore | https://www.chich.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| The Heart Institute | https://www.tahirheart.org/ | No |
| University of Sargodha | https://su.edu.pk/ | Yes |
| Wapda Hospital | https://www.wapda.gov.pk/ | No |
| Women's Christian Hospital, Multan | https://wchmultan.org/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Palestine
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Al-Quds University | https://www.alquds.edu/ | No |
| An-Najah National University Hospital | https://www.najah.edu/ | Yes |
| Augusta Victoria Hospital | https://www.avh.org/ | No |
| Makassed Hospital | https://almakassed.org/ | Yes |
| Red Crescent Society | https://www.icrc.org/ | No |
| Saint John Eye Hospital Group | https://www.stjohneyehospital.org/ | Yes |
<summary>_click me_
## Panama
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Hospital Nacional | https://www.hospitalnacional.com/ | No |
| Hospital Punta Pacifica | https://www.pacificasalud.com/ | No |
| Hospital Santo Tomas | https://www.hospitalsantotomas.gob.pa/ | No |
| Instituto Oncológico Nacional | https://www.ion.gob.pa/ | No |
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## Papua New Guinea
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Port Moresby General Hospital | https://www.pomgen.gov.pg/ | No |
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## Poland
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Children’s Memorial Health Institute | https://www.czd.pl/ | No |
| Jagiellonian University Medical College | https://www.cm-uj.krakow.pl/ | No |
| Medical University of Białystok | https://www.umb.edu.pl/ | No |
| Medical University of Gdańsk | https://www.mug.edu.pl/ | No |
| Medical University of Lublin | https://www.umlub.pl/ | No |
| Medical University of Silesia | https://www.sum.edu.pl/ | No |
| Medical University of Warsaw | https://www.wum.edu.pl/ | No |
| Medical University of Łódź | https://en.umed.pl/ | No |
| Nicolaus Copernicus University | https://www.umk.pl/ | No |
| Polish Armed Forces | https://www.wojsko-polskie.pl/ | No |
| Pomeranian Medical University | https://www.pum.edu.pl/ | No |
| Poznań University of Medical Sciences | https://www.ump.edu.pl/ | No |
| University Clinical Hospital in Białystok | https://www.uskwb.pl/ | No |
| University of Warmia and Mazury | https://www.uwm.edu.pl/ | No |
| Wrocław Medical University | https://www.am.wroc.pl/ | No |
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## Qatar
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Sidra Medical and Research Center | https://www.sidra.org/ | No |
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## Romania
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Arad County Clinical Hospital | https://www.scjarad.ro/ | No |
| Spitalul Clinic Județean de Urgență Cluj | https://www.scju-cluj.ro/ | No |
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## Russia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Central Clinical Hospital | https://www.cchp.ru/ | No |
| City hospital No. 40 | https://www.gb40.ru/ | No |
| Federal Center of Neurosurgery Tyumen | https://www.new.fcn-tmn.ru/ | No |
| Lesnoye Sanatorium | https://sanlesnoe.ru/ | No |
| Novosibirsk Psychiatric Hospital No. 3 | https://gnkpb3.mznso.ru/ | No |
| Russian Ilizarov Scientific Center for Restorative Traumatology and Orthopaedics | https://en.ilizarov.ru/ | No |
| Serbsky Center | https://serbsky.ru/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Rwanda
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Caraes Ndera Hospital | https://caraesnderahospital.rw/ | No |
| King Faisal Hospital Kigali | https://www.kfh.rw/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Saudi Arabia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Hussein Al-Ali Hospital | https://alalimedical.com/ | No |
| King Abdulaziz Medical City | https://www.ngha.med.sa/ | No |
| King Fahad Specialist Hospital Dammam | https://www.kfsh.med.sa/ | No |
| King Fahd Medical City | https://www.kfmc.med.sa/ | No |
| King Fahd University Hospital | https://www.iau.edu.sa/ | No |
| King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Centre | https://www.kfshrc.edu.sa/ | No |
| King Saud Medical Complex | https://www.ksmc.med.sa/ | No |
| King Saud University | https://www.ksu.edu.sa/ | No |
| Magrabi Hospitals and Centers | https://www.magrabi.com.sa/ | No |
| Riyadh Military Hospital | https://www.rmh.med.sa/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Serbia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Blood Transfusion Institute Niš | https://www.transfuzijanis.rs/ | No |
| Blood Transfusion Institute of Vojvodina | https://www.nbti.org.rs/ | No |
| City Institute for Emergency Medical Assistance | https://www.beograd94.rs/ | No |
| City Institute for Gerontology and Palliative Care | https://www.gerontology.co.rs/ | No |
| City Institute for Public Health | https://www.zdravlje.org.rs/ | No |
| City Institute for Pulmonary Diseases and Tuberculosis | https://bolestipluca.org.rs/ | No |
| City Institute for Skin and Venereal Diseases | https://www.kvb.org.rs/ | No |
| Clinical Center of Vojvodina | https://www.kcv.rs/ | No |
| Clinical Centre of Kragujevac | https://www.kc-kg.rs/ | No |
| Clinical Centre of Niš | https://www.kcnis.rs/ | No |
| Clinical Centre of Serbia | https://www.kcs.ac.rs/ | No |
| Clinical Hospital Center "Zvezdara" | https://www.kbczvezdara.rs/ | No |
| Clinical Hospital Center Bežanijska kosa | https://www.bkosa.edu.rs/ | No |
| Clinical Hospital Center Kosovska Mitrovica | https://www.kbckm.rs/ | No |
| Clinical Hospital Center Zemun - Beograd | https://kbczemun.bg.ac.rs/ | No |
| Clinic for Dentistry Niš | https://www.kzsnis.rs/ | No |
| Clinic for Dentistry of Vojvodina | https://kzsv.rs/ | No |
| Clinic for Psychiatric Diseases "Dr Laza Lazarević" | https://www.lazalazarevic.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital "Dr Aleksa Savić" Prokuplje | https://bolnicaprokuplje.com/ | No |
| General Hospital "Dr Radivoj Simonović" Sombor | https://www.bolnicasombor.org.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital "Đorđe Jovanović" Zrenjanin | https://www.bolnica.org.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Aleksinac | https://obaleksinac.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Aranđelovac | https://www.zcarandjelovac.org.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Bor | https://www.borbolnica.org.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Gornji Milanovac | https://www.bolnica-gm.org/ | No |
| General Hospital Jagodina | https://bolnicajagodina.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Kikinda | https://www.obki.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Kraljevo | https://www.bolnicastudenicakv.co.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Kruševac | https://www.bolnicakrusevac.org.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Leskovac | https://www.bolnicaleskovac.org/ | No |
| General Hospital Loznica | https://www.bolnicaloznica.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Majdanpek | https://obm.org.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Novi Pazar | https://www.obnp.co.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Pančevo | https://www.bolnicapancevo.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Paraćin | https://www.obparacin.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Petrovac na Mlavi | https://www.opstabolnicapetrovac.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Pirot | https://www.pibolnica.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Požarevac | https://www.obp.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Senta | https://hospitalsenta.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Sremska Mitrovica | https://www.obsm.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Subotica | https://www.bolnicasubotica.com/ | No |
| General Hospital Valjevo | https://www.obvaljevo.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Vrbas | https://www.obvs.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Vršac | https://www.obvrsac.com/ | No |
| General Hospital Ćuprija | https://bolnicacuprija.com/ | No |
| General Hospital Čačak | https://obcacak.co.rs/ | No |
| General Hospital Šabac | https://www.bolnica015.org.rs/ | No |
| Gynecology and Obstetric Clinic "Narodni front" | https://gakfront.org/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Danica i Kosta Šamanović" Knić | https://www.dzknic.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Darinka Lukić" Koceljeva | https://www.dzkoceljeva.com/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Dobrivoje Ger. Popović" Aleksandrovac | https://dzaleksandrovac.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Draga Ljočić" Šabac | https://www.dzsabac.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Dragan Funduk" Pećinci | https://www.dzpecinci.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Dušan Savić Doda" Beočin | https://dzbeocin.com/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Janoš Hadži" Bačka Topola | https://www.dzbt.co.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Jovan Jovanović Zmaj" Stara Pazova | https://www.dzspazova.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Ljubinko Đorđević" Svrljig | https://domzdravlja.svrljig.rs/ | Yes |
| Healthcare center "Dr Marton Šandor" Mali Iđoš | https://www.dzmi.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Milan - Bane Đorđević" Velika Plana | https://www.dzvelikaplana.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Milenko Marin" Loznica | https://dzloznica.co.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Miloje Hadžić - Šule" Rača | https://dzraca.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Milorad - Mika Pavlović" Inđija | https://dzindjija.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Milorad Vlajković" Barajevo | https://www.dzbarajevo.com/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Mladen Stojanović" Bačka Palanka | https://www.dzbacpal.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Nikola Džamić" Vrnjačka Banja | https://dzvbanja.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Sava Stanojević" Trstenik | https://www.dztrstenik.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Simo Milosević" Čukarica | https://www.dzcukarica.co.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Veroljub Cakić" Majdanpek | https://dzmpek.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Đorđe Bastić" Srbobran | https://www.dzsrbobran.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Dr Đorđe Kovačević" Lazarevac | https://www.dz-lazarevac.com/ | Yes |
| Healthcare center "Dr Đorđe Lazić" Sombor | https://www.dzsombor.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Novi Beograd" New Belgrade | https://www.dznbgd.com/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Sveti Đorđe" Topola | https://dztopola.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Veljko Vlahović" Vrbas | https://www.dzvrbas.co.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center "Voždovac" Voždovac | https://www.dzvozdovac.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Ada | https://www.dzada.co.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Aleksinac | https://dzaleksinac.co.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Alibunar | https://www.dzalibunar.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Batočina | https://dzbatocina.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Bački Petrovac | https://www.dzbackipetrovac.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Bač | https://www.dz.bac.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Bela Crkva | https://www.dzbc.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Bečej | https://www.dzbecej.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Blace | https://www.dzblace.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Bogatić | https://www.dzbogatic.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Bojnik | https://www.dzbojnik.org/ | No |
| Healthcare center Boljevac | https://www.dzboljevac.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Bor | https://www.domzdravljabor.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Bosilegrad | https://www.dzbosilegrad.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Brus | https://dzbrus.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Bujanovac | https://www.dzbujanovac.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Despotovac | https://www.dzdespotovac.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Dimitrovgrad | https://www.dzdmg.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Gadžin Han | https://www.dz.gadzinhan.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Golubac | https://www.domzdravljagolubac.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Gornji Milanovac | https://dzgm.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Grocka | https://dzgrocka.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Irig | https://www.dzirig.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Ivanjica | https://dzivanjica.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Jagodina | https://domzdravljaja.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Kanjiža | https://www.dzkanjiza.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Kikinda | https://dzki.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Kovačica | https://dzkovacica.freetzi.com/ | No |
| Healthcare center Kovin | https://www.domzdravljakovin.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Kragujevac | https://www.dzkg.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Kraljevo | https://www.dzkraljevo.co.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Krupanj | https://www.dzkrupanj.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Kruševac | https://www.dzkrusevac.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Kula | https://dzkula.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Kuršumlija | https://www.dzkursumlija.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Lajkovac | https://dzlajkovac.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Lapovo | https://www.dzlapovo.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Lebane | https://www.dzlebane.co.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Leskovac | https://www.dzleskovac.com/ | No |
| Healthcare center Ljig | https://www.domzdravljaljig.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Ljubovija | https://www.dzljubovija.com/ | No |
| Healthcare center Lučani | https://dzlucani.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Mali Zvornik | https://www.dzmalizvornik.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Malo Crniće | https://www.dzmcrnice.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Medveđa | https://www.dzmedvedja.com/ | No |
| Healthcare center Merošina | https://www.dzmerosina.info/ | No |
| Healthcare center Mionica | https://dzmionica.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Mladenovac | https://www.dzmladenovac.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Niš | https://www.domzdravljanis.co.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Nova Crnja | https://www.dzsrpskacrnja.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Novi Bečej | https://none/ | No |
| Healthcare center Novi Kneževac | https://www.dznk.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Novi Sad | https://dzns.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Obrenovac | https://www.domzdravljaobrenovac.com/ | No |
| Healthcare center Odžaci | https://www.dzodzaci.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Opovo | https://dzopovo.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Osečina | https://dzosecina.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Pančevo | https://www.dzpancevo.org/ | No |
| Healthcare center Petrovac | https://www.domzdravljapetrovac.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Pirot | https://www.dzpirot.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Plandište | https://www.dzplandiste.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Požarevac | https://www.dzpozarevac.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Preševo | https://sr.dzpresevo.org/ | No |
| Healthcare center Prijepolje | https://www.dz.prijepolje.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Prokuplje | https://www.domzdravljaprokuplje.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Rakovica | https://dzrakovica.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Raška | https://www.dzraska.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Ražanj | https://www.dzrazanj.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Ruma | https://www.dzruma.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Savski Venac | https://www.dzsvenac.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Senta | https://www.zdravstvosenta.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Sečanj | https://www.domzdravljasecanj.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Smederevo | https://domzdravljasd.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Sokobanja | https://www.dzsokobanja.com/ | No |
| Healthcare center Sremska Mitrovica | https://www.dzsm.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Stari Grad | https://dzstarigrad.org/ | No |
| Healthcare center Subotica | https://domzdravlja.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Svilajnac | https://www.dzsvilajnac.com/ | No |
| Healthcare center Temerin | https://www.dztemerin.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Titel | https://www.dztitel.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Tutin | https://dztutin.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Ub | https://www.dzub.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Užice | https://www.zcue.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Valjevo | https://www.dzvaljevo.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Varvarin | https://www.dzvarvarin.com/ | No |
| Healthcare center Veliko Gradište | https://dzvg.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Vlasotince | https://www.dzvlasotince.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Vračar | https://www.dzvracar.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Vršac | https://www.dzvrsac.co.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Zaječar | https://domzdravlja.zczajecar.com/ | No |
| Healthcare center Zemun | https://www.dzzemun.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Zrenjanin | https://dzzrenjanin.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Zvezdara | https://www.dzzvezdara.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Čačak | https://domzdravljacacak.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Čoka | https://www.dzcoka.com/ | No |
| Healthcare center Šid | https://www.domzdravljasid.org.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Žabalj | https://www.dzzabalj.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Žitište | https://www.dzzitiste.rs/ | No |
| Healthcare center Žitorađa | https://www.dzzitoradja.com/ | No |
| Health Center Gnjilane | https://zcgnjilane.org/ | No |
| Health Center Kladovo | https://www.zckladovo.co.rs/ | No |
| Health Center Knjaževac | https://www.zcknjazevac.rs/ | No |
| Health Center Vranje | https://www.zcvranje.com/ | No |
| Hospital "Sveti Luka" Smederevo | https://obsmederevo.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Antibiotic Protection - Pasteur Institute | https://www.paster.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Cardiovascular Diseases "Dedinje" | https://www.ikvbd.com/ | Yes |
| Institute for Curing and Rehabilitation "Niška Banja" Niš | https://www.radonnb.co.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Dentistry Kragujevac | https://www.zzstomkg.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Emergency Medical Aid Kragujevac | https://hitnapomoc.org/ | No |
| Institute for Emergency Medical Aid Niš | https://www.hitnanis.org/ | No |
| Institute for Emergency Medical Aid Novi Sad | https://www.hitnapomocns.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Forensic Medicine Niš | https://www.sudmednis.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Health Care of Students Belgrade | https://zzzzsbg.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Health Care of Students Novi Sad | https://zzzzsns.co.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Health Care of Workers Niš | https://www.medradanis.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Health Care of Workers Novi Sad | https://www.medicinarada.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Health Protection of Children and Youth of Vojvodina | https://www.izzzdiovns.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Health Protection of Mother and Child of Serbia "Dr Vukan Čupić" | https://www.imd.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Lung Diseases and Tuberculosis Niš | https://www.zavodtb.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Psychophysiological Disorders and Speech Pathology "Prof. Dr Cvetko Brajović" | https://www.zgp.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health "Pomoravlje" Ćuprija | https://zzjzcuprija.com/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health "Timok" Zaječar | https://www.zavodzajecar.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Kikinda | https://www.zavodki.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Kragujevac | https://www.izjzkg.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Kraljevo | https://www.zjzkv.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Kruševac | https://www.zavodks.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Leskovac | https://www.zzjzle.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Niš | https://www.izjz-nis.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health of Serbia "Dr Milan Jovanović Batut" | https://www.batut.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health of Vojvodina | https://www.izjzv.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Pančevo | https://www.zjzpa.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Pirot | https://www.zzjzpirot.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Požarevac | https://www.zzjzpo.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Sombor | https://www.zzjzsombor.org/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Sremska Mitrovica | https://www.zdravlje-sm.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Subotica | https://www.zjzs.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Užice | https://zavodue.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Valjevo | https://www.zzjzvaljevo.co.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Vranje | https://www.zjzvranje.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Zrenjanin | https://www.zastitazdravlja.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Čačak | https://www.zdravljecacak.org/ | No |
| Institute for Public Health Šabac | https://www.zjz.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute for Rehabilitation | https://www.rehabilitacija.com/ | No |
| Institute of Biocides and Medical Ecology | https://www.biocidi.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute of Health Care for Workers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs | https://www.zzzzmup.rs/ | No |
| Institute of Lung Diseases of Vojvodina | https://www.ipb-ild.edu.rs/ | No |
| Institute of Mental Health | https://www.imh.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute of Neonatology | https://www.neonatologija.rs/ | No |
| Institute of Occupational Medicine "Dr Dragomir Karajović" | https://www.imrs.rs/ | No |
| Institute of Oncology and Radiology of Serbia | https://www.ncrc.ac.rs/ | No |
| Institute of Oncology of Vojvodina | https://www.onk.ns.ac.rs/ | No |
| Institute of Orthopedic Surgery "Banjica" | https://www.iohbb.edu.rs/ | No |
| Institute of Rheumatology | https://www.reumatologija.org.rs/ | No |
| Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Serums "Torlak" | https://www.torlakinstitut.com/ | No |
| Military Medical Academy | https://www.vma.mod.gov.rs/ | No |
| Rehabilitation Clinic "Dr Miroslav Zotović" | https://www.rehabilitacija.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital "Dr Borivoje Gnjatić" | https://www.bolnicaslankamen.co.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Addiction Disseases | https://www.drajzerova.org.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Cerebral Palsy and Developmental Neurology | https://www.sbcprn.com/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Diseases of Thyroid Gland and Metabolic Diseases "Zlatibor" | https://www.cigota.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Endemic Nephropathy | https://www.nefropatijalaz.org.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Internal Diseases Mladenovac | https://www.sbib.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Internal Diseases Vrnjačka Banja | https://www.bolnicavb.org.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Lung Diseases "Dr Budislav Babić" | https://www.spbbelacrkva.org/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Lung Diseases "Dr Vasa Savić" Zrenjanin | https://www.plucna.co.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Lung Diseases "Ozren" | https://www.sokobanja.com/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Non-specific Lung Diseases "Sokobanja" | https://www.soko-banja.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Prevention and Treatment CVB "Sveti Sava" | https://www.svetisava.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Psychiatric Diseases "Dr Slavoljub Bakalović" Vršac | https://www.spbvrsac.org.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Psychiatric Diseases "Gornja Toponica" | https://www.spbtoponica.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Psychiatric Diseases "Kovin" Kovin | https://www.sbpb.kovin.info/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Rehabilitation "Agens" Mataruška Banja | https://www.agensmb.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Rehabilitation "Banja Kanjiža" | https://banja-kanjiza.com/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Rehabilitation "Gamzigrad" | https://www.gamzigradskabanja.org.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Rehabilitation "Gejzer" Sijarinjska Banja, Medveđa | https://gejzer.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Rehabilitation "Ribarska Banja" | https://www.ribarskabanja.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Rehabilitation "Rusanda" | https://banjarusanda.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Rehabilitation "Termal" Vrdnik | https://www.termal-vrdnik.com/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Rehabilitation "Vranjska Banja" | https://www.vranjskabanja.co.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Rehabilitation and Orthopedic Prosthetics | https://www.zop.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Rehabilitation Banja Koviljača | https://www.banjakoviljaca.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Rehabilitation Bujanovac Bujanovačka Banja | https://specijalnabolnicabujanovackabanja.co.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Rehabilitation Ivanjica | https://www.sbivanjica.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Rehabilitation Januković Apatin | https://banja-junakovic.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases Novi Sad | https://www.sbnovisad.co.rs/ | No |
| Special Hospital for Treatment and Rehabilitation "Merkur" Vrnjačka Banja | https://www.vrnjcispa.rs/ | No |
| University Children's Clinic | https://tirsova.rs/ | No |
| Zastava Institute for Health Care of Workers Kragujevac | https://www.zzzrkg.rs/ | No |
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## Sierra Leone
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Masanga Hospital | https://www.masangahospital.org/ | No |
| St John of God Hospital Sierra Leone | https://www.stjohnofgodhospital.net/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Singapore
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Alexandra Hospital | https://www.ah.com.sg/ | No |
| Ang Mo Kio - Thye Hua Kwan Hospital | https://www.amkh.com.sg/ | No |
| Bright Vision Hospital | https://www.singhealth.com.sg/ | No |
| Changi General Hospital | https://www.cgh.com.sg/ | No |
| Concord International Hospital | https://cih.com.sg/ | No |
| Farrer Park Hospital | https://www.farrerpark.com/ | Yes |
| Gleneagles Hospital | https://www.gleneagles.com.sg/ | No |
| Institute of Mental Health Singapore | https://www.imh.com.sg/ | No |
| Jurong Community Hospital | https://www.jch.com.sg/ | No |
| Khoo Teck Puat Hospital | https://ktph.com.sg/ | No |
| KK Women's and Children's Hospital | https://www.kkh.com.sg/ | No |
| Mount Alvernia Hospital | https://mtalvernia.sg/ | No |
| Mount Elizabeth Hospital | https://mountelizabeth.com.sg/ | No |
| National Healthcare Group | https://corp.nhg.com.sg/ | No |
| National University Health System | https://www.nuhs.edu.sg/ | No |
| National University Hospital | https://www.nuh.com.sg/ | No |
| Ng Teng Fong General Hospital | https://www.ntfgh.com.sg/ | No |
| Parkway East Hospital | https://www.parkwayeast.com.sg/ | No |
| Parkway Pantai | https://www.parkwaypantai.com/ | No |
| Raffles Hospital | https://www.raffleshospital.com/ | No |
| Raffles Medical Group | https://www.rafflesmedicalgroup.com/ | No |
| Ren Ci Hospital | https://www.renci.org.sg/ | No |
| Sengkang General Hospital | https://www.skh.com.sg/ | No |
| Singapore General Hospital | https://www.sgh.com.sg/ | No |
| St. Andrew's Community Hospital | https://www.sach.org.sg/ | Yes |
| St Luke's Hospital, Singapore | https://www.slh.org.sg/ | No |
| Tan Tock Seng Hospital | https://www.ttsh.com.sg/ | No |
| Thomson Medical Centre | https://www.thomsonmedical.com/ | No |
| Yishun Community Hospital | https://www.yishuncommunityhospital.com.sg/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Slovakia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| F.D. Roosevelt Teaching Hospital with Policlinic Banská Bystrica | https://www.nspbb.sk/ | No |
| Interklinik Bratislava | https://www.interklinik.sk/ | No |
| Martin University Hospital | https://www.mfn.sk/ | No |
| Štefan Kukura Hospital in Michalovce | https://www.nskmi.sk/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Slovenia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Ljubljana University Medical Centre | https://www.kclj.si/ | No |
| Maribor University Medical Centre | https://www.ukc-mb.si/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Somalia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Banadir Hospital | https://banadirhospital.com/ | No |
| Edna Adan Maternity Hospital | https://www.ednahospital.org/ | No |
| Gargaar Multispeciality Hospital | https://gargaarhospital.net/ | No |
| Hargeisa Canadian Medical Center | https://hargeisacanadian.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## South Africa
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Alexandra Hospital Cape Town | https://www.westerncape.gov.za/ | No |
| Chris Hani Baragwanath Hospital | https://www.chrishanibaragwanathhospital.co.za/ | No |
| Denmar Psychiatric Hospital | https://www.denmar.co.za/ | No |
| Edendale Hospital | https://www.kznhealth.gov.za/ | No |
| Helen Joseph Hospital | https://www.gauteng.gov.za/ | No |
| Little Company of Mary Hospital Pretoria | https://www.lifehealthcare.co.za/ | No |
| Midlands Provincial Hospital | https://www.echealth.gov.za/ | No |
| Nelson Mandela Children's Hospital | https://www.nelsonmandelachildrenshospital.org/ | No |
| Nkqubela Chest Hospital | https://www.ecdoh.gov.za/ | No |
| Steve Biko Hospital | https://www.sbah.org.za/ | No |
| Zuid-Afrikaans Hospital | https://www.zah.co.za/ | Yes |
<summary>_click me_
## South Korea
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 가톨릭대학교 부천성모병원 | https://www.cmcbucheon.or.kr/ | No |
| 가톨릭대학교 서울성모병원 | https://www.cmcseoul.or.kr/ | No |
| 가톨릭대학교 여의도성모병원 | https://www.cmcsungmo.or.kr/ | No |
| 가톨릭대학교 인천성모병원 | https://www.cmcism.or.kr/ | No |
| 경기도의료원 수원병원 | https://www.medical.or.kr/ | Yes |
| 경희대학교 의료원 | https://www.khmc.or.kr/ | No |
| 계명대학교 동산의료원 | https://www.dsmc.or.kr/ | No |
| 서울특별시 동부병원 | https://www.dbhosp.go.kr/ | No |
| 서울특별시 서울의료원 | https://www.seoulmc.or.kr/ | No |
| 아주대학교 의료원 | https://hosp.ajoumc.or.kr/ | No |
| 연세대학교 원주세브란스기독병원 | https://www.ywmc.or.kr/ | No |
| 이화여자대학교 목동병원 | https://mokdong.eumc.ac.kr/ | No |
| 인하대학교 의과대학 부속병원 | https://www.inha.com/ | No |
| 한동대학교 선린병원 | https://www.goodsunlin.or.kr/ | No |
| 한림대학교 동탄성심병원 | https://dongtan.hallym.or.kr/ | No |
| 한양대학교 의료원 | https://www.hyumc.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Spain
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Bellvitge University Hospital | https://www.bellvitgehospital.cat/ | No |
| Hospital Carlos III | https://www.madrid.org/ | No |
| Hospital Clínic de Barcelona | https://www.clinicbarcelona.org/ | No |
| Hospital de Sant Pau | https://www.santpau.cat/ | No |
| Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona | https://www.hsjdbcn.org/ | No |
| Hospital Universitari Arnau de Vilanova | https://www.icslleida.cat/ | No |
| Hospital Universitario de Canarias | https://www3.gobiernodecanarias.org/ | No |
| Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón | https://www.comunidad.madrid/ | Yes |
| Hospital Universitario Insular de Gran Canaria | https://chuimi.org/ | No |
| Hospital Universitario Nuestra Señora de Candelaria | https://www.hospitaldelacandelaria.com/ | No |
| Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío | https://www.huvr.es/ | No |
| Marqués de Valdecilla University Hospital | https://www.humv.es/ | No |
| University Hospital Complex of Pontevedra | https://www.sergas.es/ | No |
| Vall d'Hebron University Hospital | https://hospital.vallhebron.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Sri Lanka
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Ampara Hospital | https://www.ghampara.gov.lk/ | No |
| Ashraff Memorial Hospital | https://www.amhkalmunai.org/ | No |
| Hemas Hospital | https://www.hemashospitals.com/ | No |
| Kalmunai North Hospital | https://www.bhkalmunai-north.health.gov.lk/ | No |
| Nawaloka Hospital | https://www.nawaloka.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Suriname
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Academic Hospital Paramaribo | https://www.azp.sr/ | No |
| Diakonessenhuis Paramaribo | https://www.diakonessenhuis.org/ | Yes |
| Mungra Medical Centre | https://www.szn.sr/ | No |
| Sint Vincentius Hospital | https://www.svzsuriname.org/ | No |
| S Lands Hospitaal | https://www.slandshospitaal.sr/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Sweden
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Danderyds sjukhus | https://www.ds.se/ | Yes |
| Linköping University Hospital | https://www.lio.se/ | No |
| Ljungby Hospital | https://www.1177.se/ | No |
| New Karolinska Solna University Hospital | https://www.karolinska.se/ | No |
| Norra Älvsborgs Länssjukhus | https://www.nusjukvarden.se/ | No |
| Sahlgrenska University Hospital | https://www.sahlgrenska.se/ | No |
| Saint Göran Hospital | https://capiostgoran.se/ | No |
| Skåne University Hospital | https://www.skane.se/ | No |
| University Hospital of Umeå | https://www.vll.se/ | No |
| Uppsala University Hospital | https://www.akademiska.se/ | No |
| Värnamo Sjukhus | https://www.rjl.se/ | No |
| Örebro University Hospital | https://www.orebroll.se/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Switzerland
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Centre hospitalier Bienne | https://www.centre-hospitalier-bienne.ch/ | No |
| Geneva University Hospitals | https://www.hug.ch/ | No |
| Hirslanden Clinique Cecil | https://www.hirslanden.ch/ | No |
| Kantonsspital St. Gallen | https://www.kssg.ch/ | No |
| Spitalzentrum Biel | https://www.spitalzentrum-biel.ch/ | No |
| Stadtspital Triemli | https://www.stadt-zuerich.ch/ | No |
| University Hospital of Basel | https://www.unispital-basel.ch/ | No |
| University Hospital of Bern | https://www.insel.ch/ | No |
| University Hospital of Lausanne | https://www.chuv.ch/ | No |
| University Hospital of Zurich | https://www.en.usz.ch/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Syria
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Al Assad University Hospital | https://www.auhd.edu.sy/ | No |
| Al Mouwasat University Hospital | https://almouwasat.sy/ | No |
| Children's University Hospital - Damascus | https://children-hospital.edu.sy/ | No |
| Damascus Hospital | https://www.damascushospital.org.sy/ | No |
| Hospital universitario Al Assad | https://www.auhd.org/ | No |
| Nur al-Din Bimaristan | https://archnet.org/ | No |
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## São Tomé and Príncipe
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Hospital Ayres de Menezes | https://saude.gov-stp.net/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Taiwan
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Central Clinic Hospital | https://www.clinic.org.tw/ | No |
| Chang Gung Medical Foundation | https://www.cgmh.org.tw/ | No |
| Chung-Ho Memorial Hospital | https://www.kmuh.org.tw/ | No |
| Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital | https://www.hospital.fju.edu.tw/ | No |
| Jen-Ai Hospital - Dali | https://site.jah.org.tw/ | No |
| Linkou Chang Gung Memorial Hospital | https://www.chang-gung.com/ | No |
| Mackay Memorial Hospital | https://post.mmh.org.tw/ | No |
| Min-Sheng General Hospital | https://www.missioncare.com.tw/ | No |
| National Taiwan University Hospital | https://www.ntuh.gov.tw/ | No |
| Taipei Hospital | https://www.tph.mohw.gov.tw/ | No |
| Taipei Medical University Hospital | https://english.tmuh.org.tw/ | No |
| Taipei Veterans General Hospital | https://www.vghtpe.gov.tw/ | No |
| Taiwan Adventist Hospital | https://www.tahsda.org.tw/ | No |
| Tri-Service General Hospital | https://www.tsgh.ndmctsgh.edu.tw/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Tanzania
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aga Khan Hospital, Dar es Salaam | https://www.agakhanhospitals.org/ | No |
| Benjamin Mkapa Hospital | https://bmh.or.tz/ | No |
| Bugando Medical Centre | https://www.bugandomedicalcentre.go.tz/ | No |
| International Medical and Technological University | https://www.imtu.edu/ | No |
| Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute | https://www.jkci.or.tz/ | No |
| Kibong'oto Hospital | https://kidh.go.tz/ | No |
| Ocean Road Cancer Institute | https://www.orci.or.tz/ | No |
| Regency Medical Centre | https://regencymedicalcentre.com/ | No |
| St. Walburg's Hospital | https://nyangaohospital.or.tz/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Thailand
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Bangkok Adventist Hospital | https://www.mission-hospital.org/ | No |
| Bangkok Christian Hospital | https://bch.in.th/ | No |
| Bangkok Hospital | https://www.bangkokhospital.com/ | Yes |
| Bangkok International Dental Hospital | https://dentalhospitalthailand.com/ | No |
| Bhumibol Adulyadej Hospital | https://www.bhumibolhospital.rtaf.mi.th/ | No |
| Buddhachinaraj Phitsanulok Hospital | https://www.budhosp.go.th/ | No |
| Buddhasothorn Hospital | https://www.bsh.go.th/ | No |
| Bumrungrad International Hospital | https://www.bumrungrad.com/ | Yes |
| Burapha University Hospital | https://hsc.buu.ac.th/ | No |
| Buriram Hospital | https://www.brh.go.th/ | No |
| Chaophraya Abhaibhubejhr Hospital | https://www.cpa.go.th/ | Yes |
| Chiangrai Prachanukroh Hospital | https://www.crhospital.org/ | Yes |
| Chonburi Hospital | https://www.cbh.moph.go.th/ | No |
| Galyanivadhanakarun Hospital | https://hospital.pnu.ac.th/ | No |
| Hatyai Hospital | https://www.hatyaihospital.go.th/ | No |
| Hospital for Tropical Diseases Thailand | https://www.tropmedhospital.com/ | No |
| HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn Medical Center | https://medicine.swu.ac.th/ | No |
| Kasemrad Hospital Sriburin | https://www.kasemrad.co.th/ | No |
| Khon Kaen Hospital | https://www.kkh.go.th/ | No |
| Lampang Hospital | https://www.lph.go.th/ | No |
| Lerdsin Hospital | https://www.lerdsin.go.th/ | No |
| Maharaj Nakhon Si Thammarat Hospital | https://www.mnst.go.th/ | No |
| Maharaj Nakorn Chiang Mai Hospital | https://web.med.cmu.ac.th/ | No |
| Maharat Nakhon Ratchasima Hospital | https://www.mnrh.go.th/ | No |
| Manarom Hospital | https://www.manarom.com/ | Yes |
| Nakhon Pathom Hospital | https://www.nkpthospital.go.th/ | No |
| Nakornping Hospital | https://www.nkp-hospital.go.th/ | No |
| Nakornthon Hospital | https://www.nakornthon.com/ | Yes |
| Naradhiwas Rajanagarindra Hospital | https://www.narahos.com/ | No |
| Naresuan University Hospital | https://www.med.nu.ac.th/ | No |
| Nopparat Rajathanee Hospital | https://www.nopparat.go.th/ | No |
| Phichit Hospital | https://pichithosp.net/ | No |
| Phramongkutklao Hospital | https://www.pmk.ac.th/ | No |
| Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Hospital | https://www.ayhosp.go.th/ | No |
| Phra Nang Klao Hospital | https://www.pranangklao.go.th/ | No |
| Phyathai 1 Hospital | https://www.phyathai.com/ | Yes |
| Prapokklao Hospital | https://www.ppkhosp.go.th/ | No |
| Queen Sirikit National Institute of Child Health | https://www.childrenhospital.go.th/ | No |
| Queen Sirikit Naval Hospital | https://www2.nmd.go.th/ | No |
| Rajavithi Hospital | https://www.rajavithi.go.th/ | No |
| Ramathibodi Hospital | https://rama.mahidol.ac.th/ | No |
| Ratchaburi Hospital | https://info.rajburi.org/ | No |
| Rayong Hospital | https://rayonghospital.go.th/ | No |
| Saint Louis Hospital | https://www.saintlouis.or.th/ | No |
| Saraburi Hospital | https://www.srbr.in.th/ | No |
| Sawanpracharak Hospital | https://www.spr.go.th/ | No |
| Siriraj Piyamaharajkarun Hospital | https://www.siphhospital.com/ | No |
| Somdech Phra Pinklao Hospital | https://www.spph.go.th/ | No |
| Somdejphrajaotaksin Maharaj Hospital | https://www.tsm.go.th/ | No |
| Songkhla Hospital | https://www.skhospital.go.th/ | No |
| Songklanagarind Hospital | https://hospital.psu.ac.th/ | No |
| Srinagarind Hospital | https://www.srinagarind.md.kku.ac.th/ | No |
| Sunpasitthiprasong Hospital | https://www.sunpasit.go.th/ | No |
| Suranaree University of Technology Hospital | https://im.sut.ac.th/ | No |
| Surin Hospital | https://www.surinhospital.org/ | No |
| Thammasat University Hospital | https://www.hospital.tu.ac.th/ | No |
| Thonburi Hospital | https://www.thonburihospital.com/ | No |
| Trang Hospital | https://www.tranghos.go.th/ | No |
| Udon Thani Hospital | https://www.udh.go.th/ | No |
| Uttaradit Hospital | https://www.uttaradit-hosp.go.th/ | Yes |
| Vachira Phuket Hospital | https://www.vachiraphuket.go.th/ | No |
| Vajira Hospital | https://www.vajira.ac.th/ | No |
| Vibhavadi Hospital | https://www.vibhavadi.com/ | Yes |
| Walailak University Hospital | https://hospital.wu.ac.th/ | No |
| Yanhee Hospital | https://www.yanhee.net/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Trinidad and Tobago
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Port of Spain General Hospital | https://www.health.gov.tt/ | No |
| San Fernando General Hospital | https://www.swrha.co.tt/ | No |
| Scarborough General Hospital, Tobago | https://www.trha.co.tt/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Turkey
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Acıbadem Healthcare Group | https://www.acibadem.com.tr/ | No |
| Bakırköy Psychiatric Hospital | https://www.bakirkoyruhsinir.gov.tr/ | No |
| Balıklı Greek Hospital | https://www.baliklirum.com/ | No |
| Surp Agop Hospital | https://www.surpagop.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Uganda
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Arua Regional Referral Hospital | https://arua.go.ug/ | No |
| Butabika Hospital | https://www.butabikahospital.com/ | No |
| Bwindi Community Hospital | https://www.bwindihospital.com/ | Yes |
| Case Medical Centre | https://casemedcare.org/ | No |
| CoRSU Rehabilitation Hospital | https://corsuhospital.org/ | No |
| CURE Children's Hospital of Uganda | https://cure.org/ | No |
| Entebbe Children's Surgical Hospital | https://en.emergency.it/ | No |
| Holy Innocents Children's Hospital | https://www.holyinnocentsuganda.com/ | No |
| International Hospital Kampala | https://www.img.co.ug/ | No |
| Ishaka Adventist Hospital | https://iah.co.ug/ | No |
| Kagando Hospital | https://www.kagando.org/ | No |
| Kampala Hospital | https://www.kampalahospital.org/ | Yes |
| Kampala International University | https://www.kiu.ac.ug/ | Yes |
| Kasese Municipal Health Centre III | https://demo.kasese.go.ug/ | No |
| Kibuli Hospital | https://www.kibulimuslimhospital.com/ | Yes |
| Kisiizi Hospital | https://www.kisiizihospital.org.ug/ | No |
| Kisubi Hospital | https://www.kisubihospital.org/ | No |
| Kitovu Hospital | https://www.kitovu-hospital.org/ | No |
| Kiwoko Hospital | https://www.kiwokohospital.org/ | No |
| Lacor Hospital | https://www.lacorhospital.org/ | No |
| Lubaga Hospital | https://www.lubagahospital.org/ | No |
| Makerere University Hospital | https://hospital.mak.ac.ug/ | No |
| Matany Hospital | https://www.matanyhospital.org/ | No |
| Mulago Women's Referral Hospital | https://www.mulago.or.ug/ | No |
| Mutolere Hospital | https://www.mutolerehospital.ug/ | No |
| Nakasero Hospital | https://www.nakaserohospital.com/ | No |
| Nkokonjeru Hospital | https://www.nkokonjeruhospital.org/ | No |
| Nkozi Hospital | https://www.nkozihospital.org/ | No |
| Paragon Hospital | https://www.paragonhospitalltd.com/ | No |
| Pope John’s Hospital Aber | https://stjohnxxiiihospitalaber.org/ | No |
| Ruharo Mission Hospital | https://ruharomissionhospital.org/ | No |
| Rushere Community Hospital | https://www.rusherehospital.com/ | No |
| St. Joseph's Hospital Kitgum | https://www.sjhkitgum.org/ | No |
| St. Joseph’s Hospital Maracha | https://www.stjosephshospitalmaracha.org/ | No |
| Uganda Cancer Institute | https://www.uci.or.ug/ | No |
| Villa Maria Hospital | https://villamariahospital.org/ | No |
| Virika Hospital | https://www.fortportaldiocese.org/ | No |
| Women's Hospital International and Fertility Centre | https://www.womens-hospital.net/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Ukraine
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Feofaniya Clinical Hospital | https://www.feofaniya.org/ | No |
| Mariupol regional intensive care hospital | https://www.olil.com.ua/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## United Arab Emirates
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Ajman Specialty General Hospital | https://www.ajsh.ae/ | No |
| Al Noor Hospitals | https://www.alnoorhospital.com/ | No |
| Armada Group | https://www.armadaholding.com/ | No |
| Armada Towers | https://www.armadatowers.com/ | No |
| Cleveland Clinic Abu Dhabi | https://www.clevelandclinicabudhabi.ae/ | No |
| CURE International | https://cure.org/ | No |
| Danat Al Emarat Women & Children’s Hospital | https://www.danatalemarat.ae/ | No |
| Dubai Health Authority | https://www.dha.gov.ae/ | No |
| Dubai Healthcare City | https://www.dhcc.ae/ | No |
| Jumeirah Lake Towers | https://www.jlt.ae/ | No |
| Mediclinic International | https://www.mediclinic.com/ | No |
| Moorfields Eye Hospital | https://www.moorfields.nhs.uk/ | No |
| NMC Health | https://www.nmchealth.com/ | No |
| Oasis Hospital, Al Ain | https://www.kanadhospital.org/ | No |
| RAK Hospital | https://www.rakhospital.com/ | No |
| Shaikh Khalifa Medical City | https://www.skmc.ae/ | No |
| Thumbay clinic | https://www.thumbayclinic.com/ | No |
| Thumbay Group | https://www.thumbay.com/ | No |
| Thumbay Hospital | https://www.thumbayhospital.com/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## United Kingdom
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Aberdeen Community Health and Care Village | https://www.nhsgrampian.co.uk/ | No |
| Addenbrooke's Hospital | https://www.cuh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Aintree University Hospital | https://www.aintreehospital.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Alder Hey Children's Hospital | https://www.alderhey.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Alexandra Hospital Redditch | https://www.worcsacute.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Alnwick Infirmary | https://www.northumbria.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Altrincham Hospital | https://mft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Amersham Hospital | https://www.buckshealthcare.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Andover War Memorial Hospital | https://www.hampshirehospitals.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Arrowe Park Hospital | https://www.wuth.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Ashford Hospital | https://www.ashfordstpeters.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Ashworth Hospital | https://www.merseycare.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Auckland Park Hospital | https://www.tewv.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Babington Hospital | https://www.dchs.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Barnet Hospital | https://www.royalfree.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Barnsley Hospital | https://www.barnsleyhospital.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Basildon University Hospital | https://www.mse.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Bassetlaw District General Hospital | https://www.dbth.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Beckenham Beacon | https://pruh.kch.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Bedford Hospital | https://bedfordhospital.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Belfast City Hospital | https://belfasttrust.hscni.net/ | No |
| Bethlem Royal Hospital | https://www.slam.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Billinge Hospital | https://www.nwbh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Birmingham Children's Hospital | https://bwc.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Bishop Auckland Hospital | https://www.cddft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Blackpool Victoria Hospital | https://www.bfwhospitals.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Bodmin Hospital | https://www.cornwallft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Bradford Royal Infirmary | https://www.bradfordhospitals.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Bridlington Hospital | https://www.yorkhospitals.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Brighton General Hospital | https://www.sussexcommunity.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Bristol Eye Hospital | https://www.uhbristol.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Broadgreen Hospital | https://www.rlbuht.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Buckland Hospital | https://www.ekhuft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Burnley General Teaching Hospital | https://www.elht.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Calderdale Royal Hospital | https://www.cht.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Cannock Chase Hospital | https://www.royalwolverhampton.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Castle Craig Hospital | https://www.castlecraig.co.uk/ | Yes |
| Central Middlesex Hospital | https://www.lnwh.nhs.uk/ | Yes |
| Chapel Allerton Hospital | https://www.leedsth.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Charles Clifford Dental Hospital | https://www.sth.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Chelsea and Westminster Hospital | https://www.chelwest.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Cheltenham General Hospital | https://www.gloshospitals.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Chesterfield Royal Hospital | https://www.chesterfieldroyal.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Christchurch Hospital, Dorset | https://www.uhd.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Churchill Hospital | https://www.oxfordradcliffe.nhs.uk/ | No |
| City Hospital, Birmingham | https://www.swbh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| City of Edinburgh | https://www.edinburgh.gov.uk/ | Yes |
| Colchester Hospital | https://www.esneft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Conquest Hospital | https://www.esht.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Cossham Memorial Hospital | https://www.nbt.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Countess of Chester Hospital | https://www.coch.nhs.uk/ | No |
| County Hospital, Stafford | https://www.midstaffs.nhs.uk/ | No |
| County Hospital, Torfaen | https://abuhb.nhs.wales/ | No |
| Cromer Hospital | https://www.nnuh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Cromwell Hospital | https://www.bupacromwellhospital.com/ | No |
| Croydon University Hospital | https://www.croydonhealthservices.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Cumberland Infirmary | https://www.ncic.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Darent Valley Hospital | https://www.dvh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Derriford Hospital | https://www.plymouthhospitals.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Dewsbury and District Hospital | https://www.midyorks.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Dorset County Hospital | https://www.dchft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| East Surrey Hospital | https://www.surreyandsussex.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Ellen Badger Hospital | https://www.swft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Evelina London Children's Hospital | https://www.evelinalondon.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Fareham Community Hospital | https://www.southernhealth.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Fieldhead Hospital | https://www.southwestyorkshire.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Florence Nightingale Community Hospital | https://www.uhdb.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Fountain Way | https://www.awp.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Freeman Hospital | https://www.newcastle-hospitals.org.uk/ | Yes |
| Frimley Park Hospital | https://www.fhft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Furness General Hospital | https://www.uhmb.nhs.uk/ | No |
| George Eliot Hospital | https://www.geh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Glenfield Hospital | https://leicestershospitals.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Golden Jubilee National Hospital | https://hospital.nhsgoldenjubilee.co.uk/ | No |
| Good Hope Hospital | https://hgs.uhb.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Goole and District Hospital | https://www.nlg.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Grantham and District Hospital | https://www.ulh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Great Ormond Street Hospital | https://www.gosh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Great Western Hospital | https://www.gwh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Guy's Hospital | https://www.guysandstthomas.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Halton General Hospital | https://www.whh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Hammersmith Hospital | https://www.imperial.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Harefield Hospital | https://www.rbht.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Harplands Hospital | https://www.combined.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Harrogate District Hospital | https://www.hdft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Hellesdon Hospital | https://www.nsft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Hemel Hempstead Hospital | https://www.westhertshospitals.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Hereford County Hospital | https://www.wyevalley.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Herts and Essex Hospital | https://www.hct.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Hillingdon Hospital | https://www.thh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Hinchingbrooke Hospital | https://www.nwangliaft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Homerton University Hospital | https://www.homerton.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Horton General Hospital | https://www.ouh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Hospital of St. Cross, Rugby | https://www.uhcw.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Hospital of St John and St Elizabeth | https://www.hje.org.uk/ | No |
| Hull Royal Infirmary | https://www.hey.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Isle of Skye | https://www.skye.co.uk/ | No |
| James Cook University Hospital | https://www.southtees.nhs.uk/ | No |
| James Paget University Hospital | https://www.jpaget.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Kettering General Hospital | https://www.kgh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| King's Mill Hospital | https://www.sfh-tr.nhs.uk/ | No |
| King Edward VII's Hospital | https://www.kingedwardvii.co.uk/ | No |
| King George Hospital, London | https://www.bhrhospitals.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Kingston Hospital | https://www.kingstonhospital.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Kingston upon Thames | https://www.kingston.gov.uk/ | Yes |
| Leigh Infirmary | https://www.wwl.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Leighton Hospital | https://www.mchft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Lewes Victoria Hospital | https://www.bsuh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Lister Hospital, Chelsea | https://www.thelisterhospital.com/ | No |
| Lister Hospital, Stevenage | https://www.enherts-tr.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Liverpool Heart and Chest Hospital | https://www.lhch.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Liverpool Women's Hospital | https://www.liverpoolwomens.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Llanfrechfa Grange Hospital | https://www.wales.nhs.uk/ | No |
| London Bridge Hospital | https://www.londonbridgehospital.com/ | No |
| Louth, Lincolnshire | https://www.louth.org/ | No |
| Luton and Dunstable University Hospital | https://www.bedfordshirehospitals.nhs.uk/ | Yes |
| Lytham Hospital | https://www.lancashirecare.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Macclesfield District General Hospital | https://www.eastcheshire.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Maidstone Hospital | https://www.mtw.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Medway Maritime Hospital | https://www.medway.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Memorial Hospital, Woolwich | https://oxleas.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Mile End Hospital | https://www.bartshealth.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Milton Keynes University Hospital | https://www.mkuh.nhs.uk/ | Yes |
| Moorgreen Hospital | https://www.southamptonhealth.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Musgrove Park Hospital | https://somersetft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| New QEII Hospital | https://www.newqeii.info/ | No |
| Newton Abbot Community Hospital | https://www.torbayandsouthdevon.nhs.uk/ | No |
| NHS Ayrshire and Arran | https://www.nhsaaa.net/ | No |
| NHS Dumfries and Galloway | https://www.nhsdg.co.uk/ | No |
| NHS Fife | https://www.nhsfife.org/ | Yes |
| NHS Forth Valley | https://www.nhsforthvalley.com/ | No |
| NHS Grampian | https://www.nhsgrampian.org/ | No |
| NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde | https://www.nhsggc.org.uk/ | Yes |
| NHS Lothian | https://www.nhslothian.scot/ | No |
| NHS National Services Scotland | https://www.nss.nhs.scot/ | No |
| NHS Scotland | https://www.scot.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Northampton General Hospital | https://www.northamptongeneral.nhs.uk/ | No |
| North Cambridgeshire Hospital | https://www.cpft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| North Devon District Hospital | https://www.northdevonhealth.nhs.uk/ | No |
| North Manchester General Hospital | https://www.pat.nhs.uk/ | No |
| North Middlesex University Hospital | https://www.northmid.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Norwich Community Hospital | https://www.norfolkcommunityhealthandcare.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Nottingham City Hospital | https://www.nuh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Paulton Memorial Hospital | https://virgincare.co.uk/ | No |
| Portland Hospital | https://www.theportlandhospital.com/ | No |
| Prestwich Hospital | https://www.gmmh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Prince Charles Hospital | https://cwmtafmorgannwg.wales/ | Yes |
| Princess Alexandra Hospital, Harlow | https://www.pah.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Princess Royal Hospital, Haywards Heath | https://www.uhsussex.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Princess Royal Hospital, Telford | https://www.sath.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Priory Hospital | https://www.priorygroup.com/ | No |
| Queen Alexandra Hospital | https://www.porthosp.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Queen Elizabeth Hospital, Gateshead | https://www.qegateshead.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Queen Elizabeth Hospital, King's Lynn | https://qehkl.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Queen Elizabeth Hospital, London | https://www.lewishamandgreenwich.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Queen Mary's Hospital, Roehampton | https://www.stgeorges.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Queen Victoria Hospital | https://qvh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Rampton Secure Hospital | https://nottinghamshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Richmond, London | https://richmondhistory.org.uk/ | No |
| Robert Jones and Agnes Hunt Orthopaedic Hospital | https://www.rjah.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Rotherham General Hospital | https://www.therotherhamft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Royal Berkshire Hospital | https://www.royalberkshire.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Royal Bolton Hospital | https://www.boltonft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Royal Buckinghamshire Hospital | https://www.royalbucks.co.uk/ | No |
| Royal Cornwall Hospital | https://www.royalcornwall.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital | https://www.rdehospital.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Royal Glamorgan Hospital | https://cwmtaf.wales/ | Yes |
| Royal Hospital for Neuro-disability | https://www.rhn.org.uk/ | No |
| Royal Marsden Hospital | https://www.royalmarsden.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Royal National Hospital for Rheumatic Diseases | https://www.ruh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital | https://www.rnoh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Royal Orthopaedic Hospital | https://www.roh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Royal Papworth Hospital | https://royalpapworth.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Royal Preston Hospital | https://www.lancsteachinghospitals.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Royal South Hants Hospital | https://www.royalsouthhantshospital.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Royal Stoke University Hospital | https://www.uhns.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Royal Surrey County Hospital | https://www.royalsurrey.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Russells Hall Hospital | https://www.dgoh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Saint Mary's Hospital, Manchester | https://www.cmft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Salisbury District Hospital | https://www.salisbury.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Sheffield Children's Hospital | https://www.sheffieldchildrens.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Southampton General Hospital | https://www.uhs.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Southlands Hospital | https://www.westernsussexhospitals.nhs.uk/ | No |
| South Tyneside District Hospital | https://www.stft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Springfield University Hospital | https://www.swlstg-tr.nhs.uk/ | No |
| St. Anthony's Hospital, North Cheam | https://www.stanthonys.org.uk/ | Yes |
| St Andrew's Hospital | https://www.stah.org/ | Yes |
| St Ann's Hospital, Dorset | https://www.dorsethealthcare.nhs.uk/ | No |
| St Bernard's Hospital, Hanwell | https://www.westlondon.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Stepping Hill Hospital | https://www.stockport.nhs.uk/ | No |
| St Helens Hospital, Merseyside | https://www.sthk.nhs.uk/ | No |
| St Helier Hospital | https://www.epsom-sthelier.nhs.uk/ | No |
| St Mary's Hospital, Isle of Wight | https://www.iow.nhs.uk/ | No |
| St Mary's Hospital, Kettering | https://www.nhft.nhs.uk/ | No |
| St Mary's Hospital, Portsmouth | https://www.solent.nhs.uk/ | No |
| St Michael's Hospital, Warwick | https://www.covwarkpt.nhs.uk/ | No |
| St Nicholas Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne | https://www.ntw.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Tameside General Hospital | https://www.tamesidehospital.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Teddington Memorial Hospital | https://www.hrch.nhs.uk/ | No |
| The London Clinic | https://www.thelondonclinic.co.uk/ | No |
| The Montefiore Hospital, Hove | https://themontefiorehospital.co.uk/ | No |
| The Princess Grace Hospital | https://theprincessgracehospital.com/ | No |
| The Retreat | https://theretreatyork.org.uk/ | No |
| Tolworth Hospital | https://www.swlstg.nhs.uk/ | No |
| University College Hospital | https://uclh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| University Hospital Monklands | https://www.nhslanarkshire.co.uk/ | No |
| University Hospital of Hartlepool | https://www.nth.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Vale Community Hospital | https://www.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Walton Centre | https://www.thewaltoncentre.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Warneford Hospital | https://www.oxfordhealth.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Wellington Hospital, London | https://www.thewellingtonhospital.com/ | No |
| West Berkshire Community Hospital | https://www.berkshirehealthcare.nhs.uk/ | No |
| West Cumberland Hospital | https://www.ncumbria.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Weston General Hospital | https://www.waht.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Weston Park Hospital | https://www.westonparkcancercentre.nhs.uk/ | No |
| West Suffolk Hospital | https://www.wsh.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Whittington Hospital | https://www.whittington.nhs.uk/ | No |
| Yeovil District Hospital | https://www.yeovilhospital.co.uk/ | No |
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## United States
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| A.O. Fox Memorial Hospital | https://www.bassett.org/ | No |
| Abbott Northwestern Hospital | https://www.abbottnorthwestern.com/ | No |
| Abrazo Arizona Heart Hospital | https://www.abrazohealth.com/ | No |
| Abrazo Arrowhead Campus | https://arrowheadhospital.com/ | No |
| Acadia Healthcare | https://acadiahealthcare.com/ | No |
| Acoma, New Mexico | https://www.puebloofacoma.org/ | No |
| Adams County Regional Medical Center | https://www.acrmc.com/ | No |
| Adcare Hospital | https://adcare.com/ | Yes |
| Adirondack Medical Center | https://www.adirondackhealth.org/ | No |
| AdventHealth Celebration | https://adventhealth.com/ | Yes |
| AdventHealth Lake Wales | https://www.lakewalesmedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Adventist HealthCare Shady Grove Medical Center | https://adventisthealthcare.com/ | No |
| Adventist Health | https://www.adventisthealth.org/ | No |
| Advocate Children's Hospital | https://www.advocatechildrenshospital.com/ | No |
| Advocate Christ Medical Center | https://www.advocatehealth.com/ | No |
| Agnesian HealthCare | https://csasisters.org/ | No |
| Aiken Regional Medical Center | https://www.aikenregional.com/ | No |
| Akron Children's Hospital | https://www.akronchildrens.org/ | No |
| Akron City Hospital | https://www.summahealth.org/ | No |
| Alamance Regional Medical Center | https://www.armc.com/ | No |
| Alameda Hospital | https://www.alamedahospital.org/ | No |
| Alaska Native Medical Center | https://anmc.org/ | No |
| Alaska Regional Hospital | https://hcahealthcare.com/ | Yes |
| Albany Medical Center | https://www.amc.edu/ | No |
| Albert B. Chandler Hospital | https://ukhealthcare.uky.edu/ | No |
| Albert Einstein College of Medicine | https://www.einsteinmed.edu/ | No |
| Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children | https://www.nemours.org/ | Yes |
| Alice Peck Day Hospital | https://www.alicepeckday.org/ | No |
| Allegheny General Hospital | https://www.ahn.org/ | Yes |
| AllianceHealth Durant | https://www.alliancehealthdurant.com/ | No |
| Allina Health | https://www.allinahealth.org/ | No |
| All Saints Hospital Racine, Wisconsin | https://www.mywheaton.org/ | No |
| Alta Bates Summit Medical Center | https://www.altabatessummit.org/ | No |
| Altoona Hospital | https://upmcaltoona.org/ | No |
| Altru Health System | https://www.altru.org/ | No |
| Alvarado Hospital | https://www.alvaradohospital.com/ | No |
| Alvin J. Siteman Cancer Center | https://www.siteman.wustl.edu/ | Yes |
| American College of Surgeons | https://www.facs.org/ | No |
| American Family Children's Hospital | https://www.uwhealth.org/ | No |
| American Fork Hospital | https://www.intermountainhealthcare.org/ | No |
| AMITA Health St. Mary's Hospital | https://www.amitahealth.org/ | No |
| Anaheim Regional Medical Center | https://www.anaheimregionalmc.com/ | No |
| Anderson Regional Medical Center | https://www.andersonregional.org/ | No |
| AnMed Health Medical Center | https://www.anmedhealth.org/ | Yes |
| Anne Arundel Medical Center | https://www.askaamc.org/ | No |
| Annie Penn Hospital | https://www.conehealth.com/ | No |
| Anoka Metro Regional Treatment Center | https://www.dhs.state.mn.us/ | Yes |
| Antelope Valley Hospital | https://www.avhospital.org/ | No |
| Arkansas Children's Hospital | https://www.archildrens.org/ | No |
| Arkansas Valley Regional Medical Center | https://www.avrmc.org/ | No |
| Arnett Hospital | https://www.iuhealth.org/ | No |
| Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children | https://www.orlandohealth.com/ | Yes |
| Arrowhead Regional Medical Center | https://www.arrowheadmedcenter.org/ | No |
| Asante Three Rivers Medical Center | https://www.asante.org/ | No |
| Ascension company | https://ascension.org/ | No |
| Ascension Via Christi Hospital in Pittsburg | https://www.viachristi.org/ | No |
| Ashland Community Hospital Oregon | https://www.ashlandhospital.org/ | No |
| Ashtabula County Medical Center | https://www.acmchealth.org/ | No |
| Aspirus Medford Hospital | https://www.aspirus.org/ | No |
| Astria Regional Medical Center | https://www.astria.health/ | No |
| Atascadero State Hospital | https://www.dsh.ca.gov/ | No |
| Athol Memorial Hospital | https://www.atholhospital.org/ | No |
| Atlanta Medical Center | https://www.wellstar.org/ | Yes |
| AtlantiCare Regional Medical Center, Atlantic City Campus | https://www.atlanticare.org/ | No |
| Atrium Health Cabarrus | https://atriumhealth.org/ | No |
| Atrium Health Pineville | https://www.carolinashealthcare.org/ | No |
| Atrium Health Wake Forest Baptist | https://www.wakehealth.edu/ | Yes |
| Atrium Medical Center | https://www.premierhealth.com/ | Yes |
| Augusta Health | https://www.augustahealth.com/ | No |
| Augusta University Medical Center | https://www.augustahealth.org/ | No |
| Aultman Hospital | https://www.aultman.org/ | No |
| Aurora Health Care | https://www.aah.org/ | No |
| Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center | https://www.aurorastlukes.org/ | No |
| Austen Riggs Center | https://www.austenriggs.org/ | No |
| Avera Health | https://www.avera.org/ | No |
| Babies' Hospital in the City of New York | https://www.nyp.org/ | Yes |
| Bacharach Institute for Rehabilitation | https://www.bacharach.org/ | No |
| Backus Hospital | https://www.backushospital.org/ | No |
| Bakersfield Heart Hospital | https://www.bakersfieldhearthospital.com/ | No |
| Banner - University Medical Center Phoenix | https://www.bannerhealth.com/ | No |
| Baptist Hospital (Pensacola) | https://www.ebaptisthealthcare.org/ | No |
| Baptist Hospital of Miami | https://www.baptisthealth.net/ | No |
| Baptist Medical Center | https://www.baptisthealthsystem.com/ | No |
| Baptist Memorial Hospital-Golden Triangle | https://www.baptistonline.org/ | No |
| Barbara Bush Children's Hospital | https://www.mmc.org/ | No |
| Barlow Respiratory Hospital | https://www.barlowhospital.org/ | No |
| Barnert Hospital | https://www.cha-properties.com/ | No |
| Barnes-Jewish Hospital | https://www.barnesjewish.org/ | Yes |
| Barnes-Jewish West County Hospital | https://www.barnesjewishwestcounty.org/ | Yes |
| Barrow Neurological Institute at Phoenix Children's | https://www.phoenixchildrens.org/ | No |
| Barrow Neurological Institute | https://www.barrowneuro.org/ | Yes |
| Barstow Community Hospital | https://www.barstowhospital.com/ | Yes |
| Bartlett Regional Hospital | https://www.bartletthospital.org/ | No |
| Bartow Regional Medical Center | https://www.bartowregional.com/ | No |
| Baton Rouge General Medical Center – Bluebonnet Campus | https://www.brgeneral.org/ | No |
| Bay Area Medical Center | https://www.bamc.org/ | No |
| Bayfront Health Punta Gorda | https://www.bayfrontcharlotte.com/ | No |
| Bayfront Health St. Petersburg | https://www.bayfrontstpete.com/ | No |
| Bayhealth Emergency Center, Smyrna | https://www.bayhealth.org/ | No |
| Bayley Seton | https://www.svcmc.org/ | No |
| Baylor Scott & White Medical Center - Temple | https://www.bswhealth.com/ | No |
| Bayonne Medical Center | https://www.bayonnemedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| Bay Park Community Hospital | https://www.promedica.org/ | No |
| Bayshore Community Hospital | https://www.bayshorehospital.org/ | No |
| Baystate Mary Lane Hospital | https://baystatehealth.org/ | No |
| Beaumont Hospital, Dearborn | https://www.beaumont.org/ | No |
| Beebe Healthcare | https://www.beebehealthcare.org/ | Yes |
| Bellevue Hospital | https://www.nychealthandhospitals.org/ | No |
| Bellin Health | https://www.bellin.org/ | No |
| Benefis Health System | https://www.benefis.org/ | No |
| Ben Taub General Hospital | https://www.harrishealth.org/ | No |
| Berkshire Medical Center | https://www.berkshirehealthsystems.com/ | No |
| Bernard A. Mitchell Hospital | https://www.uchicagomedicine.org/ | No |
| Beth Abraham Center | https://beth-abraham-center.facilities.centershealthcare.org/ | No |
| Bethesda Hospital Saint Paul, Minnesota | https://www.fairview.org/ | No |
| Bethesda North Hospital | https://www.trihealth.com/ | No |
| Beth Israel Deaconess Hospital-Plymouth | https://www.bidplymouth.org/ | No |
| Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center | https://www.bidmc.org/ | No |
| Beth Israel Medical Center | https://www.mountsinai.org/ | No |
| Beth Moses Hospital | https://maimo.org/ | Yes |
| Billings Clinic | https://www.billingsclinic.com/ | No |
| Bingham Memorial Hospital | https://www.binghammemorial.org/ | No |
| Binghamton General Hospital | https://www.nyuhs.org/ | No |
| Bird S. Coler Hospital | https://nychhc.org/ | No |
| BJC HealthCare | https://www.bjc.org/ | Yes |
| Blackwell's Island | https://rioc.ny.gov/ | No |
| Blanchard Valley Health System | https://www.bvhealthsystem.org/ | No |
| Blue Mountain Hospital | https://www.bluemountainhospital.org/ | No |
| Blythedale Children's Hospital | https://www.blythedale.org/ | No |
| Boca Raton Regional Hospital | https://www.brrh.com/ | No |
| Bon Secours - Southside Medical Center | https://www.bonsecours.com/ | No |
| Boone Hospital Center | https://www.boone.org/ | No |
| Booth Memorial Hospital | https://buffalonews.com/ | No |
| Boston Children's Hospital | https://childrenshospital.org/ | No |
| Boston Medical Center | https://www.bmc.org/ | Yes |
| Boulder City Hospital | https://bchcares.org/ | Yes |
| Bradley Hospital | https://www.bradleyhospital.org/ | No |
| Brattleboro Memorial Hospital | https://www.bmhvt.org/ | No |
| Brattleboro Retreat | https://www.brattlebororetreat.org/ | No |
| Brenner Children's Hospital | https://www.brennerchildrens.org/ | No |
| Bridgeport Hospital | https://www.bridgeporthospital.org/ | Yes |
| Brigham and Women's Hospital | https://brighamandwomens.org/ | No |
| Brighton Hospital | https://www.brightonhospital.org/ | No |
| Bristol Myers Squibb Children's Hospital | https://www.bmsch.org/ | No |
| Brockton Hospital | https://www.signature-healthcare.org/ | No |
| Bronson Methodist Hospital | https://www.bronsonhealth.com/ | No |
| Bronx-Lebanon Hospital Center | https://www.bronxcare.org/ | No |
| Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center | https://www.brookdalehospital.org/ | No |
| Brooklyn Hospital Center | https://www.tbh.org/ | No |
| Brotman Medical Center | https://sch-culvercity.com/ | No |
| Broward Health North | https://www.browardhealth.org/ | No |
| Brunswick Hospital Center | https://www.brunswickhospitalcenter.org/ | No |
| Bryan Medical Center | https://www.bryanhealth.com/ | No |
| Bryn Mawr Hospital | https://www.mainlinehealth.org/ | Yes |
| Bucks County Hospital | https://northeast.jeffersonhealth.org/ | No |
| Buena Vista Regional Medical Center | https://www.bvrmc.org/ | No |
| Buffalo General Hospital | https://kaleida.org/ | No |
| Buffalo Niagara Medical Campus | https://www.bnmc.org/ | No |
| Burke Rehabilitation Hospital | https://www.burke.org/ | No |
| Butterworth Hospital Michigan | https://www.spectrumhealth.org/ | No |
| C.S. Mott Children's Hospital | https://www.mottchildren.org/ | No |
| Cabell Huntington Hospital | https://cabellhuntington.org/ | No |
| Cabrini Medical Center | https://www.cabrininy.org/ | Yes |
| Caldwell Memorial Hospital | https://www.caldwellmemorial.org/ | No |
| California Hospital Medical Center | https://www.chmcla.org/ | Yes |
| California Pacific Medical Center | https://www.sutterhealth.org/ | No |
| Calvary Hospital, Bronx | https://www.calvaryhospital.org/ | No |
| CalvertHealth Medical Center | https://www.calverthealthmedicine.org/ | No |
| Cancer Treatment Centers of America | https://www.cancercenter.com/ | No |
| Candler Hospital Savannah | https://www.sjchs.org/ | No |
| Cape Cod Hospital | https://www.capecodhealth.org/ | No |
| Cape Regional Medical Center | https://www.caperegional.com/ | No |
| Capital Health Regional Medical Center | https://www.capitalhealth.org/ | Yes |
| Capital Regional Medical Center | https://capitalregionalmedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Captain James A. Lovell Federal Health Care Center | https://www.lovell.fhcc.va.gov/ | No |
| Cardinal Glennon Children's Hospital | https://www.cardinalglennon.com/ | No |
| Carilion New River Valley Medical Center | https://www.carilionclinic.org/ | No |
| Carle Foundation Hospital | https://www.carle.org/ | No |
| Carney Hospital | https://www.carneyhospital.org/ | Yes |
| CarolinaEast Health System | https://www.carolinaeasthealth.com/ | No |
| CaroMont Regional Medical Center | https://www.caromonthealth.org/ | No |
| Carondelet St. Joseph's Hospital | https://www.carondelet.org/ | No |
| Carrier Clinic | https://www.carrierclinic.org/ | Yes |
| Carroll Hospital | https://www.carrollhospitalcenter.org/ | No |
| Carteret General Hospital | https://www.carterethealth.org/ | No |
| Cascade Valley Hospital | https://cascadevalley.org/ | No |
| Caswell Developmental Center | https://www.caswellcenter.org/ | No |
| Catholic Health | https://www.chsbuffalo.org/ | No |
| Catholic Medical Center | https://www.catholicmedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| Cayuga Medical Center | https://cayugamed.org/ | No |
| Cedars-Sinai Medical Center | https://cedars-sinai.org/ | No |
| Centennial Hills Hospital | https://centennialhillshospital.com/ | No |
| Centerpoint Medical Center | https://centerpointmedical.com/ | No |
| Centinela Freeman Regional Medical Center, Centinela Campus | https://www.centinelamed.com/ | No |
| Centinela Freeman Regional Medical Center, Marina Campus | https://www.marinahospital.com/ | No |
| CentraCare Health | https://centracare.com/ | No |
| Central DuPage Hospital | https://www.nm.org/ | Yes |
| Central Maine Medical Center | https://www.cmmc.org/ | No |
| Central Vermont Medical Center | https://www.cvmc.org/ | No |
| CentraState Healthcare System | https://www.centrastate.com/ | No |
| CHA Everett Hospital | https://www.challiance.org/ | No |
| Champlain Valley Physicians Hospital | https://www.cvph.org/ | No |
| Chandler Regional Medical Center | https://www.dignityhealth.org/ | Yes |
| Charleston Area Medical Center | https://www.camc.org/ | No |
| Charlotte Hungerford Hospital | https://www.charlottehungerford.org/ | Yes |
| Cherry Hospital | https://www.ncdhhs.gov/ | No |
| Chesapeake General Hospital | https://www.chesapeakeregional.com/ | No |
| Cheshire Medical Center | https://www.cheshire-med.com/ | No |
| Cheyenne Regional Medical Center | https://www.cheyenneregional.org/ | No |
| Chicago Institute of Neurosurgery and Neuroresearch | https://www.cinn.org/ | No |
| Children's Healthcare of Atlanta | https://www.choa.org/ | No |
| Children's Health health care system | https://www.childrens.com/ | No |
| Children's Home of Pittsburgh | https://www.childrenshomepgh.org/ | No |
| Children's Hospital & Medical Center | https://www.childrensomaha.org/ | No |
| Children's Hospital at Erlanger | https://www.childrensaterlanger.org/ | No |
| Children's Hospital at Montefiore | https://www.cham.org/ | No |
| Children's Hospital Colorado | https://www.childrenscolorado.org/ | Yes |
| Children's Hospital Los Angeles | https://www.chla.org/ | No |
| Children's Hospital Oakland | https://childrenshospitaloakland.org/ | No |
| Children's Hospital of Buffalo | https://www.ochbuffalo.org/ | No |
| Children's Hospital of Illinois | https://www.osfhealthcare.org/ | No |
| Children's Hospital of Michigan | https://www.childrensdmc.org/ | No |
| Children's Hospital of New Orleans | https://www.chnola.org/ | No |
| Children's Hospital of Orange County | https://www.choc.org/ | No |
| Children's Hospital of Philadelphia | https://www.chop.edu/ | No |
| Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU | https://www.chrichmond.org/ | No |
| Children's Hospital of The King's Daughters | https://www.chkd.org/ | No |
| Children's Hospital of Wisconsin | https://www.childrenswi.org/ | No |
| Children's Institute of Pittsburgh | https://www.amazingkids.org/ | Yes |
| Children's Memorial Hermann Hospital | https://childrens.memorialhermann.org/ | No |
| Children's Memorial Hospital | https://www.luriechildrens.org/ | Yes |
| Children's Mercy Hospital | https://www.childrensmercy.org/ | Yes |
| Children's Minnesota | https://childrensmn.org/ | Yes |
| Children's National Hospital | https://www.childrensnational.org/ | No |
| Children's of Alabama | https://www.childrensal.org/ | No |
| Children's Specialized Hospital | https://www.childrens-specialized.org/ | Yes |
| Chilton Memorial Hospital | https://www.chiltonhealth.org/ | No |
| Chimborazo Hospital | https://www.nps.gov/ | Yes |
| Chino Valley Medical Center | https://www.cvmc.com/ | No |
| CHI St. Alexius Health Bismarck | https://www.chistalexiushealth.org/ | No |
| CHI St. Luke's Health | https://www.chistlukeshealth.org/ | No |
| Christ Hospital, Jersey City | https://www.carepointhealth.org/ | No |
| Christiana Care Health System | https://christianacare.org/ | Yes |
| Christus Santa Rosa Health System | https://www.christussantarosa.org/ | No |
| Christus Spohn | https://www.christusspohn.org/ | No |
| CHRISTUS St. Vincent Regional Medical Center | https://www.christushealth.org/ | No |
| Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center | https://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/ | No |
| Citizens Memorial Healthcare | https://www.citizensmemorial.com/ | No |
| City of Hope National Medical Center | https://www.cityofhope.org/ | Yes |
| Clara Maass Medical Center | https://www.barnabashealth.org/ | No |
| Clark Fork Valley Hospital | https://www.cfvh.org/ | No |
| Cleveland Clinic | https://clevelandclinic.org/ | Yes |
| Clifton Springs Hospital & Clinic | https://www.rochesterregional.org/ | Yes |
| Cloud County Health Center | https://www.cchc.com/ | No |
| Coffee Regional Medical Center | https://www.coffeeregional.org/ | No |
| Cohen Children's Medical Center | https://childrenshospital.northwell.edu/ | Yes |
| Coliseum Northside Hospital | https://coliseumhealthsystem.com/ | No |
| College Hospital | https://www.collegehospitals.com/ | No |
| College Medical Center | https://www.collegemedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Columbia Memorial Hospital Oregon | https://www.columbiamemorial.org/ | No |
| Columbia Regional Hospital | https://www.muhealth.org/ | No |
| Columbus Regional Health | https://www.crh.org/ | No |
| Community Hospital East | https://www.ecommunity.com/ | No |
| Community Hospital of Long Beach | https://communityhospitallb.org/ | No |
| Community Hospital of San Bernardino | https://www.chsb.org/ | Yes |
| Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula | https://www.chomp.org/ | No |
| Community Hospitals and Wellness Centers | https://www.chwchospital.org/ | No |
| Community Medical Center Montana | https://communitymed.org/ | No |
| Community Memorial Hospital | https://www.cmhshealth.org/ | No |
| Community Regional Medical Center | https://www.communitymedical.org/ | No |
| Concord Hospital New Hampshire | https://www.concordhospital.org/ | No |
| Conejos County Hospital | https://www.sanluisvalleyhealth.org/ | No |
| Conemaugh Memorial Medical Center | https://www.conemaugh.org/ | No |
| Connecticut Children's Medical Center | https://www.connecticutchildrens.org/ | No |
| Cook Children's Medical Center | https://www.cookchildrens.org/ | Yes |
| Cooley Dickinson Hospital | https://www.cooleydickinson.org/ | No |
| Cooper University Hospital | https://www.cooperhealth.org/ | No |
| CORE Health Care | https://www.mentisneuro.com/ | No |
| Cornerstone Regional Hospital | https://www.cornerstoneregional.com/ | Yes |
| Corona Regional Medical Center | https://www.coronaregional.com/ | No |
| Cottage Grove Community Hospital | https://www.peacehealth.org/ | No |
| Covenant Children's Hospital | https://www.covenanthealth.org/ | No |
| Covenant Health Tennessee | https://www.covenanthealth.com/ | No |
| Cox Branson | https://www.coxhealth.com/ | No |
| Craig Hospital | https://craighospital.org/ | Yes |
| Creedmoor Psychiatric Center | https://omh.ny.gov/ | No |
| Crozer-Chester Medical Center | https://www.crozerkeystone.org/ | No |
| CUNY School of Medicine | https://ccny.cuny.edu/ | Yes |
| Dana-Farber Cancer Institute | https://www.dana-farber.org/ | No |
| Danbury Hospital | https://www.danburyhospital.org/ | No |
| Danvers State Hospital | https://www.danversstatehospital.org/ | No |
| Danville State Hospital | https://dhs.pa.gov/ | No |
| Dartmouth–Hitchcock Medical Center | https://www.dartmouth-hitchcock.org/ | No |
| David Grant USAF Medical Center | https://www.travis.af.mil/ | No |
| Davis Hospital and Medical Center | https://www.steward.org/ | Yes |
| Day Kimball Hospital | https://www.daykimball.org/ | No |
| Dayton Children's Hospital | https://www.childrensdayton.org/ | No |
| Deaconess Gibson Hospital | https://www.gibsongeneral.com/ | No |
| Deaconess Hospital Evansville, Indiana | https://deaconess.com/ | No |
| Deaconess Hospital | https://www.deaconessokc.com/ | No |
| Deborah Heart and Lung Center | https://demanddeborah.org/ | No |
| Decatur Memorial Hospital | https://www.dmhcares.com/ | No |
| Dell Children's Medical Center | https://www.dellchildrens.net/ | No |
| Del Sol Medical Center | https://laspalmasdelsolhealthcare.com/ | No |
| Delta County Memorial Hospital | https://www.deltahospital.org/ | No |
| Demilt Dispensary | https://med.nyu.edu/ | No |
| Denton Regional Medical Center | https://www.medicalcitydenton.com/ | No |
| Denver Health Medical Center | https://denverhealth.org/ | No |
| Desert Regional Medical Center | https://desertregionalgme.com/ | No |
| Desert Valley Hospital | https://www.dvmc.com/ | No |
| Detroit Receiving Hospital | https://www.drhuhc.org/ | No |
| Dickinson County Healthcare System | https://www.dchs.org/ | No |
| DMC Surgery Hospital | https://www.dmcsurgeryhospital.org/ | No |
| Doctors Hospital Augusta, Georgia | https://www.doctors-hospital.net/ | No |
| Doctors Hospital Columbus, Ohio | https://www.ohiohealth.com/ | Yes |
| Doctors Hospital of Laredo | https://www.doctorshosplaredo.com/ | No |
| Doctors Hospital Sarasota, Florida | https://doctorsofsarasota.com/ | No |
| Doctors Medical Center San Pablo Campus | https://www.doctorsmedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| Doernbecher Children's Hospital | https://www.ohsu.edu/ | No |
| Dosher Memorial Hospital | https://www.dosher.org/ | No |
| Downey Regional Medical Center | https://www.pihhealth.org/ | No |
| Driscoll Children's Hospital | https://www.driscollchildrens.org/ | No |
| Duke Children's Hospital and Health Center | https://www.dukehealth.org/ | No |
| Duke University Hospital | https://www.dukemedicine.org/ | No |
| Dupont Hospital | https://www.theduponthospital.com/ | No |
| Durham Regional Hospital | https://www.dukeregional.org/ | No |
| East Adams Rural Hospital | https://earh.org/ | No |
| Eastern Shore Hospital Center | https://dhmh.maryland.gov/ | No |
| East Jefferson General Hospital | https://www.ejgh.org/ | No |
| East Mississippi State Hospital | https://www.emsh.state.ms.us/ | No |
| East Tennessee Children's Hospital | https://www.etch.com/ | No |
| Edward Hospital | https://www.edward.org/ | No |
| Einstein Medical Center | https://www.einstein.edu/ | No |
| Eisenhower Medical Center | https://www.emc.org/ | No |
| El Camino Hospital | https://www.elcaminohealth.org/ | No |
| Elevations RTC | https://www.elevationsrtc.com/ | No |
| Elliot Hospital | https://www.elliothospital.com/ | No |
| Ellis Fischel Cancer Center | https://www.ellisfischel.org/ | No |
| El Paso Children's Hospital | https://elpasochildrens.org/ | No |
| Emanuel Medical Center | https://www.emanuelmedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| Emerson Hospital | https://www.emersonhospital.org/ | No |
| Emory University Hospital | https://www.emoryhealthcare.org/ | No |
| Encino Hospital Medical Center | https://www.encinomed.com/ | No |
| Encompass Health | https://www.encompasshealth.com/ | No |
| Englewood Community Hospital | https://englewoodcommhospital.com/ | No |
| Englewood Hospital and Medical Center | https://www.englewoodhealth.org/ | No |
| Ephraim McDowell Regional Medical Center | https://www.emrmc.org/ | Yes |
| Erie County Medical Center | https://www.ecmc.edu/ | No |
| Erlanger Health System | https://www.erlanger.org/ | No |
| Essentia Health | https://www.essentiahealth.org/ | No |
| Evanston Hospital | https://www.northshore.org/ | No |
| Fairview Hospital Massachusetts | https://www.berkshirehealthsystems.org/ | No |
| Faulkner Hospital | https://www.brighamandwomensfaulkner.org/ | No |
| Fawcett Memorial Hospital | https://www.fawcetthospital.com/ | No |
| Finley Hospital | https://www.unitypoint.org/ | No |
| Firelands Regional Medical Center | https://www.firelands.com/ | No |
| Flagler Hospital | https://flaglerhospital.org/ | No |
| Flagstaff Medical Center | https://www.nahealth.com/ | No |
| Fletcher Allen Hospital | https://www.uvmhealth.org/ | No |
| Floating Hospital for Children | https://www.tuftschildrenshospital.org/ | No |
| Floating Hospital | https://www.thefloatinghospital.org/ | No |
| Flower and Fifth Avenue Hospital | https://www.nymc.edu/ | No |
| Floyd Medical Center | https://www.floyd.org/ | No |
| Fordham Hospital | https://www.fordham.edu/ | No |
| Fort Belvoir Community Hospital | https://belvoirhospital.tricare.mil/ | No |
| Fort Delaware | https://www.fortdelaware.org/ | No |
| Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri | https://www.wood.army.mil/ | No |
| Fox Chase Cancer Center | https://www.foxchase.org/ | Yes |
| Franciscan Health Crawfordsville | https://www.franciscanalliance.org/ | No |
| Franciscan Health Indianapolis | https://www.franciscanhealth.org/ | No |
| Frederick Memorial Hospital | https://www.fmh.org/ | No |
| Freeman Health System | https://www.freemanhealth.com/ | No |
| Fremont Memorial Hospital | https://www.frhg.org/ | No |
| Frick Hospital | https://www.excelahealth.org/ | No |
| Friends Hospital | https://friendshospital.com/ | Yes |
| Froedtert Hospital | https://www.froedtert.com/ | No |
| Fulton County Health Center | https://fultoncountyhealthcenter.org/ | Yes |
| Garfield Medical Center | https://www.garfieldmedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Gates Vascular Institute | https://www.kaleidahealth.org/ | No |
| Gateway Regional Medical Center | https://www.gatewayregional.net/ | No |
| Geisinger Medical Center | https://www.geisinger.org/ | No |
| Genesis Health System | https://www.genesishealth.com/ | No |
| Georgetown Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center | https://lombardi.georgetown.edu/ | Yes |
| George Washington University Hospital | https://www.gwhospital.com/ | No |
| Gerald Champion Regional Medical Center | https://www.gcrmc.org/ | No |
| Gerber Memorial Health Services | https://www.gerberhospital.org/ | No |
| Gifford Medical Center | https://giffordhealthcare.org/ | No |
| Gillette Children's Specialty Healthcare | https://www.gillettechildrens.org/ | No |
| Glencoe Regional Health Services | https://grhsonline.org/ | No |
| Glens Falls Hospital | https://www.glensfallshospital.org/ | Yes |
| Golisano Children's Hospital Rochester, NY | https://www.urmc.rochester.edu/ | No |
| Good Samaritan Hospital Los Angeles | https://www.goodsam.org/ | No |
| Good Samaritan Hospital San Jose | https://goodsamsanjose.com/ | No |
| Good Samaritan Hospital West Islip | https://goodsamaritan.chsli.org/ | No |
| Good Samaritan Hospital | https://www.gshvin.org/ | No |
| Good Samaritan Regional Medical Center Oregon | https://www.samhealth.org/ | No |
| Goryeb Children's Hospital | https://www.atlantichealth.org/ | Yes |
| Gouverneur Hospital | https://www.gouverneurhealth.org/ | No |
| Grace Cottage Hospital | https://www.gracecottage.org/ | No |
| Grace Medical Center Baltimore | https://www.lifebridgehealth.org/ | No |
| Gracie Square Hospital | https://www.nygsh.org/ | Yes |
| Grady Memorial Hospital | https://www.gradyhealth.org/ | Yes |
| Grande Ronde Hospital | https://www.grh.org/ | No |
| Greater Baltimore Medical Center | https://www.gbmc.org/ | No |
| Greenville Memorial Hospital | https://www.ghs.org/ | No |
| Greenwich Hospital Connecticut | https://www.greenwichhospital.org/ | Yes |
| Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital | https://www.gpph.net/ | No |
| Griffin Hospital | https://www.griffinhealth.org/ | No |
| Grinnell Regional Medical Center | https://www.grmc.us/ | No |
| Gritman Medical Center | https://gritman.org/ | No |
| Gulf Coast Medical Center | https://www.leehealth.org/ | No |
| Gundersen Health System | https://www.gundersenhealth.org/ | Yes |
| Gunnison Valley Hospital | https://gvhospital.org/ | No |
| Guthrie Corning Hospital | https://www.guthrie.org/ | No |
| Gwinnett Medical Center | https://www.gwinnettmedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute | https://www.moffitt.org/ | No |
| Hackensack University Medical Center at Pascack Valley | https://www.hackensackumcpv.com/ | No |
| Hahnemann University Hospital | https://www.hahnemannhospital.com/ | No |
| Harborview Medical Center | https://uwmedicine.washington.edu/ | No |
| Harbor–UCLA Medical Center | https://harbor-ucla.org/ | No |
| Harlem Valley State Hospital | https://harlemvalley.org/ | No |
| Harper University Hospital | https://www.harperhutzel.org/ | No |
| Hartford Hospital | https://www.harthosp.org/ | No |
| Harvard University | https://harvard.edu/ | Yes |
| Hasbro Children's Hospital | https://www.rhodeislandhospital.org/ | No |
| Hassenfeld Children's Hospital | https://nyulangone.org/ | No |
| Health Central | https://www.healthcentral.org/ | No |
| Heart of the Rockies Regional Medical Center | https://www.hrrmc.com/ | No |
| Helen Hayes Hospital | https://helenhayeshospital.org/ | No |
| Helen Newberry Joy Hospital | https://www.hnjh.org/ | No |
| Hendrick Health System | https://www.ehendrick.org/ | No |
| Hennepin County Medical Center | https://www.hennepinhealthcare.org/ | Yes |
| Henry County Hospital | https://www.henrycountyhospital.org/ | No |
| Henry Ford Allegiance Health | https://www.henryford.com/ | Yes |
| Henry Mayo Newhall Memorial Hospital | https://henrymayo.com/ | No |
| Herbert Irving Comprehensive Cancer Center | https://www.cancer.columbia.edu/ | Yes |
| Hialeah Hospital | https://www.hialeahhosp.com/ | No |
| Highland Hospital Oakland, California | https://www.alamedahealthsystem.org/ | No |
| Highlands Regional Medical Center Sebring | https://www.highlandsregional.com/ | No |
| Highlands Regional Medical Center | https://www.hrmc.org/ | No |
| Hillcrest Hospital | https://www.hillcresthospital.org/ | No |
| Hoag Memorial Hospital Presbyterian | https://www.hoag.org/ | Yes |
| Hoboken University Medical Center | https://www.hobokenumc.com/ | No |
| Holland Hospital | https://www.hollandhospital.org/ | No |
| Hollywood Presbyterian Medical Center | https://www.hollywoodpresbyterian.com/ | No |
| Holy Cross Hospital Chicago | https://www.holycrosshospital.org/ | No |
| Holy Cross Hospital Fort Lauderdale | https://www.holy-cross.com/ | No |
| Holy Cross Hospital Silver Spring | https://www.holycrosshealth.org/ | No |
| Holy Family Memorial | https://www.hfmhealth.org/ | No |
| Holy Name Medical Center | https://www.holyname.org/ | No |
| Holyoke Medical Center | https://www.holyokehealth.com/ | No |
| Hospital for Special Surgery | https://www.hss.edu/ | Yes |
| Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania | https://pennmedicine.org/ | No |
| Hospital Sisters Health System | https://www.hshs.org/ | No |
| Houston Methodist Baytown Hospital | https://www.houstonmethodist.org/ | No |
| Houston Orthopedic and Spine Hospital | https://www.surgicalhospital.com/ | No |
| Howard County General Hospital | https://www.hcgh.org/ | No |
| Howard University Hospital | https://huhealthcare.com/ | No |
| Hudson County Meadowview Hospital | https://www.hudsoncountynj.org/ | No |
| Hudson Regional Hospital | https://www.hudsonregionalhospital.com/ | No |
| Hugh Chatham Memorial Hospital | https://www.hughchatham.org/ | No |
| Huguley Memorial Medical Center | https://www.texashealthhuguley.org/ | No |
| Hunterdon Medical Center | https://www.hunterdonhealthcare.org/ | No |
| Huntington Hospital | https://www.huntingtonhospital.org/ | No |
| Hunt Regional Medical Center | https://www.huntregional.org/ | No |
| Huntsman Cancer Institute | https://www.huntsmancancer.org/ | No |
| Huntsman Mental Health Institute | https://healthcare.utah.edu/ | Yes |
| Huntsville Hospital System | https://www.hhsys.org/ | No |
| Hurley Medical Center | https://www.hurleymc.com/ | No |
| Hutzel Women's Hospital | https://www.hutzel.org/ | No |
| Illinois Department of Human Services | https://www.dhs.state.il.us/ | No |
| Illinois Eye and Ear Infirmary | https://eyecare.uic.edu/ | Yes |
| Immanuel St. Joseph's | https://mayoclinichealthsystem.org/ | No |
| Indiana Regional Medical Center | https://www.indianarmc.org/ | No |
| Indian Health Service | https://www.ihs.gov/ | No |
| Ingalls Memorial Hospital | https://www.ingalls.org/ | No |
| Inova Alexandria Hospital | https://www.inova.org/ | Yes |
| INTEGRIS Baptist Medical Center | https://integrisok.com/ | No |
| Interfaith Medical Center | https://www.interfaithmedical.org/ | No |
| Intermountain LDS Hospital | https://ldshospital.org/ | No |
| J.W. Ruby Memorial Hospital | https://wvumedicine.org/ | No |
| Jackson Memorial Hospital | https://www.jhsmiami.org/ | No |
| Jacksonville Memorial Hospital | https://memorial.health/ | No |
| Jacobs Medical Center | https://healthlocations.ucsd.edu/ | Yes |
| Jamaica Hospital Medical Center | https://jamaicahospital.org/ | No |
| Jefferson Abington Hospital | https://www.abingtonhealth.org/ | No |
| Jefferson Bucks Hospital | https://hospitals.jefferson.edu/ | No |
| Jefferson Healthcare Hospital | https://jeffersonhealthcare.org/ | No |
| Jersey Community Hospital | https://www.jch.org/ | No |
| Jersey Shore University Medical Center | https://www.jerseyshoreuniversitymedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Jewish Healthcare Center Worcester | https://www.jewishhealthcarecenter.com/ | No |
| Jewish Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio | https://www.mercy.com/ | No |
| Jewish Sanitarium and Hospital for Chronic Diseases | https://www.kingsbrook.org/ | No |
| JFK Medical Center Atlantis, Florida | https://www.jfkmc.com/ | No |
| JFK Medical Center Edison, New Jersey | https://www.jfkmc.org/ | No |
| John F. Kennedy Memorial Hospital | https://www.jfkmemorialhosp.com/ | No |
| John H. Stroger, Jr. Hospital of Cook County | https://cookcountyhealth.org/ | Yes |
| John Peter Smith Hospital | https://www.jpshealthnet.org/ | No |
| John Sealy Hospital | https://www.utmbhealth.com/ | No |
| Johns Hopkins All Children's Hospital | https://www.hopkinsallchildrens.org/ | Yes |
| Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center | https://www.hopkinsbayview.org/ | No |
| Johns Hopkins Children's Center | https://hopkinschildrens.org/ | No |
| Johns Hopkins Hospital | https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/ | No |
| Johnson City Medical Center | https://www.balladhealth.org/ | No |
| Jordan Valley Medical Center West Valley Campus | https://www.jordanwestvalley.org/ | Yes |
| Joseph M. Sanzari Children's Hospital | https://kids.hackensackumc.org/ | No |
| Joslin Diabetes Center | https://www.joslin.org/ | No |
| K. Hovnanian Children's Hospital | https://www.khovnanianchildrenshospital.com/ | No |
| Kaiser Foundation Hospital | https://kaiserpermanente.org/ | No |
| Kalispell Regional Medical Center | https://www.logan.org/ | No |
| Kapi'olani Medical Center for Women & Children | https://www.kapiolani.org/ | Yes |
| Kaweah Delta Medical Center | https://www.kaweahhealth.org/ | No |
| Keck Hospital of USC | https://www.keckmedicine.org/ | No |
| Kennedy Krieger Institute | https://www.kennedykrieger.org/ | No |
| Kensington Hospital | https://kensingtonhospital.org/ | No |
| Kent Hospital | https://www.kenthospital.org/ | No |
| Kessler Institute for Rehabilitation, Chester Campus | https://www.kessler-rehab.com/ | Yes |
| Kettering Health Dayton | https://ketteringhealth.org/ | No |
| Kindred Healthcare | https://kindredhealthcare.com/ | Yes |
| Kindred Hospital - San Francisco Bay Area | https://www.kindredhospitalsfba.com/ | Yes |
| King's Daughters Medical Center | https://www.kingsdaughtershealth.com/ | No |
| Kit Carson County Memorial Hospital | https://www.kcchsd.org/ | No |
| Kosair Children's Hospital | https://nortonchildrens.com/ | No |
| Kosciusko Community Hospital | https://www.lutheranhealth.net/ | No |
| Kuakini Medical Center | https://www.kuakini.org/ | No |
| Labette Health | https://www.labettehealth.com/ | No |
| LAC+USC Medical Center | https://dhs.lacounty.gov/ | No |
| Lahey Hospital & Medical Center | https://www.lahey.org/ | Yes |
| Lake District Hospital | https://lakehealthdistrict.org/ | No |
| Lake Health | https://www.lakehealth.org/ | No |
| Lakeland Medical Center | https://www.lakelandhealth.org/ | No |
| Lake Taylor Transitional Care Hospital | https://www.laketaylor.org/ | No |
| Lakeview Regional Medical Center | https://lakeviewregional.com/ | No |
| Lakewood Health System | https://www.lakewoodhealthsystem.com/ | No |
| Lancaster Community Hospital | https://www.lancastercommunityhospital.net/ | No |
| Lancaster General Hospital | https://www.lancastergeneralhealth.org/ | No |
| Landmark Medical Center | https://www.landmarkmedical.org/ | No |
| La Palma Intercommunity Hospital | https://www.lapalmaintercommunityhospital.com/ | No |
| La Rabida Children's Hospital | https://www.larabida.org/ | No |
| Largo Medical Center | https://largomedical.com/ | No |
| Larkin Community Hospital | https://larkinhospital.com/ | Yes |
| Lawrence+Memorial Hospital | https://www.lmhospital.org/ | Yes |
| Lawrence General Hospital | https://www.lawrencegeneral.org/ | No |
| Le Bonheur Children's Hospital | https://www.lebonheur.org/ | No |
| Legacy Emanuel Medical Center | https://www.legacyhealth.org/ | No |
| Legacy Silverton Medical Center | https://silvertonhealth.org/ | No |
| Lehigh Valley Hospital | https://www.lvhn.org/ | No |
| Levine Children's Hospital | https://www.levinechildrenshospital.org/ | No |
| LewisGale Hospital Montgomery | https://lewisgale.com/ | No |
| Lexington Medical Center | https://www.lexmed.com/ | No |
| Lima Memorial Health System | https://www.limamemorial.org/ | No |
| Little Company of Mary Hospital Evergreen Park | https://www.lcmh.org/ | No |
| Little Company of Mary Hospital San Pedro | https://california.providence.org/ | Yes |
| Logansport Memorial Hospital | https://www.logansportmemorial.org/ | No |
| Loma Linda University Medical Center | https://lluh.org/ | No |
| Lompoc Valley Medical Center | https://www.lompocvmc.com/ | No |
| Long Beach Memorial Medical Center | https://www.memorialcare.org/ | No |
| Longmont United Hospital | https://www.luhcares.org/ | Yes |
| Los Robles Hospital & Medical Center | https://www.losrobleshospital.com/ | No |
| Louis A. Weiss Memorial Hospital | https://www.weisshospital.com/ | Yes |
| Lourdes Hospital Binghamton, New York | https://www.lourdes.com/ | No |
| Lourdes Medical Center of Burlington County | https://www.virtua.org/ | No |
| Lovelace Health System | https://lovelace.com/ | No |
| Lowell General Hospital | https://www.lowellgeneral.org/ | No |
| Lower Bucks Hospital | https://www.lowerbuckshosp.com/ | No |
| Loyola University Medical Center | https://www.loyolamedicine.org/ | No |
| Lucile Packard Children's Hospital | https://www.stanfordchildrens.org/ | Yes |
| Lutheran Hospital of Indiana | https://www.lutheranhospital.com/ | No |
| Lutheran Medical Center Colorado | https://www.lutheranmedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| MacNeal Hospital | https://www.trinity-health.org/ | No |
| Madera Community Hospital | https://www.maderahospital.org/ | No |
| Madigan Army Medical Center | https://www.mamc.health.mil/ | No |
| Magee Rehabilitation Hospital | https://www.mageerehab.org/ | No |
| Magellan Health | https://www.magellanhealth.com/ | No |
| Manatee Memorial Hospital | https://manateememorial.com/ | No |
| Manchester Memorial Hospital | https://www.echn.org/ | No |
| Maple Grove Hospital | https://www.maplegrovehospital.org/ | No |
| Maria Fareri Children's Hospital | https://www.westchestermedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital | https://www.marianjoy.org/ | No |
| Maria Parham - Franklin | https://www.franklinregional.org/ | No |
| Maria Parham Health | https://www.mariaparham.com/ | No |
| Marin General Hospital | https://www.maringeneral.org/ | No |
| Mark O. Hatfield Clinical Research Center | https://www.cc.nih.gov/ | Yes |
| Marshfield Clinic | https://www.marshfieldclinic.org/ | No |
| Martha's Vineyard Hospital | https://mvhospital.com/ | No |
| Mary Bird Perkins Cancer Center | https://marybird.org/ | No |
| Mary Bridge Children's Hospital | https://www.marybridge.org/ | Yes |
| Mary Free Bed Rehabilitation Hospital | https://www.maryfreebed.com/ | No |
| Mary Greeley Medical Center | https://www.mgmc.org/ | No |
| Mary Washington Hospital | https://www.marywashingtonhealthcare.com/ | No |
| Massachusetts Department of Public Health | https://www.mass.gov/ | Yes |
| Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary | https://www.masseyeandear.org/ | No |
| Massachusetts General Hospital | https://www.massgeneral.org/ | Yes |
| Massac Memorial Hospital | https://www.massachealth.org/ | No |
| Mat-Su Regional Medical Center | https://www.matsuregional.com/ | No |
| Mattel Children's Hospital UCLA | https://www.uclahealth.org/ | Yes |
| Maury Regional Medical Center | https://www.mauryregional.com/ | No |
| Mayo Clinic Arizona | https://mayo.org/ | No |
| Mayo Clinic | https://www.mayoclinic.org/ | No |
| McAllen Medical Center | https://southtexashealthsystemmcallen.com/ | No |
| McKenzie-Willamette Medical Center | https://www.mckweb.com/ | Yes |
| McLaren Bay Region | https://www.mclaren.org/ | No |
| McLaren–Greater Lansing Hospital | https://www.irmc.org/ | No |
| McLean Hospital | https://www.mcleanhospital.org/ | Yes |
| MD Anderson Children's Cancer Hospital | https://www.mdanderson.org/ | No |
| Meadville Medical Center | https://mmchs.org/ | No |
| Mease Countryside Hospital | https://baycare.org/ | No |
| Mease Dunedin Hospital | https://www.mortonplant.com/ | No |
| Medical Center of Central Georgia | https://www.navicenthealth.org/ | No |
| Medical Center of the Rockies | https://www.uchealth.org/ | No |
| Medical City Dallas Hospital | https://www.medicalcityhospital.com/ | No |
| Medical University of South Carolina Hospital | https://www.muschealth.org/ | No |
| MedStar Georgetown University Hospital | https://www.medstargeorgetown.org/ | Yes |
| MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital | https://medstargoodsam.org/ | Yes |
| MedStar Harbor Hospital | https://medstarharbor.org/ | Yes |
| MedStar Montgomery Medical Center | https://www.medstarmontgomery.org/ | Yes |
| MedStar National Rehabilitation Hospital | https://www.medstarnrh.org/ | Yes |
| MedStar Southern Maryland Hospital Center | https://www.medstarhealth.org/ | Yes |
| MedStar Union Memorial Hospital | https://medstarunionmemorial.org/ | Yes |
| MedStar Washington Hospital Center | https://www.medstarwashington.org/ | Yes |
| MelroseWakefield Hospital | https://www.melrosewakefield.org/ | No |
| Memorial Hospital & Beacon Health System | https://www.beaconhealthsystem.org/ | Yes |
| Memorial Hospital Chattanooga | https://www.memorial.org/ | No |
| Memorial Hospital of Salem County | https://www.mhschealth.com/ | No |
| Memorial Hospital Worcester | https://www.umassmemorialhealthcare.org/ | No |
| Memorial Medical Center Modesto, California | https://www.memorialmedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| Memorial Medical Center Springfield, Illinois | https://www.memorialmedical.com/ | No |
| Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center | https://www.mskcc.org/ | No |
| Mendota Mental Health Institute | https://www.dhs.wisconsin.gov/ | No |
| Menorah Medical Center | https://menorahmedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Mercy Fitzgerald Hospital | https://www.trinityhealthma.org/ | No |
| Mercy healthcare organization | https://mercy.net/ | No |
| Mercy Health Hackley Campus | https://www.mercyhealth.com/ | No |
| Mercy Hospital and Medical Center | https://www.mercy-chicago.org/ | No |
| Mercy Hospital of Tiffin | https://www.mercyweb.org/ | No |
| Mercy Medical Center Baltimore, Maryland | https://www.mdmercy.com/ | No |
| Mercy Medical Center Cedar Rapids, Iowa | https://www.mercycare.org/ | No |
| Mercy Medical Center Oshkosh, Wisconsin | https://www.affinityhealth.org/ | No |
| Mercy Medical Center Roseburg, Oregon | https://www.chimercyhealth.com/ | No |
| Mercy Medical Center Springfield | https://www.trinityhealthofne.org/ | No |
| MercyOne Des Moines Medical Center | https://www.mercyone.org/ | No |
| MercyOne Dubuque Medical Center | https://www.mercydubuque.com/ | No |
| Mercy Regional Medical Center | https://www.centura.org/ | Yes |
| Methodist Hospital of Chicago | https://www.methodistchicago.org/ | No |
| Methodist Hospital of Sacramento | https://www.methodistsacramento.org/ | Yes |
| Methodist Jennie Edmundson Hospital Council Bluffs, Iowa | https://www.bestcare.org/ | No |
| Metro Health Hospital | https://www.metrohealth.net/ | No |
| Metropolitan Hospital Center | https://nyc.gov/ | Yes |
| Metropolitan State Hospital | https://www.metstate.com/ | No |
| MetroWest Medical Center | https://www.mwmc.com/ | No |
| M Health Fairview University of Minnesota Masonic Children's Hospital | https://www.mhealth.org/ | No |
| M Health Fairview | https://www.mhealthfairview.org/ | No |
| Miami Valley Hospital | https://www.miamivalleyhospital.org/ | No |
| Mid-Columbia Medical Center | https://www.mcmc.net/ | No |
| Mid-Valley Hospital | https://www.mvhealth.org/ | No |
| Mid Coast Hospital | https://www.midcoasthealth.com/ | No |
| Middlesex Hospital Connecticut | https://middlesexhospital.org/ | No |
| MidMichigan Medical Center-Midland | https://www.midmichigan.org/ | No |
| Milford Regional Medical Center | https://www.milfordregional.org/ | No |
| Miller Children's Hospital | https://www.mchlb.org/ | No |
| Milton Hospital | https://www.bidmilton.org/ | No |
| Mineral Area Regional Medical Center | https://www.mineralarearegional.com/ | Yes |
| Miriam Hospital | https://www.miriamhospital.org/ | No |
| Misericordia Hospital | https://www.montefiore.org/ | No |
| Mission Health System | https://missionhealth.org/ | No |
| Mission Hospital Mission Viejo, California | https://www.mission4health.com/ | No |
| Missouri Baptist Medical Center | https://www.missouribaptist.org/ | Yes |
| Moab Regional Hospital | https://mrhmoab.org/ | No |
| Mohawk Valley Health System | https://mvhealthsystem.org/ | No |
| Mon Health Medical Center | https://www.mongeneral.com/ | No |
| Monmouth Medical Center | https://www.rwjbh.org/ | No |
| Monroe Carell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt | https://childrenshospital.vanderbilt.org/ | No |
| Montana State Hospital | https://msh.mt.gov/ | No |
| Montclair Hospital Medical Center | https://www.montclair-hospital.com/ | No |
| Montefiore New Rochelle Hospital | https://www.montefiorehealthsystem.org/ | No |
| Morton Hospital and Medical Center | https://www.mortonhospital.org/ | Yes |
| Motion Picture & Television Hospital | https://mptf.com/ | No |
| Mountainside Hospital | https://www.mountainsidehosp.com/ | No |
| Mountain View Hospital, Las Vegas | https://mountainview-hospital.com/ | No |
| Mountain View Hospital Payson, Utah | https://www.mvhpayson.com/ | No |
| Mountain West Medical Center | https://www.mountainwestmc.com/ | No |
| Mount Ascutney Hospital | https://www.mtascutneyhospital.org/ | No |
| Mount Auburn Hospital | https://www.mountauburnhospital.org/ | No |
| Mount Carmel East | https://www.mountcarmelhealth.com/ | No |
| Mount Nittany Medical Center | https://www.mountnittany.org/ | No |
| Mount Sinai Health System | https://www.mountsinaihealth.org/ | No |
| Mount Sinai Medical Center & Miami Heart Institute | https://www.msmc.com/ | No |
| Mount Sinai Medical Center | https://www.sinai.org/ | No |
| Mt. San Rafael Hospital | https://www.msrhc.org/ | No |
| Mt. Washington Pediatric Hospital | https://www.mwph.org/ | Yes |
| MultiCare Deaconess Hospital | https://www.multicare.org/ | Yes |
| MultiCare Tacoma General Hospital | https://www.tacomageneral.org/ | No |
| Munson Medical Center | https://www.munsonhealthcare.org/ | No |
| MUSC Shawn Jenkins Children's Hospital | https://musckids.org/ | No |
| Nantucket Cottage Hospital | https://www.nantuckethospital.org/ | No |
| Nashoba Valley Medical Center | https://www.nashobamed.org/ | Yes |
| Nash UNC Health Care | https://nashunchealthcare.org/ | No |
| Nassau University Medical Center | https://www.numc.edu/ | No |
| National Jewish Health | https://www.nationaljewish.org/ | No |
| Nationwide Children's Hospital | https://www.nationwidechildrens.org/ | No |
| Natividad Medical Center | https://www.natividad.com/ | No |
| Naval Medical Center Portsmouth | https://www.med.navy.mil/ | Yes |
| NCH Healthcare System | https://www.nchmd.org/ | Yes |
| Nebraska Medicine- Bellevue | https://bellevue.nebraskamed.com/ | No |
| NeuroDiagnostic Institute | https://www.in.gov/ | No |
| Nevada Cancer Institute | https://www.nvcancer.org/ | No |
| New Bridge Medical Center | https://www.newbridgehealth.org/ | No |
| New England Baptist Hospital | https://www.nebh.org/ | No |
| New Milford Hospital | https://www.newmilfordhospital.org/ | No |
| Newport Hospital | https://www.newporthospital.org/ | No |
| Newton-Wellesley Hospital | https://www.nwh.org/ | No |
| NewYork-Presbyterian Healthcare System | https://www.nypsystem.org/ | No |
| New York City Lunatic Asylum | https://www.octagonnyc.com/ | No |
| New York Community Hospital | https://www.nych.com/ | No |
| New York Eye and Ear Infirmary | https://www.nyee.edu/ | No |
| Niagara Falls Memorial Medical Center | https://www.nfmmc.org/ | No |
| Nicholas H Noyes Memorial Hospital | https://www.noyes-health.org/ | No |
| Nicklaus Children's Hospital | https://www.nicklauschildrens.org/ | No |
| Norman Regional Hospital | https://www.normanregional.com/ | No |
| Norris Cotton Cancer Center | https://cancer.dartmouth.edu/ | Yes |
| North Adams Regional Hospital | https://nbhealth.org/ | No |
| North Carolina Specialty Hospital | https://www.ncspecialty.com/ | Yes |
| North Country Hospital | https://www.nchsi.org/ | No |
| North Dakota State Hospital | https://www.nd.gov/ | No |
| Northeastern Vermont Regional Hospital | https://www.nvrh.org/ | No |
| Northern Maine Medical Center | https://www.nmmc.org/ | No |
| Northern Westchester Hospital | https://www.nwhc.net/ | No |
| North General Hospital | https://www.northgeneral.org/ | Yes |
| North Memorial Health Hospital | https://www.northmemorial.com/ | No |
| Northridge Hospital Medical Center | https://www.northridgehospital.org/ | Yes |
| North Shore Medical Center Miami | https://www.northshoremedical.com/ | No |
| North Shore Medical Center | https://nsmc.partners.org/ | No |
| Northside Hospital | https://www.northside.com/ | No |
| North Valley Hospital Montana | https://nvhosp.org/ | No |
| North Valley Hospital | https://www.nvhospital.org/ | No |
| North Vista Hospital | https://northvistahospital.com/ | No |
| Northwest Community Hospital | https://www.nch.org/ | No |
| Northwestern Lake Forest Hospital | https://www.lfh.org/ | No |
| Northwestern Medical Center | https://www.northwesternmedicalcenter.org/ | Yes |
| Northwestern Medicine Woodstock Hospital | https://centegra.org/ | No |
| Northwest Hospital & Medical Center | https://www.uwmedicine.org/ | No |
| Norton Audubon Hospital | https://www.nortonhealthcare.com/ | No |
| Norwalk Hospital | https://www.norwalkhospital.org/ | No |
| Norwood Hospital | https://www.stewardhealth.org/ | No |
| Novant Health | https://www.novanthealth.org/ | Yes |
| NYU Langone Hospital — Long Island | https://www.nyuwinthrop.org/ | No |
| O'Bleness Hospital | https://www.obleness.org/ | No |
| O'Connor Hospital | https://www.oconnorhospital.org/ | No |
| Oakland Grove Health Care Center | https://www.athenahealthcare.com/ | No |
| Ocean Medical Center | https://oceanmedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Ochsner Medical Center | https://www.ochsner.org/ | No |
| Ogden Regional Medical Center | https://ogdenregional.com/ | No |
| Ohio State University | https://www.osu.edu/ | No |
| Ohio Valley Hospital | https://www.ohiovalleyhospital.org/ | No |
| Oklahoma Hospital Association | https://www.okoha.com/ | No |
| Oklahoma State University Medical Center | https://www.osumc.com/ | No |
| Olean General Hospital | https://www.ogh.org/ | No |
| Olympia Medical Center | https://www.olympiamc.com/ | No |
| Olympic Medical Center | https://www.olympicmedical.org/ | No |
| ORBIS International | https://www.orbis.org/ | Yes |
| Oregon State Hospital | https://www.oregon.gov/ | No |
| Oroville Hospital | https://www.orovillehospital.com/ | No |
| OrthoIndy Hospital | https://www.orthoindy.com/ | No |
| OSF Saint Francis Medical Center | https://www.osfsaintfrancis.org/ | No |
| OSF St. Joseph Medical Center | https://www.osfstjoseph.org/ | No |
| Oswego Community Hospital | https://oswegocommunityhospital.com/ | No |
| OU Health | https://www.oumedicine.com/ | No |
| Our Lady of Fatima Hospital North Providence | https://www.fatimahospital.com/ | No |
| Our Lady of Lourdes Regional Medical Center | https://www.lourdesrmc.com/ | No |
| Our Lady of the Lake Ascension | https://ololrmc.com/ | No |
| Overlake Hospital Medical Center | https://www.overlakehospital.org/ | No |
| Owatonna Hospital | https://www.owatonnahospital.com/ | No |
| Owensboro Health | https://www.owensborohealth.org/ | No |
| Pagosa Springs Medical Center | https://pagosaspringsmedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| Pali Momi Medical Center | https://www.palimomi.org/ | No |
| Palisades Medical Center | https://palisadesmedical.org/ | No |
| Palmdale Regional Medical Center | https://www.palmdaleregional.com/ | No |
| Palms of Pasadena Hospital | https://www.palmspasadena.com/ | No |
| Palomar Medical Center | https://www.palomarhealth.org/ | No |
| Palo Verde Hospital | https://www.paloverdehospital.org/ | No |
| Paradise Valley Hospital California | https://www.paradisevalleyhospital.org/ | No |
| Parkland Medical Center | https://www.parklandmedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Parkland Memorial Hospital | https://www.parklandhospital.com/ | No |
| Parkview Hospital | https://www.parkview.com/ | No |
| Parkview Medical Center | https://www.parkviewmc.com/ | No |
| Parrish Medical Center | https://www.parrishmed.com/ | No |
| Paul B. Hall Regional Medical Center | https://www.arh.org/ | No |
| Peninsula Hospital | https://peninsulanrc.com/ | No |
| Penn Medicine Princeton Medical Center | https://princetonhcs.org/ | No |
| Penn State Children's Hospital | https://www.pennstatehealth.org/ | No |
| Penrose-St. Francis Health Services | https://www.penrosestfrancis.org/ | Yes |
| Phelps Memorial Hospital Center | https://phelpshospital.org/ | No |
| Philadelphia Surgery Center | https://www.philadelphiasurgerycenter.com/ | No |
| Phoebe Putney Memorial Hospital | https://www.phoebehealth.com/ | No |
| Piedmont Athens Regional | https://www.piedmont.org/ | No |
| Piedmont Newnan Hospital | https://www.piedmontnewnan.org/ | No |
| Pikeville Medical Center | https://www.pikevillehospital.org/ | No |
| Pine Rest Christian Mental Health Services | https://www.pinerest.org/ | No |
| Porter Medical Center | https://www.portermedical.org/ | No |
| Portland Shriners Hospital | https://www.shrinershq.org/ | No |
| Presbyterian/St. Luke's Medical Center | https://www.pslmc.com/ | No |
| Presbyterian Healthcare Services | https://www.phs.org/ | No |
| Presbyterian Hospital of Dallas | https://www.texashealth.org/ | No |
| Presbyterian Hospital of Denton | https://www.dentonhospital.com/ | No |
| Prime Healthcare Services | https://primehealthcare.com/ | No |
| Prisma Health Baptist Hospital | https://www.palmettohealth.org/ | No |
| Providence Behavioral Health Hospital | https://www.mercycares.com/ | No |
| Providence Hospital Columbia, South Carolina | https://www.yourprovidencehealth.com/ | No |
| Providence Sacred Heart Medical Center Spokane | https://www.shmc.org/ | No |
| Provident Hospital Chicago | https://www.cookcountyhhs.org/ | No |
| Psychiatric Institute of Washington | https://www.psychinstitute.com/ | Yes |
| Psychiatric Solutions | https://www.psysolutions.com/ | No |
| Public Health Service Hospital San Francisco | https://www.presidio.gov/ | No |
| Pungo District Hospital | https://vidanthealth.com/ | Yes |
| Quincy Medical Center | https://www.quincymc.org/ | No |
| Quorum Health Corporation | https://www.chs.net/ | No |
| R Adams Cowley Shock Trauma Center | https://www.umm.edu/ | Yes |
| Rady Children's Hospital | https://www.rchsd.org/ | No |
| Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital | https://www.uhhospitals.org/ | No |
| Ralston Hall | https://www.ralstonhall.com/ | No |
| Rancho Los Amigos National Rehabilitation Center | https://www.rancho.org/ | No |
| Ranken Jordan Pediatric Bridge Hospital | https://www.rankenjordan.org/ | No |
| Raritan Bay Medical Center | https://www.rbmc.org/ | No |
| Raulerson Hospital | https://raulersonhospital.com/ | No |
| Reading Hospital | https://www.towerhealth.org/ | No |
| Rebecca Sealy Hospital | https://www.utmbhealthcare.org/ | No |
| Redmond Regional Medical Center | https://www.redmondregional.com/ | No |
| Regions Hospital | https://www.regionshospital.com/ | No |
| Rehabilitation Hospital of Rhode Island | https://www.rhri.net/ | No |
| Rehabilitation Hospital of the Cape and Islands | https://www.rhci.org/ | No |
| Rehabilitation Institute of Michigan | https://www.rimrehab.org/ | No |
| Renown Health | https://renown.org/ | No |
| Research Medical Center | https://researchmedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Rex Hospital | https://rexhealth.com/ | No |
| Richmond University Medical Center | https://www.rumcsi.org/ | No |
| Richwood Area Community Hospital | https://www.pihn.org/ | Yes |
| Ridgecrest Regional Hospital | https://www.rrh.org/ | No |
| Riley Hospital for Children | https://www.rileychildrens.org/ | No |
| Rio Grande Hospital | https://riograndehospital.org/ | No |
| Riverside County Regional Medical Center | https://ruhealth.org/ | No |
| Riverside Health System | https://www.riversideonline.com/ | No |
| Riverside Medical Center | https://www.riversidehealthcare.org/ | No |
| Riverview Health | https://www.riverview.org/ | Yes |
| Riverview Medical Center | https://www.riverviewmedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital | https://www.rwjuh.edu/ | No |
| Rockcastle Regional Hospital | https://rockcastleregional.org/ | No |
| Rockefeller Institute Hospital | https://rockefeller.edu/ | No |
| Roger Williams Medical Center | https://www.rwmc.org/ | No |
| Rose Medical Center | https://rosemed.com/ | No |
| Roswell Park Comprehensive Cancer Center | https://www.roswellpark.org/ | No |
| Runnells Specialized Hospital | https://www.runnellscenter.com/ | No |
| Rush University Medical Center | https://www.rush.edu/ | No |
| Rush–Copley Medical Center | https://www.rushcopley.com/ | No |
| Rutland Regional Medical Center | https://www.rrmc.org/ | No |
| Saint Clare's Hospital at Boonton Township | https://www.saintclares.org/ | No |
| Saint Francis Hospital of Evanston | https://www.presencehealth.org/ | No |
| Saint Francis Memorial Hospital | https://www.saintfrancismemorial.org/ | Yes |
| Saint Joseph Berea | https://www.sjhlex.org/ | No |
| Saint Joseph Hospital Denver, Colorado | https://www.saintjosephdenver.org/ | No |
| Saint Louis University Hospital | https://www.sluhospital.com/ | No |
| Saint Luke's Health System | https://www.saintlukeskc.org/ | No |
| Saint Luke's Hospital Kansas City, Missouri | https://www.saintlukeshealthsystem.org/ | No |
| Saint Luke Institute | https://www.sli.org/ | No |
| Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center Maine | https://www.stmarysmaine.com/ | No |
| Saint Mary's Regional Medical Center Reno, Nevada | https://saintmarysreno.com/ | No |
| Saint Michael's Medical Center | https://www.smmcnj.com/ | No |
| Saint Peter's University Hospital | https://www.saintpetershcs.com/ | No |
| Saint Thomas - Midtown Hospital Nashville | https://www.stmidtown.com/ | No |
| Saint Thomas - Rutherford Hospital | https://www.sthrutherford.com/ | No |
| Saint Thomas - West Hospital | https://www.saintthomaswest.com/ | No |
| Saint Thomas Hickman Hospital | https://www.sthickman.com/ | No |
| Saint Thomas More Hospital | https://www.stmhospital.org/ | Yes |
| Saint Vincent Health System | https://www.saintvincenthealth.com/ | No |
| Saint Vincent Hospital | https://www.stvincenthospital.com/ | No |
| Salem Hospital Oregon | https://www.salemhealth.org/ | No |
| Salinas Valley Memorial Hospital | https://www.svmh.com/ | No |
| Salt Lake Regional Medical Center | https://saltlakeregional.org/ | Yes |
| Samaritan Medical Center | https://samaritanhealth.com/ | No |
| San Antonio Community Hospital | https://www.sarh.org/ | No |
| Sanford USD Medical Center | https://www.sanfordhealth.org/ | No |
| San Francisco Chinese Hospital | https://www.chinesehospital-sf.org/ | No |
| San Francisco Department of Public Health | https://www.sfdph.org/ | No |
| San Francisco General Hospital | https://zuckerbergsanfranciscogeneral.org/ | No |
| San Joaquin General Hospital | https://www.sjgeneral.org/ | No |
| San Juan Regional Medical Center | https://www.sanjuanregional.com/ | No |
| San Luis Valley Regional Medical Center | https://www.slvrmc.org/ | No |
| Santa Barbara Cottage Hospital | https://www.cottagehealth.org/ | No |
| Santa Clara County Health System | https://www.sccgov.org/ | Yes |
| Santa Clara Valley Medical Center | https://www.scvmc.org/ | Yes |
| Santa Paula Hospital | https://www.vchca.org/ | No |
| Santa Rosa Medical Center | https://www.srmcfl.com/ | No |
| Santiam Hospital | https://santiamhospital.org/ | No |
| Sarasota Memorial Hospital | https://www.smh.com/ | No |
| Schuylkill Regional Medical Center | https://schuylkillhealth.com/ | No |
| Scripps Health | https://www.scripps.org/ | No |
| Seattle Children's | https://www.seattlechildrens.org/ | Yes |
| Select Specialty Hospital | https://www.selectmedical.com/ | Yes |
| Self Regional Healthcare | https://www.selfregional.org/ | No |
| Sentara CarePlex Hospital | https://www.sentara.com/ | No |
| Sentara Martha Jefferson Hospital | https://www.marthajefferson.org/ | No |
| Sequoia Hospital | https://www.sequoiahospital.org/ | Yes |
| Seton Medical Center | https://www.setonmedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| Sharon Regional Health System | https://www.sharonregional.com/ | Yes |
| Sharp Chula Vista Medical Center | https://www.sharp.com/ | No |
| Shasta Regional Medical Center | https://srmc.phcs.us/ | No |
| Sheltering Arms Physical Rehabilitation Centers | https://www.shelteringarms.com/ | No |
| Shepherd Center | https://www.shepherd.org/ | No |
| Sheppard Pratt at Elkridge | https://www.sheppardpratt.org/ | No |
| Sherman Oaks Hospital | https://shermanoakshospital.com/ | No |
| Shirley Ryan AbilityLab | https://www.sralab.org/ | No |
| Shore Medical Center | https://www.shoremedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| Shriners Hospital | https://www.shrinershospitalsforchildren.org/ | No |
| Sibley Memorial Hospital | https://www.sibley.org/ | No |
| Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital | https://www.eskenazihealth.edu/ | No |
| Sierra View District Hospital | https://www.sierra-view.com/ | No |
| Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center | https://www.sierravistaregional.com/ | No |
| Silver Cross Hospital | https://www.silvercross.org/ | Yes |
| Silver Hill Hospital | https://silverhillhospital.org/ | No |
| Sinai-Grace Hospital | https://sinaigrace.org/ | No |
| Skagit Valley Hospital | https://www.skagitregionalhealth.org/ | No |
| Sky Lakes Medical Center | https://skylakes.org/ | No |
| Sky Ridge Medical Center | https://skyridgemedcenter.com/ | No |
| Sloane Hospital for Women | https://www.columbiaobgyn.org/ | No |
| Smallpox Hospital | https://www.opacity.us/ | No |
| Sonoma Developmental Center | https://www.dds.ca.gov/ | No |
| Sonoma Valley Hospital | https://www.sonomavalleyhospital.org/ | Yes |
| Southampton Hospital | https://southampton.stonybrookmedicine.edu/ | No |
| South Central Regional Medical Center | https://scrmc.com/ | No |
| South County Hospital | https://www.southcountyhealth.org/ | No |
| Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium | https://searhc.org/ | No |
| Southeast Colorado Hospital | https://www.sechosp.org/ | No |
| Southeast Missouri Hospital | https://www.sehealth.org/ | No |
| Southern Hills Hospital & Medical Center | https://southernhillshospital.com/ | No |
| Southern New Hampshire Medical Center | https://www.snhhealth.org/ | No |
| Southern Ohio Medical Center | https://www.somc.org/ | No |
| South Nassau Communities Hospital | https://www.southnassau.org/ | No |
| South Shore Hospital | https://www.southshorehealth.org/ | No |
| South Texas Health System Heart | https://www.southtexashealthsystemheart.com/ | No |
| South Texas Medical Center | https://www.southtexasmedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Southwestern Medical Center | https://www.utsouthwestern.edu/ | No |
| Southwestern Vermont Medical Center | https://www.svhealthcare.org/ | No |
| Southwest General Health Center | https://www.swgeneral.com/ | Yes |
| Sovah Health - Danville | https://www.danvilleregional.com/ | No |
| Spanish Peaks Regional Health Center | https://www.sprhc.org/ | No |
| Sparrow Hospital | https://www.sparrow.org/ | No |
| Spartanburg Medical Center | https://www.spartanburgregional.com/ | No |
| Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital | https://www.newspauldinghospital.com/ | No |
| Spotsylvania Regional Medical Center | https://spotsrmc.com/ | No |
| Spring Grove Hospital Center | https://health.maryland.gov/ | No |
| Spring Harbor Hospital | https://mainehealth.org/ | No |
| Springhill Medical Center | https://springhillmedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Spring Valley Hospital | https://springvalleyhospital.com/ | No |
| SSM Health | https://www.ssmhealth.com/ | No |
| St. Agnes Hospital Baltimore | https://www.stagnes.org/ | No |
| St. Anthony Hospital Oklahoma City | https://saintsnearyou.com/ | No |
| St. Anthony Hospital Pendleton, Oregon | https://www.sahpendleton.org/ | No |
| St. Bernards Medical Center | https://stbernards.info/ | No |
| St. Charles Medical Center – Bend | https://www.stcharleshealthcare.org/ | No |
| St. Christopher's Hospital for Children | https://www.stchristophershospital.com/ | No |
| St. Elizabeth's Medical Center Boston | https://www.semc.org/ | Yes |
| St. Elizabeth Health Services | https://www.stelizabethhealth.com/ | No |
| St. Elizabeth Regional Medical Center | https://www.saintelizabethonline.com/ | No |
| St. Elizabeths Hospital | https://www.sehcommunity.org/ | No |
| St. Francis Hospital Milwaukee | https://www.wfhealthcare.org/ | No |
| St. Francis Medical Center Lynwood | https://stfrancismedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| St. Francis Medical Center Trenton, New Jersey | https://www.stfrancismedical.org/ | No |
| St. Francis Regional Medical Center | https://www.stfrancis-shakopee.com/ | No |
| St. John's Hospital | https://www.st-johns.org/ | No |
| St. John's Riverside Hospital | https://www.riversidehealth.org/ | No |
| St. Joseph's Hospital St. Paul, Minnesota | https://www.healtheast.org/ | No |
| St. Joseph's Regional Medical Center | https://www.stjosephshealth.org/ | No |
| St. Joseph Hospital Fort Wayne, Indiana | https://www.stjoehospital.com/ | No |
| St. Joseph Hospital Nashua, New Hampshire | https://www.stjosephhospital.com/ | No |
| St. Joseph Medical Center Houston, Texas | https://www.sjmctx.org/ | Yes |
| St. Joseph Medical Center Kansas City, Missouri | https://www.stjosephkc.com/ | No |
| St. Joseph Medical Center | https://www.chifranciscan.org/ | No |
| St. Joseph Mercy Ann Arbor | https://www.stjoeshealth.org/ | No |
| St. Jude Children's Research Hospital | https://www.stjude.org/ | No |
| St. Jude Medical Center | https://www.stjudemedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| St. Louis Children's Hospital | https://www.stlouischildrens.org/ | Yes |
| St. Luke's Boise Medical Center | https://www.stlukesonline.org/ | No |
| St. Luke's Hospital Chesterfield, Missouri | https://www.stlukes-stl.com/ | No |
| St. Luke's Hospital New Bedford, Massachusetts | https://southcoast.org/ | Yes |
| St. Luke's Regional Medical Center Sioux City, Iowa | https://www.stlukes.org/ | No |
| St. Luke's Rehabilitation Institute | https://www.st-lukes.org/ | No |
| St. Mark's Hospital Salt Lake City | https://mountainstar.com/ | No |
| St. Mary's General Hospital Passaic, New Jersey | https://www.smh-nj.org/ | No |
| St. Mary's Hospital Madison, Wisconsin | https://www.stmarysmadison.com/ | No |
| St. Mary's Hospital Medical Center | https://www.stmgb.org/ | No |
| St. Mary's Medical Center Grand Junction, Colorado | https://www.sclhealth.org/ | No |
| St. Mary's Medical Center Huntington | https://www.st-marys.org/ | No |
| St. Mary's Regional Medical Center Enid | https://www.stmarysregional.com/ | No |
| St. Mary Medical Center Langhorne | https://www.stmaryhealthcare.org/ | No |
| St. Rose Hospital | https://www.strosehospital.org/ | No |
| St. Vincent's Health System | https://www.stvhs.com/ | No |
| St. Vincent's Medical Center Bridgeport | https://www.stvincents.org/ | No |
| St. Vincent's Medical Center Riverside | https://www.jaxhealth.com/ | No |
| St. Vincent Charity Medical Center | https://www.stvincentcharity.com/ | No |
| St. Vincent Children's Hospital | https://www.stvincenthospital.org/ | No |
| St. Vincent Health | https://www.stvincent.org/ | No |
| St. Vincent Medical Center Los Angeles | https://www.stvincentmedicalcenter.com/ | No |
| Stamford Hospital | https://www.stamfordhealth.org/ | No |
| Stanford Health Care | https://med.stanford.edu/ | Yes |
| Star Valley Medical Center | https://www.starvalleyhealth.org/ | No |
| St Barnabas Hospital Bronx | https://sbhny.org/ | No |
| Stormont Vail Health | https://www.stormontvail.org/ | Yes |
| Straub Clinic & Hospital | https://www.straubhealth.org/ | No |
| Suburban Hospital | https://www.suburbanhospital.org/ | No |
| Summerlin Hospital | https://summerlinhospital.com/ | No |
| Sunrise Hospital & Medical Center | https://sunrisehospital.com/ | No |
| SUNY Downstate College of Medicine | https://www.downstate.edu/ | No |
| Sutter Medical Center | https://www.suttermedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| Swedish American Hospital | https://www.swedishamerican.org/ | No |
| Swedish Hospital | https://www.swedishcovenant.org/ | No |
| Swedish Medical Center Colorado | https://swedishhospital.com/ | No |
| Swedish Medical Center | https://www.swedish.org/ | No |
| Tallahassee Memorial HealthCare | https://www.tmh.org/ | No |
| Tampa General Hospital | https://www.tgh.org/ | No |
| Taylor Regional Hospital | https://www.trhosp.org/ | No |
| Temple University Hospital | https://tuh.templehealth.org/ | No |
| Terrell State Hospital | https://dshs.texas.gov/ | Yes |
| Texas Children's Hospital | https://www.texaschildrens.org/ | Yes |
| Texas Scottish Rite Hospital for Children | https://scottishriteforchildren.org/ | No |
| Texoma Medical Center | https://www.texomamedicalcenter.net/ | No |
| The Aroostook Medical Center | https://northernlighthealth.org/ | Yes |
| The Christ Hospital | https://www.thechristhospital.com/ | No |
| ThedaCare Regional Medical Center–Appleton | https://www.thedacare.org/ | No |
| The Medical Center of Aurora | https://www.auroramed.com/ | No |
| The Outer Banks Hospital | https://www.theouterbankshospital.com/ | Yes |
| The Queen's Medical Center | https://www.queens.org/ | Yes |
| The Regional Medical Center | https://www.trmchealth.org/ | Yes |
| The Valley Hospital | https://www.valleyhealth.com/ | No |
| Thomas B. Finan Center | https://www.dhmh.state.md.us/ | No |
| Three Rivers Hospital | https://www.threerivershospital.net/ | No |
| TidalHealth Peninsula Regional | https://www.mytidalhealth.org/ | No |
| Timpanogos Regional Hospital | https://www.timpanogosregionalhospital.com/ | No |
| Touro Infirmary | https://www.touro.com/ | No |
| Tri-City Medical Center | https://www.tricitymed.org/ | No |
| Trinity Health Minot, North Dakota | https://www.trinityhealth.org/ | No |
| Truman Medical Center-Hospital Hill | https://www.trumed.org/ | No |
| Tuality Community Hospital | https://www.tuality.org/ | No |
| Tuba City Regional Health Care Corporation | https://www.tchealth.org/ | No |
| Tucson Medical Center | https://www.tmcaz.com/ | No |
| Tufts Medical Center | https://www.tuftsmedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| Tulane Medical Center | https://tulanehealthcare.com/ | No |
| Tulane–Lakeside Hospital | https://tulanelakeside.com/ | No |
| Two Rivers Psychiatric Hospital | https://www.tworivershospital.com/ | Yes |
| UAB Hospital | https://www.uabmedicine.org/ | No |
| UAMS Medical Center | https://www.uamshealth.com/ | No |
| UBH Denton | https://www.ubhdenton.com/ | Yes |
| UC Davis Medical Center | https://health.ucdavis.edu/ | Yes |
| UC Irvine Medical Center | https://www.ucirvinehealth.org/ | No |
| UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital | https://www.ucsfbenioffchildrens.org/ | Yes |
| UCSF Medical Center | https://www.ucsfhealth.org/ | Yes |
| UF Health Jacksonville | https://ufhealthjax.org/ | No |
| UF Health Shands Hospital | https://www.ufhealth.org/ | Yes |
| Uintah Basin Medical Center | https://www.ubmc.org/ | No |
| UNC Children's Hospital | https://www.uncmedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| UNC Lenoir Health Care | https://www.unclenoir.org/ | No |
| Union General Hospital | https://www.uniongeneralhospital.com/ | No |
| Union Hospital Indiana | https://myunionhospital.org/ | No |
| United Medical Center | https://www.united-medicalcenter.com/ | No |
| United States Public Health Service | https://www.hhs.gov/ | Yes |
| UnityPoint Health - Allen Hospital | https://www.allenhospital.org/ | No |
| University Health System | https://universityhealthsystem.com/ | No |
| University Hospital Augusta, Georgia | https://www.universityhealth.org/ | No |
| University Hospital Newark, New Jersey | https://www.uhnj.org/ | No |
| University Hospitals Ahuja Medical Center | https://www.uhahuja.org/ | No |
| University Hospitals Elyria Medical Center | https://www.uhelyria.org/ | No |
| University Hospitals Portage Medical Center | https://www.robinsonmemorial.org/ | No |
| University Medical Center Lubbock, Texas | https://www.umchealthsystem.com/ | No |
| University Medical Center New Orleans | https://www.umcno.org/ | No |
| University Medical Center of El Paso | https://www.umcelpaso.org/ | No |
| University Medical Center of Southern Nevada | https://umcsn.com/ | No |
| University of Cincinnati | https://www.uc.edu/ | No |
| University of Connecticut Health Center | https://health.uconn.edu/ | No |
| University of Illinois Hospital | https://hospital.uillinois.edu/ | No |
| University of Iowa Children's Hospital | https://www.uichildrens.org/ | No |
| University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics | https://www.uihc.org/ | No |
| University of Kansas Health System St. Francis Campus | https://kutopeka.com/ | No |
| University of Kansas Health System | https://www.kansashealthsystem.com/ | No |
| University of Kansas Medical Center | https://www.kumc.edu/ | No |
| University of Maryland Baltimore Washington Medical Center | https://www.umbwmc.org/ | No |
| University of Maryland Charles Regional Medical Center | https://www.umcharlesregional.org/ | No |
| University of Maryland Harford Memorial Hospital | https://www.umms.org/ | Yes |
| University of Maryland Medical Center Midtown Campus | https://ummidtown.org/ | No |
| University of Maryland Rehabilitation & Orthopaedic Institute | https://www.umrehabortho.org/ | Yes |
| University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center | https://www.stjosephtowson.com/ | No |
| University of Michigan Hospital | https://med.umich.edu/ | No |
| University of Mississippi Medical Center | https://www.umc.edu/ | No |
| University of Missouri Hospital | https://www.umsystem.edu/ | No |
| University of New Mexico Hospital | https://hospitals.unm.edu/ | No |
| University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine | https://www.md.rcm.upr.edu/ | No |
| University of South Alabama | https://www.southalabama.edu/ | No |
| University of Tennessee Medical Center | https://www.utmedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| University of Texas Medical Branch | https://www.utmb.edu/ | No |
| University of Toledo | https://www.utoledo.edu/ | No |
| UofL Health | https://uoflhealth.org/ | No |
| UP Health System - Marquette | https://www.mgh.org/ | No |
| UP Health System - Portage | https://www.portagehealth.org/ | No |
| UPMC Central Pa | https://www.upmc.com/ | Yes |
| UPMC Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh | https://www.chp.edu/ | No |
| UPMC Somerset | https://www.somersethospital.com/ | No |
| UPMC Susquehanna Divine Providence | https://www.susquehannahealth.org/ | No |
| UPMC Western Maryland | https://www.wmhs.com/ | No |
| Upstate Golisano Children's Hospital | https://www.upstate.edu/ | No |
| Utah State Hospital | https://ush.utah.gov/ | No |
| UVA Children's Hospital | https://childrens.uvahealth.com/ | No |
| Vail Health Hospital | https://www.vailhealth.org/ | No |
| Valley Children's Healthcare | https://www.valleychildrens.org/ | No |
| Valley General Hospital | https://evergreenhealth.com/ | No |
| Valley Hospital Medical Center | https://valleyhospital.net/ | No |
| Valley Presbyterian Hospital | https://www.valleypres.org/ | No |
| Valley Regional Hospital | https://www.vrh.org/ | No |
| Valleywise Behavioral Health Center Maryvale | https://valleywisehealth.org/ | Yes |
| Vanderbilt Medical Center | https://www.mc.vanderbilt.edu/ | No |
| Vanderbilt University Medical Center | https://www.vanderbilthealth.com/ | No |
| Vassar Brothers Medical Center | https://patients.healthquest.org/ | No |
| VCU Medical Center | https://www.vcuhealth.org/ | No |
| Venice Regional Bayfront Health | https://veniceregional.com/ | No |
| Vibra Healthcare | https://www.vibrahealthcare.com/ | No |
| Vidant Duplin Hospital | https://www.uhseast.com/ | No |
| Virginia Mason Hospital | https://www.virginiamason.org/ | No |
| Virginia Mason Memorial Hospital | https://www.yakimamemorial.org/ | No |
| Wake Forest Baptist Health Wilkes Medical Center | https://www.wilkesregional.com/ | No |
| Walter Reed Army Medical Center | https://www.wrnmmc.capmed.mil/ | No |
| Washington Cancer Institute | https://whcenter.org/ | Yes |
| Wayne Memorial Hospital Pennsylvania | https://wmh.org/ | No |
| Wayne UNC Health Care | https://www.wayneunc.org/ | No |
| Weill Cornell Graduate School of Medical Sciences | https://gradschool.weill.cornell.edu/ | No |
| Wesley Medical Center | https://www.wesleymc.com/ | No |
| Westerly Hospital | https://www.westerlyhospital.org/ | Yes |
| Western Missouri Medical Center | https://www.wmmc.com/ | No |
| Western Reserve Hospital | https://www.westernreservehospital.org/ | No |
| West Jefferson Medical Center | https://www.wjmc.org/ | No |
| West Suburban Medical Center | https://www.vanguardhealth.com/ | No |
| West Virginia University | https://www.wvu.edu/ | No |
| Wheeling Hospital | https://wheelinghospital.org/ | No |
| White Plains Hospital | https://www.wphospital.org/ | No |
| Wilcox Memorial Hospital | https://www.wilcoxhealth.org/ | No |
| Wilkes-Barre General Hospital | https://www.commonwealthhealth.net/ | No |
| Willamette Valley Medical Center | https://willamettevalleymedical.com/ | No |
| Willingway Hospital | https://www.willingway.com/ | No |
| Willow Springs Center | https://www.willowspringscenter.com/ | Yes |
| Wills Eye Hospital | https://www.willseye.org/ | No |
| Wilson Medical Center North Carolina | https://www.wilsonmedical.com/ | No |
| Wilson N. Jones Regional Medical Center | https://www.wnj.org/ | No |
| Windham Hospital | https://windhamhospital.org/ | No |
| Winneshiek Medical Center | https://www.winmedical.org/ | No |
| Winona Health | https://www.winonahealth.org/ | Yes |
| Winter Haven Hospital | https://www.winterhavenhospital.org/ | No |
| Witham Health Services | https://www.witham.org/ | No |
| Wolfson Children's Hospital | https://www.wolfsonchildrens.com/ | No |
| Women & Infants Hospital of Rhode Island | https://www.womenandinfants.org/ | Yes |
| Wray Community District Hospital | https://wrayhospital.org/ | No |
| Wright Medical Center | https://www.wrightmed.com/ | No |
| Wyckoff Heights Medical Center | https://www.wyckoffhospital.org/ | No |
| Wyoming Medical Center | https://www.wyomingmedicalcenter.org/ | No |
| Yale-New Haven Children's Hospital | https://www.ynhh.org/ | Yes |
| York General Hospital | https://www.yorkgeneral.org/ | No |
| Yuma Regional Medical Center | https://www.yumaregional.org/ | Yes |
| Zion Hospital | https://www.ltmgh.com/ | No |
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## Uruguay
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| British Hospital | https://www.hospitalbritanico.com.uy/ | No |
| Hospital de Clínicas "Dr. Manuel Quintela" | https://www.hc.edu.uy/ | No |
| Italian Hospital of Montevideo | https://www.ospedaleitaliano.org.uy/ | No |
| Spanish Hospital Uruguay | https://www.hospitalespanol.com.uy/ | No |
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## Venezuela
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Hospital Clínico Universitario | https://huc.gov.ve/ | No |
<summary>_click me_
## Vietnam
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| 108 Hospital | https://www.benhvien108.vn/ | No |
| 175 Military Central Hospital | https://www.benhvien175.vn/ | No |
| Bach Mai Hospital | https://bachmai.gov.vn/ | No |
| Cho Ray Hospital | https://www.choray.vn/ | No |
| City International Hospital | https://cih.com.vn/ | No |
| Da Nang Hospital | https://dananghospital.org.vn/ | No |
| Franco-Vietnamese Hospital | https://www.fvhospital.com/ | No |
| Gia An 115 Hospital | https://www.giaan115.com/ | No |
| Hue Central Hospital | https://bvtwhue.com.vn/ | No |
| Hôpital Français de Hanoi | https://www.hfh.com.vn/ | No |
| Joint Commission | https://www.jointcommission.org/ | Yes |
| Mai Hương Hospital | https://www.maihuong.gov.vn/ | No |
| Tam Tri Sai Gon General Hospital | https://www.tmmchealthcare.com/ | No |
| Thai Nguyen Central General Hospital | https://www.bvdktuthainguyen.gov.vn/ | No |
| Thanh Nhan Hospital | https://thanhnhanhospital.vn/ | No |
| TMMC Cancer Center | https://www.tmmhealthcare.com/ | No |
| Viet Duc Hospital | https://www.vietduchospital.edu.vn/ | No |
| Vietnam-Sweden hospital | https://www.vsh.org.vn/ | No |
| Vietnam National Children's Hospital | https://www.nhp.org.vn/ | No |
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## Zambia
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| University Teaching Hospital | https://www.uth.gov.zm/ | No |
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## Zimbabwe
| Name | Site | Cloudflared |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Karanda Mission Hospital | https://www.karanda.org/ | No |
| Murambinda Mission Hospital | https://www.fmh.org.uk/ | No |
### By Country
| Name | Cloudflared | Normal | CF % |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| Afghanistan | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Albania | 4 | 24 | 14.29% |
| Algeria | 0 | 6 | 0% |
| Argentina | 0 | 6 | 0% |
| Armenia | 2 | 2 | 50% |
| Australia | 7 | 41 | 14.58% |
| Azerbaijan | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Bahrain | 0 | 5 | 0% |
| Bangladesh | 1 | 27 | 3.57% |
| Barbados | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Belarus | 0 | 10 | 0% |
| Belgium | 2 | 15 | 11.76% |
| Belize | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Bosnia and Herzegovina | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Brazil | 1 | 6 | 14.29% |
| Brunei | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Bulgaria | 1 | 9 | 10% |
| Cambodia | 1 | 3 | 25% |
| Cameroon | 2 | 2 | 50% |
| Canada | 11 | 115 | 8.73% |
| Chile | 0 | 4 | 0% |
| China | 0 | 58 | 0% |
| Colombia | 0 | 4 | 0% |
| Costa Rica | 0 | 4 | 0% |
| Croatia | 0 | 4 | 0% |
| Cyprus | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Czech Republic | 0 | 19 | 0% |
| Denmark | 0 | 11 | 0% |
| Egypt | 0 | 9 | 0% |
| Estonia | 0 | 3 | 0% |
| Ethiopia | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Finland | 0 | 6 | 0% |
| France | 0 | 11 | 0% |
| Germany | 0 | 13 | 0% |
| Ghana | 1 | 26 | 3.7% |
| Greece | 0 | 10 | 0% |
| Guyana | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Haiti | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Hong Kong | 2 | 15 | 11.76% |
| India | 21 | 238 | 8.11% |
| Indonesia | 3 | 6 | 33.33% |
| Iran | 0 | 8 | 0% |
| Ireland | 2 | 38 | 5% |
| Israel | 3 | 24 | 11.11% |
| Italy | 0 | 27 | 0% |
| Jamaica | 0 | 3 | 0% |
| Japan | 0 | 51 | 0% |
| Jordan | 0 | 9 | 0% |
| Kazakhstan | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Kenya | 0 | 14 | 0% |
| Kuwait | 0 | 3 | 0% |
| Latvia | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Lebanon | 1 | 9 | 10% |
| Lithuania | 0 | 4 | 0% |
| Luxembourg | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Malaysia | 5 | 13 | 27.78% |
| Malta | 0 | 3 | 0% |
| Mexico | 0 | 5 | 0% |
| Monaco | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Mongolia | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Mozambique | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Myanmar | 0 | 3 | 0% |
| Namibia | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Nepal | 2 | 15 | 11.76% |
| Netherlands | 0 | 15 | 0% |
| New Zealand | 1 | 27 | 3.57% |
| Niger | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Nigeria | 2 | 20 | 9.09% |
| North Macedonia | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Norway | 0 | 30 | 0% |
| Pakistan | 13 | 57 | 18.57% |
| Palestine | 3 | 3 | 50% |
| Panama | 0 | 4 | 0% |
| Papua New Guinea | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Poland | 0 | 15 | 0% |
| Qatar | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Romania | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Russia | 0 | 7 | 0% |
| Rwanda | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Saudi Arabia | 0 | 10 | 0% |
| Serbia | 3 | 260 | 1.14% |
| Sierra Leone | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Singapore | 2 | 27 | 6.9% |
| Slovakia | 0 | 4 | 0% |
| Slovenia | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Somalia | 0 | 4 | 0% |
| South Africa | 1 | 10 | 9.09% |
| South Korea | 1 | 15 | 6.25% |
| Spain | 1 | 13 | 7.14% |
| Sri Lanka | 0 | 5 | 0% |
| Suriname | 1 | 4 | 20% |
| Sweden | 1 | 11 | 8.33% |
| Switzerland | 0 | 10 | 0% |
| Syria | 0 | 6 | 0% |
| São Tomé and Príncipe | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Taiwan | 0 | 14 | 0% |
| Tanzania | 0 | 9 | 0% |
| Thailand | 9 | 56 | 13.85% |
| Trinidad and Tobago | 0 | 3 | 0% |
| Turkey | 0 | 4 | 0% |
| Uganda | 4 | 34 | 10.53% |
| Ukraine | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| United Arab Emirates | 0 | 19 | 0% |
| United Kingdom | 13 | 205 | 5.96% |
| United States | 168 | 994 | 14.46% |
| Uruguay | 0 | 4 | 0% |
| Venezuela | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Vietnam | 1 | 18 | 5.26% |
| Zambia | 0 | 1 | 0% |
| Zimbabwe | 0 | 2 | 0% |
### Total
| Type | Site Count | Owner Count |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Cloudflare | 296 | 292 |
| Normal | 2904 | 2887 |
| Total | 3200 | 3179 |
### 9.25% of Hospital websites are using Cloudflare.
### 9.19% of Hospital owners are using Cloudflare.