# Crimeflare Public DNS

### About this service
- **No** logs. **No** statistics! **No** collection!! Say NO to data collection ;)
- DNS for any devices.
- Unlike those popular public DNS service:
- Google Public DNS (, the default value of Android, Routers and some Linux, [collects information](https://web.archive.org/web/20230618153339/https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/privacy) such as queries including requested domain name and IP address.
- Cloudflare ( also [collects information](https://web.archive.org/web/20230626025054/https://developers.cloudflare.com/ such as queryName and IP. They also categorize them and list data publicly.
- **Block Cloudflare** sites. There are better ethical websites on the internet!
- Return answer will be empty.
- **Block problematic/unsafe contents** using StevenBlack's [adware + malware](https://github.com/StevenBlack/hosts/blob/master/readme.md) list.
- Note: We DO NOT censor/filter other things. Please report false positive to above list provider.
- **Block DNS-rebind attack**.
And hey, if you are network administrator do [block Cloudflare](../block_cloudflare_with/dns.md) for your users!
### Details
| Type | Value | Note |
| --- | --- | --- |
| DNS-over-HTTPS(DoH) | `https://dns.crimeflare.eu.org:5443/dns-query` | 
`curl -v --doh-url https://dns.crimeflare.eu.org:5443/dns-query https://www.youtube.com/robots.txt` |
| DNS-over-TLS(DoT) | `dns.crimeflare.eu.org` (TCP 853) |  |
| DNSCrypt | ``
Public key: `4c2180637316a2e36654cb9ce53915147cf824fed6b3cfcb83a39b7a036172c3`
Provider name: `2.dnscrypt-cert.crimeflare.decloudflare.dns`
DNS Stamp:
`sdns://AQMAAAAAAAAAEjY1LjIxLjI1Mi4yMDE6NTM1MyBMIYBjcxai42ZUy5zlORUUfPgk_tazz8uDo5t6A2FywysyLmRuc2NyeXB0LWNlcnQuY3JpbWVmbGFyZS5kZWNsb3VkZmxhcmUuZG5z` |
| ~~DNS (UDP/TCP)~~ | `53/udp 53/tcp`
_Discontinued to promote encryption_ | TCP is rate-limited softly.
Port 53 is [unencypted DNS](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_Name_System).
You should use encrypted protocol mentioned above if you can. |