# CfDomains `CfDomains` is a simple CLI tool to: - Look up Cloudflare domain list, offline or online - Replace CF links in your writings (text, HTML and Markdown) - Categorise the domain list - Join as warrior to help our mission (CfDomains Warrior) ### What is CfDomains Warrior? You can run the `CfDomains Warrior` (`cfdomains --warrior`) mode to help with the Crimeflare domain verification efforts. It will download some domains from us, do some simple test and report back to us - it is really easy to use! There is no security risk to your computer because it just do DNS lookup test. The warrior will only use your DNS server, so no CPU nor memory will be used. It will get tasks from Karma and report the result back to Karma. The Warrior runs on Windows, macOS and Linux. You can run it on anything like virtual machiene as long as it can use _clean_ DNS. ### Installing and Uninstalling - Linux: Installing ``` wget https://0xacab.org/dCF/deCloudflare/-/raw/master/tool/cfdomains/cfdomains.linux \ -O /usr/local/bin/cfdomains chmod +x /usr/local/bin/cfdomains cfdomains ``` - Linux: Uninstalling ``` rm -f /usr/local/bin/cfdomains rm -r .cfdomains_conf ``` - Windows - Install: Just run the executable, this is portable. - Uninstall: Just delete the file and `.cfdomains_conf`(configuration) file. ### Download (cfdomains) Current Version: **1.0.5** - [Windows](https://0xacab.org/dCF/deCloudflare/-/raw/master/tool/cfdomains/cfdomains.exe?inline=false) - [Mac OS](https://0xacab.org/dCF/deCloudflare/-/raw/master/tool/cfdomains/cfdomains.app?inline=false) - [Linux](https://0xacab.org/dCF/deCloudflare/-/raw/master/tool/cfdomains/cfdomains.linux?inline=false) - Source - [source.js](source.js) - e.g. `# apt install npm nodejs; npm i node-libcurl --save; nodejs source.js` ---- ``` CfDomains Usage: cfdomains [| --online ]www.example.com cfdomains --dir cfdomains --proxy cfdomains --dnsip cfdomains --dl[| 0,1,...,a,b,...z] cfdomains [--report|--delist] www.example.com cfdomains [--categorise[|online]|--categorize[|online]] input.txt export.csv cfdomains --cleanlink[|online] story.html story_publish.html cfdomains --warrior Details: cfdomains (Base Domain or FQDN) return "y", "n", or "e" y: Domain is on the list n: Domain is not listed e: List data not found (fix it by running --dl) cfdomains --online (Base Domain or FQDN) return "y", "n", or "e" y: Domain is on the list n: Domain is not listed e: Internet Connection Error cfdomains --dir Change list directory Current directory: ./cfdomains_Data/ cfdomains --proxy Set or Unset SOCKS proxy Current SOCKS proxy: cfdomains --dnsip Set or Unset DNS Server Current DNS Server: cfdomains --dl cfdomains --dl a,b,c dl: Download list files from deCloudflare git a,b,c: Download only these files (comma-separated) cfdomains --report|delist www.example.com Submit domain to #Karma for automated analysis Only the domain will be submitted. We NEVER record anything else. report: Report not-yet-listed domain (New Cloudflare) delist: Report currently-listed domain (Left Cloudflare) cfdomains --categorise[|online]|categorize[|online] (List file; URL or FQDNs) (Output file) Export Listed/NotListed status in CSV format With online: Use Online API / Without: Use Offline files e.g. cfdomains --categoriseonline dirtyUrls.txt /tmp/washing.csv cfdomains --cleanlink[|online] (Document; Text, HTML, Markdown) (Output file) Replace infected links in document With online: Use Online API / Without: Use Offline files e.g. cfdomains --cleanlinkonline sunny.md /tmp/sunnyCleaned.md cfdomains --warrior Run this to help with the #Karma domain verification efforts. This will download some domain from #Karma and report changes. ``` ### Download (cfdomains warrior ONLY) - If you have "cfdomains" you do not need this. For people who wants only "cfdomains --warrior." - Source - [cfdomain_warrior.php](cfdomain_warrior.php) - e.g. Edit the file then run `php -f cfdomain_warrior.php` - [How to run it with GLRunner](rename_me_to-.gitlab-ci.yml-.txt) ### Leaderboard - Thank you for your contribution! _We need warriors to assist our hunters :)_ - How to find yourself: CRC32 your WarriorID. - Your WarriorID will be deleted from our server after 7 days of inactivity. Top 10 | User | Score | | -- | -- | | _153e5c3e_ | 27,367 | | _fafe2746_ | 27,229 | | _afb066bb_ | 26,904 | | _1e3f3fa9_ | 26,699 | | _0b6645a8_ | 26,672 | | _8bdbc899_ | 26,569 | | _a249e3a9_ | 26,375 | | _056d8d11_ | 26,372 | | _de3b18a0_ | 26,223 | | _064b7e51_ | 26,072 | - Total Score: 1,000,513 ![](../../image/what_are_you_hunting_cloudflare.png)