## How many % of online newspapers in Africa are using Cloudflare? The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in Africa.
_click me_ ## Algeria | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Akhbar el Youm | https://www.akhbarelyoum.dz/ | No | | Akher Saâ | https://www.akhersaa-dz.com/ | No | | Al Ahdath News | https://alahdathnews.com/ | Yes | | Algeria Daily | https://www.algeriadaily.com/ | No | | Algérie Press Service | https://www.aps.dz/ | No | | Al Jazairal Youm | https://www.aljazairalyoum.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Algeria | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Annasr | https://www.annasronline.com/ | No | | Arab World Daily News | https://arabworlddailynews.com/ | No | | Ech-Chaab | https://www.ech-chaab.com/ | No | | Echourouk el Youmi | https://www.echoroukonline.com/ | Yes | | El Ahdath | https://ahdath.info/ | Yes | | El Djournhouria | https://www.eldjoumhouria.dz/ | No | | El Heddaf | https://www.elheddaf.com/ | Yes | | El Khabar | https://www.elkhabar.com/ | Yes | | El Massa | https://www.el-massa.com/ | No | | El Moudjahid | https://www.elmoudjahid.com/ | Yes | | El Raaed | https://www.elraaed.com/ | Yes | | El Watan | https://www.elwatan.com/ | Yes | | El Youm | https://www.youm7.com/ | Yes | | Ennahar El Djadid | https://www.ennaharonline.com/ | Yes | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Kawalisse | https://www.kawalisse.com/ | No | | L'Expression | https://www.lexpressiondz.com/ | Yes | | La Dépêche de Kabylie | https://www.depechedekabylie.com/ | Yes | | Le Jeune Independant | https://www.jeune-independant.net/ | No | | Le Jour d'Algérie | https://www.lejourdalgerie.com/ | No | | Le Matin d'Algérie | https://www.lematindz.net/ | Yes | | Le Quotidien d'Oran | https://www.quotidien-oran.com/ | No | | Les Débats | https://lesdebats.com/ | No | | Le Soir d'Algérie | https://www.lesoirdalgerie.com/ | Yes | | Liberté | https://www.liberte-algerie.com/ | Yes | | North Africa Journal | https://north-africa.com/ | No | | ObservAlgerie | https://www.observalgerie.com/ | Yes | | The Worldfolio | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No | | Today's Opinion | https://www.raialyoum.com/ | Yes | | Transaction d'Algérie | https://transactiondalgerie.com/ | No | | Wakteld Jazair | https://www.wakteldjazair.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Angola | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Angola | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Angop | https://www.angop.ao/ | No | | Apostolado | https://apostoladoangola.com/ | No | | Club-K | https://www.club-k.net/ | Yes | | Correio Kianda | https://www.correiokianda.info/ | Yes | | Folha 8 | https://www.jornalf8.net/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Jornal de Angola | https://www.jornaldeangola.com/ | No | | Notícias de Angola | https://noticiasdeangola.co.ao/ | Yes | | Novo Jornal | https://www.novojornal.co.ao/ | No | | Palavra Do Ano | https://www.palavradoano.co.ao/ | No | | The Worldfolio: Angola | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Benin | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Benin | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | La Nation | https://lanationbenin.info/ | Yes |
_click me_ ## Botswana | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Africa News | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Botswana Guardian | https://www.botswanaguardian.co.bw/ | No | | Daily News | https://www.dailynews.gov.bw/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Mmegi Online | https://www.mmegi.bw/ | Yes | | Sunday Standard | https://www.sundaystandard.info/ | Yes | | The Midweek Sun | https://www.themidweeksun.co.bw/ | No | | The Patriot on Sunday | https://www.thepatriot.co.bw/ | No | | The Worldfolio | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No | | WeekendPost | https://www.weekendpost.co.bw/ | No | | Zambezian | https://www.zambezian.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Burkina faso | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Burkina Faso | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | L'Observateur Paalga | https://www.lobservateur.bf/ | No | | Le Pays | https://www.lepays.bf/ | Yes | | Sidwaya Quotidien | https://www.sidwaya.info/ | No |
_click me_ ## Burundi | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | ARIB | https://www.arib.info/ | No | | Iwacu | https://www.iwacu-burundi.org/ | Yes | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | NAWE | https://nawe.bi/ | Yes | | Radio Isanganiro | https://isanganiro.org/ | No | | Yaga Burundi | https://www.yaga-burundi.com/ | Yes |
_click me_ ## Cameroon | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Actu Cameroun | https://actucameroun.com/ | Yes | | Africa News: Cameroon | https://www.africanews.com/ | No | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Camer.be | https://www.camer.be/ | No | | Cameroon-Info.Net | https://www.cameroon-info.net/ | Yes | | Cameroon Concorde News | https://www.cameroonconcordnews.com/ | No | | Cameroon Intellence Report | https://www.cameroonintelligencereport.com/ | No | | Cameroon News | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No | | CameroonOnline.org | https://www.cameroononline.org/ | Yes | | Cameroon Tribune | https://www.cameroon-tribune.cm/ | No | | Cameroon Web | https://www.camerounweb.com/ | Yes | | Cameroon WN News | https://wn.com/ | No | | Cameroun 24 | https://www.cameroun24.net/ | No | | Camfoot | https://www.camfoot.com/ | No | | Eden Newspaper | https://www.edennewspaper.net/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Journal du Cameroun | https://www.journalducameroun.com/ | No | | Ntiona Unies: Cameroun | https://www.un.org/ | No | | Post Online | https://www.cameroonpostline.com/ | No | | Quotidien Mutations | https://www.quotidienmutations.net/ | No | | The Standard Tribune | https://www.standard-tribune.com/ | No | | The WorldFolio: Cameroon | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Cape verde | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Cape Verde | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | A Naĉão | https://anacao.cv/ | No | | A Semana | https://www.asemana.publ.cv/ | No | | Cape Verde News | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No | | Expresso Das Ilhas | https://www.expressodasilhas.cv/ | No | | Horizonte | https://www.jhorizonte.com/ | No | | Info Press | https://www.inforpress.cv/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Jornal Opais | https://www.opais.cv/ | Yes | | The Worldfolio: Cape Verde | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No | | Visao News | https://www.visaonews.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Central african republic | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Africa News Online | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Centrafique Presse | https://www.centrafrique-presse.info/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes |
_click me_ ## Chad | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrik | https://www.afrik.com/ | Yes | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | N'Djamena Hebdo | https://ndjamenahebdo.net/ | Yes |
_click me_ ## Comoros | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | A-Watwan | https://www.comores-online.com/ | No | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Arab World Daily News | https://arabworlddailynews.com/ | No | | Comores Infos | https://www.comores-infos.net/ | No | | Habariza Comores | https://www.habarizacomores.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | La Gazette des Comores | https://lagazettedescomores.com/ | Yes | | Mayotte Hebdo | https://www.mayottehebdo.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Congo brazzaville | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Congo News | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Journal de Brazza | https://www.journaldebrazza.com/ | No | | La Semaine Africaine | https://lasemaineafricaine.net/ | Yes | | Les Despeches de Brazzaville | https://www.lesdepechesdebrazzaville.fr/ | No | | Les Echos du Congo Brazzaville | https://lesechos-congobrazza.com/ | No | | The Worldfolio: Congo Brazzaville | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Cote divoire | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Abidjan.net | https://news.abidjan.net/ | Yes | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Côte D'Ivoire | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Fraternité Matin | https://www.fratmat.co.ci/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Koaci: Côte d'Ivoire | https://www.koaci.com/ | No | | La Nouvelle République | https://www.lanouvellerepublique.fr/ | No | | Le Patriote | https://www.lepatriote.ci/ | No | | Notre Voie News | https://www.notrevoienews.com/ | No | | The Worldfolio: Ivory Coast | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Democratic republic congo | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Digital Congo | https://www.digitalcongo.net/ | Yes | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | L'Avenir | https://www.lavenir.net/ | Yes | | La Prospérité | https://laprosperiteonline.net/ | No | | Le Potentiel | https://www.lepotentiel.cd/ | No | | Radio Okapi | https://www.radiookapi.net/ | Yes | | The International | https://www.lesoftonline.net/ | No |
_click me_ ## Djibouti | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Agence Djiboutienne d'Information | https://www.adi.dj/ | No | | AllAfrica: Djibouti | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Arab World Daily News | https://arabworlddailynews.com/ | No | | HCH24 - Horn Africa | https://www.hch24.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | La Nation | https://www.lanation.dj/ | No |
_click me_ ## Egypt | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AhlyNews.com | https://www.ahlynews.com/ | Yes | | Ahram | https://www.ahram.org.eg/ | Yes | | Akhbar El Yom | https://www.akhbarelyom.org.eg/ | No | | Akhbar Way | https://www.akhbarway.com/ | No | | Al-Ahaly | https://www.al-ahaly.com/ | Yes | | Al-Arabi Al-Nasery | https://al-araby.com/ | No | | Al-Azma | https://www.alazma.com/ | No | | Al-Messa | https://www.almessa.net.eg/ | Yes | | Al-Osboa | https://www.elosboa.com/ | Yes | | Al-Shorouk | https://www.shorouknews.com/ | Yes | | Al-Youm Al-Sabee | https://www.youm7.com/ | Yes | | Alborsa | https://www.alborsanews.com/ | Yes | | AllAfrica: Egypt | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Al Mal News | https://www.almalnews.com/ | Yes | | Al Manar Aljadeed | https://www.almanar.net/ | No | | Al Maqal | https://al-maqal.com/ | Yes | | Almasry Alyoum | https://www.almasry-alyoum.com/ | Yes | | Al Masry Al Youm | https://www.almasryalyoum.com/ | Yes | | Al Mesryoon | https://www.almesryoon.com/ | Yes | | Al Moheet | https://www.moheet.com/ | Yes | | Al Nafeza | https://www.alnafeza.com/ | No | | Al Nahar | https://www.alnaharegypt.com/ | Yes | | Al Nilin | https://www.alnilin.com/ | No | | Al Shaab | https://www.alshaab.com/ | No | | Al Tahreer | https://www.egarida.com/ | No | | Alwafd | https://www.alwafd.org/ | Yes | | Anbaa Masr | https://www.anbaamasr.com/ | No | | Arab Net 5 | https://www.arabnet5.com/ | No | | Arab World Daily News | https://arabworlddailynews.com/ | No | | Business Today | https://www.businesstodayegypt.com/ | Yes | | Cairo Now | https://www.cairo-now.com/ | No | | Cairo Portal | https://www.cairoportal.com/ | Yes | | CairoStadium.com | https://www.cairostadium.com/ | No | | Cairo Times | https://www.cairotimes.com/ | No | | Capital News | https://www.capitalnewseg.com/ | Yes | | Copts United | https://www.coptsunited.com/ | No | | CTV Egypt News | https://www.ctv-egypt.com/ | No | | Daily Egypt News | https://www.dailyegyptnews.com/ | No | | Daily News Egypt | https://www.thedailynewsegypt.com/ | Yes | | Democraticfront | https://www.democraticfront.org/ | Yes | | Egypt Daily News | https://www.egyptdailynews.com/ | No | | Egypt Gate | https://www.gateeg.com/ | Yes | | Egypt Independent | https://www.egyptindependent.com/ | Yes | | Egypt Today | https://www.egypttoday.co.uk/ | No | | El-Gomhuriah | https://www.eltahrir.net.eg/ | No | | El-Shaab | https://www.elshaab.org/ | Yes | | El Akhbar | https://www.elakhbar.org.uk/ | No | | El Aosboa | https://www.elaosboa.com/ | Yes | | El Aph | https://www.elaph.com/ | Yes | | El Badil | https://www.elbadil.net/ | Yes | | El Bashayer | https://www.elbashayer.com/ | Yes | | El Dostor Alasly | https://www.dostorasly.com/ | No | | El Dostor | https://www.dostor.org/ | Yes | | El Fagr | https://www.elfagr.org/ | Yes | | El Mogaz | https://www.elmogaz.com/ | Yes | | El Saba7 | https://www.elsaba7.com/ | Yes | | El Wasat | https://www.el-wasat.com/ | No | | Elwatan | https://www.elwatannews.com/ | Yes | | Ertu | https://www.egynews.net/ | No | | Giza Now | https://www.gizanow.com/ | No | | Hedayah | https://www.hedayah.net/ | No | | Het Laatste Nieuws | https://www.hln.be/ | No | | Imalmasr | https://imalmasry.com/ | No | | Islam Online | https://www.islamonline.net/ | Yes | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Kalam Social | https://www.kalamsocial.com/ | No | | Khabar Masr | https://www.khabarmasr.com/ | No | | La Revue d'Égypte | https://www.larevuedegypte.com/ | No | | Mahalla City News | https://www.mahallacity.com/ | No | | Media NET2 | https://www.medianet2.com/ | Yes | | Melody Sport | https://www.melodysport.tv/ | No | | Middle East News Agency | https://www.mena.org.eg/ | Yes | | Misr 24 - 24 | https://www.24.com.eg/ | Yes | | MisrDay | https://www.misrday.com/ | Yes | | MisrNews.com | https://www.misrnews.com/ | Yes | | Muhtwaplus | https://www.muhtwaplus.com/ | Yes | | Nile360 | https://www.nile360.com/ | Yes | | Nile Sports | https://www.nilesports.com/ | No | | Nononline | https://www.nononline.com/ | No | | NTA Newstime | https://www.newstimeafrica.com/ | No | | ONA News Agency | https://onaeg.com/ | No | | Ouionnet | https://www.ouionnet.org/ | No | | Rosalyousef | https://www.rosaonline.net/ | No | | Russkiy v Egypte | https://www.russianinegypt.com/ | No | | Sabaharabi | https://www.sabaharabi.com/ | Yes | | Shabab Misr | https://www.shbabmisr.com/ | Yes | | Shabab Online | https://www.shababon-line.com/ | No | | Sout al Malaien | https://www.soutalmalaien.com/ | No | | Sout AlOmma | https://www.soutalomma.com/ | Yes | | Tahrir News | https://tahrirnews.com/ | Yes | | The Daily Star Egypt | https://www.dailystaregypt.com/ | No | | The Middle East Observer | https://www.meobserver.org/ | No | | The Middle East Times | https://metimes.com/ | No | | The Worldfolio | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No | | Veto | https://www.vetogate.com/ | Yes | | Watani | https://www.watani.com.eg/ | No | | Watan | https://www.watan.com/ | Yes | | Yallakora | https://www.yallakora.com/ | Yes | | Zamalek Fans | https://zamalekfans.com/ | Yes | | Zamalek Today | https://www.zamalektoday.com/ | Yes |
_click me_ ## Equatorial guinea | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Asodegue | https://diariorombe.es/ | Yes | | Diaria Rombe | https://www.asodeguesegundaetapa.org/ | Yes | | El Confidencial de Guinea Ecuatorial | https://www.elconfidencial.com/ | No | | El Diario de Malabo | https://www.eldiariodemalabo.com/ | No | | Equatorial Guinea News | https://www.guineaecuatorialpress.com/ | Yes | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | La Gaceta | https://www.lagacetadeguinea.com/ | No | | The Worldfolio: Equatorial Guinea | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Eritrea | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Eritrea | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Farajat | https://farajat.net/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Shabait | https://www.shabait.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Ethiopia | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Addis Admass | https://www.addisadmassnews.com/ | No | | Addis Herald | https://www.addisherald.com/ | No | | Addis Standard | https://addisstandard.com/ | No | | Addis Tribune | https://www.addistribune.com/ | No | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Ethiopia | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Capital | https://www.capitalethiopia.com/ | No | | Ethiopian Press Agency | https://www.press.et/ | No | | Fortune | https://addisfortune.news/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | New Business Ethiopia | https://newbusinessethiopia.com/ | No | | The Reporter | https://ethiopianreporter.com/ | Yes | | The Sub-Saharan Informer | https://www.ssinformer.com/ | No | | The Worldfolio: Ethiopia | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Gabon | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | GaboNews | https://www.gabonews.com/ | No | | Gabon Media Time | https://www.gabonmediatime.com/ | No | | Gabon News | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | The Worldfolio | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Gambia | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Aljazeera | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Gambia | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Foroyaa Online | https://www.foroyaa.gm/ | No | | Freedom Newspaper | https://www.freedomnewspaper.com/ | Yes | | Gambia Today | https://gambia-today.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Malagen | https://malagen.com/ | No | | The Chronicle | https://www.chronicle.gm/ | No | | The Daily News | https://dailynewsgm.com/ | No | | The Fatu Network | https://fatunetwork.net/ | Yes | | The Gambia | https://kairabanewsnetwork.com/ | No | | The Point | https://www.thepoint.gm/ | No | | The Standard | https://www.standard.gm/ | Yes |
_click me_ ## Ghana | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | All Ghana News | https://www.allghananews.com/ | No | | Business & Financial Times | https://www.thebftonline.com/ | Yes | | BuzzGhana | https://www.buzzghana.com/ | Yes | | Daily Guide Network | https://dailyguidenetwork.com/ | No | | Ghanaian Newsrunner | https://www.newsrunner.com/ | No | | Ghanaian Times | https://www.ghanaiantimes.com.gh/ | No | | Ghana Mine | https://www.ghanamine.com/ | No | | Ghana News | https://wn.com/ | No | | Ghana Palaver | https://ghanapalaver.com/ | No | | Ghana Web | https://www.ghanaweb.com/ | Yes | | Graphic Online | https://www.graphic.com.gh/ | Yes | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | My Joy Online | https://www.myjoyonline.com/ | No | | News Ghana | https://www.newsghana.com.gh/ | Yes | | NTA Newstime | https://www.newstimeafrica.com/ | No | | Sub-Saharan Informer | https://www.ssinformer.com/ | No | | The Chronicle | https://thechronicle.com.gh/ | No | | The Guardian | https://www.theguardian.com/ | No | | The Independent | https://theindependentghana.com/ | No | | The New Ghanaian | https://www.thenewghanaian.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Guinea bissau | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Guinea-Bissau | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Ang Noticias | https://angnoticias.blogspot.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | O Democrata GB | https://www.odemocratagb.com/ | Yes | | Rispito | https://www.rispito.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Guinea | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Guinea | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Aujourd'hui en Guinée | https://www.aujourdhui-en-guinee.com/ | No | | Guinée 114 | https://guinee114.com/ | No | | Guinée 360 | https://www.guinee360.com/ | Yes | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Kababachir.com | https://www.kababachir.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Kenya | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Africa Science News | https://www.africasciencenews.org/ | No | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Kenya | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Citizen Digital | https://citizentv.co.ke/ | Yes | | Daily Post Kenya | https://www.dailypost.co.ke/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Kawowo Sports | https://www.kawowo.com/ | No | | Kenya News | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No | | Kenya Star | https://www.kenyastar.com/ | No | | Kenya Times | https://www.standardmedia.co.ke/ | Yes | | Kenya Today | https://www.kenya-today.com/ | No | | MediaMax | https://mediamaxnetwork.co.ke/ | Yes | | Mpasho | https://mpasho.co.ke/ | Yes | | Mt Kenya Times | https://www.mtkenyatimes.co.ke/ | Yes | | Nation | https://www.nation.co.ke/ | Yes | | Sub-Saharan Informer | https://www.ssinformer.com/ | No | | The Daily Mail | https://thedailymail.co.ke/ | No | | The Daily Post | https://kenyan-post.com/ | No | | The East African | https://www.theeastafrican.co.ke/ | Yes | | The Star | https://www.the-star.co.ke/ | Yes | | The Worldfolio: Kenya | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No | | Tuko | https://www.tuko.co.ke/ | Yes | | What's Up Kenya | https://whatsupkenya.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Lesotho | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Lesotho | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Lesotho Times | https://lestimes.com/ | No | | Mosotho | https://mosotho.co.ls/ | No | | Sunday Express | https://www.sundayexpress.co.ls/ | No | | The Post | https://www.thepost.co.ls/ | No |
_click me_ ## Liberia | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | 1847 Post | https://paper.li/ | Yes | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Liberia | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Daily Observer | https://www.liberianobserver.com/ | Yes | | Front Page Africa | https://www.frontpageafricaonline.com/ | Yes | | Global News Network | https://www.gnnliberia.com/ | No | | In Profile Daily | https://www.inprofiledaily.com/ | No | | Insight Newspaper | https://www.insight.com.lr/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | New Dawn | https://thenewdawnliberia.com/ | No | | New Republic | https://www.newrepublicliberia.com/ | No | | The Analyst | https://analystliberiaonline.com/ | No | | The Inquirer | https://www.theinquirernewspaper.com/ | No | | The Monrovia Times | https://www.themonroviatimes.com/ | No | | The New Dispensation | https://thenewdispensation.wordpress.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Libya | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Akhbar Libya | https://www.libyaakhbar.com/ | Yes | | Al-Fajral Al-Jadeed | https://alfajraljadeed.com/ | No | | Al-Shames | https://www.alshames.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Libya | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Arab World Daily News | https://arabworlddailynews.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Libya-Today | https://www.libya-today.com/ | No | | Libya Herald | https://www.libyaherald.com/ | Yes | | Libya Jeel | https://www.libyajeel.com/ | Yes | | Libya News | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No | | Libyan Express | https://www.libyanexpress.com/ | No | | Libyan News Agency | https://www.lana-news.ly/ | No | | Quryna | https://www.quryna.com/ | Yes | | The Libya Observer | https://www.libyaobserver.ly/ | No | | The Libya Times | https://www.libyatimes.net/ | No |
_click me_ ## Madagascar | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Madagascar | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | L'Express | https://lexpress.mg/ | No | | Madagascar Tribune | https://www.madagascar-tribune.com/ | No | | Midi Madagasikara | https://www.midi-madagasikara.mg/ | Yes |
_click me_ ## Malawi | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Malawi | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Daily Malawi | https://dailymalawi.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Malawi24 | https://www.malawi24.com/ | Yes | | Malawian Watchdog | https://www.malawianwatchdog.com/ | No | | Malawi Voice | https://www.malawivoice.com/ | No | | Maravi Express | https://www.maraviexpress.com/ | No | | Nyasa Times | https://www.nyasatimes.com/ | Yes | | The Maravi Post | https://www.maravipost.com/ | No | | The Nation | https://www.mwnation.com/ | No | | The Times | https://www.times.mw/ | No | | The Worldfolio: Malawi | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No | | The Zambezian | https://www.zambezian.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Mali | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Mali | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Les Echos | https://www.lesechos.ml/ | No | | Maliweb.net | https://www.maliweb.net/ | Yes |
_click me_ ## Mauritania | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Mauritania | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Arab World Daily News | https://arabworlddailynews.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Le Calame | https://www.lecalame.info/ | No | | SaharaMedia | https://www.saharamedia.net/ | No | | Taqadoumy | https://taqadoumy.co/ | No |
_click me_ ## Mauritius | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Mauritius | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Defi Media | https://www.defimedia.info/ | Yes | | Grandbaie.mu | https://www.grandbaie.mu/ | No | | Inside News | https://www.inside.news/ | Yes | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | L'Express | https://www.lexpress.mu/ | Yes | | Le Mauricien | https://www.lemauricien.com/ | No | | Mauritius Times | https://www.mauritiustimes.com/ | No | | Mo Ti News | https://www.motinews.info/ | Yes | | Pathirikai | https://www.pathirikai.com/ | Yes | | Star | https://starpress.info/ | Yes |
_click me_ ## Morocco | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Actualités Maroc | https://www.yabiladi.com/ | Yes | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Ahdath Maghribiya | https://www.ahdath.info/ | Yes | | Al Akhbar Press | https://www.alakhbar.press.ma/ | Yes | | Al Alam | https://www.alalam.ma/ | No | | Al Arabiya | https://www.alarabiya.net/ | No | | Al Bayane | https://www.albayane.ma/ | No | | Aljarida24 | https://www.aljarida24.ma/ | Yes | | Al Khabar | https://al-akhbar.com/ | Yes | | AllAfrica: Morocco | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Al Maghrib Press | https://www.almaghribpress.com/ | No | | Al Maghrib Today | https://www.almaghribtoday.net/ | Yes | | Al Massae | https://www.almassaepress.com/ | Yes | | Al Mountakhab | https://www.almountakhab.com/ | Yes | | Alyoum24 | https://www.alyaoum24.com/ | Yes | | Annoukhba | https://annoukhba.info/ | No | | Arab World Daily News | https://arabworlddailynews.com/ | No | | Assabah | https://assabah.ma/ | Yes | | Assahra Al Maghribia | https://www.almaghribia.ma/ | Yes | | Aujourd´hui Le Maroc | https://www.aujourdhui.ma/ | Yes | | Cawalisse Alyoum | https://www.cawalisse.com/ | Yes | | Emarrakech | https://www.emarrakech.info/ | No | | Hespress | https://www.hespress.com/ | Yes | | Hiba Press | https://www.hibapress.com/ | Yes | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Khabar Maroc | https://www.khabarmaroc.com/ | No | | L'Economiste | https://www.leconomiste.com/ | Yes | | L'Opinion | https://www.lopinion.ma/ | No | | La Jour Maroc | https://www.mlj.ma/ | No | | La Nouvelle Tribune | https://lnt.ma/ | No | | La Vie Éco | https://www.lavieeco.com/ | Yes | | Le Journal de Tanger | https://www.lejournaldetanger.com/ | Yes | | Le Journal Hebdomadaire | https://www.lejournal-hebdo.com/ | No | | Le Matin | https://www.lematin.ma/ | Yes | | Libération | https://www.libe.ma/ | No | | M24 | https://www.m24tv.ma/ | No | | Maghreb Daily News | https://www.maghrebdailynews.com/ | No | | Map Express | https://www.mapexpress.ma/ | No | | Maroc Hebdo International | https://www.maroc-hebdo.press.ma/ | No | | Marocpost | https://www.marocpost.net/ | No | | Marocpress.ma | https://www.marocpress.com/ | No | | Maroc Telegraph | https://www.maroctelegraph.com/ | Yes | | Medias24 | https://www.medias24.com/ | Yes | | Morocco Gazette | https://marocgazette.com/ | No | | Morocco News | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No | | Morocco Today | https://www.moroccotoday.com/ | No | | Morocco World News | https://moroccoworldnews.com/ | Yes | | Noistranieri | https://noistranieri.it/ | No | | Oujda Portail | https://www.oujdaportail.net/ | No | | Rue20.com | https://www.rue20.com/ | Yes | | Sahara Press | https://www.spsrasd.info/ | No | | TelQuel | https://telquel.ma/ | Yes | | The Moroccan Times | https://www.themoroccantimes.com/ | No | | The Worldfolio: Morocco | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No | | Western Sahara News | https://www.corcas.com/ | No | | Zagora Press | https://www.zagorapress.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Mozambique | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Mozambique | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Canal de Moçambique | https://canal.co.mz/ | No | | Carta de Moçambique | https://www.cartamz.com/ | Yes | | Diáro Económico | https://www.diarioeconomico.co.mz/ | Yes | | Domingo | https://www.jornaldomingo.co.mz/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Mozambique News Agency | https://www.poptel.org.uk/ | No | | Notícias | https://www.jornalnoticias.co.mz/ | No | | The Worldfolio: Mozambique | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Namibia | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Namibia | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Allgemeine Zeitung | https://www.az.com.na/ | Yes | | Confidénte | https://confidentenamibia.com/ | No | | Die Republikein | https://www.republikein.com.na/ | Yes | | Informanté | https://www.informante.web.na/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Namibia Economist | https://www.economist.com.na/ | Yes | | Namibian Sun | https://www.namibiansun.com/ | Yes | | New Era | https://neweralive.na/ | No | | Omutumwa | https://www.omutumwa.com/ | No | | The Caprivi Vision | https://www.caprivivision.com/ | No | | The Namibian | https://www.namibian.com.na/ | Yes | | Windhoek Observer | https://www.observer24.com.na/ | No |
_click me_ ## Niger | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes |
_click me_ ## Nigeria | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | 36Naija | https://www.36naija.com/ | No | | 90 Minutes Goal | https://www.90minutesgoal.com/ | No | | African Herald Express | https://africanheraldexpress.blogspot.com/ | No | | Africa Prime News | https://www.africaprimenews.com/ | No | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Agvictor | https://www.agvictor.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Nigeria | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Amen Super News | https://www.amensupernews.com/ | Yes | | Blank News Online | https://www.blanknewsonline.com/ | No | | Blueprint | https://www.blueprint.ng/ | Yes | | Brainnewspaper | https://www.brainnewspaper.com/ | Yes | | Business Day | https://www.businessdayonline.com/ | No | | Business Hallmark News | https://www.hallmarknews.com/ | Yes | | Business News | https://businessnews.com.ng/ | Yes | | Buzz Nigeria | https://buzznigeria.com/ | Yes | | Buzz Reporters | https://www.buzzreporters.com/ | Yes | | Champion News | https://www.champion.com.ng/ | Yes | | Channels Television | https://www.channelstv.com/ | Yes | | Complete Sports | https://www.completesportsnigeria.com/ | Yes | | Connect Africa | https://www.connectafrica.wordpress.com/ | No | | Daily Independent | https://www.independent.ng/ | Yes | | Daily Newswatch | https://www.mydailynewswatchng.com/ | No | | Daily Post | https://dailypost.com.ng/ | Yes | | Daily Trust | https://www.dailytrust.com.ng/ | No | | Desert Herald | https://www.desertherald.com/ | Yes | | e-Nigeria! | https://www.e-nigeriang.com/ | Yes | | EmirateNews NG | https://www.emiratenews.com.ng/ | No | | First Reports | https://firstreportsonline.com/ | No | | Fresh Angle | https://www.freshangleng.com/ | Yes | | GH Bulletin | https://www.ghbulletin.com/ | Yes | | Gist Vile | https://gistvile.com/ | No | | Gruttle | https://www.gruttle.com/ | Yes | | Igbo Watch | https://www.igbowatch.com/ | No | | Imo Trumpeta | https://www.imotrumpeta.com/ | No | | Information Nigeria | https://www.informationng.com/ | Yes | | Ionigeria.com | https://www.ionigeria.com/ | No | | IQ4NEWS | https://www.iq4news.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Leadership Nigeria | https://www.leadership.ng/ | No | | Naija News | https://www.naijanews.com/ | Yes | | Naij | https://www.naij.com/ | Yes | | National Accord | https://www.nationalaccordnewspaper.com/ | Yes | | National Daily | https://www.nationaldailyng.com/ | Yes | | National Mirror | https://www.nationalmirroronline.net/ | Yes | | National Network | https://www.nationalnetworkonline.com/ | No | | New Mail | https://www.newmail-ng.com/ | Yes | | New Nigeria | https://www.newnigeria.com/ | No | | News Nigeria | https://newsnigeria.com/ | No | | News of Nigeria | https://www.newsofnigeria.com/ | Yes | | News Unlimited | https://www.thenewsunlimited.com/ | No | | New Telegraph | https://www.newtelegraphng.com/ | No | | Nigeria CommunicationsWeek | https://www.nigeriacommunicationsweek.com.ng/ | Yes | | Nigerian Alert | https://nigerianalertng.com/ | No | | Nigerian NewsDirect | https://nigeriannewsdirect.com/ | Yes | | Nigerian News | https://www.nigeriannews.com/ | No | | Nigerian Pilot | https://www.nigerianpilot.com/ | Yes | | Nigerian Telegraph | https://www.telegraphng.com/ | No | | Nigerian Tribune | https://www.tribuneonlineng.com/ | No | | NigeriapenNg | https://www.nigeriapenng.com/ | Yes | | Nigeria Sun | https://www.nigeriasun.com/ | No | | Nigeria World | https://www.nigeriaworld.com/ | Yes | | NTA Newstime | https://www.newstimeafrica.com/ | No | | PM News | https://pmnewsnigeria.com/ | Yes | | Politics Nigeria | https://www.politicsnigeria.com/ | Yes | | Premium Times | https://www.premiumtimesng.com/ | No | | Prima News | https://www.primanews.org/ | No | | Primetime Reporters | https://www.primetimereporters.com/ | No | | Prompt News Online | https://www.promptnewsonline.com/ | Yes | | Puo Reports | https://www.puoreports.com/ | No | | Quick News Africa | https://www.quicknews-africa.net/ | Yes | | Royal Times | https://royaltimes.net/ | No | | Sahara Reporters | https://www.saharareporters.com/ | Yes | | Secrets Reporters | https://www.secretsreporter.com/ | No | | Secure Nigeria365 | https://www.securenigeria365.com/ | No | | State Reporters | https://www.statereporters.com/ | No | | Sub-Saharan Informer | https://www.ssinformer.com/ | No | | Target News Online | https://www.targetnewsonline.com/ | No | | TDPel Media | https://www.tdpelmedia.com/ | No | | The Abuja Inquirer | https://www.theabujainquirer.com/ | No | | The Advocate | https://www.theadvocatengr.com/ | No | | The Atlantic Post | https://www.atlanticpostng.com/ | No | | The Authority Newspaper | https://www.authorityngr.com/ | No | | The Beam News | https://thebeamnews.blogspot.com.au/ | No | | The Guardian | https://www.ngrguardiannews.com/ | No | | The Nation | https://www.thenationonlineng.net/ | Yes | | The News Chronicle | https://www.thenews-chronicle.com/ | No | | The New Times | https://www.thenewtimespress.com/ | No | | The Nigerian Current | https://www.nigeriancurrent.com/ | No | | The Nigerian Insider News | https://www.thenigerianinsidernews.com/ | No | | The Nigerian Observer | https://www.nigerianobservernews.com/ | Yes | | The Pointer | https://thepointernewsonline.com/ | No | | The Port Harcourt Telegraph | https://www.phctelegraph.info/ | No | | The Punch | https://punchng.com/ | Yes | | The Sun | https://www.sunnewsonline.com/ | Yes | | The Tide | https://www.thetidenewsonline.com/ | No | | The Voice | https://www.thevoicenewspaper.ng/ | No | | The Will | https://www.thewillnigeria.com/ | No | | The Worldfolio | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No | | This Day | https://www.thisdaylive.com/ | No | | Trillertunes | https://www.trillertunes.com/ | Yes | | Vanguard | https://www.vanguardngr.com/ | Yes |
_click me_ ## Reunion | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Journal de l'Ile | https://www.clicanoo.re/ | Yes | | Le Quotidien | https://www.lequotidien.re/ | No |
_click me_ ## Rwanda | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | AllAfrica: Rwanda | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Kawowo Sports | https://www.kawowo.com/ | No | | News Of Rwanda | https://www.newsofrwanda.com/ | No | | Rwanda News | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No | | The New Times | https://www.newtimes.co.rw/ | No | | The Rwandan | https://www.therwandan.com/ | Yes | | The Worldfolio: Rwanda | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No | | Umuseke | https://www.umuseke.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Saint helena | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | The Sentinel | https://sainthelenaisland.info/ | No | | The St Helena Independent | https://www.independent.sh/ | No |
_click me_ ## Sao tome | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Jornal Transparência | https://www.jornaltransparencia.st/ | No | | STP Press | https://www.stp-press.st/ | No | | Téla Nón | https://www.telanon.info/ | No |
_click me_ ## Senegal | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Senegal | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | L'Observateur | https://www.lobservateur.sn/ | No | | Le Qotidien | https://www.lequotidien.sn/ | No | | Le Soleil | https://www.lesoleil.sn/ | No | | Sene.News | https://www.senenews.com/ | Yes | | Sud Quotidien | https://www.sudonline.sn/ | No | | WalfNet | https://www.walf.sn/ | No |
_click me_ ## Seychelles | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Seychelles | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Le Nouveau Seychelles Weekly | https://www.seychellesweekly.com/ | No | | Seychelles Nation | https://www.nation.sc/ | No | | Seychelles News Agency | https://www.seychellesnewsagency.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Sierra leone | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | ACP Times | https://www.apctimes.com/ | No | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Sierra Leone | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Awoko | https://awokonewspaper.com/ | Yes | | Cocorioko | https://www.cocorioko.net/ | No | | Concord Times | https://slconcordtimes.com/ | No | | Critique Echo Newspaper | https://www.critiqueecho.com/ | No | | Expotimes | https://www.expotimesonline.net/ | No | | Global Times | https://www.globaltimes-sl.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Makoni Times News | https://makonitimes.wordpress.com/ | No | | Pool News | https://poolnewspaper.tripod.com/ | No | | Salone Post | https://www.salonepost.com/ | Yes | | Sierra Express Media | https://www.sierraexpressmedia.com/ | No | | Sierra Herald | https://www.sierraherald.com/ | No | | Sierra Leone Times | https://www.sierraleonetimes.com/ | No | | Sierra Leone View | https://www.sierraleoneview.net/ | No | | Standard Times Press | https://www.standardtimespress.org/ | No | | Swit Salone | https://www.switsalone.com/ | Yes | | The Calabash | https://thecalabashnewspaper.com/ | Yes | | The New Humanitarian | https://www.thenewhumanitarian.org/ | Yes | | The New Rising Sun | https://www.thenewrisingsun.net/ | No | | The Organiser | https://www.theorganiser.net/ | No | | The Patriotic Vanguard | https://www.thepatrioticvanguard.com/ | No | | The Sierra Leone Telegraph | https://www.thesierraleonetelegraph.com/ | No | | The True Voice Of The Young | https://www.ktvsl.com/ | No | | The Voice-of-Binkongoh | https://www.voice-of-binkongoh.info/ | No | | This Is Sierra Leone | https://www.thisissierraleone.com/ | No | | World News Network | https://wn.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Somalia | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Africa Sports Network | https://africasports.net/ | No | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Somalia | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Arab World Daily News | https://arabworlddailynews.com/ | No | | Borama News | https://www.boramanews.com/ | No | | Caasimada Online | https://www.caasimada.net/ | Yes | | Diplomat News Network | https://www.diplomat.so/ | No | | Garowe Online | https://www.garoweonline.com/ | No | | Hiiraan | https://www.hiiraan.com/ | Yes | | Horseed Media | https://horseedmedia.net/ | No | | Idale News Online | https://www.idalenews.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Markacadeey News Media | https://www.markacadeey.com/ | No | | Mogadishu Online | https://muqdisho.online/ | Yes | | Ogaden Online | https://www.ogaden.com/ | No | | Puntland Post | https://www.puntlandpost.com/ | No | | Qaran News | https://www.qarannews.com/ | No | | Qorahay Media | https://www.qorahay.com/ | No | | Radio Shabelle | https://www.radioshabelle.com/ | No | | Simba News | https://www.simbanews.com/ | No | | Somalia Today | https://somaliatoday.net/ | No | | Togga Herer | https://www.toggaherernews.com/ | No | | Waagacusub Media | https://www.waagacusub.com/ | Yes | | WardheerNews | https://www.wardheernews.com/ | Yes |
_click me_ ## Somaliland | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Dhamays Media Group | https://www.dhamaysnews.com/ | No | | Goobjoog News | https://goobjoog.com/ | No | | Haatuf News | https://www.haatuf.net/ | No | | Maandeeq Media | https://maandeeq.net/ | No | | Qorilugud News 24 | https://qorilugudnews24.com/ | No | | Somaliland Net | https://www.somalilandnet.com/ | No | | Somaliland News | https://www.garoweonline.com/ | No | | Somaliland Post | https://www.somalilandpost.net/ | No | | Somaliland Standard | https://somalilandstandard.com/ | No | | Somaliland Sun | https://www.somalilandsun.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## South africa | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: South Africa | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Ballito News | https://www.ballitonews.co.za/ | No | | Beeld | https://www.netwerk24.com/ | Yes | | Business Day | https://www.businessday.co.za/ | No | | Business Report | https://www.businessreport.co.za/ | Yes | | BuzzSouthAfrica.com | https://www.buzzsouthafrica.com/ | Yes | | Cape Argus | https://www.capeargus.co.za/ | Yes | | Cape Business News | https://www.cbn.co.za/ | No | | Cape Times | https://www.capetimes.co.za/ | Yes | | City Press | https://city-press.news24.com/ | Yes | | Daily Dispatch | https://www.dispatch.co.za/ | No | | Daily News | https://www.dailynews.co.za/ | Yes | | Daily Sun | https://www.dailysun.co.za/ | Yes | | Daily Voice | https://www.dailyvoice.co.za/ | Yes | | Die Burger | https://www.dieburger.com/ | No | | Die Vryburger | https://www.dievryburger.co.za/ | Yes | | Eye Witness News | https://ewn.co.za/ | No | | Franco | https://www.franco-sa.co.za/ | No | | Go! & Express | https://www.goexpress.co.za/ | No | | IQ4News | https://www.iq4news.com/ | No | | Isolezwe | https://www.isolezwe.co.za/ | Yes | | Jeffreys Bay News | https://www.jeffreysbaynews.com/ | Yes | | Lephalale Express Online News | https://www.lephalaleexpress.co.za/ | No | | Look4it George | https://george.look4itmedia.co.za/ | No | | Mail & Guardian | https://mg.co.za/ | Yes | | Malawi News | https://www.malawinews.com/ | No | | News Everyday | https://www.newseveryday.co.za/ | No | | Paarl Post | https://www.paarlpost.com/ | No | | Pretoria News | https://www.pretorianews.co.za/ | Yes | | Public Eye Online | https://www.publiceyenews.com/ | No | | Rekord | https://www.rekord.co.za/ | Yes | | Republikein | https://www.republikein.com.na/ | Yes | | Roodepoort Northsider | https://roodepoortnorthsider.co.za/ | Yes | | Roodepoort Record | https://roodepoortrecord.co.za/ | Yes | | South Africa The Good News | https://www.sagoodnews.co.za/ | No | | South Africa Today | https://www.southafricatoday.net/ | Yes | | Sowetan Live | https://www.sowetanlive.co.za/ | No | | Sport Elizabeth | https://www.sportelizabeth.co.za/ | No | | Spotlight News | https://www.spotnews.co.za/ | No | | St Helena Independent | https://www.saint.fm/ | Yes | | Sub-Saharan Informer | https://www.ssinformer.com/ | No | | Sunday Times | https://www.timeslive.co.za/ | No | | Sunday Tribune | https://www.sundaytribune.co.za/ | Yes | | Talk of the Town | https://www.talkofthetown.co.za/ | No | | The Citizen | https://citizen.co.za/ | Yes | | The Gremlin | https://www.thegremlin.co.za/ | No | | The Herald | https://www.theherald.co.za/ | No | | The Independent Online | https://www.tios.co.za/ | Yes | | The Lowvelder | https://www.lowvelder.co.za/ | Yes | | The Mercury | https://www.themercury.co.za/ | Yes | | The Newspaper | https://www.thenewspaper.co.za/ | No | | The Rep | https://www.therep.co.za/ | No | | The South African | https://www.thesouthafrican.com/ | Yes | | The Star | https://www.iol.co.za/ | Yes | | The Witness | https://www.witness.co.za/ | Yes | | The Worldfolio | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No | | Ziwaphi | https://www.ziwaphi.com/ | No | | Zululand Observer | https://www.zululandobserver.co.za/ | Yes |
_click me_ ## South sudan | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: South Sudan | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | South Sudan Nation | https://www.southsudannation.com/ | No | | The New Sudan Vision | https://www.newsudanvision.com/ | Yes |
_click me_ ## Sudan | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Akhbar-Alyoum | https://www.akhbaralyoumsd.net/ | Yes | | Al Intibaha | https://www.alintibaha.net/ | No | | Al Jareeda | https://www.aljareeda-sd.net/ | No | | AllAfrica: Sudan | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Al Mshaheer | https://almshaheer-sd.com/ | No | | Alnilin | https://www.alnilin.com/ | No | | Alrakoba | https://www.alrakoba.net/ | Yes | | Al Sudani News | https://www.alsudaninews.com/ | Yes | | Arab World Daily News | https://arabworlddailynews.com/ | No | | Gurtong | https://www.gurtong.net/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Sudafax | https://www.sudafax.com/ | Yes | | Sudanese Online | https://www.sudaneseonline.com/ | Yes | | Sudanile | https://www.sudanile.com/ | No | | Sudan News Agency | https://www.sunanews.net/ | No | | Sudan News | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No | | Sudan Tribune | https://www.sudantribune.com/ | Yes | | The Juba Monitor | https://www.jubamonitor.com/ | No | | The Worldfolio: Sudan | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Swaziland | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Swaziland | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Eswatini Observer | https://www.observer.org.sz/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Swaziland News | https://www.swazilandnews.co.za/ | No | | The Times of Swaziland | https://www.times.co.sz/ | No |
_click me_ ## Tanzania | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | 24 Tanzania | https://www.24tanzania.com/ | No | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Daily News | https://www.dailynews.co.tz/ | No | | Financial Times | https://www.ippmedia.com/ | Yes | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Kawowo Sports | https://www.kawowo.com/ | No | | Mwananchi | https://www.mwananchi.co.tz/ | Yes | | NTA Newstime | https://www.newstimeafrica.com/ | No | | Raia Mwema | https://www.raiamwema.co.tz/ | No | | TanzaniaInvest | https://www.tanzaniainvest.com/ | Yes | | Tanzania News | https://www.freemedia.co.tz/ | No | | The Citizen | https://www.thecitizen.co.tz/ | Yes | | The Worldfolio | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Togo | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Actualité | https://www.republicoftogo.com/ | No | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Togo | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Au Togo | https://autogo.tg/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Le Togolais | https://www.letogolais.com/ | No | | Togo Actualité | https://www.togoactualite.com/ | No | | Togo First | https://www.togofirst.com/ | No | | Togo News | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Tunisia | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | African Manager | https://www.africanmanager.com/ | Yes | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | Akhbar Tounis | https://www.akhbar.tn/ | No | | Al Badil | https://www.albadil.org/ | No | | Al Chourouk | https://www.alchourouk.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Tunisia | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Arab World Daily News | https://arabworlddailynews.com/ | No | | Assabah News | https://www.assabahnews.tn/ | No | | Assabah | https://www.assabah.com.tn/ | No | | Biladi News | https://www.biladinews.com/ | No | | Essahafa | https://www.essahafa.tn/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | L'Economiste Maghrebin | https://www.leconomistemaghrebin.com/ | No | | La Presse | https://www.lapresse.tn/ | No | | Le Temps | https://www.letemps.com.tn/ | No | | The Worldfolio: Tunisia | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No | | Tunis Daily News | https://www.tdailynews.net/ | No | | Tunisia News | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Uganda | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Acholi Times | https://www.acholitimes.com/ | No | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Uganda | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Bukedde | https://www.bukedde.co.ug/ | No | | Daily Monitor | https://www.monitor.co.ug/ | Yes | | EABW News | https://www.busiweek.com/ | Yes | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Kawowo Sports | https://www.kawowo.com/ | No | | New Vision | https://www.newvision.co.ug/ | No | | Nile Chronicles | https://nilechronicles.com/ | No | | Nile Post | https://nilepost.co.ug/ | Yes | | Sub-Saharan Informer | https://www.ssinformer.com/ | No | | The Independent | https://www.independent.co.ug/ | No | | The Observer | https://observer.ug/ | No | | The Redpepper | https://redpepper.co.ug/ | Yes | | The Worldfolio: Uganda | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No | | Uganda Correspondent | https://www.ugandacorrespondent.com/ | No | | Ugandan News | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No | | Watchdog News | https://www.watchdoguganda.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Western sahara | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Western Sahara | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Bentili | https://www.bentili.com/ | No | | Por Un Sahara Libre | https://porunsaharalibre.org/ | No | | Sahara Press Service | https://www.spsrasd.info/ | No | | Western Saraha News | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No |
_click me_ ## Zambia | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Zambia | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | Daily Mail | https://www.daily-mail.co.zm/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Lusaka Times | https://www.lusakatimes.com/ | Yes | | Mwebantu.News | https://www.mwebantu.news/ | No | | Mwebantu | https://www.mwebantu.com/ | No | | News Diggers | https://www.diggers.news/ | No | | News Zambia | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No | | Sub-Saharan Informer | https://www.ssinformer.com/ | No | | The Worldfolio: Zambia | https://www.theworldfolio.com/ | No | | The Zambezian | https://www.thezambezian.com/ | Yes | | The Zambian Observer | https://www.zambianobserver.com/ | Yes | | Times of Zambia | https://www.times.co.zm/ | No | | Tumfweko | https://www.tumfweko.com/ | No | | Zambia 24 | https://zambia24.com/ | Yes | | ZambiaInvest | https://www.zambiainvest.com/ | Yes | | Zambian Guardian | https://zambianguardian.com/ | Yes | | Zambian Watchdog | https://www.zambiawatchdog.com/ | Yes | | Zambia Reports | https://zambiareports.com/ | No | | ZBC News | https://www.zbcnews.co.zw/ | No |
_click me_ ## Zimbabwe | Name | Site | Cloudflared | | --- | --- | --- | | Afrol News | https://www.afrol.com/ | No | | AllAfrica: Zimbabwe | https://allafrica.com/ | No | | B Metro | https://www.bmetro.co.zw/ | Yes | | Bulawayo24 News | https://www.bulawayo24.com/ | No | | Business Daily | https://www.businessdaily.co.zw/ | No | | Business Weekly | https://www.ebusinessweekly.co.zw/ | Yes | | Chronicle | https://www.chronicle.co.zw/ | Yes | | Daily News | https://www.dailynews.co.zw/ | No | | H Metro | https://www.hmetro.co.zw/ | Yes | | IHarare | https://www.iharare.com/ | No | | JeuneAfrique | https://www.jeuneafrique.com/ | Yes | | Kwayedza | https://www.kwayedza.co.zw/ | Yes | | My Zimbabwe News | https://www.myzimbabwe.co.zw/ | No | | Nehanda Radio | https://www.nehandaradio.com/ | Yes | | News 24 | https://www.news24.com/ | Yes | | Newsday | https://www.newsday.co.zw/ | No | | New Zimbabwe | https://www.newzimbabwe.com/ | No | | Observer Zimbabwe | https://observer.com/ | No | | Pamushana News | https://www.pamushana.co.zw/ | Yes | | The Financial Gazette | https://www.financialgazette.co.zw/ | No | | The Herald | https://www.herald.co.zw/ | Yes | | The Insider | https://www.insiderzim.com/ | Yes | | The Manica Post | https://www.manicapost.co.zw/ | Yes | | The Mirror | https://www.masvingomirror.com/ | Yes | | The Southern Times | https://southernafrican.news/ | No | | The Standard | https://www.thestandard.co.zw/ | Yes | | The Sunday Mail | https://www.sundaymail.co.zw/ | Yes | | The Sunday News | https://www.sundaynews.co.zw/ | Yes | | The Zimbabwean | https://www.thezimbabwean.co/ | Yes | | The Zimbabwe Daily | https://www.thezimbabwedaily.com/ | No | | The Zimbabwe Independent | https://www.theindependent.co.zw/ | No | | The Zimbabwe Mail | https://www.thezimbabwemail.com/ | No | | The Zimbabwe Times | https://www.thezimbabwetimes.com/ | No | | The Zim Daily | https://www.zimdaily.com/ | No | | UMthunywa | https://www.umthunywa.co.zw/ | Yes | | Zimbabwe News Online | https://www.zimbabwenewsonline.com/ | No | | Zimbabwe News | https://www.aljazeera.com/ | No | | Zimbabwe Situation | https://www.zimbabwesituation.com/ | No | | Zimbabwe Star | https://www.zimbabwestar.com/ | No | | ZimEye | https://www.zimeye.net/ | Yes | | ZimLive | https://www.zimlive.com/ | Yes | | Zim Morning Post | https://www.zimmorningpost.com/ | No | | Zim Online News | https://www.zimonlinenews.com/ | No | | ZTN News | https://ztn.co.zw/ | No | | ZWNews | https://zwnews.com/ | Yes |
--- ### By Country | Name | Cloudflared | Normal | CF % | | --- | --- | --- | --- | | Algeria | 18 | 21 | 46.15% | | Angola | 4 | 9 | 30.77% | | Benin | 2 | 2 | 50% | | Botswana | 3 | 9 | 25% | | Burkina faso | 2 | 4 | 33.33% | | Burundi | 4 | 3 | 57.14% | | Cameroon | 5 | 17 | 22.73% | | Cape verde | 2 | 10 | 16.67% | | Central african republic | 1 | 3 | 25% | | Chad | 3 | 1 | 75% | | Comoros | 2 | 7 | 22.22% | | Congo brazzaville | 2 | 6 | 25% | | Cote divoire | 2 | 8 | 20% | | Democratic republic congo | 4 | 4 | 50% | | Djibouti | 1 | 6 | 14.29% | | Egypt | 51 | 50 | 50.5% | | Equatorial guinea | 4 | 5 | 44.44% | | Eritrea | 1 | 4 | 20% | | Ethiopia | 2 | 12 | 14.29% | | Gabon | 1 | 5 | 16.67% | | Gambia | 4 | 10 | 28.57% | | Ghana | 6 | 15 | 28.57% | | Guinea bissau | 2 | 4 | 33.33% | | Guinea | 2 | 5 | 28.57% | | Kenya | 10 | 13 | 43.48% | | Lesotho | 1 | 6 | 14.29% | | Liberia | 4 | 11 | 26.67% | | Libya | 5 | 11 | 31.25% | | Madagascar | 2 | 4 | 33.33% | | Malawi | 3 | 11 | 21.43% | | Mali | 2 | 3 | 40% | | Mauritania | 1 | 6 | 14.29% | | Mauritius | 7 | 5 | 58.33% | | Morocco | 25 | 31 | 44.64% | | Mozambique | 3 | 7 | 30% | | Namibia | 6 | 8 | 42.86% | | Niger | 1 | 1 | 50% | | Nigeria | 42 | 59 | 41.58% | | Reunion | 1 | 2 | 33.33% | | Rwanda | 2 | 7 | 22.22% | | Saint helena | 0 | 3 | 0% | | Sao tome | 1 | 4 | 20% | | Senegal | 2 | 7 | 22.22% | | Seychelles | 1 | 5 | 16.67% | | Sierra leone | 6 | 23 | 20.69% | | Somalia | 6 | 18 | 25% | | Somaliland | 0 | 11 | 0% | | South africa | 29 | 30 | 49.15% | | South sudan | 2 | 3 | 40% | | Sudan | 7 | 13 | 35% | | Swaziland | 1 | 5 | 16.67% | | Tanzania | 5 | 8 | 38.46% | | Togo | 1 | 8 | 11.11% | | Tunisia | 2 | 16 | 11.11% | | Uganda | 5 | 14 | 26.32% | | Western sahara | 0 | 6 | 0% | | Zambia | 8 | 13 | 38.1% | | Zimbabwe | 21 | 24 | 46.67% | ### Total | Type | Site Count | Owner Count | | --- | --- | --- | | Cloudflare | 340 | 284 | | Normal | 616 | 449 | | Total | 956 | 733 | ### 35.56% of online newspapers sites are using Cloudflare. ### 38.74% of online newspaper corporations in Africa are using Cloudflare.