### Which website rejected me?

`Your website rejected me, but I know I'm going to be okay.`



1. Your website reject me.
2. This add-on will log the FQDN, URL, Status code and current time.
3. You can review it from Option menu.
4. Yell at website owner with this proof. (optional)
This add-on never send any data.
Your domain collection is yours.


- Download add-on
  - From Git: [FirefoxESR](https://git.disroot.org/dCF/deCloudflare/raw/branch/master/addons/releases/urjm.xpi) / [Chromium / Edge](https://git.disroot.org/dCF/deCloudflare/raw/branch/master/addons/releases/urjm.crx)