| Input | **Single Question**<br>`f` or `u` is required. `ignore_cfowned` is optional.<br>`f` FQDN (e.g. www.google.com)<br>`u` URL (e.g. https://www.google.com/)<br>`ignore_cfowned` Existence (If set, return FALSE when the domain is owned by CloudFlare Inc.)<br><br>**Multiple Questions** (max 200 domains)<br>`ff` is required. `ignore_cfowned` is optional.<br>`ff` List of FQDN separated by `,` (e.g. www.google.com,blog.emsisoft.com,youtu.be)<br>`ignore_cfowned` Existence (If set, return FALSE when the domain is owned by CloudFlare Inc.) |
| Output | JSON value as array.<br>**Single Question**<br>If 2nd value(j[1]) is true then the input is Cloudflare.<br>`[false,false]` (Error or not Cloudflare)<br>`[true,false]` (Not Cloudflare)<br>`[true,true]` (Cloudflare)<br><br>**Multiple Questions**<br>Array pair of `question:true\|false`.<br>`{'example.com':false,...}` (Not Cloudflare)<br>`{'example.com':true,...}` (Cloudflare) |
| Output | JSON value as array. If 2nd value(j[1]) is true then the input is AntiTor.<br>`[false,false]` (Error or not AntiTor)<br>`[true,false]` (Not AntiTor)<br>`[true,true]` (AntiTor) |