### Block Cloudflare MITM Attack! `Let's fight against the growing MITM attack on the Internet.`  ``` This add-on will block, notify, or redirect your request if the target website is using Cloudflare. The purpose of this browser add-on is to block Cloudflare sites. The TLS protocol promises end-to-end encryption between the client and an authenticated, identified endpoint server. The browser’s lock icon is a UI widget which makes this promise to the user. Cloudflare is a mass-decryption chokepoint, which intercepts and decrypts the Web requests made by billions of people to millions of websites. This add-on never send any data. Your cloudflare-domain collection is yours. ``` - Looking for `Palemoon`? [Block Cloudflare Requests (Palemoon)](../tool/block_cloudflare_requests_pm) - Download add-on - From Git: [FirefoxESR](https://git.disroot.org/dCF/deCloudflare/raw/branch/master/addons/releases/bcma.xpi) / [Chromium / Edge](https://git.disroot.org/dCF/deCloudflare/raw/branch/master/addons/releases/bcma.crx)