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How many % of banks & financial institutions in Asia are using Cloudflare?
The following is a list of banks & financial institutions in Asia.
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Da Afghanistan Bank | https://www.dab.gov.af/ | No |
Afghanistan International Bank | https://www.aib.af/ | No |
Azizi Bank | https://azizibank.af/ | No |
Bank-e-Millie Afghan | https://www.bma.com.af/ | Yes |
First MicroFinance Bank | https://fmfb.com.af/ | No |
New Kabul Bank | https://newkabulbank.af/ | No |
Pashtany Bank | https://www.pashtanybank.com/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Central Bank of Armenia | https://www.cba.am/ | No |
Ameriabank | https://www.ameriabank.am/ | No |
ARMBUSINESSBANK | https://www.armbusinessbank.am/ | No |
Ardshinbank | https://www.ardshinbank.com/ | No |
ACBA-CREDIT-AGRICOL BANK | https://www.acba.am/ | No |
InecoBank | https://www.inecobank.am/ | No |
Converse Bank Corp | https://www.conversebank.am/ | Yes |
VTB Bank Armenia | https://www.vtb.am/ | No |
ARARATBANK | https://www.araratbank.am/ | No |
HSBC Bank Armenia | https://www.hsbc.am/ | No |
UniBank | https://www.unibank.am/ | No |
ARMECONOMBANK | https://www.aeb.am/ | No |
ArmSwissBank | https://www.armswissbank.am/ | No |
ArtsakhBank | https://www.artsakhbank.am/ | Yes |
ID Bank | https://www.anelik.am/ | No |
EVOCABANK | https://www.prometeybank.am/ | No |
Byblos Bank Armenia | https://www.byblosbankarmenia.am/ | Yes |
Mellat Bank | https://www.mellatbank.am/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Yapi Kredi Bank Azerbaijan | https://yapikredi.com.az/ | No |
VTB Bank Azerbaijan | https://vtb.az/ | No |
Unibank | https://www.unibank.com/ | No |
National Bank of Pakistan | https://nbp.com.pk/ | Yes |
Standard Insurance | https://www.standard-insurance.com/ | No |
Kapital Bank | https://kapitalbank.az/ | Yes |
International Bank of Azerbaijan | https://www.ibar.az/ | No |
EBRD | https://www.ebrd.com/ | No |
Bank Melli Iran | https://bmi.ir/ | No |
Bank Respublika | https://www.bankrespublika.az/ | No |
AccessBank | https://www.accessbank.com/ | No |
Central Bank of Azerbaijan | https://www.cbar.az/ | No |
Azerigasbank | https://www.agbank.az/ | No |
KredoBank | https://www.kredobank.com.ua/ | No |
Royal Bank | https://www.royalbank.az/ | No |
DekaBank | https://www.dekabank.az/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Bhutan National Bank | https://www.bnb.bt/ | No |
Royal Monetary Authority of Bhutan | https://www.rma.org.bt/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Baiduri Finance | https://www.baiduri.com.bn/ | Yes |
BIBD At-Tamwil | https://www.bibdat-tamwil.com/ | No |
Perbadanan Tabung Amanah Islam Brunei | https://www.taib.com.bn/ | No |
Monetary Authority of Brunei Darussalam | https://www.ambd.gov.bn/ | No |
Bank Islam Brunei Darussalam | https://www.bibd.com.bn/ | No |
Maybank | https://www.maybank.com/ | No |
RHB Bank | https://rhbgroup.com/ | Yes |
Standard Chartered | https://www.sc.com/ | No |
United Overseas Bank | https://www.uobgroup.com/ | No |
Bank of China | https://www.boc.cn/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
National Bank of Cambodia | https://www.nbc.org.kh/ | No |
Cathay United Bank | https://www.cathaybk.com.tw/ | No |
BRED Banque populaire | https://bred.fr/ | No |
KB Financial Group Inc | https://omoney.kbstar.com/ | No |
Shinhan Bank | https://www.shinhan.com/ | No |
Bank for Investment and Development of Cambodia | https://www.bidc.com.kh/ | No |
CIMB | https://www.cimb.com/ | Yes |
Cambodian Public Bank | https://www.cpbebank.com/ | No |
Phnom Penh Commercial Bank | https://ppcbank.com.kh/ | No |
Maybank | https://www.maybank.com/ | No |
Cambodia Commercial Bank | https://www.ccb.com.kh/ | No |
Bank of China | https://www.boc.cn/ | No |
National Bank of Canada | https://www.nbc.ca/ | No |
Vattanac Bank | https://www.vattanacbank.com/ | No |
Canadia Bank | https://www.canadiabank.com.kh/ | No |
ACLEDA Bank | https://www.acledabank.com.kh/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Agricultural Development Bank of China | https://www.adbc.com.cn/ | No |
China Development Bank | https://www.cdb.com.cn/ | No |
Exim Bank of China | https://www.eximbank.gov.cn/ | No |
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China | https://icbc.com.cn/ | No |
China Construction Bank | https://www.ccb.com/ | No |
Bank of China | https://www.boc.cn/ | No |
Agricultural Bank of China | https://www.abchina.com/ | No |
Bank of Communications | https://www.bankcomm.com/ | No |
Postal Savings Bank of China | https://www.psbc.com/ | No |
China Merchants Bank | https://www.cmbchina.com/ | No |
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank | https://www.spdb.com.cn/ | No |
Industrial Bank | https://www.cib.com.cn/ | No |
China CITIC Bank | https://www.citicbank.com/ | No |
China Minsheng Bank | https://www.cmbc.com.cn/ | No |
China Everbright Bank | https://www.cebbank.com/ | No |
Ping An Bank | https://bank.pingan.com/ | No |
Huaxia Bank | https://www.hxb.com.cn/ | No |
China Guangfa Bank | https://www.cgbchina.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Ningbo | https://www.nbcb.cn/ | No |
China Bohai Bank | https://www.cbhb.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Beijing | https://www.bankofbeijing.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Shanghai | https://www.bankofshanghai.com/ | No |
Bank of Dalian | https://www.bankofdl.com/ | No |
Bank of Taizhou | https://www.tzbank.com/ | No |
Bank of Tianjin | https://www.bank-of-tianjin.com/ | No |
Xiamen International Bank | https://www.xib.com.cn/ | No |
Taian Bank | https://www.taccb.com.cn/ | No |
Shengjing Bank | https://www.shengjingbank.com.cn/ | No |
Harbin Bank | https://www.hrbcb.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Jilin | https://www.jlbank.com.cn/ | No |
WeBank | https://webank.com/ | No |
Ant Group | https://www.antgroup.com/ | No |
Sili Bank | https://silibank.com/ | No |
ABN AMRO | https://www.abnamro.com/ | No |
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group | https://www.anz.com/ | Yes |
Citibank | https://www.citibank.com.cn/ | No |
DBS Bank | https://dbs.com/ | Yes |
Hang Seng Bank | https://hangseng.com/ | No |
JPMorgan Chase | https://www.jpmorganchase.com/ | Yes |
Mizuho Corporate Bank | https://www.mizuhocbk.com/ | No |
Dah Sing Bank | https://dahsing.com/ | No |
Woori Bank | https://eng.wooribank.com/ | No |
Shinhan Bank | https://www.shinhan.com/ | No |
Hana Bank | https://www.kebhana.com/ | No |
Société Générale | https://societegenerale.com/ | Yes |
Bank of Montreal | https://bmo.com/ | Yes |
Taipei Fubon Bank | https://www.taipeifubon.com.tw/ | No |
Crédit Agricole | https://credit-agricole.com/ | No |
Credit Suisse | https://www.credit-suisse.com/ | No |
Intesa Sanpaolo | https://www.intesasanpaolo.com/ | Yes |
OCBC Wing Hang Bank | https://www.ocbcwhhk.com/ | No |
OCBC Bank | https://www.ocbc.com/ | No |
Raiffeisen Bank International | https://www.rbinternational.com/ | No |
Bank of East Asia | https://www.hkbea.com/ | No |
MUFG Bank | https://www.bk.mufg.jp/ | No |
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation | https://www.hsbc.com.hk/ | No |
Standard Chartered | https://www.sc.com/ | No |
United Overseas Bank | https://www.uobgroup.com/ | No |
Yellow River Rural Commercial Bank | https://www.bankyellowriver.com/ | No |
Qinnong Bank | https://www.qinnongbank.com/ | No |
Guiyang Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. | https://www.gynsh.com/ | No |
Chongqing Rural Commercial Bank | https://www.cqrcb.com/ | No |
Chengdu Rural Commercial Bank Co.,Ltd. | https://www.cdrcb.com/ | No |
Guangzhou Rural Commercial Bank | https://www.grcbank.com/ | No |
Xiamen Rural Commercial Bank | https://www.rcbxm.com/ | No |
WUHU YANGZI RURAL COMMERCIAL BANK CO.LTD | https://www.whyzrcb.com/ | No |
Yinzhou Bank | https://www.beeb.com.cn/ | No |
Hangzhou United Bank | https://www.urcb.com/ | No |
Shanghai Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. | https://www.srcb.com/ | No |
Changchun Development Rural Commercial Bank | https://www.cdcb.com/ | No |
Tianjin Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. | https://www.trcbank.com.cn/ | No |
Tianjin Binhai Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. | https://www.tjbhb.com/ | No |
Beijing Rural Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. | https://www.bjrcb.com/ | No |
Bank of Tianjin Co., Ltd. | https://www.tccb.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Hebei Company Limited | https://www.hebbank.com/ | No |
Bank of Cangzhou Company Limited | https://www.czccb.cn/ | No |
Bank of Tangshan Co., Ltd. | https://www.wuhaicb.com/ | No |
Bank of Xingtai Limited | https://www.xtbank.com/ | No |
Jinshang Bank Company Limited | https://www.jshbank.com/ | No |
Bank of Inner Mongolia Company Limited | https://www.boimc.com.cn/ | No |
Mengshang Bank Co., Ltd | https://www.msbank.com/ | No |
Bank of Ordos Co., Ltd. | https://www.ordosbank.com.cn/ | No |
Datong City Commercial Bank | https://www.dtccb.com/ | Yes |
BANK OF JINZHOU Co., Ltd. | https://www.jinzhoubank.com/ | No |
BANK OF BENXI | https://www.bankofbx.com/ | No |
HARBIN BANK Co., Ltd. | https://www.hrbb.com.cn/ | No |
LONGJIANG BANK CORPORATION | https://www.lj-bank.com/ | No |
Bank of Jiangsu | https://www.jsbchina.cn/ | No |
Bank of Nanjing Company Limited | https://www.njcb.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Suzhou | https://www.suzhoubank.com/ | No |
Hangzhou City Commercial Bank Co.,Ltd. | https://www.hzbank.com.cn/ | No |
Ningbo Commerce Bank | https://www.ncbank.cn/ | No |
Bank of Wenzhou | https://www.wzbank.cn/ | No |
Zhejiang Chouzhou Commercial Bank | https://www.czcb.com.cn/ | No |
Jinhua Bank Corporation Limited | https://www.jhccb.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Shaoxing | https://www.sxccb.com/ | No |
ZHEJIANG TAILONG COMMERCIAL BANK CO.,LTD. | https://www.zjtlcb.com/ | No |
Zhejiang Mintai Commercial Bank Co., Ltd. | https://www.mintaibank.com/ | No |
Bank of Jiaxing | https://www.jxccb.com/ | No |
Bank of Huzhou | https://www.hzccb.net/ | No |
Huishang Bank Co., Ltd. | https://www.hsbank.com.cn/ | No |
Fujian Haixia Bank Co.,Ltd. | https://www.fjhxbank.com/ | No |
Xiamen Bank | https://www.xmccb.com/ | No |
Bank of Quanzhou Co.,Ltd. | https://www.qzccbank.com/ | No |
Bank of Jiujiang Co., Ltd. | https://www.jjccb.com/ | No |
Qilu Bank Co., Ltd. | https://www.qlbchina.com/ | No |
Bank of Qingdao | https://www.qdccb.com/ | No |
Yantai Bank | https://www.yantaibank.net/ | No |
LaiShang Bank Co., Ltd. | https://www.lsbankchina.com/ | No |
Zhongyuan Bank Company Limited | https://www.zybank.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Zhengzhou | https://www.zzbank.cn/ | No |
Bank of Luoyang Limited | https://www.bankofluoyang.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of China Travel Service CO.,Ltd. Jiaozuo | https://www.jzctb.com/ | No |
Hankou Bank | https://www.hkbchina.com/ | No |
Hubei Bank | https://www.hubeibank.cn/ | No |
Bank of Changsha Co., Ltd. | https://www.cscb.cn/ | No |
Huarong Xiangjiang Bank | https://www.hrxjbank.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Guangzhou | https://www.gzcb.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Dongguan | https://www.dongguanbank.cn/ | No |
China Resource Bank Company Limited | https://www.crbank.com.cn/ | No |
Guangdong Nanyue Bank | https://www.gdnybank.com/ | No |
Guangdong Huaxing Bank | https://www.ghbank.com.cn/ | No |
Guilin Bank | https://www.guilinbank.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Liuzhou Co., Ltd. | https://www.lzccb.com/ | No |
Bank of Hainan Co., Ltd | https://www.hnbankchina.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Chongqing | https://www.cqcbank.com/ | No |
Sichuan Bank Company Limited | https://www.scbank.cn/ | No |
BANK OF CHENGDU | https://www.bocd.com.cn/ | No |
Sichuan Tianfu Bank | https://www.tf.cn/ | No |
Zigong Bank Co.,Ltd | https://www.zgbank.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Dazhou Co., Ltd. | https://www.dzccb.com.cn/ | No |
Luzhou Bank Co., Ltd. | https://www.lzccb.cn/ | No |
Bank of Guiyang Co., Ltd. | https://www.bankgy.cn/ | No |
Bank of Guizhou | https://www.bgzchina.com/ | No |
Bank of Fudian Co., Ltd. | https://www.fudian-bank.com/ | No |
Bank of Tibet | https://www.xzbc.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Xian | https://www.xacbank.com/ | No |
Chang'an Bank | https://www.ccabchina.com/ | No |
Bank of Lanzhou Inc. | https://www.lzbank.com/ | No |
Bank of Gansu Inc. | https://www.gsbankchina.com/ | No |
Bank of Ningxia Co., Ltd. | https://www.bankofnx.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Shizuishan | https://www.szsccb.com/ | No |
Bank of Qinghai Co., Ltd. | https://www.bankqh.com.cn/ | No |
Bank of Xinjiang CO.,Ltd. | https://www.xjbank.com/ | No |
BANK OF URUMQI CO.,Ltd. | https://www.uccb.com.cn/ | No |
Kunlun Bank Ltd. | https://www.klb.cn/ | No |
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Christmas Island
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Westpac | https://westpac.com.au/ | No |
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Cocos Keeling Islands
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Commonwealth Bank | https://commbank.com.au/ | No |
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group | https://www.anz.com/ | Yes |
Bank Mandiri | https://www.bankmandiri.co.id/ | No |
Westpac | https://westpac.co.nz/ | No |
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East Timor
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Banco Central de Timor-Leste | https://www.bancocentral.tl/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
National Bank of Georgia | https://www.nbg.gov.ge/ | No |
TBC Bank | https://www.tbcbank.ge/ | No |
Bank of Georgia | https://bankofgeorgia.ge/ | No |
Liberty Bank (Georgia) | https://www.libertybank.ge/ | No |
Basis Bank | https://www.basisbank.ge/ | No |
VTB Bank of Georgia | https://en.vtb.ge/ | No |
ProCredit Bank | https://www.procreditbank.ge/ | No |
Cartu Bank | https://www.cartubank.ge/ | No |
Terabank | https://www.terabank.ge/ | No |
Credo Bank | https://credo.ge/ | Yes |
Halyk Bank | https://www.halykbank.ge/ | No |
PASHA Bank Georgia | https://www.pashabank.ge/ | Yes |
Isbank | https://www.isbank.ge/ | No |
FINCA Bank | https://www.finca.ge/ | No |
Ziraat Bank | https://www.ziraatbank.com.tr/ | No |
Silk Road Bank | https://www.silkroadbank.ge/ | No |
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Hong Kong
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
CIMB | https://www.cimb.com/ | Yes |
Bank Melli Iran | https://bmi.ir/ | No |
Al-Rajhi Bank | https://www.alrajhibank.com.sa/ | No |
Bank Mellat | https://en.bankmellat.ir/ | No |
Bank Saderat Iran | https://www.bsi.ir/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Central Bank of Iraq | https://www.cbi.iq/ | No |
Rafidain Bank | https://www.rafidain-bank.gov.iq/ | Yes |
Rasheed Bank | https://rasheedbank.gov.iq/ | No |
Agricultural Cooperative Bank of Iraq | https://www.agriculturalbank.gov.iq/ | No |
Real Estate Bank of Iraq | https://www.reb-iraq.com/ | No |
Albaraka Türk | https://www.albarakaturk.com.tr/ | No |
Babylon Bank | https://www.babylonbank-iq.com/ | No |
Bank of Baghdad | https://www.bankofbaghdad.com/ | No |
Basrah International Bank for Investment | https://www.basrahbankfz.com/ | Yes |
Dar Es Salaam Investment Bank | https://www.desiraq.com/ | No |
Gulf Commercial Bank | https://www.gulfbankiraq.com/ | No |
Bank Audi | https://www.bankaudigroup.com/ | No |
Byblos Bank | https://www.byblosbank.com/ | No |
Standard Chartered | https://www.sc.com/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Bank of Israel | https://www.boi.org.il/ | No |
Bank Hapoalim | https://bankhapoalim.com/ | No |
Bank Leumi | https://www.leumi.co.il/ | No |
Bank Mizrahi-Tefahot | https://www.mizrahi-tefahot.co.il/ | No |
First International Bank of Israel | https://www.fibi.co.il/ | No |
Israel Discount Bank | https://www.discountbank.co.il/ | No |
Mercantile Discount Bank | https://www.mercantile.co.il/ | No |
Bank of Jerusalem | https://www.bankjerusalem.co.il/ | No |
Bank Otsar Ha-Hayal | https://www.bankotsar.co.il/ | No |
Union Bank of Israel | https://www.unionbank.co.il/ | No |
Bank Massad | https://www.bankmassad.co.il/ | No |
Israel Postal Company | https://www.israelpost.co.il/ | No |
BNP Paribas | https://group.bnpparibas/ | No |
Citibank | https://citi.com/ | No |
HSBC Bank Middle East | https://www.hsbc.ae/ | No |
State Bank of India | https://bank.sbi/ | No |
Barclays | https://www.barclays.co.uk/ | No |
Isracard | https://www1.isracard.co.il/ | No |
American Express | https://www.americanexpress.com/ | No |
Diners Club International | https://www.dinersclub.com/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Arab Bank | https://arabbank.com.jo/ | No |
Arab Banking Corporation (Jordan) | https://www.bank-abc.com/ | No |
Bank of Jordan | https://bankofjordan.com/ | Yes |
Cairo Amman Bank | https://cab.jo/ | No |
Capital Bank of Jordan | https://capitalbank.jo/ | Yes |
Central Bank of Jordan | https://cbj.gov.jo/ | No |
Jordan Commercial Bank | https://jcbank.com.jo/ | No |
Jordan Kuwait Bank | https://jordan-kuwait-bank.com/ | No |
Jordan Ahli Bank | https://ahli.com/ | No |
Housing Bank for Trade & Finance | https://hbtf.com/ | No |
Arab Jordan Investment Bank | https://ajib.com/ | Yes |
INVESTBANK | https://investbank.jo/ | Yes |
Société Générale de Banque Jordanie | https://sgbi.com/ | No |
Bank al Etihad | https://bankaletihad.com/ | No |
Islamic International Arab Bank | https://iiabank.com.jo/ | No |
Jordan Islamic Bank | https://jordanislamicbank.com/ | No |
Safwa Islamic Bank | https://jdib.jo/ | No |
Standard Chartered | https://standardchartered.com/ | No |
Egyptian Arab Land Bank | https://arakari.com.jo/ | No |
Citibank | https://citibank.com/ | No |
Rafidain Bank | https://rafidain-bank.gov.iq/ | Yes |
National Bank of Kuwait | https://nbk.com/ | No |
BLOM Bank | https://blombank.com/ | Yes |
Bank Audi | https://banqueaudi.com/ | No |
Al-Rajhi Bank | https://alrajhibank.com.jo/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Halyk Bank | https://halykbank.kz/ | No |
SB Sberbank of Russia JSC | https://www.sberbank.kz/ | No |
Eurasian Bank | https://investor.eubank.kz/ | No |
Zamanbank | https://www.zamanbank.kz/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
National Bank of Kuwait | https://www.nbk.com/ | No |
Commercial Bank of Kuwait | https://www.cbk.com/ | No |
Gulf Bank of Kuwait | https://www.e-gulfbank.com/ | No |
Al Ahli Bank of Kuwait | https://abk.eahli.com/ | No |
Ahli United Bank Kuwait | https://www.ahliunited.com.kw/ | No |
Burgan Bank | https://www.burgan.com/ | No |
Kuwait International Bank | https://www.kib.com.kw/ | No |
Industrial Bank of Kuwait | https://www.ibkuwt.com/ | No |
Kuwait Finance House | https://www.kfh.com/ | Yes |
Boubyan Bank | https://www.bankboubyan.com/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
National Bank of Pakistan | https://www.nbp.com.pk/ | Yes |
BTA Bank JSC | https://bta.kz/ | No |
Halyk Bank | https://halykbank.kz/ | No |
AsiaUniversalBank | https://www.aub.com/ | No |
BAKAI BANK | https://www.bakai.kg/ | No |
Aiyl Bank | https://ab.kg/ | No |
Kyrgyz Investment and Credit Bank | https://en.kicb.net/ | No |
Kyrgyzkommertsbank | https://kkb.kg/ | No |
Dos-Kredobank | https://www.dcb.kg/ | No |
Commercial bank KYRGYZSTAN | https://cbk.kg/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Phongsavanh Bank | https://www.phongsavanhbank.com/ | Yes |
Bank of the Lao P.D.R. | https://www.bol.gov.la/ | No |
Banque pour le Commerce Exterieur Lao | https://bcel.com.la/ | No |
Indochina Bank | https://www.indochinabank.com/ | No |
Lao-Viet Bank | https://www.laovietbank.com.la/ | No |
Krungthai Bank | https://krungthai.com/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
ABN Amro Bank - Holland | https://www.abnamro.com/ | No |
Banque du Liban | https://www.bdl.gov.lb/ | No |
Bank Audi | https://www.bankaudigroup.com/ | No |
Byblos Bank | https://www.byblosbank.com/ | No |
Bank of Beirut | https://www.bankofbeirut.com/ | Yes |
Bank of Beirut and the Arab Countries | https://www.bbacbank.com/ | Yes |
Banque Libano-Française S.A.L. | https://www.eblf.com/ | Yes |
Creditbank | https://www.creditbank.com/ | No |
First National Bank | https://www.fnb.com.lb/ | No |
Fransabank | https://fransabank.com/ | No |
Lebanon and Gulf Bank | https://www.lgbbank.com/ | No |
Lebanese Swiss Bank | https://www.lebaneseswissbank.com/ | No |
AM Bank | https://www.ambank.com/ | No |
CSCBank SAL | https://www.cscgroup.com/ | No |
Citigroup | https://citigroup.com/ | No |
Arab Bank | https://www.arabbank.com/ | No |
Banca di Roma | https://www.bancaroma.it/ | No |
National Bank of Kuwait | https://www.nbk.com/ | No |
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Name | Site | Cloudflared |
OCBC Wing Hang Bank | https://www.ocbcwhhk.com/ | No |
Delta Asia Financial Group | https://www.delta-asia.com/ | Yes |
China Construction Bank | https://www.asia.ccb.com/ | No |
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China | https://www.icbc.com.cn/ | No |
Banco Nacional Ultramarino | https://www.bnu.com.mo/ | No |
HSBC | https://www.hsbc.com/ | Yes |
Citibank | https://citi.com/ | No |
Standard Chartered | https://www.sc.com/ | No |
Bank of East Asia | https://www.hkbea.com/ | No |
Hang Seng Bank | https://hangseng.com/ | No |
CITIC Bank International | https://www.cncbinternational.com/ | No |
Portuguese Commercial Bank | https://www.millenniumbcp.pt/ | No |
Caixa Geral de Depósitos | https://www.cgd.pt/ | No |
_click me_
_click me_
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Bank of Ceylon | https://web.boc.lk/ | No |
Bank of Maldives | https://www.bankofmaldives.com.mv/ | Yes |
Mauritius Commercial Bank | https://www.mcb.mu/ | No |
The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation | https://www.hsbc.com.hk/ | No |
State Bank of India | https://bank.sbi/ | No |
Habib Bank Limited | https://www.hbl.com/ | No |
_click me_
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Bank of Mongolia | https://www.mongolbank.mn/ | No |
Trade and Development Bank of Mongolia | https://www.tdbm.mn/ | No |
The State bank | https://www.statebank.mn/ | No |
Golomt Bank | https://www.golomtbank.com/ | No |
XacBank | https://www.xacbank.mn/ | No |
_click me_
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Global Treasure Bank | https://treasurebankmm.com/ | No |
Ayeyarwaddy Farmers Development Bank | https://www.abank.com.mm/ | No |
Co-operative Bank | https://www.cbbank.com.mm/ | No |
Myanmar Citizens Bank | https://www.mcb.com.mm/ | Yes |
Myanma Tourism Bank | https://www.cbm.gov.mm/ | Yes |
uab bank | https://www.uab.com.mm/ | Yes |
Myanma Agricultural Development Bank | https://www.moai.gov.mm/ | No |
Myanma Economic Bank | https://meb.gov.mm/ | Yes |
Myanma Foreign Trade Bank | https://www.mmftb.gov.mm/ | Yes |
Myanma Investment and Commercial Bank | https://www.micb.gov.mm/ | No |
Innwa Bank | https://www.ablmm.com/ | Yes |
Asia Green Development Bank | https://www.agdbank.com/ | Yes |
Ayeyarwady Bank | https://ayabank.com/ | No |
Kanbawza Bank | https://www.kbzbank.com/ | Yes |
Myanma Apex Bank | https://www.mabbank.com/ | Yes |
State Bank of India | https://bank.sbi/ | No |
MUFG Bank | https://www.bk.mufg.jp/ | No |
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation | https://www.smbcgroup.com/ | No |
OCBC Bank | https://www.ocbc.com/ | No |
United Overseas Bank | https://www.uobgroup.com/ | No |
Bangkok Bank | https://www.bangkokbank.com/ | No |
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China | https://icbc.com.cn/ | No |
Maybank | https://www.maybank.com/ | No |
Mizuho Bank | https://www.mizuhobank.com/ | No |
Australia and New Zealand Banking Group | https://www.anz.com/ | Yes |
Bank for Investment and Development of Vietnam | https://www.bidv.com.vn/ | No |
Shinhan Bank | https://www.shinhan.com/ | No |
E.SUN Commercial Bank | https://www.esunbank.com.tw/ | No |
_click me_
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
NepalPrabhu Bank Ltd. | https://prabhubank.com/ | No |
NIC Asia Bank Ltd. | https://www.nicasiabank.com/ | No |
Citizens Bank International Ltd. | https://www.ctznbank.com/ | No |
Nepal Bank Ltd. | https://www.nepalbank.com.np/ | Yes |
Nabil Bank Ltd. | https://nabilbank.com/ | No |
Kumari Bank Ltd. | https://www.kumaribank.com/ | No |
Mega Bank Nepal Ltd. | https://www.megabanknepal.com/ | No |
Prime Commercial Bank Ltd. | https://www.primebank.com.np/ | No |
Nepal Investment Bank Ltd. | https://nibl.com.np/ | No |
NMB Bank Ltd. | https://nmbbanknepal.com/ | No |
Agriculture Development Bank Ltd. | https://www.adbl.gov.np/ | No |
Global IME Bank Ltd. | https://globalimebank.com/ | No |
_click me_
North Korea
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Daedong Credit Bank | https://www.daedongcreditbank.com/ | No |
_click me_
Northern Cyprus
_click me_
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Ahli Bank | https://ahlibank.om/ | No |
Alizz Islamic Bank | https://www.alizzislamic.com/ | No |
HSBC Bank Middle East | https://www.hsbc.co.om/ | No |
Oman Arab Bank | https://www.oman-arabbank.com/ | No |
National Bank of Oman | https://www.nbo.om/ | No |
Bank Muscat | https://www.bankmuscat.com/ | No |
Central Bank of Oman | https://www.cbo.gov.om/ | No |
_click me_
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Advans Microfinance Bank | https://www.advanspakistan.com/ | No |
Finca Microfinance Bank | https://www.finca.org/ | Yes |
ASA Pakistan Microfinance | https://www.asapakistan.com/ | Yes |
First Microfinance Bank | https://www.fmfb.pk/ | Yes |
Khushhali Microfinance Bank | https://khushhalibank.com.pk/ | No |
NRSP Microfinance Bank | https://www.nrspbank.com/ | Yes |
Apna Microfinance Bank | https://apnabank.com.pk/ | No |
Mobilink Microfinance Bank | https://www.mobilinkbank.com/ | No |
Pak-Oman Microfinance Bank | https://pomicro.com/ | No |
Sindh Microfinance Bank | https://sindhmfb.com/ | No |
U Microfinance Bank | https://ubank.com.pk/ | No |
Akhuwat | https://www.akhuwat.org.pk/ | No |
Invest Capital Investment Bank Ltd. | https://www.icibl.com/ | No |
Pak Brunei investment Company Limited | https://pakbrunei.com.pk/ | No |
House Building Finance Company | https://www.hbfc.com.pk/ | No |
Al Baraka Bank Pakistan | https://www.albaraka.com.pk/ | No |
Allied Bank Limited | https://www.abl.com/ | Yes |
Askari Bank | https://www.askaribank.com/ | No |
Bank Alfalah | https://www.bankalfalah.com/ | No |
Bank AL Habib | https://www.bankalhabib.com/ | No |
BankIslami Pakistan | https://www.bankislami.com.pk/ | Yes |
Citibank | https://citi.com/ | No |
Deutsche Bank | https://db.com/ | Yes |
MUFG Bank | https://www.bk.mufg.jp/ | No |
Dubai Islamic Bank | https://www.dib.ae/ | No |
Faysal Bank | https://faysalbank.com/ | Yes |
First Women Bank | https://www.fwbl.com.pk/ | No |
Habib Bank Limited | https://www.hbl.com/ | No |
Standard Chartered Pakistan | https://www.sc.com/ | No |
HabibMetro | https://www.habibmetro.com/ | No |
Industrial and Commercial Bank of China | https://icbc.com.cn/ | No |
Industrial Development Bank | https://www.idbp.com.pk/ | No |
JS Bank | https://jsbl.com/ | Yes |
MCB Bank | https://www.mcb.com.pk/ | Yes |
MCB Islamic Bank | https://mcbislamicbank.com.pk/ | No |
Meezan Bank | https://www.meezanbank.com/ | Yes |
National Bank of Pakistan | https://www.nbp.com.pk/ | Yes |
Bank of Punjab | https://www.bop.com.pk/ | No |
Sindh Bank | https://sindhbank.com.pk/ | No |
Bank of Khyber | https://www.bok.com.pk/ | No |
Bank of Azad Jammu & Kashmir | https://bankajk.com/ | No |
SME Bank | https://www.smebank.com.my/ | Yes |
Zarai Taraqiati Bank Limited | https://www.ztbl.com.pk/ | No |
Samba | https://www.samba.com/ | No |
Silkbank | https://www.silkbank.com.pk/ | No |
Soneri Bank | https://soneribank.com/ | No |
Summit Bank | https://summitbank.com.pk/ | No |
United Bank Limited | https://www.ubldigital.com/ | No |
Bank of China | https://www.boc.cn/ | No |
_click me_
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
The National Bank TNB | https://www.tnb.ps/ | No |
Arab Bank | https://www.arabbank.com/ | No |
Cairo Amman Bank | https://www.cab.jo/ | No |
Bank of Jordan | https://bankofjordan.com/ | Yes |
Jordan Ahli Bank | https://www.ahli.com/ | No |
Jordan Kuwait Bank | https://www.jkb.com/ | Yes |
_click me_
_click me_
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Qatar Central Bank | https://www.qcb.gov.qa/ | No |
QNB Group | https://www.qnb.com/ | No |
The Commercial Bank of Qatar | https://www.cbq.qa/ | No |
Qatar Islamic Bank | https://www.qib.com.qa/ | No |
Qatar Development Bank | https://www.qdb.qa/ | No |
Ahli Bank Qatar | https://www.ahlibank.com.qa/ | No |
International Bank of Qatar | https://www.ibq.com.qa/ | Yes |
HSBC Bank Middle East | https://www.hsbc.com.qa/ | No |
_click me_
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Saudi Arabia
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South Korea
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Sri Lanka
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Central Bank of Sri Lanka | https://www.cbsl.gov.lk/ | No |
Amana Bank | https://www.amanabank.lk/ | Yes |
Bank of Ceylon | https://boc.lk/ | No |
Bank of China | https://www.boc.cn/ | No |
Cargills Bank | https://www.cargillsbank.com/ | No |
Citibank | https://citi.com/ | No |
Commercial Bank of Ceylon | https://www.combank.net/ | No |
Deutsche Bank | https://db.com/ | Yes |
DFCC Bank | https://www.dfcc.lk/ | No |
Habib Bank Limited | https://www.hbl.com/ | No |
Hatton National Bank | https://www.hnb.net/ | No |
Indian Bank | https://www.indianbank.in/ | No |
Indian Overseas Bank | https://www.iob.in/ | No |
MCB Bank | https://www.mcb.com.pk/ | Yes |
National Development Bank | https://www.ndbbank.com/ | No |
Nations Trust Bank | https://www.nationstrust.com/ | No |
Pan Asia Bank | https://www.pabcbank.com/ | No |
People's Bank | https://www.peoplesbank.lk/ | No |
Public Bank Berhad | https://www.pbebank.com/ | No |
Sampath Bank | https://www.sampath.lk/ | No |
Seylan Bank | https://www.seylan.lk/ | No |
Standard Chartered | https://www.sc.com/ | No |
State Bank of India | https://bank.sbi/ | No |
HSBC Sri Lanka | https://www.hsbc.lk/ | No |
Union Bank of Colombo | https://www.unionb.com/ | No |
National Savings Bank | https://www.nsb.lk/ | No |
Citizens Development Business Finance | https://www.cdb.lk/ | No |
TKS Finance | https://www.tksfinance.com/ | No |
_click me_
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Central Bank of Syria | https://cb.gov.sy/ | No |
Commercial Bank of Syria | https://www.cbs-bank.sy/ | No |
Bank of Syria and Overseas | https://www.bso.com.sy/ | No |
Banque Bemo Saudi Fransi | https://www.bbsfbank.com/ | No |
Byblos Bank | https://www.byblosbank.com/ | No |
Bank Audi | https://www.bankaudi.com.lb/ | No |
Arab Bank | https://www.arabbank.com/ | No |
QNB Group | https://www.qnb.com/ | No |
Cham Bank | https://www.chambank.com/ | No |
_click me_
_click me_
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
National Bank of Tajikistan | https://www.nbt.tj/ | No |
AccessBank Tajikistan | https://www.accessbank.tj/ | No |
Agroinvestbank | https://www.agroinvestbank.tj/ | No |
Bank Eskhata | https://www.eskhata.com/ | No |
First MicroFinance Bank | https://www.fmfb.com.tj/ | No |
Orienbank | https://www.orienbank.com/ | No |
Spitamen Bank | https://spitamenbank.tj/ | No |
Tejarat Bank | https://www.tejaratbank.ir/ | No |
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_click me_
_click me_
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Central Bank of Turkmenistan | https://www.cbt.tm/ | No |
Dayhanbank (Agricultural Bank) | https://www.dayhanbank.gov.tm/ | No |
HalkBank SCB, Ashgabat | https://www.halkbank.gov.tm/ | No |
Garagum IJSB | https://www.garagumbank.gov.tm/ | No |
Prezidentbank | https://www.presidentbank.gov.tm/ | No |
Senagat JSCB | https://senagat-bank.com/ | No |
The State Bank for Foreign Economic Affairs of Turkmenistan | https://www.tfeb.gov.tm/ | No |
Turkmenbashybank | https://www.tbbank.gov.tm/ | No |
Turkmen-Turkish Bank JSCB | https://www.turkmenturkbank.com/ | No |
_click me_
United Arab Emirates
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
ADCB | https://adcb.com/ | No |
Abu Dhabi Islamic Bank | https://www.adib.ae/ | No |
Arab Bank | https://www.arabbank.com/ | No |
Bank of Baroda | https://www.bankofbaroda.com/ | No |
Bank Melli Iran | https://bmi.ir/ | No |
Bank Saderat Iran | https://www.bsi.ir/ | No |
MCB Bank | https://www.mcb.com.pk/ | Yes |
Citibank United Arab Emirates | https://www.citibank.ae/ | No |
Commercial Bank of Dubai | https://www.cbd.ae/ | No |
Dubai Islamic Bank | https://www.dib.ae/ | No |
Emirates Islamic | https://www.emiratesislamic.ae/ | No |
First Abu Dhabi Bank | https://www.bankfab.com/ | No |
Habib Bank AG Zurich | https://www.habibbank.com/ | No |
HSBC Bank Middle East | https://www.hsbc.ae/ | No |
Mashreq | https://mashreqbank.com/ | No |
Emirates NBD | https://www.emiratesnbd.com/ | No |
National Bank of Fujairah | https://www.nbf.ae/ | No |
Noor Bank | https://www.noorbank.com/ | No |
National Bank of Oman | https://www.nbo.om/ | No |
RAKBank | https://www.rakbank.ae/ | Yes |
Sharjah Islamic Bank | https://www.sib.ae/ | Yes |
Standard Chartered | https://www.sc.com/ | No |
United Bank Limited | https://www.ubldigital.com/ | No |
_click me_
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Ziraat Bank | https://www.ziraat.com.tr/ | No |
Central Bank of Uzbekistan | https://cbu.uz/ | No |
_click me_
_click me_
Name | Site | Cloudflared |
Central Bank of Yemen | https://www.centralbank.gov.ye/ | No |
National Bank of Yemen | https://www.nbyemen.com/ | No |
Tadhamon International Islamic Bank | https://tadhamonbank.com/ | No |
Yemen Commercial Bank | https://www.ycb.com.ye/ | No |
By Country
Name | Cloudflared | Normal | CF % |
Afghanistan | 1 | 6 | 14.29% |
Armenia | 3 | 15 | 16.67% |
Azerbaijan | 2 | 14 | 12.5% |
Bahrain | 14 | 40 | 25.93% |
Bangladesh | 4 | 46 | 8% |
Bhutan | 0 | 2 | 0% |
Brunei | 2 | 8 | 20% |
Cambodia | 1 | 15 | 6.25% |
China | 7 | 139 | 4.79% |
Christmas Island | 0 | 1 | 0% |
Cocos Keeling Islands | 1 | 3 | 25% |
Cyprus | 6 | 22 | 21.43% |
East Timor | 0 | 1 | 0% |
Egypt | 3 | 21 | 12.5% |
Georgia | 2 | 14 | 12.5% |
Hong Kong | 21 | 128 | 14.09% |
India | 18 | 98 | 15.52% |
Indonesia | 6 | 27 | 18.18% |
Iran | 1 | 4 | 20% |
Iraq | 2 | 12 | 14.29% |
Israel | 0 | 20 | 0% |
Japan | 15 | 201 | 6.94% |
Jordan | 6 | 19 | 24% |
Kazakhstan | 0 | 4 | 0% |
Kuwait | 1 | 9 | 10% |
Kyrgyzstan | 1 | 9 | 10% |
Laos | 1 | 5 | 16.67% |
Lebanon | 3 | 15 | 16.67% |
Macau | 2 | 11 | 15.38% |
Malaysia | 7 | 30 | 18.92% |
Maldives | 1 | 5 | 16.67% |
Mongolia | 0 | 5 | 0% |
Myanmar | 10 | 18 | 35.71% |
Nepal | 1 | 11 | 8.33% |
North Korea | 0 | 1 | 0% |
Northern Cyprus | 1 | 19 | 5% |
Oman | 0 | 7 | 0% |
Pakistan | 13 | 36 | 26.53% |
Palestine | 2 | 4 | 33.33% |
Philippines | 9 | 52 | 14.75% |
Qatar | 1 | 7 | 12.5% |
Russia | 3 | 96 | 3.03% |
Saudi Arabia | 5 | 23 | 17.86% |
Singapore | 16 | 79 | 16.84% |
South Korea | 4 | 25 | 13.79% |
Sri Lanka | 3 | 25 | 10.71% |
Syria | 0 | 9 | 0% |
Taiwan | 10 | 43 | 18.87% |
Tajikistan | 0 | 8 | 0% |
Thailand | 8 | 52 | 13.33% |
Turkey | 5 | 61 | 7.58% |
Turkmenistan | 0 | 9 | 0% |
United Arab Emirates | 3 | 20 | 13.04% |
Uzbekistan | 0 | 2 | 0% |
Vietnam | 5 | 29 | 14.71% |
Yemen | 0 | 4 | 0% |
Type | Site Count | Owner Count |
Cloudflare | 230 | 114 |
Normal | 1589 | 1088 |
Total | 1819 | 1202 |