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Popie Bastaki 2021-11-13 23:07:16 +00:00
parent 8d393c28ac
commit 466da7c7a2

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@ -7,6 +7,7 @@
- This fukin gay was scared f me and banned from his fukin SkidForums lol. Its original IP is lurkin behind cloudflare. Now say in SB to hack ur fukin forum bitch. U jus copied RF, LOL. ([haxonghost](
- 早上我突然收到了cloudflare的邮件我注册的几个高价值域名在没有接到任何提前告知情况下 突然被cloudflare 单方面全部deleted域名每个价值都在3-5bitcoins其中的四个域名我通过其他的渠道重新注册回来但还有2个高价值域名我可能永远也拿不回来了. Cloudflare ([finalfantasy_io](
- Yep, literally said this in this tweet. It was me who was reporting Cloudflare as a fix yesterday. This is a new issue completely separate from the Google crawl error from this week. ([ichangedmyname](
- Those following the Siteground saga, please help! I know theyve just implemented a fix, but Id just moved dns to Cloudflare successfully but now get a redirect error when trying to index, is this something I can fix easily, or should I move back to SG and hope it is fixed? ([gregstr26](