# Ss (Sercxi) ![](../image/ss-sercxi.png) **Ss** (other name is "_Sercxi_", the word _Search_ in Esperanto), previously called _[Searxes](https://web.archive.org/web/20210614033612/https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Searx&oldid=906373508)_, is a search engine website for Tor users. Some people think Ss is [Schutzstaffel](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SS) but do not get confused; the second letter s is lowercase taken from _Searxe**s**_. It is fed by quality sources and rank down CloudFlare sites to bottom, thus you avoid the risk and inconvenience of having MitM traps littered throughout search results. You can also open a cached version of the page by clicking the favicon of the search result. There are many options to choose from, for example disabling Cloudflare ranking and rank down known Tor-hostile sites. The current Ss logo resembles an umbrella. Developers said that they want to provide an _umbrella_ to stay safe from heavy _rain_ from the _cloud_. ![](../image/ssprotect.jpg)