## Simple API files for IsMM/IsAT Add-ons

### Requirements

- Web server (or somethig like [builtin server](https://www.php.net/manual/en/features.commandline.webserver.php))
- PHP 7 or later

### 1a. Set up API for `Are links vulnerable to MITM attack?`(isMM)

Pick A or B.

> Type A: download JSON files and use them locally
1. Copy [ismm.php](ismm.php) to your website directory.<br>
    e.g. `/api/ismm.php` (you can rename it)
2. Create `listdata` directory.<br>
    e.g. `/api/listdata/`
3. Download JSON files (*.json) from [/cloudflare_users/domains](../../cloudflare_users/domains) and save them to dir above.<br>
    e.g. `/api/listdata/cloudflare_e.json`<br>
    (you can use [cfdomains --dl](../cfdomains/README.md) to download JSON)
4. Open your API. It should say `OK`.<br>
    e.g. `http://localhost/api/ismm.php`

> Type B: Use KarmaAPI online service
1. Copy [ismm_online.php](ismm_online.php) to your website directory.<br>
    e.g. `/api/ismm_online.php` (you can rename it)
2. Open your API. It should say `OK`.<br>
    e.g. `http://localhost/api/ismm_online.php`

### 1b. Set up API for `Will these links block Tor user?`(isAT)

1. Copy [isat.php](isat.php) to your website directory.<br>
    e.g. `/api/isat.php`
2. Create `listdata` directory.<br>
    e.g. `/api/listdata/`
3. Download JSON files (*.json) from [/anti-tor_users/domains](../../anti-tor_users/domains) and save them to dir above.<br>
    e.g. `/api/listdata/antitor_e.json`
4. Open your API. It should say `OK`.<br>
    e.g. `http://localhost/api/isat.php`

### 2. Use your API

1. Open Add-on's `Options` page.
2. Select `API URL`.
3. Input your API URL into right box.
4. Done!