| Alejandro Ramirez | Information Security Compliance Intern | |
| Alek Amrani | Product Security Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Alessandro Ghedini | Systems Engineer | aghedini@cs.unibo.it<br>al3xbio@gmail.com<br>alessandro@ghedini.me<br>alexbio@cpan.org<br>ghedo@debian.org |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Alexander Bocharov | Data Engineer | |
| Alexander Dwyer | Account Executive | |
| Alexander Huynh | Systems Reliability Engineer | alex@xn--bj8h.mp |
| Alexander Palaistras | Systems Engineer | |
| Alexandra Logan | Customer Development | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Alexandra Modiana | Employee | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Alexandra Moraru | Delivery Manager | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Alex Chan | Employee | |
2021-10-16 20:21:01 -04:00
| Alex Chen | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Alex Cruz Farmer | Product Manager for Security | https://twitter.com/alexcf |
| Alex Davidson | Employee | |
| Alex Dyner | Head of Special Projects | |
| Alex Fattouche | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Alex Forster | Systems Engineer, Austin | alex@alexforster.com<br>https://twitter.com/Alex_Forster<br>https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Alex-Forster/2613640286<br>https://github.com/alexforster |
| Alex Krawiec | Technical Writer and Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Alex Krivit | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Alex Musgrove | Account Executive | |
| Alex Odagiu | Special Projects | |
| Alex Robinson | Systems Engineer | arobinson@cloudflare.com<br>https://twitter.com/alexwritescode<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/alexdrobinson<br>https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Alex-Robinson/1816533224<br>https://github.com/a-robinson |
| Alex Tasioulis | Support Engineer | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Alex Ta | Accountant | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Alex Thiang | Relationship Manager | |
| Alex Vidal | Product Strategy | |
| Algin Martin | Technical Support Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Alice Bracchi | Lisbon | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Alice Yang | Employee | |
| Alison Baum | Special Projects | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Alissa Starzak | Public Policy, Washington DC | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Aliza Knox | Head of Cloudflare Asia | https://twitter.com/alizaknox |
| Carly Wood | People Team Business Partner, London | |
| Caroline Greer | Public Policy | |
| Caroline Quick | Senior Director | https://www.linkedin.com/in/seacue<br>https://twitter.com/seacue |
| Caroline White | Sales Operations | |
| Carson Andorf | Employee | |
| Cassandra Morris | Employee | |
| Cassy Olson | Account Executive | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Cate Danielson | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Catherine Dawson | Business Development | |
| Catherine Flagler | Recruiter | |
| Cathy Hsu | Employee | |
| Cavin Kindsvogel | Product Strategy Manager | |
2021-10-21 20:12:57 -04:00
| Cefan Daniel Rubin | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Celso Martinho | Director Of Engineering in Lisbon | celso@cloudflare.com<br>hello@celso.io<br>https://celso.io/<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/yizheng-huang<br>https://github.com/celso |
| Chaat Butsunturn | Customer Development | |
| Chad Schaefer | Customer Development | |
| Chad Skinner | Corporate Counsel | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Chad Toerien | Account Executive | https://twitter.com/ChadToerien<br>https://www.instagram.com/chadtoerien/<br> |
| Chris Chua | Customer Success Manager, Singapore | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Chris Conanan | Business Development | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Chris De La Garza | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Chris Howells | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
2021-12-07 19:13:54 -05:00
| Chris J Arges | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Chris Jones | Financial Planning | |
| Chris Kenney | Partner Sales Manager, Austin | |
| Chris Merritt | Chief Revenue Officer | |
| Chris N. Maynard | Business Development | |
| Chris Scharff | Solutions Engineer, Austin | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Chris Snook | Systems Engineer | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Chris Snowdon | Employee | |
| Christian Antonow | Customer Success Manager | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Christian Elmerot | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Christian Elsen | Product Manager | |
| Christian Paulus | Product Marketing | |
2021-08-10 20:22:12 -04:00
| Christian Sparks | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Christie Draper | Technical Support Engineer | |
| Christina Briscoe | Accountant | |
| Christina Reip | Employee | |
| Christina Tanoto | Business Development | |
| Christina Wilson | Employee | |
| Christine Hu | Employee | |
| Christine Lam | Customer Success | |
| Christopher Federico | Solutions Engineer | |
| Christopher Martin | Customer Support Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Christopher Patton | Crypto Team | cjpatton@ufl.edu<br>chrispatton@gmail.com<br>https://twitter.com/cjpatton_<br>https://cjpatton.net/<br>https://github.com/cjpatton<br> |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Christopher Rotas | Customer Development | |
| Christopher Shelley | Employee | |
| Christopher Teaney | Employee | |
| Christopher Wood | Employee | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Christoph Hermann | Windows NT | |
| Chris Wang | Solutions Engineer, Singapore | |
| Chris Wong | Sales Operations | https://twitter.com/ChrisWKWong |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Chuan Murasaki-jima | IT Manager | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Chung-Ting Huang | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Cina Saffary | Systems Engineer | |
| Claire Tsai | Global Expansion | https://getglobal.co/claire-tsai-head-of-globalization-cloudflare/ |
| Clement Schoehn | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Cody Koeninger | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Colin Douch | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
| Colin Lim | Head of Sales, APAC and Japan | |
| Colin Murray | Solutions Engineer | |
| Colleen Noonan | Core SRE Manager | |
| Colton Becker | Cybersecurity, Austin | |
| Connor Jones | Systems Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Connor Peshek | Developer Relations | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Constance Kong | Customer Development | |
| Constantin Britcov | Engineering Manager | |
| Corey Barker | Employee | |
| Corey Lambert | Manager | |
| Cosmin Lita | Customer Success | |
| Courtney Hood | Employee | |
| Cris Perez | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Cristhian Motoche | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Cristina Garcia | Customer Development, London | |
| Cristina Lasagni | Sales Executive | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Cristina Lee | Event Coordinator | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Curtis Lam | System Engineer | |
| Curtis Lowder | Software Engineer Intern | |
| Cyrus Roshan | Systems Engineer | |
| Dalton Cherry | Solutions Engineer | |
| Damian Dulanovic | Employee | |
| Damian Parker | Employee | |
| Damon Billian | Community Evangelist | http://www.crimeflare.org:82/damon.html |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Dana Cohen | People Team Business Partner | |
| Dana Ng | Business Development | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Dan Brittingham | Sales Operations | |
| Dan Carter | Employee | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Dane Knecht | Product Strategy | https://twitter.com/dok2001 |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Dan Geraghty | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Dan Hollinger | Solutions Engineer | |
| Daniela Rodrigues | EMEA, Lisbon | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Daniel Cardoso | Employee | |
| Daniel Carrillo | Account Executive | |
| Daniel Dao | Systems Engineer | |
| Daniel Elder | Technical Support Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Daniele Molteni | Firewall Product Manager | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Daniel Freeman | Marketing | |
| Daniel Goldstein | Go-to-market and Sales | |
| Daniel Herzig | Application Services Engineer | |
| Ivan Babrou | Systems Engineer | mail@ivan.computer<br>https://twitter.com/ibobrik<br>https://github.com/bobrik<br>https://ivan.computer/ |
| Ivan Balepin | Systems Engineer | |
| Ivan Chin | Customer Development, Singapore | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Ivan Nikulin | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jack Melnicoff | Enterprise Field Sales | |
| Jacob Evans | Software Engineer, Austin | |
| Jacob H. Haven | Systems Engineer | |
| Jacob Vincent | Customer Development | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Jacob Zollinger | Security Compliance | |
| Jacqueline Keith | Security Strategy and Policy | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jacqueline Lim | Team Coordinator, Singapore | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Jade Q. Wang | Developer Relations | https://twitter.com/qiqing<br>https://opencollective.com/jadewang<br>http://blog.jadism.com/ |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jaime Cochran | Security Analyst | |
| Jaime Sparr | Visual Designer | |
| Jake Anderson | Head of Marketing | |
| Jake Bauch | Employee | |
| Jake Farrell | Customer Development | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Jake Fried | Employee | |
| Jake Jones | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jake Riesterer | Software Engineer | |
| Jake Serrano | IT Operations Engineer | |
| Jake Sinkey | Support Engineer | |
| Jake Volpe | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Jakub Sitnicki | Employee | jakub@cloudflare.com<br>http://codecave.cc/<br>https://twitter.com/jkbs0<br>https://github.com/jsitnicki |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| James A. Allworth | Head of Innovation | jaa@mac.com<br>https://twitter.com/jamesallworth<br>https://www.jamesallworth.com/<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesallworth<br>https://www.instagram.com/hype7/ |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| James Allworth | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| James Askham | Solutions Engineer | |
| James Ball | Solutions Engineer | |
| James Berry | Customer Success Manager | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| James Culveyhouse | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| James Espinosa | Security Engineer | |
| James Greene | Web Engineer | |
| James Jaconetti | Employee | |
| James Kyle | Front End Engineer | |
2021-11-17 19:13:16 -05:00
| James M Snell | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| James Munson | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
| James O'Gorman | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Jameson Sundell | Support Engineer | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| James Purcell | Account Executive | |
| James Royal | Software Engineer | jhr.atx@gmail.com |
| James Toudy | Enterprise Sales | |
| James Wells | Employee | |
| James Wong | Employee | |
| Jamie Ede | Technical Support | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Jamie Herre | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jamie Robinson | Sales Operations | |
| Jamie Tomasello | Policy and Investigation | [🖼](../image/jamie_tomasello.gif) |
| Janae Frischer | Recruiting | |
| Janette Camacho | Employee | |
| Janette Leyva | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Janet Van Huysse | Head of people | https://twitter.com/janetvh<br>https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Janet-Van-huysse/967799664 |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jansen Chiu | Network Infrastructure | |
| Jared Jones | Security and Performance | |
| Jasmina Vanvooren | Business Development | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Jason Farber | Solutions Engineer | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jason Jenkins | Business Development | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Jason Kincaid | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jason Paryani | Systems Engineer | |
| Jason Senechal | Enterprise Account Executive | |
| Jason Shapiro | Litigation Counsel | |
| Jason Tanner | Solutions Engineer | |
| Jason Yu | Business Development | |
| Javier Guerra | Systems Engineer | |
| Jay-o Hyon | Customer Success | |
| Jayapriya Surendran | Web Services Engineer | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Jay Henderson | Account Executive | |
| Jay Kreibich | Software Engineer | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jayson Cena | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
| Jayson Noland | Investor Relations | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| JC Smith | Engineering Manager | |
| JC Whitney | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jean Ryu | Solutions Engineer | |
| Jeehoon Kim | Systems Engineer | |
| Jeff Collins | Enterprise Sales | |
2021-12-16 03:23:56 -05:00
| Jeff Hiner | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jeff Nucum | IT Engineer | |
| Jeff Pollock | Customer Success Engineer | |
| Jeffrey Lin | Software Engineer | |
| Jeffrey Pollock | Customer Success Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Jeffrey Tang | Distributed Systems Engineer | |
2021-07-22 20:21:48 -04:00
| Jen Kim | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jennifer Koo | Employee | |
| Jennifer Taylor | Head of Product | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Jen Norvelle | Finance | |
| Jenn Suzuki | Team Coordinator | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jenny Dee Brecheisen | Brand Designer | |
| Jenny Gong | Employee | |
| Jensen Hussey | Web Developer | |
| Jensen Kuras | Programmer | jensen@cloudflare.com<br>https://twitter.com/jensechu<br>https://www.instagram.com/accounts/sin.jen/ |
2021-10-04 20:22:09 -04:00
| Jen Taylor | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jeppe Toustrup | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
| Jeremy Bernick | Intern | |
| Jeremy L. Pugh | Employee | |
| Jeremy Meeks | Support Engineer | |
| Jeremy Teale | Operations Engineer | |
| Jeremy Udit | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
| Jeremy Wagner-Kaiser | Systems Engineer | |
| Jerome Chen | Partner Engineer | |
| Jerome Fleury | Director of Network Engineering | jf@cloudflare.com<br>https://twitter.com/Jerome_UZ<br>https://fleury.net/<br>https://github.com/jejenone |
| Joe Sullivan | Chief Security Officer | "Joseph Sullivan", "Joseph Edmund Sullivan"<br>https://twitter.com/joesu11ivan<br>https://www.justice.gov/usao-ndca/pr/former-chief-security-officer-uber-charged-obstruction-justice<br> |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Joey Aranez | Customer Development, Austin | |
| John Adams | Senior UX Designer | |
| John Arndt | Customer Development | |
| John Bauer | Systems Engineer | |
| John Charles | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| John Donmoyer | Employee | |
2021-11-13 07:17:37 -05:00
| John Engates | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| John Esterline | Technical Support Engineer | |
| John Fawcett | Systems Engineer | +1-469-387-5077<br>jrf0110@gmail.com<br>5336 Krueger Ln. Austin, TX, 78723 |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| John Graham-Cumming | Chief Technology Officer | https://twitter.com/jgrahamc<br>https://jgc.org/<br>jgc@cloudflare.com<br> |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| John Kaden | General Manager, Public Sector | |
| John Terzis | Systems Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Jonas Otten | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jonathan Bruce | Product | |
| Jonathan Burling | Customer Success Manager | |
| Jonathan Ganz | Application Security Engineer | |
| Jonathan Gascoyne | Customer Development | |
| Jonathan Hoyland | Employee | |
2021-11-17 19:13:16 -05:00
| Jonathan Kuperman | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jonathan Lebeau | Customer Development | |
| Jonathan McElroy | Customer Success Engineer | |
| Jonathan Rolfe | Operations and Strategy | |
| Jonathan Seow | Infrastructure Engineer | |
| Jonathan Spies | Employee | |
| Jonathan Stasiak | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Jonathon Dixon | Employee | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Jon Godinez | Business Development | |
| Jon Harris | Customer Development | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Jon Levine | Product Manager | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Jon Murphy | Business Development | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jono Bergquist | Solutions Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Jon Patrick | Employee | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Jon Rankin | Solutions Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Jon Rolfe | San Francisco Employee | https://twitter.com/jrolfoid |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Jordan Pritchard | Employee | |
| Jorge Verges | Employee | |
| Jose Bethancourt | Incoming Software Engineer | |
| Jose Conado, Jr. | Infrastructure Engineer | |
| Joseph Himes | Business Development | |
| Joseph Prete | Customer Development | |
| Joseph Younis | Solutions Engineer | |
| Josh Dankbaar | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Joshua Johnson | Software Engineering Intern, Austin | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Joshua Kroll | Systems Engineer | |
| Joshua Liebow-Feeser | Information Security Engineer | |
2021-09-24 20:23:29 -04:00
| Joshua Nelson | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Joshua Watts | Business Development | |
| Jovi Zhangwei | Systems Engineer | |
| Joyce Ottignon | Information Technology Team | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| João Paulo | Employee | |
| J Salvador | Employee | |
| Juan M. Rodriguez | IT | M as "Miguel"<br>https://twitter.com/juanmirodriguez<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/jrodriguezestevez<br>https://blog.cloudflare.com/why-i-am-joining-cloudflare-as-its-first-cio/ |
| Junade Ali | Engineer | https://twitter.com/icyapril<br>mjsa@junade.com<br>https://www.junade.com/ |
| Junho Choi | Protocol Team | https://www.twitter.com/junhochoi<br>Previously co-founder of Neumob, CTO of CDNetworks, Web Data Bank<br>https://www.saturnsoft.net/<br>https://github.com/junhochoi<br>junho@cloudflare.com |
| Jun Ho | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Junyi Lim | Customer Development | |
| Justen Lin | Regional Sales | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Justina Wong | Technical Support Engineer, Lisbon | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Justin Fong | Marketing Manager | |
| Justin Katz | Enterprise Accounts | |
| Justin Nader | Employee | |
| Justin Paine | Director of Trust & Safety | https://twitter.com/xxdesmus<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/justinpaine<br>justin@cloudflare.com<br>https://www.reddit.com/user/xxdesmus |
| Mark Pashmfouroush | System Engineer | mark@markpash.me<br>https://stackoverflow.com/users/5111029/mark-pashmfouroush<br>https://github.com/MarkPash<br>https://bio.markpash.me/<br>https://keybase.io/markpash |
| Martin J. Levy | Network Strategy | martin.levy@gmail.com<br>https://www.facebook.com/people/Martin-J-Levy/506131573<br>https://mahtin.com/<br>https://twitter.com/mahtin<br>PGP: 7EA139C40C1C842F9D41AAF94A34925D05172859 |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Martin J Levy | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Martin Marks | Systems Engineer | |
| Marty Strong | Technical Support Engineer | |
| Marwan Fayed | Research Lead | marwan.fayed@st-andrews.ac.uk<br>https://twitter.com/marwanfayed<br>https://scholar.google.co.uk/citations?user=dx8XiVwAAAAJ |
| Mary Mac Williams | Event Coordinator | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Masa Aoba | Head of Cloudflare office in Japan | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Mat Henley | Director of Security | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Mathew Jacob | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Matt Alberts | Employee | |
| Matt Allie | Solutions Engineer | |
| Matt Alonso | Developer Experience Team Intern | |
| Matt Bostock | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
2021-12-17 03:23:06 -05:00
| Matt Boyle | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Matt Cowley | @cdnjs.com Maintainer (on contract), London | |
| Matteo Manfredi | Community Leader | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Matt Golden | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Matthew Bullock | Solutions Engineer | |
| Matthew Cottingham | Systems Engineer | |
| Matthew DiDomenico | Customer Development | |
| Matthew DuBois | Sales Leader | |
| Matthew Gall | Trust & Safety Engineer | https://twitter.com/matthewgall<br>mgall@cloudflare.com |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Matthew Harrell | Global Head of Channel Sales and Alliances | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Matthew King | Employee | |
| Matthew P. Harrell | Channel Sales and Partners | |
| Matthew Shimizu | Customer Success | |
| Matthew Silverlock | Solutions Engineer | |
| Matthew Twyman | Information Infrastructure | |
| Matthew Wheeler | Customer Development | |
| Matthew Williams | Marketing | https://twitter.com/aMattWilliams |
| Matthieu Tourne | Systems Engineer | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Matt Holscher | Sales | |
| Matt James Boyle | Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Matt Lewis | Employee | |
2021-12-16 03:23:56 -05:00
| Matt Schulte | Employee | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Matt Wheeler | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Matvey Arye | Employee | |
| Maurizio Monti | Partnerships | |
| Mauro Nogueira | Solutions Engineer | |
| Maxime Guerreiro | DoS Mitigations | https://uk.linkedin.com/in/maximeguerreiro<br>https://github.com/PunKeel<br>https://twitter.com/punkeel<br>https://vulnerable.af/ |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Maxim Matskul | Employee | |
| Max Nystrom | Product Manager | https://twitter.com/maxnystrom<br>https://maxnystrom.com/<br>https://github.com/maxnystrom |
| Nitin Bantwal Rao | Head of Global Infrastructure | nitin.rao@sloan.mit.edu<br>https://twitter.com/NitinBRao<br>https://leverageddabbler.com/<br>http://www.linkedin.com/in/nitinrao<br>http://www.facebook.com/nitin.rao |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Nitin Rao | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Noah Garrett Wallach | Network Engineer | |
2021-12-16 03:23:56 -05:00
| Noah Maxwell Kennedy | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Noah Neuman | Enterprise Account Executive | |
| Norm Slaught | Customer Development | |
2021-11-21 07:12:58 -05:00
| Obinna Ekwuno | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Olafur Gudmundsson | Systems Engineer | |
| Olafur Guodmundsson | Systems Engineer | https://twitter.com/OGudm<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/olafur-gudmundsson-6a88716<br>https://github.com/ogud |
| Olga Skobeleva | Solutions Engineer | |
| Oliver Reimers | Managing Counsel | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Oliver Yu | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Olivia Hsieh | Software Engineer | |
| Olivier Foucher | Network Engineer | |
| Omeed Rahgozar | Solutions Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Omer Yoachimik | Austin | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Ooma Guerwan | Customer Development - MENA, London | |
| Oriol Sabate | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Oscar Kurniawan | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Oscar Pinzon | Employee | |
| Oscar Saldivar | LATAM Business Development | |
| Osifo Anosike | Software Engineer | |
| Otto Imken | Head of Support | |
| Owen Zhai | Customer Development | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Oxana Kharitonova | Systems Engineer | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Pablo Camino | Solutions Engineer | |
| Pablo E. Viera | Business Development | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Pablo Viera | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Paddy Sheehan | Employee | |
| Parker Schramm | Account Executive | |
| Pascal Henskes | Employee | |
| Pasha Kravtsov | Support Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Patrick Day | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Patrick Donahue | Director of Product Management | https://twitter.com/prdonahue |
| Patrick Lu | Web Engineer | |
| Patrick Meenan | Employee | https://twitter.com/patmeenan |
2021-10-07 20:28:18 -04:00
| Patrick Nemeroff | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Patrick R. Donahue | Director of Product Management | https://twitter.com/prdonahue<br>pat@cloudflare.com<br>https://github.com/prdonahue<br>https://blog.prdonahue.com/<br>https://www.zoominfo.com/p/Patrick-Donahue/1468312385<br> |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Patrik Fuhrmann | Software Engineer | |
| Patryk Szczyglowski | Systems Engineer | Szczygłowski<br>patryk@patryk.net<br>https://twitter.com/epatryk<br>https://blog.patryk.net/<br>https://gitlab.com/epatryk<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/patryk-szczyglowski/<br>https://github.com/patryk |
| Paul Bauer | Platform Engineer | |
| Paul Cesar | Marketing | |
| Paul Southwell | Enterprise Sales | |
| Paul Taulborg | Employee | |
| Paul Underwood | Employee | |
| Pavel Odintsov | DNS Engineer | https://twitter.com/odintsov_pavel<br>https://www.stableit.ru/ |
| Pei Ching Lee | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Pei Ching | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Peng Zhang | Systems Engineer | |
| Pete Clayton | People Team | |
| Peter Belesis | Employee | |
| Peter Carlsten | Interconnection Strategy | |
| Peter Dumanian | Business Development | |
| Peter H. Taylor | Global Infrastructure | |
| Peter Jensen | Employee | |
| Peter Reidy | Enterprise Sales | |
| Peter Thomas | Design Lead | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Peter Weaver | Customer Support | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Peter Wu | Crypto Team | |
| Peter Yoakum | Employee | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Pete Thomas | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Pete Zimmerman | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Petra Arts | EU public affairs | https://twitter.com/petra_arts |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Petre Gabriel | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Philip Bjorkman | Business Development | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Philip Johnson | Employee | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Phi Nguyen | Account Executive | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Pierce Buxton | Customer Development | |
| Pierce Few | Employee | |
| Piers Cornwell | Employee | |
| Piotr Lipski | Web Engineer | |
| Piotr Sikora | Systems Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Pop Chunhapanya | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Popie Bastaki | People Team (EMEA) | |
| Pradeep BalleChandrasekharan | Newtork SRE | |
| Pradeep Chhetri | Systems Reliability Engineer | pchhetri@cloudflare.com<br>https://github.com/chhetripradeep |
| Pramod Suvarna | Channel Sales Manager | |
| Pranab Sharma | Head of Pricing | |
| Prasad Pai | Technical Support Engineer, Singapore | |
| Ross Guarino | Systems Engineer | https://twitter.com/0xRLG<br>https://rlg.io/<br>ross@rlg.io<br>https://linkedin.com/in/rlguarino<br>https://github.com/rlguarino |
| Roy Chan | Channel Manager | |
| Roy Lo | Customer Development | |
| Rui Silva | Technical Support Engineer | |
| Rupesh Ganeshe | Solutions Engineer | |
| Rushil Shah | Product Security Engineer | |
| Rustam Iuldashev | SRE | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Rustam Lalkaka | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Rustam X. Lalkaka | Director of Product | https://twitter.com/lalkaka<br>http://rusty.lalkaka.com<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/lalkaka |
| Ruth Mthethwa | Employee | |
| Ruth Wall | Engineering Manager | |
| Ryan Boye | Visual Designer | |
| Ryan Carter | Systems Reliability Engineer | vaelen@pixelfed.social<br>https://toot.cafe/@vaelen |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Ryan Chow | Hardware | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Ryan Djurovich | Systems Engineer | https://twitter.com/ryan0x44<br>https://github.com/ryan0x44<br>https://www.ryan0x44.com/<br>https://medium.com/@ryan0x44 |
| Ryan Hodson | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Ryan Jacobs | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Ryan Kibler | Web Engineer | |
| Ryan Kiernan | Customer Success Engineer | |
| Ryan Knight | Community | https://twitter.com/Yank<br>https://freebaxter.com/<br>ryank@cloudflare.com |
| Ryan Lackey | Product Engineer | |
| Ryan Morse | Account Executive | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Ryan Timken | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Ryan Timkin | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
| Ryan Tyrrell | Security and Performance | |
| Saad Hameed | Growth and Marketing | |
2021-10-10 20:26:56 -04:00
| Sabina Zejnilovic | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Sabrina Simpson | Security and Performance | |
| Sachin Fernandes | Systems Engineer | |
| Sadaf Rajabi | Suppy Chain Operations | |
| Sagar Shah | IT Billing Applications | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Samantha Lee | Regional Sales Lead | |
| Samantha Mammen | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Sam Aued | Employee | |
| Sam Howson | Support Engineer | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Sami Kerola | Systems Reliability Engineer | kerolasa@cloudflare.com<br>kerolasa@iki.fi<br>+447761367138 |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Sam Marsh | Product Manager, London | |
| Sam Mason de Caires | UX Engineer | sam.jbmason@gmail.com<br>https://twitter.com/samjbmason<br>https://masondecair.es/<br>https://github.com/samjbmason |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Sam Murray | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Sam Rhea | Employee | https://twitter.com/LakeAustinBlvd<br>srhea@cloudflare.com |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Samuel Coates | Attorney | |
| Samuel Noble | Customer Development | |
| Samuel Sathyajith | India and SAARC Region | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Sam Whited | Systems Engineer | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Sana Jafar | Employee | |
| Sandra Sansano | IT Billing Project Manager | |
| Sangio Lee | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Sangjo Lee | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Sarah Carter | Employee | |
| Sarah Lewis Cortes | Privacy Compliance | |
| Sarah Meyer | Customer Development, London | |
| Saran Chandran | Regional Head | |
2021-11-10 07:18:42 -05:00
| Satyen Desai | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Scott Flesch | SLED Sales | |
| Scott Jones | LMS Administrator / eLearning Developer | |
| Scott Olivares | Conversion Rate Optimization Lead | |
| Scott Pearson | Technical Support Engineer | |
| Scott Tomtania | Head of Recruitment | https://twitter.com/TALENTWIZ |
| Shammah Chancellor | Systems Software Engineer | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Shanea Leven | Product Manager | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Shane Baxter | Employee | |
| Shane Ossa | Technical Training Program Manager | https://shaneossablog.wordpress.com/<br>https://twitter.com/shaneossa<br>https://www.youtube.com/user/shaneossa/<br>https://www.facebook.com/#shaneossamain/ |
| Shannon C. Colin | Business Development | |
| Shannon Colin | Employee | https://twitter.com/ShannonColin1 |
| Shannon Leong | Legal Counsel | |
| Sharan Birak | Analyst Relations Manager | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Shashi Mishra | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Shawn Nelson | Infrastructure Supply Chain | |
| Shawn Robinson | Employee | |
| Shay Padhye | Customer Development | |
| Shaz Carmali | Solutions Engineer, London | |
| Shen Zhang | Salesforce Developer | |
| Sheridan Guest | Account Executive | |
| Sherry Apostol | Executive Assistant | |
| Shih-Chiang Chien | System Engineer | |
| Shiloh Heurich | Systems Engineer | |
| Shivalika Keni | Business Development | |
| Shona Alfert | Business Development | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Shrenik Jayendra | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Shri Deshpande | Employee | |
| Shuxin Yang | Systems Engineer | |
| Siddharth Naik | Employee | |
| Sieh Johnson | Full Stack Software | |
| Sierra Dasso | Account Executive | |
| Sierra Molina | Recruiting Operations Manager | |
2021-10-04 20:22:09 -04:00
| Simona Pop | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Simon Moore | Support Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Simon Steiner | Product Partnerships Lead | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Simon Wijckmans | Solutions Engineer | |
| Sindu Vijayakumar | Systems Engineer | |
| Sirisha Gorantala | Data and Analytics | |
| Slava Mudry | Database Engineer | |
| Snigdha Kulshreshtha | Customer Success | |
2021-12-22 19:12:24 -05:00
| Sofia Cardita | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Sofia Celi | Crypto Team | |
| Sofia Farid | Technical Program Manager | |
| Sofia Gkazempa | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Sofía Celi | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Sohei Okamoto | Distributed Systems Engineer | |
| Song Zihao | Employee | |
| Sophie Breider | Employee | |
| Sophie Qiu | Customer Success Manager, Singapore | |
| Sophie Yao | Employee | |
| Soraya Apollonia Jansen | London | |
| Spencer Schwandt | Account Executive | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Sreeni Tellakula | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Srikanth N. Rao | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Sri Pangulur | Customer Development | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Stacey Cho | Global Operations | |
| Staci Lowe | Employee | |
| Stanley Chan | Security Engineer | |
| Stanley Tan | Solutions Engineer | |
| Stefan Henke | Employee | |
| Stefan Silasi | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
| Stefan Winer | Customer Development | |
| Stephane Nouvellon | Solutions Engineer | |
| Stephanie Shattuck | Paralegal | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Stephan Lachowsky | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Stephen K. Lo | Customer Success | |
| Stephen Krings | Security Engineer | |
| Stephen Pinkerton | Product Manager, Austin | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Steve Klabnik | Storage Product Manager | https://twitter.com/steveklabnik<br>steve@steveklabnik.com |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Steve Krause | Legal Counsel | |
| Steven Kettlewell | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Steven Pack | Product Manager | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Steven Pham | Account Executive | |
| Steven Pirnik | Employee | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Steve Pascucci | Sales Manager | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Stewart Peugh | People Systems & Analytics | |
| Stuart Nesbitt | Employee | |
| Subhashni Balakrishnan | Systems Engineer | |
2021-10-21 20:12:57 -04:00
| Sudarsan Reddy | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Sudheesh Singanamalla | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Sue H.J. Lim | Customer Development, Singapore | |
| Suleman Ahmad | Intern | |
| Suman Rayala | Regional Sales Manager | |
| Suman Talukdar | Sales Manager, India | https://twitter.com/stswww |
| Sumit Bahl | Product Marketing Manager | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Sung Park | Employee | |
2021-11-17 19:13:16 -05:00
| Sunil Pai | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Sunil Rathode | Big Data Engineer | |
| Sunny Au | Employee | |
| Suphanat Chunhapanya | Crypto Team | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Sups (so͞ops) | Employee | |
| Susan Chiang | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Susan Hobbs | Chief of Staff | https://twitter.com/slh<br>https://instagram.com/susan<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/susanhobbs<br>https://facebook.com/susanvk<br>https://snapchat.com/add/susanhobbs<br>https://angel.co/susan-hobbs |
| Susan Lin | Lead Product Designer | |
| Susan Tran | Accountant | |
| Suyash Sharma | Customer Development | |
| Suzanne Aldrich | Solutions Engineer Team Lead | suzanne@sjaconsulting.com<br>projects@sjaconsulting.com<br>707-267-7752<br>https://www.sjaconsulting.com/<br>https://github.com/suzannealdrich<br>https://twitter.com/SuzanneAldrich |
| Suzy Bates | Director of Projects, Austin | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Sven Sauleau | Developer | https://twitter.com/svensauleau<br>https://sauleau.com/<br>hello@sauleau.com<br>sven@sauleau.com<br>sven@cloudflare.com<br> |
| Sylvie Cosgrove | Head of Information Technology | |
| Sze Chuen Tan | Systems Reliability Engineer | https://twitter.com/sctan |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Sze Chuen | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Sébastien Pahl | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
| Taj Bhat | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Talea Seyed | Customer Success | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Talha Paracha | Intern | |
| Taly Slachevsky | Support Engineer | |
2021-09-17 20:25:10 -04:00
| Tanner Ryan | Employee | |
2021-12-08 11:14:54 -05:00
| Tanushree Sharma | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Tanvi Agrawal | Business Development | |
| Tanya Paige | Recruiting | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Tanya Verma | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Tara Vancil | Systems Engineer, Austin | |
2021-10-21 20:12:57 -04:00
| Tara Whalen | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Tatiana Bradley | Cryptography Intern | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Taylor Galusha | Legal Intern | |
| Taylor Lemmon | Account Executive | |
| Taylor Murray | Employee | |
| Ted Patsos | Business Development | |
| Teffen Ellis | Employee | |
| Teresa Huang | Sales | |
| Terin Stock | Web Developer | terin@cloudflare.com<br>https://twitter.com/terinjokes<br>https://github.com/terinjokes<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/terin |
| Terry Rodery | Network Engineer | |
| Thanh Bui | Customer Development | |
| Thayer Prime | Recruitment Lead | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Thibault Meunier | Systems Engineer | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Thomas Beckers | Employee | |
2021-12-13 19:15:21 -05:00
| Thomas Calderon | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Thomas Donnelly | Network Engineer | |
| Thomas Dubrawski | Business Development | |
| Thomas J. Seifert | Chief Financial Officer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Thomas Lefebvre | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Thomas Litten | Account Executive | |
| Thomas Mann | Customer Success, London | |
2021-10-11 20:27:59 -04:00
| Thomas Ristenpart | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Thomas Seifert | Chief Financial Officer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Thomas Vissers | Employee | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Thom Chiovoloni | Systems engineer | chiovolonit@gmail.com<br>https://shift.click/<br>https://twitter.com/at_tcsc<br>https://github.com/thomcc |
| Thom Henneberger | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Thom Wiggers | Employee | |
2021-09-24 20:23:29 -04:00
| Ticiane Takami | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Tiffany Moeller | Software Engineer | |
| Tiffany Odeka | Events | |
| Tiffany Tai | Sales Operations and Strategy | |
| Tilda Takacs | Employee | |
| Tilly Lang | Privacy Counsel | |
| Tim Cloonan | Employee | |
| Tim Hoffman | Network Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Tim Obezuk | Solutions Engineer | https://github.com/obezuk<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/obezuk |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Timothy Fong | Product Manager | |
| Timothy Orchard | Account Executive | |
| Timothy Polich | Systems Engineer | |
2021-07-22 20:21:48 -04:00
| Tim Polich | Employee | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Tim Ruffles | Systems Engineer | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Tingting Teresa Huang | Strategy and Development | |
| Tobias Rohrle | Solutions Engineer | |
| Todd Coachman | Business Development | |
| Tom Arnfeld | Systems Engineer | https://twitter.com/tarnfeld<br>http://tarnfeld.com/<br>http://uk.linkedin.com/in/tarnfeld/<br>https://github.com/tarnfeld |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Tomas Susanka | Intern | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Tom Brightbill | Customer Success | |
| Tom Lam | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Tom Lianza | Engineering Manager | https://twitter.com/tlianza<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/tlianza<br>btc:1BcB611ZvQ5Qkyeupc87ZFuw9crJ9ZbtcN |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Tom Mann | Employee | |
2021-07-09 20:22:23 -04:00
| Tommy Larsen | Customer Development | |
2022-01-20 19:14:06 -05:00
| Tomonari Sato | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Tom Paseka | Network Engineer | |
| Tom Strickx | Network Software Engineer | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Tom Walwyn | Employee | |
| Tom Wesley | Employee | |
| Tony Ortegon | IT Operations Engineer | |
| Tony Stuck | Web Developer | toekneestuck.com@gmail.com |
| Tracye Shaw | Employee | |
| Travis Carr | Platform Engineer | |
| Travis Perkins | Customer Success Engineer | |
| Travis Raines | Technical Support Engineer | |
| Trent Wooton | Business Development | |
| Trey Guinn | Solutions Engineer | |
| Tristan Colgate-McFarlane | Systems Reliability Engineer | |
| Val Vesa | Community Manager | https://instagram.com/adspedia<br>https://twitter.com/adspedia<br> |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Vanessa Royle | Public Relations | https://twitter.com/vcroyle |
| Varun Mehta | Employee | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Vasco Asturiano | Front End Engineer | vastur@gmail.com<br>https://twitter.com/vastur<br>https://github.com/vasturiano |
2021-09-17 20:25:10 -04:00
| Vasileios Giotsas | Employee | |
2021-10-16 20:21:01 -04:00
| Vasilis Giotsas | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Vasti Porter | Front Desk | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Venkat Chaithanya | Employee | |
2021-06-22 22:51:06 -04:00
| Venkat Viswanathan | Employee | |
| Vera Tsai | Taiwan Sales Manager | |
| Vicky Shrestha | Systems Engineer | |
2022-01-07 04:57:58 -05:00
| Victoria Bernard | Customer Support, Austin | https://twitter.com/exvuma<br>https://victoriabernard.com/<br>https://www.linkedin.com/in/msvee22<br> |
| Matt Bernhard | umbernhard@gmail.com<br>bernhard@voting.works<br>https://twitter.com/umbernhard<br>https://mbernhard.com/<br>https://github.com/umbernhard |
| Nick Balestra-Foster | https://twitter.com/nickbalestra<br>https://nick.balestrafoster.com/ |