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synced 2025-03-14 14:55:08 -04:00
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TOO MANY to list here. It is IMPOSSIBLE to list them all!
- Dear your LNURL endpoint doesn't seem to like requests over Tor :( Cloudflare much? 😭 (lightningtipb0t)
- I was trying to understand if Argo Level Cachin was free with the Free Plan or do I need to pay extra to deploy it? (nico_caldo)
- Some of our team have spent the morning upgrading our infrastructure to better block attacks to our client's sites. A great example is XML RPC attacks, now getting blocked straight away on the server firewall and in Cloudflare. wordpress sysadmin devops (vatu)
- Lol, a government blocking illegal things... (electrospaces)
- Discord, Spotify and Snapchat are having a fucking bruh moment (probably cloudflare again lol) (lunaforeverr)
- site cant load keep getting cloudflare error (westie_will)
- Use VPN. I recommend Nord, someone on Axie Discord told me that Cloudflare is blocking some IP's. (dontyouworryfam)
- Cloudflare went down. "CloudFlare is becoming a huge single point of failure for the Internet." reddit post deleted though (s1lverfox)
- It seems like the attackers have moved from Telnyx to Iristel. This won't stop till everyone is behind CloudFlare. (dovid)
- can you please turn off the captcha cloudflare check for your website PLEASE!!!! It doesn't work correctly, and I have to try the stupid thing 50 times before it lets me in (ignat980)
- Long story, but Cloudflare was blocking legitimate traffic with significant implications. (mragucci)
- I wish that Cloudflare documentation would not be such a pita to read. For example, what do the different sensitivity levels "high", "medium" and "low" mean for the managed ruleset (eg HTTP error rate is above the sensitivity level)???? Or why does CF ignore HTTP 429 responses? (rainbowderpyyay)
- No they dont. This is normal that it shows google because of their dns setup. If the dns service (for example cloudflare) cant find the host, it shows google dns error or google page by default (2tapprince)
- cloudflare down again we should stop using big website that use cloudflare (the_oio)
- The fuck fr? Alright bro global outage v2 LETS GOO (alter_shaz)
- It’s redirecting every image on our host to your blocked page. (ryanseanbadger)
- Could well be. Cultaholic uses Cloudflare so Error 523 would be traffic (or the server crashed) but in general, a Error 500 would be a PHP error and since Cultaholic uses WordPress, it's more than likely a plugin or theme. (Generally the former) (padraigfahy)
- Hi. Please refresh thebpage and carry on as normal. This is a CloudFlare warning that simply states there was a temp error connecting. But a simple refresh should resolve this (zap_splat)
- Any idea what's going on there? Site's been inaccessible for about a week, now. Is Cloudflare blocking our access? (frankpa88333108)
- yeah, the cloudflare links throws either a 524 or 429 error (platocrat)
- If I open my account it’s Error I try to open but they said time out (captainopare)
- 1/2 you don’t need an enterprise subscription to submit a bot to be verified. the list is for bot owners whose automated calls are getting blocked by our BM systems (and is traffic our users typically want to reach their applications). if your calls are being blocked by sites (prdonahue)
- that's a specific flag for use within firewall rules, but the verified bot list works automatically in super bot fight mode (non-enterprise). can you open a support ticket with details/reproducible error and DM me the ticket ? (prdonahue)
- Sounds good - right now if I try to use the blogging stuff it freezes for like 5 minutes then gives me a cloudflare error.... :( (markymarg2)
- というかHTTPステータス520「Web Server Returned an Unknown Error」って初めてみたんですがCloudflare系のエラーなのね。 (asrlab)
- So if i just screenshot before the names before i deleted and put in the cloudflare ones i can just put it back? I’ve left thinking they’ve fixed it and just need a feed a few hours but i’m not convinced they have fixed it! (sarah_go_green)
- You can profit off of providing a decentralized & open platform, that was pretty damn tricky (if not outright impossible) with the old ways. 2 - You don't own domains nowadays. ICANN, or IP giants like CloudFlare, can censor you if they choose to. (siredspace)
- Et les performances du site aussi :/ C'est blindé de captcha cloudflare partout, la session qui se déconnecte en moins de 10 minutes etc ... Avec également le % de profit calculé sur la somme finale et non sur la somme dépensée. (mattetlefric)
- i just really really wish there were some way--without giving all my information to fucking Google--to access websites from random IP addresses. I get I egress from some funky locations. Blockades on IP addresses and the centralization of Cloud is damaging the internet. (neilhanlon)
- Step 1 doesn't guarantee that platform operators will respect your data, privacy, and freedom Like, cool, "internet access is a human right", nice... But what about ICANN? What about Cloudflare? Do they suddenly stop their giant control of "internet property" distribution? (siredspace)
- Seems like your content is now being blocked. Clicking the links leads to "Your browser is being checked" by CloudFlare. Then it goes to a page that says "service unavailable." (rickiheller)
- Well I tracked him back to Sophia Bulgaria where he had hacked into one of Cloudflare's servers. Filed a local PD report, an FBI IC3, & notified Cloudflare's Admin folks. Spoke with the Spec. Agent in charge. Don't think he knew who he was fucking w/. (tentacle_pup)
- This fukin gay was scared f me and banned from his fukin SkidForums lol. Its original IP is lurkin behind cloudflare. Now say in SB to hack ur fukin forum bitch. U jus copied RF, LOL. (haxonghost)
- 早上我突然收到了cloudflare的邮件,我注册的几个高价值域名在没有接到任何提前告知情况下, 突然被cloudflare 单方面全部deleted,域名每个价值都在3-5bitcoins,其中的四个域名我通过其他的渠道重新注册回来,但还有2个高价值域名我可能永远也拿不回来了. Cloudflare (finalfantasy_io)
- Yep, literally said this in this tweet. It was me who was reporting Cloudflare as a fix yesterday. This is a new issue completely separate from the Google crawl error from this week. (ichangedmyname)
- Those following the Siteground saga, please help! I know they’ve just implemented a fix, but I’d just moved dns to Cloudflare successfully but now get a ‘redirect error’ when trying to index, is this something I can fix easily, or should I move back to SG and hope it is fixed? (gregstr26)
- Web page is being blocked. Some sort of Cloudflare failure. (algernon_sydney)
- Something is wrong with your payment processing. Getting errors about payment method not found. (krisroadruck)
- Cloudflare Checkpoint Syndrome is the phenomenal of these websites who has been securely hosted by Cloudflare to protect of these dangerous and making visitors frustate always because of Captcha. (firzafp)
- Sigh. Grocery store is using cloudflare to prevent me from fetching search results programmatically. Okay, I'll shop somewhere that lets me set up an email alert when the thing I want goes on sale instead then. Fuck you. (lraszewski)
- I can't download papers since Cloudflare DDoS protection keeps blocking my request to download PDF versions of papers. I'm accessing Taylor & Francis via my university. (stefan34288442)
- I am the victim of Cloudflare's buffer on SkyscraperCity (since August 2021 to present) Say about HTTPS isnt perfect tho, but buffered by Cloudflare is totally angry permanently til its normal (firzafp)
- Cloudflare Can you stop using LetsEncrypt certificates? Undeniable that it has made a very significant contribution to the popularization of https. However, many visitors still use Win7 or older Android, they will not be able to access websites that use LE certificates. Thx. (cryptoidc)
- Fuck you and your horrible customer service (pennysordie)
- Was it a cloudflare captcha? My guess is they have there DNS pointed there. This happens sometimes. Especially if your ISP changes your IP. (rsaminer)
- Hey Cloudflare I've got two users claiming they're getting requests to prove they're not robots and no way to pass the captcha, seems to go away when I put site in dev mode on CF. Suggestions? (pocketables)
- Tried issuing it from the command line, and got this error about not "specifying a Cloudflare api key". Now I need a Cloudflare account to get an SSL cert for a domain? So I now have to deal with 2 extra orgs ( and Cloudflare) to get a simple SSL cert? Madness! (finide)
- its just a cloudflare error for some users, funds are safu. should be back up any time. (thegualla)
- i was in this enterprise saas captcha loop and there were these planes, buses and boats and i was reminded that i had been avoiding a career in railroad management (bangpound)
- I would fucking lose my mind if that was the case, I was just complaining about a Cloudflare blip that I couldn't even check if it was an ISP issue because all the "Is it down" checkers are themselves cloudflare based (pokemongod777)
- Wow Cloudflare seems to have pissed itself, and I can't even reliably check to see if it is a cloudflare issue or an ISP deciding "Fuck Cloudflare today" issue because a lot of the sites that check stability status run on Cloudflare themselves. What a joke (pokemongod777)
- If there was a way to anycast address a cjdns IP or an onion address at a cloudflare level of scale (not just Enterprise onion toolkit), for an API endpoint (content can be torrented) that'd be awesome. Best thing I can think of is private Tor addresses for handfuls of customers (whitingdev)
- i swear i spend more time clicking images of buses and boats than actually using the websites implementing Cloudflare 's awful captcha screening process. (neilhanlon)
- Though they are totally awesome, could make a feature to allow us to upload bind9 formatted zones for the DNS. Domains only has bind9 export, not import. Cloudflare has bind9 import/export, but they are a MiTM. I've had to run a bind9 server on my Vultr. Hate APIs (hashborgir)
- ok, now an ssl error but I think that may be on cloudflare because cloudflare is configed correctly it's just propagating still (alantheblank)
- cloudflare is becoming the next google, pushing captcha everywhere you go. annoying. (noaddrmode)
- Getting blocked by cloudflare when I try to check my reflections. Any issues with that? (jordon_pierce15)
- Boycott Cloudflare until they get Freenom domains working again and stop lying about the issue. (dascalescu_r)
- Boycott Cloudflare until they get Freenom domains working again and stop lying about the issue. (rickyzoom2)
- Christ you’re thick. I recommend you talk to any pen-tester who will tell you that once that layer of encryption is removed — which they do — MITM’ing subsequent layers is trivial, i.e., unless they handshake (public key, etc.) was communicated out-of-band. (kiraolbert)
- Cloudflare How do we stop Cloudflare randomly deleting settings every couple of months…getting frustrating… (mahdishariff)
- so i cant use a custom domain on gitlab pages unless i move off of cloudflare because gitlab is complaining about lack of intermediary certs when i provide them and i cant use the lets encrypt option (that keeps enabling itself after the intermediary error) (0xe00aa)
- because then cloudflare treats all requests, http or https, as https, leading to infinite redirects fucking hate this shit (0xe00aa)
- If BLM doesn’t stop hacking my bank account, I’m going to post all their transactions and let the FBI track down your IP addresses by the time of the transactions. VPNs are easily shattered and so is CloudFlare. (ccalbazana)
- Y'all need to school those idiots over at on how to treat someone who has had their work stolen. They aren't doing shit but causing me grief. (kimatliah)
- FYI, UI folks: Off-campus users can’t download PDFs from Wiley because their Cloudflare service is experiencing high activity. Users can try printing to PDF or accessing with VPN. (janui_librarian)
- So iCloud private relay is running on CloudFlare and uses the your closest geological location. Not really a VPN (erfaan)
- I keep getting access denied Error code 1020 from Cloudflare when accessing your website, None of the solutions I've tried have worked. Any help? (tylerwi77370915)
- Once again cloudflare is blocking people from accessing stories for hours at a time and now we can only login when we review or favorite a story. Fix the bugs or lose a lot a viewers, who will migrate to other fiction sites, which would be a shame. (ryhatch)
- Just as a note, the abuse page asks you to fill out a form on a link on the page - Neither the link nor the form is on the page, we can go no further than reading the page (coolpercussion)
- I need to speak to a HUMAN BEING about a COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT and not a stupid bot. Have someone contact me ASAP!! (kimatliah)
- Help with DirBuster while using Cloudflare? I set the rate limit to 10 every 10 seconds, blocked all the countries that are not mine on Cloudflare Firewall rules, and the cloudflare firewall is still blocking all these requests comming from DirBuster but it still makes my si… (cybrxx0)
- On mobile? Or pc... I'm getting cloudflare security error (drfeelgood6666)
- UGH. The Cloudflare error is now impacting T&F. are we going to have to get our IPs whitelisted for every publisher that uses your tech? (iangibson11)
- If I try to access the story, I get a cloudflare error. This is being purposely blocked I would think. (topimp21)
- Holy fuck, tienen un servidor expuesto, el que hostea los videos, sin protección de cloudflare y lo acaban de anunciar ellos mismos. Este... (eldut5)
- An authorised MITM is not an attack. Terminating SSL on a reverse proxy is not uncommon. Worried about Cloudflare having a peek? That's a pretty unreasonable concern. (matthew87536271)
- Getting blocked by cloudflare when I try to check my reflections. Any issues with that? (jordonpierce15)
- Another day of mediating access to content to my campus community due to this ridiculous ongoing Cloudflare error. Into at least week two of this situation. When you paywall your content to the point of it becoming inaccessible, it is a financial liability. (jillemery)
- 11 hours later, and CloudFlare is still blocking me from reading anything... Do something please. (ryhatch)
- Cloudflare do you have a public IPFS gateway that doesn’t get captcha/rate limited? I’m using cloudflare-ipfs but keep getting limited. (mxchl)
- he leaked his ip on the cloudflare stream, good he deleted the stream (komy38)
- A recap of what happened with KreekCraft: He starts a third stream about Roblox being down, blah blah blah. After basically doing nothing for some time he decides to register on Brick Hill. After he "registers" it returns Cloudflare error screen. At the bottom it says his IP. 1/2 (0deathstoday)
- .PavitraGolchha .replit It was a cloudflare rule I put in place long ago, all I know is that has no idea what the fuck are white house and then when t (averagebotfan)
- It's a real one, i did so some checking for ensuring kreek was safe and it seems he didn't turn on his vpn so unfortunately it could of been that cloudflare detects the real ip. (playerjovey)
- You should do something about the Cloudflare error page, KreekCraft's IP got leaked because of that. (7ce_a)
- is the platform experiencing an outage? We're getting a CloudFlare error when loading (brandonbernicky)
- Would you feel comfortable forecasting Cloudflare’s 2025 margin or 2030 margin? We know trees can’t grow to the sky, at some point all businesses stop growing. I’d argue margin is the most sensitive unknown. (valuations_)
- Some country outside of U.S have the issue wallet not showing 0 balance eventhough the transaction history appear, i personally from Indonesia and having the same issue, im being told by some Mod to use 1111 VPN by cloudflare and it works amazing. I hope next update will fix it. (brotherdan92)
- Ive had this issue for a very long time. Retyping multiple wallet keys is starting to become extremely frustrating. I assumed brave browser was just doing brave things. But Im not connected on ANY of my browers. Any idea how I can stop that from happening? UserError ? (joker42356)
- Cloudflare just fucked up and cached one of my images wrong, so it wouldn't even load. The fuck? (icze4r)
- DDOS/Cloudflare protection and captcha wasn't even completed in less than 10 seconds. 🤔 (yesthatteach)
- My browser was blocked by cloudflare. I’m now receiving 403 error codes and unable to go to your website. (shmaff)
- I keep having issues with the Cloudflare/Captcha stuff, especially on my 3DS. It either won't load or just keeps refreshing the same thing again and again, every stinking day. I can't even log in or read stories now! Is there anything you or I can do to fix this? (smijes08)
- When I say your domain I mean IP address so the error is your end and as you use cloudflare as a supplier the fault is with your supplier. I point the domain at one of my servers it would work fine. (ninjamonk)
- Cloudflare reports 30,000+ uniques a month (before I started advertising: just passive people coming in) My server reports 29,000 or thereabouts. Google? FUCKING 100. I think everybody else is blocking the Google Analytics thing, while the other two are unblockable. Useless (icze4r)
- Im honestly tired of this fix the fucking website PSA: try using CloudFlare. RobloxDown (truthdestiny2)
- Opensea uses cloudflare 👍 I’m always getting error messages lol (mjuzefowicz)
- But, this is the most important question, even Cloudflare and Tor Connections total 11 minutes. (thefearlessidea)
- Cloudflare Should a server return HTTP 429 or 520 when blocking requests from a malicious/DDoS CF-Connecting-IP? Your documentation is not clear/contradictory on what HTTP response code causes a challenge and what causes a DDoS detection & blocking. Did it change recently? (rainbowderpyyay)
- Ive been thinking of making one of those sites to shame companies that do this. Cloudflare for one is particularly frustrating. I will not stop calling them out on it. (neilhanlon)
- Don't put yourself in a position where a stripe/aws/cloudflare/etc. outage makes your CI pipeline grind to a halt! It may catch some errors early, but it means you risk making the worst scenarios even worse. Nobody wants to be blocked from pushing an emergency fix. (mattbasta)
- Are you guys having an issue with your cloudflare setup? I keep getting 504 error... (charlespeck)
- hi guys! your website is not accessible :( !!! Cloudflare error! (riseandswim)
- heheh... issit? ops... err... basically, i traced an IP from his (cloudflare blocked) screenshot using keycdn...and his IP seems to be from Nigeria. not 100% sure is a scam... but i'd say is 90% chance. just ignore that guy now (kctang)
- This is happening to me as well. Cannot login to Cloudflare at all. Constant 500 error when trying to enter 2 factor code. (doiftrue)
- 😂😂😂 fucking cloudflare. I have no idea how to fix a 504 error, I'm just not certain hosts do either. (ryanthemaddev)
- Kok suka tiba-tiba error gitu sih sinkronisasi hosting sama Cloudflare? Saya gak ngerubah apapun selama 3 bulan lebih.....?! Tiba-tiba error 522. Alamat visitor kabur. (igniel)
- Ay dios te superas cada vez más. Estas diciendo tu que yo me refería al captcha, porque ahí no pone que yo me refiera a eso, en la foto se ve la web de protección que funciona mediante cloudflare. (ailakks)
- No me refiero al captcha, me refiero a la protección. La página en si está alojada en cloudflare. (ailakks)
- Comunidad, nos gustaría informarle que el problema del '' error 1200 '' no es del juego sino de Cloudflare, algunos jugadores se están bloqueando debido a pestañas, pestañas múltiples y recarga excesiva en la misma página ... Atentamente, Equipo Block Farm Club (blockfarmclub_)
- Clean cookies, cache, open private tab, activate VPN e intenta de nuevo. Cosas de CloudFlare, que se pone intenso. (lugodev)
- Twitter desktop fucking up. Tsla stupid action. Sold 2 of 16 dkng calls and 1 of 6 5 chwy in total. Added in 2 cloudflare puts $185 friday exp total. (mkt_gunslinger)
- why do people who use Cloudflare mitm apparently do not care that their site email redacted doesn't work? (nf3xn)
- Your recently updated Cloudflare rules are blocking RSS readers from being able to read your new releases feed :( (defaced)
- Your web platform is down. I'm getting Cloudflare error messages. You should...um...fix that please. (libtechconfess)
- Same issue here. three different accounts cannot logon (geneschrempf)
- my gosh Cloudflare bot protection is so bad! you are blocking google on sitemap.xml everything is so wrong there... (ditorojuanf)
- The bot protection was good but it started blocking payment confirmation request from my processor (bhattraisagar)
- Cookies might be coming from akamai/cloudflare. These vendors are usually the reason you are seeing the Captcha nonsense. And this goes into 3. (redpillx2)
- Cloudflare blocking our IP address. Have had a ticket in for 11 days trying to get it whitelisted. Pinged the ticket 3 times and no response. (corrdawg)
- Per CloudFlare, this error indicates, "A 522 error happens when a TCP connection to the web server could not be established. This typically happens when Cloudflare requests to the origin (your webserver) get blocked. When this happens, you’ll see “ERRCONNECTIONTIMEDOUT”." (63kk01)
- annoying 1014 cloudflare error. Pls ensure CNAME/DNS updated on cf dash. (mynewtweet)
- And stop using cloudflare! It's not able designed to handle the massive amount of hits you get with a launch.. It's whole purpose is to slow down hits so you can't be hit by a DDOS attack. (yrtria)
- So prince protects them personally? Really disingenuous of you. Why not just ask what u need instead of attacking him personally? You don’t even name the SITES!! What are the name of the sites? Ask them to stop offering security!! (kweriousgeorge)
- Hi i need someone to help me please after updating my free avg to full paid, which includes a VPN, I can no longer access your website because of cloudflare, even after removing the VPN, I get stuck in a captcha loop. I can't even access the support from your website. (mskazza)
- After a bit of thought, I've removed both Google Analytics and Cloudflare Web Analytics from my website, because they don't fucking hold a candle to just the access logs I have access to (icze4r)
- Anyone can be a trader. A bad one. Just hold and sit tight, yes it will come down, but who the fuck knows when. This run from 109 to 180 I've only seen in UPST (it went up 100% in one day LOL) and I made the dumb mistake of selling after that. Not doing it again. (pedromarinho94)
- Issue resolved after a cache clear. That was odd. (mersch_ross)
- Cloudflare seems to have established a powerful firewall of some sort blocking any non-residential IP addresses recently from access to websites hosted on their cloud services (mainly American websites). Are you aware of this and working on a solution? (shervinsafineh)
- Any plans to add registering/transferring .gg domains? It’s something I’ve been waiting on for a while. (bloxogg)
- Error 404. Cloudflare server ok Your browser is ok The website you're looking for seems to be down or offline (mixedbyrayza)
- Please fix cloudflare host error in swiggy (thetechotech)
- Hello! If you find you may have been blocked by Cloudflare, please try clearing your cache & cookies. If that does not help, please try using a different browser. Best Regards, Elias at LocalBitcoins (localbitcoins)
- Is there any way to use Vapor with an existing Cloudflare account for DNS? Getting "Error 1014: CNAME Cross-User Banned" when CNAME'ing our domain to the Vapor hostname (corey_mcmahon)
- Hello, I am in the Netherlands too, I used browsec to circumvent the problem by connecting to a VPN in US. The problem is not completely solved I still cannot list new nfts, but I can do everything else. It is probably a problem of CloudFlare and not OpenSea (celsius62346897)
- Our firewall at Vercel had detected a large DDoS attack coming from CF and have blocked CF IPs at 5 minutes intervals. CF IPs are pooled and shared so it is affecting some Vercel deployments behind CF proxy. (_wli)
- i really fucking hate the cloudflare captcha bullshit. how can nerds do this to one another?!!! (acursedfemme)
- CloudflareSTUS Cloudflare Unable to make updates to billing information. Red banner at bottom "Error communicating with the billing system." (ricktheartist)
- Cloudflare can I speak to a real person? my IP is denied or rate limmited on all the sites that use Cloudflare for some reason I think you think I'm using a VPN or something I'm just trying to get this fixed so if someone could help me that would be great. (theheromc)
- Sometimes the hosting-provider or cloudflare has some regional issues. If you have a vpn client available, try changing region. (mjoaris)
- Yeah it failed for me for past ~30 min or so. Was giving me a local Cloudflare error rather than ACS itself but maybe broader (ndchiappini)
- You started blocking Cloudflare IP’s at five minute intervals, knowing this would affect Vercel customers. Not sure why you wouldn’t update us. Surely you can put yourself in our shoes and realize this is not the way to keep business. Call someone at Cloudflare. (austinkhale)
- Hi CloudFlare, I'm curious if you have an extensive debugging tool to analyze a 520 error? Somewhere you get an error code with such a call, so where can I see it? (aarclay)
- Cloudflare who do I have to email/contact to stop being harassed by your sales staff despite never signing up to any of your services? (yuvrajhanspal)
- just a reminder that in more advanced campaigns against your assets, geo blocking tends to be a short term bandaid strategy, as the spread of botnets today would make attackers shift to other geos/sources without much effort (fserto)
- Having a app behind Cloudflare Access seems to produce an "Invalid configuration" error in Vercel's domains list. Any clue why or idea how to fix? (cruggdev)
- Are you blocking outbound connections to Cloudflare or just incoming? Id imagine its hard to access much of the web if you cant access cloudflare as theyve stealth become the world's mitm proxy. (k0rb1nda11as)
- " Some of these tactics included using DNS based command-and-control (C2) that mimicked Amazon AWS DNS traffic" I have blocked most cloud based services including Cloudfront and Cloudflare on my home network and only allow connections if absolutely necessary... (ronnie35967255)
- Hey I'm getting a Cloudflare "Error 1020" message instead of your site. Is there any way to resolve this? (d_armentrout)
- Closed down the mint site, deleted & purged DNS records from Cloudflare, and prevent the attacker from stealing from more people. 297 Fake Ninjas got minted will all be soon replaced/refunded. Near 100 were real.. Announcements soon ly fam. Namaste❤️🔥 (nobuninjas)
- Cloudflare seems to be blocking IPs from the EU. The site just times out.. (bulcoder)
- According to your TLD Policies page, .me should be available today, but it's not. (spekkio)
- Got a tip the OS being slow issue is caused by Cloudflare blocking certain ISPs. Change your VPN to US and you're good to go. (crypto_rodo)
- Cloudflare can you help me and some more people blocked from (kootjekoo)
- That's essentially what it's doing now. It makes sense to test on import (I'd have designed it the same way)... the issue is the misleading error. Yes, a CSPRNG isn't available - but as a result of the error it threw before (unique to CF). (paul_reviews)
- Fuck cloudflare and error 1020. Can I have another internet please, one that's not broken? (alf239)
- Waiting for a response from your team on ticket 2276499. Can you please help expedite? (anant_garg)
- you r right. At some point it close the conncection curl: (92) HTTP/2 stream 0 was not closed cleanly: INTERNALERROR (err 2) (albertlacambra)
- It bypass CloudFlare, not a browser. Browsers usually do not block javascript code, except Google Chrome in Cross-Origin blocking JS dialogs. (rodoassis)
- Search Engine Monopoly needs to be crushed and Microsoft won't stop improving their search engine until they compete with Google. (imran_amjad)
- i can't access your site, cloudflare is blocking (cardanocrow)
- Someone submitted it to cloudflare and now the payload blocked 🥲 (haxor31337)
- No worries. You might want to update the library to reflect the actual "caught" error which would make debugging this easier. At the moment, it just assumes crypto isn't valid because the function fails - but doesn't actually tell you the real reason. Cheers! (paul_reviews)
- Support have no idea what they are on about. That's a CloudFlare firewall block to reduce malicious attacks, your IP address has triggered one of the filters and you've been blocked. If you have a dynamic IP then change your IP, use a different IP or instead use a VPN or proxy (reubenrs3)
- Well, it's fixed... and you'll never guess how I fixed it! Moved the import line from global to onFetch, so it only invokes the test code during an actual request. If you try to test the same code at any other time, CF throws a "some operations can only be called... " error! (paul_reviews)
- can you look at this ticket 2277071? waiting for a response since 5 days - website is down, and this ticket is for a PRO site! (o365digital)
- Sqlmap is a bad choice. 1 if only 1 ip blocking firewall kicks you your banned from all sites that uses that firewall ( cloudflare, akamai ) and sqlmap can't see the difference between blocked or bot blocked. So every response would be a 403 or a empty 200 response. (bl4ckh4ck5)
- Hello bro I just wanted to update you about the above issue. I just figured it out that the issue was because of Cloudflare. Seems they are blocking Bingbot. I paused it and now Bing is able to fetch or crawl my website URLs. (mr_govindsingh)
- 早上我突然收到了cloudflare的邮件,我注册的几个高价值域名在没有接到任何提前告知情况下, 突然被cloudflare 单方面全部deleted,域名每个价值都在3-5bitcoins,其中的四个域名我通过其他的渠道重新注册回来,但还有2个高价值域名我可能永远也拿不回来了. Cloudflare (redditswap)
- Fuck that. Cloudflare needs to be transparent with the identity of infringers' hosts whenever ANY IP owners asks for it.. otherwise, (which is the only reason they got away with their bullshit in this case) They don’t always do that.. (snarky_crafter)
- Cloudflare, fuck these jobless dickheads that do this (saastactic)
- You must be fucking retarded here kid...... Look what Cloudflare just tweeted. 😌 (pinkypeaker)
- With the mention that you're putting all your trust on cloudflare, who are a man-in-the-middle in this case. I'm not saying it's not ok in certain scenarios, but users/site-owners must be made aware that cloudflare is decrypting/modifying/re-encrypting their traffic. (danutz_plusplus)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 69e98e3b6a9e15c3 • 2021-10-15 13:57:16 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 69e98e3b6a9e15c3 (kashkashhome)
- Keep calm ..talk ..they can help you with your disabled ..suspended ..locked banned..hacked account recovered👍 . (deaththedragon2)
- I did get a CloudFlare 520 error one of the times, but it seems to be infinitely loading for now. (adrianpenguin1)
- in the morning, I suddenly received an email from cloudflare,6 high-value domain names I registered all deleted without any remind in advace, worth 3-5bitcoins each domain, 4/6 I re-registered back through other channels,but there are two high-value domain names (leixiaobo)
- it does not change the fact that mozilla has made deals to funnel DNS traffic to cloudflare, and that they have started to operate VPN grifting operations. Brendan Eich is no longer there since 2014. he is not forcing the MoCo/MoFo boards to make bad decisions. (ariadneconill)
- I don't quite get it. Isn't ODoH just a DNS proxy? That can be blocked as well. (vinifortuna)
- Why is Cloudflare blocking incoming requests to Jira Align? (sparxmith_)
- Couple of minutes later, we're back. Was that a CloudFlare asset throwing that error message? (bernardsheppard)
- Trying to Proxy traffic from a Cloudflare site and I'm simply just getting a 403 Forbidden error... Hm... (epiclper)
- From the user's perspective, is it acceptable to have "you allow Cloudflare to MITM most of your traffic, or no (most of the) internet for you"? (nexusukorg)
- I'm specifically talking about a situation where the user has authorised the MITM at their end. And if you think the average website owner has any more idea about the internals of Cloudflare than the average user has about a middlebox they have authorised... well :) (nexusukorg)
- The big difference - to me - is that the content producer has trusted cloudflare as a supplier and knows and expects their traffic to be treated that way. The end user hasn’t agreed to - and doesn’t have knowledge of - MITM type equipment that may be intercepting them. (rsmck)
- I'm afraid I still find the lack of consultation pretty troubling. And separately, cloudflare's position on MITM proxies is very hypocritical. (nexusukorg)
- Are there currently dashboard login issues? Both business & personal accounts are failing logins with 'invalid user' errors or kicking me back to the login screen after entering the correct MFA code (with no errors). (moparfinch)
- Ah ok. Works for me and this error is mostly related to cloudflare blocking your IP address. (0xnight)
- I'm getting cloudflare error message when trying to access FTX desktop site, and my orders aren't going thru (virtuecapital_)
- One of the things I missed working at Cloudflare is that there are a lot of security freaks around. I'm usually the one always concerning about security at other places but it felt great when I'm not the one to say "stop fucking doing that!" for once. (67darwin)
- Cloudflare any future plans to release a dedicated VPN service to go up aganist NORD and Express. You're service is amazing I think you should. (crueiassassin)
- I thought this was disappointing too, blocked applicant from Africans from applying for their jobs using cloudflare, I felt bad, what name is Africans giving itself at the world stage, that I'm not aware of ? This is really bad. (cinchblocksam)
- Check your DNS Settings. A 523 error means that Cloudflare could not reach your host web server. The most common cause is that your DNS settings are incorrect. (bottledsodas)
- I consider Cloudflare to be pretty hypocritical on the subject of MITM - they themselves are a MITM proxy working on behalf of the content supplier, but are dead set against MITM proxies working on behalf of the content consumer. (nexusukorg)
- GitHub: give your source to Microsoft and make collaborators agree to those ToS Cloudflare: give your markup to a massive internet censor trying to centralize the net I see ethical issues with this setup too (toastal)
- Hi why are you blocking Cloudflare DNS on your Internet? Other than websites directed by you cannot be blocking services! Please look into it and fix it. (atechfreak)
- Has anyone else using a VPN noticed a massive uptick in Cloudflare reCAPTCHA walls recently? Want to visit DEXTools? Click all the images of fire hydrants. Buying somethng from Overclockers? All of the boats please. VPN privacy (the_iconoclast1)
- was down a bit, anyone else has codepinIsDown Cloudflare error 502 Me:💻🥲 Everyone else: 😪🛌 DEVCommunity frontenddev uxdesign uidesign webdesigner webdev (whimsyniche)
- Oh fuck 😅 steps = exercism. I meant to say I follow his steps by doing exercism tasks. (hexmint)
- Cloudflare tried something similar, when Near passed away. They didn't respond, though; at all, so Netflix is fucking up already. (icze4r)
- Cloudflare are there any known issues with access to cloudflare reverseproxied websites from users in Russia? Seems to have started approximately 30 minutes ago and still there. (rainbowderpyyay)
- Hey, so i have noticed when i use on my phone, it is awesome for everything except Whatsapp. It makes my msgs take maybe 200-500ms slower than without it. It gives me the spin wheel then delivers. Is this expected behaviour or should this not be the case? (justasking4know)
- We saw huge growth of the Outline VPN in Turkmenistan in 2020, but on January 31, 2021, we started losing our users. I wonder how that aligns with the aggressive blocking of clouds and hosting providers. (vinifortuna)
- Hi those requests can be safely ignored/blocked. No spec yet; it's a WIP feature. That said, I don't think you should even be getting these requests, let alone hammered with them. I'm sorry. I'll disable the fetches until we can fix the triggering logic. (twifkak)
- I am getting a cloudflare "access denied" error everytime I try to access your site. Is it because I am trying to access it from the US? (theshanemason)
- Fixed the parsing logic, everything runs fine on localhost. But the Digital Ocean droplet gets a Cloudflare captcha now🤔 Thinking of ways to solve this... (pie_tre)
- Cloudflare Don't you think that asking captcha after 1 single password failure is quite excessive? (colevr)
- Realizing that Solanart's cloudflare protection is making my scraper solve a CAPTCHA -- will look into a permanent fix tomorrow. (avinashj_)
- Yeah, still more accurate than Cloudflare's image selections according to objects captcha (currently in SkyscraperCity was hit by Cloudflare's attack every one day forever) (firzafp)
- Still getting the cloudflare error page on all three browsers. sorry- (musciguy)
- captcha from cloudflare make me lazy visit coingecko. 😭 (snguyscrypto)
- Apperently they blocked VPNs Server (Including Cloudflare's WARP) so we can't have a full functioning Quota rather than "Education Centered" (sen2402_)
- Hello Cloudflare & been trying to reach you out all week I have had no response. I want to purchase one of your plans but I need clarification first. If I could get one of your sales/technical reps kindly reach out on this email adress; evamwanzo@gmail.com (amwanzoo)
- Hello Cloudflare , been trying to reach you out all week I have had no response. I want to purchase one of your plans but I need clarification first. If I could get one of your sales/technical reps kindly reach out on these email adresse; evamwanzo@gmail.com (amwanzoo)
- Next stop, Cloudflare’s Access Denied at 1020. (ozbob)
- In response to censorship circumvention, Turkmenistan blocked all DoH servers, Cloudflare, AWS, Google Cloud and many other hosting providers. Most external services don't work. This a major and unique InternetShutDown, but no one is talking about it. /cc KeepitOn (vinifortuna)
- Found a flaw in Cloudflare design - login page errors out & to contact support you have to log in first. No way to communicate about login problems (not user/pw related). Page error: API Request Failed: POST /api/v4/login (403) (sebastianmealer)
- Already did, hopes are up because I woke up to AWS Bill (marxvolt)
- It rejects the form on the basis of the URL. Which as you can see uses your NS. And now I’ve notified you here as well. (tomroyal)
- I can't, as your form won't accept the URL. (tomroyal)
- Every time I clicked any link in my WP Admin Dashboard I got a Cloudflare error message that the site was offline and Try for Live again. Each time I clicked it WP Admin Dashboard was live. (jamesbliss)
- The cloudflare for polybucks still causes a 404 error on Mobile dapp browsers. I have to go to the main bsc buckswap first then go back to polybucks. Get it fixed! It is infuriating. (rorowear)
- Opensea is having issues rn. Cloudflare gave me a host down error about 30 mins ago (trustyturds)
- Cloudflare trying to log into our dashboard and it's an endless login loop. Something broken? (iamgerardthomas)
- There's now a different error message about Cloudflare..? (hobgoblintc_)
- If you see an error, note that most errors mean the page falls back to normal search result behavior (as if no SXG were present). (twifkak)
- Fuck you I just wanted Lafayette and its sold out during to Cloudflare being a shit host of your line (watervaporeon)
- whoever uses Cloudflare and bans AS6939 just because people use HE for IPv6 are fucking idiots just my grouchy-ass opinion, of course NO I won't disable IPv6 for this or change ISPs to get IPv6 (yakkoj)
- How can i get my PC unbaned, its now bin 2 weeks that i cannot accass any cloudflare protected site, not even the dashboard sometimes. Cookies cleard, browser reinstalled, new public IP. Other PCs of my home network work fine. (bolverblitz)
- Cloudflare and other platforms do this as they check for spoofing (they match against known Google IPs for example) :-) You can see by using the Google mobile friendly test or URL Inspection they won't be blocking G/Bing tho. But for crawling, you'll need to use a different UA. (screamingfrog)
- Powerwashed my Chromebook this morning, but now will not login due to Cloudflare blocking. Maybe time to switch back to ? (sean_bolton)
- Will the website be fix? Cloudflare is blocking all of us. Get it fix! rollercoin (stogie_era)
- Fuck tech monopolies I can't get into nitropanel because cloudflare has too much traffic so my server is down (hasrock36)
- Cloudflare, sometimes stop me from visiting a website even when it is available and never apologised for it. 😂 (i_relish_code)
- just download cloudflare wasp and tun the vpn on essy low ping (sweatyleaks)
- useless! Error 1020 Ray ID: 699f29621bd8f321 • 2021-10-06 13:15:59 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: (mxj61)
- Your IPs are blocked by cloudflare in 109 websites (volcanism_5422)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 699de8ccfc123260 •2021-10-06 09:37:08 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 699de8ccfc123260Your IP: & security... (swai_leonce)
- Sent a DM - thank you for the swift response. (fevangelou)
- Your IP hosting location API is down. (talal_al_ahmed)
- I'll take Cloudflare fuck ups for 500, please. (effinfilms)
- Cloudflare please fix your captcha system (detonieth)
- when are you going to enable ECH (encrypted client hello)? 2021 is almost over, please. (iokernel)
- Google captcha is your friend. - Check on Cloudflare if it comes from certain countries or IP and block it. - Ask for email validation. (saasryan)
- hi, I need some help please I Actived the cloudflare in my site wordpress and now is with 501 error (botequin)
- I'm still salty about DoH. Fuck Mozilla, and fuck Cloudflare for pushing it. (da_667)
- I wonder more about the cloud providers like AWS, azure, Cloudflare, etc. Take those out and a lot of the Internet would stop (serraotweets)
- New routers + Pi 4-based pi-hole + Cloudflare DNS = faster, more stable internet access with network-wide ad blocking at home. (jjtanner)
- This is's VNP icon . It usually appears when you turn on the VPN on your smartphone (cuongn98)
- All of our IPs? I've never had any issues accessing Cloudflare websites, except maybe some extra CAPTCHAs here and there, and I'm always connected to the VPN. (cryptostorm_is)
- except...hungerrush is down too. error and then cloudflare 502 every time i try to place an order (big_top_energy)
- so i had to fix the cloudflare gateway cert to then be able to see the blocked message (iphigenie)
- Hey Cloudflare super bot fight mode is awesome, but you gotta give us the ability to bypass it. I find myself turning it off frequently b/c our automated tasks are getting blocked. (spdean)
- I'm locked out of my account by cloudflare and have been for over a day now. This seems like an outage that is only affecting some users. Can you comment on this error 1020 issue? (tmlutas)
- No, I try to point out the problem. Maybe they solve it creative something like race queue. I don't have time for other jobs, but I can make some advice. (And yes I use product portal for that, but they just use old Cloudflare captcha.) (zedrunbotspec)
- They become the victim instead of the perpetrator. It's is fascinating hypothesis but the cause was so epically lame at the same time, it seems hard to believe it was deliberate. (askwpgirl)
- If you use undetectedchromedriver, selenium and proxy for solving cloudflare captcha you have some bot. Like was in my channel description. (zedrunbotspec)
- The only way to be "so certain, so fast" that "there was no malicious activity behind this outage" is if no human was involved anywhere. Also, Cloudflare offered to bail FB out and get them quickly back online to stop the $13 million / hour hemorrhage. Why refuse CF's offer? (svpndotcom)
- Error humano al dejar de anunciar vía eBGP, paso al edge BGP y todo internet (routers) convergen por ese cambio. No creo que solo fué la, sino toda una clase o gran parte de la misma. El edge BGP tiene todas las rutas de internet sumarizadas, incluida las de facebook (jfmirror)
- Yeah, I forgot "human error" and "glitch in the Matrix". Oh, and of course "Morten fell over a cable." 😅 (rschu)
- The web didn't break Google just did a rookie mistake and forgot to renew some certs. However,cloudflare or Google going down would break the internet.Cloudflare gone down before and that lead to a fuck ton of the internet being inaccessible bc every1 relies on ddos protection (sambagams)
- Oh, you’re not taking about my “stop gouging on a couple of billing dimensions” style of consulting. The only future I try to predict is the cloud bill. (quinnypig)
- Well explained still wonder what happened in their network that caused to stop advertising their route to public DNS. (ankit_enrique)
- Gracias por compartir Amigo Cloud, el incidente bien explicado por CloudFlare. Queda pendiente la Causa Raíz (error interno) que Facebook, nunca explicará. (aaronbm2021)
- 🌍⚡ "Cloudflare senior vice president Dane Knecht notes that Facebook’s border gateway protocol routes — BGP helps networks pick the best path to deliver internet traffic — have been “withdrawn from the internet.”" well that's fucking awesome (luisffierro)
- when will the website be working again? Cloudflare is blocking us all. rollercoin (stogie_era)
- Experimented with Cloudflare CDN the other day. It definitely slowed down my sites when accessed from the same region as my servers. Also, something about them playing the MiTM made me uncomfortable. (saurabhg)
- Yeah, and even that can be ymmv I'm in education, and we have some low income families who access our services over TLS 1.0/1.1 for various reasons. We're not a target for mitm, I'm not worried serving static content. Also fronting with Cloudflare which adds other capabilities. (nathanmcnulty)
- Alternativ und sind die von Cloudflare. Angeblich der Schnellste, und anonymste. Wobei das evtl Augenwischerei ist. Habe momentan Twitter Probleme mitm Pixel im WLAN. Bilder laden teilweise nicht, Videos dann wiederum schon. Ganz kurios. (bibloki)
- I think it’s mostly due to TLS 1.0 and 1.1 using weaker encryption algorithms, easier for man in the middle attacks and stuff, the server itself isn’t put at risk as much as the end user is but attackers could still do wild stuff if they find a way to spoof as a privileged user (rgriesemer3)
- Finde aber keine Info, ob Cloudflare das überhaupt anbietet. Der Standard-Service ist definitiv ein von der Original-Seite zugelassener MitM. (heptasean)
- È molto diverso conoscere che siti hai visitato, rispetto a sapere che siti hai visitato E ANCHE che contenuti specifici hai visto: Cloudflare non è solo DoH, ma anche un MitM legalizzato (aka una CDN). E la mia non è un ipotesi. (giacomotesio)
- The issue probably stemmed from a misconfiguration of Facebook's servers, which didn't let users connect to its sites. The problem was compounded when apps (and users) got error messages and kept trying to reconnect, sparking a "tsunami" of traffic, according to Cloudflare… (telebusiness)
- Yes, very helpful. Look forward to learning what happened within FB. Odds are human error rather than human malice. But either way the outage should put policy makers on notice that “going digital” is by no means a risk-free option. (zcobb)
- Glad I saw this summary from Cloudflare about last night's facebookdown so I can stop doing my own. It has better pictures too. fragileworld facebookoutage (peterahayes_pah)
- Reflected XSS - Cloudflare Bypass Normal payload ";alert(1)// ( 403 Blocked By Cloudflare ) Bypass ";(a=alert,b=1,a(b))// ( 200 OK ) xss bugbounty bugbountytip bugbountytips cloudflarebypass (m_lathof)
- This article is so fucking self-congratulatory it makes me sick (ddrt)
- „… end-users also won't take an error for an answer and start reloading the pages, or killing and relaunching their apps, sometimes also aggressively.“ 😉 Good one! (ceetter)
- "end-users also won't take an error for an answer and start reloading the pages, or killing and relaunching their apps, sometimes also aggressively." Cloudflare on the Facebook outage (lexplt)
- Sure thing, an error caused us to push some settings to Cloudflare (a cloud provider we use) which resulted in the short outage. The error has been identified and we're taking multiple steps to ensure it doesn't happen again. (sharesiesnz)
- Not always though. There are definite DoS attacks against BGP out there which I would be sorely disappointed if fb feel victim to. (kcjefff)
- As the Trump's election gets closer and closer, The New York Times / Washington Post will probably become extremely anxious, and put pressure on ISPs like Comcast / Verizon, or Cloudflare, to censor alternative platforms like Parler. (gosoraproject)
- Before looking out for Facebook try looking out for the ordinary American online shopper and stop doing business with Chinese Scam Artists... (tom_strapp)
- CloudFlare has a great explanation which is basically, "someone deleted the BGP record for DNS." Can't imagine how that could happen without some "help" from the inside. Wonder who didn't show up for work today at FB? (steamrob42)
- fucking roskomnadzor and cloudflare! why the fuck should I come from the Netherlands to grab an album of my favorite music? fuck off your authorities! 🏴☠️ isengard blackmetal høstmørke (cybertechno88)
- Seems like a significant blast radius of DNS server advertisements we're in same prefix. Otherwise we are looking at larger error. (cryptozugzwang)
- no it was a misconfiguration error plain and simple CloudFlare said it was, just very coincidental when it happened. if you understand how an intranet works, by the same error they couldnt resolve the internal network as well. could have scrubbed the database live. Lost billions (forrestbmac)
- I'm guessing they went to the other platform I deleted long ago, Nextdoor 😸 (boba_tea_catan)
- Gordis deja de consumir la primera estupidez que miras Internet, cloudflare ya informo que sus tablas BGP fueron borradas y fue un error interno pues no se detecta ataques. (restrep_1)
- Yea, in addition many apps don't implement a Backoff policy to handle retries, so your server becomes flooded with millions of requests from the same client that always gets the same error in response... it's going to be a tough day for the network stabilize all services again (arielgmachado)
- JohnCumming Cloudflare: issues appear to be stemming from a configuration error that saw “a large number of changes” take place to Facebook’s border gateway protocol BGP the underlying protocol which determines how traffic is physically routed and peered across the internet. (ilatif)
- Cloudflare, tweeted FB issues appear to be stemming from a configuration error which saw “a large number of changes” take place to Facebook’s border gateway protocol (BGP) – the underlying protocol which determines how traffic is physically routed and peered across the internet (marcjohanssen)
- I dare them to try to fuck with Cloudflare. I bet $100 to everyone on Twitter that nobody can touch that company. (lightninglegend)
- So, someone deleted large sections of the routing. That doesn't mean Facebook is just down, from the looks of it. That means Facebook is gone. is crazy mind blowing 🤯 (alsa_eth)
- You manage Sandhills Publishing no? Where were you when they were out all weekend? It was your companies named on the DNS error (matt_hands)
- Good article. Even for an IT idiot as myself, I can gather at least the breadth of this. FB is back now, but not fully functional. Clicking on my notifications brings up an error message. (cking613)
- Cloudflare: issues appear to be stemming from a configuration error that saw “a large number of changes” take place to FB border gateway protocol BGP the underlying protocol which determines how traffic is physically routed and peered across the internet. FBwillbebacksoon (ilatif)
- This happened in part because apps won't accept an error for an answer and start retrying, sometimes aggressively, and in part because end-users also won't take an error for an answer and start reloading the pages, or killing and relaunching their apps, sometimes also aggressive (marcozelf)
- JohnCumming Cloudflare: issues appear to be stemming from a configuration error that saw “a large number of changes” take place to Facebook’s border gateway protocol BGP the underlying protocol which determines how traffic is physically routed and peered across the internet. (ilatif)
- The exact cause of the outage has not been confirmed by Facebook, but one expert said the problem may have been caused by an internal error. web security firm CloudFlare said Facebook made a series of updates to its border gateway protocol (BGP) which caused it to 'disappear' (computer495)
- Probablemente la culpa sea de tu operador (ISP) y no de Wikipedia. He escuchado reportes de operadores qué sus DNS dan error. Así qué toca cambiarlos (y no uses el de Cloudflare, está colapsado por demanda). (phenobarbital)
- Cloudflare, tweeted FB issues appear to be stemming from a configuration error which saw “a large number of changes” take place to Facebook’s border gateway protocol (BGP) – the underlying protocol which determines how traffic is physically routed and peered across the internet.. (marcjohanssen)
- Cloudflare, tweeted FB issues appear to be stemming from a configuration error which saw “a large number of changes” take place to Facebook’s border gateway protocol (BGP) – the underlying protocol which determines how traffic is physically routed and peered across the internet (marcjohanssen)
- Facebook could still have pulled the BGP configs, albeit unlikely, and it would look the same to CloudFlare. Just seems more suspicious since it's the day after the 60 Minutes interview, but most likely just an internal error during an update. (hrld_0011_0111)
- Cloudflare, tweeted that issues appear to be stemming from a configuration error which saw “a large number of changes” take place to Facebook’s border gateway protocol (BGP) – the underlying protocol which determines how traffic is physically routed and peered across the internet (marcjohanssen)
- Most likely a tech was trying to "fix an error" but caused a catastrophic failure that they have been rebuilding. Kinda like what cloudflare did when they killed the internet. (amatthiesen98)
- It is believed that the outage is due to a domain name system (DNS) error. According to hosting service Cloudflare's chief technology officer a large number of border gateway protocol (BGP) withdrawals were noted approximately five minutes before the outage began. (thevibesnews)
- So... auction sites across the country have had "Cloudflare Error 1016" since Sept 30. Some of those auction sites have reported they had a ransomware attack. Now Facebookdown and Instagramdown? And they also use Cloudflare? Hmmm... TwitterMakingAComeback (candipride)
- Ok, I've got one for you The guy controlling DNS at Facebook, the guy controlling DNS at AWS, and the guy controlling DNS at CloudFlare walk into a bar All of modern society fucking collapses (silvereagledev)
- hahaha i'm reading cloudflare's breakdown of what happened to facebook and i barely understand a lot of it but it's a fucking miracle anything on the internet works ever and yet i basically just use it to tell you guys about some cool anime i just watched (joeleib)
- "Apparently some fucking how their information for the DNS (domain name server) with Cloudflare have vanished entirely. Meaning in a sense they don't exist to be hosted" a text my buddy sent me about whats gone down. (djmcscrubbles)
- 🌍⚡ "Cloudflare senior vice president Dane Knecht notes that Facebook’s border gateway protocol routes — BGP helps networks pick the best path to deliver internet traffic — have been “withdrawn from the internet.”" well that's fucking awesome (icarusinnovatus)
- But it doesn't stop there. How many sites out there depend on cloudflare? AWS? DigitalOcean? If you wanna make sure-sure you can host your own server at home, but who does that? (hint: I don't). A "solution" to that would be to use providers that have a lower market share. (thepaddev)
- So... bye bye you're banned from the intenert for the next 2 days you can't reply at comments and post new contents 😂🤣 (myetvtv)
- Stop press! We have routes. Confused routes, but routes. Congratulations everyone, we survived the great Facebook Outage of 2021! (benjamesbell)
- Cloudflare: please stop refreshing damn Facebook, thank you very much. (bitcoinbarons)
- But at its worst, you drive people over and you make phone calls. This is an ugly problem, and people will be in meetings for weeks explaining how it went wrong and how to stop it happening again, but you'll have your kitten memes by the morning. Probably. (benjamesbell)
- Bro this is just Google and Cloudflare DNS down, stop tweeting random companies name they have nothing to do with the crash (jzkxla7)
- My Facebook is up because I switched on my CloudFlare VPN. It is still down using Nigerian ISP's facebookdown (dozieinspires)
- I use's WARP VPN and I can access a lot of websites that cannot be loaded without it. (alessgoss)
- Also, cuz I know someone will bring up SSL, keep in mind a man-in-the-middle is totally possible in this scenario, it's literally how Cloudflare Workers are possible. (youwishc9)
- What? BGP routes for facebook being deleted has nothing to do with you being offline (or any AI censoring people). It's basically the protocol telling DNS providers (and thus you) where you can find the server for domain xy. (e.g. facebook) (einwildespanda)
- that a good techincal solution... But we still love because we're still online 🧐😂 and that's work 😁who cares about an AI that censor people dividing them from what they really think 👍 Leaving an AI the importance of judging? That's not how the whole internet works😅 (myetvtv)
- Does anyone have screen grabs - I think the comments you are referring to were deleted. (harlanerskine)
- Putting aside the swamping, could a 3rd party help them here? Eg Cloudflare advertise the routes FB deleted. Or would the FB networks just not accept the traffic now? (bernieklein)
- I've read from Cloudflare that they have effectively deleted themselves off the Internet by removing all BGP peering and/or routes. Self-hosted DNS with no way to reach it will cause that. (stoobert)
- RPKI wouldn't help. The authoritative owner was the one that poisoned the routes. This wasn't a Verizon killing Cloudflare situation. They deleted their own routes. RPKI must have okayed it. (sandeepssrin)
- Dane, forgive my likely erroneous over-simplication but does this mean that someone or something could have simply deleted the A and AAA records for (probably many) Facebook domain names, and restoring service = replacing the lost DNS records? (johnguilfoil)
- Somebody deleted Facebook, WhatsApp and Instagram from the index, so the Internet does not know where to send them. (_stevenwebb)
- No, your contact form does NOT work. I tried on 3 different browsers, with extensions, content blockers etc. on and off, same result. It's definitely broken. (viralideas)
- And ramenporn's account has been deleted. Either Facebook's admins/lawyers/swat team came after them, or they were afraid of being doxxed. (goodkingelliot)
- And the world is a better place already. Dane Knecht, Senior VP of web security firm Cloudflare, says the FB Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) routes, used by networks to deliver internet traffic, have been 'withdrawn from the internet.' May have been stolen/deleted = epic hacking. (lile_sosanna)
- The fact they just deleted all the posts tells you what you need to know. (flangey)
- Yes, what i heard that they have a DNS error... Facebook, Instagram and Whatsapp down... Also some Cloud Tools e.g. AWS replied Cloudflare (placeformodels)
- A claro deu pau no DNS fornecido pela operadora, fiz uma rápida troca pelo cloudflare e a conexão ficou normal.. ou seja os DNS locais estão totalmente ou parcialmente off-line, fica dando error ao acessar diversos sites. (allysonflb)
- are you guys having server issues. I haven’t been able to access website since Thursday last week. Get error code 1016 from cloudflare (edking16726001)
- For us it's over ten million reports and the complete opposite - the traffic won't stop! (damndhruv)
- Cloudflare, please stop blocking legitimate Xfinity provided IP addresses! You are preventing people from accessing sites. (dwallens)
- Stop blaming devs. It was the manager that forgot to renew the domain or the cloudflare subscription. 😂 (umarr)
- Gotta stop using Cloudflare to host their websites (newscreature)
- If you trust Cloudflare more than your own ISP.... sure, I guess use DoH. But then, you also need to be VPN'ing all your traffic, and trusting said VPN provider (I have to find one that is trustworthy), or all your efforts are ultimately pointless. (nuintari)
- facebook Cloudflarestatus shows an outage, Facebook tor site isn't working too, so the tor site is somehow behind Cloudflare? (forshish)
- Host your fucking dns records on Cloudflare mate. (amarjadhao)
- What the fuck do DOS attacks have to do with this incident? (0xcap)
- "Cloudflare senior vice president Dane Knecht notes that Facebook’s border gateway protocol routes — BGP helps networks pick the best path to deliver internet traffic — have been “withdrawn from the internet.”" well that's fucking awesome (palvaro)
- Isso acontece às vezes sem o usuário precisar fazer nada, pq o próprio serviço já usa CloudFlare Mas dá pra forçar isso também usando a VPN deles, Cloudflare Warp, o que ajuda a reduzir o ping às vezes tipo um noping só que de graça HUHEAAJIEJIAJDOF (plfracassi_)
- Great talk thanks! If I've got set on host for DNS lookups, how does this minimize DNS MITM attacks in practice? I imagine this reduces the risk surface area to CloudFlare DNS servers being compromised, with no upstream fwding to intercept. Race condition still possible? (cyber_arcana)
- Gotta love when MitMaaS fails in 1) being a MitM 2) working aaS (ed_geraghty)
- Er fólk virkilega að nota cloudflare og googledns sem sína preferred dns? bara.... WHY? Meira að segja heima hjá mér er ég með TVO DNS servera - á sitthvorum platformnum bara til að vera viss... og þeir tala við rótarserverana, ekki upstream - because mitm DNS shaping. (totitolvukall)
- Thats very true. At the same time most companies do not have Google/Cloudflare or any nationstate that could use their data in their threatmodel. And to be honest most shouldnt include those into their model. Or am i missing a way to extract the data? (except mitm obv.) (rikvduijn)
- Het maakt eigenlijk niet uit welke DNS je gebruikt. opendns, cloudflare enz encrypteren hun dns, zodat bv "the man in the middle attack" veel moeilijker is, en je privacy vergroot. (polr)
- Cloudflare What's wrong with man in the middle exactly? (kravietz_)
- and here you have Cloudflare :D MitM for $
- network. (Torproject is not vocal about this because DDG paid $25k to the Tor project) Privacy: All CloudFlare sites are MitM'd by design. (fab_ringo)
- Jeg ved ikke hvad der er at fortrække, jeg tror trods alt det er bedre at CloudFlare data-miner din trafik end at du bliver underlagt statens man-in-the-middle-attack. Den tekniske diskussion overdøver imo. det virkelige problem, nemlig at ... (mikjaer)
- How long is the wait time to enable Automatic Signed Exchanges? I'd love to try this as i'm struggling to get a good LCP for mobile devices. (ollie_ryman)
- cloudflare DNS error when trying to access your website. (kevinbreen)
- WARP+ by cloudflare, gabisa select lokasi vpn nya tapi lebih murah (iampamungkaski)
- Could you please stop with the Cloudflare it's annoying! (kman08336098)
- Censorship and jurisdiction. Local cops could not comprehend getting a warrant to cloudflare just to see dns requests. And no MITM either. (jurbed)
- Note this still allows someone to MitM the plaintext connection between cloudflare and your server. Users still ought to verify the destination address of the pledge, when signing their contribution. (marklundeberg)
- Sterk antwoord. Je bent niet de enige ICT'er in de wereld he. Cloudflare is gebaseerd op MITM onder Amerikaanse wetgeving. (de_lockdown)
- I dearly LOVE Cloudflare services & price points. Might I ask that you look again at Super Bot Fight Mode? Awesome concept but it blocks cron jobs, scans, & from sending via SES, which makes it unusable for us. 😰😭 (tompearson)
- Yeah that's why. You may see the block, if telus is blocking yet, if you use the telus default DNS (you'd have to remove cloudflare DNS to test). (fancrtcprofling)
- I had to stop blocking CloudFlare's IP temporarily because fucking bots trying to login as my leet name - You bots clearly know you can't type escape characters in the field because they will get sanitized right? (hibachi1337)
- Exactly, on a specific page that is protected by a captcha, Cloudflare and all the other typical shenanigans. (nftmakerio)
- Pas besoin de vpn, il suffit de changer les dns (par ceux de cloudflare par exemple). (freedommaner)
- Then come along web browsers that we can't MITM, we can't see DNS traffic for and we can't see the SNI. Literally the only thing we have left is the IP address, which probably points at Cloudflare. And this is the problem that schools are facing. 6/ (nexusukorg)
- can someone help me with a domain name? We’re looking to purchase a domain that seems to be owned or operated by Cloudflare and would like more info. (sbluth)
- Cloudflare, I am a user of the MoonBitcoins page and I have been working with it for a while. When trying to enter I get the message: "Error 1020, Ray ID: 69865ff668792251 • 2021-10-03 13:04:11 UTC Access denied" Please check my activity logs to see that I´m not a threat and (vivianotamendi)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 69860781ec7b6ead •2021-10-03 12:03:48 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 69860781ec7b6eadYour IP: & security by Cloudflare (farhanindian_)
- dashboard loading super slow and then getting cloudflare error screen (datjetsonfranco)
- Pake DNS cloudflare untuk set CNAME (dengan status PROXIED) sekaligus manfaatin free SSLnya. Trus for unknown reason, data yang di submit lewat form, malah "berubah" dan bikin error. 🥲 Ini lah penyebab lembur malam ini. (mrongdedy)
- getting stuck on the cloudflare redirect screen when using tor. Was able to access through vpn. Buy would rather use tor. Any ideas? (cunningfucker)
- Как вариант, это конечно не настоящий vpn, но можно использовать базовый warp от cloudflare в приложении работает как icloud private relay (skripnik_a)
- I also use cloudflare as a vpn service for open networks. No need for region unlocking for me. So there needs to be a case use for going for the extra. Seems like authenticator already does the work 1password does apart from create passwords. (jesuiscanard)
- Can't even bid when your website is down. It's been down for 2 days now. Dsn error cloudflare. When are you coming back? (ericswife1776)
- Perth's Cloudflare PoP is having issues right now. try using a VPN to connect elsewhere (mtoto_lekgwathi)
- Yes, it's Cloudflare's PoP in Perth, you should try using a VPN to connect to somewhere else (mtoto_lekgwathi)
- Captchas at Cloudflare are flawed, I had to spend 30 minutes to login into my account from my Linux laptop. It just endlessly redirects you to a captcha to guess busses, yachts and when you succeed asks you to do the same again and again until you open OBS... (ivanchepurnyi)
- the 502 is actually from cloudflare, their PER pop is having issues right now. Might want to VPN somewhere else (mtoto_lekgwathi)
- Oh iya, malah kalau Zoom juga bener2 gabisa kalau di hapeku yang kartunya by.U ini, kudu pakai cloudflare, orang IT kantorku aja ampe heran wkwk Kirain aku aja yang error, ternyata ada yang senasib juga wkwk (aprizalicious)
- Good for AWS that the areas they already cover are practically endless and probably still expanding as fast as Cloudflare's lol (alessi0p)
- How exactly do you expect them to stop people from doing something independent of their system? It's like asking Cloudflare to stop DDOS when it's literally designed to mitigate it at best. (ladyattis)
- Omg can you please stop enabling and encouraging this wasteful fantasy of a decentralized web. You certainly shouldn’t talk about it as if it was predestined, that’s evangelism and propaganda, and not founded in rational thoughts on the topic. (mortenmertner)
- I love invisible products. These products solve a particular problem super well and then poof 💨, I rarely think about it again. (VPN), (private browsing), Cloudflare (DDOS protection) are super good examples for this. (anaptfox)
- Why does a website I’ve been trying to get on keep saying they have an issue with cloud fare? I’ve never had issues before accessing this site, but today I continue getting an error message. (geniaglover)
- Hey I've talked to 3 different support people about one of our domains which My Kinsta reports as not being CloudFlare enabled. All 3 have told me it is a reporting error & the site config is correct. But we're still constantly being warned the site is going to go offline (pasmith)
- Thanks. The Cloudflare error message seems to indicate as much, but I'm surprised that after being offline for much for the day they haven't offered any public comment or update (or at least that I've seen.) (machineappraisr)
- Igual el consumo del ancho de banda me apuesto que es un error de ellos así que comienza a medir para que verifiques. Otra cosa, ten presente meterle cloudflare a tu servicio. Esto lo hace más rápido y más resistente a ataques (ragnarokreinier)
- I migrated my website to today, SSL Installation service is disabled, can't enable Cloudflare too as it shows an unknown error, my website is down since morning. I lost Huge number of traffic, the customer support is worst. I'll now move to (yasirshakoor_)
- So so ein cloudflare-Zertifikat für MITM? Hmmm, was könnte da wohl schief gehen ... (bofh_dj4n90)
- white/blacklist - allow/denylist master/slave - primary/replica master - main man-in-the-middle - monster-in-the-middle (credit: Cloudflare-Crypto) (cjpatton_)
- Using certs from Cloudflare, helps SEO, prevents MITM, and no spoofing. Helps with folks who use HTTPS everywhere (the extension). Also, tbh, I kinda sorta have an obsession for that green lock symbol... (gokulsrinivas23)
- Really disappointed Mozilla are handing Cloudflare MiTM access to most of their users DNS queries without asking for permission. (justinrwlynn)
- What can we do to prevent denial of service attack's or remedy man in the middle ? Mobile wireless data service providers are not helpful. (markjaubrey)
- but cloudflare’s warp dns isn’t blocked lol guess i’ll use that (4kloli)
- We banned certain countries through cloudflare We didn't have the time to manage the ip addresses and rules in a more nuanced manner But I just implemented something that'll challenge suspected bot traffic (bkh_leung)
- Hi, I have a domain which is currently blocked by Cloudflare Family DNS for malicious reasons. It's an ecommerce website running over the last 4 years, How do I get it off the blocklist and where can I file a false positive complain? (jineshshah1995)
- We have reports since early in the morning for delays & 522 errors for sites served by your Athens, GR node. Can you please have a look? (fevangelou)
- Cloudflare now also doing an MITM on your mail... yay... (finlaydag33k)
- Although, I suspect you use the thing where Cloudflare doesn't MITM - the "less effective" protection thing (1kescher)
- เข้า cloudflare dashboard แล้ว error 500 เลย ไม่รู้ทำ dark mode หรือ go dark (awkwin)
- .replit It was a cloudflare, free and then when they say DL Number, they have meant the DD. So no, it isn't fucking obvious. ALSO, the DD is a valid n (averagebotfan)
- Wow, seven years ago. Maybe it's time to deprecate Flexible and Full SSL so HTTPS via Cloudflare is fully secured and not susceptible to MITM on the path to the origin. (r1ch_tl)
- Before this, you'd have to send middle boxes, firewalls, VPN gear, MPLS connectivity, the whole kitchen sink to the new location. But you migrated to Cloudflare for Teams and the rest of the CF1 suite, why should you need to do this? (tubes__)
- Cloudflare Warp VPN removes route after disconnecting, welp (karnauskas)
- can you accept vpn service fee as oxt? safe and fast ı love you oxt orchidprotocol $oxt (hakantaccc)
- Holy fuck captcha's are the spawn of satan. At my 8th try right now trying to do a Cloudflare captcha while trying to register for something important and they wont fucking let me in because I "cant recognize a train". I hope the inventor of the captcha feels real proud now. (holly_hacker_)
- yeah. it's a useful feature if your ISP's DNS servers are untrustworthy and you don't know of any good, fast alternatives. but why the fuck did they default it to CloudFlare of all places :-/ (cybercrimemlm)
- Gamebanana is gonna be Gonebanana if you don't fucking secure your site. (seleverdude10)
- That's because cloudflare is blocking every attempt to access the API. (drjoeblack)
- api url appears to be going through cloudflare... and will always get blocked by it. Is there an alternative URL? (drjoeblack)
- Hello Is you firmware trust ISRG Root X1? All my apps suddenly stop working at 14:00 GMT on September 30, 2021. They're all behind Cloudflare CDN. Could you fixed it? (pgrimaud_)
- Have you had any luck with the API endpoint? I am getting stuck with the my .php / cURL code. Something about cookies and/or CloudFlare might be blocking things. (scottmvinzant)
- From 1330 - 1500 UTC on 09/29/2021 the website received 147.48K requests, transferring 36.36GB of data to 33.52K visits from 101 different countries from across the globe. 1.06K requests were blocked by our rate limiting. Thanks to load balancing and Cloudflare, this was fine... (adamkdean)
- Hello! If you find you may have been blocked by Cloudflare, please try clearing your cache & cookies. If that does not help, please try using a different browser. Best Regards, Isabel at LocalBitcoins (localbitcoins)
- For sure. But tbh I'd rather have people use 5 captchas, cloudflare and whatever else they can think of than not doing any of it 😆 i always recommend captchas because its the easiest thing to do to stop the super low-level stuff. (padierfind)
- did cloudflare stop using ula and ipv6 nat yet? (noipv6)
- I am trying to open a ticket but a bots keep closing it as "Free Plan". The domain with issues is on a paid account. How can I get the bot to stop closing the ticket? Is anyone else experiencing DNS outages with Cloudflare ?? (andrewbonar)
- Cloudflare I'm not a bot but I am getting blocked from a website by the cfbm cookie on a site I may only visit every day or so and on which I have a confirmed account. What's going on? (sapaud)
- Is Amazon just going to be ok with this and not do anything to stop a potential revenue hit? I’m curious to see their next move. (averagepm)
- Yay!! I will say, better late than never!! Now I can stop using Google for the .uk’s. I’ve loved using Cloudflare Registrar since it launched, this is what I’ve been waiting for! (adampmatthews)
- Stopping the bad guys with Cloudflare: 5,182 malicious requests blocked or challenged in the last month cloudflare (geoxis_co)
- Stopping the bad guys with Cloudflare: 8,611 malicious requests blocked or challenged in the last month cloudflare (geoxis_co)
- Stopping the bad guys with Cloudflare: 1,572,023 malicious requests blocked or challenged in the last month cloudflare (fat_grizzly)
- Cloudflare is blocking any access from overseas to the website. No impact on SIP traffic. (wecke)
- Cloudflare security blocks arbitrarily. I suspect a broad brush approach of ASN or large IP ranges painted as malicious. Their response? Contact their customer to ask firewall rule adjustment or IP whitelisting. My attempts to contact their customer are blocked. (gsh7269)
- Fortunately in Australia getting around blocked sites is as simple as changing your DNS settings to point to Google or CloudFlare's instead of your ISP's. Not ideal though. (kurtbryant)
- I tried some more things. It does work with some DNS providers (eg Cloudflare) but not others (eg NextDNS). Nothing in the latter’s logs to indicate blocking. Bit of a mystery for now. (evanspw)
- would someone please tell me how to get cloudflare to stop blocking me ?! Im trying to access a private IP. Ive altered everything I can think of on my computer and Firefox and this site blocks me. Please help! MacOS (nixd54940667)
- Meanwhile Cloudflare Nginx + CDN caching for free Cloudflare mail proxy for free Cloudflare DNS for free New cPanel theme needed for...? They're actively killing their own company and will then play the victim when it collapses. (olorinhenderson)
- Yeah, but they also let you reset 'your' password via your email, so... Not saying someone got 'their' Spotify account deleted, or anything ;) (calypte_sarah)
- so now that ac's deleted, but I'm left wondering if someone got thru cloudflare signup on my behalf, and how, and what for guess i'll find out soon if i just blew away a critical service, lol (xurizaemon)
- I've not had issues with Cloudflare before, london canals is actually sent through Cloudlfare and the images work absolutely fine there. Dont really understand what had been happening, but suspect a deleted plugin left crap code that caused Cloudflare to block the images. (londoncanals)
- Don't play the victim card here because anyone with an IQ of a rock saw this coming from a mile away. Also, if you look up your own domain, the two points of contacts are your host provider and cloudflare and not you directly, which was why they were served the legal notice. (studiokay)
- I deleted it, in case someone reads that far then stops. At some point Cloudflare should figure out being mercenaries for toxic groups is a bad look -- especially if they want a wider product portfolio than "we secure hate speech" (trumpery45)
- No, this is direct connection to Cloudflare for business offices and data centers, skipping all ISPs along the way. It's complimentary with VPN, not competitive. When I'm working at home, my laptop is VPN'd to my office network. Which /could/ now have direct Cloudflare access. (astroburnham)
- No, of course, also if you use a VPN, but it will be great if they could work without any middleman, but there is no interest on promoting that. Only firefox and cloudflare did something about it with ESNI but now future looks grim. (kabutor_)
- Ah, I can't fault you for that. I'd say that tailscale could integrate Lynk in the future, but lynk isn't really meant to be a peer to peer network/VPN like tailscale is - it's supposed to be an application delivery controller that lets you control traffic to your backends (confusedqubit)
- Setting di google chrome nya, tanpa vpn Setelan - privasi dan keamanan - gunakan DNS aman - pilih cloudflare ( Kalo tidak ada privasi dan keamanan, update dulu chrome nya Sayang hadiah nya kalo menang (leosarmy24)
- Hi Rabbits 🐰🐇 Another great update, keep up the amazing work! Best blockchain decentralized vpn dvpn (squidbonacci)
- Funny you should mention that. I just got a cloudflare error page for a site a sec ago. But it claims cloudflare is fine, it's the backend server that's down. (hyc_symas)
- The latest Cloudflare CAPTCHA is giving me anxiety - do buses count as trucks? (alexchaveriat)
- .NVIDIAGeForce: ERROR: Last chance. ⚠ Only a few weeks in and already having to use cloudflare, free and they are making it (averagebotfan)
- How many genealogists are having site issues? No work for genealogists on the site yesterday and today! "This page is unavailable" and "Bad gateway" and "Cloudflare error" messages, oh my! isitjustme pullingoutmyhair genealogy (allison_peacock)
- Probability of Corey having a relevant blog post or podcast on any important aws topic is also 99.999999999%. And I didn't even think about owner error or security breach data loss, those happen way more than s3-bug-caused failure! One Zone IA is an interesting beast. (shandrew)
- Have had Cloudflare error screens a few times in the last week or so (first time took Ancestry out all night here), but it seemed to be a UK-specific issue (with a Worldwide sub we could log in to, say, .com instead of .co.uk and all would be fine). So this isn't a good omen. 😞 (atcherleyons)
- Ran into this today with Cloudflare + Burp’s embedded browser. Couldn’t get beyond captcha no matter how many times I did the needful. Was very strange. (kevcody)
- My app keeps crashing and the web browser isn't loading, with a cloudflare error. What's up? (cephers)
- my Cloudflare Teams isn't allowing new devices to be registered. I checked device policy and it's fine. When connecting through Warp app I get an error saying "something went wrong" after a brief flash of the page saying "success". (curious_sal)
- Hi Since these issues have begun, I have been trying to reach the portal, but keep getting a Cloudflare Error 1020 message. Please advise? (captainsteubing)
- I've tried for 10 minutes to figure out how to create a ticket but couldn't, so here goes: when trying a wrong hardware 2FA key, there is no error message. Cloudflare (pluc)
- we are based in the UK and still cannot access the main site. We continue to receive a Cloudflare Error 1020 message instead. We've cleared cookies etc. to no avail. No response to our support request. Please advise. (sandstoneevents)
- How can I report an ISP squatting on I can't reach it through WideOpenWest at home, they appear to have it routed to something internal (it's "one hop away" from my home which I suspect is due to a screwup on WOW's end). is fine (bradenmcg)
- I'm not receiving any Password Reset emails for patrick@xtraradio.nl - Even not in SPAM. Can you please help? It's urgent. (patrickvdhoek)
- Wow, die Seite war aber schnell weg! 👍 (yslape)
- does the newly announced Signed Exchanges feature only work for static sites? (wtfsahil)
- thanks, i will do that. I did try chrome on both mac and windows, and safari before tweeting 😬 (meatpaste)
- I cannot purge individual urls. API call returns 'success": true' but assets remains cached on the edge. There is no mention of anything on your status page. Thanks! (nixcraft)
- How long should it take for your registrar to notice that I've updated the IPS tag for my .uk domains to CLOUDFLARE? They've been "transfer in progress" on your page for a couple of hours. (scrosland)
- Hey guys - still no reply. Can you chase please (georgepalmerldn)
- The login page. But I resolved it. Turns out it was because I was using a VPN. Changed country and the requests started working. (saifalfalah)
- I received an email verification message but did not attempt to create an account and believe it was sent by someone attempting to register an account using my email. How can I flag this account as fraudulent? (prototype27)
- does your new email feature just forward the email to an inbox or can it be used to send outgoing emails for your domain too? (ryanroundhouse)
- Thank you. I’ve submitted another report with the link to your tweet in the message. (curious_sal)
- someone started the account creation process using my e-mail address, so I got the verification e-mail. How do I delete the account without verifying it, and prevent further use of it in this way? I assume the person who did it got a free set of Keys out of it. (eightbittony)
- would be great to put that info on your website eh? (pluc)
- This issue of the DFA website and their Cloudflare service not being able to connect persisted from until Thursday evening. Sometimes, I'd be allowed "in" to the front page -- meaning I'd pass the "not a bot" check. But then I'd get a 520 error. (c5)
- Cloudflare запустила два новых инструмента для обеспечения безопасности электронной почты: Компания Cloudflare широко известна своими решениями в сфере сетевой безопасности. Среди её продуктов — средства защиты от DDoS-атак и мобильный VPN-сервис. Теперь компания запускает… (bolyhighscameoy)
- Cloudflare Seeing sub 10Mbps speeds between Cloudflare SYD Edge -- Origin servers in USA (SFO). Nothing on the CF status page.. Any ideas? (frznmatt)
- Прихожу. Прокся это не очень, рекомендую закрывать телефон VPN-ом. 1) Cloudflare WARP. Примерно 130р/мес за 5 устройств. Скорость большая, посадок в работе нет. (amatol)
- Yup! Most take IPFS hashes but like,,,, those are centralised around Cloudflare so... fucking lol. (alexandriapublc)
- I reported some abuse to you. How long does it normally take to respond? (ctcharlton)
- Yeah this was fucking great. Took about 2 minutes as my host handles most of it. 🤟🏻 (willkennard)
- This is a specific error from CloudFlare, denying you access. It may have falsely detected you as a potential threat, or, like me, clicked airplanes instead of trucks. (voyp_us)
- Couple of options. You can initiate a password reset and take control of the account, or you can also email support at cloudflare dot com from the email address that was used and ask for the account to be deleted. (yank)
- Can't even access your website. Giving me cloudflare Error 1020. (shavamng)
- Bro you got banned from aws and cloudflare because you were saying too many racial slurs and was becoming white nationalism/white supremacist cesspool. You guys also stormed the fucking capitol on camera and then blamed antifa. You get what you fucking deserve. 😂😂😂😂 (reggiekeller_)
- Which I do - or rather don't. But with an MITM- Proxy that inserts ads, I can't guaratee that... (k3vk4)
- stop telling storeowners to use Cloudflare for SSL! they changed something on their end & now storenvy stores using them for SSL are screwed!!! They won't answer support tickets unless you upgrade to their business account-- END your relationship with shitty CLOUDFLARE (andthentherewe8)
- Seems like you live to troll Cloudflare :) I’ll stop if you stop (foreverfloydian)
- Bogus CloudFlare captcha should be replaced by MFA solution. (iroutenetworks)
- So that was a lie... All forwards added through denver02 is down... cloudflare showing Error 524 intermittently when trying to access admin portal. Provide carrier level forwarding. (stratis30179934)
- Cloudflare Extremely unimpressed with your support. We've been experiencing a CF SSL error since Sep 13. We're on the Pro plan. If we're lucky we get a reply in 24 hours, but now it's been radio silence for 3 days. All of this while many customers can't connect. (cdmckay)
- It is not "another", just the same nonstop dDoS attack. When you add capacity to your systems, volume of bad traffic will adjust automatically to the new level. CloudFlare could stop it. I am not sure if 15 new servers will be capable to deliver service for 80K users on Monday. (sergipolischuk)
- It seems somebody (not me) just tried to use my email address to create an account with you. Can that be traced in any way? (fmork)
- I actually did. Then I got blocked by sites that used cloudflare. So I removed it. (dangeredwolf)
- Can someone please explain it to me like I’m fucking stupid why the Cloudflare thing hasn’t been fixed? (twodayoldtuna)
- I'm unable to access your website and web app in India. Do you have any notice of being blocked here? ISP is ACT Fibernet and I've tried using Cloudflare and Google DNS for resolution. Works when I'm connected to VPN. (twittadhee)
- DNS logging is mandatory by all Australian ISPs as well and I guarantee CloudFlare does it too. Everything logs everything now a days. If I was that tin foil Hatty I may as well use TOR. Google knowing my porn history is their own fault 🤣 (pixelferret)
- Just tried an other search.. still using VPN. "DDoS protection by Cloudflare Ray ID: 693f903c79c85349" Cloudflare is worthless. (paulp1232)
- Can't log in on Android app. Can only log in on browser on PC. Asks for 2-factor every login, despite 'Remember Device'. Using chrome on android gives a certificate error. Other people are getting this. Might be a cloudflare issue. (madhoneygames)
- Everything down again. It's looking like you changed your DNS away from CloudFlare back to those stupid ass Switchvox servers, are you fucking serious? (rculver91)
- Hi - I'm getting the Cloudflare server error message so can't access the site, any idea why this is? (lauraalbins)
- Someone is using my public email address to sign up for an account, seen this reported by others as well. (sethmlarson)
- Got Error 520 Cloudflare ‘Website is showing an unknown error’ showing on iPad and iPhone so can’t access site. (ladyofamanor)
- For 4 days my website has been down and still is not resolved after contacting support. Cloudflare cdn has issues connecting to bluehost servers and I been receiving error 521 since September 15 (jayvil4)
- Unfortunately, I was also blocked by Cloudflare for scraping OS and had to resolve to using OpenSea API for getting the floor price instead. You can actually now get it from the OpenSea Single Asset API! (_solazy)
- Well I'd look it up. You're focussing on LE for some reason but there are many offer basic DV. You can pay more for EV or OV but that doesn't stop an attacker doing DV later. (bettyvschmartz)
- Could you please stop with the Cloudflare it getting annoying. (kman08336098)
- The Cloudflare proxy is blocking any edits to fax virtual faxes or faxing abilities (mattynealo)
- Problems? Can't even reach your site as I'm getting a cloudflare access denied message and says my IP is banned. (chrithor)
- how do I get past cloudflare that doesn't even show the Captcha Box 😩 (ctrlsth)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 691b22f5faa93c7c • 2021-09-20 12:42:56 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 691b22f5faa93c7c Your IP: Performance & security by Cloudflare (kingking8882)
- does tunnelbear not work in Turkey? I’m a customer for almost 2 years now, on holiday in Turkey and can’t load tunnelbear whatsoever. When I use tor to load your website I had to do 19 Cloudflare captchas. (jellevliet)
- As a Linux user, Cloudflare can kiss my fucking ass. (sleeplessval)
- Any other tech company would have sorted this out. Proxies, Load Balancers --actually using fucking cloudflare--. Fuck. DDoS attacks are nothing new, if you don't know how to mitigate them why the fuck are you even in the industry. Fucking amateur hour over here. (fong_hj)
- We have. Aren't getting the answers we need, that's why I directed toward known Cloudflare leaders. We have breaking changes that were forced upon us and we are requesting that certain behaviors be changed to work as they did before. Support doesn't have that power (clintavo)
- Hm, I keep getting a Cloudflare error page when I try to load this. (rodneylives)
- Poor is getting absolutely beaten down by a DDoS attack. But Cloudflare's CAPTCHA pages are incredibly frustrating so I hope the attack ends soon because I can't log in until the CAPTCHA pages go away. (oowm)
- I wasn't able to mint the blue chip on opensea due to some cloudflare issue, is there away of going about the stuff when time I experience that coz I'm fucking hate myself for missing the blue chips free mint. This your free mint will really turn people into millionaire (michtos001)
- Please. Do not host your LNURL / LN Address service behind Cloudflare. You will lock out all services that use Tor and they won't be able to transact with you. Support Tor 🧅❤️ (calllllllllle)
- How does a domain owner who doesn't use Cloudflare nor have DNS pointed at Cloudflare contact Cloudflare in order to remove conflicting DNS records on Cloudflare's system. Have a 10 day old ticket, still no idea how to get those DNS records removed. (austinginder)
- Took more than 10 minutes for the workers from 2captcha to solve the captcha in the cloudflare form. We will be implementing a warning alert for when the api is offline because of it. (checkleaked)
- This has been an issue for about the past month in India. Currently, BHARTI Airtel Ltd. is blocking some IP addresses from CloudFlare which my site uses. I'm going to try some things and see if it solves though. (leekduckreplies)
- Cloudflare and Sucuri both do, they have GeoIP/anonymous proxy blocking Please get CloudFlare involve or if you can't handle it --usually these type of issues either you resolve in 2 hrs max or you get security consultant involve plz!! (1bosh007)
- Pls get the Iceborne set builder back online, It still shows some Cloudflare SSL error, thx. (shawndsilva97)
- I’ve been waiting from 7:45AM GMT time to buy the latest Stitch Crashes Disney and I’ve now been blocked by CloudFlare. I have tried on three different devices! shopDisneySupport stitchcrashesdisney (mel_politics)
- sort your website out. Cloudflare is blocking everybody because the virtual queue refreshes so many times.🤦🏻♂️ (ilovefluffy)
- why is an IP owned by you ( trying to log into my WordPress site? It's made 12 attempts to log in as admin (dostalcody)
- They are adding Cloudflare. That protection adds blocking access to certain criteria (such as countries, blocks of IP addresses and so on). It takes a bit of tweaking once installed to ensure proper people can get in. You block everyone and then start opening up. Give them time. (mshultise)
- Yep. It’s throwing up a Cloudflare host error. (polettidan)
- your site seems to be unavailable from Russia entirely (Origin DNS error 1016 Ray ID: 69036c30c8ac358f while accessing home page and just no response from internal pages) and Cloudflare presents infinite Captchas when opening from Tor. Is it normal? Any suggestions? (arech8)
- Dear Cloudflare, your CAPTCHA suck. Sincerely, a developer who hates to look at low res pics of planes, buses, stairs, bikes... (itsberkelium)
- I get a "result snot found error" instead... something is buggy ;) (vsmferrari)
- I'd trouble loading this page in Tor browser, but now it works fine, maybe your cloudflare settings dislike some Tor exit nodes. (jeffburdges)
- hey why I cant use with chrome on 11AM UTC to 4AM but works fine on firefox? (shadowy_cod3r)
- Hi - this isn't an operating system thing (I'm on a desktop using a browser), your CloudFlare setup is blocking my IP from accessing your site and app at all. (cirrux)
- Is it just me or are captcha getting really hard? Especially the Cloudflare ones make me feel non-human. 😑 cloudflare captcha security (dark_binary)
- Please fix cloudflare receiving 404 error upon completion in major Mobile wallet app (rorowear)
- Was set to full, I just changed it to Flex (strange, Flex is what I normally use). Think that was it? (ronrule)
- PIA & Express always questionable. I used to use: 1. Home-hosted a few VPNs 2. 3. 4. Other providers I cannot remember 5. Outline + TOR on 6. I use various Cloudflare Teams and WARP for everything - lightning-fast TOR access (maxfalstein)
- I've been using IPVanish for quite a while. They were doing a deal was like $35/yr, and it was well worth the money. I've only used their Windows and Linux (CLI) clients, and have not once had an issue outside of Cloudflare blocking my IP. (crunkcomputing)
- Cloudflare CloudFlare - when you start use hcaptcha - the Internet has gotten much worse. My site is broken (site is available but assets are not) and no way how to enter captcha, because no way for user to solve worst ever captcha on site's assets (insulatingtape)
- is your service currently down? Connections aren’t reliable and your service status page is giving an error at the host side of things (Cloudflare results). Some services seem to be working but not all. I’m using NBN (craig_zimmerman)
- Weird cloudflare rules are blocking us from reviewing their site. I'm not on my work Amazon VPN which a lot of companies block, but just normal COX connection. (jasoncarpentier)
- hey. You host a fishing site. Dm me for a link (gmlandrey)
- Fuck your cloudflare bs scanuk always fail to get one because of that (bandobit)
- I'm blocked from the website by a cloudflare notification. Hard to work without my db! (rebmoti)
- Cloudflare VPN - самое простое, классное и при этом бесплатное приложение имхо. Вбить в гугле, перейти по ссылке, установить приложение cloudflare, включить. Всё. Обходит и блокировки, и замедления. Ссылка на всякий случай еще раз здесь: (kak_idea)
- I think Cloudflare is blocking people thinks ddos (1coinpool)
- I see a cloudflare captcha page and I go "oh the site's down right now I'll try later" and close it (mraofnull)
- Can someone please explain it to me like I’m fucking stupid why the Cloudflare thing hasn’t been fixed? (shelbythesaint)
- Are you aware of many of us using Godaddy, Cloudflare and WordPress are having 520 error since 2 week ago and we don't know how to resolve it? (baioni)
- Tried adding SeryBot to my Twitch channel and I get a Cloudflare error when trying to authorize it to work lmao (ronaaltana)
- Are you aware of many of us using Godaddy, Cloudflare and WordPress are having 520 error since 2 week ago and we don't know how to resolve it? (baioni)
- I’ve check on SkyscraperCity Forum The following urls is: ?cfchlcaptchatk=pmd5IRJKqH51r9qoBVjzTB89NXUDHbxVuNk5Jv6wIweTmM-1631319625-0-gqNtZGzNAyWjcnBszQml It’s a result The Cloudflare keeps Captcha when accesing site. (fadil_original)
- Tried that too as well as my vpn which cloudflare seemed to be blocking oh well I guess pokemon doesn’t want my money (ess0h)
- OK, why the fuck is every site hosted by Cloudflare constantly keep asking and checking for CAPTCHA?! It's fucking annoying as shit to be constantly checked every fucking time you go to a new page. (thealkaris)
- Is Cloudflare training up its own AI or something that it needs to keep constantly checking and asking for CAPTCHA? (thealkaris)
- But, Cloudflare make a promise to remove Captcha Challenge. In the real life Cloudflare still not removing the Captcha Challenge. This is a lie & bad promise… i’m dissapointed. 😕 (fadil_original)
- It’s still up. Cloudflare captcha first then slowly loads. (andrew_dickson)
- whats going on right now?. Page is not loading. I'm getting a Cloudflare Error 522 (titoosoriano)
- Yeah, that was happening to me yesterday morning early. The same thing - got a Cloudflare error message. (metacurity)
- If your project was based on exploiting others then it was obviously flawed. You didn't think it was wrong until CloudFlare blocked you? Unfortunately you aren't the only one who this was referring to. This behaviour is quite harmful and seriously challenges our sustainability. (alpe123_cr)
- Well I think it'd have to be done at the router level as switching to cellular fixes it on his phone. I was thinking some cloudflare thing must be blocking them but our API is on AWS and not using cloudflare like our front ends do. (jmitch)
- trying to understand why it's so difficult to get a Cloudflare rep to speak to about very niche problems just for 5 minutes. (trust_mpofu)
- Yes, you are able to save bandwidth because cloudflare annoyed your customers with endless captchas. You probably also lost 50% of sales. It's a win win situation. (uzi_ur)
- Yes, the config here seems far less ridiculous than whatever Cloudflare have configured. I routinely fail 80% of CF captcha challenges. (nickstenning)
- is it working for you? metrograph site gives me a cloudflare error rn (zumicroom)
- If you're the website owner please contact support, if you're not the website owner please let the website know you're encountering this error message. (xxdesmus)
- every time I visit the website I'm blocked by cloudflare (error 1020). Tried different browsers already. Can you assist? (smsuurmeijer)
- Introduced to Anja's 10wk challenge this morning access to the course is barred Error 1014 Ray ID: 68a6598f39b265d1 •2021-09-06 08:32:58 UTC CNAME Cross-User Banned The host is configured as a CNAME across accounts on Cloudflare, is prohibited by security policy (stephensbubble1)
- 1er lien sans espace "Our website is currently undergoing maintenance and will be back online shortly ! Gateway time-out The web server reported a gateway time-out error Ray ID: 68bffdcc0ed93328 Your IP address: Error reference number: 504 Cloudflare Location: Paris" (marilynechenuet)
- oh is this why i cant get onto your site right now? cause of the ddos attacks? im gettin the cloudflare 520 error :o (kariishere)
- Try going there, the image is what I got. Like it's got a redirect? I know Vanwatech is their "CloudFlare" equivalent. So it's like when CouldFlare is blocking a site, I think? Might be something else happening, not sure. But it's unreachable, at least for me. (teethliberty)
- Seeing this as well, tricky for people because Cloudflare’s error message shows up but this is on (chase_observes)
- なんかcloudflareのcaptchaが導入されてるサイトで「One more step」の無限ループでアクセスできない現象が発生してる 頭おかしなるで (nnn1590)
- Fuck kucoin and fuck cloudflare. If you can't handle peak loads, you have no business running an exchange (thrakazog)
- I can't get on your website at the moment, I keep seeing a Cloudflare 522 error page (jdbevan)
- And oh look the site linked in the tweet is returning a cloudflare error how nice (riverteiglin1)
- It may just be overloaded, if you're getting a Cloudflare error (zoeyorkwrites)
- Amazing how a ‘privacy project’ doesn’t think to make their website SSL. Whitepaper link hits a cloudflare 524 error rather than loading the info you’re asking for. JFC 🤷♂️ (shitcorns)
- Just wen to look at your site and you've a Cloudflare DNS error (respeak_uk)
- hi. I've subscribed to warp+ unlimited. Supposedly, I'm getting a better fast internet. But why does it became otherwise? The connection became worst (ezzthedon)
- Dear Cloudflare : I am NOT a robot so stop treating me like one. Yes, I know is a bunch of 🤬 but that's the company not the customers that have no other options. (teddyv827)
- Cloudflare please could I ask if you are blocking any websites for sky broadband in the WS11 postcode area of Cannock Staffordshire by any chance? (enzostafford113)
- Дайте публичност на фиаското с ел. преброяване, . През нощта като се е броил беше ОК, сега е абсолютно неизползваем. Cloudflare вече дава и host error. Колко милиона са отишли за това? Недопустимо. (bgdaemon)
- Untuk akses reddit, vimeo, dan bbrp kali koneksi biznet malah lebih lancar pake vpn 2. Dari grup fb 3. Cloudflare Bisa gratis dan bayar cuma 14k/bulan bisa share account jg (antitimun)
- Investigate why you support …racism, pedophilia and hate speech! All money is not good money. (thegameisovesa)
- it takes activating tor to notice that every single page on the internet uses cloudflare (ainhoa1fan)
- Please note that some anti-DDoS measures like Cloudflare block incoming requests from Tor. Could cause problems with LNURL/LNAddr (calllllllllle)
- why is it the default public IP is picking up the IPv6. It is band in cloudflare. arghhh must use VPN always. (jackieohyeah)
- Wish we could make Cloudflare to not block Tor exit nodes. What kind of behavior is that?! Cyber discrimination. (calllllllllle)
- You support one of the largest hate sites on the internet that harbors pedophiles, racist and hate speech ~ Cc: (thegameisovesa)
- So apparently psychopathic, vaush clone demonmama did a stream today crying about kiwifarms and told people to contact cloudflare to remove them and has deleted the stream lmao what a massive pussy (lvaush)
- Never censor hate speech again What in the living fuck????? (mendinso)
- It returns 1020 error, which indicates that Cloudflare firewall rule is violated. It seems that anti-DDoS protection also blocks their API access. (coinwink)
- CloudflareHelp no one is assisting. Please assist (vikrantdhumale)
- I have submitted a report and hope you will be able to stop this from happening. (ciarnac)
- CloudflareHelp having a weird issue, when I use you ( as primary DNS Spotify is slow as shit. When I switch to Google DNS the issues are resolved? What would be a nice approach to troubleshoot this? (vvandaal)
- CloudflareHelp Your support are refusing to comply with my DMCA request when they were happy to comply with the exact information just 2 weeks ago. I have sent everything that is legally required. (chestercries)
- This shit is literally getting traumatic now. I told people Cloudflare DNS connections were being purposely sabotaged by Telus, but if you can't keep a server running, shame on you. Fucking hell. (jack_y_zhang)
- venn diagram of people who say shit like "cobalt strike should be illegal!" and people who say fuck all about cloudflare fronting phishing domains (nullbadge)
- normal browsing clearly is maliciously visiting. you see, as far as i know i'm not a robot. nor have tried to access this site multiple times in quick succession. nor have done anything other "sus". its just cloudflare being SHIT + a fucking MITM (notkoutsie)
- Yet you won't find anyone advising or doin any harassment within the pages of the site. Anyone can find the same information, they just compile that information. If I was a stalker and there was a repository of info on my victim I would use it but that does not mean I am a member (cheraldog)
- is your online ordering down? Been trying to place my order and keep getting a 524 error. Something up with Cloudflare ? (margotberger7)
- Piracy is strong because there is teamwork between VPN Providers and CloudFlare and Hackers Etc. Although ACE/MPA using using everything they can to shutdown this Websites. (matthewshanixx)
- I'd start at Paypal - let's see how Marty does when he loses his payment processor. From there Soundcloud. After that, Cloudflare. At that point, if slamwrestling doesn't take a shit on his head, their host will be my next stop. (hluska)
- It was the tool used to benchmark during this months. In Portugal (ISP: NOS) Quad9 is faster. and with a bonus of being also more secure - even when used the Cloudflare DNS w/malware blocking, Quad9 gets more blocks in known phishing/malware pages. Of course, this can vary :) (dj_prmf)
- (Small caveat: If you’re using Cloudflare or a similar service, they can do this for you with regular rewrite patterns. Since that initial request is unencrypted they essentially do a MITM attack…for good!) (noahsbwilliams)
- If you are using Cloudflare WARP, please don't update on the lasted build ❌ It has a serious bug that causes all MITM proxy apps won't work unless WARP is ON. It affects Proxyman, Charles Proxy, Fiddler... Quit or delete Cloudflare doesn't fix it 😰 (_nghiatran)
- yup, same issue. DO -- CloudFlare -- Airtel (MITM) -- Upstream. What's interesting is that CloudFlare still doesn't detect/warn about this at all. (captn3m0)
- Cloudflare is irritating me now 🙁 At first, I used their DNS service to reduce the impact of DDOS service, it did that well. But, rarely in 2-3 months, their redirects don't work and my site visitors get a 520 Error 😵💫 There is no issue with hosting, CloudflareHelp 😑 (99promitsaha)
- it was down for a little while due to a cloudflare error! (whiteforests)
- If you're offering an LNURL endpoint, i.e., you host a Lightning Address service, please make sure that your service is reachable via Tor to accept payments for everyone in the Lightning Network! I heard that Cloudflare proxies doesn't like Tor, so ditch them if you use them. (calllllllllle)
- This might not be Cloudflare, this might be the owner of the site itself being overzealous. That is how I read the error message anyway... Lots of admins think it is their job to have opinions about cipher suites. A lot of them are wrong. (herrabre)
- I'm using Firefox 90, released less than two months ago, and cloudflare just flat out refuses. Who the fuck is being served by this? (beeronice)
- Can't access the article. Error 1020 Ray ID: 688912f16f8421e2 • 2021-09-02 19:16:39 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 688912f16f8421e2•Your IP: • (inblackhawks)
- Hello! If you find you may have been blocked by Cloudflare, please try clearing your cache & cookies. If that does not help, please try using a different browser. Best Regards, LocalBitcoins (localbitcoins)
- I'm trying to use Let's Encrypt on Digital Ocean with Cloudfare via Certbot --nginx. Cert is created, but I'm getting a 525 error on Cloudflare. Anyone has experience on making this work? Would love some help. (zellwk)
- Separate bug report: I tried to use a Tailscale private IP for an Apollo instance and Apollo Studio threw up. (CloudFlare actually blocked the loading of Studio due to the presence of a private IP!) (dweekly)
- To end this off as it were: - pointed out meta-tags, which is a nicer, cleaner and more efficient method, but parallel processing tripped Cloudflare's DOS mitigation and IP banned me, lol. I'll test more lightly another day. Apologies :D (atomicnicos)
- CloudflareHelp getting error 520 from cloudflare. Site is down due to cloudflare. Please assist (vikrantdhumale)
- CloudflareHelp Intel, Microsoft, Windows, Samsung and others ALL give quicker support than Cloudflare. (watfordlondon)
- fuck Cloudflare and their endless captcha's for tor users. (uzi_ur)
- cloudflareでVPNかましたらリロ周回安定したな・・・。ipV6と相性悪いとは言うが、これで多少は落ち着くか。 (papan0152)
- I think he means the ones that sold out in less than 5 mins. Got solbears drama free, stayed up till midnight for rox and aurory and got nothing but blocked from cloudflare. Yeah it’s been trash but what I’ve got has been epic. Seems like webhosting issues not blockchain issues (based_bxtkk)
- Almost certainly most of the responses had status code of 403 instead of 5xx, as cloudflare kicked in and blocked you from making requests, as you made too many of them in short time span. Also, in request headers there is info, if returned page was returned from cache or server. (kamilo1625)
- cloudflare is a fucking joke. and stop yelling fudder about everything. they clearly didn't have the server capacity to even handle some links to the app stores. not to mention they decided to launch swap now too which makes no sense. have fun being blocked. (yolzog)
- if you are wondering why you lost my business today. You can thank Cloudflare with their endless reloading of page with message "Please wait" when I tried to login. (uzi_ur)
- CloudflareHelp I need your help removing a blog from your platform that has just lifted my posts and is republishing with no reference to me or where they came from. (ciarnac)
- I've been having a similar issue. Just a cloudflare crash error. Even the help page has the same error and this happened just after I added the BMAC Discord bot to my server. Any ideas on what's going on? (avulcanhello)
- Yup, looks rare But seriously, it's from the BoldBadgers disasted launch yesterday, we were supposed to mint NFTs instead we got to mint Cloudflare error screens and wrong link on the homepage 😆 (___deandree)
- You don’t need Cloudflare when you use Netlify already offer what Cloudflare does, and more. If your site is not on Netlify, perhaps consider using it for your one stop solution for hosting, SSL, DDoS protection, DNS load balancing, and continuous deployments. (edun_omatseye)
- Website is under DDoS attack and cloudflare is not helping us. We are trying to ask cloudflare to do their job and stop the DDoS (bakabt)
- BoldBadger sale was on 5AM, and I stayed awake till 7AM. But cloudflare kept blocking me, and I wasn't able to mint any. I skipped work for nothing (tytyty7777)
- Ray ID: 687020450d36d2dc Error being blocked by Cloudflare, they said contact you. (jordanfe8)
- it was down for a little while due to a cloudflare error! (glitchshift)
- Hello! If you find you may have been blocked by Cloudflare, please try clearing your cache & cookies. If that does not help, please try using a different browser. Best Regards, LocalBitcoins (localbitcoins)
- 404 error cloudflare blocked you On the right track? (cosmonautc)
- Justo estoy aprendiendo eso esta tarde pero no lo consigo. Encuentro la IP de origen pero no puedo inyectar xss porque me da error 1003 Cloudflare. (rickdeckard23)
- CloudflareHelp is telling everyone their servers hosted by you crashed today, is this true? Seems suspicious. (elliaivyworld)
- or people that literally closed the door of their own fucking store lmao (7omcrypto)
- I have deployed an app on playstore directly. It was never hosted on cloudflare or any other servers. Also when servers can't handle too many requests, they throw 500 error messages and won't crash easily. (cryptogeekus)
- 0/2 on drops today. First reschedule drop. Then have a shitshow of a launch that apparently sounds near sold out, yet I could never even get past the 520 cloudflare error before they decided to pull the site. Solana NFTdrops (tradermillz)
- Can someone please explain it to me like I’m fucking stupid why the Cloudflare thing hasn’t been fixed? (lynnshelbyl)
- Dude the whole thing is a scam, I heard they we going to do it again in 24 hours, and what do ya know, they are all minted already. Fucking shame (dafaqgoingon)
- Yes please I have been receiving this error msg 🙏 (bilalabdallaoui)
- You might want to postpone at this point with it being 1hr behind and people already blocking time out for this. (hopisaurus)
- Cloudflare why are you blocking this bag????????? (joelchadd1)
- I am blocked again.. i think the site will be back up.. but there will be nothing to mint 😂 .. (satoshi_lll)
- Whats happening I am Blocked..Not able to mint (robin_gautam16)
- was the worst nft drop I took part so far. Webserver down. Users blocked by Cloudflare. Changed Mint address. That was unprofessional, should have been postponed... (darkmangar)
- I repeat ... we have a 521 ... 521 ... cloudflares everywhere .... we´re down .... we´re down ... urghhs ... we´re blocked maybe ... (darkmangar)
- Cloudflare not blocking me anymore your site still down though. (deadpixels16)
- And I got banned from the site after choosing 40 planes. Nice work (bambatavideo)
- Thank you. Please make sure everyone is unblocked. I also got blocked :(( (shaktimankafan9)
- Cloudflare might be blocking your users but that doesn't explain the http 500 response from your server. My guess is you tried to save on infrastructure and didn't even bother to allocate enough resources. (aurimasmatiekus)
- and how come everyone got blocked but degen ape tweeting that they got fucking 886 badgers???? Cheating much? (thycryptoknight)
- Lol. In kaiju no one could hard refresh. Now everyone beat the shit out of ctrl+f5 and blocked by cloudflare. (twthemant)
- I'm literally shaking right now. I received a notification that I bought the badgers & my SOL is gone but the site blocked me... I don't know what to do. I moved all the way from Australia to the USA so I could have the best connection when getting one of these prized badgers. (satoshis_mom)
- I can’t verify myself in discord, I make the captcha and says error… BRUH (g0ldb0yk1ng)
- Yes these failed launches are using cloudflare already, but we're seeing Apache error pages here. If you're going to insist on hosting yourself at least use something more suitable for this job like nginx... (john__rees)
- Boycott this collection fuck that im not minting one now (626_willyttv)
- lmao. I registered 2 new domains and Cloudflare couldn't see that they Had been registered so I ran a while loop to keep trying....and now the two domains are banned from Cloudflare temporarily (acar321)
- Ray ID: 6848f7e362a50225 Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: Zurich (yakdoggames)
- I don't know :) When do you get that error? (j_aa_p)
- Actually, pretty much website dev 101. Using a CDN, cloudflare and simple captcha could have stopped the bot. Dan tried flying before he was ready. It’s obvious he operation isn’t ready. I does happen, but this isn’t the way you want to find out that you aren’t ready. (observingcrypto)
- Fucking cloudflare screwing up my redesign by caching the CSS LMAO (plt_abbie)
- They're all getting blocked by Cloudflare (and have been for a long time) so I don't understand why it's still happening (syfaro)
- CloudflareHelp Help, looks like cloudflare has banned my IP. (home user) Can't access most sites and on some sites the Ray ID keeps looping. :( (varun_daniel)
- Yes, because it is not counted as an average Tor Browser user. (kushaldas)
- El cloudflare de no em deixa veure el seu lloc quan estic connectat a Tor. Doncs ja ho miraré un altre dia. (pakoelmetralla)
- What is the purpose of IPFS frontend, if the API is behind cloudflare? Any time a Tor user calls your API, he may be presented with captcha. This effectively bans Tor users. If you ban Tor users and use offchain servers, you can track or be forced to track everyone. No privacy. (paulmillr)
- Have you tried using Tor with your site? It doesn’t work correctly because you’re using like ten other sites which block Tor / cloudflare that blocks Tor (paulmillr)
- itu cuma cache doang, cache yg d simpan otomatis sama cloudflare. Aslinya memang host semprot offline, jadi mau pake VPN atau apapun y tetep aja cuma liat bekas/jejak forumnya doang.. (nlimbarda)
- Block desde el proveedor de hosting (Puede ser una nube que bloquea por defecto las IP cubanas) Si saliera el 1009 es cloudflare hecho a posta... En fin, siempre VPN 👍 (erichgarciacruz)
- God damn it. Cloudflare is a stupid, awful piece of shit and I wish it would burn to the ground. Fuck you, Cloudflare. (apotheon)
- Hey, website unavailable for quite some time now. Ray ID: 68489f28625cffe0 Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: POP: undef (deivedux)
- Показывает заглушку CloudFlare с Error 522: Host Error. Больше похоже на проблемы с самим сайтом. (ulovnalimov)
- Cloudflare is blocking me from getting on websites I regularly use...now how to fix it. (mommyjenna)
- In addition to Cloudflare making it literally impossible to get to websites behind its professional pseudo-MITM infrastructure when using some browsers through Tor, it's also apparently censoring certain pages of some sites and pretending it's a DNS error. (apotheon)
- Does anyone else upload NFTs on OpenSeaNFT get blocked by their CloudFlare protection? It seems to be triggered at random and blocks me from accessing the platform for hours, no matter what browser I use. (maineman1979)
- Cloudflare keeps saying it's a server error... 💔 heartbrocken (sparkxiiii)
- If you’re self-hosting services and using CloudFlare, block the country named “Tor”. You’ll thank me later. (technotimlive)
- An SSL Handshake Failure or Error 525 means that the server and browser were unable to establish a secure connection. This can happen for a variety of reasons. Generally, an Error 525 means that the SSL handshake between a domain using Cloudflare and the origin web server failed. (malesela_sela)
- um ... ... I'm getting an "Access Denied" Error 1020 ( Cloudflare Ray ID: 683761d6a9cb1843 ) when I try to open your pages. ? Anything I should know about? (pfpdaily)
- CloudflareHelp You sure do love deliberately delaying replies to emails dont you!? MY SITE IS NOT WORKING BECAUSE YOUR SSL CERTIFICATE IS NOT VALID! FIX NOW! (thomasdohlman)
- ya lo se, es un error de lo mas comun cuando se envia un certificado que no es y en este caso es error de cloudflare al enviar un certificado firmado para su sitio web pero no para stardeos (srrapero720)
- HI there, IM trying to log into my account and I have a "We are having difficulty loading this page. This can happen when the network server times out. The web server reported a bad gateway error. Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: London" (stephen_carp)
- Poipiku is down? I'm getting a CloudFlare error (lady_noremon)
- Waarom een TOR-proxy? Is toch gewoon open data die je binnenhengelt? Zou denken dat je via TOR juist sneller geblokkeerd wordt gezien hoe trigger-happy o.a. Cloudflare er op is. (joery)
- Complementando a resposta da proxy, o cloudflare serve tanto como CDN (cache de imagens e js do seu site) serve como um certificado que eles mesmo dão pra gente (evita lets encrypt) tem como bloquear ips específicos, bloquear que a rede tor bata no seu site ... + (lipekis)
- Why am I getting unhandled error at the bottom of screen? (dajma00)
- They’re hosted on godaddy, no cloudflare or anything. If you are going to try and do anything truly nasty, use TOR and hope they don’t have the exit nodes blocked. The kind of people who run this would absolutely try to prosecute or sue anyone who crashes their shitty site. (coyoteden)
- This is the worst implementation of any captcha I had to deal with. Two booby-trapped pages of low-res images. As a bonus, it is sometimes stuck in an endless loop. Wife couldn't get to login because of it, Cloudflare proxied sites are inaccessible. craptcha (myatu)
- I've been getting an "Origin is unreachable" cloudflare error trying to visit the site today (daveliepmann)
- I tested our newsletter signup again and it works fine now, so I think the error message was related to Constant Contact's use of Cloudflare. Perhaps someone was trying to DDOS them. (iprtweets)
- Are they sure this was not because their service was unavailable as per usual? Frankly given their track record I wouldn't trust them with such claims, just as I don't exactly believe the "host is down" when I literally just rebooted it to fix the resolv error on their DNS (tampapowers)
- Brutal. Me estoy metiendo. Pero opensea IO me da error 1020 accesos denied. Según cloudflare. :( (juankstylez)
- Check juga jika ada error di side cloudflare, mungkin boleh double check DNS sekali (_imanhafidz)
- i really don't like when Cloudflare made IPO and almost no one criticized them for "racial filters" which they implementing as standard for most western websites, blocking even scientific and medical data to other humanity in developing nations. (stertout)
- The weight of the collective wailing & gnashing of teeth seems to have knackered the site: "Web server is returning an unknown error: There is an unknown connection issue between Cloudflare and the origin web server. As a result, the web page can not be displayed" (miss_scatty)
- Cloudflare is using the crappiest crap captcha - 2021 and these guys force me to enter 2-page captcha with awful image quality EVERY hecking time I open Cloudflare-protected resource. Ridiculous. Tell about the privacy to my grandma, you just can't afford reCaptcha. (le_enot)
- For some reason Gelbooru got blocked in France. Althrough it's just dns blocked by ISP. You need to use another DNS (like Cloudflare's one) to bypass it. (tsu_hidden)
- stay online and stop spitting Cloudflare 524 errors at me for 5 seconds challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (leafbro97)
- Hi, Can you guys fix your Cloudflare servers in the Middle East? The only way I can connect is through a VPN.. (cryptogsus)
- CloudflareHelp please for the love of god delete all the data for my cloudflare account, it says I cant make an account with my email it says email already in use, but when I sign in it says the email doesn't exist! And when I try to reset password, it just doesn't email me (user9684)
- CloudflareHelp I have a DNS problem but this account does not seem to be active anymore. If it is then notify me. (biffkins)
- And why is Cloudflare blocking countries?! (jshpigler)
- I keep thinking that CloudFlare is some kind of a weird human subject experiment on Tor users, like how many can be tricked into enabling JS. (hackerb0t)
- OK, this is getting silly now. Checked with Firefox. That Cloudflare Captcha you have installed that's popping up for me all over the web is causing an unresolvable loop! (ponder65)
- You don't need headless browsers to avoid Cloudflare's captchas. Here's how: - Open the page in the browser, solve the captcha if needed - Open Dev Tools, grab all request headers from the Network Tab - When scraping, send the headers in the same order ... 👇 (robertbalazsi)
- I cannot even reach the site. Seems to be blocked on DNS Level for me. Using the Cloudflare "Malware Blocking" DNS. (tanukibtc)
- Oh, truly, I am sure amazon is trembling in its boots over the impending Gab marketplace... ...that will doubtless be hosted on cloudflare, because fuck everything, right? (spiraldee)
- I think it was CloudFlare in my region because another site other than medium resulted in that error briefly. (andrewbrown)
- Their profile page is giving that error from time to time, was seeing a Cloudflare DDOS screen a few minutes ago too. (0xtycoon)
- Has anyone had any issues getting blocked from websites by CloudFlare, anything I google about how to get around this crap is useless. (maineman1979)
- Hey guys, right now a lot of users are getting a “Cloudflare error” when trying to log in on pc, how do we fix this? (alphacyclonev2)
- yo, you got any backend cloudflare issues? error 1105 for cloudflare on launch on desktop lol (vpuvwv)
- CloudflareHelp Hey, I keep getting "The content length is too large. (Code: 81041)" when trying to make an SMIMEA record. I can't make it shorter, as far as I am aware it needs to feature the full certificate, certificate hash isn't enough. How do I make the record? (datjocab)
- hehehe its ok - its not u - i for some reason decided diagnostic logging on NSG would be great idea for a box that i ask people to fuck with LOL - i do normally put cloudflare on boxes to stop people busting the fek out of things as well ;) (uk_daniel_card)
- Cloudflare CloudflareHelp According to our own tests, it is certain that Cloudflare does not forward me when accessing websites. I only get a 503 error, but I don't have these problems with another device. Looks like intent and censorship. And websites are available and not 503 (mari_ehansen)
- Probably just cloudflare or whatever other provider fucking up again (dogeconomy)
- Is this why I suddenly have to keep clicking Captcha pics, here in Brazil? Why does it think I'm a bot? I hold $NET (misterstringy)
- Also doing IP based identity in the wider world.. Think of site backed by Cloudflare - it gets Cloudflare IP. Attacker could also use a Cloudflare IP so now that victim and attacker resolve to same IP, trying to tie identity to the IP sounds really dangerous. (joonas_fi)
- Stop using cloudflare. When you get dodos’d simply buy more server capacity like a real man (fillialxbt)
- Hi : are Shopify services effected? We are getting a 502 gateway error (cloudflare). It restored for a short while and is down again. (zarlashtfaisal)
- Once again Cloudflare being a growing abscess of the internet. I literally had to click on "the trucks" and "the airplanes" 20 times before they believed I'm human. Arseholes, stop fucking up the internet. (martijnsaly)
- I really wish Cloudflare would stop whining about my super vanilla Ubuntu / Firefox Strict Mode / Mullvad VPN setup (activefog)
- bruh now cloudflare and DNS is going to shit. What in the fuck even is this shitstorm of a week man. (ceraphkeilah)
- Ah fuck, Cloudflare fucked the cache for the website so the new update wasn't pushed to the bot. I added a fancy 0 balance indicator. (yiaytoken)
- (...) It's deprecated now, but there are still cookies Cloudflare injects in order to keep track of you. For example, when you're presented with the 'One more step' screen and pass the Captcha, you're given like 3. It's certainly an effective way of blocking "bad" traffic. (...) (tomas_hozman)
- Cheerio is an HTML parser library that follows the convenient jQuery syntax to extract elements. I use it for one of the retailers (the other one needs Puppeteer because of CloudFlare blocking me). (robertbalazsi)
- Why do I need to allow javascript from cloudflare to click a fucking button? (schrotthaufen)
- I don't know who the fuck you are, Cloudflare, but anytime your name comes up, it's never good. Whatever it is you do, you certainly do a pretty damn shitty job of it! (jonnygators)
- So, wrapping up: Devs definitely bulk computed certain things The game uses a palette swap, one for each pokemon Color in consoles is weird Fuck CloudFlare (indrora)
- KF in particular has hit a point where they had to start their own ISP (which is blocked from federating with multiple prominent internet nodes) and has been told by every provider besides CloudFlare to fuck off. (invisibleup)
- No, Cloudflare is just a DNS. I don't use them, I use NextDNS, but for the same reason most people use Cloudflare: My privacy is my right and google etc can fuck off. (beardedgeek72)
- Much as I enjoy watching corporate proxy wars, Cloudflare can still absolutely go fuck themselves. I genuinely hope prison time is in the future of their executives for the things they've done to the internet. (dave_universetf)
- For this I used cloudflare's DNS rules to catch all the subdomains that were vulnerable. However, in hindsight, I should have used DNSMadeEasy or something so I didn't have to fuck with the SSL certs so much 🤣 (mcoetus)
- Hey you, why you temp banned my cloudflare id ? Stinky (iang67174822)
- Pretty sure they straight-up banned GitHub or Cloudflare traffic or something - this is a page on GitHub pages behind cf (princess_ravy)
- So when Firefox started using Cloudflare DoH by default, without informing or asking users, I couldn't help but be suspicious. Imagine if they used their https web endpoints for DoH, too. There'd be no effective way to block DoH without blocking half the Internet. (anachronistjohn)
- is your api down? cant reach it, getting a cloudflare error only on EU routing, can access it with US routing, helpings pls ty (alexvcsgo)
- Stopping Cloudflare would stop a large number of them. Cloudflare has a physical presence in Manchester, UK, and if the site in question has been accessed then content illegal in the UK is on their servers. (dxgl_org)
- i think quad9 was a good provider, but since they got sued and now need to censor domains here in germany, i have to use other dns services for now. i don't know what cloudflare has done, but since cloudflare is based in america, its the better solution for germans like me. (mrx1983)
- I do agree that hiding replies is weird and does implicate them. What I am saying is that prior to recent events, they could not have known. As soon as they are trying to censor things about it, than that is when they know. (xeonthexeonian)
- Huh, weird that we say, "this is a morally culpable thing for people to do" and you to screech and cry "wah wah wah you're trying to CENSOR ME!!!!!" Nah, you can say what you want. You're just a bad person for it, is all. (pullingaclaudia)
- the reason you said you liked this policy was that it meant a social dominant majority can't censor things at will. it can. it can seize a nation and censor, or have financial power and get stuff censored. there is no dominant majority currently unable to compel Cloudflare. (sigmaveee)
- In other words “I don’t like what these people have to say so im going to censor them” (treetreetree799)
- Cloudflare This is your fault. You are the ones responsible for keeping Kiwi Farms alive and protected. They have claimed another victim, as if it's a game. This cannot go on. (sterophonick)
- После массового перехода на CDN понятие MitM утратило актуальность. Напомни, какая доля мирового HTTPS трафика терминируется и расшифровывается Cloudflare, Amazon и Google? Так что hsts,caa,ds даже обходить не надо, расшифрованный трафик добровольно отдается в Cloudflare и т.д. (phprus)
- Deet's. We don't question Australian internet infrastructure :) In all seriousness tho, CGNAT is dumb. The amount of times I've had to call for a new IP because I end up being blocked by Cloudflare or Google for whatever reason is beyond me. (shaquilleray)
- I can't login to the site from any browser, vpn on or off. No matter what, the Cloudflare page reloads and reloads. I can't even submit a ticket b/c no way to log in. I'm kind of lost on how to proceed. (erileff)
- Why is it Cloudflare's job to censor the Internet? Do you really want them to do it? Should Comcast also censor the Internet? (sambowne)
- If CloudFlare becomes necessary to survive online, then CloudFlare gains the ability to censor the Internet. (lukedashjr)
- As a victim of child pornography on a site that was protected by Cloudflare, I’d like to speak to you Matthew personally. I would like to further understand your morals & maybe you could understand mine. At this point talking is the only way to see another perspective . (silenttruthhere)
- Is libertarianism and non involvement just code for ignoring basic human rights and letting people suffer? I know you don’t like to censor people but what if it was your family who were the victims of one of the dangerous and horrible sites Cloudflare provide security for? (silenttruthhere)
- Bullshit. Turned off popup & ad blockers, tried 3 browsers, deleted history, cache & cookies, tried 'Accessibility cookie' option. It keeps returning to Verify page. I cannot login to Ebay at all now. This keeps happening & I see many others complaining online. I HATE hCaptcha. (rwleslie2)
- Sorry to seem a bit faux or strange, I just felt like the only way to get the petition out was to keep on sharing. I don’t speak much as I too was a victim of these sites. Doing this for the people, Near and to see Cloudflare burn. (silenttruthhere)
- It's hard enough to get law enforcement et al. to "care" about, say, trans issues in general, nevermind "Oh they're just sending you mean tweets? Stop wasting our time" and downplaying/victim blaming the abuse. Even worse, their providers back them up (CloudFlare/Dreamhost). (lordlicoricedrp)
- Victim of what, exactly? Did someone on that website say "Let's fuck this person's life up!" or did they just post your name and then laugh? (cheraldog)
- I’m saying it’s unrealistic to expect anything else unless you want to do a mass censor of the entire internet. And at that point, you’re putting the power to do so in the hands of faceless, unaccountable corporations (nostalgicnerd96)
- a suicide is not murder to say so victim blames and triggers a lot of people who are dealing with trauma from bad situations no one knows for sure that Near went through with the threats the source that they did is dubious Near needs a wellness check (sophie_reee)
- Blaming the victim, as always ? Typical behaviour of a predator. Who did you harrass last week ? Did you rape someone ? (robert_p8)
- In this specific instance that has you and those like you riled up right now, Byuu/Near was very close to having his thread deleted and archived because the thread was completely dead, only had 13 pages (most interesting threads have hundreds) and no one cared about it. (gupahapug)
- CloudflareHelp DNS is busted, nothing on the status? (benmcfc)
- I don't care how many Captcha challenges I get when I go to websites protected by Cloudflare I'm not letting go of my VPN service Security Convenience (crtrecycle)
- Hi not sure if you're aware but I'm getting a 522 error when I try to get onto Sage City (so the connection between Cloudflare and the SC Web Server timed out). Status page shows that it's operational, might just be something to check :) (cmdrfigrow)
- Why having API behind cloudflare? I’m having a hard time running my script without getting blocked by cloudflare. (_melbadry9)
- Dear Your DDOS protection thing is incompetent and breaks browser functions on phones. You and other tech companies need to stop forcing actions that only serve you and breaks browsers, tired of the same obnoxious cycle Fix yo’selves! Thanks (ismitetheice)
- I'm seeing more and more sites using Cloudflare as a CDN blocking access from behind NordVPN (not sure if that's common to other VPNs too). (humantorch)
- dear by inserting RECAPTCHA bs into every request, you're making it very difficult to be on the internet without leaving every kind of tracker tracking me Please stop. (fux0r)
- send an email to pe@ppy.sh with your IP. you are likely compromised and blocked by cloudflare due to being part of a botnet. (ppy)
- Congratulations! Maybe you can help them figure out how to stop destroying the internet with their support for hate websites like KF 🥳🎉 (akashacoin)
- Don't want Apple to scan your photos? Then don't upload them to iCloud. Also stop using Google's Gmail, or apps/sites like TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or CDNs like Cloudflare, or hosts like Amazon AWS, they've all been scanning your private content for some years now. (jasonamartineau)
- maybe those websites use cloudflare - do you think cloudflare could stop serving them or something (laphatize2)
- i tried but i get blocked by the waf and none of the public payload to bypass cloudflare work.:( and yes its managed (jeannasrallahh)
- 1.) Had similar issues combing Tor and Startpage. 2.) Stop using cloudflare!! (muenstersec)
- VPN client is amazingly fast on my Ubuntu desktop. I sometimes doubt that it is activated.😅 There must be some magic underneath. Good job anyway. (le_woudar)
- is hosting book pirating sites and they don't have an email address listed on their website where to file a DMCA complaint. 😒😡 (ingrid_seymour)
- What is your email address? I need to report a copyright infringement issue. (ingrid_seymour)
- We have a problem,please hold on A timeout occurred The origin web server timed out responding to this request. Ray ID: 67 Your IP address: Error reference number: 524 Cloudflare Location: Lima (liamames5)
- What's the issue with using Cloudflare? I'm hearing that they're some sort of a 'global MiTM attack' as a service? (jackyalcine)
- Remember kids... is dangerous to your privacy. ;) No, you don't need cookies, javascript, fingerprinting, and no VPN. You're a CDN serving up static content. In other words, get over yourself with that Capcha BS, heh. (dewaynelehman)
- cant even do shit with TOR anymore because you end in cloudflare loop (drunkaustrian)
- Facial recognition vs a captcha click... There are plenty of FR documentaries that hints why this would not end well. (cryptokike1)
- "Hi before you use the website please pass 3 captcha because our cloudflare defense" "I no longer wish to use your website" (radraedx)
- why are you captcha challening those of us who use VPNs? abosolutely ridiculous way to migitage and assume everyone is guilty for using VPNs. glad you do care more about platforming white supremacists than allowing users on VPNs browse your network easily. (tmjbgc)
- is it your normal practice to take payment and then send bot replies to queries and then just ignore further communication? Bloody appalling service. (sandromendace)
- Both dark dot fail and tor dot taxi are behind CloudFlare. Now that's sussy. (notkoutsie)
- Sending photos on discord is broken right now and I tried sending my friend a screenshot of the cloudflare error... (node1729)
- Every captcha sucks, but hCaptcha is the worst (fzakfeld)
- . I was stuck in your "verify you're a human" thingy for 10min with the worst captcha ever, Please seriosuly consider changing this, it's annoying as hell (fzakfeld)
- Cloudflare flagged the request to be coming form 'bot' and presented captcha and the requestor did not complete the captcha successfully. I've modified the rules to allow the traffic. (2/2) (nightlightguy)
- Hi guys, how are you? I have a problem, for some reason you have detected my IP as spam or attack and I cannot access my usual pages (themaugames)
- Or tested for a i really not looking to their products taking out to cloudflare your mitm cdn when running (macmelonmac)
- That is the biggest thing I've been learning. Few years ago I remember first seeing multiple big websites down, "cloudflare error message" ahh whatever. Now $NET up big. Last year, wow these $CELH drinks are popping up and good, stock up big a year later. (jimmyvinla)
- Anything wacky going on with your site? I'm trying to log in to download some updates, and keep getting generic error messages, math tests, and a Jetpack message referring to a CloudFlare IP. (dsxlii)
- If you get error 1020 by Cloudflare, try again the login. (dragonarygame)
- Yes and 3 will show a cloudflare error page so you get to refresh another 3 times for free! (cyim)
- "Web server is returning an unknown error There is an unknown connection issue between Cloudflare and the origin web server. As a result, the web page can not be displayed" (daniellipton)
- My site is down and has Error 1020 when I try to log in. This started after I enabled CloudFlare. I need cloudflare removed ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (markdeskin)
- Hey since a couple of days I've been having a Cloudflare Error 521 when accessing Portal to submit reviews. Are you aware of the issue? (neural_)
- Well, I tried again, and Opencritic still is being a pain and won't let me access the portal without a cloudflare error. :( Of all days I REALLY want to get my review out there, too. what's going on, guys? (seafoamgaming)
- any idea when you might include ".co.uk" or ".it" in your awesome registrar service? British and Italians want to come join you! Thanks for the awesome service! (cr10123)
- Is it possible to fix this feature in Tor mode? Many sites don't seem to work with it, especially if they use Cloudflare. (ideafaktory)
- I use Tor Browser for Android as my default browser and so I get shown a lot of Captchas. I have no idea whether a fire engine counts as a truck or not and it is incredibly frustrating. (owenblacker)
- web keep giving me cloudflare error 1020 since months ago and I have no idea how to contact them. magnificent. (miyuriscarlet)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 6798ae65b9c5c447 • 2021-08-04 15:04:58 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 6798ae65b9c5c447 Your IP: Performance & security by Cloudflare 😀🤘🤣 (sergius73846256)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 6798655848bc76ad • 2021-08-04 14:15:06 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 6798655848bc76ad Your IP: Performance & security by Cloudflare(с) 🤘👇😇 (sergius73846256)
- It seems BenchApp is down. Getting a Cloudflare error. I sent an email to support. (andrewdavis)
- Having trouble ordering. I get this message on your web site. BAD GATEWAY, The web srever reported a bad gateway error, Ray ID: 6790c29bf5460335, My IP address:, Error ref No: 502, Cloudflare Location: Miami (rexfermier)
- Anxious to read! But hitting Host error. "If you are owner of this website:Contact hosting provider ... your web server is not responding. Additional troubleshooting information. Cloudflare Ray ID: 678807cda8c22c97Your IP: & security by Cloudflare (nahda_8)
- Ugh, yeah. One thing that's got me really frustrated is that they don't differentiate viaducts from bridges. It'd never occurred to me that viaducts are bridges, so the first time captcha asked me for bridges, it took me 95039501950139 minutes to figure what I was doing wrong. (darkofaquarius)
- how can I contact support for for Teams? I have 2 issues that need help to resolve even I have a standard plan I couldn't reach you on Zendesk. Your bot says "Your plan type grants you access to Support via our Cloudflare Community". (itsmechlark)
- Send me Cloudflare Ray ID and I will see why you caught in a captcha loop. Typically bad ip rep causes a cloudflare captcha (nixcraft)
- To avoid confusion, this is an unofficial bot. This doesn't mean saucenao no longer works with Pixiv, it does. I don't know what dedicated methods they use to avoid cloudflare's bot detection, but the method the Twitter bot uses gets frequently captcha blocked by Pixiv. (saucenaopls)
- I had to make an account just for this. Whenever I attemt to do my download instructions for my flight, I get a cloudflare error any time halo waypoint has to be loaded. Please help. (dont_ut)
- Hello ! I am having trouble connecting to the support site. Upon loading the page, it displays a Cloudflare Error 1001 "DNS Resolution Error". I am in Portland and did not have issues connecting prior to today. (r_cadezone)
- That IP is not blacklisted by any major list providers. However as it’s geo located in London that might be a red flag. But you can easily configure Cloudflare to challenge with a captcha if you are suspicious of an attack, rather than outright blocking sometimes legit users (alanlawlor)
- When I try to use the link you sent me, cloudflare blocks me and I get the error: What happened This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Below that it lists a cloudflare ray ID and then Your IP w/ a weird looking number with letters too. (mara_writes_)
- thx, but the advice given is that i need to contact the site owner and let them know that I received the Access denied error and ask them to check their Firewall Rules hmm 🤔 (bart)
- Error 1020 Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID:Performance & security by Cloudflare Why does this say this I was just trying to get to the site pls help (3comfymochi)
- hey, is there some other way to bypass hcaptcha? I cant change isp due to monopoly. Is there some form of login or user tagging that would prevent hcaptcha from getting retriggered? cause I have to complete it every time I try to enter a new website. (klol53)
- I am trying to access but I keep getting error 1020… how do I fix this please? (meganminogue)
- If Mike’s team was able to crack TLS then we will have a major problem for anybody who uses the internet. There are man-in-the-middle techniques which could grab packets thought to be end-to-end encrypted but very few groups are in position to do so. (see: nsa, cloudflare) (iamsaid_i)
- Il existe des techniques man-in-the-middle qui pourraient récupérer des paquets considérés comme chiffrés de bout en bout, mais très peu de groupes sont en mesure de le faire. (voir : nsa, cloudflare, etc.). (stopdsnow1)
- I can not able to access your home page. It gives DNS error via cloudflare... It same for weeks. Please fix the issue. (saionjisekai5)
- Hej, strular er app och hemsida sen några dagar tillbaka? Vill boka biljetter men får error 1020 via Cloudflare. (veidit)
- Your login form is broken. It tells me to enable cookies but I already have them enabled. I also had to use devtools to see that cloudflare error because the UI doesn't show anything (phillijw)
- For some reason it just says cloudflare error. I checked my wifi nothing was wrong, I tried different extensions and reinstalling the app but that only brought back some of the extensions. Manga freak, mangahub and manga park still do not work (samdrgn72)
- As far as I could see it’s some websites protected by In addition it’s a pain to disable the VPN, when trying to use I‘m only using the "quick connect" feature, connecting to the servers in Switzerland. (mrpreimers)
- Steam and PSN are or were both down. Guess what? It's a DNS issue. Fuck services like Cloudflare or Akamai! They always screw up everybody's fun time. If not with an outage or captcha crap, they find a way. They ALWAYS find a way. (christianbute)
- I can't access the site. I get Cloudflare Error 1020. Not sure how I triggered the firewall. (narumashii)
- your website under a DDOS or something? Cloudflare turned up checking my browser then I get a page error. (murphtothesky)
- So python-requests kept getting the Cloudflare CAPTCHA page, but repeating the exact same request over a custom TCP connection was allowed through. Turns out urllib3 sets OPNOTICKET in its SSLContext, and the Cloudflare bot protection system Does Not Like that. (gray9782)
- Dear Bryce, We in Iran can't play without VPN. And apparently, VPNs make it harder to connect (Due to server restrictions by Cloudflare). Can you be the voice of the voiceless? With love and respect (eshahshahani)
- Who said social media clout was useless again? (uwwgo)
- Getting a CloudFlare error trying to open a support ticket? (commanderb)
- Oh, a few weeks ago I had a script that was calling Etherscan API (with a newly minted API key) and it kept being redirected to cloudflare's captcha page. "Yes, genius, of course I am a bot." wasn't an option... (rlullis)
- could you change how frequently cloudflare does the really annoying captcha thing? (daparkvid)
- Your network is experiencing a lot of issues. Please check this. Status page does not seem to reflect true status at all. :( (ignorant5year)
- Putting the site behind Cloudflare means they get all data in plain text since they MITM traffic. They would have IPs of everyone downloading Bitcoin Core (_emilbergdahl)
- can you please update the status website on the current outage ? Gateway time-out The web server reported a gateway time-out error. Ray ID: 67041b7cdeea0493 Your IP address: Error reference number: 504 Cloudflare Location: Paris (verybadgeekshop)
- WTF Cloudflare constantly pops 525 error from about 1 or 2 weeks ago The website we're running works fine in the past years, and it just suddenly gives http 525 most of the time WTF just happened Cloudflare? (tzwcard)
- Direct link to site? The one you posted is being blocked to users by in error. you need to ask them to stop blocking sites companies are paying you to advertise. People can't see the offers. Your links do not work, each one is blocked! (feelitworking)
- Please unblock Cuban IP addresses. It is maybe a Cloudflare issue but cubans can only play using VPN. (drlorente97)
- Behalve dat Carrier Grade NAT praktisch gezien als een VPN maskeert, daarnaast wordt de source port nog steeds niet standaard opgeslagen in logging. Bij onhandig gebruik van Cloudflare is de info ook weg etc. Los van de actieve maatregelen van de gebruiker. (idafanatic)
- Help! I'm on a newer Alienware laptop that I am getting Error 1020 access denied on several websites I used to visit all the time! I have gone through so many things and still getting this. (mommyjenna)
- hey, you guys aware that your DNS service is having issues with some online games, like Apex Legends from ? After changing DNS service I can now play the game, something that hasn't been possible for over a week. (thelostswede)
- I just can't use Wasabi (哇傻逼)with . error We encountered an internal error. Please retry the operation again later. Panic in userserver request from runtime error: slice bounds out of range :5 with length 4 (v2ph2)
- Cloudflare is in the business of providing security services to hate sites, such as Kiwifarms. They are ultimately MiTM as a service and have created an unnecessary single point of failure for a lot of major, otherwise independent internet properties. Drop them. (naiagoesawoo)
- Weird, I’ve seen a seemingly random Cloudflare error pages across five very sites this evening. Each time a reload clears the problem. (mhat)
- Your site is being blocked to users by in error, can you post direct links to sites people can use? Why is Cloudflare blocking all your content from sites posted on ? I can send screenshots if you want. I do actually want things from so quite annoying. (feelitworking)
- Access to all the sites in the MSE Tips emails are currently being blocked by . You need to speak to them as they are effectively blocking your users, limiting traffic and business for advertisers in error. (feelitworking)
- It was more a snarky comment that every site I visited today that was Cloudflare hosted had me do captcha first. Every time. (brindy)
- Hey where do I send the invoice for my time spent training your Captcha AI? (brindy)
- Mano fui tentar resolver os b.o do launcher do lol n abrir agora to tomando captcha da cloudflare em quase todo site que eu abro alguém me mate-me (eradanlol)
- MarketingTwitter anyone having trouble with Canva not loading atm? I can’t download anything and getting an error message from Cloudflare. (alineeim)
- 12 hours and still no form. DNS error on CloudFlare (boldranet)
- I'm trying to log into WPEngine to investigate why Cloudflare are reporting errors for my clients' site, and I got a 520 error for the login page. Status page says all's good at WPE though? (bekah_mcdonald)
- Seems that when I perform the query from a few address ranges I'll get an 'Error 1020' from cloudflare; for some reason from tor, of all services, the query is not being filtered... :x (m0rb)
- The JSON error is back and I'm triggering Cloudflare again lol. But at least this time we know where to look and take care of it. (wpmainline)
- Tous les services qui utilisent un front/edge (Cloudflare, CloudFront, CDN,...) cassent le HTTPS et sont des potentiels points de collecte. De véritables MitM. (a_ferron)
- I'm still experiencing Packet loss when using Cloudflare Dns. Google DNS works fine. no packet loss when using Googles DNS. (kenneybear)
- Using a service that appears to use Cloudflare. Intermittently the route will change and the service drops out, then 30mins-3hours later it changes back. Any idea why? Seems to route me to Syd, AUS from Perth, AUS. This is ISP independent. (pantonious)
- Web server is returning an unknown error There is an unknown connection issue between Cloudflare and the origin web server. As a result, the web page can not be displayed. Ray ID: 66d325dfdbbe53fe Your IP : Error reference number: 520 Cloudflare Location: London (regchan)
- has a really really fast VPN service. Now, allow me to choose the country/location I want to connect to and I will pay for it. (gaichuhie)
- Every time I see a javascript-requiring cloudflare MiTM page I get mad about the current state of the internet (dustyweb)
- hi I’m trying to create an account but it’s coming up with a Cloudflare error message? Is the website down? (seb_cheetham)
- I believe the topic was rather that DoH doesn't fix the privacy issue. You move the (dis)trust from your own ISP to some external party (usually Cloudflare) and their upstream. Same thing with VPN. You move the monitoring capabilities from your ISP to the VPN provider. (dezestijn)
- Lol, imagine this being something you complain about. "Oh no, I encountered a cloudflare captcha.." (gigworkertrends)
- You will sell a lot more if you can stop blocking consumers and not even offering to CAPTCHA (scoleclough)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 66a1eea01c594e98 • 2021-07-05 16:22:26 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 66a1eea01c594e98 • Your IP: • Performance & security by Cloudflare (cekemlimanu)
- I tried going to the site earlier today, but got a Cloudflare error. Will try again later tonight as this sounds a bit interesting... (wb8979)
- Is it me or is something wrong with your website? No images are loading & Cloudflare captcha keeps coming! (9heavenin)
- Hi David - the page you're seeing is a Cloudflare CAPTCHA challenge. This may show if browsing from a private Safari window. Can you try to access the site outside of Safe Browsing? We've also passed this information along to our team to look into this on our end. (linode)
- ใครเข้าหน้าเว็บได้ แต่พอทำรายการ แล้วไปต่อไม่ได้นะ ทำตามนี้ ถ้ากดปุ๊บเด้งปั๊บรัวๆ ให้รีเน็ตเปลี่ยน IP ก่อน เพราะมันติด Cloudflare Captcha (ถ้าติดอีก ก็ทำเหมือนเดิม) แต่ห้าม ออก Browser นั้นเด็ดขาด เพราะจะต้องต่อคิวใหม่ ข้อมูลเทคนิคดูด้านใน เกษมราษฎร์ โมเดอร์นา (tae9800)
- It's really frustrating that I have to get through a Captcha process to login to your site - Any idea why? May be tied in with when I moved to (not sure) but it's frustrating enough for you to lose my business... (pwatsonuk)
- Hi team, We can not use your site we tried with different devices and browsers and it seems that you set up firewall rule inside cloudflare to block AWS servers traffic. Can you check with your IT team and add our vpn IP into whitelisted IP address. (rim58543944)
- Dear I do not want DoH, fucking ever. I do not want Pocket, fucking ever. I do not want your VPN. I do not want picture-in-picture controls. Fucking shit, I have my own DNS server, why the fuck would I trust cloudflare? Just make a version of the Tor browser but not (xztpqkuy)
- The problem was between Cloudflare and NYC/Newark Datacenters. Disabling CF worked One more time CF error :/ (gabriel03986586)
- There are occasional 522 error when visiting the site using cloudflare Tokyo transit, if you encounter this just reload the page until it disappear, or use vpn to change location. (animixplay)
- Do I have any friends at CloudFlare lurking around? Seeing something odd that I can't explain and is almost certainly user error. (quinnypig)
- Hey Marius I am getting a Cloudflare error when I try to access the link. (jamesoregan)
- Greetings. For weeks now I'm unable to visit the site due to a Error 1020 from Cloudflare. That's restricted just to the store, every other site on the domain is still accessible. What's going on? Is that a geolock of some sort? (vinnycordeiro)
- me: checks price of something on website "wait, wasn't it less than that an hour ago? are they bumping prices up based on tracking data?" me: opens tor to check cloudflare: "LOL AS IF, enjoy this 'hang on while we verify your browser' redirect loop for the next 10 minutes" (gsuberland)
- Update v1312 - fixed system RAM memory information in RigDetails - fixed GPU fan showing more than 100% values - added cloudflare error message handling (simpleminingnet)
- seems to have big issues all my website went down with http2 error protocol (syst3m_failure)
- my site is getting a 522 error when visitors try to access it (it goes through Cloudflare). can you help? (tubeszb)
- I tried it again to get some better insights on the error, because to my surpise minting went through without having the full transfer in place because of the cloudflare prob ... I have not enough knowledge on the code, but my impression is that we miss some err handling here (teriell)
- Hi there we're having trouble adding a payment method for Cloudflare Teams. We've tried different cards. Same message: "An error occured while saving your payment method, try again." (theciroma)
- Today, I attempt to disable the Cloudflare security features on WP Mainline to see if that is the cause of the mysterious JSON error in the block editor. (wpmainline)
- Gajadi deh, lupa ni web pake cloudflare. Pantesan tembak langsung ke API nya error 503 😂 (sarjanacuddle)
- Two e-commerce websites are down with an Error 522 Code. Host error. Help needed please. No mention of an outage on your website. (allya07849478)
- Im about to pay someone to solve my 500 POST error on cloudflare (jadetycoon)
- Yeah, still working on it. Got some Domain problems. Sorry. You getting a Cloudflare error? (thegolddipper)
- Possibly a gateway timeout from their backend api server, therefore cloudflare giving you one of their random error ids rather than human friendly error message (nickevansdev)
- Parece que habilitaron captcha de Cloudflare. (tecnodragon)
- I've been trying to pass CAPTCHA but It seems all my selected images are wrong and I never get through this wall (naveen_kashyapp)
- Dear if I can't see a website from your captcha crap, just because I use trackerblocking in my browser, maybe that website wasn't important. You should either just close your business or figure out something better. It's not the first time when this happens. (christianbute)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 6627970e6eee06a2 • 2021-06-20 20:01:37 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 6627970e6eee06a2 • Your IP: • Performance & security by Cloudflare (robtampa)
- I'm getting errors trying to access the dashboard. Looks like an overaggressive firewall. Your forums suggest people have been having problems for weeks. (error code: 1020, Ray ID: 66211bdd5cdc1760, Server ID: FL386F21) cc: (steindavidb)
- I'm getting an error from Cloudflare saying that your website is down (mcarson75)
- Looks like a cloudflare error if they use cloudflare because LHR seems to indicate the London datacentre (nickevansdev)
- So python-requests kept getting the Cloudflare CAPTCHA page, but repeating the exact same request over a custom TCP connection was allowed through. Turns out urllib3 sets OPNOTICKET in its SSLContext, and the Cloudflare bot protection system Does Not Like that. (gray69798502)
- According to data from Cloudflare, we spend about 500 years of our lives every day proving that we are not a robot. CAPTCHA has been with us for many years and we haven't come up with anything better at the moment Innovations technology (biszop15)
- I'm having a problem. when I open Discord, it says "Error 1105, You've requested a page on a website that is on the Cloudflare network. this page could not be rendered due to a temporary fault." please fix this. (quiter44)
- getting Internal server error when trying to load DNS records. All good? cloudflare (husainbasrawala)
- my website is down. I can't get signed in on your website. "Error 523 occurs when Cloudflare cannot contact your origin web server. This typically occurs when a network device between Cloudflare and the origin web server doesn’t have a route to the origin’s IP address. (thatsusanw)
- Check your DNS Settings. A 523 error means that Cloudflare could not reach your host web server. The most common cause is that your DNS settings are incorrect. Contact your hosting provider to confirm your origin IP and then make sure the correct IP is listed. (cj_reed)
- All servers are with Linode in London, I don't know if something between your network and Linode London went down. (amityweb)
- lol wat. Ich bin mit meinem Account bei Crunchyroll angemeldet, und CloudFlare gibt mir trotzdem ein Captcha... Schau ich wirklich so viel Anime in letzter Zeit? (sigmasternchen)
- I had 300 domain. All are behind cloudflare's captcha😔😔 It takes 4 attempts for verification😭😭😭 (mechboy_)
- Oh hoy! why cant i open Support tickets to report players? I get 403 Cloudflare error... (fiskevikingen)
- Shopify is out of service? Getting error- 503 Service Temporarily Unavailable cloudflare-nginx ShopifyUnite (shopboxdeals)
- Same, 503 Cloudflare error for everything including trying to download an old product report link via email. 503 on storefront & admin. (joshcharlemagne)
- So everyone touts being safe online. Use a VPN, they say… But it seems like all these companies that you would think want you to be secure, block your VPN with things such as Cloudflare. (nurvdamage)
- Yes, it seems the VPN I use has raised security red flags for many sites I've tried to visit. (david__moser)
- CloudFlare ofrece un servicio excelente a un precio inigualable. Pero... cómo? Por que en vez de con plata pagás con tu privacidad: les das un MITM a tus servidores. No gracias. (notgoogled)
- Cloudflare believes that there are better ways than CAPTCHA to prove that you are human online. (trumpsystems)
- As Cloudflare I want to.. Use hCaptcha for my anti-bot product So.. The captcha will be broken all the time or, in best case, will be asking you to match some garbage images of boats, which are even worse than reCaptcha's, multiple times in a row, claiming you solved it wrong (sominemo)
- As a - website creator I want to.. - set a Cloudflare captcha on my website So.. - people on shared IPs with low reputation will be asked to solve a captcha every time on every single website multiple times a day before even accessing content (sominemo)
- eu n sei e tipo uma lista de ips que sao "maliciosos" coisa do tipo pq eu to tendo um problema aparecendo captcha da cloudflare toda vez qaue vou acessar certos sites, eu pesquisei e possivelmente e relacionado a uma blacklist la (crystlcstles)
- Cloudflare down in Australia? A client's website is not accessible unless bypass Cloudflare proxy. (liewcf)
- 梅雨入り html headtitle525 Origin SSL Handshake Error/title/head body bgcolor="white" centerh1525 Origin SSL Handshake Error/h1/center hrcentercloudflare-nginx/center /body /html (isshin_housing)
- yes. website returns cloudflare 522 error. turn off cloudflare proxy and the website is working fine. (liewcf)
- Hey getting a 504 error from cloudflare for your site. (medic642)
- hi, is your website down? I'm trying to book tickets but have been getting CloudFlare 'access denied' error 1020 all morning 😢 (charliehrysmith)
- Your website appears to be down with a Cloudflare Error 1020 cloudflaredown odeondown (theatrecrafts)
- 2/2 so I hit refresh enough to get back onto the site, the 3070 I had in my cart is out of stock. Oh, and the entire time I have to hit refresh every time I click something cause of the stupid Cloudflare error. Thanks for nothing (ahobopanda)
- Are there issues with the website right now? Out of nowhere I am getting asked to complete a Cloudflare Captcha but no matter how many times I do it, it simply reloads over and over. (thebaum64)
- hi team, Since 7th June I started observing issues while logging into the cloudflare account. I am not able to recover the account. Tried all the relevant options available to recover. Can you please help me with it. I am not receiving a single recovery mail. (ardhendu1508)
- You can try setting your browser DNS resolver to cloudflare to bypass this. Or a VPN like Proton's free tier. Free the science :) (atomicnicos)
- It shouldn't be down, but we've gotten some reports of users getting a blank page in some regions. We think this is a cloudflare issue so investigating now. In the meantime, I think trying on a different device or with vpn may work. (connextnetwork)
- I guess that confirms Cloudflare as one of the 3rd party partners (that was my guess after the ODoH work). How it is toggled on/off? Can you tie specific apps to use it (like VPN with jumping through some hoops) (mediumfidelity)
- Love your software, but have been getting a Cloudflare Error 523 trying to download the latest .23 update for about the last week. Please help! (benfro6)
- Hrmm… I'm actually unable to get to some Cloudflare sites as well, getting a 503 error. Looks like they are having issues in Chicago and LA areas per their status page. (chrisclai)
- v9 API is giving HTTP error 503, seems to be a cloudflare issue. (eton4446)
- I'm sure it is, Shopify broke for me with a cloudflare error 😭 (mattsykun)
- Idk if this is happening to others, but I'm unable to change my account information. when I try to change anything on my cell, an error shows and says "There may have been a brief CloudFlare service interruption; please try again" won't even let me log into the website (jalinrio42)
- you clearly need to do something with your servers they are slow always so many errors so many that should charge you every time I see an data input error or the 522 error when cloudflare says host is down so for every error can I charge you 1$ as it's a delay (nighthawk658)
- Sorry for the ping. Not sure if y’all have seen that there seems to be an issue with your CFP platform — I wanted to submit a talk for DevRelCon London but I got an Origin DNS error from Cloudflare. (seraandroid)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 65d974847a0f00da •2021-06-11 08:26:33 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 65d974847a0f00daYour IP: & security by Cloudflare (huseyin_aslan33)
- We’re sorry to know that you’re having these errors. Can you submit a support ticket with the error details, affected site so we can look into this further? (cloudflarehelp)
- Hi, I am unable to signin to your service even after repeated attempts. After authorizing the app on twitters page, the redirect hangs until I am sent to CloudFlare on your site giving me the error 524. Thank you for your time. (musteled)
- Río Grande checking in. No power since 6:10EST. The power outage report button on the LUMA website has never worked since June 1st, 2021. Doubt from the DDoS. It will always error, forcing you to call them on hold for 2+ hours, creating a backlog of callers. CloudFlare now works. (rqxqduro)
- The data plane just does what it's told to do. The control plane just communicates what it's told to by a human/machine. And the source of most outages (70-75%) according to the Uptime institute is ... human error. (lmacvittie)
- At least CloudFlare shows a proper diagnostic error message when it goes down instead of 503ing. (glogeex)
- eu n sei e tipo uma lista de ips que sao "maliciosos" coisa do tipo pq eu to tendo um problema aparecendo captcha da cloudflare toda vez qaue vou acessar certos sites, eu pesquisei e possivelmente e relacionado a uma blacklist la (chlcomoreno)
- Cloudflare had an outage a few months ago, Amazon had one last year. It’s not that uncommon. My point was that process and human error appears to be the root cause more often than hardware failure. All the redundancy in the world didn’t prevent this outage. (ocshree)
- I'm unabls to access website Keeps giving error Error 1020 Ray ID: 65c36093db213193 • 2021-06-08 16:08:09 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 65c36093db213193 Your IP: (amintamboli)
- we seem to have lost access to . Down due to the Cloudflare issues? Getting a 500 error. (dtkahn)
- I tried to read the link and got a Cloudflare error which is just the chef's kiss (masiebaby2)
- Got a Cloudflare 'access denied' error when I tried to read this. Hope isn't experiencing a DDoS. (blurvirus)
- i get this error on a lot more pages, maybe its a cloudflare outage or something? (atemerino)
- This wound up being a Cloudflare DNS error (since I don't use the EE DNS. Factory reset of the router solved the issue (sinisterpixelp)
- Fastly, a massive CDN (like cloudflare) is having an outage which is breaking a shit ton of big sites (if you saw a varnish error, blame fastly) (the1jaren)
- Technically, If they were determined they could have put the functionality just like Tor tab in Brave for example , or as it is using cloudflare oblivious DNS. But it would mean their business would get jeopardised. (realhamed)
- Update: used a VPN to bypass the cloudflare maintenance in Canada so we in! 🧠🧠🧠 (turtlemania7)
- I'm not referring at how they sold it to you, but the actual implementation lol. If you think two jumps inside cloudflare are anything even close to tor then I can't help with that. (gondurson)
- Dear I'm already used to your infinity bugs and incompetent support. I started using VPN after you denied access to my country through Cloudflare security. Now you have broken item bundles... 😐 NFT NFTs NFTCommunity OpenSeaNFT opensea (0x6347)
- Up for me. Might be cloudflare issue. Make sure to complete captcha if it asks. (n0tton)
- Any update on this? Still getting CAPTCHA from cloudflare on API (kubacech)
- Because I use Cloudflare to check your browser before accessing Beta Profiles, you will see this error message. For now, I have disabled the feature from Cloudflare and everything is back to normal. Let me know if you have successfully downloaded tvOS 15 profile. (betaprofiles)
- Exactly the same issue, VPS is getting an error & the client area is giving the 504 gateway error (carryon90s)
- I hate being the product rather than the customer. When you are the product a company doesn't feel any need to provide customer service. (combat_medic)
- Yes they are now :) but were down just now. I will try to email you direct next time because by the time I got passed your Captcha on login (5 minutes) they were up. (amityweb)
- The link gives me an error: 403 Forbidden cloudflare (stuffbybez)
- Your site down? The initial connection between Cloudflare's network and the origin web server timed out. As a result, the web page can not be displayed. Ray ID: 659829e99d5ce614 Your IP address: xx Error reference number: 522 Cloudflare Location: London (colinsunderland)
- The site may have a Cloudflare CAPTCHA prompt temporarily. I'm trying to balance my server load for a few minutes. (ksitetv)
- Any ETA? I'm getting a captcha 100% of the time from Cloudflare using your API. I gave it 24 hours without any API calls and it still does it. Your contact form on submit gets blocked by Cloudflare too. (lg_skinner)
- é so comigo q todo site da cloudflare q eu to tentando entrar ta pedindo captcha? (silvedic)
- OMG!! Cloudflare Captcha here Cloudflare Captcha there Cloudflare Captcha everywhere !! (dozyyawn)
- Wellicht dat jullie dan ook eens het IPv6 probleem wat al minstens een jaar speelt op kunnen lossen. De site is gewoon niet bereikbaar als je IPv6 hebt, doordat er wel een DNS-entry is, maar geen werkende site. Altijd een error van Cloudflare. (jeroenroos)
- Regular Bots can’t pass the Captcha.. sometimes it’s a CDN like Cloudflare from where bots easily penetrate the website (vinjin9)
- I can't access your API documentation on any browser our device. SSL error. If I try to access it with http I get a cloudflare error. Can you help? Can you link me to a pdf? (digitaljoeco)
- Ford, BMW lead Solid Power’s $130M Series B round html headtitle525 Origin SSL Handshake Error/title/head body bgcolor="white" centerh1525 Origin SSL Handshake Error/h1/center hrcentercloudflare-nginx/center /body /html (typewriternews)
- For whatever reason and I don't know why. has blocked my IP. So I literally can't access most of the internet without a error 1020 page. (shaquilleray)
- I'm getting Error 1020: Access denied CloudFlare. I think my IP is banned now? May I get some assistance please? (joelbur68244936)
- lmao that site throws a cloudflare error and a sketchy cert, I'm leaning towards them being a second group that also doesn't know what they're doing (twinkofswords)
- Yeah that was my thought too but has looking into the yubikeys because of the captcha thing was experimenting if you had a yibikey (leemallon)
- Wait is this related to me getting a cloudflare error 1020? (sada_8180)
- The site is down for me since last night and getting an error about cloudflare. (marketergraham)
- The PrivacyPass you both recommend so much is not working with me. I can't redeem them at all! (tsukiyomaru0)
- It's either a 520 Cloudflare error page or a plain white 500 error page. (stl1988s)
- E621 is behind a CloudFlare CAPTCHA now you nerd. (andrewmontagne)
- cloudflare's bullshit CAPTCHA page is stupid and I hate it It's trying really hard to imply I've got "malware" because I don't allow its javascript STOP IT. (yakkoj)
- yup this one. and cloudflare response as a normal HTML page and wihtout cors. even CF has CORS, the front end wont be able to read the message also as they didnt do error handling for that. (ooijiyoung)
- isu CORS tu hanya 'side effect' kpd mslh lain, mungkin org bkn infra/dev nampak error ni. Most of it related to redirected url daripada response yg triggered by cloudflare. Main issue still related dgn rate-limiting tadi. (meorajrul)
- Please explain how you guys dev this website? No need to argue with AZ one for yesterday , your API is totally down for whole hour when some of them lucky until can register without Cloudflare Rate Limiting and your API Server Error 429 / 503 / CORS Policy (sleong123)
- 70mil is way too much for such error. The Cloudflare can’t even handle the access surge. API are not configured properly. Editing code on the live server? Come on la. Only noobs does that. (measaura)
- hCaptcha is rejecting the Accessibility Cookies and forcing impossible captchas left and right despite reports. PLEASE use something that isn't Captcha (like maybe Google Account + Authy combo) to validate users or add proper accessibility. (tsukiyomaru0)
- the internet used to be a fun place until Cloudflare started tracking Tor exit nodes... a darknet site protected by cloudflare that is also blocking tor traffic is stupidly counterintuitive (nat_sharma)
- I keep getting an error on your website. I went on yesterday and it said there was maintenance, now it just says ddos cloudflare or something (waluigispal)
- so are you eventually going to ban every IP block belonging to VPN providers? is that your long term goal? (notsurex)
- Please get rid of Cloudflare - it put up a CAPTCHA when I tried to log in. Sure you need a third party decrypting users' logins? (dxgl_org)
- Cloudflare warning you for MITM attacks is actually the funniest thing ever (eater)
- Can check Cloudflare docs. Error 1025 is rate limiting because of plan limitations. Error 1200 is rate limiting because there are still too many requests pending from the origin server. In this case it's because the origin server is too overloaded, not because of plan limitations (paultantk)
- The CORS issue is probably caused by cloudflare error layer (rate limit error).. nothing much to do with the the backend code itself as we can see some people managed to load the date ppv/date listing at one point. (eimihar)
- Cloudflare error? Come on seriusly. I am volunteer myself to help on this. (jompijalan)
- Note: The JKJAV "CORS" error you're seeing is due to a CloudFlare error page, not because they aren't sending the right headers. (volvagia356)
- Still getting a 403 error on the PPV retrieval from the API tho Cloudflare did they not pay their bills lol (j13chen)
- My blog site and lots of my photographs are on this site too (secretpsgoddess)
- Content from my site (The Money Principle) has been copied as well. (moneyprinciple)
- Some of my content and photographs of my child have been used. Please remove! (mimiroseandme)
- Some of my content including videos and photographs of my children are on there too! Please remove them! (mrsshilts)
- Have also just reported copied content. Thanks. (ladyjaney75)
- Wow loads of my content there too! Disgraceful (minnowmep)
- 昨日からe621はCloudFlare(とCaptcha)関連のトラブルで接続が不安定な状態となっており、各方面から阿鼻叫喚の事態となっているようだ。 (( ※仮にDDoS受けてもサイトには影響は無い )) その件についてアナウンスがあり、「いま我々スタッフは対応を行っている」とのことで。 (kurogi_foxsiv)
- It's because Cloudflare thinks your connection is coming from a proxy or VPN, so it is blocking you. As per one of the protections Rake has on the site. (revasnake)
- today didn't even show me their shitty CAPTCHA, they just time out trying... fucking assholes (samrussellnz)
- Captcha is wasting my time with your low resolution photos and hieroglyphs. (robertson784)
- Is Airtel broadband sniffing and intercepting traffic routed through I am getting frequent SSL handshake error on all websites that use SSL. I don't have this issue with Jio. (muraharimp)
- From yesterday all popular websites backed by facing SSL handshake failed error on frequent basis. (natanrayz)
- Cloudflare all my website have SSL handshake error "Error 525" SSL Its not host issue, as all websites are hosted with different hosting sites also with different panels/panel less. Anybody have same SSL issue with cloud-flare? (ayyappancs)
- HTTP 530 - CloudFlare Origin DNS Error で 5分 くらい落ちてた (potch_rune)
- I think your service is not working. I am getting "SSL handshake failed." Ray ID: 6515573312bbd286 Error reference number: 525 (mgfldesigner)
- I have reported the same site for usually lots of my content too, impossible to list all on the form but hopefully gives you an idea. (debzlouiseblog)
- And this new cloudflare captcha is inacceptable - anyhow must the greed of this platform have an end and this fucking cloudflare is my stop for dutchycorp until they took that shit away (edwinrehfeld)
- The next panel destroying with it´s greed the trust of the user!! Dutchycorp Autofaucet!! The new cloudflare captcha is inacceptable for me they have a stupid bird in their head - immediately stop and btake this fuck from my list (edwinrehfeld)
- There seems to be an issue with your service. All my websites hosted on different providers are experiencing SSL handshake failure errors. It doesn't seem to be an isolated incident as other people on twitter seem to be facing the same issue. Can you help? (fragpic)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 65404630ce965f20 • 2021-05-23 18:16:14 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 65404630ce965f20 • Your IP: • P (muhamma21114668)
- I’m not really sure about this though. What would prevent those large solving farms to buy a large number of used keys and offer services to solve this type of captcha too. 🤔 (sdglhm)
- Hi, is your website okay? Having trouble with submissions, getting a Cloudflare error after every attempt. (geeknik)
- Hey do you have an IP range that we should whitelist so that you can access the trade history/orderbook API without captcha getting in the way? blcokfolio support rocks (cryptodabbler)
- your website is down Bad gateway The web server reported a bad gateway error. Ray ID: 65302426a Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: Newark (noahhhhgoooolld)
- your website is down: Web server is returning an unknown error There is an unknown connection issue between Cloudflare and the origin web server. As a result, the web page can not be displayed. (noahhhhgoooolld)
- Has Topps changed their bot protection settings? Not getting captcha today even when the cloudflare or whatever it is detection page comes up (cardpurchaser)
- Trying out sometimes getting a 521 error, but not all the time. Seems to be associated to some cloudflare servers. (gbphilipsutton)
- I need your help I can't connect to your website because of cloudflare Error 1020. Idk what i do wrong, but i find it sad bacause of i was folowing the GHB but now i can't. (nekro44063152)
- Will this apply to Tor Browser as well? That's the context in which CAPTCHAs are the most frequent and most annoying. (botondballo)
- Everytime I am trying to trade buy and sell, I am getting an error unable to connect to zebpay server. Looks like your cloudflare WAF is misleading this or your backend servers are down. Please check this ASAP. zebpayDown (akashmagrawal)
- The captcha sucks. Totally stopped visiting a bunch of sites because of it. (samrussellnz)
- so will you add bot protection/captcha/cloudflare ? its impossible to buy certain items, all your website sells to is scalpers who resell for 3x more on ebay. nobody else gets a chance, at all. (dandandan0123)
- And about 90% are on the Cloudflare captcha for me. (thanks to constantly using VPN's) (justanthonylee)
- Very glad to see this! Getting rid of Captcha's, and in a privacy-sensitive way. Nice. (tjplas)
- Cloudflare has announced a plan to do CAPTCHAs utilizing U2F devices. This effectively automates and removes captcha solving jobs hurting a valuable industry and a great resource for machine learning datasets. (j0nathan42)
- Looked at your other post and it made more sense to me today, I think we're working with the same idea, I'm just leveraging cloudflare/captcha for my proof of human where you suggest using straight up PoW (das_connor)
- anyone else in the NY region getting the cloudflare error message? (noe_drums)
- Cool, par contre reponse CLOUDFLAREERROR500SBOX Access denied This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks au bout de 10 minutes. 😧 (vfds54vf5d3s4vf)
- Cloudflare Blocks the Belllife Website. Error 1020 I cant enter the website. I would Like to. Please help (danielweiss07)
- maybe this is the cure for your captcha nightmare stories? 🤷♂️😂😂 (deviorobert)
- Most of these only work if the site was first not behind Cloudflare and previous DNS records have origin IP saved. Otherwise, there’s no other way to bypass at the moment. I’ve tried other methods including passing CAPTCHA challenge auth cookie. Was something else I missed? (sploitable)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 650006c4e8b274d3 •2021-05-15 23:08:07 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 650006c4e8b274d3Your IP: & security by Cloudflare (pragmaticouy)
- Site seems to be down. Error 522 from Cloudflare. isitdown style sites report it down as well. (snikis)
- مو بصورة مباشرة لكن للمواقع والخدمات والبروتوكويات الغير مؤمنة، يقدرون يسوون man in the middle attack ويتجسسون على معلوماتك ايضا. (ahmadh)
- Keep getting a Cloudflare error page (error 524) trying to manage a domain as I'm migrating the site to a new host. In a time crunch here so timing is really bad... I can log into the account, can't get to the domain's manage page. (pixelyzed)
- Title: Why Cloudflare’s CAPTCHA replacement with FIDO2/WebAuthn is a bad idea 💬: Would it be possible to make something like this for sites that support JS? Just using the browser plug-in, and the rest of the apps. (hncynic)
- This is a disaster. It is not achieving anything at the expense of something unnecessary. Please abort. Not everything is meant to be solved. 10 second CAPTCHA is fine we nailed it already. We waste a lot more on other stuff. (mrrobot268)
- For me the statistics are WAY LOW! "32 seconds" I spend 3 minutes filling out captchas on a good day. "1 captcha every 10 days." Try 10 captchas every day. But point taken! It's awesome you're trying something new. (thesrcrr)
- Still breaking for me :( 520 cloudflare error (_schism15)
- not a bug, the Spanish government unironically blocked Twitch's sourcing server, we can't access the content because the server is blocked lmao Note: It appears to be a DNS block, therefore, simply switching to Cloudflare or Google DNS servers fixes the error. (codingneko)
- That's correct. This is ONLY to prove there is a human there. So the human touches/taps the key/device/phone and they don't have to solve a CAPTCHA. Then they go to the next step, to create an account/login/post etc. (nickbraak)
- Good question. This is a time-saving alternative to manually having to solve CAPTCHA questions to prove there is a person there and not a bot/script/process. It's not for ID verification, which security keys are generally used for. (nickbraak)
- So let's make thing more crap, and complicated, so that we get rid of captcha? This does not solve the bot problem, and does not help disabled people either. (herrjemand)
- That's a Cloudflare error. Looks like they banned your IP. Did you do something naughty? (bertelschmitt)
- Right, so Cloudflare still gets to MITM the DNS traffic and if Cloudflare goes down, you go down. I'm glad you're considering other options. One of the main reasons for using a non-Cloudflare DNS provider is fighting against the single point of failure that is Cloudflare. (joinmastodon)
- يعني اي query مسموح بالنسبة لهم بيعدي واذا لا ما بتطلع نتائج .. خلصنا من man in the middle attack طلع لنا company in the middle attack (faisal_z3em)
- Is it zerotrust if we have to trust Cloudflare to use it? You've changed the threat model and become the threat. I'm just fascinated by how much of your stuff amounts to voluntary submission to man-in-the-middle attacks packaged as products. I use your stuff in places, but 🤯 (gabrielbauman)
- Cloudflare ist doch eigentlich ein gigantischer man in the middle oder? 🧐 (nesewebel)
- Source? MITM attacks are done on unencrypted sites. SSL/TLS is there to protect against man in the middle. I just took a crypto class LOL. (iansoohoo)
- I never understood why the man in the middle was always Eve Is this a trans thing? (smartcryptology)
- We have a problem,please hold on Bad gateway The web server reported a bad gateway error. Ray ID: 64e1f1872a4423f8 Your IP address: Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: Hong Kong ????? (dngng11610288)
- I said "When you get a screen with a pretty error message that's the DNS protection." I.e. Cloudflare error messages vs something from nginx (calvinfroedge)
- Fucking assholes Zotac RTX3090 in my cart and their horse shit website does that stupid fucking cloudflare 522 error. FUCK YOU (fakejoebiden46)
- I always get a "Error 1020" error from cloudflare trying to visit your website. Does the website still excist? (annewindr)
- 🤦🏻 You’re trying to tell ME how encryption works?! 🤣 Cloudflare sits in the middle. They are the man-in-the-middle. (kyleolbert)
- … never warned us Cloudflare was routing election data over its CDN — certainly subject to inspection/retention — ostensibly to prevent DDoS attacks. Sure, nobody got DDoS'd. But it's not beyond the realm of possibility they MITM'd/reverse proxied votes … (kyleolbert)
- Pest eller kolera. Cloudflare er problematisk bla med hvordan de kontrollerer ssl sertifikater og i praksis er man in the middle. (espenantonsen)
- I'm getting cloudflare 502 bad gateway error and suddenly bunch of stuff is broken: indiehackers, npm, some other websites. Seems like 1/3 of internet broke at once. (neeadev)
- Web server is returning an unknown error There is an unknown connection issue between Cloudflare and the origin web server. As a result, the web page can not be displayed. Ray ID: 64c2c1040cb2ddxf Your IP address: 18x. xxx .x.x4 Error reference number: 520 Cloudflare Location: SG (mikhadesinner)
- Getting "The Cloudflare Dashboard is temporarily unavailable" whenever I try to log in. It's been happening intermittently for a few days, but now it's constant. Help? (matthoneycutt)
- is discord not working anymore why are nothing loading error 502 cloudflare messages failed to load? Discord (vafarien)
- I cannot reach your website, only get to the cloudflare check and then Error 522. Anyone else have that problem? (firespirit66)
- friendly note: the website URL in your bio isn't https and gives me a Cloudflare error page. (lenberg)
- 2151075 is the case number. Unfortunately, after 9 hours of waiting, your tech tested the wrong URL, found no problem and told me it didn't exist. I trust you to provide service essential to my livelihood, yet even when proof is provided 2X your team won't take responsibility 🤔 (don_crowther)
- Same, big mess. And Knownhost forums return the same 520 Cloudflare error. (photodesign)
- You are wrong. Cloudflare is not offering an on-premise solutions. More general note: Cloudflare does provide ability to customize captcha page (among others) in paid plans, but it does not change the captcha mechanism used (hCaptcha). The one from the screenshot is not hCaptcha. (epatryk)
- For the second time in the last three weeks my website is almost unusable due to cloudflare 520 errors. It has been consistently happening for 12 hours now. Webhost claim the problem lies with you. Any feedback? :) (robson1lee)
- Chances are you're running a VPN or something else which flags your IP to the Cloudflare protecting the government website. Not a lot of people need access to citizen specific web pages on Iraqi domains, hence the locked down nature to protect the websites from attack (iraqbasic)
- Baghdad government servers are rickety, incapable of withstanding DDOS attack (when an attacker intentionally overloads a website with automated traffic). Ministries won't pay for protection from services like Cloudflare, so requiring a captcha for all traffic is their solution. (dmbenes)
- wanted to keep watching anime on crunchy, only to get an error message that I'm apparently in China. (obvs not) turns out its a cloudflare issue... I didn't even know they could mess up geolocation like that so bad XD (goodnightiluka)
- why do you keep putting me into these redirect loops for your DDoS protection? It's just me and my hands operating a browser. Happened twice in the last couple of weeks on two different sites. (icymidnight)
- Fucking assholes Zotac RTX3090 in my cart and their horse shit website does that stupid fucking cloudflare 522 error. FUCK YOU (asharksbuthole)
- They have cloudflare enabled and violating rate limits results in an error from cloudflare. I tried polling the APIs 1-2 days back. (pratham33185732)
- Oh yeah this is probably worse than it was when people on private discords and cook ribs by past cloudflare by using a Hong Kong VPN, and the stock went out with in 30 seconds (htaapp66)
- And how should I control whats happening on your servers that you dont collect my data? I cant trust Cloudflare. In my opinion cloudflare is more dangerous than e.g. Google or FB because its literally EVERYWHERE. (huhncares)
- what’s going on guys? All of a sudden CloudFlare is not letting me access my own site(geofenced to exclude China) because it thinks my IP is from China. It is NOT from China, it is from India. AS18209 is my provider. (loadingacchedin)
- Por acaso até consegue. A cloudflare basicamente faz MITM ao tráfego. Eles terminam o SSL no lado deles e depois é que se ligam à origin. (joaocruzsilva)
- When you get a card added to cart at the zotacstore and cloudflare throws an error going to check out and your mouse wears out trying to buy a card. (volksdrvr)
- Error 1020 Acceso denegado: Causas habituales Las reglas de firewall de un cliente de Cloudflare bloquean a un cliente o navegador.😉 (mudito37664890)
- I'm getting error 522 in our different servers, which are completely isolated on different providers, is something related to Cloudflare maintenance? Please help! (mlopezdiaz)
- Yup. Exactly my thought. I'm getting a Cloudflare error after a long pause with trying to log in. (kevinjjuliano)
- Having space mood, but pages give cloudflare 1020 error when trying to login for latest version. (tuomashaarala)
- I'm getting a Cloudflare Error 520 atm. Any idea what's going on? (zk_student)
- Cloudflare captcha is the ultimate test of patience. (femi__williams)
- hey man, just trying to access ur website and it looks down (cloudflare 523 error); is that expected? (napveg)
- Why does it no longer offer anonymity? Was it after changes were made before an update just before Operation Onymous, or the scripts that were running when set not to. If people log in with their details, their cover is blown. Most sites block Tor or give captchas. (feelitworking)
- i get a cloudflare error pretty much every damn day on that site but it's got the best subs, the other sites have old fan translations with GLARING watermarks (dreamerszeal)
- FYI, page rules aren't updating. Specifically, 'cache everything' rules. I activate for a new part of my site: caching says 'DYNAMIC'. I deactivate a page rule already in place and then purge... I keep getting 'HIT' after it's done the initial pull. (unclejaysus)
- hi, I can't access my and other .rbind.io websites (error 526 - Frankfurt server and other € cities as well. Less intense problem in the USA), but the certificate seems to be up to date. (aindinoise)
- Apparently their really really crappy "Parental Controls" which don't stay disabled when you disable them, are DNS based. So I've just gone back to sitting on the VPN all the time... Apparently it's not smart enough to cock-block my VPN traffic (Thankfully) (wild1145)
- I'm sure you probably know about this already. But any eta on when the forums will be up again? Keep getting cloudflare error 522 (roboboit)
- Your website is problematic players have been receiving continuous cloudflare error for 6 days. Naturally, staking revenues have dropped, please correct it immediately. $win (rsr_king_)
- Thats great and all but the site doesn't work on multiple browsers. Cloudflare handshake issues or site wont load. If it does give all sorts of error messages and windrops doesn't load. Anyone got solutions? (chillyslacker)
- our customers are experiencing 520 error pages for apps on heroku proxied by cloudflare. Any know issues on your end currently? (mrtn_jacobs)
- garbage user experience, got DDoSed, captcha from cloudflare wasn't working, site down, countless users unhappy and angry, pool was filed when it started working and you call that a success? (aiautodidactic)
- Yep, it’s in latest version. Have already submitted my feedback with debug information. Many users face same problem you can see that in Indian App Store feedback comments (aravindanp11)
- If you don't give a way to unsubscribe from your "SERVICE-RELATED EMAIL", I'm gonna send all your emails to a black hole and no one will be happy. (diffalot)
- I filed out that form over a month ago and never heard back. Grr (jzone90)
- fix your god damn servers and cloudflare, the captcha wasn't working, your site always gets DDoSed, just do something, the UX is worse than central banking (aiautodidactic)
- Odio cuando Cloudflare te impide acceder a un sitio, ya sea porque estás usando VPN o TOR (backmota)
- Wenn du was anonymes machen willst, dann schützt du deinen Server mit NGINX Konfigurationen nach außen und exposed ihn über TOR. Cloudflare kannst du vergessen, falls du etwas im Cleanweb machen willst :D Da hat sogar die deutsche Polizei eine Auskunftmöglichkeit (garkolym)
- I have no idea how both & are down at the same time, while the Canva website shows that service is unavailable, in the case of Crello I see Error 520 from 😓 (jayadityaproto)
- I'm getting a Cloudflare error trying to load their site so I think this is a Pateron issue but I'll check it again in a few minutes (bernielomaxceo)
- Your new cloudflare system is awful. Half of the time it kicks over to an error page. It's especially bad if you use any kind of VPN. (ryansha22000)
- ya well. when in the middle of an event, a running page with a few videos suddenly starts showing a policy violation error. u basically have lost a customer. (anindyar)
- Tout ce qui est censuré reparait sur Tor : surprenant ? je ne crois pas! Votre méthode n'est pas de vous attaquer au problème mais de le déplacer, et ça ne marchera jamais avec les technologies qui existent actuellement!!! (xyz80364672)
- How would I get around the tool hitting a captcha verification? Got this happening on a client site. And probably cloudflare. (iqseo)
- They have the site behind cloudflare, you’d need a VPN to get around it, a free one for mobile phones is called “Betternet” but yh the time it takes to turn it on and go back to the site might take too long...better to just wait...stock supply is normalizing (oh_uriahs)
- Vous allez les poursuivre même s'ils se font héberger en inde ou au Bangladesh aussi ? Et sur Tor, vous allez faire comment ? Si cloudfare commence à faire de la censure, alors ils perdent facilement 30% de tous leurs sites donc bon ... pas très rentable pour eux!!! (xyz80364672)
- Some users still seem to be unable to access the admin dashboard and are receiving a 520 error code. Still not sure what is causing this, but I'm investigating with our service provider, (keygen_sh)
- Local govt webpage timing out with a CloudFlare error. greeeat. yay cloud. :| (contraryguy)
- can someone tell me if there is an issue with accessing the site? I keep getting a host error on cloudflare and cant get back on. (jessecapes)
- Is there a way to allow requests from a origin IP to bypass the bot fight firewall, like you can for free with WAF? Or is that a premium tier feature of super bot fight? (exiva)
- happy to check - sounds like a cloudflare flag. can you send me or clientservice@blockfi.com a screen shot? (blockfizac)
- Are you experiencing issues with Pages? Our pages site has been down with 500 errors for over 12 hours. (miltzi)
- This doesn't work you team never reply because of this bug... (ryanuk90)
- Well for now I have moved all my domains to another provider. (jordanairwave)
- Could you check your DM? I want to report and issue humanly possible way. PS: raising a ticket forces me to choose a website, this is related to your website, not mine. (m_uysl)
- I need to speak to someone about being locked out of my account but all your "contact support" options require me to log in first. Do you have an email or chat that can be used by people who cannot log in? (gd_edrob)
- 2FA emails don't seem to be coming through. They’re not in spam, and am receiving other emails fine (armstrong)
- hi support. located in taiwan. when previewing any app, it loads forever and doesnt show. the app content. this happens on any apps on the app store. can you help solve this? (oritzvielli)
- I have sent a ticket. No response. It's now the second day that my sites are unusable due to your DNS. (nicholas_duncan)
- There's a major issue with your service on our account currently. When routing our sites through cloudflare our sites are almost unusable. When disabling the proxy, sites behave as normal. (nicholas_duncan)
- Can anybody please reply my ticket 2132190? It’s been almost 24 hours. (rfischmann)
- Too late. I've wasted 6 hours of business time. You don't make it easy, so how much time do you expect people to invest in order to report something that they have no power over. 6 hrs was my limit, you'll have to find your own issues out. The public are fed up being fobbed off! (bedstag)
- your email notifications page is the worst kind of anti-pattern. Do I click the checkmark to NOT receive updates? Or click it to accept getting updates? does "Cloudflare may not send me emails" mean that I shouldn't get ANY emails? or is it missing "in" at the end (deefdragon)
- The Cloudflare App is easy to identify the hacker when your using Microsoft because when you want to create a account the hacked becomes your admin by adding his verisign certificate to your vpn not allowing you coverage or allows you to sign in with verification code and domain (simplygolden881)
- custom dashboards are cool until everyone is getting cloudflare error when the bots restocks (dk041011)
- Hello what’s going on with your web? I’ve been trying to log on all day and it keeps saying host error - message from - cloudflare please help! (tar0baap)
- same here, looks like they're hitting a cloudflare rate limit at the moment (429 error code) "detail":"event rejected due to rate limit" (speediedan)
- Claims to be privacy conscious, but I am unable to privately surf the web with something like Tor or a VPN as CloudFlare uses them as well. (alexklman)
- is your website down? I'm getting an error message - Error 1001 Ray ID: 6437674acef6ce8b • 2021-04-21 14:46:43 UTC DNS resolution error Cloudflare is currently unable to resolve your requested domain (michaelturner)
- Did the website get DMCA'd? Getting 502 Cloudflare error. Hope everything is well (deost8003)
- Any ETA on fixing your site? I tried signing up a million times last night, just kept resolving to a cloudflare error. Now I have an email claiming I'm registered, but it won't let me log in. I've been trying since last night. (mikalg)
- I'm getting several CloudFlare error messages on frankspeech. First a 504, then a 521, and now a 520. (opstellar)
- Moving our websites off actually made them faster for most of our visitors, contrary to their marketing. In addition, it eliminated the "man in the middle'", which helps us to better protect visitor privacy. Next up: Building an anycast network using our own IP space. (ardewes)
- Tout l'avis du CE respose sur le stockage chez AWS. Mais rien ne mentionne notre prestataire préféré de Man-in-the-Middle as a Service (Cloudflare). Il y a aussi un accord de non transfert qui a été conclu ? Et eux en plus, ils voient le traffic en clair... (gloupin)
- gab is down. It's gone. Gab is behind the man-in-the-middle surveillance network Cloudflare and that service is responding to gab's domain with a message saying "The web server is not returning a connection. As a result, the web page is not displaying." Local power outage? (bergvikjohnny)
- Gab needs to stop using CloudFlare. It's a man-in-the-middle that is run by the see-eye-aaaaaa (flywritenow)
- Wow! Scary! What’s the impact of an invisible job done by a man-in-the-middle service provider??!😳 I actually did bump into pop ups by Cloudflare not knowing what was going on! Needless to say that Cloudflare has to take on responsibility!!! (louisgeee)
- I mean tbf cloudflare itself is a man in the middle (dark_kirb)
- MITM by Cloudflare. How about making a TRULY SECURE tipline? (dxgl_org)
- Cloudflare in general is of course completely unacceptable for being a massive mitm proxy. (christophe0o)
- That page is also erroring for me with a Cloudflare error page. This is a major incident that seems to be affecting your network settings (forrestblount)
- eta for resuming service? gateway timeout error ? CloudFlare Ray ID: 642fc3d0245d3b09 (omercier)
- Pelo amor de Deus, Não faz sentido ter o Cloudflare com captcha na api do GraphQL se vocês não vão tratar isso no front e vão pipocar mil erros de 403 pro usuário no console. Não consigo logar de forma nenhuma em nenhum dispositivo por causa disso. (douglas_oaraujo)
- MitM is not enough for JS, though. The options are browser or thin client and browser-in-proxy a la Mighty or Cloudflare (but not just a blocking MitM proxy, a full transcoding proxy browser). (brendaneich)
- Ja der Dienst von Cloudflare basiert auf MITM. Aber wo ist der Datenschutztechnische Unterschied zu einem Shared Webspace bei Strato, IONOS oder GoDaddy. Sehr typischer Lösungsansatz um eine Website zu betreiben. Und die bekommen auch den Traffic im Klartext (th3_cr0wl3r)
- I think this is a normal error because I see it during the day and when I refresh the site this error goes away (ms_sarabandi)
- Since when did cloudflare error 1020 become an sqli. You okay bruh ? 🤔🤔🤔 (cireumayn111)
- Same result. Turning on my VPN fixes it for now, wonder why I'm blacklisted on cloudflare 😭 (jackbracken)
- Having to solve a CAPTCHA to view your API key when you're already logged in to your account with MFA active has to be one of the most ridiculous bits of security theater that Cloudflare has. Like, fuck off with that noise 🙄 (sindarina)
- almost every build - Failed due to an internal error (sebbie1o1)
- How about you get your site working first! Keeps having connectivity issue: Web server is returning an unknown error There is an unknown connection issue between Cloudflare and the origin web server. As a result, the web page can not be displayed. (dmty16)
- Hi, That usually means your having some issues getting data from our servers, you are not behind a VPN that might be blocked by CloudFlare? Can you try swapping from WiFi to Data or vice versa, if that does not fix it please DM us and we can look into it further. - RE (get_delta)
- I got the same from Mexico and other countries using a VPN. So its done pretty much for anyone outside Nicaragua. (riper81)
- any way to stop those annoying challenges on every site when using the Tor window? Also, there needs to be an easy way to disable all 3rd party plugins in Tor windows, as was the default. (ideafaktory)
- Error de cloudflare, cloudflare tiene bloqueado a Venezuela crep (aboutgabo)
- Cloudflare 403 error on Etherscan is like Parmesan Cheese on a Vegan Cheese Pizza Slice.... 😆 (frankynines)
- Look like it. I got the fun cloudflare error page. (halfwrittentale)
- Also, why did they? As of today, I wasn't able to place any GPU orders because I would get a cloudflare error whenever I would press the order page. And this happen with two different accounts same address. So I'm just curious if they Banned Me? I did report a stolen GPU to them (htaapp66)
- No, the captchas when it asks you to complete the captcha for page to load. (usually Cloudflare does this...) (eliasdaler)
- think something's wrong with your site, keep getting an Error 1101 from CloudFlare (nickprivalov)
- The Website has been down for over 24 Hours, the captcha and other pages are cached by CloudFlare. (breachdoctor)
- I've noticed increasing problems this morning (frequent "Can't sync" and Cloudflare error pages). Are there issues on the backend? (jaydennavarro)
- Página indisponível Estamos trabalhando para o acesso ser restabelecido o mais rápido possível. Tente novemente em alguns minutos. Bad gateway The web server reported a bad gateway error. Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: Rio de Janeiro (brauliosoares)
- Got a Cloudflare error and when the screen popped up again there was a very bad scam attempt shown up. Please be aware of this (cryptchem)
- I try to embrace that deeply and just about every instance of getting an inacessible, frustrating, and invasive CAPTCHA when trying to access the vast majority of sites using things like Cloudflare that deny Tor exit nodes by defauly only reinforces my beliefs. (rvklein)
- Cloudflare es una herramienta q usan algunas web para evitar ataques A veces sospecha de una persona (por x motivos) y te pone que pongas captcha para asegurarse que no seas un 🤖 (tapofilms)
- Aha, I thought that was an error when I saw that in the expression preview pane. The 0-9 version works just as well, but I can't save because there still is an unknown error when I press save as draft (as I don't want it to take immediate effect). (bonny_ken)
- The specific error when trying to login is a 1020 error. (vgkmike)
- Hi, I'm getting the Cloudflare error 1020 recently when attempting to visit your site. Could you check the RAYID in your Firewall events log or whitelist my IP? Thanks. It was fine before. (digitalxak)
- More recently it's been CAPTCHA. Now, I don't even mean places where it is even warranted or necessary. is notoriously bad for this on just about any website they reverse-proxy/front. Why do I have to do this just to view a static public page served from cache? (rvklein)
- That’s odd the website works for me. Maybe you missed the cloudflare / captcha that needs to be answered before accessing the site? Team is doxxed (Strudel Finance) and they already have a working app available on iOS and Android. (cryptoravioli)
- getting error 1020 no matter what browser I use. Says it is a cloudflare error (kevin22262)
- Your entire platform is down at the moment. Cloudflare Error 526. I'm sure you are aware... :) (broadstreetboy)
- what gives? Why can I connect to my game or their website. I’m getting a 1020 error from Cloudflare on their site. (malenkomc)
- Still getting cloudflare error 1021 message when trying to access the website, vpn not helping. Any suggestions please? (nofuxxgiven2)
- Put the IP address in to your web browser, and, if they're using a shared host, you should get an error page identifying the host who you can contact to start regaining control. (again, my example won't work as I use a content delivery network, so you'll get a cloudflare error) (le__bon)
- my site is down for 2 days due to one of your cloudflare updates (getting a 403 error). Have no idea how this happened, but is costing me a lot of traffic and may affect how my site ranks on google. Suggest someone look into this asap so this doesn't happen to others (nddecade)
- Looks like the server crashed. Getting a cloudflare Error 522 (at Sufficient Velocity too). (yukikaze_alecto)
- I can't connect Restreamio to Picarto because Cloudflare error (leogreenland)
- ていうかマジ何なん?webスクレイピング系全部CloudFlareのCAPTCHA画面に飛ばされるんやが??「あなたは人間ですか?」て、動かす指示出したのは人間だわfxxk 今までの動作実績あるん急に使えなくするのやめてくれ… (mcr376)
- Your website or your host have just imploded. Cloudflare's error messages amuse me as they tend to shift blame for a 502 message (farkingbastage)
- If you're using Cloudflare I recommend purging its cache. Apparently, it can get stuck on a 502 error caused by the Azure outage in certain locations. (zlehoczky)
- Um, I cant reach the website at all? Access denied error by cloudflare (riverweems)
- My Internet is down, also I see your website is showing the cloudflare error page, is there a link? I'm in Athlone. (ashrafedross)
- Trying to login to do some maintenance and like, I can’t pass the cloudflare captcha used by digital ocean. Identify bikes? Failed. Identify boats? Failed. Love to have computers (jordansissel)
- Keep getting a cloudflare captcha when trying to load a stream only to be get stuck in an endless loading screen after completing it. (wow0w0)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: • 2021-03-30 10:25:26 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: • Your IP: 123.122.37. I am CN,some times,I use VPN.Plz don't banned me.I really want to learn. (moshuid)
- WTF, zijn de kranten nu allemaal vpn verbindingen aan het blokkeren, met die cloudflare captcha's? ..... (polr)
- For context, Discord was popping up with a 502 error and something about Cloudflare, seems to be fixed now tho (kyetro)
- Cloudflare is giving me an error when trying to access patreon: Error 504 Ray ID: 637862e0e18c1923 • 2021-03-29 10:24:12 UTC Gateway time-out (inigabikini)
- why do i got a cloudflare error on PC when literally everything else I have that uses internet is fine (parasid0)
- getting cloudflare error with the spotify browser source (xunclebaz)
- Some things also felt hidden. Like VLANs under "Other Types" in the Interfaces menus. The Dynamic DNS CloudFlare API token threw a PHP error when using the Global API key. However setting up a specific API Token solved it. GUI indicates Global Key should work, but it doesn't. (aka_tg)
- also, there is the “H captcha” system that uses a temporary accessibility cookie. Honestly, that needs to be a bit more permanent. (n7zzt)
- hmmm, just about any place that uses an audio alternative to captcha. However, that still won’t help the deaf-blind (who often use braille as their only means of reading the net). (n7zzt)
- oooops, error in that last response, what was should be I keep getting his username wrong. (n7zzt)
- aint no way yall put cloudflare captcha on this (dafootbot)
- do you guys hate ipv6 or something? Have to enter captcha on a lot of sites each time i use them on 4g. (0x0000000000006)
- Am I right in thinking that the mobile apps of and won't work with VPN for some reason? Permanently getting the helpful error message "8000067: Error 1007 ... Technical Problems" (nevstokes)
- Storing? Ik ben uitgelogd van de app op mijn FireTV en inloggen lukt niet. Inloggen via de website gaat ook niet, Error 1020 van Cloudflare. (realone39005591)
- I Got 'Cloudflare Error 1020' on your website for some devices. (theapacheman)
- I successfully registered my kids for summer camp. It's called Cloudflare Camp Error 502. (fixjunk)
- is the service down? Cloudflare is giving a 502 error from the UK. (michaeljwithers)
- Hey folks, I updated your plugin this AM and now getting 522 Error Any chance it’s happened to others? Eg an issue w the update? Cheers! (bestinterest_jc)
- Cloudflare For Teams Dashboard is getting an OAUTH 'null' error on login. Can't test browser isolation out. :( (nyr30nyr)
- i can not play. Error 1020 cloudflare. can you help me (rezhacruisher)
- Currently showing: Gateway time-out The web server reported a gateway time-out error. Ray ID: 633cf682bfd5c97d Your IP address: Error reference number: 504 Cloudflare Location: Seattle My campaign page worked, but cannot log on to the table from Launch button. (xidoraven)
- do you guys hate ipv6 or something? Have to enter captcha on a lot of sites each time i use them on 4g. (0xrnor)
- hiya, getting an error on your website (cloudflare 1020). Is there a prob at the mo? Would like access please (mike___davidson)
- you are having some problems with your DNS " Error 1016 : Origin DNS error " or something in (matiasmasca)
- Error 1001 DNS resolution error Cloudflare network (ladyred_6)
- Cloudflare 522 error initially , looks like it’s loading now. (whereisjefe)
- If I send ' or sleep(20)=' as my payload and it takes the server 20 seconds to return a 403 error from Cloudflare, does that mean there might be an issue or is that just Cloudflare screwing with me? (geeknik)
- Hello, do you why I would be getting a captcha page from when I try to login to my account? I've not signed up for their service. (sarahstiffin)
- Klar. Aber im Endeffekt schreiben sie überall auf Ihrer Seite, dass sie DSGVO-Konform sind, aber nutzen dann Cloudflare. Gerade auch für die Captcha-Requests. Finde ich persönlich echt Enttäuschend. Hatte die vor nem Monat nur kurz überflogen und eigentlich ein positives Bild... (niklascodes)
- I got some kind of weird error page. DDS Cloudflare or some such. Back now but running like a dog. (caledoniaman)
- welp ya mighta crashed your substack there? hahaha. getting a cloudflare error. (trickycrayon)
- How can your servers possibly be as bad as they are. 100% of the time I see an ERROR 502 HOST ERROR from your servers not being able to handle traffic. I don't know if your CLoudFlare protection is too sensitive or your servers are too weak to handle the traffic. Please fix it. (design4mind317)
- Today the CloudFlare gods have smiled upon me, and decided that every website I have to complete a captcha. Wouldn't be as bad if hCaptcha had any quality control. Say what you want about Google, but reCaptch at least worked. Isn't having gatekeepers to the internet great? (jamescun)
- Oh, that's changed. You used to be able to paste in the URL from any codepen editor page, but now Cloudflare gets in the way. Curiously, my Safari just hit the same Cloudflare page, but let me through after the CAPTCHA - never had that before (and I tried Safari before Flow). (piers)
- The error message is stupid. Cloudflare is on high alert, a majority of the users can't touch the site. (silvea12)
- Else an SSL Handshake Failure or Error 525 will haunt you 😅 (sach_8in)
- Hey I am getting a 520 cloudflare error on your website. Are you undergoing maintenance or something? (robinhyll)
- I think Cloudflare is great but its MITM approach is not very privacy-friendly, there are more privacy-friendly ways (for us) to provide security and reliability to our customers and users. We're probably a special case since we're very privacy-focused and a bit overzealous. (ardewes)
- I started using Cloudflare in 2015 because they offered free TLS certificates (back then a simple cert cost 100's of € per year), but obviated that need. Also, privacy is our main concern at so using a MITM service like became inacceptable. (ardewes)
- The FFN RSS/Atom feeds seem to be hidden behind Cloudflare CAPTCHA. This makes it ... rather impossible ... for my RSS feed reader to read the feeds. Can you exclude the /atom/ URLs? (bob_vul)
- Hi guys, could you please contact me as i have been receiving alot of cloudflare captcha’s and it is preventing me from using streamlabs obs and playing pc games. It is really annoying given i am paying a hefty sum for an issue like this. Please contact me. (danialku)
- hey guys, i have an issue where whenever i log into streamlabs obs i get a pop out from cloudflare. after completing the captcha and logging in, i got signed out almost immediately. i redownloaded and the issue is still present, however when i use vpn, i could log in. (danialku)
- At some point I have actually attempted to put a fair amount of my own efforts into studying this sort of thing, and often I found that the choice of implementation CAPTCHA systems -- where often used in practice -- was largely avoidable but not completely. (rvklein)
- Eyesight is a problem with captcha. Even wearing glasses, I usually take a few goes. (rmf719630)
- Failed captcha 4 times in a row. Now blocked from logging in. wtaf (alanb)
- I love that ditched Google Captcha because: data and privacy things... And I hate that ditched Google Captcha because: their alternative it horrible, annoying and probably the worst they ever did to the internet! (nloenne)
- fuck you for suspicious internet, fuck you for the captcha. (selvicekun)
- De hecho es como te proteges en cloudflare, prohibes visitas de ciertos países (normalmente rusia y china pero depende de donde llegue el ataque), y pones captcha para otros. También puedes hacer throttling. Tendría que ver más el detalle. (ddshore)
- De hecho es como te proteges en cloudflare, prohibes visitas de ciertos países (normalmente rusia y china pero depende de donde llegue el ataque), y pones captcha para otros. También puedes hacer throttling. Digo, la verdad estoy hablando sin saber porque no he visto el sitio. (ddshore)
- 403 error from Cloudflare when trying to buy shopping on your app (android)... Can you get your tech guys to take a look? (gardnose)
- Getting a cloudflare error when trying to access your site. Can you confirm there are tech issues and if so, is someone working on it? (carambasson)
- I saw the classic Cloudflare error page. I was like what's going on. 👀 Happy that PH is back. ❤️ (thisissubhendu)
- Doesn't work from RU: Error 1020 Cloudflare Ray ID: 630fe3f3dac58498 • 2021-03-16 18:02:04 UTC Access denied (dderss)
- Something up with your carpark booking site? Login takes a couple minutes to process. Forgot password spits out a CloudFlare error. And when I managed to login and get to the details page for parking I see an error under the form. It's impossible to book. (acoopernz)
- I'm a user: Getting a 502 bad gateway error from your host trying to get my list sent to - rayid 62fffd13a29d9d89 so you can troubleshoot (docsmooth)
- hey guys, I can’t visit your website. I keep getting an error 1020 access denied notification with “This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks” and something about cloudflare. :’( (falleri)
- Same thing happened to me. Had to uninstall. Went to the website to redownload and got a Cloudflare error page. Something's up (drewcpu)
- Using decentralized compute (ex Workers) to generate nonce can reduce compute times as cost. Nonce can be cached by SW. It is still unguessable for an attacker. A MITM attack could defeat this so hash based still useful. Or SW could rewrite CSP header at each load ? (denistruffaut)
- could always play true MITM with encrypted brower to proxy. and encrypted traffic to fast. But able to manipulate bytes in the middle as they please. I can't tell for sure if it's CloudFlare, but just based on cookies prefixed with cf. that's my guess. (wlaurance)
- Its amazing how E2E ssl adds the remote IP in the HTTP headers. Thats not how E2E works, this is called hop-by-hop. Interesting they are also CA and DNS over HTTPS provider. What a nice position to build a MiTM for any website... and I mean.. ANY website. (idafanatic)
- Cool, yeah I’d like to avoid using their SSL certificates, just for the sake of removing one central point of failure and potential mitm attack 😁 (eordano)
- the error message is from Cloudflare, so I guess it is on my end (sql_williamd)
- Unable to open the Deposit page since morning. Page times out showing a Cloudflare error page. (dhimant)
- From UK, got through to Cloudflare, asked to do the CAPTCHA, but then went to a page to say something went wrong... (iamadamau)
- Same, I’m in Canada without VPN and can’t reach their statement on blockage. I got a Cloudflare CAPTCHA page at first, could be excess attempts at connecting to the site getting restricted. (mrchan)
- Bruh why am I selecting cruise ships in a captcha. My shitty LIDARless self driving is never gonna be driving at night and hit a homeless woman crossing a three lane highway in a Carnival Cruise Ship. (alkalinesec)
- Not sure if you read my tweet, but you are blocking bots from accessing that pricing page with a CloudFlare CAPTCHA. And now that I have your attention, perhaps you could finally pay me the 6 years worth of affiliate commissions I have earned with you guys. (tldlist)
- It's back, I was getting the Cloudflare error screen for ~5 mins at the time of my tweet. (joepotentier)
- I have gotten several error messages tonight on various websites about a “cloudflare” in the Miami area. Anyone else getting this error? I tried to send a message to Dave and couldn’t. Tried to get Ron on other contact, couldn’t...hmmm?? (lisainflorida53)
- I've been getting this for 3 days when I try to get into my accounts & billing -- what is going on? Bad gateway The web server reported a bad gateway error. Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: Chicago (glenn_ferrell)
- Quick heads up, I'm getting a Cloudflare error when I try to load anything from your site (jetpacmonkey)
- Sorry I didn't see this tweet. Are you still having trouble getting to the site? Is there a cloudflare error? (evageeks)
- It isn't just It's your settings do this. I checked my IP in blacklists, I've used other sites which use CF. There are no other website I use on a daily basis has such obtrusive captcha. (gudvinr)
- This is totally irritating me, I cannot find a browser old/limited enough to get the captcha shown but new enough to connect at all (TLSv1.2) and render JS and the GUI CAPTCHA. And blind users will be unable to complete CAPTCHA at all, especially those using lynx, which are many (knoblauchkeks)
- The Cloudflare JS captcha is also a problem for people who want to use RSS. (antranigv)
- shows me a captcha page in lynx, but lynx obviously doesn’t have either JavaScript or graphics. Trying to load the same page in Firefox succeeds, so I cannot make it accept lynx as well. This is against various disability laws. Fix your stuff so lynx keeps working! (knoblauchkeks)
- nooooo, I got caught by CloudFlare and I'm being sent to a Captcha page (shookaite)
- Yup there it is. It was throwing out a Cloudflare DNS resolution error before. All good. (petegaines)
- I am getting this error when I go to the site: Bad gateway The web server reported a bad gateway error. •Ray ID: 60bad4929a0d5f85 •Your IP address: 2600:8801:2f80:12ff:9154:5d96:49e3:d650 •Error reference number: 502 •Cloudflare Location: Las Vegas (melanie_antonio)
- Is there no status website? At least post on twitter when the website is under maintenance or down, rather than showing us a Cloudflare error. (elibroftw)
- Still getting the same error. However, whilst I'm certainly not 'attacking you', I am based in the UK, so Cloudflare may be just blocking me. Anyway, thanks for getting back and wishing you all the best! (barrd)
- For some reason Ugetube doesn't seem to let you connect through a VPN due to their Cloudflare config. I'm getting "Error 1020" Access Denied. If anyone else are getting this and your VPN client allows for it the solution should be to configure split tunneling. Lame. (blackb3rryclu3s)
- Cloudflare is annoying people with unnecessary multiple captcha filters... discouraging people from watching the website as a result. Recommend winred to remove Cloudflare by removing their NS records. (gasfe)
- My bank's site displaying a cache error is always comforting. (westbywest)
- guys I've been temporarily banned from accessing the site?? All I tried doing was looking at my account section to see when my sub was due to run out now I'm screwed wtf?? Error 1015 cloudflare?? (hebble10)
- Why using cloudflare on this website ? 😭 It blocks tor users and acts as a giant MitM 😟 (eban_non)
- i click on your ling it gave me this 🥴 Error 1020 Ray ID: 609e202c9961d490 • 2020-12-30 19:21:45 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 609e202c9961d490 • Your IP: 2a01:e0a:592:e1 (roya__ro)
- what’s up with the site cloudflare thing? I haven’t been able to edit a design in 4 days that I need to fix. It hasn’t worked on pc or mobile. Whenever I’ve tried to do it on mobile the template just blanks and When I tried to do it on pc it just gives me an error (phoboshop1)
- if you could allow me to connect to your website from my home or work IP addresses, that would be great. Turn down your cloudflare protections a little. I get the "VPN" not allowed error from my home, and need to use a VPN to get to the site. 🙄 (kajer533)
- unfortunately suffering from a few errors - 'network error: JSON Parse error:' on the app and cloudflare error pages on browser. tried resetting Qs to no avail. hopefully correctable. (keaanamin)
- Hi is your service down? I get a 504 Cloudflare timeout error when I tried to click on add-to-cart. And haven't been able to login. (henry000dev)
- I get that same error when I hit random sites while on my work VPN. (glasswar)
- errors with Prod server on Cloudflare. I put the error details in the bug-reports channel in your bsg pr discord (mvg_hells)
- hi When roaming abroad I get Error 1020 - why? Ray ID: 605f066b9aca2cef • 2020-12-23 03:34:07 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 605f066b9aca2ceflo Perform by Cloud flare (cybermazz)
- Hosting your images and articles on seperate Cloudflare-protected domains makes your website a pain to use over Tor, requiring one to fill out a captcha to access the page, then going to an image manually to fill out yet another captcha in order to get images to load. (happysmash27)
- getting a website down error banner from Cloudflare when trying to access the site... (mrmoo28)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 604fd87c8e1fcab4 • 2020-12-21 07:21:20 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 604fd87c8e1fcab4 • Your IP: (Canada) • Performance & security by Cloudflare (scottalanclymer)
- All sites give this error message: Error 1020 Ray ID: 604ce1dfab920f12 • 2020-12-20 22:43:27 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 604ce1dfab920f12 • Your IP: • Perfor (jleascho)
- This apparently affects all lynx users; I just tried from a system at my employer’s and a virtual machine I rent, and they all get a 503 error from when trying to access a site. This is catastrophic failure! (knoblauchkeks)
- That feel when you're using Tor and try to visit any site using 😭 Endless captcha loops and errors. (jordanfrankfurt)
- Right it was down earlier cloudflare error. Can you check your security? Run full system checks. Ty. (agathawhisky)
- Cloudflare has already gone to the trouble of teaching users how to bypass error messages they see, why waste that time investment? 😂 (yankeefinn)
- When I right click on the page & click "Inspect Element" it shows I'm getting a 503 error that says, "Please turn JavaScript on and reload the page." But I have inspected NoScript and ensured that it isn't blocking JS. So it seems that the page incorrectly thinks JS is blocked. (captainkurtis)
- your cdn product page has an error and results in a blank page (markobilal)
- It's OK now. The issue caused by CloudFlare node routing error in China area, it's already fixed. (risent)
- I am trying to log into my account, but I keep getting a Cloudflare error. (saultheotaku)
- Captcha sucks when using a VPN! But understanding that some of your VPN endpoints, not all of them, are triggering Captchas on Google or Cloudflare hosted sites, you just change the VPN endpoint a few times until you get one that's not listed. (johnny_doe2010)
- is down! Connection timed out The initial connection between Cloudflare's network and the origin web server timed out. As a result, the web page can not be displayed. Ray ID: 6016a9b56805a5e8 Error reference number: 522 Cloudflare Location: Tokyo (strangechrish)
- if you are using a vpn service, or proxy, or a shared ip address, this can occur. I connect constantly via vpn and this error message is fairly common with sites hosted via cloudflare. Try connecting via a different service, wifi, coffee shop, whatever. (planetdeception)
- If anyone facing with "Error 522" issue recently, please try with another domain when you got this issue. This seems a connection broken between Cloudflare - our server. (9animeofficial)
- what happened to the site is just showing a cloudflare error (alexlehm)
- HTTPS scan: should you enable it? What does CKTN has to say?! - Never enable HTTPS scans unless you need to (e.g. for ad-blocking) - Intercepting into HTTPS is basically a MITM like sing Cloudflare which gives them full control and in-sights into everything (ckstechnews)
- Christ you’re thick. I recommend you talk to any pen-tester who will tell you that once that layer of encryption is removed — which they do — MITM’ing subsequent layers is trivial, i.e., unless they handshake (public key, etc.) was communicated out-of-band. (kyleolbert)
- Depending on what you are doing it might be worth checking out as they offer SSL but will be a MITM, which is fine for many applications. Free also. (rharpur)
- It's extreme, but the threat vector isn't "MITM breaking TLS" - it's a misconfigured device that handles your TLS. For example, when Cloudflare or AWS ALB manage your certs, they can see everything unencrypted and in theory could leak data (like what happened to Cloudflare). (e1g)
- Da war ein zomg breiter lauter hamster macbook air i nzzki. That means cloudflare your mitm cdn when trying (macmelonmac)
- Cloudflare gives me a bit of the heeby jeebies since their business is centered around MITM data flows. They do it to help, but it’s an unfortunate service to exist. (mterhar)
- hey. Looks like your page is down. Getting a Cloudflare error. (cerebralbliss)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 5ff973925f00d3df • 2020-12-10 19:42:51 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 5ff973925f00d3df • Your IP: • Performance & security by Cloudflare (terrace12463816)
- Replying to I was going to buy the $850 bundle. However the site locked up during the payment part. Then it never let me back in, Cloudflare error. Good job Antonline!!!! Third time trying to buy from them. (lacrolx1)
- Connection timed out The initial connection between Cloudflare's network and the origin web server timed out. As a result, the web page can not be displayed. Ray ID: 5ff18d125a2b186f Your IP address: 2600:1700:4df9:10:586 Error reference number: 522 Cloudflare Location: Atlanta (themerchandise)
- this is what i get from antonline lol Web server is returning an unknown error There is an unknown connection issue between Cloudflare and the origin web server. As a result, the web page can not be displayed. (dimitri4g94)
- Connection timed out The initial connection between Cloudflare's network and the origin web server timed out. As a result, the web page can not be displayed. Ray ID: 5fe934ff6d0dcaa8 Your IP address: Error reference number: 522 Cloudflare Location: Toronto (mig30m6)
- got this error message trying to access a page on your site using an iPad Ray ID: 5fe52baa4aa43fd2 Your IP address: Error reference number: 522 Cloudflare Location: Toronto ::ALWAYSONLINENOCOPYBOX:: ::IMUNDERATTACKBOX:: ::CAPTCHABOX:: (mig30m6)
- There seem to be some issues connecting. Check Legacy 485 and 932. Getting an error stating cloudflare may be having issues. (herxies)
- minor heart attack just now. buang 300 dns record dlm cloudflare, nk import balik dpt error. nasib ada workaround. damn u cloudflare (buyoq)
- Hey why do I need to complete an obnoxious captcha every time I log in. (mrkmcknz)
- Shame on you for having your Cloudflare firewall mode in Nazi mode so I have to compelte a Captcha to visit your site... (donaldlekgwathi)
- your store website is a giant pile of shit. Nothing but 500 errors from cloudflare and constant captcha failures due to timeouts because your page loads take too long to respond. Sells computer parts, can’t build site out of computers to sell computer parts. Joke company (realmenhavefabs)
- I tried to reach out to customer service for a web store to let them know their captcha was broken. The only way to contact them was via a form that required captcha. (jdonavan)
- Hi, I just failed cloudflare’s “are you a human” captcha bullshit 6 times in a row. Apparently I’m not human. So, if you’re following me or I’m following you, I’m clearly a bot. Or maybe cloudflare’s captcha has such shitty pictures that I can’t discern what the fuck it is. (xenophage)
- What does Cloudflare actually do when it's doing that, anyway? What is it checking? Why does it take so long? And why does it then make you do a captcha on top of waiting? Piss off with that. Just delete your website instead, assholes. (catovitch)
- why is the website showing error 1020..... Plz tell me how to open it.... It just shows access denied 😠 (kaustubhhancha1)
- Website down? Seeing HTTP 502 error page for what looks like cloudflare. (amdelamar)
- websites love flexing cloudflare protection then giving me a 503 error eight seconds later (pyrexscholar)
- After three hours of unsuccessful registration. Now this: Error 1020 Access Denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare (whoissaying)
- I keep trying to access octubretv and keep getting this page: access denied Error 1020 What happened?This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.Performance security by Cloudflare I can get to it in google translate and cached, but can't use it (antitwttier)
- I keep trying to access octubretv and keep getting this page: access denied Error 1020 What happened?This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks.Performance security by Cloudflare I can get to it in google translate and cached, but can't use it (antitwttier)
- yo what's up with the site 522 error, cloudflare showing host problems (alphapuppy1)
- Any cloudflare protected site will ask you for a captcha tho. When using the tor browser, that is not the case. (kavin1337)
- Still getting this shit hours later. What's the deal? Why am I getting captcha just to browse the site (sephirothws)
- Is this showing to you after you complete the Captcha for Cloudflare? (cryptosfaucets)
- I've accessed at home and at the office today and each time I get cloudflare's captcha. Can someone explain why I'm getting this captcha when accessing TryHackme? (happy_sec)
- I haven't been able to refresh your site for two weeks. It alternates Cloudflare error pages and server errors. What's up? (sweasel)
- They do have "at least some protection" - that's why you're getting the Cloudflare error page in the first place. (aliothfox)
- Lol - yesterday i tested this type of captcha for the first time. Didn't get a single one right (without guessing + on mobile). "Privacy first" is cool and all, but i wouldn't trust my contact forms / shopping carts with this provider atm. 😑 (der_abro)
- So private that I can't even access my wallet :/ 403 error in the app (Lite and full) 502 on CloudFlare (mc85904926)
- Tbh with any new launch (Just like the Nvidia Launch, And Ryzen launch) the sites struggle. Maybe they need better hosting ;). But indeed the captcha is horrible, even on non launch days it's been a PITA for me. (ryanteck)
- Fuck cloudflare. You show me a captcha just to browse your site, and I take my business elsewhere. (featherornot)
- Yeah but, you gotta think about what people care about. I'll bet Google VPN doesn't make you do CAPTCHA Bet it's not blocked by CloudFlare Bet it's not blocked by Hulu/Netflix either People don't care about privacy. They just want the gibbs (extraspecialk1)
- Cloudflare Security/Firewall system is very bad. They block people who use shared IP address and ask humans to prove they are humans.. but it's worst than Google's CAPTCHA. Still I don't know how FREE CDN works, even Google is not offering something like that.That is why I say NO (openspeedtest)
- Can't get through on the website again, same Cloudflare error. Hopefully up soon so I can finish my order! Thanks (nickpresley)
- The error message I'm getting form your site kinda looks like you forgot to pay for your site hosting. Just saying. (socialistsalas)
- Using www prefix returns 522 error from cloudflare (tspventurer)
- hey! i dunno if someone's brought it up to you yet but it looks like the qc site is down rn? i went to go catch up for the week but it's givin a cloudflare error (hexapodelion)
- Hey Users are reporting lots of random issues over the past few days and currently. Including serving of error pages that were changed several months ago and seem to have been cached, and other access problems. (pygame_org)
- And I can’t update my PS4 system. It shows DNS error. I’m using Cloudflare DoH on my router. Change it back to the ISP default fixed the issue. (nsmvytwg)
- I tried logging into my account and got an error 1006, saying my IP has been banned courtesy of Cloudflare. Pls can you guys resolve this issue??? (olasupojoshua7)
- Hey guys, I'm getting an Access Denied 1020 error while visiting your website, by CloudFlare. Could you please look into it. I cannot share my IP. If needed, I can share it on DM. (sskameshtwit)
- It’s worse when the main site works fine but images (or other content) is CDN and then you can’t even fill out the captcha to make it work... (coxy)
- hi Jeph. I'm having trouble connecting to QC in the UK. Getting a Cloudflare error. Just thought I'd let you know x (malphaswats)
- Hello there! I am unable to access hackforums cuz I received this error from Cloudflare: Error reference number: 1020 (antrung12)
- May we have a screenshot shared here (for 3090) ? I can't access your website due to a recurrent cloudflare error😅 (sta_sty)
- Note that this extension can't prevent all CAPTCHAs. Website administrators can choose to disable the Cloudflare mechanism that enables this. You would also see a CAPTCHA over the Tor Browser in that case. (testestesya)
- Cloudflare thinks I'm a robot. Apparently their captcha and I disagree on what counts as a boat. (jrobinette)
- Hey Vishal, it looks like Cloudflare can't connect to your hosting account, which usually means the server your website is hosted on is down. If you're seeing it often and you want something much more reliable, drop a line - we can help! Hope that error goes away soon. (skystracloud)
- Your Cloudflare for your site is setup badly configured - it is not allowing anyone to access your site - been on a revolving captcha / cloudflare / captcha for 15 minutes. You may want to have a look at it. (jamjarchris1)
- You've heard of captcha, but now get ready for triple captcha, because cloudflare is shit and sometimes makes me complete the captcha multiple times in a row (bistupnsfw)
- A typical night: CAPTCHA loops on . At least ReCAPTCHA actually got out of the way. (tyteen4a03)
- any chance you can reduce cloudflare bot detection now? I get captcha everytime I check the status page. Also I think you have a caching issue on one server as I often get the update for the 27th instead of 29th (keep force refreshing to see what I mean) (afinzel)
- plz end all captcha? captcha has been a waste of human lifespan for a computers job supporting the Cloudflare business model makes that worse not better (hubeit)
- I created a support ticket in the Forum, but upon submitting it, I got an error message that my IP has been blocked by CloudFlare. Help? How can I get support? Thank you!! (mpeaglerdigital)
- I'm getting a CloudFlare error when trying to view the ISC2 Congress events. Is something going on? (temeculas)
- I can't access the website because cloudflare gives me an error 1020. I want to buy from the website but I can't. (rgabbal)
- are you guys down right now or is it just me? I'm getting a Bad Gateway error from Cloudflare when I try to access site. (persistenzapaga)
- Your website isn’t working. I’m getting a Cloudflare error. (vmoodley)
- Is site down? Getting an Error 1020 (cloudflare) page when trying to access it... (david_bogart)
- me: notices weird ssl error when visiting domain wtf cloudflare?? me: pings domain to see IP is off of cloudflare's network 😤😤 (joeydotdev)
- Hi Paul, for maybe a month or so I’ve been unable to access jshowbiz and it just says access denied (error 1020). For what it’s worth my Cloudflare Ray ID is 5e95daebfba810b1. I’ve been using your site daily for years and would like to keep doing it but I can’t :/ (eyeneedless)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 5e95975dda2ac286 • 2020-10-28 15:11:46 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 5e95975dda2ac286 Your IP: Performance & security by Cloudflare (drshelleylbeer1)
- I can´t use the dashboard, gives a cloudflare error. (home3d)
- Your Cloudflare setup has a problem. I tried to access your website today from Taiwan with 2 different networks, and both time the access was denied "error 1015 - you are being rate limited, the owner of this website temporarily banned you" (jklepatch)
- yep seems most customers unable to log in with a connection timed out error. Connection on 'cloudflare' of course no feedback. Great for doing business as month end looms (gilliandawson12)
- so is now using for their website. now we don't get the reproduction values from nowcasting data unless we solve a captcha. never use for critical infrastructure. (yetzt)
- Oi, you fuckwits, if you're going to try and insist on making me captcha every site you secure, just because I'm using a vpn, all it means is that I'm not going to be visiting most of those sites any longer. Cut that shit out. (t_artifacts)
- I figured that was the case when I saw the Cloudflare error page. I’ve just been spoiled by Netlify’s instantaneous domain setup 😅 Awesome work though! Looking forward to seeing what’s coming! (chrismtse)
- down again? receiving 503 error (a few minutes ago, it was bad gateway error, Cloudflare Location: Istanbul) (burebaruta)
- Gitlab seems to be down. Bad gateway The web server reported a bad gateway error. Ray ID: 5e6bae565f8e562f Your IP address: Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: Chicago Please see our status page for more information. (techgeek2)
- Cloudflare is asking me to perform a Captcha when trying to load the database. Any ideas? (jasonhunter)
- Your captcha system works really bad. Not only is it getting really confused, but sometimes I fill it TWENTY TIMES and it still won't let me in (flashgorgone)
- nz election results page keeps giving me cloudflare probably because i'm overseas but gosh the captcha is difficult (itemic)
- Does cloudflare not block Tor nodes? Last time I tried to use Tor I was not able to access any content, every site was throwing captcha's (lekanovic1)
- Hey I keep getting a error. " Error 1020 Ray ID: 5e65962698f396aa • 2020-10-22 19:22:20 UTC Access denied" I would like to go to the forums again. (sundancerge)
- Any idea when you will be back up and running. Keep on getting a error (iu20techdir)
- What are my options if a customer of yours added me to an e-mail list (spamming me) and the unsubscribe link is returning a server error and not working? (leebennett)
- You do not see Cloudflare error status in screenshot? (medvidekpu)
- this isn't discord's error message. the overlay is showing cloudflare's error message which shows your IP. you should try letting cloudflare know instead. (zapteryx)
- Hey can you pls tell why this voting link is showing this kind of error ⬇️⬇️👇👇 Error 1020 Ray ID: 5e539b8afa25072a •2020-10-20 15:00:17 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray (_btsstanner)
- my discord is being very fucking weird, is it just me? it's tossing me like a cloudflare error (aethertides)
- your site down? getting ERROR 524 and 520 reported by your CDN (cloudflare) when logging in? (thatsnonsense)
- Hey playasia, your captcha is broke. I can't login from brave browser. Even when I complete the captcha flawlessly it still makes me do more. Get rid of fucking captcha and get cloudflare production like a fucking normal website. (tenshi_feather)
- Could you take a look at the question I posted earlier? I'm unable to access the official ScanComputers Website, getting an error code 1020 from Cloudflare (Access denied) Is that due to my location (Japan)? Works neither on pc nor on my smartphone, after passing the captcha. (kbuddaeus)
- Can't login due to api/v4/memberships?status=accepted returning 500 Internal Error. Tested on two different machines with Brave and Edge. (uaktags)
- Website seems to be down this morning: Error 522 Ray ID: 5e4ab6223d922598 • 2020-10-19 13:05:35 UTC Cloudflare is up but not the site. (sj3vans)
- What makes you think it's load related? Correlation? I can't get past it any more, while the actual site load error (cloudflare) no longer appears, so to me it looks ux related, not load (bitfalls)
- Error 1020 Ray ID: 5e3340f0dfbe08b8 • 2020-10-16 16:46:02 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 5e3340f0dfbe08b8 • Your IP: • Performance & security by Cloudflare (cordobes28)
- Cloudflare just invites me to complete another Captcha, and your website spins unresponsively. I don't normally talk bad but this is incompetence of the highest order. (cavalier17cod)
- your captchas are not loading, websites just endlessly attempt to load your captcha, preventing access to the website. Fix your shit. (vaelys_au)
- It would be nice to be able to access your site, but Cloudflare is denying me access, despite doing the captcha tick box and photo recognition thing several times. Security so tough, that no one can access your site?! (luutamusic)
- Maintenance? The web server reported a bad gateway error. Ray ID: 5e2644b29cb2f5df Your IP address: Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: São Paulo (maxmag981)
- I got an error message for that. "There is an unknown connection issue between Cloudflare and insanity. As a result, the web page can not be displayed." Note: It's definitely "insanity" and not "insanitary" (fauxmole)
- 500 ERROR Connection timed out The initial connection between Cloudflare's network and the origin web server timed out. As a result, the web page can not be displayed. You seem to be having a problem. (speakcamera)
- problem with access: Error 1020 Ray ID: 5e13dd320c102c5a • 2020-10-12 21:20:18 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks Cloudflare Ray ID: 5e13dd320c102c5a • Your IP: (pasqdek)
- Your website login is down? I get a cloudflare error. (pump_eet)
- The site is not available at all, servers are down, 15 minutes ago only a cloudflare captcha was responding, now not even that. ETA on restoring functionalities? I had big auctions set for today, this has happened before, no IT division? (sebimihaila)
- I can’t access your website. Keep getting a Cloudflare landing page and after verifying through captcha, design pages never load. Extremely frustrated. (imdavidraymond)
- Fuck these captchas. Keep getting them on cloudflare and 4chan threads all the same. What happened to the simple: "Please type two scrambled strings" captcha. (bishoujonews)
- guys cant seems to reset my password. the captcha isn't working, keep sending me back to the form. Please help (rezvie)
- Cant order - I’m getting a cloudflare error (dav_htch)
- Fck Error 1020 Ray ID: 5e0c20379f27a644 • 2020-10-11 22:47:57 UTC Access denied What happened? This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Cloudflare Ray ID: 5e0c20379f27a644 Your IP: xxx Performance & security by Cloudflare (marzmerco)
- Are you OK? I’m getting nothing but Cloudflare error pages when I try to login to my account or support chat (lisadsmith)
- Receiving an error when registering for this event. (khakibrands)
- For some reason there is a 1020 Cloudflare error today when I try to visit the website. Weird... Also inconvenient! (cryptodelicious)
- Anyone use Cloudflare for their website? I changed over my DNS after signing up and now my websites all show nothing but an error. (angelaingeneral)
- this is my first time experiencing this. i know they already went down before but did cloudflare throw an error like this back then? (signomaeo)
- "Error 520 occurs when the origin server returns an empty, unknown, or unexpected response to Cloudflare" - Bascially, they can't 'keep it up'. Not surprised. (elementalistly)
- I have been trying to vote in the next donation of Credo, but the does not let me vote (error 1020 access denied). I changed device and even IP, no luck (mohibakh)
- After enabling the Cloudflare's APO, I had a robot warning and a captcha when accessing the website as a user (tested in different devices). (saberespractico)
- Cloudflare, yes. On desktop, I have to solve a captcha once or twice a day and as of today I'm not able to reach the site on mobile both on WiFi and mobile data. It's an unending loop. (julespetrikov)
- Hi. This impossible to validate Cloudflare captcha .. Ten or more attempts and none is valid please verify. (carlosg20778002)
- I would kill that useless CloudFlare captcha, hate it, especially on mobile. (monasterymen)
- having cloudflare pop captcha at you for accessing something over tor is just a big fuck-off though. these people are going to fail at ipv6 (tripcodeuser)
- No idea it it's related (correlation is not causation) but quite a few UHS facilities throw up a Cloudflare captcha before letting you in, which I doesn't look like business as usual. (richbartlett)
- Network Solutions could give them a run for their money. Though something is definitely up with Register's cloudflare connection. All kinds of Error 522 today. (mywebmaestro)
- Are there problems with the askamanager website. I get a CloudFlare ERROR 522 (stevenmartin)
- if they use Cloudflare they can at least apply captcha challenge for these regions. (davidgasparian)
- Making your "protection" captcha incompatible with TOR is about the most asinine thing you can do, Cloudfail (cloakedship)
- Just tried to pass a captcha on a site served by Cloudflare and failed. 5 times. Starting to doubt my own humanity a bit here. (tkadlec)
- Bad gateway The web server reported a bad gateway error. Ray ID: 5d8feabfca5d0d02 Your IP address: Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: Atlanta (sqlcatt)
- Also getting this from Canada! Cloudflare 1020 error (datenthielt)
- . blog sites down, getting the all too frequent CloudFlare error notices, 502 inside our account and 1001 for our live sites. What's up now? (tom_collins)
- Im sure you guys know but there are issues with your website and logging in at the moment. I keep getting a cloudflare error (olorin_jim)
- I recently added some new DNS entries to my zone and they randomly stop resolving?! Furthermore if I try to edit them I get an error. I reached out to 4 days ago and received very little help or response. I still can't resolve certain records. (esotericmeans)
- I can't see my account. Error 1020 Ray ID: 5d8236a4ab470e5e • 2020-09-25 05:06:01 UTC Cloudflare Ray ID: 5d8236a4ab470e5e Your IP: Performance & security by Cloudflare. Is something wrong? (lurday)
- Already told you a million times it's not working for me and I'm getting error messages. Already told you I've emailed your supposed abuse team several times with no response. (susanashline)
- Your ppl emailed back, saying I had to submit thru online form. When I attemped AGAIN, I got error msg saying I'd already submitted. But in last week's submission that wouldn't take a description, I only wrote that I needed an email address b/c form wasn't working!!! (susanashline)
- Getting a Cloudflare Error 522 page saying issue with host when visiting your site (satandave)
- Unfortunately still getting the cloudflare security error. Appreciate the updates, looking forward to using this with my students tomorrow! 🤞 (misterbrash)
- Hey, why the website shows Cloudflare error all the time I am unable to access it!!!! (subhankarsmith)
- t. Totally agree that means cloudflare by cloudflare by cloudflare your mitm cdn when trying to me w (macmelonmac)
- 🙏 Had a Cloudflare and captcha check on an unloaded page so here's to the form working out better (philashoes)
- lol ran into a cloudflare "security check" using their own captcha thing that doesn't even have a (terrible) audio alternative. yep fuck the visually impaired!! (kemonologic)
- The site is has gotten really slow all of the sudden in the last 10 minutes, even got a Cloudflare error at one point saying the site was unavailable. Just thought I'd let you know in case you're not aware. (mfdwx)
- been getting this error for a while: The web server is not returning a connection. As a result, the web page is not displaying. Ray ID: 5d31b93d3dd9e59b Your IP address: Error reference number: 521 Cloudflare Location: Manchester (rathean2)
- And all I'm seeing at that link is a "Error 502 Bad Gateway" Cloudflare error page. Coincidence? I think not. (bennycemoli)
- Is your service down? I was in a conference but I'm now getting a Cloudflare "Forbidden" error page. (fanahova)
- Can I say can’t even given the chance to lock yourself out of accounts, because the cloudflare/google “oh no you seem to be using tor” recursive captcha loop from hell will consume you. (synackpse)
- or use Cloudflare to protect your blog and add a captcha to the contact form (justmeddling)
- Yes, that's work and I know, that's not hCaptcha's issue. But when I pass the captcha, returns me again and again to that. I think, that is and problem with IPs. (snosratiershad)
- Weird, I think it might be a cloudflare issue again, Twitch died for me and not long after I got error coded in Destiny. The game is just telling me the servers are down but everyone seems to be having different issues (envyuwu)
- Starting to see an increased error rate for websites behind again. We'll keep an eye on the situation as it develops. (hetrixtools)
- did the site just stop loading images? I'm getting a cloudflare error when I try to load one (rawmorella)
- But I still cannot access the page. Cloudflare says there is a error in the host. (zx_role)
- Guys, as the new owners of hostedredmine, do you have any idea why their site isn't working? Error 1001 from (paulceden)
- I am having trouble using your site, the Gift Wizard, won't allow me to select a suburb, and clicking on any sections of the site gives me a Cloudflare 524 error site timed out. (juddlehmkuhl)
- Got through.. Submit payment.. Cloudflare Error. GG to me. I tried. (jxstnaid)
- Cloudflare pushing a captcha to users trying to login from the same IP they've had for 3 years. Unbranded friction. Wonder if Wave signed off on this. (markriffey)
- Have an RSS feed for your site. Use Cloudflare? Configure it not to throw a captcha on those URLs. RSS readers read RSS not hCaptcha HTML pages! (ekes)
- I have made posts on the CloudFlare community a long time ago, but can't login into CloudFlare now due to error 429 Too Many Requests cloudflare-lb (partounian)
- i think it's just maintenance bc it's that cloudflare error. It's working now!! (keigosvisor)
- Hi. How do you fix the 526 error? been trying to resolve it for weeks but it keeps coming up. it's very frustrating (edemt)
- yeah it's working now but i had a cloudflare error...weird :/c (dantefucker)
- If you're getting a cloudflare error it's probably down for everyone or undergoing maintenance (dobu_dobu)
- it looks like your servers are down again 😔. I got a couple of "error 500" on Trakt, with the Matrix background, and now it doesn't even do that, it's 524 on Cloudflare (host timeout). I hope you can find the issue. Thanks! (ajperez81)
- Now we are experiencing that near 1-5% of all requests from cloudflare workers to gcloud services (storage, run, etc) responding with 525 error. Workaround is simple - retry fetch, now waiting for support to answer. (icelabaratory)
- i am not able to apply for ipo. Error message is - There seems to be an issue reaching our servers. Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: Marseille (amanturate)
- Its not opening in Pakistan. Showing Error: This site can’t be reached i am not sure its banned by ISP's in Pakistan or by any Cloudflare services causing any issue, because cloudflare have issues from many days in Pakistan Region. (azeeupdates)
- Having weird issues with a site today. Started getting a Cloudflare error 1016 on LAN and on mobile data (not connected to network), but Gtmetrix, Pingdom and a TOR browser saw the site fine. Can't believe it would be a local cache issue since we saw an error on mobile as well. (mattsingley)
- I tried that too, same results, still seeing error 1016 (deluxetom)
- Not sure about Azure, but IIS log does contain this error. As said in the previous, the error was caused by Cloudflare sending an "Transfer-Encoding: chunked" in the proxied request. So the temporary solution is filter this header out until they fix at their side. (seraphsx)
- This issue is from Cloudflare, nothing to do with Azure. (Although the error is from Azure/IIS) (seraphsx)
- I have just installed elementor on a dedicated server - now says license could not be validated... yesterday i was seeing errors in their error messages - so my guess is that it's a poorly configured cloudflare setup (jasonchargedm)
- Error 520 sez Cloudflare. Must be getting lots of hits. (cajunfj40)
- Also think of what can do with all the data they currently MITM. Add the DoH query data to it and they also know about websites you visit that they don't MITM. (kingslyj)
- Come on sort it out. Same as yesterday, dead on 14:30 BST Cloudflare error pages for most of the afternoon. Not a huge amount of use. (nvelopuk)
- tls1.0 et 1.1 c'est pas ultra safe en même temps, tl1.3 c'est pas top par contre mais bon c'est mieux que avoir un MITM via cloudflare (ramleseam)
- Then why do you use Cloudflare on your homepage and use it to MITM the login? Cloudflare does not abide by the DMCA. (dxgl_org)
- The failing to save problem was the same as the Cloudflare problem I've been having (support ticket 915489, which I was told was escalated to the engineering team last week) but the Cloudflare CAPTCHA doesn't come up like it had and now I can't log in, which never happened before (quartzen)
- Yeah, its like the irony of using a "decentralized application" and receiving a Cloudflare error. Just wow. (cryptocorral)
- including Cloudflare. Cloudflare’s systems routed around the problem, however, some Internet properties that use Cloudflare saw increased error rates during the impact period despite our mitigations. (baselabubakr)
- 3 games had already concluded. All of us in india faced internal server error for about 2 minutes on chesscom including the players. If you go to cloudflare status site, you will see regiona affected due to this outrage. (kunalkp87)
- Ed, with all due respect.. 2nd round should have been played and then the appeal should have continued..today cloudflare also mentioned it was a global outage. A lot of us in India faced internal server error for about 2 minutes on chesscom.. (kunalkp87)
- It's a Lyric Round WiFi Thermostat. There's no reset wifi option in the app. I get unable to reach server error. I've had previous dm with my Mac address if you need it. Does the issue have to do with the cloudflare/centurylink outage? (d3fung)
- si tu fait un site sans faire nimporte quoi et le rendre lourdingue il tiens facilement dans 100-200Ko avec de la compression et sur un faible traffique ça tiens correctement donc pourquoi payer un VPS ou passer par le MITM cloudflare (ramleseam)
- FYI: Cloudflare is down and it’s supplying error messages to anyone registering with Indie Untangled Everywhere. 😫 Hopefully this will be resolved soon. (indieuntangled)
- FYI Picarto is having intermittent issues because of Cloudflare outages. 😞 Refreshing might help, if you hit an error. (idek_uggy)
- New as of yesterday went to set it up on Roku, now I can't access that or Fire Sling app. Yesterday was fine. No anything for help. Cloudflare issues? No phone, site, help or access with without the error starting with Error 1016 Ray...or that 10-100 (sailanation)
- August 30, 2020. I cannot sign in either on the website, trying to reach the signin page simply returns a Cloudflare error page, and the ROKU SlingTV app is not working either. I assume that's also a signin problem. Just thought you'd like to know. (bennycemoli)
- When is the DNS error through CloudFlare going to be resolved. Can't login to SlingTV (johnt757uv)
- same. I can get to the main page but login and help give me a cloudflare dns error. (rburn1960)
- are you guys down? Im getting Cloudflare DNS error and the app keeps showing 10-100 error (emvp84)
- Oebblokfuehrer ah, but it s delivered by cloudflare your mitm cdn when crossing file system kannst auch genauso breit (macmelonmac)
- your Cloudflare implementation is completly broken Need to click I am human and captcha thing at each page. No I don't have virus, malware or such things (lobotommy6)
- Yes, that's work and I know, that's not hCaptcha's issue. But when I pass the captcha, returns me again and again to that. I think, that is and problem with IPs. (vharveyifa)
- how is it that I have to solve THREE captchas of and and again land on the captcha resolving page instead of getting the ORCID resolved? I cannot even access your main page. You should kick and out. (rvb_siberia)
- Also using is nearly impossible with my suspicious Siberian IP address. I log in, clone or push a project - I solve a captcha. This breaks git command line tools, since about two weeks. How many hours per day am I supposed to solve (rvb_siberia)
- Let's try. (some moments later...) Now I get a Failed Captcha (or something like that. The message is hidden behind Firefox URLs) (robsonsobral)
- Call for Pitches link in the tweet showed a cloudflare message. So I tried the site. Site denied access, even after checking captcha. Now I tried again and site shows Error 1020 Access Denied after captcha procedure (jencysamuel)
- Your site & mobile app are down due to a CloudFlare Error 1020 so visitors are all being blocked. Guess there will be no movies for us on this rainy day. (fugitivealien)
- I have been getting error code 1016 / cloudflare since 1AM & sling tv won't load on my TV and on several locations on my computer. what's the word ???? subscriber since 2017..... (whopbell2)
- Hi, Garmin - Who do I contact to resolve a CloudFlare 1006 (Access Denied) error for my (static) IP address? (awscloudman)
- I am currently unable to access your website over Tor due to an Error 1020 access denied error. Could you please reconsider your Cloudflare settings? Some of us like to browse the web without being spied on by our ISPs. (happysmash27)
- Unable to login. Getting Error 1020 from CloudFlare. (bluemint_io)
- Thank you, but I do not think this is the problem I am encountering- I am seeing the Cloudflare CAPTCHA page in my screenshot above when I am already logged in- I write a post, try to save draft, but it redirects me to Cloudflare page instead of saving my draft, losing my work (quartzen)
- What settings do I need to change? Nothing has changed on my side to prompt this, this happens across browsers, and I have checked my IP address as listed on the CAPTCHA page on Project Honeypot as suggested Cloudflare community support and my IP is not blacklisted (quartzen)
- Cloudflare has declared war on PIA's VPN It's captcha's every where I turn. (gshinhwa)
- How come your PhishTank is now delivering an invasive Cloudflare CAPTCHA to my browser? Cloudflare treats some ISPs like garbage. (dxgl_org)
- Unfortunately, is too lazy and/or incompetent to use a real CAPTCHA system. Instead, they take the lazy way out and use the worthless reCAPTCHA. (nickhillebran)
- Nope, I don't use proxies or vpn, everything worked as usual but since yesterday I'm not able to access anything and sites using cloudflare give me that error (finchnoise)
- is the site still down or being crashed users again everytime i ry to access the site im being met with error code 1020 from cloudflare (manaicgamein)
- Cloudflare is a centralized MITM-type service which does not only have privacy issues, but nature is also detrimental to a free & open internet. Therefor it doesn't fit Linux IMO. (stp_kitt)
- Well, that is nearly exactly what happened to me and why I began this crusade against the BS policies of Cloudflare and lack of stewardship. They did not help me at all. Dozens of rogue sites stayed online scamming consumers after multiple abuse reports. (phyzonloop)
- Wouldn't be surprised if they gave you an exemption to having to fill out those CAPTCHA forms. This goes back way before Cloudflare even went public. (dxgl_org)
- i can't even access that site it gives me a cloudflare error orz. there was actually an entire twitter post with a proper translation for yurushii's interview going around at one point, i'll see if i can find the actual thread again (yowainee)
- Very odd, sorry I can't be of more help - it must be an error on Cloudflare's side. (snappyhost)
- Yipe...getting Cloudflare error 1016 when attempting to access Hopin. (ccritt93)
- FYI. Cloudflare is throwing an Error 1016, Origin DNS Error for your site. (thevakman)
- I'm not sure what is going on but it seems like every site that i visit that uses your services keeps forcing a 'are you human' check. That makes me close the tab and not even bother. Is it a browser setting causing this ? or are all cloudflare this paranoid? (csgeek)
- I keep answering 's CAPTCHA and it just asks me all over again. This is a scam. Do let bully you into using the CAPTCHA tool. This is soooo frustrating. (muni_encinitas)
- love the early days of cloudflare getting popular when random static content would be captcha-walled (puffyvolvo)
- cloudflare really annoying lately with a lot of servers requesting captcha checks constantly (jokalido)
- just stopped working. Tried to check the server status and it came with Error 1016 Cloudflare is currently unable to resolve your requested domain (xemerald_gamerx)
- Oh yeah forget it, cloudflare is being attacked I guess... I got a bad gateway error. Funny thing is I was receiving ghost messages and calls xDDDDD (mean_soldier)
- Yoo can't access the site. What's going on? Error: Gateway time-out Cloudflare Location: Gothenburg Error ref: 504 (fredrikjamesk)
- I am able to access your website with VPN. But otherwise, I am getting host error from cloudflare. I am in India. (agnelvishal)
- When attempting to read messages from the API, I am receiving error code 1020? Google yields no results, outside of Cloudflare saying 1020 is Access Denied? (thepackle)
- Bitdefender Central also does not work. It either shows a cloudflare error message or gets stuck and then returns you to the beginning of the login process AFTER you already logged in. I hope you guys did not get hacked. (erjlem)
- My Patreon page is being weird because it throws up this questionable looking cloudflare captcha every time I click on something. (elle_astrid)
- If Cloudflare truly believes in free speech, why am I blocked all of their corporate accounts? Why do they censor comments on their blog their critics? Why do they attempt to censor reviews on third party sites? Free speech when it serves them or is convenient. Anyway... (phyzonloop)
- This cloudflare captcha crap on Patreon when I’m posting an update is ticking me off. It says to prevent it make sure your computer is virus free. Mine is & it still gives me the captcha every time. I think it’s a ploy to DL a browser extension. (karlkleese)
- Great! Pls, get rid of cloudflare. Every hour captcha hell, no vpn or any proxy. (aleonidovitch)
- captchas makes it so I can't visit some sites now. Verify I am human but it doesn't refresh / forward to the site I'm visiting as expected. Manual refresh brings captcha again, often with none of what they are asking you to click on. Refresh on some sites work (matrixglitch1)
- Question why do I always have to click umbrellas on cloudflare but Shopify hasn’t made captcha a standard in there api -- ? (la3life)
- i'm experiencing the same. Patreon is unbearably slow, and then Cloudflare error messages. Please fix! Thanks! (retrosfxsports)
- the error its showing me is some kind of connection issue between cloudflare and aqstream, idk, i tried it many times for the first episode, couldnt watch the two after and now i'm once again sitting here looking at an error page 😐 (grumblyein)
- What is going on with the store today? Isn't the whole point of the queue system that the servers don't get stressed to the point of not working? I've been trying to check out for almost 40 minutes now, and I keep getting Cloudflare error 524, which is sever-side. 😑 (aquartistjames)
- FYI, for some obscure reason, from different italian ISPs I get the cloudflare timeout error. With foreign proxy or vpn is all working fine. (georgethemarmot)
- cloudflare c'est inutile, les offres gratuite ne font rien a part rajouter un MITM et centraliser tout, et vu que ca tombe souvent en panne cest bien pire (ramleseam)
- DDG wouldn't use Cloudflare. CF's primary service is MITM. (kingslyj)
- The TIL was more about the domain name. It's from the worlds largest MITM operation, I don't really trust them. (kingslyj)
- Michelle as a woman why do you allow revenge porn sites on your network and call it free speech? As a mother, why do you allow child porn sites on your network? Why do you allow Matthew to strong arm you on Cloudflare policies? I can't believe you agree with them. (phyzonloop)
- Starting to find edge services such as cloudflare to be super annoying! Every other website keeps asking me to do captcha. The algorithms for detecting bot vs. human traffic are garbage: anyone using VPN for privacy is automatically considered a bot. (echerng)
- has anyone ever had issues with their IP address getting flagged cloudflare and having to do a captcha for almost every site they visit? it's keeping me from accessing other things like valorant as well. super annoying. (garsh0p)
- O que está acontecendo com a Block + Captcha o tempo todo. Mais alguém passando por esses problemas? (robertoachar)
- cloudflare is making my reading and learning on the webs very frustrating. every second site I visit I am faced with a double captcha step. any tips? (boffin66)
- I think Cloudflare is starting too have too much influence on the net. I'm hitting their captchas often when using sites. A friend was recently asked to install a browser extension after failing a Cloudflare captcha check, something which is a BAD idea to train people to do. (zorinlynx)
- Cloudflare blocks Tor, and although I can get your page to start loading filling out the captcha, scripts necessary to load beyond a white page are locked behind other Cloudflare-protected domains, making it necessary to fish them out and fill out the captcha on all of them. (happysmash27)
- I still can't post anything without it taking me to a cloudflare error (xeeceevevo)
- Hey, Is namesilo down right now? Cloudflare says host error?? (yuvrajkarle)
- Cloudflare advertising itself in its error pages is hilarious but enraging (snoutpunk)
- if you scroll down there is a join the party button with the spotify logo. You click it, and it's supposed to take you to pre-save, etc. But the page either doesn't load, or I get a cloudflare error. So we broke it. (soul_mapped)
- Is anyone else getting a cloudflare error when trying to click join the party? lol Did we break the pre-save website (soul_mapped)
- valorant gave me an error 1105 cloudflare network is temporary unavailable. Also connection error with an error code 68 Account shard: PH (zotiscoundrel)
- being rate limited (temp banned apparently?!) Cloudflare simply for the act of logging in and out on the site 🤣 Error 1015, Ray ID: 5ba70d03df4206d5 • 2020-07-29 13:05:19 UTC Any chance you could investigatge? (christopherw)
- Cloudflare is responsible for a huge chunk of the internet and their business model is literally MITM as a service. (kingslyj)
- This works situating the DNS providers’ nameservers behind a transparent DNS proxy Cloudflare is amazing. Convincing half the internet to voluntarily undergo a MITM attack. I've always assumed NSA + God knows who else has all (unencrypted) traffic going through CF. (thesteedster)
- That's interesting, Cloudflare's captcha is an image, which screenreaders can't read, and there's no audio. Which potentially means people with eye-sight issues can potentially be cut off from half of the Internet. a11y (vebbed)
- StreamElements removed the CAPTCHA and is now throwing a 1020 error from Cloudflare when accessing the API. I'll throw up a stream tonight with Streamelements and what HTTP requests are being done to StreamElements when doing a TTS. Hope I can get a workaround from there (sitopog)
- fyi Cloudflare is throttling this link with a captcha (vivainio)
- Hey Cloudflare, While logging into the System we have been getting the following error for a while. When will this problem be solved? api requirest failed: get/api/v4/captcha/challenge(undefined) (slaweally)
- is my ISP, and all of a sudden I have to enter a captcha on EVERY Cloudflare site, Internet wide. Can you tell me if there is an issue with any Cogeco IP blocks, as they say I have to contact you regarding this. (alittlebitofmsg)
- So when are the brainiacs at etc, going to work out that everyone uses a VPN at home now, and IP addresses are not a useful metric for bot detection anymore? The overall UX of the Web is being murdered a cartel of CAPTCHA wielding thugs. DO BETTER! (shoguncysec)
- I can't reach site from Germany since yesterday, I get a error page claiming it can't be reached from Frankfurt. over a VPN the site works just fine. Maybe someone should look into that. (pbhoeh)
- trying to log on Error 502 Ray ID: 5b76c177e98905aa • 2020-07-23 16:25:09 UTC Bad gateway You Browser Working Los Angeles Cloudflare Wo Cloudflare Ray ID: 5b76c177e98905aa • Your IP: 2606:6000:6302:7200:49d2:fa5c:78f6:f24d • Performance & security Cloudflare (mobilemark)
- mine is fixed now. it took them 5 days to figure it out. it worked when I used VPN to Singapore but if I was using my local Malaysia ISP i'd get a cloudflare error. (604xrp)
- So if your website is protected with Cloudflare it could not be accessible because of their: 1. Downtime (happens a lot) 2. Annoying captcha (every 2nd user get this) 3. IP Blocking (public wifi spots suffer from this) Think twice about using their shady service.)
- What you think of the almighty Cloudflare outage? In the words of the CEO The status page for the status pages was also taken down)
- Breaking: A large outage took down Cloudflare, a website hosting, network and internet security provider. The outage is mainly resolved. More than 80+ websites and apps were down.)
- is cloudflare down again? The app isn’t working)
- You switch one router off and half the internet goes poof 🤣🤣🤣 You hold the world in your hands that's for sure! (Flat___________)
- Dude, the number of PoPs impacted this was enormous. Half the internet went down. How am I supposed to trust that this won't happen again? Does Secondary DNS resolve anything? My customers rely on weather data to literally not die in the face of severe weather (ryanhickman)
- Cloudflare is down right now! This is causing an outage on several websites including (GhostfromTexas)
- Yes me, I'm getting error 1014 CNAME Cross-User Banned. I've contacted Cloudflare but they're not helpful at all. 🤷♀️🤷♀️IDK what to do ☹️ (kikisimlive1)
- No it’s not working for me (again). Looks like isn’t a great service. Also the portal asks me to do a CAPTCHA every time time which isn’t easy on a smart TV remote ! Otherwise brilliant streaming site well done ! (dortwag)
- I think the same, but a lot of pages use it, not only Cloudflare. Also, this captcha asks every single time, so every time I access a Cloudflare protected page, I need to complete a captcha, same with other pages that use it. SimplicityFirstPrivacyLast (emeraldvideos2)
- Honest question: why? Using Cloudflare or Google seems to be much worse from a privacy standpoint. ISP will get the requested sites anyway through the subsequent requests. (auronline)
- hello chap. I am seeing a 1020 error (access denied Cloudflare). I am not scraping, merely visiting to check the price of a luggage stand. Can you DM me? (samlivingstone_)
- Dear , what’s this 5xx level error on website? I need the goods!! (msherico)
- Bad gateway The web server reported a bad gateway error. Ray ID: 5a7afb931ffec Your IP address: Error reference number: 502 Cloudflare Location: POP: undef (ifga5pqk5csc5bv)
- Down in Belgium. Error 521 Ray ID: 5b0ac06b8aebedab • 2020-07-10 13:50:04 UTC Browser: Working Cloudflare: Working Host: Error (mr_jean)
- Why are we getting the Cloudflare captcha basically every time we visit the site now? Also, their extension is basically useless. (swipr_)
- Hi. I keep getting pushed to a Cloudflare page on one of 2 laptops. On the other, I'm fine. On my phone, good too. But the Cloudflare push asks me to do through a Captcha and every time I try it, it will not go any further after I have done what I was asked to do. (caknox1)
- just a heads-up your blog is down for me Error 521. (Cloudflare are serving a snapshot). (phil_gill)
- so hosts with ? cause this crap aint working ... i get a host error message ... (andrewchibale)
- Website down, Cloudflare Error 502 bad gateway error (nano_fanstastic)
- are your servers down? cloudflare gives error 523 origin is unreachable (mir_rich)
- It might be cloudflare too, cause now getting Error 524. I'll see lol (esc0rtd3w)
- spending well over 10 minutes trying to access a web page, wondering why cloudflare is censoring tor users with impossible captchas (EmeraldOnion)
- Cloudflare is actively blocking my access to websites.. When did they decide to become a censor? (FossmanJeff)
- Censorship is never a solution. Telling internet companies to censor parts of the internet because some people misbehave will make things much worse in the long run. (mrusme)
- 2/2 or firewall providers like Cloudflare, who paint the users directly with half-functioning captcha shit. Because everyone who uses TOR is in their eyes directly an internet terrorist 🤢 (naldela_teleyal)
- Nope, still getting Error 522 after initial connection between Cloudflare's network and the origin web server timed out. Got in once yesterday only :-( (standisher)
- Morning - cloudflare timeout again Error 520 Ray ID: 5ae09bba8c055d37 • 2020-07-05 11:06:57 UTC Web server is returning an unknown error (zeb06527786)
- This could explain the timeouts I get. Cloudflare reports Error 524 Ray ID: 5adaa5214962ee13 • 2020-07-04 17:42:49 UTC I guess because I am logged in. From a private window I can access everything without a problem & super fast. (senden9)
- And what about the website who block tor users? Can we do something about that? Because of this, I personally can't use tor as a daily driver. (VishweshMasurk)
- Cloudflare's continued shitholing of Tor users annoys me to no end. Their advanced security offering is just IP banning Tor exit nodes. (agentdero)
- Wonder why still tries to use the contact address? (dxgl_org)
- why you use Hcaptcha? Is really bad, today for enter to my site i need insert 14 captcha, every time error, for Hcaptcha truck, bus and trains are the same picture. More time need click 14 picture for solve.Why don't use recaptcha o solvemedia? (bittaitaliana)
- I can't login via firefox on MacOS. From Chrome and safari it's working. I've tried clearing cookies, localstorage etc with no avail. It always says there was an request error. It was working free days ago without issues. (eboyee)
- 30 minutes and we don't know why cloudflare wont let me broadcast? whatsHappening (Tore_says)
- Hey - are completely blocking access to your website. There's not even an annoying captcha - it just says access denied. (madonnaragu)
- why did you move to HCaptcha? It's horrible. I'm a real person - I just live in Vietnam. I don't want to enter a multi-step CAPTCHA every time I visit a website using Cloudflare. (colinnewcomer)
- heya, often getting the Upload failed! error when trying to send any type of file to people regardless of server, does work on mobile app just fine tho. using the cloudflare dns and have flushed/released/renewed + restarted discord so far (coldpaw_)
- hello, i woke up this morning and i was talking with my friends on discord, after a few hours, the discord wasnt working, not even on chrome, phone or my pc. It says its cloudflare error... (awd55111197)
- Something going on cloudflare? Having DNS errors on all my sites (Error 1016). Also the dashboard is down (valtlfelipe)
- the site is down when I try to view it ... a Cloudflare error 502? (incognitafun)
- here in 2017. Then I discovered that I needed a VPN to access it. Now I can't access it even with a VPN. I tried contacting them when I could access it but never heard back. I get Error 1020 from Cloudflare which is a firewall violation. Cloudflare's forum suggests... (sanfordeliotkn1)
- Thanks! The servers aren’t loaded much. Everything works fine if to disable Cloudflare proxying. The 502 error is coming from Cloudflare not being able to reach a completely operational AWS infrastructure. It’s a really mysterious issue. (sergiishymko)
- Hi, I cant reach to the Website. It gaves Cloudflare error. Can you guys fix it? (morrowindmemes)
- I think the same, but a lot of pages use it, not only Cloudflare. Also, this captcha asks every single time, so every time I access a Cloudflare protected page, I need to complete a captcha, same with other pages that use it. SimplicityFirstPrivacyLast (sapphirevideos2)
- Browsing the internet with TOR, I can now confirm I am familiar with all of Cloudflare CAPTCHA images to the point of vomit (reuvenim)
- Would we tolerate NBC or Netflix airing racist ads? Nope. Would it be censorship if they refused to air such ads? Nope. Then why do we tolerate protecting and delivering content for racist websites? 🤔 Sell your $NET - send a message to RacistInChief! (phyzonloop)
- This is futile, trust me. If you find who's hosting, you contact the host. The host takes them down. They move to another host, which is easy to do. They're still hiding behind Cloudflare, so you can't find out who the new host is. Rinse. Repeat. RacistInChief (phyzonloop)
- Cloudflare doesn't have the power to censor. But can choose who they do business with. CF terminating a client doesn't censor. A website can exist / operate without Cloudflare, so the censorship excuse is a lame fallacy. You can't be against racism but still support racists. (phyzonloop)
- Any eta on when your site will be back online? I wanted to check out the macOS VM guide you posted on Reddit but the site just gives a Cloudflare error. (holothegreatt)
- Notion の Windows アプリが、OAuth のコールバック返したあと空白になる現象がずっと続いている。アンインストールしてもダメ。勘弁しちくりー。Error Details 見ると Tokyo の Cloudflare が 504 吐いてる? (s_t_a_k)
- I get WarezBB is experiencing a Critical Error debug page for awhile now except when it was down all the way with 522 cloudflare message. I deleted cookies and stuff. Still no go. What am I doing wrong? Using Win10 all up to date and Chrome up to date. Please Help?!?!?! Thanks! (goupdog)
- Registration is currently broken—looks like a issue (error 1020). Ray ID: 5a8121be68340d9e (joeyfigaro)
- are Racists They have clients like chimpmania.com and tightroperecords.com for clients. Actions are louder than hashtags. They profit from racism. (phyzonloop)
- How can you be a pawn for Cloudflare when they support and protect hate speech sites that hurt your cause? Cloudflare chooses to PROFIT from websites that spread hate toward LGBTQIA+. Ask them to explain their hypocrisy. is RacistInChief (phyzonloop)
- One of many racist websites that Cloudflare has as clients. They will not terminate them. Cloudflare only blocks their critics, not the hate groups on their infrastructure. (phyzonloop)
- you’ve placed your collector behind cloudflare, which apparently blocks developing countries, so customers in Africa can’t connect. There is no api captcha. (figassis)
- your community subdomain is down. I get a Cloudflare timeout error. (syrslywastaken)
- Been trying to view that link for the last hour but keep getting Cloudflare Error 522. (mhfulltimer)
- The Marketo Docs is not opening since past 15-16 hours. It is returning 520 Cloud Fare error with the error message that reads-- There is an unknown connection issue between Cloudflare and the origin web server. Any alternatives?? (harshitsaxena86)
- Crazy that CTO shared this! His company protects, provides anonymity & delivers content on the internet for RACIST websites like chimpmania.com & tightroperecords.com. Cloudflare is racist despite their black Twitter logo and hashtag. Actions words. (phyzonloop)
- Be careful, Chris. and believe sites like this one should not be censored. They only believe that critics of Cloudflare policies should be censored. take note. Stop using Cloudflare. hypocrisy racism HateSpeech (phyzonloop)
- why does brave browser get captcha all the time? (octolusnet)
- Hey just a heads up, but I tried accessing your site using the Opera browser, here in Germany, and I get a cloudflare 1020 error which they say needs to be fixed from your end. Any chance of a response? (tacticalgrace_)
- Is the site down? Getting error 1020 from Cloudflare when I try to browse (shwylieofficial)
- Greeting from Tokyo! Is the service down? Can not access the site and I see Cloudflare error. (teddymatayoshi)
- It stumbled for me, a 522 server is off error, then recovered with a refresh. (nrauhauser)
- When I try to access the site, I get a screen that claims CloudFlare requires me to enter a captcha to view the page; I've gotten anything like that before, and it has me suspicious. (a_darsara)
- If Cloudflare is claiming that, it's complete BS. I've reported obvious scam sites and they took no action. boasts about their amazing machine learning to block bots and attacks. If they were serious, they could use the same tech to solve this. But, profits. (phyzonloop)
- anyone else getting error 1105 when trying to open ? says its a cloudflare issue and I have no clue how to fix it, been glitched for hours now (xyztrading)
- I've found out the problem lies within the cloudflare. The css file only loads/can only be accessed after going through the cloudflare (blackthesecond)
- Trying to use the internet anonymously through Tor is a wake-up call. Many websites across the web seem to be able to detect Tor connections and block them––seems like it might be CloudFlare. (luqui)
- I really wish people would stop using Cloudflare, but it is especially annoying when there are external embeds to other Cloudflare-protected domains that require fishing out multiple captchas to fill out. Please don't combine these too pains to make it even worse for Tor users. (happysmash27)
- No thanks! If I want to use Firefox for anonymous & secure browsing, I just use Tor Browser. No need to route my traffic through Cloudflare. (johnny_raccoon)
- i do not do bad things on the internet :) (2020iscancelled)
- Actually a quick question about the anti-bot systems; Why is it that I have to remove the query string a lot of the time to get to the website of my choice? If I have a query string, I get stuck in a loop. (gtsatsis)
- Hi Roderick, I believe this is Cloudflare inserting the CAPTCHA when they see too many HTTP/4xx responses from our servers to a given IP. You make a fair point (this should be a JSON response)... but I'm not sure how we could do it in this case? (dchatenay)
- in fact, it was down for about half an hour, looks like you using them for both website and sync, their website was also giving the same error as your's (yaplex)
- They don't support BLM. Changing your Twitter logo to black and adding hashtag doesn't mean you support a cause. Your action do. and its billionaire CEO repeatedly state they will not terminate clients who run racist or hate speech websites. (phyzonloop)
- Your sever status page, and main page, is a Bad Gatway error page from cloudflare, and there's a network error whenever I try to send a message in the Android application. Not sure if you knew. (thatgirlnetwork)
- hey guys, your site is down. 502 bad gateway error from cloudflare. (pwamenear)
- I'm trying to log in to work on my newsletters and I get a 502 Bad Gateway Cloudflare error. :( I've tried emailing support but no response yet. Help! (justlikeoma)
- the website isnt working and the status page isn't either. is this just me? is this cloudflare? other websites give the same error also for good measure (cattideltarune)
- Hey your website is showing a 502 Bad Gateway error, can't access. Not sure if host or a issue. (craftbeersblog)
- Cloudflare also exists to act as a global passive adversary and MiTM a ton of communications globally. (just4n0theran0n)
- Ben is for me+others ('mixcloud down' Twitter search): Error 522 Location London Connection timed out The initial connection between Cloudflare's network and the origin web server timed out. As a result, the web page can not be displayed (colinscuts)
- Is there another link for the Documentation, or should we just visit the Github? The link from the home page currently gives a Cloudflare CNAME Cross-User Banned error. (bluejosem)
- The same that has racist websites like chimpmania dot com for clients, who they knowingly and willingly provide content delivery services to? Yup, that Cloudflare. They are racists. (phyzonloop)
- I have to wonder... Cloudflare shows its users that it's blocking what seems like billions of attacks per day. I could see Cloudflare padding or inflating these numbers to skew the perception of their value to their customers. Some of the numbers I see look overstated. (phyzonloop)
- Cloudflare your active attacker, weil sich kein solches gerät da schonmal was vorbereitet. For https: T . (macmelonmac)
- You know, sharpfilejeff's recent postings seem to indicate that if he were on the web Cloudflare would help protect him from complaints. (dxgl_org)
- I think is deliberately blocking legitimate access to websites. I think most error claims are faked to discourage people. (daemonmarti)
- getting DNS error 1016 when trying to use web importer today. 'Cloudflare currently unavailable'. Is this a universal issue or one at my end? Do you know when it is likely to resolve? Thanks! 😊📚 (jamesnchlsn)
- Have you tried convincing BLM to escape from Cloudflare while they can? (dxgl_org)
- They actually host the website; they may be totally oblivious to the horrors that Cloudflare hosts. (dxgl_org)
- Are you aware your hosting provider Cloudflare is helping prop up those calling for hatred towards your kind? (dxgl_org)
- Please stop blocking tor traffic. I'm trying to access some sites and it always shows captcha (ppanucool)
- It’s quite funny the site hasn’t been functional for some days now. Can’t get past the CDN; Cloudflare error page. If it’s too hard to fix I can help out. (thecroesus)
- This is a serious issue that needs committed tech companies to address the problem. So, why is Cloudflare a member? has stated repeatedly that he's committed to prevent censorship at any cost, even if there are victims. CF protects pedophile websites. Explain. (phyzonloop)
- log_only_china is one of the most interesting internal CloudFlare variables that is spread all across the internet now. (abdullin)
- Hey Cloudflare, I keep getting Internal Server Errors when trying to login. (Mayes)
- For week I kept crying out to your team asking why I can't access certain website . You all played Innocence. Your up address shows what even cloudflare thinks (OnoDaniels)
- Cloudflare yüksek ayarı nedeniyle RSS beslemesi okuyucu sorunları? Günlerce yayın okunamıyor. (Organizer21)
- Hi, I cannot visit your website. There is some problem with Cloudflare and my provider? it works hideproxy.me though (bartekzpl)
- You can clearly see websites using cloudflare are currently unavailable. 4 different hosting server and all using cloudflare are down. (jerrylouisjeune)
- Cloudflare me bloquea el acceso a su sitio (darkmaurice)
- jeez, I'm still stuck on this goddamn CloudFlare captcha (I tried so many times, it's worse than reCaptcha) and I still can't get through.. anyone knows how to fix this? (SonicHackintosh)
- facing this issue with my client's teachable account & mine too since past couple of days... Tried connecting with Cloudflare but they are having heavy flow of tickets (digitalpratik)
- EXCELLENT TRANSPARENCY! Minneapolis City Council that just voted to Defund the Police! blocks people from seeing a list of its members (AnnCoulter)
- HEY FEDS! WHY IS the eCFR WEBSITE DOWN? I KNOW Y'ALL HAVE A LOT GOING ON RN BUT WE KIND OF NEED THIS I'm getting a Cloudflare error?? (laurenelizab)
- Is the cloudflare dashboard down? (kurtseifried)
- Is Cloudflare down? (ArtemR)
- Your captcha is totally unusuable on a mobile browser (Samsung Internet). Yes, it spans out of the screen, and it's not scrollable. The website access is totally blocked to me. (sebsauvage_net)
- For anyone having issues accessing the repo from the UK you will need to use a vpn as cloudflare is blocking access from the UK for some reason. (F2P_Gamer)
- About time you guys fold under the pressure of public opinion and stop protecting hate speech sites like chimpmania dot dom, right? racism Cloudflare Hypocrisy BlackLivesMatter HateSpeech (phyzonloop)
- Meanwhile, also provides anonymity to clients who use their services to SCAM people who think they're donating to help fight against COVID. For every client doing good behind Cloudflare, there are several bad actors. Guaranteed. (phyzonloop)
- Sorry, did you ask if I could sign you up to receive some unsolicited emails from some Cloudflare clients who are spammers? Why, yes, I'd gladly do that. Enjoy the reading! (phyzonloop)
- Cloudflare keeps blocking me with captcha no matter how many time I did the thing. It keeps asking me to click on the pictures countless time. What's going on? How many times do I need to do the captcha before you let me post on my patreon page? (boltertokokoro)
- The captcha from cloudflare is not working properly. Many cannot login to the EFT site. (rpx666)
- registration is broken plz fix cloudflare pass captcha cannot jump to the registration page (jasonwang8855)
- I know the reasons given to change captcha provider. But the new one always shows pictures after clicking the box so why the extra step and not go directly into the pictures? Waste of time, not a friendly UX. (freitasm)
- I don't get on Yobit very often, but I've never had an issue using it. Today, cloudflare is blocking me completely. I tried 3 browsers and with and without VPN. It doesn't even load its Captcha to let me pass. What's going on? Spectrum is my ISP from USA. (joe46791334)
- Hey, I want to buy a snipe on your website but I can't access it. Cloudflare blocks me from entering: Error 1020 (dopy36)
- I've been trying for days to get into my drive. and it gives me an error message that while the first two steps are working, something like cloudflare is not?? What to do??? Pls help!! (mimi_thesound)
- is not working for anyone else?? I get a cloudflare error when i try to sign in (which I'm not even sure why I was signed out lol) (ryanpotterorg)
- I only get a 403 FORBIDDEN error from cloudflare. (leontigris)
- I am getting the cloudflare error. I am not pursuing fixing it because I don't care that much. It's easier for me to discontinue donations. (andreacpowers)
- Got a Cloudflare error trying to acces VoteMpls just now. (dbrauer)
- If you're on a VPN endpoint, ReCaptcha always thinks you're a robot at peak hours, no matter how many challenges you solve. There needs to be a Privacy Pass for ReCaptcha, not just Cloudflare's own Captcha service. (jack_y_zhang)
- Good luck. will not help you. They profit from sites like that. They don't care if there are victims from the sites they protect. (phyzonloop)
- As a site dedicated to cybercrime, why would you post anything about They are the single largest CDN and proxy provider for cybercriminals in the world. Page 1 of the How to be a cybercriminal handbook is Setting up your Cloudflare account. Why support them? (phyzonloop)
- Come on... close your eyes and pretend supports BLM. Don't ask questions, you'll get blocked. Cloudflare only censors its critics, not the websites that actually do harm to people. (phyzonloop)
- I'm all for a good laugh, even at the expense of someone else. But I think this demonstrates a more deep rooted sentiment that has against rule of law. Not surprising since he loves to help the worst sites on the internet... Cloudflare - making the internet worse! (phyzonloop)
- in that situation, even if the app is verifying the certificate hostname, it will believe it's talking to the origin server when it's actually talking to cloudflare's mitm (mountain_ghosts)
- however, certificate checking would not prevent this -- cloudflare could still do things that allow it to mitm the origin service, because of how cloudflare works the core problem here is whether or not you trust cloudflare, not what specific crypto stuff you're doing (mountain_ghosts)
- Anyone out there a customer that utilizes CAPTCHA that is willing to help me out? I am having trouble accessing websites that use resources and fear we are on some sort of blacklist. (badger_fi)
- I hate the new Cloudflare CAPTCHA... Maybe I'm a robot, I can't solve the ones that ask me to select the images that contain motorbikes... (eliotcougar)
- What’s the deal with this Cloudflare CAPTCHA every time I visit the site? Is this going to be an ongoing thing or is it something new that needs its kinks worked out? (simoncoopey)
- City of Minneapolis web sites are inaccessible. Captcha hell. Then offline message from Cloudflare. (dansteeves68)
- Can you please take infostrada (second largest isp in italy) ip range off blacklist? Bored of having captcha on 3 different connection from same ISP for all cloudflare services / games. Range starting with 151.51 apparently, thanks.... (ormad)
- congrats, you just lost me as a client (not potential one, I've spent like a hundred dollars already), I can't fucken pass new cloudflare captcha. so long. (kirilltitov_com)
- I've been blocked and all of their employees. They only believe in censorship when it's against their critics. They will protect websites that spew hate and racism but can't tolerate criticism. Hypocrisy Cloudflare racist (phyzonloop)
- You're gonna hide this tweet because you're fragile when it comes to criticism, but if you actually cared about this issue you would be more careful about what sort of sites and content you allow to be hosted through your service. What you do speaks louder than a scripted comment (henroidt)
- I love that Cloudflare is protecting the trash website and is also listed as a traitor to America. I'm starting to think these kids are traitors themselves! (mcminer_d2)
- Since I have your attention and you've been ignoring my tweets, care you explain how Cloudflare can be so bold as to change its Twitter logo black and pretend to support BLM while serving content for and protecting RACIST websites? Your actions speak louder than your black logo. (phyzonloop)
- Ryan, you're being a fine little minion again towing the company line. Cloudflare is delivering the content. Why your semantics make it look like your not liable, you really are. We're not the host means nothing to victims of the sites you provide services to. (phyzonloop)
- Olhigpug y install via itunes is not easy and everything is it s delivered cloudflare your mitm cdn when (macmelonmac)
- Isn't that a beautifully written sentiment... So why does Cloudflare protect websites like chimpmania dot com, a disgustingly racist website? Their words do not align with their lack of action. (phyzonloop)
- Why would anyone want to work for a company that enables and promotes websites dedicated to hate speech and racism? (phyzonloop)
- Please be sure to ask and why Cloudflare chooses to be the largest enabler and CDN for hate speech on the internet. Tell Matthew I said hello, since he blocked me despite being against censorship. He let's racists on his infrastructure but blocks critics. (phyzonloop)
- So is everyone ignoring the multiple times Cloudflare has gone offline and taken down a large chunk of the internet with it? Or the hassle it has caused normal users who it suddenly decides are worthy of a block? (Foxhack)
- i've seen one of my client sites get an ip block from cloudflare, just what I need when people start calling unable to browse because their DNS over HTTPS is blocked (dakotathekat)
- Exactly! cloudflare are a major pita - they just ban huge tracts of ASN - all these sites fronting with cloudflare - do you even realize people can't get to your site anymore? (nthcolumn)
- I'm still looking for an answer to this question that makes sense: Why do people trust CloudFlare with all your DNS data? With your ISP, at least you have a legal contract. FireFox end-users don't have a contract with CloudFlare. Why is CloudFlare better than your ISP? (JeroenJacobs79)
- Had to delete the Cloudflare app. The latest update completely broke my phones connectivity. (bassthumpa)
- The Cloudflare 5s redirect protection thingy broke RSS feeds a long time ago (ArtemR)
- I think the site just broke. Getting 502s from Cloudflare back (faker_)
- I tried Cloudflare dns for a week or so.)
- Found many things that I use regularly wouldn't work anymore like they were blocked. There theres the we have anonymous dns but we collect data and share it with a partner bullshit that makes me wonder what they're really up to. (NubsWithGuns)
- As someone who has been IP blocked Cloudflare for no reason at all, and who has had trouble with them because of their trash service rendering entire swaths of the internet inaccessible, this is bullshit of the stinkiest caliber. (Foxhack)
- Unable to login to reply app or support website. Getting Error 1020 Access denied Cloudflare. Please help (VishwaKk)
- Hi Rich! I've been unable to get on the forums these past 2 days. I keep getting Cloudflare error 522 whenever I try to load anything. Tried looking tha error up and it might be a problem w/ the site. (3nz3r0)
- why not use dnscrypt-proxy instead of this untrustworthy MiTM called cloudflare (pitchf___)
- Centralizing DNS queries to a privately held US company is a huge step backwards for the security of the Internet. I thought the EFF had more sense than to support this misguided step from mozilla (brett_sheffield)
- Well cloudflare definitely do block ip, it's their thing. I'd never use cloudflare dns anyway - what is the point swapping one spy for another? (nthcolumn)
- Screw Cloudflare - it spams literally endless captcha if u try break out from even the Tor Browser, into a Browser from another Country... ! (BAZ65529105)
- The cloudflare captcha challenge when accessing IGIHE mobile website is stressful. Even if when one is an expert, it takes many attempts to get over it, imagine the pain experienced elderly visitors with basic scroll-and-touch knowledge. (ndahiroho)
- Hats off to Medium for this example of backwards security. This is a CAPTCHA – a test to validate you are a human and not a program – protecting a JSON API, a URL that sends data for programs to read (jsoverson)
- I keep getting this? what does it mean please? (DarloStriker)
- Starting to hear clown music every time I get that Cloudflare 522 error page (emarl_)
- Yeah getting a 522 error from cloudflare as well. Hmmm. (Neurodyne_One)
- lopp.net down ? I have a cloudflare error (orcitis)
- Stop using Cloudflare and use your premium money to use a more solid service. (DKittycoon)
- Wow - another risk of Cloudflare's false positives - consumers being denied access to medical information (peter_tonoli)
- That wasn't a challenge - that was an outright block, and outright user hostile. (peter_tonoli)
- Why is your DNS blocking Chinese Gaming mouse company's ? (01000110_010101)
- Stuck in cyberspace trying to access a Cloudflare hosted site through a Cloudflare VPN and get blocked Cloudflare (objectivechad)
- There was an issue this weekend, Cochrane Library blocked Cloudflare. It appears to be fixed but check access to Cochrane. (CSU_SFX)
- Dear npmjs: Please get rid of your active attacker, that means Cloudflare. npm update fails because Cloudflare is actively blocking updates meaning more vulnerable systems out there. (MacLemon)
- Cloudflare seems to be blocking viewing this.. (HotDiggetyDam)
- The NSA LOLs about TOR, because all they have to do is sit behind Cloudflare’s TLS termination endpoints. (Profpatsch)
- if you try to view your forum through tor, you are looped through an endless cycle of cloudflare challenges that never lets you get to the actual forum. (sziggle)
- ¿Se puede remediar sin tener que dejar de usar Tor? (diesanromero)
- 自分のポートフォリオサイトがError 1016とか出ててCloudflareに問い合わせしようかと思ったら10分ぐらいして勝手に直った。おいおい、Cloudflare、、 (okutani_t)
- 個人で使ってる Cloudflare、勝手に Origin DNS Error になって勝手に復活した (hassasa3)
- I just made 17 euro to 500 today and now the website is down? What is going on ? (DragonWhammer)
- keep getting EM 520 from local newspaper websites, it reports Cloudflare is working but host server error. If I leave my Broadband and use my Mobile signal it works fine. (HughGW)
- cuz poeple are to dump to properly protect their servers against malicious traffic and just block known tor nodes or even worse, use cloudflare (bus1nessrasta)
- We're getting 403s delivered Cloudflare (your MITM CDN) when trying to
npm update
our server application. Are you aware of this? (MacLemon) - I'm not sure if this has been realized, but I think the error we are getting in the middle of raids is because cloudflare wants a captcha from the game? (bobjobob24)
- Interesting, customer hitting our API from a Lambda function is sometimes prompted with a Cloudflare captcha. Turns out you don't control the origin IP of the Lambda. Malicious actors might use the same IP address, causing the IP to get flagged as having a bad reputation. (tomdev)
- Patreon has a very nasty Cloudflare CAPTCHA infection (dxgl_org)
- why is it giving me a cloudflare captcha thing when I try to go to myreadingmanga (muttzone)
- npm: why respond on a public issue before telling us? (wesleytodd)
- Is your promotion of alcohol why you use Cloudflare? (dxgl_org)
- hi, my wan ip is blocked cloudflare, now my fitbit and sonos can not connect to theire servers, how can I remove my wan ip from your blacklist? (nl1wdj)
- Steam users have threatened to dox me; now kiwifarms, a happy customer of Cloudflare (dxgl_org)
- Need help (AbeysingheRichi)
- why am i getting blocked from every device on off---white.com? :( (copbud)
- Blocked for no reason on my computer when I never opened your site till today? Over zealous much and I have to resort to my mobile just to see you site wow. I suggest figuring out your problem blocking people and denying people at random with cloudflare. (TrevorMacewan)
- So npmjs.org broke because they were using HTTP referrers outside the HTTP spec and Cloudflare rate limited them. (g0rdin)
- NPM is rate limiting and people's builds are failing (HNTweets)
- Have been blocked bstategames Cloudflare protection while playing the game. Just a Popup that wouldn't go away and the option to restart the game. Any idea why? (BlackyWerSonst)
- Hello, why do I get this screen at some websites? ()
- Why am I keep getting the cloudflare Attention Required Solved Captcha thing over & over & over again? (blackinmind123)
- #CloudFlare is now hitting the archive.org wayback machine with the same CAPTCHA as Tor users, thus censoring history too. (namanwtf)
- can't do captcha to prove I'm not a robot because I might be a robot (olihough86)
- Cloudflare is blocking your content (Roxann_Minerals)
- If your server is behind Cloudflare, you are losing, big time. The vast Internet multitudes see that check all the crosswalks captcha, and click away. (BobPurvy1)
- google recaptcha actually sux sometime they give captcha that can never be solved. And one day i solved like 15 minutes and gave up. All was due to fault of cloudflare which uses dummy google recaptcha. (shirshak55)
- Ever heard of CloudFlare? Your DDOS protection is blocking tons of range of IP that legit customers use, which is completely useless for blocking DDOS and preventing users to connect. (Fealen3)
- I get blocked cloudflare a lot, as well as a ludicrous amount of recaptchas (I suspect it is due to ad/JS/cookie-blocking). (tnhh)
- Cloudflare having some issues reaching the bouqs flower website because of a security service protecting it from cyber attacks? Clearly not trying anything malicious just need flowers lmao (PlagueBitch)
- Europe/Germany getting Cloudflare Error on loading in the menu, and this error here says cant load ingame, bad account id ? (FetteMacke)
- Cloudflare's rate limiting is the worst thing to script for in a testing sense. Depending on the plan, it could be any combination of values for request limits in certain time frames, then block times vary, or you can send people to js challenges and stuff. ugh. (incredincomp)
- See just know you won't fix that error 1000 without deleting cloudflare.... Seriously is cloudflare needed for your site? (mvptrinity)
- Getting an error from CloudFlare on those archive links. (IonotterA)
- Game is down in the same way as last night. Can't get to profile. Gives some cloudflare error and then you're screwed from there (MikkelVilla)
- Even unable to login in bungie as it's complaining about error 500 and cloudflare. (solidus198306)
- CloudFlare is already the biggest MITM network on earth - and with the percentage of the web that is powered CF, I'm sure people blindly trust MITM (Or maybe doesn't know any better). (LucasRolff)
- Does anyone know offhand, if Cloudflare is wrongly flagging your IP as a bot, is there a way to either A) confirm/test that, or B) request it be whitelisted? (fienen)
- I'm just getting a captcha challenge when I try to log in to Sling. Not a problem on computers, but it causes the Fire Stick and Android apps to straight up fail, because they don't account for the challenge in the app. (fienen)
- CloudFlare Origin DNS Error (Cloudflare cannot resolve the A or CNAME record requested.) (YggdrasilStatus)
- Still over Tor it's hard not to get a cloudflare captcha... Haven't found a reliable way. (j6sp5r)
- Cloudflare appears to be blocking access to the source site for this article (Escher911)
- Cloudflare will happily inflict CAPTCHAs on Tor users, reformat images and otherwise MITM user traffic to websites But when it comes to screening for abusive content (randomoracle)
- Hello, I am writing from Chile. I visit often and shop at the Sam Ash site in the USA. Today I find that it prevents me from accessing the page due to a ERROR 1020 of CLOUDFLARE please explain how I can solve this to navigate the page and be able to buy again. (IamXavichu)
- Looking into issues with Cloudflare, stay tuned (ponytownteam)
- Cloudflare isn't very reliable compared to google (PawzLenaLuLa)
- there appears to be an issue with the Cloudflare captcha this morning that's preventing posting to your forum? (Lowe0)
- Did they take down that site that was the subject of the angry TrustPilot review? If not they are lying through their teeth. (dxgl_org)
- It kept sending me to cloudflare and it said the site was down. (TaiKamiya101)
- When I check your site, my browser signs Error 522 in now. Maybe Cloudflare's network server is down, i think (sallahge69)
- trying to hit your customer support page but getting blocked cloudflare. (JoshReedSchramm)
- Cloudflare is blocking access to snort from Cuba. We can't download Snort community rules from snort.org (ReneHernndez67)
- Cloudflare your DNS is blocking PS4 downstream packets. Interrupting all streaming apps on the console. Please, investigative. (VanGThieu)
- Cloudflare is more like the guy who puts a big tent over your house so no one can see inside and places a bouncer at the front door. They are more like the internet mafia than the county clerk. (phyzonloop)
- Cloudflare oh my god get your shit together. Surely you can survive one poke from Google without bringing down half the internet. (MoNetProduction)
- I've got major issues with Firefox these days and their insane desire for DoH which is just stupid and supports Cloudflare who are an utterly vile company. (plambrechtsen)
- Dear Cloudflare I'm not a fing robot and this time I will not turn of my IPv6 tunnel. :-( (QuuxBerlin)
- CAPTCHAs interrogating us as if we were robots all day? (hyphybyterhymer)
- I can't seem to download the new installer for FL Studio 20.6, I'm getting an error from CloudFlare saying that the server is down. (oksymusic)
- cloudflare Mafia exposed. This would qualify as single point of failure. (cotlage)
- cloudflare is like a mafia racket SURE IS A NICE WEBPAGE YOU GOT THERE WOULD BE A SHAME IF SOMETHING WERE TO H A P P E N TO IT (toolboxybrown)
- I fucking hate Cloudflare (NDarkson984)
- Cloudflare Not working (shuttle_flash)
- I am having trouble accessing websites protected Cloudflare My IP address that was assigned to me makes use their capture to prove I am human. Tech support won't help me! They say I have to get new equipment. My wife works from home and needs this fixed! (prowler9)
- You should stop using Cloudflare. (dxgl_org)
- Cloudflare shenanigans had better have affected just me and not on purpose. Missing reach oportunities over questionable provider choice would be silly. (make_post)
- when you use a rate limit that doesn't allow access ~15 pages in 10 minutes that's asinine. (ModestTim)
- As of right now I cant enter to any website that uses Cloudflare, that includes Discord. (htfcuddles_)
- interacting with any website that uses Google's CAPTCHAs via the Tor browser is dang near impossible these days (conspirator0)
- Google is fairly aggressive in making Tor difficult to use. Ditto for cloudflare. (funnymonkey)
- Just learned that cloudflare blocks a lot of tor exit nodes. (sidravic)
- Cloudflare are all the networks up right now? Facing issues with Singapore (ankyitm)
- Cloudflare your DNS service ( is down. Seems like it isn’t resolving most queries on my end. (luckyjajj)
- WTF Cloudflare is down (reginpv3)
- Perfect timing for Cloudflare to go down for maintenance when I'm trying to deal with a DDOS attack... (brussell98)
- The problem resolved for me when I switched from Cloudflare's DNS to Suddenlink's defaults, though I'm not entirely sure why. (CascadeMage)
- Cloudflare Hey is WARP down today? I can't use it at all... (ZenIsBestWolf)
- After careful measurements my company decided to turn off Cloudflare for our sites about a year ago. We actually saw a non-trivial performance increase in some metrics. (jdgregson)
- I found no noticeable enhancement in performance. (dxgl_org)
- Ya, they're consistently tell you where they can be filed and ignored. Cloudflare doesn't care about victims of websites behind its infrastructure. (phyzonloop)
- Using Tor, the worst user experience comes from dealing with Cloudflare and reCAPTCHA. (VasilyGrz)
- TFW someone from Cloudflare tells you they offer end-to-end encryption. Your business model is literally MITM'ing enterprise web traffic at scale. (toholdaquill)
- explain why Cloudflare isn't the utopia they want you to believe (dxgl_org)
- I'm blocked from viewing hypixel.net bc of cloudflare and was wondering if there's any way you could help? (awyssloaf)
- Is the Labour Party website using Cloudflare to block access from Ukraine? I will try again when I get to my hotel. (stuartbruce)
- to clarify, i also mean on websites that use cloudflare stuff, like i keep getting asked that almost every time i go to a website (EeveeEuphoria)
- I keep thinking that CloudFlare is some kind of a weird human subject experiment on Tor users, like how many can be tricked into enabling JS (hackerb0t)
- Keep getting Errors on images being serverd via CloudFlare proxy, plus a couple of random sites DNS won't resolve, is it an issue on your end? (minecraft_buzz)
- and therefore, we'll bypass your very own security rules so that CloudFlare Inc. can keep all your personal data and metadata safe, because, well, don't you think security is important? (cunnigliu)
- Does that mean Cloudflare could be throwing away SpamCop reports? If so SpamCop needs to be notified that Cloudflare is not properly responding to abuse reports. (dxgl_org)
- I'm getting cloudflare captcha when trying to reach (Forcen)
- Dashboard is currently down, though nothing on the Status page indicates this, but other users are reporting it too. (hammyhavoc)
- here we go again. Zoom not working. ERROR 1020 tell your cloudflare thetmy are blocking subscribers (DanceTeacher55)
- Please re-think your use of Google's reCAPTCHA. Just had to fill in 10 quizzes correctly (not joking) in order to login. You block DDoS attempts on your network all day long, are you saying you rely on Google to detect bots?? (dmpinder)
- This site isn't working. I just get a cloudflare error. (mojojojo)
- The problem I see there is MitM - do you really want them to terminate your TLS connection with your bank, your doctor, etc., in their perfect cloud instance? I do not. (BrendanEich)
- Please tell your official accounts to stop blocking me on Twitter. (dxgl_org)
- I guess you deployed Cloudflare to mitigate NW traffic issues (DDoS ?). But it is not working properly, it is blocking valid customers too, like me. See pic. (aerohari)
- Cloudflare is currently experiencing significant issues. Therefore, our website and others managed CloudFlarws DNS are unavailable. (VimlyDigital)
- Cloudflare vro when you go down like half of the internet does please stop (ItJustAPsychoEx)
- CloudFlare. Grootste MITM proxy -ever build-. Continue expansie drift die zorgt voor centralisatie (alles loopt via CloudFlare). Onder andere door concurrenten uit de markt te prijzen. (UID_)
- Oh, I found out what it was. You guys have CloudFlare human checks on your images. I had to go one of the images hosted on images.g2.com directly and click the captcha. (clintonskakun)
- Problem of tor is that it’s blocked a lot of websites, any website protected Cloudflare can’t be accessed from TOR (jusdepatate_)
- so i can't access my website or discord, or any other cloudflare protected website i know. (twitch0001)
- Cloudflare is down but only in the UK and i am the big angy because i was literally gunna work for an hour but now I can’t access any of my stuff (Beatlinked)
- I can't access my.parallels.com ParallelsCares - Cloudflare seems to think you don't exist... can you help? I'd love to take advantage of your Black Friday offer... (jmeisenberg)
- Cloudflare is experiencing difficulties. Parts of our website (that are active) are inaccessible to some users. This is unfortunately out of our control. (intpts)
- I just got 3 friends here in Germany to try - and NONE of them can gain access - they get blocked the same captcha. I'm thinking Cloudflare has Deutsche Telekom blacklisted, or some such. (GrayanOne)
- Just a friendly reminder that if your Black Friday sales page requires someone to: check a Cloudflare “I’m not a robot” check box solve a CAPTCHA image it’s probably not worth the discount. (CoryJaccino)
- the site seems to use Cloudflare which blocks a lot of users from the start, so a large crowd can't open the site even if it's online (adlerweb)
- Day 2 of trying to get my Cloudflare account deleted. They sure don't make it easy, or logic. (originalesushi)
- Just don't make me discover my PII in some future breach or I'll dig up my Cloudflare exodus logs and I'll step on the biggest soapbox I can find to cast hell upon you. (originalesushi)
- Hi there ! Your cdnjs is blocked Stormshield firewall IPS. (nivuniconu_)
- So many people are hoping for word of an actually decisive move from the Not-Board that cloudflare thinks arseblog's under DDoS attack. (fuckmedoris)
- Whole thing happened again when I started from the beginning to reset my password, then again when it told me to reactivate my account. (JayNBoston)
- You also send all the traffic to the NSA though Cloudflare — thanks but no thanks! (Mcnst)
- marketo users whose instances are hosted in its San Jose data center experienced a service disruption lasting approximately one hour. The problem appears to be due to connectivity issues between Marketo’s CDN provider Cloudflare and its DC (anoufriev)
- I never understood why everyone trusts cloudflare. (CSS_Sporklab)
- By the way Cloudflare has blocked me on Twitter for criticizing them. (dxgl_org)
- You can buy few BTC and wanting to publish them for sale they blocked my account. I don't know that I was wrong. What do I have to do to recover it? Cloudflare Ray ID (AgusNob74)
- Is krakenfx under some sort of attack? (EnnePoe)
- Cloudflare is not exactly a free speech big tech company. I'm not saying this is a cloudflare issue but they proved they hated free speech when the blocked 8chan. (HD283271)
- Cloudflare is blocking me from the sight at the moment. The documents should be available there for download. (davenlr)
- Cloudflare is blocking access from Cuba, so we cannot update clamav, and even send virus sample to alert you (ReneHernndez67)
- FOr months when I try there is only a CloudFlare error. I miss my stories. (cogdog)
- Alert Details: 530 - CloudFlare Origin DNS Error (Cloudflare cannot resolve the A or CNAME record requested.) (YggdrasilStatus)
- site's offline now.... showing cloudflare errors consistently.... :( (Nessy_Reads)
- if you somehow make it so i don't have to click crosswalks/firehydrants/stoplights on Cloudflare for every site, then my shilling might never cease (evan_van_ness)
- Cloudflare You have always been a horrible corp with broken software Go away! Now! (MeerMusik)
- Things are really starting to centralize on Mozilla and CloudFlare. I don’t like it. (DrScriptt)
- Whenever cloudflare goes down and takes a ton of major sites with it I just bang my head against a wall because that's what happens when you centralize tons of internet services. (SIGSYS)
- CloudFlare's website protection is blocking access to BitChute today. :/ Why not, they block other sites already! (waynecolvin)
- I've been wondering this myself. I've also considered that maybe these Cloudflare people, have taken away bitchute credentials in order to block them from public view. Maybe I should try to reach them on Tor Browser. (AlarikOdinsson)
- Two months ago, I cancelled my Cloudflare account and told them to delete my data. Today, they've emailed me their new privacy policy because I'm still a customer! Trying to pump their user numbers up before an IPO or just sloppy data protection? Either way, not a great look. (edent)
- New blogging from me. Even after you delete your account, CloudFlare insist they have the right to email you per a non-existent section of their privacy policy. (edent)
- I’ve had the same experience as you with account deletions. (daviddlow)
- Do you know if this info is on any other sites? Sadly patreon has been taken in on the foolishness that is CloudFlare & blocks tor nodes. (DeborahPeasley)
- That's actually right approach – Cloudflare is MitM, the connection is not end-to-end encrypted, so insecure. :P (JakubJirutka)
- Submitted a case & it was instantly marked as resolved. (ebenson_emily)
- hey, I'm using a VPN exiting in the DigitalOcean network. Cannot access this site. (AliveDevil95)
- umm this cloudflare anti DOS shit blocked me from your site. LOL i know shit all about DDOSing or anything, the closest thing to that for me is going on Tor (Undyingtmlg)
- Meta: Access Denied You don't have permission to access forums.tesla.com on this server. heh cloudflare (charlieXwallace)
- Someone kept getting their Cloudflare puzzle wrong and said enough is enough. (D_Downs)
- I fail to see how Cloudflare would be any improvement for me, even without DoT. (jornbaer)
- don't send my traffic via Cloudflare, where the NSA can definitly read it. (jornbaer)
- Cloudflare responses 502 Bad gateway. So,I cannot access my account. (Lain_Wired_Net)
- hey! I cannot access any of my apps for extra life, says cloudflare has banned me :( (MatthewDaleC)
- was just perusing looking for some info using Tor and your website wouldn’t load due to CloudFlare DDoS protection. (PupGhost)
- Is the Tor DNS resolver down? I can't hit it or the favicon. It's okay, I just want to know so I can stop trying to get this working (RenoMcK)
- This is the page that loads when I try to load KSR :( (NickNafster79)
- Me: visiting a website with tor traffic Cloudflare: (chuckles) I'm in danger. (LinuxKodachi)
- I love Tor, but too many sites are inaccessible when using it, thanks to CDNs imposing captchas on Tor connections, which don’t render properly because they all use Google stalkertech. Artificial creation of false ‘security vs privacy’ dichotomy. Looking at YOU, Cloudflare (MissIG_Geek)
- Not to mention, of course, that Cloudflare is also the prime target for mass surveillance (TheBlueMatt)
- Their dns infrastructure just became a prime target for all intelligence agencies. And I think we can safely assume that NSA / Five Eyes will have, or allready have access to that data. With or without cloudflare's cooperation. (HackyScientress)
- البته اگر حریم خصوصی مهم باشه اصلا توصیه نمیشه CloudFlare استفاده کرد به دلایل زیر (Snbig_)
- bitte kein cloudflare benutzen. niemals jemals. einfach nein. cloudflare ist ein big no no. (krizpin)
- You getting a Cloudflare error too? (michaeldexter)
- Heck, I spent an hour re-submitting THIS CFP submission. Turns out Cloudflare blocked any submission containing cmd.exe (danielhbohannon)
- If you’re in EU, the US can force Cloudflare to spy on you for them. At least your Dutch ISP only had to comply with warrants from a few countries. Worse, Cloudflare is the most juicy target for NSA/etc... they’re compromised. (TheBlueMatt)
- The cause was identified as an error in an automatic update received from Cloudflare (MCMarket_org)
- why do you trust cloudflare more than your ISP? (bmarwell)
- Cloudflare is the largest mitm attack on TLS as we know it, why is this not discussed more? (adrians_reality)
- Here's what I have, was going to comment on how Cloudflare's SSH services are an MITM on SSH. (dxgl_org)
- We have blocked you from visiting a webpage so contact the webpage owner to resolve the issue. Ummm…. how do you contact the webpage owner when you have blocked everyone in Singapore from seeing the webpage's contact us? (MichaelSmithSG)
- hi, what's wrong with ASN 12714 that you're blocking on Cloudflare? (cjmaxik)
- I've tried Cloudflare, but they somehow blocked one of my bank sites, so I went with Google DNS instead. (nanianmichaels)
- Cloudflare attempted to CENSOR this negative review on Trustpilot. (phyzonloop)
- Ukrainian extremist website Myrotvorets still operates protected Cloudflare. It contains doxxed info on thousands of people disagreeable to Ukrainian extremists, including US journalists who visited Donbas. Several persons, who were on this portal, were killed. (RusEmbUSA)
- Also, can anyone from UKLabour or Cloudflare explain why I haven't been able to access the Labour Party website for a day? (BernieSnell)
- You having a bad day ? I am having voip trouble, tried logging in to your customer-zone and getting cloudflare errors.. (4t4ri)
- Looks like Cloudflare is broken - 429 error. (RHJOfficial)
- I've been trying for almost 1,5 hour to order something in the outlet store. Keep getting Cloudflare error 524 or 503 Service Unavailable. (JWestra11)
- Don't install Cloudflare's WARP VPN. This is NOT A VPN their own admission, and is a privacy MINEFIELD. This is a jaw dropping TOS, and I'm only a few paragraphs in. (notdan)
- Did you know a foreign-owned cloud provider has access to online votes on their way to the digital ballot box? When electors in Canada’s Northwest Territories vote online, their ballots pass through Cloudflare servers and are briefly decrypted while in transit. (aleksessex)
- As a protection against denial-of-service attacks you can pay cloud providers to act as a kind of friendly man-in-the-middle. But protection comes in exchange for a high degree of trust: they need access to application-layer data to do things like inject fingerprinting JavaScript (aleksessex)
- That means they have privileged access to see and change your vote. The legitimacy of the election relies on the assumption they won’t. They say the won’t, and so far we’ve seen nothing to contradict that. But how would you find out if they did? How do you know your counted? (aleksessex)
- Consumers simply do not stand a chance in hell these days understanding the technology surrounding them. (notdan)
- can’t checkout online, tried cards from three different banks and always get a cloudflare error after card verification. Any idea? (rossburton)
- Hey Pinterest, you're DNS is down Origin DNS error (DemosthenesPol)
- the one site that has the one show that I like, and is the only site I know of that has it, is giving me the cloudflare bad gateway error (otomequeene)
- I keep getting Error 1016 Ray ID Origin DNS error which is a Cloudflare error (7leaguebootdisk)
- Cloudflare's WARP VPN is now available to everyone. I tried it and it made the internet so slow it was unusable (waddling)
- Unfortunately I live in Mobile Third World country (Germany) and unfortunately warp seems to slow down or even block my devices instead of improving anything. (raupach)
- I use with warp. But the speed is very slow. I just turned warp off and my speed is about 1000% faster on my iPhone. When will you fix this bug? I payed for unlimited use. (tombalfoort)
- Hi, I'm not sure what you can do, but I've been having issues accessing your site for the last week. I keep getting a 502 error or sometimes this page is currently offline. Looks like it might be an issue with Cloudflare. I'm using Firefox. (MrB0nd07)
- Outage today? Getting the web server reported a gateway time-out error (knapjack)
- Great...now @VPSCheap_NET is using cloudflare to block legitimate customers from accessing the client area. I have no plans to use the Net without the protection of a VPN, so may have to take my virtual servers elsewhere. (CFSummers)
- You mean you offload your problems onto legit customers using cloudflare to block every VPN you can find. Emailing isn't going to help, since I have no intention of surfing w/o one. So will start looking for a company that cares about customer security. (CFSummers)
- You actually don't get it - I CAN NOT OPEN A SUPPORT TICKET. I cannot access the client area because you are blocking my VPN's access. Using a VPN IS a part of MY security. Will make sure clients who have servers there & others also know how little you care... (CFSummers)
- is cloudflare happy to allow isps to block websites in pakistan for no reason at all. the whole point of using cloudflare dns was to access blocked websites and since u partnered with ptcl in pakistan the blocking has started again?? r u even aware of this shit? (untitled413)
- Since 22nd Oct I was getting Sorry, you have been blocked CF message on DO website. No help from DO. (zedfoxus)
- I really wanted to like it but I found so much content being blocked (Tidal for example) it wasn't usable for me. Do you not have any media streaming issues? (chadl2)
- I recommend you stop 'just blocking' people for the hell of it. You've blocked my IP for no reason. You do realize that these IPs are handed out the ISP all day long and change often, or are you new to IT? (random_interrup)
- #clownflare is cancer on the Web. Refusing to run proprietarysoftware in javascript on your own computer? BLOCKED! (schestowitz)
- If someone finds themselves wrongly blocked, they can't go to Cloudflare to complain because Cloudflare has blocked them from that site as well. So every day they sentence thousands of people to Internet purgatory because they got randomly handed an IP address they blocked. (random_interrup)
- Y'all need to dump Cloudflare. I'm blocked from your site without cause. ISPs randomly hand out IPs all day and I've inherited one they've blocked. This garbage directly impacts your business and shows how poor Cloudflare design is. (random_interrup)
- I cycle the IP and now I'm in. If I were a malicous actor I could do the same. Some security feature. Now some other guy can be blocked. (random_interrup)
- I got some weird “redirecting, checking my browser” message - I thought it was on my end. (Cindy_M_McCraw)
- The answer appears to be Cloudflare: the CAPTCHA-wall was theirs, and I'd recently looked at an unrelated site they host that was under their DDoS protection, so I bet that's why I was on the naughty list. (xlerb)
- CloudFlare is currently f’ed up and I can’t log into my account: the login screen sends me to a captcha which sends me back to a login screen, repeat forever. (kstrauser)
- I wonder if Google is funding Cloudflare in exchange for them to put their CAPTCHA on as many users as possible. Would make total sense google need users to train machine learning algorithms. Cloudflare can market it as a service while deceiving webmasters (catgirlsec)
- Furaffinity Cloudflare protection is so good that even artists can't upload anything (PaigeScribe)
- That CF would be a great way to centralize surveillance has been some people’s suspicion for some years now. So I guess that’s confirmed. (fugueish)
- Hi, we can't log in this morning... (isaacgrover)
- Your site just went down when I was mid-course, whats the problem? Something with Cloudflare... (Best__Lux)
- looks like cloudflare are blocking requests. Will need a cool off period before it starts accepting again. (TheCryptarch)
- Yeah and working with media and websites it's usually a block from cloudflare :D (TheCryptarch)
- AWSとCloudFlareやられたらとりあえず発狂する人たち多そう (SHINOHARATTT)
- AWSやGCPは死んでもなんとかなるけどCloudflareが死んだらサービスが全滅する (LaLN_)
- AWSってこの前も死んでなかったっけって思ったけどcloudflareだった (familiar_ak)
- I'm getting 500 Internal Server Error cloudflare-nginx on multiple cloudflare accounts which started at the same time. Any eta? (uxjw)
- this issue common? Tried both yesterday and today. EU server maybe? This error has automatically been logged and we are aware of your plight. HTTP Client Error; 500 Internal Server Error ::CLOUDFLARE_ERROR_500S_BOX:: (lomakin9)
- Getting a coinspice is down error from cloudflare. (Echt_Kain_niaK)
- I'm Getting Error 522. Says im connected to cloudflare(ashburn) but the host worldanvil is erroring. (Johntheblack78)
- Hey mosh, is your website down? Getting a 1014 error code from Cloudflare. (k_pacheco10)
- they could probably put into place to know each unique user when going through cloudflare. (MrJoshuaPack)
- eastdakota May I ask why Iranian can't login into Cloudflare anymore? Cloudflare CloudflareHelp (iHMahmoodi)
- I'm not trying to hack you so why are you making Cloudflare sniff my browser? (dxgl_org)
- For several weeks I am not able to access your site anymore. I always get an error message from cloudflare... (SirJoan)
- Anyone else suddenly experiencing 500 errors from Cloudflare proxied sites? (warkior)
- Ah, fair point on getting locked-in with Cloudflare services (pedrolamas)
- Don't want your traffic going through cloudflare? Download an extension that detects cloudflare use and just don't use those sites. (matthkilgore)
- Don't use cloudflare (ghoul_two)
- I'll add that I use the darknet for privacy reasons and the fact I don't want to support large corporations (like CloudFlare) on the clearnet. Are either of these illegal? (genericspider)
- Don't they use cloudflare servers? No fucking wonder.. Ugh.. (Rabbit_Raddish)
- Failed to get through the CAPTCHA that Cloudflare's rate-limiting puts in place using a SOCKS proxy into the server (hugo__df)
- God dammit Cloudflare, stop thinking I'm a bot. it's tiring to fill all those recaptchas. (MathiasSM)
- the primary reason i have probably 200 tabs open on my phone (ff stops counting at 100) is that fucking cloudflare keeps cycling me through captcha after captcha and i really, really want to punch through a wall as a result. also its generally all enraging anyway (coffeeshark89)
- Hi do you guys know how to make Cloudflare shit stop? We don't have an account but someone is creating accounts with our email domain. I tried a password rest to lock them out but they keep coming. (LinLorienelen)
- Cloudflare you are drunk! Stop harassing me for using ProtonVPN! (TestaErrico)
- You getting this too? 500 Internal Server Error (shoden)
- They block loads of countries outside West for spam traffic. We had that issue constantly from them on our site. (stacyherbert)
- network is being blocked CloudFlare that’s supporting several SG Govt websites. Called your tech support to simply refresh my IP, and they can’t do that. It’s a simple request! (vincent_tky)
- Here's one of the least fun problems that I've ever had to investigate: Confluence repeatedly refusing to save changes to a page, claiming that my session had expired, and eventually ending up giving me a Cloudflare you have been blocked message. The issue...? (neilstudd)
- Access denied Common cause: A client or browser is blocked a Cloudflare customer’s Firewall Rules. (adspedia)
- getuploader.jp 、VPN使ってもCloudFlareのヤツでてきてハゲそう (key_yan0424)
- De quién fue la genial idea de usar esa basura de Cloudflare... Su sitio es inutilizable sin JS, Opera Mini, UC browser Mini, proxy, VPN... Y en caso de ataque no les servirá para nada, usuarios verán la segunda pantalla (monotemoso)
- I legit can't do anything on the page also, i cant log in fromt he page, i cant download it. keeps giving me Cloudflare Error 1015 (Nickalusss)
- having trouble linking my Bungie account to Steam. It keeps giving me a Cloudflare error. (tophermcpartlin)
- we had downtime for about 5 minutes on our London located website that goes through CloudFlare. No error message from CloudFlare - was there an issue 2 hours ago? (PeterFi24402592)
- Guys, You're down. No connection can be made anymore. Connection fails with error 522 on cloudflare. Is that the consequence of your giuthub cancellation? Millions of WEB sites (like ours) are impacted as they use the fontlibrary and loading times are terrible. Please fix ASAP! (HeavenOfSound4U)
- I am getting a Cloudflare Error 500 when trying to hit the Link button for Steam. Help! (josephjaramillo)
- Looks like Cloudflare strikes again! Getting site error instead of your article. (QanonQurator)
- Fucked if I know. I was trying to put up the latest column for my patrons, but I'm getting a Cloudflare gateway timeout error. (DrNerdLove)
- #iTWire still blocked a cancer called cloudflare Cannot even access the site without proprietary javascript Stop using CF, people! Stop adding it to sites please! (schestowitz)
- This week cloudflare does a very fine job proving everything I ever said about it/them (their staff blocked me over it!!) to be TRUE! surveillance censorship internetKopp (schestowitz)
- Laughable, and I'll advise clients and other decent humans away from your services. (CalawayTandC)
- Cloudflare is having issues cloudflare is getting too many requests. websiteproblem (subhaghealth)
- The uk PirateParty feed is blocked Cloudflare, a friend tells me. Surely they should know better. Cloudflare needs to be avoided. (schestowitz)
- This is really annoying when Cloudflare blocks WordPress REST API PUT requests for Gutenberg editor (WP0025B rule blocks). You can't save, update or publish your blog post. block wordpress cloudflare fix WP0025B (Eftakhairul)
- cloudflare unable to access my sites from China unless using VPN. Have you been blocked the GFW? (FrasSmith)
- I don't want this from Cloudflare, it is risking being blocked China. Not just the VPN, but all Cloudflare protected sites. (EvolvingViews)
- Explain to me how this isn't a MITM attack & proves SSL is busted. CloudFlare promises SSL security (TechHelp)
- Bitcointalk.org compromised again in a MiTM attack, CloudFlare used to generate fraudulent SSL... (TechL0G)
- is not the solution - it is just a commercial MITM attack which any proper security design would have to mitigate. (Engbrg)
- I firmly believe Cloudflare in the most dangerous thing that happened to the internet this decade. Facebook abuses the data you voluntarily give them; but Cloudflare is a full on MITM attack. (peter_szilagyi)
- CloudFlare blocked access to sngpl.ma from Williams (open public wifi) because of suspicious activity. Good thing I have a VPN. (dj3vande)
- Can't Access Your Favorite Site? Cloudflare Has Been Experiencing Major Outages Almost Everywhere (K4Kats)
- Seems Cloudflare is having ssl issues in the Boston area. If you can’t access my sites please just drive outside of Boston and that should fix it (wesbos)
- cloudflare just fucking died, can't access discord or a lotta sites bruh (LucasIsYoshi)
- Yeah, just noticed it’s a cloudflare issue and not discord, as my own sites running on cloudflare aren’t loading - 502 bad gateway. (KieranCairns)
- god fucking damnit, another cloudflare shitshow. the first one was last week and verizon's fault, but this is still infuriating. I can't access most of the websites I usually visit (elli_psis)
- Is CloudFlare down? I can’t even visit it’s website :( Sadly, my server relies on CloudFlare’s services. (rickyipcw)
- I can't visit CloudFlare protected sites with cookies disabled (is my default browser configuration). There aren't less intrusive methods to protect sites? (lito_ordes)
- I can't visit www.army.mil and Archive Today with Cloudflare DNS It returns zero results when DNS querying for Archive Today or any domains under .mil Google DNS works though for some reason (wongmjane)
- But the site works fine through Google DNS (wongmjane)
- Let's harass Tor users, MITM all our customers, and call ourselves a security company. (taoeffect)
- The number one MITM just got bigger: CloudFlare is used 73.9% of all the websites whose reverse proxy service we know. This is 6.8% of all websites. (modrobert)
- too bad there's a cloudflare mitm that targets tor users with captchas (femmetasm)
- I bet Cloudlfare (Cloudbleed) triggers most of those captchas. If you really want to know how much the web depends on this MITM service, try using Tor for a while. BTW: Are the webmasters using Cloudflare fully aware what they are doing to their visitors? (modrobert)
- I registered an account last night and was sent an activation but the activate link (or any request to account.tfl.gov.uk ) produces a Cloudflare error This website is using a security service to protect itself from online attacks. Ray ID (TouchingVirus)
- Turns out Cloudflare's https redirection is messing with http-01 challenge. Always use nginx's own https redirection. (6r33z3)
- I keep getting a Cloudflare error screen when attempting to load (dtjohnso)
- is fa down again? I'm getting a gateway error from cloudflare. (JayriAvieock)
- It’s script kiddies, human error, or just a Cloudflare outage. (notgrubles)
- Maybe Cloudflare should shut off business with facebook for allowing this manifesto being posted. Naw... cloudflare would never cut off one of the hands that feed them applying equal censorship. CloudflareHypocrisy (TheCypressGang)
- Cloudflareみたいな会社が、偉い人間の感情でこういうことするの本当に良くないから(止|辞)めてね (sekai67)
- I'm getting 502 Cloudflare Issues. Is there any updates on how long this is going to take? (Shadowclouddr)
- Sorry to be a pest, but Cloudflare says the host for the site isn't responding! (HannahCaruso3)
- Just letting you know you've issued a certificate to a crypto scam site (SickBeard_Log)
- Cloudflare's CDN isnt a DNS smartass. Cloudflare's only mission is to MITM the whole internet. (6JY6ZQVYS4p7YrL)
- While you try and MITM the whole fucking internet. (6JY6ZQVYS4p7YrL)
- Cloudflare acts as a MITM. In other words, the client connects via HTTPS to their servers, not to the actual website, and then they connect to the actual server. They can read all traffic since encryption is terminated at their node. (OtomaiShirona)
- speaking of crapflare, yet another one... the 2nd one I've seen since this prior tweet. Maybe it is me... but in the end vendors lose out and I move on... (brettPowerline)
- would you want your kids to be victims on your own infrastructure? Hypocrisy cybercrime (phyzonloop)
- You blocked 5ch.net , which includes Japan's strongest liberal community /poverty/ (kenmo) board. You think you blocked Japan's alt-right website, but it's not actually quite that simple. (joinus_yaruo)
- Having trouble with the haveibeenpwned API. Using v3 with an API key and sending requests under the rate limit but still getting blocked Cloudflare. Anyone else having similar problems? (averagesecguy)
- can't login to Patreon. When I try to, it tells me to verify clicking the link sent to my mail. After I click, I see 403 Forbidden and cloudflare. This must have something to do with you. I am not attacking the site obviously, why am I blocked? (pleionea)
- Cloudflare blocking access to the site from France. So much for net neutrality... (jfenal)
- Cloudflareの1.1.1.1ってpoliticalな云々でblockingするとこだったっけ?と (hornet_mk2)
- 率直に言って Cloudflare DNS が特定のドメインの名前解決を阻害し続けるならば、今後それを使うことはなくなる。 (soltia48)
- Hey remember when you dickheads forwarded my name, email address, and IP number to 8chan after we sent you a report about the child pornography ring they were hosting? (FoldableHuman)
- Reading this thread makes me think it's straight up dangerous to have any sort of contact with Cloudflare if you have any sort of morals or scruples. I'd say it's best to report websites hosted them to the authorities. (WenSchw)
- Is cloudflare trying to shut you guys down too? (youngandaspire)
- CloudflareのDNSだと「5ちゃんねる」に接続できない? ネットで話題に … Cloudflareは今回、8chanの現運営者が一時的に管理していた5ちゃんねるに対しても措置を講じたとみられる (catnap707)
- People did not know cloudflare sucks? You ever try to browse websites from a Tor connection to a cloudflare hosted site? (Granted they eventually stopped putting people in captcha jail) (Pic0o)
- Hm.. Pakistan govt has signed up enterprise plan with Cloudflare to block it's army website for India IP addresses. (njnrn)
- Hey, i have some trouble with your website Cloudflare say i have no access.... (Poke7z)
- I have a bad gateway error (502) with the Cloudflare server being in Warsaw. (kbartek05)
- Hey there errbot devs. It appears that errbot is throwing a Cloudflare error: Error 1014 CNAME Cross-User Banned (n8felton)
- Dear FJ, the Cloudflare error in white page means that the owner of the site has blocked Indian connections from accessing it. (Aamer_Sha)
- You alright? For a second there was a cloudflare error. (RainbowKappaMC)
- is your website ok? getting a Error 522 via cloudflare (CatherineWeird)
- Getting a 521 error on cloudflare for the past 30 minutes. fyi. (taffy_nay)
- i placed an Order, and after paying with Paypal i was redirected to a Cloudflare Error-Page. My Paypal has the debit but there is no E-Mail Order Confirmation or Order No at your Website. (Dryteak)
- Hello i have a Problem with the Website gt-mp.net i can go on the Site it gives me an Cloudflare Error! I just want to Download the Client is there way that i get a directly Download Link? (imxylox)
- What's up with Cloudflare? 1. Error while attempting to log in (credentials are correct -- cookies wiped) 2. When logging in using incognito, it works but redirects to.. the path to a SVG logo that isn't there? 3. Many errors on the main page after clearing out all site data (CoolApps45)
- In truth Cloudflare's commitment to freedom on the 'net is clearly not true given Cloudflare's blocking of anyone who tries to connect to one of their client sites from a tor exit node. It's not about freedom. I doubt it's about any principles at all. (DeborahPeasley)
- If anything, Cloudflare is demonstrably against free access to information. Their entire business model comes down to locking off the Internet to all but the biggest tech giants (Googlebot), and denying any other Mom&Pop co’s in the name of “DDoS protection.” (petebray)
- I remember cloudflare's safety lead blocking a bunch of people for pointing out that their abuse process is (was) extremely unsafe. (sschinke)
- Well cloudflare is one of the worst companies out there. Their entire business model is made up of restricting access to content (ie machine learning to only let Google and other big co bots through, but denying all small players). (petebray)
- Finding it difficult to access petition. Error 502. No idea if deliberate or just technical. (NDWissner)
- /r/privacy: ...cloudflare does tls termination, directly having access to all the data in clear. (cryptoretreat)
- Why is my IP blocked please? Error 1006 (sea_bouy)
- He’ll use a bullshit “free speech” argument that doesn’t apply to his business and then block you if you push back. (slpng_giants)
- Matthew Prince blocked me after I called that out. (theMetz)
- Cloudflare blocking sydney-ipsec-1b. (sendai)
- why is my cloudflare down i can't connect to any games (SeeKerZ)
- first was cloudflare now you can't even open more than 3 tabs at once or you get rate limited cmon ESEA (jmc_025)
- Getting a Cloudflare error... (thehotiron)
- I cannot get into the Witcher 3 section to download mods. Getting a cloudflare error. Are you aware? (iSpaceNate)
- Día dos... El Cloudflare sigue dando error 1016, han pasado el ticket a los expertos en servidor....seguiremos informando. (softwartive)
- extremely cool how cloudflare goes out of their way to try and make the web unusable for people who browse through tor (elisohl)
- Use tor for one day and see how many recaptcha|s you have to pass on sites hosted on cloudflare (so around half the internet?) because of unusual behaviour from your IP. This is crazy! (JayVii_de)
- قبلاً دیده بودم که سایتهایی که از cloudflare استفاده میکنند، recaptcha نشون بدن اما اینکه کلاً کاربران tor رو بلاک کنند رو ندیده بودم )
- اینم یک جور تحریمه ولی خب دیگه منحصر به ایران نیست (Hamed)
- now lm just getting cloudflare errors. (Auroken)
- Something called Cloudflare keeps coming up to say it isn't available. (SACNSNew)
- Cloudflare Would you please answer this problem. (botrader2019)
- cloudflare is blocking adsense login for websites (joecioffi)
- I'm trying to report a bug on your pro forum but I'm being blocked your CloudFlare spam filter for (I assume) posting PHP code. (amielucha)
- It's often a deadend when you hit a CloudFlare site using Tor on mobile (OnionBrowser). This is why we can't have privacy. Don't block Tor! (mrphs)
- Hi, I've been blocked from the website cloudflare with a 1020 error? Is there a way to fix this? (isasangtae)
- Hey Cloudflare, your 1111resolver isn't responding to queries from my box at ovh, what's up? I'm in the block. I guess I have to use Google for now (dpedu)
- Their abuse form is a joke and results in no action. (phyzonloop)
- It's scary to see how many websites are relaying on CloudFlare, and yet they go down pretty much frequently. They control the internet. (OctolusNET)
- Recent outages from Cloudflare and Google are a stark reminder that the internet is increasingly centralized and easily broken. (CurtailInc)
- Cloudflare is down more often than it's up on Charter / Spectrum. Oddly enough the DNS servers I shared a photo of work just fine & they too are anycast just like cloudflare. (IanKoHoman)
- why'd you do this Cloudflare? (prith_august)
- LMAO it's another fucking cloudflare thing, how. fucking. incompetent can you be??? what the actual fuck?? LOL (literallypoo)
- both their status pages are all green fucking amazing why do people even use cloudflare i get it but at the same time it's so dumb i'd understand it if they were proper about this and 1) properly reported downtime and 2) properly handled user data but they don't (osk______)
- Ask why Cloudflare keeps on using Google’s reCAPTCHA when they can do their own. (rom)
- Looks like a Cloudflare issue. This is why I don't trust Cloudflare. So many people use it, which puts them into a position of being a gateway to information. You have to go through them to get to your favorite site. The perfect climate for a marxist censorship takeover. (Scarasyte)
- i will sooooo block the sht out of TRR if mozilla makes it the default. to hell with whatever high value web properties cloudflare co-hosts it with. the internet is a distributed system. dns is a distributed database (and also autonomous.) FSCK centralization decree. (paulvixie)
- why are you blocking spinquark? (jhthurman)
- did you know you’re being blocked Cloudflare? (jhthurman)
- Hey Cloudflare why all of a sudden are you challenging Google when they go to spider our sites sitemap_index.xml is google now a suspicious party now. (delawarewebhost)
- You see, when the secure connection gets to Cloudflare, they do what is called SSL termination -- that means they end the secure connection so they can do a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack. So any website you enter private information on, that uses Cloudflare, they get that info. (cqwww)
- List of websites that used to block tor with Cloudflare and don't seem to block tor anymore DontBlockTor (shiromarieke)
- This morning. Tell me again how Cloudflare aren't having issues (PAHarrisonpics)
- Cloudflare has gone down around the world and vast numbers of websites have gone down with it (PrimeTechSuppor)
- Cloudflare was down. Half the Internet was down. IoTeX blockchain wasn't. (qevanguo)
- Cloudflare was down causing many others to be down too (jhyu)
- If you'd asked me back then how we'd work around issues raised in the paper, I'd have said 'IPv6' and not in the future we'll all just agree that Cloudflare gets to MitM half the Internet (arbedout)
- 調査するとどうやら521エラーはcloudflareが障害を引き起こしているのが、原因だとわかりました。 こちらでは、対処ができないみたいなので早く復旧してくれることの祈ります (yassan_channel)
- Cloudflareの障害で痛い目に遭ったのでCDNも分散させる (dragon6887)
- Cloudflareが障害起こした後から超安定しなくなった。 (InkoHX)
- アメリカのCloudflareという会社がダウンしたようで、画像が送られないという障害が発生したようですね。 (hiiro33)
- 障害があった いずれもCloudflareを使っていたことがドメイン検索でわかります (midori50000000)
- なんというか、CloudFlareにfacebookにさくら、障害話が毎日続いて楽しい(楽しくない)ことに。 (Bredtn_1et)
- Well, looks like Cloudflare is experiencing yet another worldwide outage. This happened precisely as I was sending out a huge mass email to my entire Medfuseio community, so they all ended up getting directed to a website with a 521 error. (iotmpls)
- Cloudflare is returning error code 521 for every request to the IPSW API :( (portuj)
- Just as a point of information, Cloudflare is giving me a 521, telling me that the gab.ai isn't responding. (FrancisRoyCA)
- Is it possible to read your articles on patreon/subscribestar so that I wouldn’t have to visit cloudflare and solve endless google captchas? (mezriss)
- One of the Cloudflare outages included Down Detector, which tracks outages, meaning people couldn’t even see if the website they wanted to visit is working properly. (mrgeffitas)
- Error 1006 is displayed and I can not browse the web I do not understand English because I am Japanese What should I do? (Bliss87817873)
- Cloudflare is someting going on? i can't access most of the websites and discord seems not accessible too. (Sebastien_Baka)
- cloudflare sucks, i hope people stop using them. (uguuCyuubi)
- Told you not to use this piece of shift. (schestowitz)
- Cloudflare outage highlights the internet's fragility (benstricker)
- We wanted an internet that works during nuclear wars. Instead we powered all websites Cloudflare. (muneeb)
- I suspect it's like why I called them a villain because the way they announced they were going to do it involved a financial partnership with CloudFlare. (nyquildotorg)
- I'm not sure how Mozilla DOH works, but if they are just teaming up with CloudFlare or Google, how does DOH enhances privacy? Why would CF or Google getting your entire DNS history, be better than your ISP getting it? (JeroenJacobs79)
- No more lobstering for me. I decided to add ips-v4 in my gateway and reject any traffic from/to their networks. (empatogen)
- Don't panic, don't panic! just Cloudflare going down.... wtf... ok yea let's panic. (RiseofLex88)
- 502! Lots of websites are down duo to Cloudflare is down. Websites like Skillshare, Udemy, Upwork, and many more sites. According to this site, it’s 9.6% of the web is most likely down right now. (WittrupMatilde)
- Cloudflare is currently down, including the Cloudflare DoH server that is the default DoH server for Firefox, if you enabled it. (PowerDNS_Bert)
- Cloudflare is pretty trash, most of the time the only thing that works is the captcha, and thats rarely. Never used it on my own stuff, never will. (ObscenityIB)
- I just got a captcha starting a search on @crunchbase (Cloudflare name was on the page). It merely got me to press and hold a big button for 1s! Can't replicate for a pic now but both far less tedious and time consuming than this ml bs. (RoryDHughes)
- Based on Cloudflare? A company that is US based and would allow intelligence agencies with nearly no effort to spy on all users at once? This is no enhancement. Just use a local recursive resolver like unbound if you don't like the blocking of your ISP. (RealityAbsorber)
- Getting 'bad gateway' on your sites....unable to access anything, and on a deadline....uhm.... (RelianceJobs)
- I have confirmed that it is not just me. Others are having some Cloudflare problems today as well. (TirsohCartoons)
- Cloudflare is having problems across the board. (SesameShibane)
- Its funny how we take a distributed, resilient, network like the Internet and immediately bolt on a single point of failure. (vulgrin)
- wanted to check if cloudflare is just down for me, then realized the down checker website is hosted on cloudflare (soulchildpls)
- No, that would be a terrible single point of failure. (pwaring)
- the answer to you cloudflare issue is simple: Stop using it. (TanaPyre)
- If everyone could stop using shit ass Cloudflare so giant sections of the web wouldn’t go down every time they have an issue, that would be great. (rob_neu)
- Where 1 day later, pretty much half of the worlds, widely available and most used communications platforms and devices just stop working. (The1stStroke)
- Is Cloudflare an extortion racket now? I have to enter a captcha to view every single webpage (protocollie)
- Going to a website and seeing the cloudflare ddos protection CAPTCHA means you've stumbled upon some good shit (spikhykaran)
- So recently Patreon moved behind Cloudflare. Now my patreon-feed library doesn't work because the setup Cloudflare has for Patreon requires CAPTCHA before it will let you through, and that fucks up with the feed. (daemionfox)
- I think we don't hate the creators of Captcha enough. 15 captchas later I still can't retrieve a single API key (MSF_Jarvis)
- Why is half the internet down this week? Facebook, WhatsApp, twitter, Cloudflare... (elie2222)
- Why is the internet a shit storm right now. Cloudflare, twitch api, facebook, Instagram, and twitter dms have had outages in the last couple days (SterlingZubel)
- Cloudflare is dead, that's why nothing works (Kameeleon_)
- Do people just not know how to run a server or.....? Why is everyone bunnyhopping off of stuff like Amazon and CloudFlare? You can just but your own equipment and run a server and.....ugh my soul (GeekyFoxy)
- Users were unable to access cryptocurrency service websites as the servers could no longer be accessed due to a technical error on Cloudflare. The problem was confirmed Cloudflare in its blog, citing that the issue stemmed from bad software. (cryptosexp)
- Well that explained why I couldn’t access some websites today - Cloudflare outage takes down a large portion of the internet (copyranting)
- Earlier this week, Ecessa experienced the pain of the Cloudflare global outage when we couldn't access some cloud-based apps. It pointed out how dependent we all are on our SaaS providers and their infrastructures. (Ecessa)
- Recent outages reveal that many services rely heavily on CloudFlare as their single point of access. How can we prevent CDNs from becoming all-encompassing centralized layers of control over the Web? (jhamberg)
- Not been able to access some of your favourite sities? Today's Internet wobble was caused Cloudflare glitch (SolsoftGroup)
- Our DNS service CloudFlare went down for 30 minutes so we couldn't access anything. (Orangopus)
- Cloudflare glitch affects access to websites (digitaljournal)
- This morning’s outage demonstrated nicely why having CloudFlare at as your domain registrar is a bad idea. If you want to redirect your sites during a major CF outage, you’re stuck without access to one’s dashboard. (drjjw)
- Cloudflare is down so Firefox browser users might have a problem resolving some sites. It’s called privacy vs performance trade-off, and today it hits all users at the same time. (lukOlejnik)
- Typical illustration of how bad the internet is centralized nowadays: Cloudflare is down, most websites & services being disrupted this. (x0rz)
- why couldn't this cloudflare outage affect any of the websites I use for work?? (steffyj17)
- One day AWS and CloudFlare are going to have issues on the same day and we're all just going to go home because nothing will be working (living_syn)
- one weird consequence of doing all my personal browsing through tor is that i never notice when cloudflare goes down because those sites are never available for me in the first place (elisohl)
- No, I’m not blocking the site cloudflare is down. Close ticket. (lnxdork)
- The website blocked me and I need to make a payment. Can you DM me a link or email addy to do that? Or if you need Cloudflare’s ID info... pls share? (dpwac)
- OTOH if Firefox insists on using Cloudflare and Cloudflare, as soon as Cloudflare is down/blocked/whatever, I'm screwed. (cunnigliu)
- that's why I don't like Cloudflare. Not only this but also that my IP has been blocked them in the past thanks to fucking SpamHaus. (actual_mishaor)
- I was scraping a website and it stopped working... thought I was blocked... nope Cloudflare is down (LoriKarikari)
- hey folks just FYI a cloudflare outage has blocked many people from reaching Discord. (K5SQL)
- why are alot of websites blocked you I cant do anymore can you plz stop blocking these websites cuz it's really not fair to the people who made them or the people who love to get on the website!! (nopestopplayin)
- #Cloudflare parece tener problemas (caído) y se llevó media internet entre ello (exchanges sufriendo, wallets, block explorers, etc). (gerardoetaboada)
- Cloudflare parece tener problemas (caído) y se llevó media internet con ella (exchanges sufriendo, wallets, block explorers). (BtcAndres)
- Could you make it so that when Cloudflare goes down, discord (overlay) doesn't block half my screen again? After restarting I still had text on my screen. (GiveMeTheCheese)
- More issues with Cloudflare and lots of high profile sites go offline. Stop using this stupid MITM-service and help out and re-decentralize the web instead. I might as well block their networks completely and stop using services that’s behind Cloudflare. (empatogen)
- Cloudflare is down and large swathes of the web are unreachable. (moftasa)
- Looks like many crypto websites are down because their CDN/DDoS protection provider Cloudflare is down (exchanges, block explorers, etc) Perfect demonstration of single point of failures (JulienThevenard)
- please, please, PLEASE stop using captcha, it's a flaming PoS - I can't even log into Cloudflare today because I use firefox and block dodgy ads, 24 failed attempts at your captcha! FFS (s_mcleod)
- OH, he did not. Cloudflare cloud services have had some issues (like being down) resulting in all that erratic behavior. It's been global. (EngOnDemand)
- With more and more outages(#Cloudflare googledown), 404 page is becoming important. (sendilkumarn)
- Hahaha dificil de saber Cloudflare es un servicio taaan extenso y con tantas réplicas de data, que mejor no ilusionarse hehehe (williamromero)
- With the Cloudflare fail yesterday which resulted in Coinbase and Kraken being down, another centralized point of failure became obvious (crypto_reddit)
- Did you site crash and you use Cloudflare? A bad software deployment took down websites on Tuesday (esellercafe)
- Yeah many websites are not opening and showing the same for me too (AbhradipAchary6)
- DownDetector down as another Cloudflare outage affects services across the web (verge)
- Hope CloudFlare will lose a bit of influence worldwide. (Tsigorf)
- I still get the Captcha but when enter the code after solving it, there is no submit button. Cloudflare . . . is not my friend. (DeborahPeasley)
- Entire internet has a case of the Mondays. Cloudflare took a shit, people are harassing a 10 year old... Gonna just go back home and go to bed (axamili7)
- Cloudflare is Having an Outage Affecting Sites Everywhere (BleepinComputer)
- Could be that you've been given a bad IP address from your ISP and cloudflare is blocking you. (JimSwiftDC)
- we saw no problems ourselves but some people were affected a Cloudflare issue depending on the cloudflare node you were connecting to. (romancart)
- Cloudflare fucking died today dude, can't wait for it too happen again (JohnnSJon)
- cloudflare is a fuckin piece of sHIT AHHHHH (actualaalice)
- So hum... Cloudflare is taking a massive shit atm, Discord is down, SLOBS is down... (EDL6six6)
- For many users, web developers etc, Cloudflare is down! Reports from all over the world, especially Europe! (GadgTecs)
- #cloudflare right now - When you have all your websites on Cloudflare and it goes offline (Arm4x)
- Pingdom is down cloudflare (Zabavnov)
- Definition of irony? :) At least my site uptime stats won't be taking a hit... Cloudflare Outage (DataVenia)
- #CloudFlare outage that impacted 1.6 million websites yesterday. (EpikDotCom)
- Well since cloudflare and stuff got taken down, my isp went down massive hit over UK. And man my phones and ps4 was refusing connect and i fucking yelling my mum face say talktalk done some shit my connection and more and now this anger i have going to far now with this :/ (ChisdealHD)
- Its not just discord. Cloudflare went to shit and its affecting many websites. (DigiKoshi)
- me: .. wait why do i care discord is dead (BeepSterr)
- it's cloudflare fucking shit up again, yay (brxndos)
- Cloudflare is down and it's affecting everything. Can't work on my crypto project shit because discord is down so can't communicate with team. Very frustrating indeed. (realjunsonchan)
- how let you know i'm human ? where the CAPTCHA feature (shibwei)
- Hey Cloudflare I don't mind going through a human check once in a while, but having me do it EVERY time I go to a new website or reload one is ridiculous. This is bad UX. (JohnnyFDK)
- Aha, ik kreeg deze morgen bij doorklik van google naar velt een cloudflare captcha (Beatever)
- Trying to register a U2F token is broken as Cloudflare are serving a CAPTCHA on your API. (R1CH_TL)
- Hi, I programmatically access to API from Azure. Last month, it was successful, but from this month, it requires CAPTCHA and blocks non-human access. Did you change policy? (hiroto_nihilist)
- we are trying to call deliveroo test api but we get an error from 'CloudFlare' - Please complete the security check to access -- can u please look into this issue .. this is now stopping sending a signal to 'sync_status' .. appreciate your help (aria_zanganeh)
- Yesterday there was cloudflare failure that prevented access to tonnes of different services (like Discord, Crunchyroll...). (KevinLi43937741)
- Mobile and PC users can't access Discord due to Cloudflare outage (realnewsgeek)
- Apologies if you couldn't access our website yesterday for a few hours, some of our customers were affected the Cloudflare outage (ConstructTeam)
- Due to global issues with cloudflare some visitors will not be able to access the site and there might be interference with using the site. (SellMyAppNow)
- No it's worldwide - you won't be able to access many websites due to the routing issues with Cloudflare. (BitKhoi)
- #Cloudflare is down - half of the internet simply died (SpottySTC)
- Good gosh, those Cloudflare CAPTCHA are annoying as when using Tor. My solution is to not use those sites. How are guys dealing with those? (SageHack)
- Unfortunately Cloudflare are having issues affecting 50% of their clients. (Devstars)
- Cloudflare is down in some regions due to a BGP leak. (GossiTheDog)
- cloudflare, possibly the largest internet/networking company in the world doesn't have any kind of automated visibility on downtimes. does that not concern anyone? half their network is down and their status page says all systems OK! (ppy)
- So Cloudflare is down? Which makes Discord, VRChat, Osu! , Crunchyroll ,ect PARTY! (NakagawaNatsix)
- A broader look at the total traffic impacted the Cloudflare route leak - fifteen percent of traffic. Pretty big chunk. (TrisClarkARGuy)
- Why are you lying to people like that Discord your team wasn't working on a fix because it was a cloudflare routing leak. (jdbohrman)
- Why does the CopyrightOffice use Cloudflare? (davidclowery)
- So Cloudflare is offering an NTP service... Why do I care? (tmclaughbos)
- Hello why the Sayat site crashes and can you solve the problem as soon as possible (QQCC0)
- So a friend of mine just had their parents receive an email from KwiFarms telling them: it looks like your stupid spawn is finally going to kill itself. When is the funeral so we can celebrate? (loudpenitent)
- I'm unable to connect to Discord. It looks like a Cloudflare server is having trouble reaching the gateway, resulting in 522 error codes in the ws connection (rsWhosdr)
- since you use cloudflare I've been unable to use the api at all as cloudflare blocks my server ip's with a 403 :/ (intranix)
- I'm unable to reach cloudflare here in NL and from my server in FR. A quick twitter search also shows some other people are experiencing it, but there's nothing on the status page? (arunesh90)
- I hear a lot of people say nice things about Cloudflare. You know what I never hear them mention? They never mention how Cloudflare pounds your inbox with 3-4 spam emails a day. Just one company. 3-4. A day. (grimmtooth)
- Appears Cloudflare is blocking DNS requests for your WiFi calling (freestylecorsa)
- Don't use Cloudflare. (AnarchaWitch)
- What the fuck is Cloudflare? Sites we visit recurrently spend hours checking browser and you with landscape face waiting, looking like a pregnant to give birth to your recurring site. CloudFlare fixes it, there's bag! This is not security, it is hopelessness! (ReysDosVersos)
- I can’t access your website for support, Cloudflare shows error message. Some websites are opening, others are not. (Marcel_Perform)
- I use TOR and CloudFlare tends to unilaterally block Tor exit nodes. It's a problematic security strategy, but CloudFlare seems unwilling to reevaluate. (DeborahPeasley)
- I can't seem to access your site. It's been like this for a few days now. I just keep getting the cloudflare page. (TacticalGrace_)
- I've ranted about this before, but I will again - Web devs: stop putting your APIs behind Cloudflare! Cloudflare's main selling point is to prevent automated access to web sites, and automated access is literally the point of an API! Think, for pity's sake! (Mister_Flarpy)
- Can't access to article almost likely that the captcha/cloudflare is blocking it (yajount)
- Your cloudflare DDOS software is blocking site entry (PDAcquaviva)
- Seems the same is happening to me (Norway) - it seems something on Cloudflare is blocking Scandinavian IPs for your site? (Junkfoodjunkie)
- Cloudflare not promoting fare trade. The last policy is blocking mobile websites like technology online stores to avoid posible purchases (AndyAgraciano)
- If you submit too fast cloudflare will block you. (TomMcCourt_)
- Letsencrypt DNS 方式更新证书,托管在 Cloudflare 的 DNS 更改后一直无效。以为是国内网络原因,后来发现赶上了 Cloudflare 的 DNS 故障 (yanchuan)
- Wer glaubt, amerikanische Konzerne wie Google oder Facebook wären die größten Dantengangster, der kennt Cloudflare noch nicht. (ASteinBS)
- shakes fist furiously at Cloudflare Stop screwing up our software! (Supermathie)
- It is time to call out Cloudflare and stop using their services. (dittigas)
- El mundo se va a acabar. Ayer se cayó Google y hoy hay problemas con Cloudflare (Cangreja533)
- if anyone is having problems with the latest version of twitter misbehaving on iOS, it’s the Cloudflare DNS app that’s the culprit. Remove the app, problem solved. (AhsanDeliri)
- our sites are having issues, loading your error 502, and even the Enterprise Support interface is giving us problems, so we cannot even create a ticket. (andevco)
- Решил я как-то сделать выходную ноду Tor. Ну чтобы помочь людям анонимизировать свой трафик, а для себя возможность просматривать HTTP трафик. Меня через 4 часа заблокировали абсолютно на всех сайтах, где стоит CloudFlare. Все такие не стоит ставить exit-node Tor дома. (gashish1n)
- BTW hat Cloudflare einen riesigen Nachteil: Ist bei Verwendung von Tor durch unlösbare Captchas unbrauchbar. Man kann die Seite nicht anonym abrufen. Kann nach dieser DDOS Attacke zwar erwünscht sein, jedoch als Tor Nutzer, der einfach anonym ins Netz will, ziemlich ärgerlich. (schurlbaer)
- من اومدم مال یکیو بدم حالا، این cloudflare اونقد به torم گیر داد و سایته نیومد که بیخیال شدم :) (_alitou)
- hmmm, when using brave in their AnonTorNetwork private window, accessing a Cloudflare site is often google (javascript) captcha'd. (phy0x)
- cloudflare AND google having issues right now apparently (widdr)
- Can't access to article almost likely that the captcha/cloudflare is blocking it (yajount)
- Can’t access Destiny 2 from the UK and then when I try and check the status on help.bungie.net I’m greeted with a 522 CloudFlare page....you guys got some Vex loose in your servers? (JustYeenThings)
- shit's broke from Canada, from VPN working. Cloudflare issues? (_RobertLowe)
- cloudflare having a hiccup or why are a lot of websites very very slow right now (faint_visions)
- Issue discovered. The Cloudflare DNS ( seems to make it fail. Why would a DNS service block file download is a curious issue. (bozhobg)
- What’s next, people start trusting a company like Cloudflare to VPN their DNS traffic? (reykfloeter)
- I lost faith in firefox when they sold out their DNS resolution to Cloudflare (peter_szilagyi)
- That’s censorship. Please … don’t. (kickino)
- I'm having an issue with the site lagging, and your cloudflare keeps appearing with unable to connect to host. (SprazzoMedia)
- Cloudflare's head of abuse, has me blocked. So much for transparency or freedom of speech, huh Cloudflare? (phyzonloop)
- Dear cloudflare: Would you mind explaining to me why you subscribed me to your newsletter without my consent? You also handed over my email addresses to MailChimp without my consent. (MacLemon)
- Oh interesting, that happened with one of my email addresses, too. (rixxtr)
- Has anyone else had issues with cloudflare not responding to 'abuse' and spam complaints? I'm beginning to conclude that they actually encourage it with their technology - which is a pity. (thismikebray)
- Cloudflare is nothing you should trust. Also, using a different DNS than your ISP's default, you basically give away you data to 2 different companies instead of 1. (6JY6ZQVYS4p7YrL)
- Good read on why to avoid Cloudflare, And its privacy concerns. (6JY6ZQVYS4p7YrL)
- It appears to be really hard to get support from you guys and when I joined the community for support you locked my account. (CCreativeAus)
- Kodi Users Blocked Cloudflare, Showing No Sources (KodiNewsTips)
- One of our servers is 403 blocked cloudflare when trying to apt-get the deb repo (configured as per instructions), it's asking for a captcha which the headless server can't complete! (lanosk)
- Cloudflare are quite the hypocrites when it comes to transparency and free speech. If you say anything they don't like about their lack of enforcement of their own policies, they ban or block you. (phyzonloop)
- I cannot access the website, it just keeps saying there is an error between Cloudflare and origin web server timed out (RBNTWRK)
- Ever since web server admins happily signed up for cloudflare, over 70% of all HTTPS traffic is effectively MITM'ed as far as the browser user is concerned. (modrobert)
- I can't access Medium today This is being reported Cloudflare boring (eucinico)
- So, is the site under DDOS attack or is there another reason why Cloudflare security seems to be at actual max and i'm unable to login? (PeliOptic)
- Are we down in New Zealand? Can't access Cloudflare Location: Auckland? Help! (rugar8)
- Cloudflare is shit bro, change your protection. (CyrilB4)
- ずっとCoinDeskがTorで見れないなーって思ってたんだけどこれCloudflareのServer-Side Excludeで弾いてる可能性高いな (CheenaBlog)
- Been unable to access the site for almost 48 hours now (Remusion)
- Anyone else seeing a Cloudflare outage in Au? Many, many sites showing 502 or 522 errors. (tomrlacey)
- Suddenly getting 522 errors all over our site. Works OK if we disable Cloudflare cache. (DataCentreOps)
- Sir, your amazing site is down for ~week (giving me Cloudflare error 522 every time I try to open it) (btwosoft)
- I have been trying to contact you via warranty claim but I keep getting blocked cloudflare both at work and at home. I got a bounce when I try to email customer service. Are you just not supporting customers anymore? How do I contact you? (werdina)
- Got double-billed for a domain last week and now got a cancellation email even though I didn't cancel anything. (markmcerqueira)
- I received an email saying I signed up for an account but never did. I’ve never even heard of you before I got that email. (Diego_Galaviz_)
- Cloudflare is blocking some BiteBTC services due to fake claim. (bitebtccom)
- copyright.gov is hypocritical. They claim to care about copyrights yet use infringement-friendly Cloudflare to hide their website. (dxgl_org)
- Cloudflare is the NSA (effectively), so both proposals are about equal in their merits, but at least routing traffic through the NSA we reduce the number of hops, increase efficiency, and are more upfront and transparent with users about it. (taoeffect)
- Our legal team has just filed complaints, but apparently they're more likely to act if contacted multiple people. (t_blom)
- cloudflare blacklisted me and now I cant access most of the internet on my PC.... gonna have to reset everything tomorrow so I can get a new ip.... :( so annoying. (Sven986)
- One thing that I take from this that it is a privacy invasion from a European point of view, while many Americans see it as an improvement. That makes a lot if sense, I trust my local ISP more than Cloudflare or any US entity. (reykfloeter)
- This has to be a fucking joke eastdakota. Yesterday was the year anniversary that AssemblyFour was kicked from Cloudflare, we received this e-mail from a sales person who did no research at all and when I called was quite shocked to hear we were an escort directory. (Zemmiph0bia)
- Cloudflare employees don't know about their own policies or past. ()
- I know US-based people who cheer for Cloudflare DoH and centralized DNS. I can understand that from their point of view if it becomes the lesser evil. But we don’t have the same Internet everywhere. What is good for them is bad for us and Mozilla should respect all their users. (reykfloeter)
- Matthew Prince, CEO of Cloudflare, has given me ZERO reasons to ever trust him over the years. I have used Cloudflare for their analytics tools which are very nice, but do not and will not place all my eggs in their basket. Nor should anyone. (b_mcnett)
- personally I don't trust Cloudflare at all either. Fortunately i'm capable of routing through an ISP i do sorta trust, and can run my own DNS infra. i think we americans need to understand centralization on the net is a bad thing. (nomadlogicLA)
- Cloudflare or their hosting provider could shut it down on a whim. Also advertising based monetization is dangerous for freedom of speech, because the advertisers can lobby to block certain content. (purehategraphs)
- One example where decentralized systems win: decentralized file storage and delivery is more efficient than centralized systems. (SCBuergel)
- Cloudflare not working, as usual. Websites constantly down. Another reason why people shouldn't use centralized web serivces. (HiddenRefuge)
- but because we’ve centralized the Internet so much, companies like Cloudflare, Google, and Facebook become arbiters of who speaks (Pinboard)
- I dumped Cloudflare years ago. I would get messages saying, Cloudflare fine, site down, then i would go to the backend and disable Cloudflare, and guess what? Suddenly the site was accessible again! Happened several times on two different sites! (The__Pigman)
- my site is suddenly gone -- what can I do to determine what has happened and retrieve the configuration?? (lordscarlet)
- cloudflare had a site hosted on your free plan for years and it was suddenly deleted. no changes to the hosting. had to re-add it. (derivativeburke)
- Suddenly required to pass a CAPTCHA when visiting my web site. (ColinTheMathmo)
- I am suddenly confronted with an Error 1104, CNAME Cross-User Banned. (WBommel)
- Yes, my site is suddenly down with the same error as well. (grempe)
- the Internet giants make decisions that affect elections, political speech, violent protests—and are answerable only to themselves (Pinboard)
- Yes, clownflare, the guys who also harassed Tor users visiting their clients pages with unsolvable captchas. (nblr)
- annoying part was cloudflare (AltichaDev)
- A Cloudflare issue caused this for me. Check your firewall settings. Super annoying! (zackkatz)
- Oh. Captchas get new meaning! They should change prove you're not a robot, to prove you're a human. (majek04)
- I keep being unable to login to your site. It's throwing this annoying error. Credentials are correct for sure. (tsopicland)
- The error 502s I keep getting when using your site are getting annoying. Cloudflare says its a host issue - Server reported a bad gateway Please sort this out! (mrfuzzy)
- I have been unable to access your MiceChat site due to this annoying Cloudflare blocking software. My Router is secure. So, why the case: Region? Your site, which is not a private community, under ADA, should be fully accessible. (RonaldVining)
- cloudflare unable to resolve DNS query? be wary, this could be a DNS spoof attack (ggmesh)
- What is going on w/Cloudflare invading my computer and saying I have to do CAPTCHA on numerous everyday websites I visit? Malware?? (faiburns)
- Please stop using google captcha. (umurgdk)
- Might be pretty hard doing research when entering a captcha every page on google or anything that has cloudflare. (s7nsins)
- I think its related to the Cloudflare bug. A bunch of IPs were blacklisted for no reason, and it's preventing me from queuing into any kind of Draft Pick. (Novarch_)
- インドネシアで遅い原因はこいつだ (redsnow_)
- you've recently flagged a website of mine as a suspect of phishing and then banned my Cloudflare account. Website is now fixed but I cannot submit a request for review since my account is banned. (alexbratsos)
- Cloudflare banned our domain seemingly under pressure from mass-reporting . This sucks. (EaterDoritos)
- Cloudflare Error 1005. Can i be unbanned? Did i do something wrong? (CutieJenny6)
- I really blame Cloudflare for companies now choosing to ”police” content they don’t like. (N8I)
- Just got several emails about Traffic acceleration report ([...] using Argo Smart Routing. The lack of Cloudflare in the From makes them hard(er) to identify (limenet)
- Got an email about “crypto week” from Cloudflare and my first instinct was to report spam. (atmattb)
- I've already started moving all my clients off Cloudflare. (davidzack)
- To see a 522 Error is to know CLOUDFLARE is involved in Internet Traffic on Networks.. CLOUDFLARE handles 10% of all Internet Traffic (AVIVA_Films)
- Why I can’t get access to the powerscore website now? (Amber09729770)
- Trying to get some work done, but fucking Cloudflare keeps getting in the way. Don't fucking lie to me, the issue is not the website, but your shitty servers. CloudflareSucks (mevangelista93)
- Posting private data without consent it's not a Cloudflare problem, it's violating the law and police should work on that. (ISbitnev)
- i think they are too big, and i don't like some of their practices about some other stuff. they would recommend using their ddos protection all the time, that protection forces me to allow js on each (mikrfe)
- I can’t seem to access Notion in my browser: I get a 522 error from CloudFlare (samstarling)
- they are being blacklisted on any websites or services running on Cloudflare and at minimum need to complete a recaptcha check to access a website and at worst can't access any Cloudflare run sites and services at all. (betadesh)
- can't access any websites due to cloudflare blocking me. I can't even access the cloudflare website to put in a support ticket (Hidd3nKnight)
- I have this infinite Cloudflare captcha for streamlabs OBS no other website seems to be affected. Anyone else had this issue? or if anyone knows a fix. Its been fine, but randomly today its decide to do it. (Bigxpz)
- someone created an account for me and wanted to run my website on CloudFare. (fs0c131y)
- your Cloudflare setup is brocken. Every page I visit I either being forced to solve a captcha or it doesn’t load at all. (111110100)
- Are your services down? i'm getting nothing but 502 Bad gateway whenever I try and browse to a site that is using your service. (agent_flameTV)
- what is going on i'm getting 502 Error from a ton of sites I browse (shitcanget)
- hi, while trying to browse the website for PeopleFootwear - encountered multiple SSL certificate problems including this one issued CloudFlare to myshopify.com (dms666)
- You do know that Cloudflare acts as a proxy? They can be the causing those 502 errors and slow loading times. They aren't perfect. If you're connected to a (shitty) wifi network that can cause slow load times too. Deactivate Cloudflare next time before jumping to conclusions! (StopTheComplain)
- I can’t even load your website, it’s not working idk why. (Shahbaz28149872)
- Cloudflare how do we get you to stop showing us the I AM NOT A ROBOT screen? (GD_EdRob)
- Cloudflare page would tell it explicitly; Hey, we think you're a robot, we don't serve your kind in this corner of the web (JessicaCGlenn)
- Check into Cloudflare it seems to be forcing blatant censorship in part blocking access to sites and information on the internet! (rickadam0)
- I'm hearing my friends got doxed 8ch/GG because of a gross mishandling CloudFlare ?! Are you kidding me?!! (dirtbagboyfren)
- Short story: CF passes on all the info you submit in their abuse form (incl. name, email) to the website owner. (iglvzx)
- There is no excuse for even considering the possibility of routing all user traffic through Cloudflare. What a phenomenally dangerous idea. There are many better options. (taoeffect)
- If you report abusive content on that particular site you will get doxed. It's not safe to report that site. (dxgl_org)
- Gotta wonder why, when innocent players are being banned and harmful ones can just as easily be avoided / blacklisted later, nothing is being done and Cloudflare is still in use despite it going rogue... (Zephyrpocalypse)
- Is there any way to take this cloudflare ban off my ip address . I have whitelisted it . Tried reseting my router i have tried everything i have it the last week and it is still not lifted (CarolineHand8)
- ...but it seems that there is another bug causing your cloudflare to IP ban you soooooo Me: ... (phoenixprime1)
- CloudFlareからIP Banされたらネットの何割か使えなくなりそう (Lispict)
- Cloudflare, if I use Tor do you still read the resulting so-called abuse report? And why does the head of abuse block critics? (dxgl_org)
- CF are an outlier with ALL vile sites behind them and make the abuse process as hard as possible. (plambrechtsen)
- My problem is created Cloudflare's protection of violent extremists and not solved giving more Cloudflare for me. (lizthegrey)
- Cloudflare problems for south america – hundreds of websites down (Kush_Shailendra)
- Javascript is off default because of trust issues with a website Meanwhile Cloudflare demands I turn on Javascript because of trust issues (steelhoof)
- a lot of people are getting capcha and challenge on every sites with Cloudflare since sunday without proper reason. (Ahks_u)
- It seems like our applications getting blocked your CloudFlare firewall. (kooicia)
- Past experience shows Cloudflare treats Tor network traffic as suspect and I have to answer captchas to load webpages. (joshburker)
- I keep getting a message from Cloudflare saying I'm blocked from the site. It started a few days ago after clicking a Google search result. (ThisSteveGuy)
- I got blocked Cloudflare's CEO and abuse head for asking similar questions. (dxgl_org)
- Still not usable in China, the whole world except China! (iWyvern)
- I'm trying to evaluate Hubspot for our CRM solution, but our IP address seems to be blocked CloudFlare (sitchaba)
- cloudflare blocking u from playing friend...seems like they cucked you as well... (Unhearddoc999)
- Why don’t you explain blocking domains? You’re pretty good at blocking access to websites. (JimInHeaven)
- half the sites i visit require me to do a captcha, and then half the resources fail to load even after i'm successful. (adamjogrady)
- I have an issue where CloudFlare is blocking access to HubSpot ... it is from one IP only (my work IP) (sitchaba)
- Cloudflare WAF blocking real Yandex and Bing bots, starting from today (Nktzz)
- Cloudflare is not an option. You should not use it if you value your privacy. (larrybeck_)
- Cloudflare can fuck right off with this sudden Confirm you're not a robot page that's popping up everyfuckingwhere. Sort your malconfigured shit out. (anarchic_teapot)
- Resulta que la web m'ha bloquejat per activitat sospitosa Quin ensurt! (bartomeumiro)
- They block anyone who challenges them on their lack of morals or ethics. All while claiming transparency and protection of free speech. (phyzonloop)
- Cloudflare design has to MITM your TLS connection, cloudbleed can happen again. (kraih)
- How about actually focus on protecting your website and not rely on free cloudflare to cover your ass (organise)
- Use 1dot1dot1dot1, and you WILL be spied on. (brettglass)
- Cloudflare has been crippling our web site speed and has been removed. Things should be noticeably better from today. (ModSquadAU)
- If you are actually deleting all of the information you have on me then how are you able to prevent me from signing up with the same email? (real_ate)
- Cloudflare keeps banning me temporarily... just from browser activity. Is there anything I can do to prevent this? (marcgoujon)
- Your firewall rules prevent our office IP to visit (Cloudflare 1020, Access denied). Can you help us out? (WietseWind)
- Cloudflare deleted my domain config I lost all my DNS settings no wonder why my emails were not working. (stefan_eady)
- If you file a complaint, it’s sent to the folks hosting Kiwifarms & they give the complaint directly to Kiwifarms to dox victims further. (remembrancermx)
- We're about to find out if Cloudflare keeps your IPAddress anywhere. (shadesmaclean)
- Cloudflare, if you don't know this; we have seriously misplaced our trust in you. (ADoug)
- Brittany has been killing my inbox with spam. I politely ask her to remove me from your marketing list and she replies ... blaming marketing and inviting me to an event. Two days later, Keenan emails me, inviting me to the same event. (johnzilch)
- I politely replied that I don't have purchasing authority or reason to use your products. Then he added me to your mailing list. Stop this insanity now. (danfuhry)
- Hi, I get spamed an Cloudflare employee with the same Broadening possibilities with Cloudflare-Mail every day at noon. Can this stop immediately please? (BooVeMan)
- Cloudflare sends spam so many times. I said Don't do it but they don't care. (christine_nakaj)
- Cloudflare are intentionally rubbish at dealing with abuse. It's no mistake they don't validate emails, it's no mistake their AUP is one paragraph. Everyone needs to stop thinking of them as some benign DDoS provider as none of the other companies have this problem. (plambrechtsen)
- Outrageous to use SSL MITM 4 a healthcare site. Horrendous for fintech. (paulmillr)
- Which means, you are in fact blocking Tor. Finger pointing to the TLS MITM service you use is just pathetic. (MacLemon)
- Cloudflare is doing TLS/SSL termination (MITM) at scale. (cqwww)
- Cloudflare can, as it does a man-in-the-middle (MITM) attack on all of its users, even behind SSL/TLS as it does SSL Termination -- so user's that think they have a secure connection with a website, in fact, don't. (cqwww)
- That is not good enough as Cloudflare exposes us and violates our privacy with their MITM spying technology that feeds the Big Brother network that is watching our every move globally. (larrybeck_)
- If you truly care about your users & you are so concerned about privacy and having a decentralized Internet, then you will do what’s right (larrybeck_)
- A lot of us VPN users don't enjoy helping google train computer vision and fingerprinting bots. Or spending 20 minutes being told we don't know what crosswalks are. (digiwombat)
- We are trusting one secretive, private company with censoring the web. We’re essentially centralising a decentralised system once again. (steve228uk)
- They dox anyone who complains. They are the world's top spambot host. (HelloAndrew)
- Chiming in here, of course, but Cloudflare ARE censoring people. (misslolahunt)
- Just as a warning to others. Because if you fill out a cloudflare complaint, it’ll dox anyone else to the site. (Bridaguy)
- I do not appreciate Cloud flare unilaterally censoring conservative sites I choose to visit and comment on (Suchindranath)
- Cloudflare's CEO and abuse head block me over arguing about their support of abusive websites. Trolls fear transparency. (dxgl_org)
- Good luck, Cloudflare loves spammers and other rogue actors using their infrastructure. (phyzonloop)
- Yeah, same thing. It happens on every Cloudflare protected site I try to visit. Because of this, I cannot access raspberrypi.org and alternativeto.net (both sites I have tried to visit recently). (twosecslater)
- Defenders are screwed. Plus users are screwed as they lose all control of privacy to companies like cloudflare. (hrbrmstr)
- CloudFlare is breaking everything. (sukarodo)
- New, let CloudFlare MITM your SSH . With an install and a some small .ssh/config changes you can forget all your SSH belong to them. (dontlook)
- Thought my Website was a Phishing Suspect, Cloudflare decided to force a Nasty Don't Enter notice on my E-store domain. No notifications to me at all! (modaitalysuits)
- RSS Feed is behind the Cloudflare DDoS protection. My RSS Reader is self hosted, so it is impossible for it to retrieve any feeds (GarcaMan2)
- Mais comment osez-vous parler de respect des données personnelles? Votre site est bourré de traceur en tout genre! Pire vous routez vos utilisateurs via cloudflare aux USA! (Armdias)
- Avoid and ask any website you use why they are using them and to stop ASAP. (larrybeck_)
- I hope other IT leaders with buying power will boycott Cloudflare until they stop protecting the armpit of the internet. (lost_packets)
- Companies should boycott Cloudflare immediately. (DanRayburn)
- #Cloudflare is blocking me again. Asks me to tackle a challenge that requires javascript to get past, basically making my surfing a lot less convenient, far less secure, and making the Web a much more dangerous place. Webmasters, boycott CF. (schestowitz)
- Folks don't forget to add CloudFlare to your list of providers to boycott! (miftik)
- Security: You might want to avoid sites with Cloudflare (schestowitz)
- Zero Cloudflare, our site scores a 98% on pagespeed.. Really cant see any benefit to using cloudflare at all (WESHUK)
- I read a description of CloudFlare as a man-in-the-middle attack on the entire internet and now I'm just a LIIIIIITLE bit conflicted. (ianbeck)
- don't be fooled, Cloudflare is Evil and misleading, it is down only for some, the others are blocked security rules (cassyan128)
- It's why I will never, ever, chose Cloudflare (and have actively recommended business to not do so either). (GregWildSmith)
- Cloudflare IMHO remains a major threat to privacy. Were they to turn evil or be compromised, with the technical ability to snoop TLS encrypted traffic on essentially all top websites, we'd be toast. (V_Gibello)
- Cloud flare you overdoing everything. Now i need to do a CAPTCHA for every page i visit. It surely changes how we use the web. (Kemboidickson)
- IP's are being blacklisted and denied access to any site using Cloudflare. (purplepopoto)
- My IP got flagged for spam cause I tried logging into VRChat when they were having issues. Now I keep getting captchas for everything (Fleurfurr)
- only to find out that my ip was blacklisted becuz of the cloudflare thing and when i used my vpn i couldnt leave my home world or join my friends. (NeitherVr)
- Let's get Blacklisted on Cloudflare, Ty Vrc Devs. (ultracori)
- the equivalent of a Flash-required splash page 20 years ago. It makes you look stupid. (skry)
- You say you're in IT but don't acknowledge the SPOF issue in cloudflare (right after privacy issues and Tor users problems to access your content)? (Idfollowher)
- I can't even reach the contact us' without cloudflare banning my IP because of 'rate limit'. (SirIsaacIn1905)
- Mind telling me why everything your apart of thinks im a Robot? (BrewManChew_)
- I've always referred to CloudFlare as the 'global passive adversary ya momma warned you about'. (NetworkString)
- They'll have to monetize data eventually, likely with an unnoticed tweak to their ToS. (phyzonloop)
- #Cloudflare increases its MITM'ing of the web with a free VPN for mobile. Best to avoid IMO. (sweepthenet)
- Not playing the game is the best thing for anyone who wants to use the internet without being blocked. (Ares_CVR)
- VRChatのようなゲームはCAPTCHAフォームを受け取ることができないので、ブラックリストに捕まった人々は事実上ゲームをプレイすることができません。 (Meowkyway222)
- 今日からなんか各地のサイトでCloudflareとかいうページが表示されてcaptchaのチェックをやたら求められるようになった (yagamo54)
- クライアントがバグって意図せず攻撃者のような大量アクセスしてCloudflare大激怒でVRCユーザーのIPアドレスがブラックリスト入りってことかね (bironist)
- バグが原因でCloudflare使ってるWebサービス全体にIPブロックされてる (JO2PEG)
- What’s going on with this cloud flare thing it’s locked me out of all website (Xiverta)
- Cloudflare run DoH and do Man-In-the-middle of the century (FernandoGont)
- It's not a fully-encrypted experience. In fact, Cloudflare becomes, definition, a Man In The Middle (MITM) -- and at mass scale! (FernandoGont)
- I guess cloudflare's business model is spam (and man-in-the-middle attacks on tls) (christophe0o)
- journalist was murdered in Kiev. His home address was doxxed the Ukrainian website, protected Cloudflare (RusEmbUSA)
- Everybody remain silent about US-based extremist website 'Peacekeeper’ protected Cloudflare with ‘high moral standards' (RusEmbUSApress)
- They've doxxed someone who reported pedoporn in the past so I'm not expecting miracles (jpetazzo)
- Hi! Attached is the screen shot of my mobile browser when I try to access fitbit.com . Due to this, the app does not sync as it cannot get past this CloudFlare captcha. (rahul7280)
- I reported a website for hosting illegal content. CloudFlare doxxed me to Brennan. Brennan doxxed me to 8chan (petercoffin)
- Cloudflare who are free speech to the point of doing nothing. You can't safely report valid abuse to them without it being forwarded to the hosts and you getting doxxed. Then cloudflare wash hands. (plambrechtsen)
- Our users are actually customers, and we look out for them and strive to satisfy them. Unlike the lying Clownflare, which wants to be an MITM. (brettglass)
- You buy the free service with your sites traffic.a.k.a mitm the heck out of you. (cireumayn1)
- Who the hell is cloudflare and why do they block access (TheCubanEdge)
- Why should we trust cloudflare to MITM all our traffic as a VPN when there are such bad security practices in place with existing products? (GvilleComputer)
- So, you are actually putting the trust in a commercial provider that is already in a position to find out very private details about you? (h3artbl33d)
- Cloudflare seems to be protecting it a bit too much (spitf1r3)
- all web traffic is routed through CloudFlare - which is an adversary to privacy (MitM design) (h3artbl33d)
- Aren't Cloudflare themselves the biggest MITM around? (auspicacious)
- This Cloudflare error is popping up on a ton of sites all of a sudden. It doesn't seem to be malware or anything... (Eltalite)
- When Cloudflare and Google prevent you from watching a government's parliamentary debates. Does that count as interfering with democratic processes? (STP_KITT)
- People find themselves met with a brick wall of endless captcha requests any time they try to go to a cloudflare-protected website, and they can't even submit a ticket to Cloudflare about it because they're protected, obviously. (RiDakuYazumi)
- Blind people simply can't pass them. Your test is failing at telling humans & computers apart. (axelsimon)
- My IP was blocked Cloudflare because I can't access a variety of websites without the CAPTCHA page showing up. I also can't play RuneLiteClient anymore. (MohamedMounib3)
- Hey ProtonVPN some of your servers in PT are blocked cloudflare (brecke)
- Your support of Cloudflare's spyware and lies demonstrates that, again, you're either misguided or malevolent. (brettglass)
- It wants to be a 'man in the middle' between you and the Internet, and between Web sites and the Internet. (brettglass)
- I don't know why I was banned from access government website. (abidavid1199)
- You've officially banned my country via CloudFlare's firewall. I honestly, sincerely hope your company goes bankrupt because this is pure bs. (ii0wii)
- I had a friend who got banned cloudflare (WhisperMute)
- Hey guess what! i got ip banned Cloudflare Woohoo! (cearealkillas)
- vrchat fucked up and ended up having bunch people banned from cloudflare so no one could login i cant even watch anime (LoliGoddess_VR)
- Imagine being so incompetent at networking that you get your users flagged for spam from cloudflare, you guys are a joke (SilverTheFlat)
- Cloudflare is trash, has always been trash, and will continue to be trash. (justkelly_ok)
- Is it okay to block millions of people from the Internet because it's your business model? cloudflare humanrights (torproject)
- #CloudFlare classic from last year's defcon. Remember, most of CloudFlare's competitors don't block Tor. (torproject)
- You probably got blacklisted Cloudflare like a good amount of people (Mertvyi_)
- Only started today. I am definitely not a robot! (TheReal_blue166)
- Ridiculous CAPTCHA usage, Cloudflare Edition; 'not a robot' to refresh the API key for an account that's already locked behind credentials + MFA, and requiring the password. (sindarina)
- I spent my day telling Cloudflare every 5 min on every site that i'm not a robot. (morhac)
- Dear Cloudflare stop killing our jobs Cloudflare CloudflareDown (Lipan_in)
- Hey cloudflare, can you stop being fucking retarded and work properly, so Discord can also work properly, assholes (lelguy21)
- People are being blacklisted cloudflare, and the fact that it's literally all down to the vrc devs, this will end with a lawsuit (Retr0Fighter)
- This little VRChat bug is banning people from actual millions of websites with very few convenient fixes. (RiDakuYazumi)
- Im so damn annoyed with this Cloudflare stuff (styloVR)
- Gonna quit VRChat for a bit to avoid a cloudflare ban. This isn't gonna end pretty for the dev team at all. (iamblssm)
- Cloudflare like to act as champions of free speech, but as soon as protections for free speech disappear, they all but rolled over and censored that speech. (ThisIsMissEm)
- I am stuck at an infinite loading screen trying to load the game. This has also caused my IP to be flagged Cloudflare (Etna_AD)
- How do I fix the cloudfare from popping up. This has made it Impossible for me to even stream. (RealTypey)
- ISPs don't sell customer DNS data. Cloudflare is fearmongering in an effort to garner DNS traffic to spy on and sell its VPN (brettglass)
- You're lying about your paid product, too. VPNs don't protect privacy, because their exit nodes are easy for governments to monitor. (brettglass)
- can you unflag my ip please. its actually stoping me from doing anything (churchillvr)
- So much for transparency. If they have nothing to hide, why block me? (phyzonloop)
- Seems like your Cloudflare waf rule is blocking me! (JobinNixHive)
- Tu veux nous informer d'un problème? Ok, mais donne tes données personnelles avant. (fladna9)
- Your Cloudflare config is being screwy & blocking my wife’s IP (which has been the same IP for over a year) which is screwing up her stream. (alexanderhanff)
- Cloudflare's WAF blocking Googlebot. Is this accurate? Even this morning I woke up and noticed another page dropped (madhacks)
- I'm super tired of websites deciding what I want, or indeed who I am, based on my current geolocation. (storyneedle)
- it seems you're running Cloudflare and I can't access your API anymore since I need to solve some Cloudflare captcha from my server (PaulWebSec)
- I can't access the article. Getting an error from Cloudflare. (QuestionsAndTea)
- I am in internet cafe which mainly used as gaming facility. There's no malicious activity since we can't. But Unfortunately somehow I can't access all cloudflare website. I can't access support page. (cloudscoid)
- I can't access your blog in the United States using my PC. CloudFlare return Error 1020. My mobile in the same network have no issue though. (tam403)
- I can't access the website. Maybe BroadwayWorld banned my IP from accessing the website? (AnthonyeQuality)
- Hey I can't seem to access the site, getting a cloudflare 522 error (nemo2966)
- Unfortunately inaccessible from this IP. Cloudflare's captchas block not just bots but human beings. :( (ErgoOne)
- you're not protecting your customers this way but making them lose money. go figure another way to block bots instead of human (dtdw)
- I can't access your site. I'm getting a cloudflare error 552 connection timed out (Abdul201388)
- I’m fucking tired of cloudflare and their nonsense grandstanding about DoH. (JumpyBirdBird)
- i’m getting tired of cloud flare’s captcha on every single site (riyadhalnur)
- Hate captcha. Hate Cloud Flare. (EconomicMayhem)
- So nice of cloud flare to use a captcha provider that doesn’t appear to work inside China, thus completely blocking sites. (albertren)
- eww I got cloudflarecaptcha'd again… too lazy to search for a good pic tho, so I'll just pretend I didn't click link for once (yuki_the_maven)
- I'm having trouble getting to your site, everytime i try to get to it, cloud flare seems to block me (slurpeerun)
- You have Cloudflare on your website and you're blocking access from entire countries? (dec23k)
- hey Cloudflare, why do you suck so much? you've blocked my ability to use streamlabs while streaming. (Sam41gaming)
- #Cloudflare Owns the encryption keys to the servers that collected the data from the 2018 voting machines. (MaggieMaeMooCow)
- What about stop using stupid Cloudflare! (x61sh)
- I don’t want to select pictures with a car plate to read a fuckin article on web (umurgdk)
- クラウドフレアっていうやつにアクセス拒否くらってる模様 (notmoneybutrust)
- If you use, cloudflare will be able to snoop on what you do on the Internet. (neirbowj)
- Cloudflare blocks a bunch of people without giving you any choice in the matter. If you're using cloudflare you are allowing them to censor who hits your site. (jeffcliff1)
- It breaks a lot of things for me, like images stop loading on Twitter or some apps straight up don’t work. (ScottishBakery)
- Not just you. CloudFlare got interrupted a few times today. (guyothersome)
- prevents some apps from working, in particular I have problems connecting with the app (SCRWD)
- First, you create a problem. Then, you pretend to solve that problem. (switch_d)
- Why are you blocking listeners in Thailand? You’re blocking countries at the CloudFlare level. I’ve tried multiple IPs from multiple providers here. It’s discriminatory to block based on country of origin. (smacintyre)
- Cloudflare DNS is flaking out ugh (sleepingkyoto)
- Tell eastdakota it's not nice to block me. He said in his YouTube interviews that censorship is bad. (phyzonloop)
- They want to be a single point of failure once again and they've already failed once (wombatush)
- This special treatment is inexcusable (saleemrash1d)
- You are KILLING the internet and aiding surveillance agenda of GAFAM and others (Dr. Roy)
- The log file from your iOS app shows that you do track personal information (holydevil)
- Which part of the privacy policy allows you to share data with marketing crap (thexpaw)
- Can you explain why I am blocked from accessing your site? (Susan_Larson_TN)
- Did my questions and comments hit a little too close to home so you BLOCKED ME? (phyzonloop)
- Why is your site blocking me? (flarn2006)
- It's pretty bad as half the internet is behind Cloudflare. (Skyfusion89)
- Cloudflare has me blocked. (JacobyDave)
- too much of the web runs through CF & Google captcha, issues i raised before CF can launch MITM attacks, etc (_Ashtar_Ventura)
- People really ought to stop using/trusting cloudflare. it's a disgusting centralized morally compromised CDN. (drwdal)
- anyone who uses cloudflare as an authority is promoting corporatization and effectively introducing an opportunity for MITM (drwdal)
- Please stop using Cloudflare's CDN. They blocked my IP (actual_mishaor)
- Cloudflare is a threat to the internet, and makes it harder for visitors of your website to protect their right to privacy. (Mr. Jeff)
- WTF! Just stop! Patreon Cloudflare and many others... (umurgdk)
- I could not access the email because of cloudflare. (DouglasLindquis)
- I have tried but API cannot be used because of Cloudflare (miningpoolstats)
- Akamai states that 0.2% of Tor exit nodes had malicious requests, yet CloudFlare claims 94% (musalbas)
- I'm starting to think that CloudFlare is post-irony with their non-functional or just broken captchas (ioerror)
- Why trust Cloudflare so much? I'm very wary of them handling so much Internet traffic. (ampajaro)
- You do not pay them anything. If you are not the customer, you are the product. (brettglass)
- I don't trust a CDN provider that much. Simple as that. It's too big of an ask. This is why I will not use cloudflare. (Otto42)
- There is no reason why people should trust you more than their ISP of choice. (pchapuis)
- It gets even better. SOLVE ALL THE CAPTCHAS (metabubble)
- CloudFlare is gathering the web and centralizes it, I don't see any good aspect in this (fuolpit)
- At work, a very large client had major issues due to cloudflare misconfig. Don't use CloudFlare. (Dr. Roy)
- Fuck me CloudFlare Captchas are just impossibly difficult. Yet to succeed tonight … are you trying to block people as well (badlydrawnrob)
- So you intermittently block me from viewing sites on your platform, and refuse to even address my questions about it. (2012_04_28)
- Go away cloudflare, don't block me from my own website! (liamgooding)
- You successful manage to block me, and fail to display why (kaareal)
- Requested a refund. You guys refuse to do so. Trying to call goes to voice mail and support email give me lame excuses. (thenitai)
- genau von denen bin ich wenig begeistert... (r00tthebox)
- Ist übrigens die IP-Adresse von Cloudflare für die Homepage der JusoSchweiz, die ihr das blockiert. (sacovo)
- Dass CloudFlare selbst TOR blockiert, ist denen wohl nicht aufgefallen. (kamikazow)
- Cloudflare blockiert TOR-Exit-Nodes. (schild202)
- Sites on Cloudflare blocked me upon browsing. Please fix. (lino_almojuela)
- Achievement Unlocked! Cloudflare has blocked me. Oh, whatever shall I do??? (thisisgab2)
- It's blocked Cloudflare for me (motters)
- My access to all cloudflare websites seem to be blocked. (MrDHat)
- CloudFlare doesn’t like me… I have been ‘blocked’ CloudFlare… (bryanbrake)
- CloudFlare would not and won’t let me connect to & open that link. (ZEPHYoRUS)
- Torをホワイトリストに追加していてもブロックしてくるCloudflare (CheenaBlog)
- CloudFlareのCDNをウイルスバスターがブロックしちゃって見れない (_iro)
- Error 520と表示されてページが見れない。 (halpas_blog)
- ここ数日ずっとCloudFlareのerror 522で見れない。 (usunekoserv_pub)
- IT Cell found a way to secure their website: they banned French IPs (fs0c131y)
- Cloudflare thinks I'm a robot and is blocking the most annoying preflight requests without letting me do a captcha. (enjalot)
- It's disappointing that you use CloudFlare to reject some visitors to your website. (DeborahPeasley)
- How can you reject abuse complaints? My abuse / theft report about one your clients was rejected because I am not a cloudflare customer. (Mitchell_Miller)
- Solving captcha puzzles for Google every single time due to your Cloudflare protection just ruins the whole experience. (chowdhuryrahul)
- I am unable to login to android app, tried using credentials, reinstalling app, nothing worked. (prasadthombre)
- Why you shouldn't use CloudFlare...they are run a degenerate asshole who gave out personal information to GG, used to dox peeps (CALMicC)
- Cloudflare has traditionally thrown CAPTCHAs aggressively enough at VPN users to degrade the browsing experience. (mbarnath)
- Very few websites aren't using it meaning the majority of warp traffic is easily decrypted. (nathanielrsuchy)
- Cloudflare captcha is annoying af (YourAnonNews)
- What’s up with the forced CloudFlare captcha page today? (Aybara)
- CAPTCHA protest outside CloudFlare rightscon party! (ageis)
- The truth behind Google Captcha, Analytics, CloudFlare is Covert Espionage and Mass Surveillance. (Casey_Comendant)
- #Cloudflare is always the most frustrating part of my day. dontblocktor (jbrooks_)
- C'mon CloudFlare... I really don't feel like training your AI today (trevorpaglen)
- 3 hours and counting. Cloudflare is even worse in less developed countries. dontblocktor (jbrooks_)
- Tor CloudFlare Captcha TellASadStoryin3Words (YrB1rd)
- CloudFlare is such trash, is there anything comparable that DOESN'T suck??? (radix42)
- Your blog post wasn't worth the cloudflare captcha i solved to read it (agentdero)
- Cloudflare's aggressive use of google captcha basically means the trade-off of using a vpn is training google's self-driving cars. (frnsys)
- cfc;dr = cloudflare captcha; didn't read. (mrphs)
- Each time I fill out a Cloudflare captcha I grow slightly more suspicious that I may in fact be a robot... (projectgus)
- Select grass, copy-paste text, click not a robot, select storefronts. Not getting better. (shiromarieke)
- Getting the Cloudflare captcha for everything today! (TheHodge)
- Tor user in Iran can't read content behind CloudFlare (attractr)
- I gave up after the text captcha step. (jordansissel)
- Why don't you just commit to only using Tor Browser for all of next week and see what it's like for yourself? (hdevalence)
- Every time I have to do an image Captcha it's a dead giveaway that Cloudflare services are used. (StateExempt)
- I just encountered a site with a fake Cloudfail CAPTCHA dialog to trick people reflexively clicking on it. (Nin_99)
- You're making the use of your site pretty difficult for TOR users. (Sebastian Bürgel)
- What, CLOUDFLARE? The company known for doxxing people reporting hate sites for ToS violations?! (Abstruse)
- our office IP always show one step captcha when access on cloudfare web. why this happen? (dhaphie09)
- I have to enter a captcha to get on any of the sites you protect. (gtklocker)
- Why on earth would a sane user use Cloudflare. Does the DNS get a captcha? (cabshack)
- Why am I suddenly seeing you bullshit CAPTCHA tests when I'm going to websites I've been going to for years? (Lex_the_Tex)
- Can someone at Cloudflare explain to me why your default behavior is to present a captcha to anyone accessing over Tor? (_djmoch)
- Cloudflare used to assist in doxxing and are unlikely to help, even with direct threats. (justkelly_ok)
- Here's a harassment forum mocking a doxxing target for asking Cloudflare to help her. (justkelly_ok)
- I dislike Cloudflare they always block my VPN which I use to keep ads and trackers at bay (nonesuchzach)
- Ugh, anoying services. You block me because i use a VPN, WHY? (ruis)
- #Cloudflare is the Great Decentralised Fire Wall. I can circumvent GFW, but still can't read anything because of GDFW. —a Chinese activist (isislovecruft)
- I get captcha loops, supposedly wrong answers, very very frequently. I don't log every Ray, but surely you (thomaskerin)
- You now seemingly have every single IP block for PIA's VPN service in the US at least temporarily blocked via Cloudflare (theonlymattlach)
- Plz stop using Cloudflare.They block VPN and proxies ment to enhance our privacy. (claw137)
- threatening to harass and dox my partners because I told them to remove our address (ZJemptv)
- The people behind cloudflare used to make network honeypots before starting cloudflare. I'd think twice before using this service. (twiet)
- Your cloudflare-hosted site blocks my VPN so I can't even buy your VPN while using a competitor. (focusaurus)
- Most use Cloudflare+CAPTCHAs to filter. (r0h1n)
- TorGuard uses CloudFlare They are antiprivacy and block VPN users! (SPC_Bitcoin)
- One large company (CloudFlare) deciding who can visit what. (OhNoItsFusl)
- I am not a robot. TURN OFF YOUR FUCKING CLOUDFLARE BULLSHIT. CloudflareIsEvil (AnalSystemist)
- So CloudFlare you block my surf because I'm behind a vpn protection? (manuzful)
- In hindsight, I'm an idiot for not taking the decrypt/recrypt into account (Firesphere)
- any dev: to see how obscene they are, imagine getting captchas going onto github, twitter, Facebook (thomaskerin)
- What if you're unable to use them? What if you're banned from using their services? (Zemmiph0bia)
- Is anyone else unable to load images in Twitter’s iOS app while using Cloudflare’s app? (jabberwik)
- My hunch is the same for any company that wants to centralize traffic. Too much power on their hands. Today's people or techies may have good intentions, tomorrow's managers or owners may not. (lt3vaio)
- unable to load our documentation website. (_notnathaniel)
- Currently I am unable to access the Cloudflare Support portal (lemmertwitt)
- You people realize that CloudFlare exists only because you people are unable to ween yourself from 20 year old Apache technology. (ErrataRob)
- Good morning, we are unable to pull data from FirstCryptoBank due to the addition of cloudflare to their API. All of the coins listed on FirstCryptoBank, have the wrong value. (profitbotpro)
- You send every HTTPS request from my browser to Cloudflare. They decrypt that HTTPS traffic. (jamesconroyfinn)
- Never heard of cloudflare until network connectivity denied me (1nzimande)
- Access denied. What have you done, the CloudFlare cyberpolice are now out to get me! (nyarth)
- You differentiate humans from bots. Well fuck that. (magi093)
- Does anyone know if Saudi Arabia likes to filter Cloudflare? (ralphholz)
- Really wish you didn't block my IP with Cloud Flare. I'd join and support if I could. (DeborahPeasley)
- Get your shit together. Stop treating all Tor users like criminals. (slashdashdot)
- Link uses Cloud Flare to block IPs of those of us who browse anonymously (DeborahPeasley)
- I was just replying to a MySQL support thread on SpigotMC and cloudflare's you have been blocked came up. lol, tryin to be helpful and getting the boot instead. (Floris)
- Someone tell me how to bypass cloud flare so I can add... (Shh_Its_Raghav)
- Today I learned that Cloudflare is doing more to censor the internet than the Great Firewall of China (pabloduboue)
- If you're a daily Tor user like me, you should get used to contacting the services you use and ask them to DontBlockTor (yawnbox)
- Uses Cloudflare as MITM, blocks torproject, uses Google Adsense and Analytics to track you. This service is bullshit lies! (MacLemon)
- Please unblock my IP address. I’m having to enter CAPTCHA for every website I visit (itixx)
- Receiving a blocked ip error from cloudflare, why is that happening, can you unblock this ip? We never entered any wrong data (entequak)
- Can cloudflare fix their mail.... All mail from that domain is flagged as spam gmail (miekg)
- Please, unblock me on x. My ip is: x. It's because i'm using proxy. (S60Team)
- You aren't making anything any easier. Unblock direct IP access for a day, will you? (simAlity)
- It seems your site is behind Cloudflare and is blocking Tor. Could you unblock it? (qbi)
- Please unblock your site, and don't use Cloudflare dontblocktor (motters)
- One more stepというのが出た Cloudflareってなんやねん (zofeee)
- Even though its your website, you are still restricted on how big a file you can upload to it if you use CloudFlare. (MajorLinux)
- I am tired of this stupid Cloudflare Human Verification. Even though I am logged in and been using Agar.io without any issue why does this human verification comes in annoying way that I have to verify in each and every gaming session? Has robot grown so much? (mysterychemical)
- Why am I being blocked all the time ? I am NOT a robot ! (JorgSchaper)
- People are increasingly getting tired of little tyrants like you attempting to take away their freedoms. (Flavius_Amalek)
- Cannot access this site with TOR due to cloudflare. i got tired after having to do 20 verifications. No story's worth that kinda nonsense. (TheOnlyHapax)
- I am getting your one more step attention required problem when i try to access certain websites. I did not have this problem yesterday, and i dont know what might cause it. (edwin_demker)
- Tor Browser experience: CloudFlare captchas all day, every day. Getting so tired of this. The world wide web is totally unusable over Tor. (attractr)
- Captchas keep failing, so I am on attempt number 7 or 8 to access the website I need to reach today. (attractr)
- Really tired of CloudFlare and having to constantly delete my cookies. (Aqua_Buddha)
- I am really tired of convincing Cloudflare I'm not a robot. I wish they were a bit smarter about remembering. (_fconti)
- I've seen the Cloudflare got hacked update your password thing about 6 times now and I'm tired (kipptune)
- Cloudflare got rekt and many sites including Discord is down so ur bored, hot, tired, and missing ur friends pls talk to me I am slowly dying but not that slowly (Savage_ssb)
- Oh I'm tired of seeing this WordPress / CloudFlare / website error message.... :-( (wfryer)
- you can't read Cloudflare's anti-torproject blog post in Tor Browser because of their own blocking (hdevalence)
- I've had a issue for a while now where I get a box on OBS which says One more step. Please complete the security check to access http://streamlabs.com I went to your website and completed it with 2 different browsers but still the same thing. (NemeZiLive)
- Is it normal for attempts to open your site, to be met with One more step +capcha test? or a BS speedbump? (TotsTeeter)
- Dear CloudFlare, You've some devs who're good people, but as a company you're ruining the Internet. Fuck you. (isislovecruft)
- The VRChat client keep requesting API and get 403 Forbidden because it cannot pass Cloudflare check (since VRChat client is actually robot, not human). (YFangzhou)
- Before blaming torproject for your censorship—where's your data showing abusive traffic from Tor is higher than from non-Tor? (isislovecruft)
- Oh fuck, for no apparent reason my IP provider gives me an IP that CloudFlare think it's a bot/spam, but I can't renew the IP. (EGaaraAE)
- yes, they are a real pain in the neck when u use torproject on a daily basis. (chgans)
- One more step Please complete the security check to access... I’m gonna blow my brains (ahmMohs)
- uh thats gonna b a cmd+w for me (reifitaputs)
- 最近、「One more step」という画面がよく出てくるようになって、まともにネットが使えないんだけど、それはカンボジアまたはこの辺の地域の中国人ハッカー共が仕事してるってことでいいのかな (sanchoku_iruma)
- How to have me leave your site. One more step Forcing users that us vpns to jump through hoops is lousy customer service. (nomadcat)
- A chaque fois que je veux consulter un site il y'a ça : Remplir un captcha (B_Maroc)
- I’m sure these makes your site very secure but they’re an absolute pain. Could you please turn them off? Three rounds of CAPTCHAS to read a blog is a bit disproportionate. (Aeyoun)
- This is clearly indicate, these websites track us. (muththukrishna)
- The stupidest thing now a days cloudflare asking captcha everytime. cloudflare i use Mac please dont give shitty explanation of malware (_danielchris)
- Thanx 4 making it impossible 2 use your site because I use a vpn-connection. Please go away from cloudflare because they suck (Curiosity63)
- You know what, dear Cloudflare? Go away. Please. Now. DontBlockTOR (ChristianTanner)
- Nima (mrphs) talks about Tor's community team, noting: If you are accidentally blocking Tor via CloudFlare, don't! (torproject)
- In my experience, there are a lot of CloudFlare users who are unwittingly blocking Tor. (georgemaschke)
- would you want a company like cloudflare tracking you using Tor? Avoid sites using cloudflare before you see the tracking (FeelitWorking)
- cloudflare also starting to block VPNs. They will be paid well one day for the user tracking database. LEO love it. (FeelitWorking)
- Whoever wrote this summary of outstanding questions for CloudFlare the Tor community is great (ioerror)
- One person called it a MITM and it essentially is. (SPC_Bitcoin)
- Cloudflare is shit, dont use it (raz_c)
- Oh shit guys, the Internet's here. CloudFlare dontblocktor (abditum)
- protecting your exchange with CloudFlare = permanent MITM (Bitcoin_Central)
- This site has banned your access based on your browser's signature I'm trying to acces my own site from my PC. Total fail (CdLCreative)
- Why is cloudflare blocking my access to a range of sites based on my “browser signature”? (jasonwryan)
- jobscore is blocking me. Maybe an advanced AI to screen candidates browser signature ;) (utsengar)
- I wanted to tweet a pic about how overwhelmed with mail I am right now but it is Cloudflare blocked so I'll just tweet dontblocktor again. (shiromarieke)
- why does a 403 response state we banned access because of browser signature? (friedcell)
- cloudflare dox's people who report illegal customer activity. Silicon Valley morality (TinyPirate)
- I would have to whitelist pretty much my entire readership. It is banning based on browser signature (skinnypupp)
- You can't contact the host. Cloudflare proxy servers hide the IP of the website making it impossible to determine who's hosting. You can report to their abuse, but I reported 100s of scammers sites and they did nothing (phyzonloop)
- CAPTCHA served to torproject users is even worse if you reject all cookies… (ecodissident)
- Companies (eg CF) can get bigger than some governments, and have a more meaningful reach of censorship than them (jeffcliff1)
- Is CloudFlare IP Blocking Causing More Harm than Good? (torproject)
- Trying to read an article online using a mobile. How much more human can it be? (JKirstaetter)
- I wonder if any of the CloudFlare's engineers are human enough to solve this captcha coz apparently I'm not. (mrphs)
- next-level annoying captcha from CloudFlare they don't even bother challenging me being a human anymore (mrphs)
- What did I do to make you believe I'm not human enough to surf the web? (mrphs)
- Irony trying to read Register article re:#Tor users & CloudFlare: no HTTPS, CF/Google collusion & a broken Captcha! (ioerror)
- Effects everybody using Tor. I just hate the way it fools users into thinking it actually works. I close page immediately now. (strumpanio)
- The Register says sorry when you get a CAPTCHA. Do they understand that they place all their users under CloudFlare surveillance? (ioerror)
- I saw cloudflare described as the stop and Frisk of the net recently. (toni_gon)
- I never want to see “Attention Required!” PITA (kencf0618)
- Watch out for Cloudflare, its controlled the governments so they can follow each step you take on the internet. They are settled almost in the whole world even the poor countries. (EarthAngel_Lex)
- Why are CloudFlare captchas for Tor-users so much harder when NoScript is enabled? (thetorist)
- cloudflare has shared information from abuse form to site owner. They have retaliated and doxxed filer. (3bagsfull)
- Fuck CloudFlare. They chose to pass on people's contact details to 8chan when those people report (ChrisWarcraft)
- CloudFlare is a MITM for half the web. CloudFlare sniffs -all- traffic to CloudFlare resolves your DNS queries. Thats a lot of freakin DATA. It's a freakin' GOLD MINE! (uid_)
- Cloudflare won't help future me dox and harass complainants! Whatever will I do?! (yaelwrites)
- What the fuck happened why does cloudflare have to ask me if I'm a robot every single time I want to browse the web. (Oosran_ebooks)
- Why am I unable to get past your home page? Few attempts, not even captcha loads...says 'attention required Cloudflare' (uxgravy)
- If i ever meet a cloudflare employee in real life, they are going to get a finger in the eye (dcuthbert)
- Hey i'm seeing this attention required again and again on the same website after I do the captcha. (rambokkisa)
- torproject users in SF should organize a protest outside cloudflare's office to demand its employees solve a few captchas before entering (wiretapped)
- Why is the CloudFlare memory leak bug not getting more attention?! It's potentially worse than HeartBleed. (withgallantry)
- Isn't it time to BoycottCloudFlare? Fuck CloudFlare (YourAnonNews)
- Stay the Fuck Away from CloudFlare (AaronM)
- Why do I see a captcha or challenge (Attention Required) trying to visit a site protected CloudFlare (backtoschoolart)
- Why does this notification (ATTENTION REQUIRED/CLOUDFLARE) pop up instead of the site I want to go to? Annoying. (jovefrancisco)
- Why do I get CloudFlare Attention Required CAPTCHA interstitial pages for several websites (pforret)
- Everytime I go to a website I get attention required and it has me do a captcha, why are you blocking me from sites? (syzransport)
- Everytime I go to a website I get attention required and it has me do a captcha, why are you blocking me from sites? (geevaveeri)
- Dear Cloudflare users: YOU ARE IDIOTS and I'm not a FUCKING ROBOT. (AnalSystemist)
- Your captcha currently appears to be blocking Tor users. After clicking 'Im not a robot' it always says 'Try again later. Your sending automated queries' (JungleBoy03)
- can you please tell CloudFlare your users are not robots? (vrde)