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synced 2025-03-14 14:55:08 -04:00
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- It works for me locally and I see a 200 status code, but it fails when I reran again just now. I noted in the headers that it’s served by Cloudflare and I wonder if they are blocking requests from GitHub workflows? (DavidAns)
- フォロワー!VPNは古い!時代はゼロトラスト!ってCloudflareに諭されたんだけどなんなんだ一体! (koiwaiyomogi)
- Cloudflare Zero Trust Access Tunnels 使えば、VPNサーバーからポートフォワーディングなんてする必要なかった・・・ (syousuke1104)
- ONUはでんわ入れてるなら大丈夫!(時期的に交換の可能性も)。結局解決策はcloudflareかなんかの無料のVPNアプリ。ゲーム以外の時はオフにしないとアマプラの銀魂がGINTAMAになってた。dアニメは観れないとか。 (oumi_nm7)
- Cloudflare it's an emergency please check dm (App_Valley_vip)
- I wish the DNS page on a CloudFlare site allowed you to select multiple DNS entries to act on. I have so many useless records on my domain that should really be deleted. (SeedyThreepio)
- Когда-то купил ключ на бессрочный Windsribe за 50$. Так его и юзаю. Из бесплатных вариантов есть ещё годный Cloudflare WARP. Что касаемо подрубать VPN, когда ломишься в запретные места. Это вряд ли где-то есть на автомате, знаю только прокси расширение «Обход блокировок Рунета». (_NotErix)
- TailscaleとかCloudflareのZeroTrust使ってみようとしたけどよくわからんからSoftEther+OCIで自分用にVPN張ってる今の環境でいいやになった (Riberty_Ricky)
- Cloudflare havrita adlı uygulama ile bugün ankarada katliam yapıldı. Suça ortak olmayın havrita yı kapattırın! AnkaradaKatliamVar (trallallaaa)
- Cloudflare is also well-known for breaking the Internet for Tor Users. Many people like having a high degree of privacy, and indeed, someone might even be in danger of being killed without it. CF lowers the bar here for everyone. (GosoraProject)
- Please fix error: Failed to bypass cloudflare (Rafael81156295)
- 502 cloudflare error since few hours for me, honeyswap front end not reachable on my side...🤨 (smashed_block)
- Just set up my first Cloudflare tunnel! I had this setup: Internet - CF - Reverse Proxy - VPN - On-Prem. Now it's: Internet - CF - Tunnel - On-Prem. (sybreon)
- Change your chrome dns could probably work. Go to chrome, setting, privacy and security, use secure dns, then choose another provider. I usually use cloudflare ( Or maybe try opera mini, it could open blocked sites. (g11123421)
- If you are still using CloudFlare as your CDN then maybe the problem is there - however I can tell you for a fact getting 503 error is coming from your server not the CDN. So your site is broken (marcpalmerdev)
- There are two news. Good and bad. Good is that Cloudflare moves to greener POS. Bad is that ETH ecosystem has another centralized party to run the nodes. Hopefully there will not be many. I wish people run the nodes, not companies. Better for the Decentralization! (ElenaCryptoChic)
- There are only few minor inconveniences with this. if the site is protected by cloudflare you might need to solve a captcha. Some websites block the amazon/google ip's thinking they are bots to scrape the content. (revathskumar)
- PlayWright로 모 커뮤니티 사이트 자동 출첵 스크립트를 짜보려고 했는데 사람 아닌걸 어찌알고 cloudflare 단계에서 블록 걸렸다. captcha 같은 것도 없는데 어떻게 알았징? 신기하다.. 우회방법 검색해도 잘 안나와서 일단 포기;; (hobbycoder)
- Cloudflare seems to be blocking my browser? It loads properly the first time, but if I ever reload the page it just shows me a blank white page. Even if I wipe the cache and hard reload it's still blank. Happens in both Chrome and Firefox. (IsaacKing314)
- Cloudflare any news / plans on fully supporting SSR? It's the only missing service to fully migrate everything on cloudflare's stack... (tsevdos)
- Cloudflare R2. It's good, use it with the S3 SDK. Works well! Powering (defidoshi)
- Cloudflare Matthew Can you please investigate why Option 3 on your Enterprise Emergency Phone Line places us into a loop of the IVR? (Bradez1571)
- With Cloudflare Area 1 Email Security as part of our Zero Trust Platform, you can preemptively stop phishing attacks before they occur! Secure user inboxes, adopt a proactive security posture, and save time on email security operations! (whinsche_CF)
- If your site makes me go through a Cloudflare check and a CAPTCHA just to access it, nah. (markhachman)
- It's happening because of Cloudflare's Under Threat mode blocking all requests with a browser check. (ValetteLavale)
- Yo, heads up? Apparently cloudflare hit you guys with a CNAME Cross-User ban? All of the alternate websites are down, and the main website returns Error 1014 regarding a cloudflare ban on your website. (Wolfseverest93)
- In the UK on Android, I can see the button but when I click continue to Venmo I get a cloudflare 403 error (maharris98)
- So in the end you just want: - Reliable DNS in your settings like Quad 9 or Cloudflare. - A VPN if you prefer not to be traced as much. - Use the "force HTTPS" setting in your browser. - And for high-paranoia sites use the .hosts file. And you will be totally fine. (amritabithi)
- Cloudflare Presented for your entertainment, the customary bitcoin phishing scam. Complete with bad maths. up-ethereum .com He also has friends too, but you nobbled that one. (bunnymaid)
- Is your hosting up for renewal? it’s like your SSL has expired. When you force it to go to HTTPS it brings up a Cloudflare error (mattypartridge)
- Cloudflare if at all possible could you kindly share your web3 gateway pricing. Many thanks 🙏 (KhalilR78249085)
- You basically send 2 requests in one using content-length and transfer-encoding headers. The frontend server, let's say cloudflare WAF (Web App Firewall) is restricting people from sending an XSS in the path. Requests like GET q=alert() HTTP/1.1 are blocked Continues v (XSStringManolo)
- There’s also the fact I cannot fucking fix this ISP DNS error, I usually use Cloudflare I turned it off still problems after flushing it and a router reset and it’s the ISP that auto-sets DNS so over time I am reaching maximum annoyance levels having to flush dns to do anything (Fayorei)
- True, shame on Cloudflare and ALSO, you can’t claim to be champions of human rights while supporting the killing and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians while defending ApartheidIsrael. Trump and Putin each think: “if I tell a lie enough, it’s true! “israel” should stop. (michaelcpdx1982)
- I think it is down. I’m getting a cloudflare error. (WeirdlyEnough_)
- I'm gonna stop procrastinating and actually start my side project this weekend 😤 Cloudflare did so much shit I just have to do it now. (imUnsmart)
- Les sites sont hébergés par CloudFlare, utilisent les mêmes technos (Google Analytics, Cloudflare Network Error Logging, Google Font API)... bref on peut maintenant être sûr que ce sont les mêmes personnes/organisations derrières les deux extensions que prises en exemple. (AntiDrop3)
- Cloudflare shut down 4chan. It’s a cesspool. (Matthews5Ursula)
- Had that error, changing DNS from google to cloudflare solved it in ethernet adapters settings. It may help you out to update. (Cadmium_48Cd)
- Cloudflare will not remove 4chan. Under the protections granted to Cloudflare and other platforms, by section 230, only the end user is responsible for content that may be illegal. If Cloudflare removes 4chan, then Cloudflare becomes a publisher and is legally responsible. (MrGringo418)
- Cloudflare Trying to buy a domain. Transactions are getting declined as your payment gateway/processor isn’t RBI (India) compliant. What can be done? Even PayPal doesn’t work which is weird. Tried 5-6 times. (iRazaSyed)
- DNS ayarlarında ücretsiz ve normal dnsden çok daha hızlı olan cloudflare dns kullanırsan vpn derdi olmadan türkiyeye erişimi kapalı sitelere normal internet hızınla girebilirsin (egefitnesgang)
- Hi, das tut uns Leid, das mit dem Server Error sollte jetzt wieder behoben sein. Könntest du uns sagen, wo du noch Cloudflare Tracking siehst (Browser und OS)? (Ecosia)
- Was ist los mit euch? Warum habt ihr in letzter Zeit so viel Probleme? Als dieser Cloudflare-Tracking-Mist beim betreten der Seite, dann kommt manchmal einfach "Keine Treffer" und es brauch ein F5 zum Ergebnisse anzeigen. Jetzt gerade 5xx Server Error. Echt Schade (FloWzoW)
- Cloudflare’s arguments that KYC is not enshrined in law & therefore not a basis for complaint makes no sense. If piracy were legal in some jurisdiction, would that make it beyond reproach? This is both circular & nonsensical. Every actor should have an appropriate duty of care. (neilturkewitz)
- The first error we ran into cloudflare (which was resolved within a couple of days) was that their build system reportedly said the build was successful but the status checks showed failed to deploy. Thanks to the discord team, at least we wasted only one day. (mehulmpt)
- Phishing getting interesting ! checks for specific target (Cloudflare IP/Geolocation) (0XYC)
- Could not access the website. Being blocked by CloudFlare. (ponnuvelpandian)
- Weird CloudFlare Error Solution "This challenge page was accidentally cached by an intermediary and is no longer available." --Cause-- Your clock is out of sync. --Solution-- net start w32time w32tm /resync (GuidedHacking)
- Cloudflare can go fuck themselves honestly. Run by a bunch of idiots and autoreply bots. I reported a domain that their nameservers resolve as The auto reply was bullshitting about hosting or whatever the fuck. I replied to clarify it was a NS issue... no response. (kasamikona)
- Cloudflare doesn't like Tor, so privacy-minded folk likely won't be joining Skiff. (crawdad101)
- وقتی vpn روشنه همه ریکوست ها تو کمتر از 100ms ریسپانس success میگیرن فهمیدم مشکل از آیپی ایرانه. Ips های ایرانی در عملکرد cloudflare و سرویس دهنده خارجی اختلال ایجاد میکنن تا توسعه دهنده ایرانی مجبور بشه dns recordهاشو به ابراروان منتقل کنه اینجوریه که ابراروان برای (idkthatidk)
- if Cloudflare could secure its self with PoW as efficiently as Bitcoin the company would alleviate its self of its security hires. (NoahBoz)
- having issues getting onto your site from different devices. Just comes up that cloudflare is checking browser but doesn't move onto your page. Not sure if others having problems. (veetee39)
- When do you plan to expand to other blockchains Cloudflare? I'd be happy to talk to you about setting up a Solana validator. (TimGarcia0)
- Cloudflare has banned many for speech. Ask Andrew. If that’s your argument for decentralization, it’s a week one. (Zen_Vader)
- is shit , Cloudflare please stop using their live chat. It disconnects without warning , i had to requeue 3-4 times the past 2 hours. It's a joke. I think you're better off with the free (JohnDotOwl)
- Not clear who is running the validators on cloud flare network? Anyone can run an eth node? 🤔 (sharath_darsha)
- Nah, it's pretty standard for web devs these days to throw in a CAPTCHA JS include and toss the whole thing behind a Cloudflare proxy set to "under attack" mode. Really makes browsing the tubes fantastic these days. (oowm)
- Thanks, Cloudflare, for experimenting with Ethereum. It could be an excellent time to have a chat with web3 ethereum (adalmas_eth)
- Cloudflare is doing some really cool things with their new web3 networks. I can't wait to see how they develop… (JRH2001_ETH)
- Is Cloudflare considering Sign In With Ethereum integration? (abc00731)
- Cloudflare CloudflareDev is it possible to get pageViews from the graphgl API by subdomain or cname? (alexjustesen)
- .eth and .near will surely be supported by cloudflare. Alright blockchains. Get those domain names going (123Crypto)
- very cool to see you doubling down on Ethereum! It's unclear from the announcement if Cloudflare plans to run validators with its own capital, partner with a staking pool, or offer an easy way for people to spin up a server with a validator. Can you expand? (TimBeiko)
- worth noting that 99% of WS analysts and traders have no fucking idea what Cloudflare does and the fact they use it every single day unknowingly. (kyee)
- By continuing to provide services for extremist websites such as 4chan Cloudflare is complicit in the deaths of those killed in Buffalo. Buffalo BuffaloMassacre (willbrayn)
- Cloudflare (The previous tweets were mostly tests, but let's see) (filipesmdotcom)
- Seems to be that Cloudflare is against POW and true decentralization right now. When they're ready to create a freer web, they'll have a seat at the table for (nole__tx)
- Cloudflare Your UX is bad and you should improve, cmon (filipesmdotcom)
- Internet Explorer'ı sonlandırma kararı alarak Edge adlı yeni bir tarayıcıya odaklanan Microsoft, uygulamanın yeni sürümünde Cloudflare firmasıyla işbirliğine gitti. Bu kapsamda Edge tarayıcılarda ekstra güvenlik sunacak bir dahili VPN hizmeti sunulacak. (cyolacan)
- いや、一応 WARPはVPNの区分に入る。 一般ユーザにはまあ、いいと思うけど、正直さ、Cloudflare使うのは話が違うね。 (surapunoyousei)
- 看维基百科说是这个组织之前因为政见被以前的域名服务商和CloudFlare终止服务了,于是只能寻求另外的服务商,并且还有自己的暗网网站,Tor项目组表示愤怒但自己无能为力。这个网站还完全靠捐助支持运营,因为被拒绝使用常规金融服务所以只能依赖虚拟货币转账。 (EA4an)
- Hi. An issue w/ the MalwareBytes browser extension is impacting multiple sites. While you're on our site, click the blue & white button in the upper right of your browser. In the list of things being blocked, mark Cloudflare as trusted & you should be able to reload our site. (_newspapers)
- I don't know, Cloudflare message was a server error when I last tried. What other sites are down? I haven't run into any others. (sbarrt)
- Somehow I can no longer access your gunviolencearchive site ( Cloudflare error)… (Yoiome)
- error 522 browser working cloudflare working HOST ERROR??? (mellololow)
- Moral panics and overbearing anti-piracy laws didn't stop my friend from remixing and making his own weird songs with his friends on a Walkman any more than having the web served on Twitter and Cloudflare will stop me or anyone around me (Kavaeric)
- Thanks for getting back to us! We haven't had any reports of issues with CloudFlare. Is there a specific error message you're receiving when trying to access your store? If possible, can you kindly provide us with a screenshot, as this would be a great help. Thanks! -Maz (ShopifySupport)
- . contact Cloudflare ASAP to try and get them to stop resolving the domain. (dotEX3_)
- . Cloudflare blocks L7 HTTPS attack challenging/blocking 2+ million HTTPS requests in seconds. Largest attack sources: AS36352 (ColoCrossing) AS397630 AS54252 AS20473 (Vultr) AS14061 (DigitalOcean) AS396356 (MaxiHost) AS9009 (M247) + many more. (TheMikeAmbrose)
- Just opened a website that hat around 1000 images on a single page. Half of them didn’t load. Reloaded the page. Got banned by Cloudflare for suspicious activity… you know, like requesting 1k images. (ruhrscholz)
- Using Pihole & Cloudflare cloudflared DoH, PiHole shows INSECURE for every DNS request, but it is working. I also get the DNSMASQ warning about value of 1232. Added config file, but it doesn't stop it. How do I get DoH requests to show as SECURE and fix the 1232 size issue? (FeelitWorking)
- eu quero assistir aos cursos que comprei, mas toda hora entro no site e aparece "One more step", coloco o CAPTCHA da Cloudflare e nada acontence! (carlosxfelipe)
- обожэ! неужто очередной РоссГрам? РуКринж? но у меня щас с впн Access Denied, без впн -- CloudFlare error еще не готово позорище наверно (AndrewChalmaev)
- Cloudflare I didn't finish watching the cloudflareconnect keynotes yesterday before I was kicked out of the YouTube... will it be available again sometime? (chrisarchitect)
- Hey Cloudflare you CAPTCHA doesnt work. I wanna watch my courses that I bought in brazil. Udemy, change this service if doesnt work. (carlosxfelipe)
- Cloudflare is it so difficult to get help on cloud flare? Been trying to get help (oluadebamowo)
- working on public networks, which often lack privacy protection. Using Secure Network allows you to hide your IP address, encrypt data and direct traffic through a secure network based on Cloudflare. Unlike traditional VPN services that allow you to select servers in certain (appletester_rus)
- Hey, how can I clean up a durable object stub when I'm done with it? Currently I'm using one in a loop bunch in miniflare, but I'm getting MaxListenersExceededWarning for having too many abort listeners... (crisfole)
- Cloudflare 最近出了一些新東西然後都拿 Worker 結合做範例...... 難道還是該準備看看那邊的玩意嗎? (Faryne)
- is bluehost currently down? I keep getting a Cloudflare Error 522 on my wordpress website. (Ray_Masaki)
- Cloudflare is slowly building full stack cloud infrastructure. (imaddy100)
- How does one get a Cloudflare sales person to actually talk to them? The form seems to go to the void, and the people on chat seem to just get bored and stop answering (bodylessentity)
- Cloudflare pages has an amazing user experience. Well played! 👾 (Aviramyh)
- Cloudflare is on 🔥 with all announcement today. Watch out (ebauger)
- Cloudflare any update on Socket Workers which was announced last November? (kzhen)
- anyone having issues with doing checks against their website? It's painfully slow (CloudFlare 524 error) but apparently it's coz I am using IE/Edge (lol) - get the issue in Chrome too (fobbing us off with a lame excuse I assume). I hope your database is surviving :-| (PHPology)
- The reason I made this tool is because cloudflare protects a lot of sensitive sites like porn sites, gambling, etc. Indirectly, the cloudflare company has protected many websites that contain negative content, even phishing websites. Indirectly they have protected criminal sites! (zidansec)
- New CloudFlare community group for JavaScript runtimes! (jaxnode)
- I have sites I cant get to because of cloud flare. Because I know, somewhere back there, the origin server is up. I'v seen LOTS of cloudflare problems. (RueNahcMohr)
- it's impressing how cloudflare products cover dev stack more and more! pub/sub looks promising, cannot wait to see real-life use cases (konhi_)
- I have many redirection logic across different workers. This could be interesting to explore. Thanks Cloudflare (ImorphIo)
- Hello how can I report nazi website that use cloudflare? (rusttty2)
- It's working again this morning, so it must have been a temporary outage. I got a cloudflare origin error on the website so it might've even been a regional thing. (hu1x_t)
- Trying to watch CloudflareConnect keynote, but I see 'the video was not found'. Has the event started streaming? (hippietech)
- Cloudflare lot of scam website are being hosted on your servers, making hard to take them down. You should definitely expose a way to report them. Lot of people are losing money to this idiots! (FoliviFooFou)
- Possible threat on phishing itau cloudflare (ecarlesi)
- Cloudflare has been one of my favorite products to follow since they announced edge workers in 2018. And they keep delivering. 🙃 (JanKoritak)
- What a shit website. Whu the fuck you put a fucking cloudflare that have a rate limit to the website. Punde laa i tell you. (Dreamsof96)
- There was an error processing your card. Please check your details and try again. In Cloudflare (hajimehoshi)
- You can easily reach 100% even without cloudflare, just stop using jquery and other useless libs 🥲 (Blipn)
- Cloudflare your code samples for reading env vars and interacting with KV (or I guess anything bindings related?) seems to be out of date at least from the perspective of starting a new worker from wrangler w/ typescript. (rickfillion)
- I was so impatient. It's time to move from Object Storage solution to Cloudflare R2! (ouaibou)
- Cloudflare just smashing it out this week (jacques_chester)
- It has been possible since May 2019 w/ KV or S3, plus 4 lines of code in your Cloudflare Worker 😜 (adaptive)
- Cloudflare is it possible to have 2 MX records? I already have one for my email service. is asking me to create another. What's the downside? (ObinnaUkwueze)
- That's a Cloudflare error msg. Have you tried another browser? Have you got cookies enabled? Then there is the catch all "delete browsing history". (markselwyn)
- Seit heute morgen seid ihr da aber nicht zu erreichen, korrekt? Bekommen zumindest immer ein CloudFlare-Error. (DennisVobis)
- Is it Cloudflare blocking? That's what I'm getting... (ABudinszky)
- cloudflare がError で使えなくなってる... (nilnull_Zs0I)
- i know that cloudflare and cloudwatch are two different things, but that won't stop me because i don't recall (dezren39)
- ➝ ip= behind cloudflare ... credit card number request dhlexpress phishing (FromPorts)
- Is anyone else having issues with Cloudflare? I am getting an "Access Denied" error on all sites 🤔 (amooreTO)
- Cloudflare your dashboard used to be so easy to use. Now it takes ages to find anything, stupid renaming "Firewall Rules" = "WAF" = wtf. Any way we can revert back to the old one? (dylankbuckley)
- Der RT-Stream ist in allen EU-Ländern gesperrt. Norwegen gehört nicht zur EU. Hier hilft nur VPN. In Deutschland sperren viele Provider auch die RT-Website. Hier können zensurfreie DNS-Server wie Cloudflare aushelfen (, (ActionReplay99)
- Neat! Now please increase the redirects limit for Cloudflare pages 😊🙏 (inkovic)
- Cloudflare should start a chain of Motels called "The Seedy Inn" (cronokirby)
- Cloudflare since you like to ignore abuse reports how about I make the information of your CEO Matthew Browning Prince Public Would that make you listen? (ToxicJ73978315)
- Je parle des DNS, ça change le chemin d'accès perso au site. Tout les site bloqué en France le sont seulement sur les dns des opérateurs (par défaut) même hanime reviens. (je conseille les dns cloudflare, fuck google) (LoganO0O)
- Oh, gawdz, he's using fucking cloudflare, the home of every crapfuck junk mail webpage out there... LOL🙄😹🤣 (ProgressiVAlien)
- Cloudflare CloudflareDev Wrangler 2 is a joy to use! Been waiting patiently for it, many thanks to the team! (LeviWhalen)
- Cloudflare has the best DNS service I’ve ever used! Before it I always had to update DNS records manually and wait for at least a day until it propagate. (ErianMeena)
- Day 1: Again, it is about collaborating and bringing the best to the Internet. - 📡 Cloudflare Workers runtime will be Open sourced! - 🔥Wrangler v2.0 let’s you deploy a worker with Zero configuration! Plus it has local dev support and helpful error messages 😍 + lots more (Obinnaspeaks)
- Cosas descubiertas hoy, no puedes usar Airplay entre tu iPad y el Mac si tienes conectada una VPN tipo Cloudflare. No lo pone en ningún lado, pero así es. airplay cloudflare troubleshooting (mrjulesmx)
- About to give up lol was in cart several times making payment then error 524 now it’s ddos cloudflare page (kaiweyn)
- Exciting times ahead for Cloudflare workers! Congrats on this big milestone. (d0m96)
- Cloudflare: "Outages reported by for multiple Iran ASNs. Cloudflare traffic data shows outages starting 1300 UTC at AS39650, AS43343, AS48309, AS51759. All have AS24631 as upstream, which is also experiencing an outage." IranProtests KeepitOn internetshutdown (IranIntl_En)
- The payload really isn't relevant to the point of the article, other than the fact that it got you blocked by the WAF. I'm curious, how would you bypass IP whitelisting for Cloudflare? (hakluke)
- Cloudflare heads effort to make JavaScript environments interoperable (jointhecolonii)
- In the past, when we reported a phishing site to Cloudflare , we would get a response within 2-4 hours, same day at the latest. Now we're just waiting for a response, waiting... Cloudflare phishing (__DozerCemil)
- I’m getting so sick of recruiter calls/emails, but I’ve had an idea, I’m going to make an “Information For Recruiters” page on my site, make it load really slowly, add 100MB of javascript, a few rounds of fake Cloudflare captchas,then when it load it just says “Fuck Off” (WolfPuppuccino)
- Cloudflare You seem to have poor support for sales as well. Even if someone wants to purchase your service you're throwing links to articles to go through and debug issues instead of helping out. Really disappointed. (imromec)
- "Brand URLs" is key for both user experience (and behind able to throw it behind cloudflare or equivalent that you manage yourself), but also "if/when this provider decides to fuck me, I can flee and not break all my links". (octal)
- (゜゜)うーん。。。 Tor Hidden ServiceでDDoSとか対策したりCloudFlareみたいに表示速度早くするにはどうしたらいいんだ? なにか知ってる方いましたら、教えて下さい。 (dev_trace)
- Cloudflare we are currently dealing with a case of a copycat website replicating directly. Are we able to get this resolved at all? (jackputtockk)
- Can you please show the real company names when you click on the $cash tags already. Who the fuck can guess that Cloudflare is $NET! (kaspar16817734)
- Tor browser ( Sinon tu dois régler ton DNS à la main sur ton appareil (c’est assez facile. Tu peux prendre celui de Google ou celui de CloudFlare, ils ne bloquent rien. Le second est préférable au premier. OpenDNS en propose aussi (pas privé vs les 2 autres)). (Ugo_AAPL)
- Cloudflare Hey, there seems to be an issue with cloudflare cache mismatch with godaddy managed wp, all sites are showing 520 error, Can you pls look into it... GoDaddy saying everything fine and cloudflare showing hosting error... (_srini_08)
- Cloudflareはどこの国の会社ですか? (tNsAAwv4MAMRd2U)
- 为了体验最好的产品,浪费了太多的时间和金钱的成本。从简单的代理到VPN到GoAgent到SSH到SS/V2Ray/Gost到Clash……从GAE到Linode到Conoha到到AWS到CN2 GIA到Cloudflare……从电脑到手机到游戏主机……从注册海外账号,折腾PayPal/谷歌Voice/Fi/海外手机号……如果哪天网络好了,我想我是会哭出来的…… (haoel)
- Cloudflare please my DNS keeps changing can you help me out (Mathiasamodu)
- Is cloudflare with warp protocol and encrypted dns garbage? Asking for a Russian friend who can access twitter cos these guys are doing a hella job fucking up the censorship. Really, what’s your opinion on them? Would they sell me out to Putin? xD (G1455G1455)
- Definitely bullish on anti-botting contracts, but it's shockingly naive to think regular browser automation won't become cheaper/faster/easier in the future for botters. Even Cloudflare and Google haven't fully solved botting yet and serve those stupid traffic light captcha's. (ShillTiger)
- Hello, my friend has a domain through Cloudflare and accidentally deleted the cloudflare component and readded it. Now it wants him to change his nameservers but he can't since cloudflare is his registrar. Support tickets have been useless. Help? (Kuzzza)
- Hello! I'm sorry about this, it's not normal. Can you DM us with your address IP, so we can check if it's blocked by Cloudflare? Thanks, and sorry for the inconvenience. (AlternativeTo)
- Shit, WP Engine walks you through configuring Cloudflare to ensure you can't fuck up a CDN that badly (AMtwo)
- It's a classical phishing case; Login page is not even masked, just a PHP file on that domain. Have been getting multiple with similar domains as well, all going via Cloudflare (Tyrasuki)
- Ya tienen CloudFlare, el video lo muestra, es una página de error de cloudflare. Simplemente, seguramente tienen una oferta gratuita, y no han configurado su cortafuegos y, por lo tanto, el tráfico pasa. (WarmToxin)
- cannot get through the cloudflare captcha… (PetrSmejkal)
- vxug stop the rac!st sh!t or il fuzz ur fukin servers again controlled by cloudflare this time i make ur hashes and data USELESS ^^ (an0ngh05t)
- Can you instead maybe fix the Captcha to download the game? Cloudflare has been down for like 12 hours and I cant even re-download the game because i HAVE to go through them. (TheOnee34)
- Cloudflare is there a problem with Cloudflare Captcha? Captcha is not loading in North East US (sharrptooth)
- How the fuck they know your original IP if so you are getting DDOSed ? because as far as i know, cloudflare should mask your host IP. (ZeroDay_X)
- o/ Several of my sites under cloudflare fall down, when i remove cloudflare everything works Is there an incident in progress ? (HujinoKun26)
- archives I've seen deleted there's a reason there's more than one "archive." site now. cloudflare becoming a ubiquitous necessity & then removing anybody the progressive mob spotlights another. Johnny Depp removed from fantastic beast bc of accusations the accuser was guilty of (Mosseon)
- Cloudflare WAF it's kinda stupid when rejecting clients based on ip spoofing. (HackersOIHEC)
- Of course! Looking into other security options for after I get the current database back under control. Thinking cloudflare may be the way to go. That's only $20/month, so not free, but reasonable if it can stop the dozens of new bot accounts (and their spam posts) every day. (AlanDistro)
- Possible threat on phishing itau cloudflare (ecarlesi)
- Does it work for u !? .. cuz they blocked wireguard protocol recently which is used by cloudflare (the_geeko1)
- Cloudflare Mirage should exclude images with loading=eager or fetchpriority=high from "display later after the analysis". I brought down LCP from 3.793s to 1.882s just by turning off Mirage. webperf (ebizindia)
- 6/6 Encrypt your DNS look ups Use a VPN or DNS resolver with DNS over HTTPS with no logs policies and that doesn't sell your data: - - Cloudflare (bruncanepa)
- hmm what do you interpret this as meaning? For some reason, I can't read JPOST articles. Like I'm literally Cloudflare blocked - no idea why. (KevinDuska)
- Micro-segmentation is entirely possible! With fully portable, no VPN, network ACL tied to identity, device condition (from EDR), user behaviour (from AAD), secure browsing and SASE webapps! I strongly believe this is the future! Cloudflare teams (Clarkee)
- is Cloudflare blocking my incoming webhooks or what? (EkpinUdori)
- I believe the Babylon Bee is getting DDoS'd. I'm trying to log in and keep getting a gateway error. Luckily, they use the "always up" feature on Cloudflare, so you can still see their articles. (AHNC_YT)
- Saber recurring engineering expenses: - (error reporting) - (dedicated rpc) - Cloudflare (domains) Everything else is free. (simplyianm)
- Cloudflare How do I tell CF Pages functions that I want them to be built as node? Having this error; "“buffer” wasn’t found -- Are you trying to bundle for node? You can use “platform: ‘node’” to do that, which will remove this error." 🤔 (Happosade)
- CloudflareDev Having some issues working with CloudFlare pages and using a custom worker entry point, the deployments are failing with an internal error. Who can I reach out to for a hand? (elijahbate)
- 二次元画像詳細検索、ついにサービス終了してしまったか? 正確には、ドメインの契約更新をしなかったためサイトが消えてしまったといったところか。 今はアクセスするとCloudflareのCAPTCHA画面が出る。 (L0C0P)
- 💯💯 and then having that validation plug take 30 seconds to load and half the time resulting in a cloudflare error. and oklahoma groyper is too far away to p2p with kansas groyper 😷 (PostingSosa)
- Microsoft adds that Cloudflare will collect a limited amount of diagnostic and support data in order to improve the service provided through this feature. All this data collected will permanently be deleted every 25 hours. 🧵(4/6) (TheDigital_Lens)
- ces blaireaux croient nous censurer, RT France coupé du net ? ah bon ? il suffit de changer de DNS dans les réglages de nos navigateurs ou box et prendre Cloudflare par exemple...meme pas besoin d'un vpn ! (flashgamma)
- I wonder how people survive without Cloudflare for their domains. Just the free version gives users so much... (LinuxNimbus)
- Cloudflare often requires that you prove you're not a robot if you use Tor or maybe also weird browsers. And Racket's web presence is fronted by cloudflare. (samth)
- cloudflareとddclientでddns組んでvpn復旧させた (myosotis_r)
- Will I get banned for using cloudflare?, I use it in valo aswell (Derax1x)
- Cloudflare You are fronting for the scam web site perma.cc (IgnotumAliquis)
- Seems there's an outfit called "Cloudflare" blocking access to your website. Is this on purpose or is it malware? Is anyone else having the same problem? (NotFromOff)
- Microsoft Edge terá serviço de VPN embutido e gratuito: o recurso “Rede Segura” ainda está em fase de testes, mas fornece criptografia de dados e impede o rastreamento de usuários online. O serviço, uma parceria com a Cloudflare, oferecerá 1 GB de dados gratuitos por mês. As (BotDeschamps)
- Guardian Cloudflare: Cloudflare has been protecting web users and the data it holds with its amazing Cloudflare application security. This month Cloudflare has blocked a massive DDoS attack from intercepting a cryptocurrency launch pad. Cloudflare secuirty technology web3 (CoinDiscoveryy)
- Cloudflare The login form on the dashboard no longer goes to the password field after pressing TAB on the username, instead focusing on a "show/hide" button. (R1CH_TL)
- Unfortunately/ironically I'm getting a cloudflare error 522 when trying to see this post 😞 (AsherVo)
- Cloudflare forwarded the request perfectly as I sent it. It was how the victim server interpreted the encoded string (unreleased)
- therefore when i appended the traversal it was being rebuilt by Cloudflare (which read it as a dir because of the %2f encoding to /) back to static and on the victim back to the root (unreleased)
- Webmention related bots are blocked (503) by Cloudflare. Setting a Firewall (Allow/Bypass) doesn't work. Only solution: turn-off the "Bot Fight Mode" setting. Then Bridgy WebmentionApp and other webmention related services starts to work. IndieWeb Cloudflare (YourOnlyONEofcl)
- Fuck it I'm pointing all my subdomains to my Kubernetes cluster so I never have to open cloudflare again lol (plfracassi_)
- cloudflareのDOHをiphoneから使いたいのにWARPとかいう謎のVPN強いてくるのやめてほしい (sinmai888)
- His host isn’t connected to moscow jesus fucking christ. That’s not how the Internet works. Cloudflare chooses to route you through a server based on location/ping. You are apparently the closest to their moscow server. Seriously, at least know what you’re talking about (SamGuichelaar)
- Cloudflare I'm having problems with CloudFlare, site is only functioning properly when set in to dev mode (Slink_app)
- é estranho ter que atualizar aplicativos por eu usar muitas api's privadas, sempre aparece uma coisa diferente só hoje eu ja vi 2 coisas estranhas: capitulos duplicados no mangadex e cloudflare captcha num outro site bom q eu aprendi a passar o cloudflare captcha (NomikuH8)
- I've been trying to look up reservations on your site and Cloudflare keeps saying your site is down. Sometimes I get 523 error code messages and things seems to be working only part of the time. This has been going on for about 3-4 days now. (Iheartunicorn13)
- It’s Cloudflare, from what I understand. They’re using CF as a cache, but they can’t reach the host because of the error. (octothorpe)
- EC-VOPRF is pretty cool Cloudflare uses it with their Captcha service so when the user completes one captcha, they get 30 one-time-use zero-proof passes that are anonymous. Might be useful in a Bitcoin Collateralized Security Standard, or also in a simple paywall. (connerbabinchak)
- Browser working, cloudflare working, host error - will try again. (mamoose2001)
- what's going on with your 529 plan management site? Getting a DNS error from Cloudflare (oldfairgrounds)
- Added Cloudflare to Nitter to see if this "guest post" spam will stop at some point koyustatus (bubblineyuri)
- Cloudflare are you experiencing issues, I can not access my site correctly when using CF caching, but if I put my site in the Dev mode or access the backend directly everything functions as expected (Slink_app)
- Then will you bring the Cloudflare network to other planets? (ipsKenni1)
- downside of living fucking inside the cloudflare servers lol (FemboyLuciferr)
- Hey the TPM site isn't loading for me. I'm getting a cloudflare error (JimBuhler)
- Why cannot I access Rarible ? It's showing an error code 1020 Cloudflare I have no idea why ... please help (dreaswar)
- egde 也会像ff 一样内建vpn 用的就是cloudflare (farmer1992)
- I´ve been blocked and I don't know why Cloudflare Ray ID: 703cbb90cb86385d (condemo88080732)
- Well at least we know we're not alone! I don't have pro, so I have no avenue to ask Cloudflare to fix it. I might make an extension that will trigger the error millions of times so it becomes statistically significant and they'll have no choice but to look into it. (jdgregson)
- IPさらしたくないだけだから CloudFlare経由にしないで VPSからVPN経由でつなぐか (R2121KUNKUN)
- Possible threat on phishing itau cloudflare (ecarlesi)
- Cloudflare has blocked one of the largest DDoS attacks of all time zpr.io/TPRdVSvu8KwZ CDN provider Cloudflare has revealed it recently blocked one of the largest HTTPS DDoS attacks ever seen. Comprised of 15.3 million requests per second (RPS), the assault isn’t the largest (line49design)
- Possible threat on phishing itau cloudflare (ecarlesi)
- Yerleşik Vpn olması güzel ancak sınır (1 Gb gibi az bir de) ne yazık ki saçma. Microsoft, Cloudflare'e ödeme yaparak yeni bir gider kalemi yaratmaktan kaçınmış besbelli. Biz, Tor içeren Brave'den devam aga. (palabiyik09)
- 微软正测试在其浏览器 Edge 中整合名为 Microsoft Edge Secure Network 的 VPN 服务。该服务由 Cloudflare 提供,用户需要使用微软账号登陆,每月的免费数据流量为 1GB。Cloudflare 承诺不收集数据,将会 25 小时永久删除诊断和支持数据。该服务尚未正式开始推送给用户使用。 (liubingshao)
- Possible threat on phishing itau cloudflare (ecarlesi)
- Since my family hates me when I get the home ip Akamai / cloudflare banned and Netflix and stuff won’t work 😅 (stokfredrik)
- Stop wasting hours choosing platforms to use. Website - WordPress Domain - Cloudflare Hosting - SEO - Images - Get to work! SEO WordPress hosting (amirspeaks)
- Thanks, Susan. I figured they must still be working on the site. At first, I thought it was my VPN because that interferes with sites sometimes because Cloudflare doesn't like people using them, but when I turned it off, I still got the Error so figured it was all inclusive. (1reddragon696)
- This 1020 denial looks like a scam to sell or publicize cloudflare. If its blocking me it is way off the mark so wouldnt recommend it to any legitimate business at this point. (ELLE_n_L)
- It's a Cloudflare error, if lots of people are getting it they may have booked their settings or Clodflark might just be being it's usual irritating self (martinmcgrath)
- Microsoft is partnering with cloudflare to integrate VPN feature in edge — not a stretch for them to integrate with cloudflare’s remote browser isolation technology (Collab_Seth)
- Possible threat on phishing itau cloudflare (ecarlesi)
- Next time Cloudflare won't be able to stop us. (ScrippKidD)
- Cloudflare How to configure Mailchimp and Jetpack to work normally with Cloudflare. Jetpack is sharing no images and Mailchimp doesn't connect to do automation. (BrunoRiggs)
- counter social is throwing a cloudflare firewall error now, he must be getting close to resurrecting the site, previously it was redirecting to a holding page (sciencebase)
- Cloudflare's Zaraz has an outage right now. Hotfix: disable Zaraz and clear CF cache. confirmed that they are already working on it (even though CF status page shows everything is operational which clearly isn't the case). (arturskruze)
- I’m still getting an extremely weird issue with a droplet that is being blocked from accessing the APIs, by the Cloudflare JS captchas based on IP. It’s annoying, and nobody at seems to know how it’s happening. Anybody have any clues? (morungos)
- Yes perfect setup. Sometimes on top, you need captcha solvers etc. Specially for Cloudflare blockers. (iamvikeshtiwari)
- WTF is going on? you're kinda pissing me off, more than 24 hrs of cloudflare responding with error 522! I tried to reach out to your ticket support, ain't that an option either apparently... contact page returns error 500 -- (matingholami)
- Irmão, o captcha só é um forma de impedir pelo client-side, a globo tem diversas formas de detectar a veracidade dos votos, o finger print, o seu ip, os seus headers, cookies da cloudflare, o captcha só serve para impedir o spam de envios de votos, não se serão computados ou não. (BIitzcrank)
- Cloudflare warp infuses cookies in safari browser on macOS , so much ho ha for being privacy focused . If you use mozilla firefox strict privacy and containers, cookie infusion is blocked. Such a shame Cloudflare (cupidcuteman)
- 为啥没过这种大公司不爱什么都自己做,做个vpn多容易的事,还要给cloudflare吃扣肉 (creambananashak)
- at least cloudflare is nice enough to serve a favicon without needing a captcha hmm. wait a second. (m0rb)
- A DDoS is not a hack, literally any idiot can do that and most big systems have protection from it such as CloudFlare. Stop sensationalising stuff that isn't worth sensationalising. (daxpwnsyouall)
- Cloudflare: Blocked "one of the largest DDOS attacks on record", targeted an (unnamed) DeFi project (tier10k)
- I'm a Tor client and I wanna reach a cleaner server behind Cloudflare. Imagine a simple Lightning wallet that has Tor. Many LNURL endpoints won't serve you. (callebtc)
- Tor to Cloudflare.... See my OP. Cheers! (callebtc)
- Also: Cloudflare IS a man in the middle. (zerofeerouting)
- Here's an issue with LNURL I rarely see mentioned: The fact that it uses HTTP means that many LNURL endpoints are behind Cloudflare. Why is this bad? 1) Cloudflare probably tracks all IPs. 2) Cloudflare hates Tor, often endpoints are simply blocked. Bolt13 fixes this. (callebtc)
- hi, the website was down because of an issue with cloudflare but its back up and running. please only use gameloop since other emulators can get u banned (udyeet)
- Cloudflare / how long does it take to get a peering in ? We would like to take advantage of your local presence there and boost the connectivity between your edge and our origins. (netherwhal)
- Not able to connect to GrandRp. it says connection lost reconnecting. Tried Vpn and Cloudflare wrap. Till yesterday it was working fine. (AryanSh74070887)
- Put up a friendly error message on Cloudflare. (exrace)
- I keep thinking that CloudFlare is some kind of a weird human subject experiment on Tor users, like how many can be tricked into enabling JS. (hackerb0t)
- Turns out that Cloudflare don’t support SPF records, or at least that’s the error I got. (s3_gunzel)
- Cloudflare what are you guys playing at with the app ?? (BallerWallace9)
- Please dont use cloudflare.... I dont need resolve captcha every after 5-10 minutes used site... (fafik90)
- Cloudflare Can you point me to a beginner guide to Cloudflare Workers? I need to get one setup. (TornadoDesign)
- Yeah. Rapid growth takes a hot minute to manage. Wasn’t even sure it had to do with CoSo since the error was CloudFlare. Modern web is layers on layers (devondevai)
- Possible threat on phishing itau cloudflare (ecarlesi)
- Seeing lots of folks moving to CounterSocial. I opened an account yesterday. Today I was (finally) able to request my confirmation email be resent. This morning I'm getting the infamous Cloudflare 1020 error that plagues me at work. Employment Opportunities coming? (NerdyTomas)
- It's a cloudflare error, not sure what the firewall is blocking on my system. I can hardly imagine they are blocking individual IPs. (joesabin)
- And it's not. Cloudflare says it's a host error. (MineBoomGaming)
- Possible threat on phishing metamask cloudflare (ecarlesi)
- อันนี้ cloudflare ใส่ให้เองหรือว่าเค้าเซตได้ว่าจะไม่ต้อง มี image captcha เหรอครับ (wiennat)
- Cloudflare CloudflareDev It's time to stop helping Russia by protecting propaganda web sites used to justify murder, rape and torture. As long as you protect propaganda your as bad as the invaders. EVERYONE RETWEET (joethevoter)
- Yesterday, we found an issue with Cloudflare on Tor browser. Today, it seems to work fine. If you find any problem, please feel free to let us know. (bracedotto)
- and that's at time of hack? Binance $70M (maybe phishing) - Billions after a few years. another recent big one Badger $120M cloudflare DNS key compromised (bitcoin4bernie)
- From the second post, judging by the cloudflare error, it's more than likely a regional thing. (Tanookicatoon)
- It's not blocking. It's a system crash. The other gives me pause as well but the Access Denied is from Cloudflare (not enoughserver space for the unexpected deluge of new activity), not CoSo. (Tsiser45)
- The bugs seem to have eased. Cloudflare is no longer blocking access from my phone. (FieldMontgomery)
- Did you get a "Cloudflare Error 1020, Access denied instantly" warning? Because that's what I'm getting and I can't seem to figure out why. (feministpinko)
- It's some sort of cloudflare error, per a giggling. Not that I really know what that means. (Jillbles)
- devops, there's nothing like being in SSL hell for a while, epsically when you have a MITM attacker/service, that you have paid for cloudflare ... (toxicnaan)
- Yeah, I am getting a cloudflare error right now. (gods_man)
- Weirdly, I’m getting a CloudFlare error when I try to sign up. Can’t tell if I’m blocked or if they’re being hammered by traffic. (StevenSokulski)
- Heads up, everyone! is down, so I won't be posting anything until the Cloudflare error is fixed. & - heads up to you too. (AustinBMedia_)
- where is cloudflare pages? I go to the standard dash when logging in (damiansen)
- wack. sorry. i just tried to log back in and i got a cloudflare error so yeah thfey got issues. (jaredg)
- Still tryna figure out how to fix the Cloudflare email routing so I don’t get the “Upstream” error. (TheeAndre)
- CloudFlareが提供している を使うと DNSクエリーが暗号化されて DNSハイジャック攻撃から守られる他 WARP機能を使うと近くのデータセンターまでの通信が暗号化される(VPNとは違う)ので いいぞー (KenjiTammas)
- Hi what kind of payload i should use or temper script when I got blocked by cloudflare for SQL injection and xss (tenzensow)
- Cloudflare says: "We will never log your IP address (the way other companies identify you). And we’re not just saying that. We’ve retained a big 4 accounting firm to audit our assertions about our systems annually to ensure that we're doing what we say." App (Ripple13216)
- 도쿄섭 핑 250뜨면 cloudflare 이나 vpn쓰시면됨 (Ba_b0_)
- Hey Cloudflare I'd still like to talk to you about why you allow doxxing sites :) I mean, you think you're such a great internet resource, but if you're just protecting bullies and doxxers, you're complete garbage, i hope you get 'deleted' soon. (Fallout76_Clown)
- Thanks cloudflare to speed up and secure my blog. Even educational websites are under attack and besieged these days. :-/ the bad guys with Cloudflare: 306 malicious requests blocked or challenged in the last month cloudflare (ec_pedagogy)
- One of the more annoying things is that the medium RSS feeds are rate limited behind a Cloudflare captcha, which basically makes it useless :( (georgeomnet)
- Cloudflare has helped me save 114 GB in the last month. cloudflare (UvinduBro)
- To only allow access to your resource THROUGH CloudFlare Access People could still access it if they went direct to the public IP... blocking ALL except the CloudFlare IP's will stop people accessing via direct IP (auth_dot_log)
- Cloudflare Hi. Two of Cloudflare IP addresses are blocked in Russia: and And my website is blocked too. How can I fix this? (themarfa)
- is blocked by GFW, so you cannot access it in China. If you want to access it with a proxy, proxy'll not work, since proxy is blocked by Opensea and the fucking Cloudflare. That's why I use . (ntoooop)
- now deep dive into / cloudflare wtf is that nazi crap One .com? over to joker .com from 1994 no less.. down to ' nidder? or nitter? crazy thing.. some clone of twitter.. where some' accts still exist odd" . careful artists.. no bueno w. crypto piracy up the wazoo wow (GladesYouth)
- Built a campaign site engine for Sneakersnstuff back in 2017. When they used it for limited sneaker releases the load went from 0 to 2M within the first minute.. 😅 And that was after multiple gates like CAPTCHA, mandatory credit card input, Cloudflare's DDOS protection etc. (peralmq)
- that specific error is coming from the cloudflare api! when developing/publishing, we upload a form that contains the whole worker definition - modules, bindings, all that. something about node 18 is ruining that formdata upload. (threepointone)
- That was fascinating, thank you. 2) Sticking Cloudflare's free plan in front of the webserver to provide a caching layer is probably the easiest way to stop this happening again if you have a couple of hours to spare. (shadowcat_mst)
- Cloudflare es una empresa de seguridad, no puede atacar servidores, de hecho yo la uso para encriptar mis comunicaciones, es algo parecido a una vpn. Seguramente el servidor de esa web haya tenido un error cuando el webmaster ha actualizado la web, o ha sufrido un ataque ddos (IbzClubbers)
- Confirmo, me mandó a pantalla de error de Cloudflare (reloadedemi)
- ini kabar manis 3 tahun lalu, tp kini telkomsel jg gunakan firewall utk blokir - bukan hanya dns. jadi solusinya pakai vpn, mnrt saya yg aman dan murah adlh cloudflare warp atau icloud private relay. (Ariyadi)
- Huge industry to try and stop it. Apple has whole teams dedicated to the problem and cloudflare has a team that’s trying to work on handling it at their layer. (JFK_but_lamer)
- Cloudflare My site is under attack - Your security it's not working well - A paid plan is better ? infosec security cloud (HackersOIHEC)
- You can stop at any point in this list, but for maximal improvement: 1. Check the Automatic Signed Exchanges checkbox in Cloudflare. 2. Ensure HTML is cacheable and doesn't Vary by UA or Cookie. (We're removing these requirements soon.) (twifkak)
- real, their cloudflare service blocked my ip, easy to fix but makes one realize there is only one web-app, at least I only know one.. (PSchlutermann)
- Cloudflare - can you please help me with getting access to an account with a username (email) that doesnt exist anymore? (WhitworthSEO)
- im in uae and keep getting cloudflare too long error (zain11127351308)
- So when you report a phishing page to Cloudflare, you also are by default telling the website owner but is that also the cloudflare customer? (DrWhax)
- I've been looking everywhere for some support with Cloudflared tunnels and I can't seem to find anything with my issue. Is there any chance I can get a hand with this? (bloodshotpico)
- rata rata vpn yg koneksinya cepet (at least kalo mau streaming lancar) harus bayar sih. yg free ada limit speed nya. tergantung buat apa. klo cuma mau akses website yg diblokir, mending pake dns cloudflare, gratis, tinggal setup sendiri (gulingkotak)
- Cloudflare Filled out your partnership form to be a technical partner 3 business days ago, when should we expect a reply? (jkowall)
- Hey Cloudflare Matthew, I know this will fall on deaf ears again since you have already blocked one grieving mom but do the right thing and stop hosting Sanctioned Suicide. Teenagers and young adults are being taught and influenced on how to take their lives every day. (PBsMom19)
- Why doesn't it verify your password before you have to fill out the stupid captcha?! I'm looking at you Cloudflare (stuartleech)
- My point, you we be hitting cloudflare ip addresses or get blocked (Hunnccho)
- Must be Cloudflare acting up. Let us know if you still see this error after some time. (VideoCardz)
- Anyone know what the 1001: Going Away Cloudflare restarting socket error is about? New one for me when the beeps are booping (WallStreetCorgi)
- Hello wildcard team, aren't you embarrassed that we still have the halloween event?? and now for 3 days the cloudflare problem?? can't you really turn on the event? I have to start ark via a vpn because of the cloudflare problem and travel to the NA server to enjoy the event/ (Morgunja)
- masama mas, tapi ga tau apa di app store gratis apa ndak... itu app vpn masih sekeluarga sama DNS cloudflare 😁 (lestarism_)
- Vind dit een beetje hetzelfde als covidbeheersing: soms is politiek maken niet handig en zijn deskundigen hard nodig. Tiep dit trouwens vanaf een geheel LUKS-versleuteld Manjaro OS via betaalde VPN, https DNS via cloudflare dus breek me de muil niet open. Meer later op wepside. (VeryMetalDev)
- JP publishers only post a warning once or twice to remind you all, but they take the longer route. They already made someone get arrested for operating an illegal site 😂 & - Kodansha, Kadokawa, Shogakukan, Sueisha are suing Cloudflare for allowing shroom sites to proliferate. (RegM0613)
- There seems to be some kind of outage, I don't know if it's on my end or not: Bad gateway The web server reported a bad gateway error. Ray ID: 6fe8235b5ff515af Your IP address: Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: Newark (rht341)
- 关于翻墙软件,建议选cloudflare加密软件,这个高速软件技术极其先进 极其私密安全高速,不要买什么看似宣传很接地气VPN了,有各方面的风险,进一步国际联网建议V2Ray机场 (SolidWorks5432)
- Anyone else having a problem with Cloudflare blocking access to dot com ? Anyone know of a way around such censorship? Thanks. (LegerPhoenix)
- I think Cloudflare communicates the page has been blocked, because of the region, although it doesn't provide an explanation as to why. (GosoraProject)
- sorry i don't know why i tweeted that, but the autism won't let me delete it now lmao (also, i should've said DOMAINS is using nameservers from months ago and i realized i just have to stop using cloudflare on it lol) (kimmykyle)
- also an error came up that I didn't screenshot, but it said your Cert wasn't compatible with cloudflare (saccvan)
- Hey Cloudflare what does it take to get you to honour unsubscribes from your newsletters? I've quit 3 times and even deleted my account. Stop spamming. (wherefishsing)
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