# Sony - Verdict: **⚠️ Proceed with caution!** Sony has an open policy for software developers: - They are releasing AOSP sources under [Sony Open Devices Program](https://developer.sony.com/open-source/aosp-on-xperia-open-devices). - Jolla provides first-class support for installing [Sailfish OS](https://shop.jolla.com/) on select Xperias. That wouldn't be possible without Sony's openness. Since Sony likes to ruin a perfect thing: - Sony requires you to request an unlock code from [their servers](https://developer.sony.com/open-source/aosp-on-xperia-open-devices/get-started/unlock-bootloader). They can pull the plug anytime. You have to send your IMEI and agree to warranty voiding. *** Authored by [konradmb](https://github.com/konradmb).