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Jessica Iyer 2020-08-25 08:08:55 +02:00
parent ddf33fbb46
commit 61ca35e244

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@ -110,8 +110,7 @@ Is e an ath-reic seo liosta de làraich-lìn a tha air cùl “The Great Cloudwa
* Chaidh an tiogaid a mhilleadh cho tric.
* [Air a dhubhadh às le Pròiseact Tor.]( [Faic tiogaid 34175.](
* [Tiogaid tasglann mu dheireadh 24351.](
* [Problem with Cloudflare](, libBletchley
* Bha iad air Cloudflare a chleachdadh roimhe seo.Chaidh CF-tor a thoirt air falbh.
* [The problem with Cloudflare](, stopCloudflare
* [Cloudflare Watch](
* [Criticism and controversies](, Wikipedia
* [Another landmark day in the war to control, centralize and censor the internet.](, TheGoldenGoose8888