mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 14:55:08 -04:00
This commit is contained in:
@ -47,8 +47,8 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| 4BC Radio | https://www.4bc.com.au/ | No |
| 4BC Radio | https://www.4bc.com.au/ | No |
| 4BH Radio | https://www.4bh.com.au/ | No |
| 4BH Radio | https://www.4bh.com.au/ | No |
| 6PR Radio | https://www.6pr.com.au/ | No |
| 6PR Radio | https://www.6pr.com.au/ | No |
| 9wave | https://www.9wave.info/ | No |
| 96fm Radio | https://www.96fm.com.au/ | No |
| 96fm Radio | https://www.96fm.com.au/ | No |
| 9wave | https://www.9wave.info/ | No |
| ABC News | https://www.abc.net.au/ | Yes |
| ABC News | https://www.abc.net.au/ | Yes |
| Advertiser | https://www.macarthuradvertiser.com.au/ | No |
| Advertiser | https://www.macarthuradvertiser.com.au/ | No |
| Al-Furat | https://www.furatnews.com/ | No |
| Al-Furat | https://www.furatnews.com/ | No |
@ -120,6 +120,7 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| Country News | https://www.countrynews.com.au/ | Yes |
| Country News | https://www.countrynews.com.au/ | Yes |
| Cowra Community News | https://www.cowracommunitynews.com/ | No |
| Cowra Community News | https://www.cowracommunitynews.com/ | No |
| Cowra Guardian | https://www.cowraguardian.com.au/ | No |
| Cowra Guardian | https://www.cowraguardian.com.au/ | No |
| Cricket | https://www.cricket.com.au/ | Yes |
| Crookwell Gazette | https://www.crookwellgazette.com.au/ | No |
| Crookwell Gazette | https://www.crookwellgazette.com.au/ | No |
| Daily Liberal | https://www.dailyliberal.com.au/ | No |
| Daily Liberal | https://www.dailyliberal.com.au/ | No |
| Daily Mercury | https://www.dailymercury.com.au/ | No |
| Daily Mercury | https://www.dailymercury.com.au/ | No |
@ -144,13 +145,14 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| Geelong Advertiser | https://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/ | No |
| Geelong Advertiser | https://www.geelongadvertiser.com.au/ | No |
| Geelong Indy | https://geelongindy.com.au/ | No |
| Geelong Indy | https://geelongindy.com.au/ | No |
| Gippsland Times | https://www.gippslandtimes.com.au/ | No |
| Gippsland Times | https://www.gippslandtimes.com.au/ | No |
| Gizmodo | https://www.gizmodo.com.au/ | Yes |
| Glasshouse & Laleny Country News | https://www.gcnews.com.au/ | No |
| Glasshouse & Laleny Country News | https://www.gcnews.com.au/ | No |
| Glen Innes Examiner | https://www.gleninnesexaminer.com.au/ | No |
| Glen Innes Examiner | https://www.gleninnesexaminer.com.au/ | No |
| Gloucester Advocate | https://www.gloucesteradvocate.com.au/ | No |
| Gloucester Advocate | https://www.gloucesteradvocate.com.au/ | No |
| Goondiwindi Argus | https://www.goondiwindiargus.com.au/ | No |
| Goondiwindi Argus | https://www.goondiwindiargus.com.au/ | No |
| Goulburn Post | https://www.goulburnpost.com.au/ | No |
| Goulburn Post | https://www.goulburnpost.com.au/ | No |
| Greater Dandenong Weeklye | https://www.greaterdandenongweekly.com.au/ | No |
| Great Lakes Advocate | https://www.greatlakesadvocate.com.au/ | No |
| Great Lakes Advocate | https://www.greatlakesadvocate.com.au/ | No |
| Greater Dandenong Weeklye | https://www.greaterdandenongweekly.com.au/ | No |
| Greek Community Tribune | https://www.greektribune.com.au/ | No |
| Greek Community Tribune | https://www.greektribune.com.au/ | No |
| Green Left Weekly | https://www.greenleft.org.au/ | No |
| Green Left Weekly | https://www.greenleft.org.au/ | No |
| Grenfell Record | https://www.grenfellrecord.com.au/ | No |
| Grenfell Record | https://www.grenfellrecord.com.au/ | No |
@ -181,8 +183,8 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| Korean News | https://koreandaily.wordpress.com/ | No |
| Korean News | https://koreandaily.wordpress.com/ | No |
| Kyabram Free Press | https://www.kyfreepress.com.au/ | Yes |
| Kyabram Free Press | https://www.kyfreepress.com.au/ | Yes |
| Lake News | https://www.lakenews.com.au/ | Yes |
| Lake News | https://www.lakenews.com.au/ | Yes |
| Lakes Mail | https://www.lakesmail.com.au/ | No |
| Lake Times | https://www.laketimes.com.au/ | No |
| Lake Times | https://www.laketimes.com.au/ | No |
| Lakes Mail | https://www.lakesmail.com.au/ | No |
| Latrobe Valley Express | https://www.latrobevalleyexpress.com.au/ | No |
| Latrobe Valley Express | https://www.latrobevalleyexpress.com.au/ | No |
| Launceston Examiner | https://www.examiner.com.au/ | No |
| Launceston Examiner | https://www.examiner.com.au/ | No |
| Lismore Echo | https://www.echonews.com.au/ | No |
| Lismore Echo | https://www.echonews.com.au/ | No |
@ -190,6 +192,7 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| Liverpool City Champion | https://www.liverpoolchampion.com.au/ | No |
| Liverpool City Champion | https://www.liverpoolchampion.com.au/ | No |
| Local Government Focus | https://www.lgfocus.com.au/ | Yes |
| Local Government Focus | https://www.lgfocus.com.au/ | Yes |
| Macedon Ranges Weekly | https://www.macedonrangesweekly.com.au/ | No |
| Macedon Ranges Weekly | https://www.macedonrangesweekly.com.au/ | No |
| MacroBusiness | https://www.macrobusiness.com.au/ | Yes |
| Magnetic Times | https://www.magnetictimes.com/ | No |
| Magnetic Times | https://www.magnetictimes.com/ | No |
| Magyar Élet / Hungarian Life | https://www.magyarelet.net/ | No |
| Magyar Élet / Hungarian Life | https://www.magyarelet.net/ | No |
| Mandurah Mail | https://www.mandurahmail.com.au/ | No |
| Mandurah Mail | https://www.mandurahmail.com.au/ | No |
@ -210,7 +213,6 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| Middle East Times International | https://www.mideast-times.com/ | No |
| Middle East Times International | https://www.mideast-times.com/ | No |
| Midland Express | https://www.midlandexpress.com.au/ | No |
| Midland Express | https://www.midlandexpress.com.au/ | No |
| Milton Ulladulla/Sussex Inlet Times | https://www.ulladullatimes.com.au/ | No |
| Milton Ulladulla/Sussex Inlet Times | https://www.ulladullatimes.com.au/ | No |
| mnnews.today | https://www.mnnews.today/ | No |
| Monash Weekly | https://www.monashweekly.com.au/ | No |
| Monash Weekly | https://www.monashweekly.com.au/ | No |
| Moonee Valley Weekly | https://www.mooneevalleyweekly.com.au/ | No |
| Moonee Valley Weekly | https://www.mooneevalleyweekly.com.au/ | No |
| Moree Champion | https://www.moreechampion.com.au/ | No |
| Moree Champion | https://www.moreechampion.com.au/ | No |
@ -224,24 +226,25 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| Navtarang | https://navtarang.com.au/ | No |
| Navtarang | https://navtarang.com.au/ | No |
| Neos Kosmos | https://neoskosmos.com/ | Yes |
| Neos Kosmos | https://neoskosmos.com/ | Yes |
| Newman Mail Online | https://newmanmail.com.au/ | No |
| Newman Mail Online | https://newmanmail.com.au/ | No |
| News-Mail | https://www.news-mail.com.au/ | No |
| News In Brisbane | https://www.newsinbrisbane.com.au/ | No |
| News In Brisbane | https://www.newsinbrisbane.com.au/ | No |
| News In Sydney | https://www.newsinsydney.com.au/ | No |
| News In Sydney | https://www.newsinsydney.com.au/ | No |
| News-Mail | https://www.news-mail.com.au/ | No |
| Noosa News | https://www.noosanews.com.au/ | No |
| Noosa News | https://www.noosanews.com.au/ | No |
| Noosa Today | https://noosatoday.com.au/ | No |
| Noosa Today | https://noosatoday.com.au/ | No |
| North Queensland Register | https://www.northqueenslandregister.com.au/ | No |
| Northcote Leader | https://www.northcoteleader.com.au/ | No |
| Northcote Leader | https://www.northcoteleader.com.au/ | No |
| Northern Argus | https://www.northernargus.com.au/ | No |
| Northern Argus | https://www.northernargus.com.au/ | No |
| Northern Midlands News | https://www.northernmidlandsnews.com.au/ | No |
| Northern Midlands News | https://www.northernmidlandsnews.com.au/ | No |
| Northern Territory News | https://www.ntnews.com.au/ | No |
| Northern Territory News | https://www.ntnews.com.au/ | No |
| Northern Valleys News | https://nvnews.com.au/ | No |
| Northern Valleys News | https://nvnews.com.au/ | No |
| Northern Weekly | https://www.northernweekly.com.au/ | No |
| Northern Weekly | https://www.northernweekly.com.au/ | No |
| North Queensland Register | https://www.northqueenslandregister.com.au/ | No |
| Nyngan Observer | https://www.nynganobserver.com.au/ | No |
| Nyngan Observer | https://www.nynganobserver.com.au/ | No |
| Oberon Review | https://www.oberonreview.com.au/ | No |
| Oberon Review | https://www.oberonreview.com.au/ | No |
| Ocean Grove Voice | https://oceangrovevoice.com.au/ | No |
| Ocean Grove Voice | https://oceangrovevoice.com.au/ | No |
| Online Opinion | https://www.onlineopinion.com.au/ | No |
| Online Opinion | https://www.onlineopinion.com.au/ | No |
| Out In Perth News | https://www.outinperth.com/ | Yes |
| Out In Perth News | https://www.outinperth.com/ | Yes |
| Ovens & Murray Advertiser | https://omadvertiser.com.au/ | Yes |
| Ovens & Murray Advertiser | https://omadvertiser.com.au/ | Yes |
| PSNews | https://www.psnews.com.au/ | Yes |
| Pak Times | https://www.paktimes.com.au/ | No |
| Pak Times | https://www.paktimes.com.au/ | No |
| Parkes Champion-Post | https://www.parkeschampionpost.com.au/ | No |
| Parkes Champion-Post | https://www.parkeschampionpost.com.au/ | No |
| Peninsula News | https://www.peninsulanews.asn.au/ | No |
| Peninsula News | https://www.peninsulanews.asn.au/ | No |
@ -258,13 +261,12 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| Port Macquarie News | https://www.portnews.com.au/ | No |
| Port Macquarie News | https://www.portnews.com.au/ | No |
| Port Stephens Examiner | https://www.portstephensexaminer.com.au/ | No |
| Port Stephens Examiner | https://www.portstephensexaminer.com.au/ | No |
| Post Newspapers | https://www.postnewspapers.com.au/ | No |
| Post Newspapers | https://www.postnewspapers.com.au/ | No |
| PSNews | https://www.psnews.com.au/ | Yes |
| QN | https://www.qnews.com.au/ | Yes |
| QN | https://www.qnews.com.au/ | Yes |
| Queensland Country Life | https://www.queenslandcountrylife.com.au/ | No |
| Queensland Country Life | https://www.queenslandcountrylife.com.au/ | No |
| RHSG News | https://www.rhsgnews.com.au/ | No |
| Real Estate News | https://www.realestatereview.com.au/ | No |
| Real Estate News | https://www.realestatereview.com.au/ | No |
| Redcliffe City News | https://www.redcliffecity.com.au/ | No |
| Redcliffe City News | https://www.redcliffecity.com.au/ | No |
| Redland City Bulletin | https://www.redlandcitybulletin.com.au/ | No |
| Redland City Bulletin | https://www.redlandcitybulletin.com.au/ | No |
| RHSG News | https://www.rhsgnews.com.au/ | No |
| Riverina Leader | https://www.riverinaleader.com.au/ | No |
| Riverina Leader | https://www.riverinaleader.com.au/ | No |
| Riverine Herald | https://www.riverineherald.com.au/ | Yes |
| Riverine Herald | https://www.riverineherald.com.au/ | Yes |
| Roxby Downs Sun | https://www.roxbydownssun.com.au/ | No |
| Roxby Downs Sun | https://www.roxbydownssun.com.au/ | No |
@ -273,11 +275,11 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| Socialist Worker | https://www.iso.org.au/ | No |
| Socialist Worker | https://www.iso.org.au/ | No |
| South Asia Times | https://www.southasiatimes.com.au/ | No |
| South Asia Times | https://www.southasiatimes.com.au/ | No |
| South Coast Register | https://www.southcoastregister.com.au/ | No |
| South Coast Register | https://www.southcoastregister.com.au/ | No |
| South West Advertiser | https://www.southwestadvertiser.com.au/ | No |
| Southern Cross | https://www.juneesoutherncross.com.au/ | No |
| Southern Cross | https://www.juneesoutherncross.com.au/ | No |
| Southern Free Times | https://freetimes.com.au/ | No |
| Southern Free Times | https://freetimes.com.au/ | No |
| Southern Highland News | https://www.southernhighlandnews.com.au/ | No |
| Southern Highland News | https://www.southernhighlandnews.com.au/ | No |
| Southern Weekly | https://www.southernweekly.com.au/ | No |
| Southern Weekly | https://www.southernweekly.com.au/ | No |
| South West Advertiser | https://www.southwestadvertiser.com.au/ | No |
| Star | https://www.stmarysstar.com.au/ | No |
| Star | https://www.stmarysstar.com.au/ | No |
| Stock & Land | https://www.stockandland.com.au/ | No |
| Stock & Land | https://www.stockandland.com.au/ | No |
| Stock Journal | https://www.stockjournal.com.au/ | No |
| Stock Journal | https://www.stockjournal.com.au/ | No |
@ -298,10 +300,10 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| The Ararat Advertiser | https://www.araratadvertiser.com.au/ | No |
| The Ararat Advertiser | https://www.araratadvertiser.com.au/ | No |
| The Area News | https://www.areanews.com.au/ | No |
| The Area News | https://www.areanews.com.au/ | No |
| The Armidale Independent | https://www.armidaleindependent.com.au/ | No |
| The Armidale Independent | https://www.armidaleindependent.com.au/ | No |
| The Australia Times | https://www.theaustraliatimes.com/ | No |
| The Australian Chinese Daily News Network | https://www.chinese.net.au/ | No |
| The Australian Chinese Daily News Network | https://www.chinese.net.au/ | No |
| The Australian Jewish News | https://www.jewishnews.net.au/ | Yes |
| The Australian Jewish News | https://www.jewishnews.net.au/ | Yes |
| The Australian | https://www.theaustralian.com.au/ | No |
| The Australian | https://www.theaustralian.com.au/ | No |
| The Australia Times | https://www.theaustraliatimes.com/ | No |
| The Avon Valley Advocate | https://www.avonadvocate.com.au/ | No |
| The Avon Valley Advocate | https://www.avonadvocate.com.au/ | No |
| The Border Mail | https://www.bordermail.com.au/ | No |
| The Border Mail | https://www.bordermail.com.au/ | No |
| The Border Watch | https://www.borderwatch.com.au/ | No |
| The Border Watch | https://www.borderwatch.com.au/ | No |
@ -313,8 +315,8 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| The City Weekly | https://www.thecityweekly.com.au/ | No |
| The City Weekly | https://www.thecityweekly.com.au/ | No |
| The Coffs Coast Advocate | https://www.coffscoastadvocate.com.au/ | No |
| The Coffs Coast Advocate | https://www.coffscoastadvocate.com.au/ | No |
| The Condobolin Argus | https://www.condobolinargus.com.au/ | No |
| The Condobolin Argus | https://www.condobolinargus.com.au/ | No |
| The Courier-Mail | https://www.thecouriermail.news.com.au/ | No |
| The Courier | https://www.thecourier.com.au/ | No |
| The Courier | https://www.thecourier.com.au/ | No |
| The Courier-Mail | https://www.thecouriermail.news.com.au/ | No |
| The Cygnet & Channel Classifieds | https://www.southbus.com.au/ | No |
| The Cygnet & Channel Classifieds | https://www.southbus.com.au/ | No |
| The Daily Advertiser | https://www.dailyadvertiser.com.au/ | No |
| The Daily Advertiser | https://www.dailyadvertiser.com.au/ | No |
| The Daily Telegraph | https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/ | No |
| The Daily Telegraph | https://www.dailytelegraph.com.au/ | No |
@ -346,12 +348,12 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| The Murray Valley Standard | https://www.murrayvalleystandard.com.au/ | No |
| The Murray Valley Standard | https://www.murrayvalleystandard.com.au/ | No |
| The Naracoorte Herald | https://www.naracoorteherald.com.au/ | No |
| The Naracoorte Herald | https://www.naracoorteherald.com.au/ | No |
| The Newcastle Herald | https://www.newcastleherald.com.au/ | No |
| The Newcastle Herald | https://www.newcastleherald.com.au/ | No |
| The Newsport Daily | https://www.thenewsport.com.au/ | No |
| The News Weekender | https://www.newsweekender.com.au/ | No |
| The News Weekender | https://www.newsweekender.com.au/ | No |
| The Newsport Daily | https://www.thenewsport.com.au/ | No |
| The North West Star | https://www.northweststar.com.au/ | No |
| The Northern Daily Leader | https://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/ | No |
| The Northern Daily Leader | https://www.northerndailyleader.com.au/ | No |
| The Northern Star | https://www.northernstar.com.au/ | No |
| The Northern Star | https://www.northernstar.com.au/ | No |
| The Northern Times | https://www.thenortherntimes.com.au/ | No |
| The Northern Times | https://www.thenortherntimes.com.au/ | No |
| The North West Star | https://www.northweststar.com.au/ | No |
| The Plains Producer | https://www.plainsproducer.com.au/ | No |
| The Plains Producer | https://www.plainsproducer.com.au/ | No |
| The Port Paper | https://www.portpaper.com/ | Yes |
| The Port Paper | https://www.portpaper.com/ | Yes |
| The Post | https://www.newcastlepost.com.au/ | No |
| The Post | https://www.newcastlepost.com.au/ | No |
@ -368,10 +370,10 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| The Standard | https://www.standard.net.au/ | No |
| The Standard | https://www.standard.net.au/ | No |
| The Star | https://www.newcastlestar.com.au/ | No |
| The Star | https://www.newcastlestar.com.au/ | No |
| The Stawell Times-News | https://www.stawelltimes.com.au/ | No |
| The Stawell Times-News | https://www.stawelltimes.com.au/ | No |
| The Sun | https://www.parramattasun.com.au/ | No |
| The Sun-Herald | https://www.sunherald.com.au/ | No |
| The Sun-Herald | https://www.sunherald.com.au/ | No |
| The Sunshine Coast Daily | https://www.sunshinecoastdaily.com.au/ | No |
| The Sunshine Coast Daily | https://www.sunshinecoastdaily.com.au/ | No |
| The Sunshine Coast News | https://www.sunshinecoastnews.com.au/ | No |
| The Sunshine Coast News | https://www.sunshinecoastnews.com.au/ | No |
| The Sun | https://www.parramattasun.com.au/ | No |
| The Surf Coast Times | https://surfcoasttimes.com.au/ | No |
| The Surf Coast Times | https://surfcoasttimes.com.au/ | No |
| The Sydney Morning Herald | https://www.smh.com.au/ | No |
| The Sydney Morning Herald | https://www.smh.com.au/ | No |
| The Telegraph | https://www.seymourtelegraph.com.au/ | Yes |
| The Telegraph | https://www.seymourtelegraph.com.au/ | Yes |
@ -390,9 +392,9 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| Thursday Magnet | https://www.edenmagnet.com.au/ | No |
| Thursday Magnet | https://www.edenmagnet.com.au/ | No |
| Torres News | https://www.torresnews.com.au/ | No |
| Torres News | https://www.torresnews.com.au/ | No |
| Town & Country Magazine | https://www.townandcountrymagazine.com.au/ | No |
| Town & Country Magazine | https://www.townandcountrymagazine.com.au/ | No |
| VUN | https://vietucnews.net/ | Yes |
| Viet Times | https://vtimes.com.au/ | No |
| Viet Times | https://vtimes.com.au/ | No |
| View News | https://viewnews.com.au/ | No |
| View News | https://viewnews.com.au/ | No |
| VUN | https://vietucnews.net/ | Yes |
| WA Business News | https://www.wabusinessnews.com.au/ | No |
| WA Business News | https://www.wabusinessnews.com.au/ | No |
| Walcha News | https://www.walchanewsonline.com.au/ | No |
| Walcha News | https://www.walchanewsonline.com.au/ | No |
| Waracknabeal Herald | https://www.warrackherald.com.au/ | Yes |
| Waracknabeal Herald | https://www.warrackherald.com.au/ | Yes |
@ -413,6 +415,7 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| Workers Online | https://workers.labor.net.au/ | Yes |
| Workers Online | https://workers.labor.net.au/ | Yes |
| Yass Tribune | https://www.yasstribune.com.au/ | No |
| Yass Tribune | https://www.yasstribune.com.au/ | No |
| Yorke Peninsula Country Times | https://www.ypct.com.au/ | No |
| Yorke Peninsula Country Times | https://www.ypct.com.au/ | No |
| mnnews.today | https://www.mnnews.today/ | No |
@ -828,7 +831,7 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| American samoa | 1 | 1 | 50% |
| American samoa | 1 | 1 | 50% |
| Antarctica | 0 | 3 | 0% |
| Antarctica | 0 | 3 | 0% |
| Australia | 40 | 331 | 10.78% |
| Australia | 43 | 331 | 11.5% |
| Cook islands | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Cook islands | 0 | 2 | 0% |
| Fiji | 0 | 5 | 0% |
| Fiji | 0 | 5 | 0% |
| French polynesia | 1 | 2 | 33.33% |
| French polynesia | 1 | 2 | 33.33% |
@ -856,11 +859,11 @@ The following is a [list](https://onlinenewspapers.com/) of online newspapers in
| Type | Site Count | Owner Count |
| Type | Site Count | Owner Count |
| --- | --- | --- |
| --- | --- | --- |
| Cloudflare | 64 | 60 |
| Cloudflare | 67 | 63 |
| Normal | 443 | 441 |
| Normal | 443 | 441 |
| Total | 507 | 501 |
| Total | 510 | 504 |
### 12.62% of online newspapers sites are using Cloudflare.
### 13.14% of online newspapers sites are using Cloudflare.
### 11.98% of online newspaper corporations in Oceania are using Cloudflare.
### 12.5% of online newspaper corporations in Oceania are using Cloudflare.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user