# HMD Global/Nokia - Verdict: **🍅 Terrible!** In the flaming pile of HMD's "great" decisions to improve Nokia, one stands out more than others: They decided to follow the fresh "lock the bootloader" trend.
Why was this necessary? I don't know... Well, anyway. Models released before early 2019 can request unlocking using Hikari Calyx's unofficial service [hikaricalyx.com][hikari-service] And for some other models, Hikari Calyx has a repo with prototype ABLs. [fih-firmware.hikaricalyx.com][hikari-abl] Models 7.2, 8.3 and 5.3 can be unlocked offline, while others may require HMD Device Kit **which is not public and requires a service account.** As for Windows Phones, most models have an [unofficial method][lumia-unlock] of unlocking, which is supported by most Nokia Lumias, except for the 620, 720, and 1320. *** Windows Phone info by [Ivy / Lost-Entrepreneur439](https://github.com/Lost-Entrepreneur439).
Updated info provided by [Hikari Calyx](https://github.com/HikariCalyx).
Authored by [melontini](https://github.com/melontini). [hikari-service]:https://hikaricalyx.com/request-bootloader-unlock [hikari-abl]:https://fih-firmware.hikaricalyx.com/protoabl/ [lumia-unlock]:http://allaboutwindowsphone.com/features/item/24245_Aguideforunlockingthebootloade.php