## How many % of Hijacked Journal sites are using Cloudflare? - [Retraction Watch Hijacked Journal Checker](https://retractionwatch.com/the-retraction-watch-hijacked-journal-checker/methods/) ``` The creation of the Retraction Watch Hijacked Journal Checker was made possible by Anna Abalkina’s development of a method of archive analysis that allowed the detection of more than 60 web domains of hijacked journals. Abalkina has expanded her searches using these methods; she has also examined titles submitted for review by readers who had seen her blog posts and other writing. ``` The following is a list of Hijacked Journal sites. | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Adalya Journal | https://adalyajournal.com/ | No | | Advances in Mechanics | https://www.advancesinmechanics.com/ | No | | Aegaeum Journal | https://aegaeum.com/ | No | | Aegaum Journal | https://aegaum.com/ | No | | Agrociencia Journal | https://www.colopos.mx/ | No | | Alochana Chakra Journal | https://www.alochanachakra.in/ | No | | AMA, Agricultural mechanization in Asia, Africa and Latin America | https://www.shin-norinco.com/ | No | | Annals of the Romanian Society for Cell Biology | https://annalsofrscb.ro/ | No | | Archipel | https://archipeljournal.com/ | No | | Arctic journal | https://arcticjournal.org/ | No | | Asia Life Sciences | https://www.academicspub.com/ | No | | Aut Aut Research Journal | https://autrj.com/ | No | | Azania | https://azaniajournal.com/ | No | | Azerbaijan medical journal | https://www.azerbaijanmedicaljournal.com/ | No | | Baltica Journal | https://balticajournal.com/ | No | | BOREAL ENVIRONMENT RESEARCH | https://borenv.com/ | Yes | | Bulletin Monumental Journal | https://bulletinmonumental.com/ | No | | Bulletin of National Institute of Health Sciences | https://www.healthsciencesbulletin.com/ | No | | CAHIERS DES SCIENCES NATURELLES | https://revistas-academicas.com/ | No | | CATTLE PRACTICE | https://cattlepractice.org/ | Yes | | Chinese Journal of Medical Genetics | https://zhyxycx.life/ | No | | Cikitusi Journal for Multidisciplinary Research | https://www.cikitusi.com/ | No | | Cithara Journal | https://citharajournal.com/ | No | | Ciência e Técnica Vitivinícola | https://ciencia-e-tecnica.org/ | No | | Compliance Engineering Journal | https://ijceng.com/ | No | | Converter | https://www.converter-magazine.info/ | No | | Degres Journal | https://degresjournal.com/ | No | | Design Engineering | https://thedesignengineering.com/ | No | | Dickensian | https://dickensian.org/ | No | | Dogo Rangsang Research Journal (D.R S. Research Journal) | https://www.drsrjournal.com/ | No | | Drewno Journal | https://drewnojournal.com/ | No | | FOURRAGES Journal | https://afpf-asso.com/ | No | | Frontiers in Life Science | https://www.hfsp-journal.org/ | No | | G & O (Gedrag & Organisatie) | https://lemma-tijdschriften.com/ | No | | GIS Business | https://gisbusiness.org/ | No | | GIS Science Journal | https://www.gisscience.net/ | No | | Gongcheng Kexue Yu Jishu/Advanced Engineering Science | https://www.gkyj-aes-20963246.com/ | No | | Gorteria Journal | https://gorteria.com/ | No | | GORTERIA | https://www.gorteria.nationaalherbarium.com/ | Yes | | Gradiva Review Journal | https://gradivareview.com/ | No | | High Technology Letters | https://www.gjstx-e.cn/ | No | | Hong Kong Journal of Social Sciences | https://hkjoss.com/ | No | | Hunan Daxue Xuebao/Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences | https://hunandaxuexuebao.com/ | No | | Infokara Research | https://www.infokara.com/ | Yes | | Informatica | https://informaticajournal.com/ | No | | Interciencia Journal | https://intercienciajournal.com/ | No | | International Education Journal | https://ijdri.com/ | No | | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology | https://sersc.org/ | Yes | | International Journal of Information and Computing Science | https://ijics.com/ | No | | International Journal of Innovative Research & Studies | https://ijirs.in/ | No | | International Journal of Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies | https://ijiesjournal.com/ | No | | International Journal of Management, Technology and Engineering | https://www.ijamtes.org/ | No | | International Journal of Research | https://ijrpublisher.com/ | No | | International Journal of Scientific Research and Review | https://www.dynamicpublisher.org/ | No | | International Journal of Special Education | https://www.internationaljournalofspecialeducation.com/ | No | | International Medical Journal | https://www.seronijihou.com/ | No | | JAC: A Journal of Composition Theory | https://www.jctjournal.com/ | No | | Jilin Daxue Xuebao (Gongxueban)/Journal of Jilin University (Engineering and Technology Edition) | https://jilindaxuexuebao.com/ | No | | JJM | https://www.jjmicrobiol.com/ | No | | Journal for Advanced Research in Applied Sciences | https://iaetsdjaras.org/ | No | | Journal of Applied Science and Computations | https://j-asc.com/ | No | | Journal of Chengdu University of Technology (Science and Technology Edition) | https://cdujournal.com/ | No | | Journal of Computational Information Systems | https://jofcis.org/ | No | | Journal of Engineering, Computing and Architecture | https://www.journaleca.com/ | No | | Journal of Engineering Technology | https://www.joetsite.com/ | No | | Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology | https://hxstxxjns.asia/ | No | | Journal of Hunan University Natural Sciences | https://jonuns.com/ | No | | Journal of Information and Computational Science | https://www.joics.org/ | No | | Journal of Interdisciplinary Cycle Research | https://www.jicrjournal.com/ | No | | Journal of Optoelectronics Laser | https://www.gdzjg.org/ | No | | Journal of Productivity Management | https://journalpm.com/ | No | | JOURNAL OF RESOURCE MANAGEMENT AND TECHNOLOGY | https://jrmat.com/ | No | | Journal of Scientific Computing | https://jscglobal.org/ | No | | Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University | https://shjtdxxb-e.cn/ | No | | Journal of Southwest Jiaotong University | https://jsju.org/ | No | | Journal of Talent Development and Excellence | https://iratde.com/ | No | | Journal of the Austrian Society of Agricultural Economics | https://www.sagepublisher.com/ | No | | Journal of the IEST | https://iestjournal.com/ | No | | Journal of University of Shanghai for Science and Technology | https://jusst.org/ | No | | Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology | https://www.xajzkjdx.cn/ | No | | Journal of Xidian University | https://xadzkjdx.cn/ | No | | Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition | https://www.xisdxjxsu.asia/ | No | | Jökull journal | https://www.jokulljournal.com/ | No | | La Prensa Medica Argentina | https://www.scitechnol.com/ | Yes | | LEVANT Journal | https://levantjournal.org/ | No | | Linguistica Antverpiensia, New Series – Themes in Translation Studies | https://upa-editions.com/ | No | | Linguistica Antverpiensia | https://www.hivt.be/ | No | | Lino journal | https://linojournal.com/ | No | | Mitteilungen Klosterneuburg | https://www.mitt-klosterneuburg.com/ | No | | Mukt Shabd Journal | https://shabdbooks.com/ | No | | NATURAL HISTORY | https://naturalhistory-mag.com/ | Yes | | New Armenian medical journal | https://www.newarmenianmedicaljournal.com/ | No | | Novyi Mir Research Journal | https://www.novyimir.net/ | No | | Origini | https://originijournal.com/ | No | | Paideuma Journal of Research | https://paideumajournal.com/ | Yes | | PalArch's Journal of Archaeology of Egypt/ Egyptology | https://archives.palarch.nl/ | No | | Parishodh Journal | https://www.parishodhpu.com/ | No | | Pensee | https://penseeresearch.com/ | No | | PEUCE JOURNAL | https://peucejournal.com/ | No | | Polish Polar Research | https://www.polishpolar.com/ | Yes | | Ponte | https://www.pontejournal.net/ | No | | Positif review | https://positifreview.com/ | No | | Pramana Research Journal | https://www.pramanaresearch.org/ | No | | Praxis Science and Technology Journal | https://praxisonline.org/ | Yes | | Preslia journal | https://presliajournal.com/ | No | | Proteus Journal | https://proteusresearch.org/ | No | | Psychology and Education | https://psychologyandeducation.net/ | No | | Revista de Educación | https://revistaeducacion.org/ | Yes | | Revista Kasmera | https://www.kasmerajournal.com/ | No | | RUNDSCHAU | https://dlr-journal.com/ | Yes | | Sapporo Medical Journal | https://www.maejournal.com/ | No | | Scandia | https://scandia.lub.lu-se.org/ | Yes | | Science, Technology and Development Multidisciplinary Journal | https://journalstd.com/ | No | | Science and Engineering Journal | https://saejournal.com/ | No | | Seybold Report | https://seyboldjournal.com/ | No | | Solid State Technology | https://www.solidstatetechnology.us/ | No | | Specialusis Ugdymas | https://www.sumc.lt/ | No | | Strad research | https://stradresearch.org/ | No | | Studia Rosenthaliana (Journal for The Study of Research) | https://www.jsrpublication.com/ | No | | STUDIES IN SYMBOLIC INTERACTION | https://www.studies-in-symbolicinteraction.com/ | Yes | | Suraj Punj Journal for Multidisciplinary Research | https://www.spjmr.com/ | No | | Sylwan | https://sylwan.ibles.org/ | No | | Tagliche Praxis | https://www.taglichepraxis.com/ | No | | Technology Reports of Kansai University | https://www.kansaiuniversityreports.com/ | No | | Teikyo Medical Journal | https://www.teikyomedicaljournal.com/ | No | | Test Engineering & Management | https://testmagzine.biz/ | No | | The International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Modal Analysis | https://www.ijaema.com/ | No | | The Journal Of ZEPHYRUS | https://zephyrusjournal.com/ | No | | Tianjin Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue yu Gongcheng Jishu Ban)/ Journal of Tianjin University Science and Technology | https://tianjindaxuexuebao.com/ | No | | Tierarztilich Praxis | https://tierarztliche.com/ | Yes | | Transylvanian Review | https://transylvanianreviewjournal.org/ | No | | Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education (TURCOMAT) | https://turcomat.org/ | No | | Turkish Journal of Field Crops | https://tarlabitkileridernegi.org/ | No | | Turkish Journal of Physiotherapy and Rehabilitation | https://turkjphysiotherrehabil.org/ | Yes | | Universal Review | https://universalreview.org/ | No | | Vigyan Prakash Journal | https://lokvigyanparishad.com/ | No | | Waffen- und Kostumkunde Journal | https://www.druckhaus-hofmann.de/ | Yes | | Walia | https://waliaj.com/ | No | | Wulfenia journal | https://www.multidisciplinarywulfenia.org/ | No | | Wutan Huatan Jisuan Jishu | https://www.wthtjsjs.cn/ | No | | Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edition | https://xianshiyoudaxuexuebao.com/ | No | | Zeichen Journal | https://www.ezeichen.com/ | No | | Zhonghua er bi yan hou tou jing wai ke za zhi / Chinese journal of otorhinolaryngology head and neck surgery | https://www.dev1.zhebyhk-periodicals-cn.net/ | No | ----- | Type | Count | | --- | --- | | Cloudflare | 17 | | Normal | 126 | ### 11.9% of Hijacked Journal sites are using Cloudflare.