# Alternative Link (AltLink; MitiGator) | 🖼 | 🖼 | | -- | -- | |  |  | This is `opt-in` service. MitiGator can help you preventing sharing inaccessible links. - Contents - [A little history](altlink.md#a-little-history) - [How to Subscribe](altlink.md#how-to-subscribe) - [How to Unsubscribe](altlink.md#how-to-unsubscribe) - [Suggest clean alternatives](altlink.md#suggest-clean-alternatives) - [Settings](altlink.md#settings) - [Download PNG Logo](altlink.md#download-png-logo) - [The Difference between MitiGator and MGLite](altlink.md#the-difference-between-mitigator-and-mglite) ---- ### A little history Once upon a time there was a bot named "_[CloudflareLink](https://social.privacytools.io/@cloudflarelink/with_replies)_" which was created by Anonymous. It replied to many users who shared CF links publicly. Not many people reacted it positively. Here is some of them. - kemonine@social.holdmybeer.solutions ``` To the owner of this bot You should be ashamed. Quit drive by bro'ing our statuses. Please fornicate with a pointy stick. ``` - Sylvhem@eldritch.cafe ``` Pointing to a copy rather than the original document if it's still online is bad practice too. Also, you are a very annoying bot. ``` They got annoyed and Mastodon server owner was pressured by their "spam" reports. One of Mastodon server owner once [said](../../tool/mastodonwch#some-public-reaction), "_your little protest bot is making people upset, and i'm worried it might cause people to defederate from the instance, please tone it down_." For the record "_CloudflareLink_" was moved to other Mastodon servers 3 times and banned 2 times by 2 Mastodon services until the Anonymous decided to given up for good. The main difference of AltLink is `opt-in`. Those people who [share Cloudflare links casually](../cloudflared/social/shared_mastodon.md) never receive notification until they have a good heart and follow AL. Initially this bot's name was `AltLink`. It was changed to `MitiGator`. ### How to Subscribe Below steps is for MitiGator and not MGLite. 1. **Follow** the [MitiGator Account](https://101010.pl/@mg). (if you [do not have Mastodon account](https://101010.pl/invite/txvFuk9h)) - Some instances such as [mastodon.social](https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/16480) are blocking MitiGator. 2. Send _any text_ as **direct** ("Mentioned people only") message to above account. - e.g. `@mg follow` - And it will follow back you _instantly_ with introduction message. - If you're locking your account, please accept it's follow request otherwise it can't read your toots. - If you didn't got any reply make sure you are following it. 3. You're all set! - When you share Cloudflared link, it will send `direct` message to you with information. - If you want to tune your preference, visit Settings (explained below) ### How to Unsubscribe 1. Just `unfollow` it's account. - **it should unfollow you within an hour**. - it do not attempt to re-follow you. - If you've changed your mind and want to subscribe(opt-in) again simply `follow` again. ### Suggest clean alternatives Just ask (send **direct** message to) it and he will provide some suggestions. - This is related to Settings' `Suggest other non-Cloudflare alternative sites when available`. - It is `on` by default; you can disable it from Settings website (below). Syntax: `@mg ?URL` or `?URL` Put Cloudflared URL like this. ``` @mg ?https://cflove.myblog.site/cloud_is_internet/?blog=true ``` ``` @mg ?https://invite.party/cloudflare_users_only/ ``` **1** question per toot. Below does **not** work. ``` @mg ?https://matthew.prince/blog/ ?https://matthewprince.site/ ?https://matthew.prince.name/ ``` And you will receive something like below within 1 minute if there are alternatives. ``` @mygoodperson 🤔 ➤ GOOD_ALTERNATIVE_SITE_1 https://... ➤ GOOD_ALTERNATIVE_SITE_2 https://... ➤ GOOD_ALTERNATIVE_SITE_3🚨 https://... ``` - The "🚨" icon means the website is known Anti-Tor website. Tor users better avoid this result. ### Settings You can configure it from [this website](https://mitigator.crimeflare.eu.org). - **Easier way**: From your Mastodon, send a Direct Message with keyword below. - _one of_: `help` `set` `settings` `conf` `config` `cfg` - e.g. `@mg set` ### Download PNG Logo For your poster/meme needs. - Try [Meme Generator](https://mitigator.crimeflare.eu.org/meme/) MitiGator's profile image shows an orange shield and a cartoon of the mascot character, 𝙈𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙂𝙖𝙩𝙤𝙧, who stands proud as the MITM Prevention Alligator. The mascot wears a referee top and red sash across chest. Above the shield is 'MitiGator' in arching, bold, small caps, serif lettering. | 🖼 | 🖼 | 🖼 | 🖼 | | -- | -- | -- | -- | |  |  | - | - | |  |  |  |  | ### The Difference between MitiGator and MGLite MGLite is a lite version of MitiGator. It provides one basic feature - notify you about Cloudflare. It also have following difference: | ? | MitiGator | MGLite | | -- | -- | -- | | _Subscribe Users_ | `All` | `Local server only` | | _How to Subscribe_<br>_Require send DM after follow_ | ✔️ | ❌ | | _Reply Message as_ | `Direct` | `Unlisted` | | _Boosted post: Mention original poster_ | ❌ | ✔️ | | _Customisable Options_ | ✔️ | ❌ | - 📣 If you are **Mastodon admin** and want to serve MGLite to your instant users contact us! ---- - Mastodon servers are controlled by third party. - Let us know if above account is censored by aggressive Cloudflare supporters. - ↳ ["Cloudflare, we have a problem" Mastodon](../people/mastodon.md) - ↳ [How many % of public Fediverse services are using Cloudflare?](../cloudflared/social/fediverse.md) - ↳ [How many % of links people publicly shared on Mastodon are using Cloudflare?](../cloudflared/social/shared_mastodon.md)