``` ABOUT /subfiles/classics/* THIS PAGE IS AN ARCHIVED HISTORY. IF YOU NEED LATEST INFORMATION, PLEASE READ OTHER FILES (not /classics/) ``` ------------- # CloudFlare Watch   CloudFlare is a venture-funded startup that routes around Internet abuse by acting as a reverse proxy. They also encourage illegality by allowing hackers, DDoSers, cyberbullies, and copyright pirates to hide behind their servers. By 2015, CloudFlare was even [protecting websites](isis.md) that recruited for ISIS. - [Uncovering bad guys hiding behind CloudFlare](cfs.md) - [Is CloudFlare affected by the EU's GDPR?](cfgdpr.md) - [NYT: CloudFlare protects child-abuse porn sites](nytporn.txt) - [CloudFlare attracts "repeat infringers"](repeats.md) - [CloudFlare's half-baked SSL](cfssl.md) - [Is CloudFlare a honey pot?](honeypot.md) - [CloudFlare's wonky nameserver setup](cfnsdump.md) - [Some domains that recently used CloudFlare](cfsites.md) - [Where in the world are those CloudFlare domains?](cfusers.md) - [The gang at CloudFlare aids and abets cybercriminals](cfgang.md)  - [Carders love CloudFlare](carders.md) - [CloudFlare's growth is not so amazing](cfgrowth.md) - [CloudFlare seeks riches through anarchy](twisted.md) - [Spamhaus blocks CloudFlare's IP ranges](cfblock.md) - [Those laughable CloudFlare terms of service](cfterms.md) - [Dear Damon Billian: We're not as stupid as you think!](damon.md) - [CloudFlare still chummy with ex-cons from LulzSec](lulzsec2.md) --- "_We miss you. you will never be forgotten._"