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Anca Hurduc 2021-10-06 23:59:52 +00:00
parent 3a6b0998eb
commit 1fd5759c4a

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@ -7,15 +7,9 @@
- Cloudflare R2 Storageには期待しているんだけど転送料無料に秒間1桁のアクセスの場合なって感じの但し書きがあるのが気になる ([hota](
- みうぱよPayでCloudflare Pro ([mohemohe](
- "Please turn on JavaScript and reload the page. Powered by CloudFlare." How about… go fuck yourself ([hector](
- :cloudflare: くりゃーどふりゃー!!! ([marunai](
- :cloudflare: $x2くりゃーどふりゃー ([marunai](
- :cloudflare:​がめっちゃ​:soundcloud:​に見える ([wasabeep_music](
- This last link I just posted: (Another cloudflared domain - behind the great Cloudflare Wall of China, unfortunately!). ([agrandmaster](
- So it seems my new DNS setup is just barely on the edge of being good enough to work; Cloudflare and Google DNS seem to be able to resolve it, but Verizon's ISP DNS and others I've tried doesn't. I think the ISP servers are timing out before they can finish resolving, whereas the MITMNet servers are either fast or close enough to finish resolving in time. ([alexbuzzbee](
- 実質無料で使える Hosting Service の比較や使い分けの紹介 2021 (Firebase Hosting, Cloudflare Pages, Vercel, Netlify, GitHub Pages, Amplify, CloudRun) | ([onodai145](
- my website has never used cloudflare and it works fine ([walruslifestyle](
- ah yes, the one company that i trust to know their shit about having technical issues and going down, cloudflare ([novimatrem](
- See what happens when you use CENTRALIZED social medias like FAKEbook!?! Now, unlike coprorate software, the Fediverse is impervious to- Cloudflare dies O-oh no!!!!!! ([chaosskeleton](