const args = process.argv, fs = require('fs'); const { Curl, CurlHttpVersion } = require('node-libcurl'); const cur1 = new Curl(); cur1.setOpt('SSL_VERIFYPEER', false); cur1.setOpt('HTTP_VERSION', CurlHttpVersion.V2PriorKnowledge); cur1.setOpt('FOLLOWLOCATION', true); cur1.setOpt('CONNECTTIMEOUT', 8); cur1.setOpt('TIMEOUT', 600); const Fconfig = require('os').homedir() + '/.cfdomains.cfg', Fproxy = require('os').homedir() + '/.cfdomains_sox.cfg'; let Dlist = './cfdomains_Data/', myproxy = ''; function forceExit(m) { console.log('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m', m); process.exit(); } function is_domain(x) { return /^([a-z0-9]{1})([a-z0-9.-]{0,254})\.([a-z]{2,50})$/.test(x); } if (fs.existsSync(Fconfig)) { Dlist = fs.readFileSync(Fconfig); if (!fs.existsSync(Dlist)) { try { fs.unlinkSync(Fconfig); } catch (e) {} forceExit('List directory is not okay! Fix this by running --dir'); } } if (fs.existsSync(Fproxy)) { myproxy = fs.readFileSync(Fproxy); if (myproxy.indexOf(':') < 6) { myproxy = ''; } } function showUsage() { console.log("\n \x1b[33mCfDomains\x1b[0m v1.0.2.3\n"); console.log('\x1b[36mUsage:\x1b[0m'); console.log(' cfdomains \x1b[\x1b[0m'); console.log(' cfdomains --dir'); console.log(' cfdomains --proxy'); console.log(' cfdomains [--dl|--dl2][ |0,1,...,a,b,...z]'); console.log(" cfdomains [--report|--delist] \x1b[\x1b[0m\n"); console.log('\x1b[36mDetails:\x1b[0m'); console.log(' cfdomains \x1b[\x1b[0m'); console.log(' return "\x1b[32my\x1b[0m", "\x1b[32mn\x1b[0m", or "\x1b[32me\x1b[0m"'); console.log(' \x1b[32my\x1b[0m: Domain is on the list'); console.log(' \x1b[32mn\x1b[0m: Domain is not listed'); console.log(" \x1b[32me\x1b[0m: List data not found (fix it by running --dl)\n"); console.log(' cfdomains --dir'); console.log(' Change list directory'); console.log(' \x1b[4mCurrent directory\x1b[0m: ' + Dlist + "\n"); console.log(' cfdomains --proxy'); console.log(' Set or Unset SOCKS proxy'); console.log(' \x1b[4mCurrent SOCKS proxy\x1b[0m: ' + myproxy + "\n"); console.log(' cfdomains --dl|dl2'); console.log(' cfdomains --dl|dl2 \x1b[43ma,b,c\x1b[0m'); console.log(' \x1b[32mdl\x1b[0m: Download list files from'); console.log(' \x1b[32mdl2\x1b[0m: Download list files from deCloudflare git'); console.log(" \x1b[32ma,b,c\x1b[0m: Download only these files (comma-separated)\n"); console.log(' cfdomains --report|delist \x1b[\x1b[0m'); console.log(' Submit domain to #Karma for automated analysis'); console.log(' \x1b[4mOnly the domain will be submitted\x1b[0m. We NEVER record anything else.'); console.log(' \x1b[32mreport\x1b[0m: Report not-yet-listed domain (New Cloudflare)'); console.log(" \x1b[32mdelist\x1b[0m: Report currently-listed domain (Left Cloudflare)\n"); console.log(); process.exit(); } function chgLDR() { const rle = require('readline'); let rl = rle.createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout); console.log('Current save directory: ' + Dlist); console.log('Set "empty" to use default location.'); rl.question('List save directory: ', (l) => { rl.close(); if (l.length > 1 && l !== 'empty') { if (l.indexOf('/', l.length - 1) !== -1) { if (fs.existsSync(l) && fs.lstatSync(l).isDirectory()) { fs.writeFileSync(Fconfig, l); } else { forceExit('Directory not found'); } } else { forceExit('Directory is not ended with /'); } } else { try { fs.unlinkSync(Fconfig); } catch (e) {} } process.exit(); }); } function chgPROXY() { const rle = require('readline'); let rl = rle.createInterface(process.stdin, process.stdout); console.log('Current SOCKS Proxy: ' + myproxy); console.log('Set none to use direct connection.'); rl.question('Input SOCKS Proxy [IP:Port]: ', (l) => { rl.close(); if (/^([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\.([0-9]{1,3})\:([0-9]{1,5})$/.test(l)) { fs.writeFileSync(Fproxy, l); } else { try { fs.unlinkSync(Fproxy); } catch (e) {} } process.exit(); }); } function dlFile(bu, i) { return new Promise((okay, nope) => { const curl = cur1.dupHandle(false); curl.setOpt('URL', bu + 'cloudflare_' + i + '.json'); curl.setOpt('USERAGENT', 'CfDomains'); if (myproxy != '') { curl.setOpt('HTTPPROXYTUNNEL', 1); curl.setOpt('PROXY', 'socks5h://' + myproxy + '/'); } curl.on('error', (er, ec) => { curl.close(); console.log('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m', er); forceExit('Connection Error while downloading list ' + i); }); curl.on('end', (sc, b) => { curl.close(); if (sc != 200) { forceExit('Server error ' + r.statusCode); } try { JSON.parse(b) } catch (e1) { forceExit('Bad Data Error while downloading list ' + i); } fs.writeFileSync(Dlist + i, b); okay(); }); curl.perform(); }); } function shuffle(array) { let currentIndex = array.length, randomIndex; while (currentIndex != 0) { randomIndex = Math.floor(Math.random() * currentIndex); currentIndex--; [array[currentIndex], array[randomIndex]] = [ array[randomIndex], array[currentIndex] ]; } return array; } async function dlFiles(bu) { if (!fs.existsSync(Dlist)) { fs.mkdirSync(Dlist); } if (!fs.existsSync(Dlist)) { forceExit('Directory not found!'); } if (myproxy == '') { console.log('\x1b[36mNOTICE\x1b[0m: You are not using Tor.'); } console.log('Downloading lists: ' + bu); let w, names = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9', 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z']; let aonly = args[3]; if (aonly && aonly.length > 0) { let names1 = []; for (x of aonly.split(',')) { if (names.indexOf(x) > -1) { names1.push(x); } } if (names1.length > 0) { names = names1; } else { forceExit('invalid input'); } } shuffle(names); for (x of names) { console.log('Downloading ' + x); w = await dlFile(bu, x); } for (x of names) { console.log('Testing ' + x); if (!fs.existsSync(Dlist + x)) { forceExit('File not found'); } let data = fs.readFileSync(Dlist + x, { encoding: 'utf8' }); try { JSON.parse(data) } catch (e) { forceExit('Bad data found'); } } process.exit(); } function queryDom() { let dom = args[2]; if (!is_domain(dom)) { showUsage(); } if (!fs.existsSync(Dlist + dom[0])) { process.stdout.write('e'); process.exit(); } let data = fs.readFileSync(Dlist + dom[0], { encoding: 'utf8' }); data = JSON.parse(data); if (data[dom]) { process.stdout.write('y'); } else { process.stdout.write('n'); } process.exit(); } function reporter(dom, t) { return new Promise((okay, nope) => { const curl = cur1.dupHandle(false); curl.setOpt('URL', ''); curl.setOpt('USERAGENT', 'CfDomains'); if (myproxy != '') { curl.setOpt('HTTPPROXYTUNNEL', 1); curl.setOpt('PROXY', 'socks5h://' + myproxy + '/'); } curl.setOpt(Curl.option.POST, true); curl.setOpt(Curl.option.POSTFIELDS, 'ana=' + t + '&f=' + dom); curl.on('error', (er, ec) => { curl.close(); console.log('\x1b[31m%s\x1b[0m', er); forceExit('Connection Error'); }); curl.on('end', (sc, b) => { curl.close(); if (sc != 404) { forceExit('Server error'); } try { JSON.parse(b) } catch (e1) { forceExit('Bad Response Error'); } console.log('Done!'); okay(b); }); curl.perform(); }); } async function reporters(yn) { let dom = args[3]; if (!is_domain(dom)) { showUsage(); } if (!fs.existsSync(Dlist + dom[0])) { forceExit('List not found'); } let data = fs.readFileSync(Dlist + dom[0], { encoding: 'utf8' }); data = JSON.parse(data); if (data[dom]) { if (yn == 'y') { forceExit('Already exist, no need to report.'); } } else { if (yn == 'n') { forceExit('Already not listed, no need to report.'); } } if (myproxy == '') { console.log('\x1b[36mNOTICE\x1b[0m: You are not using Tor.'); } console.log('Reporting ' + dom); let w = await reporter(dom, yn); if (yn == 'y') { if (w == '[true,true]') { console.log('\x1b[32mResponse\x1b[0m: \x1b[33mNo\x1b[0m, It is already known.'); } else if (w == '[true,false]') { console.log('\x1b[32mResponse\x1b[0m: \x1b[35mRequest received\x1b[0m. It is not listed in \x1b[4mdelayed\x1b[0m channel at this moment.'); } else { forceExit('Bad Response Error!'); } } else { if (w == '[true,false]') { console.log('\x1b[32mResponse\x1b[0m: \x1b[33mNo\x1b[0m, It is not listed.'); } else if (w == '[true,true]') { console.log('\x1b[32mResponse\x1b[0m: \x1b[35mRequest received\x1b[0m. It is listed in \x1b[4mdelayed\x1b[0m channel at this moment.'); } else { forceExit('Bad Response Error!'); } } process.exit(); } if (args.length <= 2) { showUsage(); } else if (args[2] === '--dir') { chgLDR(); } else if (args[2] === '--proxy') { chgPROXY(); } else if (args[2] === '--dl') { dlFiles(''); } else if (args[2] === '--dl2') { dlFiles(''); } else if (args[2] === '--report') { reporters('y'); } else if (args[2] === '--delist') { reporters('n'); } else { queryDom(); }