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Renee Taormina 2021-04-17 00:44:54 +00:00
parent 0b96626016
commit a29fab775e

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@ -2052,6 +2052,14 @@ You shouldnt use it if you value visitors privacy.
- Went into two restaurant+bars recently & was told "we have no paper menus due to COVID; use your phone to get the web menu". It's disturbing that a B&M business just assumes everyone has a smartphone & they're willing to marginalize those who do not. One of the bars outsourced to a site that outsourced to Cloudflare so the online menu discriminated further against Tor users. ([resist1984](
- the company I'm working for decided to place the core products behinde cloudflare , the fight to avoid this was futile 😒 now, months after this, new security concerns are popping up...unfortunately not from our "IT Security Manager" but from us: this "security" guy is pushing hard to install company wide qualys and zscaler 🙈 I'm really sick of this 💩 Time to cut of with some wine in the weekend 🍷 and change thoughts! ([shinice](
- IETF, the place where people turn to for open standards, RFC's, etc, has put itself in the exclusive walledGarden of Cloudflare. How utterly despicable. ([koherecowatchdog](
- thanks, now I can confirm that CloudFlare really doesn't like Python urllib. I get an annoying 403 error. ([alexis](
- are you using cloudflare on your site Are you truly into privacy and security?;) ([br0m3x](
- So Im still slowly undoing my connections to big data. One Ive grown accustomed to but need to change is Cloudflare. Any suggestions out there in the fediverse for managing domains and DNS settings? ([kvvpa](
- Tor users who visit ACM via WaybackMachine get put in an endless direction loop when visiting to avoid Cloudflare ([koherecowatchdog](
- Cloudflare attacks Tor users, and that attack is ultimately an attack on privacy. But non-Tor users have it worse in a way, because they don't know when Cloudflare is seeing their traffic. They see the HTTPS padlock & think they have a safe connection, when actually Cloudflare sees their usernames, passwords, bank details, everything that goes to the Cloudflared website. ([resist1984](
- If you have to use Cloudflare for some reason, you can still allow Tor users to bypass the annoying challenge that usually comes up.Check "Firewall" - "Tools", and add an IP access rule for "Tor" with action "Allow". ([jhxy](
- If need to check your IP address, is a nifty tool. It even has a JSON output: is hosted behind CloudFlare, so if you access it using curl via Tor, you get a CAPTCHA page.Hilariously, that page contains the IP address you reached the site from. So you still get to check your IP address anyway.Such protecc. Many wow. ([rysiek](
- the DNS is a separate matter than the reverse proxy. But that still sounds like bad advice. CloudFlare is not trustworthy and you wouldn't want them to be able to keep track of your DNS resolutions. ([resist1984](