let done = false, running = false, notify = 'mypdnsreporter', token = '', apiurl = '', tabOp1 = false, tabOp2 = false; const baseurl = ['https://karma.crimeflare.eu.org:1984', 'http://karma.im5wixghmfmt7gf7wb4xrgdm6byx2gj26zn47da6nwo7xvybgxnqryid.onion']; const waitstc = ['Hold on', 'One moment', 'Just a moment', 'Just a sec', 'Just a second', 'Nice find', 'Knock-knock!', 'Brill!', 'Brilliant!', 'Cool!', 'Good going!', 'Good job!', 'Good work!', 'Great!', 'Keep it up!', 'Marvelous!', 'Nice going!', 'Outstanding!', 'Perfect!', 'Right on!', 'Super!', 'Superb!', 'Terrific!', 'Thanks!', 'Wonderful!', 'Wow!', 'You are doing a good job!']; function showreply(t, d, icon = '') { chrome.notifications.clear(notify); chrome.notifications.create(notify, { type: 'basic', title: t, message: d, iconUrl: chrome.runtime.getURL(icon == '' ? 'icon.png' : 'i/' + icon + '.png') }); } function toBinary(string) { const codeUnits = new Uint16Array(string.length); for (let i = 0; i < codeUnits.length; i++) { codeUnits[i] = string.charCodeAt(i); } return btoa(String.fromCharCode(...new Uint8Array(codeUnits.buffer))); } function ireport(url, type, comment) { return new Promise((g, b) => { fetch(apiurl + '/api/mypdns/', { method: 'POST', mode: 'cors', headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' }, body: (tabOp2 ? 'wdesc&' : '') + 'k=' + token + '&cat=' + type + '&url=' + encodeURIComponent(url) + (comment == '' ? '' : '&wmemo=' + encodeURIComponent(toBinary(comment))) }).then(r => r.json()).then(r => { g(r); }).catch(b); }); } function try_onion() { return new Promise((g, b) => { fetch(baseurl[1] + '/api/mypdns/', { method: 'GET', mode: 'cors' }).then(r => r.json()).then(r => { if (r.reply) { g(); } else { b(); } }).catch(b); }); } function testing_onion() { chrome.storage.local.set({ 'tryonion': 1 }); try_onion().then(() => { chrome.storage.local.set({ 'top3': 1 }); apiurl = baseurl[1]; }, () => {}); } function reporting(i, t) { if (i.menuItemId == 'openMass') { chrome.tabs.create({ active: true, url: chrome.runtime.getURL('massrep/index.html') }); return; } if (i.menuItemId == 'searchIt') { chrome.tabs.create({ active: true, url: 'https://mypdns.org/my-privacy-dns/matrix/-/issues?scope=all&sort=created_date&state=opened&search=' + encodeURIComponent(i.selectionText.trim()) }); return; } if (running) { return; } let cattype, url = ''; if (i.menuItemId.startsWith('actPAGE')) { url = i.pageUrl; cattype = i.menuItemId.split('_')[1]; } if (i.menuItemId.startsWith('actLINK')) { url = i.linkUrl; cattype = i.menuItemId.split('_')[1]; } if (!/^http(|s):\/\/([a-z0-9]{1})([a-z0-9.-]{0,254})\.([a-z]{2,50})(|\/(.*))$/.test(url)) { showreply('Sorry', 'You cannot report this site.'); return; } let fqdn = (new URL(url)).host; if (/^(mypdns\.org|youtube\.com)$/.test(fqdn)) { showreply('Sorry', 'You cannot report this site.'); return; } if (token == '') { showreply('Before you begin', 'Please set your token.'); chrome.runtime.openOptionsPage(); return; } running = true; showreply(waitstc[Math.floor(Math.random() * waitstc.length)], 'Reporting ' + cattype + ' ' + fqdn + '...', cattype); ireport(url, cattype, i.comment || '').then(g => { if (g.reply) { if (g.reply == 'roger') { showreply('Reported ' + fqdn, url); } else { showreply('Reply', g.reply); if (tabOp1 && g.reply.startsWith('Issue for this domain is already exist.')) { chrome.tabs.create({ active: true, url: 'https://mypdns.org/my-privacy-dns/matrix/-/issues/' + g.issue }); } } } else { showreply('Sorry', 'Something is wrong. Please try again later.'); } running = false; }, b => { showreply('Sorry', 'Unable to connect. Please try again later.'); running = false; }); } function reload_menu() { chrome.storage.local.get(null, r => { chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(); chrome.contextMenus.create({ id: 'iactLINK', documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], title: 'Report this Link as', contexts: ['link'] }); chrome.contextMenus.create({ id: 'iactPAGE', documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], title: 'Report this Page as', contexts: ['page'] }); let iLastMenu = ''; if (r.nocat01 != '1') { iLastMenu = '01'; chrome.contextMenus.create({ parentId: 'iactLINK', id: 'actLINK_adware', documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], title: 'Adware', contexts: ['link'] }); chrome.contextMenus.create({ parentId: 'iactPAGE', id: 'actPAGE_adware', documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], title: 'Adware', contexts: ['page'] }); if (r.nocat98 != '1') { chrome.contextMenus.create({ parentId: 'iactLINK', id: 'sepaLink_' + iLastMenu, documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], type: 'separator', contexts: ['link'] }); chrome.contextMenus.create({ parentId: 'iactPAGE', id: 'sepaPage_' + iLastMenu, documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], type: 'separator', contexts: ['page'] }); } } if (r.nocat02 != '1') { iLastMenu = '02'; chrome.contextMenus.create({ parentId: 'iactLINK', id: 'actLINK_drugs', documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], title: 'Drugs', contexts: ['link'] }); chrome.contextMenus.create({ parentId: 'iactPAGE', id: 'actPAGE_drugs', documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], title: 'Drugs', contexts: ['page'] }); if (r.nocat98 != '1') { chrome.contextMenus.create({ parentId: 'iactLINK', id: 'sepaLink_' + iLastMenu, documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], type: 'separator', contexts: ['link'] }); chrome.contextMenus.create({ parentId: 'iactPAGE', id: 'sepaPage_' + iLastMenu, documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], type: 'separator', contexts: ['page'] }); } } if (r.nocat03 != '1') { iLastMenu = '03'; chrome.contextMenus.create({ parentId: 'iactLINK', id: 'actLINK_gambling', documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], title: 'Gambling', contexts: ['link'] }); 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chrome.contextMenus.create({ parentId: 'iactPAGE', id: 'sepaPage_' + iLastMenu, documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], type: 'separator', contexts: ['page'] }); } } if (r.nocat13 != '1') { iLastMenu = '13'; chrome.contextMenus.create({ parentId: 'iactLINK', id: 'actLINK_weapons', documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], title: 'Weapons', contexts: ['link'] }); chrome.contextMenus.create({ parentId: 'iactPAGE', id: 'actPAGE_weapons', documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], title: 'Weapons', contexts: ['page'] }); if (r.nocat98 != '1') { chrome.contextMenus.create({ parentId: 'iactLINK', id: 'sepaLink_' + iLastMenu, documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], type: 'separator', contexts: ['link'] }); chrome.contextMenus.create({ parentId: 'iactPAGE', id: 'sepaPage_' + iLastMenu, documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], type: 'separator', contexts: ['page'] }); } } if (iLastMenu == '') { chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(); } if (r.nocat99 == '1') { chrome.contextMenus.create({ id: 'openMass', documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], title: 'Open Mass Report tool', contexts: ['page'] }); } if (r.nocat97 == '1') { chrome.contextMenus.create({ id: 'searchIt', documentUrlPatterns: ['http://*/*', 'https://*/*'], title: 'Search "%s" on Matrix', contexts: ['selection'] }); } if (r.nocat96 == '1') { chrome.contextMenus.removeAll(); } }); } chrome.contextMenus.onClicked.addListener(reporting); if (!done) { done = true; chrome.storage.local.get(null, r => { apiurl = (r.top3 != 1) ? baseurl[0] : baseurl[1]; if (r.token && r.token.length == 20) { token = r.token; } tabOp1 = (r.top1 == 1) ? true : false; tabOp2 = (r.top2 == 1) ? true : false; if (r.tryonion != 1) { setTimeout(testing_onion, 70000); } }); reload_menu(); } chrome.runtime.onMessage.addListener((r, s, sr) => { if (r[0] == 'set') { token = r[1]; if (token.length == 20) { showreply('Welcome!', 'Thank you for helping out this project.'); } else { showreply('See you later.', 'Your Access Token is cleared.'); } sr(true); } if (r[0] == 'report') { reporting({ menuItemId: 'actPAGE_' + r[1], pageUrl: r[2], comment: r[3] || '' }, null); sr(true); } if (r[0] == 'top1') { tabOp1 = (r[1] == 1) ? true : false; sr(true); } if (r[0] == 'top2') { tabOp2 = (r[1] == 1) ? true : false; sr(true); } if (r[0] == 'top3') { apiurl = (r[1] != 1) ? baseurl[0] : baseurl[1]; sr(true); } if (r[0].startsWith('topWP')||r[0] == 'top4' || r[0] == 'top5' || r[0] == 'top6' || r[0] == 'top7') { sr(true); } if (r[0] == 'menu') { reload_menu(); sr(true); } if (r[0] == 'screenshot') { chrome.tabs.query({ active: true, currentWindow: true }, tab => { if (tab && tab[0]) { let tabFQDN = (new URL(tab[0].url)).host; chrome.tabs.captureVisibleTab(tab[0].windowId, { format: 'jpeg', quality: 100 }, ss => { fetch(ss).then(ssd => ssd.blob()).then(ssd => { let pic = URL.createObjectURL(ssd); chrome.downloads.download({ url: pic, filename: '[' + tabFQDN + '] ' + Math.round((new Date()).getTime() / 1000) + '.jpg', saveAs: true }); }); }); } }); sr(true); } return true; }); chrome.runtime.onInstalled.addListener(g => { if (g.reason == 'install') { chrome.runtime.openOptionsPage(); showreply('Hello!', 'Please set your token to begin.'); } });